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Ottawa Times (1865), 19 Jan 1872, p. 4

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p} (€| %4 Af on the abortest notice, Copies of Laws, Cir calar and information, seat free on spplica tion. Daurwings prepared and copiled. Putent, sollcited 16 Canalaand the Unit« Btates ; Trade and Timber Markse, Lodustria Designs, Cupywrighta, Lransters, &¢., register ~ Oharges modetats. United States Pato t attended to, Several valuabl F:'.‘.‘Z. u.n’ ts for sule. The subscriber is instracted to offer fo: aale by private contract for a short time and if not disposed of in that way, will | e put up at Auction, of which due not‘ce COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT LUNCH, Consisting of Soup with Joint or Entreeâ€" charge 25cts, OoYs8TERs, DIXNER, Consisting of Soup, Fish, Joint or Pou! KEntrees and Bweots from 6 to 6:30â€" hn t charged 30cte, Krvery description of Work in our line PROMAPRLY e and ly s xecuted, personal} All work guarantsed, RIDEAU STREET, Opposite the Tea Pot. Hexztr Rooutr, Nov, 27, 1871. LANXDS FOR SALE INX THE TOWNSHIP OF HUNXTLEY. â€" > __ The Mayer will attend to businers conâ€" nected with his ollice at the City Hall erery asy from tenm Q‘olock till <cleven a m. o es W.P. LETT, Clty Clerk, lity Hall, Ottews, Jai, 16, 1973. 1872a% ard apple Trees. A great variety of Plamb, Poesar and Cherry Trees. ~Large watiety o ealy, hardy native Grape YVines, and also the :‘alflm of foreign grapes: Black amd Currant Busb+s ; Black berr; Raspberry, Strawberry Plants, Koglish Go «= % bemiy and Quince Bushes ; a us _ Ple Plant Roots Mountain Asb, =0 .I.tfih-, Norway r+qpruce and Aatbor Viie 6 _‘ All parties ordering stock willâ€" be notifiyd the day for delivery. A‘) it cawilt be first. class, and d in froah orge: 'bonéouv.‘rh 2 P‘,v' * «* j .‘_i::_. ._.â€"L: sw AEnEEL S ‘.__fl}‘ gcriptive catalogue,. and ® aw“vfl' umd'hwnm%;.; PLUMBE&S. GA8â€"FITTERS, The above trees and plants will be tasen up from the Nursery as soon as the frodt is out and the grounm At for planting. The Lands are principally timbered and ill be sold cheap. fl"llitlohm_h\':lfl--tl‘l'cflml‘.uy. Ottawa, January 12. Thirteen varieths of CRAB APPLE TREEAâ€"all have been tested in Eastern C»~ nada, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshir, will stand cold climate, being abundant and constuaat bearers giving satisgfaction to the purchaser. : ne kind ripens first Augustâ€" bes early spple known; while oth r varie ties grow nearly as large as the Famâ€"ule,. Bome keep till June. Good for. a eating and preservicg M'Ax All kinds of Summer, Fall and t W © %‘M of Huntley, .| East half Lot of No. 9in the 10th Concession, Huntley, One Hundred is coufldently recommended to the Public as .u unfeiling reme«dy for wounds of every de* «ctiption ; _ a certain remedy for ulcerat=d sore legs, buros, scalds brutées, chlolains, scorbutic eruptions, and pilmples In the face sore and influmeqa oves, sore heads, sor» breasts phie®, kC, o. > § _ Sold in pots, 13id4,, 22. 9d., 48. 64., 111., and #22. each ; and bis PILUL® ANTISCROPAULZL OR ALTER ;uu.‘-ttwpu“ylumuood.duw‘ na «tures in he: cperations. They form a mild «cd supertor tamily aperient, that may b« taken st all times without cunfnement o: lexinge ctoiet. * FRUIT TREES AND EVERGREENZ madrmed by sixty years‘experien~s to be en« ofthe last alterative msdicines ever comâ€" Frepared by 8 N. THOMAS8, Phelps, N T sad NORTHaUP & LXMAN, Newcastlc Ont Bo‘s Agen s for the Domin~ton. FPuain cannot stay whers it is used, It is the cheapest Medicine aver made,. One dose cures common Sore Throat, ~ On+« bottle hus cured Broachitia. Filty conts worth bas <sured an Old4 Ntanding Cougn,. Cne or two lm;’ln oures bad ca«es ot Piles and Kiduacy Troubic«. BHix to cight applications cure any case of Exrcoriated Nipples or Infiamed Breast. . One bottie has cured Lame Back of eight years standing.. Dantel Plank, of Brookidleld, Tioga County, Pa., saye:> *"I went thirty miles for a boitle of your Oil, which e@wct=d a Wonâ€" derfal Cure 0t a Crooked Limb by six app!i catiova."* Anotber who bas basd Asthma tor It is compon d of Six of the Best Oils that are known. Is as good to take as (or «xtereai use, and is believed to be immeasurably supeâ€" tlor to anything ever maude. _ Will save you much cuftering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place, Price 25 cents, trueu. Uttaws, Nov 3, 187° Rutu« Robinson, of Nanda, N Y., writes #One email bottle of your Kelectric Cil re stored the voice where the person had not apoken above a whisper in Five Years."* Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: «Your Kclectric Vil cured me of Bronchitrs in Oune Week.* Dealers all over the country say : "We bhave never sold a medicine that has yiven suen complete «atisfaction a« this, {c.n says : "I have balf of a 50 cent bottle eft, and $100 would not buy it if 1 con‘d g«t Thomas Eclectrigc Oill Worth Te T U. 8. PBATENT AG ENCY November 26. 1870 11 D& 7 : zold in Boxes at 131;4., 28. 94 , 4s. 63.,11s & r 11, 1871 i ME POOR MHAN‘S PRLDEXNX D, AKADA ia®o Nors â€" Eclectric â€"Belected and Lloc CL_LEBRATED OINTMEXNT, â€" Jie WagAtinGold Do * n & . i s Otiawns, Dec 7, 1871 24Â¥ BBEAKF AYS‘T, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Charge, 25¢cts January 16, 1847%. BEACH AND BA}:‘;‘UCOT F, Bridport, Dorse, England, apd sold by all Medicine Vendors, BELL MANCERS, &c. R. ROBERTS‘s Roche & Kelly, Rideau Street. Apply to Prepared only by i is time you did. ATIVE PLLLS, at all hours, UTTA cCHOPS, T. u. COURSUQLLES, 10 1524 OPxGih the Tea Po tilhk.: â€"> 6 JiaMES NORRIS, 4 18397 A, ROWE, »â€" * AR td&®3m» Jaxes Eeiir 183â€"Jm Auctioneer. 