eÂ¥ 1 ts the _Btates, cither to sell or to tak®| the most marvellou 5 ilis and Ointment, and 48 1| tho World has ever mave that attemipte will YerY | annale of Canadian to deceive the public i= | success attended tt e calling upon medicin®| medicine heretofore. vendors, representing that they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and W ] r3 I deem it advisable to put the pablic h:zha-oml against any such deceptions, vegotable “‘&n’mmmm-p which we will manti Puvmcmxcu.acnoox. &lAM(‘“M Oxford), late Assistont Master of Trinity cd&:-h.l.l’on Mope, intends openiag the on the 1st September next. High lestimonials and refer. nces can be given both hm-ï¬w htl-’::- parâ€" .‘-uz-uuu. Al-hh-,uz N B â€"Private pupils will be taken in the *‘ Inviepenta Worke‘y ark Borie " u:.x:., ‘f""â€â€˜a.ï¬'?.'.‘, Tuesday o. ces â€"a nm.-y places, :h“. "..‘ orQ uebec prow ptly attended to. fo m} Puvm CLAS8SICAL SCHOOL. ...“;usxm Oite &A HAMINGTGX (orenster Cutleen | ... . 4 Ottau a, December ce Trintty A #, &o:lollhlnlql-htun. High B‘Ofluu-â€"'l' lestimonials and refer. nces can be given both fortmble W o0« in Ottawa and w For 0::. par.| on, in luha::: apply tiarington, erms on -nt.u‘hn. n-uuqm ‘hl..:-’fl!!u ' n and , M l l.’ Auctionser General Furnishing, lnsurance and Real Estate Agenuts, 36, York streot, Ottaws. Ottawns, Nov. 12, 1871 18194m CELEBRATED OINTMENT, buildings near the Market SBquare, on York Btreet, formerly occupied ty the Government, «nd known as the Military Hospital, which they have thoroughly refitted and painted, and now fee} confident that they are in possession g.o-aa-u';un:mm--m m- mh attention to Auction Bmd »f whould any person have reason to beliove that be has been deceived by buying sparious â€" Amitations of these Medicines, be will do well to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which ho can do at a cost of six cents in postage), one of the books of instructions wflw‘h- 1 promise to ..."l“'m the Medicines are genuine or not, so that if spurious he may apply to the person trow e auieing Meks & bare his. meanry Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob lowest not n Ts 220 eork hoe Taick enimace -dhflhdv-n)â€"vhh:ï¬.,m and 342. per dozen boxes of -y..d Ointment, nett, without discount. lhv;::hunoh, great Ese T!OIMLO'AY ed arrangements for the lensing (at a for Thute past, putcsnoge, beg to Intorm ult past patronage, to the public generally, that they have jast complet. 553, Otferd Strand) Loadon, W . 3.. l-':‘x‘,'un t John Macdonald & Son, have , 80 #ito on» ‘Sie m i l protraon it ‘ptblin 4e nstitute against such evilâ€"doors, ndl-":r..;'.:-..wm w fl’? may such u-: CEEmZ S VC Tog, BJ nmIno SHo Ensc of ie vendor who is selling the spurious mediâ€" ‘c;:.llhnblul-o and address of the in the United States, cr elsewho e, Those who do not wish to be deceired by buying spurious medicines, which are now Wkely to emamnato from the States or slseâ€" whare, but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" Ing Holloway‘s Pills and Ointmwent will de well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is on graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Otnatâ€" ment, and that theaddress on the label is 533, Oxford street, London, where only they are :d-ih-o othu:t of the The retail prices arse on labels in !d'd-bmy,.dnochd:lmm.dc-: 0 representative of mine avee traw through any part ot the British Provinces, or the Btates, cithr to sell or to take Fills and Ointment, and as 1 have that attempte will very to deceive the public in «his “u.,..-.‘. vendors, representing they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and | I deem it advisable to put the pablic Nesn o entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased, in the public interest, to communicate the pqrport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" ehasinog worthless imitations of the genuine Belioway‘s Fills and Ointment. miaets e tacnfoigralmg manmendt come to the knowledge of any person medicines are being made or sold in g,'hhpl.lb-d me all the the same, yplass hacces collecs rexpecting the same, I beg most respectially to acquaint the public of the British North American ,Proâ€" vinees that in May last 1 caused the business nwllihnlu:nxwl'.t,hï¬.‘hd Melloway‘s and o-â€"%n-uum uy to that time prepared by Brown, mm‘hn’d‘fl 1\..*\ were, | regrel to aar, from what has lately come to my kuowledge, made up of such rery erdfinary ingreodients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage Bold in Boxes at 1 28. 