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Ottawa Times (1865), 20 Jan 1872, p. 1

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NTHKAL *, S5th { Speeq» : Uning o qy 11 be kept ons ALWAY q MX B EB the public o bestpwed a ...u..... *« %00 ;‘ «â€" %08 br + L0Â¥ i M# T on & in the Pm 20 pg $W a, 181M 10€ ’;lll_h. The Commis=ijonâ€"ss 1ppointed for the conâ€" Wruction otf the lat rcvloaial Halilw=y, gave public notice, that they are prepared to re. ceive Tenmd rs for the cmcin o Station Baildings at Cacouns. lsâ€"le Voerte, Trois Pisâ€" toles, 8St. Simon, st. Fabien, Bic, Rimouski, 8i, Locs« and Mctapediac Road ; and alsn, for Tank Houses and Wood Sheds at Isle Vert», Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski and Metapediac Is herehy given that application will be | made to the Legislature of (Ountario at unl ensuing Sessin for an Act to authorize the Incumbent, Charchwardens an‘t Vestry | of Chnst Church, ur the City of Ottawa, to , erect a n=ew Bulding for Divine Worship on or near the site of the present Editic«, | and to enable them to borrow sach aum of money as may be necessiry in additon t.»J the subscriptions now. or herâ€"atter to be, | made, for defraying tne oxrflln. Dated Oitawa 6h Dec.. 1371. 496. | Plans, Sp cifications and forms of Tend«r may be seeu. on and after 20th February, a: the Ofi e of the Chief Kogineer. Ottawa :t Hivlere du Lonp and Rimoaski. C Tenders may be for the whol», or any l=â€"es unmbes of these Buildings, and wlhl b>re. gpired, murked *Tendâ€"rs for Ruildings," at the Commissioners‘ Office, Ottaws. up to 12 @odock, nwon of the Hhh day of March nâ€" at. ,® s n .l’. W“Qu. ED u. cgglnu:a, * C.J BRYDGES®, A W. McLELAN. _#e00«15" ut the ollhice of D. A. Macdonald, President Cf the Company, AKlexandria, Gliens Katty, up to the 6:h 4 y o Febrasry nâ€"xt. The Directors do Bot bind themsâ€"lves to Atcept the loweâ€"st or any tâ€"nd~r. Is hereby given that applicution will be made to the Parliament ot Cunada, at its nexi Nessioq, for an Act to incorporate th«e Cansdian Pacitic Kailw=y Company, with F)'orto construct a Kailway from the «cific Ocean towards the Rocky Moun tains and t om such point as may be selected Eis: of tae Rocky Mountams, towards the P «cilic Ucean, counecting the sexbourd aof Britsh Columbi« with the railway systeim of Cansds, â€"such railway to be constructed upon such routse and trom such poinis as its Eis ern and Wesrâ€" era Fesmini, as shall be selected or ap proved by the Government of C onada, with power also to construct branch lines to the Sault Ste. Marie to Fort w iiliam, to Fem>»ina «nd to alil such other points upon the frontier of the Dominion of Canada, as may be deemed advisable,â€"And also with power to construct or join in conâ€" stmucung a bridge across the SNault <te. Marie, and to own and work steam and other passenger and freight vessels upon all lakes touche. by suca railway or is ALY, inst., at the fhic« of the line, Cha:l 3 L James Stte=t, Montreal Aod Teod rs will "Teadâ€"rs" at the offi e President ¢f the Compq gatty, up to the 6h 4 1 Is hereby given that the Li eâ€"tors of t! is Company ars prepared to recâ€"ive temilers for the coustuctior o« the I‘n . Plaos and SÂ¥â€"citication«, tog=thet with the o mlitions of Contract, and For.s of Tende*, cun be souh On ant sfise ihâ€" asaudk Fux it Also, for Eogine H msâ€"sat Rivicredu Loup, aimoasâ€"ki and Mstapediac Road. Certificates issued to persons desitoums ot preâ€"paying the passage of their friends to Canada. For farther infor nation apply to TEMPERLKY®, CaRTER & DARKE, 3 White Lion Court, Corabii}, Londpo. Through Bills of Lading issued on the Continent ansd in Loadon for all parts of C.â€"cadsa and in the United States, to Dâ€"troft, :ilmhlc, Chicag=, and other points in the est. § Vommission: rs‘ 0OMc#, Ortawa, Jany. l2th, 1872 Alexandris, !0th Jamuary, Just Ruccived H. Â¥. RO w ES celâ€"tbrated The Steamers of the LONXDON LINE are intâ€"nded to run Weekly during Neason 0@ Navigation of 1872, between the above Ports, the first leaving London on or about rralk sEA8S0N COMMENCED, M London, Quebec srd oatreal |872 Londonâ€":toamm '872 WEEKLY COMMUNIC \f103 GEXTLEMEXN®S DREsSING CASE$, yarying in price from $3 to $‘5 Roglish Hair, Nail, &c., Bâ€"os#w‘ws, in gre variety, an 1 cholce Toilet Asticls generally A large Stock of French and English Po tume:y from the bost makers, Lubls, A!Il-‘ «ou, Violct, &2., also, Letchford‘s celebrite ‘ have lately recoived from Lomlon, and now of.r tor sale a full assortment ot Fjoroâ€"U. raidic Perfames, An a«s »«tment ot Sllver Mounted Smeliin Poitics, Odor Casâ€"a, Foil t Bottles, Visws & ~A CHA&INTIE & cCO , Druggist, &:, > 8, ark s street, Ottawa 187 i Ottawa, 26th Dec., 1871 NTERCOLONT+L RAILWaAY B U LK AND CAN oYsPERs, The Italian Warehouse. J. Â¥. C. DCLES DERNIERS. ‘HRIUTMA® A*lD EKW OoTICK OoTICE ONTREAL & CiTY OoF OTTAiXYA JU <~cCTIO® Ottawa, Jan 3, 1872 ixt aws, Dec 14. 