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Ottawa Times (1865), 22 Jan 1872, p. 1

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y Receipts relien further trouble BLISH Â¥ENXT ENTH AL grasor, Corner o es James Hope & t REDUVCEZT the 1st of June a I-‘“"M. MoLARENX, . St, Jamesst., Montreal, q ET, °@0 AMtacheg it ':.‘_'mlfil the HESTER & Co. Ae, ke, tor the Pto to the pubitc of ge bostowed on _Foxt, 5im ".M ta A18, . 464. U MÂ¥ BER Connty o Crlesâ€" by Broad Surcch A W A. 2C JOHXSON, HOSE, made in the Preâ€" Proprietor. 4 Saturdsy, will be kept conâ€"â€" Y DGks, RKILL* . CE TIMXBEER OoF m!l. attaw hok h SHRACHOA io sagy C# printed on the 1 Taout »parks strsok Running on q Inter. BALLWAY q .'SN| p and mas ASINS '..A-"'â€"_; train leaving * 200 pu 181584 10.39 2 1Log T.00 , £00 us B# ; L Througs Bills of Ladiog issued on the " Coutinent and in London for all pasts of C.acads and in the Unitâ€"d States, to Detroft, =ilmlh, Chivcago, and other points is the est. a The Steamers of the LOXDON LINXE are iimt+nded to ron Weâ€"kly Curing Neason of Navigaticn af 1871. between the above Ports the first loavinog Lonion on or about _ The Commissioners sppointed for the conâ€" lc recis meae Te in Sraction ot the lot reoloai«l lh"-:w.- '"A"n'::.:‘u Li public notice, that they are prepared to r. * “r‘l“‘ ceive Tenad ts for the crec im o Station offered to policy Buildings «t Caconos lsle Verte, Trois Pis»â€" lirge paid up capit tole«, St. Simon, t Fabien, Bic, Rimouski+, | *UTY** hive addit St. Lace and Metapetiac Road ; aud aiso, tor | ! NLLMITED LL\ Tank Houses and Woo!d Sheds as I<is Vert, | Proprictary. Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski and Mctapediac | _ ! ables of Rates, Road, information can be gfln. tut Eogine H usâ€"s at Riviereda Lonp, | to the ucdersigned mogasâ€"ki and Mâ€"Atapediac Hoad. Plaos and Spec:fiicatio « niitions of Contract, a cas be seen on and aft ARY, lnst., at the effice c «I the ”u,(..‘x]‘ L:," James Street, Montreal!, Ansd Tecd r3 -lfi 1 "Tenders" at the ofi ce ¢ President 1!::: Compa: yatty, up to the 6:h d y *Ihe Directors do not Aeept the lowest or aav have lateis off»r tor sal WEEKLY COMMUNIC \TIJ 3 Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legiâ€"\:iture of Dntario at its ensuing Sessi n for an Act to authorize the Incumbent, Churchwartens an i Vestry of Chnst Church, 1a the City of Uitawa, to erect a new Builliag for Divin= Worship on or near the site of the present Editic«, and to enable them to borrow sach sum of money as may be necessiury in addition to the subscriptions now. or nereatter to be, miude, for detraying tn= expense. Dated Ortawa. 6th Deoc.. 1871.. . 496. _ tains. and such point as may be selected Exasi of toe Rocky Mountains, towards the P.acilic Ucean, counecting the seaboard of Britwh Coiumbi« with the railway systemm of Canada, â€"such railway to be constructed upon such route and trom such poinis as its E«s ern and Westâ€" ern Termini, as shall be selected or ap proved by the Government of Cinada, with power also to construct branch lines to the Sault Ste. Marie to Fort * uliam, to Femvina and to ali such other points upon the frontier of the Dominion of Cansada, umay be deemed advisable,â€"And also with power to construct or join in conâ€" structing a bridge across the Nault <te Marie, ndwo-:n;a;l work steam and other passenger reight vessels upon all lakes touched by suca railway or its NOTICE Is hereby givenm that the i+ ector: of â€" t! is Company are prepared to recuive tewlers for the constraction of the I‘n â€" Is bereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, for an Act to incorporute the Canadian Pacitic &snnal{“Uompnny. with power to construct a HKailway from the Pacific Ocean towards the Rocky Mounâ€" D. A. MACDONALD, President M & 0.C. J Alexandris, ©0th Januaary, 1272. 872 "cddlcqn issued to persons desirocs ot preâ€"paying the passags of their friends to Plans, Sp cifiâ€"ations an+ forms of Te i r may be s«enu ou and aftr 20b Fâ€"bruary, a the CM e of the Chief Engineer. Ottawa :t Ririere du Long and Rimoaski. Tenders may be for the whol~, or any l=s» sumbes of these Builiings, and wil bire. «witred, murked *Tentâ€"ss for %uildings«," a* tss Commi:sion«â€"rs‘ Office, Oitaws. up to 12 eclock, n â€"ou, of the 20th day of March n xt. ED. WaLS8H, ED B. CHMHANDLES, C.J BRYOGES, ~ A W. McLtLAX, Vommissioners® OMce, Ottawa, Jany. l%th, 1872 Just R.ceived H. Â¥. KLO â€" ES celLrated A m. 2.0.