Lin® w Running un q DU BERGER, }ald“.‘“‘. £o TO bf KS ow prepated to t4» » tatea. Thaivtnble the best ot Enitabies Bu l"‘h the premieas, ‘SY & CAMEKRu®s ' 168 3m | 0 MeLAREN, 147 St, James4t, Hotel bas h.‘ awr‘, and is uow the Hay _ Every stteud» altor«, and ao ~ . m comforts) * WFexrt, 5th b.::“' ta a id Inter. EB tor _ CAÂ¥ERO® im +stallishment frup NG, t preses trasn legving @ o le brat d walk + Dbi. sumunet Miawst bome at LU a#* ) e Ti ificent couches wily AIN, of the Jttaws Y alle® N CENTBAL OF TRAtzg a of Speeqs = M s chog iz the atreal ang Rivierg C a h i:::".m" n T m0c0ASDP §ALE i |MM Y DGEs, Dominion House s Graud River Hote a HOSE, THER, #c., 44, vr madd in the Pmâ€" BALWMY] K. the oTlTaWA AYW A, altac kok altached w eacy aFFPa&1, ****» 800 un Candics and OA A 0 EBEX 6 Y. HOU 8E Jz and the United M uk a, Lndustrial a BLISGHÂ¥ENT Q.o.‘.‘ * ..ll.‘... at 1..... 100 pm .U.. rsou Has tor TWEXTY YEARY PASY C been the FAYVOALCE RZ3OL P ct th: genor: ! travelli~g pablic in the United States, as well as of Canada, when visiting Montrcal on | usiness or pl«~â€" sure, â€"It is centrally located on McGill street, the great thoroughtare and commerci~ loentre of the city, commanding a magnificent view of the River 83t. Lawrence, the \ ictoria Bridge on She left, and a full view of Victoris square and Mount Royal on the right, The Hotel is turnished throughoat in a superior manner, and everything arranged with a view to the comâ€" fort of guests, As one ot the largest Yotels in the Dominion, having ample accommodation tor 500 guests, while kept in frst.class style the moderate sum of $1.59 per day will ne sharge1 as heretofore, The travelling community will consualt their own interests by reâ€" mambering the Alblon Hotel when visiting Moutrea! 10685 6m WHOLQALE D_B:OOODS. GARLAND, MU[E&_I"MUR & Co wa" Tha Lghsater Mills Goods er= th cheapest zx»!« made or importod to C:aal G. & M. are Agents for Ottawa, on 1| ail Milt prices delivered in Ottaws. of E. # 1““ Underâ€" signed in â€" vites th» pablic to examins the (Qusbec.) This new a@ing voatains the mo~â€" 4 tive power lo itâ€" self, requiring ho I external impal. sion to drive it, (=@ & aad in it persons > e induiging in that «*3 agreeable exer~ l cise are exposed to no accident or danger. Pateat SWHL, Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contenad with «oy of the inconvenievces met with in ordi naty Swiogt. e _ This Swing may be seâ€"n in op:ration at the | Canada Central Hot:!, No 120, Sussex stroot | and at No. 8, 8St. Patsick Siureet. L. A 13090 â€" Solo Axzont for m?-,n'n.-?#“l(y. l es ON REAL ESTATE, Â¥From $100 to any amount, on approved secarity A EARâ€"RILNG, Goldâ€"pendant circle and drop, modern pattern. The finder will be thanked or rewarded, seion, Please leave at the Tizs ()fMice. January 8, 1%72, 1864tf IRUSE AND LOAN COMPANY OF ""PPER CANADA ALBION HUTEL CcANADIAN GOODS : UALAWA. â€" 1 1 Case Manitoba Tweeds, % 1 * Union Tweeds, ' . 4 Balss Batting, » Waidin:, P 3) M RICE‘3 Paper ( ‘ollars, 11 Biles Lybster Mills Grey Cottons, \ 2 se Linena Drills, o#‘TF . YOL. â€"YI X6G. Is72. LaVYIGNE, Case Velveteons, « _ Velveteen Jackets, ONKKY TV LKNAL woÂ¥*" lusescrens Axvyit#® MoGILL STREET AND SC. PAUL STREEL, Â¥a 49 NEGENT BOUSEâ€" New Millinery. New Costumes. Noew Mantles Will open toâ€"day one case VELVETIRIBâ€" BRONS black and coloured in all widths. Noew V elveteens. New Clouds. YÂ¥( New Fancexy Woollen Goods. 19, 1871 Jamos Bailiff. w Fancy Dress Goods. ~wâ€" Shawls V x Watines all colours. w Froench Merinos. w Mosiery. 18, 187 2 2G EN T HOVU S L Twwss Office, Ottawa Twilled Sheetings ‘ostume Cloth. Agent, l mm ? Fol t‘:n.o | best of accommodation shall continually | be found satisfactory at his establishment. | _ Uttaws, Dec. 14, 1871 1845 3m Apply to Mr.J. FOWLER, Contractor or : to J. H. DUMBLE, Chiet Engineer. . Toronto Globe, Leader and Telegraph, | Montreal Gazette and Witness, Kingston ‘ Dfll',unnllwnw-d Times, Oitawa Citizen and Times, Quebec Mercury and | Chronicle, to copy for whree months, and | sema .e;ont to J. Fowler, P. & H. R. R. !‘m r.mï¬ov.a, 1871. 1815 3m ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES Cormar of Wilbrod and Glougsster streets, Sandy Hill, Otâ€" } tawa, Ontario, MoUKCDiX=s & Wioli A FEW HUNDRED LABOURERS WANT ED PRINCIPALâ€"MRS. ROBERT STEWART. ’1 \‘ 99 . NRKANXLXZLIY MoUSE, NO. 122 SUSSEX STREET, No, 122 No 11, 6. Rideau street, Ottaws. No 1, 10th Concession, Osgoode. A"lyb nB WamATC o erercr mee T W C W TT( TPTC ETERbOnxOUGH aAND HALLBURTON RAaiLROAD. vARLD ANXD KDVCATION, nCoe i Y pBR: MeDOUGALL, Rideau stree Ottaws, Dec #7, 1871 _ w 18534 Kopt by Henry Labelle. «wl KBASXs aAbD WINES, w H. PooTITK i . Gnm=Pras y $100 PE YEAR SINCLAIR, STITT & Co. 1801y ¢ uOQPsPLTAL STREET 0 T t a '\L. CLANA; A, tion shall continually @< NTREAL ; DEALEKS TDt [1371 | y iuURISTMAS AKD XEW Â¥RAiR. STEAMSHKIP 00.'