AB | 14 i tili § * l i #1 [ I â€" 3 { {t 1# 1 i | b IEUST a~yp nn-v CC KK _ â€"â€" & ON REAL ESTATE, PFrom $Ab#to uny amount, on apur, <~~ y Wewy AMeornes, â€"_ WILLLAM F Â¥.u L + â€"«â€"on, ___ Cors imor for Appiivants. £«. *% "_._.ï¬â€˜-{ï¬._y, 1873. ,\‘] ur "GASE AiLB A:. & *« s * £"~ atd By +virtas c wl« **‘*Ms~A in & #» sâ€"e Â¥itT*!aw I.lnnll ’ w l'.' WILLIAM F. BRUYF ~ Solicitor for Applicants. Toronto; 18th Jan.. 1871. OTICE is heroby given, that application N will be made by the undersigned atthe| Tho Go:1 next seasion of the Parliament of Canada tor a Charter to Incorporate * The Thunder Bay | begto atn> Silver Mines Railway Company" for the conâ€" | pared to & struction of a Raillway from a point, on or : choicest M rear Lake, sitwate to the north of | "O0" the app: N , Lake Superior t the United | PU#z* cattle, Btates Lime, at or near Pigson, orJ Thes celebr Arrow Rivers, or Lakes, and to comnect there . bred | with ...flhqy system of the Unltedf Etates, and with mbmttbunch' *it KRailway to the waters‘ edgo of Neepigon or | C ï¬on‘.‘y,'nlorlnmhzodupnur; and with provisions for aid to the undertakâ€"| which iIng by Land Grants or other subsidics, i . Provi J.. B. OMY, | l‘-l Â¥YILLIAM F. BRUFF, | LCO#d, K. 8. Brazwos, ns s Bolicttor for applicants, Teromie, 10th Janoart, 1873. bwA Â¥elegraphs, and to amaigamate thorewith, :::hflh‘cm- may be wecesâ€" 1. H. GBaAY, WILLIAK F. BRUFF, London, England: @EORGE WELLS OWEN, London, land. CHARLES ELEY, °« Lonrdon, England. By their Attorney, _ from the United States, with power to conâ€" struct branch lines on Lacd, or in water, to any poimts or island in Lake Superior, and to land all or any such Cables, and to connect :uu‘c-qu eor American system oi Silver Mines :;legrnph Company‘ for the construction, laying, an operating of a 3ub«~ marine Telegraphis Cable, from a point or rh wn shore of Lake Superior, Athe Algoma, between Fort William and N. Bay, touching at Silâ€" ver Islet, through, and under the waters oi Lake Superior, . to the boundary line of the United States in Lake Superior, and there to ï¬..: 'll'! aSBubmarine Telegraphic Cable NW’érb hereBy giren, that application will be made at the next Session of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canads, for « January 18, 18721 Cere PIHHHE« «s +y u«weu« ««scee <1>sâ€"> /1 OOb IMEUEe«vure «c <rouvcerccr c« 4 t All other articles at corresponding prices Wooden Plows........ ... . Turaip Catter . ... . Wrain Orasher ... .. Iren Harrows ..... AGRMCULTURAL IÂ¥MÂ¥PLEKENTS As the Ottawma Agency, Markes Square oimching Mirikia« â€"......â€".«..«...... U mg Machines frem >....... $100 :0 140 do ds CitreerreelU e $ Threshing Machines fem...... .1.0 to 1.000 Otpq danuary 12 MNorth East half Bot of Ne. 9in the 10th Concessicn, Muntley, One Hundred * Ts Lands are prinuipst 64 are ly timbered anc will be sold cheap. * Title Freehold and Terms Basy. Applp to â€" A. ROWR * »32ICB Lsr LiNDE PoK SiLB LX THE ToWXsiP | UF UHUNTLBT: | summmetke I The subscriber is instructed #0 oTer for ; mle by private conwaet for a shor; time, and if not Wilposed of in that way, will be | put up at Austion, ef which dusg notice . €eill bt:‘l | W esnt of 1 :. B in the Tth Con | eeseron, Towoskhip ef_ Hunilcy, O(Jue Kandred A«wes, | CHARLES ELE&Y, + Lond By their Attornoy, All portice @rs«ing stock will be motiA tho Gay &s dealirery. All\Wves will be t «lasg, add pcam@Be d in goou and to o wh o or: whaen {aii ured . Great vari«ty of Rose ] «t variows cslours. Flo Sbrube of all desciiptions The abore troes mad plants will be tal ap frow the Nursery m soom as the frost aâ€".t and the grge®!i & for plantisg For Prmas: sasmseulars call and soo dâ€" «ripAive aatalogs:, azrd make yow ehoi as1.<Soxm of 18« abâ€"re troes and y l tm at N. $#8, Redsas ®®est, Ciowws, or w the Toxi Thirteen veristies of CRAB APPLL TREERâ€"all havo been tested in Eastern C# nadsa, Maine, Vermont and New Hampshir will stand cold elimate, being abundant ans constant bearers sivtox satisiaction to th« parchaser, @me kind stpens fdirst Aveastâ€" bes: early apple knowa ; while oth s varic. Hes grow weatrly as largo es tho Famouse. ‘~me. ."’ Hil June. Good fot cookin: theg and preserric Dwirt Apple Pre» 4 kinds of ï¬nrr,‘l’d.’ and Winter ®Standâ€" «rd Apple Trees. A great rariety of Plum}b, Posr agd Cheriy Yrees. _ Largo vartety oi ecaly, hardy native Grapo Vines, and a‘so the principal plasts «/ forcizn grapes: Black, Red and J'Nb Cusrant Bushe«;, Black borry , Raspberry, Strawl rcy Plagts, EnglHtsh Goos â€" bâ€"rry and Quince Bushes ; A?rl‘ln and Pie lant Roots MownCsin Ash, WeepingWillow, Nogway »pnecs azrd Arbor Viiz. Great varisty of Rose Bushes. Moss loses ct wvariows cecours Flowering Plan‘s and l,‘o- #HALE, FRUIT TREE* AND <EVELR wing Machines $74â€"with attackment.. mssinateninilieâ€" s vrmminpnct â€" Te _ F amow _ it " e Cl EVnE wao ZHâ€" London, England. ! dersigned, TH € 'wlw“ Let Atterne;, O ~fay ck noves. WILLILAM F. BLVFF, TX > s and Retail râ€"%"@8 , Dry Goods M to, at the City of Otta. * itor for Applivants. | wa in the County of Carleton, under the , Oth Jenuarky, 1873. s 10â€" names, style ‘w of "T. HUNTONX TokeE ME ~_~*~_~â€" | SB(')ULBRKD.C on the first day omm | of hov::nbor_. lfnghnt, mutuat k . ; consent, so fiur as regards‘ same Tiracg tm o Horene ce & sade py., | William