& of PFICECB AQG EDC Ha®N PW rumery from the vost makers, Lablo, Atkis wa, Violet, &:., also, L tâ€"hforPs celobtit» Floroâ€"Hâ€"raidic P. rfames, An assgvtment 0t Silvee Mounted Sta~liiu sottles, Odor C:swe, Toll: t Botiles, V is & ;ENTLEMEN‘S$ DRESSI NC CASKS$ 1871 M "HURISTMAS a%D 1€ For further information applt to BULK &ND CAN NTERCOLONI :iL RAIL WaY T OTiICE The Italian W arshouse. J. Â¥. C. DELES DERNI~RS ndon, Quabe: OTIHIC# HE SEA3SONX COMMNENCEKD Ottawas, Jan 3, 187 : ONTREAL & JU «CTION RALIL W A Y WEDNXESDAY, loth APBEIL Or FEMPERLKY®S, CaRTER £DAiBKE °_ 3 White Lion Court, Corabill, YOL. â€"YÂ¥IL XN6G, IS7G. COnristio &4 Co ULK oVYs rER®, p&CSCISTS, SPARKS® sTREET London Stoamers #%th Dec., 1871 *4 0 IHO E1 , pecrfications, tog» Jontract, and For ) and after the the office of the C ail>s Lâ€"g45e, £ q. lutrv!. F# will be rece be ofice of D. A e Company, Alex e Goh d yo Febr Ivad from Loadon, & 11 assortment ot A CHRISTIE & CO, Drusgist, &>, will be teceived zirked oflice of D. A. Macd. nald, ‘omfany, Alexandria, Gienx. h d yo February next. lo not bind themsâ€"lves to Of agy tender. 14 BETWEEN A* DAVID SHAW, Montreal. I% 18607 8. arkasirect, Ot‘awa TY OF OMXPAN) or, ROSS & co, ... PER GALJIOX. W Â¥RAE. Â¥sTE:: 3. , No thes wiilh the 18 of Tenode: rlef Eogine«es r2nd JANI i8792 â€" MONTREAL OCEAN sis. _ STEAMSHIP. COMPAXNY. & o treal 1345 1 Quete: FTA WA 1864tf Ry. 1884tf (87? ro® + ©CAPITAL®‘ STOVE DEPOT, 35 SUSSEX K_ : CHANG E l Proprietary. i ables of Rates, Proposal Forms and tu. | information can be obtained on applicatiot Office: ELGINX STREET, opposite the Rassel} 1Y48 1v A, J, TAYTLOR, Ageont, TNWARE OF ALL KINXDS AT H. MEA BOWs & Cco. BUILDERY JOB WORK AT H. MEAiâ€" DWs & CO COMING ELECTIUN FOR DOMINION < PARLIAMENT. COAL STOVES AT H. wWoOop SToOvEs aAT 4. HOT AIR FURNAiB;; AT H. MEADOWS® + A Cl TL ALe.« «... .«««er.«««â€"~siliimiunod ANNU iL INCOME, over..... 4,000,00 FUXNDS UN HAND, over. ..... 9,5,»® SPECIAL LIFE AsSURANCE FUNK ... ..« + «~« se« ««c«e«. AAOORAI There baving been awided $736,:00 ic the Lite Fund as a result of the ousiness of the past year. â€" The steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Live pool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Pass~nger» to and from Ireland and Scotland are 1ntended to bs despatchea from Quebec: â€" Liverpool Line. Calling at St. John‘s, N. F. _ _ The following first class powerful [ron steamships : MEDWAY..... .D. Harris, Commander. THAMES.......J.{James, do. NIGEK......... W. Nisbett, _ do. SEVERN . ......G. Butchart, . do. Are intended to Suil, as under during the Season of 1871, from NIGEIk‘. ... _ _ "*~ â€" ith Ock. SEVER?. «+ i% 19th * MEDW AY .. ** Pnd Nov. THA:ES... h l6th * Rates of Passageâ€"Quebec to London ; Cabin, adult«, $60; children under 12, Te pae yaur. _ * _ .‘ .__ 5 Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURLN : HLAN, on or about. ....12@th Oct. OQVTrawW A 44 <xxerlotl : * sIT. DiVvID «* «... d#th «* sST. ANDRKEW &* «««x«« aucdtNoy. sT. PAIRICK «t «x se Th 4 Fatres from Ottaws, cabin...... ......$67 25 ECE HMMEO.«+« «s cors + ««arrcce {ir Of 44 00 IECURMEC c« «oceit vircts« eteevr««+rs «i4 06 wP" An experienced Surgeon canmicd on ~ach vâ€"@sel. Berths not secured until pald Râ€"turn Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passeage certificates g.auted to partlies desir. ous of vringing out friends from Europs. For turther particnlars apply to _ _ Tickets can be granted from Ottawa to guehocufifimcl-.aulfl-tm 488. and Elgin streets. § 1760y N.RB.â€"The tinancial position of the Royal is in co way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. WATERWORKSs QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESENTATION. NEW STREET CROSSINGA ChOED ««cecx«cere xrce ... â€"{@iCtoR8O SUCTGC, «. «un c «cverr e rc6 0208028 The steamers of the Glasgow Lin= (salliog trom (Glasgow every Taâ€"sdav, and from Quâ€" be~ for U inggow on or about every Ubhars Jay are ictended to b« despatche4 frouw Qu#bec Giasgow Line. All descriptions of ..msorty insurec against Loss or Damage by Fire at moder for Certiticates issued to persons desirous 0 prepaying the passage of their friends to Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Otlice. LIFE DEPARTXENT. Assurances on Lives granted on fiavorable terms, and unquestion«ble security .â€"is offered to policy holders. Besides the lirge paid up capit«al of the Company, as surers hive additional security in the !‘NLIMITED LL\@BILITY of a Wealtby And every succeeding Saturday. Rates of Pagsage from Quebec : CMOG .. ./ o »esour unu««rxeaesliitunid _ Rteerage, adults, $24 ; children under 12, $2 yer year. > s R e9yy hss‘ e tI0OL. I}ASSENGERS Booked to and from Ottawa, Nov. 3, 1871. tI, LAWRENCE A\D OTHMAAA EXTEXNXSION UF MARKET sQUARE. YOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY LAW. Ottawa, May 6, 1871 LATE CHANGE IN THE MINISTRY. T. M.CLARKE, â€" Royal Insurance Co‘s Office, Ottawa. *Jttawa, Oct. l7th. 1760y. For further information apply to DAVID SHAW, COMINXG MUNICIPAL ELECTION®S. liverpool Londonderry and A.