Da w J BRY DGEs, l _ ki .-w' h ‘%\" OTICE tb , l!?:.‘ e \ wonte, at lville, at P a B B t as LISH@ HOSE, )2T 10COASP ESALE _._ TING, P nimouski and Metapediac ioad. > above will Plans, Specifications and forws of Tender it purchasers, â€"way be seen on and after 20th Fâ€"bruary, at ti1e Office of the Chief Engineer. Ottawas, at N ROCRBESTER wiriere du Lonp and Rimousâ€"ki. e Tenders may be for the whol», or any lees nambes of these Buildings, and wil bre. m the County of weived, marked * Tenders for BRuildings," at 1 jyard by the Commissioners‘ Office, Ottaws. up to 123 % T w‘slock, noon of the 20th day of March next. 1871 ED. WaLSH, ED. 6. CHANDLEB, 4b C. J. BRYDGES, A. W. McLELAN. we_ Room and Slee be one route to geatredt® ing arrang> meng Dout the 1st of Jua be givem. f all kinds. sollcited, a8 DED TV bf . Câ€"eolk en Montreal aag vis :â€"From x Â¥a and M du Loun an 1i# ::.l‘" «* The Steamers of the LONDON LINE are ig en k 'wâ€d"z: ;.::.‘ut;‘:..hov pa: N 18 o m’w‘&‘ ’;~.o frst learing London on or aboutâ€" pwe~ C WEDNESDAY, l0th APBIL Through Bills of Lading lssued on the Continent and in London for all parts of C ® Cacada and in the United States, to Detroft, e Milwaukie, Chicago, and other points in the h tme Int B . Cervincates issue destrous otf to ron to persons "'.m“"...hhl ;‘“m!q.omdMMb mag Ca ‘ay Express train For further information apply to and be rus througy TEMPERLEYS, CaRTER & DABKE, a_ Room and 3 White Lion Court, Cornbill, t London k Amtiea n-â€. ltï¬l . co’ HER tor i Milyy] vyor yI No. 1888 dlsu-..‘.". ~nd Riviere da _ * 1871 to and l~ work manâ€"bip ill be Divisiwa * Tali.OR, &t thanks to the “ N C lm.- 147 St, Jamess, ved and printed E3T a BLIsKYEH LX CEN £KALb A"‘ a # RISON, Propiit? STREET, -’“h‘l Pood, Port., lll-l'â€"â€"" ‘whflv “ibm,m CE OFr AIN, LU K B & &A AalL C attended us way l enuriere all further Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster Engraver, C . over James OoTTaAWA A YÂ¥ p *Â¥ wu e uue The Commissioners appointed for the conâ€" «traction ot the Intercolonial Railwa=y, gave pablic notice, that they are prepared to re. eaive Tend rs for the crec in o Station Buildings at Cacouns, lsle Voerte, Trois Pisâ€" toles, 8t. Simon, 8t. Fabien, Bic, Rimouski, Nt. Luce and Metapediac Road ; and also, for ‘Fank Houses and Wood Sheds at Isle Yorte, Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski and Metapediac The Mails to leare Morrisburg daily, Aumdays exrcepted at 7 o‘clock, A. M. Arriveat Uitawa do. do. 5, P. M. . Leare Ottawa _ do. do. 1, A. M. Arrive at Morrisburg do. 35, P. M. Calling each way at the post offices at hmh\;uha-burs Winchester springs, West Winchester, Urmond, Osgoode, south Gloucester and Billings‘ Bridge. Printed notices câ€"ntaining further inâ€" { rmation as to conditions of proposed ontract maiy be seen, and blank forms of Tenmder may be obtained at the Post OHâ€" ces of Morrisburg, North Williamsburg, West Winchester, Usgoode and Billings‘ Bridge, or at the office of the subscriber. The Postmaster General does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tenâ€" â€"~BHE * Is hereby given that application will be made to the Parliasment of Canada, at its ern Termini, as shall be setected or apâ€" proved by L Government of Canada, with power also to construct branch lines t the Sault Ste. Marie to Fort William, to rembina and to all such other points upon the frontier of the Domuinion of Canada, «may be deemed advisable,â€"And also with power to construct or join in conâ€" «tracting a bridge across the Sault Ste. hndtoov:‘dn;l work steam and other passenger reight vessels upon all lakes touched by such railway or its WEEKLY COMMUNIC ATION next Session, for an Act to incorporate the Canadian Pacife Railway Company, with to construct a Railway from the F.dmoonm the Rocky Mounâ€" wmins, and from -chgxt as may be selected East of the y Mountains, towards the Pacific Ucean, connecting the seaboard of .mnh‘ Columbia with the railway system of Canada,â€"such railway 1 be constructed upon such route and trom such points as its Eastern and Westâ€" teneral, will be receiveliat Otta#a until .El' on FRIDAY, Oth FEBBUARY NSXT, for the conveyance of Her Majesty‘s Mai‘s, on a proposed Contract for four yeats, SIt tiines per week each way, beâ€" tween Morrisburg and Ottawa, from the 1t of April next. Conveyance