«D MAS K. DN Thomas! * cistric Oi1! its W.igatin Gold. anything of it i is iime y« «is + Pabn canmat a#taÂ¥ w is Puin cannot stay wh i« it is used, 11 i8 THC Cbespest Medicive « ver maitc, . One dose cures commou sore Toroat. Un bottle has cured RBrouchitia Fiity cents worth has cured amn Brouchitis. Eility cents worln uas SuPO) mt Old Ntanding Coux=. Cae or two bottles cures bad . a~ a 0f Ples and Kidney Tronbles. HNix to eight applications cure any ease of Excoriated Ni, ples or Infiaumed Breast. Oune bottie bas (‘ll'v%.w Buck of eight ‘m stancing. Danlel Plack, of BrookAeld, Counts, Pa., syes> *L went thisty miles for a boitle of your Al, which efâ€"cted a Wonâ€" d :fa; Cure 0: a Creoked Limbâ€"by six applii catio. 8 * _ Another who bas hat Asthma tor youre ~avs : ‘I1 bave half of a 50 cent bottle leit, anâ€" $.09 would not buy it if 1 con d gut Rutu» Rovbinson, of NURCA, i.4 ,, #One amall bottle of your Kelectrie â€" storâ€"d the Â¥o«ca where th« person b spoken above a wht pâ€"r in Five Years J vallory, of Wy miuyg, N.Y,, writes Eol ctrie ul Week,.* â€" De "We bhave D yiven such co«upizte «auI@gimi 1 °J MC It is comp # d of Six ot the Best arg known. . Is as good to take as £ use aud is beliâ€"ved to be imme&=uf & > CALL®D @4 HE POOR MAN‘S FRLEXND, is conficently recommended to the Public e in unfuiling rew«dy for wounds of ev.ry deâ€" . scription ; a câ€"rtain remâ€"dy for alcerat«d sore lexs, burns, scaldas breiges, chilblain«, scorbutic »ruptoss, and pimple« in the face . sore anu infameu ¢eves, sore hoaus, sure breasts plles, a¢ , & . S â€" Sold in potâ€", 13i4., 22. 9d., 48. 64., 11s., and 122. each ; and his PILULE® ANTL 8t ROPHULE OR ALTER ATIVE PLLLS, confirmed by sizty years‘+xperience to be one ofthe lest alterative m»cicines eÂ¥ver comâ€" E:‘ for puril; ing the M-‘-ï¬ in be « perstions. They form a «nd superior tamily aperient, that may be taken at all times without counf@nement or unz of dict, in Boxes at 13;4., 2s. 9d , 48. 64., 118 ‘und 22s, each, I beg most respectially to acquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May last 1 cansed the business ut 80 Maigen Lane New York, for the sale of hHoiloway‘s Pills and Ointment, which were uy o that ume prepar«ed ;,_wuu.e !o:., £0 THE PMPLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO VINCKS OF NORTY AMERICA. now decuasea, to be closed. These Medicines were, | regret to say, from what hbas lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very erdinary ingrâ€"dients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage my good name. Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spuriâ€"us medicines, v!lch aro LOo® lHkely to «muuate from the States or elseâ€" where, bui t posscss themseâ€"Irves of the genuaâ€" Ine Hollowsay‘s Pills and Ointwent will de well to see <thâ€"t cach pot and box bears the Britisb Governmen: stamp on which is en« } graved the worose (Holloway‘s Pulls ans Orntâ€" | .n,udutmmmoo-tbchhlhln,‘ Orford stmet, Leâ€"nson, whore only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world. . The retail prices are on the labels in British currency, and not in doilars and cents, No representative of mine will eÂ¥er travel through any part ot the British Previnces, o the Units® Btates, oith t to sell or to take order: for my rills aud Ointwent, and as l bare reasou to beliove that attempts will very probably be mase to deceive the public in «his wuy by persons ca.ling upâ€"n medicine Â¥â€"bâ€":8, t=lsâ€"ly repres nting toat they ar« scing Lr me, aud with my kuowledge and conâ€"ent, ] deem it wivisable to put the public on their guard agalust any such decâ€" ptiwhs, 1 most easnestly cutreat all those who may read this advrertiâ€"ement that they be pleased, In the public intâ€"rest, to commuukate the parport ouf the same to their fricnds that they may not be Cefrzui«d of their woney by purâ€" vbmusing worthless imitationus ot the genuine Bolioway‘s rilis and Ontmâ€"nt. 7 ths is to say, the name and add css of the veudur wbho is selling the spurmous wedi~ cl=es, and lik wise the nam» aud wigrâ€"*s of the Hou» in too: Unites States, <r clsewhe ¢, which may is ve » upplied them, soâ€" +1to on« biâ€" me, for the protection of the public, to lastitute ,=oce dinks ag«inst such evilâ€"doers, and I engag« to râ€"munerate very hanusommely any pers=u who may give me such informaâ€" tion, the informant‘s neme nevor being diâ€" vulged. Hbould any person have reason to believe that be has been deceired by buy‘ng purions Iwitations of these Medicines, be wil. do well to waud me, in a letter, to the address at foot (whi_b he can do at a cost of six c nts in posina.