Â¥ ® €U,. 8. PATENT AG ENC Y. Patents solicited in Canadaand the United States ; Trade and Timber Marks, TIondustrial Designs, Oopywrights, Transters, &¢., register. on the sbhortest notice, Coples of Laws, Cirâ€" eular and information, sent free on applicaâ€" tHonm. Darwings prepared and.copied. Charges moderates United States Pate st» particulariy attended to, SBeveral valuabl« 1t in composâ€"d of Bix of the Best Oils that . are known. Is as good to take as for extâ€"roami use, and is believed to be imm=asurabily supeâ€" | tlor to anything ever made. Will save you much sufeing and many dollars of expenise. | Is sold by one or more dealers in every place, Rutuos Robinson, of Nunda, N.Y., writes , "One email bottle of your EKclectrlc Oll re | stored the voice where the verson had not : rhovmhflnlm' Rev | Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: .‘wl Eclectric Vil cured me of Bronchitss in Oue | Week,."* Dealers all over the country say ; "@We bave never sold a medicine that has | yiven such complete satisfaction as this. f h:-d’ 8. N. THOMAS, Phclps, X Y and OD‘I'?CUP & LYXMAN, Newcastlic Ont., Bole Agen s for the Dominion. 3,000,000 Acres of Cholce Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the Btate of Nebraska, in the Great Piatte Â¥alley, now for sale, for cash or long crediut. These lands are in a misd and healtoy elimate, and for grain growing and stock raising, unsurpassed by any in the United Prices range from $2 to $10 per acre. Homestads for Actual Settiers. â€"2,500,000 Aceres of Government Land between Omaha and North Platte,open for entry as Homusteads ' On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of 13,000,000 aCRE3 of the BEST FARMIEG aad MINERAL LANXDS in AMERICA. * s Negiemtstk be you Eave _ in you ksow anything of it. Lm u is time you Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is th» chenpest Medicine evermade. One dose cures common Sore Throat. One bottle has cures Brooachitis. _ Flity cents worth has cured an Old4 Standing Cougn. Cne or two bottl«s cures bad cases of Piles and Kiduey Tronbles. Niz to eight applications cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inffiamed Breast. One bottle has cured Lame Buck of eight years standiag. Daniel Plank, of BrookAeld, Tioga County, Pu., says> *I went thirty miles for Comomegy ce Spe. O Wworke coeo seeert e a bottle of your Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" derfal Cure ot a Crooked Limb by sizx app!i cations."‘ Another who bas bad Asthma tor :'m: "I have half of a 50 cent bottle and $100 would not buy it if I cou‘d gâ€"1 + ine abov» Mote!, a~ favorably Enown, b NM"M:“&;";_{:'? situated in the im diate vicinity of the â€" sale by private contract for a j 12 liament Bâ€"ildi~ge, Banks and other Pt and if not disposed of in that way, will b€ | qy ... v;), no conducted in the best i ::z“nl:flflfl. of which due "°“°“ which the wants onu-nuh require. 5 table will be supplied all the w-s&ndwr.a‘siimu:u C«:oi pP cession, Township untley, Delicacies of the Season, Hundred Acres, s | North East half Lot of No. Q9in the | and the BAR with the cholcest brands of 10th Concession, Huntley, One Hundred The Lands are principally timbered and | Wines, will be sold cheap. | and Cig Apply to There is also Commedious Yard Room A. ROWE, ! Stabling afttached with\ conid artanduanaon their intention to become citisens of the United States, and may savail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrtival. Bend for the new edition of descriptive pamphiet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" whate. Addrcas, = 0. F. DiaYÂ¥I8, Land Commissioner, U.P.R.R. Co,, Omaha, Neb. tal Bet orte P ersons of foreign are entitled to the vbenefit ot the -‘.'n law, on declaring Ottawa, January 12. LANDS FOR SALE IN THE TOWNSHIP OF HUNTLEY. WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE ' Broocir®, April 5th, 1870 J CChamberlain, Rs3. This is to certi | that my wife was very low with Lung Disease ; The Doctor bad girâ€"n ber up. He said hber | lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not ; help her. As a last resort I purchased a bottle | of the Grest Shosbhouness Remedy. At the expiration of two days ber symptoms were decidedly better. lloeo.thndlol-ptove} so rmplidly that by the time she had taken on« | bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" | unce of the remedy she was perfectly restored | to bealth. ! You may publish the facts for the benefit oi those similarly aMicted. | T 0. BROWXN, | Episcopal Metbodist Minister. . | J C Cha_beriain, Eeqâ€"This is to câ€"itity th «©arsout tmee pears ago J became alllive i with Bropchitis, which last d about cizbtee months, I wasso «Mlicted for the want 0 breath that it was very difficult tor me to | spâ€"«k, and in the night ume frequent!, throwing the clothes of and raising in th bed to keep from strangling. 1 tried thre« of the most eminent pbhy siciane in the Count) of Nortbamberland for about a year, withou: receiving any benefit, in faet 1 contiou=d getâ€" | ting worse all the ume. At last 1| was ad viged to try the Great Shoshon»er Remedg, | / bougbt a bottle and took it and when it wa about Anisbed I beganu to feel a litile better. | I contlnaued to use it until I bed taken thr« bottles, when, to my satishhction, I foum that I was as well as ever l had been proviâ€" ous tb my Hiness and havre been so eve!: since. JOHN SILY ER, Bworn beforse me at Smithfeld this 6th day : «h tigtth & U WEHY. _ _ _0 _ _ â€"__ â€" _SBold in Boxes at 13;4., 2s. 9d , 48. 