1871 wWEDNESDAY, 1l0th APERILL Or RAILWAY COXPAXNYy Onhristio cb o YOL. VILI XNQ, IS7TL. D. A. MACDONALD, President MÂ¥ & 0.G. J GIsSTS, STARLK® @TREXT, crtication«, toge=ther with the utract. and For..a of Tende*, and after the 2204 JANLT. NOQTICE BETWEEX 1 be receiv 4 marked AT DaAYID SHAW, s Montreal Tsz 18607 of th ... PER GALLO N. 18712. RQSS8 & cu, YETERS. 1872} _ MONTRBAL OCEAN vear. _\ STEAMSHIP _ CoNPrANY 1845 1 J. Ry. 1283tf 186 tif t St Off.e: ELGIN STREKET, opposite the Russeli â€"._A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. | orrice ;-n: Sinck, ‘soruer "Qpecks FFICEâ€" ‘s corner : , and Elgin streets. l?fl:;‘ N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal ‘hhnoway“fiyh recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent 'dom‘ business in that city. T*XWARE OF ALL KINDS AT H. MEA puwWs & Cco. BUILDERSY JOB WORK AT H. MEA puwWs & CO CuaAL STOVES AT II. MEADOWs &X ©CAPITAL! STOVE DEPOUOT, 35 SUSSEX CAP SI » COMINXG ELECTIN FOR DOMINION PARLIAMENT. WOODp sToOvEs aT H. MEADOWS & Co HUT Al% FURNACESs AT H. MEADOWS & €X). * C&lIITkL.« .. .«««â€"â€"<«: â€" â€" . «@OAM0nOnt® ANNU iL INCOME, over..... 4,000,00 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ..... 9,50w,008 sSPECIAL LIFE AsSURANCE FUNBD: .««««« . «.. .««« ««««ce« * OooiGalt There hbaving been added $736,200 ic the Lite Fund as a result of the business of the past year. !CHKANGE OF SAIPLING: Tickets can be granted from Ottaws to Quebec at $7 tirst class, and $3 > w secon FIRE DEPARTMXENT. All descriptions of property insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" ~ WATERWORKS QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENXEY PRESENTATION. Certiticates issued to persons desirous o prepaying the passage of their friends tc Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Ottice. LIFE DEPARTMXENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and upquestionable security is offered to policy holders. Besides the large paid up capit«l of the Company, asâ€" surers have additional security in the UNLUMITED LILABILITY of a Wealtbhy Proprietary. 2 yAz > NIGER ..... «_ 5th Oct. SEVERN . ... w4 19th * MEDWAY .. «* _ @2nd Novr. THAMES. .. «* l6th * Rates of Passageâ€"Quebec to London : Cabin. aduits, $60; children under 12 $3 per year. s . Steerage, adults, $24 ; children unde: 12, #2 yer year. $ s I ables of Rates, Propesal Forms and ftui information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. R The following steamships > MEDW AY......D. Harris, Commander. THAMES . ...... J !James, do. NIGER......... W. Nisbett, do. SEVERN .......G. Butchart, do. Are intended to Sail, as under during the Season of 1871, from UTUEBEC TO LONDON 1871 Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage cortificates g.anted to partles desit. ous of vringing out friends from Europe. For further particnlars apply to â€"__ DW COwWaRD & co., = + Agents ~ "Sparke>4t Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURILN I HLAN, on or about. ....1ith Oct. QTTawW A «4 «... ty * T. DaVID «* «<+«sed#tle i ST. ANDREW «* <«~+«. amebor ST. PATRICK «4 <« « u0e * Fares fro=s Ortawa, cabin...... ...... $67 28 Iutermediate...........<...... 4T Of 44 06 KP" An experienced Burgeon camied . on :l vessw1l. Berths not secured until paid And every succeeding Saturday. Rates of Passage from Quebec : Cublts «««««««.... «... ... {iCHRSG EGCRNEE, «c «ve ai c«rtres +ccars #H4 The steamers of the Glasgow Line (salliog trom Glasgow every. Tuâ€"sdar, and from Que« bec for UGilaagow oa or about every 1hursday are ictoended to be d«spatch+4 from Que bec O@lasgow Line, Ihe steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Liveâ€"pcol every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Loct Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: s â€" _ > ~_~ UPrerpect Lim,. Ncandinavrian . ... North American t Dt Y «1. i. AUC rIGD ...c++ . Cmmgie «««utse +4 Nâ€"audinarisn.... Hibetnitn ... .. Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. _ â€" _ _=_ _ FPROK QUEBEC. tI. LAWRENCE A\D OTH MA 81. / UOttawa, Nov. 3, 107] EXTENXSION UOF MARKET sqQUARE. VOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY LiW. LATE CHANXGEK IN THE MINISTRY. For further information nppl&to DAVID SuuiawW, Royal Insurance Co‘s Office, Ottawas. ‘Utawa, Oct. l7th. 17607. COMINXG MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS Ottawa, May 6, 1371 e =3e House. _ TB y _ A. J. TAYLOB, Agent. Liverpool Lendonderry and Llaggow. A TKaAF CiTY TOPICK. ONDO® LINXE OF STKAMERS. oYaL INsSUKRANCEK COMPANY, Or ASSENGERS Booked to and from CARTAGE AGENCY. NEW STRESET CROSSINMG® We iA; Feal ol bi i 4 RAIL W A Y â€" SUNMNNER SERVICE FIRE and LLFE, T. M. CLARKE, H. L ROUTH r.. F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada first class powerful Iron un e e n e e e #% do l’ CC vievers cees y d Montreal * 187L . Feb * . a/ i9olimh, JFare j e ) d W 0 * P t Â¥% * _, $ L4 k 4 eAE eA 150 z" s / ~â€" P0 t > HÂ¥vea: . â€"*.)>‘. ; 1 hes C K 1' t/.v ol P >)¢' f ht ‘-". f:\"“‘,. E* (% ores 1.b onl a Tog» k lul ‘;‘-‘ J .\'f inss Ni 4 d ‘ ‘. Tel: d ) HHHHHUHTNTammiemmmemammnnanaaaaee i\ oRt av‘if » 10 10 24 Is now prepared to supply Families with POoULTRY and GAME of every description seot to their bhouses re=dy f.r the Oven or Cooked. Putles requiring the services of his Cook at th» ir houses can do so on application, Entres Dishes®, &c., &c., prepared in the best style and on th« shortest notice, i . KAVANAGH. Ottaws, January 16, 1872. 181108 _ The proprictor of the qQUEENXN RESTAUCRANT H .ving engaged This 8wing ns{ be seen in operation at the Canausa Q..iral Hoi.!, No 120, dussex utreet and ut No 8, 8t, Patrick Street. of E. LaVYIGNER, (Quebec.) This new swing sontains the mo~ tive power la itâ€" aulf, requiring no external impal. «m ion to drive it, "â€"a and in it persons _ â€"~ induilgin@ to that agrecable exer~ clse are exposed to no accident or dangeor. Ladics perticularly can enjoy themselves on this swing without having to contend with any of the inconvenlences met with in ordi nary Awings This Swinz may be seen in operation at the e L« "‘!*% :;l:;lo. HAUSER‘3s si¢iidiAfid¢ LIBMRT. 1803¢¢ 341« 1z «ars for Ottawa and Vicisl.ty WP" The Lybst:r Mills Goods ars to cheapest goods made or imported to C:nadl @. & M. are Agents tor Ottawa, on ! sâ€"i! Mil! prices delivered in Ottaws. L1 signed in â€" vitee the public to examine the Pateat SWibZ, N. B.â€"1t saves 30 per cent on the Russell Yonse boiler, and stcam is now raised in half e time it touk betore the corâ€"rling was apâ€"~ yli~d, while it saves a large per centage of Fuel and Labor at the Watet Works of the "arlinment and Departmental Buildings, City ":0 yo-'b. Rochestet & Co.‘s Steam Milis, A leck‘s oundry &c., &¢. CHALKMERS & Cu., Ricbardson st., Montreal, P. 0, Box 8444, Bote Manuofacturers in the Dominion J. MUNBOE OLEARY, General Western Agent. Ottaws, Nov, 340, 18/; Â¥ \J CONDUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS AND PIPES Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive S# .;120 per cent in fuel, and steam pasies through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quite dry, > Extensive‘y used in the Eastern and Western States and througbont Great Britain, and by the British Admiraity and American Navy .â€" (Bee circular,) The subscriber having just completed . his Full ®tock he is now prepared to farnish any article in the above line at prices to suit the purchaser, The following articles are constantly kept in stock : . Bar, Bundle and Sheet Iron * :: ::: Sheet Tin a Sheot coppor. Bheet Brasse, &¢ , &0 , Bleigh Shoe Steel all sizes from !x} to 41; Cast and Blister Steel Proof Chain all sizes Broad Axes & Narrow Axes single and double steel CUut Saws, Grind Stonee, Oils, Putty, Glass, Paints all colors BStovesâ€" Box, Double, and Cooking Alsc, an endless variety of Sh«lt Hardware and House Furnishing Goode, &¢., &¢ P. R.â€"â€"A call is respecttully solicited _ All goods delivend free to any part of the y nowsaus zini auops. € mARLAiD, MUICRMOR & Co tz wa, May 10, 1871 No. 24 Rideaw Street p$Â¥" Torw#s, 40¢t1. oo Duoulk, Books bougkt, sold and ecchanges 1A kD. CANADPIAN Go > *HE Ottawas, Sov 23, 1871 Ihe Latest Nouels Mways on Hand, HALMERY.SPENCE PATENT â€" NONâ€" t _ 8. â€" Pink, 2 =" _ Cottoun Hosiery % * _ uark Prints, % Baton ’_‘Ql Cott n«, 1 Case Manisova Twse % 1 "* Union Twee‘s, ) Balcs 8 stting, ) â€" Walding. xz 3) M RICE‘B Paper (‘ollars, 11 B les Lybeter Mills Grey Cottons, : Bale .fl.