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Ottawa Times (1865), 21 Feb 1872, p. 1

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baury ibuOl ad 4 Alley» Uhikneory , uildinge, Sige for 0,00 w . 8 JJicitors W e s AM®® MO t lillee wMi% B2 d ocate, _ HSL. P ; private reil= D A% veoy ancer, en l U BWw , DGK ries Public i Untarlo sad 8 EKX n amd Accoucheat, ied by Dr. Mal» n Supplementary 1, Ne-b* tâ€" MB@& L : stanps, and Pog n to the treament L. At night ca® 1O B y ngrove‘s ublne for the ublished bF U m ANEs ruooll~' YÂ¥ ork “c' w in all ‘ Q.cb.: Jnt Aaley 2 in W ts io Ofest, i Uffceâ€"â€"lin the 4 to N# aLâ€" L w , Soligiter» OTIA, opposite tMAster, Â¥ eem 6tE ror DELLY ERy C .,.“._‘{“ wb crsnucnce We oysE in which cely y Public, Clas® , for the U uiss 1 T33Â¥ 11,00 **nemm08 | use *n ##s ..,7.. Ibe Mails to lezme Moriisburg daily, SBundays excepted atâ€"7 o‘clock, A. M. _, Arrivéat Uitaw®a do. do. 3, P. M. Leave Ort .wa in tAh L. & W Arrive at Morrisburg do. 5, P. M. Odl'\w“'-ay at the post offices at North Williamsburg, Winchester springs, West Winchester, Urmond, (Usgooie, South Gloucester and Billings® B.idge. Printed notices coâ€"ntaining (urther inâ€" formation as to conditions of proposed Contract m:y be seen, and blank forms« of Tender my be obt:inel at the Post UBâ€" ces of Morrisburg, North Williamsburg, West Winchester, Usgooie and Billings‘ Rridge, or at the office of the subscriber. The Postmaster tieneral does not bind himself to accept the lowest or any tenâ€" Conveyance to be made in a passenger stage drawn by at least two horses. _ ern Termini, as shall be seltected or apâ€" proved by the Government of Canada, with power also to construct branch lines to the Suuit Ste. Marie to Fort william, to #embing and to all such other points upon the Trontier of the Dominion of Canada, a@amay be deemed ndvisable,â€"And also with power to counstruct or join in conâ€" struoung a bridge across the Sault ste. Murie, and to own amil work steam and other passenages & d freught vessels upon all lakes touched by sucn ralway or its _ ihe Comâ€"nissionets sppoiated for the con Wraction of the Intâ€"reoioulal Huilwâ€"y, gare pablic notloe, that they are prâ€"pared to râ€". deneral, will be receivelat Otta#a until on FBluAY, Ith. FEBHU akY mt‘,b the conveyance of Her M «jesty‘s Maits, on a proposed Contract for four yoass, six ti.nes per week each way, beâ€" iwebn Morrisburg and Uttawa, from the 1st of April next. f wivte Teoad rs for the crâ€"ciâ€"a â€" Btuin Buidings st Cscouns 1+ V .t~, Tro s Pis= toles, 81. simon, 3t. Fsvicu, Bic, tiomoâ€"usk), Bt, Lace and Metapediac Hoad ; asnd als>, tos Taok Houses and Wool Sheds at Isle Vorts, Trois Pistoles, Bic, Rimouski and Metapediac Also, tor Kagine H us â€"sat Ririâ€"re du Loap, Bimonski ao0d Mâ€"tapediac <ond. 9 ln returning thaoks to their oum rous friem‘s and custowers in thâ€" city and vicinity, for their past pamonage, b 5 to intorm the public generaliy, that they bave jret «omplet. * Is hereby given that application will be -i.nQboP;ln-utolMuiu next Session, for an Act to incorporate the Canadian Pacitic Hailway Company, with vo AMTLD,eimenâ€"le for the leasoy (at a large speuse) of w.ose large an: commotious buildlagse t« bas Market Square, on York Street, torm riy occapied ty the Goverumâ€" at, «0d knowno as the Military Hospital, which they bare thoroughly r. 8t o4 1 paluted, and now feel confi jeut tha: thoy n:n- pr 48 s¢l086 of ons of the largest and bert situated ruom sin the Domlolop, where they wil! pay pasticular Mtention to Auction 3 .1s of Plans, Sp cifications an t forws of Tender way be weu on and aftâ€"r 30 b February, at tie OB»of the chief Engizeer. Ottawa at Rirters.du Lonp and ‘Rimoaâ€"k. Tenders may be for the whol~, or any lees numbesof these Buildiogs, and wil b re. wind, mwked * Towbâ€" ts for Auildings," a the Commissionâ€"rs‘ OfAce, Oitaws. up to 12 volock, nxon, of the Jush day ot March n xt. ED. W aLsH, ED B. CdaaNDLE8, C.J BRYDGEs, A W. McLELAN. just Received H. M. RO WE S celebrated BULK AND CAN 072 Real Estate, Houschoid. Effects, Agriculturai Implements, Works of Art, Horses, Carriages, de., de. / l,!h Atin Saies every Tuâ€"#iny and Friday mornings at 10; :0 orlock, where parties Bsving goods to disp se ot wiil dn it J. DEWE, " Chiet Post Oftice Inspector. Chief Pust O ifice inspector‘s ottice . _ ‘Oitama, 17th January, 1872 ‘ 18713â€"4 WEEKLY COMMUNIC \TIIX power to construct a Railway from the tains, and from mhnlzi:l as may be wlected Emt of the y Mountains, roeards the !‘~cilic Ocean, connecting the Throogh Bills of w'” issued on the Continent a=d in Lonadon for al! parts of C.cads and in the United States, to Detrolt, =lâ€"uo, Chicago, and other points in the out. Certiicates lssued to persons destrocs ot preâ€"paying the passay* of their friends to Canada. @ For further infor sation apply to TEMPERLEY®, CaB IZER & DABKE lag londo:, Quebe sabourd ol lm:itsh Columbia with the railway systeia of Canada,â€"such. railway to be constructed upon such route and trom such points as its Eastern and Westâ€" ern Termini, as shall be selected or apâ€" Baies in country pliaces, e.tâ€" .M plnflp"‘ “l!!lda'd tw Adction.