Y §{(3 &1 #4 Fu * 6 Le ¢ 3 attende Patents solicited in â€"Canaia and the United Btames ; Tâ€"ade .;:bn.b" lul:.lm Designs, Copy® ta, Transters, regiater. o-mmwm,cowul".-gom eular and h!u-.uo-,n:‘lmu ton. Darwi ::.'h" n:‘l to. Beveral valuable ickk® T. 6. OOURSOLLES, Revombes #6, 12418 > 1Mhii6bl eTaTERs, Cansistinz of Boup, Fish, Joint or Poultry Entreses and Hweets from 6 to 6:30â€" charged 30cts, . LUNXCH, Consisting of Sonp with Joint or Entreeâ€" COSMOPOLITAR RESTAURANT Ottawa, January 12. a l 'll 4t .. mss mc S North East hilf Lot of No. 9 in the 10th Concession, Huntley, One Hundred The Lands are principally timbered and will be sold cheap. Title Freehol4 and Terms Easy. LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSAHIP OF HUNTLEY, -;l"h:’-hcih.thbt!;:hdboï¬h prirate contract for & short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be put up at Auction, of which due notice will be given. West half of Lot o. 3 in the Tth Con eession, Township of Huntley, One U. 8. PATZENT AG ENCY All parties orderinog *~ck will be notified the day for delivery. #0 * es will be frs: class, and guaranteec inood aad fresh order when delivered. Rer further particulars call and see deâ€" seriptive catalogue, and make your choicâ€" selection of the above trees and plants at No. Ridean Street, Ottaws, or to the Tiuzs k'dlhmm * 8. L. WAGENEL. January 16, 1871. 1841 1d&v3m Th: above trees and plants will be taken up from the Nursery as soon as the frost is out and the groouns At for plantivg. Norway epince and Asbooe Visee. _ _ me~« Great varioty of Rose Busves. Moss Hoses of various colours Flowering Planis and Shrubs of all deecriptions. "AMADA AaANO Bome keep till June. Good for cooking eating and preservieg Dwart Apple Trees All kinds of Summer, Fall and Winter Stand ard Aapple Trees, A great variety of Plumo, Poear and Châ€"rry Trees. _ Larg» variety 0@ early, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the ipal plants of foreign grapes: Black, w-d White Currant Bushes ; Bick berry, Raspberty, Strawberry Plants, Eaglish Go»sâ€"â€" berry and Quince Bushes ; asparagus and P Piant Roots, Moustain Asb, We ping Willow, nada, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshir:, will stand cold climate, being abundant ano constant bearerse giving satisfaction to the purchaser, : ne kind ripens first Aogustâ€" bes early apple known; while oth r varteâ€" tes grow nearly as large ss the Fam+use Thisteen varlsths of CRAB APPLE TEEE«â€"all have been tested in Eastern C»â€" FRUIT TREES aAaND EVERGREENS of Cures, can be obtained by securing the .;.- w'““;)t‘hh:: Cireuiars an Price R-‘:;.’ large Pint Bottles. .$1 O0 o| im k * ul c uuccucenramrcautrcerar«s U diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood, excâ€"pting the Third Siage of Consumption. Furtber information, with foll directions fo using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cert fcate» Simply becagse the nnomerous valuable active medicinal vegetable inogredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherty Bark, Posophylium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hroscyamus, Compound Extract otr Colocyath, Jaiap, Soco, tine Aloes, Capsicum, &c , &¢c,) which enter luto the composition of the «combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmontousily classised and compounded, that it is made the most searching cusatire in the known world, and monot belp bat act on the rystem in a very «wtistactory and desirable mauner. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will fAnd the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are wstored to perfect health and fall vigor. â€" â€" This Medicine is pleasant and saf« to take, and is warranted, and may positivrely be reâ€" Med upon to make a permamnent cure of ali dizeases of the Throat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organe, &c., #0., as well as Rerofula the vartous Skin Diseases, Hamors, and ail That the Grzat Sno«zonees Kexsot aso Piurs ef the emiuâ€"nt indlan Medicine Maa, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Ureat Tribe of Bhosbonees, Britisbh Colombia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Cure: the World bas ever heard of. Never in th: annale of Canatian Medical History has suc! suce:ss attended the Introduction of atj mediciae bere tofore. Ottawa,*Dece 1, 1871 BBEAKFANC, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Ch scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face sore and infiamea eves, sore heads, sore breasts pk-“ac, &c. j Sold in pots, 13{4., 2s. 9d., 45. 64,, 11s., and 128. each ; and his PILULE® aNTIL SCROPAULK OB ALTER â€"_ ATIVE PILLB, mflmdbymy‘wbb.o, of the best alterative madicine« ever com. cn.ddbtpcfljflï¬t“.‘“{ Nature in bher cperations. They form a mild «nd snperior tamily aperient, that may hl taken at all times without counfnement or | shange of dict, s , CALLED «i HE POOR MAN‘S FRIEX D, is confidently recommended to the Public as «n unfalling remedy for wounds of every de* w«ription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated wore lega, burns, scalids bruises, chilblains, Roche & Kelly, OTICE. LEACH AND BaRNICOTT, Dorse!, sno wist t uio Rotintas Freitors U oÂ¥ 1t, 1971 «e 667 im sold in Boxes at 1314., 28. 90 , 48. 64.,11s 1*32%s, «ach, f . 4» Prociaim the Glad Tidings _ CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Rideau Street. K. ROBEKLATHS Apply to at all hours, Y H C ? CcKHOPS, DINNER, Prepared only by JiME® NORRIS, E 18397 A. ROWE, and STEAKS 1868f | wa, in the Couuty of Carleton, under the |:nu,uylo ami tirm of «T. HUNTON | SguuLBRKED & CU." was on the first day |of8wm,i-hnt,di-olmz.