9d , 48. blis and 22s, each, ftk J1s Prepared only by BEACOH AND BARNICOTT, Brid Duuo,lq-l, -‘nld’:y.'an Medicine Vendors. FQ THE PUPLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO NVINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. ; 1 _~_.«â€"_ ATIVE PILLS, 5 somfirmed by sizty years‘experience to be one ofthe best alterative mxsdicines ever com. Fflummmmu stim; ature in her eperations. ‘l'hyhlm and superior tamily aperient, that may be taken at all times without confinement or unfailing 1 for wounds of every dee :flpde.; oï¬ remedy for ulcerated ma-mï¬-pl.hm trace sore and inflamed eyos, sore heads, sore breasts piles, &¢., &c. € Sold in pots, 13id., 22. 9d., 4s. 64., 11s., and 228. each ; and his PILULE ANTIâ€"SCROPEULE OR ALTER «THE PQOR MAN‘S3 PRLIEX D, Prepared by 8. N. THO Phelps, X Y and soufl:’tur & l.!m, Newcastlo, Ont., Sole Agenis for the Dominion. 1t is composed of Six of the Best Olls that atre known, Is as good to take as for exteraal use, anc is believed to be immeasurabiy supeâ€" tlor to anything ever made. WIill savre you much uflaiqn‘mflhd expense. Is sold by one or more in every place, Week."* Denlors all over the country say : *"We have never sold a medicine that has xiven such complete satisfaction as this. years sayse: "LI have half of a 50 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if I could get y ;-uâ€"qdl N.Y., writes m + uy -o..-.uuu-dyâ€"rï¬-bwn- stored the roice where .-’rld not spoken above a in Years."* Rev J Mallory, of W N.Y., writes: «Your Kcelectric Qil oursd me of Bronchitis in One ACDONALD AUCTION ROOMS, _â€"YORK sSTREET. detfal Cure ot a Crooked Limb alx appliâ€" cations."" . Another who has Jm~ Pain caunot atay where it is used, It is the cheapest Medicine ever made, One dose cures common Sore Throat. Onse bottle has cured Broachitisa. Flity cents worth has eared an Old Standing Cough. One or two bottles cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles. Nix to eight applications cure any ease of w;s:n-x‘-um One bottle has u..uaa.u: standing. MMJ% County, Pu,, says: #I went thirty for a bottle of your OHl, which effected a Wonâ€" K y 11, 1971 ig-râ€gunom Kflbm _ iis Weight in Gold. you know ", _ anything of it " If not . â€" C# you Ottawa, Nov 3, 187* AUTIONX! CAUVTIONX!: to the Public as 181 ;B\Ol BALE.â€"Two Ohoice Lots, with cou: fortable Wooden Cottage, erected thereâ€" on, in Rochesterville. For particulars and erms on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" Â¥%a N , or to uv.nn_'n;m.x, THE SIGN CF THE BOOK 39, Bparks atreet, Ottanma, December 18, 1871 patrons a choice assortment cof B0OKS and other Goods suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARSGIFTS, Unll and see their Booksellers and Stationers, 83 Rideau Streot ï¬:m THE OLD stisD _ Ottaws, March 28, 1871 16: A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSON & C0., Are now very complete, embracing onrythl: that is new + â€" ENGLISH and AMERICA The Subscriber begs respectinily to intimate to his friends and the public general his Spring Style ot »€ i that SPRING IMPOBTATIOLS This Medicine is pleasant and safs €5 take, and is and may positively be reâ€" &l.:-m.n ’u’-mt fl{‘ of all diseases of the Throat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys Mmu,hfluvdluflcmu the rarious w.;-;u,hs;do:l from Im t lood, oo ts eore with foll directions for using the Great Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cert ficates of Uures, can be obtained by securing the Olnl-!: w.‘..l)r-umum any Dominionâ€"free. Fint i 0o Price of Remedy in large Bottles .% Are now prepared to offer their friends and of Wild Cherry P yliam, Junipe:, M_':'lhm.flmcnnm_ Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jailap, 80â€"0, trinme Aloes, Capsicum, &c , &¢,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" :--‘-‘&My‘:‘_&d compounded, it is made most searching cursative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a v y aatistactory and desirable manner, No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor, .fl because the numerous raluable active vegetable ingredients, (rome c# which we will mention, such as the (Ex‘rvvu JAMES PEACOCK , WiÂ¥"* Remember the place. success attended the introdguction of aty That the Gazar Snosnonues Kewsor aso Puis, of the eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is workine the most marvellous and astontshing Cure: the World has ever heard of. Never in th: annale of Canadian Med‘cal History nas sac) MR. Carters give Railway Receipts reliovâ€" | ï¬m from all m’“m»u | rates for furniture. ‘ W. E. JOHNXSON, | Agents ; Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 t â€"| | " real and useful * ns t KocCne & RollY, | a Ca:‘ngm" use * “ * 8 R a p PLUMBERS, GASFITISRS, i er oL 'Alcllt &« (, sIn H®ENBRY nomnn,l-n,l.'nk.. BELL H [ ke. â€" s f A A uw [ * k USSON, Bart., F. R. 8. description of Work in our line | * Y8W,*,, si%\gp N M. D. M.R.O.8. prostPtey executed, and personally | , 5)35 pa®apD MARTIN #. &. 