4 1 §3 i| *# Patbe c@nrnot stay whore it is nused. It is the cbempant Moâ€"dicine «ver made, One dase eures «@xamos Sore Tiiroat, â€"Onâ€" bottle bas cured Broachitis. Fility cents «orth has cared an Old Standing Conga. Cue or two bottles curee bad cases of Pries and Kiduey Troubles, Stz to cight applications cure any case of PRrcortased N::l. or Inftamed Breast. _ One bottle bas cu Lame Back of eight years standing. Duniel Plank, of Brookfeld, Tioga COonntr, Ps., says:> "I wont thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" dertal Cure ot a Crooked Limb by sizx applit 1% Thomad Eelaeiwbs MA.!) Weelk Ton Times th Wightm Gold. Do you kaew anything of i. If not Rufu« Roblusos, of Nunds, N.Y., writes "One emall bottle of your Eelâ€"ctrie Uil re #tored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in Five Years.* Rev J mailory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes; «Yoar Erlectric «Al cured me of Bronchitis in Oue Wask,.* Dmilers ali over the coun‘ry say ; "We bare never sold a medicine that has given such complete «atiafaction a« this. it is composâ€"d of 8tz ot the Best Olls the ate known. â€" Ins as good to take as for «xterseai ase, and is belleved to be immâ€"asurably supe tlot to anyth:ng over made, Will save you mach suff«â€"sia« aod many dollars of expense. Is awid by one or more.dealors in erery plac«. Price 35 cents, cattons."~ â€" Another who has had Asthma tor pears ur*: "1 have balf of a 50 cent nottle left, an= $100 wocld not buy it if 1 cou‘d get no more." * m A FPrepared by 8 K. THOMA8, Phelps, N T, ant NORTHaUP & LITMAN, Newcsstic, Ont., ole Agâ€"n a for the Dominion. Nots â€" Eclectric â€"Nelected and Kleo trizwi. wthwa, Nor 3, 187* 1811 hx DR. BNRXBAUYS Rrenmaiirm sad Goat Remedy is well ksown on the con inent of tor Its apeedy an« oMncmdlhn. Gout, wander ing patos, snfness is the l!.huj-hï¬.z eprain snA naumbnem. One trial will estab= | eb its e€cienc*. i Usel inany of the above casss you will Aud it a real blâ€"««ing. e CHARLES MARTIN. 30 Victoria »~quare, Montreal. _ Sole Ag»â€"st for Canads ard the United CERTIFICATR || After having saffered enormensly duarisg a ; whele month from a rery obsiinate Rheums UWem, which compâ€"!lâ€"d me to stay in bed tor : neariy a wholse week witoout being able to | more, despite all the efforts of one of the leading pbysicians of this city, a friend gare | me a bottle af "Dr. Birnbaum‘s ml «nd Gocot Remedy.® Haring applied this| emeody ouly twioe, I felt at once sauch a relied thet it was pessible tor me to get op im=e | dintely, and three Cays after I feund myseli | LUNCB, Consisting of Jonup with Joink or Batrssâ€" Thirteen varlaths of CRAB APPLE TBREE:â€"â€"all heve been tested in Eastern C>â€" nadsa, Maine, Fermont and New Hampshir«, will stand cold oltmate, being abundant and constant bearers gtvring satisfaction to the poerchaser. :« ne kind dpens first Aogossâ€" bes carly apple koown;, while oth.r varie~ s grow nearty as large se the Famâ€"nse Bome keep tlil June. Good for cooking, emiing and preserring Dwart Apple Troes. All kinse of Summer, Fall and Winter "tanaâ€" ard apple Trees. A gresat variety of Plum®, Peset and Cheâ€"rry Trees _ Larg» variety of early, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the n:lwwghh-u oi foreign grapes: Black, and ite Currant Busb»s ; Biack berry, Raspberty, Atrawberry Plants, Kaglish Goâ€"#â€"â€" berry and Quince Bushes ; asparazgus and Pie Plant Roots, Mountain Asb, We ping Willo®, Norway r»+pruce and Arbor Vise The subscriber is instructed to offer for sale by private contract for a short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be put up at Auction, of which due notice will be given. West half of Lot "Jo. 3 in the Tth Con cession, Township of Huntley, One Hundred Acres, North East half Lot of No. 9in the Acres. . 2 The Lands are principally timbered and will be sold cheap. Title Freehold and Terms Easy. wauiimig ut Aiun ~ut Joikt "-"""'i NKotice is hereby givrâ€"n, that an application «harge 1554 . will be made to the Pariiament of Canâ€"da at its | next Sesalon for an Act to Incorporate the pram=s, | parpose of sopsetunting sod workieg a retomey : purpose of constructing ag a rail way Candnrting of Boup, Fish, Joint er Poult}] from Lake Nipissing or some other point in Eatrees and Aweets from 6 to 6:30%â€"â€" ‘llol’mmot()uhrb connectiog with the â€" charged 80cts. | milway »ystem of Cansda to Fort Garry or | Winvipeg in the Province of Manitobe, thence eTeTIER*A, Werterly through such pass of the Rocky | Mountsine in <anadian tersisory as may be CcKOP®, | found practicable to Bute Inist or some other . point on the sea oard of the Pacific Ocean in «ad 3TEAKS the Province of British Columbi« (with power to »xtend to Victoria or somse other point in at all hours, | Vancouver Island, if fouud advisable) ; toge~ ther with Luu-h lhnes from neer Winnipeg Ji1MES NORRIS, River to the Lake of the Woods, and rom Otines, Dec 1, 1871 18397 Fort Garry or Winnipeg afor<za‘d to P=mbina cmmmmmmitnmmmmmmmmmmmmemmmmmmmmmummemmmâ€"â€" mm â€" GF #0CB Other poiG% Of place OB the DOGDA TY . of the Province of Manitoba, as may counect ..chc " KeҠwith the rallway ayst m of the United Stases. P h en ALFRED WADDINGTON, PLOXBES3, CIyPITTBRS, .. otaw6 e _ _ nc_l_â€" * ), x~I8sOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. BELL HANCERS, &c. Q es Wisac esB S PR WWacle Lo aiew Wiare L'ot.w. h b.l'Qb) li'fl th‘ m wm. a § Mowtasmar, Oct. 3, 1871 Â¥Ky sister having bad a severe attack of Rheumatism, I procured "Dr, Rirnbaom‘*s Abeumstism and Gout Remedy," which a friend, in whom I had conddence,.ecommendcd me; and I must say that I cannot speak too bighiy of its wonderfal effects, as the pain seased aiter a few applications, and the aswelâ€" Mog amppeared witain a few days,. All parties ordering stock will b> notified the day for deliver;:. All tr=ee will be Arst class, and guasranteed in good and freah order when deitrered. For further partioulars call and see de. wriptive catalogue, and make your shoice selection of the above trees and plants at No. 95, Ridean Street, Ottews, or to the Tixuss offisce, Wellington stre«t, January 16, 1871. 