attached to t4, Cour ty of Catib= of Speed» , Runuing o q br EBroad #»n4, ,d_m-llfl w# *L 5h JURp ended to. . € tmpunie Â¥ $ rem 1 t 8 4 4. Lo* a lnter. NHUrds p34 e MM‘ Moutrea» wl “"T wit ® l1at M. m U ES, ag Director, JOHNXSONX, ent M&.“ ".Wlh.v~ rug I‘mn.. B 400 Elowoins ERB, &c., as, at .00 , re du feg Piicciy ntore in Chansst?s ko, &Ao, tor ime Pre raver, Corner of r James Hope# S y BLISHÂ¥ENXT will be kept com to the pablic of , Proprietof, *xt, the the ~P ET, ) 4 ’dnudnï¬ ENTHXAL LE f at BEDUCE® trsel _â€"â€"â€"J published 49 TA WÂ¥ A. eil #20 Riviess C# E8STER & Ca. AILWAY 3 ocoasIx» tin uance of the ", 1D% 1st o the Polius Montreal saq Jam«s.2t., MX B ER '"M OLt®®®&. in the s U3 rs 9.00 " 11.00 a= 8.00 BA 800 in °0 prm 17 16874 1815f Is hereby given that the Di.eâ€"tors of t! is Company are prepared to recâ€"ive tenders for of the Iin . Plans and fications, togethet with the «nditions ;mm and Forms of Tendar, can be seen on and after the 22nd JANU. ARY, Inst., at the office of the Chieft Engineer of the line, Charles Legge, £ 4., No. 162, St. James Street, Montrea!. Ale XaBdrig Ant Tend rs will "Tenders" at the oï¬ > President cf the Comp Â¥atry, up to the 6tb d The Directors do n *Ccept the lowest or an Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of Ontario at its ensuing Session for an Act to authorize the Incumbent, Churchwardens and Vestry of Christ Church, in the City of Ottawa, to erect a new Building for Divine Worship on or near the site of the present Edifice, and to enable them to borrowsuch sum of money as may be necessary in addition to the subscriptions now, or hereafter to be, made, for ihfnyin‘ the expense. The Commissioners appointed for the conâ€" Struction of the Intâ€"rcolonial Kailway, gave public notice, that they are prepared to re. ceive Tend ts for the crmection ot Station Buldings at Cacouns 1lsle Verte, Trois Pis= toles, St. BSimon, st. Fabien, Bic, Rimouski, 8t. Luce and Metapediac Road ; and also, for Tank Houses and Wood Sheds at Isale Vert», Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski and Metapediac Plans, Sp cifivations and forms of Tender may be seen on and after 20th February, at the Office of the Chief Engineer. Ottaws, 1t Aiviere du Lonp and Rimouski. M Tenders may be for the whol#, or any lees numbes of these Buildings, and wi.l b« re. ceived, marked " Tenders for Buildings," at the Commissioners‘ Office, Ottaws,. up to 12 e‘clock, noon, of the 20th day of March next. ED. WaL8H, ED. 6. CHANDLER, C.J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN. Also, tor Engine H mss at Rivieredu Loup, Bimouski and Metapediac Road, U.mmissioners‘ Office, Ottaws, Jany. 12th, 1872 Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, for an Act to incorporate the Canadian Pacific Railway Company, with power to construct a Railway from the Pacific Ocean towards the Rocky Mounâ€" tains, and from such point as may be selected East of the Rocky Mountams, towards the Pacific Ocean, connecting the seaboard of British Columbia with the railway system of Canada,â€"such railway to be constructed upon such route and trom such points as its Eastern and Westâ€" ern Termini, as shall be selected or apâ€" proved by the Government . of Canada, with power also to construct branch lines wmou&luhhlm'fllh.,h‘ ronbinmd&onllnchothorpoinuupon lbfmï¬aofthoDodniono!(h-d.,‘ as may be deemed advisable,â€"And also with power to construct or join in conâ€" structing a bridge across the Sault Ste. lu'n.ndtoow:ï¬u;l work steam and other reight vessels u dlhm by such railway orp‘i:‘ Dated Ottawa. 6th Dec.. 1871. _ 496 .lm # a w n w Certificates issued to persons desirous ot preâ€"paying the passage of their friends to Just R.ccived H. M. RO JE $ cele brated Through Bills of Lading issued on the Continent and ,.in London for all pa:ts of Cacrada and in the United States, to Detrolt, Milwaukie, Chicago, and other points in the West. rrHE SEASON COMMENCED The Steamers of the LONDON LINE are intended to run Weekly during Semson ol Navigation of 1872, between the above Ports, the first leaving London on or about Ottaws, 26th Dec., 1871. London, Quebec ard Noutreal NTERCOLONIAL RAIL WAY. 1072 WEEKLY COMMUNIC ATION «arying in price from $3 to $*‘5 Eoglisk