. OMcoâ€"Asmoadh oR t W h * i CLaArTileT ad4 AllOfe ie goare yelcian, s Bridge, Ofee radibe forthe Pre oracy â€"atâ€" Law , 36e avay ancer, h ind armsers, Attorneys, * K I , PP B o atmaster yâ€"atâ€" Law , Solieitor» neer, &o., Susser» %, QIO0W &. biy >®, | Motwili URA on ang Acconchest pled by Dr. Ms # bos Lley tary huaifl ney , for the Unitesd all. Oficeâ€"lnthe 2,00 t t , iers accommeoda aeir coummfort; »8, Propriet0f. . a geoment J a% &# the nnq-buulu &# ; Das voenu redmed o BAK contalnt® 130 <s, and ever) oatheotable. Th# 8.00 o Â¥, Barmsters agd prng o rmcra c > t. opposite and Kingâ€"sts, bile OMces, 48« 1,.00 en to the tre ment K. At night os® Barr sratâ€"Meâ€"UAR ie Haseol) House for comimer â€" bs5v9 A U as A W + ® 00 a Supplementary {, Newtoundand stamps, and Pog w, S.licitors in srive Public and »i untario 128 SCOTIA, P ; private real« dal, Hall. ___ vernmentL DUR 1 DC LIV SLicBCO â€"â€" 4 17237 rat» of Four Utta w& 1LON, Sarruit® W:‘u Juil diagt, 1xG axD PUP* i: ocate, 00 11 ,00 Y ork streets . tw in all parte Quebe. 3687 .00 Oromoe® 104 3 A OUNHK. Spaerike Mrock m -Ncl.. HouySsE u0 be som* Jficeâ€"1s the 11,.00 1872 m=#s00 ‘I owB 11 9 .. The Steamers of the LONDON LINE are intended to ram Weekly during Season ol Navizaticn of 1872. between the above Ports, the A:st leaving London on or about _ {bs Commissioners «ppointed for the conâ€" 19 :ilon ot the Intâ€"rcolonial Hallw«7, gare p Mite -.-da,Mlhymr-pndln re. wive Teml ts for the creciiâ€"n o Statiâ€"na Buidings »t Oscouns, lsle Vorte, Trots Pisâ€" t l»s, 3, Sumon, 5t. Fabien, Bic, Rimousk!, *#,. Lac« and Metapediac Road ; and also, for Tank Houses and Wood! Sheds at Isio Vorts, i rots Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski and Motapediac hoad. AMM‘?H uses at Riviere du Loup, »imogski and Moâ€"tmpediac Road. Plans, 8p cifcations and forws of Tender say be «en on and after 20:h Fâ€"bruary, at the Offt e of the Chiet Kogineer. Ortawa, at Kiviers dn Lonp and Rimoaski. mn London Steamers I0F WEEKLY COMMUNIC \TI0N d e P CC Continent aod in London for all parts of Czads and in the United States, to Detroft, Yi| waukie, Mu‘*phï¬ in the West. Certificates issued to persons deslrous ot wepaying the passay® of their friends to (anade. For further Informatina apply to TEMPERLSYTS, CaRTERB & DABKLE 3 White Lion Court, Cornhiil, Is hereby given that application will N‘ -.oolouuhmunmo((:ndq at its next Session, for an Act to incorporate the vanadian Pacific Railway Company, with power to construct a Railway from the ‘wific Ocean towards the Rocky Mounâ€" wins and from such point as may be selected Eaust of the Rocky Mountains, owurds the Pacitic Ucean, connecting the .eaboard of .1:!: Columbis wi::lim railway system Canada,â€"such railway w::z.-.u upon such route and trom such points as its Easiern and West»â€" era Termini, as shall be setected or apâ€" proved by the Government of Canads, with power also to construct branch lines wthe Suult Ste. Marie to Fort william, to rembina and to all such other points upon se frontier of the Dominion of Canada, «s may be deemed advisable,â€"And also with power to construct or join in conâ€" «truoring a briige across the Sault Ete. en yameiigey uod Treight voals upon other upon d.m by sucn ralway or its pranches. Uitawa, *3th Dec., 1871. 18064+f * NTERCULONXIaL RAILWaYT. Tenders, addressed to the Postmaster General, will be receivelat Ottawa uul' noon, on FRivAY, 9h. FEBHUARY .{EXIT, for the convegance of Her Majesty‘s Aus, on a proposed Contract for four years, six tines per week esach way, beâ€" ween Morrisburg and Uttaw1, from the lst of April next. Conveyance to be made in a passonger stage drawn by at least two horses. Ihe Mails to lease Morrisburg daily, Hundays ercepted at 7 o‘clock, A. M. Arriveat Uitaws do. do. 3, P. M. Leave Ort:@wa do. do. 1, &A M. Arrive at Morrisburg do. 5, P. M. Ca.mwonhnyulho post offices at North Williamsburg, Winchester springs, West Winchester, (rmond, Usgoode, South Gloucester and Billings‘® Bridge. Printed notices oâ€"ntaining further inâ€" formation as to mhao of proposed Contract miy be seen, blanok forms« of Tender may be obtained at the Post OHâ€" ces of Morrisburg, North Williamsburg, West Winchester, Usgoode and RBillings‘ Riige, or at the office of the subscriver. rdlnaupnb lowest or any tenâ€" caic Â¥Biruice tspast i & . Chief Post Office Inspector‘s ottice Ottawa, 17th January, 1872 ilߤ3 Landan, Quebec ard Montreal Tenders may be for the whol«, or any lees numbes of these Building», and wil b>re. wired, muwked * Teudâ€"1s for Ruildings," at the Commissionâ€"rs‘ Office, Ottaws. ap to 12 welook, noon, of the 20th day of March next. ED. WaL8H, ED. 6. CHaNDLESB, C.J. BRYDGEs, _ A