â€"PERRY; Fire Inspector _ T. M CLARK , Agent. UOFFICE â€"Bang‘s Block, corner Spa/k* UEB EC TO LONDON 1708 1y ONDO® LINXE OF STKANERS. &A TEA CITY TOPICK. OoYaL INSUkKANCEK COXPANY, Or CARTAGE AGENCY. FIRE DEPARTYXENT. FROM QUEBEC. RA LW A Y â€" FIRE and LIF E, Glasgow. STREET D W COwWaARD & CO., Agonts ~ "Sparkeâ€"st 871 ‘599tf II L ROUTH i. E. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada OF SAILIN G. MEADOWS & CO. MEADOWS & CO. oc.ooJ“.‘". «ereres U â€"H 6uevac« O@ it cucxke« K H <«« Pub Montreal. «. C@ « C TDht 10 10 24 Hardwareâ€"Hardware. Is now prepared to supply Families with POULTRY and GAME of every description cont to their houses re»dy for the Oven or Cooked. Pasties requiring the services of his Cook at th+ir housss can do so on application, Entree Disbes, &c., &¢,, prepared in the best style and on the shortest notice. . KAVANAGH. Ottaws, January 16, 1873. _ 18714 article in the atove line at prices to suit the _ The follow‘ng articles are constantly kept In stock : Bar, Bundlo and She t Iron Bar and Sheet Tin E Bar and Sheet copyper Bheet Bruss, &0 , &0 8!â€"Igh Shoe Steel all «izes from Ix} to 4z} Cast and Blister 8 cel Proof Chain all siz s Broad Axes Narrow Axos sin@le and double steel ut Saw«, G«ind Ston~«, Orls, Putty, Glass, clty The subscriber having jast completed his Fall ®tock he is now prepared to farnish any Paints all «olore s Stoves â€" Box, Double, and Coukllg Als~, an endlus« variety of Shâ€"lt Hardiware and House Fareiâ€"birg Goods, &¢., &6oâ€" P. 8.â€"A call is reapect{ully solicited All goods deliv:r d frve to any part of the N. B.â€"1It sives 30 per cent oc the Russel! Honee boiler, and steam is now raised in half the tim« it took before the covâ€"ring was apâ€" plied, while it saves a large per centage ~f Fuâ€"l and Labor at the Water Works of the Parlinment and Departmental Buildines, City Gas W orks, Rochbester & Co.‘s Steam Mills, A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &¢c. CHALMER® & Cu, Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. Box 8444, * Botle Manufactnrers in the Dominion J MUNBOE OLEARY, General Western Agent. Ottawa, Nov, 20, 1817; Â¥ _ The proprieter of the qQUEENXN RESTAURANT H .ving engaged Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive Sr ©;4120 per cent in fuel, and steam pasies through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quit dry. Extensive‘y waes in the Eastern and Western States and throughout Great Britain, ant by the British Admiralty and American Nary.â€" (Bee circular.) waÂ¥" Term#, 40ct1. per mouth, Books bought, sold and exchanged : staw a,Jans 9, 0 6! No. 24 Rideau Street This 8wing me«y be soen in operation at the Canada Ceniral Hotw1, No 120, $ussex utreet aud at No. 8, St. Patrick Sureet. ?' on 04e :sTl:;lo. HAUSER‘s sifGULATING LIBRRT No. 38 Rideau Stroet. of E LaVv!{GNE, (Quebec,) This new »wieog~ soutains the mo=â€" tiv= powâ€"r lo itâ€" sâ€"lf, râ€"quiring no external impal. 9n 1o drivg 6 3 «ad in it persons induoigine in that ® agrecable «+&er=â€" y clse are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladics particularly can enjoy themselves on this swing without having to contend with any of the inconvenlences met with in ordi nary Swings tee "*~ HHisn To 18091 33)« Ar:â€"as forOnumulec'oM' Wwo" Thoe Lybstr Mills Goods â€"aro tn cheapest goods made or imported to Cinad 4. & M. are Agents tor Ottawa, scoad seil Mil! prices delivered in Ottaws. \VHOLH&ALE DiY GuODs. mARL4NY, MUTCHMOR & Co 'Ffll Under. signed in â€" vites the public t» examine the Pateat Swibg, »tta wa, May 10, 1871 YAkD Ottawa, > or 23, 1871 CANADIAN GOj : . HALMERS.SPENCE PATENT NONâ€" COoNpUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS aND PIPES lhe Latess: Noveéls Always on Hand, . * _ im 2 ~ _ Cotteon Hosiery, 1 + _ JQsrtk Prints, 1 Baiss Greâ€" Cott ns, Â¥ * _'m (expectan._aily ) 1 Caso Vani oa Tws 4 ' '. l: s# um '.‘- m 4 Wa iding, 31 M RICE*3 Paper (‘ollare, 11 B les L'!‘“. .flhgnym 1 case Laces, 1 _# _ Boonet_Bordcrs, t Trdimae: ats t# _ Mortroca‘s 8 =ars> L "~ ibboos, 1 * Parasoir, 1 Batc !I sain. €, 1 0s Linea Doti~ SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL,. ) Bilcs B ttinz, N* Issesomos isvirtess CX LiTZ sTEAMLERA, e VÂ¥elvetee Velretee :.juhh, Velvet mM Black and Colored Fringes Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lostres, Small Ware#, L. A;c.'s,o! THC8, BJREKEETT, bo, 24 Ridean street, 1871 d&w & * ’ ' ' )l /% a omm anm e " k e \% & ‘_)_ * P C â€".SM «uh o Class Cook " _ Twilled Shectings OITAaAW L. MOND:\+, JiANUARY 22. 1s723, The old reliable, quickest end best rout» ; the shortest line by Q miles from O(tawa to Brockvilie and all poiats West, and by 3G mitles toall points Z ast ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIXE. # The first week in April, KFor the purpose of paying off the debt on their organ. will be thanokfully roceived the 0t the congregation. .’h-! 