18?1dk&kv3m FRUCIT Ottamwa, January 12. The aboere trees and plants will be taken up from the Nursery as soon as the frost is out and the grounm : At for planting. e 10th C LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSAIP oF HUNTLEY. COSMOPOLITAR RESTAURANT lvtr‘y‘ description of Work in our line PRUMPTILY executed, and personally sttended tw. Patenty solicited in Canasiasnd the United Btmms ; Yrade and Timber Marks, Indastriai Desgns, Ovpynrights, Transiers, &0., register. on the abortest notice, Coples otf Laws, Uirâ€" eular and fraitormation, sent iree on applicaâ€" Hou. Darawings prepared and copled. Â¥ _â€"_ P. BOUCRDBAU,, Of the Firm Bourdeaa 4 Barbean Â¥Kentreal Oot Tth, 1*71 C. 8. PATENXNT AGEN¢Y . harpges medersts,. United States Patosts wriittoular!y attendad to, Several valuable All work guaranteed tent Rights for salo. T. &A COURSOLLE, RAevrembe %4, 19479 143g94 *ACADA ANXL iRhwa, Nor 3, 187°* 1811 _R RYEUHATISY AND GOUT. BBEAKFANT, Ready from 9 to 1 0:20â€"â€"Charge, 1506 OTICE, r Rocon Rideaun Street. TREES AND EVERGREENS , Oct. 20 1871 Apply to WM M4cKAY, Tâ€"acher, | MEVCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, Catholic Commer ial Ac‘t.x | on, Huntley, One Hundred A. ROWE, 18681if | ‘ sPLENXDID \$10 ENERATING CIVEIN AWAIY ' Other new Novels by the most aminent | writers will be nc\noi and printed from | advance sheets.. JAMES GREENXWOOD, "The Amateur Casual," wiil contribute papers on 8SCENEKS IN THE LONDON sSTREETS, The celebrated American â€" humorist MARK TWAIN will contribute origin«l sketches, Aod in addition to our long list of great literary names we shall have The new American poet Joaquin Miller, the great humovrist Bret Hart., Jane Inw. Rev. Dr. Norman Mc Editor of Good Words,‘ , Alexander Dumas, Erckâ€" The mann Chatrian, :c. is present features of t perâ€" FThe QGardeners® Column. uo...mï¬ volurmn, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New | WEDNESDAY UNTILSATURDAY NEXT | wa, in the Couuty of Carleton, under the | names, n‘: and firm of «T. HUNTON | BuuuLBRED &« CU." was on the first day . of November, instant, dissolved by mutual | conâ€"ent, so far as regards the same | William Shoolbred, who on that d‘({ reâ€" | tired from the concern ; and that all debts due and owing to or b‘tho late firm, will ! be received m Ltho said Thomas â€" Hunton and ick Houghton Huntonâ€" SUBA&CRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEARB, will contain, for 1872, the following new features in addition to those found in it at present, rendering it the BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA] A New Story by Victor Hugo relative to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled THE TERRIBLE YEAR! ublished by :lal permiission of the auâ€" 5.«. and u..'.m tor this journal. A new story by Miss Bradcaon, entitled COOLONEL BERRYON® ENTANGLEMENT ana equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth ress. _ L The â€" Hearthstone Books, M rket Reports, Wit and Humour, Rientific Intellijence. Literary â€" Notes, Mearthstone Sphink, &c., &c¢., &0.â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CHILDREN‘S (UK#NER wmll be added, in which will be Ricgtie id:..' Ch“lphll’ b’ub"uth,. md «zgaloy, M. in to Her jesty, entitle«l "Ihe Water Babies." * The paper will be haudsomely illustrat «i, and no pains spared to make it wel come in every family as a most entertain ing and instructive paper § The Hearthstone gives more and better reading mattor, for a smaller sum, than any other paper in the world. lthm“m rior, in every point, to the most pop! of the Americ:n weekly papers, whiloe they are X) per cent dearer. _ Compare them, and you will 11 one» send in your snbscripâ€" A Ten Dollars Engraving for Two Dollars and a year‘s subscription to the best paper in America thrown in tree. The above Hotel, a~ favorably known, beâ€"ing situst. d in the imo». diate vicisity of the Parâ€" Mament Buildings, Banks and other Puablic Offices, will be conductw! in the best style which the wante of the public require. ‘The table will be supplied with all the â€" X‘MAS I1871. lass style, and with good Sample Room#s, will be openâ€"d by the subscriber o:l. Delicacies of the Beason, and the BAZ with the cholcest brands of begto announce that they are, as usual, pre= pared to supply their customers with the choicest Meate of all kindu, baving purchased ‘or the approaching festivities the following prizs cattle, The celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred Durham Steer Covering #30.000 worth of Watcheos, Kewling Machines and Parior Organs. The St. James‘ Hotel, WEDNESDAY, 13thk DECEMBER, for the accommodation of the travelling puablic There is also Commodious YTard Room and BStabling attached, with good aitendance. WILLIAM POWLEY, SATCHELL BROS,, The QGovernor General of Canada, which took the first prize at the Provincial Esbhibition at King:to.i 1871, weighing the great weight o 2,500 lbu.8 € Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat= tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whole of which were brooght at great oxâ€" pense from the West. l ils sae m ay" _ The above will be on exhibition at their Stalls from Canada Pacific RauUway Sample numbers sent free on applicaâ€" *ion, with club terms P. 8.