W. McLELAS. ..gE SEASON COMMENCED ‘ln returaing thanks to theis aum rous Irlew‘s . n\ customers in th= city and vriernity, fot their put patoosg», b ¢ to intorm the public generally, that they bhive juâ€"t : 0 aplet. vd amran;eme.te for the leasing (at a large «spenâ€"se) of those large an> coamotiouns bmidiogs near the Muket Squar», oo York Btreet, tormerly occupied ty the Goreram at, ad knowno as the Military Hospite!l, which thâ€"y bare thorougbly râ€"#s ed an« paiuted, and uow feel couft jeot that they are in p as+â€"asion of on« of the largest and bert situated room sina the Uomloton, where they will pay pa:sticular a«ttention to Aaction S«les of M Real Estate, Household Effects, Implements, "-"“74'5 Ic,lln Altion (Sales every Tuoesiay aod Friday morniogs, at 10:30 o‘clock, where purties having goods to diap se of will dn it to their ddvantage to send them in thoe er.n. 1ng befure. The Italian Warehouse. J. . C. DELES DERNIER wEDNESDAY, l0th APRIL Through m ‘. %l 11 < Haies in country places, sither in Ontarle OrQuebec prowmptiy atteud=~d to JOHN MACDONALD & 80N, . Auctionser ani General Commiasion, Hooss Furnishing, lnsurance and Reâ€"al Estate Agents 36, York street, Oitaws. Ottews, Nov. 12%, 1871 18134 m . A First Class Cook 1« now prepared to supply Familiss with PCLTRY and GAME of every description tont to their houses resdy f>r the Oven or Cooked. Parties requiring the services of his Coox at their houss can do so on application,. Eatree Dishes, &¢ , &c., prepared in the best Â¥)le and on the shortest notice. K. KAVANAGK. , Ottews, January 16, 1914 1W114 qQUEEN RESTAU H .ring engaged _‘ $QCEKK STEREKXKT John Macdonald & * OTICE Ottaws, Jan 3, 1873 11kD, Ottawn, Jany. 1ith, 1872 AlL CONTRAUT. YOL. VI NoO. 1891. ACDONALDSY AUCILVNX 8#00M%M48, The propristor of the a a @* * Â¥. RO NXE 3 celobrated A*% DpiVID 3HAW, ROSS & Co, PER GALLON. YETERS. R A 18607 on the 1072 N T on | _ MONTREAL OCEAN ~STEAMXKHIP COMHMPAXY. CHANGE OF SAILING The steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line salltog from Liveâ€"psol every Thursdiay, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Loct Forvle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passâ€"ngere to and from Ireland and Scotland are intended to be despatchet from Quevec: « =â€"__â€"._ Uiverpool Lin#. Dates of Sailing are as follows . (URINTHIAN, on or about. .. ..12th Oct ONrlaw aA a4 <«... MWt * ST. DaVI® 44 «useudith 8T. ANDREW &* *«+xx« amtNuor 8T, PATRICK «* x« is Aik * Fares frou Oitaws, cabin...... .. .. $87 28 !wm....... a #« # # ol.cl.“’. 44 u moo-o-.ooouccco-o ....-..--.n†“ WaJ" An experienced Surgâ€"on cami~d on o':nn-sl. Berths not recured antil paid l 87 l. SUMMER SERYVIC E, 1871 Pmr.m:ns Booked to and from Liverpool Londonderry and Llasgonw. Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. _ FROMK QUEBEC. C SpIAD ...... .. 8 aâ€"dinaviâ€"n.... Hiberal n The following first class powerful Iron steamships : MEDWAY. . ... .D. Harris, Commander. THAMES ......J Vames, do. "YCiGBEH. . ... , . .. W. Ninbett, . da. SEVERN ......G. Butchart, do. Are intended to Sail, as under during the Season of 1871, from 1871 NIGER ..... «_ Sth Oct. SEVEFN ... «* â€" ‘TIith * MEDWAY .. «* _ 2nd Novr. TH AMES... «t Taih _ lsmo!h-&TQm‘new London : Cabia. adulte, ; children under 12 * renge ’ ~age, adults, $24;â€"children unde: liaflycryar. iticutes issued ‘to persons desirous 0 mhgthmof their friends tc Tickets can be granted from Ottawa itc Quebec at $7 tirst class, and 33 : w secony For further information apply to DAYCID SAAW,â€" _ FIRE and LIFE, CE TEIKC«« «««a«. «xou« x car iO ooo ody ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000.0M FUNDS UN HAND, over. ..... 9,5w,U%% SPECIAL LIFE AsSURANCE TUXEF. .« <eccusrertrgaruuts . Uloadlt There having been aided $736,2100 w the Lite Fund as a result of the business of the past year. â€"____ FIRE DEPARTXMXENT. All descriptions of pogony insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moder Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Oflice. LIPE DEPARTXENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestion«ble security is offered to policy holders. Besides the large paid up capital of the Company, as surers hiwwe additional security in the UNLIMITED LL\BILITY of a Wealtby Proprietary. _ _ 3 *T3 Return Tickets grant=d at reduced rates, Passage certificates g: anted tw parties deair. _ Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ftui information can be obtained on application o the undersigned. Ottaws, May 6, 1871 N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal is in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agen! doing business in that city. # __â€"~T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFIUEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Spaâ€"ks and Elgin streets. 