0, 1872. 1868 11 Onmiertabl« Bofa Cars on No 17 and 8 Charge for berths, 59 cents. _ _ â€" _ SBare connections with all the GT trains both East and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late_ The Bishop‘s Chapel, Intend having a 8ALE of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES Twenty minutes allowed at Pregcolt Juncâ€" tion for refres>ments. Trains are ruo on Montreal time. THOS8S REYNOLDS, B LUTTBELL, The Annuad Meeting of the Loyal ‘ Common Bedstead«.... 2 25, * _ 2 50 Orange County u::l« of the County of Common Cbâ€"irs...... 40 and upwards Carleton will be den,in the City of , Complete Bedrovum suts for $10 50 and up. Ottawa on the F!RST TUESDAY in Febâ€" | _ wards, consirting of six picces. _ > ruary, 1872, at 12 o‘clock noon. _ All | Parlor Sets in Hair CUlth, Biuck Walnut Sideâ€" parties interested are required to take boards, Buraus, Waeshstands, Centre Tablâ€"s, M and govern themsel!lves .mvd‘ Side Tables, and a great variety of canmne chairs ingly. at equally low prices. WM. ELLIOTT, Co. Master, Co. Carleton. Remember the place North Gower, Jan. 8, 1872 1907 49 | n : am nun aroDnu nBEMELE And continue on every following Surday un til their New Church is crected, or usotil turâ€" ther notice. Members of the congregation are requestcd to remove their Books, Cusbilons, &c¢., from the Oid Charch, in the course of next week, and not later than Friday, the 26th iust. C. 8. MeNOTT, Becretary pro tem. January 18, 1872. 1873 9 Ureat Broad Gauge Route f TO OTTAWA. Brockville and Oftawa Railways The congr: gation of St, Andrew‘s Pres | byterian Charch will cou meme to meet for ; pablie worship in = S Express at 7:15 a.m., aniving at Ottawa at 12%:50 p.m., and at Nand Point at 1;:30 Mail Train at 215 p.m. Through Ottawa Express at 3:%% p.m., cooâ€" Becting with itand Trook Day Express from the East and West, arriving st Ott=awa at 7:25 p :a and at Fand Point at 8.15 pm LEAVE OTiAWA. Through Wosteru Express at 10:00 a.m,., ars riving at Rrockville at 150 p.m., and connecting with Grand ‘Trunk Day &x- press going East and West. _ Mail Train at 4:2C p.m. ARRIVE AT SAND POINTâ€"1:30 pu, ami 8:25 p m LEAVs SAND POINTâ€"7:45 am, and 3:45 p m Tralos on Canada Central and Perth Braoh make certain counections with ali trains on B. & O Raililway _ C o. Freight loaded with despatch, and No Tran« s_ipment wh: n in car loads, â€" _ * _ In Bond or Free A large varicty of Ports, Burgundics, Sherries, Cham pagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarets Nauternes &o:, of choice quality ‘and great range in prices. DOW‘8 A LE in cask cr bottle. Engiish Aler, Porters, &¢, 4 Finert F.ench Wine Vinegat Liberal terms. Inspection invited. K ARNOLD!, R Telegraph Buoildinsg, f Metcalle street. WEDNESDAY, 21th DECEMBER, 1871. ARNQOLD:! And also in Wood or Bottle G.naine lHennessey‘sand Martelic Brandies, DeKoayper‘s Gin, Jaâ€" maica Spirits, London Gio, [rish and Scotch Whiskies, &o. â€"> OTTAWA RAILWAYâ€" with No No. On and after Trains will run as follows : Brockviile Dec, 27,:871. T. AND REW‘8 CHURCH 'h AND FROM WEUNESDAY, 3rd Jao., trains will ron as follows ; Koperinteadent, Prâ€" scott, Ottawns, January 1, 1872 HE LADIES ‘Ottawas, Dec 29, 1871 GowWaAaAN‘S HALL, Cn SUNDAY, the 28th INSTANT, CANADA CENTRAL 10 00 p m THE GREEK AS USUAL. 10 30 a m LEAVE BROCKVILLE. 5,80 p m 1:00 a m 9 30 a m T15 a m L AVO Prs ott 1;:30 p m Ottawa. 1 00 p m D‘S WINE V METCALFE STREET WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &c. CoINeé NoRTH g@olng soUTH Managing Director, Oitawa Grand _ Touck Mail from the Mail for West Do Express tor 1&“ and do accommodatic n trai m for Brockville, | Kings«ton and all way ’l t a t\ o ns ‘ve.'o GT trains for East and W oest Grasd Tronk Last : Do do Exprs: from West Do do _ Mail trom West Do do Eapress from Kast OoPf Connecting with Counecting with. U. ABBOTT Manager 1781 y Arrive etf rescott J anction. 10:25 a m 12 15 p m Arriv«s in Ottawa, 4:10 p m 8:25 p m 6:‘5 a m 3 50 p m 2 40 p m 1 00 a m R | Jonny Lind bedsteads..