64.,11s «ad 242s, each. > ATIVE PLL conmirmed by aizty woxï¬mb be one ef the best alterative maxdicine« ever comâ€" pounded for purifying the blood and assisting Nature in her cperations. They form a mild «nd superior tamily aperient, that may be taken at all times without condnement or change of diet. sore and infiamea eves, sore heads, sore breasts ies ky KK _ _ [_ _ _ _ .0 > CiLLED * «3 HE POORLR AAM‘S FRIEN D, is confidentiy recommended to the Public as «n unfailing rewedy for wounds of every de= wription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burns, scalds, bruises, chilblains, soorbatic eruptions, and pilmples in the face _ Bold in pots, 13id., 28. 94., 48. 64., 11s., and 122. sach ; and his PILULE® ANTISCOROPAULE OR A1LTER Ottaws, Nov 3, 187° *AKADA AXO Bristport, porse, EKngland i90 sold by all Medicine Vendors. &# o r :t 1871 667 im OR SALE.â€"Two Choice Lots, with com fortable Wâ€"oden Cottage, erected there~ in Rochesterville, For particulars and is apply on the premises to W G CHAPâ€" CELEBRATED OINTMENT, OTICE. C Prepared only by BEACH AND BARNICOTY®, K. ROBERTH8: Cure ot Bronchitis. HA4ZXETT P HILL, J M WELLINGTON,) P T. @. OOURSOLLES, 10 1b %a4tE russ noMEs3 Fest Q ac 8mithdeld 18:1 1868f SATCHELL BROS,, I) _ Notice is hereb>»y given that the partnerâ€" |lnp hlel’ $u :wHu‘ b.‘mn w ‘b un dersigned, THuMAS HUNTON, WILLLAM bIIOOUOLELRED and FREDEXICK HOUGH. TN HUNTUN, as Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Otta wa, in the County of Carleton, under the names, style and firm of «T. HUNTON SuuuLBRKED & CU." was on the first day of November, instant, dissolved by mutuai conâ€"ent, ~so fir as regards the same William Shoolbred, who on that day re tired from the concern ; and that all LNI due and owing to or by the late firm, will be received and paid ~by the said Thomas Hunton and Frederick Houghton Huntonâ€" Notice is heredy given, that an application will be made to the Paritament of Can=sda at its next Segâ€"lon for an Act to Iucorporate the Canada Pacific Railway Company, for the purpos» of constructiog and worklog a rail way from Lake Nipissing or some other point in th» Province of Ontario connecting with the tailway +ystem of Canâ€"da to Fort Gairy or Winsipg in the Province of Manit=be, thence Westâ€"rly through such pass of the Rocky Mountains in uanadian territory as may be found practicable to Bute Iniet or some other point on toe sea oard of the Pacific Ocesn in the Province of British Columbl« (with power to extend to Victoria or some other point in Â¥ancouv«r Island, if fouud advisable) ; togeâ€" ther wich branch limes from near Winnipeg River to the Lake of the Woods, and irom Fort Garry or Winnipeg aforesaid to Pâ€"mbina or such other point or place on the bound ry of the Prov nc« of Manitobsa, as may connect with the ralilw=y syst m of the United Rtaces, | _ (Other new Novels by the most eminent writers will be securol and printed from | advance sheets. _ JAMES GREENXWOOD, "The Amateur | Casual,‘ wiil contribute papers on | SCEN®S IX THE LONDON STREETSs. \_ _ The celebrated American bumorist ').\l.\liK TWAIN will contribute original < sketches, ~Anod in additon to our long list \ of great literary names we shall have ‘Tno new American poet Joaquin Miller, | . the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane Ingelow, khev. Ir. Norman Mc leod Editor of Good Words,‘ Alexander . Dumas, Erckâ€" mann Chatrian, &c. + e WILLIAYÂ¥ POWLEY, h _ Propricte Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 18427 > e EATCHELL BROS. Stalls Nos. 2, 5, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market (Ottawa, Dec. 3, 1871. P. 8.â€"Their Pork Stall will be found com. plete, with a shoice selection of Pork, Hams Bacon, Spices, Rounds and Roll+«d Boef, Sau» sages, &C., &¢, . As witness our hands this first day November, A.U. 1871. THOS. HUNTON, WM. suom#b‘ e FRED, H HUNTOK, Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whol« of which wers brooght at great exâ€" p. use from the West. e â€" The above will be on exhibition at their Staills from Canada Pacific Railway. Witness : ®. }'ENNOCï¬ Jun. COttams, Doy, 17, 1871. WEDNESDAY CXTIL SATURDAY NEXT will contain, for 1872; the following new features in addition to those found in it at present, rendering it the ‘ BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA] begto announce that they are, as usual, pre= pared to supplz' }hoit customers with the choicest Mâ€"ats of all kinds, having purchased "or the appreaching festivities the following prize cattle, The X‘MAS I1871. Ths celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred Duarham S&o’:‘r The abov« Hote!, a~ favorably known, being situat d in the im diate vicinity of the Parâ€" liament Bâ€"ildiuge, Banks and other Public Offices, wili be vonduacted in the Mg which the wants ollh-fllh require. table will be supplied all the There is also Commedious Yard Room and Stabling attache3, with goad attendance., _METCALFE STREET, OoTTaAW A, Having been revauilt and futnished in first (lass style, and with good Sample Booms, will be open.â€"d by the sutecriber on for the accommodation of the t-lllhphlh The above Hotel a~ favorshlie knaon hinc The present teatures of the The Gardeners‘ Colomn. Homohon olumn, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books. M rket R ports, Wit and Humour, N ientitic lotelli,ence Literary Notesp/ Hearthston» Sphink, &c., &e., &a â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CMILDREN‘8 Cr;.NER will be added, in which will be ï¬ubl.sh&l a delightful story by Rev. Charles Ciâ€"gsley, M A., Chaplain to Her Majesty, entitlal «i ho Water Babies." Ine paper will be handsomely illustratâ€" el, and no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in every family as a most entertainâ€" img and instructive p.per The Hearthstone gives more amd beiter reading matiter, for a smaller sum, than any. other paper in the world. It is rior, in every point, to the most pm of the Americ in weekly papers, while they are ) per cent dearer. â€" Compare them, and you will at once send in your snbscripâ€" tion. A Ten Dollars