W W |\ 4 Norhcn. is hereby given, that applivation will be made at the next Seasion of the Tarliament of the Dominion of Canads, for & charter to incorperats * The Thunder Bay Silver Mines Tolegraph Company*‘ for the â€m“mmmd.» marine T (hbh.to..:htoc points on the north shore of Lake Superior, in the District Algoma, between Fort William and N Bay, touching at 3ilâ€" ver Islot, througb, and under the waters of Lake Superior, to the boundary line of the United States in Lake Superior, snd there to M'hl.h:ho Telegraphio Cable trom the United -.'fl!':-""'t struct branok lines on or in water nvpdwcwh!l::'hâ€'-l" land all or any such Cables, and to connect with the Cansdian or American w of Telegraphs, and to amaigamate with, and tor such other powers as may be pecesâ€" sary for the undertaking. J. H. GRAY, WILLIAM °F. BRUFF, London, Eng!iand. @GroRoE WELL3 o_""n W, H, Staxtos, Solicttor for appitcants. TAomo, 19th January, 1873. NO'l'Ict is hereby given, that application will be made by the undersigned at the next session of Parliament of Canada tor a Charter to i orate * The Thunder Bay @llver Mines Rail«ay Company* for the counâ€" strc. tion of a Railway from a point, on or near Nâ€"ep.,on Lake, situate to the north of Neepizon Bay, 1ake Superior to the Unised Suates Boundary Line, at or near Pigeon, or Aitrow Rire ., or Lakes, and to connect there with the Rallway iyst m of the United States, and with powe~~ to construct a branch Hailway to the «s is‘ oedge of No pigom or /Bolicitor tor Applicants. Toronto, 16th Jan . 1873. Th ndo Bay, with a Pler out into ueep #&¢ and with proviâ€"lons for aid to the underiak ing by Land Grants or other subsiiies, J. H GBRAY, WicLILaM ®. BRUFF, y« London, l,hd UKORGE WELL» OWEN, London, England CHARLES EL&KY, stt ld | #Â¥.H.Brtautm, & 1t is the CHEAPEST MEDICINE EYER MADE, One dose cures common sore throat. One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty conts‘ worth has cured an old Standing Cough. It mflflymmmww y cents‘ worth has cured in the Back, and the same quantity Lame Back of sight years‘ standin«. It cures Swelled Neck, w,lom Contraction of the Stiff Joints, Spinal Difficulâ€" t.s, und Puih and Soreness in any part, no matter where it may be, nor from what cause it may arise, it always does you good. "~ <+~~TMannbkE® EKXCELSIOR ROLECTRIO OIL. wWorRrTH TEX TIMES ITSs WEIGHT G@oLD. Twentyâ€"Ave cents‘ worth has cured bad cases d“-lmcflgm. One temâ€" spoontfal cures Colic in 15 minutes. It will cure any case, of Piles thas it is impossible to ecure. . Six or eight applications is warranted to cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inâ€" Aamed Breast. For Bruises, if appli+d often and bound up, there is never the slightest Alscoloration to the skin. It stops the pain ol a murn as soon as applied, M‘nn“ Â¥Feet, Boils, Warts, and Corns, and Wounds dmt#.nvb" T AunonML%m Wewckatio, ou..uomm.-nâ€"-lu Note.â€" and eleot:ined. W. H. &811xto8, Solicitor for Applicants. Toronto, 1Oth January, 1872. fag mashinte, todis Aabber and . BetLeathar :.hl:n.mâ€lhi lllï¬â€œ' y :::lr.&“; nfl:-. 6d., 1...';:3. Por sleaning and polishing Sitver, Kleotroâ€" Plate, Pléte Jlass, &o. Tablets, 64. each. Prevent friction in clea and to the temnvuniar‘e wonington Ruite: Polive should * flrclhmg--flm will be made to Parliament of Caâ€" nada at its next session for an Act to author, is the wia, Vaudreail and Montreal Rail~ way c;':ny to connecttheir line of railway with the Northern Coâ€"onisation Railway or with any other KRallway which may at any time be constructed from Mon reel towards Grenville, Northward of the River o-'a and for such purpose to bridge the waters the raid River below Lâ€"‘Orignal, and for otaer wiist, carding and fulling mills for saleâ€"or to let in Mount Oscar, County of Vaudreuil, feproved, ramucmded and thickly astund, in surrou mauu-up:‘umh Canada, driven by Water N. Overshot wheel, 36 feet diameter . runs the wholo year ; all hmu‘n;‘dlflmm f ~__ Ottaws Oity, Box 300, Ottawa, Fab. 20, 1071 _ indikt # Puin cannot stay where it is used." By their Attorney, LECTRICIT : e of the O.V.. & M.R.L., New Edinbugh Outario, January 22nd, 1871, 18%4awim Eid s\ agameme ® 7 WILLIAM F. BRUFF. is Abtornay, . SBh P y Wllml F. B&UFF, e _ pannand land. Culm _‘L‘Yo _u. % WiLLIAM Â¥ BRUFF, aEOoRGE wWE_LS â€"OoOwWEN, London, Eungland. CHARLES ELEY, AX% F BRUFF, Loncon, Engiand. \* 5 10 5 10 will contain, for 1872, the following new features in addition to those found in it at present, rendering it the 4 BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA, $10 ENCRAVING CIVEN AWAY JAMES GREENWOOD, "The Amiteour Casual," will contribute papers on SCENES 1X THE LONDON sru\rm The celebrated American ~humorist hi T';‘.? Alfaitadts 10 wun ng lt m addition to our ist dmunq names we shall have I The new American poet Joaquin Willer, the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane W. Dr. Norman Moâ€" tor of Good Words,‘ Alexunder Dumas, Erckâ€" The pie« o the miperâ€"<th priesent teatures of t perâ€"The Gardeners Column !lonnhn volumn, Epitome of Latest News. Reviews of New }looh, M rket Râ€"ports, Wit and Humous, Svientific Intellijence Literary Notes, Hearthston» .z.hnt. &e., &o., &6.â€"will be continued ; inaddition A CHILDREN‘S CUKRNER will be added, in which will be Rainiey i. o thmbiain ho Her Majeaty, * er 1Y, .Th. “I“}fumo; db ’ ustratâ€" ed, IJ:'o.ph-q-nd to .uli. it welâ€" come rn'! family as a most entertainâ€" -1_.. instructive pâ€" per Hearthstone gives more and b=â€"tter M:L-&c,pr a emmuller sum, than any paper in the world. â€" It is Nï¬ rior, in every point, to the most popa of the Americ n weekly papers, while they are 5) per cent dewer. _ compaure them, and you will at one > send in your snbscrip The â€" Hearthstone o m noint to regbackas _sbould an «on have reason to believe wrvi Sag raipv. L xn cï¬ -“;u’;"&.