â€"Th«ir Pork Stall will be found com_ plete, with a «hoice selection of Pork, Hams Bacon, Spices, Rounds and Roll«ed Beef, Sau» sages, &¢0., &¢, ship lately subsisting between n\z_t.ho un dersigned, THUOMAS HUNTON, WILLIA M SHOUULBRED and FREDEKXICK AOUGU Tux HUNTUN, as Wholesile and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Otta As witness our hands this first day November, A.D. 1871. THOS. HUNTON wWM. SHOOLBRED FRED., H. HUNTOKR. Witness : Having been resuilt and furnished in frst ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXD. otice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" Apply to Ottawa, Jan 8, 18723 Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 1842# Ottawa, Dec Splendid Prize List, TIBE GaBit Cama01a® wEEKLT "C 6 0O LR G BE." s 31, 1871. GEO, E. DESBARATS, Market . 2, 1871. sATCHELL BROS. Froprietor. and Cigars These lands are in a mild and climate, and for grain growing and raistog, onsurpasend Fy any iu the ttates, . Prices rav‘ze from $3 to $10 per acr Homest ads foc Actual Settiers, â€"2. Acoms of Government Land between and North Platte,open for entry as llon onaly, A land grant of 12,000,000 aCRES of tha BEST FARMIXG and MINELAL LANXDS in AMERIOA. 3,000,000 Acres of Choice Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Platte Yalley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. United Sulno, and miy avail llgfqnlv« a aof : 8mithAeld, J C Chawberlain, Esqâ€"This is to crtily that about three years ago ] became alllicte with Bronchitls, which last d about cightcer months, I was so affiicted for the want o! breath that it was very difficult tor me to o'--l‘ and in the night time. fr~quent!; throwinz the clothes of and raisia« in th but to keep from strangling. 1 tried three of the most eminent physicians lu the Count)y of Northamberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact l continnu d getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoahonec¢ Reme®y. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it wa« about Anished I began io feel a litile Letter 1 continued to ose it until l nad takon tiur « bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I foum that I was as well as ever I had been proviâ€" ous to my iliness and Lave been so ever since. § = .c WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEAS Brooxiyx, April 5th, 1870 J C Chamberlain, R»3,. This is to certiff that my wife was very low with Lung Discas®. The Docter bad given her up. He sail her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not hbelp ber. As a last resort I purchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expliration of two days her symptoms were decidediy better â€" She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" an :e of the remedy she was perfectly restored to health. : ts Bworn before me at Emitbf@eld this 6th day of kytth, & D 18 ik_____ â€" onl ols You may publiâ€"h the facts for the benefit of those similarly afflicted. T 0. BROWN, Episcopal Methodist Miniater. CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR‘S GIFTS. Are now prepared to offer their friends and patrons a choice sssortment of BUOKs and other Goods suitable for That the Gasat Suoswoxses Kexzsor aso PiuLs, of the eminenot indlan Medicine Maa, Doctor LEWIS JISZEPHUS, of the Grea: Tribe of Shosbone«s, British Columbia, is working the most marvellous ~and astontshing Cure? the World has ever beard of, Never in thi anoals of Canajlian Medical History aas sucl succ.uss attended the introduction of ar; mediciae ber:tofore. Simply because the numerous valuable active meâ€"dicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Po lorbyun-, Janiper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocyuth, Jaiup, 80co, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢, &c,) which enter Into the composition of the combin«d mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classided and compounded, that it is made the most searching cusative in the known world, and spuot help but act on the system in a very satisfactory and desirable manuer. No matâ€" ter what your aliment may be, or of how long standiog, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to petfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" Hed upon to make a permazent cure of ali diveases of the Taroat, Lungs, Liver, Kiduneys Digestive Organs, &¢., &¢., as well as Rerofula the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and alil diseasee arising from Impurity of the Biood, um:(lhohm Hiage of Conmumption. F information, with foll directions for using the Great Shosbonees Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimon!als and Cert ficates of Cures, can be obtailaed by securing the Treatise, the Hand Bouk, or the Aimanac and Cireunlars feom any respectable Druggisrin the Dominionâ€" free. PFint Boét €1 00 Price of Remedy in large Pint «.. TW y BME .««««.c«@crcrrncrrers CALLED @â€"TPMHMBE POOR MAN‘S FRLLEXN D, is confidently recommended to the Public as . n unfalling remedy for wounds of every de* scription ; m certailn remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burns, scalds, bruigses, chilblains, | scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the fam~~ sore and inflamea eyes, sore beada. a»*! "Justs | pliles, &c, &s.. 11 "*~~ % | "o0 n pors, 13]d., 22. 90., 45. 64., 115., and | Booksellers and Statione:s, 39 SPARKS SIREET, A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSCH & S0., Remember ""eeis ail [V%8, 1340,, 44. IG,, 48, 90, , 1 16,, RHPG 422. each ; and his PILULE® ANTIL SCROPAULE OR ALTER Ottawa, December 18, 1871 10L saa LE.â€"Two Choice Lots, with com _h fortable Wâ€"oden Cottage, erected thereâ€" on, in Rochesterville,. For particulars and erms apply on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" 4 . N |Ksq, or to HAUVXETT P HILL, J Solicitor, Post 0 lu.u K v21,1871 HEAP FA RY KKE nOMEs Ua‘!l and see their Prociaim the Glad Tidings CELEBRATED OINTMENT, On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAU K. ROBERTH‘s e Prepared only by BEACH ANVD BAKRNICOTT, Briport, vorse®, England, and sold by all Medicinso Vendors. Curoe otf Bronchitis: THE SIGN CF THE BOOK F _ â€"~. _ â€"_ 89 Bparks strect, Tartanâ€"wood Goods. lLand J M WELLINGTON,) P . 