K C Y . the United It the Proâ€" ut mds |° and no paing mumer retremt .." QDUlvv!’ bas been on * ## & ... ’. US E # t# 6 “ ’- «««21.00 a m # n tw ..“ “? P Specd» 4 . ming on a) (| ME 7.00 a, «20 pm 16137 Vailew ° ALBION HOTEL 4 9 ; " t °C Te y k e cbarged by the hon, Sules attended to as ; ... ** iz Ottane, Oct. Sies a9ne" MJ The sLgbster Mills Govrie at> tn thespest goods madsor o wrte} to O :â€"nal Lll.ln Agenate tor Otrt@=®*s, <=» 4 sâ€"ll prices delivrered in O*taws. . UM* Issesoviss isÂ¥rte» Otawvs, Map 18, 1971 « Proprietor ol HrBeat Bmuate Agoucy and Actticn Five Phelan and Collcodar Tables. Airy, and best Hghted Heows is Cot 1004 m.-l“u, .u"'â€"ot'. es ""‘""-'flp-.luuu-o Zm‘ "‘. M EKE mun i Sts uw . Lo _i Lo C C k This new swing svatains the mo~ Hve power in it. self, requiring no 1mn owing be se«a in operation at the Sanada mz‘". No n:.’;m streot and at No. 8, St. Patrick Sstreet m s â€" & o 1800 Boio ‘l’& b’“e-.o".l Vieforty ie uts exposed to no accident or danger. .‘.“"mhfly can enjoy themselves on Bwing without having to content with way of the incomvrenisuces met with in ordi MoGILL STREET AXD ST. PAUL STREET, 20vii.A1, CAsA. y .. Has tot TWESTY YEARS Pa% T been the FAYORLITE REYORT of tho gonorr} travelli a *h~mm-'flludï¬â€œ\'\-~m~.~ sere, ltbmm-flule(ml‘ubï¬o“mï¬wm of the city, commandiog a maguifcent visw of the Rirer St. Lawrence, th \ ictoria Bridge on ime loft, and a fuil riew of Victoris ~quare and Mount Royal on tno rigzht The Hote!l » mrnished throughout in a ~uperior munaer, and everything arranged with a riew to the cowâ€" lnrt of guests. As one ot the larzest Totels in the Dominion, having ample accommodation tar 500 guests, while Leot.tn Arst._Aass style the moderate sum of $1.50 per day will .+ as harstoloto © The travâ€"llitn«¢ comamnaity will consult their own interests by te mw‘mwmm-m 1685 tm sARLAND, MUTCHMOI & Co Wlouuumooou. * C ANAQJL . ! ILLIARD8! BLLLIARDS + BILLIARDS I As» 41 4t» 1 P# > 4 t __* dJsios Ewee a, ) ol adâ€"tbug, ® Ks +h a P 3. Â¥ MR‘3 .« ollare, MB lese ybster Mills Grev Cottons, EX LATZ STRALREKRI, 1 Case V=iretsons. * ts Provntse, dm * Ptss Jt aâ€" * ARutst+(~«+~ Sit Thur« * bas *â€" Paill«4 Shectin« YOKL.â€"YÂ¥. XO. 1I8DS, 0 1i pB., 49 t wwe Recet» 4 Will open toâ€"day one case VELYVET RIBâ€" BONX3 black and coloured in all widths. REGENT HDUSE New Millinery. New New MNew Clouds. New Noew New New Satines all colours. New MHMosiery. New French Merinos. New Fancr W oollenGoods. New Velveteens. 18. LR 8 G BN T H OV 8. i. GAGXIEH, 187 ; beginners wili Shawls Costumes: Costume Cloth. Fancy Dress Goods. Mantles .. That elicible prope‘ty at March Corners knows as the Carleton Hotel, kept by Mr, Thowss Bmith, as d‘.odn&h.o with § of an acre of land. 1.-.1 For partionlars apply to AYID BOUCHER, Goalbars, City Hall, Oftawn, f Becember 18, 1871 1 848 4 lawk '\o. BALER, vo‘nel. * Appiication will be made by the Corporaâ€" tlo-po'uu-dtyolmh.sb the Legiâ€"iatare sone hir 26 ASt to chthls the stt Conpornting slon, for an Act to +nable to mortgag» the By Ward Market property in uomyowmnhmrnunn&. money to enlarge the said By Ward Market. w P LETT, Mr.J. FOWLER, Contractor .5.'&"0':'::;:.:, Chiâ€"t Engineer, P Toronto Globe, Leader and Telegraph, lo:::nl Gazette and Witness, Kingston previously bouored hirn with begs to in form thâ€"w tust, osavin considerm ly se flnlhmodommm‘w his well «uo«wu experiâ€"nce in that line 0f ou«iness, ho is in a postion to continue giving the » sutfl sentsatstaction. + ****Bayio d s00ORER Uotivers. | _ CaRTaAOE AGENCY. 7, SUBSEX STREET, 0/ 0A W Qa, B boamek to l‘:)o‘nalo'.l & ‘l‘\'n:hO!. | Office: ELGIN B‘l‘l&»flb&l“ Between Howell and Finxiand & Dtepc:* Lt;.:c::mc:’:.; Â¥ t * ‘@ #aBRe in Ottaws Kovr. 10, 1871 u'in-uu. 1143 1y A. J. TAYTLORB, Agent, E. J OBIN, » £, ::"l:o meâ€" 1j Choicest Lesquors. The rqd.nrd this establishment Heary Luweile. in returning bis thinks to his numerous frieuds and to the public a: large for the grest encoirageimens they be found sstisf.ctory at bis est.olishnmeut Uiterzs, Des. 14, 1871 1345 3 thood Yard «ns St.+ling aud also the sl ol accommedation shall continusihy ~d4l% .