Hair, Nail, &c., Brosh s, io grer v .riâ€"ty, and cholce Toilet Articlh s general‘y * A large Stock of French and English P tnamery from the beset makers, Lubis, Atkin «on, V.olet, &0,, also, Letchford‘s celobrite KFioroâ€"Heraldic P. rfames. $ hare lately received from London,â€"and now effer tor sale a full assortment ot An assortment ot Silver Mounted Smellin« Pottlca, Odor Cases, Toilet Bottles, Vases & A CHRISTIE & Co , Druggist, &c., 8, arke street, Ottawa GEXNTLEMEN‘S$s URESSING CaSE$ The Italian Warehouse, J. M. C. DELES DERNIERS ONTREAL & CITY JUNCTION For further inforreation apply to TEMPERLEYS, CARTER & DARKE 3 White Lion Court, Cornbili, oTticE MUCLK &£NCD CA N TICK A Onhristic câ€"b4> GCOCo. Ottawas, Jan 3, 18723, Dec 14, 1871 RAILWAY COMPANY NOoTICE <Guc smm #* WEDNESDAY, l0th APRIL. ovYsTERs, â€"_ _ o e MAVDOIRRALI, We meutnnt f J’.t’fl‘d.lfl % & 0.0. J. Ry. ) Ofice: KLOGIN STREET, opposite the Russel} Oth Jamuary, 1877, House. ® To) . luizry _â€" 4. 3. TEKCLONW, Agoct London Steamers VOL. VI NOG. 1879. DREUGCISTS, SPARK® STREET D. A. MACDONALD, wlll be received marked office of D. A. . Macdonald, ‘om pany, Alexandria, Glen« hb d y 0o: February next. _ jlo not bind themselves to or any tender, % AT DAaVID SHAW, Montreal. p 18607 ... PER GALION. ROSS & Cu, OF OTTawWaA YsTERS. 186 4tf Quebec 1845 1 1872 TNWARE OF ALL KINDS AT H. MEA * DOWs & CO. ERY JOB WORK AT H. MEA BUILD puwWs & CoO % uCAPITAL!!‘ STOVE DEPOUT, 35 SUSSEX COaAL STOVES AT H WOoOoD STOVYEs AT 41. HOT AIR FURNA&E% AT H. MEADOWS CO, COMING ELECTION FOR DOMINION « _ PARLILAMENT, and Elzin streets. & 1760y N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal is in no way afftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city, WATERWORKS QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESENTATION. NEW STREET CROSSINGx. Att FIRE DIPOA'RMM against Loss or Damage m.c moderâ€" atoe rates. > Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Offtice. LIFE DEPARTMXENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. * OFFICE ;an: . %lo(::,Au +y may CE ‘s corner ol and Elgin streets. 11«8);" Cl n Ahan «. < «o uns «texerneaxnaskilyudin oo( ANNUAL INCOME, over. . ... _ 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... .. 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE EFONXD:. .«««««<««<««scr«crcccere OMA There having been added $736,200 to the Lifte Fund as a result of the business of the past year. yV rajoryoauw. _ _ â€"‘" o ~n n . â€" Certificates issued to persons desirous 0 mï¬.t&md““b Tickets can be granted from Ottawa to Quebec at $7 first class, and $3 + w second For further information to DAVlela. (Ottawa, Nov. 3, 1871. 8T. LAWRENCE AMD OTHMWA MEDWAY..... .D. Harris, Commander,. TBAEES#IM do. ~HGEK......... W.Nikbath d Aflun:odto&lgu nndordnra; the Beason of 18371, from UEBEC TO LONDON EXTENSION OF MARKET SQUARE. COMING MUNICIPAL ELECTION®, VOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY LAW. LATE CHANGE IN THE MINISTRY. __ Dates of Sailing are as follows : CUORINTHIAN, on or about. ....12th Oct. QTTAW A 44 <+««~l0ll * ST. DaVID 44 <«<soltti * ST. ANDREW «* â€"*««. <tNov. ST. PATRICK «t +~â€"+« Tttk * Fares from OQttaws, c.bin...... .. .. $6T 25 T NGEHUEANAEG . «ic «s x c <+ +« cxoretreiif OK 44 O0 MCMc« s coycenctrits enurcrcrcrer «L O WP" An experienced Surgeon camiâ€"d on :nml. Berths not secured until paid Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage certificates granted to parties desit. on'o(m-‘utï¬buhï¬n Earope. or rMflhlVyb D W COWaARD & CO., ‘‘<@c._~â€" _ . «qoeuns * *RidikKit * 7. I(.CL;\RKL Royal Insurance Co‘s < Hice, Ottaws. Ottawa, Oct. 17th. 1760y. And every succeeding Saturday. Mooll’lnnqomlro- Q:l!c: * Cmdie xcxs «scers coor «@0 RAO oi UARNGU« «rvitt «. currcureccrarddd The steamers of the Glasgow Line (saliliog from Glasgow every Tuesday, and from Que bec for (Giiasgow on or about every 1hursday are ictended to be d:spatched from Que bec C Glasgow Line. FROM QUEBEC. Scandinavian...... ........ ......Januarty 6 NCHtlh dAHHCHICB ««««+« cyeetre «cr«+« U 18 MECHEYHHE ~cce«oce arrrtre corcuerece Uth 2A Te aineninih «ounte cerecrichrrrescerc«« UK UX EOME\ e crr¢crcecccuccenrrcer PUt _ i C UHIE «c eove «ootts tacctaserer <or O NJ CCE TTORUIA+«xere eusers verreereree UC I0 TEUTGEOELE cosecr«r rt«itarirgecrcers« UF L8 11748 1y Phe steamers of the Liverpool Mail L:ne saillng from Liverpool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: Liverpool Line., Calling at St, Jobn‘s, N. F. _ / ~ $ &4 Sth Oct. SEVERN. ... 66 19th *« MEDWAY .. a4 Pnd Nov. &‘:Mbolo‘“u;n to t ' adults, $60; children under 12, CHANGE OF SAILING. 1 87 l SUMXMER SERVICE, 1871 DASSENGERS Booked to and from Th_ofollomng first class powerful Iron ATEST CITY TOoPICA. Ottawa, May 6, 1871 OYaL INSUKANCEK CoOMPANY, Or ONDOoN LIXE OF #TKAKERS. Liverpool CARTAGE AGENCY. RAIL W A Y â€" , adults, $24 ; children under FIRE and LIFE, TREAL H, L. ROUTH . F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada tLlasgow. MEADOWS & CO. MEADOWS & CO. Montreal. TDt sent to their houses ready for the Oven or Cooked. Parties requiring the services ofhis Cook at their houses can do so on application. Entree Dishes, &¢ , &¢., wu the best style and on the shortest s 4 M. KAVANAGH, Ottawa, January 16, 1872, 18114 Is now prepared to u:rly Families with POULTRY anf‘GAME of every description Hiving engaged Thisâ€"now swing contains the moâ€" tive power in itâ€" * AH self, requiring no "§ : mm external impul. s i sion to drive it, t & N and in it persons . MRA ) ~Aee indulging in that _ 5 haad â€" . oiÂ¥ * agreeable exer~ agt= > eise are exposed to no accident or danger. Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contend with any of the inconveniences met with in ordi nary Swings, This Swing may be seen in operation at the Canada Centralâ€"Hotel, No 120, Sussex streot and at No. 8,.8t. Patrick Stroet. L. A. CRISON 18099 Sole A ;sont for Ottawa and Vlc’ol.ty " R CHUW :T:::.O. HAUSBR‘$ cirJULATING LIBRRT. No. 38 Rideau Btroit. ofE LaVÂ¥IGNE, (Quebec.) L â€" signed in â€" vites the pablic to cxamine the WU" The Lybster Mills Goods aro ths chenpest goods made or imported to Canad« Pateat Swing, G. & M. are Agents ï¬nou."'â€"- "j'â€"lf Mil! prices delivered in Ottaws, * ‘I. daud ig. M Insesomos Isvitans Btiwa, May 10, 1871 pÂ¥" Terms, 40ct3, per monutn. Books bought, sold and exchanged ttawa,June 9,1871 \Vuonmuwâ€" GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co br 74420 per cent in fuel, and steam passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quite d;y Extensively used in the Eastern and estern States and throughout Great Brlhlnknd by the British Admiralty and American AYJ .â€" (Bee circalar.) N. Bâ€"It saves 30 per cent or the Russell Honse boller, and steam is now raised in half the time it took before the covering was lp; plied, while it saves a large per centage ~ Fuel and Labor at the Water Works of the Parliament and Departmental Buildings, City Gas W orks, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills, A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &¢. J MUNROE OLEARY, \ CONDUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS AND PIPES Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive Y AkD, elty IThe Latest Novels Always on Hand, CANADIAN Gaoo3); : General Western , Ottaws, Nov. 20, 187. The proprietor of the 4 QUEEN RESTAURANT No. 24 Rideau Street Hardwareâ€"Hardware. > xt T ‘;-s Papor (‘ollars, 39 C € 11 B‘:Iu 1 ybater Mills Grey Cottons, 1 Case Manitoba Tweoss 1 " Union Twee‘s, 4) Bal s B «ting, No, 24 Riduaun street, Ottawa, > or 23, 1871 . di&w 1 Case Linen Drilis 1 Bale Et Cotte Ho lery i * Cotteon k 3 * (l’hrt Prints, 1 Baien Grey Cott» ! e â€" _'orul(ex::c,t-y it Canke Lincas, _ _ â€" 1 «@ _ Bonnet Borders, + Trimmed Hate, 4# _ Morrock‘s Shirtingâ€" HALMERS.â€"SPENCE PATENT NONâ€" *4 prepared to sup 64 N . .. S __â€"~ «t Wuilled Shoottnge SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL Sole it ve Receir d EX LATZ STEAMER4, Vel Volwb;:l 3.0&.(.. ;l...::. «nd Colored Fringes, Fancy Dress Goods, Black Lastres, Smail Wares, Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. Box 844}, Manufacturers in the Dominion CHALMERS & Cu., THCS8. BIRKETT, GAMi oOTTAWA,. THURSDAY, JANUARY 25. 