@ | have lately recélved from London, and now ! offer tor sale a full assortment of GENTLEMEXN‘S DRESSINXG CASES, varying in price from $3 to $15 Ecglish Hair, Nail, &c., Broshes, ia greoâ€" varicty, and choice Toilet Articles generally A large Stock of French and English Por fumery from the best makers, Lubis, Atkis son, Violet, &:,, also, Lt hford‘s celebrate Floroâ€"Heraldic Perfumes, An assortment ot Sllver Mounted Smelliny Bottl=s, Odor Cases, Toll:t Bottles, Vases &: A CHRISTIE & CO , Druggist, &¢., S;park s strect, Ottawa WEEKLY CO MMUNIC ATION 1872 The Steamers of the LONDON LINE are intnded jo run Weekly during Season of Navigation of 1872, between the above Ports, the first leaving London on or about London, Quabec ard Noatreal Through Bills of Lading issued on the Continent and in London for all parts of Carada and in the United States, to Detrolt, Milwaukie, Chicago, and other points in the West. Certificates issued to persons desirous ot preâ€"paying the passage of their friends to Canada. For further information apply to TEMPERLKYS, CARTER & DARKE, 3 White Lion Court, Coraki!l, C Kev l ~ PERCuL.O:! I he Corawise streâ€"=i n ot the public netice, t ceive Teod ts Buidiags t C: tolâ€"«, 8+ s+inmon St. Laco and M Pank Houses ar Fr0‘s Piâ€"tol«s, 1 l Road, _ Also. tor Kog ! aow uki amsd A l Pi ****, S’ C:fl «ma y bu* . wib . O8 tre OM e of <h Rivh t« ¢a Lten #1.80 A. Ohristiceo ct4L< Co Is hereby given that application will\g made to the Parliiment of Canada, at i n#=xt Session, for an Act to incorporate the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with power to construct a Railway from the Pacific Ocean towards the Rocky Mounâ€" tains, and fom such point as may be selectel Easi of the Rocky Mountains, towards the Pacitic (cean, connecting the seaboarnd of British Columbia with the railway systein of Canada,â€"such railway to be constructed upon such route and trom such points as its Eastern and West» ern Termini, as shall be selected or apâ€" proved by the Government of Canada, with power also to construct branch lines to the Sault Ste. Marie to Fort William, to tembina and to all such other points upon the frontier of the Dominion of Canada, as may be deemed advisable,â€"And also with power to construct or join in conâ€" structing a bridge across the Sault Ste. Matie, and to own and work steam and other passenger and freight vessels upon »ll lakes touched by such railway or its branches. Ottawa. 26th Dec.. 1871. 1864if Ihe Cornâ€"wis{jogers 4ppointed for the conâ€" struâ€"=i n ot the Iut reolonlal Hailw«y, gave pablic netice, that they ere prepared to re, eive Tend ts for the crectimn «, Statton B nidiogs t Cacovans lsl« Yets, no!l Pis= tol«, 9: rimon, ®t. Fabien, Bic, Rimousk, St. Luc ard Metapediac Road ; and als~, for T:uk Houses and Wood Sheds at Isle Verte, F0« Piâ€"to‘v«, Bic, Rimowki and Metapediac Rivh re ¢n Lel Tenders wa amabe : of th ceiv. ‘, a a ke the Comui ® < eclock, ncoo, omm isston ts‘ OHece, Uttawa, Jany. l2th, 1872 Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontar‘o at its ensuing Ses%i.n for an Act to authorize the Incumbent, Churchwardens and Vestry of Christ Church. in the City of Uttaws, to erect a new Building for Divine Worship on or near the site of the present Editice, and to enable them to borrow such sum of money as may be necessary in addition to the subscriptions now, or hereaiter to be, made, for dolnyinx‘mo oxrom. Dated Ottawa. 6th Dec.. [871. _ 496._ Plans and Specilications, trdhnl with the ocndtions of Contract, nii orma of Tendet, can be seen on and after the 22n4 JANU. ARY, lnst., at the office of the Chisf Engineer ot the line, Charles Legge, £ q., No. 162, St. James 8treet, Montreal. . N Is hereby givén that the Di:se:tors of tlis Company are prepared to receivs tenders fer the consti uction of the lin :. Jamaiee NEWETZ HEREAECET ICER Aud Terdors will be received marked ol‘r“d‘n†at the office of D. A. w' President ¢f the Compasy, Alexandria, Glen« garry, uP to the 6th d x.0° February next. The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or nitndn. D. A. MACDONALD President M. & 0.0. J. Ry. M K SEASON fOMMENCED B ULLKL axNXD Ca K Alexandrin, J0th Janusry, 1873, Thoe Italian Warehouse. J. M. C. DELES DERNIERS. (ttawa, 26th Dec., 1871. abf 1C Ottawa, Jan 3, 187 N TERCU . ONI L RAILWAY 3 » U LK * OTICE lso_ tor Kogine H us s at Rivicre du Loup, v uâ€"ki amsd M«~tapediac load. i.