1760y s of mq out frienads from Earops. Fog 1 r particnlare aoply to | _ DW CoOwaRD & CO., f Agents ~ "Sparks at Ortawa. May 6. 1871 s99tf VYOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY LAW. waATERWORKS QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESENTATION. NEW STREET CROSSING® EXTENSION OF waRKET SQUARE COMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS couing umï¬ xgx% DUMINION LATE CBANGE IN THE MINISTRY. COAL STOVES AT H. MEADOWs & Co. wOOD STOVEs AT IL. MEADOWs & co. HOT AL2 mn{ï¬; at #. weapows TNWARE OF ALL KINDS AT H. MEA DOWs & Co. BUILDERY JOB WUORK AT H. MEA DWs & CO uCAPITAL‘ STOVE DZPOUT, 35 SUSSEX STREET s T. Â¥M. CLARKE, Royal Iosurance Co‘s Ofice, Ottaws. UM:iaws, Oo%. 17th. 1760y. ONDO® LINE OF ITKAKERS. UEBEC TO LONDON OYNiL IN8URANCEK Cui#2#A1N8Y, 81. LAWRENCE AMW OTTAWA itaws Nov. 3, 1871. 1TM8 !3 H. L ROUTOA, w. F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada PERRY; Fire Inspector _ T ra&®t OiTY TuPIQs. : ELOIN STREKET, opposite the Russeli it tw f es : TAYLOR, Agest CARTAGE AGENCY. Montreal. TDt Evary convenience and comfort for the travelling Public. The BAR always supplied with the Choicest Liquors. G00OD STABLING AND ATTENTIVE his numerous friends and to the public at large for the great encouragement they previously honored him with, begs to inâ€" form them that, bavin« considerably reâ€" paired his new establishment, and owing to nis well known experience in that line of business, he is in a position to continue giving them sufticient satisfaction. _ > HUSTLERS, The rietor of this establishment, Henry Ehollo: in returning bis thanks to Good Yard and Stabling, and also the best of accommodation shall continualiy be found satisfactory at his establishment. Utraws, Dec. 14, 1871 1845 3m Ntates and througbout Great hulh.l by the Briti<sh Admiraity and American Nary.â€" N. B â€"â€"1t sives 30 per cent oc the Russell Jonse boller, and stvam is now ralsed in half the tim« it took before the covering was ap» plied, while it saves a large per centage of Furl and Labor at the Water Works of the Parlinment and Departmental H"“-L'O†Gas Wo.ke, Rochester & Co.‘s YSteam Milis, 4A Nonâ€"Combust:ble and Nonâ€"Corrosire se ,, 120 per cent in fuel, and steam passes through any length of Piping covered with the llo.-(‘ondnchrqnlhv. Extensively nseq in the Eastern and W estern (Bee cireular.) Glas Wo.ke, Rochester & Co.‘s YSteam Mil Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &¢. CHALMERI & CO, â€" Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. Box B444, Solo Manufactnrers in the Dominion J, MUNROE OLEARY, \V HOL&LSALE I-):!-OOODS. GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co, ARANXKLIYX MOUSK, NO. 122 SUSSEX STREET, No. 12 way" The Lybster Mills Goode are ths ‘heapest goods made or importsd to Canad« 1 & M. are Agents tor Ottawas, and sell Mil! prices delivered in Ottews. TBI U aderâ€" signed in â€" vites the public to ecxamine the of E LaÂ¥YIGNE, (Quebec.) This new awing contains the mosâ€" tive power lo it swif, requiring no «xternail impal. _ e on to drive it, Q 1nd in it persons Â¥â€" indulgin« in that si Pew & tA t&Z»ts i~â€" u1e exposed to no accident or daager, Ladiesa particularly can eajoy themssives on thi. awlugy withoct having to contend with any of the inconvenlo=ces met with is ord! Patent SWiLg, Drt Guneral Western Agent. Ottawa, Nov, 30, 187% * any of the it gary awings, This 8Swing -? be so n in oprration at the Cunada Câ€"riral Hotw1, No 120, sussex Btroot n ut No, 8, 8t. Patrick Sureet. L. A. CRI8 18090 31!+ A zent :otr Ot?lnltn?&luy t\u.. 04 & :::;lo. HAUSER‘3 wu1?I0LATING LIBRRT. Uullege Scuoo!, Port Hope, intends qm the above on the 1st Beptember next. teatimonials and refer nces can be given both in Ottawa and elsoewhere, For forther pasrâ€" ticutare, apply to Mr darington, Port l.g until the l5th lost. After that date, st Ot ta wa. N B â€"Private puplils will be taken in the _Mr E Aa HARINGTON (Worcester Ozford), late Assistont Master of eveninaa O'rruu HOTEL _ Prescott Junction, J, FRANCIS, Proâ€" prietor. Meals at all times, Table and Ugaws eannot be surpassed. 1079z wa, to tha Lâ€"gisiature of the Province of Ontario, at its present Ression, for an Act to en â€" bie the saisg Corpon tion to parchass a cer. tain parcel of land Iying on the west side of Broad street in said oity, for the purpase of widening eaid street.| oo a L NALMERS.SPEXCE PATENT ®ORâ€" N ~__ Is hereby given that ap «lication will be made by the Corporstion ot the City of Ofts. UONpUCTOR Fuil COYERILKG STRAX BOILERS AND PIPES CANAdOIAN Goo>»° ; C T se 1 W Pa.lol‘l'f. ! ty H.l!, Otta«wa, Jan. 10, 10973. 