+4 1 #ll +4 # 1 8 3 FOLICr. is hereby given, that h -nnumnmmm Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, for « charter to incorporate "The Thunder Bay sn'm Teiegcraph Company" for the con Taying, and operaring of a Sub» | -mrmhm&.ï¬â€"--ghï¬ of | points on the north shore of Lake Superior, | in the District of! Algoma, between Fort | Witiam and Neepigon Bay, touching at Silâ€" ver Islet, through, and under the waters of Lake Superior, to the bounaary line of the United States in Lake Superior, and there to counect with a Submarine Telegraphic Cable trom the United States, with power to conâ€". atruct branch lines on Lacd, or in water, to nvp‘nhuhhldhl‘ioflw"'&†land all or any such Cables, and to connect with the Canadian or American system of ‘FTelegraphs, and to amaigamate therewith, and tor such other powers as may be vecesâ€" sary for the undertazing. ¢ J, H. OBAY, WILLLAM F. BRUFF, London. Engiand GkoRGE waLLs O_Wl_l'. W. H. Sraxtos, Seolicttor for applicants. Toromo, 1@th Janu«ary, 1873 N OTICE is hereby given, that application will be made by the undersigned at th: next session of the Pasliament of Canada tor a Charter to incor; orate * The Thunder Bay Silver Mines Railway Company" for the conâ€" struction of a Railway from a ppin:, on 01 near N.â€"epigon Lake, situate to the porth of Neepigon Bay, Lake Superior to the United States Boundary Line, at or near Pigeon, 0 Arrow Rivers, or Lakes, and to connect there with the Railway system of the United States, and with powers to construct a braach Railway to the waters‘ edge of Ne pigon of Thonder Bay, with a Pier out into deep wate r and with provisions for aid to the undertakâ€" ing by Land Grants or other subsidies. _ | J. H GBAY, WILLIAM F. BRUFF, Toronto, 16 Noncr.u reby given, nat application will be atthe next sessicn of the Parliament ¢f the Dominion of Canada. for pitver Mines ,* the p.incipal cffice of which shall be situate at Prince Arthar‘s Landing, Thunder Bay, in the Provin~e of e J. y GBAY . wikriak i. seure London, 5’1“ GEoRGE wWELLS OWEN, C cirinangs Tt Apyitcants granting exclusive privileges, orf CO®Q""""6 corporate powers EM or other m of profit, or for doing mï¬hg to effect the flshhorplz‘! other parties, are hereby notified they are ,.:-..d by the 5ist and following Rules ot the House of Commons (which are M@;'&l}.gu‘r LHEVTHUNR \ af tha _ Solicitor for Applicants. To:onto, 19th January, 1872. W. H. Sraxtos, o o THOMAS‘ EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIO OIL. It is the CHEAPEST MEDICINE EYVEL MADE, One dose cures common sore throat One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents* worth has cur~d an old Standing Cough I: =;lwly cures Catarrh, Astbma, and Croup, seunts‘ worth bhas cured C.ick in the Back, and the same quantity Lame Back of eight standin., It cures Swelled Neck, ‘lh::.--,llm Contraction of the Muscles, Stiff Joints, Spinal Difficulâ€" t s, and Pain and Sureness in any nu matter where it may be, nor fhom cause it may arise, it always ~does good ‘Fwentyâ€"five cents‘ wortn has cured bad cases of Chronic and Bloody Dysentery, One temâ€" spoonful cures Colic in 15 minutes. It will cure any case of Piles thas it is impossible to cure. â€" Six or eight application« is warranted to cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inâ€" fAumed Breast. Fannh-.llrll-ddlu and bound up, ‘there is never slightest discoloration to the skin. Itstops the pain of a Burn as soon as applied, Cures Frosted Feet, Boils, Warts, and Corns, and Wounds dmymi:luo---h.