~«, Sp cifications an t forws of Tender y * s un on and aftr 20 h F.bruary, at UM « of she Ohlef .."flm- 0“&", at h te ¢n Leng and Rimouski. ‘enders way b« fot the whol«, or any lees atws of thoa> Puilliog:, and wil bire. vid, una ked * T.omtâ€"rs for Suildings," at Commhson t«‘ Cfiic, Ottaws. up to 113 ock, ncoo. of the 36th day of March next, ED. WaL8H, ED. 4. CHANDLER, C.J. BRYDGES 4A W. MeLELAK. t € WEDNESDAY, 1l0th APRIL { t Wt Or ON~nTREAL & cITY OF OTTAiWA JU «cTI0ON DETGGISTS, SPARK® @TREET, London Steoeamers oOvYsTERS, Iv.d H. U. RO * E‘s celâ€"brated RAILWAY COMXPANY:. 14, BETWEEX i# London NoTICE 1871 AT DaVID SHAW, Montreal. xz 18607 OTTAWA. WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 17. 1s72. . .. PEKR GALIVN. ROSS & Co, YETEKLRS®, 1872 MONTREALâ€" OCEAN 1845 1 Quebec. 1872 J8634f CHANGE OF SAIL Phe steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Liveâ€"pool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Baturday, calling at Loct Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passengere to and from In'l‘nd and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: Liverpool Line. Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. . FROMK QUEBEC. _ 1 I8]1. Scandinavian ...... ... .. Nirth American ...... . NMECREVIMG «..«rier «++++ Austrian .............. SarmntikH .. : .. : «¥x + ++ C..p‘.n se e n e e e e 64# ## S'IDdlMflll..a... a a e# 8 HiDCEREUH .... 1« crrrre C.bin s# 4 % s# 0 8 ## ....'I..mҠBteerage, .. .. .. .. ... .sn r..+1+ 046 The s‘eamers of the Glasgow Line (sailing from (Glasgow every Tuaesday, and from Que beo for (iiasgow on or about every Thursday are ictended to be daspatched from Quebec ; Glasgow Line. Dates of Sailing are as follows : CORINTHIAN, on or about.....12th Oct. OTTaAW A 44 . . . A0kk .!* ST. DAVID «* .~~.,@0th. 4 ST. ANDREW . "© . .... Sud Nov. 8ST. PATRICK « .Â¥ ek + Fares fro:m Ottawa, cebin...... ...... $87 25 Intermediate...........â€"...... $A7 Of 44 0¢ s‘l‘em..... .....-...,..7..‘....."._.3_' W _ _: _And every succeeding Saturday. Rates of Paseage from Quebec: _ _ _ each vesscl. Berths not secured until paid for. Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage cortificates granted to m desit. ous of brintlng out friends from E: s * For further particulars .V" to D W COWaARD & CO., C L SEVERN .......G. Butchart, do. Are intended to Sail, as under during the Season of 1871, from TEBEC TO LONDON eerage, sdults, $24 ; children under 12, $#2 yer year. Certitic issued to persons desirous 0 Srepoy' the passage of their friends to anada, Tickets can be granted from Ottawa to Quebec at $7 first class, and $3 1. second For further information apply to DAVIDB.EA_‘., es FIRE and LIFE, CALTEAL... ... ... «.+ .. ++« a610,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUXNDS ON HAND, over...... 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE T EONBD. ..« ««<«<«««c«x*r<si«. â€" MOOnalL There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. A’u dmu:_ DlP:BrIBNT. escriptions ate rates. Losses promptly settled without referâ€" ence to the Home Office. 3 LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security :is lar pu:io %ï¬ld thconmvm asâ€" suress have" additional security in‘ the UNLIMITED LILABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. y Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. is in no way affected by the recent Fire at . F. BEDDALL, Chhl‘w for Canada. A. PERRY; Firé Inspector. mcx_nu:;’n‘iuk. .-’-“::.’-h U and Elgin streets. . _ 17607 N.B.â€"The financial postion of the Royal NEW STREET CROSSINGX EXTENSION OF MARKET SQUARE, COMING MUNICIPAL ELECTION® COMING ELECTION FOR DOMINION VOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY LAW. WATERWOREKS QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESENTATION. _ LATE CHANGE IN THE MINISTRY. COAL STOVES AT H. MEADOWs & Co. woOoOp STOVEs AT H. MEADOWs & CO. HOT AIR FURNACES AT K. MEADOWES * Ottawa, Nov. 3, 1871. TINWARE OF ALL KINDS AT H. MEA DOWs & CO. BUILDERY JOB WORK AT H. MEA JASSENGERS Booked to and from Liverpool Londonderry and Ottawa, May 6, 1871 The following first class powerful: Iron ulmh‘?o: â€" MEDWAY...*. .D. Harris, Commander. TH AMES .