~ + WHOLBS+1iLE DEALAR> NO. 123 SUSSEX STREET, No. 12 s 0tï¬A wWi, Wb’l:_ryuhdlo. Every convrenience and comfort for the y Public. l:htn-‘.ul aiwuys supplied with the ETERBOROUGNR AND RBALIBURTOXN® ina t LKROAD. * M A M un 4d N ariuad aAno WINEs, um STABLIX® AND aATTEXTIVE A FEW HUNDRED # HOsrPITALATREET SINCLAIR, STIHTT & Cco. 1801y «in t n M w 5 . Uâ€"¢ TJt l« hereby givren that application «ill be madte to <t‘he Parliamâ€"not of Canada, +1 th neuing bession ther. of, for an Act to amend the 61. Lawre ce and Ottaws Rallway Act and to authoris« a furrher extension of the wUail +ay or deviation of the pro o nat exteasion 0.-7'0.- auy point <f s‘hesame respoestive Ig to a point at or neat Portsâ€"e du Fort, in the Provinc»e of Que eo, and thence to o near the the Towna of Peombroke, in the (>»»aty of Ontario wubh power of further extsor<â€"m trom the said Town of Pembroke, :o any point on Lake Nippi«â€"sing, French River, or upon the Georgian Ha+r. Ormws, Uwe 18, }8TL 1808 towk Flans, specitication, ana form of Tender for these Cars, may be seen at the offices «efurred to, on and after the llih Aay of January next, and Tenders wili bon:aLo‘ Intercolonial Railway, Commissioner‘s Office, as Ml%blfl 0 clook Ith day of February next. r Plans, specitivation, and form of Tender for which, miy ve »e a it the same «fices In and after the 15th Febsuary next, »nd Fenders will be reverved as aborve, up to 120‘cilock, uoon, of the Wth day dlL‘ uoxt. ten ters will also ba received for the «onstruction of iwo Pust Uffice and Snokâ€" mg Uars, for the AJova scotis District of we Ruiway, to be delivered at Ambe â€"st or Fruro; also, forone bundred Plasform aieg ty tmep time, se Sio se hy «7 ut P ~>% line ef’ll.il'qy at Miramichi. & *3 Vende:» will 1« be raceived tor the â€"rection ouf new Freight and Pesssnger duiltings at Mmimosu umt frurs, and engine tlouse at T.uro, and a Refreâ€"hâ€" went Builting at Amberst. r bius, +pecincations, and forms ot Ten er may be seeu on and Mw 151 limg ««7, «t the VW e of the Enâ€" ginger, Uitaw., saied at the KRuilway usrces 4 Moucton »and Hul.f.:x. Temiois m:y be for the whole or lesser numtâ€"er of these Buildings, »nd 3 received at the Comummnmonâ€"rs‘ Utfise, nitawa, up to 12 u‘ciuck, nuon, ol the AJtb my ut Feoruvwy next. ‘The Commissinnâ€"rs appointed to conâ€" atrues the lutrercoluvniat RKailway, give aJuce that they are prepired to reseire Venders for the erectin of Freigh: «nd p.ss nger Buildings at Little Forks, Rive whulipp, lron Miges, ani Debert; »Iso, durltdings tor Flag Stations at NA ) Houd, munidie K «i4, Salt Springs, m « le, Purdys Folly Lake, and Ishnguaish ; b:. for Vawk Uoun-y;ti iule Forks, %â€" lt _ prings, siver lMip, «renvmille, n« Laxge tomm Miasss aa l’Dob«t, vna ime Nov: seotin Disuict of the H.ilw iy. Wanted tor the Schoo! Bertinn No. :, Ne jeas, a Male Teachâ€"r boidinog a seco88 clan aaÂ¥w IBÂ¥ oâ€"rtificate. Apoly to th= Trosteoss N J BROBIXSON, " “.“.‘..o EKu®aiD WATSONX Obtawa, Dec 4, 1871 41 3 â€" . Ts hereb. given that applicsg!eea wll be wade 10 tho Legislituors ou::'rnmeod Ontarlo, at its uext 8.ssion, for an Act to â€"aable the Corporation ofâ€" the City of Oitawa to coastract Water Works, for the.poryose of aupplying the inhabitants of the said city with water; and to cunfer.aponâ€"the â€"sest@ Corporation, or upon vo-:n*- to be apsoluted tor that purpose, all powers meces aary for eBectuating that otject® _ â€"« _ wanis, qonsiting of six pi«es. t*:" P-::&;hlm'\l&.l&c\'nhd“ tw Bt#, Was‘n Centre S&Mo,.d.put“:“nwdnumm at equally low peices, j $7. LAWRENCE A\D OM NNA Way* Near Sapper‘s Briige. Ienny Lind bedâ€"teads..$3 t0, formerly $3 50 Jom non Bedsteads.... 2 26, * 3 so Vommoso Cb â€"Jue. ... .. 40 and upwards Jumplete Bedroum Sets for $10 50 and up. EAST END SAPPENY BRIDGE. ROWsas & aNNABLE. Ottaws Duc 148. 1071 » By _a‘nn @2 The First Kuition of TwoJ Hundres Thos sa d coples just published. It is sleaintiy printed on Ane tin:ed paper in T#o Clors, and. illustrated with over Three Handred Engravriongs of Flowers and Vegetmbles and F.lllm.. FURXIUITUVa E. GREAT REDUCTION IX PURNITUORE N Tre most beantiful and instractive cata‘ogus ard Flmal Guide io the worldâ€"112% pages, giving thorongh directions tor the culture of Â¥Flowers ann V getables, craamenting groands making walke, 40 A Cnâ€"iâ€"tmas rew ut for my cust mers, bot lorward. d +o any who ap »y by mail, for Ton Conts, only . ne quaiter the cost. Lumber Merchant» are ape. rally lurited to wall and exapine my sampi s betbre buytog elso where,. sample Hooms, Ne, 44 31« 1 :.