«; um‘fl tas LONT inteaded to rom VWokly du between t the Arst leaving London on of Ffifi.’mm’rhs £00YU3. â€" â€"YOLALK STALEKK T John Macdonald & son QUEEN RESTAURANT H .ving engaged M. KAVANAGH w , Oitaws, January 16, 1873. _ 187:4 Ottawa, 26th Dec., 1871. NTERCU.ONI iL RALLWaAY Tenders, addressed to the Postmiuter YAkD The Italian Warehouse. Furaishing, lusurance and Real Estt Agents, 36, York street, Oitaws. Ubtews, Nov. 12. 1871 181 24 m QTICK A First Ottews, Jan 3, 1874 Ottawa, Jaoy. I:th, 1873 The proprietor of t s AlL CONTBaAUT & SEASON COMMENCED WEDNESDAY, loth APRIL. «itana.o to sead tho o :o tho even. YOL. : YI â€" NO, T902 OVYVsTERS, London Steamers P in i w@tneral c'.‘?"!mfi flm 3 White Lion Court, Corabiil, Â¥. C. DELES DERNIERS. BETWEEX ‘ tins LONDOYX LINE ar» Woykly during Neason ol . between the above Ports, andon on or about 1IACDONALD & suUux : atd Noatreal DiavID 8HAW, Monatreal. ... PER GALLWO®N. ROS8 & CU, TETERS. »I 1: Ontari® 181 24m 18607 1864if 1872 | MONTREAL OCEAN ‘ ESTEAMSHIP COXPAXNY. Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURINTHIAN, on or about. ....12th Oct. orTawW a «* «+ «. hk * ST. DaVID «* ««««%th 4 ST. ANDREW & .. ... 2Znd Nov. ST. PATRICK hi «... tth «+ Fares frowm Ottawas, cabia........â€"... $87 25 !m.......uu-....nw-““ WIZ" An experienced Burgeon carnlâ€"d on :ln-l. Berths not secured until paid i-mthummuum-u-. Passage cortificates granted to dosir. Cubltt ««««««ccccevrcercc«.RHWBIP EOHUIK@Es ««««tu« «ucete«ersrerilh The steamers of the Glasgow Line (sailiog trom Giasgow every Tussday, and from Que huhtw“nomlom‘llmday are ic to be dsspatched from Que bec O lel T llmle.s «uurasrrate«cararidll{OOuuno0g ANNU AL INCOME, over..... 4,000,00 FUNDS ON HAND, over...... 9,5,0X) sSPECIAL LIFE AsSURANCE TCOXE \xrerce«erertcarecas«crx ids Therse having been adided $736,200 to the Lite Fund as a result of the business of Tickets can vbe granted from Ottawa to Mmunmmma‘cw For further information apply to DAVID SHAW, : 1871 Alt de’l"f' DSP:'RI'XENT. faeurda ptions Enrny against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" The steamers of the Liverpool Mail aalling from Liveâ€"pool every Thursiay, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lockt Foyle to receirve on board, and land Mail and Passengers to and from Ireland and Scotland are inteaded to be despatched from Quedsc : c’#‘. aevete a@ 8 mcdiuavian .... ulMI‘l PeC PE Y the past year. CHKAKNGE OF SAILIN G. Sarmatian And every succeeding Saturday Rates of Passage from Quebec: Calling at 8t. Jobn‘s, N. F. FROM QUEBEC. Ncandinavian ... ... ... . ...,.. ......Januaty 6 Ntl". ‘..l‘“l ww w e ma e m n n ie w n n a tw do 13 MC IMHVIMM <««ueesese cc«.o« cccerece.e 60 10 ’w‘ w ut t WB e w e ui ul e w t 0 44e 44w n n 'AA“ ’! Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTNMXENT. is 12, $2 yer year Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is offered to policy h:'ld::. Besides the large tal Company, asâ€" m’.::v:p :,:id"d security in ‘ the gNLlIlTID LILNBILITY of a Wealtbhy rietary . “T,‘:bhoofl.ul,l’ropcnll'orumdm information can be obtained on application wo the undersigned. A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. T. M. CLARK , Agent. UOFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Spacks and Elgin streets. 1760y N.B.â€"The financial position of the Royal is in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicagogthe Company having Agent doing business in that city. sStaes CUMING ELECTIUN FOR DUOMINION PARLIAMENT, CuaL STOVES AaT 1871 Ofice: ELGIN STRKEET, opposite the Russel} LT4S 17 A. J, TAYLOR, Agent, VOTING ON THE BRIDGE BY Law. WaATERWORKS QUESTION. ALDERMAN HENEY PRESEXTATION. NEW STREET CROSSING® WoOOu sTovYEs aT 4. HOT AIS mn.ngx& AT H. MEADOWs ), P&l!@ll! Booked to and‘from Liverpool Londonderr;y BUILDERS JOB WURK AT H. MEA DOWs & Co uCAPITAL" STOVE DEPOT, 35 SUSSEX, STREET ‘NWARE OF ALL KINDS AT H. MEA DOWs & Co. Certiticates issued to persons desirous 0 repaying the passage of their friends to Ottawa, May 6, 1871 Royal Insurance Co‘s Office, Ottawa. ‘}ttawa, Oct. 17th. 1760y. For further particulars k _ C D w coWakd & cO., * Uct. k: . ... . “‘ l‘:h C SEVERN ... a~ * it ow .“:lg" «_ l6th * THA en 4 Rates of Pa â€"Que m‘z Cabin, ndulm; children under J:n.;' children unde: l to« ’"d-lu. $24 ; EXTENSION OF MARKET SQUARE, COMING MUNICIPAL ELECTIONS LATE CHANGE IN THE MIXISTRY. Otitaws, Nov. 3, 1871. §1. LAWRENCE A\D OTHAWA ONDO® LINE OF ETKANCERS. oYaL INSURANCE COXPANY, A TE®T CiTY ToPIOK. CAz â€" Ce A W 1 CARTAGE AGENCY. SUMNNXEKR SERVIC 2. RAIL W A Y â€" FIRE and LIFE, tLlasgow. T. Â¥M. CLARKE, H. L ROUTH . F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada 4 3 #¢ Liverpool Line. Agonts MKEADOW3 & CO MEADOWS & CO. @iasgow Line. Montreal. * 18IL 59917 TJV co 10 10 %4 N, B.