to be made in a passenger mage drawn by at least two horses. _ _ landon, Quebec ard Montreal «it Received H. M. KO Â¥ E 3 celobrated sULK A ND CAN ovsTERS, In returning thanks to their numetrous frien‘s and customers in th« city and vicinity, lor their past patonage, bâ€"y to inform the a:Nh generally, that they have just completâ€" «d arran;emenats for the leasing (at a large e«spense) of those large an! commodious buildings mar the Market Square, on York Street, tormeriy occupied ty the Goverom+at, and known as the Military Hospital, vM:: they have thorough!y teftted and painted, a now fee} confident that they are inâ€" possâ€"ssion of on« of the largest and best situated roomsin the Dominion, where they will pay particular attention to Auction Sales of | Real Estate, Houschold Effects, A Implements, Works of Art, Horses, h Arocy! the Chief t Office Inspector. ‘Iwnoiuw_wcrmu BOL & TOQOKLK STLEEK T. John Macdonald & Rcrl. Auction Sales every Tuesiay and Friday mornings, at 10:30 o‘clock, where partles having goods to dispose of will find it to theit advantage to send them in the even, Baileg in country places, either in Ontarle orQuebec prowmptly atteuded to. JOHN MACDONALD & SON, Aactioncer ani General Commussion, House :..Inbhiu. 'l“.m -8:. Real Estate ta, 36, stroet, _ Uttews, Nov. 13, 1871 mu- I# now prepared to supply Families with POULTRY and GAME vlovuy description Sont to their houses readÂ¥y for tha (Oivan ar ""% t their houses ready for the Oren or Uvoked. Parties requiring the services of his Utolulh-lrhouuandonol.om Eatrée Dishes, &c , &c., prepared in the best style and on the shortest notice. Ottawa, 26th Deo., 1871. 18646 The Italian Warehouse. J. \M. C. DELES DERNIERS NTERCOLONIAL RAILWaAY Also, tor Engine H uses at Riviere du Loup, 1akD Ottawa, Jan 3, 18724 Ottaws, Jany. 11th, 1872 Ottawa, 17th January, 1872. § 1873â€"3 ACDONALDSY AUCTION ROOMS. The proprietor of the QUEENK RESTAUCRANT M. KAVYANAGHK, Ottawa, January 16, 1st3. _ 18t1id sEASON COMMNENCED w e we t *# London Steamers Â¥. RO #E 3 celobrated AT DiVIDP SHAW, ... PER GALLON. YETERS, 18607 184124m 1872 STEAMSHKIP â€" COMPAXY, CHANGE OF SAILIN G. The steamers of the Liverpool Mail L.ne sailing from Live pool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland are 1ntendod to be despatched from Quebec: Dates of Sailing are as follows : CURINTHIAN, on or about. ....12th Oct. OTrTaw A 64 <««x. ky * ST. DAVID «4 « «+4 oditk. * ST. ANDREW ta . .. ... Snd Nov. 8T. PATRICK #4 sises wR * Fares from Ottaws, cabin........â€",.. $87 25 Intermediate.................. $#7 or 44 00 + ___ Liverpool Line. Calling at St. John‘s, N. F. x . PHRON qgUcEREEO M'h...'l'. w a n e w# «++ % HEROMMME ... .. .. aa. 2rx axkrar Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage cortificates g:anted to parties desirt. ous of bringing out friends from Kurope. WZ" An experienced Surgeon carried on each vessml. Berths not secured until paid l 871 _SCMXMXER SERVICE, 1871 Pm:sons Booked to and from L 1 Lendonderry and mss tGlasgow. ®* TCGHtlh AKHAOUIAKHG «««rxx« c«rite c« M D ClMG «. «s iuas concee aeerre ‘m s ue e we e e w e s s n % t s# a ® 18791 T871 The following first class powerful Iron msA:Y......D.MW. Are intended to Sail, as under during the Season of 1371, from NMGkk ..... «_ 5th Oct. SEVERN. ... «â€" lth «* MEDWAY .. «+ _ _ Z2nd Novr. n;raiapâ€"gq-'" abes io London * to D â€Clbh.ï¬lulh, ; children under 12, year. n'%,;.c,dnltl, $24 ; children under Certificates issued to persons desirous 0 m.tbmd their frientis to Tickets can be granted from Ottawa to Quebec at $7 first class, and $3 + w second For further information apply to DpaAVID &A‘, Mn EL IiLe. > . «««««xA«««« «++ dft0, 000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ..... 9,50,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUONDs ««a¢«««<c««c«ucerrcer, _ GiPnadlé There having been added $736,200 to the Lite Fund as a result of the business of the past year. n Mo‘fxn ‘. insured A Whuamm’um ateo rates. Losses promptly settled without referâ€" ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTXENT. . Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is hrppdr tal of the Company, s I asâ€" mm have‘ anditionat security in the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy ‘hbl_uol.lbuo,l’ropo-dl“ormaadfl information can be obtained on application o the undersigned. A. PERRY;, Fire Inspector. T. M. CLARK â€", Agenpt. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Spacks and Elgin streets. 1760y N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal is in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. * EXTENSION OF MARKET SQUARE. COMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS, COMING ELECTION FOR DOMINION PARLIAMENT. WATERWORKS QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESENTATION. COAL STOVES AT H. MEADOWS & CO. wWOOD STOVES AT H. MEADOWS & Co. HOT AI% FURNACES AT H. MEADOWS TINWARE OF ALL KINDS AT H. MEA pOWs & CO. BUILDERSY JOB WORK AT H. MEA puwWs & Co ©CAPITAL!‘ STOVE DEPOT, 35 SUSSEX Office: ELGIN STREET, opposite the Russel! For further particulars anply to _ D W COJA.‘D & CO., Agents : "Spark: Ottawns, May 6, 1871 ©‘599tf ~HGEK..... T. M.CLARKE, Royal Insurance Co‘s Office, Ottaws. Ottawa, Oct. 17th. 17607. VOTING UN THE BRIDGE BY LAW. ONDOY LIXE OF STKAKERAS. TEBEC TO LONDON Ottawsa, Nov. 3, 1871. LATE CHANGE IN THE MINISTRY. MONTREAL OCEAN 81. LAWRENCE AND OTMAWA OYaAL INSUKRANCE COMPANY, A PES®T CITY TuPICs, 1143 1y A. J. TAYLOR, Agont. NEW STREET CROSSING® CARTAGE AGENCY, FIRE and LIFE, RAIL WA Y â€" H L ROUTHLL w. F. BEDDA Chief Agents for Canada. . Nisbett, Cirk ererruukitty & s s a4 4 e# # a# '“ @lasgow Line. Montreal. a *# d. do. do do TDht 10 10 14 13 10 GQ0D STABLING AND ATTENXTIVE tnnl.lhg' Public. _The BAR always "‘l‘h Whï¬ms enry to his numerous fri and to the public at large for the great encouragement they reviously honored him with, begs to inâ€" yomnhem that, having considerably reâ€" paired his new establishment, and owing to his well known experience in that line ef business, he is in a position to continue giving them sufticient satisfaction, _ Good Yard and &hla:&uuï¬ also the best of accommodation continually be found satisfactory at his establishment. \J CONDUCTOR FOR COYÂ¥ERIXG STEAX BOILERS AND PIPES Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrositve 8e ,4+20 per cent in fuel, and steam passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor qdhv. Extensive‘y used in the Eastern and Western States and throughout Great Drn-hhwl by the British Admiraity and American Nary.â€" (Bee circular N. B.â€"1t sires 30 per cont on the Russel! House boiler, and stram is now raised in half tllntl-::toohbhu&o m'u.‘..:f plied, while it saves a large per cen rul'uduuumw.&c‘:md(g; Parliament and Departmen Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Iflh, A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &¢. _ CHALMERS & CuU., Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. Box 8444, Bole Manufacturers in the Dominion J, MUNROE OLEARY, General Western Agent. Ottawa, Nov. 20, 181; y \V HOLESALE DRY GuODS. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co, EX LATZ STEAMLERS,‘ P ‘Tho Lybster Mills Goods are ths cheapest goods made or imported to Canada G. & M. are Agents for Ottawa, and sell Mill prices delivered in Ottaws. of E. LA YIGNE, (Quebec.) Jtta wa, May 10, 1871 This new swing contains the mo=~ tive power in itâ€" self, requiring no external impalâ€" «: sion to drive it, J and in it persons _ ; induilging in that 4 agrecable exers cise are exposed to no accident or danger. Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to conterd? with any of the inconveniensces met with in ordi nary Swings, * Pateat Swing, pm MOUSKE, NO. 123, SUSSEX STREET, No. 12, \orra Â¥ 4A, Kept by K_;u.l_ryhbdlo mm..-:u.mumuh Canada Central 1, No. 120, dussex streoot and at No. 8, 8t. Patrick Stroot. 1009tf Soloe Agont for Ottaws and Y HAUSER‘3 wifCOLATING LIBRRT. Mr E A HARINGTON 'M% Oxford), lnte Mt&u‘- of Tris College School, Port Hope, intends openiag the above on the 1st Beptember next. High testimonials and refer. nces can be given both in Ottaws and olu;rhu.-‘ For further parâ€" ticulars, apply to Harington, Port until the 15th inst. After that dtb,m tawa. N B â€"Private puplils will be taken in the evenings. 1T236tf OTX‘A'A HOTEL Presocott Junction, J. FRANCIS, Proâ€" prietor. Mea‘s at all times, Table and liquors eannot be surpassed. 