aÂ¥4. b 14 ""» i » ® I beg most respectinliy to acquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May last 1 cansed the business at 80 Maiden Lane Noew York, for the sale of Molloway‘s Pille and Oht-nlb'mm uy to that time prepatred by Willianeâ€"Brown, % now doceased, to be closed. ‘Thess Medicines wers, l regreat to say, from what has lately come to my kno«#ledge, made up of sach vrery erdinary ingredients as to render them a)most worthless, and therefore calculated to damage -yp-d-;. Those who mvflbb'rnlw ouying spurious -&hï¬' are now M.“-b from &ko.:toho- . _ where, to possess themsetren of | ~ & _| Ime Holloway‘s Plils and vsl..;‘ well to see that cach pot and .t‘ - .. British Government stamp on which is on graved the words "Hollowap‘s Pills and Otntâ€" % went, and that the address on the label is 5233, Orford streâ€"et, London, where only they arse manufactured, and in no other part of the world, The retail prices are on the labels in Ma--q,m-ul-dou-undfl' No representative of mine will srar travel through any part of the British Proevinces, or the Duited States, cith r to sell or to take erders tor my rills and Ointment, and as ! % son to beli«ve that attempts will very s};‘ be made to deceire the public in way calling upon medicine tor me, and with my knowledge and ““:d“hdvhbh.:.flm’-“ en r‘n’ deceptions, 7’é=wu‘m h':.: ® "The public Interest, to communicate the ATIVE PILLS, confirmed by sizty years‘ experience to be one ~the best alterative msdicine« over somâ€" ‘whmhm“-‘fl in bhe: eperations. They form a «nd superior tamily aperient, that may be taken at all times without confdnanement or ~ change of diet. Bold in Boxes at 131d4., 28. 94 , 48. 64.,11s hr ABitionu Sales every Tuesday and Friday mornings, at 10:30 o‘clock, where partics having goods to disp so of will find it to wheir acvantage to send chem in tho. even. ing before. Bales in country places, cither in Ontarlo Mp-mlymudn. JOHN MACDONALD & SON, Auctionser And Genesal Commu,sion, House formerly occupied ty the Gorerame =anl s the mm-; Hospital, 'lh.: they bave thoroughly refitted and painted, and now fee} conftdent that they are in posseasion of one of the largest and beat situated room sin the Dominion, where they will pay pasticular sattention to Auction SBales of * $Rx> friencs and customers in the city and vicinit;, fTot their past patsonage, bey to inform the public geâ€"nerally, that they have ju&co- o _plo!: o fnpiinke Harke f ant dn _ esd arrunyemeuts for the leasing (at a large Plna;‘lcx.nucu.wloox.. Mr E A HARINGTO® (Worcester College, Orxford), late A-hun(:uu of Trinity Colloge School, Port Hope, intepds openiag the above on the 1st September nest. High testimonials and reler noes can be given both in Ottawa and elsewhere, For turther parâ€" Mousmmee, apply to umrmlo& until the l0th lnst. After that date, at buildings near the Market Sqaare, on York Oxrford to Strand “Mflf‘ :!!t“l‘.."" ) Mou, the informant‘s name aevor being 88â€" M"::::.i’u'-“ hvo~r-bhlbn deceived by buying â€" udumu:h:'ou to soend me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of sizx:â€"câ€"nts in posta«e), one of the books of instractions which are afized to the same. 1 promise to examine it, and seawdt a repiv, stating whether T imidke io ay cppHf io the pore hoi may â€" ow " hom be puohassd Ihats to bare his mosey astitute prococâ€"dings agaiist such evilâ€"doers, and I engage to remanerate very handsomnely «ny person who may give me such informaâ€" In the public Interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they mot be defranded of their money by porâ€" :h'-lhlnlhmduudï¬o.-‘o P would ask, as a great favour, that should It come to the knowledge of any person that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the particulars he can cuollect reapecting the 2ame, .‘.bï¬m name and add: ces of the veador «ho selling the spurious mediâ€" «ines, and likewise the name and address of the House in the United States, or clsowho ¢, which may beve : upplied them, sas s1s0 on» ibl+ me, for the protection of the public, to oures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles. Bizx to eight applications cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inffamed Breast. _ One bottle has cured Lame Back of cight years years says : "I have hall of a 50 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if I could get .ld-'bho of N N.Y., writes O, «£4 "Oue small bottle of ,..“i‘:&... Oil reâ€" stored the volce where the person had not spoken above a whisper in Five Yeart" Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writ«s; «Your Il-ctiuï¬mduthOu Week,"* all over the country say ; "We have never sold a medicine that has given such complete «atisfaction as this, standing. Duurmt,.ln.