0. F. DaYÂ¥I8, oamretsstonr, UC.P.RB.E. Co, ‘ I 'â€"" y @OP C Uroahsa. Neb a mild and bhealtby growing and stock + any iu the United RAILROAD. JOUN SILYVER. 667 1m »00,000 Omzha rdes T I1 tb â€" 0 a «x AW A TIMES_ | For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Pou‘ltry | Ants, Bugs Cockrom ‘hes, Black Becties, Fleas on Dogs, Biight and insects on Plants, Moths 1 is Fur â€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also | on Uattle, &c., &c., in less than Ten Minutes. | _ Bold in Pucketsâ€"25 cte. per Packet ; or Siz \ Packets hy Oue Dollar, 45cte. _ _ l |.__ Maxtuesâ€"Of all designs in Italian and Amer \‘san Marble and Marbelised Slate, Grates, Fond A.M â€" Neon P. M. 9,00 90,00 Matter to be posted uj package the same night. 187L wixtEr arraxge:MEnr. 1871 On Money or and Prince £ Cards, #@#* Depesits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annum, and Depesits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent will be allowed on Special Deposits in rrmas of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three months notice will Yia D. » YVark closocrery Moenday at 8 P.X Pâ€"r Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11. 09 A.M, A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 1%.10 p=., in which only paid unregi=tered matter can be sent. FOBEUN.ccccuses be required. NEW SPRING §090))â€" The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" lessor Harmau a Silver Prize Lâ€"edal at the Interâ€"Colounial Exbibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besidâ€"s numerous Testimonials. Agents for Ottawaâ€"â€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocer, Welliagtonâ€"«t. ; Jonn Hill. Tea Pot Ridear. st,; ~locombe & stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, cormer of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New Edinburgh J. W. Proctur & Co.; for Aylmer, Mr, N. K. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agonts for the Cansadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co., No. 1 Western Buildiogs, Montreal, May 22,187) 1671 l} ers aad Hoarths. O‘MEARA & CC. PROF,. HERMAN VERMIN â€" DESTRONYBR, The Power is warranted free from alil bad smell, and will k. ep in any Climate, It may be spread any where without risk, as it is quite barmless to Cats or Dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on each Packet. Maxvuractogyâ€"Gravel Lane Houncdsditch, Citr of London, Enogland i N s Black and Blus Cloths, Doeskins, . D LRALXN.«PLIPE DEPGO RIDEAU STREET, E8TABLLISHED 1860. WM. M. SOMERVILLE,Successorto W. M#, FARLANE. _ Monuments and Headstones of Soottish Granite, Marvle and Sandstone,. Gates and Railings for residences and Grare Plots, Root Cresting, Door . R&Z" all and examins bsfore giving orâ€" ders elacwhere. e e n Linens, At_Prices to dety Competition, 2 Also, a large assortment of Hosiery, A. DUFF. Ottawa April 11, 1871 'm‘ "â€""" i 'i†' -h'. “. ko Mnmw;l:}“m lab.:.l- Â¥ 6 BOMERVILLE, public generaily, that having secured the ser. vices ot a FIKSTâ€"CLAS8 CUTTER for on TAILORING DEPARTMENT, we feel con. fdent of giving entirn satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. Together with a large assortment of ReiDbi Uape Croramncg, consisting of postTt ompor, OTcaw a. Te U .. cuvc iess 0 ,03 198.00 g.0o0 United States, Pia OR@ONMBDHPG ......0s0 s css css es sen esn e se vâ€"oo 12.00 ... ... Komptr Te, Merrickyile, Orford Mills, por St. L. & O.R. I M OM :s ccrseve l isccsaces \North Gower, Kars, &0., per 84. L. & 0. Railway ......... | | 0.00 !Ol‘oodo. T UAKOH dE coccacerrerirnits revaprors ritenterryrnbns nerer | § Brockville, Porth, and Smith‘s Falls, per Canada v.20 3130 | t Central Railway i niFaveriderte searseetne " z f | ( The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. UOM] cxrarcces '... nevscrel 2 North of Carleton Place Junction, and Places on ; b| C, 0. R.R.â€"Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &6...... Post Offic«e, Ottawa, Nov. 31 1871 MPORTANT SOTICEK. We would beg to call the attention of tt. TTAWA MARBLH WORKS, Pm + CrFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. For Monsy Order and Saviogs Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m. 3 G. P. BAKER, Pastmaster Which is known to be Cuperior uo anything ever yet Dis= covered i4 4% 4 0LOSE 50 SPARKs STBAET, 1%:04. 0.00 Neckties, 12 00 900 JUVBT IKRORTAD. auwuney Frouve _‘ Templeton, Taesdays, Tharsd | 4.30 New Edinburgh â€" redays, and Saturdays Window Gratings, Sweep=hoio Doors, zs, and onq‘a-lpda of Builders A RGRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAIL Prints, rder Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britaim amd [reland, Newfoundland Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. â€" Also Postage Stamps,and Pos An immense Stock ot OTTA W A. Casimeres, #,00 430 Aylmer _and Hall, bJy St&GO...00000+ sssss2000 seseenm 4139 Bristol, Clarendon, and Osslow, by Aylmer, & 8.00 Cottons «â€"~4 XDâ€" «&A Handkerchiefs, Halifax, N.3., and Bt. Jobhu. N.B .......ssossscseesee ssese+ § Westernâ€"Kingsten, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Eeglish and March, Huntloy, Carp, &0. ... .. up to 9 30 P.M., will be forwarded East and West in Supplementary Easternâ€"Quebos, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, &0¢., bY RBUWNBRY ........s sseerpsre sencssens on somnee secses &o. ; and WOStOTD, U . 