Engnvin‘h'l"obolhnl entirely rucovered. w and a year‘s subscription to the best paper | o““fl':-l in America thrown in free,. [ Uct. Tth, 1871 Saumple numbers sent free on spplica | outreal ickt *ion, with ‘club terms C S ko ogli s _ _, . NORA The St. James‘ Hotel, Cavering #30.000 worth of Watches, Â¥e wing Machines and Parlor Orgine 3 THE TERRIBLE YEAR! ublished by special permission of the auâ€" rhnr. and trimrhd 'g: tw A new story by Miss Br. entitled CLONEL BERRYON‘8 ENTANGLEMENT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth ress. _ s ee uh A New Story by Victor Hugo relative to the l‘russian invasion and the Commune, entitled $10 ENCRAVING CIVIN AWAT The â€" Hearthstone Butchers t> ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLAXD. SURBRSCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEAR, WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, ALFRED WADDINXGTOXN, December 2ud, 18171. IssOuLU TION which took the first prize at the Provincial Esbhibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2 500 lbs, _â€"_=___ GEO, E. DESBARATS Ottawa, Jan 8, 1872 1364 Apply to sPLEXDLD Governor Goneral of Canada, Splendid Prize List, "C& E6 O R G B." TUE GRRAT CANADIAN WEEKLT uIs EXCELLENOr OF PABRTNERsHIP. Are mm.d to offer their friends and patrons a assortment of BCOK® and other Goods suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEARSGIFTS. Unll and see their Otta«a, December 18, 1871 Bookseollers and Stationers 39 SPARKS STREET, PLUMBERS, CASPITTERS, BELL HANCERS, &c. . Brary destription of Work, in out line RIDEAU STREET to the Tea P i otraWi. ‘«£0% Harat‘ Roout. Jaxes Kaunr, LU!CB.J £ Consisting of Boup â€"with Joint or Entreeâ€" charge 25cte, OoYsaTERs, A MERRY CHRISTM AS HENDERSCN & G0., Consisting of SBoup, Fish, Joint or Poultry Eantrees and Bwuets from .6 to 6:30â€" mm the numerous valuable active vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Pobmnl-, Juniper, Quassia, Hmartweed, Dande Hroscyamus, Compound Extract ot Colocyuth, Jaiap, Soco, tine Aloes, Capsicum, kc , &¢,) which enoter Into the composttion of the «combin=d mediâ€" claoâ€" , are such and so harmonilous!y «lassidâ€"d and compounded, that it is aw! ths must searching cussative in the axouen world, and monot help but act on the system in a viry aatistactory and desirable manner. No astâ€" ter what your allment m«y be, or of bow long ‘ulhï¬lt'lll fod the spot and astouish you by mmpid manner in which you are restored to petfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positiv¢ely be reâ€" Hed upon to make a permavnent cure of ali divenses of the T aroat, Longs, Liver, Kido« ya Digustive Organs, &¢., #0., as well as Roerofula the various Skin Diswases, Humors, and alil diseases arising from Impurity of the Biood, | exc. pting the Third Im&c of (b-tnpuon.1 Further information, with foll directiona for | using the Great Shosbonees Rem.â€"dy & Pills, | and containing Pestimonials and Cert fcates | of Uures, can be obtain+d by securing the | Treatis», the Hand Bouk, or the A)manac and | Uireulars from any respectable Druggistin tha | Dominionâ€" free. Piat Bott d Price of Remedy in large Pint Botiles #1 00 | Riliepet BM xuraxc@@rurircr +¢* 25 | COSMOPOLITAN‘ RESTAURANT All parties ordering stock will b« notified | the day for delivery. A‘l trees will be first | class, and guaranteed in good and fiesh order when delivered. / ' For further particulars call and see de. | scriptive catalogue, and make your choice | selection of the above trees and planta at No, 95, Ridean Street, Oitawa, or to the T:lu‘ office, Wellington stroct. 8. L WAGENER ’ January 16. 1872 18%;10k=3m DR. BIRNBAUW‘S Rheumatism and Gout Remedy is well known on the con inent of Karope for its speedy anc effective cure of Rheumaiism. Gout, wander Ing pains, stiffuess in the limbs or joints, aprainâ€" andnumbness. On. trial will cstab~ CERTIFICA ES After having sufferec enormously during a whole month from a very obstinate Rheuma~ tiim, which compeli¢d me to stay in bed for nearly a whole w#eâ€"k witoout being able to mov«, desplite all the efforts of on« of the leading physicians of this m.y; & friend gavye me a bottle of "Dr. Birnbaum‘s Rhenmatiam and Geat Remedy.® Having applied this remedy only twice, I felt at once such a reli«4 that it was possible tor me to get uy imweâ€" dintely, and three days after I feound mysel entirely rucovered. friend, in whom I had conAdence,iecommended me; and I must say that I caonot speak , too highly of its wonderful effects, as the pain ceased aiter a fow applications, and the swelâ€" iing _ sappeared within a few days, the World has ever beard of, Never in th: annale of Canatian Medical History has suc} success attended the introduction of at ; mediciae beretofore. lish its efficiency. Use! inany of the above cases and you will Aud it a real blessing. CHARLES MARTIN. 30 Victoria zquare, Montreal, _ Bole Agent for Canada ard the United That the Gazar Snoenonses Keweor ano Puuus, of the eminent indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUN, of the Ureat ‘Tribe of Shoshonees, British Colombia, is woerking the most marvellous and astonishing Curer The above trees and plants will boe. ta} en up from the Nursery as soon as the frost is out and the groun t for plantirg s Moxtami1, Oct. 2, 1871 My sister having bad a severe attack of Rhenmatism, I procured @"Dr, Birnabaum‘s Rbeumatism and Gout Remedy," which a Great variety of Rose Busves of various colours. Flowering Shrubs of all desciptions. _ Poar and Ch my Trees _ Large varlety of early, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the nu ipal plants of forcien grapes: Black, and White Currant Busbh«s ; Black berr3, Raspberry, Strawberry Plants, Koglish Goa@c. berty and Quaince Bushes ; Asparagus and Pic Plant Roots, Mountain Asb, We: piug