-uud | conâ€"ent, so fur as regards same | William Shoolbred, who anlud?‘n undnh:-lhm,nd:m :l.l.l due owing to or the firm, homdndudpddb‘yï¬. said Thomas Hunton and Frederick Houghton Huntonâ€" As witness our hands this first day November, A.D. 1871. THOS. HUNXTON, wXÂ¥. SHOOLBRED es FRED. H. HUNTOKR. P. PENE J “-\le ï¬u‘ _ Notice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" ship lately subsisting between v the un dompo:l THOMAS HUNTON, W ILLL a M bHUULBRED and FREDEXKICK HOUGH. TuNxN HUNTUN, as Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Oita River to the Lake of the Woods, and itcm Fort Garry or Winnipeg aforesaid to Pembina or such other point or place on the bound ry of the Province of Manitoba, as may connect with the railway systâ€" m of the United #ta.es, ALFBRED WADDINGTON, December 20d, 18171. Notice is hereby giron, that an application will be made to the Parliament of Can=da at its next Besalon for an Act to Incorporate the Canada Pucific Rulway Company, for the purpos» of constructing and working a railway from Lake Nipissing or some other point in the Province of Ontario connecting with the tailway +ystem of Canuda to Fort Garry or Winnipeg in the Province of Manitoba, thence Wosterliy through such pass of the Rocky Mountsins in Canadian territory as may be found practicable to Bute Iaiet or some other point on the sea oard of the Pacific Ocesn in the Province 0t British Columbi« (with power to extend to Victoria or some other point ln‘ Vancouver Island, if found advigable) ; tegoâ€" ther with branch limes from near Winnipeg | Canada â€" Pacific Railway. EATCHELL BROS, Stalls Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market Ottawa, Dec. 3, 1871. P. 8.â€"Their Pork Stail will be found comâ€" plete, with a shoice selection of Pork, Hams Bacon, Spices, Rounds and Rolled Boof, San» which took the first prize at the Pmiuialhll:hihiï¬u at Kll':to-} 1871, weighing the great weight o 2,500 lbs. k Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whois of which were brought at great exâ€" peuse from the West. _ The above will be on exhibition at their WEDNESDAY UNXTIL SATURDAY NEXT The Governor General of Canada, begto announce that they are, as usual, pre~ pared to supply their customers with the ch oicest Meats of all kinds, having purchased :‘,'_',',‘,M festivities the following SATCHELL BROS,, Delicacies of the Season, and the BAR with the choicest brands of Liquors, for the accommodation of the travelling public. The above Hotel, s favorably known, bâ€"ing situstd in the imm:. diate vicinity of the Parâ€" Hament Buildings, Banks and other Pablic Offices, will be conducte! in the best style which the wants of the public require. The table will be supplied with all the Having been rebuilt and furnished in first « lass style, and with good Sample Room*, will be openâ€"d by the sutscriber on The Hearthstone gives more and better reading matter, for a smaller sum, than any other paper in the world. lthmn rior, in every point, to the most popu olthoAmoriomwnklyp.mwhdoflny are 5) per cent dearer. _ Compare them, and you will at once send in your snbscrip tion. -:T;"Dolhuhmvin.for'l‘::l‘)olhn & a su 1 the t and a year‘s subscripuon to the best pape The St. James‘ Hotel Ing Rev. Dr. Norman Mc Food Ediwor of clood Words,‘ Alexander Dumas, Erck: The ; ‘:c. I‘h present features of t perâ€"Fhe Gardeners‘® Column. llounhon Column, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of. New Books, M rket Reports, Wit and Humour, Nientific Intellijence. Literary Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &c., &¢., &0.â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CHLLDREN‘S CUKNER will be added, x:wll:::h will be Bw a delightful story by Rev. Charles ugaloy, M. A., in to Her jeaty, megagh M M iontind se ter Maie T:rpcr will be handsomely illustratâ€" ed, no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in every family as a most entertainâ€" ing and instructive p:per. o Splendid Prize List, Of the #irm I Covering $30.000 worth of Watches, _ Montreal Oct. Tth, 1871 Â¥owing Machines and Parlor Organs. _â€" Moxt Sample numbers sent free on applicnâ€" | *ion, with club terms nee } hs celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€" old thoroughâ€" bred Darham Steer The celebrated American bumorist MARK TWAIN will contribute original sketches, And in additon to our long list of great literary names we shall have The new American poet Joaquin Miller, ~the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane JAMES GREENWOOD, "The Amateur Casual," will contribute papers on 8SCENES 1X THE LONDON STREETS. INS8OLUTION OF PABRTNERsHIP. Other new Novels by the most eminent writers will ba nan«l and printed from advance sheete. A new story by Miss Bradaon, entitled COLONEL BERRYON‘8s ENTANGLEMENT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth ress. _ c A New Story by Victor Hugo relatire to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled THE TERRIBLE YEAR published by special permission of the auâ€" thor, and m'mu&. this journal. __ _ There is also Commodious Yard Room and abling attached, w1th good attendance, WILLIAYM POWLEY, will contain, for 1873, the following new {eatures in addition to those found in it at ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXD. The â€" Hearthstone | $10 ENGRAVING CIVEN AWAY present, rendering it the BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA;# WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 