3 i\ i 1¢ â€" THE POOR MAAX‘3 PRIEXN D, is confidently recommended to the Public as an unofailing remedy for wounds of every dee «cription ; a certain remedy for â€"ulcerated sore legs, burns, scalds, bruis«s, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face sore and infiamea eyeF; tore heads, sore breoasts piles, &¢ , &c. s»ut-pu._;sgd.,u.fl..uu..m.,nd 222. each ;, and his PILUL® AN11â€"SCROPBULK® OR ALTER confirmed{ by sixty years‘ experien«e to be one ofthe lest alterative mxticine« ever com_ rm for purifying the blood and assiscing ature in be: cperations. They form a mild «nd superior tamily aperient, that may be taken at all times without congnement or chanove of diet. _ Sold in Boxes at 13;4., 28. 9d , 48. 64., 11s «nd 22s, each. That the Gaznat SnosBoxEes KEXMIDYT asd PILLA of the eminent Indian Medicine Maa, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe o! Sbosbonees, British Columbia, is workios the most marvellous and astonishing Cure the World bas ever beard of. _ Never in th annale of Canadian Med‘cal History nas asuc} sticerss attended the introduction of aLj medicine bere tofore. Nimply because the numerous valuable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some o! which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherty Bark, l‘oinm.lh., Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dande Hryoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jaiap, Soco, tine Aloss, Capeicum, &c , &¢,) which enter Into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmormiously classided and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very satisfactory and desirable manner. ‘{(o ?u- standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid mananer in which you are This is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positivrely be reâ€" Med upon to make a permazvent eure of all direases of the Taroat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys MOrh,&..-wlluflcnhh the cerians Rkin Miseasas Hnmors. and all ter what yourâ€"allment may be, or of how long diseases arising from Impurity of the excâ€" pting the Third e of Consumption l'muh-m::.hll directions for using the Groat Remedy & Pills, and containing Tesim »nlals and Cert ficates of Uures, can be obssined by securing th« Treatise, the Hand Book, or the Almanac and | ; * Cirealars from any respectable Druggist in th« | MEYTCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, Dominionâ€"free. { Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles. $1 00| _ Having been revuilt and furnished in first Pills per Box..........» «««»««<»»»> 25| â€" lass style, and with good Sample Rooms, will â€"â€"â€"r-r?â€"â€"_â€"_ ' be optllrd b’ the sutscriber on FRUTIT TREES3S AND EVERGREENS. Thirteen varietns of CRAB <â€" APPLE TREEAâ€"all have been tested in Eastern Caâ€" nada, Maine, Vermont and New Hampsbirâ€", will stand cold climate, being abundant and svonstant bearcrs giving satislaction to the :ch-u. : me kind ripens first Augustâ€" carly q’bhm;'ubflrnfls U s grow nearly as large as the Famâ€"use Bome keep till June. Good for covking, sating and preservring Dwart Apple Trees All kinds of Summer, Fall and Wianter Stand ard apple Trees. A great variety of Plum‘, Poar and Cherry Trees. _ Large variety o+ early, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the M Â¥v1t, 1871 R.spborry, Strawberry Plants, Kaglish Goâ€"# . berty and Quince Bushes ; asparagus and P\ Plant Roots, Mountain A«sb, We pingWillo®#, Norway epruce and Arbor Viim. The above trees and plants will be taken up from the Nursery as soon as the frost is out and the grouns, At for plantirg. All parties ordering *k will be notified the day for delivey. AU tr â€"s will be firs class, and guarante.c in good a1 l t1esh orde: when deiivered. * * For furtber particulars coll and see dâ€"â€" scriptive catalogue, and make your choicâ€" selection of the above trees and plants at No. :lu.- Street, Ottaws, or to the Tiuzss Wellington street. January 16, 1811 18T1dkv3$m CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Hundred Acres, _ North East half Lot of No. 9 in the 10th Concession, Huntley, One Hundred The Lands are principally timbered and will be sold cheap. Title Freehold and Terms Easy. LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNXsSHIP â€"OF HUNTLEY,. The subscriber is instructed to offer for sale by private contract for a short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be put up st Auction, of which due notice will be giren. Wdhdlntf'.o. 3 in the Tth Con sesssion, Township of Huntley, One LUNXCH, | Consisting : with Joint or htmâ€".y C ..:::nnm | Ottaws, January 12. pINEBR, | Caniisting of Boup, Fish, Joint or Poultry | OTaTERS, COSMOPOLITAX RESTAURANT Reche & Kelly, PLOMBBXS, 6ASâ€"PITTERS, BELL HANCERLS, &¢c, PROMAPTLY executed, and personally All work guaranteed. ERIDEAU STREET Op&aih the Tea Po OTTawW a. & Patents solicited in CanaJa and the United / Btuses ; Trade and Timber Marks, Industrial Designs, Oopywrights, ‘Uransters, &o., register. | on the shortest notice, Coples of Laws, Cirâ€" Uon. Darwings prepared and copled. Oharges mederateoe, United Btates Patoste w, attended to. Beveral valuable Rights for mis. _}:rgcl:ug the Glai Tldmg? Prepared only by BEACH AND BaRNICOTT, C. #. RrRaTEkXT AaAG&NXC