Willow, Norway t+proce and Arbor Viâ€"am bes: carly apple known;, while oth r varic. ties grow nearly as large ss the Fameuse Some kwep till June. Good for. cooking eating and preserving. Dwart Apple Trees All kinds of Summer, Fall and Winter Standâ€" ard Apple Trees, A great variety of Plumb, Thirteen â€" varletis of CRAB APBRLE TBREEYâ€"all bave been tested in Kastern C&aâ€" rada, Maine, Vermont aod New Hampshire will stand cold ciimate, being abundant and constant beamrs giving satisfaction to the purchaser. <me kind :lpnn_lm Aogustâ€" FRUIT THEES AND EVERGREENS. Montreal, Oct. 210 1811 Otiawa, Dec T, 1871 BBEAKFAS‘T, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Cbarge, 25cts. CB RHEUMATISY ANXD GoOUT January 16, 1872 Roche & Kelly, THE 8SIGN CF THE BOOK 4 ooo _ 89, Bparks strocet, Rideaun Street. Tartanâ€"wood Goods P. BOURDEAU, ! Of the Firm Bourdean & Barbeau WM McoKAY, Teacher Catbolic Oo-u'hl An‘-’ at all boars, DINNER, CcHOPS, JiMES NORRIS. 1 18397 . Which is known to be at or Poultty | Par Euperior to anything over yet Dis» to 6:30â€"â€" | * covered * f For killing Rate, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugse, Cockroa ‘bes, Black Beetlies, Fleas | on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Motbs | Jn Four ., Tick or Scab on Shoep or Goate ; also | on Cattle, &¢., &¢., in lees than Tenâ€" Minutes. \_ Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or 8iz an 1 STEAKS | Cackets for One Dollar, #5cts. The Powder is warranted free from alil bad _ , smell, and -ul:‘:ep i: any (i:l.:oh It may 18. be spread any where without as it is qu# l!Oll.Bâ€' | barmless to Cats or Dogs, as they will nx Mess NHoses Plana‘s and | V RAIN. PIPE DEPOT, f RIDEAU STREST, EBTABLISHED 1860 . W HM. I.IOI“"LT-M.O W. M*, | _ Martuzs â€"Of all designs in Italian and Amer ‘ san Marble and Marbelised Slate, Grates, Foad Monuments and Headstones of Soottish Granite, \ Marble and Bandstone,. Gates and Railings for | reslderces and Gravo Plots, mm.‘i)?:' | Guards, Window Gratings, Iwespâ€"hoie 8. j The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" | fessor Harmau a Silver Prize Medal at the | Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" | tralia, of 1866 besid«s numerous Testimonials. | agents for itawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocer, | Wellingtonâ€"st. ; John Hill. Tea Pot. Rideau. I at,; nlocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, cormer of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New | Ediaburgh J. W. Procter & Co.; for Aylmer, | Mr, N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for Imo-..dhn Provinces, are J. Smith & Ce., No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, \ â€" May 232, 181 1671 1y ers and tHoartas. : Matter to be posted up to 9 30 P.M., will be forwarded East and Weet in Supplementary | j a. hka@» the same night. 7 Castings. . t on-;y Cans, Drain hg:.hd Lanings, ummmma-muuu:t- deten. '.'-o BRYVIL : T H 6 U a x AW A ; TIM ES Pipe Rings, and every Directions for use on each Packet. Mascracroayrâ€"Gravel lmane Houndsditcb, Citr of London, Kogland â€"â€"« _ _ _ eat it _ _POST OHMRIOE,, OTrawa. | 3 ) PROF â€"HERMAN‘S wif" ‘all and «vnins o«fore giring orâ€" ders «lscwhere. A. DUFF. (OMEARA & CO (Oin MWoney order ces throughout the Dominion, Great Britain aad [reland, Newfoundland and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stamps, and Pos Cards«. ; Rb&J~ Deposits will b« received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four per cent per annum, and Depyasits can be withdrawn at any time. QFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. Conts A. DUFF. Ottawa April 11, 1871 We would beg to call the attention of t . public geuerally, that having sccurâ€"~ the seiâ€" vices ot a FIRSTâ€"CLAS8 CUTTER for ou, TAILORLxG DEPARTMYENT, «e feel con. Adent of giving entire satisfaction to all whc will favor us with their patronage. Also, a large assortment of Hostery, , & NEW SPRING GOOD\â€" At Prices to dety Cn‘pdl(ion paid unregistered matter can be sent. Black and Blue Cloths, Doeskins, . Linens, gGMNEARAL & CC Pegether with a largeo a«s »tment of Reip: X a0e Crorum®s, cousletizng of 11.30 Oâ€"08) 1872. wintEr arraxagmugxr. 1872. Post Offic»e, Ottawa, Jan. 127, 1812 WPORTANT SOTICK, VERMIN â€" DESTROYER, TTAW a MALBLE WORLKS, Yia * wYoik «lossevery Monday at 8 P.Â¥. s Per Canadian l.ine, close every Friday at 11.0) A.M. A Supplementary ag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 114.30 p.m. in which only For Money Order and Baviogs Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m 56 SPARMKS STHAET, OTTA W .. Necktica, JIVURT 1Â¥ P O RT £D, OLOSE Pants, seeses ons 189 10 #00 Prints, ARRIVAL and DEPARTUILIRI® of MAITL An immense Stock of KEWLYâ€"DISCOYERED Casimeres, V ests, .. ...\ Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays.........|11.30 ....... 4 30‘Now Edinburgh o | FARLANE. Cottons Shtrts. Handxkerchicfa, Collare, &¢,, &t. Eoglish and l t â€" #o.; und Wontern, U . 9...... ..cc iss sresssrsesscernes $ ’ Fort Garry, and other places in the Province of _ | Manitoba,close here daily, to be despatched in closed |: _| mails irom Windsor, Ont., via St. Paul and Pomâ€" | bina; every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturdayâ€" ‘ Ordinary Dominion rates of pos:age....... ......... . iu-n.a Slstel; VC OFAUREUDUEL .....â€"... .. .:. .1â€"â€";:â€"«.......,. ‘lc-ptv Me, Merrickville, Orford Mills, por St. L. & O.R. North Gower, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway ......... Capgouites IeURKUTL; dE0.s s ecerce rer ervers rexrivess exsoereerverses sosrss z Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, c.a-d.