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Ottawa Times (1865), 15 Jan 1872, p. 2

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J\ rw * %Â¥. k § ’! | 4# i4 Wesese it reported that the Emperor Napoleon has announced his intention of publishing "a historical work containing some startling revelations." We have no doubt that if his Majesty were to recount the secret history of the late war, and of the diplomatic intercourse which preceded it the world would be corsiderably startied. We do not howevrer place much reliance upon histories by men who are so deeply hd“:fio evrents which they ‘attempt to describe. It is utterly The friends of the family of the late PDre. Wilson, will hear with pain of the death of Mrs. Wilson which took place early on Saturday,. The deceased lady suffered much from the shock caused by her â€"husband‘s death, having caretully tendecd him during his long illness, and the revulsion of feeling which generally occurs in these cases instead of conducing to repose and prostration, more keenly operated upon a system naturally delionte, but long abnmnormally tested and strained. The ‘loss of this. excellent lady will be felt in many circles of the city for: there impossible that they can be entirely The meeting of the Dominion Parliaâ€" ment is postponed until February 27th. It is not then called together for the desâ€" patch of business. & Some of our American contemporaries are making a piteous lamentition over the present condition of the United States Navy. Pttuy it is not very efficient Jjust now, a nation possessed of such soon create a navy sufficient to cope with that of any secondâ€"rate naval power. I; is conceded by. all American naval and l\rl'-mu-:tothomwithmt answering purse in hand. "His clothes are at the pawnbrokers, of course. How muach ? Lectre on the Revolutions of the Last Halfâ€"Century. military authorities, that operations in a naval war would be mainly defensive on the part of the United States. ‘The American Navy has of arail able ships fortyâ€"one, with 565 guns, most of themof the most #pproved character, Seven ironâ€"clads are rapidly preparing for sea. Of the forty one ships of the line, the Franmklin and Minnesots, firstâ€"rates, with seventyâ€"nins guns, are repairing at The landlord at the door silently reâ€" ecognised him, and led the way in. They crossed a ropm filled with sailors of all nations drinking; ascended a staircase at mm«m{.mmdmx;anm door of a room on the second . There the landlord spoke for the first time. "He has outrun his allqwance, sir. as usual. You will tind him with hardly a rag on his back. Idoubtif he will last much longer. He had another it of the horrors last night, and the doctor thinks badly of him." +~With that introduction he opened the door, and Turlington entered the room. On the miserable bad lay a greyâ€"headed old man, of gigantic stature, with nothing en him but a ragged shirt and pair of ah-lfllhym At the side of the with a bottle of gin on the rickety table between them, sat two hideous, leering, painted monsters, wearing the dress of women. ‘The smell of opium was r t;o room, as well as the smell of spirits. t Turlington‘s appearance the old man rose on the bed aad welcomed him with greedy eyes and outstretched hand. "Money, master !‘ he called out hoarseâ€" ly. @*A crowa pisce in advance, for the ake of old times Have you a severe wr: ach nrn? Huave you theamatism in any form ? Â¥ve you stif meck, or bunches caused by rheumatic pains? If so, Johnson‘s Ansdyne Liviment is a specti. fic remedy, and is also the best pain killer to Pnize List of Agricultural Implements. " Bring them here and be quick about it. You will find it worth your whlile when you come back." The women took the pawnbroker tickets from the pockets of the man‘s trousers, and hurried out. | the Brooklyn Yard. There are five secondâ€" rates, the â€"Hartiord, Richmond, Susqueâ€" hanna, and Tennessee, seventyâ€"seven guns, all repairing at Brooklyn, and the Powhatan, seventeen guns, nearly ready at Philadeiphia. There aroe three third A large assortment ot newest patteros -'inl by first steamers, including a '-: DECORATIVE PAPERS, OAK & MARbu_E The subscriber respectfully invites an inâ€" paying the forty thousand pounds, There was but one way of getting the money mow. Sir Joseph had executed his Will ; Sir Joseph‘s death would leave his solo executor and trustee (the lawyer had said it!) master of his fortune. Turlington determined to be master of it in four an# twenty hoursâ€"striking the blow, without risk to himself, by means of another hand. In the face of the probabilities, in the face of the facts, he had now firmly perâ€" suaded himself that Fir Joseph was privy to the fraud that had been practised on hios. The Marriage Settlement, the Will, the presence of the family at his country houseâ€"all these he believed to hou-o many s# mss inveâ€"ted to md doundm::s the Mm-?’l‘b‘ truth was in those words which bhe had ov:::-_udhm&rwndhm «â€"â€" in Launce‘s presence (pri enâ€" couraged, no doubt}, at lm * Her father shall pâ€"y me for it doubly : 'ilhhr-.d with his life." _ With thought in his heart, Richard Turlington wound his way through the streets by the river side, and stopped at a blind alley "called Green Anchor Lane, iriamous to this day as the chosen resort of the most abamstoned wretches whom Lonion can rates, with thirty guns, one, the Cananâ€" daigns being already in coramission, and soon to sail. Of the fourth rates only two are avaiable, the Kearsage with six guns and the Tuécarora with ten. In all there mtflnmlao(thofiumihbh, heving 202 guus; so that there is no doubt that the United States would be able to make a fair show against Spain, wumunnhlow-du'y of hbostlities arising between the two Cbe ®ttavwa Cimes. The policeman at the corner cautioned him as he turned into the r«lley. "They