# 4 2| #4 DIXNBER, Censisting of Boup, Fish, Joint or Posltry Ratress and Huwets from 6 to 6:309â€" charged 50cts, OTsSTERS, LUNXCH, "m Consisting of Soup with Joint or Hu‘reeâ€" charge 25¢ta Krery description of Work in ou: line PROAPTLY executed, and personaily sttended to. All w rk gusaranteed, $ RIDEAU STREET te the Tea Ofrawa. tss Hexzr Rocat. Jaxes Ksiur. Nor. #1, 1871. . 183 3m PLUCMBB®S, GASFITTERS, Patents solicited in Canaiaand the United . Stames ; Tâ€"ade and Timber Murks, Industriai Designs, Copy wrights, Transters, &¢., register. | on the shortest notice, Coptes of Laws, Cirâ€" | enlar and intformation, sent irse on applicaâ€" | Men. Darwings prepared and copied. ) Oharzes mederate <United States Pate :it» | ghly amtended to. . Beveral valuable Rights for salo. _ _ i & ______., _ $. 06. OURMOLLE, The Lands are timbered and will honoldchnp.m Title Freehold and Terms Easy. Ottawa, January 12. COSMOPOLITAA RESTAURANT LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNs3HIP « OF HUNTLEY,. The subscriber is instructed to offer for sale by private contract for a short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be put up at Auction, of which due notice will be given. West half of Lot o. 3 in the Tth Con eession, Township of Huntley, One Hundred Acres, North East t 10th Concession. All parties ordering stock will be notified the day for Gelivery. A‘l trâ€"es will be frâ€" elees, and anarantsed in good and fresh orde: when deilvered. For fartmer nnb.hn.“ eall and see de. aeriptive catalogue, make your choic selection of the aborve trees and plaots a* N» #5, Ridean Street, Ottews, or to the Tix=» office, Weilia gton streâ€"t, January 16, 1873. 1871d&k=3m1 The abore trees and plants will be taken up from the Nursery as soon as the frost is eut and the grounm: At for planting. C Some kesep tlll Juns. Good for cooxing. eating and preservring Dwart Apple Trees. All kincsot Summer, Fall and Winter ~tand ard Apple Trees. A great rariety of Plum: Pesr and Chorry Trees _ Larg» variety o early, hardy native Grape Yines, ant also the n‘m ipal plants os farsizn grapes> Biack * and White Cemant Busb s ; Biwbberr: Raspberr3, Atrawhâ€"try Plants, B xlisb Go « â€" ber:y and Qaince Busbes ; ~spara._u« and P: Plâ€"nt Roots, Mountain Asb, We pizag Willo®w, Norway ~pruce and Arbor Viâ€"a2 Thirteen rartstns of CRAB APPLE TREE<«â€"all hare been teated in Rastern C>â€" Bada, Maine, Fermont and New Hampâ€"hir , #1!l staud cold climate, being abunda=* . sonstant bearers givring satisfaction to i+« perohaser. »e kind sripens first Aogostâ€" bes sarly apple koown ; while oth r vaâ€"l â€" Uoâ€"s grow mearly as large as the Fam «e FRUIT TREES AND EVERGREENS CERTIFICATER After buvring suffered enormonsiy during a whole month from a rery obsiinate Rhenamsâ€" tiem, which compell.d me to stay in bed !~: nearly a whols week witoout being able 1 move, despite all the efforts of one ofth leeding pbhysicians of this city, a triend gav. me a bottle af "Dr. Birnbanm‘s Rhenmatiss a«amdi Goout Remedr.®" Haring applied thiâ€" mmedy oaly twiee, 1 felt at once such a reli» Past it was pessible tor me to get up imme Cintely, and three days after I fennd mysel eatkrely recoversd. f Moxtasir, Oct 2, 1871 My sister baring buad a severe attack 0 Bseumatism, I procoured "Dr, Biraba==»> Rboumsatiem sand Gout Remeoy," which s Riemd, in whom I had confd«nce,jecommend.6 me;, and I must say that I cannot speak to» bighly of its wonuderful effects, as the pair eeased saitet a fow applicat! =«, and the aswelâ€" Heg â€" amppeared witnin a tâ€"=w days, s 3 WÂ¥X 2o0KAY, Teacheor, Catbolic Commer ial Acad:emy Montreal, Oct. 210 1871 1800v. U. 5. PATEXT AG E&NX ¢C Y 5 o DR. BIRKBAUM‘3 Rheumatism and Gout Remedy is well know! an the con inent <f Rarope for its speedy an e€fetire cure ot Rhâ€"amaiism. Gout, wande: Ing pains. sti@vess is the limbs or joint»= yprain â€" anrdnaumbness. One trial will estab~ lish its effictener. Usei ‘inany of the abore cases and you will Aud it a real blâ€"««toe. CHARLES MARTIN. 30 Victoria >quare, Montrea!, _ Bole Agent for Cansaids ard the United Prepared by 8 N. THOMA8, Phelps, N Y and NXORTHaAUP & LYMAN, Newcastlie Ont., Sole Agen « for the Domin~ion. : Korembes 16, 1878 Rutus Roblnuson, of Nunds, N.Y., writes ’ "One small bottle of your Kelectric O re stored the vroice where the person bad not apoken above a whisper in Five Years."* Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: "Yow Eclectric wil cured me of h-z:: in One Week."~ . Domilers all over the try say : "We bave never sold a medicine that ha givren such complete satisfaction as this«. It is compresard of Six ot the Best Oils the are known. Is as good to take as for «xtersa use, and is believed to be immeasurably supe tlear to anything ever made. <â€" Wili save you much suftâ€"sing and m«ny doilars of expen» Is sold by one or more dealers in erery plac Price 25 cents, Notre â€" Eolectricâ€"Nelected and Elec trizeci. Utmwa, Nor 3, 187* 181 *AKADA AaNQO Pate e«nnot stay where it is ased. It is the @aemon #ore Throat. (On« bottle bas cured & > Rroachitia. Fifty cents «orth has cured an SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 a YEAR, Old Standing Congn. Cne or two bottles $ % cures bad cases ot Plles and Kidney Troubles. | will contain, for 1872, the fnllnmqg new "ix to eight applications cure any case ol | faatures in addition to those found in it at :):«rm«: Nipples or Inftamed Broast. _ Oue present, rendering it the tile has cured Lame Back of eight years b » C . CA* Countr, P‘a., says: "Iâ€" went thirty miles for| _A New Story by Victor Hugo relative to a bottle of your Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" | the Prussian invasion and the Commune, dertal Cure of a Crooked Limb by six appli | entitled cations.