T. Bvery description of Work in our line Nor. #1, 1871. M T. & OOURSOLLEB, Kovrembears ©, 1919 1 6 poeut __ Bridport, Dorse!, England, «pdâ€"sold by all Medicine Vendors +AKADA AXD l.dyh-.;blm-p,zm Butress and Buwests from $ to $:30â€" Ottawa, Dee 1, 1871 Rideau Street. ATIVE PILLS, Apply to CALLED at all bours, CHKOPS, JAiMES NORRIS. A. ROWE, sent iree on applicaâ€" Jaxes Keiitr 1830â€"3m ani4 STEAKS 1 n3 1868if $10 EXCRAVING CIVEN AWAY SCENES IN THE LONDON STREETS. The celobrated _ American humorist MARK TWAIN will contribute original sketches, And in additon to our long list of great literary names we shall have The KWew American poet Joaquin Miller, the great humonst Bret Hart., Jane ingelow, Kev. Dr. Norman Mcâ€" Leod Editor of Good Words,‘ Alexander Dumas, Erckâ€" mann Chatrian, &¢. The present teatures of the paperâ€"The Gardeners® Column. flq:hos olumn, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books, M rket R=ports, Wit and Humour, Seientific Antellijence. â€" Literary Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &c¢., &c., &0.â€"will be ‘ continued ; and in addition A CHILDREN‘S CURNER will be added, in which will be {ubl‘uhed a delightful story by Rev. Charles Kiâ€"gsley, M. A.. Chaplain to lier Majesty, entitled "I be Water Babies." The paper will be handsomely illustratâ€" "-.l‘ and no pains spared to make it welâ€" |\ come 4y every family as a most entertainâ€" hmd instructive paper. Hcarthstone gives more and better reading matiter, for a smaller sum, than any other paper in the world. It is rior, in every point, to the most pm of the Americin weekly papers, while they are 5) per cent dearer. Compare them, and you will at ones send in your snbscripâ€" | tion. N RIPPICX ONLY g2 A YE ; DrogcBIulis, . FiJilY UBSCRILT LY $ AR, |0“ Nan .Cough will coontain, for 1872, the following new cures caaes of Pile features in addition to those found in it at Nix to elight applica resent, renderi.¢ it the * Excoritated Nipples 0 o n ie "_ hi ‘The ‘.iomobuundl.u BEST FAMILY PAPER 1N A!ERXLA. M“. Daniel Pia The â€" Hearthstone A New Story by. Victor Hugo rel:tive to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled Ne t ut | _ A Ten Dollars Engraving for Two Dollars | and a year‘s subscription to the best paper | in America thrown in free. ? Sample numbers sent free on applicaâ€" ‘*ion, with club terms published by special permission of the auâ€" thor, and tranâ€"lated tor this journal. A new story by Miss Braddon, entitled COLONEL BERRYON‘s â€" ENTANGLEMENT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth ress. _ is _ JAMES GREEXWOOD, "The Amateur Casual," will contribute papers on _ Other new Novels by the most eminent writers will beâ€"secured, and printed from advance sheets. e n ie Covul.â€". #30.000 worth of Watches, Â¥ewing Machines and Parlor Organs. ° , _ Notice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" | ship lately subsisting between tw the unâ€" dersigned, THOMAS HUNTON, WILLI aM | SHUUOLBRED and FREDEKICK HOUGH TUuN HUNTUN, as Wholes:le and Retail | Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Otta tws,intbo Couunty of Carleton, under the names, .?l: aml firm of «T. HUNTON | SHUUOLBRED & CU." was on the first day ‘ of November, inslant, dissolved z.lmtul . comâ€"ent, so f.r as regards the same The St. James‘ Hotel, The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situst. d in the imm diate vicisity of the Parâ€" Hament Buildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be wconducte! in the best style which the want« of the public require. ‘The table will be supplied with all the for the accommodation of the travelling public and the BA with the cholcest brands of LAquors, SATCHELL BROS,, There is also Commodious Yard Room and Stabling attacheds, =! h guood attendance, WILLIAYX POWLEY, X‘MAS 1871. begto announce that they are, as usual, pre= pared to supply their customers with the choicest Meate of all kinds, having purchased "or the approaching festivities the following prize cattle, Ths celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€" old thoroughâ€" bred Durham Steer "G B 0 R G B whith took the first prize at the Provincial Exbibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2,500 lbe, The Governor General of Canada, Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« tle, and 530 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the wholo of which were brought at great ex~ p.â€" use from the West. e e e _ The above will be on exhibition their Stalls from C Notice is !«nby given, that an application will be made to the Parliament of Canada at it» next Bession for an Act to Incorporate the Canada Pscific Reilway Company, for the rposs of constructiog and worklog a rail waf z:- Lake Nipissing or some other point in the Province ot Ontario connecting with the milway +ystem of Canada to Fort Gurry or Winuipeg in the Province of Manituoba, thence Westerly through such pass of the Rocky Mountains in «anadian territory as may be fuund practicable to Bute Inist or some other point on the sea oard of the Pacific Ocean in the Province of British Columbl« (with power to extend to Victoria or some other point in Vancouw,r Island, if found advisable) ; toge ther with branch lines from near Winnipeg River to the Lake of the Woods, and itom Fort Garry or Winnipeg aforesaid to Pâ€"mbina or such other point or place on the bound r7y of the Province of Manitoba, as may connect with the railway systm of the United Fta:ss. ALFRED WADDINGTON, December 2nd, 1871. P. 8.