1808 lawkt wiÂ¥" Terms, 140ct1. per month, Books bougbt, sold and exchanged : Utawa.June 9, 1871 ) tawas, May 10, 1871 JRIVATE CLAsSICAL soHOOL. 1w ve Recetr 4 £X LATZ STEALEKRI,* 1 Case Vâ€"iveateons, 1 * ~Black Lustres, 4 * _ small Wares, * im f 2 " _ Cottun Hoslery, s 1 + _ perk Prints, 1 Halen Grey Cott 0*, % @ _ Fortirs (expecteddeliy\ 1 C:se Manitoa Tess a . 1 * Union Tweoe 4 ) Silt eB thag, )" l\b".klh: -“ 3) M RICER Paner t 11 8 lee 1y beter Mills Grog / 1 Usle Kept by Henry Labelle. 1 he or.CE * pÂ¥" Isersoms layitn, *4 No. 38 Rideaun Street. 44 Hesmane, Linen Orilis Boanet Borders, Trim.mew bMtate MHorroca‘s sairtin w, Hibboas, 0 TT iÂ¥ 4A, OTTA\WA THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 8. 1s72. 1Ti26tt The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the sabortest line by Q miles from Ottawa to Brockvilie and all points â€" ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME. Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bure connections with all the GT treias both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait tbeir arrtval when lase Twenty minutes allowed at Prescott Janoâ€" tion for refresbments. Trainse are ron on Montreal tima, THOS REYNOLDS8, Je ._ _ Managing Director, O.tawa. & LUTTBELL, Buperinteadent, Priscott. Ottawn, January 1, 1812 OTTAWA RAILWAY. Brockville and Oftawa Railways Ureat Broad Gaugoe Roule %O OTTaWA. Express at T:15 am., artiving at Ottawa at 1%:50 pm., and at Hand Point at 1.30 pm. Maill Train at 215 p.m. Through Ottaws Express at 3:25 p.m., cooâ€" uflfl;flolw Truak Day Exprcs from KEast and West, arriving sat Ott â€"«wa at T:25 p m,. add at Sand Point at LEAVE OTl AWA. Througb Westeru Express sat 10:00 a.m,., ar> riving at Rrockville â€"at 150 p.m., and counscting with Grand Trunk Dsay Exâ€" ::-b. Rast and West. Train at 4:2C p.m. ARRIVE AT SAND POINTâ€"1:30 pu, and 8:25 p m LEAVs SAND POINTâ€"7:45 am, and 3:45 p m Trains on Oanada Contral and Porth Braach On and after _ WEDNESDAY, 711 DECEMXBER, 1811. Trains will run as follows : a..pment wh. n in car loads. * Preigut loadrA with despatch, and No Tran« No ARNOLDU$ WiINE VYAULTS. MKETCALFE STREET. In Bond or Free l xT . And also in Wood or Bottle Gcnuine Hennessey‘s and Martellc Brandies, DeKuayper‘s Gin, Jaâ€" maica Spirite, London Gic, [rish and Sootch Whiskies, Aq. + &A large vraricty of Ports, Burgundies, Sherries, Cham m-. Moselies, Hocks, Olarots ternes, &o., of choice quality and great range in prices. THE GREEK AS USUAL Com{lertable Bota Cars on No T and 8 ___ _ The congrrgation of St, Andrew‘s Pres byterian Church will commence to meet for publiec wotship in GowWAaAN‘s HALL, On BUXDAT, the 28th INBTANT, And continne on mv’{‘blk'lq Sunday un tUI their New Chach is erected, or untlli furâ€" Members of the congregation are requested to remove their Books, Cushilons, &¢., from the Oid Church, in the course of nest woek, and not later than Friday, the 26th inst. C. 8. KeKOTT, Becretary pro tem. Janmary 18. 18711. 1813 0 'l““.l- The Bihop‘s Chapel Intend havring a BA _K of 49 USEFUL AND FANCY ARTICLES by the ledios of the congregation. January 9, lln...‘ 54; The Arst week in April, For the purpose of paying off the debt on U eauival ribations will be thankfully recelved _ Is hereby that applicag!on will be -lloloihofl':h‘ulm mmnflmd Ontarlo, at lie next Bâ€"ssion, for an Act to enable the Corporation of the City of Ottaws to coartract Water Works, for the purpose ol supplying the inbabitants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said m..'-‘l" Oo.:uldouu to be appolated 1t purpose, all powers neces aary for effectuaiing that object. _ T Sotaber s4.1071.4 '! AND FROM WEUNESDAY, 3rd Jao,, tralns will ron as follows ; Brockville Dec. 27,:811. 1181 y OWB ALB in cask or bottle. L.m Ales, Portars, &¢, Finest F:each Wins Vinegu Liberal terms. Inspection invited, & ARNOLDI, Telegraph Bailding, | *. AXD REWS CSURCOL. 815 pm Ottaws, Dee 29, 1871 Junmary 18, 1811. CANVADA CBNTRAL 1# 6 p 1 #*A5 am 8,80 p m 1.30 p m 1 00 p m LEAVE BROCKVILLE. West, and wma toali ,:K.& WBISKIES, HIGHWINES &c. GOING NOoRTH. g@ol8G soU0TH Grand Trook _. Mail from the accommodaticn trala fo t\ ’Bmkvlllo.‘ Kinagston l:-‘ all way t at! e ns trom West Do do Eipress Do do Expres« from West Grasd . Traok Mail 'orwml Do Express tor East and Wost Connecting with. loos with all walssca H. ABBOTT, Metcalle street, Arrive }nf rescott Janction. Arrive in Otteaws. 