‘‘ A-lnha who :-l had Asthma tor THE TERRIBLE YEAR! yeurs rars : ="I have bal o(nboc-ntnouh’ s lani f the auâ€" published by s permission 0 left, ana $100 would not buy it if I coutd get | Pube it o epernt e thia Sournat. .~ * Onare, Dec 1, 187 i BBEAKF AYr, Ready from # to 10:20â€"Charge, 25cts P. BOUCRDEAU, OÂ¥ the Firm Bourdean & Barbean HÂ¥eatkeoal uet Tth, 1871 timwa, Nov 3, 187° 18 AcR RLEU®¥ATISY AaND GOUT. BELL HANCER®S, &c, OTICE, Reche & Kolly, Rideau Street. vad Relaestets (Al! Warih Ton : ts Waghtm Geld. Do you knes Apply to anything of i. If not, n, Huntley, One Hundred at all bours, U to time you CHOPS, Ji1ME® NORRIS, 4 « 18391 A. ROWE, Auctionser. 1868if and STEAXKS _ Notice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" ship lately subsisting between us, the un dersigned, THOMAS HUNTON, WILLLAM SHUULBRED and FREDEXICK HOUVUGH TUuN HUNTUN, as Wholesile and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Otta wa, in the Couuty of Carleton, under the names, style and firm of =T. HUNTON s.fl)ULBI’ilD & CU." was on the first day . of November, instant, dissolrved b{.numl _ conâ€"ent, so fir as regards the same | Wililiam Shoolbred, who on that dln | tired from the concern ; and that all debte | due and owing to 0: by the late firm, will be received and paid by the said Thomas | Hunton and l"ndo.:ick kHoughton Hunton Vansourâ€"r lsland, if found advisable) ; toge~ ther with branch limnes from near Winnipeg Rivrer to the Lake of the Wouds, and itom Fort Garry or Winunipeg afor«said to Pâ€"moina or +uch other point or place on‘the bound ry of the Provnce of Manitoba as may connect with the rallw=y erstâ€" m of the United #ta:es. Notice is hereby giren, that an application will b« made to th« Pariiament of Canada at its next Seglon for an Act to Ingorporate the (nuada P«cific Rulway «wompany, for the parpos: of constructing and working a railway from Lake Nipissing or some other point in the Province of Ontario conmnecting with the rallway +â€"ystem of Canâ€"~da to Fort Ga:ry or Winnipeg in th» Province of Manit=ba, thence Westerly through .such paes â€"of the Rocky Mountains in «+auadian territory as may be twund practicable to Bute Iniet or some other point on the sea oard of the Pacific Ocean in the Provinc« of British Columbl« (with power to »xtend to Victoria or som= othâ€"r point in 1 As witness our hands this first day November, A.U. 1871. a THOS, HUNTONb WM. SHOOLBR 2 FRED. H. HUNTON. *X PBNNUCï¬ Jur. Oitaws, Mev, 17, 1871. Canada _ Pacific Railway. EATCHELL BROS. Stalls Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market (Ottaws, Dec. 2%), 1871. Witness ; sages, &C., &c, P,. 8.â€"Their Pork Stail will be found comâ€" plete, with a «hoice selection of Pork, Hams Buacon, Spices, Rounds and Rolled Boof, Sau» _ The above will be on exhibition at their Stalls from tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Shooep the whols of which were brought at great exâ€" peuse from the West, WEDNESDAY UNTIL SATURDAY NEXT begto announce that they are, as usual, preâ€" pared to supply their customers with the ch oicest Muata of all kinds, having purchased ‘or the appronching festivities the following prize cattle, Ths celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€"o!d thoroughâ€" bred Darham Steer which took the first prize at the Provincial Exbibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2,500 lbs. Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« The Governor General of Canada, X‘MAS 1871. SATCHELL BROS,, There is also Commodious Tard Room and Stabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIANX POWLEY, Delicacies of the Season, and the BAR with the cholcest brands of for the accommodation of the travelling public. The abore Hotel, s favorably known, being situsted in the imm diate vicisity of the Parâ€" iament Buildings, Danks and other Pablic Offices, will be conductw! in the best ?..lo which the wants of the public require. table will be supplied with all the Liquors, Having been renuilt and furnished in first lass style, and with good Sample Room#*, will be op. nâ€"d by the sutscriber on The St. James‘ Hotel, â€œï¬ Ten Dollars Engraving for ’l‘::?olhn a year‘s subscription ie the paper in America thrown in free. Covering #30.000 worth of Watches, Sewing Machines and Parlor Orgins. The paper will be haundsomely illustratâ€" al, and no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in every famly as a most entertainâ€" ing and instructive pyper 2 The Hearthstone gives more and better reading matter, for a smaller sum, than any other paper in the world. It is §u rior, in every point, to the most mÂ«ï¬ of the Americin weekly papers, while they are ) per cent dearer.. Compare them, «and you will at once send in your snbscripâ€" tion. ‘The celebrated American humorist MARK TWAIN will contribute origin«l sketches, â€"Anod in additon to our long list of great literary names we shall hare The new American poet Joaquin Miller, the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane Ingelow, Rev. Dr. Norman Mcâ€" ï¬od Editor of Good Words,‘ Alexander Dumas, Erckâ€" The mann Chatrian, &c. present features of the the Gardeniors. Colum®. " Hsuscheld Coiumn, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books, M rket Reports, Wit and Humour, Nentific Intellijence, Literary Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &c., &c., &6.