â€" 1841%y . SUBSXCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEARB, METCALFE STREET, OTTAW4A, _ _ GEO, E. DESBARATS, Proprietor Ottawa, Jan 8, 1872 1864 Apply to "C B 0O R G B." sPLENXDID NS GREAT CANADLAX WEEKLT 1871. and Cigars o | Smithdeld. [ J C Cha.wsberlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity }Mmammml became affiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eighteen months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that I!t was very difficult tor me to hi m:d in the night time frequently the clothes off and raising in the . | bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent pbhysicians in the County ; | of Nortbumberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact I continued getâ€" | ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ f vhadbtrythocmt!u&bouwl-dy.l bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was . | about finished I began to feel a little better. leuuu-::.-undllnd hlvllthm | bottles, w to my satisfaction, I found that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" Are now prepared to offer their friends and patrons a choice assortment of B00Ks and other Goods suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARSGIFTS Unll and see their THE SIGXNX CF THE BOOK 39, 8;, arks atroot, Otta=wa, December 18, ;871 Â¥.NX Esq, or to _ y HAVNETT P HILL, Booksellers and Stationers, A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSCN & C0., of the Great Shosbonees Hemedy,. At the expiration of two days ber symptoms were decidedly better. She contiaued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up By the continuâ€" uc:.:ll the remedy sho was perfectly restored to th. You may publiâ€"h the facts for the beneit of those similarly affiicted. _ Brooxir®, April 5th, 1870. J O Chamberlain, Rs37. This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor bad givâ€"n her up.. He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not help ber,. As a last resort I purchased a bottle JOHN 8ILYER,. Bworn before me at Smithfeld this 6th day of April, A D 18t0. s J M WELLINGTON,) P WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASNE ous to my iliness and have been so ever | Moxtu®:1, Oct. 3, 1871 My sister baring bad a severe attack of )Bbu-l_, I procured "Dr, Birobaom‘s Rbeumatizsm and Gout Remedy," which a !M-ul,h'h-lhlm&u«,:mded | me; and I must say that I caonot speak , too | bighly of its wonderfual effects, as the pain | ceased after a few applications, and the swelâ€" llh‘ npptuduiuh.bv&yc. | WM McKAY, Teacher, $ .00 «> A(Ahtbolbco.mnhlun&-y CERTIFI ‘A‘Es3% After having suffer» »â€"norwmously durtog a whole month from a viry obstinate Rheana~ tism, which compelled me to stay in bed tor nearly a whole week without being able to move, despite all the efforts of one of the leading pbhysiciana of this city, a triend gave me a bott!« of "Dr. Birnbaum‘s Rbenumatism and Gout Remedy." Haviog applied this | remedy only twice, I felt at once such & relief | that it was possible tor me to get up immeâ€" diately, and three days after I feouad mysel entirely recovered. P. BOURDEAU, ( | Of the Firm Bourdean & Barbean 108 salLL.â€"Two Uhoice Lots, with com P ersans of fereign hirth are entitled to the venefit of the Homestead Law, on geclaring: their intention to become citizens of the United States, and may avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival. Send for the new edition of descriptive pampblet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" whate. Addrâ€"ss, 0. F. DAVI!% Lang Commirstoner, U.P.R.B. Co, Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are in a mi.d and healta climate, and for grain growing and noc{ raising, unsurpassed by any in the United Btates, Prices range from $2 to $10 per acre. Homestâ€"ads for Actual Settiers.â€"2,500,000 Acms of Government Land between Omaha and North Platte,open for entry as Homesteads 3,000,000 Acres of Choice Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Piatte YValley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of l 12,000,000 aCRBRES of the BEST FARMINXG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. C DR. BIRNXBAUMWS Rhâ€"/ umatiâ€"m and Gout Remey is well known on the con ineut of Kurope for its speosy and «Betive cur» ot Rbeama.iam. â€" Gout, wander ing palos, «tifnces io the limbes or jointe, sprain +rd numbnees On trial will estabâ€" lish its efféictency. ' Use t inany ofthe above cases> and y will And it a real blâ€"ssing, â€" CHARLES MARTIN, 30 Victoria ®quare, Montreal Frepared by % N TiOMa8, Phelps, N Y, and NORTHGUP? & LYMAN, Nâ€"womstle, Ont., Sols Agâ€"n « for the Dominlon. | Nots: â€" Erlectric â€"Relected and Eleoâ€" trized. h Uitawa, Nov 3, 187° 18!1 It is compo® d of Six ot the Best: Oils that are known. Is as gooxi to take as for «x4 roal use, and is belicved to be immeasurably supe= tlor to anythipy ever m d Will save you much eullosins and wauy dollars of exp nse. Is sold by on» or n ore dealers in every plac. , Price 25 cents, Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is the icbnped Medicine ever made, One dose cures | common Sore Thoroat,. _ One bottle bas cured | Bronchitis.. Filty cents worth has cured an Ol4 Standing Cong». Cune or two bottles ons bad cases of Piles and Kidney Tronbles. Nix to eight applications cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Ioffamed Breast. _ One ’Inulobu c.rv: Lame Bik of eight ": standing. Daniel Piank, of BrookAeld, Countr, Pa., says> "I wont thirty miles for a botti= of your Oil, which effleeted a Wonâ€" “ detfal Cure 0t a Crooked Limb by six appli cations.