*), uf the buoks of instructions “a%‘wmm 1 promise to examine it, seaud a repiv, stating whether the Megicio. s are genuin« or not, so that if spurious ho may apply to the person tror whom be wein to have his money 1 would a=k, as a great favour, that shou‘ld it come to the knowledge of aay person that spurmious medicim s are being made ~r sold in my uame, he be pleased to send me all the parti. ulars be can cullect reap.cting the sime, _ Chemists and Drooggists who desire to ob tain the M.dicices cau be supplies at the Towest wholâ€"sale prics in quâ€"ntities d not In returning thanoks to their ml friens and customers in the city and vicinity, for their past pr.w,kghhh.th' public generally, that they have jast completâ€" ed arian.emouts for the leasing (at a large expense) of thoso large an : coumodivus bu.idings m ar the Maket Square, on York Btrect, formerly occupied Ly the Goverameat, «nd known a> the Military Hospital, which they have thorougbly rfitmed anga ,.m«n.m' now fee} cu. i ‘eut that they are in pussession | of on» of th« 1 r;eat and beâ€"t situated mo-oh" the Dominion, where they will pay pasticulat | attention to Auction S8.1.s of | less thas £20 worth (for which remittance musâ€"t be seut in adÂ¥ance)â€"vis., 82. 6d., 228., and 34s. per dozâ€"t boxes of Pills or pots of COintment, nett, without diâ€"count. I hv; : bhono: to be, great # Ju('lm'AY. §53, Oxrford street, (| to 144, Strand), London, W C., sept. 1, 1874 Real Estate, Household Effects, Agricultural Implements, Works of Art, Horses, Caurriages, d&c., d&c. io’-h Ab.tive S&les every Tuesday and Friday mornings, at 10:30 o‘clock, where partles having goods to disp se of wiil And it to ther advan age to send them io the even, ing be tor=. BNa~s in country places, either in Ontario erQuebec prow ptly atteud«d 10 _ __ _ _ H v#1, 1871 Auctioneer sns Geneial Commuamon, Hok® Furnishivg, losuwrance and R al Lstate Age1 ts, 36, York strcet, Oitaws, Ottaws, Nov. 12, 1871 18194m YUr E a HARINGTO® (Worcester Collegs, Orxford), late Assiâ€"tont Mast: of Trinity Uvlicy: Bebuol, Purt Hope, intends openiag the ab ve on the Ist September next. Higo tstiimunials and reler noes canu be given butk i1 Utiawa aud eisswbere. For turther parâ€" tiow»s.>, .; ply to Ar ~ariugton, Purt Hope, unti: tue louh lost. After that date, at Vt tnwa. * | N B â€"Private puplis will be taken in the 17368 asg‘ *<v~tic Oil! Worth Teen Times its W-agumcvu: Do you kaow anything of ih L"‘ i is iime you . * % R. RLOBKRT**S AUTIOK!I CAUTIONX! : â€"LEBKRATED OINTHMLENT, Prepared only by BEACH AND sanNICOTT, Bridport, Dorse, England, and sold by all Medicine Vendors. RIVATE CLAssSICAL SCHOOL ACDONALD® AaUCHION ROOMB. Â¥CTOLK STLRELIT. hn Macdonald & Son cu a vBB &4 JOHN MACDUNALD & SON, y muny, N.Y,, writes; "Yoar ud me of Brâ€"uch:its« in Oue is ai. over the country say : r solt a medicinethat has plete «atigfaction as this,. 3 man, do‘lus o ;x/â€"uns tâ€"Ote deaitss lu oÂ¥. 1y pisc of Noandsa, N '., "‘"“ % it is used, It is the this that or . xt rual g67 im 18:1 Jil re you ) P L A N E D BUILDING AND A large stoock of the above will be k« stantly on hand to suit purchasers. N. B.â€"â€"Farme.s from the Co ton can enter the mill yard. by opposite Brewery gate. _ _ SsHINGLES 10‘- attended to. _ . C ; Fjey~ Wm'ay Receipts relievâ€" ' ing shippers from all further trouble | â€".Q:I rates for furniture. | W. E. JOHNXSON, Every description of W PRUMAMAPULY executed, attended to. All work guaranteed. RIDEAU STREET, Up‘cfl UTTAW A PLUMBE=8. E6ASPINTERS, BELL HANGCERS®, &c.. Pliain and Oroamental Engrayer, Corn» Sparks and Bigin Streets, over James Hop Co.‘1, Ottawa Visiting Cards eegraved and printed on abortest notice Quaws, Nov 8, 1871 1818 Heszr Rocour. Nov. 21, 1871. N MoKar Wnonr Returns his sincere thanks to the public of Ottawa, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him since bis commencementin business, He m.ud work manship and reae aonable to ensure a continuance of thâ€" BRough Lumber \HAUDIEZE STEAN MILL*®, Freight and UVartage Agency |\~ _ #§&J" Remember the place. A | 33 Rideau Streot. OPPOSITK THE OLD STALD ! ’O.lhvn. IJ'. 1811 16: Chaudlere, Oct. 26, 1871 medicine beretofore. medicinal vegetuble ingrâ€"dieats, (some ol | which we will mention, such as the Extracts | of Wild Oherry Bark, Posophglioam, Juniper, Quassia, Umartweed, Dangelion, Hyoscyamus, | Compound Extract or Colocyuth, Jalap, Soco, | trime Aloes, Capsicum, &¢ , &e,) which enter , Into the composition of the combined mediâ€" | cine, are such and so harmonionsly elassided ; and compounded, that it is mad~ th« most searching curative in the known worl! and monot help but act on the system in av ry ustistactory and desirable manner. _ _~« wstâ€" | ter what your allmâ€"nt may be, or of how long | standing, it will find the spot and astounish | you by the rapid marmer in which you are | restored to perfect health and full vigor. i Simply because the numerous valuable active L This Medicine is pleaeaut anu safe to take, and is warranted, and may positi¢ely be reâ€" Med upon to make a permasent cure of all diseases of the Taroat, Lungs, Liver, Kidn+ys Digestive Organs, &c., &¢., as well as Rcrofula the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Biood, i-:rtohhd Hiage of Conâ€"umption. information, with full directions for using the Great Sho«honees Remedy & Pills, arnd containing Testimonials and Cert fcates of Cures, can be obtained by. securing the Treatise, the Hand Bouk, or the Almanac and Cirealars from any respectable Druggist in the Dominionâ€" free. % Price oj Muwmm .