1»s72. x} ‘The first week in April, â€" _ For the purpose of paying J':h'o debt on their organ. Contributions will be thankfully received by the ladies gt the congregation: January 9, 1872, 18685 18 The Bishop‘s Chapel Intend having a SALE of USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES TI- LADIES The Annual Meeting of the Loyal Orange County mof the County â€"of Carleton will be n in the City of OUttawa on the FIRST TUESDAY in Febâ€" ruary, 1872, at 12 o‘clock noon. â€"All parties interested are required to take ingly. Members of the congregation are requestcd to remove their Books, Cushions, &¢., from the Old Churcb, in the course of next woek, and not later than Friday, the 26th inst. C. 8. MeNUTT, Bocretary pro tem. January 18, 1872. 1873 9 And continne on every following Sunday un til their New Church is erected, or until furâ€" tln_[ not_!cd, wis se . f The congr gation of 8t, Andrew‘s Pres byt rian Church will commence to meet for pub: : worship in pagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarets, sauternes, &c., of choice quality and great range in prices. THE GREEK AS USUAL DOW‘s A'l: l'l‘m::t bottle. Â¥s lish Ales, Porters, &c. Finest F:ench Wine Vinega: Liberal terms. Inspection {nvited., K ARNOLDI, â€" * Telegraph Buiiding, . A laurg« varicty of Aund also in Wood or Bottle Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martello Brandies, DeKuyper‘s Gin, Jaâ€" maica Spirites, London Gin, Irish In Bond or Free ARNOLDI‘S WINE VAULTS. ARRIVE ATâ€" SAND POINTâ€"1:30 pm, and 8:25 p m LEAVHE SAND POINTâ€"7:45 am, and 3:45 p m * Freight loaded with despatch, and No Tran« a..Ipment wh. n in car loads. w««s H. ABBOTT, Trains on Canada Central and Perth Branm h make certain connmections with all trains <cn B. & 0. Railway : Meil Train at 2:15 p.m. Through Ottawa Express at 3:2% p.m., conâ€" necting with irand Trunk Day Express from the East and West, arriving at Oitawa at 7:25 p in,. and at Sand Point at 8.25 p m. LEAVE OTLAWA. Through Western Express at 10:00 a.m., ar, riving at Rrockville at 150 p.m., and counecting with Grand ‘Tronk Day Exâ€" 2 d WM. ELLIOTT, Co. Master, Co. Carleton. North Gower, Jan. 8, 1872 1867 Iw Express at 7:45 a.m., arriving at Ottaws at 12:50 p.m., and at Sand Point at 1;30 Bure connections with all the G T trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late Twonty minutes allowed at Prescott Juncâ€" tion for refreshments. * Trains are run on Montreal time, THOS REYNOLDS8, _ 4 LOTrRBELL, â€"â€" _: _ Buperintendent, Prescott, Ottawa, January 1, 1872 Ureat Broad Gauge Route TO OTTaAWA. Brockville and Ottawa Railways Comilertable Sofa Cars on No 7 and 8 Charge for berths, 50 cents. _ _ WEDNESDAY, Â¥ith DECEMBER, 1811. Brockville Dec,. 27,:871. ALTERATION OF RUNNING TINMNE The old reli«ile, quickest and beet route ; the shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa to Brockvilie and all piots _ Trains will run as follows : with On and after GOWAN‘S HALL, On SUNDAY, the 28th IN8STANT, Ottaws, Dec 29, 1871 OTTAVA RAILWAY. Ko. press going East and West. Mail Train at 4:2¢ p.m AND REW‘8 CHURCH N AND FROM WEDNESDAY, 318 Jan., HE B8T. L&iWRENCE Ports, Burgundies, Sherries, Cham trains will run as follow» ; CANADA CENTRAL and Scotch Whiskics, &¢. LEAVE 10 00 p m 10 30 a m METCALFE STREET. WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &c., 9 30 a m 1 00 p m 5,50 p m 115 am Leare Prescott. 1;30 p m us i) AAHRRC _ 4 * d >\ 1 West, and by 36 miles toal! points East GoInc NoRTH gGolsG soUTH Managing Director, Ottawa. Brockville, Kingst on and all way 8t a 1 1 o -lf Grand â€" Tronk Mail for Wm‘ Do E¢ train for from West Do do _ Mail trom West Do do Express Grand â€" Trook Mail from the Do_ do Express East and Wost AND Counecting with. with Motcalte street, 1181 y Arrive acf rescott J unction. 11 15 p m 10:25 a m 3 50 p m % 40 p m Arrive in Ottawa, 1 00 a m 8:25 p m 6:‘5 a m 4:10 p m To be let for a term of years, the BELLEVUE GARDENS, Hull, the proprieâ€" tor being desirous of retiring on account “M’Ldth Enquire at the Wrour House, Hull, epurgetab n wils i EAST END w BRIDGE. ROWE & ANNABLE. Ottawa Dec 12, 1871 wards, consisting of six pieces. Parlor Sets in Hair Cloth, Black Walnut Sideâ€" boards,‘Burcaus, Washstands, Centre Tables, Bide Tables, and a great variety of cane chairs at equally low prices. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 25, * 2 50 Common Chairs. ,.... 