‘,:; tnat b¢ has beou deceived by buylng purious § o c Aoine (ieidl, | * itatfous vt these Modiciocs, be wii do w 11 are 50 per cent dewer. . Ouipiit i D | .o «ue me. in & telter, to the a0dfes= at foot ;l:.yonwflluo.mnolinywuncflp (whi b be cas co at a cost of sizx c nts in P W# <), «ue of the bouks of tnstructions A Ten Dollars Eagraving for Two Dollw s | 8 °/5 .2' «hx d to the s«ame. 1 promise tu and a year‘s subscription «o the best PAPOT | . ;g.y;ge it, «ud sew) a repiv, stating whether in America thrown in tree. c tbe Mesicivâ€"s are genwn» or not, so that if Sample numbers sent free On APPIiG® |spurion» h> may apply to the person tror *ion, mth club terms | whum be purchased tnem to have his money MKEYCALEFE STREET, OTTAW A, Having been re~ailt and farnished in first r lass style, and with good Sample Room#, will be opened by the subscriber on â€" WEDNESDAY, \3th DECEMBER, â€" for the accommodation of the travelling public. The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situated in the imm+»diate ricinity of the Parâ€" lament Buildings,, Banks and other Public Metipinenenis ie tm To w req Covering $3uv u00 worth of Watches, Â¥e eing Maschines ansd Parior Urg â€"Ans The St. James‘ Hotel, Delioncies of the Heason, and the BAZ with the cholcest brands of SATCHELL BROS, The Governor General of Canada, :W“M are, as usual, pre= to supply their customers with the :-:-.Q“Mlmm::pnurd w oNE Ne onl mo in mb oad ) .o .** â€"tle, and 50 hoad of Hratâ€"class 3a0ep the whois of which wuts broug :t at wreat os p use from the W ont. *:x? 1 es s sATCHELL BROS. Staills 7 and Lower Town h""um $ Ottaws, Dec. 2), 1871. subsisting between us, the un %nd nums."»?n.uu sHu und FREDEIUK a00GH Tu»s uum:‘-wm and Retail Dry Goode dm‘ityoflnb in the under the klni:zh of «T. HUNTON Suu & CU." wis on the first day of November, :un. dissolved by mutual consent, so us regards the same William Shoolbred, who on that dn&n tired from the concern ; and that all debts due and owing to or by the late firm, will Nm‘mm the said Thomas Hunton and rick Houghton.Huntonâ€" P,. 8.â€"â€"1i= Potk *<all wid be £ ur com plete, with .« ty <+lecvon «& Porkt Mam Bavou, Spices, Hounds anu bLoll 4 Bout, Sau ges, &¢., &¢, ho 4 22 00. which took the frst prize at the & , weighing the great weight 2,500 lbs. Ne Also, 20 bead of splendid Western Cat« Ths celebrated three yearâ€" old thoroughâ€" bred Durhsn ~teer WwEDNEYgAY CNTILSAT€RDAY NEXT _ As witness our hands this first day November, A.U. 1871 [THUS. HUNTON, WM. SHQOLBRED FRED. H. HUNTOR. Ottaws, Nov. 17. AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘3 AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMMLINSNIUON SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEAR, Witness A ‘ * . “d m.n. There is also Commodious * ard Room and AM POWLEY, The above wiil t« on eÂ¥hibition at CMAS 1871. sPLENXDID MNo. 48, Rideau streot, Ottawaâ€" otice is hereby given that the partnerâ€" Ottawa, Jan 8, 1872 ~1864 Ottawns, Dec 11, 1871 1842y I8sOLUTION OF PAkTNEKARsHIP u“'m' Kéward Urifin, Lsg. Kadward MQGiiitviay, Keq, hesesrs C T Bate & Co, Thomwss Hauton, Keq, J M Qurtler, Eeq, M P, _ J N Rsq, M D,‘ M I on d k P +. * t A Pll!!(l:li Jun. wa, Nov. 17. 1871. Hon James .nn’&-m,m- J U Ourtler Eao. M P, ". o dant a iplendid Prize List, H. FALLS, . E. DESBARATSY, \€C _ Those who doâ€"not wish to be deceived‘ by . buying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emauate from the States or elseâ€" where, but to possess themselvis of the gonuâ€" ine Hollowsy‘s Pills and Ointment will dc well to see that each pot and box bears the British Gov:ram+â€"nt stamp on which is ene graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" mâ€"at, and that the addrers on the label is 833, Oxford street, London, where only: they are â€"nh:tud.uuhudln:n of the world, . The retail prices are on the labels ip British currency, and not in dollars and cent ; No representative of mine will over trave through any part of the British Provinces, o the United Btates, cithr to sell or to tak orderts for my PFills and Ointmwent, and as have reason to beliâ€"ve that attempts will ver probably be made to deceive the public in «his way by persons calling upon medicine ’v.«odon. talmly repraâ€"nting that they | ar« a‘iug for me, and with my koowledgo aid cousent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their .-J“.-' any auch deceptions, I wost y entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their felâ€"hds that they rmay not be deffauded of their money by purâ€" vhusing worthless imitations ot th« gendine i Holioway‘s Pilis and Ointm»nt. I,beg most respectfully to acquaint the pubiic of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May ‘last 1 caused the busines« at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale o! hoiloway‘s Pills and Ointm«nt, which were u, to that time prepared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. â€" ‘These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to daâ€" angt my good name. e k «k s IO TH®E PMPLIC OÂ¥ THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. I would ask, as a grvat fuvour, that shou‘a it com» to the knowledge of auy person that spurious medicinâ€"s are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the paurti. ulars be can collect reapâ€"cting the s «me, tha is to say, the