â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CHILDREN‘S OUNKNER mill be added, in which will be runbh:;d ;dotgluul story b’l llhvu(,hm-l« LTingsley, M. A., Chaplain to Her Majesiy, entitled "The Water Babies." GeisP Sample numbers sent free on applica *ion, with club terms A new story by Miss Br.idaon, entitled COLWNEL BERRYON‘s ENTANGLEMENT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth ress. _ e JAMES GREENXWOOD, "The Amateur Casual," will contribute papers on sCENX®S 1X THE LONvoNX sTREETS. Other new Novels by the most eminent writers will be ncuntt and printed from advance sheets. will contain, for 1872, the following new features in addition to those found in it at presont, rendering it the BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA}; $10 ENCRAFINE CIVEN AWAY ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXD ALFRED WADDINGTON, Decemb»r 20d, 1871. ; IssOLUTIONX OF PABTNXEZSHIP WEDNESDAY, 13ik DECEMBER, Ottawas, Dec 11, 1871 â€" 18437 MEYCALFE STREET, OTTAW A, _____. GEO. E. DESBARATS Pl'opfl.' tor. Ottawa, Jan 8, 1872 1864 Apply to §PLENXDID "C B 0O & G B." Splendid Prize List, GEFAT CANXADIAX WEEKLY and Cigars CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR‘S GIFTS, Uall and see their Are now prepared to offer their friends and patrons a choice assortment of B00Ks and other Goods suitable for Booksellers and Stationers, Ottawa, December 18, 1871 A MERRY CHRISTMAS : HENDERSON & 60., |i Remember «nd superior tamily apcrient, that may be tuken at all times without counfnement ofr ‘hange of diet. sold in Boxes at 13;d., 28. 9d , 48. 64.,.11s and 32%s, each. goription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face :nmh:.nmmhna,mm les, &0 , &e. lddh.:lu‘..h.“.,uld.,llo..nl 422. each ; bhis PILUL® ANTIâ€"SCROPAUL®E OR ALTER ATIVE PLILLS, sonirmed by sizty yearsa‘ «xperiencs *o be one ofthe best alterative msdicines over comâ€" A‘ fortable Wâ€"oden Cottage, erected there» on, in Rochesterville. For particulars and ':t-.--c'yuth promises to W G CHAPâ€" . or to HAVÂ¥VKETT P HILL, J Solicitor, Post 0 . Blosk, r&dlup-“yh.mw.uln-flu ature in ho: eperations. They form a miid @ITME POOR MAN‘3 FRIEXNX D, is confidently recommended to the Public as in unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" led upon to make a permanent cure of al: diseases of the Taroat, Langs, Liver, Kiduey» Digestive Organs, &c., &¢., as well as Rerofula the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and ai} diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood, m(lho'hm Nrage of Consumption P information, with full directions fo: using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, Uures, can obtai securing Oml.;:- '“‘“Dr‘nluiu'llm i any respectable in the Dominionâ€" fre«. Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles . $1 O0 Tilkepat NE\ xxrtrrxer@rturtxcxurâ€" U wmâ€".m-mï¬vdnflodw inal veyetable ingredients, (some 0‘ which we will mention, such as the :’.::fl of Wild Cherty Bark, Potophyliam, per Mw,mut.flnun-- Compound Extract or Colocynath, Jaiap, Soco tWine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢, &¢c,) which ente into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniousiy classided and compounded, that it is made the mos searching curative in the known world, ans monot help but act on the system in a ver; eatistactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor. iJ That the Ganat Sno«poxzes Kewxsor aso Puzs of the emiueut indlan Medicine Wao, Docto LEWIS JSEPHUS, of the Urest Tribe « Shoshonees, British Colombia, is workins the most marv=llous and astontshing Oure: the World has ever heard of, Never in tth annale of Cara"un Medical History has suc! succuss attended the introduction of aL, ature in he: cperatious. They form a mild M oÂ¥ 11, 1871 WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEAS Broox.ys, April 5th, 1870 J C Chamberlain, R+3. This is to certit) that my wife was very low with Lung Diseas® The Doctor bhad given ber up. He said he‘ lnogs were tubercled, and medicine could no‘ belp ber. As a last resort I hased a bott]: of the Great Shoshonees mdy At the «xpiration of two days her symptoms wer decidedly better â€" She continued to improv: so rapidly that by the time she had taken on bottle she was able to sit up. By the continn ance of the remedy she was pertectly restore w;«l&. publi<h the facts for the beneft on may the oi those similarly affiicted. T 0. BROWNX Episcopal Methodist Minister. | ting worse all the tme. At last I was adâ€" vised to try the Great Sboshoneere Reme‘g. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it wa about Anished I begaun to feel a little better I continued to use it until I bad takâ€"n thre bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I founm that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so eve! JOHN 8ILYER. Bworn before me at SmisbAeld this 6th day of April, A D K§#i®â€"_. __ _ .n [ _ o monunths, I was so afflicted for the want o breath that it was very difficult tor me t speak, and in the night tim« frquent throwinz the clothes off and raising in th bud to keep from strangling. 1| tiied thr«â€" of the most eminent pbysicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, withow! receiving any bepefit, in fact I contiou~d getâ€" P erw»us of foreiga "irth are entitl=d to the enedt of the Homestead Law, on @eclaring th:â€"ir intention to becom#« citisens of the Unied States, and miy avail themselrv.s of this provision immediately after their arrival Bend for the new edition of. descriptive pampbiâ€"+t, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" whare. Addrss, 0. F. Dayis, la&~d4 Commiâ€"sioner, U.P.R.B. Co, Umaha, Neb. 8mithAeld, J C Cha_berlain, Keqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago J became afflicte with Bronchitis, which lastd about cightee: States, â€" x Prices raog> ‘cin $2 to $10 per acre. How» »t ade for Actoal Settiers.