1868cf and STEAK® 667 im 1811 OW 4 iMmeés â€"_The above Hoie!, a~ favorably known, being altu=t d in the im diate vicicity of the Parâ€" Hument Buildinge, Banks and other Public Wlices, will be conducte! in the best .'l(b': u:h the wante of the public require,. will be supplied with all the . P. PENXNOCK, Jus. Ottawma, Kov, 17, f“!l. Wiliiam Shoolbred, who on that dxbr: ured from the concern ; and that all due and owing to or b{th late firm, will e received and paid by the said Thomas ‘i.._u and F.ederick Houghton Huntonâ€" ~As witness our hands this first day November, A.D. 1871. THOS. HUNXNTON Wx. uuoounipb a > FRED, H. HUNTON. | &A srPLEXDID \$10 EXCRAVING CITEN AWAY _ Notice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" ship lately sursisting Leiweon lw the unâ€" dersigned, THUuMAS HUNTON, WILLILAM SHO»)LBRED and FREDEICK HOUGH. x HUNTUN, as Wholesile and Retait Dry Goods Merchuu, at the City of Otta wa, in the Couuty of Carleton, under the names, style and tirm of «T. HUNTON Su0uLBLKED & CU." was on the first day of Novemer, instant, dissolyed by mutual Witness X‘MAS I1871. con eut, 30 The paper mill be haudsomely illustratâ€" e!, and no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in every family as a most entertainâ€" ing and instructive p per. Ihe Hearthstone gives more and better reading maiter, f: &. smaller Tl-' than any other paper world. io rior, in every point, to the most p;ln of the Americin weekly papers, while they are ) per cent dearer. _ Compare them, and you will at onecs send in your snbscripâ€" ton. * * BDelicacics of the Beason, ‘«hff the BAB with the chotcest brands of Liquors, Notice is hereby given, that an application will be made to the Parliament of Can=da at its next Segslon for an Act to Incorporate the Cnnuada Pu:cific Raeilway Company, for the purpos« of constructing and working a rail way from Lake Nipissing or some other point in the Province of Ontarilo connecting with the tailway »â€"ystem of Cansds to Fort Gairy or Winnipeg in th Province of Manitoba, thence Weâ€"tâ€"rly through such pass of the Rocky Mountains in Capadian territory as may be lound practicable to Bute Inilst or some.â€"other poiot on the sea oard of the Pacific Ocean in the Provinc« of British Columbls (with power to «xtend to Virtoria or some other point in Vanâ€"ouvâ€"r Is! ad, if found advisable) ; togeâ€" ther with bra»ch Tines from near Winnipeg Hiver to the L=ke of the Woods, and :rom Fort Garry or W«~nmipeg aforesald to Pembina ut such other p â€"~t or place on the bound +7 of the Provwinc. of Manitobs, as may connect with the ruiiw=y avat m of the United Stases. ALFRED WADDINGTON, December 2 .0, 1871. ; SATCHELL BROS. Stalls Nos#. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market (Mtawa, Dec. 3), 1371. Canada â€"Pacific Railway. P, 8.â€"Their Pork Stail will be found comâ€" plete, with a choice selection of Pork, Hams Bacon, Spices, Kounds and Rolled Beof, Sau» -3.0 “” ‘C. _ The above will be on exhibition at their Stalls from tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whol« of which were brought at great oxâ€" p use from the West, WEDNESDAY UNTILSATURDAY NEXT for the accommo/ation of the travelling public Also, 20 head of splendid Western Catâ€" Sâ€"jentilic lotelli,ence. Literary Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &c., &c¢., &o.â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CHILDREN‘S CUiNER will be added, in which will be K.N‘Ml ; doh‘hm::?nq byuRova Ti~gsley, M. A., C in to Her Majesty, entitled "IThe Water Babies." * A Ten Dollars Engraving for Two Dollars and a year‘s subscription to the best paper in America thrown in free. Sumple numbers sent free on applicaâ€" *ion, with club terms _ , < Splendid Prige List, â€" _ There is also Commodious Yard Room and Si2\ling attached, with good attendance, f WILLIAMK POWLEY, begto acnounce that they are, as usual, preâ€" pared to supply their customers with the choilcest Moatse of all kinds, baving purchased "or the appronching festivities the following prize cattle, SATCHELL BROS,, Having been sanmuilt and furnished in first lase style, am: with good Sample Room*, will be opend by the sntscriber on _ JANES GREENWOOD, «The Amateur Casual," wil contribute pupers on SCEN@S IN THE LoN=oN STREETS. The celebrated Ame.:can bumorist MAKK TWAIN will contribute original sketches, â€"And in addition to our long list of great literary names we shall have The new American poet Joaquin Miller, the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane lnw, Revx. Dr. Norman Mcâ€" Editor of Good Words,‘ Alexander Dumas, Erckâ€" mima Chatriin, &¢. The present teatures of the rporâ€"l'ho Gardeners‘ Column. Household Column, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books, M rtket Reports, Wit and Humour, The St. James‘ Hotel, _ Other new Novels by the most eminent writers wl be secured, and printed from ad vance sheets The Governor General of Canada, The celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€" old thoroughâ€" bred Durham Steer THE TERRIBLE YEAR ! ublished by special permission of the auâ€" rhor. and ::n.":vd IZ: this journal. A new story by Miss Bradaon, entitled COLONXEL BERRKYON‘® ENTANGLEMENT ana equal in interest to the previous works of this great anuth rees. _ o t Covering #30.000 -‘I of 'Q“.; -.::-'. -m:pa Pariogr Organs. will contain, for 1872, the following new features in .ddition to those found in it at present, rendering it the A New Story by Victor Hugo relative to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled es The â€" HMearthstone Butchers to SUBSCLIPTION ONLY $2 a YEAR, ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXND. WEDNESDAY, 18ih DECEMBER, I®sOLUTION OF PAaABTNERSHIP. Ottuwas, Dec 11, 1871 & + & wercaure sriker orrawa, _ __â€"... GEO, E. DESBARATS, Ottama, Jan 31814 * _* 1864 which took the first prize at the Provincial Exbibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2 500 lbe, Apply to 1 FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA "C 6 O LR G B."