$1 00 Pillkpa@ Box...........â€".s~>«<~>>> 25 The Subscriber begs respectinlly to intimat: to his frienc« and the public generally, tha‘ his Spring Style ot MATS AND CAPS »## Anmmm-bulumrymn. that is new > _ ENGLISH and AMERICAN Ottaws, May 17, 1871 A MERRY CHRISTMAS HEXDERSCN & £9., Are now prepared to offer thâ€"ir friends and patron« a cholce saesortment of BUOKS ana other Goods suitable for CHRISTMAS AN!D NEW YEAR‘S GIFTS. Booksellets and Stationers Ottawa, December 18, 1871 Oitawa, Oct. 12, 1871 Ub aaLEK.â€"Two Uhoice Lots, with com b fortable W. oden Cottage, erected there» on, in Rochesterville. For particulars and erms apply on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" 4 . N Leq, or to 4 HAÂ¥NXETT P HILL, * solicitor, Post O 1 â€" Block: LLXAKDER RAMSAY, PRACTICAL TAILOR, &¢., ANADA CEXTRAL BAILWAY Uall end see their Tartan wood Goods. Roche & Kelly, JAMES PEACOCLK , THE SIGN CF THE BOUK wiscractunzas Of 39 SPARK3 STREET, of all de RIDEAC S8TREET, Near Division Soart Offica. JOHUN ROCHESTER & C Y H Y T â€" . H A T 3 1K?0 XTATITLS bRIDGE TIMBER Woll Seasoned, rptions L U MB ER of Work in ow line | ed, .nd yeuonnuyl » xx. xxx' ite the Tea Pot, ounty of Cal # Broad Stt 39, 3, arks atroct, Jaxes keiLy ]83vv3m wwer, Corner ef James Hope & 1668t1 1805tt ts 1818if pt con Carl 1626y Emf"m" 19 LLF®E PULVERMAUCHER® PATENT G@GALVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS ASD PrPOOKET BATTERIES Theschishly improved {nventions render Eiectricity pertectiy selfsapplicable, and ex«~ treâ€"mely effcaciouns in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being. ¢%~ peiiâ€"nced, whereby it boesomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing awonising pein«, resamimating torpid limbs, reviving the slugaish functions of llb.al‘“ tmparting renews ~? and vitality to constitutions enteeblea ty whatever caLse, Mudticines and their deleterlous consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, ‘The daily Increasing number of cures effected by PULYEnMACHERS3 MEDiCOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC SY8STEM is 0 extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a nniversal remedy. N B â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been c.celved " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" = aure in testifying that Mr,. J. L. Poorm © wacu®n‘s recent improvements in his Voltaio sIG WM FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. LDbWt . H. SIEKYERING, M. D., M RC.B. ‘sl} J RANALD MARTIN, F. K. 0.8." ULYERMA_HERS SYSTEM is also ap be w # by an official report of the Aca de :+ de Modiâ€"inâ€", Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, Lousu, and the Imperial Faculâ€" y of Vieuna, and its curative virtues are con» firmed by thousands of private testimontals of curesefected. (Nee pampalet gratie). Thase facts« appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avaeil bimself of this scientific and curative progres», to which the inventoo bas devoted a |if â€"time of study and iabour, & an ardent Jeciple of that great benefuctor of 1ankind, the late illustrions electriciaa Uowame Faradt. _ s o t o n aat s g CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES, B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness H+«~+, Tooth, and Fuce Ache, and Noiser in the Bu‘*!li. to 308. * B, uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and other affections of the Throat, 10s. 6d. to 312. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciatica, Rheumatic, , Neuraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" |J"§ Cn-&be., 18s, to 225. and 408. | BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, &e¢., (worn as a b-lz,'m to 40s and 554. B CHaINX BANDS Writer‘s Cramp, | Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 212s to 308 ' and 408. * B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantil, } Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility | Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 508. | A complete Bet of COMBINED UHAIN | BANDS8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY | for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. |.~ The public &re most earnestly cantioned to | beware of Prenudo Klectric Belts ad vertised by | sham Doctors, &¢., for t-pcogol purposes, | and so severely stigmatized by Vice Chancel» lor Maling to the sult Puilvermacher vs Ham« !" mond, alias Heary Jame«s, alias C. T, Raphey, | M. K. C. 8, alins Heary Burrows, &¢, &c.. PULLYEDMACHER‘S MED1ICOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC CHAINS are exceedingly ef. ctive without the ard of medicine, restriction of dist, or the lcast derangement of the patient‘s habits and duily occupaiions, in the following maladies Lbhoeumatisie Female Complaints Gout Constipation | oTTaw a | Ottawa, beptemper 6, 1870 144 Lumbago Bluggish Cironiati Neuraigta Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints _ Epilepsy Tic Doloreuz Norvous Debility The effects of the application of Pulve:â€" macher‘s Chainge in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain insts ntancous. PRICE LIbT OR PULYERMACHERS Battâ€"ries and Walvanic Appliances tor Mo:iical Purposes are of great importance to Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled to the consideration and uflnï¬ of every one disposed to further the advancement of real and useful progress, = Dated the 9th «day of Marcb, 1866. "IR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M . D., es t o t . y MA OE 8Iii HEKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , _ [ Tnese lands are in a mild and health | climate, and for grain growing and ml raising, unsurpassud by any in the United ‘ states. & ‘ _ Prices range from $2 to $10 per acre. Hom»st adse for Actual Settiors.