Shoolbred, who on that ‘reâ€" YLLIAM LIDDLE or LITTLE, of tired from the concern; and that all la w#e Coznty of Carloton, Yeoman, (}48 and owing to or b{ the late firm, ABD MALLOCH, in kis lifctime, be received and paid by the said Thomas ‘Ny of COum®s, in the County of llum.oq and Frederick Houghton Huntonâ€" , Esguhe, Aanee decessed, »Lot As witness our hands this first day _ 1t, is the 6th Concession of th« November, A.D. 1%71. ‘ p of Husttey, In the County of Carâ€" * THOS, HUXTONX, “l"" ::.':“lwh A:mi,‘-ow WM. SHOOLBRED, 1 sale tol is iE J N, #t the Law Office at .l‘()’l"l' Basgg | us‘ El ED, L Ubsro' Jamemy :6 1872 Â¥YOTICKE 3 0 10AN COMPANY oFf JPPER CANADA James Ballli} D sedlla 6 Londop, Eogland, GEORGE WELLS OWE\N, _ ___ __ _ London, England, ITw=s Â¥endor‘s Solic rnt and New Hampshir, mate, being abundant and girtb« satisiaction to the kind istpens first Avgastâ€" knowa; while oth r varic, as large es thoe Fameuse, June. Good fot cookin: tvieg. Dwiart Apple Preâ€" Lorndon, England WILLTax r. BRUFF approved secarit London, England «The Thunder Bay WM. ABBOTT 8. L WAGBNEL ta & ... $100.10 140 a +«««t@ t 80 .. . li0 to 1,000 « . . «. #39 to 140 Austionser. 1368tf x +« . «18 10 x e« 30 0 1811d&w3mw 10 to C hK 5 10 10 18 50 30 15 80 T0 30 Â¥ES begto arnounce that they are, as Ostal, preâ€" pared to supply their customers with the choicest Mcats of all kinds, having purchased for the approaching festivitlos the following prize cattle, A The celebrated threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred Durham Steer _ The abor Stalls fro.n the whols of which 1 pense from the West WEDNES Also, 20 head of Messrs Fingland & Drapct Aiexander Wockanatae There is also Commodicus tard Room and ‘ Stabling attached, with good attendance, | WILLIAMX POWLEY, ! Proprietor, ‘ Ottauwa, Dec 11, 1871 «18427 on J«me#w Skead;8Â¥nator, Ottawa J M Currler, Esq, M P, & w J M Grant, Esq, M D, M P « & W Scott,Esq; M P P, . Mr Sheif Powelt, = w ":::M Griflin, Eeq. t 4. "M n . A.esars C '[flb;.{:;“’ * â€" 00 Thomas Hanton, Eeq, â€" â€"* â€"« Tho Governor Gonoral of sm&u BROS., K MAS I871. Ligu lor the accommodation of the travelling public. The above Hotel, a» favorably known, being situated in the imme«diate vicicity of the Parâ€" liament Bnildings, Banks and other Public Oflices, will be conducte! in the best style which the wants ofthe public require. The table will be supplied with all the indâ€"tha BAB with the, cholcest brands of for the a wrilers w.il be soeured, and prinled irom adrance sheets«. |\_JiaiMES GREENWOOD, "The Amateur ( Casual," wi‘l coontribute papors on SENE |IN TiR LOKDON STRIRSTS. | . The celebrated _ Ameriear â€" hamorist | MAKK TWAIN will eomtribute original : sketches, And in addition to our long list | of great literary mames we shall hare \The mew American poet Joaquin Miller, f the great humorist Bret Hark., Jane Ingelow, Ren Dr. NMorman Me [ leol Editor of @Goed Words,‘ The St. James‘ Hotel, SATCHELL® BRO% is Nos. 2, &, 7 and 9, Lower Town Market Ottawas, Dec, 2, 18i1. * _ are b) per cent dearer. _ Compare th-: aud you will at omes sem| in your snbscripâ€" tion. A Ten Dollars Engraving for Two Dollars and a year‘s subscription to the best paper in Amerion thrown in fres. The paper will be handsomely iNustratâ€" od, and no pains spared to make it welâ€" come in erery fam:ily as a meset entortainâ€" in*m-i instractive pmpor. ho Hcarthstome gires more and beiter reading matber, for a smmailer sum, than any other paper im the world. I+ is -m rior, im every point, to the mest pop of the Amerio.n weekly papars, whule they Covering $32,000 worth _ef ',.“‘“’ Kewiag Machines and Pitler Orgiana Apply to _ Kisgsley, M. A., Chaplain to Hor Majesty entitlal =©"Lhe Water Bables," * Sample numbers sent free on applica. ‘tion, with club terms MEYCALFE STREET, OTTAW4A, | Having been rebuilt and furnished in firet lass style, and with good Sample Rooms#«, will e opn.d by the sutscriber on Ncientilie Intelli,enes, Literary Notss, Hearthatone Sphink, &u., &#c., #0.â€"will be continwed ; and ia addiven A CHILDEEN‘S CL)NKR will be added, in which will be pull «hed a del:ghiful story by Rer. Charles Aloxander Danzs, Krekâ€" â€" mimn Chatrina, &a fue Tho present features of the paperâ€" Gardemers‘ Column, flnnhi: Celubmn, Epmtome of Latest News, Reriews of New Books, M:rket Roports, Wit and Humour, ROAST BEEP OF OLD ENGLAXD. Lh , â€"U head of spleadid Western Cat« tle, and 30 head of firstâ€"class Sheep hole of whlch‘wcn brought at great oxâ€" WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMXBER, blisked by spocial permieston of the auâ€" or, and tr \l-ï¬ ied tor this jourmal. A new story by Miss Dradeoe, antiied LONEL UERKTO®N®® ENTANXGLEXNT d equal in interest te tke preyions works this great auth ress. * Uther new Norels by the most erainent iters w.ll be soe#ured, and printed from »SDAY UNXTIL SATURDAY NEXT iich took. the first prize at the rovincial Exhibition at w’ 71, weighing the great t of 100 lbe. Oitama, Jan 8, 18732 Crs, Delicacies of tho Season, L 3 0 R G E." vg will be on exhibition at their Epleadid Prizo [ist, QD UNDID is EXCELLENCr ory by Victor Hugo relare to i iuvasion and the Commune, PrIOX ONLY $2 i TBAR, GEO,. B. DESBARAT3, TERRIBLE [L{cearthstaone | Wines, + Cawima® wWKLLY "72, the followtog new n in those fourd in it at ; it the ‘ADPEK KW AMRBREICA®* MnA and Cigars YRAR Proprietor. Canada, |___Reche & Kelly, PLUBBERS, CASFITTARS, BELL HANCERS, &o. â€" Every ipwon of Work in our line PRUIPI’m.ahd, and personally utu:ded to, All work teed, RIDMAU m. Ox;‘d! the Tea Pot, 5 orraWwa. . Exrx Roone. AM AYÂ¥. Nov. 27, 1871. 