-lu‘,:h- County, Pu,, says: "I went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, â€"which eAected a Wonâ€" derful Cure ot a Crooked Limb by six applilâ€" cations."* _ Another who bas had Asthma tor It in compos»d of Six of the Best Oils that are known. Is as good to take as for «xtâ€"raai use, an< is believed to be immeasurabiy supe= rler to anything ever made. _ Will save you mach sufing and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place, Price 25 conts. Prepared by 8 l!.‘l'flOlï¬Mn!!, and NORTHGUP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., doles Agen:s for the Dominton. _ Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is the cheapest Medicine ever made, One dose cures common Sore Throat, One bottle has eured Bronchitis. Fility conts worth has cared an scorbutilc +ruptions, and pimples in the face .n-ihron-.unl-h,mh-. kc , &e. ï¬dp'mmd..a.n.,u.u.,m..u 222. each ; and his €0O THE PMPLJC OÂ¥ THE BRITISH PRO VTNCEKS OF NORTY AMERICA. Thomas‘ Ecleciric Oil! Worth Ten | b’qfln%hâ€hfl itbhuynz“ PILULZL ANTI SCROPAEULE OR ALTER Mwnou!.wngnoutoou_ YORK STREET, John Macdonald & Hon K B â€"Private pupile will be taken in the Ottawa, Nov 3, 187* K v #1, 1871 CELEBRATED OINTHENT, n m Prepared only by BEACH AND HARNICOTT, Bridport, Dorse:, England, and sold by all Medicine Vendors, 1 CAaUTIOLX! : Â¥* Cne or two bottles 667 im 1811 patrons a choice assortment of BVOKs and othey Goods suitable for _ ; CHRISTMAS AND NEW XBAR‘S GIFTS. (Illdfl“‘ e *~"*" «# Ottawa, December 18, 1971 Â¥. N Eea, or to :_%fl_,?‘gmm““ rwv HKats Asp, ciars: Are now very complete, embraci: that is new + _ ENGLISH and ty OPPosITE THE OLD staAND We A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSON & CO., &mn‘.‘:‘ry Classtried | ,g,‘\}:T \ia~)~ ®C compounded, most 6 * ; searching curative in M| and 1@ ') M x monot help but act on the system inav :y ~ + ‘; wstistactory and desirable mannet. ..Au.atâ€" /. . ,& 3 YÂ¥ $» A 4 tor what of hom long |> =~ yBA t 4\‘_9 standing, it will and astonish w m [ ;. *a you by the rapid you i aper ;) .00 Lo 144 Lo Mmthd.-lhl“m ; as = This is pleasant and safe to take, m -‘hâ€"ï¬:fl’-y positi rely" be‘re=p~" !* ‘\Cure otf Bronchitis disenate of the Thront, Lange, Lipcr, Ridue7e > ‘ Smithdeiq. â€" the various Diseases, Humore," and mmml became affiicted u% of the Biood, | with which lasted about cightsen m'."m'. breath that it was very difficult tor me to and containing Testimonials and Cert fcates the clothes off and raising !n the in t be obtained by securing the | b9d {0 â€";’:’:.:::“"“' S veR + Treatine, Hand Book, or the Almanac and most sicians in the County oneslass how any impyacinble Drhggista ts | of Nortbumberiand for about a year, without Price of Remedy in large Pink Bottles. $1 OO m"h....-?l-‘-‘.:.-q-oo- †Bwu uu‘.;-'rn Uhotse Lots, with com on, in Rochesterville. Fotr particulars and erms apply on the premises to W G OHAPâ€" which we wili the Extracts of Wild Oherry , Juai Quassia, Smartwood, Hyoscyamu, Compound Extract or Colocyuth, Jailap, Soco, time Aloes, Capsicum, &c., 4¢,) which enteg ol â€" yelh y canny tw i ppttgeâ€" ue Py the World has ever heard of. NK ‘h:: annale of Canadian MÂ¥#ical History baÂ¥ woâ€"! C naatrees, Ock 45. 1 Oct, 26, 1871 aimpty banwiod rno Mhmirock vepridte acitse A large stock of the above will be kept con stantly on hand to sait purchasers. RIDEAU , 0 ite the Toea P U’I'I‘AP\“A..I °5 Meszrt Roous. Jaxss Kariy. Norv. 21. 1871. 1830â€"3m Returns his sincers thanks to tho public: Ottawa, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him since bis commencementin business, Ne hopes by good workmanship and reae sonable charges, to ensure a continuance of thâ€" same. % t i‘s n RIDEAC BTREET, k. Near Division Court Office. That the Ganznar Snoswoxzes Hexsprt aso Puis, of the exsinent indian Medicine Han, Doctor LEWIS JO8SEPFPHUN, of the Orest ‘Tribe of N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Street, Roche & Kelly, PLOMBEXS, CASFITTBRS, WI_’ & CLEMOW, Barristers and Attornpeysâ€"atâ€" Law, Solioators in Chanoer;, ANWMMWMT@M Ottawa, March 28, 1008 _ «; 1j JA t BB pnipl.‘l. -'“ï¬)hj. « 338 NRideau Atrsot Plain and Ornamental Kagrayor, Corner otf W Streots, over James Hope & Visiting Cards eagrared and printed on the Norv. 21, 1871. Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 Prociaim the Glad Tidings HAUDIEXE JTEAX MILLT: _« BELL MANCERS, &c. tion of Work in our line nmhd, and personally THE SIGN CF THE BOOK ' ha Tt o os,. ($0 Rparikkstreck. 1OHN ROCHESTER & Co. * rl!nn:.