{Jhmu. do. NIGEKR......... W. Nisbett, â€"~ do. SEVERN.......G. Butchart, do. | yA . ~â€"~ OmE i oo «CAPITAL‘ STOVE DEPOT, CCTREO , . 24 2e e e en aa en 88 a aYou o a a a + «* » @9 UV R@J" An experienced Surgeon carried on Oe ELGIX flilï¬;“hu 1748 17 A. I, TAYLONR, Agont. R.I..’dih-:a-qâ€' uebec to London ‘Csbin. adults, ; children under h .w ’m. PW V sx s & an a _ Lf y . Royal Insurance Co‘s Office, Ottawa. Ottawa, Oct. 17th. 17607. UvsDON 1LINE OF STKi®EKRAS. NIGEE...... SEVERN.... MEDWAY .. THAMES. .. 8T. IAWRENCE AXD OTIA KA RAILWAY. OYaL IN8SUKANCE COMPANY, aATKEKST OLTY TOPICA. CARTAGE AGENCY. SUMMEKR SERYVICE. rasrare irrixtesâ€"f WBP tGlasgow. a e un a h4 e s 86 6 a 8# ## 64 Agents se se 04 64 a @4# ® 1 we a e e 6 ## d. do 5th Oct. ‘. 18(1 January 6 Feb do BJ JR mc mt 6+ NT <€. + 4Â¥ a i ,',\“-',V’ Q a Hag . :;‘ ;= % BsY C4 x (Vert, eR 2E a § a A U uL k: yc $ 5_4 * 13 20 47 10 10 24 Hardwareâ€"Hardware, SIGN 0F THE AXÂ¥VIL. No. 24 Rideau Street The subscriber baving jast completed his Fall Etock he is now prepared to furnish any aiticle in the above line at prices to suit the purchaser, _ The following articles are constaatly kept in stock : Bar, Bundle and She .t Irou Bar and Sheet Tin Bas and Shcet copper. Bheet Brass, &c , &¢c P Bleigh Ehoe Steel all sizes from ix} to 41j, Cast and Blister Sicel Proof Chain all siz»s Broad Axes Narrow Axes single and double steel Qut Saws, Grind Stonee, Oils, Putty, Glass, Paints all colors Btiovesâ€" Box, Double, and Cooking Alsc, an endless variety of Shelf Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, &¢., &c P. 8.â€"A call is respect{ully solicited _All goods delivered free to any part of the city Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive 8e ,.;120 per cent in fuel, and steam pasries through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quite dry. «_ Extensively used in the Eastern and Western States and throughout Great Britain, and by the British Admiralty and American Navy.â€" (Bee circular.) N. B.â€"I1t saves 30 per cent or the Russell Honse boiler, and steam is now raised in half the time it took before the cov{ring was apâ€" plied, while it saves a large per contege ~f Fuel and Labor at the Water Works of the Parliament and Depaitmental Buildings, City Gas Works, Rochester& Co.‘s Steam Mille, A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &c. x CHALMERS & CU., Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. Box 844i, Sote Manufactaurers io the Dominion J. MUNROE O‘LEARY, General Western Agent. Ottawa, Nov. 20, 187;â€" y ORME & SON m ::)ozkl'no:helr Eho\w R')cmskonn of the Pianos, Organs, «c ever shown to a Can:dian puvlic, would reâ€" spectfully solicit a call from intendivg puorâ€" for which we are Bole Agents. They are, without doubt, the best and cheapost Piano now made, possersing a Fall, round and mellow tune, Easy and Elastic Touch, Great Durability, and a highly Oroamental and Elegant Apâ€" pearance. / As will be seen by the accompanying report, Mesers Wim McOammon & Co. were awarded the first premium on Piano Fort: a at the r:csnt International Exbibition t Buflalo. This i» the thirty sevenin first premiam that Messrs McC & Co. have reeiv:a on their Pianos at diffâ€"rent faire. Report Oof Judges on Piano Fortes at the International Exbibition, Buffalo We, the Moniu“foed. after a plying such carefal and cri tests as determine at once 10 the n&oflencod ear and hand the com paraâ€" tive merits of Pianos, to those now on exhibi~ McCammon Piano, tion at the Rink, respectfully submit the following as the result of our trial : ~ We cannot too higbly recommind the Filanes on exhibition by McCammon & C», of Alb ny, for their sympathetic and sivnging quality of tone, their evenness of scale and excellence of workman hip. They admit also of the most sudden and violent forc:ng without the slightâ€"st perceptible jang e of the strings. even in the smallest instrument. This, we are confident, can Ot be said of any piano o similar sizs made by aoy other pasties in this country; We would, then, uoh:s titingly pronounces the Mcammon & Co Pianos worthy in every respect of the first prise, possessing as they do all the in ispenrable requisites of a first class Piano. J BR BLODGETT, JAB M HARRISON, Ju iges, LUCIEN G CHAFFIN, Buflalo, Oct 14, 1871 We are also agents for the celebrated MASON & HAMLIN, ESTEY & CO., $ and SHUuNINGER ORGANS. Ottawa, Nov 23, 1871 and have al ways on hand a large assortment in our Show Roomg. _ w4 ids l [C . â€" #@yPaymâ€"nts of from §10 to $20 per mouth takea on any of the above instrumen.s. Every instrament guarante d (or 5 yâ€"ars, The Annual Meeting of the Loyal Orange County Lodia of the County of Carleton will be holden in the City of UOttawa on the F!RST TUESDAY in Febâ€" . 