â€"â€"1t sires 30 per cent oc the Russel! Honse boller, and st:am is now raised in balf ;.I.H”..L:: took before the covering was op-' , while it saves a large cen #* Fuel and Labor at the W.m’.;whhn‘l.cbo Parlinament and Departmental Buildines, City Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills, A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &c¢. GOOD STABLING AND ATTEXTIVE CHALMERS & CuU,, Rickardson st., Montreal, P, 0. Box 84144, Sote Manufa~+nrers in the Dominion J. MNUNBROE OLEALY, Genâ€"ral Western Agent. Ottawas, Yov, 3), 18/; Â¥ travelling Public. The BAR al supplied with the cwmm"' @ & M. are Agents for Ottawna, on 1 sell Mil! prices delivered in Ottawa. L â€" signed in vites the public to examine the of E LaVIGNE, (Quebec.) The of this establishment, Henry in returning his thanks to his numerous friends and to the pnN:::t large for the great encouragement y iously honored him with, begs to inâ€" m them that, bavin« considerally reâ€" paired his new establishment, and owing to his well known experience in that line of business, he is in a position to continue giving then sutticient satisfaction. \v HOL SA LE lf:l:OUODS. SARLAND, YUCHMOI & Ga _ Good Yard and Stabling, and also the best of accommodation shall continually be found sutisfuctory at his est. blishment. Utraws, Dec. 14, 1871 1845 3m This new swing coutains the mo~ tive power in itâ€" self, requiring no Pateat Swing, sion to drive it, ~=~â€"l..f Gp CA , and in it persons “’é“ 1 \f( indulging in that B q: | % agrecable â€" exers ~â€"a* cise are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contend with any of the inconvenie=ces met with in ordi sary Swings, This 8wing -ay be se a in op ration at the Canada Central Hot:l, No 120, sassex street and at No. 8, St. Patrick Street., May 10, 1871 O‘l'rAWA HOTEL Prescott Junction, J. FRANCI3, prietor. * Meals at all times,. Table and liquors canaot be surpassed. 187%â€"3m, ___ Is hercby given that application will be made by the Corporation ot the City of Otta, we, to the lL.gislature of the Province of OUntario, at its present Nession, for an Act to enâ€"ble the saisg Corpora tion to purchase a corâ€" taln parcel of land iying on the west side of Bn-::u.t in said city, for the purpose of widening said strout. A W P LETT, City Clork, City Hall, Ottawa, Jan. 10, 1s72. 1863 lawke BAUSBR‘3 cUULATING LIB&&T. No. 38 Rideaun Strset. _ Mr E A HARINGTON (Worecester College, Orford), late Assistont Mastâ€"r of Trinity Collage School, Port Hope, intends openiag the above on the 1st September next. High testimonials and refer nces can be given both in Oh-.i:: ol.-lou."' For turther parâ€" ticulare, apply to Mr sariugton, Purt Ho until the 15th ilost. After that dm,u& ta wa. N B â€" Private pupils will be taken in the evening® WP" The Lybster Mills Goods are ths heapest goods made or imported to Canada TOecE 1"""* 51\"-. 40c.1+, per Muutu « bought, soid4 and exchanged + Utawa. June 9. 187 i ‘NRAXKLLIE MOUSEK, NO. 122 SUSSEX STREET, No. 122 Kept by Henry Labelle. Every convenience and comfort for the CANAOIAN ao3+ : pe ks ", 7 ) Q * C C x b :' M on é s\ 1 °C ranoe Asaced â€"A \\\: \ Â¥ & ‘; g o io iiiAs) mmmmmmanm connnanie / Cp 2 HALMERYSPENCE PATENT NoNâ€" o8 NK K i1Di%G, 1 Case Manitosa Tw :> a 1 * Union Twee s, ) BAl s B tting, 3 wl:.“l""' C‘oll 3) M RICE‘3 Paper (‘ollars, ton $ t M c ied Snss 3 «4 ta #o mk.' The Latest Novels Alway»s on [land 2 "® _ Portirs ( 1 .ase Laves, 1 *# Booan«t E + Trimaed ‘~ * . Haotrock‘" i * â€" itibbons, x "4 PII!.OII 1 Cale Hessiane, 1 C so Linen Di 1 Cale Hessiane, 1 C so Linen Diilis RIVATE CLASSICAL SCHOOL _ Cottuon Hosicre, *« _ JQark Prints, Balen Grey Cott n«, &# _ Fortirs (expectods»i Cas V+Iveteo. v.j # 0_ Vebyetooo Jack: ts, * _ Velvet & bub>us, @ _ Biack ans Colored Fringes, * _ Fanes Drâ€"=s GQGoods, * _ Black Lostres, "# _ Smaall Wares, WKP" Issesouos isvits :\l o A 5+ a::.fu.-r-b&:"‘.'uflc‘ol.l’ "ex, PATEXNp it . â€"~â€"_ ns 6X LiTZ STE\M»ERS, iEA ¢ per 3 Boan«t, Trimaed Hete Horroca‘s Shirtin i 1t» Â¥e Recelt 0 t t i w ia, C COonent y SaF C T Â¥ L. A CRIE ON (e l «* %, ; * . * *~4 % $A ', [Â¥ 0'. : - ,’;' a A. C <#ar P f 4 e 1 / \"“'&7':\ C /.' p .‘..' 0 * &# _ A uPW AFK\ l4 V e A y SR 4ap , *A bet \ M a iss it 4s L (£, d < y A lcA BE ! 22 t s‘ SJ A . m x * "'\\/‘?"“A T F C *P MbsIV 42 © _6 in w * y *\ n };‘ _,,_ huR t hoÂ¥ o S * x "ag "li“& ‘¢"g ';Q",\_ ’?j\ d 1.{353}? ¢ OTTAW& wWEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 21. 1s72. 1736¢tt UOnmieitable Sofa Cars on No 1 and 8 Charge for berths, 59 cents. _ â€" _ _ _ Sure connections with all the GT trains both East and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrtval when late Twoenty minutes allowed at Prescott Juncâ€" tion for refresbments. Trains are run on Montreal time. In Bond or Frae Aund also in Wood or Bottle Gâ€"guine Hennessey‘s and Martello Brandies, DeKayper‘s Gin, Jaâ€" maica Spirits, London Gin, [rish and Scotch Whiskies, & 0. This firstâ€"class animalâ€"the 'pnrut bred Bull in Canadaâ€"for sale. His full pedigree can be ascertained on application to the OTTAWA HOTEL, 8t James Strset Mon« treal. The undersigned having assumâ€" ed the management of this popular favorite, respectiully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and vhat he intends by constant attention :o the wauts of his patrons, to make this the most cox fortable Hotal in the city of Montreal. ARNOLD.‘S WINE VAULTS. A large varicty of ‘ Ports, Burgundies, Sherries, Cham pagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarets Sauternes, &o., of choice qu Jits and great range in prices. & LUTTBELL, e buperinteadent, Pr. scott. Ottaws, January 1, 1872 DO"IIA‘L:houk rrbotth.“ lish Ales, k Finest m Wine Vinega: Liberal terms. Inspection invited. K ARNOLDI, . Telegraph Boilding, Metcalte stre t, Ottaw£, Dec 29, 1871 The corgregation of St, Andrew‘s Pres byterian Cburch will commence to meet for pablie worsahip in . s Feb. 1st. GowWaN‘s HALL, On 8SUNDAY, the 28th INX8TANT, Aund continue on every following Sunday unâ€" til their New Oburch is «rected, or uati® fur ‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ Members of the congregation are requssted to remove their Books, Cushions, &¢., from the Oid Church, in the course of nest woek, aad not later than Friday, the 26th inst. * C. 8. MeNUTT, Becretary pro tem. January 18, 1872. 