« Ottews. _3s iD YÂ¥ 1Â¥ ~»% .EKSKALl Agest “ooro Al‘. l.o.... Bs W HOLEâ€" & The undersignaed has been ap poluied by several large Arms of Montreal and elsewh=re to act as their Agen: in Ottawa, for tbhe SALE WHOLESALE at resuced a :',ru.‘. 4i s uuwm I:-.o MU » AÂ¥INS of every descriptliou and price. lust BR.celved H. M. RO » E‘3 celsbrate! KTERUOODUBRILAL RAALY.W a wPICHK: The Itaiian Warehouse. J. K. C. DELES DERNICRS BULKX AND CA N oYs TERS, sHK sEKAsON COMXENCED Otinea, Bos 11, 107 1 a # a a # #« # # # a # =â€"AfTâ€"â€" ROWE & ANNABLE®E, TWO COLOORED PLATES RA L W A Y â€" Yith Des., lA71. Remember #1.1871 WanTED E. B. CHANDLEEK, A* JiMES YICEK, PER GALLO® YETERS, ty Ca#k, 1808 1 Co ~ S xhgx.x:ï¬.... ay| SBoee n w# » . ;“:.' o-u-.%uqn AHS | §3 por year. k i * choorege, adults, 3 2'1!.“â€â€-& < be the pass lucked 1+ Ags OTTaAWA,. SATURDAY, DECEMBER 30. 1871. LONK 1Xv sHORT movra:sia TENWARE OF ALL KINDS aT 8. > DOWs & Ou. BUILDERY JOB WORK AT H. DOWS & OO‘ :: . SCAPITAL‘ STOVE DEPUOT, 35 SUKEX LATE CHANGE IN THE MINISTRY. COAL STOVES AT H. MEADOWs & co. WwOoOD sTOVEs AT H. MEADOWs & co. HOT AIR FURNAâ€"ES AT H. MEADOWs WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, 7, BUSSEX STREET, 0 ¢0AW VYOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY L. W. WATERWORKS QUESFION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESENTATON. NEW STREET CROSSIGH EXTENSION OF MARKET SQUARE. COMNING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, COYING ELECTION . FOR DOMINION A. PERRY; Fire in=pector _ _ _ mus.a'-:' l 0ck, Sore f uks 0 s corner 3 and Elgin streets. 17607 N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal is in no way affected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agen:t doing business in that city. ___ ables of Rates, Proposal Forms and tu: information can be obtained on applicauio» to the ucdersigned. % ..‘a' bive widitima«l. securiy in the "KUMITED L wBILiTY of a Wealkby All. descoriptions of . y insurea axainst Loss or Damage 5 Fm at moder gePFirm ttled wiibhout ref Losses promptly se win er ence ath lHome (MBce : LIFPE DRPARTYXEXT. Assurances on [/vre« grunted on fiavorinle ‘erms, and dnquestion ble secusit; s affered 10 ppho’ holders _ Besises the large paid up cipit 4d of the Compicy, a~ FIRE and LIFE, CAFTTAL..<:.. . .:. . /‘.. . <. . £10,000.000 ANNU 14L INCOME, over..... 4.000.(0® FUXDS ON HAND, over. ..... 9,50w,%» SPECIAL LFE AsSURANCE FUXNB........ .. ... +*e«c«‘ ~GbOOKEZHK There having been added $736.200 to the Lite Fund as a result of the vusiness of the past ye«r. . Ottaws, Norv, 3, 1871. MEDWAY. ... . .D. Harris Commander. THAME3 .... .. J ‘James, do. NIGEK......... W. Nisbett, _ do. Anhh-ï¬n&::nudadurgztho Beason of 1871, from TEB EC TO LONDONâ€" FROMK QUEBEC. RESTOBRIAN. .. . .Saturday. 7th Oct., 1871 NCANDLNAVIANK ; 14th 4 «& HIBERNIAN..... ® 21st " tt mOkkkCLaAN.... . * P&th «! «4 a * Aad oreiy Shccecaug Siturdey. ~ ‘Rates of Passage from QueDec : VN. a 0e 4 a @4040 # + #% ....mhm D ABSESSERS Booked to asd from Liverpool Lendonderr; and * CGlasgow. Dates of Sailing are as follows . OURILN | HLAN, on or «bout. . . ..] OoTTawWA «4 4 sad ST. DaVvID «4 a * 1«rd 8T. ANDREW © ST, PATRICK «* kx %s Fates fro u Octawa, cabin...... ... . Fates fro u Oitawa, cabin...... ... ... $67 18 Intermediate....... ....+...... K4T 0t 44 9¢ w‘.;‘..........&.......‘.....‘.3‘ “ - ©Z ‘m Car:lâ€"d on :nn.l. m not secured unsil pao i-mwurdudmn. of nw&:::'w o us oat x l’umpmnhnswly to D W CuwWaRD & : O., ECCEERE . enes be o senate s on e gpe®n®@as The s‘pamer» of the Glasgo@â€" Uinâ€" (raili og from Gla=gow every Tuaâ€"sdar, and from Quâ€" beo for Giasgow on or aho«at orâ€"ty Thaceday are ictended to be dsepatoh=4 from Q is bec Classow Line. MONTREAL OCEA:!! | STEAMSMIP | COYUPA:;+.| The steamers of the [4rvarponl Mail L;ine awmillng from Uiverpool every Thargdsa,. snd from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Loct Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passeâ€"ngers to and from Ireland and Sootland are ;ntended to be despatcbes from Quepoec: Calling at 3t. Jobn‘s, n i.