â€"2,500,000 Acrâ€"u of Government Land between Omaha «and North Platte,open for entry as Homesteads Agents, J C Cha.ber Esqâ€"This is to certity that about tbmuy:'-n ago 1 became affiicted with Bronchitic, which lasted about eighteen months, I weas so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time frequently throwinz the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent pbysicians in the County of Nortbumberland for about a year, without wceiving any bepefit, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshonees Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about fAnished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I fount that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever JOHN SILYER, Bworn before me at Smithfeld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. J MÂ¥ WELLINGTON,) P WONDERFULCUREOF LUNG DISEAS Brooxirxx, April 5th, 1870. J C Chamberlain, Rs3. This is to certift} that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor bad given her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and megicine could not bhelp her. u.hamonlm-umu of the Great Shoshonees v. â€" At the expiration of two days ber symptoms were decidedly better _ She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she bhad taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the coatiouâ€" ance of lhe remedy whe was pa‘nly restored to bealth. You may publiâ€"h the facts for the beneft of those similarly afflicted. e T C. BROWN, Episcopal Methodist Minister. 3,000,000 Acres of Cholice Farming and Orassing Lands on the line of th= road, in the State of Nebrasks, in the Grout Piatte Valiey, now for sale, for cash or long credit. A land grant of 12,000,000 «,CRES of the BEST FARMINXG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. P eranns of foreign ~irth are entitled to the senedt otf the Homestead Law, on geclaring thâ€"ir intention to become cit‘zens of the United States, and may avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival. Nend for the new edition of descriptive pamphi«t, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" where. Addruss, 0. F. l)AVlul.b t s Omaha, Neb. A. CHBRISTIE 4& CO,., DRUGGISTS, HEAP FALM rkss noMES On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Cure ot Bronchitis. Functional Disorders sive and varied, that "'""" is invention as the W' # mi twatimony from the eal faculty has been #,00 | i, have much pleaâ€" l st Mr. J. L. Posrs@ 1455 rawky THL â€" vw_.a c xAWaAaA TIMES 1871 Matter to be posted p.cupnnmollli?“ pdd-u;nd-"d“;ï¬"“ t _En be sent. On Money order Offices throughout the Domint and Prince EKdward lsland, can be obtained at 11,50 Â¥.30 EW SPRING 6040 â€" O‘MEARA & U Black and Blus Cloths, At_hhub“yc':;p:a.& ______ Also, a large assortment of Together with a large assortment of RiiD, Mape Cuorums, cousisting of ders elacwhere. public generaily, that baving secured the sorâ€" vices of a FIBSTâ€"CLABS CUTTER for on TAILORLNG DEPARTMENT, we feol conâ€" Adent of giving ontire satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. â€"| A. DUFF. Ottawa April 11, 1871 Which is known to be Far Superior to anything ever yot Dis« ecovered For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs. Cookrom ‘hes, Black Bestios, Fleas ean Marble and Marbelised Siate, Grates, Fand on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths im l!:â€l'la or Scab on Sheep or Goate ; also on Cattle, &0., &c., in less than Ten Minutes. Directions for use on each Packet. Mancracrosrâ€"Gravel Lane Hounmdsditch, City of London, Ruglantd The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prines #edal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exbibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besicdus numerous Testimonials. ore and Heartas. eat it. #«uï¬r Ounoâ€"Jmnnqh. Grocer, vilingtonâ€"st. ; Jobn Hill. Tea Pot. Rideau« st,; slocombe & stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New Mdinburgh J. W. Procter & Co.; for Ayimer, Mr., N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildivgs, Montreal, : May 22, 187) 1671 it _ Monuments and Headstones of Sectiish Granite, Marble and Bandstone. Gater and Mm: residences and @rave Plots, Root Oresting, D RAINâ€"PIPE DEP O T, ALDEAU STREST, E8TABLISEED lis6e. WH. M. SOMERVILL®, Suocessor to W. M+, Fiowsr Vasese, Fize Fure Olay, ko , &o Masons m":;“:;_.‘“ Labriâ€" Post Office, Ottaws, Nov. 31 1871 We would beg to call the attention of tt. Â¥ia WewYork close every Monday at 8 P.