‘-)q x wad met4 a 1BA . RARSAY, Introduction of sars ri 16207 18 13tf 1805tt 92, u9 a dzouz:x aus! Ite ¢4 P ersnus ol foreign birth are entitled to the ‘venefit of the Homestead Law, on declaring their intention to become citisens of the United States, and muy avail themselves of this proviaion immediately after their arrtval. Bend for the new edition of descriptive pamphist, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" Aows of OuÂ¥ernment Land between Omabha and Nocth Platte,open for entry as Homesteads T P j 3,000,000 Acres of COhoice Farming and Ormmssing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Platte Â¥Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are in a mild and health climate, and for grain growing and .J raising, unsurpassed by any in the United Prices from $2 to $10 per acre. b Broockiys, April 5th, 1870. J C Chamberlain, Rs3, This is to certit}f that y wife was rery low with Lung Discase. The Doctor bad given her up. He said her lungs were tubergled, and medicine could not help her. u.umt:â€"nm of the Great Shoshonees| y. At the expiration of two days ber symptoms were decidediy better. â€" She continaned to improvre so apidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the contiouâ€" ance of the reaffedy shoe was perfectly restored those elmilarly afflicted. j On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of es 12,000,000 aCRES of the BEST FARMIEG +and MINERAL LANXDS in AMERICA. .dh.:hnsn time '"‘7:'" m“lhcldh‘ and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. 1 tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County .‘no:vh‘ h:'uxm.'uo any n faot gotâ€" a.......m'.“.."!*_. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshonees Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about Anished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had â€"taken three JOHN SILYER, Bworn before me at SmitbhAeld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. J MÂ¥ WELLINGTON,) P WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEAS bottles, to satisfaction, I found Ml-::.;oll:{mlh‘hum ous to my iliness and have been so ever Otta«a, peptembper 6, 1870 rgfloun’s MEDiCOâ€"GALYANâ€" I STEM in so extensive and varied, that t Aorcibly points to this invention as the mo o!r. universal remedy. ue . B.â€"â€"The following testimony from man Fnglish medical faculty has been hi the unudersigned, have much pleaâ€" «o “:‘h‘w that Mr, J. L. Posrsm» @ wacura‘s 1mprovements in his Voltale * Batteries and \taivanic Arplhlo. : * Medical Purposes Lre of mportance " Sclentifc Medicine; ‘mh is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of @ real and useful progress, # Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. t SIR CH ARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M . D., F. R. 0. P. , SIB HENRY HOLLAND, Bart, I..? Ls ‘ bIR WÂ¥ FERCUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. EDWr.U. SIEKYVERLING, M. D., M.8.0.8. ‘ 8l}J BANALD MARTIN, F. 8. 0.8." ULYVERMAUAERS SY8STEM is also ap nev »1 by an uwfticial report of the Aca de + de WMedicine, Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" y of Vienoa, and its curative virtues are conâ€" firmed by thousands of private testimenials of curesefected. (See pamphlet gratis). Thase facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himsel{ of this scientific and curative progress, to which the invrentoo has devoted a lif«â€"time of study and labour, 1 an ardent deciple of that great benelactor of raankind, the late illustriouns electrician Moonams Faraor. _ k . 200 Regent Street, London, W Full particulars may be had from the Bole Adouts, _ A. CHRISTIE 4& Co,, DRUGGISTS, & ::-‘:h‘, Nervounsness, &c, 121 to 308 roonuztln‘oa'un BAND for Dm. â€" ~~ Paral epay, General rng:dnnu:ri. &c., 308 to 508. A complete Set of COMBINED UHAIN BA XDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Peendo Kleotric Belts advertised by PULYEAMACHER‘S YÂ¥EDICOâ€"GALYANK. IC CHAINS are exceedingly oï¬ ctive without thnddolmmldLofM or the lrast derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rbeumatiaze Femaie Complaints Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, Uc.,svon As nbolz,'m to 40s and 65s, B CGHALIX â€" BANDS â€"Writer‘s Cramp, Ky"~"f"‘"" You may publish the facts for the beneAt of rea iss i 2 / suet, U.P.B,B. 0o, HEAP FAKKM Fkas nOMESs y severel matized by Vice Chaneal» itins in &.'“.iu m&um ; alins Henry James, alias C. T, Raphey, .;‘x“ x + id _53‘\ Sem~)~ "?.. â€" A :/ ‘# 'S‘r, 7"_&& , * ': t/ { ilo\'*.' 