‘ Lees JHKAKXOE OF BAILIX 46 K K4 l:.oCL)A:KB. ‘ Royal Insurance Co‘s < Ottawe. ‘MMtawa, Oct. 17th. e 1760y. L1971, Rautés of Prssageâ€"Quebec to Lond Cabin, adulits, m;Q:.m- undm‘;fl. The following first class powerfal Iron Octawn, May 6, 1871 ATEST OHTY ToPics. OSDO® LINXE OÂ¥ ATEKAMERAS. OÂ¥aAL INSURANCE COurasy, FIRE DEPARTMXENT. BUOMMXEKR SERVIC B, RWORKS QU% HENEY PBE STREET CROS N OF MARKE MUNICIPAL E1 ECTION . FOR PARLIAMENT, .NGE IN TBE Chiel Agents for C:nada . E. Bs5DDALAL, 44 t6 a4 Agoute _ C arke st Sth Oct. li#th «* Montreal. . Pnd Nor .1itth Oer a6 1871. to _ Laote the promises of Samuel "cie ons, Lot 13, O--cmr 4, Marcb, FIVE sRFEP. Any pron proving property aud . aving +xpensos can h-v-_tbo same by applying to the propries No. 88 Rideaun Street. The Latest Noveils Aiways on Hand. & Terms, 40ct3, per wouuth, s bougzht, sol.: an0d exchanged : HtawsiJ n â€"#, i/« l“al 04L :;l::“o HAUSBER‘$ viRo0LATING LIBRR&YT, Wanted, a Malo or Female Teacner for R. C. Separate s‘:bofl mn tmri 1, Usgoode. Apply to MICH a JLA N or MATTHLEW %Rm.\'. Lrusteoos. 494 Is hereby given that applioition will be made to the Legislature of Untario at its ensuing Seasi n for an Act to suthorise the Incumbent, Churchwardens an i Vestry of Christ Church in the City of Uitawa, to erect a new Building for pivine Worship on ur near the site of the present Edifice, and to enable thein to borrow such sum of money as may be necessiry in addition to the ouboq-:'{:w:n- M:I'n or hereatter to be, made, for defraying oxronu. Dated Uttawa, 6ih Dec., 1871. 496. NO 1 Ajes. = wili 40â€"# Proscort at 10 . M , annivio« io Git â€"wa «t 3;50 P. 4 \___A Mail wil leur. Proncutt u. 6 30 A.Y., C‘m bo ntass a 923 A.d , very mnoutn» «4 _ 3GuIny dornin + xvep ed, ~ No 8 Sxyrees sill teay: Pressott a: 6.10 © M , amiving in Uitn«» «t 6 50 P. 4 j .A 1 AcComm mation stl} jouve . Pesgo t %: 0 A, M., with cuint siable Sofe: Jnz , tMug in Ut awe» «t 6 15 A.*. eÂ¥very motuâ€" uy, Monoay matring exe prd ure couunue Jobe With als tne 4 T. timin» «Ah east and «est, as tuis Company‘s tiainâ€" «alt then arrival whoen l:te s N, Bâ€"1t swes 30 per cent oc the Russe)) Honse boiler, and s.. amw is now raised in balf the timâ€" it took betore the cor riug was apâ€" plicd, while it saves a l=uge per câ€"ntage of Fu:â€"1 and Labor at the W«tâ€"t Works of the Farl ament and Dâ€"patmental Buildings, City Gas W ke, Rochestâ€"r & Co.‘s Steam Mille, &A Fleck‘s Foundtry &r°., &¢. CHALMERS & Cu, Rickardâ€"on st., Montreal, P,. 0. Box 8414}i, Sote Mannfactnrers in the vominion J. MUNBROE OLEALY, Geoâ€"ral Westâ€"10 Agent, "% A Ottawn, Novr, 2‘, H * y On and from MONOA+, 30th NCTâ€",.inst , Four Trains will Hun ench way on this Line Daily as follows ; 4 No 31, 8. Rideau streot, Ottawa, No 1, 10th Conseasion, Oagoode, Apply to DLR MeDOUOALL, e n # Ricen â€"ir «t. wiuts South and Kast. raves 20 per c nt in touâ€"l, and steam pas ce throngh any length of Pigpinog covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quitâ€" dry. Extenâ€"ive‘y use in the Eastâ€"in and Western States and throughout Gre«t Britain, an4 by the British Admiraity and Amvrican Nary.â€" (Bee circular.) The St. Lawrence and Ottana | Raiway. _ _ ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIug. OWE SHORTEST AND UICKEST RoUty rRol QPAWA N Powo®co, AXD ROXMEEAL CQALIIB&SPINCI PATENT KON CONDUCTOR Fâ€"RCOYERING STEA M BuILEGS aND PIPES ; Nonâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive \, LUTTBELL, All immiuâ€" connet wisr! thore ou th: Granc trupk Rartiwa,; a~t an~ west Eweuty miluuto» allowed at Prescott June. wa tot Refiâ€"shwent~ Bl.igh ®tboe Stecl all sises from ix} to 41j Cast and Blister 8 eol Pro«of Chain all sizâ€"s Bnad Azes Naxow Axes single and douhble steel Un.%n, GrinA Btones, Os, ratty, Glass, Pain «olore * & oves . Box. Double, and Coâ€"king Als , &b end}â€"=~ varieâ€"ty of Sh it Hardware ansd Hon«» Farniâ€"bivg Gooâ€"#s, &°., &¢ P, 8.â€"A call is re«spectially solicit: d . _ All gouds deliy.r d free to any part of the clty _ The follow‘ng articles are constaatly kept ‘I st ok i %e 1. B«r, Bund‘le and She t Iron Bar and rbeet Tin Bas and Sh et coppor, Bhrot Brase. &>, ko > e GoINXG soUTH. M .. C Nc. 4 Exp; as will leave Ottawa at 9:30 A.M * 4 Espress #+ w# 1225 P.B * 6 Accommodation * « 10:20 A.M 8 Kxpi=ss, witw ote Cars 1+;:00 P.M Nu®SRâ€"â€"!