1873 9 _ The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa to Brockvilie and all p: lats West, and by 3§ mileg toal! points Zast The first week in ‘,p',"’,_-__- For the purpose uf paying oil ths debt on their organ. Ontarlo, at its next S.ssion, for an Act to «uable the Corporation of the City of Ottawr to coastruct Water Works, for the purpose of supplying the inbabitants of the said city with water; and to confer upon the said Corporstion, or upon Commissioners to be appolnted for lh':. purpose, all powers neces for effectuating that ohbject. ts o c ly t# C City Hall, w4 Octolet 317.137: .3 1806 JQ Entend baving a SALE of 3. USE!'UILAY_MD FANCY ARTICLES ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIXE. Contributions will be thankfully received by the ladgies of the congregation. Junuary 9, 1812 1865 11 SPARES AXD ELGIN STREETS, OTTAWA RAILWAY. The Bishop‘s Chapel with 1 C. aANDREW S CBURCK. with Tertms liberal. No wmÂ¥8 UVUBmama Buuu FVS DBALE N aNXD FROM WEKUNESDAY, 3rd Jan., trains will run as follows ; HE LADIES Is hereb, given that -»ucngou will be e to the Legislature o1 the Province of oTCs OyE® sorks soor srorm â€"| R OTTAWA THE GREEK AS USUAL. 10 00 p m 10 * a m 9 30 a m :00 METCALFE STREET. Ottawa 1d5 am 1 00 p m WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &c., Leara Pr: s ot 1;30 p m Grand THOS8 REKYNOLDS, _ Maenaging Dirvctor, Ottawa. GOINXC XORTB Gol®G soUTH J. & W. THOMSON, 1885.d&w tf Nepean accommodatic n trai n _ fot Brockville, Kkin&«ston and all way #1 a t I o ns GT trains for Kast and W ast Grand _ Tronk Mail for West Do Express tor Irom West / Do do Express Do do Expres« from West _ Counnecting with U, 8. BROWNE, Counscting with.â€" snd _ Trousk Mail from the Manager, Arrive tf rescott J anotion. 1115 p m Arrive in ()8t m w a, 10:25 a m 3 50 p m 1 10 pm 4:10 p m 6:15 a m 1 00 a m To make some rom ions against the spread of Small Pox and other Contaâ€" geous or i»fectious dUesul and to prevet the interment of the dead within the City of Ottawa, after the }‘hirty-flnt day of December, A.D. 812. ~WHEREAS it is necessary to m ke some provisons aguinst the spreading of Small Pox and other contagious or infecâ€" tious diseases w thin the City of Otta and also to prevent the interment of dm bodies within the limits of the said City after the ‘Thirtyâ€"first day of December next. Therefore the Council of the Corporaâ€" tion of the City ofâ€"Ottawa do hereby enact and ordain as follows : 1. That the occupant of any dwelling house within the City wherein any case of Smail Pox or other contagious or infecâ€" tious disease now exist or shall and may hereafter exist shall immediately upon its being known to him or her of the existâ€" ence of such disease, put, place and keep np on or over the iront entrance door of the said house a printed notice, placed thereon in a couspicuous manner, during the continuance of the sail disease thereâ€" in, and for the space of ten days there. after, such notice to be supplied by this 4. Tnat it shall not be lawful for any person or persons afflicied with the disease of Small Pox or other infectuous or conâ€" tagious disease to go abroad in any of the public highways, streets or places of public resort in the City until sugh person or perâ€" sons shall have recovered thereof, or unless he, she or they shall produce when requirâ€" ed by any Healith Officer a certilitate trom a regular medical practitioner within the Ci’x that he, she or they have recovered, and that there is no danger to be appreâ€" hended of the spread of the disease by such person or persons going about. _ _ _ _ Tenders will also bo rscâ€"irad, as above l'sledl tor the charter of a suitable Bteam Vemse!l, for the delivery of A1 and supplies to the Light Houses above Montreal, the obarter to commence at npon on 2nd July next, at such part of the Lachine Canal, Montreal, as may be designated by this Department. The nawe, size, age, horse power and description of the vessel to be spcrified in the tendet. A bulk euw should be naxed for the performâ€" ance ofthe service, o1 the ru.e at which the vessel is offered per mouth at the option of the department. na ty <agenot" And Teud rs will be received marked «©Tendâ€"r»" ut the office of D. A. Macdonald, President of the Company, Alexandria, Glen»« garry, up to the 6th d y 0: February next. . The Directors do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender, D. A. MACDONALD, President M. & 0.C. J. Rj. Alexandria, 10th Jamuary, 1872. â€" 18651( 2. That the body of any person who shall die within this City from Small Pox or other contagious or inftectious disease shalt+be interred within two days at farâ€" thest from the time of his or her death. 