â€"Their Pork Stail will be found comâ€" plete, with a shoice selection of Pork, Hams m.msmmu Rolled Beef, Sau» sages, &e, SATCHELL BROS. _ Stalls Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market (Ottawa, Dec. 3), 1871. WEDNESDAY UNXTIL SATURDAY NEXT Canada Pacific Railway. William Shoolbred, who on that d-x.n- tired fromthe concern ; and that all debte due and owing to «» by the late firm, will be received and paid by the said Thomas Hunton and Frederick Houghton Hunton As witness our bands this first day November, A.D. I%LIU& a & WM. SHOOLBRED FRED. HL HBUNTOKR. sPLEKNXDID WEDNESDAY, 13A DECEMBER, ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXND. Apply to Ottawa, Jan 8, 18723 TB CGNFAT CANaDlaX WEEXKLT Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 IsSOLUTIONX OF PARTNERSHIP, 1HE TERRIBLE YEAR! Splendid Prize List, P. PEXN Jun wa, Nov., ï¬â€˜ll. Delicacies of the Season, GEO, E. DESBARATS, and Cigars 18427 18 [ Thomas Felsetric Cill Worikh Ten Times | its Weight in Gold. Do you know anything of 6. Lllol, it t time you di Pata eannot stay where it is ased. It is the laq.t Medicine ever made, Oue dose cures ceramon Sore Throat. . On+ bottle has cured Broachitis.‘ Fiity cents worth huc-.::l an ' LL L c . TOTP VE Cmy tlas Jve erlue CE 9 PETE TD cures bad cases of Piles and Kiduey Troubles. ; Nix to elight applications cure any caso of Excortated Nipples or loffamed Breast One ! bottle has cured Lame Bick of eight years | standing. . Daniel Plaok, of Brookfeld, Tioga County, Pa., says:> *I went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which eforted a Wonâ€" derfal Cure o¢ a Crooked Limb by six a, pli | cations,"‘* _ Anotber who has had Asthma for | years saye: «L bave balf of a 50 cent bottle loft, and $100 would not buy it if I cou‘d get ‘ no more." use, and is believed to be immeasurably sapeâ€" clor to any* wpg ever made. Will save you much sufferin« and mansy ~ollars of expense. is sold by ons or u.u.s dealers in every , l«ce, Price. 25 cents. + Fropared by $ N. THOMAS, Pholps, N Y, and NORTH@UP & LYMAN, N. woustle, Unt., Role Agen.s for the Dominion. Xore â€" Eclectric â€" Selected â€" and Eleoâ€" tried. _ Uttawa, Nov 3, 187° o o DBR,. BLRNBAUM‘s Rheumatism and Gout Remedy is well known on the con inent cf Kerope for its spâ€"ady anc «ffective cure of Rh=sumaciism. Gout, wander ing pains, stiffmess in the limbs or joints, «prain +rdnumbness. On trial wiil estab~ lisb its effictener. Usei inany ofthe above cases and you will fud it a real blesainog. CHARLES MAR PIN. 30 Viétoria square, Montreal. #ole Agent for Canada ard the United States. After haviog suldures! »normously during a whole munth from a very obsiiuate lLheuwa~ tism, which compell: d me to stay in bed jor nearly a whole week witnout beicg able t« move. desvite all the efforts of ons ol the leading pbysicians of this city, a friend gave me a bottle of "Dr. Birnbaum‘s Rheumatism and Gout Remedy.® Havicg applied this remedy only twice, I felt at once euch a relief that it was possible tor me to get u> immeâ€" dintely, and three days after 1 feund mysol entirely recovered. Bneumatism, I procured "Dr, Birnbsom‘s Rboumatism and Gout Remedy," which s #riâ€"nd, in whom I had conddence,iecommendcd me; and I must say that I caonot speak {too bighly of its wonderful effects, as the pain &A -p'a:n:ivnhh te ‘,-.dtbonol- ling a few days. WM unr,‘mu Catholic Commer ‘ial Academy 'dhy,u‘hcnlo.ha.cloqmn. These lands are in a miid and bealt! y climate, and for grain growing and stoce raising, unsurpassed by any in the United Prices range from $2 to $10 per acre. Homv»stâ€"ads for Actoal Settiers.â€"2,500,000 Acrms of Government Land between Omab» :lfl?flwhnï¬ryum ’. P ersons ol foreign hirth are entitled to thâ€" vbenefit of the Homestead Law, on declarin, their intention to become citizens of thâ€" United States, and may avail themselves of lhhpov_fluw‘!.ï¬a.!b:lm S On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of 12,000,000 aACRES3 of the BEST FARMIEXG and MINERAL};LANDS in AMERICA. 3,000,000 Acres of Choice Farming and Grassing lr on the line of the road, in the State Noebraska, in the Grest Piatt Send for the new edition of descriptiv« pamphiet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" where Addrnss, X% r. DAVIA} Land Comtmissioner, U.P.R.R. Co, Omaha, Neb. breath that it was very ‘difficult tor me to m in the night time frequent!» the clothes of and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent pbysicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any beneft, in fact I contioued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 hqbtswloudhotltnd'h-hw about fnished I began to feel a little betier. [ continued to use it until I had taken three Booksellers and Stationers, 39 SPARKS STREET, pairser t vhoke vetorigrnt of BOURS 190 other Good4 suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR‘S GIFTS Uall and see their Tartanâ€"wood Goods. J C Cha_berlain, Esqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago J became affiicteo with Bronchitis, which lasted