-nm;', 1 Je Linen Dirit~ % " _ Fortars (expecte >y> 1 Case Laues, 1 @4 _ Bounet Borders, * _ Trimmed Heats t _ Horroc«‘s $ utr: aAaâ€" , t â€" * â€" ‘Hibboas, No. 38 Ridsau Stroet. WP* Iseescoms ixvite~ LX LATZ STEANER4, V»'lMscnj Velreten Jackets, Veivet Rinbbons, Black ans Colored Friages, Fancy Dress Goods, Bluack Lastres, Braall Wares, 1t Â¥e : m.m{- c # e ‘ ' f 9 | : l % §] | D «4 + mam £ h * C 8 'E‘ s <\ M ® w * + %0% < t e wendh. s ®_% L. 4+ GCGRISON THC8,. BIHEETT, No, 24 Ridâ€"au street, "* _ Twilled Sheetings d&w orrk&W i. S\iURD:+:Y, JANUARY 20. is}2. The first week in April, For the purpose of paying of the debt on their organ. Contributions will be thaukfully recetved the lagies a:<be congregation. ”Ja-v 0, 1011, 1865 18 The Bishop‘s Chapel, Intend having a 8AuE of < USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES Orange County ln:so of the County of Carleton will be den in the City of OUttawa on the F!IRST TUEsSDAY in Febâ€" ruary, l:"tz n.dlz o‘elock noon. All parties interested are required to take notice, and govern themselves accord Members of the congregation are requestcd to remove their Books, Cusbhions, &¢., from the Oid Charcb, in the Course of next woek, and not later than Friday, the 26th fjust. C. 8. Â¥cNUTT, Socretary pro tem. January 18, 1872. 1873 9 T.- Li DIEKES GowWaAaAN‘$S HALL, | Cn SUKDAY, the 28th IN8TANT, Aund continne on every tollowing Sunday unâ€" til their New Church is erected, or until turâ€" The congregation of 8t, Andrew‘s Pres byterian Church will commence to meet for pablie worsbip in Twenty minutes allowed at Prescott Juncâ€" fiom refresbments. Bs are ron on Montreal time. THO8 REYNOLDB8, _ â€" Onmiertable Sofa Cars on No 7 and 8 Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bure connections with all the GT trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late Freight loaded with despatch, and No Tran« s._ipmena:; wh. n in car loads. ~ B LUTTBELL, 2t Euperintendent, Pr: scott, ~ Ottawns, January 1, 1872 Ureat Broad Gauge Route TO OTTaAWA. Throuxh A lurgs varicty of Ports, Burgundies, Sherties, Cham pagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarcts Sauternes, &o., of choice quality and great range in prices. Brockrille and Ottawa Railways Express at 7:45 am., arriving at Oftawa at make certain counections with all trains cn B. & 0O RBailway > _ In Bond or Frae THE GREEK AS USUAL. DOW‘S A LE in cask cr bottle. English Ales, Porters, &c. â€" ARNOLD‘S WINE VAULTS. METCALEFE STREET. And also in Wood or Bottle Gâ€"nuine Hennessey‘s anod,. Martelio Brandies, DeKayper‘s Gin,; Jaâ€" : maica Spririts, Loodon Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskics, &c. ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. WEDNESDAY, Â¥ith DECEMBER, 18711. Trains will run â€"as follows : _ wWM. ELLIOTT, Co. Master, Co. Carleton. North Gower, Jan. 8, 1872 _ 1867 1w The Annual Meeting of the Loyal 8 _ 110 00 pam with | Finest Fiench Wine Vinegat Liberal t«rms. Inspection invited. K ARNOLD!, *Telegraph Bauilding, Motcalie stre1, Ottawa, Dec 39, 1871 with On and after Trains on Canada Central and Perth Bran b Brockville Dec. 27,:87! T. AND BREW‘8 CHURCH N AND FROM WEKuNESDAY, 3rd Jao., trains will ron as follows ; _ CANiDA â€"CBNTRAL 10 30 a m LEAVE BROCKVILLE. 9 30 a m 115 am 5,50 p m 1 00 p m Ottawa. Leare Pris ott. WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &c. GoIxG. NoRTH gGolIsG soUTH Managing Director, Ottawa. GT trains for East and Wost Brockvillie, 'l&lnl-lon and all way at a t 1 o ns Grand â€" Troapk â€" Mail from the Grand _ Tronk Mail for West Do Express tor Doâ€"do Exprsâ€" trai n â€" fot Do _ do Mail lrom West Do do Expres: Conmecting with Counecting with. H. ABBOTT, «at aticn Manager 1781 y ‘ Arrive ath rescott ‘J unction. 11 15 p m 10:2he m Artive in Ottawa. 3 50 p m 6:15 a m 4:10 p m 8:25 p m % 40 pm 1 00 a m Prinied notices l mas to c n t ma«y be se 6 q"’ ie obt _ 8 6 & m ? I \_lpdluur,’ B , Or at the of m ~Postmaster blalf- to accept‘t To be let for a term of years, the BELLEVUE GAKDENS, Hull, the proprie. tor being desirous of retiring on account of poor health. Enquire at the Waeut House, Hull. _ LE EAST END SAPPEKS‘ BRIDGE. ROWE & ANNABLE. Ottawa Dec 12, 1871 wards, consirting of six picces. Paerlor Sets io Hair Cl«th, Binck Walinut Sideâ€" boards, Bun aus, Washstands, Centre Tables, Side Tables, and a great variety of care chairs at equally low prices. Ray~Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedstea*s..$3 ©0, formerly $3 50 Common Bedstead=.... 2 25, * 2 50 Common Ch«irs. ... .. 