* + 2 convects with th« Traine w Sbey: Ogoensburg as#@Leke Clamplain t Bn‘o and Watert,wa nsaiiw.,»~ for all The eut aâ€"riber |»'nnu. jast W bis Fall <tock me ts n~w p epared w furnish -“ article in the above line at priocs to sait t porecbaseâ€"r. % * Hardware â€"Hardware. No. 24 Rideau Street AvB sack, Superiptemsent, Hrescott, Uttaws C1 26th, 1811 Jharge tour Berins in Sofa Car, 50 P‘raiks are tun ou ;onuv;l‘gam . Hos. o_ _4a s } ~~â€"Smkagimg â€-Mï¬m EACKHER WAXTED , Ottawas, Yor 23 1871 Ortawn, Bos 17. 1871 1856if BIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVLIL, GoIxo NoRTH THCS8, B[REETT, ®», 24 Rigâ€"ao strâ€"et, 1871 a &w 439 PB, Witness : o P. PENNOCK, Jun. Ottawe, Nov. 17, 1811. ship lately subsisting between us, the unâ€" d?r,;lp«l ’l‘flulu:g BUITON%ILLIAI bHUULBRED and FREDERICK H0OUGH TN HUNTUN, as Wholesile and Retail Dry Goods Merchaats. at the City of Otta wa, in sthe Couuty of Carleton, under the ..-a.’azl‘o and firm <of>=‘T. HUNTONX SAUOLBRED & CU." was on the first day of November, inistant, dissolved z.-uul conâ€"ent, so far as> regards same William Shoolbred, who on that dol‘ re tired from the concern: and that all debte due and owingâ€"to o b"uo late firm, will be received um the said Thomas Hunton and F ok Houghton Hunton As withess our bands this first day (ioupirikeg a Tuos. HUNTOX wWM. SHOOLBRED _ #p FRED. H. HUNTOK. Yeancourer luland, If found ll'l.ilo'); togeâ€" ther with branch lines from near Winfipeg River to the Lake of thte Woods, asd srom Fort Garry or Winnipeg aforesaid to Pembina or euch other point or place on the bound ry of the Province of Manitoba, as may connect with the rallway system of the United Rines, ALFRED WADDINXGTONR, Decemb«r 2nd, 1871. Notice is hereby girâ€"n, that an application will be made to the Paritament of Cansda at it» next Hesslon for an Act to Jucorperate thâ€" Canada Pacific Ruileay company, for th« purpos» of constructiog and working a rail way from Lake Nipiesing or some other point in the Province of Ontario connectiog with the railway +ystem of Caneda to Fort Garry or Winnipeg in the Province of Manitubs, thenee Weet«rly through such pass of the Rocky Mountaina in wapadian territory as may be found practicable to Bute Inlet or seme other point on the seaoard of the Pacific Ocean in the Proviace of British Colambls (with to extend to Victoria or some other p-m': Vancourer Iuland, "If found advisable} : togo« Gaszelte, and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union o’u?on..(n“ affectâ€" ed, sen ling copies of the firss «nd last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. Canada â€" Pacific Railway. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presentei within the first iAree weeks of Parmtss intending to make applicatin to Parliiment for k‘rlva:. Bills om;er for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers 1«': commercial or other purpares of gmm. or for doing anvthing ten iing to the rights or vroper‘y of other parties. are hereby notified that they are required by the 51st and following Rules ot the H use of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazefte), 1â€" give i'l'“ (;lfli)lN'l;Eéi'd‘l:’U (;Ié}l! of the applic:tion (cleauly tin ysg.d > l?f its n«ture and object) in the mzn . ,Lv8cy;* * yfes," Dopsisting of Boup with Joint er Entreseâ€" begto announce that they are, as usual, preâ€" gr*to rpply thrir castomers with the #h oic: 8t beate of «11 kinds, having purchased ‘or the appruaching festivities the following pris : cattle, The “kb%wd threeâ€"yearâ€" old thoroughâ€" bred Purham Steer Consistine of Soup, Fish, Joint or Poultry KEntrees and Swâ€"ots frouv 6 to €:38â€" OoYsTER3, There is also Commodious Yard Room and Stabling attached, with good sattendance. WILLIAM POWLET, and the BAR with the cholcest brands of Having been re~uilt and fturnighed in first «lass st;i+, ans with good Bample Rooms, wil} be opâ€"n d by the sutsacriber on K4 for the accommeodation of the travelling public. The aborve Hotel, s« favorabiy known, bâ€" ing gitua«t. d in the immâ€" diate vieinoity of th« P_râ€" liament Bulldiogs, Benks and other Public Offices, will be conducted in the best style which the wante of the public require. ‘The table will be supplied with all the COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT Iaquors, _ The anbove will be on exbibition at their Btalls from P,., 8.