about eighteen bottles, when, to my satisiaction, 1 fount that I was as well as ever I had been proviâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever aince. JOHN SILYER. Bworn before me at Smithfeld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. J M WELLINGTON,) P WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Brooxkiy»s, April 5th, 1870. J C Chamberlain, Rs7. This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Discase. The Doctor bad giv+n her up. He said her lup'mhh-nlc‘,m-ddnmldm ulpu.u.hnmlmu-w of the Great Shoshoness < â€" : k the expiration of two days her symptoms wer decidedly better _ She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken on« boitle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" ance of the remedy she was perfectly restored to health. Yu-nmbli-hthhmfathhufld those similarly affiicted. T 0. BROWKN, Epliscopal Methodist Minister. Atawa, Nov 3, 187° 18. 1 B RHEUMYATISY AND GoUT. A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSON & C0., Ottawa. December 18, 1871 ~OH sautr.â€"Iwo uhoice Lots, with com b ‘fortable W.oden Cottage, erected thereâ€" on, in Rochesterville, For particulars and mnflruh premises to W G CHAPâ€" C . N or to HAVNETT P HILL, { Solicitor, Post O _ Blosk. P. BOURDEAU, . Of the KFirm Bourdean & Barbeau Montreal Oct, Tth, 1871 Moxtaziu, Oct. 2, 1871 My sister having hbad a severe attack of Mont:eal, Oct. 210 1871 HEAP FAEM FBEE nOMES Cure ot Bronchitis. THE SIGN CF THE BOOK _ 39, Bparks stroot, CERTIFICATE® affiicted for the want of ne or two bottles | T MB â€" w a a AW “_T l MESE 3 1871. wInTER ArmaNGtMExr. 1871. 10.30| Matter to be posted up to package the same night. pfld:n‘;;l:}m'tht can be sont On Money order Offices throughout the and Prince Edward island, can be obte REJ* Dopesits will ba received at this Office. Interest allowed at t! cent per annum, and Drepasits can be withdrawn at any time. Five per c on wmwh in rems of $100, for the withdrawal of which, three 1 be _Â¥ CPFFICE HOURS FROMK 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. rwlouyord«udhvlmlntbnlu. from 10 a m to 4 p m 11,.590 NEW SPRING G6001)â€" | 6 Lowes Ottaws, by Lasd, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" seveve ons ! 0-003 1 ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, h.....; r.20‘.........!: _« {NMank, Huntloy, CATP, &0. ..» (sssssess css sssver sesevners sesevenes Black and Blus Cloths, n;hhunmo.:'-:flu 9. Also, a large assortment of public generally, that having secured the serâ€" vices of a FIBSTâ€"CLASS CUTTER for oc. TAILORILNG DEPARTMENT, we feel con. Adent of giving entire satisfaction to all who will tavor us with their patronage. _ §&* Jail and etamine before giving aâ€"â€" Dogs, Blight and insects on P] is us‘ Tick yr bokk on Sherp at san Marble and Marbelised Blate, Grates, Foad ers and Hoearths. 'rw'lholn'o-b.u(lnot \ ie (rorume, consisting of Ottaws April 11, 1871 Which is known to be Far BPuperter to anything over Jot Dis= For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Pooltry ont it. â€"'f.'whnqh,m #W.;Jm hmfl‘-â€" it,; . blocombe & Stevens, Sagar Loaf, cormer of ebnuaeet ; in Row tdinburgh J. W. Proctor & Co.; for Ayimes, mufmumtmh the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Ce, No. 1 Western Buiidings, Montreal, May 33, 1811 1671 ir D RAIMâ€"PIPE DEPOT, RIDEAU STRESt, KBTABLLISEED ises. WH. M. SOMERVILLE,Successorte W. M*, Monuments and Headstones of Seottish Granite, Marvbie and Bandstone. M-‘Ifl: residences and Grave Plots, mm Ti m "aet oraly icctigihe Pipe Hings, and every of Bullders Directions for use on cach Packet. Maxcractoarâ€"Gravel lane Hoandsditch, City of London, England ‘The above discovery bas gained for Pre fessor Harman a Silver Prisze boedal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exbibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. Ottaws, Nov. 37 1811 NPORTAWNYF HOTICEL. We would beg to call the attention of th. CLOSE V .. WewNork closecrery Menday at 8 P.M j Per Canadian Line, clese every Priday at 11.0# A.M. A Bup_plc-c_lhlxl,!_f?tkm.fhl Bteamer will be closed at 13.10 p.= ., FERMIN DEBSTROTBR, STAWA HARLBLE WOLAKS, . 50 SPARESs STBAET. IUVUST IXKPORTAD, Ans immense Btock ot Neckties, AIIHIVAL and DEPAIOLELl | ( COhel.ea, WakeLeld, Kouch Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" sexeresen zm Offices, Dsflmnd River Desert and interâ€" t | ( mediate Ofices, Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays |__. _ Temploton, Tuesdays, Tharedays, and Oatardays...... i 4310 New Edinburgh ____._________â€" UOTTAW A. YBWL Tâ€"DL800YERED * _ OrFIOCOE. Osgoode, Rassell, &8......... ... .....« Ayimer _ and Hull, by SL&G®...000000 sssees000 seveem .« sececccse Bristol, Clarenden, and Omsliow, by Aylmer, &c.......... Brockville, Porth, and Smith‘s Falls, per Canada The Uppor Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Rallway. North of Carleton Place J unctton, and Piaces on 0. 0. R.R.â€"Beli‘s Corners, Richmond, &s...... * * Tnipeig Central Raillway .....â€"....*+ OMEARA & CO ughout the Dominion, Great Britain and Ireland, NKewfoundland can be obtained at this office. Also Postage btamps, and Pos rOosT OFFICK 8aYING® BAKE 8 30 P.M., will be forwarded East and West in Bupplementary ~ BEITISH MAILA DE .