1872, at 12 o‘clock noon. _ All pNA:L interested are required to take notice, and govern themselves accorig Oitawa Pianoforte and Organ Warehouse. No. 8, Sparks sireet, opposite Russell Hous». Ottawa, Nov 31, 1871 ~. A8k4y ttaw«a,Jan« 9. t o To HAUSBR‘3 wiRCULATING LIBRRT. No. 38 Rideau Street. 1The Latest Novels Always on Hand, © 8@* Torms, 40cts. per month. kooks bought, sold and exchanged : We woald driw particular attention to the HALMERS.SPENCE PATENT NONâ€" ConNpUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS AND PIPES ~â€"_ _ WM. ELLIOTT, Co. Master, Co. Carleton. North Gower, Jan. 8, 1872 _ 1867 1w LS8SRS. , I 47 THCS8. BIREETT, No. 24 Rideau street, d&w X‘MAS 1I1871. SATCHELL BROS., begto arnounce that they a:ec, as usual, preâ€" pared to supply their customers with the choicest teate of all kind«, having purchased for the appronching feativities the following prige cattle, Th2 celebrated threeâ€"vearâ€"old thorouchâ€" The Gov rnor General of Canada, Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whole of which were brought at great exâ€" p:nse from the West. iz Th’fnbove will be on exhibition at their Stalls‘from P. 8.â€"Their Pork Stall will be found comâ€" plete, with a choice selection of Pork, Hams Bacon, Spices, Rounds and Rolled Boef, Sau» sages, &¢., &¢, cz * SATCHELL BROS%. Stalls Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market Ottawa, Dec. 20, 1871. WEDNESDAY UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT The St. James‘ Hotel, * ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXND Having been rehbuilt and furnished in first ©lass style, and with good Sample Rooms«, will be open:d by the sutscriber on The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situatcd in the immediate vicinity of the Parâ€" liament Bnildings, Banks and other Pablic Offices, will be conducted in the best style which the wants of the public require. ‘The table will be supplied with all the for the accommodation of the travelling public and the BAR with the choicest brands of Liquors, There is also Commodious Yard Room and Stabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIAM POWLEY, Proprietor. Ottauwa, Dec 11, 1821 18427 COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT LUNCH, Consisting of Boup with Joint or Entreeâ€" charge 25cte, * DINNER, Consistinz of Soup, Fish, Joint or Poultry Entrees and Sweets from 6 to 6:30â€" charged 50cts, OoYsTERS, Canada Pacific Railway. Notice is hereby given, that an application will be made to the Parliament of Can«da at its next Session for an Act to Incorporate the Canada Pacific Rulway Company, for the purpose of constructing and working a railway from Lake Nipissing or some other point in the Province of Ontario connecting with the railway system of Caneda to Fort Garry or Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba, thence Westerly through such pass of the Rocky Mountains in Canadian territory as may be found practicable to Bute Inlet or some other point on the sea‘ oard of the Pscific Ocean in the Province of British Columbis (with power to extend to Victoria or some other point in Vancouver Island, if fouud advisable) ; toge= ther with branch limnes from near Winnipeg River to the L=ke of the Woods, and trom Fort Gartry or Winnipeg aforesaid to Pembina or euch other point or place on the bouad :y of the Province of Manitoba, as may connect with the railway system of the United Etates. ALFRED WADDINGTON, Butchers to ship lately subsisting between tw the unâ€" dersigned, THOMAS HUNTON, ILLLAM SHOOLBRED and FREDERICK AOUGH . TN HUNTOUN, as Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Ottaâ€" wa, in the County of Carleton, under the names, “KlEe and firm of "T. HUNTON SHOUOLBRED & CU."" was on the first day of November, instant, dissolved :)g.mutud conâ€"ent, so far as regards same William Shoolbred, who on that dag reâ€" tired from the concern ; and that all debts due and owing to or by the late firm, will be received .n:g:id by the said Thomas Hunton and Frederick Houghton Huntonâ€" As witness our hands this first day November, A.V. 1871. THOS. HUNTON, _ WM. SHOULBRED, FRED. H. HUNTUN. ««â€"A Te== ROWE & ANNABLES, $ Ray~Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Qommon Bedsteads.... 