name and add ess of the veador who is sell‘ng the spurious wedi. clues, and likewise the name and addtess , the Hous» in the Unites States, «r elacwhe #, which may im ve : uppliâ€"d them, so _ +t on« abt me, for the protection of the public, to natitate mece dious ag=inst such evil=â€"doors, and I eogage to tâ€" manerate very banosonely 0y persou who may give me sa. b informa mwon, the intormant‘s neme nevor being diâ€" vulys 4. _ ‘ vhemists and Druggists who desire to ob tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholâ€"sale prices in qu=ntities of not less thau £20 worth (for which remittance must vbe sent in advance)â€"vis., 8s, 6d., 22s. and 348. per dozset h‘- of Pills otpoho‘ Vintment, nott, without discount. * 1 hvo': honor to be, p.n-..an] TnOMAS HOLLOWAY 553, Oxford street, (Inte 244, Strand), London, W C., dept 1, 187) _ 39 61 3,000,000 Aacres of Ohoics Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebrasks, in the Great Platte Valley, now for sale, for cash or.long credit. â€"These lands are in s mild and healtbhy climate, and for grain growing and stock raising, unsurpassed by any in the United btates. Prices from $2 to $10 per acre. n.:zfuuu-l Settiors. â€"2,500,000 Acms of Government Land between Omaba and North Platte,open for entry as Homesteads UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. Auamae A land grant of ; f 12,000,000 1CRES of the BEST FARMTINXG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. CiALLBD «4@ ME POOR MAN‘S3 PRIEN D, is confidently recommended to the Public as m unfelling rewmedy for wounds of every deâ€" cription ; a certain remedy for ulserated sore legs, burns, scalds bruises, chilblains, scorbutic «ruptions, and pimples in the face sore and infliamea eves, sore heads, sore breasts sik in ty t s i_: 5_ _ =__ x ed, sending copies of the first and last of Pungd foreign hirth are entitled to the venefit bt the Homestead Law, on declaring their intention to become citisens of the United States, and may avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival. Hend for the new edition of descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" where. Address, 0. F. DaVI8, Land Commissioner, U.P.R.BR. Co. All Pevitions for Private Bills must be presented within the first tAree weeks <of the Session. * ALFRED TODD, _ Chf. Cik. Committees and Private Bills, ; H. of Commons. Ottawa, 7 December, 1871. 1841.11a PRINCIPALâ€"MBS. ROBERT STEWART. Sold in pots, 13id., 2s. 9d4., 4s. 64., 11s., and 212«, each ; and his PILULI" AN‘! L. SULROPAUL K OB ALTER ATIVE PLILLS, » nirmed by sizty years‘=xperien~» to be one »Athe lest alterative ma«licine«. over comâ€" :..u-u for purify inx the blood and assisting »turâ€" in b« « perstions They forw a mild «ud superior tamily aperient, that may. be taken »t all time» without con@uement or -m:::‘ of dict, in Boxes at 1314., 28. 94 , 48. 64.,11s «~12%8, ach. [ ESTABLESHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES Cormar otf Wilbrod and Glou.ester streets, Sandy Hill, Otâ€" in the most he«!thy part of the city, Young Ladies may receive a sound English and Frouch KEaucation, with Board, for $190 a year, paid r-uvï¬ As the number of b.m-.:: is limited, carly application should â€" The School will re open on the 3rd of January, 1872. _ Ataws, bec t_’ul!ll 1857 lawkd&ut 7. LulYEbd AT LasT, _: _0 ~~â€"~~"~~ Which a‘so cares KEURBRALGIA , WANDERE. 1NG ngm, LUMBAGO, Stifaess in the Limbe or Joints and Spraine, Pursons in all ranks of life, amongst whom analytical chemists and physiciens of the bigb: st standing, have certified to the won â€" dertul uffwors _‘""“""E"n wm #0 Victoria Eqnare, Mostral, . Rheumatism and Gout Remedy ~HEAP Faom rams nuMEs aUTIlo®: CaUVTIO®! : Prepared only by BLACH ANV 6baâ€"NICOTT, Bristport, vorse , Engiand, apd sold by all Medicine VÂ¥endors. M v 11. 1871 661 im In this Establishment, delightfally situated CEEEBRATED OINTMENT, vAaARUV aBRD L£ADUCArION®, And for Sale by all Druggists, DR BIRNBAUM‘G $100 PE YEAR On the Line of the M IG â€" v . aAwWA TIMES8 MERCHANTS & BANKERS As80Ocl1iâ€" TIUNX OF NEW YORK. _ MK#" A Prize for every ticket. "Yg t Cath Gitk . ... .« .« ++« +++. ... §100,008 6 do each ................. ©50,000 12 CQ : â€"> 00.‘ ..r«irrrr «irssre â€" 28(009 i0 © Uo° @0 ....s1+i..>+s.sc... * 5000 ts +de d0 ...«« «iÂ¥ rirrr, ++ 2,0090 300 . do. OY4 .sc.rct.crrrrers 500 210 do dQ wsrarekstrirri«s 200 550 â€" do OO {..ccv ¢rirr.e... 100 400 Gold Watches............... $75 to 300 275 Kewing Machin;.s ........ ....860 to 150 T5 Elegant Planus ........ each $150 to 700 50 Melodeons ....J...... do 50 to 200 Cash Gifts, Silvezf are, etc , Vll'l .‘-oon- *# se n e n ..,..sl,ï¬(o,ooo A chance to draw any of the abors prizgâ€"s for 25 cents,. ‘Ticke‘s describing prizâ€"s are sealed in envelopes and well mixed. On reâ€" ceipt at 25 cents a ssailed ticket is drawn withâ€" onobobondiqt by mail to any address. The prizs camed upon it will pe Gelivered tc the ticket bolder ‘on payment of $1. P iz s are immediasely sn to any address by ex« press or return mail, 5 : | In CASH GIFTS to be distributed by the _ You will know what yeur piiss is befoge you pay for it. Any priss exshanged for another of the same value. Nc blanks. Ouar patrons can depend upon faik d:aling. _ Opinlons 6f the Preas ‘Fair dealing can be relied upod.‘â€"New York Herald, Aug. 23. ‘A genuine cist ibution,.‘â€"World, September 9. ‘Not one ofthe humbugs of the doy.‘=â€" Weekly Tribune, July 7 "They. give gâ€"noral satiefaction.‘ â€" Staateâ€" Z«itang, Aux. 5 BReferences.â€"B; kind permission â€"we reter to the following :: Frankl‘n =.