8.....» .ssseee0e eees en ren snn nens Fort Garry, and other placss in the Province of Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatohed in closed mails irom Windsor, Ont., via 8t. Paul and Pomâ€" bina; every Toesday, Thorsday, and Saturdayâ€" Ordinary Deminien rates of posi@g@....... ......... . Chelsaa, Wake®eld, Korth WakeAcld, and intermeâ€" diate Ofices, Daily ; and River Desert and inserâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays Lowes: Ottawa, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" h ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &0......... ......«...»*+ ie :: mtr ze mpzn%e * :* O‘MEARBA & CO Drawes, Collars, &c¢,, &0.~ Cnauadian Tweeds rosT OFFICE SAYVINXG® BANK M .& L L. S . MONEY ORDER® BRITISH MAILA, Irts We are Bnpnd to At up the above in Chercher, Dwellings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. _ Orders from the city or any part of Oanada solisited. Read the follewing : Farnished or Unfuarnished. ‘The lowestrent ta the City, This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchants and others dine dally in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on account of assum. ~_â€"_ Is herebj given that applicagion will be made to the Legislaturs ot the Province of Ontario, at its next Session, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottawe to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of Pnpplyln‘ the inbhabitants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said Corporation, or upon Commissioners to be appointed for that purpose, all powers neces sary for effectuating that object. W, P. LETT, * d s City Clesk, ing the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. Address GUISEPPE M. GIANELLI, K. B.â€"â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 per month, montreal, March 3, 1871. 1 Most sincere‘y yours, CRBAb. H. MOUKRIDGB, ecumbent of St. Jobns « hurch, Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"â€"YÂ¥ou have my full permissio n to use this letter in any way you see fit, or refer any oue to me who wishes further information. Estimates and all other information given, apeyte ~ ~= : oo : AUCTiONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3 AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, H. MEADOWS8 & Co., Ortriawa. Deir ems,â€"It gives me much pleasure to ve ab!« to inform you that the Hot Air Forâ€" nace which you lately put up in the Church f 8t. John the Baptiste, in this village, has lven great satisfaction to myselif and the nembers of my congregation,. We had it going letely on one very windy day, but we nad no trouble with it whatever, in the way of asmoke, or any other inconveniences, which oftern take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is bigh. 6 We Anad that the church is heated in a very sbort time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the stove. I must also express the groat pleasure I had in noticing the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) shewed in everything connected with the HEOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR hat we used to have with leaking pipes, «moking chimneys, &¢c., we look upon the furnace as a decided lazury, I certainly think uo ehurch ought te be withont one, when it uan be procured so easily and so cheaply as ours was from you, Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its wn rew«rd, > 8 The heat diffases itself rapialy over the whole bailding, and no one part is colder or botter thas an other, but there is a nice glow «f heat all over. Be-o-bullf the trouble hat wa need ta hava with leaking ninem month. * HOUIII To LET, AaT . the Chandierse near Mr. &B&ldwin‘n Office, 4 small and comfortable housesâ€"Btone and Wood, now finishing. Rent from $8 to $10 a Ottana May 4, 1871 THE COSMOPOLITAN, IN MONTREAL, No. 43, Rideaun street, Ottawaâ€" oT AIR FURRXACES. REFER&EXCSS Hon James Bkead, Sefiator, Ottawa J M Ourrier, Esq, M P, bis J M Grant, E«q, M D, M P * R W Scott, Esq, M P P, «4 Mr Shesif Powell, « Edward Griffin, Eeq. # Edward McGiliivray, Eeq, ht Messrs C T Bate & Co, ® Thomas Hanton, Keq, # Messrs Fingland & Draper Alexander Workman, Leq x P A Egl=son. B n‘r, Keq u FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM UF YEARS. OoTICOE HRARK CHANCE:, «* CAPITAL " STOVE BEPOT, H. FALLS, Apply to erjor. ! 1 remain. eondence of his brother‘s Manu» M1an00, Oct. 29th, 18 70. T. M. CLARK, ' Royal Insurance Co. , 1871 165TH 35 sussexâ€"st, Otiawa, H. KEADUOWS &Co. 10,00|......... 11,30 £,00| 10,00 8,00} 10 oo oUA # +% D LV 24 &YÂ¥ reser«LkuNHO 4,.%0 4,.%0 4,20 IMPORTANL®L TO RESIDVENT® ABROAD GABRIEL‘S MESSRS. GABRIEL‘S E: 'â€"'[ wWHITE GUrTA PEBRCHA a , Eoamel, for stopping decayed MESSRS, {| Teeth, r:mdru the Tooth sound , 1 and useful for mastication, no GABRIEE‘S ; matter how far decayed. Price l 1s. 64. E ~~~_ (OSTEOâ€"ENAMEL sTOPPING warrant«d to remain white ane MESSRS. | firm es the Tooth itself. This 4 beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘8 ; front ‘Neetb, aud can be easily ' usdd. Sufficlent to stop six | teeth â€" Price bs. * [ROYAaL DENTIFICE prepared from a recipe as used â€" MESSRS. | by Her Majesty ; gives the iecth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, GABBIEL‘S | and imparts a deliciouns fraâ€" zrance to the breath.© Price 1s. . 