2 25, *# 2 50 Common Chsirs. , .. .. 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTION IN Ottawa, Nov. wards, consisting of six pieces. Pa«rlor Sets in Hair Cloth, Biuck Walnut Bideâ€" boards, Bureaus, Washstands, Contre Tables, Side Tables, and a great variety of cane chairs at equally low prices. RABE CHANCE. To be let for a term of‘g:ul, the BELLEVUE GARDENS, Hull, the proprieâ€" tor being desirous of retiring on account of poor health. Enquire at the Wricnt House, Hull. Witness : Remember the place EAST END SAPPERS BRIDGE. | _ ROWE & ANNABLE. Ottawsa Dec 12, 1871 k WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, METCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, 12 Jan. celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred â€"Durham Steer which took the first prize at the Provincial Exhibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2,500 lbs. : BREAKF AS‘T, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Oharge, 25cts. Ottawa, Dec 7, 1871 otice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" URNITURE, FURSXITUREL. Decembcr 2nd, 1871. IsSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. P. PE)INOCK§ Ji wa. Nov. 17, 1871 Delicacies of the Season, "G& E2 O R G E." Rideau Street. HI8 EXCELLENCr at all hours. Wines, CHOPS, , Nee c W3 JaMES NORRIS8. a 18397 JOSEPH DEY, and Cigars and STEAKS BYâ€"LAITV No.313 To make some provisions against the spread of Small Pox and other Contaâ€" geous or infectious diseases, and to prevent the interment of the dead within the City of Oitawa, after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December, A.D. 1872. WHEREAS it is necessary to mike some provisions againâ€"t the spreadiny of Small Pox and other contagious or infecâ€" tious diseases within the City of Othm and also to prevent the interment of d bodies within the limits of the said City after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December next. Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the City of Ottawa do hereby enact and ordain as fo.lows : 1. That the occupant of any dwelling, house within the City wherein any case of Smail Pox or other contagious or infecâ€" | tious disease now exist or shail and may | hereafter exist shall iminedisately upon ius \ teing known to him or her of the existâ€" | ence of such disease, put, place and keep np on or over the front entrance door of the said house a printed notice, placed thereon in a conspicuousg manner, dur rng the continuance of the said disease th : .â€" in. and for the space of ten days therâ€". after, such notice to be supplied hy thii, Corporation. 2. That the body of any person who shall die within this City from Small Pox or other contagious or infectious diseas» shali be interred within two days at farâ€" theet from the time of his or her death. 3. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, bodies politic or corpoâ€" rate, to permit or sufter or be party to the permitting or suflering any dead body in any house, building or other place or Places within this City uninterred for any onger period than five days without the written permission of the Board of Health. 4. Toat it shall not be lawiul for any person or persuns affiicled with the disease of Small Pox or other infectuous or conâ€" tagious disease to go abroad in any of the public highways, streets or places of public resort in the City until such person or perâ€" sons shall have recovered thereof, or unless he, she or they shall produce when requirâ€" ed by any Health Officer a certifitate trom a regular medical practitioner within the City that he, she or they have recovered. and that there is no danger to be appreâ€" hended of the spread of the disease by such person or persons going about. _â€" 5. That from and after the thirty«first day of December nexs it shall now be lawâ€" ful for any person or persons, bodies poli tip orcorporate to bury or inter any dead body within the limits of the City of Ottaâ€" 5. Any person or persons offtending against any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law shall, on conviction thereof bâ€"fore the Police Court for the City forfeit and r:y such fine not exceeding fifty dollars or less than one dollar as to the Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction. and in case of nonâ€"payment of the fine inflicted jor any such breach, and there being no _ distress found out of whick the same can be levied such offender shall be liable to be im sorinonod in the Common Gaol of the unty of Carleton for such period not excea«ding ons calendar month, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper.: Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottaws this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, A,D. 1872, EUG. MKARTINEAU, Certified, 1t is now an established fact _ you wantany firstâ€"class BRANDIES or W.NES, and the best Family GROCERIESY, you must go to QCO'I'OH WHISKIEKSâ€" ; % Pmoï¬Oldl and wines, Anest se svout.