‘i, n«, Loais. ville, drew $13,000. Miss Hattie Bank r, CObarleaton, $9,000 ; Mre. Louisa T. Blake, 8t Pau!, Pigno $700 ; Samuel V .. Riymond, bosg» ton, $5,500 ; Eugene P.° Bracket, ‘ Pittal) urgh, Watch $300; hiâ€"s Auoie Oszgoose, New Q;â€" 1b ans, $5,000 ; Emory L. Piatt, Columwbus, 0., $t, 00. _ _ i e â€" One Cash Gift in every paskass otf 200 tickets guaranteed. Six tick:ts £+ $:, 13 tor $2, 25 tor $3, 50 for $5, 200 for $15. .. Axents w«nted to whom we off is liberal nducements, and guaranter @@tisfaction wOoOD,CoLLIss & 0, 1884dakwl 58 Broatway N.Y. BmithfGeld. J C Chawberlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago J Became afflictes with Bronchitis, which lasted about eizhteen months, I was so sfflicted for the want oi breath that it was Â¥very. difficult tor me to spesak, and in the night. time frequentl; throwing the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent pbhysicians in the County of Northamberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact I continu=d getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Rem»~dy. i bougbt a bottle and took it and whe%u about finished lbqu!o#-l. little . I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I foun that I was as well as ever I had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so evet . ~_JOHN SILVER, Bworn before m» at Smithfield this 6th day ut tpilh, i D A# PW _â€" _ _ . _ "C _i that my wife was very low with Lung Disâ€"ase. The Doctor bad givâ€"n bher up, He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not belp her. _ As a last resort I purchases a bottle of the Great Shoshgnees Remedy. â€" At the expliration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better _ She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up By the gontinuâ€" ance of the remedy she was perfectly restored to health. x WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Brooxkiy®, April 5th, 1870 J O Chamberlain, Rs1, This is to certi You may publith the facts for the bâ€"neft of those stmilarly affiicted. _ _ _.___â€" _ Shoshonees, British (Columbia, is working the most marvellous and astoowshingâ€" Cure: the World has ever heard of. â€" Never in th: annals of Canadian Medical. History nas such suoc+ss attended the introduction of ary medicine boretofore. That the Gazar Suowsoxess itexsor aso Puuus, of the eminent indilan Medicine Man, Doctor LEWTS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe oi This Medicine is pleasant ano safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be ‘reâ€" lied upon to make a permasent cure of ali diseases of the Taroat, Lungs, Liver, Kidar ya Digestive w #o., #0., as well as Rerofula the various Skin Diseases, Humors, and ail diseasee arising from Impurity of the Biood, wmm Hiage of Conâ€"umption. P information, with foll directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, and containing Pestimonials and Cert ficates of Jures, can be obtained by securing the Treatis», the Hana Bouk, or the Almanac and (treuilars feom any respectable Druggist in the Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles. $1 00 PÂ¥lle per Bolk. ..« .<.@«<<«s««ssas. [ 20 MPORTEKS & WHOLESALE DEALERS & "C Is hereby that application will be mwmmwm at its next Session, for an Act to amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway m,rvh‘pmrbuoh()qmpanyw po:: ree byd;:m atan to such points as may for cross; ing French River, Degamher 26, 1871. _ 1861 |. _ Flain and Ornaamental Engrayer, Corner of g:t‘.u,ud Kigin Streets, over James lloyo & Visiting Cards.engraved and printed on the _ Qitawa, Nor 8, 1871 181088 JD Proclaim the Glad Tidings +0 FICK LEXAKNUEA LRAMSAY, @â€"TEAS3 AND WINE3, Cure otf Bronchitis 81,287.118 i. FPOOEEK & COMRBANY DAILY DRAWINGS, C w ay e k k kn e 4 6 6 t a ki k & & @100,0007 each .......... s++«+« . ©50,0600 K0. «s xisasrs s+i«xsre â€" 28,000 O is irirkirarsirrÂ¥iri b,000 OO .ivrae «tÂ¥ rarer, ++ '.‘,,Oivo duo s w e e n e 40w e t e# n n n 5"†do w e n e w eb e t 4 e en e es 30b O icrirx ¢rrariterrs lop cliOK, +1« : x+++ «.+ §iDB to 300 Machin;s ........ . ... 60 to 150 Planus .. ...... each $150 to 700 n* ....%....~.. do 50 to 200 iv are, etc , | ww e e foa n 0 s n en e ne oc'-_.‘l’uo.m ~._. . T 0. BROWN, Episcopal Methodist Mirdster ¢ HOBPITALSTREET for every ticket. "Yg a 6 e s e w e ® ........‘IOU,UOO varkA *Â¥+rk+s sxr++8 1 * $0,0080 k*r*srir* ss1«1« â€" 28,00B CÂ¥ Â¥i¥¥¥irrrsxrr+s * KOOD J M WELLINGTON,) P MKONTREAL Hope & .oubho'&ugq to engure a continuance of th. / Homesopathic Physician, »urgeon & Ac. same. $ couch@r. Residenceâ€"Albert street. Offie: d on the ~ / RIDEAU STREET, i hours frow 9 tw 11 a.m., and 3 to 4 p.m. n-mmo.m.a;~ -sp-uuuuue::ua- 18108 Ottewa, May 17,1872 ... ..;...; ; 10006( ._. ; 21 dizplacements of the utert 1Â¥788) On and after MONDAY Fert, 5th JUKE, Trains will leave Montreal as under Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" medisate Stations, at. ...... . .. 6.00 a.m Night Express for Toronte, at. .. .. Mixed Trata or Brockville, at. . ./. Atcommodation ‘Train for Brockâ€" Day Express for Toronto, at. .. Pulman Palace Cars now Running on a Day and Night Trains. * MHOGREkc«yssicxrskéi......). 