6. { *4 D J. L PULVERMACHER, J 18 oot1 , «s â€" K 0. BROWR Episcopal Methodist Minister. #&o., for im purposes, OTTiW A. 1455 1swky t o o d TCME oÂ¥ . rzAWA TIMES . Maxr.zsâ€"Of all designsin Italian and Amer ean Marbiec and Marbelised Slate, Orates, Foad ers and es rtas. â€" Monumezia and Headstones of Soottish Granite, Guards, D RAINâ€"PIPE DEPOT, RIDEAU STREST, SBTABLISEED tsee. WH. K. SOMBRVILL®,Successorto W. Me. Directions for use on cuch Packet. cl.l'a:‘wmâ€".onnl Lane Houndsditch, ‘The above discovery bas gained for Pro fessor Harman a Hilver Prise modal at the Interâ€"Colonial Extibition of Victoris, Ausâ€" tralin, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. ’-oï¬rmlmlhmom, ellingtod=st , ; John , Tes Pot. Rideaunâ€" n,;nho-hg Itnl::-:ld&hpt Loat, cotnet of Oam â€"s8, ; Lor New lthJ.'.Mt&.;LAyl-q Mr, N, Oonhrï¬t'b’nbmuh the Canadian Provinces, are ‘J. Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buiidings, Montreal, May 21, 1811 â€"â€"‘ 1671 it ogs, Blight and insects Moths :Wuâ€ï¬‚‘::m; also on Cattle, &¢., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"35 cte, per Packet ; or Siz Packsts for One Dollar, 45ote. The Pewder is wartaated free from all bad asmell, and will kâ€"ep in any Climate. It may hw-yvhmvlï¬dr%:nhum harmless to Onts or Dogs, as will not Which is known to be . . Far Bupertoer to anything ever yot Diss covered * For killing Rats, Mice, Inseots on Poultty Ants, Bugs. Cockromches, Black Bective, Fleas Ottawsa April 11, 1871 We would beg to call mm&c:: ;Ielld @ nm.cuu omt:::‘: weo ieaeaarninne. in o. will favor us patronage. $ A. DOFPE. OMEARBA & 00. * AtPrioss to daty Cotipatilon. __â€"__. Miep, a large assortment of NEW SPRING G€00)1¢« Black and Blue Cloths, RZ" Deposits will be received atthis Offlce. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent will be allowed : Special Deposits in rums of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three months notice will * OrFICE HOURS FROK 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. 3 For Money Order and Barings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p on #i: Matter to be posted up ty #.30 PIM., will be forwarded Kast and West in Bupplementary package the same night On Money order Offices throughout the Don!nbu‘(:mt Britain and [reland, Newfoundland and Prince Edward lsland, can be abtained at office. ©Also Postage Stamps, and Pos m h & + "% / 7 € & 19 § au POST OFFIOE SAVINGS BAKEK _ OMEARA & CC. Py ~â€" #8n ,#4 ‘Together with a lang» seanrtipent of nm1 Mape Cuorume, consisting ut reex®: &M-u-a:hi-mrynmmx.u A.M. A Bupplementary for Ounadian Steamer will be closed atl3.10 pw., in which only paid unregistered matter can be sent. . 1871. 11,50 VBRMIN DESTROTER, BTAWA MHARBLE WORAKS, Via KewNVork close every Menday at 8 P.K. RBer Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.00 A.M. POST® ‘OmrFICOE,, OTTAWA. Vases, Fire a ko Hellnle kgany hm Btiae Liie. Â¥C on in NTh uw > > t+ 0 $31; «* 50 SPARK®S ST2A6t, orra w £! J UV 8 T xxr’qunn. An Immenase Stock of seasse see yaDVÂ¥ JDâ€"GUUOOD _ | | cecil sisu ; aissorth s1ed uqoisl ao) Ki¢) > Z!g'u ruu-,M.“ .( ’: ABRRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAIL WINTEBR ARRANGEMENT . 31 1814 .. .. : ... .. â€" Collars, #e,, &¢. English ans Now United States, #iG OGEODEDUTG .sssssees sevee s sesere one seveveres Kompty fle, Merrickyili¢, Ozford Mills, per 6t. L. & 0.R. ':nmmmnux.'tg.l-'m Org0064, RHBREH, &6.00,.cet0 000 coores sevmoemes afterrent onb nths March, HUBRMHOG, OATP» &0. o 0000000 sesscsses evesccnse eesecsess COhelsea, WakeReld, North WakeReld, and intermeâ€" zm Offces, Daily ; and River Desort and interâ€" g mediate Ofices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays ‘Templeton, Tuesdays, Thatsdays, and Saturdays......... gmr-n..u Bmith‘s Falls, pccunds; m‘ llll'......w seesetbee 6. 0000 sn cebe se 500 0 gh. Uppor Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. Borth of Carleton Piace Junetion, and Piaces on CO, 0. R.R.â€"Beli‘s Corners, Richmond, &6...... § Am .“ l-n. . .“..nooaoou #essssent en ser es on eesecsene Bristel, Clarendon, u’d Qnslow, by Aylmer, &c.......... g Lowe Ottawa, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" z laad, L‘Orignal‘® Greoaville, &0.............ss0.000++ ? â€" &o., bJ RBIlWBJ ..»sss000 ceeeeneee senecenee on cnmmen cecves 3 Hallfax, N.8., and Bt. John. N.B ...........sss0000 00e seveesees 'mi'lâ€"flvi‘. Terento, Hamil London, { “- i u ““u.-n‘" u..-.u:o‘bn- sessese e ; pdtnary Deminion retes of posinge..........ss0s00 S _â€"5.