3&‘5‘. Ne hepes by good workmanship and reas sonable clhmnrg=s, to ensure a contianance of th. Retures bis Ancors thanks to the rbllc of (Mtawsa, for the l beral 1 patgronage wed on him stuce his commencemeniia basiness. mpc-m.w i« > . C RN@~R. Carters give Railway Receipts reliers ing shippers from all further trouble ml rates for furniture. £ W, 8. JOHNSON, Arnt Otinwa, Oot. 13, 1871 1792 Freight and Uartage Agency I & Pamst Righes freite 1 PORTARS & WHOLESALE DRALERS Otimnws, May 11, 1871 5U. 8. PATENT 10 ®NEYÂ¥," Rold in Boxes at 1344., #s. 9#8° tx: 64., t1s «ad 32s, each, “b _% a * BEAOH AND u_a'ï¬lqoh"ï¬*f“- nirmed by sizty yeatrs*experience to be Su; be-'t:m-uun modleinél. m ed is Cnieiie reamnee meppetomny ftamily be u.."fl":'u.. mm:. or change of diet. es > 4 â€" «2@ HAX P0 WYD] is confidently to the Public as an unfalling remedy fat wounds of erery deâ€" mpnu“ ;::m, ‘.-u-.' u&: e:}m.m, 33».'“-2 eraptions, and pimples in the face 8 breasts Tiles 24 ac en feaahcnds tore d % f my°T®A3 AND WINES, RNovember 16, 187¢ THE SIGN CF THE BOOK â€" 39, Bparks stroet, Ottawa, December.18, i871. . > _~ CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR‘Ss GIFTS. Uall and see their % Patents sollcited in W the United ates ; Trade and Timbe? Marks, Induastrial Are now prepared to offer their friends and patrons a choice assortment of 80OKs and other Geods suitatle for Bridport, Dorset, England, a»d sold by all Medicine Yanl Horat, 1871 k «W p : PRACTICAL TAILORB, Bookseollers and @tationsers, A MERRY CHRISTMAS HENDERSQN & $o., P ersans of foreigna birth arse ontitled to the venedit of the Homwstend law, on deciarlag thoir intention to become citisens of the United Sitntes, and may avail themselrcs of this provivion immediately after their arrival. Bend for the new edition of descriptive pamphlet, with naw maps, mallod free everyâ€" where Addres, * 0. F. DaYIB, lavd Ovmmissioner, U.P,L.R. Ge, Omaha, Neb. 40000200 1e of Cholco Pwremiog and Orassic s .l.w n oa o line of the road, in the Stato o Xobcreaks, in the Oreat Platto Yalley, now & =â€"‘a for cash or loog credis. Thess lawis «* tn a mi.d snd bealthy olimate, and is gairn yrowieg and stock raistng, ungurpamcos by emy ia the United o 6 thom $1 to 8 Prices 10 por acre. no-..:i':m Actual Settiormâ€"3,500,000 Actes of Gevernment Land between Omaha and North Platte,open for eniry as Homestends only. ANADA CBNTEAL BilLWAa‘r Hardwareâ€"Hardware. t SIGN OF THE ANVIL.,. > A land gramt A 12,000,000 .\bLBs of the BB~T FiRMI®G &Al @#iN@kGAL LANDY in AMBRICA. olts _ The follow‘ng articles #ro co®staatly kept in steck : Bar, Bundle and She t Iron Bar and Bheot Tin Bar and Sheet copper. Bhbeet Brass, &0 , &¢ Bloigh Fhoe Steel all sims from iz} to 41; Cast and Blister Steel » Prood Chain all stes Broad Axes & Narrow Axes stocle and doable steel Unt Saws, Ortnd Ssomâ€"«, Oils, Putty, Glase, Paitnts all colors f Stoves â€" Box, Double, and Mh&nd Al=~, an endless variety of Shelt ware and House Farnishing Goods, &¢., &o P. §%.â€"â€"A eall is respecttally solicited All goade delivercd free to any part of the AKADA Ai®o The subscriber having jast completed his Fall "Wock he M now propared te furnish any article to #he aberve line at priees to suit the purchaser. ‘ No. 24 Rideau Street )® x ons# We , 0. > CILEBRAYTED Om Orta«es, ~ov c3 i8811 ~! RA 1 POVEE a vvirany Ua the Line of the UNIUN PACIFIC RAILROAD. * LOSPITAL 2TEREET MDEACUC STRSRT, Near Diviston Ca Tartanâ€"wood Goods. T. A. COURSOLLES, e . 15248 THC®S. B[IREETT, Fo, 24 Bidean street, KGNINEAL E=an nogMEs 1668tr mode; This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and umï¬:nd may positively be reâ€" lied upon to a permanent cure of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, &¢., &¢., as well as Scrofula the various Skin Diseases, l{n-ofl‘I and all diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood, excepting the Third Stage of Consumption. Further information, with foll directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and containing ‘Testimonials and Cert ficates of Cures, can be obtained by securing the Treatise, the Hand Boouk, or the Almanac and Cireulars from any respectable Druggist in the ‘ Domintonâ€" free. Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles $1 001 T ie Je BUE.