$3 ©0, formerly $3 50 M Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on . FRIDAY, 9th. FEBBUARY NEXT, for the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Ma:is, on a proposed Contract for four years, six ti.nes per week each way, beâ€" tween Morrisburg and Ottawa, from thke 1t of April next. Conveyance to be made in a passenger stage drawn by at least two horses. ~ _ The Mails to leaae Morrisburg daily, Sundays excepted at 7 o‘clock, A. M. Arriveat Oitawa do. do. 5, P. M. Leave,Ottawa do. do. 1, A. M. Arrive at Morrisburg do. 5, P. M. Calling each way at the â€" post offices at North Williamsburg, Winchester ~prings, West _ Winchester, Ormond,; Osgoode, South Gloucester and Billings‘ Bridge. â€" Printed notices c ntaining further inâ€" formation as to conditions of proposed Contract miy be seen, and blank form:s of Tender may be obtained at the Post O%â€" ces of Morrisburg, North Williamsburg, West Winchester, Osgoode and Rillings‘ Biidge, or at the office of the subscriber. To be let for a term of years, the BELLEVUE GAkDENS, Hull, the proprieâ€" tor being desirous of retiring on account of poor health. Enquire at the Waiont Hovse, Haull. j JOSEPH DEY, The Postmaster General does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tenâ€" der. 4 J. DEWE, . Chief Post Oftice Inspector. Chief Post Office Inspector‘s office Oritawa, l7th January, 1872. z 1873â€"3 To make soms provisions against the spread of Small Pox uand other. Contaâ€" geous or infectious diseases, and to preve t the interment of the dead within theâ€"City of Oitawa, after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December, A.D. 1872. WHEREAS it is necessary to mke zome provis.ons against the spreading of Smaull Pox and other contagious or infecâ€" tious diseases w thin the City of Ottawa, and also to prevent the interment of dead bodies within the limits of the said City after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December next. EAST END SAPPEKS BRIDGE. ROWLs & aANNABLE, Oitawa Dec 12, 1871 Addressed â€" to the undersigned will be received at this oitice unt 1 WEDNESâ€" DAY, the 24th instint at Noon, for the performance of improvements to the Pub lic Works on the Ottawa Rizser and its Tributaries. wards, consiâ€"ting of six pivces. * Parlor Sets in Hair wl. th, Bâ€"ck Walnut Sideâ€" boards, Buraus, Waeshstands, Centre Tablâ€"s, Side Tables, and a great variety of cane chairs at equally low prices. Slides.‘" & £ s Tender Chaudiere and Hull Stations, C 4 The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. By order F. BRAUN. »pecilications can be seen on and after MOMADAY next, at the oflice of the Superâ€" intendent. of the Ortawa Rver Works where printed forms of Fender and any other information can be obtained. Separate Tenders will be required for the works at each Station, and must be severally endorsed. = ‘Tender Madawaska River." * ‘Tender Coulonge »nd Black River." *‘Tender Dumoine River." #‘Tenier Calumet and â€" Mountain Departmenrt of Public Works, } Ottawa, 17th January, 1872. § 1873â€"3 BYV â€"LA‘TXV No.3 13 1. THiat the occupant of any dwelling house within the City wherein any case of Smail Pox or other contagious or infécâ€" tious disease now exist or shall and may hereafter exist shall unm%'mu-l upon its being known to him or her oly"the existâ€" ence of such disease, put, place and keep np on or over the front entrance door of the said house a printe l nowice, pliuced thereon in a counspicuoug manner, during the continuance of the said disease thereâ€" in, and for the space of ten days there. after, such notice to be supplied by this Corporation. = _ . _ ___ s Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion ol the City of Ottawa do hereby enact and ordain as toliows : ..5. Any person or ~persons offending "against any of the proviâ€"ions of this Byâ€"law shall, on convictin thereof bâ€"fore the Police Court tor the City forfeit and pay such fine not exceeding tifty doullars or less than one «ollar as to the Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction, and in â€" case of non payment of the fine inflicted jor any such breach, and there being no distress found out of which the same can be levied such oflender shall be liable to be im prisoned in the Common Gaol of the County of Carleton for such period not exceading ona calendar monih, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper. GREAT REDUCTION IX FURNITURE Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottawas this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, A,D. 1872, EUG. MARTINEAU, Certified, 2. That the body of any person who shall die within this City from Smail Pox or other contagious or infectious disease shali be interred within two days at farâ€" thest from the time >f his or her death. 3. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, bodies politic or corpoâ€" rute, to permit or sufter or be party to the permitting or sufftering any dead body in any house, building or other place or rlaees within this City uninterred for any onger period than tive days without the written permission of the Board of Health. 