%X. Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 1100 AX. A Bnppk-c_-hq‘h!!lkmh Bteamer will be closed at 11.10 p. 1 VERMIN DBSTRONTER, s.080* see TFAWA MARLELE WORAKS, ###9# see 12+0n‘ #.00 12.00 seeeee ce8 50 SPARKs STRR€ET, OTCA W A. JIU8T IXPUORTAD, An immense Stock of . wWINTER arRraxNgmuzExr. 1871. ABRRIVAL Ansd DEPARTUEE of MAIL raill and examins before giving o o-oo'u.um. N.8 W estarnâ€" ®9* 2 ke. ; a :m.ï¬uq anivoba,¢ %,00 lufln lrom bina; ever Ordinary 1 YEWLYâ€"DMB00YERED FARLANXE. New Etinburgh Roglish ant p o OorFICOE, OTTAW A. O‘MEARA & CO POST OFFICK SAVINGB BANK #.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplementary NC .& J. L1 . MWONEY ORDERS BRITISH MKAILA, mom‘kt %$ gowe.. ;?wm:;:-zâ€":.-»nb We are prâ€";ar. d to At up the »bove in Oburcher, i/â€"w=«llings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. _ Orders from the city or any part of Canada solicited. Read the following : 8. MEADOW s & Co, Ortawai. Deas : ims, â€"It gives me much pleasureto be able te inforin you that the Hot Air Forâ€" nace which you lately put up in the Church of 8t. John the Baptlste, in this village, has yiven great satistaction to myseif and the members of my congregation, We had it going leately on one very windy day, but we had no trouble with it what«ver, in the way of smoke, or any other fuconveniences, which often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is high. We And that the church is heated in a very sbort time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the The heat diffuses itself rapialy over the whole building, aud no one part is colder or hotter than an other, but ther« is a cice glow of hesat all over. B--noubofln{ the trouble that we used to have with l«aking pipes, smoking chimneys, &c., we look upon the furpace as & decided luzury, Icertainly think uo church ought to be without one, when it can be procured so easily and so o&uply as ours was from you. I must also express the great pleasure I had in noticiig the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) =:od in everything connected with the Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its awn rew «rd, P, 8â€"â€"Â¥ou have my full permissio n to use this letter inany way you see fit, or refer any one to me who wishes further information. BOTEL RESTAURAXNT AXND BAR merite. t'rn'rdlof 200 Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only it on account of assumâ€" ing the WM‘.. of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. Address GUISEPPE K. GIANELL1, N. B.â€"â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowestrent in the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3 AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said Cerporation, or upon Commissioners to be ."dnulhtup&m‘.upoweumu for effectuating object. wet? w, P. LETT, _ W its next Session, for an Act to enable Corporation of the City of Ottawe to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of ~~ _ Is hereby given that applicmion will be made to the &bmm ot_mnvlm ol HOUCII TO LET, AT the Chaudiere near Mr. Baldwin‘s Office, 4 small and comfortable housesâ€"Btone and Wood, now finishing. Rent from $8 to $10 a month, _ kpply to > _: â€"._ montreal, March 2, 1871. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per any time. Five per cent will be allowed rawal of which, three months notice will Great Britain and [reland, Newfoundland is office. Also Postage Stamps, and Pos Ketimates andâ€"all other information given, _â€"_ T. M, CLARBE, f Royal Insurance Co, Ottawa May 4, 1871 16578 THE COSMOPOLITAN, AXN MONTREAL, OT ab â€" FCRNACK#, No. 43, Rideau streoer, Ottawaâ€" FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. Hon James Skead, Sâ€"nator, Ottawa J M Ontrier, Eeq, M P, a J M Grant, Esq, M D, M P * BR W Scott, Ksq, M P P, «* Mr Sheif Powel! a Edward Grific, Eeg. w Edward McQGillivray, Esq, a Kosers C T Bate & Co, a Thomaes Hunton, Eq, w# Micmeoder Porkums, 224 A E a P A EKglieson. 8. n."r:ni‘aq.‘l u October 27.1011. RLARK CHANCE: oTICE * CAPITAL " STOVE BEPOT, 35 sussexâ€"st, Otlawa, H. MEADOWS &Co 0 P. BAKER, Pastmaster. H. FALLS, Most sincerely yours, CBAb. H. MOCKRIDGE, cumbent of St. Johns < hurch, M.poo, Oct. 29th, 1870. 10,.00 10,00 11,.30 .. in which only Oous ®R DELIV K4 Y sesessess sessesces City Olaik, 4,280 4.90 1.30 [FPAR T S:â€"OFâ€"THEâ€" WOrRLD] GABRIEL‘S 4 beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘8 | front ‘Leetb, and can be easily lwd. Bufficient to stop six teeth Price 58. C DW B L.ad & _ k. "*~" . ‘ / EELEBRKATEDâ€"PREPARATICHNS GABRIEL‘S IMPORTIANT TO RESIDENUS ABROAD Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesers. Gabriel‘s new system, on sending par«â€" ticulars ofthâ€"ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model o1 the mouth will be forwarded with all necessary instructions, x MESSRS,. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artitiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which hay not proved satisfactory to the wearer; A CHRIBSTIE & Co,, Drucgists, Agents for Ottawa, ( O8STEOâ€"ENAMEL sTOPPING warranted to rewain white ane MESSRS. |flrmuthe Tooth itself. This Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Btog:ch,lCholen Morbus DBnomry, wel _ Complain! urns, s Bcalds, Fpmlt t‘ï¬lm, &c., &o. THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been befere the public for a lengt} of time aud wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" wanent reiiéf when timely used, and we have never known a single case of disatisfaction where the directivns have been properly folâ€" iowed, but on the contrary, all are delighteqa with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, + ODuNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celebrated Mouth Wash is 4 most refreshing, it strengthens MES*RS { thle gums, eradicates tartar and ‘ all injurious secretion, sweatens ABRIEL‘S the breath, and for cle,uuing are tificial teeth is invaluabhle: Price 58 Full directions for use enclosed in each box May 11871 We speak from experience in this matser bhaving tested :t thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing ethcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended. andâ€" its wonderfai success in subduing the torturing pains 0f RBneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affce~ ions, entitle it to a bigu rauk in the list or Remedies tor these complaints, Ordcrs are coming from Medicine Deslers in all parta of the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i gives, _ e n Nee s Te as The Canadian Pain Destroyer never taile to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keepit. Pbysicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"five Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LY MAN. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, George Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine "THB POOR MANS FRIEND is confijently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &¢., ac. * _Bold in pots, 13id, 2s 914, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22s each ; and his PILULE, ANTI SCROPHULAE or ALTERâ€" ATIVE PILLS. confirmed by sixty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They torm a mil1 and superior ftamily operient, that may be taken at all times without conffinement or change of diet, o TEACHER wanted for School Section No. 1, Torbolton. p A(;)ply to the Trustees, Fitzroy Harbor J. SMITH, P. O‘KELLY W. MoDONALp. and sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Seesion for an Act to epubls the Executors and Trustees of and under the Lait Will an4 Testament of Jamese Muoney, late of the city of Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, Pottâ€"r, deceased, to selil the lands and tenemâ€"n‘s in the said Wili mentioned, lying and being in the village ot Jobnstown, in the county of Grenville and Province of Ontario, and to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereof to repairing and improving the certuin other lands and tenâ€"~â€"ments in the said Will mentioned lying and being in the city of Ottawa afore:ard, and to sach other purâ€" poses for the ben. fit of the said estate as may be necessary or advisable. 4 #5,>~ pyGey, awo cb ; ez “:rc’f’bM@/‘Z“ Q\,\A‘;"’? HEMis T s & PE ANADIAN PAINX DESTROYELLR ~* PRrcErRVIN k LOT OÂ¥ HONEY, First quality, or ale. Address to A lm'l‘grlnu ; Ontario, Kovember 14, 1871 1820d1w3 Torbolton, Dec. 5, 1871. Prepared oniy by umuaws, Nov, 1, 1871 Presco:t, Nor 21 November 30, 1870 PREPARED ONLY BY CHOOL KOTICEKR. R. RuBEKATS CELEBRATED OINTMENT, UBLIC KOTICE COBRALITE TOOTH PASTE for cleansing and improving the Teeth, imparts a nuaturil redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 1s. 64. ROYAL DENTIFICE prepered from a recipe as used by Her Majesty ; gives the Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. wWHITE GUrTA PERCHA Ename!, for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price «Th ¢ A1¢ Ht : BEACH & HARKICOTT Bridport, Dorset, lngind 4np CLARKE & MOONEY, Attorneys for Applicants , 1871 41 6 Cectragee A+ Exn 2 Trustees‘ 41 4 16 6m 156277 R n. HA Â¥COCK, Attorneyâ€"2tâ€" LB&W , Boll= e citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancet, Notary ‘ Public, and Psatent RightSolicitor. Officeâ€"Imâ€"/ mediately opposite Kussell House, Elginâ€"st. 43utf LI.EI & GKMMILL, Barmsters, Attorneys, Solicitors, Conveyancers, ko. dfaceâ€"Ip the Court House, ((tawa. Rosert L®zs. «rott â€" Jor»x J. GRXEILL Enwunn T. DARZAWLL, Barrister Solicitor Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk oithe Poace and County Attorney, for the United Counties otf Prescott and Russell. Oficeâ€"In the Gourt House, L‘Orignal. 34â€"0m ‘ 1CHOLASSPARKS, BHarrister and Attorâ€" LW neyâ€"utâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. Offceâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, lL;ia-u., sncer, &0,. VOCâ€"â€"LBEG M I""" ,ppouiu the Post Office, Ottawa. ’OOTOR HENDELRSON, [ MoGill Uniâ€" l versity ’l‘flaylwu. Burgeon and Acceucheut, Burf’otyâ€" hat recently occupied by Dr. Malâ€" loch, Duke st, Chaudiere, Ottaewas. 