«~+.. <<«sacrsrrre. cr+«r 25 Simply because the numerons v«luable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extacts of Wild Cherry Bark, Poiofl:,llum, Juuipet, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jalap, Soco, trine Aloes, Capeicum, &c , &¢,) which enter Into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classitled . and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very estisfactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the epot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor, Bhoshonees, British Columbia, is working the most marvellouns and astonishing Curer the World has ever heard of. Never in th: anpale of Canadian Medical History has sac} success attended the introjuction of at;j medicine bervtofure. f W H Y ? That the Grzar Snoszontes Kewxsor no;n.u, of the eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of \ K . Brooxur®, April 5th, 1870. t*IJ_O.ththh,lq. This is to certi Thit My.wife was very low with Lung Disease. Th&*Doctor bad given her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not help het. As a last resort I purchased a bottle of the Great Shoshonees Remedy. At the expli of two days her symptoms were mmmr. She continued to improve 'Wdlythtbythotlmlhohdhkum abe was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" m&h remedy she was perfectly restored â€" You may publi<h the facts for the benefit of those similarly afflicted. _ WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE T JOHN BILVER, Bworn before me at Smithfield this 6th day of April, aA D 18t0. _ ~_ : J Â¥ WELLINGTON,) P «+ _ SBmithfeld. J C Chawberlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certify re three years ago I became affiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about eighteen . _ L was so affiicted for the want oi iat "4t* was very difficult tor me to and in the night time frequently the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time.. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Great Remedy. 1 WMV . was about I began to féel a litt s w-u::'uonnmlufl three .w to my satisfaction, L #found Mlmuflcdlo_-&t had begn previâ€" ous to â€"my iliness and have been so ent‘ Proclaim the Glad Tidings THn w @AWA TIMES renints Ar o4 Ts inb Soncer css ~ PP on ty K490 Traica l ton, $5,500 ; Eugene P. Braoket, Pittsburgh Watch $300; Miss Aunie Osgoode, New Orâ€" lrans, $5,000 ; Emory L. Pratt, %@bm, 0., 4s 00. x C 4# h s y * One Cash Gift in‘ géSot 200 tickets guaranteed. Six t f 523 for $2, 25 for $3, 50 for $5, 200 Tor §B5. _ References.â€"By kind permission we réter to the following: Franklin 8. Lâ€"ne, Louis. ville, drew $13,000. Miss Hattie Banker, Oharleston, $9,000 ; Mrs. Loulea T. Blake, St. Pau!, Plano $7.0 ; Samuel V: Raymond, Bos. Opinions of the Press â€"‘Fair dealing can be relied upon.‘â€"New York Herald, Aug. 33. ‘A genuire cCistribution.‘â€"World, September 9. ‘Not one of the humbugs of the d=y.‘â€" Weekly Tribuge, July 7. ‘They give goneral -t'l.rf‘ntlon.’-sg.bfhltnng. Aug. 5. Yer will know what yecr prizs is before you pay for it, Any prise exehanged for anothcr of the same value.© Nc blanks. Our patrons can depend upon fair dealing. 15 do CQ~ siin sérreres» ++ *1;000 200 du.: UV .:..r: ¢.r++s ssi1 500 210 do C : asrrrrartertr+r+re; 200 §50 do O c ssicirrirsrs tir1 100 400 Gold Watches, .............. $75 to sg 275 Sewing Mahin s ........ ....60 to 1 75 Hlegant Piauos .. ...... each $250 to 700 59 Melodeons ............ do 50 to 200 Cach Gifts, Siiver Ware, «etc , vauluod/At,.;.:+:s. .‘1+...+: ... $!;000,000 A chance to draw any of the abore pris=s for 38 cents. ‘lickers describing prises are swaled in envrelopes and well mixzed. On reâ€" eelpt at 20 cents a ssaled nchet is drawn with» eut eholce and somt by mail to any address. The priss named vupon it will o« deltrered tc the ticket holder on payment of $1. P:ir s are immediateiy sent to any aidress by ex«, press or regurn mail, Agents wanted to whom ‘w#*"offér liberal nducements, and guarauted satisf@ttion . a wOoOpP,C@LLINSâ€"& cCO , 4 _ 1884dakwl __â€" _ 58 Brosdway K.Â¥. In CAS 1 GIRTS to be distributcd by the", MERCHANTS & BANKERS AsS0OCIAâ€" TION OF NEW YORK. | orTsTEBRS®, DINNER, Conslsting of Boup, Fish, Joiat er P Entrees and Sweets from 6 to 6:30, charged 50cts, .. LUNCH, ; Consisting of Soup with Joint ot Entreeâ€" charge 26cts, 12 COSMOPOLITAN RESTAURANT Cure ot Bronchitis Ottawa, Dec 7, 1871 BBEAKFAY‘T, Ready from 9 to 10:30â€"Charge, 25cts FyiQ LET, do do do do 8§1,2°7,148 Rideau Street. â€"â€" . Th BROWRN Episcopal Methodist Mindister. DAILY DRAWING®. each . do do co do do do at all Lours, 6# nb v u66 4 e n e n a w a »v se ce 6e k e e e 64 9 ® y tare aris‘s s +s +a9if IF © i++.+«rs i+«.0 8 .. ...... gach $3# xxsrsissrs_ UQ B Ware, «te , se s oa se e e# o.o-'! CHOPS, JiMEs NORBRLIS, 1 18397 an | ST KA . $75 to 30 .. 60 to m $150 to 700 50 to. 2300 2 Plain and Ornamental Engrayer, Corner ot | KD * * ~_ *‘ Sparks and Elgin Streets,over James Hope & Homcosopathic Pbysician, surgeon & Ac. Co.‘s, Ottawa coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert street. Offict Visiting Card# engraved and printed on the | hours from 9 t 11 a.w., and 3 to 4 p.m. shortest notice 4 ‘r Special attertion given to dissaser Qttawa, Nov 8, 1871 18166 dizole,coments of the uterus. 1752 Is hereby gvon that application will be made to the Parliament or Canadsa, at its next Session, for an Act 10 amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway Company, giving power to such Company{to construct its line by the most direct route to such points as may be selected forco-; ing French River, Deoamher 26, 1871. 1861tt poOoR Co All Petitions for Private Bills must be presente1 within the first thres weeks ot the Fession. s .__ ALFRED TODD, Chf. Clk. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons, Ottaw., 7 December, 1871. 