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Bets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottawa this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, A,D. 1872, f EUG. MARTINEAU, ‘ g‘s{of December next it shall not be lawâ€" for any person or persons, bodies j:oli. ï¬ooreomlu to bury or inter any dead body within the limits of the City of Ottaâ€" wa. 5. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court for the City forfeit and pay such fine not exceeding tifty dollars orE; than one dollar as to the Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction, and in case of nonâ€"payment of the fine inflicted jor any such breach, and there _ being no _ ‘distress found out of which the same can be levied such offender shall be liable to be im &:nod in the Common Gaotl of the ty of Carleton for such period not exceeding ona calendar month, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper. _ _ he, she or tt:{nh.ll produce when requirâ€" ed by any Health Officer a certifitate trom a regular Fnedical practitioner within the .C:zuntbo, she or they have recovered, that there is no danger to be appre hended of the lpm‘gi:flhodilwobymch person or persons about. _ 5. That from and t_&er_ the thirty «first hm:n disease to go abroad in any of the pub ln‘hm‘!l, streets or places of public resort in the City until such person or perâ€" gomghdlhn_vonpo!u‘dghem{,orunma 12 Jan, 4. Tnat it shall not be lawful for any person or ons afflicled with the disease of Small lJox or other infectuous or con. 1. That the occupant of any dwellin? house within the City wherein any case of Smail Pox or{other contagious or infecâ€" tious disease now exist or shall and may hereafter exist shall immedistolty upon its being known to him or her of the existâ€" ence of such disease, put, place and keep np on or over the front entrance door of the said house a printed notice, placed thereon in a conspicuous manner, during the continuance of the said dizsease there.~ in, and for the space of ten days there. after, such notice to be supplied by this Corporation. ; 2. That the body of any person who shall die within this City from Small Pox or other contagious or infectious disease shali be interred within two days at farâ€" thest from the time of his or her death. 3. That it shall m be lawful for any person or persons, ies politic or corpoâ€" rate, to permit or sufter or be pnrtyto{:o permitting or suffering any dead body in any house, building or other place or rhou within this Ci?uninterr«} for any onger period than five days without the written permission of the Board of Health. To make some provisions against the spread of Smnï¬ Pox and other Contaâ€" geous or infectious dueue:i' and to "prevent the interment of the dead within the City of Ottawa, after the '{‘girty-ï¬nt day of December, A.D. 12. WHEREAS it is noc%uary to make some provisions against the spreading of Small Pox and other oonu&iogs or infecâ€" tious diseases within the City of Otta and also to prevent the interment of da bodies within the limits of the said City lflo:. the Thirtyâ€"first day of December nex Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the CitÂ¥ of Ottawa do hereby enact and ordain as follows ; BYâ€"LAVW YNo.313 Department of Public Works, } : Ottawa, 17th January, 1872. $ 1873â€"3 1 BKoaflcstiom can be seen on and after MOMDAY nexi":t the office of the Superâ€" intendent of the Ottawa River Works, where printed forms of Tender and any other information can be obtained. Separate ‘Tenders will be uired for the works at each Station, ::3 must be severally endorsed. * Tender Madawaska River." **Tender Coulonge and Black River.‘"‘ «* Tender Dumoine River." "Tender â€" Calumet and â€" Mountain Slides.‘ R & *"* Tender Chaudiere and Hull Stations, °." The Department will not be bound to m%t the lowest or any tender. v order rorfdrlmnee of improvements to the Pubâ€" ic Works on the Ottawa River and its Tributaries. be received at this off:ice until WEDNESâ€" DAY, the 24th instant, at Noon, for the J. DEWE, Chief Post Office Inspector. Chief Post Office Inspector‘s office ) Printed notices containing further inâ€" formation as to conditions of proposed Contract may be seen, and blank forms of Tender may be obtained at the Post Ofiâ€" ces of Morrisburg, North Williimsburg, West Winchester, Osgoode and Billings‘ Biidge, or at the office of the subscriber. The Postmaster General does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tenâ€" der. Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be received at Ottawa until noon, on FRIDAY, 9th. FEBBUARY NEXT, for the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Mai‘s, on a proposed Contract for four years, six tines per week each way, beâ€" tween Morrisburg and Ottawa, from the 1st of April next. Conveyance to be made in a passenger lhg: drawn by at least two horses, ‘The Mails to leaae Morrisburg daily, Sundays. excepted at 7 o‘clock, A, M. Arriveat Ottawa do. do. 5, P. M. LeaveJOttawa _ do. do. 7, A. M. Arrive at Morrisburg do. 5, P. M. Calling each way at the post offices at North Williamsburg, Winchester . bprings, West . Winchester, Ormond, Osgoode, South Gloucester and Billings‘ Bridge. _ ARE CHANCE. URNITURE, FURNXITURLE. W. P. LETT. ROWE & ANNABLE‘S, EALED TENDERs Addressed to the undenig i acoivad at this aff‘aa wanti] :%.":‘lél Ottawa, 17th January, 1872 ¢1873â€"3 y order AIL CONTBACT. Remember the place B@y~»Near Sapper‘s Bridge. JOSEPH DEY, F. BRAUN Secretary. Mayor, Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada,. at thâ€" ensuing Session thereof, for an Act to amend the 8t. Lawrence and Ottawa Railway Act, and to authorize a further extension of the Rail way or deviation of the present extension thereof from any point of the same respectiveâ€" 1y to a point at or near Portaze du Fort: in the Province ef Quetec, ana thence to or near the the Town of Pembroke, in the Connty of Ontario, with power of further extension from the said Town of Pembroke, to any point on Lake Nippirsing, French River, or upon the Georgian Bay. Ottawa, Dec 18, 1871 1853 3awk The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b * Caddies," Rum â€" Proof, Old Rye and Highwincs, finest fixvour. POl‘l‘lR & ALEA â€" 4«‘ THOQ}. PATTSaASQN‘sS,. Ottawa, December 23, 1871 POl'l‘ WINEâ€"â€" @ 11tis now an established fact _ you waunt any firstâ€"class BRANDIES or WiNKES, and the best Family GROCERIES, you must go to Tenders will also be received, as above stated, tor the charter of a suitable Steam Vouef, for the delivery of sil and supplies to the Light Houses above Montreal, the charter to commence at noon on 2nd July next, at such part of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as may be designated by this Department. . The name, size, age, horse power and description of the vessel to be specified in the tender. A bulk sum should be nawmed for the performâ€" ance ofthe service, or the ruce at which the vessel is offered per month at the option ef the department. P, MITCHELL, Ministerof Marine and Fisheries, icotcu WHISKIES â€" f k 1icMalt do _6,000 to 8,000 gallons at St. John, N. B., 10th June, 1872. do 38,000 to 20,000 gallons at Quebec, 5th ~July. do 10,300 to 12,000 gallons at, Montreal, 1st July. do 3,000 to 4,000 gallons at Eamilton, 8th July. do .4',0100 to 5,000 galions at Sarnia, 12th aly. Tenders will be received for the whole quantity, or for any of the lots above speciâ€" fied, for one year, or for a term not exceeding three years, at the option ofthe Department. Parties tendering who may not wish to conâ€" tract for more than one yeat‘s supply, will please state so in their Tenders. The cartage of the oil from the Rail way Station, Oil Depot, or Vessel, to the Wharf or place where the Oil is required to be deposit ed, must be paid by the contractor. â€" The Oil to be subject before acceptance to an inspection, test and approval of a per:on appointed by this Department, and to be de. livered at tho‘ risk and expense of the conâ€" PERM CANDLES, FANCY SOAPSâ€" tractor, in the locality designated by this Department or its Agent, at the following times and places : From 20,030 to 25,000 gallons at Halifax, N. B, one half on 25th May, 1872, ard balance 10th July. of white oak, and to be proper! repared in« side with liquid glue, .