0. 6 > "‘";"‘l“ liod & x.v;'a:ucnm nnhn: m RIDEAU STREET, Opposite the Tea Pot, | Jr ‘x do wedictes, r-u."::n College * Uï¬â€˜A A. | Physiciang, London, and the Imperial "-J- Heszr Roows. Jaxzs Keiur. | y of Vieusa, and its curative virtues are con. Nov. 27, 1871. 1830â€"3m _ | Armed by thousands of private testimonials of F . rio and Memaemced _ Offce over Durie‘s Book Store, Sparks sureet WÂ¥ MoKat Wnn 1ts Plain and Ornamental Eagrayer, Cornsr ct Nparks and Bigin Streets,over James Hope & Co.‘s, Ottaws _Visiting Cards engrered and pristed on the WIICI'I & CLEMOW, Barmstors ons =I Attorneysâ€"atâ€"Law, Solieators in ©=~ > <r;, | ton can enter the mill yard by A large stock of the above will be k«, t con stantly on hand to suit parchasers. Ottaws, May 17, 1871 Prociaim the Glad Tidings BUILDING AND bRIDGE TINBER PLANED LU MBER sHINGLES X. XX. XXX. Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 MATS ADND CAPS N. B.â€"Farmas from the County of Carl PRACTICAL TAILOB, &c., Rough Lumber Woll Soasoned, LEXAXDEL RAX#AY, WADA CENXNTBRAL RAILWAY HAUDIEZE JTEAX MILLE, Roche & Kelly, W H Y ? RIDEAU 8TREET, u-:‘nmu. Coort Office | and Cartage Agency H A T 3 Oct. 26, 1871 of all deseriptiona nil¢ri0torary or JOHN ROCHESTER & : Post 0 u«t Public, &o, &0, i: Broad Street 1626y 1818t¢ 18051t + AU OWP pamphiet, with new maps, mailed free every, On the Line of the , UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of 12,000,000 ACRES of the BEST FARMIEG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. 000,000 Acres of Cholce Farming and o-:'-u.u--a.u-am road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Pintte VaMey, now for sale, for cash or long credit., ..‘Mmmhn-lll-:‘m{ M"U'l."-, passed by any in the United Bo-z rNilog oo se for Actual Settlors.â€"2,500,000 Acres of Government Land between Omaha :u«awuuy-hâ€"u i wenee ot foreign birth are entitled to the venefit of the Homestead Law, on declaring their intention to besome citisens of the United States, and muy avail themselves of umh-lfl:c“m Send for the new edition of descriptive Baooxir®, April 5th, 1870. J C Chamberlain, Re3. This is to certit] that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor had given her up. He said her lungs were tubsrcied, and medicine could not help her. As a last resort I a bottle of the Great Shoshonees m At the expiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better. Bhe contianued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle sho was able to sit up. zï¬o“ ance of the remedy she was restored to health. You may publish the facts for the benefit of those similarly affiicted. T. 0. BROWX Episcopal Methodist Minister. _ WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEAS Luata it JOHN &.Vll. before me at Smithfeld 6th of April, A D 187t0, o J MÂ¥ WELLINXGTON, ) P bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I found Ml!gn:ydlu ever I had been previâ€" bed to ‘eep from strangltng. 1 tnied taree to keep from K tried dth-od-lun?mhtho'uq resuiving me M in hor t somtie get» receiving any m aned ting worse mm At last I was ad» vised to try the Great Shoshonees Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about fAnished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had taken three months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time frequently J C Chamberiain, Eeqâ€"This is to certifty that about three y-ubo‘@l becaime affiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about cightsen YHEAP FALX FREE nOMES oTTAW A. Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 1458 lawky Agents, mond, alias James, allas C. T, Raphey, Â¥. R. C. 8, alins &e. d e se o on ies bearing the fao simile of Puirermacher‘s * o pemepietvoniatatng full particutace :o had at the Drug Store of A.Oil':z, *‘ 3 T. PULVERMACHER, â€" Ln-thc.“ Nervousness, &o, 121 to 308 B cohlnlllllnlonm BAND for Cantrl, FU&MM 308 to 50s. A co;‘gdn Bet of COMBINED UHAIN D8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY h?m:::w.abn. t :'-mdhl::ha:h:lhmby Iocl'_:uyh_&ougl hlv-."htnh | enresefected. (Bee pamphlot gratis). nmm‘rpdbthpuu.odm aufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, as an | ardent deciple of that great benefastot of l mankind, the late illustriouns electriciaa | Mionase Famaot. | PULVIIIAOB“'SI?DIOMALVAI- | IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, l-rch o(lm the | least derangement of the patient‘s asd daily occupations, in the following maladies | Lboumatisme Foemale Complaints I?