~ uk GRrraTt CANaDtaX wWEEKLT P and Cigars 18427 Are now prepared to offer their friends and patrons a choice assortment of 800K» and other Goode suitable for : CHRISTMAS AND NEW YFAR‘S GIFTS, Uall and see their Ottawa, December 18, 1871 * T. yyetr P BILL, Booksellers and Stationers, Are now very complete, embracing everything that is new + _ ENGLISH and AMERICAN WJ*" Remember the place. 33 Rideau Strocot y OPrPoOsITE THE OLD sTAND * Ottawa, March 28, 1871 1626y The Subscriber begs respectinlly to intimate to his friends and the public generally, that his Bpring Style ot A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSCN & C0., SPRING IMPORTATIOAS Manufacture. BmithAeld. J C Cha_berlain, Esqâ€"This is to certily that about three years ago 1 became afllicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eigbieen months, I was so .flida for ‘the want of breath that it was very tor fue to. speak, and in the night, time frequently throwingk the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. 1 tried three of the most eminent pbysiciaus in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any ben«ft, in fact I contiou«d getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vieed to try th. (ireat Shosbhonece Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and whens it «a# about Anished [ .T. to" feel a little botter I continued to ase it until 1 had takon i}ro® | bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I foun. _â€" fiONDmULC't.I:OF u'f;:o'&mus' ¢ + x», A 1870. J O Chamberlain, Rs7. This is to certi‘) that my wife was very low with Lang Diseas®. The Doctor bad given her up. le said het lungs were tuberclied, and medicine could not u‘:-. As a last resort I purchased a bottls of Great Shoshonees NRomedy,; At the expiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better. She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to alt up. the continuâ€" ance of the remedy she was tly restored That the Grnar Suoswonees Reweor aso Pusis, of the emin+â€"nt indlan Medicine Maa, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of Shoshonees, British Columbia, is working the most marvellons and astonishing Curer the World has ever heard of. Never in th: annale of Canatian Medival History has suc} success attended the introduction of ar; medicine beretofore. that I was as weltas ever I ‘had been previâ€" ous to my illness and have been so ever since. JOHN SILVER. Bworn before me at SmitbhBeld this 6th day of April, A D Yike a _ _ im css Simply because the numerous valuable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of vhl'chu'o will mention, such as the }x:acu of Wild Cherry Bark, Potjophylium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Mcfi:q, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jaiap, Soco, tine Aloes, Capsicam, &c, &¢,) which enter Inteo the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classided and compounded, that it is made t« most searching curative in the known worl!. and monot help but act on the system in avy 5; satistactory and desirable manner. aAv matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor. > On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of 17,000,000 aCRES of the BEST FARMIXG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. 3,000,000 Acres of O;ol:o Farming and Grassing Lands on the lina of the road, in the State of Nebraeka, in the Great Platte Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are in a mild and healthy climate, and for grain growing and stock raising, unsutpase~d by any in the United Prices range from $2 to $10 per acre. Homest ads for Actual Sittiors. â€"â€" 2 ©00,000 Acms of Governwent Land between Omaha and North Platte,open for entry as Hom«:steade Nend for the new edition of descriptive pampbict, with new maps, mailed fres overyâ€" where . Addros®, 0. F. DiaVvI8s, Land Commissioner, U.P.R.B. Co, Umaha, Neb. Censp + E P ersons o| foreign bisth are eutitled to the beneft of the Homestead Law, on ceclering their intention to become citisens of the United States, and miy avail themselvis of this provision immediately after their arrival. POI SALE.â€"Two UCholce Lots, with com ‘_ fortable Wooden Cottage, erected thereâ€" , in Rochesterville. For particulars and me apply on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" Procliaim the Glad Tidings HEAP FARYM FLEE nOMES JAMES PEACOCHK , HMATS AND CAPS Cure ot Bronchitis: THE SIGN CF THE BOUK 39 SPARKS STREET, * T 0. BROWX Episcopal Methodist Minister. H A T 3 <b the facts for the beneft of J M WELLINXGTON,) P 39, Sparks street, T M L *» a a A W A TIMES ers anad Hearths, , .. "l.:-fl w Ji:%h Onllb. fesierernatans n:“'uap. and m.gcipn ‘of Bailder® °"¢\...a'" Cane, . Drain. n'g.