1388y l) A. MAR A, Architect. Offceâ€"Aumond‘s 18 Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 9027 " OSGROVE & TA LLON, Barristers, T4 Soliritors, &ko. Offceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, lideauâ€"street, Ottawa. WiLL1ix Moserovs. _ 366tt Grores TaipLo® \! TETREAU, xm'-g Public for the Pro .@ e vince of Quebes, Hull, neat t:: 'Pu â€B. ROBILLARD, Physician, Bumn'. Accoucheur, Oficein Mr. Hearn‘s store, Kast end of Sapper‘s Bridge. . Office aours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. N. B.â€"Speciai attention i‘“- to the trerment of aisonses of the EY &E and EAK. At night can be seen al ais residence, Murray street. )fiice. therton s Drug Store: Reyide OnAaLEE MaRCIL, â€" Advocate, Hull. Oince at Mr Tetran‘s, N P ; private reai~ dence in rear of French Cathedial, Hall, _ _ NOTAbY PUBLIC. â€" Residence â€" Hull next the Fost Office. 11237 _ Business attended in Ottaws and the Dis. trict Courts of the County of Ottawa. Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Cbancery, Conveyarcers, Notaries Public and Advocates for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Officeâ€"Corner of Bussex and Y ork streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Quobâ€"c. 3687 J W. W. WARD, Barrstorâ€"amâ€"Lanr 5 @ Advocsate, &s., opposite the Hassell House ttawa. OA «l\ll 6 QUEKEN » l.l‘l'AlJul'_l'g > M. LKAV ANAGR, Proprisior , Corner of Metcoaife and Woeliingtonâ€"streots, ,':' positethe main entrance to the @overnment Buildâ€" Ahe="QUEEN"comprises .umuflum # arstâ€"class hestan ant. The House has refttes and ref, tnishea inroughout. The BRAR contain: aechoiocust Brandsir Wines and Ligu ts, and every slicncy ofthe seas.a will be found onthetable. The ropmietcr‘s best efforts will be directed to he comâ€" ;t of his guests ana petrons. MI" Qymetrs, dame eto.. dEUY ravellers. BARRLIYNGTONâ€"ESTREST, HALIFAX, NOVA 8COTIA, is Established 1861. Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" od, and every m.u:‘pu to their comfort: 9697 JQ ROMANB, Proprietor. Har -ovunï¬umu. and been ":ed up tOr a Ii:-‘.olu- uUNJUKuN BAR and 8 ALVV D @ili e called A Agenu,B aughtsmen, &o. OfMlce, m mou-m.lul.darn-n- Ottawa. V tor Trust ana Loan VYo. Provincial Land â€"urveyor and Draughtsman, comulsSioncd :or «ue P:ovinoes of Juebec ind Qatariv. THE COMMERCIAL MOUVSE «ad carried on under ‘“‘“.E“ OL / EV a N3,i2te proprieior otf che 31. E8 0 KL. Strio, attontion ww dusin=ss. wood Wines and uigquors warranied. ‘Olslll Thos Fuller, Esq, Architaor, AJbany Dr A&tus.l P..o.lavs; hnlqnda.’hq Managing Director 0. & Bt. L. K, K. 406 MJ @oeneral Agent. Sole agent for Roead : nighwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ lmâ€" onunu;u.l’m. Pork."l-r.@..;!unhl.’ Orrion : No. 5, Sparks Sureet, near Russe -n.oniul'ty.o.w. N OTICK Is hereby given that application will be made to tbo?lrhmn:g? Canada, at its next Session, for an Act 10 amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway Company, fivin‘ power to such Company to construct its line by the most direct ruoute ing French Ri j CERTIFICATES . _ After having sufferec enormously ;during a whole month from a very obsiinate Rheuma» tisin, which compelied ime to stay in bed for nearly a wholo week witnout being able to move, despite all the efforts of one of the leading physicians of this city, a triend gave me a boitle of "Dr. Birntaum‘s Rhoumatism and Gout Remedy." <â€" Having applied this remedy only twice, I felt at once such a relief that it was possible tor me to get up imumeâ€" diately, and three days after I feund mysel entirely. recovered., 4 ~â€" P. BOURDEAU, { Of the Firm Bourdeau & Barbeau 3 Montreal vct. 7th, 1871 h Moxtasin, Oct, 2, 18171 My sister having hasd a secvere attack of Rpeumatism, I procured *Dr, Birnbaum‘s koeumsatism and Gout Remegy," which a friend, in whom I had confidence,.ecommended me ; and I must say thut [ caunot spesk too bighly of its wondcrful effects, as the pain Ceased aiter a few applications, and the swelâ€" ling sappeared wituin a few days. coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert street. . Offict nonulugntuu a.w., and 2 to 4 p.m. B&" Special attention given to dï¬n ani disnlacements of the utorus. 1 |Contracts made tor advertising in eithe» or all of the above papers. Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 18011 C Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., pgnmhomm and Public Ofices, 81. ATHARLN 4s, Ont. a. 40UGHTON, ho?ndor. (Late of soughton‘s Dining Baloon.) $A A spacious sampleâ€"room for commercial B !l“h:l...’..‘l'o’ Al::fl.d. Officeâ€" # Biock ppors 1age. 0t tawa, kebruary 14, 1871 R. McDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Street, opporite F:o R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofice Bparksâ€"street, Central Ottawa. B4utf AFIERRE & MUYÂ¥PHY, 1ICKWICK HOoUSkK, Homcsopathic Physician 1HIS TLA & Coâ€", Laad Burreyers, Lana . Agenis, B aughtsmen, &o. OBlce, opposite Montreal, Oct. z0 1871 TsS Office, Wellington Street, Agent for the Oftawa Times. HK ++ RUMAL ! SALUYUR, sLk@IN 8TR LE T. 0. ARCHAMBAULT, Motelts and Sal cons. AaAVERLY HOUSE, OMRILSTIE, Commission Mercnant as i 66 44 46 B RHEUMATISY AND GOUT. ie LALDBOTH, A GHRALBO0N, «Mieceliancounus. Ufice. Aylmer, P.Q. 1722 if 646 WM AcKAY, Teacher ()thf)lb_(_)n_fl.fll lal A.uu‘-y Courrier d Outaouais, , burgeon & Ac. 48Â¥vy 85aÂ¥9y sUMMER SERVICE OF TRAIEg Pullman Palace Cars now Ronuing on g Day and Night Trains, On and after MONDaYÂ¥ Fext, 5th ;“.