+ J $ & STEWART, on Eigin Atzest,in the gity o Ottaws, on ‘I'BIQ':D!‘ITM day o:vme A!_Y asit, (1812) at 12 @olddk, ndon. Tue purchkaser wiil accept the title as it existed at the execution of the sa d Mortgage. All searches, deeds, abstracts, &c., shall be | pald by the purchaser. | The Vensor, MARYARET MALLOCH, sole | Devisee and Executrizx ot the last Wili and ; Testament of said LKDWARD MALLOCH, decamsed, will only corenant, and she as done no act to encumber. " Dated 20th January, 1073. ] IBRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OR JPPEX CANADA. 1® _ will bo made atthe next sewicn of the Parlizment of the Dominion of Canada.) fo «n act to incorporate @®The Thander Bay bitver Mines Bank,‘* the p.incipal <fise of which shall be situate sat Prioce Arthar‘s Landing, Thander Bay, in the Provinre ot Ontario. J. H. GBRAY, WILLLAX F. BBUFF, GEORGE w&'o&h ‘CHARLES ELEY, | _ ___ Under and by virtuse of the Power of CONâ€"Ont Sale contained in a Derd made be. William trcen WILLIAM LIDDLE or LITTLE, of| tired fr« L unt! y, in the County of Cariston, Yeoman, due and to EDWARD MALLOCH, in hbis lï¬lï¬ :ltmï¬ of the City of Ottews, in the County unton Carleton, Eequire, since dâ€"ceamsed, Lo#\ . Aswi Number 17, in the 5th Copcession of the Novemb To'l‘lpdllfllq, in thoOouoyolaru’ lou-,c‘-t;:l-h( Two Hondred Acres, more : or less, will be ofered for saln hy. Rublic ; â€" At‘tlo-i ‘tl‘t(‘ndl&?‘,w- tness & sTE fltolmmmm-. wi To ON REAL ESTATE, From $400 to any amount, on approved secarity fost® Sicmcictrnds,inidicinctcint WILLIAX Â¥. BRUFF, F. H. Sraxtas, ; Soliciter for Applicants. Toronto, 16th Jan., 1871. By their Attorney , WILLIAX F '. '- ‘, y ®" l Bolicttor z’ J'flfl. To:onto, WWih Janoary, 1473. W . H. Braztos, cay‘s: Bolicttor for applicants, Toromwo, 19th Jana«rr, 1871. Norlclhh-ub"in-, that application will be made at the next Session of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, for & ebarter to incorporsts * The Thunder Bay Silver Mines Telegraph Company‘ for the construction, laying, andt opersa log of a Sub~ marine Telegraphic Cable, from a point oc points on the north shore of L::O l-p;ht In the District of, AJgoms, ween Fort William and Kâ€"epigoa Bay, touching at Silâ€" ver lalot, through, and under the waters of Lake Supertor, to the bounagaary line of the Unitâ€"d states in Lake Superior, snd there to counnect wish a Soubmarine Tâ€"legraphic Cabi+ trom the United States, with power to conâ€" struct branch lines on Lacd, or in water, to an~ po‘uts or islaod is Lake Superior, and to lend all or any such Cables, and to conmmect with the Canadian ot American »+ystem of Telegraphs, and to amaigamate therewith, and tor such other powers as may be necesâ€" aary for the uodertacsing. J H. GRAaY, WILLILAM F. BRUFF, London. Engiand. GEORGE WELLS OWaX, London, Eoglend. CHARLES EL&Y, L acon, England. By thilr Attoreey â€" > > * AGRICULTURAL 1MPLEMENTS At the Ottawa Agency, Market Square. January 15, 1873. Gratk NOR ...««< < <««s«scsercue cocser s n‘ Reaping Machines from ........ $100 :0 1140 Mower ho . «eucencoocMf hk HH) Threshing Machines from...... . 1\0 to 1,000 | Open Cylinders............ ..... §30 to 40 bHawing Machines $75â€"with aitachthent.. 80 | Orais Drilles ..... West half of Lot o. 3 in the Tth Con | cession, Township of Huntley, One, Hundred Acres, North East half Lot of No. 9 in the l‘Othau-ion, Huntley, One Hundred crea. The Lands are timbered and 'illb..oldeb-p.mm * Title Freehold and Terms Easy. Ottawas, January 12. TREEAâ€"all bave teated in Cz * rade, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshire, ns orkit Caxam.®X wEsKLlt will stand cold climate, being abundant and constant beamrs giving satisfaction to the ThQ Healfllmflfl ! porchaser. + ne kind rdipens fOrst Aogustâ€" bes early apple known; while oth«r varie= | SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEAR, tiva grow nearly as large as the Fameâ€"use. R Bome keep till June. Good for cooking |will contain, for 1872, the following new eating and preserving . Dwart Apple Trees | faatures in addition to those found in it at All Mmo_lrs-.:r. Fall and Whn:t:lh-: present, rendering it the ard Apple Trees, great variety of Plumb, 3 Poar aod Chary ‘Trees. Large variety of| BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA ea:ly, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the | _ A Naw Story by Victor Huge relitivre to nulv-l&i- of forvign grapes: Black, | the Prussian invasion and the Commune, and Carrant Boaskhes ; Bisck berty, antitled "'fl:"!b:l‘-hm Plants, lflclhm';: | THE TERRIBLE YEAR! bony nce Duba; Asparas us | + w i Plant Roots, Mountain Asp, We ping Willow, | Pl“"â€œâ€˜ï¬ by 'Y::’ "l’:m“" meondt 3 van, * x m,."m.":,.‘h“ Bus+s. Moss Roses _ # n@w story by Miss Braddon, entitled of varlous colour«. | Flowering Planis and COLONEL BERRYON‘3 ENTANGLEMENT Shrubs of all descriptions. | and equal in interest to the pregious works The above trees and plants will be me-‘ of this great auth. rees, up frow the Nursery as soon as the frost is‘ Other new Novels by the most eminent out and the grounm &t for plantir g. ;wriunmllbomm«[ud printed from All parties ordering stock will ba notified | advance sheets. when delivered. * For furtber particulars call and see de. a«criptive catalogue, and make your choice selction of the above trees and plants at No. 95, Ridean Street, O:tawa, or to the Tuxuzs office, Weilington stret. The subscriber is instructed to offer for sale by private contract for a short time, and if not disposed of in that way, will be put up at Auction, of which due notice e e o. : > > .. :: :. All parties ordering stock will ba notified the day far delivery, A‘l tr=es will be first class, and egnaranteed in gooo and freash order LANDS FOR SALE 1N THE TOWNSHIP| _ The present features of the The UF HUNTLEY, Gardeners‘ Colaran. &J:dâ€"n-. ce Enmtome of Latest News, Roviews of New The subscriber is instructed to offer for| sooks, M:rket Reports, Wit and Humour, sale by private contract for a short time, | Sâ€"ientific Intelli,ence, Literary Notes, and if not disposed of in that way, will be| Hearthstone Sphink, &c., &c., &0.