‘, m““ u. .u;on sessesees e#b00k0ee sec0000 6 Fort Garry, and other in the Provinse of lnhob..ciuo hoere dnll;I..t:.:o despatehed in closed mails trom Windsor, Ont., via 5t. Pau! and Pomâ€" bina; every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdayâ€" Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, w* 66 ME .x L LskS . MWONEY ORDERS BRITISH KAILS, f I &-lï¬lfll. . , 19000 1 3 UOLPHb@® us r:‘uuui sieu1 mi shoo!) o yiJertay vista gi 1019 x8 P81 Iis! £1 weoll swoid |\ R@wa! LQZI [Sip! .0 Onmhaa:lhuxtb.lon,brnmto enable the Corporation of the City of Ottaws to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said Corporation, or upon Commissioners to be heky Tor shrootonting that ubjec " "t Met C y Â¥, P. LETT, iA Y ¢ V #« EC a Is hereby that ion will be made to the mum‘oe’mm ofâ€" ' $ AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3 AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT x THE COSMOPOLITAN,â€" ' _ £N MoNTREAL, > 'I!?d Unfurnished. ‘Thelowest rent ta the City. ;Ih establishment issoo wel! known to require any comments upon its merite, vrmamm-uf:a.n m' ï¬olfl?‘l:lt. Th: :‘roprletm accoun ASs e mm%umml-ï¬. 6 TtE atmlâ€;rl. CILARELLLI, . ©. B.â€"â€"The Bar can be rendily let for $200 per month, I « § t + Montreal, March 3, 1871. .. | i se e d en in cerial t s t Li h'{olc onh whon, it oaun be procured sq easily and so aply as | oure mak Troug yous ons c( 0| O 1 ud-m also express the great pleasure I had in coticiog the kindness â€"and atten which Mr. Meadows (and also his‘ mtnm shewed in everything connected ‘with the P. 8.â€"Â¥You have my full permissio‘n to use this letter in sny way you see fit, or refer any cubn'lowfluhm(;nluu:?flm. ~ lnl:_u- and all other information given, e io CAPITAL " STOYE BEPOT, ° ) \We ate M-d‘,lo;lt up the above ‘in Oburcher, Dwellings, &c., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. Orders from the city or any part of Canada +solisited. : Read the following : I t K. MEADOWA & Co , Orrawa. ) Deiar bims,â€"It gives me much pleasure e be abl«e to inforus you that the Hot Air Foarâ€" nace pwhich you lately put up in the Church of bt. Jobn the Baptisto, in ‘this v_lllq.J has given great satisfectign : to â€"myseif and, the mombers of my ton. We Mtd it «olug letoly on windy day, but we Hoping that this virtue will in ‘every ‘case bring its wn rew«rd, Dib AAid 1 remain. 0j JuJOW had no troubles with it whatever, in ‘the wa; of smoke, or any other inconvenieti¢es, Ohlc{ often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is higb. | M "att We fnd that the church is heated Th @Â¥ery short time, and that it does not requite as much wood to keep it going as ‘it did the The heat diffoses itself rapidiy over the whole building, a>d no one part is colder or hotter than an otier, but theore is a nice glow all over,. Réemewbering the trouble i â€" used_to binve with leaking pipes, / FORBALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARR â€" . No. 48, Rideau street, Ottawa HLARE OHANCOE: Most ly yoors, 5 . H. MOUKRILDGE, $ * MHE QPWéz L Charch, H. FALLS;, RESTAURANT AXND BAR Lancasteor, M1po0, Oct. 29th, 1876 35 Bussexâ€"st, Utliawa, _ _, H. MEADOW8 &C0o. [# A08#, > 10,.00 11,30 <â€"O08 @ou D&LLIY EKLY . A97%, 11,00 seesccss0 sesssse0g 4.%0 ... Torbolton, Dec. 5, 1871. Na‘l'EACHn wanted for School Bection , 1, Torbolton. ‘I’.A(?plyto the Trustees, Fiteroy Harbor seeoie s 1. . : P â€" W. MoDpONALp. Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its m&.lot for an Aact to 'oqublo the Erxechtors and Trustees of and Jolnno':h the county of Grenville and Province of Ontario, and to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereof to repairing and improving the certain other lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned lying and being in the city of Ottawse atoreâ€"aid, and to such other purâ€" poses for the benâ€"fAt of the said estate as may be necessary oradvisable. CLARKE & MOONEY, & _â€"..â€"! ~Attorneys for Applicants undor the Last Will ‘and Testament of James Mooney, I&teé of, the city of Ottawas, in the Prowince of Outario, Potter, deceased, to sell the lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned, lying and being in the village ot aad sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. y betraco AAMNME RIKLG.;; | =~> s 5 confirmed by sitty years‘ ex; to be one of the M’nm,“-cdmm comâ€" wmdndhpmï¬:ouooamm xcmnhur:p:" Tl;oy:.