1841.11 Gazeite, and also in a nem'p‘por published in the County or Union of Counties affect. ed, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. "PPUPVamUin (uiCaliy anu dislinotliy specily. ing its nature and object), in the m purposes of profit, or for doing anything tending to effect the rights or property otf other parties, are hereby notified that they are required by the Bist and: following Rules ot the House of Commons (which are published in full in the Cunada Gassite), to.give TWO MONTHS‘ NOTICE of the application (clearly and distinctly specifyâ€" Partiss intending to make application to Parliament for Private Bills, either for granting exclusive privileges, or eonferring eorporate powers for commercial or other PIIVAII BILLS. Of LONG AND SBHORT MKOCCOASINS WHOLES AL E, * O FLC i# Tllll.'. » PARK STREET, OTTAWA. EDMOND GERMAIN, Proprietor Your Drdcrs are solicited, and will be PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO by LLXAXvUEKEa RAMSAY BEST PLACK IN CENTRAL is 1. CANADA o Con Biscuit, Oucka:} Candies a ied fectionery of all kinds.. STEAM BISCUIT ‘BAKERY N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Btreet, op’g?olto__Bmw_ery gate. & : his own manufacture, at REDUCET PRICKS, 19th August, 1871. 1746tf 8 F A large stock of the above will be kept.conâ€" stantly on hand to suit purchasers, BUILDING AND DRIDGE TIMBER. All kinds of LEATHER tor Sa‘s, Whole le, at reasonable prices. SHINGLES xX. xXx, xxx. CONFECTIONE Y ESTABLISHYENT Warranted Superfor to any M¢~In the Proâ€" cufte e The Summer running arrangements wil eome into operation about the 1st otf June, of which due notice will be given. j U J BRYDGES, Managing Director. y c cg i on on t ud ud COn and after MONDAY next, the 1st o: Palace Qark*the Wenl sMantroal anc Sarnie, ‘ Qrre 6f these 4 “.‘""‘* coachos will be attached to cach Day Expresstrain leaving Mntre@i@ for Toronto, and be run through tc Sarnia, as a Drawing Room and Bleeping Car. _ ‘There will also be one attached to each Day lxnpron from Toronto to Montreal* E Chaudiere, Oct. 26, 1871 A Pullman (Car will te attached to the Through Trains bitween Montreal and Rivicre da Loup triâ€"weekly, vis. :=â€"From Mentrca on Tnndayl,ahnrlj iys ;;d Sulrd;in re» tur. from Biritre »iR»Moncays WM"" ndlfl& -" x y Rough Lumber Well Seasoned Price Lists, with references, on application Montreal, April 26th, 1871 KACGLISH OiAK TAKN J 1P3 CRA OR.RISONX‘8 alan hi\ . O w o ootrmenarndippi oo LEATHER Bunng. uie x AB, DANIEL MORRISOX, Proprictor . 36 and 38 Ridean Street, Ottawa. FINE E& LACE LEATHER, &c., JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. JOHN C McLAREN, 247 St, Jame« Bâ€"3t., Montreal, q. +. 10.30 p m 1805tt 16814 Â¥repared by 8. N. THOMAS, Phclps, N Y, and NORTHARUP & LYMAN, Newcastie, Ont., Hole Agenss for the Dominion. 1t is composed of Six of the Best Oils that are known. Is as good to take as for external use, and is believed to b«: immeasurably gupeâ€" cior to anything ever made. _ Will save you much suffering and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place, Price, 25 cents, k } S Rufus Rotinson, of Nunda, N.Y., writes "One small bottle of your Eclectric Oil re stored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in Five Years." Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: "Your Eclectric Oil cured me of Bronchitis in Oae Week." â€" Dealers all over the country s«y : "We bhave never sold a medicine that h. {iven such complete satisfaction as thi«, “ 0 RISK. Thomas‘ Felectric Oil! Worth Ten Times its Weightin Gold. Do you know anything of it. jfdnol, it is tim e you di Pain cannot *tay where it is used. It is the cheapest M«ciciur, evermade, One dose cures common Nore I‘;roat, â€" One bottle has cured Bronchitis. Y jity cents worth has cured an Old Standim; Congn,. One or two . bottles cures bad c# se« of Piles and Kidney Troubles, Bix to cig‘it applications cure any case of Excoriate 4 Nipples or Loffamed Breast. One bottle hr.s cured Lame Back of eight years standiwz. Danjel Plank, of Brookfield, Ti Count; , Ps., says* "I went thirty miles for a bott‘ie of your|Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" derfv i Cure of a Crooked Limb by six appli catbons,"‘ _ Anothâ€"r who hes bad Asthma for yetrs rays : ‘L bave Lalf of a 50 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if I cou‘d get P o more." | BEACH & HARNICOTT, * Bridport, Dorset, England and sold by all Medicine Vendors, Beptember 28, 1871. 88 Em Ottawa, Nov 3, 187° Note â€" Eclectricâ€"Belected and Elecâ€" and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet, confirmed by sixty years‘ experience to be one of the best alterative medicines ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They form a mila is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wouunds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burus, soalds, bruises, chilblains, scorbu. tic eruptions, and pimples in the face, sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, piles, &¢c., &¢. _ Bold in pots, 13id, 3s 94, 4s 6d4, 11s, and 228 each ; and his PILULA®, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" A1IVE PILLS. "THEL POOR The Canadian Pain Destroyer never fails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealers keepit. Physicians order and useâ€"it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"five Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LYMAN,. Bold in Ottawa by H F McCarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, George Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine Dealers, November 30, 1870 1527y gives. lons, entitle it to a high rank in the list of Remedies for these.complaints; Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all partsa of the counrtry for further gupplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction i . LVGCAN, T m uie C PA Antiwint y . ionn: cndndnme s D The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfai success in subduing the torturing pains o Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affcoâ€" 13 We speak from experience in this matcer having tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. insl ce i id P"I SH L _ ' Prepared oniy by Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Colds, Sore Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in th» Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel _ Complaints, Burns, Scalds, Frost Bites, &#c., &c. THE CANADIAN PAiN DESTROYER . _Has now buen before the public for a longtt fz:'tlnu and ‘whercver used~is ~ +]1 likeq, never failinz in a single instanc $ rive perâ€" manent reliéf when timely usec, amd re have never known a single case of di..uisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" 10wed, but on the contrary; all mre delightea with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, IMPORTANT TO RESIDENTS ABROAD Parties at a distance may havre Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesers. Gabriel‘s ne «w system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth:ir cases, with a remittance of TenShillings, when the apparatus for taking a model o the mouth will be forwarded with @11 netersary instructions, s MESSRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artitiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which hay not proved satisfactory to the wearer. A OCHRISTIE & Co., Drucgists, s3 Agents for Ottawa, GABRIEL‘S [ OSTEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPIXG warranted to remain white anc MESSRS. |ï¬rm ss.the Tooth itself. This I { beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘S ; front Teeth, and can be easily lusdd. Sufficient to stop six * teeth. Price 53. GABRIEL‘s May 11871 GABRIKEL‘3 MESSRS, ODOoNTALGIQUE EL IXIR. This celebrated Mouth Wash is k most refreshing, it strengthens MESâ€"RS { the gums, endl:ntea tartar and ; | all injurious secretion, sweatens ABRIEL‘S the breath, and for cle'nming ar= tificial tocth is invaluable Price 5s â€" Full directions for use enclosed in each box MESSRS R. RuBEuTS AMADLAN PALIN DESTHOYER 7 & CELEBRATED OINTMENT [ROYAL DENTIFICE prepcred from a recipe as used by Her Majesty ; gives the Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fra. ’ grance to the breath. Price 18. 2A Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. wWHITE GUITA PERCHA| Enamel!, for stopping decayed | Medicat. Br FRIEND, 18:1 39 6m °,§:T BOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR * Contracts made for advertising in either or all of the above papers. y Ottama, Oct. 21, 1871. 1801 known to require any comments u its merits. Upwards of 200 lerdlmtlvd’::hen ding daily in the Restaurant, The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on account of assumâ€" in« the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manuâ€" factory in the United States. Address GUISEPPE M. GIANELLL, N. B.â€"The Bar caso be readily let tor $200 per month, montreal, March 3, 1871. 1 Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowestrent ta the City. This establishment is too well Flower Vases, Fire Brieks, Fire Clay, &6 , &6 Mazons Maliots, Ageney of Patent Nuadio 14007 . ® TQ sowmrviLu®, C Travelling Agent, D RAINâ€"PIPE DEPOT, RIDEAU STREET, EB8TABLISHED 186%¢. WM. M. SOMERVILLE,Successor to W. M4 FARLANE. & m.--onuau?-nnum-uA-u ean Marble and Marbelised Blate, Grates, Foud ers and Hearths. Monuments and Headstones of Soottish Granite, Marble and SBandstone. Gates and Railings for residences and Grave Plots, Root Oresting, Door Guards, Window Gratt Iweep=â€"hoie bom. Pipe Rings, and onq's:al'du of Builders _ Chimney Cans, Drain Pipes, Vent Linings, Mr. N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co., No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 22,187) 1671 1y The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" fessor Harmau a Silver Prize = edal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. Agents for Ottawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocet, Wellingtonâ€"st. ; John Hill, Tea Pot. Rideauâ€" st, ; slocombe & Btevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st,.; for New Edinburgh, J. W, Proctor & Co.; for Aylmer, Trves Office, W ellington Str. et, Agent for the Ottawa Times. ** " _ Evening Mdil. o #f " _ Courrier d Outaouais. *6 * _ Minerve, Montreal. 64 4 _ Semaine Agricole. # ~ _ $ _ P Opinion Publique The Pewder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cats or Doge, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuractoryâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England s Which is known to be _ Â¥Far Superier to anything ever yet iis= eovered For killing Rate, Mice, Insects on Pou!t:y Ants, Bugs, Cockromches, Black Becties, F] â€"as on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Muths in Furâ€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; al:so on Cattle, &c., &¢., in less than Ten Minu:es. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or Six Packets for One Dollar, #5cte. PROF. HERMKUA®X‘3 deiphia; Ihos Fuller Architect, Alb Drg A &n.lt.' P., o&.'-'.!'; Thos lqnldamq Managing Director 0. & St. L. K. K. 7 k s o.ll!ll’l'll. Commission M"ns;t wit 4 © General Agont. Sole agent for Read : mflm andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ L« ~ Ales and Porter. Pork, Mour, &o.,for sal > Orrion: Ko.5, BSparks Street, near the Ruass=!l ouse, Ottawa city, 0. W . , »e We Beli‘s Block, Sappeors‘ Bridge. RermRzxors.â€"H ASimes, KReq, Acchit delphia; Thos Fuller, Meqa. Architect rl'.llu'l'l.n & Ceoâ€", Luaad Surreyors, Lane Agents,D aughtsmen, &s%s. >fice, opposite the OntarioBank, Sparks â€"st. Ottav«a. Valnators for Trust and Loan Co. W. &. Taretus. az 1 .+ ue Provincial Land Surveyor .and Draughtsman, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec and Ontatio. » THIE COSMOPOLITAN, Wy, BILLINGE, Jr., Arohitect. @"* Desodtl will be receired at this Office. Interest allowed. at the rate of Fow pe cent per annum, and Depasits‘can be withdrawn at any time. _ On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and [reland, Newfoundiay and Prince Edward Island,can be obtained at this office. Also Postage Stamps,a0ify Cards. 3 C Matter posted up package the same night Via NewYork close every Morday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.09 A.M. A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 12.30 p. paid and unregistered matter can be sent. FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM UOF YEARS, Iki00!........, MPORTANT SOTICEK. 9,00 KRARK CHANCEK, TETFAWA MARBLHE WORKS, 1872. wn ToR L vesercr+e 1.30 Post Office, Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1873 VERMIN â€" BESTROYVEE, A. GRISON®, 9.?0 6.00 #â€"o0 12.10 ..,, _ Koemptr‘lle, Merricskrille, Oxzford Mills, per St. L. & O.R. 11 90 ,00 | ........ 9,00 Brijisk Columbis (an€ YÂ¥anceuver Islasnd) Mail» j $ despatebes €aily via Windésor, Ont., Detroit and _ . Ean Franeiseo, U.#. Retes of Postage same as to l * | | other parts of the Demirion, 9 o0 12.10° #.0e United States, via Ogéensburg .............................. § ¢ CFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m IN MONTHEAL, POST . QOFFICE, OTTpPr A’â€\;; CLOSE wessere,| +srese.. Maroch, Huntley, Carp, &6 aek 12 10 Miecellancecsus. M » R I. HAYCOCK, Aganq-&;t s 1 . Q. © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conve; 23:2â€"621â€"%;2;3 n_Qr_v__.lZ::_:f vublic, and Patent llgn&olkm{m e3 e@yors, ud ediatel rw Kusseli .mlm D :uglnu:u, &:). JMice, opposite pake ~--â€",£ A“.- s Aâ€"~_: «tk,Sparks â€"st. Ottava. Valnators KKS & @EMMILL, 8 Lon:‘éo. es y L &lm,myw. ,‘::..“Hï¬ 2 M â€" _ _______ _%. i _»~= . vourt Mouse, Ottawa. ;INGE) jre, Arohitvet. 02. >â€" Mowta‘t Lnks. ____ 4)# __ Jour J. Gnaith s Block, Sappeors‘ Bridg«. | §*PWARDâ€"T. DPar*» Barrigns s.â€"H ASime, Keq, Aaim, Putlaâ€" Lfldflm Atbormey and Nutary I es Fuller, Meq, Architect, Alksny | otthe Pease and County Attorney, forthe , Â¥ P.,Ottawa ; Thos Reynolds, ‘s4 Qounties of Prescott and Russell, rector 0. & St. L. R. R. 1 i® | Court House, L‘Orignal. h‘ ARRIVAL and DEPARTUHRPD3I XEWL Y â€"DI80OYERED T0 AyImer .KD REUHyerctonsees arccersss s 439 Rardley and Opslew, by Aylmer, &c 3130 | ( Chelsea, Wakefeld, Nerth Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" reserse I g‘h“ Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" | (Cmediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays e ......‘Tomplcton, Taesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays...... 4.8 New Edinburgh BoOTH, 2.00 . 2 Easternâ€"Quebec, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, } | e DJ HAWIKY ssrsrrersnecsences nresratss uo 4uxter aremes 3 9â€"00 Halifax, N.8., and Bt. Johr. N.B North Gower, Kars, &e., per St. L. & °0. Railway Osgoode, Russell, &o per _ do L0 _ sucssrases up to 9 30 P.M., will be forwarded East and West in Supplementyy $P The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & O. Railway Nortkh of Carletor Place Junstion, â€"Bristo] Clarender Centre, Packenkam, &0,.............. Bell‘s Corners, Richmon4, &c. per Canada Central } Lower Ottawa, by Land, â€"Buckingham, Cumberâ€" Is nd, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &¢...................ccs, doe. ; UE WEKLOLG, 10 ,$5.,+:++ 1+ â€"+rex0 xiarsuns» cserimns Fort Garry and ether places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails duxluhod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Dewroit, Mickh. _ Wosternâ€"Kingsten, Teronto, Hamilton, London erth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton P nade Central Reilway................ TER ARRANGEMEXT. 1{§; MiEHWIEY ccrersers s s PO8T OFFICE SAYINGS BANK N .A L L5 . MONEY ORDELS BRITISH MAILS THE TIMES is prinied and published 4J Tas Ortawa Tixgs Prixrinc axp PVÂ¥ Lismxo Comraxy, at the Office 14 Number 12, Weilington Street, (14# Her Majesty‘s x&eatre), Contre ‘ToW® EV ANS,late proprietor of the S1. J auze M0HMe« Btriot attention to business. @ood Wines and Liquors w arranted. F Having now changed hands, and been -‘H for a ars â€"clhass LUNCUKUF BARK and 8 will ve sulied TAE COMMERCIAL wOUSE «ad sttfind ob uujlet tht mibkaxcumit m E 6 QUEBK RESTAUzANT, I M. KA V A N AGH, Proprid#) Corner of Metcaife and Woum positethe main entranceto the “ï¬oo-qum"mpbu allthe t and ref. uhhu-arm The BAR contl® he choicust Brandsip and Ligu ws, anderf? elicacy of the seas.a will be found on thetable LÂ¥ roprietcr‘s bestefforts will be directed to he#9*" r‘#hn guosts and patrons. Oysiers, Game eto..dally 5 _/ â€" HALIFAX, NOVA 80TIM, ravellers. KEstablished 1851 . % Permanent and transiont boarders accomBMF od, and every attention paid to their comfert â€" Ot tewas, February 14, 1871 f N.B.