won‘t hurt me!" he answered, and walke: on to a public house at the bottom of tae For interesting reading matter seo first NEW ADVERTISEMENTS rizes as low as anay bouse in the city. _H. MATTHEWMAN, MUNDAY, JANUARY 15, 1872 PER HANGINGS, *# (To be Continued.) ceo, Ottaws yffl m,lm’ colleague, the chemists, a whole medical faculty bear down upon an aged woman‘s life, and, while the trial> is preceeding dig up Keitghum‘s body again. and "pore over it for confirmation of poison. The ambition of Mrs. Wharton has nearâ€" ly sent her to the gallows ; for the persons who preyed upon her hospitality appear to have sought to discharge the obligation by having her convicted. Fortunately however, in spite of all that has been done by the Press, and by her Ufriends‘‘ to bring her to the gallows, it seems probable that the innocence of the «Modern Borgia" will be made manifest. _ The Montreal Witness, which has always *# The question of whether the Ministry mwa coalition one or not, is the principal fl"'“" of the arven Ad gomed in view support wmmmmu dno:‘duodttouoidthhme.- that the mode of treatment which he adopted for the deceased was correct, the physician who aitended him becoame the chief prosecuter,. [No support their post mortem and analysis, and vindicate their Our readers, or at all events the greater portion of them, will not have forgotten the Wharton case. It will be remembered that Mrs. Wharton, a lady belonging to a most respectable family in Maryland, was accused of the murder® of a General Ketâ€" chum, and some of our excitable contemâ€" poraries in the States,. according to their wonted custom, immediately dubbed her "the Modern Borgia." . 1Jt now appears that there is scearcely a doubt as to her scquittal; and probably the case when it show how criminal it is for journalists, merely for the sake of a sensation, to speak of any one as being assurediy guilty before they havye been tried. In ordér to prove be able to see the situation just in the same light" as Mr Blake does, nor may we have that amount of sonfidence in his Administration that othert may have. Still we say now that they aroe in office, give them fiir play. In conclusion we may add that we shall probably _ continue from time to time to copy the atiacks made upon Mr. Scott by the Grit press, with a view, of exposing the narrow minded bigotry of those who object to that gentleâ€" man because he is a supporter of Sir John A, Maodoneld‘s Covernmznt. remains the same. Mossrs. Blake and Gow, in nomination speesches, have each hur as in thetr power Hlos, tomards oriaging as power bi the murderers of Seott of l.dlobont.o Jjustice, theugh the= precise manner in That is to say, now that theyhave atâ€" tained to office, and Mr. Blake has told us that be and his colleagues intend to conâ€" fine themselves entirely to local affairs, and .that he believes "it would be imâ€" proper for them to assume an attitude of hostility to the Dominion Government,‘‘ which they proposs to act has not, been delfined. At is difficuls to see what they r,flyhhlhm’mwuâ€" ressing a strong remonstrance to the Ottaws authoritiee. No mention of any ““muflohlhfitz«ch the Government policy, it is y an after.thought to sausly the of the Orangemen." *There hare been but tew new points brought out in the contest, and the situa tion, so far as the issugds are concerned, he belongs until they have had a fair trial. As the Dundas Banner,; a very consistent Grit organ, said last week, so wo may say , * quite willingâ€"whuile freely confessing our inability ‘to see "the situation‘‘ just in bmw-&l.d-n of the Govâ€" eroment to present itâ€"to accept the Blakeâ€"Scott Ministry." % § As the "organ" ot the Ontario Governâ€" ment has been doing all that lay in its power to misliead the public in reference to Mr. Scott‘s position in the Cabinet, we have, as a matter of justice to the party to which we belong, and, indeed we may add to*Mr. Scott himself, thought it only right to show our readers that a very large porâ€" tion of the Grit press do not regard the Blakeâ€"Scott administration in the light which the Globe desired that they should As for our not having * the courtge to make any attackâ€"upon Mr. Scoit in our own editorial columns," that is all moonâ€" shine. But we do not intend to attack either him or the Administration to which tious opposition. Lik: To the Editor of THE TIMES, Biz,â€"I trust 1 shall not be placed among the alarmists for calling the attention of the public to a cause which is more than likely to give a wider spread to the epide. mical disorders that are prevailing among us. _ I allude to the practice of storing veâ€" getables in the basements of houses. So placed, they necessarily mm lnddooy,-unnw less general, in ensues. Noxious are generated i-â€"numk:mmuun, do not suffer in consequence. In the interâ€" est of the public health you will perhaps be kind enough to give this publicity, uvo--7 i contined â€" to on‘y one or m t is the Grit organs that hare Mr, Soott with the greatest hostilâ€" ity, nor can we wonder at this when we bear in mind the disappointment and anâ€" neyance which they must feel at seeing a life long Conservativye become a member of what was to have been a purely Grit adâ€" We are,constantly hearing a t deal said by tbolcd'uga'notml!’ao.scou administration about the "abuse"‘ launchâ€" ed by the Conservative press at the Mon,. Mr. Scott. The «abuse" spoken of as far umns, We will explain why woe have done se. The abusive articles referred to which we have copied. have been almost entirely taken from Grit journals. Ouly a few days since we remarked, Commissioner of Crown Linds and to the Blakeâ€"Scott Administration has boonrr» fectly simple and straightforward. it true that we hove copied several attacks made upon Mr. Scort by other journals, and it is equally true that we have not attacked him in our own editerial â€" colâ€" As it may be jast possible that some one may accept the abore . as entirely _ correct, it may he as well for us to offer a word or two of ex> planation. Our course in reference to the It excites a geod deal of comment here, that while the Tiuzs, â€" the of the Dominion Gorernment, :;Em the luonolotb.rfimb upon the Hon. Mr. Scott, yet it not the courage to make any attack in its own editorial columns. The journal in question is understood to take its cue from Sir John A. Macdonald.