4 64. GABRIEL‘S [BPAB Parties at a distance may hbave Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Meerrs. Gabriel‘s ne« eystem, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofshâ€"ir cases, with a remittance of Tep Shtllings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0| the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions. > 2 ME>â€"8SRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, anc at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which bay not proved satisfactory to the wearer; A CHRIBTIE & Co., Dru«gists, Agents for Ottawa, Asa family Remedy it is well and tavourably knewn relieviag thousands frorm pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, .. Bowel ()ompl.lmcï¬ Burns, Bcalds, Frost Bites, THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtk of time and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dissatisfaction where the directions have been properly fol= 10wed, but on the contrary, all are delightua with its operations, aud speak in the highest terms of Its virtues and magical effects, . <L@@â€"TEAS AND WINES, m °3 MrPORTERS & WHOLESALZ DEALEKS We speak from erxperience in this matser having tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remâ€"dy. _ The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destrogyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfui success in subduing the tortcring pains of Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec~ ions, entitle it to & higo rauk in the list of Remedies tor these complaints, Orders sre coming from Medictans Dealers in all parts oi the counmtry for farther supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i gives,::: :: :; ;:::; ; 5 The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keep it. Physicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"five Cents per bottle, s NORTHRUP & LYMAN. Bold in Oitawa by H F McOarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, Jobn Roberts, J P Featherston, Georg: Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine Dealers, Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Seesion for an Act to enable the Execators and Trustees of and under the Last Will and Testament of James Mooney, late of the city of Ottawa, in the ®Province of Ontario, Pottr, deceased, to sell the lands and tenements in the said Wili mentioned, lying and being in the village oi Jntnstown, in the county of Grenville and Province of Ontario, anud to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereot to repairing and improving the certain other lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned Iying and being in the city of Oitawa atoreâ€"a‘d, and to such other purâ€" poses for the benefit of the said eetate as may be necessary or advisable. "THE POOR MANS FRIEND, is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" ecription ; a certain remeuy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, soalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the fac=, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &¢,, ac. % g * confirmed by sizty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They torm a mil. and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without conffuement or change of dist, MESSRS _ Bold in pots, 13id, 21 94, 4e 6d, 11s, and 22s each ; and his and sold by all Medicine Vendors, Beptember 28, 1871. PILULE, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" ATIVE PILLS. May 11871 [LVDCATE [ ODUNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. \-3' This colevrated Mouth Wask is ;_mg [| most refreshing, it strengthens MKS* L8 { the gume, eradicates tartar and , 1 all injurious secretion, sweatens ABRIZUS | the preath, and for cloansing arâ€" tificial â€" teeth is invalusahle Price 5s : Full directions for use enclosed in each box 1J Umawa, Nov. 1, 1871 Pre«co‘t, Nor 21 Prepared oniy by ANALiAN PAlX DESTROYER November 30, 1870 UBLIC NOTICE K. RuB&a TS IM. FOOTE & COMPANY PREPARED OUNHLY BY CELEBRATEDL OINTMENT, T S â€"OFâ€"THEâ€"W # BEDADENT" O R C UR E for Tootbache. This extraorâ€" dinary application, marvellous in its effects, gives immediate relief without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary stopping. Price 1s. 1{id. BEACH & HARXICOTT, Biidport, Dorset, Ecgland CORALITE TOOTH PASTE for cleansing and improving the Teeth, imparts a natural redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Pric« 1s. 64. f ¢ HOSPITAL STREET :/"Odu-‘- DCNTIS TS CLARKE & MOONEY, WILL . Attorneys for Applicants 1871 41 6 oNno ONn£¢) 16 G6um 18277 39 6m Llll & GENMMILL Harmsters, Attorneys, Bolicitors, Conveyancers. %6, ficeâ€"In the Gourt House, Ottaw a. Rosezrt Lxze. dsott Jurx J. SEXXALEL R n. HAYCOCK, Aitorneyâ€"stâ€" i.aw, Goli« e citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Nolary Public, and Pstent Right Solicitcr. Offeeâ€"Imâ€" wediatoly opposite Russoll House, Elginâ€"st. 48uti EDWABD T. DAR/ZAkLLL, Barriste: o Bolicitor Attorney and Nutary Public, Clerk cithe Peace and County Attorney, for the United Gounties of Prescott and Russell. Ofceâ€"In the Gourt House, L‘Orignal. 34â€" 0m uid ‘ 1CHOLAS BP ARKS, Barrister and Attor» 1@ neyâ€"atâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Conveyâ€" ancer, &6. Ollooâ€"l.ng‘n Buildings, Elginâ€"st., spposite the Post Office, Ottawa. 489y . D O!CONKOR , Attorneyâ€"atâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€" ein Chancery, Conveyancer, &c., Eussexâ€" troct. Office, Unisn Buildings, Ottawa. bby l Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, for an Act 10 amend the Acts ing the Canada Central Railway Company, giving power to such Company to construct its line by the most direct route $> such points as may be selected for cross! ing French River, > ‘lo.enovn & TA LLOR, Barrmaters, VR Bolicitors, &o. OMlcoâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, iideauâ€"street, Ottawa. Wiu1ix Moserors, â€" 1681 Gaones: Tamuo® â€l. ROBILLARD, Physician, b'nri;n. Accoucheur, Oficein Mr. Hearn‘s & Store, Rast enda of Sapper‘s Bridge. Office 10urs from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. _ therton s Drug Store: â€" Roglide . @ e vince of Quebes, )flce. _ N. B.â€"Speciai atrention ?vcn to the treament of aiseases of tue EY K and BAR. At nigh cas be seen al ais residence, Marray street. § un. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofice Sparksâ€"stroct, Centu al Ottaw a. SMutf CHABLES MaRCIL, Advocate, Hull. Omece at Mr Tetau‘s, N P ; private reai. dence in rear of French « athed.al, Hail. _ K Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., ;p?mth YFourt itouse and Public Offces, 8T. CATHARINEDS, vat. _ _ *z E. noOUVuHTON, Pro?rloeor, (Late of coughton‘s Dining Baloon.) BBA spacious sampleâ€"room for eonnorq?sl ravelilors. 