‘v-t m-: Ts SHaiithh Srarpol Famadnipe in ath Mawtuze â€"Of all dosigdria Italian and Amer ean Marble and Marbel:izsed Mate, : Wrates, Fond D R aINâ€" PIPE DEPO T , RIDEAY STREST,. {4', C ‘BETAPLISRND® i8ee, | / w-.mmnwuw.g. Wellingtonâ€"st. ; Jobhn Hill, Tea Pot: Rideauâ€" st,; nlocombe & Stevens, :::l ol the Sugat Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New AINTME, WOTRMOI DT ERRDOEIRMTTCEEYH q TL mOWw Ediaburgh J. W. Procto & Co.; fot Ayimer, Mr, N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents the Canadian Provinces, mlflm No. 1 Western Buitdings, Montreal, > > . > May 22,187: + * (PCRATL Ir on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Fur â€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goate ; also onu&“o,be.,&o..hh.thn‘l‘n Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or Siz Packets for One Dollar, #5ote. The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will k.ep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite barmless to COats or Dogs, as they will not Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuracroarâ€"Gravel lane Houndsditch, City of London, England C Faoimisl 1 _ The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harmau a Silver Prizse WNedal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victorta, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besid+s numerous Testimonials. #cm for Omuâ€"-Joulm Kavansgh, Grocet. vllingtonâ€"st .: John Hill, Tes Pot Rideau« For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs. Oockromcshes, Black Beotles, Fleas Which is known to be Far Supertor to anything ever yot Dis= PROF. HERMAN VERMIN DESTROYER, We would beg to call the attention of it« public generally, that hovlus secured the serâ€" vices ot a FIRSTâ€"CLASS CUTTER for ow TAILORILNG DEPARTMENT, woe leel con. fAdent of giving entira satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. #§#*ail and examine before giving orâ€" ders clacwhere. A. DUFFR. O‘MEARA & CO Ottawa April 11, 1871 MOKEY ORDEL® On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain aad (reunk Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office ~Also Postage Etamps, and Pos Matter to be posted up to 9 30 P.M., wi package the same night. , will be forwarded Kast and West in Bupplementary REJ* Deposite will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annum, and Depasits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent will be allowed on Special Deposits in rrms of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three months notice will M:Prluflgddyco-'m _.____ AMiso, a large assortment of paid unregistered matter can be sent NEW SPRING 600))â€" Black and Blue Cloths, be required. O‘MEARA & CC. Togother with a large assortment of Reip:t Mape Cuorame, consisting of & 11,.50 1871. wintEr arraxgemusxr. 1871. A M <| Neon P. K. >... "-omn see Post . OrFEFICE, OTrTawaA. NPORTANT KOTICE. TTAWA MARBLE WORKS, Via WewYork closse every Monday at 8 P.M 1 BR > Per Canadlan Line, close every Friday at 11.0% A.M. i s A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 13.10 pr., ia which only 2 en > CFFICE HOURS FROX 8 A.M., TO ? P.M. For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m OLOSE Neckties, 50 SPARKES STBRET, OTTA W A. JIVB8T IXMPBORT ED, An immense Stock ot A BRRIVAL and DEPARTURIS of MAIL Nov. 21 1871 9,.00 Handkerchiefs, Chelsea, Wakebeld, Korth WakeRe!ld, and intermeâ€" 2‘“‘. Ofices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Ofices, Mondays, Wodnesdaysand Fridays Templeton, Tuesdays, Tharsdays, and Satardays...... New Edinburgh & + §€1 * .N'llh. N‘) and Smith‘s Falls, per Canada 1 gaatral RANHWRY ..... «. cccoress ccssernres rers insess serrrs Briato®h Clarendon, and Osslow, by Ayimor, &c........ Lower Ottawa, by Land, Buckingham, Camberâ€" i ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &0.............ss000.0+» March, Huntley, Carp, &0. ... ........ United Btates, vid Ogdensbatg............... Halifax, N.8., and Bt. JObA. N.B ....»»«..»»sssuns yo» sevses g Womâ€"lugtn. Toronto, Hamilton, London, &o. ; and Wostorm, U . 8.....» seeeene snvennnen ecneses Fort Garry, and other places in the Province of Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatched in closed mails from Windsor, Ont., via 8t. Pau! and Pemâ€" bina; no&-'huhy. Tharsday, and Saturdayâ€" Ordinary inlen rates of postage....... ......... . The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. «+ Borth of Carleton Place Junctton, and Placos on _*~_"0, 0. R.R.â€"Beli‘s Corners, Richmond, &s...... Easternâ€"Quebes, Montroal, Cornwall, Lancaster, &6., bJy RAIIWRYJ .....ss0s eeecccnee sesssvons on suneer sevese DLHY .A*) Cz rosT OFFICOE SAYVINGS® BANEK and Hall, by HL&LO...».0000 sssse0000 seseem & ‘%‘”gu L & 0. Railway......... Tt â€"AÂ¥ L Tats . 1M BRITISH MAILS, enevenes 4b shbae+ ##0s00 000 denennen s ansens ceanes Oxford Mills, per 8t. L. & O.R. e KK the Chanudiers near Mr. ulwln’o Office, 4 small ano fortable housesâ€"8Btone and Wood, now fnishing. Rent from $8 to $10 a month, i Apply to ¢ * * c & F! _ ".