38. That it shall not be lawful for any person or persons, bodies politic or corpoâ€" rate, to permit"or sufter or be party to the permitting or suflering any dead body in any house, builiing or other place or laces within this City uninterred for any fimg« period than tive days without the written permission of the Board of Health. _ 5. That from and after the thirty first da{ of December nexst it shall not be lawâ€" ful for any person or persons, bodies poli tip orcorporate to bury or inter any dead body within the limits of the City of Ottaâ€" Given under the Corporate Seal of the City of Ottaw41 this fifteenth day of Januâ€" ary, . A, D. 1872 EUVG. MARTINEAU, BYX «â€"LAUW No.313 5. Any person or persons offending against any of the provisions of this Byâ€"law shall, on convictirn thereof before the Polise Court for the City forfeit and roy such fine not exceeding tifty dollars or less than one dollar as to the Court shall seem meet together with the costs of conviction, and in case of nonâ€"payment of the fine inflicted jor any such breach, and there _ being no _ distress found out of which the same can be levied such offender shall be liable to be im prisoned in the Commoen Gaol of the County of Carleton for such period not excee«ling one calendar month, and with or without hard labor as the Court in its discretion shall think proper. _ _ Plans and Specifications, togethet with the ecnditions of Contract, «ad Forms of Tende:, can be seen on and after the 22n4 JANUâ€" ARY, lnst., at the vTiti~© of the Chiet Eogineer of the line, Charles Lâ€"gge, £ q., No. 162, St. James Street, Montreal. RAILWAY COMXPANY. NOTVICE . Is hereby given that the Director= of t! is Company are prepared to receive tensers fer the constiuction o| th« 1 n . Derartuext or Maznix» & Fisgnaiss, Ottawa, 8th January, 1872 _‘ Realed Tenders will be received at this Department, up to noon of Friday, the 9th day of February next, for the supply, :n bond, of the undermentioned quantities of the best z:lalhy of standard white refned Petrolo um i1. do _ 6000 t» 8,(00 g«llons at Kt. John, N. B., 10th Junae. 1873. . do 18,000 to 20,000 gallons at Quebec, 5th Jaiy. do 10,100 to 12%,000 gailons at Moutreal, 1st Joly. do :.oloo to 4,000 galloas at Hamilton, 8th aly. do :0'00 to 5,000 galions at Sarnia, 12th aly. Tenders will bo received for the whole quantity, or tor any of the lots above speciâ€" Aed, for one year, or for a term not exceeding thrre years, at the optisn of the Department. Paitiss tendering who may not wish to conâ€" tract ftor more than one year‘s supply, will please state so in their Tenders. The Oil is required to be nonâ€"explosive at a vapor test of 110° Fabrenbeit, must burp brilliantly, without smokiog, ustil entirely consumed, and not crest the wick, and must be tree from all deleterious substances _ It is also required to have a specific gravity of 41° Beaume, at a temperatare of €8° Fahrenheit ‘A sample of a quart to sccompany each Ten« er. The Oil is to b= delivâ€"red in good order, in iron bound caske, containing from 35 to 42 gallons(a h. ~Caâ€"k« to have st vâ€"s and heads of white oak, and to be properly pregared in« site with liqgunnd giue, and to be painted outâ€" aide #o +s to prevent thd oil ftrom permeating the wood, and evxaporating from the surface, The Oil to be su‘j ct b.fore acceptance to an inspection, test and approval of a perâ€"on ap, ointed by this Departm=nt, and to be de. livered at the risk aod expeâ€"nse of the con â€" tractor, in the locality dcrignatâ€"o by this Departiment or its Agont, at the following times and places : From 20,030 to 25 000 gallons at Halifax, N. 8, one balf on 25th May, 1872, and balance 10th Jaly. M The cartage of t:re oil from tha Reilway Station, Oil Depot or V. eeel, to the Wharf or piace where the UT 1E h Qu‘red to be deopcsit: ed, must be paid by the coutractor, The ca«k® to be furnish d by the contrec. tor, aud th ir cost inciuded in the price of the oll. 1. spector‘s fses of Inland kevenue NDepartment and QGuager‘s t es murt be pald by the contractor. 3: 1GHTHOUSE SEsaVvICE, OoNTREAL & CITY OF OTTAWA JUs8UCTION * W. P. LETTJ. Zinl tor ot Marin« and Fiâ€"Leries, STEAM VESNSEL P. MITCHEUIT, I fi'â€"n_wmn _ N.B.â€"Thefollowing testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received c SHEOIEA, REVIC IRCHEZ eqiOn, EnE V, £, HEpuel y M. &. C. l,dhoflonqlcms,h‘:o. No Gaivanic Belts are genuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. Puirermacher‘s aigoature on the label. A pamphlet containing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Ohristie, _ At Junction Depot: of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilitisse of a FKFirst Class House, Passengers refreshment These highly improved inventions render Electricity perfectly nlfac?llablo, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being exâ€" perienced, wherâ€"by it beeomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agounizing peins, re<animating torpid lln::, reviving the siuggish functions of life, rmparting renewe energy and vitality to constitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYVEbMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC BYSTEM is so extensivo and varied, that t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. _ " We, the undersigned, have much plesâ€" " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvearâ€" " waceunr‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic * Batteries and «alyanic Appliances for * Medical Purposes are of great importance to «* Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of * real and useful progress, * Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. * BLR CH ARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M . D., F. R. 0. P. , SIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , Â¥. 