‘;d ‘0’; bi ‘:nln(«ed out. side so as to prevent the oil from permeating the wood, and evaporating from the surface. . The casks to be furnished by the contrac. tor, and their cost included in the price of the oil. Inspector‘s fees of Inland Revenue Department and Guager‘s fees must be paid by the contractor. der, The Oil is to ba delivered in good order, in iron bound casks, containing from 35 to 42 gallons each. Casks to have staves and heads The Oil is required to be nonâ€"explosive at & vapor test of 110° Fabrenbeit, must burn brilliantly, without smoking, until entirely consumed, and not crust the wick, and must be free from all deleterious substances. It is also required to have a specific gravity of 41° Beaume, at a temperature of 684 Falrenheit. f sample of a quart to sccompany each Tenâ€" oTICEK, Derartuext or Manrin® & Fisusaies, h Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 Sealed Tenders will be received at this Department, up to noon of Friday, the 9th day of February next, for the supply, in bond, of the undermentioned quantitics of the best quality ofstandard white rcfined Petroleum Oil; APANSâ€" OFFEESâ€" At ICKLESâ€" Thos. Patterson‘s. LACK TEASâ€" DIRECT IMPORTATIONS i~EKRRY WINEâ€" RANDLESâ€" The best old srands, Pure and Mild. Best Toilet, " London®" make, to ord 1 One trial will prove the quality. Bauces, Jams and Jellies, from th« Crosse & Blackwell‘s â€" Sellin; Fresh Roasted, and Ground Daily ow the premiscs. Just received, a superior lot of the best Of the first grad. s, various prices, goo© and sound, Guinness‘s and Dawes‘, bottled to IGHTHOUSE SERVICK,. J, DeKuypers & Son, fine {Old Dauble Berried Fine Old Vintages (20 years), pure and â€" reliable for family use and m«di. cinal purposes, « and Pale, very fine qualities, and at Low Prices. Cheapâ€"really good. Brands, imported this Season, quite fresh and fragrant.â€"Iry /*>«â€"m. * LWAYSs ON HAND, No. 26 Rideau $treâ€"t TIifirs BSTEAM VESSEL. 2,000 210d hand 2 tushel Grain Bags, good as new, for sale chsap ty * JAMES BERMINGHAYV, € Auctioneer. Ottawa, Jan 5, 1871 1862 6 Fine Colors in Roman Squares, + Fancy Cm%dh Shawls, puvi : Rn_nhow Fringed Shawls, Porter‘s Block and Gateway, Ras*IOUNDON MADE DR Baâ€"FRENCH APPLIQUE D t R@ey_FLOWERS, WREATHS, EKTC BLACK SILK ; from T5c. to $71.50, SATINS, \oire Antiques, &¢, PIM BROS. POPLINS, &o.‘"- fall an A EV ENING GOODS. SILKS, DRESS 6O0DS MANTLES, T. Hunton, son & Co. MITTENS, Temporary Premises By Jas. Bermir AGS! BAGS!! WOOL FANCY â€" WOOLLEX G0008, An assortment of FANCY COODS Honiton, Ottawa, Nov. 28, 1871. _ K3ly Allan, Mckinnons, Real Lace Overskirts, Collars, Barbs, &¢., in Honitan, Maltese, Brussels, Point, &c. ottewa‘ Dec. 5, 1871. MILLINERY, Christmas Presents, LADIES‘ and CHILDRBEXNS BODICES. ALAL MXHNRS & XHORA & LT A W 1S. T. HUNTON, SON & CO. SETTS anp COLLARS Suceessors to GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co. +« â€"____â€"_â€"._~ .No. 20, Sparks street. R@e#*In all the New Coluring. @g Are shewing Novelties in SPARKS STREET, " DisrEor rer Exrrgss." LACES. Maltese, Ars now showing RUFFLES, SUITABLE FOR Irish Point McMoran CUFEF., AND AND AND Auctioneer. COLLLARETTES. (all colors ) PRICEâ€"3 CENTS The latest fashions for heads are thus described in a letter from Paris, and pubâ€" lished in the XNew York Evening Post : Mrs A.â€"an American ladyâ€"gave a ball a few nights since. It was very &, and weï¬ attended. Mrs. Mâ€"t gave a dancing party on Wednesday: (n her inâ€" vitations short dresses were nrhd; and it was a comfort to look on the dance without having your face whisked over by the trails of long dresses. Some very handsome women and remarkably fine. looking French officers were there. ‘The supper was deliciousâ€"such a variety of i;e:mdfruits. One t.hin‘fnnot:eu_lâ€" grotesque appearance of many ladies‘ heads, One handsome person entered with her hair piled so high and in such disorder, that she brought to our mind the negresses in the l;:ounmm‘hm E;’ba, who carry purse, needles, pins, thimble, scisors and jrck-knifo stnfl'«f in their wool. Anâ€" other had her hair so tightly drawn over a cushion that she seemed in immediate danger of falling over backward. What will the next fashion be. I wonder ? One tleman had his hair out across his foreâ€" l‘)::ilikothol)rincuofold. and fairly in the enemy‘s country, whose scouts had been seen. ‘lwo or three days before the hill chief Rutton Polya had deâ€" clared himself