4. Toat it shall not be lawful for any person or persâ€"ns afflicced with the disease of Small Pox or other infectuous or conâ€" tagious disease to go abroad in any of the public highw«ys, streets or places of public resoft in the City until such person or perâ€" sons shall have recovered thereot, or unY:ss bhe, she ‘or they shall produce when requirâ€" ed by any Health Officer a certifitate trom a regular medical practitioner within the City that he, she or they h«ve recovered, and that there is no danger to be appreâ€" hended ofthe spread of the disease by such person or persons going about. _ _ _ _ _ 5. Thit from and after the thirty Jfirst day of December nexs it shall no: be lawâ€" fvl for any person or persons, bodies poli. tip orcorporate to bury or inter any dead body within the limits of the City of Oitaâ€" 12 Jan. EALED TENXDERS URNITURE, FURNITURK. AIL CONTBAOCT. ARE CHANCE. W. P. LETT. ROWE & ANNABLE‘S, R@y~Near Sapper‘s Bridge. > 4y NK aA4 24 Fecretary. Mayor, DseartxuEext or Marix®e & Fisma@aes, Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 Sealed Tenders will be received at tlir Department, up to n:jon of Friday, the 9th day cf Febreary next, for the supply, :n bond, of the undermentioned quantitics of the best quality ofstandard white refined Petroleum Qil. The Oil is required to be nonâ€"explosive st & vapor test of 110° Fanrenbeit, must burn brilliantly, without smoking, uotil entirely consumed, and not crust the wick, and must be free from all deleterious substanceâ€"s _ It is also required to have a specific eravity of 41° Beaume, at a temperature of 689 Fabhrenhâ€"it A gimple of a quart to sccompany each Ten«â€" der. The Oil is to be delivered in good order, in iron bound casks, containing from 35 to 42 gallons ea h. Casks to bave st«ves and heads of white oak, and to be properly prepared in side with liqu!d glue, and to be painted outâ€" side so as to prevent tho oll from permeating the wood, and evaporating from the surface, The caska to be furnished by the coutrac. tor, aud th:â€"ir cost inciuded in the price of the oil. Inspector‘s fees of Inland Revenue Department and Guager‘s fees must be paid by the contractor. e The cartage of tie oil from the Railway Station, Oil Depot or Vâ€"ssel, to the Wharf or place where the Ofl is required to boe depositâ€" ed, must be paid by the contractor. The Oil to be su‘tj ct bore acceptance to au inspe tion, test anad approval of a perâ€"on appointed by this Departm»nt, and to be de. Ilvered at the mst and exp ns« of the con tractor, in the locality dceignatâ€"d by this UVâ€" partment or its Agent, at the followins times and places : 5 From 20,03v to 25000 gallons at Halifax, N. Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Cauada, at th« ensuing bession thereof, for an Act to amend the 8t. Lawreuce and Ottawa Railway Act, aud to auttorize a further extension of the iail +uy. or deviation of the present extension ther: of from any point of thesame reepective 1y to & point at or near Portace du Fort n the Province ef Que‘ec, ana thence .. 0Of near the the Tow n of Pembroke, in the Co . «ty of Ontario, with power of further extension from the said Town of Pembroke, to any point on Lake Nippissiog, French River, or upon the Georgian Bay. (Wttawasa. Dec 18. 1871 1853 J1wk B, one balf on 25th May, 1872, and bslsnce 1J0th July. do 6000 t > 8,1 00 @â€"llons at 8t. John, N. B., 10th June 1872. * do ;8.000 to 2©,000 gallons at Quebec, 5th uly dn 10,)00 to 12,000 gailons at Mortreal, 1st July. do 3,000 to 4,000 gallous at Hamilton, 8th July. t do 3000 to 5,000 gallons at Sarnia, 12th aly. Tendcrs will b»s received for the whole qu.ntity, or for any of the lots above speci. fix1, for one year, or for a term net exceeding three years, at the option of th« Departm»ut. Paitiss tendering who way vot wish to conâ€" tract jor more than one yeatr‘s supply, will please stats so in their T nders. Tenders will also be reccived, as ‘above stated, tor the chartâ€"r of a suitable Steam Vessel, fr the delivery of si1 and suppli s to the Light Hous«s above Montrea‘!, th« charter to commence at noon on 2u0d Joly next, at such part of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as may bo designated by this Department. The nanc, size, age, borse power and description of the vessel to be epâ€"cified in the tender. A bulk sum should be na â€" ed for the performâ€" ance of the service, o1 the ra.e at which the vessel is offered per mouth at the option of the department. % kess e Bauces, Jams and Jellics, from the Croese & Bieckweli‘s â€" Belliny Cheapâ€"really good. QPIR” CANDLLES, FAECY SOAPsâ€" & , Fest Toilet, " London" mak e, to ords: One trial will prove the quality. The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b i« Caddies," _ 1tis now an established fact _ you want any first.class BHANDIES or W_NES, and the beet Family CROCERIES, yor. mt go to Rum Proof, Old Rye and Higbwines, fin=st 2 Havour. POBTER & ALKL â€" S«OFFEEESâ€" ~~â€"an0°. PATTERSON‘S. Ottaws, December 23, 1871 1GHTHOUSK SERVICEK, DiRAECT IMPORTATIONS Thos. Patterson‘s. Oi all kinds, the very