â€"Ofltawa correspemdent of Toronto G:obe. U As we have already declared, wo are Jan, 13th, 1872 A DAXGEROUS PRACTICE A WORD OF EXPLANATION. THE WHARTON CASE. REVENTION will not The 8t. Louis Democrat is a little severe on Tennyson‘s efftusions in the New York Ledger, and says that if it had been sent panied ly“"M W:i:fl led by a piece of fruit or a cord of wood, :t would have been unceremonâ€" lously consigned to the waste paper _ A young man is awaiting trial for forgery hMYnk;mhuhu‘nommmv 4 ma«rried, and in o short a time, poverty which led to his crime. A Kentucky girl says when she dies she desires to have tobacco plantel over her Mtbmdmhhd':{ht dust may be chewed by haor bereaved lovers. There is posetry in the idea, mfungmhuo! sharks haye been Portâ€"ag Parsc®, 12th.â€"A Prossiaa mnâ€" ofâ€"war arrived bere, and the ofticer comâ€" mandiog: her demands the settlement of the German losses occasioned during the revolution. _A French manâ€"ofâ€"war has also arrived, and demands the settlement of the French UGebt. The officers of the country are in acritical state. The minis try have resigned. The United States InGquboxpoudbu. , Waseuswtox, 13.b-'l'ho President h:.‘ been appealed to by a large number property holders andjothers in New OQrleans xmaw under martial law, He has, & \hhsbwd-ya,m-n‘lz of a large number of telegrams on subjsot of the disturbance there. It is doubtful whether martial law will be deâ€" elared or not. The police and militsa will be restrained from interfering with the Legisiature or Courts. Mexicu, Jan. 12. â€"In the Bavarian Chamâ€" bers toâ€"day, the Government in reply to an interpellation"from the Upposition justified its enforcement of the old Catholic Church Quire a number of sharks baye been caught at (Gaiveston, and a tannery has A Swede named Larsen is reputed to be the best billiard player in Europe. Noâ€" body ought to imitate his style of play, for that would be Larseny. ' Among the women arrested for -h:g- lifting during the holid4y season were the wife of a Boston police officer and the wife *Â¥ PRUSSIA. Berurs, Jan. 12â€"A despatch from Vorâ€" eailles inforums the Government that Baron Von Arnim and Count de Remusat toâ€"day cxm ratifications of the customs con recently negotiated at Frankâ€" Ngw York, Jan. 12.â€"A new operatin room of the principal office of the W. lf Telegraph Company, at No. 145 Broadway, baving been completed, .i: transfer was made ye-w:y evening the presence of a number of invited visitors and direcâ€" tors. The <change was made so expediâ€" tiously as not to interfere with the trans mission of messuges. President Urton, in his speech, thanked the officers and emâ€" ployees for the rapidity with which the transfer had been made, and for their efficient discharge of duties umll‘ inâ€" trusted to them, and adding that, with the tante feeling existing in future, he trusted that they could along without any Government h-:ua. The World‘s special from London that it is rumored in the Clubs un:.': separation between Prinice Teck and his wile is imminent cccasioned by the unâ€" faitbfuiness ot the Prince. f of a Troy clergym«n. he4# The North Star, a mixture of l'renchudSwod‘nh. published hh:’l::'- stook county, Maine, is the most northerly paper in the United States. It is reported that Thiers requested Gambetta to discontinue his public adâ€" dresses in the south of France, and a malicsous rumor says it was done at the request of Rismark. _ _ The C::oo :;n:‘twtm dm{:‘. by stunting gro children. A heary porcelain vase is placed over them so as to leave only the hord free. it is remorâ€" ed at night, but repiaced daily till the body ceases to grow. ; burial servieces. . rhereis sound logic in the following Milmmmlfllm w;:duflmdo Bs ‘mer woman 4# ‘me 1‘ He Ageweted, "Bocpuse i hate fellen in i::-':“'.-u. a-‘;.::- & nln-;ucn'in 0 .' m ® 4 "‘Mhmfl-f lymth-z handsomer. &.hwni* me ; go and make love to her.‘ man turned back and u"sm wi::nn ugly face. Being great displeasod, went to thooth,cwo’mn,mduid,'wwmum tell a story® The woman answered, love with you.‘ ‘Neither did you i..k" the truth; for if you are in lové with me, wh’%’m go after another woman t‘ | tive to ported to the Assembly a Bill'pr:vm; for the release o(’nll criminals now confined in the hulks who are not known to be guilty of criminal Rouber, Minister of State, under the empire, is a candidate for the Assembly from Corsicsa. The French Bishops are opposing the computsory â€" Educational Bill. The Bill was introduced in the Assembly by Jules Simon, Minister of Pablic Instruction. The Emperor of Brazil visited the Cherâ€" bourg docks and arsenal toâ€"day. e In ths Nat n I Assembly toâ€"lay Pouâ€" yer Que.iier, Minister of Finance, sub« mitted. the details of his plin for the taxatiom of raw materials. Walewski introduced a Bill providing for a tomporary taxation on houu:.u in order to more y war indemnity and m&" F:.Pnch terri« rory from the cocupstion of the German troopsâ€" > C â€" FRANCKE. Pazts, ‘January 13.