â€"will be put up at Auction, of which due notice! continued ; and inaddition A CHILDREN‘3 FRUIT THKEES AND EVERGREENZ All other articles at corm « OTICE is heroby given, that application dbu4 O8EY TO 1LkK8D By their A OsTGoAadO®E S#iLK. Januczary 16, 1872 Apply to . o mm hithe WILLIAMX F. B&UFF WILLIAYX P. BRUÂ¥F®E. A. ROWE, «~onding prices. rwnuaorr 1 tr«es will be first| .JAMES GREENWOOD, "The Amateur gooa and freah order | Casual," will contribute papers on rs call asd see de.| SCENES IN THE LONDON STREZTS, i make your choice, ~ The celebrated American bumorist es and plaots at No.) MAKkK TWAIN will contribute original wa, or to the Tixzs: sketches, And in addivuon to our long list ) of great literary names we shall hare 8. L WAaAGENER. | The new American poet Joaquin Miller, u-.xu-s-’ the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane mumuengomguriesmmsmmssnintietimmmecmme: Ingelow, Rev. Dr. Norman Mo l Leod Editor of Good Words,‘ Alexander Dumas, Erokâ€" C s c mann Chatrian, &c. London, Enagland, *tÂ¥t« vevs «t Auctioneer. 1868if l Englaod 5 10 5 10 32, _____. GEO, E. PDESBARATS, 33 | Propriete 33| _ Ottama, Jan 8, 1872 1864 = The St. James‘ Hotel, M | P. PEXN Jun. *\ Ottaws, Kov. 17, BC AUCT!OR!!& REAL ESTATE AND LUMBE 8 AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMLMLSION __ Notice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" ship latel mb-iui:g between w the unâ€" douip«l THOMAS HUNTON, WILLLAM SHOUULBRED and FREDEKXICK HOUGH. TUuN HUNTUN, as Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Ottaâ€" wa, in the County of Carleton, under the names, style and firm of ="T. HUNTON BduuLBRED & CU." was on the first day of November, instant, dissolved z-unl conmâ€"ent, so far as regards same William Shoolbred, who cnlhtdl&:: tired from the councern ; and that all due and owing to or by the late firm, will Fmï¬vu.om ‘Lm said T homas Hunton and Frederick Houghton Huntonâ€" ‘~.As witness our hands this first day November, A.U. l;‘l.lm 5 R WM. SHOOLBRED > FRED. H. HUNTOR. Stalls Nos. P. 8.â€"Their Pork Stall wil be found com= plete, with a choice selection of Pork, Hams Bacon, SHpices, Rounds and Rollâ€"d Beof, Ham» j(\’t}&’&nfll boddd,l:":-flb. ublis &o .M | Kiugateh M As Chapiain to Her Majoesty, entitled. "Ihe Water Babies," ' 'l':rpor-llbwy llustratâ€" | ed, no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in every family as a most entertainâ€" *'h‘:‘hflfllï¬npflpfl. _ Hearthstone gives more and betier | reading matter, for a smaller sum, than uyqumintbowH. It is | mior, in every point, to the most pam !oflboAnoricumklypavul.'hkM , are 50 per cent dearer. â€" Compare them, ;,gdyouwulnouonadhmwp which took the first prize at the 171. f h .:o&.“'-.btd 871, weighi Kingston, 4600 few .8 * Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« te, and 50 hoad of firstâ€"class Sheep the whols of which were brought at great exâ€" pense from the West. The above will be on exhibition at their Stails from WEDNESDAY UNTILSATURDAY NEXT begto asnounce that they are, as usual, pre= pared to supply their customers with the choicest Muate of a}l kinds, baring parchased ‘or the approaching festivities the following SATCHELL BROS,, The Governor General of Canada, â€"Delioncies of the Heason, and the BAL with the choloest brands of There is also Commodious Yard Room and Stabling attached, with good attendance., WILLIAMX POWLET, MXEVCALEE STREET, OTTAWA, Having been rehullt and furnished in frst + lass style, and with good Sample Room*, will be ope n:d by the sutscriber on Liquors, u.nnwumwu. and a year‘s subsgription to the best paper in America thrown in frees _ ampte numbers sent free on *ion, with club terms Covering #30,000 worth of Watshes, | Wheteo Address, '-'.-I-.-uu.qmmm } £ SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 a YEAR, will dontain, for 1872, the following new features in addition to those found in it at present, rendering it the BEsT FaAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA A Naw Story by Victor Huge relatire to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, entitled THE TERRIBLE YEAR! ublished by special permission of the auâ€" rize cattle, $ s ‘hs celebraced threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred Durham Steer $10 ENCRAVING CIVIN AWAT No. 48, Rideau streot, Ottawsâ€" Hon James Skead, 8.â€"nator, Ottawa J M Cutrrsler, Keq, M P, « J m Grant, E«g, M D, M P â€"* BR W Scott, Ksq, 4 P P, * Mr Bhesif Powell, «# Kdward titrifin, Keq. t Kdward MceGilitvray, Eeq, # hessrs C T Bate & Co, ® Thomas Huntod, # “-lug.ll Alexaoder Work man, at ROAST BEEF OF OLD ENGLANXD. P & Eglesos, b:.a‘t, WEDNESDAY, 3k DECEMBER, _ Market Ottawa, Dec. 2), 1871. IsSOLUTIONX OF PARTNERsHIP. Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 _ 1M4%y Apply to Splendid Prize List, "C 6 0 R G B." 1871. iss« _| A MERRY CHRISTMAS PLOMBEKS, CASâ€"PITTERS BELL HANCERS, &c. ‘-“rw“â€"wyunv-w only . P ersas ot foreign birth are entitled to the senedt of the Homestead Law, on declariog therir intention to become citisens of the United States, and may avail themselves of | this provision immediately after their arrival. MPOBTERS & WHOLESALE DSEALEARS ._ Send for the new edition of descriptive | pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" Returas bis sincers thanks to the public of Ottawna, for the liberal patronage bestowed on him since bis commencement in business, He mgood work man«â€"hip and reae sonable to ensure a continuapce of th. #@»â€"Orders tly attended to. _ . C N*R WWW.MP@ relievâ€" Freight and Uartage Agency Sigy~| es from all further trouble "nookt mmiks At faeniture, * _** Putents solicited in CanaJa and the United Btates ; Trade and Timber Marks, Industrial Designs, Oopywrights, ‘Transters, &¢., register. en the shortest notice, Coples of Laws, Cirâ€" ealar and information, sent free on applicaâ€" Mon. Darwings prepared and copled. Charges moderate. United States Patests uhly sttended to,. Several valuable Rights for saile. T. @. COURSOLL ES, Rovembe 1%8, 1810 1514tf *«C. s. RATENT AGEZXC€T. sore legs, burns, scalds bruises, chilblains, scorbuatic eruptions, and pimples in the face sore and in fiamea eyes, sore heads, sore breasts piles, 4¢ , &c. Bold in pots, 13{d., 2s. 94., 48. 64., 11s., and 122. each ; and his PILULE® ANTILâ€" SCROPAULE OR ALTER ATIVE PLLLS, sonfirmed by sizty years‘experiens to be one eofthe best alterative masdicines ever comâ€" : for purifying the blood and assisting in bher cperations. They form a mild and superior tamily aperient, that may be taken -:‘ull times without confaement or dAlet, ï¬.mu 1231d., 2s. 9d , 48. 64.,11s «ad 1%#, ««ach. t Prepared only by BKEACH AND BAKNICOTT, Bridport, Dorse*, England, and sold by all Medicine Vendors. K ri1, 1871 661 im @4 ME POOR MaAMN‘S PRLIEN D, is confidently recommended to the Public as Are now prepared to offer their friends and mï¬d« â€":?ddm-d CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR‘S GIFTS Uall and see their \1 Frese lands are in a mi.d and healthy elimate, and for grain growing and stock raising, unsurpassd4 by any in the United THE SIGN CF THE BOOK 39, 8, arks stroct, Otta«wa, December 18, 1811 Prices range from $3 to $10 per acre. Homesteads for Actual Settiecs.â€"2,500,000 Aotes of Government Land between Omaba and North Platte,open for entry as Homesteads A land grant of 12,000,000 aCRES of the BEsT FARMINXG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. 3,000,000 Acres of Cholce Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Piatte Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. Booksellers and Stationers, Narrow Axes single and double steel Unut Sawe, Grind Stones, Ouls, Putty, Glass, Paints all «olors * B:oves â€" Box, Double, and Cooking Alaw, an ondless variety of Shâ€"lt Hardware and House Furnishing Goods, &#., &¢c P. Râ€"A call is reapectfully solicited ‘flmdoltvmd&n to any part of the THCS8. BIREETT, No, 24 Rideau street, The subscriber having jast completed his Full Stock he is naw prepared to furnish any article in theabove line at prices to suit the The following articles are constantly kept in stook : Bar, Bund‘s and Sheâ€"t Iron Bar and Sheet Tin Bar and Bhâ€"ot copper. Hbheot Brmass, &c , &o Bleigh Â¥hoe Stee! all sizes from 1x} to 41; COast and Blister S:eel in unfeiling rewedy for wounds of every deâ€" eription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated Nee 11, L Ottaws, May 17, 1871 description of Work in our li ;);f-‘m mut:d, and po::;mn; No. 24 Rideau Street 4» Hardwareâ€"Hardware. $ W. K. JOHNSON, AToa Ottaws, Oct. 12, 1871 1792 Ottaws, Nov 23, 1871 HENDERSON & G0., Proof Chain all sizes PRACTICAL TAILORB, &s., CELEBRATED OINTHENT, AKADA ANOD wirrTEAd AND WINES, a HEAP Â¥Fa 6M r®kE5 nouMEs FADA CENTBRAL RAILWAY On the Line of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Roche & Kelly, U#. POO°E & co®ra®st SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL, Tartanâ€"wood Goods. | RIDEAU STREET, Near Division "ourt Office Land Commissioner, U.P.R.R. Oo, ¢ HOBPTTAL STREET pposite the Tes Pot, MHONTREA L Jaxes Esuir, 166811 d&w se e o o e o n n e d o en‘ l tine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢ , &¢,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classided and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very I satistactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" tar what woner allment mawr he he af las Ls. ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish ,nbyl‘onpfld-nw in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" Med upon to make a permauent cure of all direases of the Turoat, Lungs, Liver, Kiduneys Digestive Organs, &0., #0., as well as Rcrofula the various Skin Discases, llu-_:‘.._g,.n M.‘:..T::: l-flzd Bigod, exo» Brage of Consumption. rwm-bc-ulon, with full directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonials and Cert ficates of Jures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Bouk, or the Almanac and Cirealars from any respectable Druggist in tha, Dominionâ€" fre=, Flut s1 0 Price of Remedy in large Bottles .. Pitle paerâ€"Bow: .. .<: ... i. ixs% . <«% . * Â¥. M Eeq, 'llll.l .‘-.nu.ooto s w# # # *# --..‘.'uo.wo A chance to draw any of the above prizs for 25 cents. ‘Tickers describing pria s are sealed in envelopes and well mizxed. On reâ€" ceipt at 25 cents a ssaled ticket in drawno withâ€" out choice and sint by mail to any addres». The prizs pamed upon it will ou delivered tc the ticket bolder on payment of $1. P:iz 1 , are immediarely sâ€"nt to any address by ex. | press or r turn mail, |__You will know what yeur priza is before | you pay for it, Any prize ezechanged for ‘ anothâ€"r of the same valus,. Nc blanksâ€" Ooar | patrons can depend upon fair d:aling 10B §1LE.