â€"Their Portk Stall will be found comâ€" plete, with a shoice seiection of Pork, Hamâ€" Bacon, Spices, Rounmds and Roll «dA Boef, Sauâ€" -.“.‘C.,.(‘, To um the whol« of which were brong‘ht at great exâ€" p pse fom the Wext, f »». »SATCHELL BROS. Stalls Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Matket (Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1871. Pl IVATEK BILLA. The The Governor General of Canade, WEDNESDAY UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT SATCHELL BROS,, "G E 0 R G H." which took the first prize at‘the Provincial Ezhibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2,500 lbs, 4 Also, 20 head of splendid W tle, and 50 bu‘:ll‘:f flmâ€"om ALFRED TODD, Chf, Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841.11 otice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" Butchers to 1s3®OLUTIONX OF PARTNERsHIE. ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXND. WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMRBER, C JiME® KOEBR!S8. Otiawa, Dec 7, 1871 19897 + BBEAKEFADT, Ready from 9 to 10:30‘â€"Charge, 25cte, Ottawa, Dee 11, 1871 ‘ Hotel e $1. Lames‘ Hotel, MEYCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, Delicaciss of the Season, Rideau Street. MN=TS71L Thnts at all bours, DINNER, CHOPS, and Cigars a . rapaie, * Propri: tor. 18427 bhundred dollars each, and not to excoeed in all the sum of four hundre4 thousand dollars ; which said Debentures shall be Sealed with the Seal of the Corporation of Athe City of Ottawa, and siyued by the Mayor and Chamberlain thereof for the se on â€"the P aar ut giheay on irst amunry . Etbo year of our Lord one thousand nhoh:r.dndudt:o..:tg'o:nooflh Bank of Montreal, ttawa, and shall have Coupons attached for the pt;n-nsoflhinwm-nrucdm. ‘ Thoulddoboom*lnlmear interâ€" est at and after the rate ‘Sf six per cent â€" Etmmï¬o-lhg date thereof, which terest shall be paid half yearly on the thirtieth day of the months of June and December in each year at the office of the Bank ot Montreal in the City of uitawa, | the Mayor tor the time being, of the City of Uitawa, to raise by wuy of loun frow «ny person or persons, budy or bodies cor porate, woo may be willing to advanceâ€"the same upon the credit of the Debentureâ€" berein fier mentioned, the said sum of four hundred thousind doliars, and to cause the same to be paid into the hindâ€" ot the Chamueriain for the time being ol tho-g:l(}«ty;md lh.â€nony 2o raised shall appropriated the « maintaining the said Water Works, and to no other pmwpose or object whutever. 5. The Mayor of the City otf Uttaws for the time being shall cause Debentures to tuking up such pipes and th h, over in a:::erpun lanus, groung:d .m premises of any person or persons, bodies pubuol: oolh‘l‘:e within the 3: of Uitawa; and also to sink and lay down pipes, tipks, reservoirs, and othe: conâ€" veniences jloing as little damn»ge as may be, in the execution of the powers bereby granted to them, and making reasonable arad adequate satisfaction to thosmpne tors, to be ascertiin=d, in case. of dispute, by arbitrators under the Municipal Aots : and all such water works, pipes, erection« «nd muchinery requiiet for the said undert«aking shall be vested in, and be property of the Corporation of the City of Uitawa k 4. That |orthopnrpoo of constructing the said Water Works it shall be lawful for requisite for the said undertaking, and to _ convey the water therbto and therefrom, in, upon, and through any of the grounds and -1:. and bhigbways intermediate said reservoirs and Water Works and the springs streams or rivers from which the same are produced by one or more lines of pipes as may from time to time be found necesâ€" sary : and the said Commiseioners and their :l;vunu, are hereby empowered to enter pass upon and over the said grounds lnurmmnau tfti);emd. sndu::e .im to cut dig up, to lay down the said ':nter :l=-thm‘h the same,and in, though and under the public ways, streets, lanes or other passâ€" ages of the City of Ottawna: and to dig and ope | np suck â€" treets tor the purpose and for to supplyâ€"the City of Otteawa"w.:h & sutnâ€" cient quantity of pure and wh«lesome water for the use of its inuabitants. 