‘ 8, N. 1HROMA8, hd:.l!. YÂ¥ . And NORTHROP a LY AAN, Newoastle, Oug.ldo_Ap-qtajhoDc’hL-: hk WoRTH TEX TiMksS ITs WEIGHT 1 GoLD. Hardwareâ€"Hardware. SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANYVIL. ‘The subscriber having just completed his Fall Stock he is now prepared to furnish any article in the above line at prices to suit the 'ru-unh.-m--oeo-h-ly kept in stook : Bar, Bundlo and Shect Lroa Bar and Sheet Tin Bar and Sheet copper. â€" Bbeet Brass, &0., &0 : Bleigh Shoe Steel all sizes from 1x} to 414 Cast and Blister Stool Proof Chain all sizes Nurrow Axes and double steel B wmou-’tâ€";ou-.m, Glass, Nu;nâ€"lu.nubb,n‘ Ab,--d-mdm and House Furnishing Goods, &c., &o P. &â€"AWM All goods free to any part of the ty + * THO8. BIBEETT, No. 24 Ridean street, No. 24 Rideau Street to let in Mount Oscar, County of Vausreunil, Q. ; also three lots of um_:x, improved, surrounded and thickiy in ons of the best wheat growing localities in Unuada, driven by Water N. Overshot wheel, 86 feet diameter ; runs the wholo year ; all in primeorder ; built 7 years ago. e e ie . > : . 4 By their Atorney, Ottawa, Nov 23, 1871 BRIVATE BILLS. 4# Puin cannot stay where it is used." Grist, carding and fulling mills for«gale or By their Attorney , . t . + U. McDONÂ¥ELL, Ottawa Oity, Box 306. Ottaws, Fob. 20, 18732, md&w LECTRICIT :. .«»â€" Eclectricâ€"Belected and elect:ized, TT cce y ths k WILLIAM F. BRUFF ‘CHARLES ELEY, HABLES ELEY, i ds on Eog C GEORGE WELL»s OWEN, London, England. mEemiesnie e CHARLES ELEY, London, England. WILLIAM F. B&UFF ULLIAM E BRUFF, 1872. London, England. England d&w 5 10 5 10 5 10 ‘ sPLEXDID | $10 ENCRAVING CIVEN AWA\ The â€" Hearthstone SUBSCRIPTION ONXLY $2 a YEAR, will contain, for 1872, the following new features in addition to those found in it at presént, rendering it the |_| _ + BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA, entitled A New Story by Victor Hugo relative to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, ublished by special permission of the au A new story by Miss entitled COLONEL BERKRYON‘S _ ENTANGLEMENT and equal in interest to the previous works of this great autls ress. _ [ _ _ _ . _ Other new Novels by the most eminent writers will be nounJ, and printed from advance sheets. JAMES GREENWOOD, "The Amateur Casual," will contribute papers on SCENES 1NX THE LONDON STREETS The celebrated American â€" humorist MARK TWAIN will contribute original sketches, And in additon to our long list of great literary names we shall have The new American poet Joaquin Miller, mln hBo Dr. Norman IJ: i v. Dr. 4d Editor of ‘Good Words,‘ Alexinder Dumas, Erckâ€" mann Chatrian. &c. The present teatures mpaâ€"l\o Gardeners‘ Column. H d column, Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books, M rket Reports, Wit and Humour, Scientific Intelli,ence. Literary . Notes, Hearthstone Sphink, &¢., &¢., &e.â€"will be continued ; and in addition A CHLLDREN‘S CUKNER will be added, in which will be imfln id. "haplain b’fln".lta 1 , M. A., C in to Her Majesty, entitled "The Water Babies." _ Oe _ A Ten Dollars Engraving for T‘wo Dollars and a year‘s subscription to the best paper in America thrown in free. K Sample numbers sent free on applicaâ€" *tion. with club terms: Covering $30,000 worth of Watches, Â¥e wing Machines and Parlor Orginse. The St. James‘ Hotel, Having been resuilt and furnished in first : lass style, and with good Sample Room#«, will be open.â€"d by the sutscriber on WEDNESDAY, 13ith DECEMBER, *~ for the accomm odation of the travelling public. The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situat. d in the im« diate vicisity of the Parâ€" Hament Buildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be conducted in the best %IO 'u.