‘!‘“_ Constipation PRICE LINT OF PULYERMACHERS CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES, B. cnaux ull:‘ht nm ..!‘hdlfl Tooth, KFace Noises h.t‘:'. flmll; to 308. B tHAINX D8 for loss of Volce and other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to 312. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rhoumatic, Neuraigia, and Gonty Pains, Local Parsâ€" lysis, on-&u.. 18s. to 22s, and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lambago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, u.&m -.Nlt&lï¬ to 40s and 55e, B OHA BANDS Writer‘s (Cramn The effects of &o?hfln ot Palver» macher‘s Chaine in any of the above disorders .hl--eï¬_u_ymâ€"mflhldph Indigestion Fuanctional Disorders Neuraigia U_'â€"fâ€"m""w Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepsy . Lumbaco Full particulars may be bad from the Sole Eliectricity perfectly ndmlhuo,.‘ exâ€" tremoly efficacious in a mm' on shock or unpleasant sensation being ex» perianced, whereby it becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing ___ PULYERKMAOHEPS PATEXT GaALVaANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS8, BELTS AXND POCKET BATTERIES _ These highly improved inventions render A. CHRISTIE & DEUGGISTS, Cure ot Bronchitis. my Land Commissioner, U .. Omabhe, Neb. LECTRLOUTT 18 LIFX lliness and have been so ever 180 Regent Shraet, Londony w flfiiiv":‘ » Fize lll‘l‘ â€â€"" , Fire Marxtuasâ€"Of all designs in Italian and Amer ean Marbie and Marbelised Blate, Grates, Fouad ors anad Hearths. Monuments and Headstones of Soottish Granite, Marble and Bandstone. Gates udhll.hg:: Pips Rings, and every desoription of Builders hiewe Tiew The Stiearn Â¥ie fiag, [Hgh SBTABLIUCKED 180. WH. Â¥, 8OMHBR YVILLE,Bussessor to O en een Tok oov «eaorerit e uh ; auC ky Lait, Mr. N. H. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. m"‘ao., No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 31, 1811 â€" 1671 iv . u2 fer Oilawaâ€"losepih. Karanagh, Grocer, s4,; Slivomes & Btevens, bige of the s-c- City of London, England . _ Es > The above discovery hbas M tor Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Priss Modal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" traiia, of 1866, besides numerous Testimonials. Packets for One Dollar, y5ote. _ â€" _ ___ _ The Powder is warranted free from all bad :dl..‘vmkqhq?‘:.u.n;tuy w without As q.lh :1“& mc Dogs, as they will not __ DMrections for use on cach Packet. D RAINâ€"~PIPE DEP OT Which is known to be Far Buperiot to anything eÂ¥ver yot Dis= Ottaws April 11, 1871 TMHME â€" w.a. crAwWaAaA TIMES We would beg ?ht oall the attention ‘:.l th. public having secured serâ€" Yices u"._r‘mr.ox.m OUTTER for om TAJLORILRG DEFPARTMENT . we feel conâ€" -â€"-"-.'- --l-.-“‘. "“"dllx -mm-:‘uu mllfll( MW*Call examine before oâ€" ders clescwhere. _ A. DUFFE. t OMEARA & CO f &o AW.WM __ _ Miso, a large assoertment of Togother with a large assortment of Raaor Mape Cuornmmse, consisting of Black and Bluse Cloths, PFAWA HARLBELE WORKS, MPORTANY NOTIOCE. NEW SPRING G00))â€" # POB8T OFFICE SAVINGS BANK DMY* Depesits will be received atthis Jffice. Intorest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annam, and Depesits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent will be allowed on Special Deposits in rums of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three months notice: will be required. % OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO ? P.M. For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m, VBRMIN DESTROYER, On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and I[reland, Newfoundland and Prince Edwa:rd Island, can be obtained nto':h. office. : Also Postage th&p,nll’cu paid unregistered matter can be sent. Matter to be posted up to .30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Bupplementary package the same night 11.50 Â¥.80 Ottaws, Nov. 327 1871 1871 TYina HowYork close every Moenday at 8 P.M. Per Canadian u-;,...uu every Priday at 11.00 A.M. A Bupplementary for Oanadian Steamer will be closed at1l3.10 p.Â¥., in which only JIUBT IXPORTAD, An immense Stook of 50 SPARKS STRAET, OTTAW A. © PoOST OFEICE,_ OTUDAWA. bF Of w‘nh Noew J. W. Proctor & Co. ; for Ayimer, EWLTâ€"DIL80OYERED â€" WINTER aAarnRraxoumuzexr. 1871 ABRRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAIL â€"Gravel Lane, Houndsditcb, *T © BOMERYVILLE®, Templeton, Tassd Tharsdays, and Saturdays.......