finest. ;0BRT WINKâ€" (oTCH WIUIISKIK®Sâ€" APANSâ€" 1.,} HIRYV WiREâ€" oTICEK, Ottawa, Dec 18, 1871 RUITEâ€" ICKLESâ€" LACK THEASâ€"â€" At RANDIEF â€" The best old brands, Pure and Mild, Just received, a superior lot of the best Brands, tmported thiâ€" Sâ€"ason, quite fresh and fragrant. â€"Try ; >»m. Guinness‘s and â€" Dawes‘, bottled to Crder. Of the first grades, various prices, good and sound. Fresh Roasted, and Ground Dailly on the premiscs. Fine Old Vintagos (20 years;, pure and roliable for family use and o« di. ciael purposes i 1+« Malt onnts DeKuypers & Son, fine Old Double Berried Mini«terot Marine and Fisberics, +ud Pale, rery fine qualities, and a Low Prices No 26 nidean "trget BTEAM VESSEL. LWays ON HANXD, P MITCHEL *# ""% «[1dl, Honiton, 2,000 21d band 2 tushel Grain Bage, good as new, for saile cheap by JAMES BERMINGH AM, An assortment o0f FANCY COODS MITTEXS, Fine Colors in Roman Squares, Fancy Cordilia Shawis, Rainbow Fringed Shawls, FANCH â€" WCouEt â€"60005, Porter‘s Block and Gateway, BLACK SILKS, from 75¢c. to $7.50, SATINS. Moire Antiqves, &¢,, PIM BRUS. POPLINS. &c., . (’1q +jmn0l pes~!/)NDOUN MANE DRESSES, BarFRENC i APPLIQUE DRESSES, B@rFLOWERS, WREATHsS, £TC ES 5000. MANTLE, T. Hunton, Son & Co. SILKS, EV ENING GOODS. Temporary Premises Christmas Fresents, pttewa‘ Dec. 5, 1871. By Jas. Bermin AGS! BAGS!! Oltawa, Jan 6, 1871 Mchkinnons, LADIES and CHILDREX® BODICES. LA TE & CR a + ALYV 2% A N £% W Ottaw i. Nov. 28, 1871. MILLINEZY, Real Lace Overskirts, ~â€" Collars, Barbs. &c., in Honitan, Maitese, Brussels, Point, &c. SETTS anp COLLARS, Suceessors to GARLAND, MUTCHMOR «& Co. _â€"_____.. No. 20, Sparks street. "say*In all the New Coluring. "®@g & ETA W LS. T. HUNTON, SON & CO. &c., Are shewing Novelties in " Dirgor res Exrress." Maltess, Are now alsvieg LACES. RUFFLES, €UITABLE FOR Mc Irish Point CUFEF Moran CQOLLARETTES. Auctioneer. (all colors ) 1862 6 1731y jPRICE S3CENIS / _ A street vagrant in St. Petersburg, Russia Mierouich by name. has been ‘found possessed of a valuable gilt (honâ€" estly come by) which miy yet insure him ix} harvest of tame and fortune. This gift is a "‘miraculous tenor voice," as it is ‘termed, which coming to the knowledge [of Mile, Pauline Lucca, the celebrated |opers singer, has secured him admittance, |at her instance, to the Conservatory of that \city. \ _ The first World‘s Fair ever held in Ausâ€" tria, ard the lirgest exnibition of the kind that has yet been seen, will be held in Vienna in 1873. An immense park has been set aside tor it, and the principal !building alone is to be four thousand six hundred and fifty teet long. A somewhit isimihr exposition, although more loca«al in ‘its character, is to be held in Moscow, on .June lith, 1872, the two thundredth anniversary of the birth of Lleter the \ Great. â€" Place will be reserved ia this exâ€" | poâ€"ition for foreign srticles. Miss Thackeray has been at work for loevenl years on a novel which will be | called @®Uld Kensinâ€"ton," which will ‘appear simultaneousiy in the Cornkil! | Magazine anda Harper‘s Magazine. | _ Jesse R. Grant, thea Pre«ident‘s father, | has resigned the office of postmaster at Covington, Ky. |_ The Londoa Saturd y Reviae says: It is not a littie surprising that a Hassian |diplomatic agent should behave with the 'indiscueuou which is attributed to M. [Catacazy, und the parsistence of Princo |Gortchakuil is rct:ining him in his post is [Still more unarccountable." With a perâ€" The Paris SNiec‘le announces thait thd French Government is preparing a decree for the pardon « Sall tho:e criminals who are at present confined to the galleys, and against whom exists no accusation by the common law. The decree, it is expected, will be submitted to the A«tembly after the trial 0+ those inculpated in the affairs of the hostages shall have been terâ€" minated. On Saturd ay last, says a Paris corresponâ€" dent, a boatmain, for a wager, croâ€"sed the Keine or foot, at the pomt opposite tne Institute. He wore woaien shoes of great length, and carried aa oair to balance bhimâ€" seli. Thus equipped, he passed sifely from one block of ice to another, al â€" though the current of the river was not completeâ€"y stopped. The feat was ons which few men living have ever seâ€"n acâ€" complished. The joy of the vizor w s somewh:t damped by his being arrested on reaching shore by two poiicemen, who were of o inion that he had transgreâ€"seil rules. He wis taken by thse~ ze«lous agents before a Commissary of Polics, IwMof course, rela«s d him. We are promised, in the year 1872, a resumpiion of the annu«al exhibitin of paintings, and by good luck 1 hive seen before its completion, a work which will certainly be the great one of the comiag season. Down in the Champs Elysees, in an old gymasium turned