40 and upwards Coumplete Bedroom sets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTIQN INX FURNITURE Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottaw1 this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, A,D. 1872, £EUG,. MARTINEAU, and in case of nonâ€"payment of the fine inflicted for â€" any such breach, and there _ being no â€" _ distress found out of which the same can be levied such offender shall be liable to be im E:onod in the Common Gaol of the Jounty of Carleton for such period not exceading one calendar month, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper. _ To make some provisions against the spread of Small Pox and other Contaâ€" geous or iufectious due-n:i”md to prevent the interment of dead within the City of Oitawa, after the '}‘b-}rty-fint day of December, A.D. 872. WHEREAS it is necessary to mke some provisions against the spreading of Small Pox and other contagious or infecâ€" tious diseases w.thin the City of Ottawa, and also to prevent theâ€"interment of dead bodies within the limits of the said City after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December next. 5. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court for the City forfeit and pay such fine not exceeding tifty dollars or less than one dollar as to the Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction, 1. That the occupant of any dwelling house within the City wherein any case of Rmail Pox or other contagious or infecâ€" tious disease now exist or shall and may hereafter exist shall immâ€"distely upon its veimng known to him or her of the existâ€" ence of such disease, put, place and keep np on or over the front entrance door of the =aid bouse a printel nowice, pl=ced thereon in a couspicuous maunner, during 1! ~continuance of the saidl disease thâ€"reâ€" in. and for the space of ten days there. Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the C.ty of Ottiwa do hereby enact and ordain as tollows : after, such Department of Public Works, } Ottawa, 17th January, 1872. § 1873â€"3 BYVâ€"LATW No.3 13 &o." The Department will not be bound to mgt the lowest or any tender. y order _ F. BRAUN. 2 Thit the body of any person who shall die within this City from Smaill Pox or ouher contagious or infectious disease shali be interred within two days at farâ€" thest from the time of his or her death. 3. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, bodies poliiic or corpoâ€" rate, to permit or sufter or be party to the permitting or suflering any dead body in any house, builaing or other place or rlwoo within this City uninterred for any onger period than five days without the written permission of the Board of Health. 4. Tpat it shall not be lawiul for any person or persuns afflic.ed with the disease of Small Pox or other infectuous or con. tagio.s disease to go abroad in any of the public highways, streets or places of public resort in the City until such person or perâ€" sons shall have recovered thereof, or unless he, she or they shall produce when requirâ€" ed by any Health Oflicer a certititate trom a regular medical practitioner within the s‘ig that he, she or they have recovered, that there is no danger to be appreâ€" hended of the spread of the disease by such rson or persons going about. p,.’). Th-ntpzrom and A?ter the thirty «first day of December nexs it shall no: be lawâ€" fv{for any person or persons, bodies poli. ti, orcorporate to bury or inter any dead body within the limits of the City of Ottaâ€" Separate Tenders will be required for the works at each Station, ::3 must be severally endorsed. _ « * Tender Madawaska River." **Tender Coulonga and Black River.‘" 4 Tender Dumoine River," _"Tenier Calumet and Mountain wJ. DE ; Chief Nmoo Inspector. Chief Post Office Inspector‘s ofltice ) Addressed to the undersigned, vlv;} be received at this off.ce unt.l WEDYN DAY, the 2ith instant at Noon, for the {)orformsnoo of improvements to the Pub ic Works on the Ottawa Riser and its Tributaries. stooxfioationu can be seen on and after MOMDAY next, at the oflice of the Superâ€" intendent of the Ottawa River Works, where printed forms of Tender and any other information can be obtained. Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on FRIDAY, 9th. FEBHUARY NLAT, for the conveyance of Her Majosty‘s Mais, on a proposed Contracs for Sour years, six tines per week each way, beâ€" tween Morrisburg and Ottawa, from the 1st of April next. der. The Mails to leare Morrisburg daily, Sundays excepted at 7 o‘clock, A, M. Arrive at Uttawa. do. do. 5, P. M. LeavejOtt :wa do. do. I, A. M. Arrive at Morrisburg do. 5, P. M. Calling each way at the post offices at North : Williamsburg, Winchester springs, West Winchester, Ormond, Osgoode, South Gloucester and Billings‘ Bridge. A ted notices coâ€"ntaining further inâ€" mas to conditions of proposed F may be seen, and blank form:s of den may be obtained at the Post O&â€" ’ ‘g, North Willi;;gulburg. ) f ter, Usgoode and: Rillings‘ ; Or at the office of the subscriber. ~Postmaster General »:does not bind a to accept‘the lowestâ€"or any tenâ€" Conveyance to be made in a passenger ltn‘(okch?wn by at least two horses. _ 12 Jan. *«*Tender Chaudiere and Hull Stations, URNITURE, FUVRNITURE. ARE CHANCE. EALED TENDERS W. P. LETT. Ottawa, 1ith January,â€" J872. $ 1873â€"3 ROWE & ANNABLES, AIL CONTRBRACT. Remember the place notice to be supplied by this JOSEPH DEY, Secretary. Mayor, Is hereby given that sp;plielflo- will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at the ensuing bession thereof, for an Act to amend the St. Lawreuce and Ottawa Railway Act, and to authorize a further extension of the RHail «uy or deviation of the present extension therâ€"of from auy point of thesame -nordn 1y to a point at or near Portaze du Fort in the Province ef Que!‘ec, ana thence ~@ Or near the the Town of Pembroke, in the Coâ€"uty of Ontario, with power of further extension from the said Town of Pembroke, to any point on Lake Nippising, French filnr, or upon the Gcorgian Bay. Ottaws, Dec 18, 1871 1853 Sawk SPIII CaNDLES, FAXCY S8OAPSâ€" Pest Toillet, " London" mak e, to order One trial will prove the quality. The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b The Oil is required to be monâ€"explosive st & vapor ‘test of 110° Fanrenbeit, must burno brilliantly, withoutsmoking, until entirely consumed, and not crust the wick, and mast be free from ali deleterious substanoss. It is also required to have a specific gravity of 41* Beauwe, at a temperature of 68° Fabrenhâ€"it A sample of a quart to sccompany each Tenâ€" Rum Proof, Old Rye and Highwines, finest f&Â¥our. Dreas.«ext or Mamixr & Aommeares. Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 Bealed Tenders will be receivo! at this Department, up to nson of F:iday, the 9th day (fFebruary next, for the supply, .n bond, of the undermentionâ€"d quantities of the best 3_:lsllty_of Standard white refined Petroleum 11, do 6000 t 8,000 g«allons at 8t. Jobn, N. B., 10th June 1872. do 18 000 to 2 000 gallons at Quebec, 5th . Jaty de 10,900 to 123,000 gallons at Mo~treal, / ~ kLxoly,â€" * f do 3,01)0 to 4,000 galjons at Hamilton, 8th uly. x do 4000 t> 5,000 gallons at Rarnia, 12th Jaly. Tenders will bs received for the whole quantity, or for any of the lots above speciâ€" fiâ€"4, for one year; or for a term not axceeding three years, at the option of ths Departmâ€"nt. Paities tendering who may not wish to conâ€" tract for more than one year‘s sypply, will please stats so in their T+nders. A STEAM VESSEL sf* Tenders will also be received, as above stated, tor the charter of a suitable Steam Veuof, for the delivery of »il and suppli=s to the Light Houses above Montreal, the charter to commence at noon on 20d Joly next, at such part of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as may be designated by this Department. The nawe, sizs, age, horse power and desoription of ,So vessel to be specified in the tender, A bufk suw should be nared for the performâ€" ance ofthe service, o1 the ru.e at which the vessel is offered per mouth at the option of the department. P MITCHELL, Ministerof Marine and Fisheries, of white oak, and to be properly prepared inâ€" side with liqu:d glue, and to be painted outâ€" side so as to prevent thd oll from permesting the wood, and evaporatine from the surface. The casktato be furnishâ€"d by the coutrac. tor, aud thâ€"ir cost inciuded in the price of the oil. I.spector‘s fees of Inlaad Revenue Nepartment and Guager‘s fees must be paid by the contractor. Phe Oil is to ba delivâ€"red in good order, in ‘rou bound caske, containing from 35 to 42 g{ullons ea h. Casks to have st»vres and heads The cartage of the cil from the Rallway Station, Oil Depot or Vâ€"ssel, to the Wharf or place where the Oil is required to be depositâ€" ed, must be paid by the contractor. firstâ€"class BRANDIES or W.NES, and t best Family GROCERIESY, y ou must go to pon'r WINEâ€" > _ ~ THOQ.J. PATTERSON‘S. Ottawa, December 23, 1871 :« COTCH WHISKIESâ€" Ol all kinds, the very finest. 