«= ’Nw Sdmburgh" " *" < mm § Lowes Ottaws, by Land, Buckingham, Caumberâ€" z !3 laad, L‘Orignal® Grenville, &0....................} \ Minbole, HUBLLGY, OBEPY MED+ ce ccrccurce sessrarts serverirs sncercons Ohelses, WakeReld, North Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" 2“ Offces, Daily ; and River Mu;’l‘gg mediate Ofiees, Mondays, Woednesdays and Ayimer _and Hull, by stago......... ......... ..« Bristol, Clarendon, and Osslow, by Ayimer, ( Ordimary Deminion rates of posinge....... :mms ) nited States, vin OGAUDADUTG »sâ€"ssseee se ons ce nens ons cvsoveres Kempty fle, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & O.R. North Gower, Kars, &e., per St. L. & 0. Railway......... (rep 060y RUKOUH HBGs enc crous mov ehrer t ennthrars Bs thistrntarftcores c aglont mrey olb Pos ametntimialem, ic budivieetinied * Tikecst artert Pievedeantine ns fietrene z O. 0. R.R.â€"Boll‘s Corners, Richmond, to........ ; Kasternâ€"Quebes, Montrost, Cornwall, Lancaster, #.; for New & CC, dhts BJ RHHWRY ....ccccs ccceccres sesirrere se to W. Me, TT :A L LLS5S . MONEY ORDERS BRITISH MAILA, sary for effectuating that made to the Legisiature of the Province of Ontario, at its next Session, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottawe to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inbabltants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said Corporation, or upon Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose, all powers neces AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION nEUwu w require any commeats ‘:Ion ite merite, ljfnxaolmm othera dine daily in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only uishing it on account of assum. ing the Superintendence‘of his brother"s Manuâ€" k. T ".â€"U&Wv--â€"â€"_--lfll’ l GUISEPPE M. GIANELLLI, l.&:mhflhrdnyldlptm Farnished or Unfurnished. The lowest rent in the City. ‘This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its % = *“;" k 0. K. Â¥. apply to $mts " CAPITAL " 8TOYE BEPOT, 35 Hussexâ€"st, Otia . MEADOWS &0o. * CBAb. H. MOU B, oumbent of 6t. Johns Ohurch, f Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"â€"Â¥ou have my fall pu-l-‘onto-. this letter in sny way you see fit, or refer any one to me who wishes further information. Montreal, March 3, 1871. 1 Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring mm.mmq, h The heat diffuses itself rapidly~ over the whole building, and no one part is colder or hotter than an other, but there is a nice glow of J ‘r k""""'f the trouble ve eaking pipes, F m&-, &o.;‘:? look apon the furnace as a decided luzury, I certainly think mo church ought to be without “k-:hm it can be procured so easily and so ply as ours was from you. .. I must also express the groat pleasure I had in noticing the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his members of my congregation, We had it going lately on one very windy day, but we had no trouble with it whatever, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveniences, which often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is bigh. We find that the church is heated in a very short time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the Is herobg given that thves omm meraifoeg 4o Sanr it ie We are prepared to At up the above in Ohurcher, Dwellings, &c., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. Orders from the city or any part of Canada solicited. Read the following : Mapoo, Oct. 29th, 1876. Th i oo nA ies es me be ableto inform yon M:. Air â€" Furâ€" nace which you iate!y put up in the Church No. 48, Rideau street, Ottawaâ€" n†ALBLR "I:‘_.‘.. f Hon James B_lq Benator, Ottawa J M Ourrier, Keq, M P, _‘ _« (Mea ie : s Mr Sherif Powel! * a Edward Grifin, Eeg. w Edward McQilHivray, Eeq, t Messrs C T Bate & Co, w Thomas Hunton, Keq, w :.."',..z'e.'“‘,...lnrl a P A Egleson, Ben‘r, w6 FOR SALE OBO;'O I.l'l‘i FOR A THE CO8SMOPOLITAN EN MONTREAL, HRARK OHANCOE: @t B7.1811. H. FALLS, â€" RESTAURANT â€" AXND BAR G, P. BAKER, Postmaster. Â¥Y, P. LETT pipes ced voly connected with the 10,00 A, M .A« -of OU0s GR 0 #LLV C& Y seee® wee TEACHER wanted for School Eection P HR . e umss Fiurey S bor P. 0. kaoy e J. SMITH P. O‘KELLY, . W. MoDONALD. Torbolton, Deo. 5, 1871. . _ 41 4 and sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. change of diet, _ Prepared ohniy by PU.I.IO NOoTHOR tiveutch; and hi . .. _ __ . _ " â€"~3> PILUL®E, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTER. legs, burus, scalds, bruises, chilbiains, scorbu» flom' and pimples in the %uo., sore -dh:-:doyu,m heads, sore breasts, o. % l; pots. 13id. 2s 94. 