8.8. + sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. KDWp. H. SIKYERLING, M. D., M.B.C.8. t bl} J RANALD MARTIN, F. R.0.8." 1 ULYVERMACAER‘s SYSTEM is also ap piov«« of by an official report of the Aca dâ€"» 1. de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Physieiang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are conâ€" firmed by thousands of private testimonials of curesefected., (Bee pamphlet gratis). Thaose facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientitic and curative progress, to which the inventoo has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a1 an ardent deciple of that great bonefuctor of raankind, the late illustrious electrician Miognase Farapr. PULVERMACHER‘3 MEDLCOâ€"GALYAN»~ IC CHALINS are exceedingly eff: ctive without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheumatism Female Complaints Gout Constipation A. CHRISTIE & CO., D&RUGGISTS8, oTTawW a. Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 1455 lawky Agents, Also the celebrated stan the aid of medicine, restriction of dlI:L“ the least derangement of the patient‘s habits and Spasmse ¢ The effects of the application of Pulre:~ sham Doctors, &¢., for im purposes, and soseverely ulg"uund by 3!« COhancel«~ lor Malins in the suit Pulvermacher vs Ham» moud, alias Henty James, alias 0. T, Haphey, 8 arks Streot. MeCAMMON & CO., PULYERMAUHER 8 PaATENT GALLV a~xIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTSB AND POCKET BATTERIES MASON & HAMLIN, Lumbago Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints KEpilepsy Tic Doloreux Nervous Debility Indigestion Fuanctional Disor macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. PRICE LIsT OF PULYERMACHKR‘S WoNDERFUL â€"IMPROVEMENT Pamphlets containing a description of the above improvement can be had at our establishment. ; CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Nervyous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser in the Head, 21s. to 308. B, uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice andé other affâ€"ctions of the Throat, 10s. 64. to 316. N. UHaIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheumatio Neurnigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" lysis, Cremp, &c., 18s. to 225. and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, &#c., (worn as a belz,‘m to 40s and 558. B CHAIN BANDS Writer‘s Cramp, :r;-hun', Nervousness, &c, 22s to 30s 408. B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl, Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to G0s. A complecte Bet of COMBINED UHAIN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Peeudo Electric Belts advertised by Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz: Bo long and favorably known in Canadas, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of thoze magniâ€" ticent instruments now in The mernits of the Dunham Piauos are : 1st. Its durability has become a proverb. p‘;z:x:i h; worklxmml hip it cannot be surâ€" if equalle 1. 3rd. In Solidity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. _ _ 4th. It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quiteâ€"its original cost. _ _ 5th. It is warranted in the most satisâ€" factory manner. ««Dunham‘s Patent Hydro Carbonated Sourding. Board." . s f } Euonuua'n 10 LiÂ¥ K DNMILN PLNO! In calling attention to the above improveâ€" ment hit pleasure in announcing that they have been app.inted agents for the OUR SHOW ROOM. Full particailars may be had from the Sole Ottawa, January 20, 1872 uEK ©JUONCTION HoTEL,"! DUNHAM PIANO® J. L PULYVERMACHER, assortment of which we keep conâ€" and ESTEY & CO./‘8 ORGANS, . a ranic Establish:=ca , 2%v% % « ut Street, Lonuon, W ~ _ p. WILEKINXSON, J. L. ORME & SON, ____ 8 Sparks Street. EMERSON, Bluggish Circulatio Urinary Disorders P Functional Disorders h-l-; 'm"-"r.; CARBO torpid lim s of m...:’ Perfu 1 vitality to | purposes. stever cause, consequences CABB( h. The daily effected by | _ Ordit and HOOD, tor being desirous of retiring on account of poor health Enquire at the Wrion:s Hovser, Hull. . ’ JOSEPH DEY, â€"__ To be let . for a term ol'z:u'; the BELLEVUE GARDENS, Hull, the proprieâ€" Will be received by the Corporation of the city af Ottaws, until the MUNDAY, the uineteenth day 0: Fâ€"bruary, 1872, at the bour of sevrea otcluck, pm., for tise lease «<{ the TOLLS of the BY anfd WELLIKG TON WaARD MABKETS, for one Iou, commencâ€" 1og on the first MONDAY in March next The real signatures of two responsivle sureties required to each tender, the different tades. * Plans and ifications to be seen at the office of mmmhitoot. K. Arnoldi, Ia%,.on and after MONDAY, 12th inst. lowest or any tender not necessarâ€" illy accepted. JAMES D. SL ATER, Chairman Building Committee. Ottawa, February 5th, 1872. 1889 3 Wa. P. LETT, City Clesk. City Hall, Ottaw: Fob. 9th, 1872. _ 1892 td kete, &¢. _ {NARBOLIC ACID, PRINCIPALâ€"MRS. ROBERT STEWART. French Eaqucation, with Bo:.d, lit%l::o & year, * Ait num o eocpta‘ss tiwited, carly appiication should bs made. The School will re open on the 3rd o January, 1872. Ottawas, Dec 29 1871 _ 1857lawkd&wt _ Or Disinfecting Fluaid, for Sick Rooms, Linen, Bedding, Water Closets, Draios, Oewâ€" In this Establishment, delightfally situated in the most healthy part of the city, Young For freight or parsage, apply to Tamperleys, Carter and Darke, 21 Billiter Street, ondon ; Ross & Jo., Quebec; David Saaw, Montreal ; or for passage to T. M CLARK, Otteawa. ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES Corner of Wilbrod and Gloucester Tenders will be received up to the 1 3th INSTANT for the erection of a PRE~BF. TERILAN CHURCHR, on the City Hall Square. Tenders to be in a lump sum or for the d’!’ ‘ud pclhflou be lans 6 to ssen at the office of JAB, HOP& & CO., Eigin Street, Ottawas, from and after MONDAY, the 5to instant: All tenders to be ad Iressed to H. McCUoRâ€" MICK, Esq., Obhairman Bailding Committee. The committee do not bind themselves to gcoopt the lowest or any tender. 0, R., CUNKXINGHAN, _ Tenders addressed to the undersigned will be received up to 12 o‘clock, noon, on MONDAY 19th inst., for the erection of a new church, for Christ Church Congregaâ€" tion, on the site of the present edifice. __Tenders to be for the whole work, or for Through Bills ot Lading issued on th Continent and in London, for a.J mn of Canada, and in the United States to 10it, Milwaukee, Chicago and other points in the Through tickets trom all points west at reduced rates, Certificates issned to parties desitous of bringing out their friends. Composed of Ine following first class power ful iron steamships : SCOTLAND. :.: :: . ; â€"« >« :+« » 4ObT ADORE, NEDWAY.:..... ...... â€"4x+Â¥vs ++1010 N0 AHKCDPOR .:«::â€".«:»â€"««.«1+» »L@iP U0 TWEED.....:.....+:«>»>>«sâ€"â€"1,004â€" 40 THAMKS .:;....:..;« .:«++..>+1;601 €Go NIGERE +++«+s«>>: :++ss« ++++« â€"1,4068 U0 NILUE ++ ;s +1« +ss ****=s sa««+*1{000D 0O SEVERN »: : :1«.>>:1:««+++s« «»1;8080 90 The steamers of this line are intended to sail EVERY WEDNESDAY duriog the seaâ€" son of navigation of 1873, to and trom London, Quebec and Montreal, (Calling at PLYMOUTH outwards for pasâ€" sengers.) C First departure from Lendon, Wednesday, 10th April. First departure trom Quebec, Wednesday, 6th May, £= Merchants and Shippers are respectfully informed that the GENERAL OFFICES of the Commm REM.JVED to the front of the on Wellington Street, facing the Parliament Buildings. Charges on Freight may now be pard st these offices, or at the Chaudiere, or Sussex Strect Station of the Company. . _ _ _ o CARTAGE AGENCY. ® The undersigned begs to inform the rublic that his office has this day been tEMOVED to the rear of the GENERAL OFFICES of the Company, on Wellington Street, where orders for the collection and dol)ivory of Goods will meet with promp: and carefal attention. Payment tor Freight and Carsage will now.{n received at the Company‘s Office, on Wellington Strect. A. J. TAYLOR, Cartage Agent. Ottawa, 5th Feb., 1872. P.S.â€"ENTRANTE BY SIDE DOOR. Orders for collection and delivery of Freight will be received and atiended to by Mr. A. J. TAYLOR, the Cartage Conâ€" tractor, whose office is now removed to the same premises. . _ â€" St, Lawrence & UVitama iai wiy, London, Quebec and Mortreal, 1889 if S1 Lawrence & Uttawa Railway Co. Printed forms of tâ€"nder can be bad at this Druggiste, Sparks street. Ottawa, January 30. * ARBOLIO SOAP, ENDERS ARBOLIC POWDER. HLORIDE OF LIME, ABRBOLIC SOAP, TEAM UABRLL AaABD KUDUCA 1108, ROMOâ€"CHLOBALU a, ARE CHANCE. 0 BUILDERS®s. Perfumed, for Tullet and Distnh ctiog Ordinary, used in washing Liten, Blanâ€" OTICE. ISINFECTANTS FOR SALE. 1887 10 OTICE, $100 PE YEAR TEMPERLEY‘S LINE. CV 0 e e e e e e t e e en t# 6 e n w e m n e m e e e e e e n e e se + n w w n n m u ue n e en t e e e# e + w« h4 be se ns be s ae e 6e a ns w e e 0 e e t 6 e en e ne t en e ne + t ue e e e e n e en e s t 4 e e e e n + en uin rone n h e a e n t e e n e e e a A. CHRISTIE & CO., THOS. REYNOLDS, Managing Director. BBTWEEX TEHE Ottawa, Feb. 5th, 1872. Nounâ€"poisonouws ; Nonâ€"polsonou : 8.B.C. IPRICEâ€"5 CENTS Â¥men:| Your Board :rat that they have inâ€" structed the Health Inspectors to enforua Â¥, the regulations of the Health By l w tes, | | which »selate to slaughter houses, and reâ€" C quest leave to be allowed to order the Wards. Wanile there is a slight iccreas> of the namber of cases in Weiilingion &« Victoria Wards. The total number of casés in the five wards is fifttees, T+Hi. *‘umber does not include the cases in the tw > Hospitals. se lt . â€"seman ras Your Boarl respecttully submit the report of the Health Inspector respecii~s the present state of small pox in the c . Your Board find in consideration of â€">» said report that the said disease is rapi«. y decreming in Ottawa, By and St. Georg‘s George Clarke, $4,775. securities, John &em‘:nd Francis Abbott. The Board of Health respectiuly ; sent their second report. _ â€" wik His Worship the Mayor presented th» gu‘fiom of Nargaret M‘vullir, Joseph rriere, and C. W. Woodley fo :e n‘ssion of taxes. Referred i9 the assessment Committee. The communicition of r. C. Durglas, Esq., C.E., in relation to pluns and estimates of bnriilges; that of T. C. Ketfer respecting the furnishing of broken stone to keep the streets in repair on the tracks of the Street Railway, and the letter of T. C. Keefer in reference to in exiension of five feet in width in the new Rideau bridge,. Relerred to the Board of Workse. Ald. Magee presented the petition of D. O‘Connor and others respecting the changing of the names of certuin streets in the City of Oitewa. Relferred to the Byâ€"law Commiitec. William Woodburn, $5,756 ; securities James Allen and khobert Surtees, Hugh Lunney, $5,720; securities, Rob ert Young and Wim:.