‘ COunkEigE IAtEEWNIKY . ccauruecocersees ereprrttrbrrthe sesubs s naag Aylimer . and Haull, bz EO «ccrcrers ecrrcrers erttem . carsere Eardley and C =slow, by Ayimer, &0.. .......... ...... . March, Huntloy, C&IP, &0. ... ...ss000 seessseee sessseese eesseree | Chelssa, Wakebbld, North Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" diate Ofices, Daily ; and River Desert and ln'sr-i‘ mediate Offices, Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays ) | Halifax, N.8., and St. JOBR. NB .........sssssseessee0kkks+ § Wertarnâ€"Kingsten, Toronto, Hamilton, London, } lut,nTQujbg. Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, MHIHWBRY ccorvesces :s bns» Goods Drawâ€"s, Wikky WY IHIDHHY]] cccrcerce recesvers vhpvevsus on sorabe vriuis rosT OFFICE sSAYVINGS BANK Under irt T( .& LX L S ; MONEY ORDELS t&e, BBITISH MAILS ~__ Is bereby given that applicagion will be made to the Legislature o1 the Province of Ontario, at its next Sssion, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottaws to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inhabitants of the said: city with water; and to confer upon the said Corporsation, or upon Comn}lluioneu to be appointed for that purpose, all powers neces sary for effectuating that object. W, P.LETT, es > §City Clerk, City Hall, UiRG.Qetober 1t.i2ti 4 P uou-u TO LEKT, aT the Chaudiere near Mr. ï¬&ldwin’n Office, 4 small and comfortable housesâ€"8tone and Wood, now finishing. Rent from $8 to $10 a wonth, pply to _: L _ â€" AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT, Furaighed or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowest rent ia the City. This establisbment is too well known to require any comments upon its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on accounnt of assumâ€" tng the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manuâ€" factory in the United States, Address GUISEPPE M. GIANELLLI, N. B.â€"â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 per month, montreal, March 3, 1871. HOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR CRAb. H. MOUKRIDGE, cumbent of St. Jobns « hurch, Madoc, Ont. P. 8.â€"Â¥You have my fuli permissiv n to use this letter inany way you see fit, or refer any oue to me who wishes further information. Eâ€"timates and all other information given, apply to " CAPITAL " 8STOVE BEPOT, 35 sussexâ€"st, Uttawa, H. MEADOWS &Co. We are Bropored to fit up the »bove in Oburcher, Dwellings, &¢., in the latest imâ€" proved modern style, Orders from the city or any part of Canada solicit.d. ‘BRead the following : Manpoo, Oct. 29th, 1870. H., MEADOWs & Co, Ortawa. I muast also express the great pleasure I had in noticiog the kindness and attention which Mr. Meadows (and also his workmen) shewed in everything connected with th« work. The heat d fFuses itself rapialy over the whole buildiug, and no one part is colder or hotter than an other, but there is a npice glow f heat all over. Râ€"membering the trouble bat we used to bhave with leaking pip«s, moking chimneys, &c., we look upon the furnace as a decided luzury, I certainly think uo church ougbt to be withont one, when ii can be procured so easily and so cheaply as ours was from you, Hoping that this virtue will in every case bring its wn rew â€"rd, Deir tms, â€"It gives me much pleasure to be able to inform you that the Hot Air For. nace which you lately put up in the Church of 8t. John the Baptiste, in this village, has yiven great satisfaction to imyseif and the members of my congregation, We. had it «oing leately on one very windy day, but we nad no trouble with it whatever, in the way of smoke, or any other inconveniences, which »ften take place with heating apparatus, when the wind is high. * We And that the church is heated in a very sbort time, and that it does not require as much woods to k:ep it going as it did the stove. » Ottawa May 4, 1871 No. 48, Rideau streer, Ottawa. THE REFEREXCSS Hon James Skâ€"ad, Sâ€"nator, Ottawa J M Ontrier, Esq, M P, . 6t J M Grant, E«q, M D, M P " R W Scott, Keq, M P P, x Mr Sheiif Powell, ° at Edward Grific, Eeq. w Edward McGiitivray, Eeq, & heesrs C T Bate & Co, u Thomas Hunton, Eâ€"q, * Messrs Fingland & Draper Alexander Workman, Keq at P A Egleson. 8 n‘r, Keq w OoTICZE FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. OT AIR FURNACE#. RiRK CHANCE:, H. FALLS, E COSMOPOLITAN y IN MONTHEAL, G. P. BAKER, Pastinaster. I remain. T. M, CLARK, Most sincerely yours, Royal Insurance Co, 1657 A1400, se esceees k / KK JOU!.sssrzees A, M 8.00 â€"11,00 8# 00 | 8,00° 11,.00 8,00 11 00 .'00 sesssseee *00‘;.« L. QUEK PuR D+ LLVK&nK Y . oo-t-.l.! l.so | 4 4,20 4.%0 4,20 4,.20 0 00 £.20 1.30 For School Section No, 2, in the Town ship of Gloucester. Apply to â€" _ WILLIAM COWAN, GEURGE FENTOA, >Trustees)] JAMES STANLEY. Cloucester, Jan. 12th, 1878 _ sw ‘c"Caep TZAs AnD WINES, @ ‘"MEACHEKEHR WaAaNTED MPORTSRS & WHOLESALS DEALERS Is hereby given that application will be made to the Legislature of the Province of Ontario at its next Session for an Act to epable the Exsecutors and Trustees of and under the Laat Will and Testament of Jamese Mooney, late of the city of ,Ottawa, in the Province of Ontario, Pottâ€"r, deceased, to sell the lauds and tenemâ€"nts in the said Will mentioned, lying and being in the village ot Jobnstown, in the county of Grenville and Province of Ontario, aud to apply the proâ€" ceeds thereot to repalring and improving the Certain other lands and tenements in the said Will mentioned lying and being in the city of Ottawa atore:aid, and to such other purâ€" poses for the ben: fit of the said estate as may be neécessary or advisable. CLARKE & MUOONEY, Attorneys for Applicants and sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. confirmed by sixty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. ‘They torm a mila aud superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times wichout confinement or change of dicet, is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every de~ rcription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &¢., «c. °: GABRIEL‘S PILULE, ANTI SCROPHULE or ALTERâ€" ATIVE PILLS. "THS POOR MANS FRIEND, _ _Bold in pots, 13id, 2s 9d4, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22s each ; and his M GABRIEL‘S GABRIEL‘S 14 1 and useful for mastication, no CABBIEL‘S | matter how far decayed. Price [ 1s. 64. a [ OSTEOâ€"ENXAMEL STOPPING warranted to remain white anc MESSRS. 