4s 6d 112 and is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every de» scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore "THE POOR KANS Preâ€"co‘t, Nor 21, 1871 which it is recommended, and its wonderfui success in subduing the torturing pains of Rhoumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec~ lons, entitle it to a high rank in the list ot Remedios for these complaints; Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i gives. The Cansdian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine D.alers keep it. Tohuordc and use it ; and no family wili wlthu.t‘ltngt:m trying it Price only Twontyâ€"fve per bottle. «_ NORTHRUP & LYMAXN, â€" Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, Jâ€" P Featherston. Georgs LOT OÂ¥ HONXEY, THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been befere the public for a length of time aud wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reli6{ when timely used, and we have mever sknown a single case of disatistfaction where the directions have been properly fol~ l'o‘::l, but on the contrary, all i:ndou'hted its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, We speak from ezperience in this matter having tested :t thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com« laints hr."hloh it is mud;uy de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. _ The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian C“ulu PALN PRSTROYER Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the Parties as a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesers. Gabrial‘s no# system, on sending parâ€" ticnlars oftheir cases, with a remittance of Ten Bhillings, when the apparatus for taking a model of the moath will be forwarded with all necessary instructfions, â€" MEASBRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a modeérate cost, Artitiâ€" cial Testh supplied by other dentists which hary not proved satisfactory to the wearer; A CHRIBTIE & Co,, IMPORTAAT TO BRESIDENUB ABROAD GABRIEL‘S â€" ( O8TEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPING warranted to remain white anc MESSRS. 'flm-.tho Tooth itself. This beautiral preparation restores GABRIEL‘8 | front ‘Weéth, and can be easily May 11871 ( «* SEDADENT" O R C UR E for Toothache. ‘This extraorâ€" MESSRS. 'dhny ‘?puat‘io‘, marvellous o in its effects, givres immodiate GABRIEL/B | relief without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary . stopping., Price 1s. 1jd4. November 30, 1870 L. RuBEnTs Full direct TFTUOBZETAY Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for 10, 9n / BEACH & AARKICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England , 13id, 2s 94, 4s 6d, 11s, and _ ODoONTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celebrated Mouth Wash is most refreshing, it strengtheus the gums, eradicates tartar and _all injurious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing ar« tiicial teoth is invaluable Price 51 lons for use enclosed in each box usdd. â€" Bufficient to step six WHITE GUrTA â€" PEBCHA Enamel, for. stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for© mastication, no m“t how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. ROYAL DENTIFIOCE pared_from a recipe as used ? Her Majesty ; gives the eeth a pearlâ€"like whitenecss, and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s, for cleansing and improving the Teoth, imparts a natural redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Pric= 1s. 64. COBALITE TOOTH PASTE E MILL «L DEWTIS TS OINTMENT, Agents for Ottawa, 1820d1w3 FRIEND , OND O N.EC. 186277 41 6 Sad Mlip t aup popretermmn oo wilinpnmarcmert. T ‘. mpany power to such Company to construct fv‘-dnhfm by the most direct roate A i‘:"“"',mâ€â€œ-mybonuMh-q Dessmbher 26, 1871. 18614 NO!‘IOI * ut > sn t malf 1f A omm Is hereby given that application will be M"â€'_Mï¬lrlhmnn:g?m at its next Session, for an Act to amend the Acts DDlDrporating the Canada Central Railway Commany ‘aflli. . . _ 10. Drung mOrrnitk Do Pemtnst Aveczstat ebtnout‘s / â€" B@D" Special attention given to and dignlacements of the uterus. coucher. n..u.ï¬_’. an, Saurgeon & Ac. coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert street. _ hours from 9 fitreot, mCs Lrom 9 $ 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. * _ _ TOpinion Publigne 2 eto., oto., oto, e Ccnhouundohradvlï¬â€˜ cither wmottbgmm me; and I must say I cannot speak bighly of its wm:‘: chiects, -o.: ceased aiter a few applications, and the swelâ€" ling sappeared witain a few days, WM MoKAY, Teacher, P. BOURDEA » Of the Firm Bourdean & q‘l- 3 Montreal Uot. 7th, 1871 Montama1, Oct, 2, 1871 -"Mhl'i‘lhldlnm attack of Rhoumatism, ured « Rirnbaum‘s Rboumatism ud“(?om B.;.:'oy.