â€"The Tanff Bill, subâ€" mitted ‘y Pouyer Querties, to the Assem. bly yesterday imposes the following duties :. Un wool, SUf. per 10 kolorln- mes ; ¢otfton, 4 france ; resin, from 1} to 7 franc«: copper, 15 francs ; cheese, from 15 to 18 france ; hops, 5 france. ir, Scudawore has been appointed Diâ€" rector General of telegraphs of the United Kimngdom. This announcement disposes of the rumours of his retirement from pubâ€" lie service. The Rev. Mr. Walton, who has been on trial at Chatham for the murder of his wite has been fouad guilty. \Junusry: 12*%â€"The number of miners kulled by the explosion in Jakland colliery does not exceed twelre all told. All the missing men aro now accounted for. Such investigatin as has been made so far in dicated that the disaster was caused by ignition of tire damp. . â€" _ *The btrig Jessie Lowe was boarded near Calais on Thursday by some French tishâ€" ecmen and was tound to be abandoned, alihough she was u.gol ound:tion. It is uspacied that a mutiny occurred on board, and that the Captain was murdered and the crew left the vessel to escape the conâ€" sequences. Nothing has been heard of the mep amd it is feared they were drowned. on Canada were not always so promptly or efectmilly checked as tooey might haye been vy the United States authorities. « The Tims this morning, pointing to the cases of the steamers I'Ia:‘n“l‘lomt. and Virginia, says that the A ns, by the :n.;‘h:&f thew own recent experience, must t the suppression of illegal equipâ€" reoénts by b&dn.l dm'b:fio wzlho rebellion was prodigiously difficult. A hint is thrown out that the Fenian raids LoxpI®, Jan. 13.â€"The tenants of the Prinvce of Wales at Sandringham waited on his Royat Highness in a body yesterâ€" day, and congratalated hm on his recorâ€" Laiest bable Telesrams Latest American Telegrams The committee on parliamentary initia BY TELEGRAPH. UNXITED STATEKX Yia Dominion Line. GBEAT BRITAILN ALL SORTS, THE OTTaAaAVWA @‘IMES8, JANUARY is, i1872 jure by, r&mâ€"maw what serves to stimulate appetite may unâ€" happily also incline to congestion, The â€"ame disabilities attach â€" to political meaâ€" mnl.lf Mpm is much n%d':; intelligent m what he has learned to see as *‘the best E:ibh health" â€"of the individual before . He knows that there ure in every system certain accommodations,â€"comproâ€" d-uth_c.“m npbyhtlmod and tacit consen t, â€" reconc. i knows though may over. mt,ndthtomrn.fiamdormt.m system has accommodated itself to these conditions, and a veryâ€"reasonible amount of health has resulted, and he is slow to interfere with what works so well. The taste for quakery is now such, howâ€" ;v:r,h m Mmd ing in the nation must p Â¥ I do not deny there are many things amiss. The tax on incomes might be more equitably adjusted, emigration facilitated to our overâ€"abundant population, the health of different trades more carefully congidered, and the ‘licentious liberties of certaimn professed disturbers of the peace restricted â€"these and other things ullforn:oouou;:dndnu; but what I should insist on that we should think more of the nation itself, and leas of the individual wrongâ€"more of what the man wmbosnuonrn'dlrdbi:-,thnwmm particular organ wi when we proâ€" * Tokn Suitioes m clévating ohn P not a ereed, but it enabled u.m Bonaâ€" the country, that we are never satisficd except when & physic. The men who brought g_&n Reform Bill, at least were statesmen. Errors there were in the measure, and defects, some of them very grave ones; but thera was a serious malady to be treated, and beroic remedies might seem called for. The taste for doctoring, however, grew out of â€"uccess, and hence we have had a whole generation of Quacks, never content till they have discovered a pescunt point, add buguhd.nmody. is no uncommon case to find the sick man, whose digestive orgins have been the subject of wrong treatment, whose liver bhas been stimulated, or whose spieen corrected, declare that although those orâ€" gins may have been hetter, hp himself is debilitaced, and that in the conduct of his mbhom&vm:dunfin activity and energy below t hoh':d’bo.. & Medicines, too, occasionally are found to i eebont i tarke ns y what serves .l‘inlfl's(?»mdumn- l&ige on which great nations could Ldud their destmy; and the perfect fidelity with which Great Rritain would tion by the evidence of that streakf o silver sea that keparates us from lands of trouble and contention. As nfi the : ”W § ww spread of opinion,. and that Efllolm' ism now so rife in Europe, est thiest have ertaken to addres. their minds to u..%omqn- tions which concern labor and capital, and to inquire by what measures a more wideâ€" 8 contentment might be diffused EE::h tln-a'hn':.‘.m How is it, theu, that with all known ~and ad~â€" mimddm:tmtynd !iv:lébomg, we haye. into a condi ur hndoorwhhu mnr.liothi?: our counsel unsought, our alliance unâ€" ecared for? * iana prociaimed it, the of England accepted it, the army mnd fought for it, and the nation taxed itself to miinâ€" tain it, and in acing so asserted traits of character, and developed resources of en â€" durance, courage and determination that plladok(h.d at the head of Europe There were abuses in t:::xrbd. There were rotten boroughs, favoriteism, und acorrupt pension list. There ware scores of things that cannot be defended â€" :r"dolmtw:ddu: them. I would say that, even with these, such was the robust vigor of the nation, that, with fAiws enough to have made any other country unsound and incapable, Englind 'tl:. :‘m enough to uh:ht.ho whole batâ€" and bring wonflict to a -w‘:ng. ' How much of that strong temperament K:'m to us? I would ask now. much have we of the spirit and vigor of the early years of the present century? It one were to choose between the Eoag land of William Pitt and the England of Wiliiam Gladstone, would he not be a very advanced Radical who would select the latter? To this condition of" Malaide imaginaire, have our reformetrs raduced wiswiuguisnea Orauor nas assured us are likely to be so, strengthening the predicâ€" COCOâ€"GLYCERINE nourishes the hair, â€" Buch for many a year back was England. With all those disabilitres that our modern reformers have brought into such promin» ence ; with all those flaws, defects, and shortâ€"comings ; with secret diplomacy, an uneducated army, a do-‘t::‘nz ildma":. 