‘‘ . Another who bas had Asthma for ‘ years says: ‘I hare balf of a 50 cent bottle leit, and $:00 wourld not buy it if I coun‘d m" no more." | Rutas Robinson, of Nends, N.Y., writes "One small bottl» of your Eciectric Uil reâ€" stored the voice where the verson hid pot spoken above a whisper in Five Years." Rev ; J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: "Yoor | Eclectric Jil cured me of Broncthitss in One Week."* â€"Dealers all over the country say ; "We bave never sold a wedicine that hu_l ygiven such complete «atlafaction as thi«, ( | NY * Montreal, Oct. 10 1871 Thomas‘ Eclectric Cil!t Worth Ten Times | ~ ite mm(‘ Do you know 1 i e not, , ' Cifllln’nL' Mole Agzent for Canats ard the United cR RHEC vATISY AND GOoUT HEAP FARM FBREKE nOMES Cure otf Bronchitis Tartanâ€"wood Goods. 39 SPARK3 STREET, ble Wâ€"oden Oottage, erectd there» ochesterville. For particulars and y on the premises to W G OHAPâ€" $ T 0. BROWN, Episcopal Methodist Ministor. M.artizas â€"Of all designs in Itallan and Amer san Marble and Marbelised Slate, Grates, Foad ors anad Hoeartas. Monuments and Headstones of Seottish Granite, Marble and Bandstone,. Gates and for residences and Grare Plots, Root Oresting, Rzaons lkiicle/Aproty of Paven ts Â¥ e som Pips RHings, and overy desoription of Bullders WH. KM, SOKERYVILLE CEOTDEg CEROT TT IPEEEWDCRTERCCEE, , eE HOW Kdiaburgh J. W. Procter & 0o.; for Aylmer, Mr. N. E. Cormier ; the Wheolesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Ce, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, _ May 33, 1811 1611 ut #au-' Ottawaâ€"â€"J Kavanagh, Groce:, -llhgf:;o-d.; Johml. Tea M.'Nm at,; slocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Hilver Prizse Medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials, Directions for use on each Packet. Maxcracroarâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditcb, City of London, England _ The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will k.ep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to Oate or Dogs, as they will not eant It. For killing Rate, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs. Cockromches, Black Besties, Fleas on M’n'cl:'““‘ insects on Plants, Moths in Far . or Seab on Sheep or Gonts ; also on catio,to., &c., in less than Ten Minutes Bold in Packetsâ€"35 ots. per Packet ; or Siz Pazkets for One Dollar, y5ote. _ D RAINâ€" PIPE DEP O t, Which is known to be Far Superiot to anything oeve MAJ* jall an! «xamiloe boefore giving o ders elscwhere. f 6 A. DUFFP. Ottaws April 11, 1871 ;o ooddbo.l&‘ull uo.u-uoo‘:.t S a public generaily baring secured setâ€" vices otf a FIBSTâ€"OLASS OUTTER for ou. TAILORLNG DEPARTMENT, we feel con. Adent of giving entirn satisfaction to all who will favor us with their patronage. . n_mum&"'..:&n’. __ _ Also, a large assortment of Together with a large assortment of Reao: M ane Crorame, consisting of Black and Blue Cloths, B&J* Deposits will be received atthis Offlice. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annum, and Depasits can be withdrawn at any time. _ OFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. For Money Order and Bavings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m. On Money order Offices throughout the Domlnloz()mt Britain and [reland, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Igland, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Btamps, and Pos MaviAs * NEW SPRING G600))â€" O‘MEARA & CC. Via New York close every Monday at 8 P.K. Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 1103 A.M. A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 13.30 p.=. in which only paid unregistered matter can be sent. s PFAW a MARLBLE WORAKSs, Matter to be posted up to 9 30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplementary package the same night. / HPORTAXT HOTIOCE. 11.30 g 110 VERMIN DESTROYER, %.30 Ottawa, Jan. 27, 18723 1872. wintEr arraxamurEyxr. 1872. E8TABLIGHEERD 1866 IU B8T IKMPORT AD, An immense Stock of 50 SPARKs STBAET, OTTA W A. PoOST‘ QOoOrFEICE.,_ OTTCTAW A. CLOSE 18.10, 9.00 KEWLYâ€"DIMISCOOYERE®D ARRIVAL and DEPARTUILS of MAIL FARLANE. 4. 30 P. K. Templeton, Tuesiays, Tharsdays, and Saturdays.........| 11.30 ........ New Edinturgh 3e ies [(11 Mntoh, Humthty, OREPy dbUGs :s« scccveves secersest scrrivess rervevers Ayimakt â€" mBG Hully, BJ HHBD.sccursss sccrsvers sevaree o avsrrouss Bardley and Onslow, ‘y To Uikits A6Us + secusserserercens sree § Lowes Ottawas, by Land, Buckingham, Camberâ€" } CNepooiits IHRBROH, dE0.sccccccescecerces ceserores serasserscecens resous Fort Garry, and other places in the Province of Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatched in closed :‘dlc trom W;:dm. o.‘;" ".d 81. P.:’I; ::n‘rd Pemmâ€" na; ev esday ursday, a ayâ€" Otdlnry?.-lnl- rates of PODIBGD..» 000# sssssseee o United Etates, #ic OgAODRDATG ........» ..»»»».»s»ss eee sessene +s Kempty fie, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, por St. L. & O.R. North Gower, Kars, &0., per 8t. L. & 0. Railway ......... Mullik®, N.G., LRQ Sts JORGK. NB ..cccs.ccsccesces vre sc ives W ertaraâ€"K tem, Toronto, Hamilton, Londo 3 &e. ; .a:.cuun. ¢.§...... -.." Chelgsea, WakeLeld, North WakeAe!ld, and intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desort and interâ€" mediate Ofices, Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays Peorth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Plase, Canada â€"FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A OMEARBRA & CO I TERM OF YEARL Contral Rallway Collars, &c,, &¢. 