- which & friend, in whom 1 had confidence.trecommended tism, which compelied me to stay in bed for nearly a whole week without being able to move, despite all the efforts of one of the pbysicians of this city, a friend gave :d:.‘budod "Dr. Birnbaum‘s Rheumatism and Gout Remedy." Having applied this remedy only twice, I felt at once such a relief that it was possible tor me to got immeâ€" diately, and three days after I bnx mysel entirely recovered. CERTIFICATES, After having suffered enormously during a :210 month from a very obstinate "Rheama« Vss oC ay CC Ceeeeine pains, stiffmess in the limbs or joints ll:.uln' n:du-bm-. One trial will estab= lish its efficiency. _ Usei in any of the above cases and you will fird it a real blessing, ; CHARLES MARTIN, 30 Victoris nquare, Montreal, Ssn oA c Holte 1c t sn is CC * 3 DR. BIRNBAUM‘S Mmmmmhmm flï¬om-h.tdlnnphi.m-‘ effective cure of Rheumaiism. Gout. wandar. JC General Agent. Bole agent for ..:‘-.: mmnuu, also, Dawes‘ :‘&u-uum. oL J MtO.Pawes‘ Laâ€" Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. Rurzzuncus.â€"â€"H ABims, Req, Acchitect, Philsâ€" delphia; Thos Fuller, loq,h U Dr 3 A Grant, f P., Oitews ; Thes Reypetas: Bre «elphla; Lhos Fuller, -1" Mï¬ teot, Albany drant, Â¥f P., Oitaws n....,,...,"“z,l. mwo.au'un.n. T 40¢ 'l\lll'l'fl.; & COB+; ]..:: fl, Agenis, D aughtsmen, the Ontariv Bâ€"ank, 8 Ottews,. Tor Trast and Loak Gor * Trces Office, Wellington Street, Aggnt for the Ottawa Times. Montreal, Oct. 20 1871 commissionâ€"d4 .0. the and ntariv. Provincial Land <urveyor M‘m LV ANS,late proprieccor ot the 81. Jau#s Horwxt.. Btriet attention so nasiness. Good Wines and Liquors warranted. THE COMMERCIAL HMOUVSE ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . Hs u'uu‘unu.. and been Ated u; {'o‘ru::l‘;‘-dmbu OU EN sumsu.oou’ lnlflwmw Arstâ€"class Lestaun ant. The House has and n&m-ï¬w The BAR contains he choicusst Brandsip and Ligqs ws, and every elicacy of the seasa will be found on thetable. The roprietr‘s best efforts will be directed to he comâ€" rtof his guests and patrons. _ ine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0¢.,for sale. Orrion: No. 5, Bparks Btroot, near the Russel! o;rumoflnuu.. and Pablic OMices, <T. CaTHARLNKS, Ont. £. 10UGHTON, Procuux. (Late of toughton‘s Dining beicou., PMA spacious sampleâ€"room for commercia} ravellers. BbÂ¥y BAN" Oymers,Game eto.. daily HALIFAX, NOVA 8tuTi4, Mstablished 1851. Permanent and transient boarders accomm od, and every attention paid to their comtort. 46 Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Bolicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public and Ad'becm for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Officeâ€"Corner of Bussex and Y ork streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. 3687 66 CHARLEB MA RCIL, Advocate, Haull. Oimnce at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private reai~ dence in rear of French Cathedral, Hull, Business attended in Ottawas and the Disâ€" trict Courts of the County of Ottawa, . l)OO'l";)yn'hnllnlllom [MoGill Uaiâ€" vers sician, Burgeon and Acceucheur, Snm-*hu’mcï¬ly occupied by Dr. Malâ€" loch, e st, Ohaudiere, Ottawa. 1 388y v 1CHOLAS SFARKS, Barrister and Attor. LW neyâ€"stâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Ohancery, Conveyâ€" ancer, &6. OfMceâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, w vupposite the Post Office, Ottaws. DB. McDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Street, opposite Fese therton s Drug Store: Regide 4 B « NOTAbY PUBLIC. Residence â€" Hull next the Post Office. 17237 J'i(‘):fnov; :-IA;H.Ol. :m ‘M'a * “'- .m". .w Rideaunâ€"streoet, Ottawa. f Wiurtax Moserors, â€" L646tt _ @Gzore» Taimmo®; Lnur.o & GEKEMMLILL, Barrstors, Attorneys, Soticitors, Conveyancert. to, Ificeâ€"ln tae Court House, Uiitawa. Rorert Lees. daatt _ Joar J. GmwruL. Enwnua T. DARZAWLL, Barriste: Bolicitor Attorney and Nutary Public, Clork oithe Poace and County Anonay,tonh United Counties of Prescott and Russell. OMceâ€"In the Court House, L‘Orignal, 34â€"6m ')n. Bui #. & M. KAV ANAGH, Proprisior e Corner of Motonifs and Woellingrinâ€"stieets; o wediately opposite kusseli House, R tiâ€" HA YCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"L.aw , Bol« © gitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Psetent RigntBolicitor. Oficeâ€"imâ€" 0B RHEUMATISY AND GOUT 1. _C, MAINBSYTH, MZ ein