* * IEna COo.i.;¢ 6 avllay A, 1 s _ 16578 ° 54 . â€" . €H ‘ o * ws & f â€". _ §‘ ___ Is herobg given that applicagion will be made to the Legislaturs ot the Provincesoi Ontario, at its next Session, for an Aot¢o enable the Oofmtlon of the City of Obtawe to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the said. city with water; and to confer upon the daid Corporation, or upon Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose, all powers neces sary for effectuating that object. #L Fuarnished or Unfurnished. ‘The lowestrent ta the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments :ron its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant. The Proprietor is o:lg relinquishing it on acconnt of assumâ€" tmg the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. AMIT GUISEPPE M. GIANELLLI, K. B.â€"â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 per month, #ontreal, March 3, 1871, 1 AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION j MERCHANT, No. 49, Rideagy stree:, Ottawa. We are Bnptnd to ft up the eabove in Churcher, Dwellings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. Orders from the city or any part of Osnada solicited. Read the following : * Most sincerely yours, CRAb. H. MOUKRIDGE, eumbent of St. Jobns whurch, a Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"YÂ¥ou bave my fall permissio n to use this letter in sny way you see fit, or refer any one to me who wishes further information. HOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR Estimates and all other information given, apply to * CaAPITAL " 8STOVYVE BEPOT, 35 sussexâ€"st, Otia: H. Il.:,DOW;.’COO. 8. MKEADOWB8 & Co , Ortawa. Dean nins,â€"It gives me much pleasure to be able to inform you that the Hot Air Forâ€" nece which you lately put up is the Charch of Bt, John the Baptiste, in this village, has «lven great satisfaction to myseif and the members of my congregation, We had it going lately on one very windy day, but we nad no trouble with it whatever, in the way of asmoke, or any other inconveniences, which often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is high. The beat diffuses itself rapidaly over the whole building, and no one part is colder or botter thas an other, but there is a nice glow of heat all over. &-o.bcrhfum trouble that we used to have with g pipes, esmoking chisineys, &c., we look upon the furnace as a decided luzury, I certainly think no church ought to be withont one, when it can be procured so easily and so cheaply as ours was from you, I must also express the greoat pleasure I had in noticing the kindness and attentlon which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) shewed in everything connected with the Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its awn rew rd, > We find that the church is heated in a very sbhort time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the stove. Workman, E. « a$ WifictopÂ¥ B beq â€" THE COSMOPOLITAN, is °2@ EWER"EI!. BC #*64$ 1|fi B CE $ 50 2 REFEREKCES Hon James Skead, Sâ€"nator, Ottawa J M Onrrier, Eeq, M P, & J M Grant, Eeq, M D, M P _« R W Scott, Esq, M P P, * Mr Shoulfl,IZnII, a Edward Utific, Eeq. # Edward McGiilivray, Eeq, t Meesrs C T Bate & Co, a Thomes Hunton, Keq, # Messrs Fingland & Draper oT AI8R FURNKNACES, FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. RARK CHANCE: alls, per Ounduz '. “‘ B. & 0. Railway. | % lon, and Pluun% 65001..1:21114 ishmond, &6...... ressaress enserty uo sesisenee c.oo[u.oo Aylimer, &c..........| 8 00 ingham, Cumberâ€" | ‘ o““’fz 10,00 ........ eld, and intermeâ€" Y . M “d hm_ ; sessssess | sssessest days and Fridays l | H. FALLS, IN MONTREAL, G. P. BAKKER, Pastmaster 1}04 Â¥+ ##94 6i , BTAAT L. sens ons eetinens es M1apoo, Oct. 29th, 1870. oUskS8 ‘%O LET, aAf 10,00 10,.00 11,30 sesessees a*s20000 seb 4,%20 :. TEACHUREE wanted .for Schoolâ€"Eection No. l, Torbolton. Lx*; . Apply toâ€"the "Pyustees, Fitsr8Y Harbor 'e"-‘ba' uicly stt um ou? "AJ.': x Ts ""xp" %uKE%LY. l This celetrated Mouth Washk is a most refreshing, it strengtheus MES:RS {lhe gums, eradicats tartar and all injuriouns secretion, sweatens GABRIEL‘S the breath, and for cle'uuln; ar« tifcial teeth is invaluahle Price 5s Faull girections for use enclosed in each boz TJs hereby givyen that application will be made, to the Legislature. of the Province.of Ontario at its, next, Seesion for an Act. to enable; the .Ezecutors and Trustees of and under the Last Will and Testament of James Mgoney,.late of the city of Ottaws, in the Provines of Ontario,:Pott«r, deceased, to sell the lands aud tenemâ€"nts in the said ‘Wili mentioned, Iying and being in the village of Jobhnstown,.in the county of Grenville and Province of Ontario, and to: apply the pro« ceeds thereof to repairing and improving the Certain uther lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned iying and being in the city of Oitawa atore aid, and to such other purâ€" poses for the benefilt of the said estate as may be necessary or advisable. CLARKE & MOONEY, k a% Atturneys for Applicants [ O8TEOâ€"ENAMEL 8STOPPING ; warranted to remain white anu MESSRS. ;%:m vs.the Tooth itself. This cautitul paration restores GaA BBIBL'S{ front '1'eo(l£':nd can be ceasily lnsdd. Sufficient to stop six teeth Price be. GABRIEL‘S MESSRS. GABRIEL‘S GABRILL‘3 IMPORTANF TO RESIDENiS ABROAD Parties at a distauce may have Artificial Teeth supplied in paitial or complete sets, by Mesers. Gabricl‘s n=w system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth.â€"ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus fortaking a model of the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions. and sold by ‘all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at g!1} tliney .without ‘confnement or change of diet, Rcct act.