‘ Trains will leave Montreal as Undep Mail Train for Toronto and Inter. mediste Stations, st ... Day Express for ‘Toronto, at Night Express for Toronte, Mixed Train or Brockville, Accommodation ‘Frain for NHlG,HEsar+rs #*r4%% 42 % t#ikg 5.00 Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.99 a Express for Quebec and Riviere du Loup,6k.»»s; *+++++« #***»»+»»» 8 30 4 Mail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Mn, M srrats #r44 3,“’ Night Mail for Quâ€"bec, Island Pond, Portinnd and Boston,..,..... h on . A Pullman Car will be attached *o the Through Trains b tween Montreal and Rivierp du Loup triâ€"weekly, viz :=â€"From Moutreg on Tuesdays, Thursd:ys and Saturdeys . my, tursing from hiviere du Loup on Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays. COn and after MUNDAY next, t»o Ist o MAY, it is intended to run the Polimear Palace Cars through between Montreal unc Sarnia. One of these maguificent coaches wil} be attached to each Day Expresstram leaving Montreal for Toronto, and be run Wt Sarpia, as a Drewing Room eand Slocging Car. There wiil also be one attached w each Day Express fro:. Toronto to Montreai The Summer running arrangemenm come iato operation about the 1st of ym which due potice will be given. C J BRY DGEsS, 1y _5 2 > > dinaging Di GRAND TRUXK BALWAY, MWESSRS. DEMPSY & CAMERON b, ing purchased the above estallishment frop Mr. LARIVIERE, are now prepared t n, ceive Boardersat moderat« rates. Their pb}, is al ways furnisbhed with the bust of Eatables and their Liquois are of the best quaiity RKF" Good Stabling on the prewies, BEMPEY & CAMERunr _ Bince last sâ€"ason the Hotol bas boenmw larged «n 4 thorougly repaire<, and is pow th best tHouse on Murray Bay â€" Every uttent ance will be given to visitors, and no paly will be spared to muke th. m comforte) N.B.â€"Charges mo erate. > GEKORGE DU BERGER, I onrists visiting this now oâ€"lebrat d wab> ing pince and tashionabl. summer ie will find a comfoitable bome at LV BÂ¥#* GER‘s HOTEL. AND DOMINION BOWLING aLi Bossexâ€"8t., Orrawa. SUSSEX AND CLARZENCESM, O T T &A W A. The undersigned wouls res} +cifuily to the citizens of Gltawa and tiie u.mth lic generully, that he has opened the Louse as au Hotel, and in doing so has no 6081 in fiting up the sume, and hopes ways keeping a clean, well ordered meul, agooud Table supplied with the bestth murket can aflord, and the Bur with the bet _ brands of Liquors imported, that combined with courieous atiendance would lead him to hope for .M 1¢ % OCM“ & Call m-nwme lm‘d the ttawa Yaller â€" WILLIA® McCaFFk1, LACE LEATHER, &c., &, Warranted Superior to any made in the PNâ€" Patents solicited in CanaJa and the States ; Trade and Timber Merks, In Designs, Oupy wrights, Transiers, &¢, M on the shortest notice, Oopuul‘fl cular and information, seut free @8 STEAK BISCUIT Your Orders are solicited, and wl# PROMPTLY ATTEXDED TO by DANLEL MORARISON, Propriet® Nos. 36 and 38 Rideau Street, Ottawa P. 0. Box 725. Montreal, March 11, 1871 Charges moderute. United Btates PalW® C.J. BR DQE" lmgh‘ Ottawa, June 13, 1871 m“’ All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘s, 'llii sale, at reasonable prices. Creat Acceleration of Speeq: â€" To buy Biscuit, Orackers, Candies and O# fectionery of all kinds. LONG AND SHORT MOCCASD® WHOLESALE Of Montreal, April 26th, 1871 IBHABRD TBRUDK io NAN ADA Ottawns, May 13, 1871. _ 106 6m Ottawa, May 31, 1871 CONFECTIONEK Y ESTABLISEKXEN! May 31, 1871. U. 8. PATENKNT AG@BK%Yl. lulnuv. PARK STREET, OTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Prop November 26, 1870 SAKADA ANO DOMiN1ION HOUsté PRICKS. 19th August, 1871. 0| FOR mUBRRAY BaYÂ¥ KGLISH OAK TAKKED BEST PLACEK IN CENTHAL QANADA ; LEATHER BELTING, OBRLSON B FINE ENGLISH HO8E, 00 with references, on applicati® _ JOHN O MoLAREN, 247 Bt, Jamesst, UEKEL, * o 2 o romh the fit i: _to run the Poliny m-guiï¬tugw'm on We cce C T. G. COURSOLLB, Dominion House Late Grand River Hote United . Btates PWE . . to. Beveral valusht!. K. ++*+% "t.~ *4 Braock. at 165 ) 3m Proprirte 1030 pm €.00 an DAF: % 9.00 [ m 1‘.“ & m 5.00 Pm 16574 17400 «l K. LaAYIGKE (M «h new a«@in, /Mu the mo ‘«%ive power in it Mas ftor TWENXT1I public in the Unit aure, It is centra l the city, comma Â¥he left, and a fall Curnished through fort of guests. A for 500 gueste, w charged as menberiog the GARL AND, 1. signed in wites the publi to examine th Will prices f Â¥AHE Patest SWHL external impul slon to drive i and in it prtson induiging in tha this Swing : aoy of the i Canada Central and at No. 8, 8t Dxka®a, Maev 4 18094 Sole A CcaAN AD ON From $100 to ar IRUST AN CGttaWA 1 Bale Hessi i 2 se Linen 1 Case Manit , ) Bales B 11 Biles A EARâ€" V OL. HOLESAL Balon Greg «_ Fort»a Vel *" Ya «_ YVeb ONE Y 4 MoGILL goois Wa 1w