Chancery, Conveyancer, &6., Bussexâ€" treoot. OfMice, Union Buildings, Otaws. bby A. GRLISOS, BILLINGB, Irâ€", A @ Bell‘s Block, Sappers‘ HKB 6 QUEEN * LKESTAUXANT, CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant and We W. WALD, B # Advocsate, &s., opposite the 1 As MKARA, Architect. OMooâ€"Asamond‘s 969y _ _ JOHN ROMANSs,Proprietor. APIERRE & LKU#r PHY, @ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottaws. _ 9027 CKWILICK HOUVSk, TETREAU, lotuz Public for the Pro © vince of Quebes, Hull, near the Pos tawa, Febroory 14, 1871 Agent R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Oflee Bparksâ€"stroct, Cent: al Otawa. BMutf Moteis and Salcons. AVERLY HOVRE, vV. ARCHAMBAULT, 66 66 t 66 46 OCONNOR , Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law,Bolicitorâ€" main entranceto the 60 ROLAL ! BALOON, sLGIN 8TR EETI . Mriecellancounus. Vilice . Aylmer, P.Q.. 17393 % Courrier d Outacuais, Co+â€", Land Burreyers, Land Corner James azs K+ugzâ€"sts., Provinces of Quebec ?'.{-l_ Am‘c-y 1801t THE TIMES is printed and publishe® M Tes Ortawa Tos Prxrxe 4 PCP memxe Comraxy, at the Offict¢ 14# Number 12, Wellington Street M# Her Majesty‘s sheatre), Centre Tor®! Ottawa. JAMRS BATLIFY, Manigh$ LONG AND SHORT‘*MOOC WHOLESALE WAll kinds of LEATHER tor Saie, WWH sale, at reasonable prices. E. Orders and wil® ’n‘o':rn.ru;'nnn:’on a. Dmmw ‘ l-.n-ullil-mm_ 2 Tm‘. $ PARK STREET, OTTAWA °) Te buy Bloout Crackers, Contiea and O Apast B cï¬ STEAN BisGuIT PakKB iX =4ms PRICKES. 19th August, 1871, parsicclarly attended to. Beverll W nded wale U. 8. PATEXT iG%K%¢T. i C:se Linen Dril mguuu CANADIA ub%d A thee ! cular and information, sent free \ _" Union Tw EDMOND GERMAILN, Proprisw@® ’}Oohm. f Montreal, March 11, 1871 CONFECIIOKE Y ESFCABLIASEMKEH | â€" ox:.w. ‘ COAK wawrume i. . _ â€" YNSLANUYV, MV E““‘_~ *:“ ’,a ruve LRATHERE BELTING, ; EX LATZ ® + 1 Velvetoor FINE ENGLISE HOSE, *\ â€" in us «. apt k | 1 # ""Mm LACE LEATHER, #o, #6, â€" 3e iwk an Warrauted Buperier to any made in te i# 1 * Biao® T4 e l ies NMovember 26, 1870 CmmE VH & . " ‘ir; @dP 4k m P 34 °M lurva® Has °ow SCn best House on Murray . _ KEvery a i Pn firuan nc will be apared comtorts) X.B.â€"Charges moderate. GEORGE DU BERoRm ing purchased the nbove cStablithnent o Mr. LARIVIERK, are now pepeett® ceive Boarders at moderate raks. ,“"' is always furnished with &o\dgu and their Liquors are of the 5‘“ B&F" Good Stabling on the prewie, Ottawns Maw #t P-ln.mrtc.‘.‘_u # BEST PLACE IN CENTRAL® UOANADA & ml“o'fllm-* > C oomanlk oi Sarniea. Ouoltbe..mu ««Orkres| be attached to each Day Expressteets prrt lmh')‘mb,mh.- ouviy fllrllï¬nn:“o Drawing Room .“"‘I | h’hmï¬ou‘l‘uo“-mï¬â€˜ T“hst:-.. running .z.- ‘;. ““‘.*'fllh‘h‘_ .N( UJ:BYN‘ NAKADA AXQD €(ra®» TRUBK un _ & On and â€"after MONp t MAY, it o:. intended ‘:Ym‘“‘t&m Int 4 Sarnis. One of these -...u-,,,.NI A Pulltoas Car will be R Through Trains between m& au Loup triâ€"werkly, Yig. :â€"From on Tuesdays, Thursdays and KMoap, turaing from kiviere dn b‘:‘fm Wednesdays and Fridays. Maillâ€" Train for !.h.d POM, M: .’Q w.‘ mo .t.,,.",." “.“ Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Pond, Portland and Bo‘on.........l..h Wiliy Es x+ +5X +xkx M s Accommodation ‘Trate ¢, 12. * for 1s) D R M&mfl-‘nmu.., xpress for Quebec and Riviere 8 14, Lo8p, 6: s +4 . +124 ;., & ONDAY #, Mail Train for Toronto and Iutep, mediste Stations, t ....., , , 4004, Dey lxpn-fw'l‘mch,u....,,. 14 Night Express for Toronte, at, . ... tm * Mized Train or Brockvillbyst, , "ou l h Pullman Palace Cars now Runmne: ; Day n j 5 lt AND DOMIKIOX SUNNEE SKETICE 07 Tuup, / Creat Acceleration *f SDeog, . May 31, 1871. Montreal, April 26th, 1 DOMINION GRAND TRURK Rlugy AKN ADA datiop ‘Frain for . DEMPSY J O MoeLARKEH, m’“ Bt, Jamess BOWLING Al 3 Orrawa, â€" s ;.. ..l Li fniers l." fir 1 & > T 1 MHIHICEL, moskt 4 Rooms in Canada. 6 3“’-â€"!‘.-0&-. rom . 10 12 p.m., “*Q’O:hfloku. «_ Ottawa, Oct, 218t, This new ewing contains the mes tive power in it, no llonhb“dfln it, i d '.“a ‘.:‘-Mmm T agrecable â€"exer~ 7 cife are exposed to no WMW' this Swing without h a0y of the inconvenie nary Bwings. â€" . This Swing mey be awi at No 8, St. Patric ol £. LaAYIGEKE, (Quebec.] tive vites the public to examinse the T Td ig. Potent Swing, Mas for TWENTY 1 paublic in the United sure, !hw., .fmlt'.m the left, and a furnished througbout fort of guests. As of P 500 guests, while wharged as heretofor msoabering the Albio paee= GARLAND, MU Five Phelan and ILLIARBRDS : 11 Biles uy beter 1 Bale Hossians, lcnoha-. 44 L i Boanet ‘ Bales Greg 'N.Mg Bole Agenunt Â¥ .†l.o 187 UOttawa, Nov. €¥ Fortare ( YO