11 ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &0..............._.....} POST OFFIOE SAYVINGS BANK ihtkey BJ RUIDHNY s sscvcres cecrnvere secopsers is get Bise & M4, MONEY ORDERS ke,y > M & I L S . BRITISH MAILS Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, Corporation, or u Commissioners to be appointed bflh":;’mfll powers neces sary for effectuating that object, _ _â€"__ Is berebj; given that sppllon‘l’on will be made to the Legisiaturs ot the Province of Ontario, at its next Bession, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottawr to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3 AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, per month, Montreal, March 3, 1871. Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘The lowest rent la the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its merite. Prm of 200 Merchants nJ:then dine daily in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only nllu}nhhlng it on account of assum. ing the Buperintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States, Address GUISEPPE M. GIANELLLI, N. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 t Most sincerely yours, CHAb. H., MOUKRIDGE, n cumbent of St. Jobns « hurch, Madoc, Ont. |__ P. 8.â€"Â¥ou have my fali permissio n to use ' this letter inany way you see fit, or refer any | one to me who wishes further information. HOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR s 43 , 22 % Eatimates and all other information given, apply to : " CAPITAL " 8STOVE BEPOT,â€" 35 sussexâ€"st, Uttawa, H. MEADOWS &Co Ottaws May 4, 1871 Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its »wo rew.rd, _ _I must also express the great pleasure I had in noticlog the kindness and attention which â€"Mr. Meadows (and also his work men) lho!od in everything connected with the The heat d.ifuses itself rapialy over the whole building, and no one part is colder or botter than an other, but there is a nice glow of heatall over. Reâ€"membering the trouble bat we used to have with leaking pipâ€"s, moking chimneys, &c., we look upon the furnace as a decided luzury. Icertainly think uo church ought to be without one, when it can be procured so easily and so cheaply as ours was from you, We find that the church is heated in a very short time, and that it does not require as much wood to keep it going as it did the Dear »ms, â€"It gives me much pleasure to be able to inform you thatthe Hot Air Far.â€" nace which you lately put up in the Church of Bt. John the Baptlste, in this village, has giyen great satisftaction to myseif and the members of my congregation. We had it going lately on one very windy day, but we had no trouble with it whatever, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveniences, which often take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is bigh. We are prepared to fit up the above in COhurcher, Dwellings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style. Orders from the city or any part of Canada solicited. % Read the following : Manoo, Oct. 29th, 1870. H., MEADOWS8 & Co, Orrawa. No. 48, Rideau stroeoe‘, Ottawa. oTiO® REFEREXOES Hon James Skead, 8â€"nator, Ottawa J M Coarrier, Eeq, M P, « J M Grant, Eeq, M D, M P * R W Rcott, Esq, M P P, * Mr She:if Powel!, # Kdward Grific, Eeq. « Edward McGiilivray, Beq, w Messre O T Bate & Co, â€" «a Thomas Huanton, Kq, @ Meests Fingland & Draper Alexander Work Keg t P A Egleson,. 8 ;:.bq w THE COSMOPOLITAN, 1N MONTREAL, RAiRK CHANSCE: OT AIR FURNACES. H FALLS, the inhabitants of the said city #hiMi. G. P. BAKER, Pastmaster. T. M, CLARK, remain. Royal Insurance Co, 165TH 1 Oity Clorly, 11,.00 11,.00 DUEK FoR DEALVER Y . 4:2 6 00 4.%0 4,20 1,.30 ) MESsRs, For School Section No, 2, in the Townâ€" ship of Gloucester. * MPOuT made to the Logislature of the Province of Ontario at.its next Bession for an Act to enable the Executors and Trustees of and unjer the Last Will and Testament of James Mooney, late of the city of Ottawa, in the ®rouvincs of Ontario, Potter, deceasud, to sell the lavuds and tenemen‘s in the said Will merxtioned, lying and being in the village ot Joknstown, in the county of Grenvills and Province of Ontario, aud to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereof to repairing and improving the Certain other lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned Iying and being in the city of Ottawa atoreraid, and to such other purâ€" . poses for the ben«fit of the said estate as may be necessary or advisable. ‘ CLARKE & MOONEY, Attorneys for Applicants . 43 _â€"__ WILLIAM COWAN, GEORGE FENTOA, >Trustes JAMES STANLEY. Ciqueester, Jan, l2th, 1818 onÂ¥ and sold by all Medicime VÂ¥endors _September 28, 1871. Apply to confirmed by sixty yeais‘ experience to be one of the be:t alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. ‘They torm a mili and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without confinement or change of dict, is confidently recommended to the Public as an junfailing remedy for wourds of every de« scription ; a certain reme4y for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalde, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &¢., ac. y _ Bold in pots, 13id, 2s 91, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22s each ; and his eILULE, ANTI SCROPHULAE or ALTERâ€" ATIVE PILLS. â€"â€" NEACHER WALTED "TH & Presceoit, Nor 21, 1871 The Canadian Pain Destroyer never tails to give immediate relief, â€" All Medicine Dealers keepit Physicians order sod use it ; and