1t is now an established Jact D.RECT IMPORTATIONS Thos. Patterson‘s. APANSâ€" OoFFEEESâ€" Fresh Roasted, and Ground Daily on oTICEK, At ICKLESâ€" IGHTHOUSE SEARVICEK,. ORTER & ALEi â€" Guinness‘s and Dawer‘, bottled to LACK TEASâ€" RULITSâ€" RANDIEEâ€" The best old srands, Pure und Mild, ) RHLY WINEâ€" # Onddies," Just received, a superior lot of the best Of the first various prices, ndooni:i‘.d“’ kooé Fine Old Vintages (20 years), pure and reliable for family use and im di. 1 1i« Malt . DeKuypers & Son, fire ;Old D~uble Berried â€" ses, Jams and Jelliecs, from the Crosse & Biackwell‘s â€" Bellin;, Cheapâ€"really good. Brands, imported this Season, quite fresh and fragrant.â€"T‘ry / A«m. and Pale, very fine qualities, and a Low Prices ciual purposes. No. 26 Rideau Street LWaAYs ON HAND, waut any 2,000 3nd hand 2 bu«i.â€"1 Grain Bags, goo© as new, for sale cheap by JAMEKS BERYINGH iM, Porter‘s Block and Gateway. Fine Colors in Roman Squares, Fancy Cordills Sh BLACK SILKS, from 75¢. to $7.50, Z°LUNDON MADE DRESSES, MITTENS, BB 6003 MANTLES, SILKS, #B@7"°In all the New Coluring. @z EV ENING GOODS. An assortment of WOOL TIES, T. Hunton, _ Son & Co. Honiton, FANCY COODS ‘Temporary Premises Allan, â€" > Mclinnons, FANCY WOOLLEA G6000S, B@~FRENCA APPLIQUE DR + S@â€"FLOWERS; WREATHS, Eic By Jas. Bermingham, Auctioneer. aG3! BAGS!|! pttewa‘ Dec. 5, 1871. Ottawa, Jan 5, 1871 Christma s Presents, T. HUNTON, SON & CO. Ottaws, Nov. 28, 1871. 173ly Collars, Barbs, &0., in Honitan, Maltese, Brussels, Point, &¢ Real Lace Overskirts, LADIES and CHILDREX® BODICES. SATINS, Moire Antiques, &c, PIM BROS. POPLINS, &c., MILLINERY, ALAL MTHOH & ELA SETTS anrp COLLARS, GARLAND, MUTCHMOR a Co, «./ ______._No. 20, Sparks streoet. . f ETA W 1LS. 4 Dhagor rer Exrrsss." SPARKS STREET, Maltiese, LACES. Are now showileg SUITABLE FPoR McMoran Irish Point AND AND CUFE Pat d (all colors ) 1862 6 IPRICE 3CEN1S There was a sound of footsteps on the gravel walk which ran between the houseâ€" wall and the gardenâ€"lawn. It was follow. held her close with one hand. and seizing her bhead with the other, tried to turn ber «ips to him. Bhe resisted with the inbred aervous strength which the weakest woâ€" nain living h«s in reserve wheu she is mutraged. Half indignant, h»â€"lf terrified «« Turlington‘s roughness, Miss Lavini«a cose to interfere. In a moment more he would have had two woman to everpower .ustead of one, when a noise outside the #indows suddenly suspended the ignoble The old lady was offended. and showed it by saying nothing more Natalie nestled to her aunt. One after another the clocic ucked off the minutes with painful disâ€" rinctness in the stiliness of the room. Turâ€" lington suddenily thew aside the newsâ€" paper and left his corner. ‘Let‘s be good frienas" he burst out, with a clumsy asâ€" sumption of g«â€"iety. *‘This in‘t keeping Christmas Eve. Let‘s talk and »e sociable. Dearest Natalie!‘ He threw his arm mly round Natalie, and drew her by force away from her aunt. She turnâ€" ed deadly pale, and struggled to releass bherself. * L am sufleringâ€"I am illâ€"les go 1 He was deaf to her entreaties. * What ! your husband that is to be, treated in this way? mustn‘t l havea kis %â€"I mll?" He Miss Lavinia beckoned so her niece and pointed significantly to Turlington. Aiter one reluctant look at him, Natalie lud her head wearily on her aunt‘s shoulder. *‘Eleepy, my dear?" whispered the ol 1 lady. +*Uneasy auntâ€"â€"I don‘t know why,‘ Natalie whispered back. +I would give the world to be in London, and to hear the carriages going by, and the people talking in the street." _ o% * We wish not to disturb you over your reading, that is all,‘ said Liu Lavinia, coldli * Has anything hippened to vex you, t m‘ s _ 2 Turlington suddenly dropped his newsâ€" paper. ‘What‘s the secret between you iwo? hecalled out roughly. * What are you whispering about ?" __*What the devil makes you think vhat ?" â€"â€" nouced kKichard since his return? z::t Miss Lavinta. *I fancy bhe must have hearid bad news in Loadon., me lgoke as ‘il he ‘had something on his He turned half way ronud. *My shepâ€" herd, Isuppose,‘ he said, after a pause~â€" *‘ whistling for his dog.‘ HMe turned back again and immersed himself in his newss Miss Lavinia tried him again. Did you bear a whistle while you were owu? lt quite startled Natalie in the stillness of vhis place.‘ _ _ tsearle: There was another interval of silence. it was past nine o‘olock when they heard the back door opened and closei again. Eurlingion came hurriealy into the drawâ€" ing room, as it he had some reason tos wishing to rejoin the two ladies as soon as possivle. To the surprise of both of them, ne sat down ubrutly in a corner. with his face to the wall, and took up the new:â€" paper, without casting a look at them or uttering a word . *Is Joseph safeat the vicarage?" askei Miss Lavinia. ‘All right.