‘ma -l: and superior y operient, ma: takenâ€"at â€" all . times without oonlu-.’tu change of dist, IMPORTANT TO . RESIVEN ES ABROAD Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teoth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mearta. Gabricel‘s noe« system, on sending parâ€" ticulars oftheir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 01 the month will be forwarded with all necessary instructions, MEASRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" is :confidently recommended to the Public as un unfailing remedy forâ€"wounds of every de~ scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, bum,.ud-,gu-,cumiz:ooru- tic eruptions, and pimples‘in : the , sore 4 i , " :Lu_- pots, 13id, 2s 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, and 228 each ;, and his : 6 PILUL®, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" MESSRS. GABRIEL‘S " warranted to rewain white anc MESSRS. gl:l‘tlu Tooth itself. ‘This utitul preparation restores GABBIBL'B’ front ‘N‘eeth, and can be casily GABRIERL‘S GABBIEL‘S gives. .. . § The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give iminediate relief, All Medicine Doalers keepit. Physicians order and use it ; and no fardily wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"fire Cents per bottle. baod nuld NORTHRUP & LYMAN. Bold in ‘Ottawas by H F McOarthy, J & ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, Geo1 "THER POOR GABBRIHL‘E syatem, and at a moderate Artifiâ€" Pn Teetl ragplied by oiher dentiste which PUII_IO NOTLICOER bay not proved satisfactory to the wenrer; _ _A CBRISTIE & co., FPAR T s . Has now been before flop‘lï¬o for a length of time aud wherever used well liked, never frilia» in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reiiof when ?mly used, and we have never knownr a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" iowed, but on the contrary, all are delightud with its operations, and speak in the highsst terms of its virtues and magical effects. Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the Bide, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bprains, Bmm‘n-p in the Btomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, We speak from experience in this matter having ‘tdated 1t thoroughly, and therefore hoso whoura suffering from any of the com« Inintsâ€"for which it is recommenaed may de. peund upon its being a Sovereign Remedy, The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases fot which it is recommended, and its wonderfa: success in subduing the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec» &nq entitle it to a hign rank in the list or Remediecs for these complaints, Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the comnntry for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction t May 11871 Ubiawa, Nor, 1y 1871 MESYRS Presco‘t, Nor 31, 1871 CHOOL KOTICE. Prepared oniy by Full direct THE CANADIAN PA1N,DESTROYELR November 30, 1870 AKADIA® PAIH PAP#TROYER R, RuBEXTS CELEBEATED OINTMENT, PREPARED ONLY BY BEACH & ( «* BEDADENT" O R C UR E for *Toothache. This extraorâ€" ' dinary lflPp“““Ol, marvellous in its effects, gives immediate relief . without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary , stopping, Price 1s. 1id. [ O8TEOâ€"ENAMEL sTOPPING ODoNTALGIQUE ELIXIE. This celebrated Mouth Wask is most refreshing, it strengtheus the gums, eradicates tartar and all injurious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" tiflcial teoth is invaluahle Price 58 lons for use enclosed in each box usdd. Bafficien teoth,. Price 5s. ROYAL DENTIFIOE prepared from a recipe as used g.y Her lsjmm !{ ; ‘il'l. the ecth a «like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fra. grance to the breath. Price 1s, for cleansing and lmpmm the Tecth, imparts a na redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Pric« WHITE GUrPTA PEBOHA Enamel, for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price CORALITE TOOTH PASTE 1s. 64. 1s. 64. «Bedicat. Bridport, Dorset, England Agents for Ottawas, FRIEND , 16 6m 18217 Al 4 39 6m 41 6 omm bowlicbh Cl ~ Homcsopathie Physician, wurgeon & Ac. coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert stroot. ‘Oflict -ap:n:'"u:%km‘u"?flm- Th ani dleaiacements of the uterts. ~ 1 ‘ y 4 _ Omurrier d Outaouais, * 4 . Minerve, Montreal. rg 4 _ Bemaine agricole. smm 4 . [ Qpinion Publique etc., etc., eto. _LContracts made tor advertising in either or all of the above papers. â€" Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 18014 .w of its w (Gerful M .-'w pain al.: alter a fow applications, and the swelâ€" ling upp-nd within a few Gays, s WA MoKAYX, Teacher, * ‘Mhonc_wmm AM.'M!!I‘.!"& enormoundly ‘during s "".““‘“M""flw'ï¬m& ï¬l,'_hï¬l%d'-ot_oï¬'h bed : tor wharly a whole without being able to move," despite all the efforts of on« of the leading physiciane‘of this city, a iriend gave :o‘ a boiutle of “Dr..Blml:t-'c Bhonmdu.