& T L. . MWONXEYT ORDER® GUG.. We are Btdpnd to ft up the ebove in COhurcher, Dwellings, &o., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. Orders from the city or any part of Canada â€" solicited. Read the Sollowing : lnoob?'ct.m. 18te. H. MEADOWS & Co., AwWA. Deis bms,â€"â€"It gives me much pleasure to be ableto inform you that the Hot Air Forâ€" nace which you iately pat up is the Church of BL. John the Baptiste, in this vlllm has yiven great satisfaction to myseif the members of my congregarion, We had it going lately on one very windy day, but we nad no trouble with it whatever, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveriences, which often take place with heating apperatus, when the wind is high. We And that the chuarch is heated in a very sbort time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the The heat diffases itself rqlcz over the «hole building, and no ene part is colder or botter thas an other, but there in a nice glow 4 heat all over, â€" Remembering the trouble bat we used to have with leaking pip«s, so church ougbt to be withont omne, when it oan be procured se easily and so o‘nplyvu ours was from you. I must also express the great pleasure I had in noticing the kindmess and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) Most stncerely yours, CBAb, H. MOUKRIDGEB, eumbent of St. Johns < harch, Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"â€"YÂ¥ ou have my full permission to use this letter in eny way you see ft, or refer any one b-o'b'hhuhnhn(;d;‘.dlu. Estimates and all other information given, «ppy te * __." l Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its »wa rew.rd, Fuarnished or Unfurnished. Thelowest rent 1a the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments :rn its merite. t’rnnbo(m Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant. The Proprietor is only it on account of assumâ€" ing the of his brother‘s Manu» tactory United btates, Address GUIsEPPE L. GIARELLL, K. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 farnmace as a decided laxury. HOTEL RESTAUORANT AXD BAR ~*~ _Is hereb; given that applicagien will be made to the flculdm olmmlmol Ontario, at its next Session, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottawe to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inbabitants of the said city 'lam;ndtowo::' apon thota: Corporstion, or upon missioners to Wbtï¬nmdlmmm sary for effectuating that object. YÂ¥, P,. LETT, has # â€"â€" PP AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMMISSION -Mvm’s Office, 4 small and comfortable housesâ€"Stone and Wood, now Anishing. Rent from $8 to $10 a Cormwalil, Laneaster, mwontreal, March 3, 1871. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per any time. Five per cent will be allowed rawal of which, three months notice will sessssseee seee sesses ceet*e Ottawsa May 4, 1871 sessesme »ssssee0s ee8000 «beree THE COSMOPOLITAN No. 483, Rideaun streer, Ottawaâ€" Hon James Blnd‘ B.â€"nator, Ottawa J M Ourtier, Eeq, M P, w J M Grant, Eeq, M D, M P * R W Boott, Esgq, M P P, «* Mr She:if Powel! #* Kdward Grifinc, iq a KEdward McQiilivray, Eeq, * Messrs C T Bate & Co, @ Thomes Huanton, Keq, a :-lfln‘l.dl lexander 6 PAIMI-’I.LQ # FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR iA TERM OF YEARS. OTICE LAREB CHANCE: UE of MAIL " CaAPITAL " 8STOYE BEPOT, O TLA W A . AaTR FURKACES. G. P. BAKER, Pytinaster 1N MONTRHREAL, Apply to uou-n To LBT, aT the Chandiere near Mr. 4 1 1 sessessse | 1 l.“ sbede cone 35 sussexâ€"st, Otiawa, H. MEADUVOWSB &00o. 106.00 10,00 ouUC # :i D LLVA4Y in which only eescesec® secsesec® seess #+# seccesses seseete sessece00 City Jiuk, 16578 with the 4,80 1 4â€"% y think [PAR T S GABRIKL‘S GABRIEL‘S GABRIEL‘S GABRIEL‘S IMPORTANT TO RESIDENUS ABROAD MESSRS. MESSRS,. { MESSRS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artitiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which bay not proved satisfactory to the wearer. A OHRIBSTIE & Co., _ _ __=>_ fO8TEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPING | warranted to remain white anc MESSRS. | firm es.the Tooth itself. Tbh Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from painr in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the mt,lCholen Morbus Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns,‘ Has now been before the public for a lengtt of time and wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf whenâ€"timely used, and we have never known a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delightca with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects. We speak from ezperience in this matcer having tested :t thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. The astonishing ethcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases fotr which it is recommended, and its wonderfu: sucoess in subduing the torturing pains o Rneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affccâ€" iuns, entitle it to a higo rauk in the list o1 Remedies for these complaints, Orcers are coming from Medicine Dealers in all , ert« of the couutry for further supplies, and cach test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i May 11871 The Canadian Pain Destroyer never taile to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keepit. Physicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"five Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LYMAN. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, George "TH& POOR MANS FRIEND, is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, ":h“ï¬â€˜;kh, 13jd, 2s 94, 4s 6d 4s 6d, 11s, and 42%s each ; and his PILULE, ANTI SCROPHULAE or ALTERâ€" \‘ _ ATIVE PILLS. confirmed by sixzty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. ‘They jorm & mil and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without confnement or change of diet., and seld by all Medicine Vendors. .. Beptember 28, 1871. Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Seesion for an Act to enable the Executors and Trustees of and under the Last Will and Testament of James Mooney, late of the city of Ottawas, in the Province of Ontario, Potter, deceased, to sell the lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned, lying and being in the village of Jobnstown, in the county of Grenvilie and Province of Ontario, and to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereof to repairing and improving the certain other lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned Iying and being in the city of Ottawa atoresaid, and to such other purâ€" MPUOETERS &« WHOLESALE DEALERS ‘ sw TREAS* AND WINES, @a V PUILIO NOTICE ODuNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celebrated Mouthâ€"Wash is IES~RS most refreshing, it strengtheus 4 ul!leig}lml, ewllcat.{a tartar and all injmious sâ€"cretion, sweatens BRIKLS | the breath, aud for rle'uulng ar= : tificial teeth is invalusabhle Price 5s Full direvtions for use enclosed in each box THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER AKADIAYX PAIN PESTROYER For School Section No, 2, in the Townâ€" ip of G‘l:ucum. rr l PrcLIAM COWAN, . GEORGE FENTOA, }m JAMES STANLEY. * UWlomesster, Jan. l2th, 1672 en Prepared oniy by Prescott, Nor 21, 1871 November 30, 1870 ses for the bc.d'l‘t‘ofu:h said cetate as may necessary or ad s CLABKE & MUOONEY, % i _ Attorneys for Applicants K. RuBKuTS h CELEBRATED OINTMENT, IHK. POOTFE & COMPANY { beautitul preparation restores front Teetb, and can be casily |ludd. Sofficlent to stop six »WeALCALâ€" ROYAL DENTIFICE prepered_from a recipe as used by Her Majesty ; gives the Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. wWHITE GOrPA PEBRCHA Enamel!, for etopping decayed Teeth, rend«rs the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Piice 1s. 64. teeth â€" Price 58. ‘â€"OF +T HE:â€" WORLD| BEACH & AARXICOTT Bifdport, Dorset, Eng‘.nd ¢ HOEPILITAL BTaEET WaAaBTED Agents for Ottawa, and all Medicine MONTREAL 15277 39 6m 41 6 £ U OREO, PR PA P ds wediately opposite kussell tiouse HRi «e scitorâ€"inâ€"Ohancery, Conveyancer, NO Public, and Patent Right Solicior. Ufficeâ€" Ece bolacg oc ib on t ns cb d | T4A _oart House, Oitaw#. wosset Lrxe. d>uatt _ Jugz J. SIXKELL EDWAR D T. DAR * AlLL Barrister Bolicitor Attorney and Nutary I’ubl\e.Chrl stthe Peace and County Attorney, for the United Counties of Proscott and Russeoll. Oficeâ€"In the Gourt House, L‘Urignal. 34â€"6m i:â€"ii;vi_fa EM MILL, Harmsters, Attorneys. Soticitors, Conveyancers to. dfaceâ€"In the " O!CONNXOR , Aitornoyâ€"&tâ€" LLW 5& ein Chancery, Conveysroect, #s, treet. Ofice, Uniu Buildings, JH um a ‘ 1CHOLAS 5KPARK8, Sarrister a0d Attorâ€" _ @ neyâ€"at Law, BSolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. OMcoâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, Kiginâ€"st., »pposite the Post Ofice, Ottawa. 489y ‘iOIGROVI& & TA LLON, Barrsters, .Â¥ B Solicitors, &0. OMiceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, lideauâ€"streot, Ottaw a. Wiu1x Mosomove®. 36011 Grore*t TamLo® \l TETREAU, Nfllg Pu 1@ e vince of Quebes, Hull, )thee. “a. ROBILLARD, Physician, Surgeon, Accouchenr, UMcein Mr. Hearn‘s Vrug store, East enda of Supper‘s Bridge. Ofice 10urs from # a. m. to 4 p. m. N. B.â€"Speciai attention given to the treiment of aisoeuses of two EY & and EAR. At night can be seen at ais residence, Murray street. DR. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Office Bparksâ€"stteet, Cont: al Ottawa. BA4utf 5 , OCTUBR HEADEEKRKON, |loOlu Uniâ€" . ’ versity J Physician, burgeon and Acceucheur, Surt‘oryâ€"'nu recently occapied by Dr. Malâ€" och, Duke st, Chaudiere, Ottawa. 13887 therton s Druag Store: â€" Reyi COs CB NOTALY PUBLIC. â€" Residence â€" Hull next the btost Office. 17237 e tw T: b Oimce at Mr Tetaa‘s, N P ; private reaiâ€" dence in rear of French cathed.al, Hull. _ _ Business attended in Otta«s and the trict Courts of the County of Ottawa,. Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Bolicitors in Chaucery, Counveyancers, Notaries Public and Advocetes for the Proviuces of Ontario and Quebec. & Officoâ€"Corner of Sussâ€"x and York streets . N. B.â€"Collections attenced to in all parts the Provizces of Ontario and Queb.c. 368y J W. W. WALLD, . Barristorâ€"atâ€"Lan @ Advocste, &c., opposite ihe t assell tHouse Ocrtawa. K _ _ _ __ Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., -.;p?notho Sourt :ouse and Puablic Offices, BT. JATHARINEE,vat. _ __â€"_â€" _ â€"â€" . 