5.00 p Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 1 Fxpress for Quebec and Riviero du TaOUDy Mss + srarae rras seseres 600 i# Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" ; land and Boston, at...... .... Night Mail for Quebec, Island Pond, ; Portland and Boston......... A Pulilman Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Riviere au Loup triâ€"weekly, vis ;:â€"â€"From Montrea W Un and after MuNDAY next, the 1st o NAY, it is intended to run the Pullmar l‘alace Cars through between Montreal anc Sa nia. On+ of these magnificent coaches will t« attached to each Day Expresstrain leaving M »mtreal for Toronto, and be run through tc Sarpia, as a Drawing Room and Sleeping Car, â€" There will also be one attached to each Day Express fro.. Toronto to Montreal: The Summer running arrangements wil come iuto operation about the 1st of June, oi which dae notice will be given. 11 These highly improved inventions render Klectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form on shock or unpleasant sensation being exâ€" perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily soothing agonising peins, reâ€"abimating totpl% limbs, roeviving the sluggish functions of life, and rmparting renewe â€"energy and vitality to copstitutions enteebled ty whatever cause, wWedicines and their deleterious consequences are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULYEnMACHER‘8 MED1COâ€"GALYANâ€" IC BSYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that °_ PULYVERMAUKHER‘8 PATENT G ALV aANIC UHpAlN-B#:DS, BELT3 ~AND POCKET â€" BATTERIES t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received & " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" © sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvsa * wacuER‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic * Battcries and «walranic Appliances tor *# Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Bcientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every * one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, » " Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. j < BLIR CH ARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D., Â¥F, R.0.P. SIR HKENRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. ,p * £ * IB WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. B. 8. EKDWT. H. BIEVthglll. D., M.B.C.8. * bl1 J RANALD MABR £. R.0.8." . ULYVERMACHER‘S SYSTEM is also ap 1x« of by an official report of the Aca sufferer to avail himself of this ‘scientific and curative progtess, to which the inventor has devoted a life=time of study and iabour, a1 an ardent deciple of that ‘great benefactor ‘of raankind, the lateâ€" {illustriousâ€"electrician Mioxam»: Faraor. s PCLYEKLMACHER‘S MEDLCOâ€"GALYVAN»â€" IC0 CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, l‘fl“o“mfl the ieast derangement of the patient‘s ts and daily occupations, in the following maladies Hheoumatiem Femals Complaints Jout Constipation * Scintion ; Lumbago m Circulation Newralgin Urinary Disorders d4ead and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Epilepey Fic Doloreux Nervous Debility lndigestion . Functional Disorders 1. â€"de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, London,’ud the Imperial Facul. ty of Vienva, and its qurative virtues are con» firmed by: thousands of private testimonials of oureseffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). . d Spagmg CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES, B. CHaIN BANDS for Neryous: Deafness Heas, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser In the Head, 218. to 308. . #, uHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and other affections of the Throat, 10s. 6d. to The effects of the application of Pulver: macher‘s Chaing in any of the «bove disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the rolief of pain instantanvous. © [ eRICE LIsPT OF PULYEBRMACHEKR$® Als,.}|<. > N. UHAIN BANDS lor Bciat â€" Rhenamatio Neuraigia, and Gouty Pains, Local Paraâ€" lyn; COramp, &¢., 188. to 228. and 408. B CHAIN BANDS for Lumbago. Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, &e. kwom As & bolt&‘â€o to 40s and 552. B CHAIN BaANDs Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 208 and 408. B COMBINED CHAINX BAND for Castl, Paralysis, Epilepsy, General â€"Debility Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of :OOMBINED UHAIN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Psendo Klectric Belts advertised by and so severely stigmatized by Vice Ohancel« lotwullat:Oll}t Puilvermacher vs mond, alias ames, alias C, T Il;- M,. R. C. B.alluuhonry Bnnovl,hi:.cp t No Gaivanic Beits atre mnho“m bearing the fac simile of M. Pulir mmnxflnhbol. | A pamphlet containing full particulars may be Lad at the Drug Store of A. an-nru, Sparks Street. | J, L PULVERMACHER, é ' â€" _ Galvanic Egtablishmen , | oTTAW A. 1 Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 1455 lawky _At Junstion Depot of Grand Trunk Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilitige oi a First Class House, Passengers refresh 1 Returns Lis sincere thanks to the pul of Ottawa, for the liberal patronage bestewéd on him since bis com -.Ilql Montreal, April 26th, 1871 Those facts trfncl to the md'uno'o'ohnry ifferer to avail himself of this scientific and Great Acceleration of Speed® * LBC LanlQt TY 13 LiÂ¥ & ttawa, June 13, 1871 Full particalars may be had from the Sole sAaso TuUDK k He hopes by good ‘work manship and reae 1606 ,\.. y * BRACTICAL TAILOR, K «JUNCTION HUuTEL,! A. CHRISTIE & C€O., DRUGGISTS, | #0 200 Regent Street, London, W U J BRYDGES, Managing Director D. WILKIN8SON, < . .10.390 p.m 9.00 ; w 130 in 2.00 p.m 1657t GABRIEL‘S3 GABRIKL‘S GABRIEL‘S +. [08TEO-ENAI[5L STOPPING warranted to re white anc MESSRS. ‘fltm.l.llo Tooth itself. This * beautitul preparation restores GABBIEL'B‘ front Teeth, and can be casily * ‘lldd Bufficient, to stop sizx GABRIEL‘S IMPOBRTANE TO RESIDEN!S ABROAD Parties at a distance ve Artificial Teeth supplied in panwl:::’oo:’pldé