‘t % PILULE, ANTI SCROPHUL® or ALTERâ€" ~_‘, ATTYE PILLS, , confirmed ‘by sixty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines <ever comâ€" pounded for puritying~thé blood and assisting Nature in her operations. ‘They 4orni a mil4 ME*SRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by ‘othe: dentists which hay uot proved satisfactory to the wearer, A COHRISTIE & Co., Drucgists, is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every Geâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts; piles, &¢., «c. j Side, Back and Hoad, Cougbs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel _ Complain Burns, Scalds, l'Pmct -ilm, &c., &o. THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYEKR Has now been befere the public for a length of time and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have never known a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly fol= 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delighteq with its operations, and speai in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, "THB POOR MANS FRIEND, _ Bold in pots, 13id, 2s 9J, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22s each ; and his & Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pair in the The Canacian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keepit. Physicians order ard use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twontyâ€"five Cents per bottle. â€" _ NORTHRUOP & LYMAN. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, George Mortimer, w# Massey, and all Medicine We speak from ezperience in this matser bhaving tested 1t thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaeqa may deâ€" pend upon its being a Hovereign Remedy. _ The astonishing eftfcacy of the Canadiao Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfai success in subduing the torturing pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervrous Affecâ€" lons, entitle it to a bigo rauk in the list o1 Remedies tor these complaints, Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and cach test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i ©2 May 11871 Mevember 14, 1BT1 _ 192041 we MESSRS. MESSRS, ;{ ‘Torboliton, Dee. 5, 1871 Prescoit, Nor 21, 1871 Prepned °,"." by November 30, 1870 ANADiAN PAIN DESTROYER LOYF OÂ¥ HONAEY, UBLIC NOTICE R. RuBEu TS CEKLEBRATED OINTMENT, BEACH & AARMICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England [ ROYAL DENTIFIOCE prepared from a recipe as used by Her Majesty ; gtves the Tecth a pearlâ€"like whitensss, and impearts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. QDuUNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. for cleansing and improving the Teeth, imparts a natural redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 1s. 64. WHITE GUrTA PEBRCHA Enamol, for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the ‘Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. CORALITE TOOTH PASTE »VQeAAtM4L: CALLED W.. MeDuNA Lp. Trustees‘ IL «: .;>>s*x~&% 4 Agents for Ottawa, 15277 39 6m 41 6 Company, givi er to such Company to :nstmo&’ x’t‘:fim ul: mtdic?a route such points as may be selected or cross} Desemher 24, 1871 . 18010 â€" Is Rereby given that application will be made to thoi:crh'&mfi't of Canada, at its next Session, for an Act 10 amend the Aocts incorporating the Canada Central Railway hours frdw 9 tw 11 a.w., and 2 to 4 p.m. .. Spscial attention given Ap dissasc an d disvlacentents 6f the utotus. _ 1752 After having suffered enormoust y during a whole month from & very obssinate kRheuma~ tism, which compelled me to stay in bed jor nearly a whole week witnout being able to move, despite all the efforts of one of the ‘leading poysiciane of this city, a jriend gave me a boitle of "Dr. Birnbaum‘s Rheomatism and Gout Remedy." Having applied ‘this ‘remedy only twice, I (elt at once euch a relict that it was possible tor me to get u> imme ; Aistely, ang three days aiter. 1 feouugâ€" mysel ontirely recovered.â€" hk 1 , _ P. BOU&RDEAU, ; .__ _ Of the Fiirm Bourdeau & Barbeau .. Montreal uct. Tth, 1871 a6 446 E 6 ‘a‘. * y m f" Uutacuaits, 64 a4 i ontreal *4 y m agricole. fremzg 68 ._ T Opinion Publique : eto., etc., etc _ _kContracts made tor advertising in eithe: or all of the above papers, Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 1801 u I s ' Moxtrsar, Oct. 2, 1871 My sister ho‘vinz bad a .uwumumu ol Rneuratists,‘ 1 procured "Dr, Birnvaum‘s Roeurniatism and Gout Runfeuy," which a friend, in whom I had confdence,.ecommended me; and I must say that I cauuot speak too nighly of its wouderful effects, as the pain censed alter a few applications jand the swelâ€" mog sappeared wituin a tew Gays, WM smicKAX, Teacher, . _ Catholic Commer ial Acedemy Oourt House, Ottaw a. «+ Rosezt Lags. _ Abott: _ JoRk J. CSÂ¥EKELL Ebwnua T. DARZAkLL, Barristet f Boliciter Attorney and Autary Pablic, Clork tithe Poace and County Aitorney, for the United Uounties of Prescoit and Russeli. OBAcseâ€"In the Qourt House, L‘Urignal. 