'l\lll i QUKEN ! RESTAUSANT, M. KAV ANAGRB, Proprisior , Corner of Metoaife and Weliingtonâ€"streots, 0P posite the main outranceto the @Government Buildâ€" 10g8. Xhe"QUKEN®*"comprises allthe requisitesfor a dArstâ€"class hestau ant. Tho House has beenrefittoc and ref, rnisheq cnroughout. The BAR contain: aechoicsst Brandsir W inesand Ligu ts, «nd over) elicacy of the seas. a wili be found ounthetabie. Th« copriewr‘s bestefforts will be directed to he com ‘Lof his guosts ana petlrons. BM Qysters, dame sto.. das? 1 A. MKARA, Architect. 4@ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., C ravellers. HALIFAX, NOVA 8CUOTIA, Established 1861 . Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" ed, and every mm:np-u to their comfort; 969y JOHN RUMANS, Proprietor. Having now cnanged hanis, and been "‘ted uj tor a Bhrs â€"olass uUNCGURIN B AR ana 8 ALVUN «il10e salled and curried on under the management « 6V aNS,iste propriewor of the 37. Jar£k®s o. dtrics altoulidn 1J Dasifess. uood Wines and Liquors warranied. Proviacial Land surveyor and Draughtsman, comumissioned jor the Provinces of qQuebex .ad Unitario, THE COMMIERCIAL HOVUVSE HISTLE & Coâ€", uasd Burreyors, Lane ... Agents, D aughtsmen, &o. OUOfice, opposie .ae Ontariv Baenk, sperksâ€"st. Ottawa. Vainator: ior Trust and Loan Vo. W. &. Paistus. K. Lise. ABa Beil‘s Hiock, Sappors‘ Briage. MEFEREXOES.â€"H Asims, Meq, A.cmitect, Philaâ€" ieiphia; Thos Fuller, Ksq, Architest, Albany Ur J A Grant, NÂ¥ P., )ttawa ; Thos Reyroids, KE#4 Managing Director U. & St. L. K. K. 140. : CHMRISTIE, Commusson Merchant ani So tGeneral Agont. Sole agent for Read 1 aignwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" shine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, �.,for sals. Qrrion : No. 5, Sparks Sureet, near the Russe!} Parmgs intending to make application to Parliament for rrivate Bills, either for granting exciusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to effect the rights or property otf other parties, are hereby notified that they are required by the S5ist and following Rules ot the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Canada Gazette), to give TWO MONYTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifyâ€" ing its nature and object), in the Canada Gazette, and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties atfectâ€" ed, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presentéd within the first three weeks ol the Session. ALFRED TODD, Chf. Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841.12 Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, for an Act 10 amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway Company, giving power to such Company to construct its line by the most direct route t» such points as may be selected for cross? ing French River, Degemher 26, 1871. 1861 V . + Aé‘nvl Lo.m‘ Chiy Hall, Qitrwe, Joru, 16, 1912. 102 ~R_TOFP LINNt_ ___ The Mayor will attend to businers conâ€" nected with his office at the City Hall evey gay from ten g‘elock till eleven a m. â€" NHARLES MaRCIL, Ad.ocate, Hull ; Tixss Office, Wellington Streot, @§Agont for the Ottawa Times. 1 Contracts made tor advertising in either or all of the above papers. Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 18011 Homcsopathic Physician, purgeon & Ac. coucher. RKesidenceâ€"Albert street. OMct hours frow 9 t, 11 a.w., and 2 to 4 p.m. WW" Special attention given to dissaset and disnlacements of the uterus. 175% Gsite c< ______ #. 40UGHTON, Proprietor, (Late of soughton‘s Dining Baloon.) MA spacious sampleâ€"rvom for ng‘u_ouhx euse, Ottawa city, C. W . Ot tawa, Kebruary 14, 187i RBR. McDOUGALL, Offce, Rideau Street, opposite l‘:o AFPIERRE & MUrP PHY, 1CKWICK HOUSK, *OTICE 0. ARCHAMBAULT, HE ++ HUHAL !! saLUON, RIVATE BILLS. Motels and Saloons. AVERLY HOUSEK, 44 446 44 .ll.l-l!ï¬l, AJI’.. Architect. Offceâ€" HA Â¥COCK, Atrorzey â€"at C, LKLALNBOTH, A. GRISO1, MArecelianecous. s L4ILL 8 TR ELE I, Office. Aylmer, P.Q. BARRINGTOXâ€"STREBT, 64 44 44 64 11¢ 4 644 Qourrier d‘ Outaouais. Minerve, Montreal. Semaine Agricole. U Upinion Publique iteot. Oficeâ€"Aumond‘s st., Ottawas. _ 9037 at Law, Bolicitors in Public forthe Pro de 1. _ Oficeâ€"Im , Kiginâ€"st. 43ut the 8597 1722 t Disâ€" SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAIzg Pullman Poace Cars now Ronting q Day and Night Trains, On and after MONDa YÂ¥ Fext, 6th JUKR Trains will leave Montresl as Uundep Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" mediste Stations, at ...... . .. Dey Express for Toronto, at. .. ..., Night Express for Toronto, at. ... . Mixed Train or Brockville, at., , Accommodation ‘Frain for Brock ville, 861++++« +++++++++++»*+ » $$9 Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, ast 7 9 Express for Quebec and Riviere du Loup, st...........++>».»..+» 8 30 Mail Train for Island Poond, Port. land and Boston, at.......... 2.00 Night Meil for Quebec, Isiand Pond, Portland and Boston........ 1n s A Pullman Car will be attuched to g, Through Trains b» tween Montreal and RiÂ¥iess su Loup triâ€"weekiy, viz :=â€"From .