sets, by Mesrrs. Gabricl‘s no« system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth:â€"ir cases, with a remittance 0i Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 01 the mouth will 'C. forwarded with all necersary instructions, MESSRS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which havy not proved satisfactory to the wearer. . f . A CHRIJS8TIB & co.,, MESSRS, { Asa family Remedvy it is well and tavourably ‘knewn relieving thousands from pair in the Side, Back and Head, Cougbs, Colds, Bo Throat, Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Has now been befere:the public for a lengtt of time and wherever used is «ll liked, never failing in a umw bo ive perâ€" manent reliéf when timely us~, &Ad 5e have never kanown a single case of =i...isfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delightea with its operations, and speak in the highest termes of ita. virtues and magical effects. * The Oanadian Pain Destroyer never fails to «give immediate relief, All: Medicine Dealere keep it. Physicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twoentyâ€"fAre Oents per bottle. 4 NORTHBUP & LYMAN. Bold in Ottawa by HF McOarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, George M , W M Massey, and all Medicine We froim, axperience in this matser baving ed® it thoroughly, and therefort hose who are suffering from any of the com~â€" lmints which it is recommenaed may de. pend n its being a Sovereign Bo&u:z’ The ishing . eficacy of. the C ian Pain in curing the Diseases for which i¢ is recommended, and its wonderfu: success in subduing the torturing puins 0j Rhneumatism, and in relieving lmgl Affeo« ions, eptitle it to a higc rank in the list o1 Remedies for these complaints, Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the courtry for further supplies, and each test tifying ‘as to the universal satisfection i May 11871 "THE POOR MANS FRIEND, «n unthilingy remedy for wounds of: every deâ€" scriptign ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, barus, scaids, bruises, chilblains, scorbu~ tie tions, and pimples in the: face, sote and eyes, sore heads, sore breasts, by sizty yoans‘ exrdem to be one of ; best alterative medicines lever comâ€" pou for puritying the blood assisting N in her opeiations. They torm a mil4 and Anperior tamily operient, may be takefi at all times without confinement or c of dict. [ _ j Kelectric Oil! Worth: Ten Times its Weightin Gold. Do you know _ f anything of it. Lud. it is time you i ; 6 ‘ es . € * Pain cannot stay wh<re It is used. ItJis the m Medicine ever made, One dose cures ‘ Bore Throat. One bottle has cured Brogchitis, _ Fiity, cents worth has oured an Old Standing . Cougo. _ One or two bottles whï¬wha:n of Piles and Kidney Troubles. to applications cure ‘any case of llanhld Ni 'luq!nnï¬:ed Breast. _ One bottle has cu:tf Lame Back of cight years standing. â€" Daniel Plank, of Brookfield, Tioga County, Pa., saysâ€" "I went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" derfal Cure ot a Crooked Limb by six appli cations.‘‘ . Another who has had Asthma for ue ies ce se PAR T Sâ€"OoF â€"THEâ€": is confdently ree 2%s ca m‘ku by all Medicine Vudai tember 28, 1871. 4 MESSRS piles, &¢., 1c eILU years says : "I have balf of a 50 cent bottle left, and $100 would not buy it if I could get no more." Rutus Robinson, of Nunds, NY., writes +One small bottle of your Ecl«ctric Oil re stored the voice where the person had not spoken above a whisper in F_l;n Years" Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y,, writes: "Your Eclâ€"ctric Oil cured me of Bronchitss in One Week." Dealers all over the country say ; "We bhave never sold a medicine that ha given such complete satisfaction as this. 1Itiis composâ€"d of Six of the Best Oils tha: are . Is as good to take as for extâ€"rnai use, and is believed to be immeasurably supeâ€" tior to anything ever. made, _ Will savre you much euffgring and many dollars of" expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place, Price. 26 cents. _ â€"._. . _ Pnlr‘nd by 8. N. THOMAS, Phelps, N Y, and NORTHA@UP & LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., Bole Agen:s for the Domiaion, : Nore â€" Eclectric â€"Selected and Eleo 0‘* RuBEXTS CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Full direvtions for use enclosed in each box THE CANADILAN PAiN DESTROYER ARADLIAN PALN QOKESTHOYKLR Ottawa, Nov 3, 187* November 30, 1870 PREPARED ONLY BY in pots, 13id, 2s 94, 4s 6d, 11s, and ; and his ' ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" * * * * AIIVE PILLS. _ LOGAN), tront ieeth, and usdd, â€" Sufficien teeth â€" Price 58. QDUNTALGIQ This celevrated mogt rofreohlu% the gums, drad all injusious #â€"c the breath, and 1 tificial teeth Price 5s only by COBALITZE TOOTH PASTE| o,00 ... for cleansing and improving | the Teoth, imparts a natural | | redness to the gums, and gives | | brillianey to the Enamel!: Price‘ o qo 12. 1s. #d. * : onl uectarten nc inconbentesocgosanrinnnbonmmmcomecion omm ... M | BROYAL DENTIFIOGE| ***‘* prepared from a recipe as used | o qo .. by Her Majesty ; gives the | Tecth ‘a‘ pesriâ€"like whiteness, 9.00|..... and imparts a delicious fraâ€" \| grance to the breath. â€"Price 1s.