no lamily wili bu witnout it after ouw» tryiug it Price only Iwontyâ€"five Couts per bottle, NORTHRUOEF & LY MAN, Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Fomtherston, Gcorge Mortimer, W x Massoy, and all M=dicine Dealers, C The astonishing cthcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Disâ€"asges fot which it is recommended, and it« wounderfai success in subduirg the torturins pains of Bheuimatism, and in relivving Nervous Affco« ions, entitle it to ~ .i;â€" rauk iu the list ot Remedies for these compluints. Orders cre coming from Mâ€"dicine Deslers in all parts of the coxntry for furtber supplies, and cach test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i g1Â¥e8, Is hereby given that application will be never known a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have b.: en properly folâ€" 10wed, but on the contraty, all are delightca with its operations, and speak in the highest terims of its virtues and magiâ€"al effects, We speak from axperience in this matser having tested it thorougbly, and therefore hose who are saffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereigu Remâ€"dy. Side, Back and Hoxwmi, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Bprains, Brvises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel â€"Complaints, Burns, Bcoalits, Frost Bites, &c., &c. THE CANADIAN PA1iN DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtk of time and wherever useqa is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have Prepared oniy by Parties at a distance may have Artificial Tecth supplicd in partial or complete sets, by Mceeâ€"rs. Gabricl‘s now system, on sending parâ€" tieulars of:liir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, wher the appasatos for taking a model 0 the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions, MESSRS, GABRIEL remo¢del on their imâ€" proved system, and at a modâ€"rate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teceth supplied by other dentists which bay not proved satisfactory to the wearer:; A CHRISTIE & Co,, Druggists, _ Agents for Ottawa, Asa family Romedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pair ‘n the GABRIEL‘S IMPORTAN® TO RESIDENtS ABROAD â€"_ [WwWITE GUrTA PEKCHA R \ Enamel, for stopping decayed MESSRS, l Teeth, rend«rs the Tooth sound ,, 1 and usefu! for mastication, no GABRIEL‘s | matter how far decayed. Price { is. 61. s _ . fOsTEOFNAMEL STOPPING «sirant d to rewain white ance MESSiiS frm sa the Tooth itself. This { b. antitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘8 ; front ‘Leeth, and can be easily {uadd. Sufficient to stop six teeth _ Price 5e, y3 | for cleansing and ijrproving MESSHKS. + the Tecth, imparts a natural rednesa to the gums, and gives GABRIEL‘S | brilliancy to th6 Enamel: Price | 18. 64. ROYAL DENTIFICE preptred from a recipe as used MESSRS. | by lHer Majesty ; gives the { leâ€"th a pearlâ€"like whiteness, GABRILL‘S | and imparts a delicious fraâ€" l grance to the breath. Price 18. May 11871 [PAR UBLIC NOTICE QDuNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celetrated Mouth Wash is MESâ€"R3 | most refreshing, it strengthens { tl’xle‘g}lmp, fl’alflatt\i! tartar t:nd R ., | all injmious & cretion, sweatens ABMKL‘S I the brath, and for ('le;lnsin‘ are tificial teeth is invaluahle Price 5s Full ajrections for use enclosed in +ach box November 30, 1870 M. FPOOTEK & COMEANY R. RuBK «TS ANALiAN FPAIN DESTROYER is zâ€"WHOLESALE DRALERS CELEBRATED OINTMENT POOR MANS FRIEND, 2 O08Â¥I1TAL SIBLELET BEACH & HARRICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England TS â€"OFâ€"THE: We dicat. Cl n on ie m e on inermmecnes in \ 1CBHOLASSPARKS®, Barrister and Attor. HILL . LONDONEC) |} 1W neyâ€"ustâ€" Law, Soticitor inâ€"Uhancery, Conveyâ€" WT=Ls, MONTREAL WORLD | 39 6m 1527y 41 6 *T . & + a-'liopbl. (Wy Hall, Ottews, Jau. 10, 1074 U W nected with his office at the City Hall every day from ten @‘slock till eleven a.m. construct its line by the most direct route to such points as may be selected for cross! ing French River, Dagemher 2, 1871. 1861tf Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, foran Act io amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway Company, piï¬?g power to such Company to LN hours frow 9 ts 1fi-..â€"s;1'z ZS'TE.-.W B@F" Special attention given to diseaset and dis>lacements of the utorus. _ 1{5% N oTICE 3 Contracts made tor advertising in eithe: or all of the above papers. Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 1801t es 0 a 0 Fopimn Pobiales Ties Office, Wellington Strcet, Agont for the Oftawa Times. F 4 hn e usc mmetether ts acrerc tï¬ css 4 are uired by the 51st and following Rulem the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazette), to give TWO MONTHS‘ NQTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly m ing its nature and object), in the Gazette, and also in a nom}upor 'fl;bu-hod in the County or Union of Counties affectâ€" ed, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Uffice. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first three weeks ol the Fession. ALFRED TODD, Chf, Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841.1a ParmEs intending to make application to Parliament for Private Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to effect the rights or promv.y ot other parues, are hereby notified that they i _ CHRISTIE, Commission Merchant an i b. Goenersl Agont. Sole agent for Read s Higawinee s«s?r~! @hiskey; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Aio: 154 cucce.. Pork, Flour, &o., for sale. Grii0r . Nu.0, opark: sureot, near the Russe!l! 1ase, Jita®e sity, 0. W . deiphia; Thos Fuller, Es hi Alb Dr9 A draat f P., o&:’}'; ‘x'\':“‘“'u,..u.fï¬. Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. K. 140. l\uu'm.t. & Co+â€", Laad Burveyers, Lana Agents, D aughtsmen, &o. OMce, m che miui-n.ssuh-n. Ottaws. V tor Trast ana Loan Co. W. &. Taistis. W Liaze commiesioned for the Provinces of Quebec a0d Ontario. Provincial Land surveyor and Duqhhn.., panverieescmbiiel 4 w in mo_ C 2 o and carried on under the management of K. EVY AN3,late proprietor ot the 31. Jau®s Ho aL. Strige attontioa co bausiness. * usod Wines and LAiquors warranied. Having now ca«nged hsa1s, and beea red up for a firs â€"class LUNCGUEKIN i ARK ana 3 ALJUN will ve cailed THE COMMERCIAL MHMOVSE +he" QUZEEN~comprises alilthe coquisitestor a Arstâ€"olass hestau ant. ‘Tho House has beenrefitted and ref tnished tnroughout The BAK contain: nechoiocgst Brandsir W inesand Lage ws, and every slicacy ofthe seas.a will be found onthetabie. The coprietcr‘s best odforts will be directed to he comâ€" rtof his guests ana pstrons. “'!llyot will .;-d to business con~ i‘fll 66 QUEEN »* RII'!‘AUIAI'_I‘. o ol x M. KAV ANAGB, Propristor , ornet etcaife and Woliingtonâ€"streets, opâ€" positethe main entrancetothe G@overnment Buildâ€" J Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., up?tlhtlo Yourt Hiouse and Public Offices, ST. CaTHARILNES, vat. &. 10UGATON, Proprietor, ravellers. eP a& Advocate, &o., opposite the Kassell House Ottawa. Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Solicitors in Chancery, Conveyarcers, Notaries Public and Advocates for the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. ;, Officeâ€"Corner of Suss:x and York streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Quebcec. 368y od, and overy mwu to their comfort; _ 9697 JOHN ROMANs, Proprietor. CHABLES MaRCIL, Advocate, Hull. Oince at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private reai~ dence in rear of French Cathedial, Hall. _ Business attended in Ottawa and the Disâ€" trict Courts of the County of Ottawa, loch, Duke st, Chaudiere, Ottawa. Dn. ROBILLARD, Physician, slrm Accoucheur,. Oficein Mr. Hearn‘s store, Kasi end of Supper‘s Bridge. Ofice hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. | : DB. McDOUGALL, Office, Rideaun Street, opporite Fese therton s Drag Store: Regide 3« B# 1@ neyâ€"utâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Uhancery, Vouvey~ ancer, &o. Oficeâ€"Lang‘s Buildings, w-fl.. opposite the Post Ofice, Ottaws. NOTAbY PUBLIC. Residgence â€" Hull next the Post Office. 17237 N. B.â€"Speciai attention %l“l to the treiment of aiseases of the KY & and EAK. A: night can be seen at nis residence, Murray street. Court House, Oitawa. Rosezat Lezs. douts _ Jonn J. GXXKELL EDWARD T. DARZAWLL, Barristet Bolicitor Attorney and Notary Public, Clerk cithe Peace and County Attorney, for the United Counties otf Prescott and Russell. Ofceâ€"In the Gourt House, L‘Orignai. tidonuâ€"street, Ottaws. 2 # Wiuuriax Moscrovs; 366tt Gzore: Tammo® l{ i. HAYCOCK, Attorney â€"atâ€"Law, Boliâ€" © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notar» Public, and Pstent RightBolicitor. Officcâ€"Im wediately opposite Russel! House, Elginâ€"st. 43ut! " TETREAU, Homz Public forthe Pro 1Â¥ e vince of Quebes, Hull, near the Pos Iflice. â€" 390L Lill & GEKEMMILL, Barmsters, Attorneys, Soticitors, Conveyancers to. Idficeâ€"In the i,oc‘ruu HENADEKRRON, [MoGill Uniâ€" veraity ‘J‘ Phy sician, Surgeon snd Acceucheur, Burgeryâ€"That recently occapied by Dr. Malâ€" 64 D _ ONCONNOR, Attorneyâ€"utâ€"Law,Bolicitorâ€" ein Chancery, Conveyaucor, &c., Bussexâ€" troot. Office, Union Buildings, Oitaws. bby ‘ii OSGROVE & TA LLOK, Barrsters, Â¥ i Bolicitors, &o. Oficeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Buildings, Established 1861 . Permanent and transient boarders AIVATE BiLL®. BILLINGSB, Jr., Aroh: & _ Boll‘s Block, Sappeors‘ Bri A. GRISOX, 1 A,. MARA, Architect. Oficeoâ€"Aumond‘s 4@ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottaws. _ 9027 ICKWICK HOUSK, Uyiéiters, dame Sto..is.ty AFPIERRE & MUvPHY, _ _sMeeceiltanecous. tawa, February 14, 187; R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofice Bparksâ€"stteet, Central Ottawa. B4utf \, MALISEQTH, Phydqp_n, HALIFAX, NOVA 5.OTIA, Motets and Sal cons. 0. ARCHAMBAULT, AVERLY HBOUSE, W. W. WARD, Barristerâ€"atâ€"Las (Late of Houghton‘s Dining Saloon.) #pacious samplaâ€"room for commercial ** ROHLAL * saLOON, 64 64 s L@4L® s TR %E I, Ofice. Aylmer, P.Q. _ 172332 tf Biock, Sappers‘ Bridge. mt .‘?*-.:.l-s: Architeot, Philaâ€" Courrier d QOutaouais. â€"â€"Albert street. â€" Ofirc Les u+ THE TIMES is printed and published by Tes Ortawa Tuxzs Priwrwo asp Pu» memxe Comraxy, at the Office, L0t Number 12, Weilington Sieet, 8t# Her Majesty‘s 1 2eatre), Centre ‘TOFA\ Ottawa. JAMEE BALLLFF, Managin$ Of All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘e, Whob sale, at reasonable prices, LONG AND SHORT MOCCASIN® WHOLESAL E. COAx i a To buy Biscuit, Crackers, Candies and O# fectinery of all kinds. Your Ord=rs are solicited, and will PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO by â€" _ STEAM BiSCUIT BAKIEW He hopes by good ;B:k;;nilp and 1w sonable chargrs, to ensure a continusnced{t® Returos bis sincere thauks to the public 6 Ottawa, for the liberal patronage bestowed#@ him since his commencement in business, f PRICKS, 19th August, 1871. l\‘l.