‘&h on Tuesdays, Thursd ys and Saturdsy, «s turuing from bhiviere du Loup un Moncey 4 Wednesdays and Fridays. C,. J.'BR\ DGEs, abrging J, Ottawa, June 13, 1871 Ee ,'::‘" GRAND TRUKK BMLWM: Om and after MUNDAY nert, o4 18t a MAY, it is intended to run the Polime Palaee Cars through between Montres) wat Sarnia. One of these maguificent coaches wil} be attached to each Day Expresstrain leaving Montreal for Toronto, and be tun through & Sarpia, as a Drawing Room and Eloeging Car, There will also be one attached Ww emop Day Express fro:.. Toronto to Moutres» The Bummer running arrange mert i come into operetion about the 1st of June, 5; which due potice will be given U J BLYDGES,â€" c oc _ â€" ies Di LACE LEATHER, &c,, &o,, Warranted Superior to any made h‘b PLANED LU MBER N. B.â€"Farme.s from the Courty of Oaté ton can enter the mill yard by Broad du4, opposite Brewery gate. Y P. 0. Box T25. Montreal, March 11, 1871 BUILDING AND LRIDGE A large stock of the above will be kepton stantly on hand to soit purchaeers. Freight and Cartage Agent B@y~Orders promptly attended to. .6 _ B@~R. Carters give Railway neoup:ï¬ ï¬‚ Bay~ing shippers from all further > Bpecial rates for furniture. * W. £. JOHNBON, A# j Ottawa, @ct. 12, 1871 ] § GCreat Acceleration of Speeg. . _ Plain and Ornamental Engraver, Coraet & Sparks and Kigin Streets, over James Hop## Oo.v'!, Ottawa Q isiting Cards engraved and printed on sbhortest notice Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 1818Mf _ SHINGLES X, XX,. XXL ; STEANK BISCUIT . THE TIMES is printed and published# Tas Ortawa Tus Promxe asp PP uismxo Comraxy, at the Offce Lob Number 12, Weilington Sweet.(M#* Her Majesty‘s 1 a0atre), Contre TOME Returns bis siccere thaoks to the of Ottawa, for the liberal patronage ._ï¬- him since his commencemeni(in business, . _ He hopes by good workmanship abd 10# somable charges, to ensure a continuance Ofth same. e RIDEAU STREET, . Near Division ourt OM Your Orders are solicited, and PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO by ¥¥ Am-ru-lnv. solicitors in Oonveyancers , Notaries Public, &0, A0, tor the PP vinces Ontaerioand Quebes. * _ Offéce over Duric‘s Book store, Aparts EW BEST PLACK IN CENTRALâ€" UANADA # To buy Biscuit, Crackers, Candies and OM fectionery of all kinds. 4 * All kinds of LEATHER tor sale, at reasonable prices. his own manutacture, at Of PRICEKS®. ll‘\i.-ut. ; | PARK STBREET, OTTAWA _ , EDMOND GERMAIN, Proprietet ! W MoKar W men*t LONG AND SEORT MOCOASIN® WHOLESALE N BADND Ti UDEIG is Montreal, Agril 26th, 1s7: Price Lists, with references, on application COKFECTIOKE Y ESTABLISENME®T: Ottawa, May 17, 1871 sBULILBSH OAK TAaANDEKEo Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 «HAUDIEKEZAE STKAM MIiLL=®. 19th August, 1871 LEATHER BELTING, ANADA CENTBRAL ERATILWAY LRXARDKER RAMSAY, Nos 36 and 38 Ridem: Street, Ottawa. PRACTICAL TAILOR, 48 TRIGBT & CLEMOW, ORRISON B DAKIEL MORRISO®, FINE ENGLISAH HOSE, 08 MARUCFACTURERS CF of all descriptions. 1LLLAM®, JAMES BAILIFF, Manage$ JOHN ROCHESTERAQ® JOHN C MoeLAREXK, 247 Bt, Jamosst., 1@ * 800 an 208 a 290 pe 11b % 10.30 Pm 5.60 p+ .u.. 2.“ p. 1 T400 1687 ‘ Also, for Engine H mses Rimouski and Metapediac » A o Antompigs t Alexundria, 10th Jaruary ‘Trols Pistoles, Bic, Ri The Commissioners ap struction of the Intâ€"rcol public notice, that they ceive Tend rs for the â€" Buaildings at Cscouns 1 toles, 8t. Bimon, St. Fab Bt. Luoe and Metapediac Tank Houses and Wood & Plans, Sp cifcations an may be seen on and after the Office of the Chief En Riviere du Lonp and Rim« Tenders may be for the numbes of these Building ceived, marked * Tenders the Commissionere‘ Office © noon, of the 20th « oc ED. ED. I The Directors do not Accept the lowest or any Is hereby given that a made to the Legislature ensuing Session for an the Incumbent, Churchw of Christ Church, in the erect a neow Building fo on or near the site of t and to enable them to b a."“‘!llqnyhmc fll-hurm-now.o made, for yin&tn Dated Ottaws. 6th De Is hereby given Ahat a made to the Parliament next Session, for an Act Canadian Pacific Railwa power to construct a 1 Pacific Ocean towards tains, and from such selected East of the | towards the Pacific Oces seaboard of British Co railway system of Can_ to be constructed upon trom such points as its 1 ern Termini, as shall be proved by the Govern: with power also to const to the Sault Ste. Marie t t‘embina and to all such the frontier of the Dom as may be deemed ady with power to construct structing a bridge acros Marie, -ndtoow:“m other guhm by #uc Is hereby given that the Company are prepared to the constructiou of the lin ecnditions of Contract can be seen on and after ARY, Inst., at the office of “&‘“".Clnrlnhm, James Street, Montrea!. And Tend rs will be "Tenders" at the office of President Cf the Company garry, up to the 6th d y o UVommissioners‘® Office, Ottawns, Jany. 1 2th, Through Bills of la Continent and in Lond: Carada and in the United Milwaukie, Chicago, and W eat . ‘l-w # *# w w Certificates issued to 1 preâ€"paying the passage Canada; For farther information TEMPERLEKY®, C 3 White Lion Just R.cived H. Â¥. RO The Steamers of the 1 intended to run Weekl; Navigation of 1872, betw the first leaving London < London, Quzbec WEEKLY COM have lately effor tor eal 872 GExTLEMEXN‘® DR v .riâ€"ty, and cholce Toile 1871 Ottawa, 26th Dec., 1 NTERCOLONIAL RA arying in price from $3 Eoglish Bair, Nail, & The Italian BUVLL A sHE SEASON COMM «WRISTMAE AaDD oTICK ONTREAL & CIT _JUNCTION OTICE Ottawa, Jan 3, 1872 Ot.awa, Dec 14, 187 WEDXESDAY, 1 RAIL WA Y Ohrist OVS® T V OL. London § DRUSCIST®, SPA 13 J. M. C. DE KoTIC 1 vve BETWE AT