| n a. WRHITE GUTPTA PEROHA Enamel, for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for, mastication, no matter how far decayed.. Price ls. 64. k ODUNTALGIQUE ELIXIR. This celevrated Mouth Wask is mogt refreshing, it strongthens the gums, #r&m tartar and all injusiots sâ€"cretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing ar» tificial teeth is invaluahle Price 5s BEACH & AARNICOTT, Bridport, n«-Ti? England Agents for Ottawa, ded to the Public as WORLD] / 39 ¢6m 18277 18]}2 On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britainand [reland, Kewlourigy . __ Furpishin; and Prince Edward island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage “"‘-"‘ ' "ï¬â€œâ€˜ #@" Deposite:will be received at this Office. Interest, allowed at the rate of Fow ;» cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. & OFFICE HOURS FROMX 8 a.M., TO T P.M. 11300 Matter posted up package the same night Cards. for Trust anda Loan Co. W. 8. Teamtus. % Rrovincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman, comumirsioned for the Provinces of Quebec <«nd OQutario. »l HISTLE & Coâ€"., Laad Burreyors, Lan: Agents, D aughtsmen, &o. Ofice, o:pulu the OntarioBank, Sparkeâ€"st. Ottawa. Â¥ Via NewVork close every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11. 0) A.M. ; A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 12.30 p.#., in which on paid ard unregistered matter can be sent. 7 TB« â€" Bell‘s Block, Sappers‘ Bridge. Raurzzarrors.â€"BH ASims, Req, A«chitect, Phils ‘olguq&‘l‘hu Fuller, Eeq, Architect, Alboz Dr J A Grant, Â¥ P., Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, Ks« Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. 140 #.320 1 ‘CHRISTIE, Commission Merohant as i So @eneral Agent. Sole agent for Read â€" m'hu andProof Whiskey ; also, Dawes‘ Lsâ€" Ales and Porter. . Pork, Fiour, &0., for sals Orrion: No. 5, Sparks Street., near the Russe} quse, Ottaewa city, C. W . 11.30 | | j | | © oo 18.10 #.00, roo; 18.190 ... ._! | | | "Wf fevers see Ersstnemeny gee wiile. atate : . deo. ; t#BQ WORbDbER, U .$.. .00« sersrress srrersers seccans . § ) _ > S * * . |{Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef ; * Manitobaâ€"Mails ‘d:ruhod daily vie Wirdsor, l ‘| Ont., and Detroit, Mich. @ !% ,00 | ........! 9.00, Bgiâ€"sh Columbisa (and Vancsouver Islsnd) Mait»} ***°* Hiwo i I | | despatches daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and | | | lSn Francisoo, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to | . | | | other parts of the Dominion, ) R © oo 18.10 #.00 United States, via Ogdensburg ........................... .. . ***88 an,,, #â€"00 12.10 ... ,_!Konptvjlb. Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & O.R. 11.90 ... . & o oo[ fresncesrianstbsien lnmx Gower, Kars, &e., per St. L. & 0. Railways....... iC teu w.00! ... ... Orgoods, Russell, &e per . do _ de . ...l....... 11900 _.,, | I 4 } | | Peorth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carletor,Pince, per Ca © 20 | aso, z Euki AOURKKth RUILNIGY ....cire savrervereenarraiense srie 2 8.00 _ PROF. HERMAN‘S For‘killing Rate, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs Cockrom ‘hes, Black Becties, Fleas on Dogs,. Blight and insectse on Plants, Moths in Furâ€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goate ; also on Uattle, &0., &c., in less than Ten . Minutes. ‘.Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cte. per Packet ; or Siz Packets for One Dollar, #5ote. _ “ C,. RALNBYVTH, K e i Which is known to be j Far Suptrior to anything ever yet Dis= »The Pewder is warranted free from alil bad sme}1, and will k:ep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite ::Tt"...'w Cats or Dogs, as they will not ‘ POST OFFICE, .( _ Directions for use on each Packet. ._ Maxtpacrosyâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England (has 2 1| Castings., * .The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" g‘,or Harmau a Silver Priss Medal at the terâ€"Colonial Exhibitionâ€"of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 : besid«s numerous Testimonials. #mfor Ottawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocet. ellingtonâ€"st . ; John Hill. Tua Pot. Rideauâ€" st, ; alocombe & ‘Btevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Camberland.â€"st.; for New mmr J. W. ‘Proctor & 00.; for Aylmer, Mr, N. K. Cormier;.the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co., No. 1 Western Buiidings, Montreal, . May 32 181} ~_. 50â€" 1671 iv ; Onimney Cans, Drain Pipes, Vent Linings, Flower Vases, Fire lfhnbhumq. &o , &s Masons Maliets, Ageney of Patent Nvedie Lubriâ€" f * T BOMERVILLE, Travelling Agent. 5 â€" ) _ The@qUEEN" Tl"lls '(%OSMOPOLIT AN, ‘.‘ en "compriter IN MONTRHREAL, i..,,::,'::.',. « f ofthe hw{o{.flmm ’!‘bol‘:'ed'u:nt | %ï¬ur-n City. establishment is too i13 0 ‘: patrons. 5 e Cppioaren on .“"",.,...:'.:."::.."'| s n ts te. wards of ers dine daily in the Restauraat, . The Proprietor § Winkiermaim mt # is only relinquisbing it on account of nh.-' * sL@Ib 81TR®%E L/ imay lhik pinoubtene Adtine .. . .. sb w ted ress Ha han is, **** ‘aUISEPPE M. GTANELLL l for a tre .staes LUROU Bu® B AB and l.lâ€"mï¬umbcndflylabrm"flhm Y ' PAMO1......s.. 1.30 Gusrds, Window Gratings, Sweep=hoie Doors, Pipe Hiugs, and cnqhzâ€"dm of Builders HOTEL â€"RESTAURAXNT AXD BAR KkG s etc., otc., etc o Contracts made for advertising in eithes or all of the above papers. 6,00 ....: 1210 900 Halifar, N.8., and St. Jobhn. N.B,.............. Post Office, Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1872 mwontreal, March 23, 1871 MPORTANT NOTICK. o Trzs Office, Wellington Street, YERMIN DESTROYER, For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m PTAWA MARBELE WORKS CLOSEK FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM UF YEARS. HRARK CHANCE: 46 seeses sae ; #**8 BILLILNGB, Jr., Architect. Ofice A. GRLSON, â€"WINTER ARRANGEMEXT. 