*Fingland. _ Ald4. Rowe, presented m’ No. Pof the Board 0f Health. hi Ald.Rocque presented the petiticn of Hilaire Pinard and others for ?sidew alkk on the south side of Bolton street. Reâ€" ferred to the Board of Works. Pierce Mansfield, $6,005; securities Mariin and Scott and Charles Renau. William Slattery, $5.300; securities, Robert Lees and James Kelly. _ & Henry F. Sims, $5,850; securities, Chas T. Bate and Wiiliam J. Wilie. Neal McCaul, $5,709; securities, J. F Caldwell & Co., and D. O‘Connor. Juohn U‘Reilly, $5,009; securities, 1 O‘Meara and R. O‘ Reilly. m The Board of Works, in this their third weport beg leave to submit, that having taken into consideration the rumn signed by Rev. D. Dandurand and others shewing the necessity and praying for a bridge across the Rideau kiver at the end of Ortawa street in By and Ottawa Wards, recommend that instructions be g.ven 10 the City Engineer to driw up plans and iflcations thereon in order that the m of Works may report at nexi meetâ€" ing of this Cpuncil. m"om- Board of Works also recommend that the letter of Mr. Keefer, laid before them in reference to the New Edinburgh bridge, be taken into consideration this evening so that an answer may be given thereto before the reconstruction of s« i Moved by Ald. Rowgue, seconded by Ald. floo‘t‘,, that the report No. 3 of the Board of Works be received and adopted «C irried. Moved by Ald. Featherston, s=coud d by Ald. Heney, that this Council assen: to the widening of the bndg across the Bdou:‘.:.‘r-bd by Mr. Keefer, in hi« letter to in the report of thâ€" Board of Works, and that the City Enginee be instructed to uuod' .dthenw. u: cost 1to this Corporation of sarid extra work not to exceed $120:â€"Carried. 6 Thomas Coffey, $4, 700 : -omm-,' Pat» rick Brennan and William Slattery, _ _ Michsel Ster:s, $5,655; securities, P. A Egleson, »en., and Charles Goulden. aJohn Stapledon, $5,625, securities Stapledon and Jeremiah Smith. Wm. Morrison, #$5.750.50; securities Philip Thompson and A. H. Baldwin, James McManus, $6,900 ; securitiyzs .‘ Young and Rovert Young. Ald. Cunnmfim presented the counts of Dr. Dorion and A. Rovilla Referred to the Finance Committee. His Worship the Mayor opened an i read the following tenders for the toll« of the By and Wellington Ward Markes for one year, commencing on the first Monday of March, 1872. A. H; Tnylor.&mm; securities, .A , Campbell and . th. 6. Moved by Ald. Cunningham, secondâ€" ed by Ald. Featherston, that the tender of A. H. ‘Taylor, for the By and Wellington War i Market Tolls, at $6,12 for the ensuâ€" ing year be accepted ; and that he »nd his securities be required to enter into the necessary bonds on or before the 25tn inst. Ottawa, Feb. 10th, 187 2 Ald. ue No. the Boegfwmudlopon 0. 3 of To the Corporation of the City of Ottawa. 10 the Corporation of the City of Oltarca Moved by Ald. Featherston, seconded by Ald. Cunningbam, That the thanks oi this Council be tenderea to Francislemow, Esq., for his action on the Water Works bill before the Committee of the Toronto Legislature. Carried. Moved by Ald. Pratt, seconded by Ald. Bangs, that the City Engineer be instructed by this Couneil to take his instructions fom Mr. Gibb as to the givn: to Mr. rerkins the line and grade of «Qucen and George streets. Carri<d. ge Moved by Ald. Magee, seconded by Ald, McDougal, that the petition of Wel don Champness, the Hon. James Skead, James Cunningham, and others, respect ing the opening out of Sparks street to Ge.rge street, be received and referred to the Board of Works, with instructions to have the City Engineer prepare a plan of the best mode of accomplishing this object, and that the said Board also report to this Council the probaVvle cost of eff»ctâ€" ing said improvement.â€"Carried. His Worship the Mayor presented the letter of Lyman Perkins, Eq., requeâ€"ting that the ‘gmde and line of Queen street, Victoria Ward be poined out to him. His Worship the Mayor reported to the Council the action he bhad taken respectâ€" ing the Water Works Bill now betore the Untario Legislature, stating that he bad telegraphed to the City Member to have the Bill passed ‘intact as tinally assentedl to by the Joint Committen of the citiâ€" zens and the Council, and also to Mr Clemow to watch its progress. City Hall, Ottawa, Feb. 19th, 1872. Presentâ€"Hiis Worship the Mayor, and Alderman Prati, LeSueur, Bronson, Bangs, Magee, Rowe, Mosgrove, Featbherstor, Cunningham, MacDougal, Rocque, Kehoe, and Heney. § Ald. Magee presented the petition of Weldon Champness and others, for the opening out of Nparks sireet at its wesâ€" terlyterminus, to George street. Moved by Ald. Featherston, second>~> by Ald. Rowe thit the amendmen: «= gested by Mr. Clemow in the twentyâ€"zramth clause of the Water Works Bil be asâ€" sented to, and that His Worship the Mayor do telegraph the same to the Hon. R. W. Seott.â€"Car. ied, re«pectfully submitted. CITY COUNCIL 0. A. Roogrs, Chairman Jons Hexgy, J,. D. Fearuerer >x, A. Pratt, C. W. Baxos. +8

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