â€"23,500,000 Acuvaof Governwent Land between Omaha and North Platte,open for ontry as Hom«steads 10R saLE. â€"â€"Iwo Choice Lots, with com 3,000,000 4crms of Cholceo Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Platte YVallevy, now for sale, for cash or long credit, There lan‘s are in a mild sand healthy climate, awd for grain growing and stock raisirg, sneurpasa~d by any in the United A land grant of 11,000,000 aCRES of the BEST FARMIEG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Prociaim the Glad Tidings BEACH AND BAakNICOTT, vorse, E . 4 Bataport porses England, .. HEAP FAERM FRE®E nOMES3 THE SIGN CF THE BOOK On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Cure ot Bronchitis 39 SPARKS STREET, Tartanâ€"wood Goods. Prepared only by W H Y ? J M WELLINGTON,) P 39, Sp,arks stroot, 661 im The abore discovery bas gained for Proâ€" 'hunt Harman a Silver Prize moedal at the . Interâ€"Colonsal Exmibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" | tralin, of 1866 besid+s numerous Testimonials, T A Lo xt a a AW A TIMES Maxtuzs â€"Of all designs in Italian and Amer san Marble and Marbelised Blate, Grates, Foud ors and Hearths. Monuments and Headstones of Soottish Granite, Marble and Sandstone. Gates and Railings for residences and Grave Plots, Root , Door Guards, Window Wo 6 wflpl-p..u every of Ballders (\hn;y Cans, Draiz hï¬'fl + VFilower Vases, Fire B Clay u.,z I_s.ld‘.tfltm“lu‘bw D R AI Nâ€" PIPER DEP 0 T , RIDEAU STREST, E8TABLLSHED is6e. WH. M.SOMERVILLE,Successorto W. M _' Coraot U° Vuinpslinuuâ€"ss, , In nOWw w.ur «J,. W. Proctor & Co.; Ll Aylmer, Mr. N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Ce., No. 1 Western Buiidings, Montreal, May 32, 1871 > 1671 ir h Ottawaâ€"J Kavanagh, Grocet, 3-!11-‘/::.-4.; Jon‘-IIl.ll. Tem Pot. Rideauâ€" st,; slocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sogar Directions for use on each Packet. Marxcracoroarâ€"Gravel lane Houndsditcb, City of London, England e ut o-Dophl‘:.NndhouuuMu.Iom in For or Bcab on Shoep or Goate ; also on Cattle, &¢., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or Siz Packets for OQne Dollar, 45ots. The Powder is warianted free from all bad smell, and will k.ep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cate or Dogs, as they will not eat it Which is known to be Far Buperior to anything ever got Dis= covered 4 For killing Rats, Mice, Insecte on Pooultry Ants, Bugs. Oookromâ€"hes, Black Beotlies, Fleas PROF. HERMAN VBRMIN DESTRONEBR, We would beg to call the attention of tt. public generally, that having secure the serâ€" vices ot a FIBSTâ€".CLASS CUTTER for on TAILORING DEPARTMENT, we jeel conâ€" Adent of giving entire satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. MWiP* Jall and examine before giving orâ€" ders clecwhere. A. DUFF. OMEARA & 0O Ottaws April 11, 1811 &o., &co At:hhulodlo(k-pdau. ____â€"__ AMliso, a large assortment of Black and Blue Cloths, Togother with a large assortment of Raid: Uape Cuorame, consisting of EW SPRINE G600)D;â€" O‘MUEARA & CC. ve required. Matter to be posted up to 9 30 P.M.; will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplementary package the same night. ; Via A«@Vork close every Monday at 8 P.M a buppremeniny Tag for Connition Sivamer will io € Supplementary teamer will be closed at 13.10 p. paid unregistered matter can be sent. * * p*, in which only (n Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and [reland, Newfoundland ind Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office Also Postage Stamps,and Pos RJ* Depesits will ba received at this Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per ent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per cent will be allowed m Special Deposits in rrms of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three months notice will 11,50 HPORTAWNT KOTICE. I8id. wix rEr TFAWA MARLBLE WOURLKS, Post Offic», Ottawas, Nov. 37 1871 t o CPFICE HOURS FROYX 8 A.M., TO ? P.4. For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m Neckties, 50 SPARKs STRBAKT, oTEA W A. JIURAT IKPORT AD, An immense Stock ot g*t .+%@ @t A ICRRIVA L. and DEPARTUBRE of MAIL FARLANE. T & BOMBRVILLE, ( Oheleea, Wakebeld4, Korth Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" ‘ zam Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" C mediate Ofices, Mondays, Woednesdays and Fridays Templeton, Tucsdays, Thursdays, and Satardays....... New Kiinburgh Ongoode, RQBBOIl, &0......... .02 .0 0008 esensewes cssc emes Brockville, Perth, and Smith‘s Falls, per Omdnz z Contral RRiIlWAY ..... »»sssss00e sssseccees soee sesees cesees The Upper Ottawa, Piaces on the B. & 0. Railway. g North of Carleton Pliace Junction, and Piaces on g 0, 0. R.R.â€"Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &6...... Apimer _ tmhl Hull, by BHHGLW...cune srrcrcess saverre oo resersors Bristol, Clarendon, and Qaslow, by Ayimer, &6.......... ;M.'Otuv.. by Land, Buckingham, Ol-hr-g I» ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &¢6..............._...... March, Huntloy, Carp, #&6. ... ......... ........ .cccssem sessrsese United States, via OgAODADATG ...0..».. ... »»»»»»ses cessn sn Kempty 410, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, por St. L. & O.R. North Gower, Kars, &0., por 8t. L. & 0. Railway......... Halifax, N.8., and 84. John. N.B ........ .....s....}l00}}} § Westernâ€"Kingsten, Toronto, Hamilton, London, &o. ; and Wostern, U.8...... .....cccs cssrrssreu.crres Fort Garry, and other places in the Province of Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatched in closed mails trom Windsor, Ont., via St. Pau!l and Pem bina; every Tuaesday, Tharsday, and Saturdayâ€" Ordinary Dominion rates of postage....... ........... Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, Thtes, BJ RUWW] ..cccucss cxrcorsers seoresers oo oxtous cevacs OrETOE. _ OTTTCTAW A. rosTt OFFICE SiAYVINGS® BAXK to W. M*, M .& I L_ 5& . MONXEY ORDELKES BRITISH KAILS, A I RANG ELE M EN T. Irts pointed for that purpose, all powers neces zry for effectuating that object. _ _ _ Ontarto, at its next Bession, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottawe to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said Corporation, or upon Commissioners to be AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3 AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMMILSSION MERCHANT, merite. l‘rw!hof’oo Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant, The Proprieto: is only it on aocount of assumâ€" ing the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu»â€" factory in the United States. Address Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘The lowest rent ta the City. This establishment is too weli known to require any comments upon it: BOTEL RESTAURAKT AKD BA Most sincerely yours, ~CBAb. H. MOUKRIDGEB, ecumbent of St. Johns « harch, Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"â€"Â¥ou have my full permissio n to us this letter in any way you see fit, or refer any one to me who wishes urï¬c",hh-flu.n o Estimates and all other information given, apply to " CAPITAL " 8TOVYE BEPOT, 35 sussexâ€"st, Otliawa, H. MEADUWS &Co Hoping that this virtue @ill in every case bring its wn rew rd, The heat diffuses itself rapialy over the whole bailding, and no one part is colder or botter thas an other, but there is a nice glow «# heat all over. l-.-huhf the troubl« bat we used to have with leaking pipes, «moking chimneys, &0., we look a the furnace as a decided luzury. Imhl’;:hlnl ae eburch oughbt to be witbout ome, when i: can be procured so easily and so chply &r ours was from you, I must also express the great pleasure 1 had in noticlug the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) shewed in everything connected with th. Wommndblt up the sbove in COburcher, lings, &0., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. Orders from the city or any part of Oanada solisited. Read the following : wontreal, March 3, 1871. Mano0, Oct. 39th, 1810. 6. MEADOWS & Co., Orrawa. Deas éms,â€"â€"It gives me much pleasure to be able to inform you that the Hot Air For.â€" nace which you lately put up is the Charch of 8t. John the Baptiste, in this village, ha» given great antisfaction to myself and the members of my congregarlon, We had it «oing lately on one very windy day, but we bad no treouble with it whatever, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveniences, which often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is higb. We And that the church is heated in a very sbhort time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the stove. $ GUISEPPE K. GIARNELLL, llâ€"l‘lol-'eln be readily let for $200 No. 48, Riuleau street, Ottaws THE COSMOPOLITAN, Is hereby givon that appli FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS, RARKE COHAKXCE: OÂ¥ AIR FURKACEH, geeckssess csssseess ensee8 #eree lv’w, verssrere Falls, Canad :"m'* c.u"........l 1.80 ie B. & 0. Rallway. | ction, and Places on g 8;00|........ , Richmond, &6...... l aee strassrss ssysens «: scrsorsse! ~©e@D| L0 |â€" Favcbs y Aylimer, &s..........| 8 00 H. FALLS, LN MONTREAL, G. P. BAKER, Pastmaster. Royal Insurance Cc, Â¥, P. LETT 10.00 11.30 BU w ow o D ulV4KY se essm 10,.00 1871. 4,20 Et TEAS AND WINES, MPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS Is hereby given that application will b. made to the Legislature of the Province 0: Untario at its next Seewvion for an Aact to ~uable the Execators and Trustees of anc ander the Last Will and Testament of Jame: Mooney, late of the city of Ottawa, in th *rovince of Ontario, Pottâ€"r, deceased, to sel the lands and tenements in the said Wii mentioned, lying and being in the village o Jobhnstown, in the county of Grenville an: Province of Ontario, and to apply the proâ€" veeds thereof to repairing and improving th. Certain other lands and tenâ€"ments in the saic Will mentioned Iying and being in ibe cit; of Ottawas atoreâ€"aid, and to such other pur poses for the benefit of the said ectate as ma, be necessary or advisable. CLARKE & MOONEY, ___ Atturneys for Applicants confirmed by sixty yeu:mflem to be on of the best alterative nes ever com pounded for puoritying the blood and assisting Nature in her opeiations. They form a mil and superior tawily operient, that may b taken at all times without confinement o. whange of dict, f and sold by all Medicine Vendors. . Beptember 28, 1871. PU.I.IO KOTICR is confidently recommended to the Public a n unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" ~cription ; a ouhllkumy for ulcerated l:n legs, burus, soalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tio omvdm:-'n,-d pimples in‘ the face, sorâ€" and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts. piles, &c., 40. c Bold in pots, 13id, 21 94, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22s each ; and his eILULA, ANTI 8SCROPHULA or ALTER ATIVE PILLS. "THE POOR MANS FRIEND, We speak from ezperience in this matte: having tested it thnroughly, and therefor: nose who are suffering from any of the comâ€" laints for which it is recommenaea may deâ€" pend upon its being a Sovereign Remâ€"dy. The astonishing efhcacy of the Canuadian vain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases fo! which it is recommended, and its wonderfu, suocess in subduing the torturing pains o Bneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affceâ€" lons, entitle it to a higa rank in the list o Remedies tor these complaints, Orders ere ecoming from Medicine De«lers in all parts o the country for further supplies, and eouch tes tifying as to the universal satisfaction i The Canadian Pain Destroyer never taile t« 4ive immediate relief, All Medicine Dealer geoepit. Physicians order and use it ; and n« iamily wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"fAvre Oents per bottle. NORTHBRUP & LY MAN. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCartby, J Skin aer, John Roberts, J P Featherston, Georg Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicin UVnaws, Nov. 1, 1871 Has now been before the public for a lengtt of time aud wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, aud we bar: never known a single case of disatisfactior where the directions have been properly folâ€" «owed, but on the contrary, all are delightcs with its operations, and speak in the highes! terms of its virtues and magical effects, GABRIEL‘s hecaemmae â€"_t GMZ [ \EVHITE GUrTa PEBCHA i Enamel, for stopping decayed MESSRS. l Teeth, renders the Tooth sound 15 1 and useful for mastication, no GABBIEL‘S matter how far decayed. l;doo 1s. 64. _( OSTEOâ€".FNAMEL STOPPING wurrantd to remain white anpe MESSRS ; firm es the Tooth iteclf. Thie { beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘S ; front Teethb, and can be easily {usdd. Suficient to stop six teeth _ Price bs. IMPORTANT TO RESIVENIS ABROAD Parties at a distance may bave Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Meerts. Gabriel‘s ne« system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofthâ€"ir cases, with a remittance o Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0: the month will be forwarded with all necessary instructions. Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pair in the ME>BRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which bay not proved satisfactory to the wearer, A CHRISTIE & Co,, Drucgists, y Agents for Ottawa, | for cleansing and improving MEASHKS. i the Teetb, imparts a natural redness to the gums, and gives GABRIEL‘S | brilliancy to the Enamel: Price § \| 1s. 64. N ROYAaL DENTIFICE prepared from a recipe as used MESSRS. | by Her Majâ€"sty ; gives the lecth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, GABBItEL‘S | and imparts a deliclous fraâ€" I grance to the breath. Price 1s. May 11871 [PAR Prepared only by MES*RS de, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Bor Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Btomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowelâ€" Complaints, Burns, THE UANADIAN PAiN DESTROYER November 30, 1870 Full direct ANADLAN PAIN DPDESTROYKLR CELEBRATED OINTMENT, FOooTE & COKEANY RuBkn Ts T Sâ€"OFâ€"THE:â€" WORLD| BEACH & AARXICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England [ CORALITE TOOTH PASTE lous for use enclosed in each box UDUNTALGIQUE ELIXIR This celevrated Mouth Wash iâ€" most refreshing, it strengthen» the gums, eradicatâ€"s tartar and all injmiouns s â€"cretion, sweaten» the br: ath, and for cleansing arâ€" tificial teeth is invaluable: Price 5s for Toothache ‘This extraorâ€" dinary application, marvellous in its effects, gites immediate relief without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary stopping. Price 18. 1id. â€"I3" gab‘r @i. 16 tim 39 6m 18217 Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, foran Act 10 amend the Acts incorpo: ating the Canada Central Railway Jompany, giving power to such Company to construct its line by the most dir:_ct route t» such points as may be selected or cross} ing French River, . Desemher 26, 1871. 1861 The Mayor will attend to businces con= nected with bis office at the City Hall eveey cay from ten o‘giock till eleven a.m. w. P. LETT, City Clerk, (Bty Hall, Oftewe, Jaa,. 16, 1872. 18TBM ~_TOoP TLX P MpN EC C CC Sn m ol m e C C K PA W@F" Special attention givsu lJ disoms 1 and dizs »lacemvnts of the 1terus. 1152 ides. ovematr o inastineg. Sutint Bsc iss stt Tess Te â€" Pss A coucher. Residenceâ€"Albeit stroct. UiBâ€" €¢ bours frow 9 tâ€" 11 a. m., and 2 to 4 ~.m. e * & _E Upinion Publique etc., etc., etc £Contracts made tor advertising in either or all of the above papers. Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 1801t1 Tixss Office, Wâ€"llington 8Str e, #Agent for the Oftawa Times. §3 ed, sending copies of the first and last oi such notices to the Private Bill Uffice. , All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first three weeks ol ALFRED TODD, Chf, Clk. Committees and Private Bills, 1. of Commons, Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841.1a purposes of profit, or for doing anything vendingsto effect the rights or property of other parties, are hpreb;_ notified that they are required by the 51st and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazette), to give TWO MONTHS‘ NuUuLICE of the ipplication (clearly and distinctly specifyâ€" iug its nature and object), in the Cunade Gazeite, and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of counties atfect ParmEs intending to make application to Parliament for rrivate Bills, either for granting exciusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other 66 eme (c ~J© tencrai Agoni. sole agout for Road » ighwines andProo!l Whuiskey , also, Dawes‘ inâ€" mine Ales and Horter. â€" Pork, Fiour, &c., for sal : Orricn: No.6, sparks Sireet, uear the Gues:i ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . BILLIMGE, Jr., Architeot. Uficeâ€" d. Beli‘s Slock, Seppers‘ Briage. HEFEEEXCER.