‘: Gout Remedy. wih applied. n-olyodym,lbltntzucwhnélkl that it was possible tor me to get up immeâ€" diately, and three days after I feund mysel entirely recovered. ® . â€"P. BOURDEAU, [ : Of the Firm Boardesu & Barbeau 1 Montreal wot. 7th, 1871 = ""% Moxtunas, Oct, 2, 1871 My sister having â€"haa a severe attack of Rheumatism, I procured *Dr, : Birnbsum‘s Rbeumatism and Gout Remeoy," which a friend, in whom I had confidence,.ccommendâ€"d me; and I must say toat I caunot speak too . ,B a C e, op tht Ofirrn, St2kofermnst. Oitais . V aleaier tien DR. BIRNBAUMS 3 Rhoumatism and Gout Remody is well known on the con:inent of Kurope for its stpeedy and effectire cure otf Rhoomaiism. ‘Gout, watder. ing pains, stifness in the limbs or joints, m andnumbness. . One trial will estabâ€" Use i inany of the above cases and you will Aud it a real blessing. VCH.AILISIABTIN. 30 Victoria square, Montreal. _ Bole Agent for Oanads ard the United Ds3 4 Areatehs P Cns , Pnmaaete Alt ME , ‘. 1CHOLAS BPARKS, Barristor and Attor. LW neyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Ohancery, Conveyâ€" uncer, &6. Olooâ€"h-(f’t Baildings, mih-“" opposite the Post Office, Ottaws. 489y R H. HA YÂ¥COCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"L&W , Boll» @ citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveysancer, Notary Public, and Patent RightBoliciior. Officeâ€"1wâ€" wediately opposite Russell House, Higinâ€"st. €3utt Provincial Land surveyor and Draughteman, commissioned tor the Provinces of Quebec zBd Qutadio e ‘,OO‘I‘OI BEADERRON, [MoGill Uaiâ€" versity *Phy-ldu, Burgeon and Acceucheur, Bnrgryâ€" hat recently occupied by Dr. Malâ€" loch, Duke st, Ohaudiere, Ottawa. 1388y RJ Accoucheur. OMcein Mr. Hearn‘s Urug Store, East end of Bapper‘s Bridge. UGMce hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. N. B.â€"Special attention gvn to the treament of aiseases of the EY B and BAR. A: nigh:t car be seen at nis residence, Marray streot. Corner of Metogife and Wollingtonâ€"stroots, Opâ€" positethe l&h““&o Oovon-utllfls- "Th comprises allthe requisites he"QUBEN*~ allthe for a Â¥. £. Pentia. and ref. tnisheq Wih BAR contain: ne choioust Brandsir W ines and lLige ws, and every clicacy ofthe seasca will be found on chetable. The o,c“u.:flmemum to he comâ€" rt guests ana patrons. MM" Orywmers, Game 6to.,d8TY IgMHIST iLA a~ â€"e., Lanad SAurrepers, Land ,..Auqo,l ««gutsmen, &¢6. Ofce, o;pdu %lOlGlOVI & TFALLOR, Barristers, . Li Solicitors, &o. Oficeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Rideauâ€"stroct, Ottawa. Wiu1ix Moserove. â€" 3661 Grosnes Taume® l\ll 6b RKUOMKLAL !! 8AaL008, + I 1 «* P# \~#»*L@1H 6TR EB T. Having now hanis, and been Stred . for olu-,deuwfucsw BAB and B ALV0s K Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., uprbt\omuuu and Public Offices, t1. CaTHARLNK», Ont. &. LOVGHTON, Proprietor, Late of soughton‘s Dining Baioon., PMA lpo&'u sampleâ€"room for commercia‘) therton s Drug Btore: Regideo LAPIIIII & HUSPHY, Barristers, Attorneys at Law, SBolicitors in Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public and Advocates for the Provinces ‘of Ontario and THE COMMERCIAL HOVUVSE and carried on under the mansgement of F EV aN3,iste proupristor of the 37. Jauss Hoi®L. Btrios attention so business. 4 «tood Wines and Liquors warranied. [ _Ot tawa, Februsry 14, 1871 C Cï¬ï¬ï¬Ã© MARCIL, Advocate, Hull. Odice at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private resiâ€" dence in rearâ€"of French Cathedial, Hull. _ Business attended in Ottaws and the Dis. trict Courts of the County of Ottawa,. Ottawa. wili be callod l) O‘CONNOR , Attorneyâ€"atâ€" Law, Bolicitorâ€" # in Chancery, Conveyancer, &e., Bussoxâ€" treot. Ofice, Unin Buildings, Ottawa. boy ~â€"NOTAbY PUBLIC. Residence â€" Haull next the Post Office. 17237 Dl. ROBILLARD, n‘mm, Accoucheur. OMcein Mr. He ravellers, â€" 4 BbÂ¥ypâ€" _ # l\l- 66 Q@UBRE » RRBTAUVSANT, L. : __ _ M, KAVANAGH, Proprimos , Established 1861 . Permanent and transiont boarders accommodaâ€" od, and every attention paid to their comfort; s, OHRISTIE, Commission Merchant an i . General Agent. Sole agont for Road 1 mflu M'Mhm ie Orrion : ;.:0.0p;hm uh'tb.t;'m ouse, Ottawa city, 0. W . " \Bims, Meq, Acchiteot, -lnlluh-hlln.lu..z"mmm Tues Office, Wellington Streoet, Agent for the Ottawa Times. Officeâ€"Corner of Bussex and Y ork streots , N. B.â€"Collections sattended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. 3687 ! _TETREAU, Kotary Public forthe Pro I e vince of Quebes, Bull, near the Pos Aa . ag0tf ___W. W. WARD, Barristorâ€"atâ€"Lan @ Advrocate, &s., opposite the RKassoll House CB REEUMATISY AND GoUT. As MKARA, Architect. Oflceâ€"Aumond‘s @ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. _ 9027 4601 _ JOHN ROMANS, Proprietor. BILLINGS, Ir., Architect. @ Beli‘s Block, Sappors‘ Briage. 