10:235 a m 18065 1% 11 15p m 4:10 p m 8:25 p m 6:15 a m 3 50 pm 1 W# pm 1 00 a m Derazmeytr or Manine & Figsares, Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 Healed Tenders will be received at this Department, up to noon of Friday, the 9th day of February next, forthe supply, :n bond, of the undermentioned quantities of the best 3710“‘! ofstandard white refined Petroleum The Oll is require1 to be nonâ€"explosive at a vapor test of 110° Fabrenbeit, must burn brilliantly, without smoking, until entirely consumed, and not orust the wick, and must be tree from al! deleterious substances. 1t is also required to have a specific gravity of 41° Beaume, at a temporature of 68% Fabrenhcit. A sample of a quart to sccompany each Ten« ‘The O1! is to ba delivered in good order, in Iron bound casks, containing from 35 to 42 gallons ca h. Casks to have staves and heads of white oak, and to be properly prepared in« side with liquid glue, and to be painted outâ€" side so as to prevent thd oll from permeating the wood, and evaporating from the surface. The caske to be furnished by the contrac. tor, and th:ir cost included in the price of the oll. Irapector‘s fees of Inland Revenue Nepartment and Guager‘s fees must be paid by the contractor,. _ > slingt=.. The cartage of the oil from tha Railway Station, Oil Depot. or Vessel, to the Wharf or place where the Oll is required to be depositâ€" ed, must be paid by the contractor. ‘The Oil to be subject before acceptance to ao inspection, test and approval of a per:â€"on a0 inspection, test and approval of a perâ€"on apjolint=d by this Department, and to E: de. livered at the risk and expense of the con. tractor, in the locality designated by this Department or its Agent, st the following times and places : § From 30,030 to 25,000 gallons at Halifax, N. 8, one half on 25th May, 1873, acsd balance 10th Jaly. do 6,000 to 8,000 gallons at 8t. John, N. B., 10t@June. 1873. do .lll,ooobto,m gallons at Quebes, 5th aly. do 10,300 to 12,000 gallons at Montreal, lst Jaly. do :.oloo to 4,000 gallons at Hazmilton, 8th oly. do ;:l“ to 5,000 gallons at Sarnia, 12th y. Tenders will be received for the whole ru-ttty,ot for any of the lots above speciâ€" ed, for one year, or for a term not axceeding three years, at the option of the Department. Farties tendering who may not wish to conâ€" tract for more than one year‘s supply, will please state so in their T«nders. STEAM VESSEL Tenders will also be received, as above du«d‘m the charter of a suitable Hteam Vessel, for the delirery of Al and supplies to the Light Houses above Montreal, the charter to commence at noon on 20d Joly next, at such part of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as may be designated by this Department. The name, size, age, horse power and description of the vessel to be specified in the tender. A bulk sum should be nawed for the performâ€" ance ofthe service, or the ru.e at which the vessol is offered per month at the uption of the departent. P, MITCHELL, Minister of Marine and Fisheries, To make some i the apr ons Iy Shicl! Pos m other (Coute: mithin the Ci of Ovame, after the wi iuy tta Thirtyâ€"frst day. of Decmaber," AD, WHEREAS u.‘i:i uo::ny to n.k? some provisions nst spreading 0 Small Pox and other oom&ou or in‘roc- tious diseases w.thin the City of Otm and also to prevent the interment of bodies within the limits of the said City after the Thirtyâ€"first day of December next. ' Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the C.t{ of Ottawa do hereby enact and ordain as tollows : q2 Meg * 1. That the occupant of any dwelling house within the City wherein any case of Smail Pox or other contagious or infecâ€" tious disease now exist or shall and may bemhorexinhhdlinmedh&:l{ upon its being known to him or her of the existâ€" ence of such disease, put, place and keep up on or over the front entrance door of the said house a printed notice, placed thereon in .wpénou. manner, during the continuance of the said disease thereâ€" in, and for the space of ten days there. alter, such notice to be supplied by this 2 That the body of any person who shal! die within this City from Small Pox or other contagious or infectious disease shali be iInterred within two days at farâ€" thest from the time of his or her death. &MI!M::‘& be lawful for any person or persons, ies politic or corpoâ€" rate, to‘ï¬clnit or sufter or be party to the permitting or suffering any dead body in any hon:;.hbuihiin; or otherr’J)hoe or rhc. within this Cuny uninter for any onger period than five days without the written permission of the Board of Health. 