1§78 91. _ Is hereby given that application will be made by the Corporation ot the City of Otta. wa, to the Legisiature olthohhovl:uol Ontarie, at its present Session, an Act to enable the said Corpor..tion to purchas»s a cerâ€" tain parcel of land lylog on the wist »ide of Broad Street in said city, for the purpose of widening said strout. W P LEYPT, Oity Clerk. C ty Hall, Ottawa, Jan. 10, 1873. 1808 lawke Ottaws, Dec. 14, 1871 1845 3m wZ" The Lybster Mills Goods Terms, 40cts. per month, ï¬. bought, sold and exchanged : ttawa,June 9, 1871 CcANADIAN Go03>3 ; 1 Case Manitooa Tw»».s 1 * Union Twee :, +) Bal s Batting, HALMERY.SPENCE PATE®NT NOXNâ€" 10R COHA K iDLNXG, * uates Urey Goleds, i Ginnk Taeadk, * * l # h“w * _ Trimmed Hate te l_frguh‘-sutdnr, 1 Bale Hessians, 1 Oâ€"se Linen Drilis )' il'mlu. 30 CE3 Paper C‘ollars, ib ; 14 B“ul.ytdul‘l‘lhmvymm q 46 46 & MM ol a I he RIVYVATE CLASSICAL SCHOOL. OoriCE signed in â€" DK Lseessems Insvyite No. 88 Rideaun Stroet. Fortars (expected..aily) L. A CRIs OM , supplied with the OTTAWA. MONDAY, FEBRUARY 5. 1»72. The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the : shortest line byP-Il.fn. Ottawa to Brockville and all poiats ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bare connections with all the GT trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late Twonty minutes allowed at Prescott Juneâ€" tion for refresbments. Trains are run on Montreal time. THOS REYNOLDS, _ R LUTTBELL, es Buperintendent, Prcsoott, Ottawn, January 1, 1873 Brockville and Ottawa Railways CTreat Broad Gauge Route TO OTTAWA. Express at 7:15 a.m., arriving at Ottawsa at 1%2:50 p.m., and at Hand Point at 1:30. pm. Mail Train at 2:15 p.m. 1 Through Ottawns Express at 3:25 p.m., cooâ€" â€" _ pecting with Grand Trunk Day Express from the Kast and West, arriving at Ottaws at 7:25 p m. and at Sand Point at 8:235 pm. LEAVE OTl! AWA. 4 Through Western l:r at 10:00 a.m., ars riving at Rrockville at 150 p.m., and connecting with Grand Trunk Day Exâ€" :â€"mu.‘" ~ all Train at 4:2C p.m. ARRIVE AT SAND POINTâ€"1:30 pu, and 8:25 p m LEAVE SAND POINTâ€"7:45 am, ant 8:45 p m OoTTAWA RAILWAYâ€" Trains ob Canada Central and Perth Braa h make certain connections with all trains <a B. & 0. Railway 5+ Freight loaded with mhh,nd No T ran« a.!pment wh. a in car Â¥ â€"mm H. ABBOTT, Manager Brockville Dec. 21,:871. 1181 y On and after WEDNESDAY, Â¥ith DECEMBER, 1811. ARNOLDUS WINE VAULTS. MKETCALFE STREET. In Bond or Free 154 And also in Wood or Bottle Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martello Brandies, DeKuyper‘s Gin, Jaâ€" maica Spirits, London Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskies, &o. 3 WP B:rgud' Sherries, Ch ies, am ;::’-. Moselles, ‘ Hocks, Clarets, uternes, &o., of choice quality and great range in prices. _ THE GREEK AS USUAL DOWB ALE in cask cr bottle. English Ales, Porters, &c. _ The congreâ€"gation of 8t, Andrew‘s Pres byterian Church will commence to meet for pablie worsbip in No GowWaAN‘Bs HALL, On SUNDAY, the 28th IN8TANT, And continne on every following Bunday un til their New Church is erected, or unotii furâ€" The Bishop‘s Chapel Tutend bavring a SALE of ’ USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES HEmee -“" Members of the congregation are requested to remove their Books, Cushions, &¢., from the Old Church, in the course of next woek, and not later than Friday, the 26th inst. C. 8. MeNUTT, Bocretary pro tem. January 18. 1871. 1873 9 . 1872 at 12 o‘clock noon. â€" All m- interested are required to take vt i€E LADIES notice, and govern themselves accord The frst week in April, For the purpose of paying of the debt on ‘‘Uonitivations thaskiuily ‘masctved by the ldndt;m 1 * congregation. gtarsem P§i8memm _ low i: _ No. Comiertable SBofa Cars on No 7 and 8 Trains will run as follows : A® AXD FROM WEUNESDAY, 3rd Jao., _ Finest F:ench Wine Vinega: Liberal terms. inspection invited. K ARNOLDI, Telegraph Building, | ___â€" wWM. ELLIOTT, . _ Co. Master, Co.Carleton. North Gower, Jan. 8, 1872. _ 1867 Iw T. AXD REW‘8 CBURCH. trains will run as follows ; Ottaws, Dee 29, 1871 January 18, 1871. CANVIDA CBMRL 10 00 p m 10 30 a m Pres: ott, 115 am 85,50 p m 1;30 p m LEAVE BROCKVILLE. 