'flrm ss.the Tooth itself. This { beautitul preparation restores GABRLIEL‘S | front ‘Teeth, and can be easily ' usdd. Sufficient to stop six . [_t:dh Price be. UDuNTALGIQUE . E L IXIR. This celebrated Mouth Washk is +g . most refreshing, it strengtheus MES~RS 4 the gums, rmfl(’:ltfll tartar and 14 | all injmious secretion, sweatens GABRIEL‘S the breath, and for cle'amlng are tificial teeth is ‘invaluabhle Price 53 Full directions for use enclosed ip each box The astonishing etfhicacy of the Canadian Fain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommenged, and its wonderfu: success in subduing the tortaring; pains 0i Rucumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affcoâ€" lons, entitie it to a hign raok in the list o1 Remedies for these complaints, Orders are coming from Medicine Deslers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i gives. The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keepit Phbysicians order and use it ; and no tamily wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"five Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LY MAN,. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, George Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine IMPORTANT TO RESIDENT‘S ABROAD Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Bore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Btomach, Cholera Morbus %nontd’y, Bowel _ Complain urns, . Bealds, Frost “ï¬lm, &c., &c. THE CANADIAN PAiN DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtt of time and whercver used is well liked, never failingy in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have never gnown a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" 10wed, but on the contrary, all are delightva with its operatiouns, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mes»rs. Gubricl‘s now system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth:â€"ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0oi the mouth will be forwarded with all neceâ€"sary instructions, ME>BRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at & moderate cost, Artifiâ€" vial Teeth supplied by other dentists which bay not proved satisfactory to the wearer, A CHRIBTIE & Co., Druggists, ’ Agents for Ottawa; We speak from experience in this matser bhaving tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. peud upon its being a Sovereigu Remedy. [FAR T Sâ€"OoF â€"THEâ€" Asa family Remedy it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the iJ May 11871 MESSRS. :; MESSRS. MESSRS, MESSRS,. Presco‘t, Nor 21, 1871 Prepared oniy by LVDCA 7 November 30, 1870 ANADIAN PAIN DESTROYKLR UBSLIC NOTIOCOEK K. RuBEKnTS ‘M. FOUuilE & comMPaAa®Y PREPARED ONLY CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Biilal # SO8SFITAL STRKET BEACH & HARXIICOTT, Biidport, Dorset, EKngland TK [ wWHITE GUrTA PERCHA i Ename!, for stopping decayed | Teeth, rendirs the Tooth sound CORALITE TOOTH PASTE for cleansing and improving the Teeth, imparts a natural reduness to the gams, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 18. 64. ® ROYAL DENTIFICE prepared from a recipe as used by Her Majesty ; gives the Tecth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fra. grance to the breath. Price 1s. « SEDADENT" O R C UR E for Toothache. This extraorâ€" dinary application, marvellous in its effâ€"cte, gives immediate relief without injuring the tooth, and forms & temporary stoppling., Price 1s. 1jd. 64 «Redicatl. . _HILL . LOND ONEC] N Â¥O~ TREAL WORLD| 15277 39 6m 41 6 Is hereby gvon that application will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at its next Session, tor an Act 10 amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway Company, giving power to such Company to construct its line by the most direct route to such points as may be selected for cross} ing French River, Degsmher 26, 1871. 1861 The Mayor will attnd to business cone nected with his office at the City Hall every day from ten o‘clock till eleven a.m. W. P. LETT, Olty Qlerk. (BAty Hall, Ottews, Jan, 16, 187%. 19r20 BW" Special attcution given to dissase: ani diz»lacements of the aterus. 175% 1N Homcopathic Physician, »urgeon & Ac. coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert strout. _ Oilint hours frow 9 tJ 11 a.m., and 2 to 4 p.m. Contracts made tor advertising in eithe, or all of the above papers. Ottawa, Oct. 21. 1871. 180114 ParmtEs intending to make application to Parliament for Private Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring corporate powers for commercial or other purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to effect the rights or property of other parties, are hereby notified that they Tss Office, W Hington 8tr et, E&Agont for the Ottawa Times. is " _ Evening Mail. *4 " _ Courrier d QOutaouais. #* «* _ Minerve, Montreal. &4 * _ SNemaine Agricole. are required by the 5ist and following Rules of the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazetie), to give TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifyâ€" ing its nature and object), in the Canada Gazette, and also in a newspaper published in the County or Union of Counties affectâ€" ed, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. All Petitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first three weeks ol the Session.: ALFRED TODD, Chf, Clk. Committees and Private Bills, : H. of Cemmons. Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841l.1@a CHRISTIK, Commusion Merohant an i s. @eneral Agent. sole agont for Read : Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Laâ€" chine Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0.,for salr. Orricu: No. 6, Bparks Sureot, near the Russeli ‘ 1CHOLAS 8P ARK®, Barrister and Attor. 1W negâ€"utâ€"Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , Conveyâ€" ancer, &o. OMceâ€"Lang‘t Buildings, Elginâ€"st., opposite the Post Ofice, Ottawa. 48Â¥y \ BILLIAG®, Jr., Architect. Uflicecâ€" B. Beoll‘s Biock, Sa ppors‘ Bridge. Rurmezxo®s.â€"â€"BH ASsims, Ksq, Asonitect, Philaâ€" deiphia; Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Albany Dr J A gGrant, M P.,Jitawa ; Thos Reyrolds, bsy Managing Director U. & 8t. L. R. K. 1406 Llll & GEMMLLL, barristers, Atiorneys, Soliciters, Conveyancers to,. Jficeâ€"ln toc Court House, Uttaw a . g Rosert Lezs. 4outt _ Jorn J. GEXEKELL P\DWAB D T. DARZA4»mLL, Barristet 4 Solicitor Attorney and Nutary Pubiic, Clork otthe Peace and County Attorney, forthe United Jounties of Prescott and Kussell. Oficoâ€"ln the Court House, L‘Urignal. $4â€"6m 12 # l\l-lll‘l'l.l & Co+â€", Laad Burveyors, Lana Agents, D aughtsmen, &o. Ofice, opposite the OntarioBank, oparks â€"s4. Ottawa. Vaiuntors tor Trast and Loan Co. W. &. Paistus. %. Liwe. R h. HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"l.aw, Sollâ€" © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, Notary Public, and Pstent Rignt Solicitor. Offceâ€"1m wediately opposite Kusseli tiouse, Elginâ€"st. 43ut) iooh, Duke et, Chaudiere, Ottawa. Provincial Land survegor and Draughtsman, om:cloned ior the Provinces of Qaebec tario. K. Corner James and Kingâ€"sts., opgflutho Sourt tiouse and Public Ofices, DT. CaTHARINED, wat. i. 40VUGHTON, Pro?flm:, (Late of rsoughton‘s Dining Baloon., M A spacious sampleâ€"room for commercia; â€"raveilors. BbÂ¥y 'l\lll 66 QUEKN " RESBTAUs ANT, M. KAV ANAGH, Lroprictor, Corner of Metoaife and Wollingtonâ€"streets, opâ€" positethe main entrance to the @overnment Builaâ€" ege."" ~ =~ > 5 %"~ Having now changed hanis, and been "ted of for a firs »class LUNCOUEKQN 8 AR ana 8 ALVUVN will oe called Dl.. ROBILLARD, Pbysician, Bnrm. Accoucheur, Officein Mr. Hearn‘s £ Sstore, Kast end of Bapper‘s Bridge. OfMice aours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. the"QUEEN"comprises alitherequisitesfor a Arstâ€"class hestzu ant. Tho House has beenrefittes and ref. tnished throughout. The BAK contain: ne choiosst Brandsir Winesand Ligu we, and over) elicacy of the seasea wili be found ontheiavie. The ropriet r‘s bestefiorts will be direcsted uo he comâ€" rtof his guests ana pstrons. BM ysrers,j4ame oto.. duily THE COMMERCIAL HMOUSE and carried on urder the mansagoment of F EV AN3,iute proprietor of the 3T. Jawu£s uo kL. Striot atteatioa to nasiness. uood Wines and Liquors warranied. ‘iOlGRoVI & TAâ€"LLON, Barristers, 14E Bolicitors, &0. Ofceâ€"Mosgrove‘s Euildings, Qideauâ€"street, Ottawa. Wiuutax Moserovs. 3666 â€" Grozres Taivos Ifiee. N. B.â€"Speciali atiention gnn to the tre iment of diseases of tie kÂ¥ & and EAk. Ai night can l?e seen at ais residence, Murray s‘roei. DR. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. UBoe Bparksâ€"street, Cent: al Ottawa. Siutf DR. McDOoUGALL, Office, Rideau Strect, opposite Fese therton s Drug Store: Regide 8 â€" 1P eP @q Advocate, &s., opposie the Eossell House Ottawa. J 0. ABRCHAMBAULT, â€" @ NOTAbY PUBLIC. Rosidence â€"â€" Hull next the Post Office. 1723y CBABLES MARCIL, Advocate, Hull. Onmice at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; private reai. dence in rear of French Cathedial, Hall. Business attended in Ottawa and tre Disâ€" trict Courts of the County of Ottawa, Barristers, Attorneys at Law, S »licitors in Cbancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public and Advocates for the Proviuces of OUntario and Quebec. 55 Officeâ€"Corner of Sussex and York streets . N. B.â€"Collections attended to in all parts the Provinces of Ontario and Qurb:c. 368y †O°CONNOR , Attor ceyâ€"atâ€" Law, Bolicitorâ€" #in Chancery, Conveyancer, &6., Sussezâ€" treet. Office, Union Buildings, Ottawa. biy HALIFAX, NOVA BCOTia, Established 1851. Permanent and transient boarders accommoda ed, and every wontwud to their comfort, v6Â¥y JOHN RJOMAN>, Proprieat. W ouse, Ottawa city, C. W. l,oc’l‘uu BENDEIR®ON, [lcUlU Uniâ€" versity ,l‘l’by sician, burgeon ana Accsucheur, B_nr(or_yâ€"A hat recently occupied by Dr. Malâ€" *OTICK A A,. KARA, Architeos. Ofceâ€"Aumond‘s Ot tawa, February 14, 1871 1 C,. AALINBOTH, @ Buildings, Rideauâ€"st., Ottawma. _ 9027 RIVATE BILLS. TETREAU, Noug Public for the Pro @ vince of Quebec, Hu‘!l, near the Pos 1CKWICK HOUSK, 64 HK + RUHKLAL ! siaLOO®, sL@IN 8TR EE I, APIERRE & MUPPHY, A. GRISOY, Motets and Aoaloons. AVERLI ROUBSKE, Mriecetlianecous. 44 Office. Aylmer, P.Q BARRINGTONâ€"STREXT, » _ WARD, Barristorâ€"atâ€" U Upinion Publique Les a#+â€" Â¥90tT 1722 tf THE TIMES is prinied and published M Tas Ormawa Timzs Prxt=o A»P Py msmxg Comraxy, at the Of§e® 18 Number 12, Wellington Sueet (## Her Majesty‘s 1 aeatre), Contre TPM® Ottaws. J AMES BAILIFT, Mam##$ All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘e, Who# sal=, at reasonable prices. 1 bis own manufacture, at o PBRICKS. Your Ocdâ€"rs are solicited, and wl# FROurTLYX ATTENDED TO oy LONG AND SHORT MOCOASD® | WHCLESALE ; sSTEAM BISCUIT He hopâ€"s by good workmanship sonable charg: a, to ensure a continw To buy Biscuit, o..a.:i'""'" Candies fectionery of all kinds. *4 On and after MONDAY Next, 5th Trains will leave Montreal as “U...