into a studio, Gustave Dore is putting the finishing touches to his gigantic picture. The sub. ject is Christ leaving the Pretorium and descending the stairs at the foot of which the cross is awaiting him. . ‘This canvase still more unaccountable." With a perâ€" ception of Americian pulicy rarely found in that journal, it adds. ‘The insudent will prob«abiy not produse any coldness beâ€" iween Ryssia and tas United Stites, bus it indicates the supertisial nature of tho friendslhip which is sometimes ostentatiâ€" ouâ€"ly sunounced ‘ The Philsdelphi« Bulletin translates from a late P«ris paper the following conâ€" cerning the works on the great French artist, Gustave Dore, is now en gaged : y3 us sfi xk e _ TDe latest and most interesting news ofâ€" Dr. Livingstone comes via Keatucky. John P. Tamiy, of New Liveny, £y; writes to «she Sun thait he is jast four months ou: from Afric\; that he was on Tâ€"nganyika Like in July last, and left Zinzmbar in August; and that, though bhe was not at Ujiji, he was at Kieb, and heard there that the Doctor 4d been forced to marry a negro wife, and though in safety, was not aliowed to leave. So sad a tale was never heard. T‘ne great Doctor imprisoned and drven into misâ€" cegenition is sometuing that only K nâ€" tucky could tell with uecoming horror. The New Zealind Parliamentâ€"or ta leist the Lower Houseâ€"have de«lt as summarily with a perommssive bill as to gire the Times‘ correspondent quite a shock ot surprise. However, the fast of the repreâ€" seniatives so resdily accepting a me«sure of such importance he takes as a strong proof of their conviction th«t energetic measures must be tiken to suppress the evils of drunkenness. The bill in qaesiion provides that no lcense sh«ll be granwel except on th@ requisition of one â€"third of the adualt m«le in i femde invabitaats of the town or district affected, Mrs. Parten Palmer is instansed as a ho urtâ€"bresking cise of Unicago beggary. At a New Yeu‘s reception sbhe wore & $2,000 rep, and4 $25. 000 worth of rings on her tingers. Mr. Paliner, ine diy after the fire, announced himself a begg«r, and the Chicago press is slightly s«urical over the rlu ivle condition of the worthy people. * 2 6 C The Calcutta correspondent of the Lonâ€" don Times telegraphing on the 26th Deâ€" cember, says Gener.l B.ownlow, with the Chittagong column, reports on the 2ist December having destroyed several Looâ€" shai villages and storvs, after a feeble resistance ; one Chootka was killed, Genâ€" eial Bourchier‘s column on the 23rd December reached Kolett after an attack by the Loosh:is, who were driven back, and followei till nighif«ll. OQur loss was four killed and four wounded. The Syilvas show no desise to treat. The force is suspicious of the Looshai allies, who shun fighring. "The Eapress Eugenie," savs the Gau« lois, "wrriv »d at Cadiz on Monday evening and left immediately tor Gitraltar. The afternoon before her departme from Madrid she received a visit from King Amieus, accompianiel byâ€" the Qie u. She immediately returned it,and remained an bhour and a half at the p«l:ce. is Majesty was at the door when she arrived, and on her departu:e conducted her to her carriige with his head uncovered. More than a thousand of the Npanish aristoâ€" cracy wis at the station to s«â€"lute Her M jesiy on leaving. Dwing ber stay in the Spainish ciapical she live i very retired. However, twice u week she received the the viâ€"its of the highâ€"r classes. who e«gerâ€" ly show d teeir sympathy for the iliustri ous exile." A correspondent of the London Tines sends to that paper a copy oOf a letter written by Charles Dickens twelve or fif. teen yerrs ago in which Dickens expres» ed his refus»l to be put up as a candidate for the House of Commonsâ€"2a movement which was much agitited at that time in puvhe and private circles Mr Dikens says in the letter: "1 hive thoroughly satisfied mysel: (having of:en had 0 :casion to consider the question) that I can be far m.«re usetully and independently employâ€" ed in my chosen sphere of action than L could hope to be in the Htouese of Comâ€" mons ; and I believe that no consideration would induce me to become a member of that extraordinary assembly. The mania which travellâ€"rs display in trying to cross a railway track with their teams belore the train comes up, though knowing that the chances are agiinst them, is often greater than a reader would imagine. The Buff.l» ©Courier says a g:nuomm hwving access to a lirge numâ€" r of daily and weekly papers hi« ascerâ€" tained that 27 persons were killed in this way in six of the Northern Ntates last year, 14 badly hurt, 80 vehicles demolished, iil ll:;o:mofivu injured, and 6) horses BQATISH AND FOREIGN XEWS3 GUSTAVE DURE.

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