4. Tnat it shall not be law{ful for any person or lfornm afflicled with the disease of Small Pox or other infectuous or conâ€" hw disease to go abroad in any of the publi Ng:lgi. streets or places of public resort in ity until such person o‘:nfer- sons shall have recovered thereof, or unless he, she or they shall produce when re?uu-- ed by any Health Officer a certifit«te from a regular medical practitioner within the Qi-:{ that be, she or they have recovered, that there is no danger to be appreâ€" hended of the lpmd‘d:fl:omdhombymoh person or persons t. 5. That from and tï¬ot the thirty â€"JSirat da{ of December next it shall not be lawâ€" ful for any person or persons, bodies poli tip oroomm to bury or inter any dead body within the limits of the City of Ottaâ€" wa. 5. Aby person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law Aund Tend rs wiil be received marked "Tenders" at the office of D. A. Rlacdonald, President of the Company, Alexandria, Glen« garry, up to the 6th d y o: February next. . shall, on convicton thereof before the Police Court for the City forfeit and m mdnï¬nono‘oxeudin&flflydollmor than one dollar as to Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction, and in case of nonâ€"payment of the fine inflicted for any such breach, mod in the Common Gaol of the Jounty of Carleton for such period not oxooodl;{ ons calendar month, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper. . _ _ found out of which the same can be levied such offender shall be liable to be imâ€" _ Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottaws this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, A,D. 18172 EUG. MARTINEAU, 1GHTHOUIE SEAVICE, MO)'I'IIAL & OITY OFf OTTAaWa ; JUSCTION RAILWAY COXPANYT. NOTICE Is bhereby given that the Di e tors of t! is Company are prepared to receirve tewiors for the const:ruction 0t the lin . Plans and Specifications, togeth«e: with the conditions damot. and Forms of Tender, can be seen on and after the 22nd JANU. ABRY, Inst., at the cffise of the Chief Engineer of the line, Cha:] a Lâ€" gge, £E q., No. 162, St. James Street, Montreal, A t â€" The Directors do not bind themselves to a0cept the lowest or u‘hnder. ’D.A. AODONOA;% * resident M. & . By. Alexendria, 10th Janosry, 1ATA 100 | pys® aso WONDERAFUL â€" IMPROVEMENT "Dunham‘s Patent Hydroâ€"Carbonated Sounding Board."‘ . > 3 NU PIONO! In calling attention to the above improveâ€" ment take pleasure in announcing that they have been appcinted agents for the So long and favorably known in Canada, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in _ 8rd. In Solidity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. â€" _ McCAMMON & CO., The merits of the Dunham Pisuos are: 1st. Its durability has become a proverb. 2nd. In workmanship it cannot be surâ€" pa«sed, if equallei. _ e o 4th. It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. 5th. It is warranted in the most satisâ€" factory manner. _ A Pamphblets containing & description of the above improvement can be had at our establishment. Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz: | Also the celebrated MASON & HAMLIN, OUR SHOW ROOM. A large assortment of which we keep conâ€" stantly on hand. J. L. ORME & SON, £ = 8 Sparks Street. These highly improved inventions render: Electricity perfectly nlr.q:rlle.ble, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being ex~ perienced, wher: »~ (t becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising peins, reâ€"~animating torpid Itn:: reviving the siuggzish functions of life, rmparting renewe energy and vitality to constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEnMACHER‘S MEDLCOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC BYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. C 3. _â€"__ pPULVERMACHERS PATENXT ALVANIC â€" OCHAINâ€"BANDS, 3%LCB8 â€" AND POCKET BATTERIES N. B.â€"â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received " We, t\:> undersigned, have much pleaâ€" " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvyse 4 wa0HER‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic # Batteries and walvanic Appliances tor *4 Medical Purposes are of great importance to " Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every # one disposed to further the advancement of " roal and useful progress, _# Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. SIR CHARLEKS LOOOOK,B-&,;. D;,c > e :x <(A A SIR HKENRY HOLLAND, Bart., l.;) C B + s1R WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. ELDWD. H. SIEYEALING, M. D., M R.C.8. t 1+1ll J RANALD MARTIN, F. R. 0.8." | LVERMAUCAER‘3 SYSTEM is also ap «+â€"« of by an official report of the Aca +. de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Pbysiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" y of Vienna, and its curative virtues are con» firmed by thousands of private testimonials of ouresefected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). These facts appeal to the good sense of every suiferer