1 00 p m To polain hass WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &c., g@oIxa NoRTH. g@ol8G soUTH Managing Director, Ottawa. Do do Express Brockville, Kingston and all way t at l o ns Do do Expres: trom West Do do Mail from West Mail bth{ Do Express for train for East and Wost Connecting with. Mail from the Metcalle street, Arrive in Ottawa, 10:25 a m 11 15 p m 4:10 p m 8:25 p m €:15 a m 3 50 p m 1 40 pm 1 00 a m Derartuext or Manixs & Fisuznaiss, Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 Sealed Tenders will be received ‘at this Department, up to nson of Friday, the 9th duy cf February next, for the supply, :n bond, of the tndermentioned quantities of the best quality of standard white refined Petroloum The Oil is require1 to be nonâ€"explosive at & vapor test of 110° FabrenBeit, must burno brilliantly, without smoking, until entirely conâ€"amed, and not erost the wick, and must be tree from all deleterious substances _ It is also reqnired to have a specific gravity of 41° Beaume, at a temperataere of 68°2 Fabhrenhit :“n-pu of a quart to sccompany each Ten«â€" The Oil is to ba delivered in good order, in tron bound casks, containing from 35 to 42 gallons ca h. Casks to have staves and heads 0t white oak, and to be properly prepared ins side with liqatd glue, and to be painted outâ€" side so as to prevent thi oil from permeating the wood, and evaporating from the surface, The casks to be furnished by the contrac. tor, and th:â€"ir cost included in the price of the oll. Irspector‘s fees of Inland Revenue DNepartment and QGuager‘s fees must be pald by the contractor. * The cartage of the oil from the Railway Station, Oil Depot or Vessel, to the Wharf or place where the Oil is required to be depositâ€" ed, must be paid by the contractor, _ ~ wS, TEHee VC P" t Mb mtecitacdontr arrnindateatad The Oil to be subject before acceptance to an inspection, test and approval of a person ap; ointed by this Department, and to be de. livered at the risk and expense of the conâ€" tractor, in the locality designated by this Department or its Agent, at the following times and places : From 20,030 to 25000 gallons at Halifax, N. 8,one half on 25th May, 1872, and â€" balance 10th Jaly. > do ~©6,000 to 8,000 gallons at 8t. Jobn, N. B., 10th June, 1872. > do 18,000 to 20,000 gallons at Quebec, 5th Jaly. do 10,300 to 12,000 gallons at Montreal, let Jaly. " do 3,:100 to 4,000 gallo2s at Hamilton, 8th â€" July. do ;,0100 to 5,000 galions at Sarnia, 12th uly, â€" Tenders will bo received for the whole ::nmy,ot for any of the lots above speciâ€" , for one year, or for a term not exceeding three years, at the opticn of ths Department. Parties tendering who may not wish to conâ€" tract for more than one year‘s supply, will please state so in their T+â€"nders. To Tenders will also be received, as above dlhd' for the charter of a suitable Steam YVessel, for the delivery of sil and supplies to the Light Houscs above Montreal!, the charter to commence at noon on 2n0d July next, at such part of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as may be designated by this Department. The name, size, age, horse power and description of the vessel to be specified in the tender, â€"A bulk sum should be named for the performâ€" ance ofthe service, or the ra.e at which the vessel is offered per mounth at the option of the departrent. P, MITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, BV â€"LATUWYV No.313 1872. ¢ WHEREAS it is necessary to m.ke some provisions against the spreading of Smaill Pox and other oonu(gnom or infecâ€" tious diseases within the City of Otum and also to prevent the interment of de bodies within the limits of the said City after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the City of Ottawa do hereby enact and ordain as follows : next. 1. That the occupant of any iwelling house within the City wherein any case of Smail Pox or other contagious or infecâ€" tious disease now exist or shall and may hereafter exist shall immediately upon its being known to him or her ofy the existâ€" ence of such disease, put, place and keep np on or over the front entrance door of the said house a printed notice, placed thereon in aconspicuous manner, during the continuance of the said disease thereâ€" in, and for the space of ten days there. after, such notice to be supplied by this 2. That the body of any person who shall die within this City from Small Pox or other contagious or infectious disease shali be interred within two days at farâ€" theet from the time of his or her death. 3. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, bodies politic or corpoâ€" rate, to permit or sufter or be party to the permitting or suffering any dead body in any house, building or other place or rhou within this City uninterred for any onger period than five days without the written permission of the Board of Health. 4.: Tnat it shall not be lawful for any person orlfenonl affiicled with the disease of Small Pox or other infectuous or conâ€" uï¬:- disease to go abroad in any of the pu Nghmgl, streets or places of public resort in the City until such person t::nfer- sons shall have recovered thereof, or uniess he, she or they shall produce when requirâ€" ed by any Health Officer a certifitate trom a regular medical practitionér within the C“ix that he, she or they have recovered, that there is no danger to be appreâ€" hended of the spread of the disease by such person or persons going about. y 5. That from mdtaer’ the thirty Jirst d‘:{ of December next it shall not be lawâ€" ful for any person or persons, bodmp::l tip or te to bury or inter any d body m the limits of the City of Ottaâ€" WA. . 5. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law shall, on conviction thereof before the Police Court for the City forfeit and m such fine not excéeding fifty dollars or than one dollar as to the Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction, and in case of nonâ€"payment of the fine inflicted for any such breach, and _ there _ being no .. distress found out of which the same can be levied such offender shall be liable to be im aoned in the Common Gaol of the nty of Carleton for such period not exceeding one calendar month, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper. ~ _ _ Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottaws this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, A,D. 1872, EUG. MARTINEAU, Is hbereby given that the Directors of t! is Company are prepared to receive tenders for the fl‘..d '0:0:! of the 1in*, Plans pecifications, togethe: with the conditions of Contract, and Forms of Tender, can be seen on and after the 22nd JANU. ARY, inst., at the cffice of the Chief Kogine«r of the line, Charlâ€"s Lefp, Erq., No. 162, St. James Street, Montreal. And Tenders will be received marked Tenders" at the office of D, A. Macdonald, President of the Company, Alexandria, Glen« garry, up to the 6th day of February next. . The Directors do not bind themselves to aceept the iowest or any tender. D. A. MACDONALD a President M. & 0.0. J. Ry. _ Certified Alexandrin, }0th January, 1873. 1868 Teeos IGHTHOUSE SEKuxVICE, make some ï¬rovuionl o‘tï¬m‘ the spread of 83 Poxt:d P Co;t.a- geous or infectious ueue:‘ and to prevent the intemuï¬of dead within the City of Ottawa, after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December, A.D. OornTBREAL & CITY OF OTTAWA aJUNCTION RAILWAY COMPANY. s NOTICE _ w. P. LE&ETT. STEAM VESSEL WNONDEAFUL â€" IMPROVEMENT ©Dunham‘s Patent Hydro.Carbonated Sounding Board." _ _ e This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensely to its volume. DINILN PIUONO! In callinï¬ attention to the above improveâ€" ment take pleasure in announcing that they have been appcinted agents for the So long and favorably known in Canada, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in ORME & SON Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz: McCAMMON & CO., ; _ _ _ The merits of the Dunham Piauos are: 1st. Its durability has become a proverb. 2nd. In workmanship it cannot be surâ€" passed, if equalled. â€"_ & â€" _ 3rd. In Solidity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no.compeer. _ 4th, It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. â€" _ Also the celebrated MASON & HAMLIN, A large assortment of which we keep conâ€" stantly on hand. J. L. ORME & SON, 3 a . 