friendly, whereupon he was honored by two companies of the 2nd Ghoorgas his nlhg The weather is favorable, the health of troops good, but the roughnesses of the country were beginning to tell. ‘I‘wentyâ€" five acres of ground had been cleared at Damagree, where stockade hnd commiâ€"â€" sariat sheds were being erected. Gener:l feroubl, s Lusint viiings »etgest is Rtion Saldoha, a Lushai vi 8 to Polys.lï¬â€™mbubly the Lushais will wonder why all the fuss has been made about them ; but, having been allowed to imâ€" port fireâ€"arms to any extent, they will corâ€" tainly stand on the defensive. ‘The ?7th Punjiub N. L., and the 4th Ghoorkas have been sent by river to the left, or Generel Bourchier‘s column, at Cachar. Now that the right column has been heard of so far on the way to the rendezvous, wemay exâ€" pect to hear of the Cachar column marchâ€" ing due east. THE PRESENT «©LITTLE WAR" IN ‘ INDIA. At last, says the Times of India, there is very distinct news from the right column of the Lushai expedition, that which went by Chittagong, and is famous for its elephants. Un the Oth it was at Damagree, ___have been, o e A shepherd in a very different Instead of which 1 keep a An so the drama ends.â€" Save the quickâ€"biting sheep that feei sues : a No need to «* sport the oak"â€"is heard no new land, s Giftbywsn:in. with towering mounâ€" tains May‘st see our hero, lone as lone can be, Smoking the herb Nicotian ‘neath a tree. Around him miles of rolling plain he views, Where no grim dun the fate. c is 5. Here are theyâ€"here is Brownâ€"and Jones At length ‘tis o‘erâ€"‘tis only left to wait The dread " Testamur," big with secret Years passâ€"â€"the scene is chang‘d.â€"In a This errant son to follow in hig"train ? «* Barbara, Celarent," rise in silent power, Spectres that‘ibomdlnoorinthuï¬on.' â€"but hold ! se Where‘s Robinson?â€"and Echo answersâ€" anew What ghastly terror pales his visage so? Grisliest of Fiends, avaunt! thou dread Greatâ€"go! 3 * At length the awful day, despis‘d toolong, Dawns, with its crowd of fears, a gloomy throng. * + o+ ohs. â€" Within the schools, most dismal spot, he sits Biting his nails, racking nis brain by fits: Before him baleful Logic‘s paper lies, Relentless, stern; he shuns it with his eyos. For hath not Alirich woo‘d, and woo‘d in Again Time‘s curtain rises to the view Andâ€"shows our quondam Freshman‘s face And lectures cut, breakfiusts with Brown ‘ at John‘s. lagiy? See ye that dashing tandem rolli Hear Ee those shouts that fill the ng-dny sky ? ‘Tis hlc’eâ€"tho Freshman erstâ€"but on his row ‘ITwere vain to seek ®© Thought‘s pale complexion"‘ now ; More of late feeds it hints, and heary wines, ' And feet not bedwarde turn‘d till mornâ€" ing shines, Strange coats he wears, and shirts of curious dye, Andnj_ev!vlels purchas‘d in the Corn or igh : Purchas‘d ?â€"but well each soapy trades â€" man knows His game, nor hints of cash for gems or clothesâ€" * Proud of your custom ! Pray, sir, take your pick," h« * And even his watch prociaims the time on tick! O happy state, thinks he, O blissful dream, Thus to disport thro‘ groves of Academe ! quite, 4 has After a champagneâ€"supper over night Rising at lenzin he scorns the Sa _to tell 3 e ce He snores supine, of time molest, & So his gut. term glides smoothly to its end, And home he flies the pleasant " vack" to spend. But soonâ€"next termâ€"dread sign of startâ€" » ling change Rumour is rife with whispers new and strange, â€" For him at morn in vain the chapel b 11 Angrily "swears,"" â€"the sad muse weeps engage ; 5 Peace his b)z-day, by night untrou‘‘d rest, No Hebrew threatens, no rude duns roonis, A little space, historian, poet, sage, Fire all his thoughts. and all his powers A «"double first" at least wi.u-;iâ€n'hâ€"in ken, Failure but fastens on your shady men. . A little space, the midnight lamps ilâ€" His the stern vow, by reading close and To sgï¬?:t length high l[énour'o tapmost So, r.ntf;‘:;unt scenes of school and holiâ€" The c;d;:’:t';in :lsos anc’l begin’l the Pl.ty'. e dons the gown, the cap with matchâ€" lessgrace, _ * * Sure he to win the Academic buties :: _=c ol fun l9 n o ols Theâ€" studious calm of his well order‘d sold ! CURRICULUX OxXOXxiEXNSE FASHION GOSSIP, A RIME OF ALMA MATER