to avail himself of this scientitic and cu:ative progress, to which the inventor has duvâ€"ted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a: an ardâ€"at deciple of that great benefwtor of rsaukind, the late illustrious electrician Moxzass Farapr. o PULYERMACHER‘8 MEDICOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the least derangement of the patient‘s babits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheuamatism Female Complaints Gout f Constipation Sciatica Cramp Lumbago Sluggish Circnlation Neuralgia Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints _ Epilepsy Tic Doloreuzx Norvous Debility Indigestion Functional Disorders Indigestion The effects of the application of Pulver macher‘s Chaine in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. 3 PRICE LIbT OF PULYEERMACHEKR$® CHAIN BAND® AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser in the Head, 218. tc 308. B, CHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and 14. N. YUHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rhenmatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" l"'k Cramp, &¢., 18s. to 22s. and 40s BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago. Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, &o., (worn as a belt), 22s to 40s and 55s. B CHAIN BANDS for Wiiter‘s Oramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 and 40. B COMBINED CHAIN BAaND for Cantil, Paralysis, Epilepsy, Geueral â€" Dsbility â€"Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 50s.. _ A complete SBet of COMBINED UHALN B& D8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £4. ‘The public are most earnestly cautioned to ‘s»â€"ware of Pseudo Klectric Belts advertised by :%am Doctors, &¢., for improper purposes, «u/ so severely stigmatized by Vice Ohancel~ â€"or Malins in the suit Pulvermacher vs Ham» mound, alias Henry James, alias 0. T, Kaphey, M. R. C. 8, alias Heary Burrows, &c, &¢. No Galvanic Beits arse genuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. Puivermacher‘s signature on th¢ label, A pamphlet coucaining fall particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christle, Bparks Btreet. Agents, Uttawa, septemper 6, 1{10 _At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. K. All the facilities of a First Olass House. Ottawa, January 20, 1872 LECTKLCLTY L8 LLFE ____J, L PULVERMACHER, Gal vanic Estabiishment, 200 Regent Street, London, W Full particulars may be had from the Sule A. CMRISTIE & CJ., DRUGGIST8 oTTawWaA. UE «JUNCTION HoTEL,"! other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to DUNHAM â€" PIANO3® Cimts and ESTEY & CO.‘8 ORGANS, EMERSON, and HOOD, 1455 lawky Honiton, Allan, An assortment of FANCY COODS MITTENS, WOOL TIE®, FANCY â€" WOOLLENâ€" 6000S, W. H. FALLS has been instructed to offer for sale bt{»ufflm Contract in a short time, the wing valuable properâ€" ;Pm of mdsz moom Ist con. o.hzx Cepean, con 100 acres, u; whi is erected a |plen<fid8wm Hon-l:n Stables, is owned b Bllllnonof?udm mdi-dtu’todontho'lw:l.smindm 0.F., N known as the H proâ€" gort;.mly oocuphdbylm-rifl owell. There are 31 acres of good land with a good Stone House, Stone Stables, {:ï¬ngiomehmond within half a mile of city. Part of lots 32 in concession A, and one and mile from the city. West half of lot $, 2nd con. O. F., Gloucester, 100 acres ; South West } lot 6, 2nd con. 0. F., Gloucester, 50 acres. land mad. Wilhrcd Sireet, eontaioing "16 con rooms, with goed lhblu,“;hod:.n::l‘hh mperty li;nq“ &mtmphd by John g‘al:é § ‘g > Strl::' and 19 on the north side of York t. Lot No. 1 corner of Sussex and Catheart Streets. i Lot No. 30 corner of Church and King Streets. LotNo. 15 south side of Ridean Street. Lots 22, 23 and 24 Theodore Street, 8 lots on Wilbrod Street, and a number of lots on Daly, Rideau, Besserer and Nelson sronimtioumbonononud after MO DAYnox&:ttbdlooflh&wâ€" intendent of Ottaws River Works, where printed forms of Tender and any othainforn.nlohonin'l;ï¬?nd. for the works at each Station, m must be severally endorsed. * ‘Fender Madawaska River." _ * Ten Superior Timber Limits. He has also on hand for LETTING & a large number of Houses and Shops in all parts of thocit]y. at rentals varying from $400 down to $120 per annum. " For terms, &c., apply to MR. FALLS, at his mooms, 43 Rideau Street, two doors east of Daniel‘s Dng Store. Ottawa, January 23, 1872 18786 â€" .â€" Addressed to the uudenlgfll. will be received at this off.ce until WEDNESâ€" DAY, the 24th instant, at Noon, for the F..-nm'*â€' nance of improvements to the Pubâ€" io Works on the Ottawa Rirer and it Tributaries. Christma s Presents, ottewa‘ Dec. 5, 1871. McKinnons, Country Property For Sale. **Tenfer Chaudiere and Hull Stations, ,‘" | Tbm.rumntwm not be bouni to sept the lowest or any tender. 