â€"â€"lH Avsim», Keqg, A«co.teot, Phiils «eiphia ; Thos Fuiler, Esg, Architest, Alibany If J A urani, M P.,0ttaws , Thos Hkeyrolds, is,, danaging Virecto: 0. & 5t. L. k. K lav. i CHUMISTIEL, Commusson Merchant t i +*he"qUEEN"comprises alitherequisitesfor a srstâ€"olass hestan ant. Tho House has boonrefittes «nd ref, trisheq tnroughout. The BAK contain. Areviacial Land ~utrveyor asd Dc.uzhteman, w»wMuls8ionced tor the P.ovitices ul }0¢eBDec ud Qutacio. jositethe main entrancetothe G@overnmentBuild »ad catrisd ou anior tas managzement of E. AV a N3,iato propriccor of the 31. Jaw®8 il¢ £L. o etouiraa to Odsig=ss. 4994 Wiges «hnd Llquors WafTeD.O4. Ot tama, Febtuaty }¢, +87, 4 MLSETLE & Co+â€", uaad surveyoers, Lanu ‘. Agento, D aughtsmen, &o. Ofice, opposin 10 Ontariu BaRnlk, sparks â€"81. Uitewa. Vainator: or Prus; «na Loan Vo. Â¥. &. Paisfux. &A ikwk: Havriag now chuanged haais, and veso ied up or a firs «class LUNCUEIN 8 AR ana 3 44L â€"UN «ilioe sailed ,pgnmtlo Fourt t1ouse and Pablic Ofices, 8BT. JaTHARLN iz , v at. . n0VGHTON, Pro?ï¬uot. (Late of soughton‘s Dining Saloon.) PMA ipacious samplieâ€"rvom for commercia cavellers. Bavy l‘llI 6 QUKEN REKESTAUsANT, M, KAV A N AuH, Proprector , Corne: of Metcalfe and Woeliingtonâ€"streets, Op Homesopathic Pbysict«n, murgeon & «e choiogst Brandsir Winesand Ligu ts, and ever) «Aioncy ol the seas. a wili be tfound onithetabie. Th« oprietr‘s bestefforts wili be directed cto he comâ€" sof his guests ana petrous. MM" y aevetrs, Aame oto.. Ani1y ‘ 1CHOLAS SPARKS, Barrister and Attor. «W ceyâ€"at Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" aucer, &o. Ofceâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Office, Ottawa. 48Â¥y K.! A. MARA, Architeot. Offceâ€"Aumond‘s ME COMMERCIAL HoUVSE *OTICEK .’Oc'l'uu BELRDEKEK#»ON, | MoGiliâ€" Umâ€" versity { Physician, burgeon and Acceuchen: , Bnmâ€"' hat recently occupied by Dr. Maiâ€" looh, st, Chaudiere, Ottaw a. 1 388y â€l- ROBLLLARD, Physician, Surgecn, Accouchear, Uficein Air. Hearn‘s Drvs sStore, Kast ena of Supper‘s Bridge, OMce 10urs from 9 a. m. to 4 p. u. J W. W. WaAand, Barrstorâ€"atâ€"Lan @ Advocate, &6., oppos:ie the rassell House Ortawn. l{ H. HAYCOCK, Attorne; â€"«tâ€" i.aw, Soll« e citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notar)y Public, and Patent RightSoliciner. Ufceâ€"Im mediately opposite Kussell House, Llginâ€"st 45ut Court House, Citawa. RoLzset Lrss. Logatt _ JuOEAX J. uBukAL: EDWARD T. DAR ZAkLL, Barriste: Solicitor Attorney and Nutary Public, Cierk Athe Poace and County Attorney, forthe United Jounties otf Prescott and Russell. Oficeâ€"In the Jourt House, L‘Urignal. 34â€"611 DB. McDOUGALL, Offce, Rideau Street, opposite Fee therton s Draz Store _ Regide ; 5* Bartiste»s, Attorneys at Law, 8 Jicitors in Chaucery, Conveyarcers, Notaries Public ans Auvocates for the Proviuces of Chiario eno Quebec. Orhceâ€"Corpner of Sussâ€"x and York etreets . ‘looouovu & TA LLON, Barmasteors, 1VB Solicitors, &c. Offceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, ideauâ€"stroot, Ottaw a. Wmuirax Moserove. â€" 3460t _ OGzgouore Lamio® N. B.â€"Specia1 atiention given to the treimen: of aisensos of tee KY K and EAlL A1i night ca1 be seen al ais residence, Murray street. CBABLES M + RCIL, â€" Ad.ocate, Hull U.uce at Mr Tewau‘s, N P ; private remiâ€" dence in rear of French : athed.al, Hull. ___ BARRINGTONâ€"ETREET, HALIFAX, NOVA 8â€"0Tia. Kstablished 186 i. Permanent and transiont boarders accommoda ed, and every attention paid to their comfort; 9697 JUHN RUMAAXs, Proprietor. NOTAbY PUBLIC. _ Resigence â€" Hull uc&t the tost Office. 1723y Business attend=a in Oitawa and the Dis trict Courts of the Cousty of Ottawa,. Llll & GEMMILL, Barristers, Attorney: Solicitors, Conveyancere &o, ffcoâ€"Jp th: »Mice. ii s BTE:OINT)-lâ€"t_,â€"Avtrwlnoy-n-an.Souolwr- «in Chancery, Conveyarcor, &6â€", Bussexrâ€" treot. Office, Unirn Buildings, Oittawa 13) N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontariv and Qu.b.c. 368) 44 RIVATEKE BliuLs. ‘HK ++ BURLAL !! saLUOOA®, 1CKWICK HuUskK, € Eï¬ll:l;"lv,ikvld'ou-n., Ottawa. Â¥02y APIERRE & MUvPHY, A. GRILSO #, R. OLILIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofice Bparkeâ€"street, Cent: al Ottawa. S4uti U. ARBCtiAMBAULE 3 Motets and #8ut vons. AVERLLY HOUSK, TETREAU, Notary Publicforthe Prc vince of Quebes, dull, near the Por â€" 390 «MAieceliancous. H ALEN B J 4 ct > 64 s L411# sT R EE T, Odice. aAylmsr, P. Q Evening Mail. Qarrier d Qutacuais, Minerve, Montreal. Semaing Agricole. Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., 1e ont ihe ina®® 1722 u THE TIMES is printed and published W Tas Ortawa Timzs Prixrume asp PM uism®g Comraxy, at the Office, Lob Number 12, Weilington Sweet (M## Her Majesty‘s 1 aeatre), Centre To Ottawa. â€"JAMES BAILIFT, Manog®i Of hbis own manutacture, at PRICES, 19th August, 1871. € All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘e, Whok sale, at reasonable prices. LONG AND SHORT MOCOASHS WHOLESALE Your O:ders are solicited, and will # PROMPTLY ATTENDED TV by BEST PLACK IN CENTHAL Ts hy CANADMA and C Biscuit, Crackers, Oandies 4 fectionery of all kinds. ¢ STEAM BISCUIT Returns bis sincere thauks to the â€Ii Ottawa, for the liberal patronage him since his commencement in busln684,| > He hopes by good workmsanosblp dl sonable charges, toensure a conti® F Plain and Ornamental Engraver, o--.‘g Sparks and Klgin Streets, over James Co.‘s, Ottawa y Visitiog Cards ergrared and printed nBÂ¥ sbhortest notice w Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 181B Â¥ Â¥ Auor-g.-u-hv. Soliontors -3 Jonveyancers , Notaries Public, £5, £#6, d rinces . Ontarioand Quebes. , Office over Duric‘s Book store, Sparks KW Mtawa. t W MoOKat ¥® mess B@F~Orders promptly attended to. . §@~R. Carters give Railway i R@â€"ing shippers from all further ul Special rates for furniture. W. £. JOHKBUN, Freight and Cartage Agestf CONFECTIOKE Y ESTABLISEYNEXT I\A---nl. o 1 s | PABRK STREET, OTIAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Propriet@b N. Bâ€"Farme.