â€"Two Choice Lots, with com h fortable Wâ€"oden Cottage, erected there. on, in Rochesterville, For particulars and erms apply on the premises to W G COHAP. medicinal vegetable ingrmdisnts,. «some of which we will me«ation, l.olll“fln }M of Wild Cherry Bark, Pojophylium,. Juniper, Quassie, s..n-..a,'m-:ï¬:-. Bv't'no;?-t, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jxtap,; S6o, That the Gzrzar Snounonues Kewror aso Puzus, of the eminent luhmluhbgm LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great of Shoshonees, British Uolumbia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Curer the World has ever beard of. â€"Never in th anoalse of Canawjian Medical History has suc} suce:ss attended the introduction of ay medicine heretofuore Simply because the numerous valuable active Brooxiyx, April 5th, 1870. J 0 Chamberlain Rs3. This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor bad givâ€"n ber up. â€" He said her lungs were tubercied, and megicine could not belp ber. As a last resort I purchaseda bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expiration of two days berâ€"symptoms were decidedly better. She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. the continuâ€" ance of the remedy she was y restored to health. You may publish the facts for the benefit of those similarly affiicted. T. 0. BROWKNX Episcopal Methodist Minister. JOHN 8ILYER, Bworn before me at Smithfield this 6th day of April, A D 1870. J M WELLINGTON,) P WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE J C Cha.berlain, Req fTha‘k io mid ~â€" is to certity that about three years J became affiicted with Bronchitis, -M& about cigbteen months, I was so sfilicted for the want otf breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time frâ€"quently throwing the clothes off and uldn:dln the bed to keep from strangling. 1 tried three of the mort eminent pbysicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any bepefit, in fact I contiou>d getâ€" ting worse all the tims. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about Anished I began to feel a litile better. I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I fount that I was as well as ever 1 huad been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever 10 do hJ ixiciriasrerees+s 8000 75 do CO w8 me ##8 se 0e %e * * x;oao 300 do do se e e es i .e 00e # e# a 5"0 2-’0 do do w w e e e e e 8 t# a e 6# % ’w 550 do C\ axrrt«itttts +r6. 100 400 Gold Watches............... $75 to 300 275 Newing Machin:s ........ ....60 to 150 15 Elegant Pianus ........ easch$250 to 700 50 Melodeons ............ do 50 to 200 Cah Gifts, Silver Ware, etc , + _ Opinions of the Press (Fair dealing can be relied upon,.‘â€"â€"New York Herald, Aug. 23. ‘A gepuine «ist ibution.‘â€"Worl, September 9. ‘Not one of the humbugs of the dâ€"y.‘â€" Weekly Tribune, Joly 7. ‘They give g ocral satisfeaction,‘â€" Staateâ€" Zsituog, Aug. 5. Beferences.â€"By kind permission we rerer to the tollowing: Frank!‘n 8. L ne, Loois. ville, drew $13,000. Miss Hattio Banker, COharleston, $9,000 ; Mrs. Louiâ€"a T. Blake, 8t Pan!, Phu’ln;i-nl Â¥. Raymond, Bosâ€" ton, $5,500 ; lm- P. Bracket, Pittsburgb, Watch $200 ; Angie Osgoode, New Orâ€" l-;v. $5,000 ; Emory L. Pratt, Columbus, O., $17, 00. One Cash Gift in every package ot 200 tickets guaranteed. Bix tickets fo $1, 13 for $2, 25 for $3, 50 for $5, 200 for $15. _ _ In CASH GIFTB to be distributed by the MERCHANTSY & BANKERS A&SOCIAâ€" TIUNX UF NEW YURK. OoYaTERs, Consisting of Boup with Joint or Entreeâ€" charge 25cts, DINNER, Consiatinz of Soup, Fish, Joint or Poultry Eatrees and Bwuets from 6 to 6:30â€" charged 80cts. _ Agents wanted to whom we offer liberal nducements, and guarantee satisfaction. ____.._, woOoOnp,COLLIsB & co, |_ _ COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT: 12 TKXE _ U x ;AWA TIMES Proclaim the Glad Tidings bay* A Prize for every ticket. "@g t Vigh Gilk .... ..« +.; .+:. +«««{@#H00,000 Ottawa, Deo 7, 1871 1884dak@l BBEAKFAb‘T, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Charge, 25cts. Cure otf Bronchitis. 8§1,287,1148 Rideau Street. DAILY DRKAWINGS. HAVNETT P HILL, at all hours, CHOPS, LUNCHA, JiMES NORRIS8, i 18397 M.;t‘ 58 Broadway X.Y. an i STEAKS 25,000 5,000 1;000 5h0 Is hereby given that application will be made io the Parliament ut Canada, at its next Session, foran Act :0 amend the Aots incorporating the Canads Central Railway Company, giving power to such Company to construct fl‘l line by thomtdin::wu to such points as may be selected for cross} ing French River, . , , * Dag.â€"mher 26, 1871. 1861 _.Plain and Oruamental Engrayer, Corner otf | RP .. _ _ _ ntes 1n" & _ H% ce ns 80:!‘.0:'.“ Elgin Streets, over James Bo'otl Homopopathic Pbysician, »urgeon & Ac. | # * smw Visitiog Cards engraved and printed on the hmh;-ouu ..:..“o:na 3"1' :.n.omm l * Contracts made tor advertising in eithes m-;: r> a . .â€")~ B@" Special attention given to disease. or all of theâ€"above papers. COitaws, NMov 4, 1071 _ â€" _ 161M * and displasements of the aterus . 1191 @ttawae, Oct. 21, 1871. 18014 are required by the 5ist and following Bulem the Hâ€"use of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gazette), to gve TWO MONTHY‘ NOTIUCE of the up&udm (clearly and distinctly lm ing its nature and object), in the Gazette, and also in a nowo'pan &blhhd 4, ponding copies 0f the Hiek ant mt oi sending and last such notices to the Private Bill OUffice. All Peritions toru:rinu Bills must be presented within first three weeks ol the Session. * ALFRED TODD, Chf, Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. Ottawa,‘" December, 1871. 