8 Sparks Street. OUR SHOW ROOM. 5th. It is warranted in the most satis~ factory manner. _ _ Mnsd oo 4 Pamphlets containing a description of the above improvement cain be had at our establishment. These highly improved inventions render Klectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being ex~ perienced, whereby 1t beeomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising peins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and rmparting renewe energy and vitality to constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULVEbRMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC SYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. PULVERMACHER‘8 PATENT GALVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS AND POCKET BATTERIES N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouver 4« wacger‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic " Batteries and Galvanic Appliances tor " Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every # one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, * Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. + SIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., F. R.C. P. SIR HKENRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D & F. R. 8. + sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. KDWD. H. SIKYEAING, M. D., M.R.C0.8. + &ll J RANALD MARTIN, F. R. C.8" ULVERMACHER‘8 SYSTEM is also ap v¥«« of by an official report of the Aca ‘ i. de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" y of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con» firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). These facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientitic and curative progress, to which the invento, has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a an ardent dociple of that great benefictor of raankind, the late illustrious electriciaa Mionase Faraoy. * PULYERMACHER‘S MED1vOâ€"GALYAN. IC CHAINS are exceedingly effictive without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet. or the least derangement of the patient‘s habits aud daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheumatism Female Compl!aints Gout > Constipation Bciatica Cramp Lumbago Sluggish Circulation Neuralgia Urinary Disorders â€" Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints _ Epilepsy Tic Doloréuz Nervous Debility Indigestion Functional Disorders No Galvanic Belts are genuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. Pulvermacher‘s signature on the label. A pamphlet containing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christle, AS@eeies A. CHRISTIE & €3., DRUGGISTS, ® oTTaW aA. Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 1455 law Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorde:s, &c., (worn as a beltk 22s to 40s and 555. B CHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Norvousness, &c, 22s to 2306 and 408. B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl, â€"â€" Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility ~ _ Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINKD UHAIN BANDS8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £!1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Pseudo Klectric Belts advertised by a First Class House. Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints _ Epilepsy Tic Doloréuz Nervous Debility Indigestion Functional Disorders Deafuess &c., &0. Bpasms The effects of the application of Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantaneous. & PRICE LIbT OF PULYERMACHERS Bparks Streot. _~At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilities of sham Doctors, &¢., for lnptos« purposes, and so severely .dg.’mtlud by Vice Ohancel« lor ldhn‘::n Kt.:n lu}t Pulnt-ac.l her vs Ham» mond nry James, alias C. T, Raphey M. R. C. 8, alias Henry Burrows, &c, &c. _‘ CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ahe,and Noiser in the Head, 218. to 308. ; B, uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to 218. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Bciat _ Rhoumatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" _ lysis, Cramp, &c., 188. to 228. and 408. Ottawa, January 20, 1872 _ J. L PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Eetablishment, 200 Regent Street, London, W Full particulars may be had from the Sule LECTRLCLITY 18 LIFE UE ©JUNCTION HoOTEL," DUNHAM â€"PIANO® and ESTEY & CO.‘S ORGANS, @nuts 1N and HOOD, 1455 lawky Honiton, Allan, Mclinnons, An assortment of MITTENS, FANCY CGCOODS WOOL TIES, tANCY â€" WOODLLEN G60005. T. Hunton, Son & Co. JRES 6008 MANTLES ‘Temporary Premises Fine Colors in Roman SILKS, _â€"_â€" I@râ€"FLOWERS, WREATHS, ETC BLACK SILKS, from 75¢. to $7.50, EATINS, Moire Antiques, &¢, PIM BROS. POPLINS, &c., (all colors ) Porter‘s Block and Gateway, Bay~LONDUN MADE DRESSES, B@~FRENCA APPLIQUE DRESSES,! J EV ENING GOODS. 