1; Lords, and a soversignty made felt as a power in m‘gu.â€"'ith all these inflodienu of dis t, this country held the first place in Enmpo When one gréat man of an unbridled ambition and unsorupulous . temperament overran the world, this country alone of all Europe refused all compromise with him. â€" This :,nm.ry, sustained by a conviction of uty â€" it matters very little whethor there 'ulo::in that conviction â€" or not â€"â€" that idee du droit that the cratâ€" ty diplomatist affected to have . disâ€" covered somewhat late in lifeâ€"that idee du droit was there. The Ministers of Engâ€" land prociaimed it, the people of â€"England Uf all ty pes of hopeless discontent, there is not one to compare with the hypochonâ€" driac. ‘The man who insists on being dan gerously ill while he eats heartily and sleeps soundly, and with every semblance orvi?uoubodthlhom him, is familiar to us all ; and I am not quité sure but that our real ills in life are borne with more pitience from our contemtion of his mock sufferings and causeless complaints. Uf one thing at least we are assuredthere may by possibility be many thing amiss with him, but they are not such as prevent him from occupying a very rosrouiblo position in life, and fulfilling its obligations: with credit and ability, _ l §# There is no question about it whatever. gn “d:ll.h mtfnll.“oi of p-l-.lrifcction w\::lg very machinery so ni adjusted that the working involved neither noise nor jarâ€"where every wheel revolve:. freely, and every piston played smoothly â€"where there was power for every possiâ€" ble requirement, and no strength wasted â€"and where, by same mervelious ingenuâ€" ity of construction, even emergencies were provided for, and contingencies anticipated, in a way that piety alone prevents us from characterising -rwl- dential. But is all this attainable? is it within our reach ? have we ever heard of it in any age, or seen it in any peoâ€" ple? ernment can be discovered in which there will be neither flaw nor tfi sure ; where all the directing minds wi‘l be able, honest, and farâ€"seeing ; all th subordinates faithful, trustworthy, * and industrious ; and the whole rema«inder of the nution contented and prosperou«. BY CORXELICS o‘powp, When Swift once *ebuked soms one who was angry with his servant by saying, ‘You capnot have all the v.rtues under the sun for twentyâ€"pounds a year,‘ be utâ€" tered a truth that was capable of yvery wide applicatiog. It is in this pursuit of ‘all the ~virtues under the sun‘ that our modern reformers have launched upon this osean of boundles= change; it is under the notion that some fashion of gorâ€" ernment can be discovered in which England was then a word to con« OUR QTACKS, ‘The St. Catherines Journal gives the fo} lowing editorially.â€"* Bots are now freely oftered and taken in this town that before three months thé Globe will be found in opposition to the‘ Blake ministry The time, we imagine, is placed a little too short. For several years, so long as Mr. Brown received $8 per day as Secretary of the Pniun% Commissioners, the G@labé was the most slavish &pologist of the Goâ€" vernment of the day, and did not cease to ihen. again, our oonumpon? was~ for eighteen monthsâ€" the organ an apologist of Sir John A Macdonald and George H. Cartier, but when the Hon. W. P. How. land,.in place of the Hon. George Brown, was nflu&g‘d to go to Washington, it boit« a trade gone elsewhere. Itis admit. that there is no: want of | capital in Maine State, or indeed a wara't.{ of skilled .labor, â€" But the: skipbuilders of New Brunswick have learned how to turn out firstâ€"class ships at a much legs cost than their American neighbours, and accordingly the trade has almost:entirely B-d over to St. John and its vicinitw. ew Brunswick is now prosperous in its shipbuilding intercsts and this prospérity has, of course, a healithy influence on other branches of trade.: Meanwhle it behoves the shipbuilders of New Brues wiok‘u: use every effort to llll’limdn their present prosperous position. by attracting capital to their State, by obtaining the Hoent Sud . the | grokt. Auglnh Iniildng ent the 1 ilding yards of the Clym‘nd ’lg:e, and by inâ€" ducings the Dominion Government to assist, if dpoulbb, in promoting the proâ€" gress and ‘prosperity of our ship.building interests, be the organ of Mr. Hincks until that tleman refused to liquidate or do any. fi. with Haldimand :\oofion expenses, Duke to l-lumpl‘mdlg consists of a heavy gold band with numerous mmms shaking hands, and then bace over her right shoulder until she reached the door of the »wina room. Bhe gocs away with the imperial likeness indelibly photographed upon her memory. The Dn{u:. conversed with those about,him duri pump handling, and tried not l:::.gond. But he was evidently someâ€" what annoyed, in spite of his good nuture. The propensity of the Maritime Provinâ€" ses ofthe Dominion compared with the decadence of Maine State excites the envy ofall Americans, who endeavor to cast the whole blame of the present poor condition Oof trade in their maritime state upon the United States Government, whosp policy *they maintain is a blow to every maricime state in u‘un Union. While St.h John is building firstâ€"class vessels by the ‘dozen, Maine succeeds in launching ouly two or three ships yearly, angd t{no-e ofâ€" small tonnage. Portland, Bangor and . other places which formerly did ‘a flourishing tradeâ€"in shipbuilding and ‘ repairing, now find their yards empty and the shipbuildâ€" ed. Mr. Blake may, b ious supplies of "pap,‘‘ be able to L:?u- Globe in tone until the dog days, bat after that, look out for an increase in the Opposition press. What will the Hamilton 7Â¥ xes and The Prince of Wales went out on Mon day for the first time since his illness. soript. He was rewarded with rather an energetio + No. 1 . thank you!