1841.1a urposes of profit, or for doing nythlfl l:onding to effect the rights or property other parties, are hereby notified that they Partss intending to make application to Parliament for Private Bills either for granting exclusive privileges, or conferring * All kinds of LEATHER tor Sale, Whole sale, at reasonable prices. LONG AND SHORT KOCCASINS WHOLES AL E, PIIVA‘I'I BILLS. PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO by TAI"I'. STEANK BISCUIT BAKERY BEST PLACK IN CENTRAL To buy Biscuit, w&-«. and Con fectionery of all kinds. N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Street, ongosite Browery gnte lere, Oct. 26, 1871 1805tt A large stock of the above will be kept conâ€" stantly on hand to suit purchasers. Saâ€"mnin.. One of these nglflcut coaches will be attached to each Day Expresstrain leaving M »ntreal for Toronto, and be run through tc Sarpia, as a Drawing Room and Bleeping Car, _ There will also be one attached to each Day Exspnu frou.. Toronto to Montreal* it The Bommer running Arrangements w come iato operation about the 1st of June, of which due notice will be given. BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. PLANED LU MBER (‘n and after MUNDAY next, the 1st 0: MAY, it is intended to run the FPuolima: Palace Cars through between Montreal anc P. 0. Box 125. â€" Montreal, March 11, 1871 SHINGLES X. XX, XXX. FINE ENGLISA HOSE, LACE LEATHEB, &c., &e., Warranted Superior to any made in the Proâ€" Wity es vrrs xrarnire rrrx221e« $.08 D. Accommodation ‘Train for leland ® . Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a, Express for Quebec and Riviere du LOUP;, Ub i+ rsrste rrrarirs+s 2.90 a. Mail Train for Island Pond, Port~ land and Boston, at.......... 2.00 p. Night Mail for Quebec, Island Pond, Portland and Boston.........10 %0 n Day Express for ‘Toronto, at....... 9.00 .m NigLht Express for Toronte, at..... 9.00 tm Mixed Train or Brockville, at. . ..11.00 a m Accommodation ‘Train for Brockâ€" On and after MONDAY WFext, 5th JUNE, Trains will leave Montreal as under Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" mediste Stations,st .......... 6.00 a.m Pullman Palace Cars now Running on a) Day and Night Trains, PARK S8TREET, OTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Proprietor: CoNFECOTIOKE Y ESTABLISHKÂ¥XÂ¥ENXT PRICOKS, 19th August, 1871. * OTICK , @#8LLsH OakK Tasnko Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, U J Bï¬YNl& Montreal, Agril 26th, 1871. LEXARVIAR ARAMSAY, ‘BAUDPIEZAE OTEANM MILLY DAWNIEL MORRISON, Proprietor Nos. 36 and 38 Rideau Street, Ottawa. Great Acceleration of Speed: LEATHER BELTING, OBRRLJON‘B of all descriptions. NA»CTCFPACTURERS Of with references, on application JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. JOHN C MoLAREN, 247 Bt, Jamesâ€"st., n.o-oo.-ol’.â€_’.‘ 1TA6HMH 2.00 p.m 8.30 an 16574 16137 Thomas‘ Felectric Oil! Worth Ten Times its Weightin Gold. Do you krow anything of it. ï¬nt, it is time you Pain cannot stay where it is used. It is the cheapest Medicine ever made. One dose cures common Sore Throat, On» bottle has cured Broochitis,. Fiity cents #orth has cured an Old Standing Cougn. Cune or two bottles curen bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles, Niz to eight applications cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Infiamed Breast. _ One bottle has cured Lame Back of right years standing. Daniel Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa., says> "I went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" derful Cure 0 a Crooked Limb by six appli cations,‘‘ Another who has had Asthma tor *Fays : "I have balf of a 50 cent bottle R,nnn $100 would not buy it if I cou‘d get Rufus Robinson, of Nunda, N.Y., writes *One small bottle of your Eclectric Oil re stored the volce where th= person had not spoken above a whisper in Five Years" Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: "Your Eclâ€"ctric Uil cured me of Bronchitis in One Woeek."‘ Deslers all over the country say ; "We bave never sold a medicine that has yivren such complete eatisfaction as ty_;_ . ~At is composâ€"d of Six of the Best Oils that are known. Is as good to take as for «xtâ€"roai use, and is believed to be immeasurably supeâ€" tlor to anything ever made. _ Will save you much suffering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place, P uind uy . n THOMAS, Phcl xy, # . $ , Phc/ sad" RORTHeUP & LYMAN, Newomatic) Ont., RBole Agen.s for the Dominion. Nors Eclectric ~â€"Belected and KElecâ€" and sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. rmhmmwmmu ature in her operations. ‘They torm & wmil1 and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet, confirmed by sizty years‘ experience to be one of the best :alterative medicines ever comâ€" The astonishing efhcacy of the Canudian Pain Destroger, in curiog the Discases fot which it is recommended, and its wonderfu: success in subduing the torturing pains 0; Rnenmatisw, and in relieving Nervous Affccâ€" ions, entitle it to a higr rauk in th» list o1 ~Remedies tor these complaints. Orders sre ‘cuming from Mcdicine Dealers in all parts o1 the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i gives. is confidentiy recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wouuds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, scalids, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptious, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &c., ac. l o 1e 8 _ Bold in pots; 13id, 26 9d, 4s 6d, 11s, and 2%2s each ; and his PILULE, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" A1TIYE PILLS. "THE POOR MANS FERIEND, GABRIEL‘8 GABRIEL‘S The Canadian Pain Destroyer never