‘ Mail Train for Toronto and Inter. Ret is sincere thanks to the OtuwS:r the liberal patronage be bhim since his commencement in bus SUMMER SERVICE 0P TRamgg Pullman Palace Cars now Raming q Day and Night Trans. * * mediate Stations, at ...... . ... Day Express for Toronto, at. t ie 0 ie y Night Express for Toronte, at. ... , Mixed Train or Brockville, at., g Accommodation ‘Irain for Brack. "llfl' “o.o.c- esns 88e *8 e# » m" Accommodation Train for laland pond,uopplngutdlShï¬qn,u *M0 , Express for Quebec and Riviere du LOUP;, Ub>>>> ++1*1: *#+* #r+8%4 8 38 a, WMail Train for Island Pond, Port. land and Boston, at...... ... 200 py Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Fuul, . Portland and Boston.........u,.“‘ A Pullman Car w attached Through Tninu(;)ct'e::: lb:atml -4-9~ Plain and Ornamental Engraver, Cors#@ Sparks and Elgin Streets, over James Hopt Co.‘s, Ottawa &b Visiting Cards ergraved and printed tÂ¥ sbortest notice & Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 181M A Pullman Car will be attached Through Trains between Montreal ~:= du Loup triâ€"weekly, vig. *=â€"â€"From & on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sat % tursing from kiviere du Loup O:L Wedncedays and Frigays. Falace Cars through between lo.i--. Sarnia. One of these magnificent conches wi}) be attached to each Day Expuutul.“ Montreal for Toronto, and be run througe 4 Sarpia, as a Drawing Room and Blovping Car. There wiil also be one attached to aagp â€" Day Express frouw. Toronte to Montrag) The Summer running arrabgemn y come into operation about the 1st of June, q _ which due potice will be given. U J BRY DGES, ‘ Ottawa. 2e 4 W MoKar * masy [Frij N. B â€"Farme.s from the County of Ouls» ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Hin#, opposite Brewery gate. Freight and Uartage Ag@BN _ Cmuistionere Oc« B@y*â€"Orders tly attended to, â€" .4 t@~R. Cuteumny Receipts reliee Rayâ€"ing shipporf;:‘r;:m all further twoubk Special rates iture. W. £. JOHBNSON, Ottawa, Oct. 12, 1871 3 ?: “ RIGHT & CLEMOW, Barrsen Mgl-n-hv.mh Donveyancers, Notaries Public, #0, 44, ) vinces . Ontarioand Quebes. * _ dféce over Durie‘s Book Store, Spart M# On and after MUNDAY MAY, it is intended to r Palace Cars through betwe Searuide, Uut Oof thoke mamsnt PLAN ED LU M BER BUILDING AND bRIDGE UMBB E. W A large stock of the above will be kepten stanily on hand to sait purchasers. Warranoted Superier to any made h&â€˜ï¬ P. O. Box 725. Montreal, March 11, 1871 sHiNGLES X. XX, COoNFECIIOKE Y EsTA 8LISEKYEELI l\‘ll..'. PARK STREET, OTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Prop Ottawa, May 17, 1871 19th Augnst, 1871 GRANO TRUKK RALWAy Managing . D“" ! Montreal, April 26th, 1871. 1ék*s I Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 Rough Lumber Well Sensoned, Price Lists, with references, on applicétin BSST PLACE IN CENTKAL UJANALDA » .« Nos 36 and 38 Ridean Street, Ottew® _ Creai Acceleration of Sperq. i HAUDIEZE STEKAM MLLL*, PRACTICAL Tal.OL 44 Aullil1 OAK Ta®nn Ki ANaDA CENTEAL 6 LLXANDKR RAMSAY, vERISON‘B LEATHER BELTING, DANIEL MORRISON, Proprisi® FINE ENGLISH HOSsE RIDEAU STREET, Near Division ‘Joort OB# ILLLAMS, NAXUFPACTURERS OF of all descriptions. LACE LEATHER, &c, &o, JOHN ROCHESTERA4 . JOBN C MeLAREN, 247 Bt, Jamesst,, HATLWiAY 1Ts468d $08 54 MUb an r1~BE SEASON COMM $1 80 . jat Received H Continâ€"nt asd in Lon Caceds and in the Uoitâ€" Milwaukie, Chicago, an W ent . COcrtificates issued to 872 WEEKLY COM The Steamers of the intâ€"nded to rup We k/ Navigati n of 1872. bets the frst leaving London London, Quebe: preâ€"pay log Is hereby given that made to the Parliame: next Hession, for an A« Canadian Pacitic Rails o. denr sls with power also to to the Sault Ste. 1 rembina and to ali the frontier of the as may be deemed with power to structing a bridge Marie, and to own and other passeoager and f; all lakes touched by branches. Oitawa, ï¬thDo&.lJ ;o'orw construct a acific Ocean towards sains, and from selected Euast of rowards the Pacitic seaboard of Briush railway system of C so be constructed u trom such poinis as its The Commissioners ap struction of the lut tew! public notice, that they seilve Tend rs for the Buaridings st Cscouns. ] t»l»s, 8t simon, »t. Fa Bt. Luc« and AMctapediia Taok Houses and Wood Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rim Aiso, for Eogine H a Rimousk! a0¢ M «apes Flans, Sp ciivatuions may be gceu on and a| the OM e of the chief Kiviere du Lonp and K Tenders, addressed General, will be recer noon, on FRL+AYÂ¥ NuXIT, for the convey: Ma«is, on a; propos« yeaws, six ti.nes per w iween Mormsburg an 1t of April next. Con;:yunn to be a # ‘awin &t “‘go Iuhb’w d: Mundays excepited & Arrive ut Vitawa Leave Vit «wa Arrive at Morrish (hu.:..&-:, HAt | K »rth Williamsburg, ) West Winchester, Fouth Glouceswr and Tenders way b> for 1 sumbe« of <heâ€"se M.fl seived, maked * Toud the Commiâ€"sion rs‘ CR e‘clock, nows, of the 201 Printed nouices 0 { rma«tion as to Contract miy be seen, lender miy be obtai ees of Morrisburg, West Winchester, + Bridge, or at the oï¬ The Postmater himself to accept the Chief Post Office in Oitaws, 17th J In returning thaol frieD38 and custowers for their past paton public geâ€"merally, tba: «d arran;emeuts for expense) of those | bu:ldings n ar the # Btreet, formerly occu, a«nd knoown as the they bare bly now fee} MM::;‘ the of one of the Largest a the Dominion, where Througb Bills of For farther tnoformatic TEMPER L* Y8, 3 White 14 B U L K attention to Aaction The Italian l’llll AUMive aud Friday mornings parties heving goods to their advaniage to .a-uul-m.:zpl uebec prouw ptiy 1 3 JOHN M yle and on the Uook at thâ€"ir bous » ‘:....“_M“J* NTERQV.ONILaL & MACDOIALUF A Y O LK 8 John Macdo POULTRY and GA Ottewas, Jan 3, 1872 Urtawa, Jane . i ith, mnmnmmnmmmndfne ncz "AIL QONPHaA . WEDNXESDA Y, YOL. Furnishing, Jnss Agents, 36, York tews, Nov, 12, 1 Implements, W QUEENKXâ€"R oOVsST London 8 J. M. C. DE Ku AT