34â€"61m1 wediately i;ifi & GoEmmILL, Harris Soticitors, Conveyancers A¢, L. DBR. BIBRNBAU M‘S Rhoumatism and Gout Kemedy is wel} known on the conr.inenit of Kurope for its speouy: and effective cure of Rheuma,ism. _Gout, wander v 1CHOLABRSPARKS8, Barrister and Attor» l neyâ€"atâ€"Law, Bolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancory , Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. OBcooâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, Eiginâ€"st., spposite the Post Ofice, Ottaw a. 484y E As MKARA, Architeot. Oooâ€"Asmond‘s @ Buildicgs, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. #02y ing pains, stiffness in the limbs or ;uvt;;, sprainâ€" «nd numbness. ~On« tri@l will estab~ lish its efficrience. + l\Ill‘l'I.l- & Co+â€", Lasd Surreyors, Lapo Agents, ) augh:smen, &o. Ofice, opposite me UntarieBsnk, sparkeâ€"st. Ottaws. Yaiustorr tor Trast ana Loan VYo. " ic W. &. Taistus. s #. Liaxe. .’ocl'ou HAAXDERRON, [MoGill Uniâ€" mlitygbyulehn, Burgeon and Accoucheur, !urfiryâ€" et recently oscupied by Dr. Malâ€" toch, Dake st, Chaudiere, Ottawa. 13887 DB. ROBILLARD, Physician, Blr{’.OI. Accouchsur, Of:cein Mr. Boarn‘s Vrug sStore, Kasit end of Bapper‘s Bridge. Ofice hoors from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. LA Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., uppositethe Court tiouse and Pubilic Offices, ST. ufi.«mhn, Ont. . _: _ 3 k. nuU@ATON, Proyriotor, (Late of soughton‘s Dining Saloon.) MA spacious samplesâ€"rvoom for commercial raveilers. 8597 'l‘fl! 6 QUEEN ! RESTAUzsz ANT, M, KAV ANAQGii, Proprictor, Corner of Metcalfe and Weliingionâ€"streots, Opâ€" positethe main entrance to the @overnment Buildâ€" #he"QUEEN"comprises alltherequisitesfor a Arstâ€"class hostan ant. XTho House has beenrefittes snd ref. truished chroughout. The BAR centsin: ne choicust Brandsir Wines and Liage ws, and ever;y slicaoy ofthe seas. a will be found onthetabie. The roprietcr‘s bestefforts will bedirected to he comâ€" rt of his guests ana patrons. BM Qysers,dame ote.. dalil? Provincial Land curveyor anod Draaght=man, commirsioned ijor the Provinces ul Quebec ind Qutario, B BILL1NG®S, Irâ€", Arthiteci. ufeeâ€" & Bell‘s glock, Sappers‘ Bridge. MEFPEREROCES.â€"â€"1i Agime, Keq, Aicatect, Philaâ€" deiphia; Thos Fuller, Ksq, Architect, Aibkany Dr J A Grant, N P.,Ottawa ; Thos Reyroids, K8q Managing Director O. & St. L. K. k. {iw Usei inany of the above cases and you will fiud it a real blessing. ' CHARLES MARTIN. 30 Victoria square, Montreal, _ Bole Agent for Canada ard the United Haring now changed hanis, and been "‘:iod up for a firs «class LUNGQUEKQN B AR and S ALJVN wili ve called therton s Drug Store: ‘Re,ide THE COMMERCIAL MOVUVSE amd carriscd on ander the management of F. BV a N3,iato propriecor of the 31. Jauss iC L. Btrice arttontion o Dasiness. uGood Wiass and utquors warranio1. Ot tawa, Febroary 14, 187} 0 ‘lOIGROVI & TA LLOR, SBarmsters, 1Â¥ R Bolicitors, &0. Offooâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, lideauâ€"street, Ottawa. Wiuu1ix Mosorovs,. â€" $68tt Grorme® Tamno® _ N. B.â€"Speciai attention %hon to the treament of aisoases of tue EY K anda ZAK. Ai night can be seen at nis residenco, Murmay street. se Cfiiki;ms MsRCIL, Ad.ocate, Hull. Omce at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private remi. dence in rear of French, Huil. _ Business attended in Ottawa and the Dis. trict Courts of th« County of Ottawa, Bnnhun, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Convepancers, Notaries Public and Advocates for the Proviuces of Unilario and Quebec. Othcoâ€"Corner of Sassâ€"x aad Y ork streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in ail parts the Provinces of Ontario and Qu.b. c. 368y J W. W.OWallL, Sacrmstorâ€"atâ€"Law © Advocate, &s., opposite the _ rassoll House Ottawa. ‘ TETEREAU, xw.u-ny Public forthe Pro i U o vince of Quebes, Hull, near the Pos }lice. s98tf _ NOTAbLY PUBLIC. â€" Residence â€"â€" Hull next the bost Oflice. 117237 BARRINGTONâ€"STAEYT, HALIFAX, NOVa 2# %Ufi1, Kstablisheqa 106 i. Permanpentand transioct boarders accommodaâ€" ed, and every attention paid to their com{ort; 96097 JOHN ROMAN>, Proprietor. s CHRIBSTIE, Commusson &onn:t aLn 4 © Gengral Agent. Sole agent for Roead + :gm andProof Whiskey ; aiso, Dawes‘ L:.â€" Ales and Porter. Pork, Hlour, &o.,for sal s Urrion : No. 6, Sparks Bureot, near the Russ~il ouse, Ottawa city, C. W. Homesopathie Physictan, murgeon & Ac. ucher. : Kesidenceâ€"Albert street, .. Offic« ? OTIO® Tiss Office, Wellington Street, Agent for the Ottawa Times. Montreal, Oct. 0 1871 1 C, MKAINBOTHA, ‘HBH ++ RUOHKLAL !! #$AL008, cB BHEUzATHISYM aND GoUT 1CKWICK HOUSK, ©O°CONKOR , Attorney â€" $ 1â€" La w , DOUbi® D* ein Ohancery, Uonveyancer, &c , SussoXâ€" t. Ofice, Union Buildings, Obay » 58y APIIERRE «& MCrPNY, R. McoDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Street, opposite Fes R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Office Bparkeâ€"street, Cential Otta wa. S4utf 0. ARCHAMBAULT, Aâ€" GRISON, Moteis and Saloons. AVERLY HROUSE, n. HA YCOCK, Attcrneyâ€"atâ€" 1. 8W , »MWreeceliancous. sLk@IM 8 TR BE I, Ofice. Ajplmsr, P.Q. 1T22 tt CERTIFICATES. 1€ & stâ€"Law, Bolicitor= 1800y TBE TIMES is printed and publMM® Tas Ormawa Tinxs Prxr=é A%P ii1smye Coxraxy, at the M “ Number 12, Weilington o::" Her Majesty‘s 1 2e0atre) M Ottawa. JAMBS uu-m‘.l'" All kinds of LEATHER tor S«i@y$I®* sale, at reasounable prices. in paed LONG AND sEKoET xof§$P WHOL ESALE._ Of Lis c ian ulacture * cAIAES" L Your Orders are solicited, wod yB PROMPTLY ATTEXDED To b‘;\‘ STEAM BISCUIT BAKYU SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAe CONFECTIONE Y EsT.BLISHEEE ~ 18 T8E y + BEST PLACK IN CENTEA CANADA ® To buy Biscuit, Crackers, Candies and # fectionmery oflh kinds ... He hopes by good #rorkm sonable chargrs, to ensure a¢ ‘ RIDEAU sTRE Polman Palece Cars now Runai Lay and Night Traggm ni On and after MONXDAY Kext, 5th Trains wiil leave Montreal a, Mail Train for Toronto and Tuter. * mediste Stations,at ...... , +% Dey Express for Tororto, at. .. sn mp l Night Express for Toronto, at. ... , $ Mixed Train or RBrockville, at. , »+«~E Accommodation ‘lFrain for Brack. him since bis commencemepLI® villc/MB: +s a#+s **>2*4 s»»»s»*» . 