18; ARRIVAL and DEPAIITUI’,E of MALXLQ, Miascelancous. Office . Aylmer, P. Q KEWLYâ€"DISCOYVERED 46 4+30 Ayimer and Hull 4:39 Rardley and Opslo® Evening Mail. Omrriee d Outaouais. {March, \New Edinburgh Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays ~ew ELJInDUEEH 6 I | 48y mm mmz mmenmrnniineenon h uce mpresonmngemmimmntfes im mmmnsin lfifith es oenrorens e es ons m mmmrmmmommdaried up to 930 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West llhh’ The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. North of Carleton Place Junstion, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre, Packenkam, &¢,............... Bell‘s Cerners, Richmond, &6. per Canada Contral RAIlWAY rsrrrcere . «6e ++ arervi a6beb8646 arsarencs srreerete semees Womnâ€"xi-gb-. Toronto, Hamilton, London, Tke. * t HWARDHER, 10 .$... .1s . acrrrruss arevarcar secrias Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster Toes, DJY RAbLWNIRY s»sssss0e ssysruets sessausrs is uprurs 5s 13+ Lowe; Ottawa, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" 1: ad, L‘Orignal‘* Gropvill®@, &0.»».»0000.000000000008 (EDOH, AEUDENSJGECIERs AEG . Svo se +s reor srvautrice semvouears siraitnt Chelsea, Wakeficld, North Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" dinate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays rOsT OFFICE SAYVINGS BANK and Opslow, by Ayimer, &c... M .A T ILS.. MONEY ORDEKLS BRITISH MAILS pessses oo 1722 tf Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Cba , Con Notaries Advocaies for the Provinces of Onie # Quebec. Olficeâ€"Ourner of Sass :x and York W# N. B.â€"â€"Coliectiohs attended to ‘ the Provinoes of Oatario and momi Puonww-lo"lo / OmJl-:g upr.“. Jourt House and CaTHARLN®S, vat. B» ‘ou“‘m. »it~‘ t sputtons sutoplacroom se ! caraitems,"‘"" * _A ‘lNNHE 4 §QUEEK * fl Lt llmku?fl‘fl.’.:% â€"That recently 0ou lm u.cnum.o::.n, 13# K. LROBLLLARD, †Acscoucheur, Ofice in :.“ Btore, Masi ond ~of Bappor‘s Brides. hours from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. N. B.â€"Speciai atrention gnlbï¬ of aiseases of the KY & and EAK _A sign @ be seen al ais residence, Marray Street. «ummuememmmmmemmmmmmemmmmmtmmmmmemmmmmmmmmmmm mm 00000000 "e 4 THE TIMES is printed and i "fs-m: Tes Ormawa Tmxs Puynso 40 e tuignating uismxe Comraxt, at the OH® }'JUN'A'AT“, 1 Number 12, Wellingtos Bwe®s OB " N/ p___ _ .. . Huwluutn)‘â€â€ p ® ‘g * u9 Ottawa. JAMES BALILFT, f Te l 54 *P YHABRLES MaRCIL, Advooms, 9° (/ Omo.ul:remlu"a,ur;pmq dence in rear of French Cathedral, Huil. _ Business attended in Ottaws und ttP trict Courts of the County of Ottaews. _ «k 8 & GENHM LLL, Sarmsun, Auny, ..l Soticiiuis, Conveyancer: to. Meâ€"L% â€"OLrl liouse, Vila w & . RoBERT Lkk8. douts _ JuR®k 3. ©#Bt therton s Drug Store: Regide LRZF e in Chancery, Conveyancer, &s., hme treooet. OMce, Unize Buildings, Jte®ea i R Il:.'c(.)OCl. ‘g.-“.. © .“' M’l ublic, and Petent m.nddm nediately opposite Kusseli uouse, Sigins ts TEKTH I A U Public forthe Pn ,’ e vince of m-n. nonr Abe bu M Douctp cAuiginer «04 noo Puinete ; tary Athe Poase and ity Attorney, forthe sounties of Presoott and Russel} â€" Oflerâ€"b Ww Jourt House, L‘Urignal. Wt NOTAkY PUBLIO next the Post Office. O8GROVE & TA L108B, i. Bolisitors, &o. 0 Moeâ€"Mosgrore‘tBeling. tideauâ€"street, Ottawa. ‘ W mutix Moscerove. 308t Li HALIFAX, â€"NOVA Rstablished i od.ndonq‘:‘“. to 9 f}o ::u:::.‘l'u-u-u..m Â¥y I Nurrow Axzx® sing Ot taews. Febroary 14, 187 smm APIEKERRE & MU®sPAY, R. McDOUGALL, R. OLLVER BARTIN, Dentist Obe Bparkeâ€"strect, Contral Ottews. _ M# 0. ARCHAMBAULT, free arerererer becithih + ‘ @ .4 wi.. i:cln. Cumberâ€" g ;. | { on Aeaded _ ste. wet interes 31 > ([2‘ 1 â€" O*CONNOR , Atto: aoy â€"atâ€"Law Bolite G. P. BAKERE, Pastmaite, Les a4 £,00 11 op Physician, Bag» n Mr. Iâ€˜ï¬ Â©.00 11.00 D+ 11.30, oUkr »ss8s | .6 0n L"_“" 4R Imtest h 1§.) =@ lR | .. 'E"M, 40 4 Oo agy ’ § f““'-‘.“ J.‘"’ V i AHrawa BHu #t mt> > »PRescollt J u j .Of all which our F:.:‘"‘ oi . Y 1re M Fovern thommaives The following article in stock : Ic,Bc.thSbo{ Bar and Sheet Tin Bheet cop ;»x te , &o Fhoe Steel all ‘u.-uamums.d{ . _ â€"Proof Chain all sizâ€"s &“fl havie resck be lwanw p a:ticle in the above lin« purchaser, No,. 24 Rid â€"Box, Doutl« endloss var e Farnishing P. B.â€"A oall is reap« All goods delivered 1 t‘l:â€fw of the 1 .: may be deemed with power to cofiel struouing abrige i Mai ie‘xj) own au ather ger and | . 1i Jakes touchedâ€" by * jancbhes. "Oitawa, 26th Dec . J $9rs : Â¥ 0OR K & John Macdo Ins selurning (na\ nir."" custotmett .o tholt past â€"peti® _ ublic gonerally, th4" *d armngemests for xpense) ut â€" se \adings ©â€"AF the . A Sire t,..rl' accu £d k As. the . th.y tave thoroughly now feel I.W. teot tha of «n of the Larges\ ® the omdnion, where atention to Auctiot PRr e > Corepndiengs m&m General. . 5. _ oontmatis. Aad > fram Oc | n toward: % d rom : U selected East of t! towards the Pacific U ~ailway " of Ca ;, be comstructed up trom -“.w“ as : ern Termini, as shali ,.m\'cd by 2’ Gove with so to eC 6 m wna Mas Regular Au«t «nd Friday mors <â€"_United Kingdo Ireland, Queen, To all to whom the: Gn':uu: «nd Friday mornioks pattics baving gaods i» their advantage to .“ “n. " Saies in country pl _ Sates p o sionit Apmee d mmk / 4 Tt Auctioneer and Gene: Furpishing, losur (L®.] ..-emlmlu the frontier p® m" .†‘ with _""‘,‘ VICTURIA, by the ( Hardwareâ€" Real ttel the Ottaws, Nov 23. 18 * dey of Maro 7 E. oâ€:' & " By C !'-f °C Ottawa, Nov ¢ 8. VOL. hereby giveb Fstate, Househo: Implements, Wor Trustr and W 5,:"‘%‘1 ‘M € Peerage of t} gIGKX OÂ¥ T O Canaile x mm Cldef ar s PROCL Ste, Ma: House , York # . 42. 187 At Oy t1 jreAt CAN Ju THC LIM #1