46 LADIES and CHILDREX® BODICES. NLML MXUHOR & EMLM KALED TENDERS ALUABLE CITY SETTS arp COLLARS, Tender Coulonge and Black River.‘ Tengder Dumoine River.‘" Tenier Calumet and Mountaizs GARLAND, MUTCHMOR & Co. __ _ No. 20, Hparks street. Maltese, Are now showlrz e F. BEAUXN. t of Public Works, 3 17th January, 1812.2 18748 *@vITABLE FPor McMoran Irish Point COQJLLARETTES. PRICEâ€"3 CENTS and its â€"M"w' ton Mis a Hapted John ) Superâ€" nudlgnllcy Works, | Hanratty John nd any | Hendersou Ewon | Henry A i D‘RECT IMPORTATIONS 1 tis now an established jact _ you wantany firstâ€"class BRANDIES or WiNES, and the best Family GROCERIEY, you must go to QOO‘I‘CB WH‘AKIESâ€" & RBum Froof, Old Rye and Highwines, Anest PO.‘I‘I. & ALEL ~â€" ' Guinness‘s and Dawes‘, bottled to 15 _â€"__â€" Pest Toillet, " London" make, to ordsr One trial will prove the quality. The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b Dunsing Geo Kocles Miss M A ‘ ELAmondson Jas H 3‘. Mis John liott Miss 8 Ellis Alex Farre!l Miss 8 Filee T W Fist Miss W Fion Micss C Fitssimmons Jao Foggy G:0 gs _ Remaining in the Ottawa Post Ofice, Jan. 3lst, 1872. h InoGoo' Armstrong Amesa Armstrong Mrs J G Little Capt W Barber N m Linton Mr Blackburn M:s Bobt Leng Ur Ww Blancberd W Moflat W m Brennan Jas V Martin Kd Brown Mrs T hathews Thos Brownlee Miss Lizsis Maroney John Bremer Job a Malone Ps] Brown Mrs Leaso Bergeant W Brogan Ja Manson Miss C Britt Miss Harah Mason Miss C Brogan Ja Manson Miss C Britt Miss Harah Mason Miss C Burns Mre J Meagher Jeremiah Butter Geo Meagher Ed Bussell Mre Meino Gedeon Cameron Miss Liszsie Morrison Miss 5 Onssidy Miss E Monsa Mascom Carmichael H Muliball Miss M Ohristlie Mrs I Murpby Wmm Chisbolm A Nelson Mrs Agooes Chambâ€"rlin T W Newbaoks Wm Ohapm n Simen Neelson Wm John Clark Mre Mary Nelson & SBon Clancy Miss E Nicholson Jas Cowan W m (VConnell Miss? M Cowan George O‘Neill J Cole H J Otis & Bray € Courler Mrs Owens Arthur Corgrove Mrs Wim _ Paxett John Cosgrove M« A Paul Miss M Counen Mr C W. Palmer EC Clark Mre Mary Clancy Miss E Cowan W m Cowan George Cole H J Courler Mrs Cosgrove Wrs W in Cosgrove M« A Counen Mr C W, Curestine W R Cregan Jas Dock JolLn â€" COrnaig Jas Urysler J 8 Culbert Bros Davis Miss E. Daniels W 8 Dawson Fred Dewar J J Dixon R Dowdall Augu tu: Donnober Miss 5 Danfeld Hugh Jobnson Miss El\» $fY, McFarlane R Jordan R J McDougal!l A! Johnston Holomeona _ McGuire L T Judge Daniel McGaire Miss Henry Jas Wilson Miss X Â¥ Hewer John Willeams Geo Hogan Miss Julls _ Williamson Isamo Hood Elien Jane| _ Woodburn Geo H Hoyland T H Woos W C BHusley T R Wright £ Ioglie D A Loumaa John }u_l‘:ll McBridge lmlzl ackson n K Jarette Levi MI Johnston Mrs E McConald Master D Johnson: W m Fowler Mre F _ _ Freeman Miss N G ; . Fraser A Frager Miss H Farnival W Geddis John Clen F W Goen Miss C (_h._dh;_hll J Goodman J J ‘Teylor Master J Gough Alfred Terley Mre Jas Gray John "I homson Mrs Graves Miss Jalla Thacker R W Green Abel H. ‘Thornton And Gurlie Miss Alice Thomson Heary Maskin J W Tilley Wmm Hanoway Miss Jane Towers Thos A P Hastings R Urqubart Joha Hanrahan Miss*H _ Vicars B H G Harper Â¥Frs Waters Mre B Harrington Mis Walker Wnn E Hapted Jobn White M:s Thos Hartley Abrsham _ White Miss Maria Hardigan Mary !_hu!lu_lnv JNRUITSâ€" OL all kinds, the very fAnest. Thos. Patterson‘s. es ThOX. PATTERSON‘8. Ottaws, December 23, 1871 HERRY WINEâ€" APANBâ€" Of the first grades, various prices, geood PERM CANDLES, FANCY SBOiAPSâ€" oT WINEâ€" RANDIESâ€" The best old brands, Pure and Mild ;on'lu- Fresh Roasted, and Grcund Deilly on LACK TEASâ€" I8T OF LETTERS *. DeKuypers & Bon, fine Old Dauble Fine Old Vintages (20 years), pure and re iuble for t«mily use and mediâ€" ciual purposes, Just received, a superior lot of the best Brands, imported this Beason, quite fresh and fragrant.â€"â€" Try ;A>«em. Eti«Malt: 1.«~0 Pale, very fine qualities. and a: Low Prices. ALWAYSs OX HAKD No. 26 Rideau Street es, Jams and Jellies, from the Crosse & Biackwell‘s â€" Sellin, Stith Ooll x Pringle Miss 8 Quilter We quinn Miss Lissle Rogan GHenr; Rivet John Robinaon Wmm koss J C Raberts Mre A L Ralo Mre Mary BRroswell D MeJ Pearson Mrs Wilson Robt Wileson Miss Elisa Wilson Miss X Â¥ Willeams Geo Williamson Lsamc Woodburn Geo H Woos W C Wright £ Loumaa John McBridge Miss M Parker Mrs Alex Swith W J Rursel! Hobt Bzott Miss Elien boott W C monife Miss M J BLirl y Mizs Jane Bui, man A B Fh«rp W E ar‘l4 1d ot pbee "mun Wa Rm!i h Miss M i4 Ftevens Mre Jane Btewart I hose Htevens H B Bweeney P Rallivan J 8 Tuysor & Co E A ‘FTaylor, Master J Terley Mroe Jas "I homson Mrs Thacker R W af"