60p Accommocation Train for lslang Pond, stopping at all Stations,at 1 16 Express for Quebec and Riviere du T00p, k.+ ++ +*1xrs ****+»s+»» $ 3p Mail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Bostun, at........., 2.00 Night Mail for Quâ€"bec, Island Pond, Portiand and Boston.... 11. Plain and Ornamental Engraver, Corat! Sparke and Ligin Streote, over James«Hop! Co,‘t, OtkkWk . *‘ ;; . waril $ Visiting Carcs engraved and “..I M“ M‘Ic« 4 n ut : Otinwa, Nov,8, 1871 :. JMNM Boturns Lis sincers thanks ip the Ottawa, for the libâ€"ral patronage be A Pulimean (Car will be attache Through Traing b: tween Montreal an ou Loup triâ€"woeekly, vig :=â€"â€"From | on Tuesdays, Thursd 3s and Saturdy tursing from hiviere du Loup on j Wedunesdays and Fridays. * C.J. BRY DO“ Mc ic u: d Freight and Lartage Aget TOMOI‘I promptly atte to. .f RB@*R. Cartors give lhumrv 3 Ray~ing shippers from all | ‘troubk ""Spécral rates for farniture. ~ **‘ oiti» W. £.; JOnNsaOs, N. B.â€"Farme.s from the of Cate ton can enter the mill yard %u opposgite Brewery gate. w NÂ¥ VÂ¥ atâ€"Law, sollartore in ‘Ohasat vinces : ~Ontarioand Quebesw | . !~~> 1 _ dfice over Duric‘s Book Btore, BPME ## On and after Mâ€"NXDay nexst, the is , MAY, it is intended to rop the FPoligg Palace Cars through between M~ BSa:nia. One of these m-ni&nucnut.¢ be attached to each Day Expn.u-.l.‘ Montreal for Toronto, and be tun througy 4 Sarvia, as a Drawing Room NM Car. _ There wisl also be one BLLRCHEG to eney Day Express fro,. Torouto to Montreqy: MWihe it ME cce ivie etecuisiv , I RPninet utinitstalintietlic s iss : : S 4 The Summer running arrangements y , come iuto oper:tion asout the lst of June, y which due potice will be given. t C J BRT DgEs f Warranted Superior to any made in the Pn vince. A large stock of the above will hM stantly on hend to suit purchagers, _ _ _ P LA NED LU MBE The Italian BUILDING AND bLRIDGE $TIMBB P. 0. Box 725. Montreal, March 11, 1871 SHINGLES X. XX, XXL JY l\Alll..'. $ f ~PARK STREET, oruvtz EDMUND GERMAIN, Hrop GRANU TRUKK Ottawas, May 17, 1871 VOth Augost, 1871. ‘Ottaws, Oct. 12, 1871 Price Lists, with references, on applicate â€" Chaudiure,; Oct. 26, 1871 Ottawa, June 13, 187 Montreal, Agril 26th, 1st Rough Lumber Well Seasone! YANADA CENKTEAL aW&. %, MOKit W méu*Â¥ ¥» a h Wi * is A ® uo ‘Pas Om 456 ~HAUDIEKZAEK SsSTEAM MILL*, iAUGLISHH OAK TANNEO rreat Aeceleration of Speeq. LikLXANVWKR RAMSAY, LEATHER BELTINXG, OBRISON8 RIGHT & CLEMO DiaNIEKEL MORHKISO®, 36 and 38 Riden: Street, Obtawes _ FINE ENGLISH HOSE LACE LEATHER, &¢., #c, of all descriptions. MKADUFACTURERS CPf JOHN ROCHESTERA® : & JOHNX C lcum. $ s . MFRO 247 &.H 4 Just Rucceiced H wiil be attached 3: ween"" ;‘\'Xl :â€"â€"From 7 C 6 :'.l,d_?“m‘_" k Managing Directe Manegitg Dirrety BA Li WY A x MLWT; eb 1029 Pa #.00 2.00 11.0% €00 1, 200 p, ba ta ba The Commissioners « struction of the lot public notice, that veive Tend rs for the Baildings «t Cacoons. toles, 8t. Simon, St. F Bt, Lucs and Mcetaped ‘Tank Hduses and Wood Trots Pistoles, Bic, Certificaters issued to preâ€"paying the paseag Canad+: For farther infor nat TENMNPERFLKYS, 3 White LA« Lon Tlrough Bills of 1. Coutinent aud in Lon C.cada and in the Unit« Milwaukie, Chicag=, an Woest . Is hereby givon tha magde to the Parli: next Nessior, for an A Cansdian Pacitic Rail power to construct a Pacific Ocean towards tains and su selected Eas: of m towards the P «citic seabouard of Brmush railway system of C to be constructed trom such poinis as era Te:â€"mini, as shall proved by the with power also to to the Sauit Ste. i Pem‘sina 1nd to all the frontier of the as may be deemed with power to sturucuing a bridge Marie, and to own other passenger and f; all lakes touched by branches. Oitawa, 26th Dec., Plane, Sp cifications may be sceu on and aft the Ofi se of the Chief . Riviere du Lonp and Ri Tenders may be for * numbes of these Build peived, mauked * Tend: the Commissioners‘ O# woock, n on ©f QM_‘_ Also, for Eogine H ns nimouski and M~tapedi The Steamers of the intâ€"nded to run Week Nevigation of 1872, bet the first leaving Lon $1B0........ Is heroby given that made to the Legislatu ensuing Bessiâ€"n for a the Incumbent, Churel of Christ Church, in th erect a new Building on or near the site of. and to enable them to money as may be nec the subscriptions now made, for «flfnyiu‘ M WEEKLY CO M London, Quzbe have lately recâ€"is ofr tor sale a full Vommissioners® ONece, â€" Ottawna, Jany . 1 2th, GENXTLEMEX‘S DR 1872 Is hereby given that Company are prepuared the constiuction 0: the The Directors go Accept the lowest or Au a«sortment o+ S Fo‘ties, Odor Casâ€"s, Toi Plans and Specitionti oniitions of Contract. wan be seen on and a A‘“v l“q at ‘h (-flcd of the line, Chadl s L» C James Stre=t, Montrea! Aod Tebdors will "Tenders" ut the offi ~ President Cf the Comyp garry, up to the 6:h d Alexandrin, V OL. 187 $ M A. Ohiris BULK A} OYVYS i Dated Oittawa 6h sHE SEASON COM A NTERC@GLONTI+L R ‘HRISTMA8 AAD oTICK Ottawa, Jan 3, 1872 6X awa, Dec 14. 1 OTICE ONTREAL _ JU «sTIO® WEDNXESDA Y, Or RAIL W A YÂ¥ London 8 GISTS, 8 BETW NoT ED H

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