tails to gire immediate relief, All Medicine Dealer: keepit : Physicians order and use it ; aud no family wili be without it after once trying it Frice only Twoutyâ€"five Cents per bottle, NORTHRUP & LY MAN. Bold in Ottawa byJfl l"lcOu'thy, J Skinâ€" ner, Johnâ€"Roberta, J Pâ€"Featherston, George Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine bontuds Mnsd THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtk of time and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance to give perâ€" manent reiléf when timely used, and we have never known a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" «owed, but on the contrary, all are gclightco with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, We speak from. experience in this matser having tested it thoroughly, and therefore huse whoare suffering from any of the comâ€"~ laints for which it is recommenaed may deâ€" pund upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. IMPORTANT TO RESIDENTS ABROAD Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Meerrs. Gabriel‘s new system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth:ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking & model 0o: the mouth will be forwarded with all nece:sary instructions, MENSRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at & moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which havy not proved satisfactory to the wearer. A CHRISTIE & Co., Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably fost OR kmnnovhg thousands in the / o8 ©*, e o : Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1872 %~ MMMBM,WI,OOIM RHNRG | zmmmmmmmrccrreee gusresaceeereemremrageenes Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the . | Mrtecelancous. GABRIEL‘S GABRIEL‘8 May 11871 MESSRS. [FPAR T s â€"oFr MPZ\A Ottawa, t(ov 3, 187° MESSRS Prepared oniy by p e is T4 ([LUBDCGATE HILL . LC Fall direct November 30, 1810 ANADIANK PAINX DESTROYKR R. LOGAN, R. RuBknTs CELEBRATED OINTMENT, B(oï¬l&c‘hélm Morbus Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, PREPARED OonLY BEACH & HARNICOTT, Bridport, Dorset, England ' warranted to remain white ance firm es the Tooth itself. This { beautitul preparation restores front Teetb, and can be easily lmfld. Bufficlent to stop six teeth ~Brice 5s. [ O8STEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPING ons for use enclosed in each box ODUNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celebrated Mouth Wask is most refreshing, it strengthens the gums, eradicates tartar and all injmious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" tificial teeth is invaluabhte: Price 5s WHILTE GUria PEuCHA Ename!, for stopping ‘decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. ROYAaL DENTIFICE prepered from a recipe as used by Her Majeâ€"sty ; gives the Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. CORALITE TOOTH PASTE for cleansing and improving the Teeth, imparts a natural reduness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 1s. 64. for Toothache. This extraor. | Ainary .?pllc-flon, marvellons * in its effects, gives immediate | relief without injuriag the | 9, tooth, and forms a temporary / stopping. Price 1s. 1{id. | " SEDADENT" 0 R C UR E ‘THE: WORLD| Agents for Otta wa, . LOND ON E¢ ) 18:1 16377 39 6m Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘The lowestrent ia the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments ’:'poo its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchantsand others dine daily in the Restaurant. The Proprietor is only relinquisbhing it on account of assumâ€" ing the Superintendence af his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States. Address GUISEPPE M. GIANELLI, N. B.â€"The Bar cao be readily let for $200 per month, + montreal, March 2, 1871. 1 HOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR Martuzs â€"Of all designs in Italian and Amer can Marble and Marbelised Slate, grates, Fond ers and Hearths. Monuments and Headstones of Soottish Granite, Marble and Banastone. Gates and Railings for residences and Grave »lots, Root Cresting, Door Guards, Window Grulmvnp.hou Doors, (';3:! Kings, and every ption of Builders ngs. Chimney Cans, Drain Pipes, Vent Lanings, Flower Vases, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &o , &0 Musons Maliets, Agency of Patent N. edie Labriâ€" cator. T G sOMERVILLE, Traveliing Agent, D R AINâ€" PIPE DEP O T , RIDEAU STREET, _EBTABLISHEED 1860. WM. M, SOMERVILLE,Successor to W. Ma | . _ FARLANE. The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harmaun a Silver Prize Medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exmibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besid«s numerous Testimonials. Aagents for Ottawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocer, Wellingtonâ€"st. ; Jobn Hill, Tesa Pot. Rideau. st,; rlocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New Kdinburgh J. W. Proctor & Co.; for Ayimer, Mr, N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Bmith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, _ May 232, 187 1671 iv _ Directions for use on each Packet. Maxoracroryâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, Eugland i + c OHMRISTIEK, Commussion Merchant at i S. General Agent. Sole agent for Read : Uighwines andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Lsâ€" &&o Ales and Porter. Pork, Flour, &0.,for sal > Orrion : No. 8, Sparks Sureet, near the Ruasse) ouse, Ottawa city, C. W . The Powder is warranted free from ail bad smell, and will kep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cats or Dogs, as they will uot eat it. * MA Agonu,D) aughtsmen, &6o. Ofice, opposit ts OmerivSent, Spatkest. Ottaws, " Valeabore for Trust and Loan Co. . W. &. Purstis. &. Lise. G C. RKAINBOTH, H & Provincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman, commi:sioned for the Provinces of Quebec and Untario. Rermasxoms.