‘ A sickly young man, desiring a shake, adâ€" vanced when Alexis was talkinf with a gentleman batide him. The extended palm was not seen, but the young gentlenian, bound t6 lay that shake up in his memory. kept it in position untul His Imperial Highness turned and acknowledged the mmplimm. The progress of the atic multitude was about three a second when at the fastest. ‘It was estimâ€" ated that nineâ€"tenths of the ladies shook hands. â€" About oneâ€"tenth of the gentlemen were honored in a similar manner. About one in five hundred of the ladiessaid, ‘How do you do?‘ > The rest simply elevated their eyebrows and touched the imperial palm. The ladies who did: not shake walked stiffly by, most of them with a supercilious look, and without the slightest flexion of the spine or inclinationâ€" of the head forâ€" ward. Not more than one ‘in. tmi-:i:o of the men had the grace to bow. y of them did not even lsok at the Duke. An ancient lady, ‘jprofusely wrinkled, Gustave Dore is said to have produced more than fortyâ€"five thousand designs without assistance. Thiers is desoribed by an American genâ€" tleman, who saw him on the 10th ult . as tieman, who h.:lo' him on the lmhmnlt: as "looking as apd hearty as the Pope yrm_pmguomcwmm Jo ht of England, is still in retireâ€" mon:mm is improving so much that before long ho will return to, public COCOâ€"GLYCERINE â€" some hing new for the hair s genoy ?" men. Colonel Beattie, formerly »ecretary of the Board ot ‘I‘rade, desirad a personal introduction, in order that heâ€" might thank Alexris . for some statistics once sent officially to the Board. He obtained his wish, and after the briefest poszible conâ€" versation, was twirled sround by the imâ€" perious Drake, and politely re_guuted to move on. He moved on. The young man with the huge nutogr:Eh book walkâ€" od by in the procession with it under his arm, 'lo(dnnnf to present it: An elderâ€" x individu« more â€" presumptuous this timid young man, thrust writing materials into the face of: His Hi‘hfunl‘ and wanted a specimen of his pen J to be standing, or as curionty vurned within them, and impelied them forward. Alexis shook hands with all; the ladies seemed dazed by the imperial splendor, but shook hands and bent the spinal column with all the grace they could at fthe â€"moment comma®. ‘The dressing was not gaudfi;{. â€"_Black silks were the prevailing material of the costumes. There was not the slightest efftort at osten. tatious display, Those ladies who could afford it wore costly dresses, but seemed to study simple elegahce. OL course, Alexis expected little of Chicago in the way of finery, and was not disappointed. One lady wore a pretty opera cloak with cherry colored trimming overa black sitk. Mrg. Cyrus McCormick wore a black silk trimmed with pumerous rutlles of the same, and an elogant lace shawl. Miss Bhields, Mrs, McoCormick‘s niece, attractâ€" ed general atiention, her generalâ€"style of dress being the: as her aunt‘s. A stylish lady, w-' & ruirâ€"coloured silk, with flounces of the same, was very erâ€" ally observed. No efftort was mlg:u to. introduce peeple by name. The endless trains seemed to _ stretch out until ~â€"â€"the â€" crack of dojm. A large number of boys were preâ€" sent, with most of whom Alexis shook hainds as they passed. It wa:s a source 6f infinite amusement to those notâ€"passing through the crucible, to watch the angular ‘ movements and anxious expressions of the recipients of imperial f:vors. ‘I‘wo or three visitors were »ixâ€"footers, and, in a physical sense, fairly looked down upon Alexis. Some memn offered their dirty palms as awkwardly as they knew how, and got a faint pressure, and a scarcely perceptible shake. Some passed looking up into his tace with a sort of idiotis simper.° Some passed without looking at bim. Some didn‘t seem to know when they reached him. Fernando ~Jounes walked past with his hands in his pockets, desiring to show that he was one of nature‘s own nobleâ€" ‘The people began to file in andless proâ€" cession before the imperial visitor. No particular order of precedence was obâ€" served. FPeople came along as they hapâ€" description of the late levee: held in thit city by the Grand Duke Alexis, and deâ€" scribes the style of handshaking indulgad in by the democratic croud : The COCO GLYCERINE removes ALEXIS AT CHICAGO A Chicago ;nrr gives n very soription of the late levee: helr MAKING UP THE BOOKs$, Advertiser do in such an emer A CONTRAST PERSONAL, very readable «+ held in thit YVossel, for the delivery of »il and supplies to the Light Houses above Montreal, the charter to commence at noon on Snd July next, at such p«rt of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as miy be designated by this Department. 'i\o none, sizo, age, horse power and description of th» vessel to be specified in the tender. A bulk suw should be na ed for the perform= an. eofthe service,‘ 0; the ra.e at which the vess! is offered per mouth at the option of the department, P MITCHELL, Ministâ€"rot Marine and Fisberics, LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSBIP , oF HUNTLEY. The subscriber is instructed to offer for sale by private contract for a short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be m:;:u Auction, of which due notice ven. Wutgslf of Lot ‘To. 3 in the "Tth Conâ€" cession, : Township of Huntley, One Hundred Aores, North East half Lot of No. Qin the 10th Concession, Huntley, One Hundred STEAM VESSEL T â€"mders will also be received, as above sta‘d, tor the charter of a suitable Steam The Oil is required to be nonâ€"explosive at a vapor‘test of 110° Fabrenbeit, must burn Mlllndyr without smaoking, until entirely conâ€"umed, and not crust the wick, and must be tree from ali deleterious substances It is also required to have a specific gravity of Beaume, at a tamperature of 68° Fabrenheit. A sample of a quart to sccompany each Ten«â€" der, The Lands are principally timbered and will ba sold cheap. 