859y ’l\lll i QUEEN ! RESTAUVsANT, M. KAV ANAGH, Propricior, Corner of Msicalfe and Wellingtonâ€"ctrocls, Opâ€" positethe main entranceto the @overnment Buildâ€" _ The® QUEEN"comprises alithorequisitesfcr a drstâ€"class bostau ant. ‘tho House has beenrofittes and ref, Trished Chroughout. The BAK cent«in: aechoiocsst Brandsir Wines and Liagn ws, and every elioncy ofthe seas.a wiil be found on thotable. The coprietcr‘s besteforts will be dirocted to he comâ€" ct of his guosts ana petrons. MM" Orsre:s, Aams oto., Gaily 40 Hore?y g‘°~Cl tHat appiIculion will D6 t C Placs and Specificati« made to the Parliament of Canada, at its » n ditions of Contract, next Session, for an Act io mem} tlll†Acts LONG AND SHORT lom" :;: b: .::. ou .‘u al incorporating the Canada Central Railway ‘ ARY, inst., at the office Company, giving power to such Company to WHOLESALE * the Tiae, Chatlâ€"# L» & construct its line by the most direct route REDUVOES James Stret, Montreai %> such points as may be selectedforcross: | Of his own manutacture, at And Teod rs will ing French River, PRICKS, raolt ""Topdecrs" nt the office Desomber 26, 1871. 1861 19th August, 1871. 1 3 President ¢f the Compsq ho fcrengeeue i uie e niiesale in e eraocn on orneramenemimemieunoneeremenrernenrere -â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"m c yarry, ap to the 6th 4 3 THE TIMES is printed and g The Directors do no rirorlo Tas Orrawa Tocks m‘.z § â€" swatttetometorns se soug Office, . &. | The Mayor will attend to business con= 1ismxe Comraxy, at the (ate Preside mflth his office at the City Hall eveey Number 12, Wellington M. Al xundria, 10th Janus m ten o‘clock till eleven a.m. Her Majesty‘s 1 20atre), Centre peess +/ 1 Ottawa. . JAMOBS RAILLYT, Masa#$ CBty HKall, Ottnawe, PAn, 16, 1978. 18 TMC Director I’OO’I‘OI nEADERRSONX, [MoGil! Uniâ€" vonity*?h) sician, Surgeon and Accencheoar, Blrï¬ry- hat recently occupied by Dr. Malâ€" och, Duke st, Chaudiere, Ottawa. 1388y â€" NOTAbLY PUBLIC. . Residence â€" Huli next the tost Office. 17237 _ Business attended in Ottaus and the Dis trict Courts of the Couuty of Ottawa. Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chaucery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public and Adavocates for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Ofkceâ€"Oorner of Bussex and Y ork streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Quebrc. 368y Otawa MR Special attention given to discase: ani diznlacements of the 4torus. 11591 Having now cuanged hanis, and besn "‘i¢ed up for a firs â€"olas: LUNGUBRIN B AR ana S ALJUVN #ilive sailed Provincial Land sucvoyor and Draughtsman, comairsioned jor thy Provinces of Quebec 0d Qutacio. ; «MHISTLE & Co+â€", Laid Surveyore, Lane .l Agents, D aughtsmen, &0. Ufico, opposite .ae OntarieBank, sparkeâ€"st. Qitawas. Vainator» «or Trust ana Loasn YJo. W. &. Cuistus. &. Li®u. UBDa Beil‘s Llock, Sappers‘ Briage. RereRENCES.â€"H Asims, Msq, Aasonmitect, Philaâ€" ieiphia; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Aibany Dr J A grani, Â¥ P.,Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, 8y Managing Director U. & St. L. K. K. Tib Partes intending to make application to Parliament for Private Bills, either for granting exc:usive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to effect the rights or property of other parties,. are hereby notified that they are required by the 5lst and following Rules ot the Hâ€"use of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazetfe), to give TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifyâ€" ing its nature and object), in the Canada Gazette, and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties attect ed, sen:ding copies of the first and last oï¬ such notices to the Private Bill Office. Homcsopathie Pbysician, »urgeon & A«<. coucher, kKesijenceâ€"Albert streoet. Ofi:â€"¢ hours frow 9 to 11 a.w., and 2 to 4 p.m. THE COMMERCIAL HOVSE ard carried on urdor tas management of Â¥. KV aN5,iate propricigrot the 31. Jax®s cao BL. Strmo: atteniioa to oasiness. â€" @904 Wines and Lurgaors warranied. Ot tawa, Febroary 14, it7) © CHRISTIE, Commussion Merchant an i S. Woneral Agent. Sole agent for Road a dighwines andProot W hiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Ls.â€" shine Ales and Porter. Pork, Fiour, &o.,for sals. Jrrion : No. 6, Sparks Sureot, noar the Russel) euse, Ottawa city, C. W . Tess Office, Wellington Street, @Agont for the Ottawa Times. ** " _ Evening Mail. a4 @" _ â€"Qarrier d Outaouais,. «6 #* _ Minerve, Montreal. fContracts made tor advertising in cither or all of the above papers. Ottaws, Oct. 21. 1871. 180114 All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first three weeks ol the Session. ns atipe t > ALFRED TODD, _ _ HALIFAX, NCVA 8U0TIiA, Establiched 1851. Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ed, and every attention paid to their comfort: ...AAA > * A. KMKARA, Architect. Oficeâ€"Aumonpnd‘s 148 Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawa. 9027 YOTICE 1 0. MAINBQTRH, W. W. WAaRD, Barrsrorâ€"matâ€"Lan @ Advocate, &s., opposite the Rossell House Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841.1a ‘HE ++RUOBRAL ! SiaLOON, Chf, Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. 969y R. McDOUGALL, Office, Rideau Strect, opposite Fee APIBRRE & MC# PHLY, L1CKWICHX HOUSK, RIVATE BILL®. 