â€"B Asims, £sq, A.chitect, Phliaâ€" wgu. Thos Fuller, Esq, Architect, Allnd Or J A 6run.fl P.,. Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, E8y Managing Director 0. & St. L. R, R. 140. PROF. HERMAN‘S For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs. Cockros ‘hes, Black Beetlies, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Mothse in Far â€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also on Cattle, &c., &c¢., in less than Ten Minutes. Which is known to be : Far Supcrior to0 anything ever yet Dis= * covered y IHISTLE & Co., Luad Survreyors, Lanc Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts, per Packet ; or Siz Packets for One Dollur, Â¥5cts. _ _ es POST OFFICE SaAVINGS BANK R@#" Deposite will b« received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Four ps cent per annum, and C¢posits can be withdrawn at any time. CFFICE HUOURs FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m. On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and [reland, Newfoundlang _ and Prince Edward island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stamps, andfo, .\ Cards. Matter posted up package the same.â€"night Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M. % Per Canadian Line, close evermy Friday at 11.0) A.M. A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 13.30 p.w., in which only paid and unregistered matter can be sent. 11:00 I1.30} ees}: g.00| 1872. wintEr aAarRraxgExyExtr. f Ties Office, Wellington Streek, Agent for the Oftawa Times. 9,.20 ~........ 1.30 ' | p ‘......... Q 00 § Werternâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Ha. ~ilton, London.z | ©,00 99 | ;; 6.3 BOY WOLOFN, U : Bcoere ressnores cecrbbresneremres § 4; 1 | | {Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef . | | | Manitobaâ€"Mails despatched daily via Windsor, | f | Ont., and Detroit, Mich. 6 ),00 | ........| 9.00, 1 Bri ish Columbia (and Vancouver Islsnd) Mail« }| ****° + t | | despatchea daily via Wind=or, Ont., Detroit and | | | | lSun Francison, U.S. Kates of Postage same as to | other parts of the Dominion, ) 0 oo 12.10, 9.00 United states, via OROOBRBDUIG sssesssensresrrcsrsnascennscnss. | Y AxQWD | | | - @â€"00 12.10 ... ... Kempty lio, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per 6t. L. & O.R., 21 .90 9.00! i erserchs Eeterssres ;North Gower, Kars, &o., per St. L. & O. Railway ......... | , | v.00‘.........‘......... Osgoode, Russell, &o per _ do _ do ................ 11300 esd 25 4 } § Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Ca 9 20 3130 2 nailh UERIKELL RAILWIKY m crrexrercerscrsresss esns snne $ _ £00 6.00 THE COSMOPOLITAN, IN MONTHREAL, â€" »PORTANT NOTICK. 1 | merernilnd ". «... | 48 10 @00 !Halifex, N.$., aud St. JOBB. NB â€"â€".»»..>â€".»».»»:» VERMIN DESTROYER, â€" A. GRISON, TTFAWA MARBLE WORKS, FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM UF YEARS. 66 66 66 64 46 RARK CHANCE: POST â€" OFFICE, OTTAWA, BILLILNGS, Jr., Architect. OfMceâ€" CLOSE Beli‘s Biock, Sa ppers‘ Bridge. 1216 9.00 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAITIL Office. Aylmer, P. Q «mm | March, Huntley, Carp, &6. ,........ 4.30 4130 6.00 .. ......\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturda 4 3( New Edinburgh t _. 3 """m"i“.u Bemaine Agricole. P Opinion Publique Courrier d Outaouais, Minerve, Montreal. | 3 Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, + #&6., DJY RRENWKRY ......cccserseress seversers ss snsossserses AyImer &OQ HH,...ccesess secsseess isssrssssaectorm o) ahs Eardley and Opslow, by Aylmer, &¢.................... up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplementay Lowe» Ottawa, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" _ I: ad, L‘Ofigent GEORVIHLG, dB0.sâ€".â€"errererrersmerserss Chelsta, Wakefield, North Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays,Wednesdays and Fridays LC .A T T.E . MONEY ORDEKLS BRITISH MAILS, 1722 tf _ The=QUEEN"comprises allthereq * and ref Tnishedâ€"throughout. The BARK «@#45# nechoioust Brandsir Winesand 1\0 ‘u.li“a elicacy of the seas. a wil be found on thetableâ€" roprietcr‘s besteforts will be directed to 4# 00#" riof his guests ana patrons. BM" Oystatrs,«iame oto..duily C THE TIMES is printed and published 4J Tus Ormawa Toes Pruuwmxe axp PW# Lismxo CoMFPAXY, At dnm_g -l\-- i QUEEN * RESTAUSANT, or M. x.:‘v:suu. Propridt positethe main entrance to the @overnmentBC l‘fll ** RUMAL !! RALOUVURQ sL@IX 6TR EEI l.vh‘mcnnrluu. and been for a tirs »clase LUNOUEQN BARK ana 8 will be called THE COMMERCIAL HOUSE and carried on under the Ifl?“‘ ie EVANS,late proprietor of the 3r. Jauzs Ho M# Btriot attention to basiness. Good Wines and Liquors warranted. * LL _ Corner J ames dlï¬ upr\hno Tourt House and Public OMet, hinboinmage w * ~ 2C o Proprietor . 180 s s (Late of uw-yu:w BB A spacious sampleâ€"rvom for raveliers. 85bÂ¥y _ Orewa. Established 1851 . Permanent and transient boarders a0000MM® ed, and every attention paid to their comfort; Barristers, Attorneys at Law, 8 Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Public Advocates for the Proviuces of Ontario Quebec. Oficeâ€"Corner of Suss=x and York streets . N. B.â€"Coliections attended to in «ll pMW the Provinces of Ontario and Queb.¢. 