7. Title Freehold and Terms Easy. : Apply to A. ROWE,â€" Ottawa, January 12. Aik@MMwkotherms:s‘" [ ==~ (â€"zâ€"Collection at the close of each ser. Â¥ice for Mission Fund. * A Aores. For sale‘a Second Hand &ngb Cutter with Folding Seat in Back.. As good as new. Ap’}yw s W EELERK®XAN ... ;. /; â€" ANNIVERSARY MISSIONARY MEETING Will take place on MONDAY, the 15th of January.. Doors open at Sev P. m. Chair to bohhnbyl.l.lldym., M. P.r., at 7:30 isely, when addresses wiil be delivered by Rey, We Hall, M . 4 " John Todd, M. A.; A. A. Cameron, B lane, Wm. Stephenson, the Hon. J. C. Derartuext or Marix® & Fisnsares, | Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 Rea‘ed Tenders will be received at this Department, up to n~on of Friday, the 9th day of Febr«ery next, for the supply, in bond § of the undermention«d quantitl s of the best quality,of standard white râ€"fnei Petroleum Oil admit a lady and .-nuemsn&"ls ots. Can be had :f.::: m:dmborzofm :mitm and ste and at the s By.order. WM. MILLS, Secretary, W. R. TUBMAN, Ass‘t.â€"Sec. God Save the Queen. Ottawa, Jan. 12, 1872 1868td AT THE RINK MUSIC HALL, THURSDAY EVENING NEXT, 18th â€" JANUARY. Ticketsâ€"Single, 50 cents. Double (to admit a lady and gentleman) 75 cts. Can De Doors open at 7:30. Concert to com mence at 8 o‘clock, precisely. _ Grand â€"Concert On TUEBSDAY, the 16th instant, a LECâ€" TURE will be delivered .by WM. J. PATâ€" TERSON, Eeq , of Montreal, Secretary of the Dominiou Board of ‘Trade, on the abore topic, in the Congregational Church, commencing at 8 pm _ Admission 25 cents, January 15. 18713. 1870 2 187 2, No PIGWH. :s <.% x;Â¥ ai1% +s rs+s41+ + Wonden Plows............... ... .10 to ~ fiorse Hot#::.......:%:..~./.«/1... Y 10 Fotnto Digior.s.;..:i;:.:.....24%.. ... . Coru;PInBIGEG«+: .: @11 .+Â¥ rl +2« +.:. +; .1 norso BRaket.«...«:..«.s:t.‘,â€"*+s 10 to All other articles at corresponding prices . WX ABBOTT. Ja_uary 15, 18723 [ AGRICULTURAL _IMPLEMENTS At the Ottawa Agency, Market Square. Ditching NHkéRino â€"...». . ...« ..« > BL6O0 finnin/Drills 2.;:2. . ..%;1 :i s+as6 six+«~ 10 CuItlFAGHONE . ........... ..... ...« ... 80 Reaping Machines from ........$190 0 140 Mower do do reassessiss TD $ _ BO Threshing Machines from...... .1i0 to 1,000 tawing Machines $75â€"withattachment.. 80 Fadniug Mill«®.‘"..",................... 22 ‘Futnip Outter :.; .. ... ..:..â€" ... >..28 10 35 Cirnth _ UOIUShOE :.:. .. .:...~~+1s:+30 40 35 Teom HMAWOWks %,i...........}.2.:...... 1J % 6 JOBIPBBHN&:I,;' Ottaws, Jan. 123th, 1872, 18 Oitawa, Jan, 10: Quadrills Party T, GEORGE 8 SOCIETY. Ooi10k. IGHTHOUSE SEnvICE, ds ce L t io thcmmme us p ie hn nds OTI BE RIZE LI8T HE REVOLUTIONS OF THE LAST HALFâ€"CENTURY. Ariiarirri1« * . :aws «.28 10 vx+s +ss is +++‘sa‘s s +22200 80 »............... ## 6 a 666# + % B+..lseer. +s ....... .10 to e es es es anrana se ees T 1( # 6 4 8 6 # + ooo.tb't-v;'-'-o ‘. AND oF 187 2. 1869tf . .10 to ~15 ++« I to £ kx3 A+*++ UB ++> +« 1808 .. L0 to 30 18681f 80 22 35 35 13 30 â€"| in town. Terms easy. ‘No better opportunity was eyer offered " ‘tokny man wanting to go into business for Address Box 39, Almonte P. O. Ottawa, January 4 1871. _ 1862 11. ocnditions of Contract, and Forms of Tender, : can be seen on and after the 22nd JANU. ABY'hu:','(.:’h: Le ‘.l.c":‘ 62, St. of es Legge, E q., No. 16%, in $ieg boens " asd: rs will> be réveived marked ut the ofice Of D. A. Mavion 1d President of the Compauy, Alexandria, Glen» ‘n:y,u&to the 6th dâ€"y 0: February next. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, * D. A. MaACDONALD, President M & 0.0. J. Ry. Alexandrin, 10th Jaruary, 1872. 1868tf The 8th Aurcal G:ana Bull of the Queen Fire Company ‘ri1 be helid on TUESBAYX EVENING, Janua y 16, 1872%. at the 8t Patric«‘s Hall and Canadian Lnstitute: Mariet‘s Q ‘adrille Bund will be in attend~ _ _ T;Hders are invited by the Sisters of Charity for the bailuing of a Stone Wing, 120 feet long and 40 féet wide, to their Convent de Notre Dame du Sacre (Ccour on Rideau Street.. Necessary informasion will be given at thâ€"ir Convent, corper uit ussm x and Bolton RATES OF ADVERTISING : W'M"toi --lc--‘so ““ ufik& a # bae t o # 4e al n en s# en e + z‘ mt.‘l‘.. t# 4 6 w# sn n » 25 m “ -........'....OC 20 Inside front cover, 1 page.............. 18 do do i pege a:â€"11:«:«:..... 10 . Go back cover 1 page..,.......... . 15 do _ do i PMEUnâ€"rens vix.., . 8 W coloredâ€"paper.......... . 12 otiook, a. An..,... L page.... 9 do . do do. .:; page.... 5 Ead of Bock white paper 1 page........ 8 do ‘ © & o. . LBWEs.«â€".«..... 4 Ottawa Addressâ€"Union Hot:1, cor of Eig‘n and Queen ‘ Strects, @General office, 15 8t. Lambert, Montrea!. Ottawa, Jan. 11, 18 72. Ven#ing to commence at 8 o‘clock. Ottawa, Jan 11, 1872. 1 Tul LADIES The Bishop‘s Chapel, Irtend baving a SA _E of 4 USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES their Rm CHANCE. To be let for a term of years, the BELLEVUE GARDENS, Holl, t.l{e proprieâ€" tor being desirous of retiring on account‘ of poor. _health. Enquire â€"at the Wriont House, Hull JOSEPH DEY, The last week in February, _ . For the purpose of paying off the debt on Managers cordially invite all Clergymen -:1 Mdflu institution to be present on their organ. o s i 5s Contributions will be thankfully received by the ladies of the congregation. Anpual Meeting of the Corporation of the Crphan‘s Home, ot Ottawa, will be beld in the Webster Hall, on WEDNESDAY, the Is hut’ygv-“t: Di.ectors of tlis Compan prepared to receive tenders for the constiuction of the 1in*; Cevering $30,.000 worth of Watches, Â¥ewing Machines and Partor Org:ins of the American weekly pc&n. while they are 50 per cent dearer. mpare