â€"sMsndnifoig'uubu of aisaases of the KY © and Ai night on ,’beug-pt.hmldo.o,luny“ O e Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Sâ€"lickan it Chancery, r(‘)'mv.syumuu. Notaries Pabbowit Advocates for the Pravinces of on-bd“ Quebec., _ f Officeâ€"Corner of Bussex and Y ork streock. N. B.â€"Collections attended to in dl= the Provinces of Ontario and Quebet, FOB SALE.â€"Two Choice Lots, C fortable Wooden Cottage, on, in Rochesterville. For erms apply on the premises to W 0 Â¥aN kEso, or to ko Dirojto®. : HARLES MARCIL, ‘Advocate B# U SGos at tr Tetrau‘s, N P ; privatbr®® dence in rear of French Cathedral, Hull, _ Business attended in Ottews and the DÂ¥ trict Courts of the County of Ottews. _____ "HB ¢RURAL * #ALOOS, AJF _ Office, Rideau Street, opporits therton s Drug Store: Regide 14 + m NOTAkY PUBLIC. Residence » MJ next the Post Office. _ > e OCTuX HESDKRRONX, (MoGWD U# ‘8. versity l-:iyahlu, scrpun" Aï¬ ui â€"That recently 0 on luhm n.cnmm.’oa.-‘:“ P j 3687 â€I. ROBILLARD, Physician, Bu Accoucheur, Oficein Mr. Heart‘s Btore, Easi end of Bapper‘s Bridge. â€" hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. â€" oo Ridesnuâ€"strest, Oitawu,. â€" â€" â€" _ ~= * * Wiurtax Moserove, â€" ROHK â€" Gzromst Tame sQSGROVE & TA LLOR, B .‘.‘."-.s_d}fl',"'.“gfe. Ofheeâ€"M oagrove‘s Buildap, D O*CONNOR , Attor ney â€"atâ€" LawBolitts. _ #in Chancery, Conveyancer, &s, hn * treet. Office, Union Buildings, Ottaws. _ By _ 9607 _ _~ _ JOHN ROMANS, Propodt. APLIEKRRE & MUvPHY, R. MoDOUGALL, TRTERHKAU, Nosary Public forth Po © vince of o-.'..fl.u. neer the Pu R. OLIVER MARTIN, Dentist. OB . Bparksâ€"streot, Contral Otawa. Seat! Motels and #Aal o0#4: AVERLY ROUVRSK, 0. ARCHAMBAULT, sLk®#1IB S8TREEI G. P. BAKEB, Pastmaster, JAMES BAILLFF, Managa$ iaee, per Ca HAVNETT P HILL, ! bolicitor, Post Q a» Leg a4â€" of MAXD, 10,00 11,00 11.00 A., Ma "..;!l ®.00 £.00 ©#,00 1199 , In which onh oUrR Â¥o D l"_'\'l[ »-..‘]. 42 (2, +t South Gloucester and B Printed notices cmt formation as to condiu Contract miy be seen, 1 'l‘cn::rnnyhoobniu‘ can Morrisburg, No West Winchester, OJsg Bridge, or at the office « The Postmaster Gene P himself to accept the i« In returning thanks â€" irilense and customers in | for their past patronage, public generally, that the; od armangements for the expense) of those larg! buildings near the Mark Btreet, formerly occupied «nd known as the Milit they bhave thorougbly re6: now fee} confident that th of one of the largest und i» the Dominion, where the; «attention to Auction 8 4« Tenders, addressed to Zeneral, will be receive »oon, on FRLGAY, I NHXT, for the conveyan Mails, on a proposed 4 years, six ti.nes per weel wween Morrmburg and © lst of April next. Conveyance to be mad mduvn by at least | Mails 10 leae | Hundays excepted at antiieai ons )Lta wa d Arrive at Morrisbus (hlhv each way at tho North Williamsburg, Wi Real FEstate, HouschAd Implements, Works and Friday morn § ings, at rua bhaving goods bdj their advantage to send ing before. Chief Chief Post Office 1n Bates in country places orQuebec prow ptly atteu " JOHN MACD Auctioncser and General Juast W|Vd H Jommissionâ€"rs‘ U dics, Ottawn, Juny. 1 2th, 1 VOTING ON THE BJ WATEERWORKGS ALDERMAN HENXEY the frontier of the Do as may be deemed a 'n.po'orwm strubting a bridge acr Marie, and to own and other passenger & id fr all lakes touched by ® brariches. JVitawa, 2%th Dec., 1/ I NTERCO.ONIaL R: LATE CHANGE IN COAL STOYEs ‘E wooOp stovEs aT n HOT AIBR FURNACEs Is bereby given that . made to the Parliamen next Session, .for an Act Canadian Pacific Railw to construct a . m 0¢_‘u‘| towards ~ The Commissioners ap strauction ot the Intâ€"rgo! public notice, that they amive ‘Tend re for the veive ‘Tend Buildings at e'ft:l.'-o-udll-hsdhc Taok Houses and Wood TINWARE OF ALL seaboard of Prois Pistoles, Bic, Kim« wins, and from such selected East of the towards the Pacitic ce so the Sault Ste. Mari rm&ind to all su: Also, for Engine H mss« Rimogski and Mâ€"tapedi« Plans, Bpâ€"cifications 1 may be seen on and aftâ€" the OM e of the cChie? R Rivtere do Lonp and Kia Tenders may be for th numbes of these Buil is sceived, marked * ‘I‘â€"n: or the Commissionâ€"rs‘ OfRKe otelook, noon, of the 20th seaboard of British C r“-lw .’.m of Can: o be m_ntfllc“d upot QUEENKX REs Having engaged _ > e eeae ut ls now prepared ‘to PoULTEY and G A M sent to their houses ,_____:: style and on the sh« proved by the «* WX Oitawn, January 1 trom such points as _ Aittninty Tith Jnous Mwooux.nv AUVI Y OR K S T John Macdon: EXTENSJION OF Furnaisbing, lusuret Agents, 36, York str Ottewa, Nov, 12, 1871 B ULK A l OVS® T The Italian Y J. M. C. DE @TICE HE SEASON COMM ATKRBE OITY To The proprietor of AIL CONTRAUT Ht Himon, . Fa= G ELECTIOX YOL. Aguotion 99 as shall JOB W\ wws 1 187 AT its