0. ARCHRAMBAULT, TETREAU, Netary Public forths Pro KHloteis and Aalcons. AVERLY ROUSE, A. GRISO », BILLILRGE, Jr., Architect. Oficeâ€" MHieceliancous. sL41IM 8 TR EC T, Ofice. aylimer, P.Q BABRINGTOXâ€"STREEY, Lei 44â€" ution pald to their comiort: JOH.DJ RUMANSs, Proprieter. Semaine l’[! +s l" E[. ull, nesar the Pos 290tf 1722 if SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAIXs On and after MORDAY KFext, 6th Ju Treins will leave Montreal as -:.' Mail Train for Toronto angd Inter. mediste Stations, st ...... . . Dey Express for Toronto, at... .. Night Express for Toronte, at . ... Mixed Train or Brockwville, at. , . Accommodation ‘Frain for Braca F WMMMB/MEssrara * Â¥r+xnxy tax 2y 3 b.08 Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at "I 46 Express for Quebec and Riviers da TsO UpPy l ca+: #1*«+21 **+x +r+8xg & 2s KWail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Boston, at.......... 2.0$ Night Mail for Quebec, Is‘and Pond, Portland and Boston........ t%m A Pulimean Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Ritiers du Loup triâ€"weekiy, vizs :=â€"From .~ on Tuesdays, Thursd â€"ys and Saturdey, lt turuing from kiviere du Loup on Monda, . Wednesdays and Fridays COn and after MuNDAY BDekl, the 18 y MAY, it is intended to run the Polime Palace Cars through between Montreal ay Narnia. One of these magnificent coaches wil} be attached to cach Day lixpn-m-huh Moantreal for Toronto, arnd be run through g Sarpie, as a Drawing Room and l“ vier. There wiil also be one BitAChOU U engy Day Express fros. Toronto to Montrear . The Bummer rooning arrangcemeBts wi come iuto operâ€"tion about the 1st of dune, 6: which due potice will be given. i CJ BRYDGE®, Managing Directort, Warranted Superior to any made vince. ® in the P N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Osit ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Hirm®, opposite Brewery gate. ~â€"â€" e All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘e, Whol# sale, at reasonable prices. GRAND TRUKK BALWAg P L A N E D A large stock of the above will be kept omm stantly on band to suit purchasers, Plain and Ornamental Engraver, Uora#A Sparke and Elgin Streets, over James Hope# Co.‘s, Ottewa Visiting Cards ergraved and printed on tht sbortest notics sn Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 181M . STEAM BISCUOIT P. O. Box 725. Montreal, March 11, 1871 BUILDING AND bLRIDGE TIMBR Freight and Vartage Agent Rayâ€"Orders promptly attended to. .C B@~R. Carters gin%aumy Receipts relisn B@y~ing shippers from all further trouble Epecial rates for furniture. f W. K. JOHNSONX, .. @ttawa, @ct. 12, 1871 16‘ TN Pdhieg k ma ©/ 1 Your Orders are solicited, and will W . PROMPTLY ATTENKDED TO by DANIEL MORRISON, Proprisi® i Nos 36 and 38 Ridean Street, Ottaws. _ He hopes by good workmaen sonable charges, to ensure a con panrrea®s _ > PARK STREET, OTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Prop “ RIGHT & cll‘.‘llt:l'. 3=u-fl â€" atâ€"Law. soliertors Oolvoym‘m?"amu nuu,u.m“-g vinces Ontaricand Quebes. 34 _ Offce over Durie‘s Book store, Aparts s#A Otts wa. W MoKat # munt Returns Lis sinoc»e thanks to the public #f Ottawa, for the libral pat:ronage bestowed # bhim since bis commencementin ‘: He hopes by good work mansblip ‘ SHINGLES X. XX, XXX. COXFECTIOKE Y MABLMI‘, 0. J.BB\ DGEsg, t anagi Ottawa, June 13, 1871 e '::'i" ; SuLisHi CaK TANNEO Ottawas, May 17, 1871 Price Lists, with references, on application _ Montrexl, Agril 26th, 1871 I BARXQD Ts UBBG in Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, «ANaDa CENTRAT HATRIKEZEK STKAM MILL+, BEST PLACK IN CENTHAL OANADA "8 LE&RXANDER RAMSAY, PRACTICAL Tal LEATHER BELTING, OBRRISOX‘8 FINE ENGLISH HOsSsE RJIDEAU 8TREET, Near Division ‘J¢ LA&ACE LEATHER, &c NABTFACTURERS OÂ¥ of all descriptions. LLLLAMS®, JOHN ROCHESTER &4 . JOHN C McLAREK, 247 Bt, Jamesst,, Montreal, @, L U M BER The Italian BATILWAY J B, 120 pp 108 n ..“ ’. 1190 as 88 pp, .‘“‘I 16h \\ _ _â€". _ VUoemmissioners‘ OBoe, _ y Ottewa, Jany. JAth, 1 â€"1871 have Isately r «M a t or *at= qiS“LExE.\' Through Bills of Ladia Continâ€"nt and in London C.cada and in the Unitâ€"d ® Milwaukie, Chicago, and ot W est. COertificates issued to pel preâ€"paying the passage ol Canada. For farther information a TEMPERLEKYS®, CA 3 White Lion â€" WEEKLY COM The Steamers of the LO inâ€" nded to ruo We kly : Navigation of 1872. betwees the fi st leaving London on 1872 London, Quzbe Just Received H. N. RO w MaQ ... Is hereby given that ag made to the Parliament next Hession, for an Act t Canadian Pacific Railway power to construct a Pnciï¬oOcunm-udcï¬ rains. and f:om such selected Eusi of tne towards the Pacitie seaboard of Briush C railway system of C to be constructed upon tronuwhpoinuumfl era Termini, as shall be proved by the Govern with power ulso to to the Sault Ste. Marie t Pembvina and to ali such the frontier of the Dom as may be deemed ad with power to construct structing a bridge lui....dtoow:.dufd, other passenger i all lakes touched by _ The Commissioners ap straction of the Int reo public notice, that they oeive Tend rs for the Buildings «t Cscpuns 1 toles, 8t Bimon, St. Fa Nt Loce and Metapedtiac Tank Houres and Wood | Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rimo Also, tor Engine H use Limouski and M tapediac Plans, 8p cifsuations at may be scen on and after the Off e of the Jhief E& Riviere du Lonp and Rim Tenders may be for the numbes of these Balldin seived, maurked * Tendâ€"» the Commissionâ€"ts‘ Offic arclock, n »on, of the 20th ED. EO : ensuing Sessi n for'ï¬ the Incumbent. Chu of Christ Church, mha erect a new Building on or near the site of L and to enable them to 1 money as may be neces made to the Legisla mide, for defraying Dated Omvn'.‘:& «uis }MmAs a\D N N B ULKL AN sHE SEASON COMM Oitawa, 26th Dec., 187 Is bereby given that Company are prepared the constiuction o the NTERCOLONIAL RA Is hereby given that 8 ar Otaewa, Dec 14, 1*®71 oTIC® Ottewa, Jan 3, 1872 WEDNXESDAY, 10 Or OTICE Onristi ONTREAL & Ci _ JUSCTIO®N V OL. London Ste oVs E RAILW A P J. M. C. DEL GISTS, SPARK® BETWEEX & f.om a&=sort DR E NoTL DA al