them, .til:xl: you will at once send in your snbscripâ€" » Â¥ A Ten Dollars Engraving for Two Dollars and a year‘s subscription to the best paper in America thrown in free. The paper will be nandsomely illustratâ€" e1, and no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in every family as a most entertainâ€" ing and instructive paper v Bample numbers sent free on applicaâ€" *ion, with club terms _ Other new Novels by the most eminent writers will be secured, and printed from advance sheets. JAMES GREENWOOD, "The Amateur Casual," will contribute papers on . SCENES 1N THE LONDON STREETS. The celebrated American humorist MARK TWAIN will contribute original sketches, And in addition to our long list of great literary names we shall have The new American poet Joaquin Miller, the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane Ingelow, Rev. Dr: Norman Mcâ€" Leod Editor of ‘Good Words,‘ & Alexander Dumas, Erckâ€" mann,. Chatrian, &c. ‘ The present features of the paperâ€"The Gardeners‘ Column. Household Column, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books, M <rket Reports, Wit and Humour, Sâ€"ientific Intellijence. Literary Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &c., &c., &c.â€"will be eontinued ; and in addition A CHILLDREN‘8 CURNER will be added, in which will be E:bl.nhed #delightful story by Rev. Charles i~gsley, M. A., Chaplain to Her Maejesty, entitled "IThe Water Babies." The Hearthstone gives more and better reading matter, for a smaller sum, than any other paper in the world. It is supeâ€" rior, in every point, to the most popular A new story by Miss Braddon, entitled COLONEL BERRYON‘S ENTANGLEMEXNT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great authcress. A New Story by Victor Hugo relitive to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled THE TERRIBLE YEAR! published by special permission of the auâ€" thor, and transluhg_f; this journal. _ _ _ will contain, for&)S;lz. the following new features in addi to those found in it at present, rendering it the BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA The â€" Hearthstone ! $10 ENGCRATING EIVIN AWAY AlflndidGroooryswu,Menlyfor le, in that rapidly growing ‘Town of monte; Stock complete and the best Wnrnh wi‘l be furn‘sbed b. Mr. 12 Jan. RAND BALL AN." 16. BUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEAR, REAT CHANCE FOR aNYONE D +BIBING TO CO INTO BUSINESS. Ottawa, January 10, 18732, ~" 180 3 TTAWA DIRECTORY, OTIE 10 BUULWLDERS. _____ GEO, E. DESBARATS, Propriet« Ottama, Jan 8, 1872 1864 Apply to ONTREAL & CITY OF OTTAWA _ JUSCTION y Splendid â€"Prize List, SPLENXDID RAILWAY COMPANY. , and a carefully compiled Street THE GBEAT CANADIAX WEEKLY y 1812. published by . CHERRIER & ptriediatis esn cadii ) 1 > together with the i _ LADIES and CHILDREX® Bopion m Forms of Tender, : 187 2«â€"7 3; ao ns vet ++ + . » . $30 # # be G e en s 4 e e e " We Â¥4 w e 6 n + + ... 25 in €6Â¥+ 4 Â¥x¥« «++ 20 win uies awee ae e e l‘ ...‘....‘...-. l. .,.vpc.. b#@ e * s * 15 #.--... # #% a * » . w“""""' 12 Cxsqhy L @iyge.... $ â€" . i4 page.... 5 -l page........ 8 ELLEN ROSB. lo65td 18652 JAN. 16. 1867¢d BLACK BILKS, from 75e. to $120, ts “m;‘_&!eip.énfiqmufi'-. ~__ T.EUNTON, 80ON 4& 00 mmnna. 28, 5‘:1. imly No toilet table should b wit out coco-ewcsnmfl“ as new , for sale A Â¥oUnG s0oToOHMAE, â€" 26) is desirous of securing a" Omhom.h. !--‘“r situation ‘x‘-bodnd) during the years. _ Address 8. Q U., Trum OMc%, Fine Colors in Roman Syuar64, _ per bottle. B@LONDON MADE DRESS MREFRENCA APPLIQUOE Porter‘s Block and Matem SILKS, EV ENING GOOD MITTENS8, T. Hunton, ] Son & C WOOL TIES, Temporary Premjse An assortment of FANCY Coopg! FAKCY _ WOUR Honiton, 2,000 20d hand 2 Â¥uabdl Gisit Shs MIAH.â€"~â€"..: MclGinnons uARun,‘!!fi: . pttuwa‘ Dec. 5, 1871. Christmas Presems _ AG 1 MILLINERY, vw.-!n-IvJ"n. v'“w Oftawa, Jan 5, 1871 * 18616 Ottawae, Jan 6, 1872 NImOvnhâ€".h ult [ Bomitan, Mafery, Brissely, Rosk® E. ... |, SETTS axpo « I@*In all the New Coluring & LTA W L. Are shewing Novelties in 4 Thnawor rues Exrarss." Maltegse LACES. â€" Are now showing RUFFLES, SUITARLE Por Irish Poit McMorgy A ND 20, h.l“ COLLARsS, #4 wC . 0-“& n o l Miree ce S ce sn *I-. . /~~..~ tance of the posi * ed to, but the . We consider Ald every way well « , , . . duties of Chief C ® 'u-tatiu‘bnc oSm«lOVerywhere. 1t ftme # of W ArC 81 . Over #4 sbinth.b,gh.,‘ was presented w1 “Nplidhhiu He assured the happy to visit the on that occasion : t3 them, but to a lady whose -‘:i:; TTemidg@ was a } World, the instit was conducted Mhmw M“u.‘ they so quickly a tions of their lad foundress of the Institution. celebration ‘of an iy so when you :’uthmuJ Friday last was gregation de °NX m~.4 nifested a portion of the ; now ask is zim rights should no ings injfured. Tt Lberel qll along transactions wi city, ‘plé jublice that presentatives : of time occupy« to counteract i Fully one t French tellow ci industrious, and community ; th of the Gazette, advocating the the Council o day, and will Board in all will House when the CONGREGATI Council. We . vacillation and bers is such tha know his duty Oglvie, Esq., : Rimner, Esq., J Patterson, Se Board of Trade and put up a His Lordship case was adjou the Board, M. We teel forcibly takir Butler‘s house abusively. and the other We always Pouics C« men were ch Dow:x10® annual meeti above Com House, Toron February nex ing the lect n perbmh‘l; hard $4 to $5 , yOTE oF 1f ing of the * «) held on the 6t passed to the 1 tor the liberal veded to the d Forerat.â€"‘ McDougall to ing. His re grave by a lar menced to bl: Arroixtur® Mr., E. Armst expedition to ed Sherif of W earuer. the weather at noon toâ€"da; will take plac Mortaurt® during the p: e‘even. We are not & contury a Beef from position of" ‘ple & brilli Bevent shou! It is at

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