2. That such | Watep Works sb i constructed under the wtendengce and management of t * niasioners to be elected by the Electors time to time, and at such periods, and for such terms as the Council of the Corporation of the CitLof Ottawa may by By Law appoint. 3.‘ t.-uchx;mmunoner- shall, after the passing ofthis By Law enter into contracts ftor the construction of the said Warer Works, and shali superintend the construction of the same, and shall mnage the works when completed ; «nd for betiter affecting the purposes aforeSMid, the suid Commissioners and their servants are hereby empowered to acquire on behatf of the City the necessary land privilege and make and to construct, erect and maintain l:lND Wlibl-;RBAs the ;.mount of the whole rateable property 0 Corporaâ€" tion of the City of Uttawa, {“o.oording to the last revised Assessiment Rolis of the said City is Five Million" Sevem,@undred and Sixtyâ€"eight ‘Thousand ‘Three Hun» dred and Nine Doilasr AND WHEREAS the amount of the thtip‘ debt of the said Municipality is follows a 3. PA sum â€"dwagg‘ 6 m of tyse fjandces and Eight Dollars and Forty oneCents ; and interest, the sum otf ;. Fifty five Thousand . Six . Hundred and Fifty four Dollars and Seventy six Cents, m«king in the l&xregtto the sum of Four Hu‘;fned and Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred and Kighteen Thousand Four Hundred and Sixty two Duliars and Sixty Seven cents ; of which interest the sum of Fifty five ’i'hom:md bix Hundred and Ki four Dollars and Twenty six cents beixx interest on the money borrowed under the Munlci&al Loan Fund Acts in Arrear. AND HEREAS for paying the interest in the said Debentures, anu creating an equal yearly Sinking Fund for Eying the principal money of the said bentures according to the Statute in that behalt, it will require an equal «nnu«1 :{:cid rate of two thirds of one cent in dollar, in addition to all other rates to be levied in each year. AND WHEREAS estimates of the mmâ€" tended expenditure for the said Water ve B#ew" duly published bou " mdmonhenm.-ppoin g a the Electors olï¬ Byâ€"Law has been published for two mon sndnw.;:{ofthu By Law at leng.h, as the same is ultimately passed and a notice of the day appointed for finally considering the same in Council, have been published for three months before the passing oi this By Law in a newspaper published within the City of Ottawa aforesaid. expenditure therefor. _ AND WHEKEAS to enable the Corpora: tion of the City of Ottaws to construct such Watrer Works it is necessary to issue Debentures of the Corporation of the City of Ottawa to the amount of Four Hundred Thousand Doillars, as hereinafter providâ€" ed. AND WHEREAS it will uire the sum of Thirtyw}fhts'l'houun:?)uwt to be raised annually by special rate for the payment of thesaid Debentures, and in. werest as hereimafter provided. BE IT THEREFORG ENACTED AxD ORDAINED by the Council of the Corpoâ€" ration of the City ef ttawa as follows : 1. That there _ shall be constructed. maintained‘ and kept within. the City of in and upon the s«id lands, all such Reservoirs, Water Works and Machinery For the construction of Water Works in the City of Ottawa and provide the means necessary for that purpose. WHEREAS it is necessury to provide for the construction of Warer Works within the City of Ottawa, and also to raise by way of loan the sum of Four Hundred BYâ€"LA W Dollars, being the estimate iPRICEâ€"3 CEN 3 «pd soupetior tamily saperiâ€"nt, that may be takem at sil time» withont Mlu::'u or verying in price from $3 to $‘8 Enrglish Rair, Nail, &o. Broskes, in atre verivty, and choloe Toillet Articlies generally A large Stock of French and English P® tamery from the best makers, Laoble, Amkin «on, Violut, &c., also, Letchford‘s oel »erated Filoroâ€"Heraidic Pâ€"rfumes, Aun assartment ot Biiver Mounted Smeiling Bottiles, Udor Qases, zon . ou..