8§ Orawa. * t N. ag W MoKar Wmwews. ks “' RIGBT & CLEMOW, B Attorneysâ€" atâ€"Law. solicavors in Ouvoynun,‘:nnu Public, #0, &¢, vinces . Ontaricand Quebes. C _ Oféce over Durie‘s Book Store, Bparks L# . .oc'l‘uIâ€llunnnnuo-. [ Mo@ALi uie ver._:ty ysician, burgeon and A.1 6 â€"That reot by Dr. L05ky Dube +o pesudioe,s Uneve. â€" ) e R. ROBILLARD, Physician, l, Accoucheur, Ufbcein Mr. flm Btore, Kasi end of Supper‘s Bridgke. OB# hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. N. B.â€"Speciai atrention gv‘n to the tre 1ment of aisenses of tie KY &E and EAK . A: aight t# be seen al ais residence, Murray street. s AJ _ Office, Rideau Street, opposrite Fes _ therton s Druag Store: Regyide 1 a l’i HARLES MaRCIL, Advocate, BW C Omce at Mr Tetrau‘s, N P ; privaterct dence in rear of French athed.al, Hull, Business attended in Ottawa and the D# trict Courts of the County of Ottawa. NOTAbkY PUBLIC. Residence â€" M# next the Fost Office. \ 179397 > Jithe Pence and County Attorney , for the Usind Counties ot Prescott and KRusselli. OMceâ€"latb Court House, L‘uvmigna!. 34â€"6nm Jourt House, Ortawas. Rose®t Lazs. dsutt _ Jorx J. Cmmz R i. HAYCOCK, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"La®w, 86â€" © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conv.yancer, huay dublic, and Psetent RigntSolicuor. Ofesâ€"leâ€" gediately opposite kusseli touse, Elginâ€"st. ut Ll.l'.l & GEMMILL, lmï¬ B4 Soiiciters, Convey ancers *to, iceâ€"Is EDWAIID‘ T. DARZ" AiLL; l*“ Bolicitor Attorney and Nutary Jithe Pence and County Am.y,(m «ncer, &o. OMlceâ€"Laung‘t i..’ï¬a.,..“*‘;.’ qas -ppcf'l&g}hq lfou Uflice, Uttawa. â€" O8SGROVE & TA L10N, Bamam, 1k Bolicitors, 0. Officeâ€"Mosgrove‘s Builtiag, tideauâ€"streot, vitawa. WmL1ix Mosorove. 3661 Groret Ts D O©*CONNOR , Attor neyâ€"atâ€" La w , Boligite= #in Chancery, Conveyarcer, &o., omm treet. Office, Unizn Buildings, Ottawa. #by Ot tawa, Febroary 14, 187) B A,. MARA, Architeor. Oficeâ€"Aunsh @ Buildings, Kideauâ€"st., Ottawa. _ i 1CKWICK HOUSK, Number 12 Weilington Sweet, (Mi# | . y;°°# Dishes, #0,‘&e,, Her Majesty‘s 1 20atre) Contre Tows ?’h hnd on ke uhottem Ottawa. JAMES BAJLILFF, gï¬ Ottawa, January 16, f W. W. WARD, B @ Advocate, &5., opposite the APILKRRE & MUvPHUY, / AVYVERALY ROURSK, R, MoDOUGALL, R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. Ofoâ€" Bparkeâ€"street, Cent: al Ottawa. Sdut! 1CBOLAR 6P ABHBKSB, Barristora neyâ€"utâ€" Law, Solicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, HALIFAX, NOVA BCUOTIA, Motets and SA cons. 0. ARCOHAMBAULT, TIG C 6 it A U p nou.r‘ rupinc for the Pro vince of Quebes, Hull, near tho Pu G. P. BAKEE, JOHN RuM ANS, Proprinti®» Les a+â€" 8,00 11.00 #ss0000 . »»sesss00! ODUK For D+HLVERy 300 11 “i 1 »ers #«» .'. 1872 sist _ _ Tenders, addressed to 1i h oo n m UVook at their Ent at 5‘:7-.1 style and on thâ€" sbortest veneral, will be receive i noon, on FBRL+AXYX, 9: NEXT, for the conveyanoâ€" Miis, on a proposed k years, six ti.nes per week iween Morrisburg and t lotoprril next. (.Ion;:!lnoowbo-m- stage wn by at least us Ihe Muils to lea«e # Bunda erxcepted at Ar,:in-lumwn do. Luveou:s' do. Arrive at Morrisburg Calling each way at the North Jnllh-bur‘. Wine West Winchester, Jrt Kouth Gloucestr and Buli Printed notices c mtair formation as to conditiot Contract may be seen, an« ‘l‘.dorl-q homu:od ces of Morrisburg West Winchester, _‘-:j d T We POULTEY and GAME wout to their bouses r To returning thanks : “‘c“;.lm.. + for their past patouay , public gâ€"Derally, tha. tue; «J aman;emonots for the +Kpeb«=e) of those larg» buildings u: Ar the Mak. Btreet, formerly occupied t ud keoown as ‘the Milta thâ€"y bave w, t Ae Lo# feel coufl 4ent that tho ul on« of the lergest und be lncm ‘m %ht:dmm MP‘*M& ..:?‘l Auuu".“ parties having goods to d to their advantage to send ing before, Bates in country piaces, ‘ JOHN mau "“?.ut and :kuvu _ Agents, 36, York milge, or at the office of The Postma=ter seners himself to accept the lon lhe Commissioners pp~| stractlon of the Inot reolo«a public notice, that they «1 veive Tend rs for the on lrlflmd CO:couns, 1« t Bt. Bimon, »t. F u.?-w aud IMO::‘: Tank Houses and Woo! Sn Trols Pistoles, Bic, Rimous Chief Post Office inspe ___Ottawa, 17th Janu Aiso, tor EKagin=H use 1 uimouskt ano M +apesdiac : Plans, Sp cibcamons an »ay be scen on and after the UM.e of the chicdt K2 Mivriere du Lonp and Rims Tenders may be for the numbes of these Builsing seeived, muked * Coâ€"utâ€"1s the Commiâ€"mion ts‘ Ofice, e‘clock, noon, of the 2vu0 d Eu. w proved by the Governm with power also to const 10 the Sault Ste. Marie t« pembina to ali such : the !lwl-;‘of the Dom: «s may ‘be deemed adv with power to construct structing a briige acros Marie, and to own and 1 other passenger and fre; xll lakes touched by suc vranches. Uitawa, 26th Dec., 187. Â¥ NTEROV.ONIaL Rall Ollce, c tiewa, . 12th, ulm’ ‘anadian Pacitio Railwa power to construct a } 2acific OQcean towards 1 ‘=~sIÂ¥ UPKK U John Macdon: 1s hereby given that a made to the Parliament next Nession, for an Act: Ocrtificates lssued to J preâ€"paying the passage Canada For farther informâ€"mation TEMPERLE Y8, C 3 White Lo# «ID ailway system of Cana {.1 be constructed upon trom such poinis as its | towards the Pacitic Ose amboard of British C ‘30;:':'-â€":( a108 in Lond« (.cada and io the Unit d Milwaukie, Chicago, and . $1.80. ry NBE SEASOK COMM B U L K ‘The Steamers of the 1 ‘nt nded to run We kl> Navigati n of 1872 betw, the Arst leaving Lonion 0 1872 WEEKLY COM London, Queb Ottewa, Nov. 12, 1871 Through Bill« The Italian The proprietor of the QUEENK RE8T ovICE Uttaewas, Jan 3, 1872 Iï¬ â€™arb;j ALL COONTH a L. wWEDNESDA Y, Y OL. a a w @e ® * * oVSsST London alLusy Auo as shall M. C. DE J. DE A* DA