“'. PARK BTREET, OTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Proprietet yy vorr * pLemow, n:n-- â€"Btâ€"Law, nolicitors m Oo.voynun.Zu-nu Public, #6, £¢,tor the Pn vinces Ontarioand Quebes. Mo_._.‘uvu Duric‘s Book Store, Sparks Atet v“‘"WMmVed and printed on te sbhortest notice prie the CONFZOTIOKE Y ESTABLISHKYÂ¥ENT Plain and Ornamental Engrayer, Cormntd Bparke and Kigin Strects,over Jamâ€"s Hopet Co.‘s, Ottawa Tld.fl promptly attended to. .¢ B@~R. Carters give Railw»y Receipts Reyâ€"ing shippers from all further trouble BSpecial rates for furniture. A W. £. JOHNBON, ‘tt Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 1 Freight and UCartage Agent; N. B.â€"Farime.s from the Cour ty of ton cau enter the mill yard by Broad Stt opposite Brewory gate. Near Division ourt Ofice Oltaws, May 17, 1871 1668t1 A large stock of the above will be k« stantly on hand to suit purchasers. BUILDING AND LRIDGE SHINGLES X. XX. XXX PLANED LU MBER Nos. 36 and 38 Ridean Street, Ottawa. 1 a refeyand ventebertiline s > â€" S The Bummer rononing arrangemedg ,; come into operation about the 1st of June which due potice will be given. & CJ BRYDGES, ue‘ L _ ,_ .. . Rinuagtns M : BEST PLAC4% N CENTA&AAL On and after MGNDAY nert to, Steamers of the LC MAY, it is intended to run x't',“ P ie ing-‘::ed to run Weekly tarmin, Oe of thom unguren, itonitml ad) â€" Meviestion of 1872 betwee d ne of these maguificent loa on be attached to vach Day Express reim Nee Srst Montreal for Toronto, and be rup through WEDNESDAY, 10 Suoh,“u a Drawing Room ang Blee Car, ere wiil also be one Attached rough Bills of Ladi D:‘y Express fro... To!outo to Iou...? ,‘1}.-..- -.d in TLoandof P. 0. Box 725. Montreal, March 11, 1871 LACE LEATHEB, &c., &, & Ottaws, Jan 2, Warranted S Ti8oe" flmtouy-d.l-u.r.i T-unmw Price 1th ref «, 111 Lisks, with references, on -nu-.' B JOHN C MeLAREN, 247 Bt, Jamesst D M BD.__ waw “‘N‘I "W.-. Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 vlllo,ut..................... |_~†Accommodation ‘Train for lslang â€" Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7 90 a Express for Quebec and Riviere du Inup,lt..................... 830 a, Mail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Boston, at...... ..., 200 p, Night Mail for Quâ€"bec, Is:and Pond, H Portiand and Boston.... . ;. A Pullman Car will Through Trains between : du Loup triâ€"weekly, vig on Tuesdays, Thured â€"ys tursing from kiviere du Wednesdays and Fridaye mediste Stations, at ...... . ., Dey Express for Tororto, at. .. ave Nigbht Express for Toronto, at. .. , Mixed Train or Brockville, at. , , Accommodation ‘Train for Brock On and after MONDAY Kext, 5th Trains will leave Montrea) as Mail Train for Toronto and Inter. an Palace Cars now Rumaingp e Day and Night fraw * YNANaDA CENTBRLT EATT Chaudlere, Oct, 26, ;87 SUMMER SERVICE OF TRan, MoKart Wmont Rough Lumber Weli Sceasoned, PRACTICAL Tal.OR, ks, Montreal, Agril 26&.â€" 1871 OERLSON‘S LLXANUVELR RAMSAY, GRANO TRUKK RALgy: Ne oo o agy, 4. _ ENE _ WHHH ht â€"Akhntheqg to t, hrough Trains between Montreal whd Rivkd i Loup tfl-'m&ly, viz. :â€"â€"From Mo Tuesdays, Thursd â€"ys and Saturdsys ruing from kiviere du Loup on M ednesdays and Fridays. ondey C.J BRYDGES, Maneging J . Ottawa, June 13, 1871 oo 1BGLISH OakK Tasnko * RABVD Ti Onssm DANIKL MORBRISONX HATDIEAE STKAM MILLL . Great Acceleration of Speeq ,] LEATHER BELTING, own RIDEAU 8STREET, FINE ENGLISH HOSE 1LLLAMS, 08 of all descriptions. MADUFACIURERS OF JOHN* ROCHESTER & (%. at . be 1 740M W A t »» 809 . i .,.,3 ..llâ€,.. 5th J0$, 1080 p, 16811 fli BULEK A N ; OVsS T Just Received H. M , B U L K | OovVs® ' MWls a -Tfll‘w VYOL. e 1871 _ .““,u.full-.on-u Countinent and in Londor Oatada and in the United | Milwaukie, Chicago, and of West. COertificates issued to pe proâ€"paying the passage 0 Oanada. For further information a TEMPERLEY®S, CA 3 White Lion The Steamers of the 10 intended to run Weekly â€" Nevigation of 1872, betwee! the frst leaving London on WEEKLY COM 872 _ Aun assortment of 8llver potties, Odor Cases, Toltet A CHBI® London, Quebec with power also to const to the Bault Ste, Marie t PFembing and to all such the frontier of the Dom as may be deemed ad1 structing a acros Marie, a-dtoow:.;.;.l. .‘uothr‘w y eee _ The Commissioners «p e aannar toy :::ï¬-wfl for unl at Oscouns, toles, St. Bimon, St. Fal 8t, Luoe and Metapediac Tank Houses and Wood | Trois Pistoles, Bic, Rimo ll-outl..lm1 Plans, Spâ€"cificsations may be seen on and after the Office of the Ohief Ririere du Lonp and Tenders may be for odnd,:uh‘ C * Tenders the Commissionâ€"re‘ oflo&,m.,dï¬or. e D. ED. railway system of Cana to be constructed upon trom such points as its | Pacific Ocean towards tains, and from such towards the Pacific _ 48 on & proLosed M‘lhâ€" lâ€â€œ.'l'l‘hb‘r‘-nd st of April next. Convevance to be m ",R(nnby.tu C lAil-mI.... l:lhmby‘imhtq to the Parliament next Session, for an Act: Canadian Pacific Railwa: proved by the Gov Ottawa, Jany. 12th, 1 noon, on FR[DAY ..,._xl‘,brthoco-w,,; f‘lfl SEABON OOMM ° "mauon as to cond Tender may be obtain SBouth Gloncester and ces of Morrisbure N West Winchester," Os, Bridge, or at the office â€" 0C 2 mmansuor \yo yhmm money as may be Chief Post Office Ottawa, 17th ensuing Session for a the Incumbent, Churc} of Christ Church, in th Serect a new h““ on or near the site of and to enable them to Ottawa, 26th Dec., 187 The Italian W HRISTXA8 ABEDP KE NTEROOQOLONTLA L ottaws, Dec 14, 1871 Ottawns, Jan 2, 1872 Arrive at Ottawa â€" d IA."'M d rrive at Morrisbu lling each way at th AIL CONTRAUT. Cnristi DRUGOI®T®, London Steo will be receive J. K. C. DEL addressed to British C SPARKS A* DA