__2, Varet &5 A CHRI®*TIE & cCO , ® ne«rpapets authoâ€"ised o copy. _â€"__ DRUsGISTS, SPARKS stzeH?, nave lately receiv=d fhrom Londen, # + tor anle » full assortment of Ward. at the Engine House therein, at the South Side of St. Paul Street. in By Ward at Dr. St. Jenn‘s mouse therein, at the South â€" Side of St. Patrick Street. in Uitawa Ward at Lot Number Eighteen therein, at the South Siie otf St. Andrew Street, at the hour of nine of the clock in the forencon of the same day. And the said Counail do hereby appoint the fullowâ€" mï¬ persons to be Returning (@Mtioers to take such vores at ana for the sercrpa places within the said City hereinatuer mentioncd. lamss Ciark, of the City ef UOttawa, Gentlisuin, for Yictorin Wark. Thomas Sp:vaie, af the same ptice, en tieman, for tast part of Wellington Ward lying West of Bank street. James Dyke of the same place, Gentieman,; for that mt of We lington Wurd lying East et k Street. James Joynt. of the same plece, Gentleman, for St. George‘s Ward Uz &t. Jean. of the same pl=ce, for By ,Wl::, and John O‘Reiliy, ofwï¬ same P Gentleman, for Uitawa * The above is a true copy of a propoâ€"ed l?y-l.‘aln::‘t(o be taken inwu-lca;iduim y unicipality of the City uh.z at the City Hall, in the City Uttaw»s, _ on _ the Sixth day ef Jum.u?. A. D. 1872, at _ tbe hour of seven o‘clock in the afternoon, at which time and place the memvers of the Council are bel.gy required to attend for the purpose afores=id . City Hall, Ottawa, Beptmbe« 4 1871 the raid City, being the places in which the last Election of the Members of the { ouncil therein were held. namely: in Victoria Ward, at the house of James Clarke therein, on the South ~ide of Welinngton Str et. (Iu Wellingion Ward, jor that portion thereo! iying wes: of Bamnk Street, at the Engine House therein, «t the That for the purpose of taking the votes of the Mumgiycl electors of the eity of Uttawa, on this : yâ€"law, the sevrenth l.::‘ of Decemfiber, in the year of var edse thousand eight hbundred and seventy one, at the hour J anime o‘cock in the forenoon of the same day, hus been sppointed as the time as whichk the said vores shall be taken at the several places hereinafter mentioned in the city of munel*: e vg ard at the house of James on the north side of Welâ€" â€"BIn wellington Ward fer n thereof lying west of BRamk at the engine house therein, on the east side of S.lly Street, and for that porâ€" tion there f lying east of Bank Street, at the Police ofticâ€" tharein, where the Police Court 1s held. in St. George‘s Ward sat the Eng:ine bouse therein, on the south side of St. Paul Street. In By Ward i Dr. 8St. Je«n‘s house therein, on the south ide of St. Patrick Street in Utawa Ward at lot nuumver eighteen therein, on she south side of 3t Apdrew‘s Street. And the following persons h«ve been P to inke such opesirdetionnn$ Ohgen i on t rock James Clarke of the City ui Uit«wa, gern tleman ; jor Victoris Ward. + homas Sproule, of the City of â€" tt«wa, gndom; ftor that part o!"hllin‘wu ud»cl{i-‘ west of Bank Stredt. James Dyke, of the Uity of Um.g‘rouunu; fo thst part of Wellington Ward lying east of Bank Street. James Joynt, of the City of Uite wa, gentlemun; for St. George‘s Ward. Dr. St. Jean of the City of U taws afore said, for Byâ€"Ward; and John U Rielly of the City oÂ¥ Uttawa, gentleman ; for Uiiaâ€" City Hall, Ottawa, _Usctoâ€"er 4th, 1871. KFor the construction of WATER WORKS in and for the City of Oitawa in aecordawse with the Seventh Report of the Water Works ‘ommitt=se, as adoptâ€"d at a meâ€"iing of the UVouncit of the Oorporation of the ‘ity of Ottawa on THURSDaAY, the 21st day of Sepâ€" tember, A. D., i871, Excaration 38,000 ya.ds....., .....$ 38,0 8 Krch D@VSIRE +« +++«+« ++s+xxx«+ . #,008 Bailkbead asod QM....-..... # ## * w sapply and Ma‘n to Pumps........ 16,000 Paimping dJainsextra...... .. .... 9,000 ~‘umping Machinery and Whee!house 3+4,000 Distrivation ic. luding House Service 200,000 Last Side of Sully Street, and for that portion thereof lying Exet of Biunk Streek, at the Police Ufflice therein, where ie Police Court is beld., In 8t George‘s said city, Be.einafter mentuoned, n=mely 1871 iENTLEMXEXN‘8 DREESIKG A. Ohristie c4L& Oo. CELEBRATED OINTKENT Prepared only by BlA";? ANV sanNICOTT, vorse ,, W. ard .M":'dl Medicine VÂ¥~ dors, Â¥ %1, l1A71 "S8T im R&"*Ths above is the only a»tioâ€" to appgar N* Ehana a t HARIASTHAS ALID S«EW TAiR. R. ROBKHK11*8 vaticues .. Srods wq Scarkastro:t. Otâ€"awa. Ottawa, Dee 14, 18441 ]®48 1 UTHORIZED dircount on American Inâ€" woices ausil further notice: & per cent By Order CUSTIUMS DEPARTMEXNT, CALLED 6 POOR MA A N*‘B Ilil # N D, Ottawa,22nd December, 1871. & 6 M BOUCHETTE, TAKE NOTIOE. Commissioncr o+ Custom a. WHX. P. LETT, City Clerk. ca-vl ll 1786 $m 187 J 178 im ~bz 7*