1IC0KWICK HOUSK, R. McDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Street, opporite Fese R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. OMor Bparksâ€"streot, Contral o«.i.. B4uul A CKL18OH, 0. ARCHAMBAULT, Moteits and Salcons. AVELLY ROURE, €, LKAIROTHA, Miecet:sancous. ~4 UBsice . +;j!mer, P, Q, 1723 tf CERTIFICATES, «ooSr SOnm NS i"" egoo on wolle J T 20 10811 o ofir*sns Iwd LAek 4* 40 @Aer 1 hoy 0. & B.L. K.R." ~ Ti48. NOVA B ATIiA, THE TIMES is printed and publit"" Tas Ortawa Tiuzes Promn® 4® Lismxe Comraxy, at the Office Number u..w.mw-l""v’ Her Majesty‘s 1 aeatre) Ooutré * Â¥ All kinds of LEATHER tor 884 sale, at reasonable prices. LONG AND SHORT‘MOCL WHOLESALE PROMPTLY ATTENXDED TO by . DANIEL MORRISON, Propi®‘ Nos. 36 and 38 Rideau Street, Otie® To buy Biscutt, Orackers, Candies anh? ho fectionery of all kinds. n Pelace Cars now Ruubgy, oag >" ooo in sUwNEB SERYICR 0® Thianeg mediste Statione, at ... . . Day Express for Tororto, at . . Night Express for Toronte, at Mixed Train or Bro« kville, at Accommodation ‘Train for J vilic, ®t;..... .-.-......-:::" Accommodation, Train for lslang Pond, stopping at all Stations, Express for Quebec and Riviere :: * Loup, &t.. ... hreanixs»s s»+++» ©% Kail Train for [l‘“d l'u, P!ll. land and Boflon,fl.......-.. 10 Night Mail for Quebec, l"-"‘â€â€™.‘. Portland and Hoskun .. :. _ seus SNEC Lo. Wns SHle N' Through Traing b» tween Montrea) -.: i# 4 adu Loup |r|-v_~g-tl_v, MMG . Ymalfionm. .5 Mail Train for Toronto and Inter W s & oo Loup Inâ€"weekliy,) wig. :-Im.w on Tuesdays, Thured â€"y8 and Su.,..': turning from hiviere dao Lwoup on y w.flnfl.fl-.- kess amorso Wednredays and Fridays SUSSEX AND CLARENXOA UESSRS. DENMPESY & CAMEROX , < 1 bhased the above MF. LABIVIERE, veo .:":::; ceive Boarders at moderate rates, Theirg â€" is always furnished with the best ot « and their Liqunois are of the best 1-:‘" B@F" Good Btabling on the premisy MMHtexwa Mae 2% lowe TB Fourists viriting this now celebratedu ing pliace and fashiouubl. +ummet Te will fiud a comfortable home at DU p GEk‘s ROTEL. Bince last sâ€"ason the Hutel has beg, m and tbm:.!y repatred, and inap, at ce " . â€" Te best House on Murray Bay, Evey a ance will be given to visizore, and so will be spared to make them opmiorts!! N.B.«â€"Charges mocderate, _ GEOBRGE DU BERGEK, May 31, 1871. Propth l\‘.m" __ PABK STBEET, OTHAWA EDMOND GERMAIN, Prop o. GB CONFECTIIOKXE Y RST.ABLIGEIE 3 _ PRICES, 10th August, 1871. ANKD DOMINIOK®K GRANO â€" TROXK ~ B A Puliman Car Montreal, April 26th, 1871 Otitawa, June 13, 1871 jJUAXND TRURK i BEST PLAOCEK IN CENTRA 148 A DA Ottewa, May 31, 1871 rpin, C€reat Acceleration ."N! DOMINION Houst and after MOND a Â¥ Kerr, 6th Trains will leave lo-u.u..‘ o * yor ®~ opmi®nt 01| RKOR aUBREKAY #©ay abenasâ€"«n® a*C T. O T T &A W &. on aboul the 1st g ;.‘ e will be given. ‘1, u4 skyrpere . ( ril 26th, 1871, hT" f Hoâ€"â€" * K.. BOWLISG i . , i°’f,. Ocrsawa. _7 :,1;‘(.}‘1\‘ w a+map r dgi® may Bay. Krem w will be attach J llfndn' “l"'klnc UViteetop *# 34 ..~ ;-.' *# .“ a £ ."h, is » 16901 10 29 Mas for TWENTY YE public in the United eare, 1t is centrally of the city, commanding the left, and a fall view furnished throughoat in fort of guests. As one Por 500 guests, while as, heretofore -.I-un;a.. AaAlmog GARLAND, MUi cheapest goods made 0 @, & M, are Agents * ‘m’do-dsumulm A. s#igned in â€" vites the publMc to examine the FYTAHE Underâ€" f K. LaYIGNXE, This new ewing© sontaios the mo«~ tive powâ€"r o it self, râ€"quiring no external imp>ul. sion #%o drive it, ï¬ and in it persons E foduigin« fo that : agrecable exets cise are expos»d to n« Ladies particuleriy this Bwing without . any of the inconven nary Bwings. O0:*awa, May 10, 187 Patent Swing, This Swivg mey 1 Cunada Ceniral Hot: ani at No. 8, 8t. Patr 1809 Sale Agout Fivs Phelan and The loftiest, mo Rooms in Caoada. Room sitaated in yette‘s oaloov, Ride B CAN AOIA Riresâ€"From 9 a from 3 pm. :0 12 p. be charged by the b Bales attended to as . Ottaws, Oct, 21st, U)ttawna 1 Jase Leves, 1 _# â€" Boanet * _ Tdmaed 4 *# Horraoc«‘s 8 1 * _ Ribbons, 1 * _ Paramsols, 1 Bale Hessiane, 1 Ozse Linena 1 Oase Manitoba T 1 Onse Valvanï¬ 1 _ #®â€"â€" Valveteen 1 _# _ Velvet Rib] 1 *# _ Black and4 % * _ Fancy Dra 1 * _ Black Lost 4 * _ Small War 3) M RLCE‘3 P1 11 B .les 1ybeter Y OL. »hec HOLASALE DR * _ Unioo Twe ) Balss Batting, » Wa idingz ILLIARDS®S! BI * Cotton o #» Dark Print k UGreqy Cott n:h"'-mn(m MoGILL iwve Re < EX LiTE 8 AF Noew New New New_ New New Noew New New Will BONS WY A \ "A i % 4 18. 1