†.!flgh POIT WINEâ€" Files specially made for Fileing Machines. Old Files reâ€"cut and warranted equal to New Dentists‘, Watchmakers‘, and Jewâ€" ellers‘ Files made to order. â€" § N. B. â€"Carrlage on Old Files to here paid y us. Officeâ€"393 Bt. ;ané ml((;g:xw . P0l‘l'll & ALEL â€" Guinness‘s and Dawes‘, A large Stock of NEW FILES of every kind always on hand, and also made to order to any shape or cut. SPIII CarDLESs, FANCY SOAPSâ€" RPest Toilet, " London® ï¬o, to order One trial dll‘on quality . The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b Ol all kinds, the very fnest. DIRECT IMPORTATIsNS Thos. Pat:2arson‘s. JO"IIIâ€" Â¥resh Roasted, and Ground Daily on _ TRhOX. PATTERSON‘8. Ottawa, December 23, 1871 HERKY WINEâ€" RULITSâ€" APANBâ€" Of the first grades, various prices, good RANDIRSâ€" * The best old »rands, Pure und Mild. K »a%:s al, Deo 21, 1 811 wW. P. LETT. AKADA FILE WORKS, LACK TEASâ€" ICKLESâ€" At CITE SI. PAUL, MONTREAL Fine Old Vintages (20 years), pure and reliable for family use and mediâ€" Just received, a superior lot of the best Brands, imported this Season, quite tresh and fragrant.â€"Try / A»m. Bauces, Jame and Jellies, from th« Crosse & Bisckwell‘s â€" Bellin; COheapâ€"really good. k 11i«Malt . DeKuypers & Son, fine {Old Dauble Berried t id and Pale, very fine qualities, and at Low Prices. ALWAYS ON HAND cinal purposes. No. 26 Rideau Strocet PRICEâ€"383 CEN1S Mayor, _ Th« case of Mr. Humphrey, one of the ‘ leaders of the Midl ind Circut, in England, was a very reraarkable one. He suffered | from a peculiar cancerous affâ€"ction, tke nature of which was not discovered ussil after the perfcrnanse of an operation. The case was so rure that an anonymous 2ccount of it was published in a medical work, At this time Mr. Huamphrey was to all appearance established ~ in perfect 'beslth. He happened to read the article | and recognize it as his own case. * Where | upon he proceeded to arrange bis »Rairs ind put his house in order, djing withkir ‘1e predicted time in the raidet of his jamily, with the fortitude of an ansient Roman." THE ROMANCE OF MEDICINE. . It really appears, says an English maga zine writer, that men may have serious attacks ot disease and know liitle or nothing about it. Here is a curiouns inâ€" stance :â€"Some gentlemen had been supâ€" ping together, and had afterward taken to pipes. One of them laid down his ipe and said he was striken with paralysis. Elin friend declared that they coflld not perceire it, but he persisted that his mouth was drawn on one side. and be asked a friend to accompany him home. This friend called next day, and fourd him very angry with his barber for not seeing any alteration in him. But is the course of the day his unbeliering friends saw him to be manifestiy worse, and be died in about six months. It is not @e. likely that there are many case« of imâ€" eipteut paralysis which are quite unnotriecd by the sufferer. It is probable that each condition of life may have a tendency to develope some form of physical danger as its shader. Thus we have the miner‘s lung, the paieâ€" ter‘s colic, the artist‘s dropped wrist, the coryphee‘s infl@«mmalle dress, the clergyâ€" man‘s sore throat. . The number of odd4 remedies® is always increasing. Bot petroleum and chloral hydrate are presâ€" cribed for seaâ€"sickness. The homcsopathâ€" ists say that pec.vleum is, in fact, a speâ€" cific. The white of eggs is used medioally. It seems that opium, although it k«s been often called a doctor‘s confession of weakâ€" ness, might be used, in moderate doses, to a greater extent than is al present the case. When M:. Wier went out to see the war in France, he w«s in the habit of ad mistering heavy doses of fifteen drops ef laudanum, even when it had been relused by the surgeon, and found it awery «lizir nite 10 many poor zuffarers during the campaign. * 6 The subject of sympithies and antipathies is extremely curious. Boyle tainted when he heard the splashing of water ; Scaliger turned pale at the sight of wateroresses ; Erasmus became feverish when be