«s from the County of Osi+ ton can eunter the mill yard by Broad Sire® opposite Brewery gate. j MB A large etock of the above will be kepte® stanily on hend to suit purchasers. RIDEAU STREET, on Near Division '% Ottawa, May 11,1871 BUILDING AND LRIDGE TIMBR PLANED LV MBER SHINGLES X. XX. XXL On and after MONDAY Kert, 5th Trains will leave lo-tr.n.. Mail Train for Toronto and Inter. SUMMER SERVICE OF TRaree Warranted Superior to any made in the Py. _ , vince. to Pullman PÂ¥Jace Cars now Rumi Day and Night Trag * mediste Station«, at ... . . Day Express for Tororto, at. . Night Express for Turonto, at Mixed Train or Brockville, at Accommodation ‘lâ€"min for |] MIMGMES# x a 14 a*+12%» tss s *»*»» 604 Accommodation Train for 1slang Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 1 #0 Express for Quebec and Riviere du To0UP)ML + ++ s+a*+i1 #+#xs +*»***» %3p Mail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Boston, at...... ... 200 Night Mail for Qu~_be(', Is‘and Pond, Portland and Boston.... _ ... On Aud after M<NDaAY p MAY, it is intended to run Palace Cars through bâ€"tween sarnia. One of these muguifice »e attached to vach Day Expre 4M »ntreal for Torouto, and be ® serpia, as a Dawing Room P. O. Box 125. Montreal, March 11, 1871 A Pullman Car will be Through Trains be tween Â¥o, n Loup (rl-w~-okly, viz :. m Tuesdays, Thursd ys an, uru«ing from biviere du Lo Wednesdays and Fridags. 77 vVAe Of these muguificent ..‘.- »+e attached to +ach Day lxpn.tmnl-: M antrea!l for Torouto, and be run througg serpia, as a Duwing Room and “ ar. ‘There wiil also be De m.~ Jay Express fro.s. Torouto to M Outrge, The Summer ruoning arrangeâ€"meay iL. some iuto oper, tion &about the 1st of dJune, q , «bhich due potice will ve xiven. & U J BLYDGES, ‘ MO M Montreal, Agril 26th, 137; s# leth Nos 36 and 38 Ridea1 Street, Ottaws. . Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 Chaundiere, Oct. 26, 1871 GRANO TRURK RMibgy; Price Lists, with referenves, on applicatin Rough Lumber Weli Seasoned, 1A NaADA CENTRALT RAILWAY PRACTICAL TAL_OR, %4 C.J BRY Dor:" Mane 1itecty Ottawa, June 13, 1871 shg amend LALXANUVEKER RAMSAY, IBARLD T iL \AUGLISH OAK TARREO ORRLSOX 8/ Great Acceleration Of Sperg, HAUDIEZE sSTKAM MLLL~., *RIGHT & CLEMOW, LEATHER BELTINXG, ® DANIEL MORKISON, Propriet# FINE ENGLISH HosE €0 ILLIANMS, MKASUFACTIURERS OF of all descriptions. LACE LEATHERE, & JOHNX ROCHESTER 446 JOHN C MoLAREX 247 St, Jamesst, /z O h44 tm to TUD thae fl_n.u' VA'n[:r“'~ . and Saturdep, Loup on Mo: KFert, .o 2oz 0h P08p WTOCk *# 8+ % ‘,Ҡ*##*» .... Port. 1 T6 > €001, â€" 200 , 38 34 d a j ‘enn* â€" WEEKLY COUNM 10 .39 Pr * pp have lutely receir4 from 1 o 4 tor sale a full -uortmcfl (GENTLEMEXN‘S DRE K m arying in price from $3 to % Koglish Bair, Nail, &c., B y miety, wh 4 choice Toilet At A lurge Stock of l;’n-nch f tamery from the beat waker +on, V.olet, &=., also, Lotch tjoroâ€"Hâ€"raldic P. rfumes, An assortment 0f 8ilver N pottles, Odor Cases, Toil t B A CHRISTi Through Bills of Ladin Coutinent and in London C.cads and in the United 8 Milwaukie, Chicago, and oti COertificates issued to per preâ€"paying the paseage of Canmda For further information a; TEMPERPLE®Y®, CA 3 White Lion 1 London W est 1(871 The Stramers of the LoX in:â€"Bded‘ to run Wekly c Nevigaticn of 1872, between the first leaving London on < 872 Just Received H. N. RO #» EK Londo:, Quzbec .l†# a won t e * power to construct a hKa Pacific Ocean towards t tsins and fom such y selected En». of toe Ki iowards the i'.oiï¬cocuï¬ seaboard of Brmush Cot railwa«y system of Canada to be constructed upon trom such poinis as jts E4 ern Termini, as shall be . proved by l.hl. Governmt with power also to constri to the Sauit Ste. Marie to tFembvina «and to all such the frontier of the 2s may be deemed advi with power to construct struoting a bridge Ini..andtoow:.‘u;l other passenger all lakes touched by branches. â€" Ottawas, 26th Dec., 187 Is hereby given that ap magae to the Parliament « next Nessioa, for an Act t Canudian Pacific Hailway The Commissijoners appo! struction of the Intâ€"rcolon public nnotice, that they a1 oeive Tend ts for the or Buildings at COscouns, Isle toles, 8t. Bimon, st. F\ Ht. Luce and Metapediac Tank Houses and Wood Trole Pistoics, Bic, Rim â€"«MRIATMAES ia#D Also, for Engine 1 usâ€"s8 Rimouski and M «tapediac h Plans, Specifications an‘ may be seen on and after the Oï¬ Â» of the Chief Kn Riviere do Lonp and Rim« Tenders may be for the : numbes of these Building seived, mauked * Tendâ€"rs the Commissioners‘ Office, welock, nson, of the 20th made to the Legislature ensuing Sessin for an the Incumbent, Churchw of Christ Church, in the erect a new Building To on or near the site of t and to enable them to b money as ma«y be neces: Ghoonh-a-‘xem now. 0 mide, for fnyin&uo Dated Ottawa. 6th Do Jommissioners® Oflce, Ottaews, Jany . 12th, 1 The Directors do not a:zgept the lo"‘“ any Is hereby given tost t Company are prepared t the constiuction 0: the | « nditions of Contract, 1 van be seen on and af ARY, inst., at the cBice aof the line, Charlâ€"s L~g James Street, Montreal. And Tebd rs will &b ‘"Tepdâ€"re" ut the office c Pregident ¢f the Compan garry, up to the 6th d y « y ULLKL A NX Al: xanpdria, 10th sHE SEASON COMNXE® The Italian W J. M. C. DELE tufTice NTERCOLONIAL RALI Is hereby given that Brark (@ttawa, Dee 14, 1871 Ottewas, Jan 3, 1872 WEDXESDAY, l0« OTICE Or ONTBREAL & CLI _ JU «CTION Onhristic VOL. DrCG®ISTS, SPaRK® London Steo OVS TE RAIL WA Y NoTL A* DAYVI al