2,000 :;a :;nd 3 h:h;l Grain Bags, good ate. :‘:fls BERMIXGHAM, ottewa‘ Dec. 5, 1871. Christma s Presents, By Jas. Bermingham, Auctioneer. AGS!| BAGBS!! LADIES and CHILDRENS BODICES. ALAL XTHOR & KA Ottawa, Jan 6, 1871 MILLINERY, SETTS anrp COLLARS, , Real Lace Overskirts, Collars, Barbs, &¢., in Honitan, Maltese, Brussels, Point, &c. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co. â€"______ No. 20, Sparks street. L LTA W LS. R@*In all the New:Coluring. "@g T. HUNTON, SON & CO. wa, Nov, 28, 1871. 173ly 4 Dhagor res Exrrzss." Maltese, Are now showleg SPARKS STREET, LACES. "eUITABLE FOR McMoran Irish Point AND CUFE., COLLARETTES. iPRICEâ€"3 CENTS 1 tis now an established fact _ you wantany firstâ€"class BRANDIES or WiNES, and the best Family GROCERIES, you must go to POI'I' WINEâ€" Rum Pros‘, Old RERye and Highwines, Anest fiavour. e PO.‘I‘II & ALELâ€" Guinness‘s and Dwer‘, bottled to Bummer equally good for cartage as in Winter, will be sold cheap. No less than 100 cords to the single hogiy oi ud uuivciy my es in !onnd,' 6 milq_‘fm _Ottawas. . Boul_ h SPIII CANDLES, "AIO! BOAPSâ€" RBest Toilet, " London" make, to order One trial will prove the quality. The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b * Caddies." At & ie . Country Property For Nale. W. H. FALLS has been instructed to offer for sale by Private Contract in a Department of Public Works, % Ottawa, 17th January, 1872. z 1878â€"8 h'Pm of lot 37 mwm.m«.gilz.‘ Nepean, containing 100 acres, upon whi hmummmm Sheds, Coach House, &c. This property is owned by His HanorJd'Ar-m and is situated on the Macadamized t::lin‘tomchmdwithhhlfsnihd wgiky. â€"â€" < e & 5 0.Â¥s" Nepem, known. as the Heney pre . F., Ne as the proâ€" rf, and Imtoly occupied by Mr. it o it "Ton hone dntetaiim with a thereon. Distan tlmtbdmnilu, and fronting the Macadamized leadâ€" ingomdumnd. art of lot 9 J. G., Gloucester, containâ€" ing 6 acres, and situated on the Ottaws and Montreal Macadamized Road, wnithin Upon which is a house, &¢., fronting ontholonhulmdn-bd Road, one West half of lot 8, 2nd con. O. F., Gloucester, 100 acres ; South West } lot 6, 2nd con. 0. F., Gloucester, 50 acres. hflmq'q.loconthomdc-h{.- rooms, with goed stables, sheds, & 'l'h Tonmior'ï¬mbu Limite. He also on hand for LETTING 2 a large number of Houses and Shops in all p-molthocit{.umullnq-‘ from “(FX)downto‘ m’;l'.m.l-i!’ or terms, y to ALLS, at east of Daniel‘s Drg&ou. Ottawa, January 23, 1872. 18784 Eflorm' of improvements to the Pubâ€" ic Works on the Ottawa River and it Tributaries. s?aï¬omu' can be seen on and after KMO ‘DAme&:uhoofludbhpu- intendent of Ottawa River Works where printed forms of Tender and any other information can be obtained. Beparate ‘Wenders willbomnind for the works at each Station, must be severally endorsed. * Tender Madawaska River." *‘Tender Coulonge and Black River.‘ 4# Tender Dumoine River." "#‘Tenier Calumet and Mountain The Department will not be bound to accept the lowest or any tender. half a mile of the city. â€" C Part of lot 5 J. G., Gloucester, 47 Lots 22, 23 and 24 Theodore Street, 3 lots on Wilbrod Street, and a number of lots on Daly, Rideau, Besserer and Nelson _ Addressed to the mdcl% will be received at this off:.ce until NESâ€" DAY, the 24th instant, at Noon, for the ty, viz. : ~COTCH WHISKIESâ€" VALUABLE CITY . $ D RECT IMPORTATIONS "‘IUI'I‘Iâ€" Oi all kinds, the very finest. Thos. Patterson‘s. Apply by letter to G. C, operty is at t 0 3 John Mwi.;j.":." erterins Lots 18 and 19 on the north side of Y ork Lot No. 1 cornerof Sussex and Cathoart Lot No. 30 corner of Church and King reets. Lot No. 15 south side of Ridean Street. HERHKY WINEâ€" APANSâ€" EALED TEXDERS RANDIESâ€" The best old prav~ds, Pure and Mild Pl"lll-â€" Fresh Roasted, and Ground Daily on ORDWOOD FOR SALE. LAaCK TEASâ€" Fine Old Vintages (10 years), pure and roliable for family use and medi. Just received, a superior lot of the best Brands, imported this Season, quite fresh and fragrant.â€"Iry ; hem. Of the first grades, various prices, good Â¥ vi«Mailt 64 64 icand Pale, very fAne qualities. and a: Low Prices. DeKuypers & Son, fine Old®Dauble Berried ALWAYB OX HAXD, clual purposes. and sound. ‘es, Jams and Jellies, from the Crosse & Biackwell‘s â€" Belliny, Cheapâ€"really good._ No. 26 Rideau Street. TROZX. PATTERSON‘8. ecember 23, 1871 64 PA es F. BRAUXK. 44 1878a 46 «€