saw a fish. A curious story is told of a clergyâ€" man, that he always fainted when he bheard a certain verse in Jeremish read. Zim. merman tells us of a lady who could not endure the feeling of silk or satin, and shuddered when touching the velvety skin of a peach. Mr. Julian Young tells the story ot an officer who could not endure the sound of a drum. Yery few of the sudi>n deaths which are said to arise from diseases of the heart, do really arise from that cause. To asâ€" certain the real origin of sudden deaths, the experiment has been tried in lnm and reported to a scientific congress m Strasburgh. Sixtyâ€"six omses of susjden death were made the subject of a thoreugh cases only two were found that had died of diseases of the heart. Nine out of twentyâ€"six died from np:?hxy. while there were fortyâ€"six cases eongestion of the lungs, that is, the lungs were so full of blood that they could not work, there not being room enough for sufficient air to enter to support life. The onuses that produce congestioc of the lungs are cold teet, tight c.‘utm costive bowels, sitting still until led after being warmed with labor or a rapid wa«lk; going too suddenly froma close, h-u‘ roogm into the cold air, especially after speaking, and sudden de news en the blood. Mmcun- of nddu".“.:-h being known, an avoidance of them may serve to lengthen lives which would Ootherâ€" wise be lost under the verdiot of heart complaint. Trunk R«ilway, at London, was broken into on Sawurday night, and the drawem overhauled for tha object ofgu‘cr.onb about 50c in coppers was bhowerer, the thef being but poo:rly rewarded for his The Niagara river has been wl within a few days with three now : of ise, one below the Falis, one at Le ton, and the other at Young»â€"town. Many people with teams are cr.ssing at Youngs town snd Lewiston. The Brantford system of water works introduced by Mesers. C. H. Waterom & Co., of that town, is giining faver in Canada. Recently Mr. Alfred Perry, of system for supplying water to the upper p{:‘nionofwom'ty.m‘lh upper portion of l(onwulh‘,inhct,tmby iswelf, a% a considerable elevation above the rest, and Mr. Perry seems to consider it the best and the plan to make for it special arrangements, the whole large â€"extent of the lower part of the city beimg reached with a musch Montreal, an excellent authority on such upper part. The engine house at the Halifex railâ€" way depot, with nine locomotives, was burned on Friday night. Kight were owned Ly the Govdrnument and one by the Windsor and Annapolis Railway Company. It is stited that in case Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island enter the De minion, the Government will be prepared to establish a line of steamers betwess Canada and the West Indies. The Elora n-u-yl.'l\oliubflllz of Draytou is making gre«t strid seince railway was opened. Already there has boenqnit-eannnbcduwu-.r mdot.heninl.p‘.ronpoct. (iflhl pe duce of all ki is purchased large!y, over one hundred tons of freight were shipped trom that station last week. -?l'llll care in putting ; the Trocbes is im« portant as & security to the purcbaser in ord # to be sure ut obtaining th« genuine RBrown‘s Bropcbial Proche@. COCOâ€"GLYCERINE nourishes the hair. _ ____ JOHN L BROWN & SOKN, _ on outside wrapper of box, and private Ger« ernment stamp attached to each box. ... _ . The Troches are offcred with the fullest confidence in their efficacy ; they ‘hare beem thoroughly tested aud maintain the gocd ceputation thâ€"y have jasily mcgquired Hoee Public Speakers, Singers, Military Offices aud those who overtar the volce they ae us ful in reliâ€"viog an Irritates ‘Throat, axd will rendâ€"r articulation easy. Being an article of ue merit, and baving murm by a test of mauy years, each year Ands there in new localitics in varionse Mo;::m and the Trockes are universally better than other articles. Obtain only «Brown‘« Bromchial Trock®,‘ and do not take any of the Worthiess /métattons that may be offered. & SORE THROAT, QuUGH, COLD, and similar troubles, if soffered 10 progres®# esult in serious Puimouvary, Broochial, ari Asthmatic afe t‘~n«, oftâ€"ntimes incurable, «Taoogss," so called, sord by the eance, A12 a poor imitation and nothiog like BROWN®*S BRUNCHGIAL TROCHES which are avld on‘ly in boxes with 1c â€"simile of the proprictofs, _ BROWN‘8 BRONCHIAL ThUOCHES are compounded »o as to reach directiy the « at of the discase and give almost instant CAUSESs OF SUDDEXN DFATH pressure than is required for the DOMINIUON NOTES.