‘ He gave the answer in a short, surly tone, still without looking _ _"1 haven‘t temarked it, aunt."" For the time no more was said. Miss Lavinia went monowonouâ€"ly on with her knitting. Naralie pursued heâ€"own anxious over the uunread piges of the book in her lip. Suddenly wme deep silencse out of deors and in was broken vy a shrill whistle, sounding from hber knitting. **My dear child your nerves must be sadly oust of order. What is there to be trightened at ?* s i s INs1DE TH« HO SE. The scene in the drawingâ€"room repreâ€" sented the rieal of domestic comfort. The fire ol wood and coal muixed burnt brightâ€" Iy; the lamps sheda sott glow of ligiit ; the solid sbhurvers and the wnick red cur tains kept the cold night air on the outer side of two long winuows, which opened on the back garden. Snug arm chair« were placed in every part ol the room. In one of vhein sir Joseph reclined fast aslâ€"ep: in another Miss Lavinia sat knitting; & third chair spart from the rest, nbear a round taile in one corner of the room was occupied by Nutalie. Her head was restâ€" ing on her hand ; an ,unresd book lay open on her lap. Sshe looked pale and harassed ; anxiety and suspense had worl ber down to the shadow of her formér self. Un entering the room, Turlington purposely closed the door with a bang. Natalie star.ed. _ Miss Lavinia looked u reproachfuily. The object was -chiovmt Sir Joseph was roused trom his sleep. yard," be said ; " and the yvicar‘s servant will see you safe back." The tone in which he spoke instantly roused sir Joseph. * L am not in my second childbhood yet, Richard," he replied, testily. " I can find my way by myself." He kissed his daug»â€" ter on the forehesd. = No fear, Natahe. ishall be back in uime tor the mulled claret. No, Richard, 1 won‘t trouble you." He kissed his hand to his sister, and went out into the ha‘l for his bhat; Tarlington following wita a rough spology, and asking us a {.you« to be permitied to accomp my 1 ¢f the way only. The ladies, left in the drawingâ€"room, heard the apulagy »accepted oy kindâ€"beartedl Sic Joseph, The two went ous togeiher.. _ His sister and his daughter both joined in trying to persuade him to send an exâ€" cuse instead of groping his way to the vicarage in the dark. Sir Joseph hesitaw d as usual. He and the vicar bad run up asudden friendship on the strength o their common enthusiasm for the old â€" game of b.ckb“lm. Victor1ous over his opponent on the previous evenin;; at Turlingion‘s house, sir Joseph had proâ€" mised to pass that evening at the vicarage, and give the vicar his revenge. Observing his indecision, Turlington cunningly irnâ€" sated him by to believe that he was ndlly unwilling to venture out in the dark, "I‘ll see you safe across the churchâ€" *©I‘m nos very well, aunt. It isso stull bereat night, the »lightest noises startie Sir Joseph ruubed his eyes, and looked at the clock on the mantel piece. * Yes, yes, Richard," he answered drowsily, = L oux:Lon I must go. Where is my hat ?" is sister and his daughter both joined The guilty mind of Tuwlington was far fio;n belil’ satislied with the meagre de scription of the stranger thu« rendered. He could not be engagâ€"d in surveying in the dark <~What could he want in the desolate ~neighborhood of the house and churchyard, at vhat time of night? _"!Ifyou are going to the vicar‘s toâ€" night, Graybrooke,‘"‘ said lurlington, "it‘s time you were off, isn‘t it ?" is The man wanted â€"what the m«n found a little lower down the lane, hidden in a disman*led part of the churchyard walil â€" a letter trom a younglady. liead by the light of the pocket lintern which he carâ€" ried with hint, the letrer first congratal «ted this person on the complete success of his disguiseâ€"ami> then promised thit the writer would be ready at her bedroom window for fight the next morning, before the house was astir. The signature was «* Natali~," and the person addressed was * Dearest Launce." In the meanwhile, Turlington barred the windowâ€"shutters ot© the room, and lookel t bis wartch. It wintei only a quarter to nine o‘clock. He took his dogâ€" whistie from the chimueyâ€"piece, and +urnâ€" ed his steps at once in the direction of the drawingâ€"room, in which Ims gusts were passing the evening. MISS OR MRS ? TWELFTH SCENE. BY WILKIE COLLixs. (Continued.

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