ï¬.mdm'nhlh require. table will be supplied all the There is also Commodious \ard Room and mm,vï¬:lrlm. WILLIAM POWLEY, Delicacies of the Season, and the BAR with the cholcest brands of XLi1quors, XMAS 1871. SATCHELL BROS, The Governor General of: Canada, that ' o Mess ons choicest Muats of all kinds, baving purchased "or the .,.&'im.' festivities the following €, gho celebraced threeâ€"yearâ€"old thoroughâ€" bred Durham isteer mges, &¢., &¢, Memaeene " P Re !Imnl nos Stalls Nos. 2,‘ 5, 7 and Miuchas .9, Lower Town Ottaws, Dec. 3J, 1871. tle, and 50 head of firstâ€"class Sheep the whole of which were brooght at great exâ€" pense from the West. . The above will be on exhibition at their P. 8.â€"Their Pork btall will be found comâ€" Mvfl.“nh«hdhï¬. Hams Bacon, Spices, Rounds and Rolled Boef, Sau» _ As witness our hands this first day A.D. 1871. a Fovenkes 40 ie everoy wWX. anooul.bï¬ FRED. H. HUNTOK. ship lately subsisting between the un THoMaS BUNTON, WILLIAM mu FREDERICK H0UGH. TUNâ€" HUNTUON, as Wholesale and Retail Dry Goods Merchants, at the City of Otta. an le and firm of "T. HUNTON sm.ï¬naw."â€"-m first day of November, instant, dissolved by mutual consent, so far as regards the same William Shoolbred, who on that dnx.» tired from the concern ; and that all debts due and owing to or by the late firm, will bomdndndm the said Thomas Hunton and . Houghton Huntonâ€" _ ‘which took the first prize at the Provincial Exbibition at Kingston, 1871, weighing the great weight of 2,500 ibe. RAsssimt Also, 20 head of splendid Western Cat« wa, in the Cc of Carleton, under the names, uyw firm of «T. HUNTON WEDNESDAY UNXTILSATURDAY NEXT _ ~aRerRSM Jun. Witness AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMMISSION THE TERRIBLE YEAR! _** *‘ GEO, E. DESBARATS, ‘Proprietor Ottawa, Jan 8, 1872 18641 METCALFE STREET, OTTAW A, No. 43, Ridean streot, Ottawaâ€" Apply to Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 â€" 18427 Is&OLUTION OF PARTNERsHIP luhï¬â€˜-n]&*,o&n Jlo-llalq.- ¢, tC J M Graut, Reg, M D, MP " R W Scott, Esg, M P P, * ::MU Eeq. w um-mm.lq. t * cuears C T Bate & Co, * Thomas Hunton, w A._H-. orkmas, a¢ Splendid Prize List, GREAT CANADIANX WEEKLY B." 3 » "C 6 0O LR G Egieson, 8. a‘t, is hereby given that the partnerâ€" and Cigars MPORTEZRS & WHOLESALE DEALEFS \‘r K. FOOTE & o?l'ruv BmithAeld. J C Cha.berlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago J became affiicted with Broncbitis, which lasted about elghteen, montbs. I was so sfflicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time fr.quently throwing the clothes of and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the mo«t eminent pbysicians in the County of Nortbumberland for about a year, without receiving any benâ€"ft, in fact I contiouâ€"d getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" vised to try the Great Shoshoneer Râ€"m»dy. l bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about fnished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it uptil I bad t«k+n thre bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I founc that T was as well as ever T Had been previâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever JOHN SILYER. Bworn before m» at Sini.bfâ€"ld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. # J M WELLINGTON,) P cez oi WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DEBhE * Brooxiyx, April 5th, 1870. J O Chamberlain, Rs3. This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Discase. The Doctor bad givâ€"n ber up. He s«id her lnmmuhmhd,nl-oddu could not help her. ho“mï¬lmdnm of the Great Shoshonees Re . _ At the expiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better . She continued to improve becut sns es adhste mt ap. B ts contion. ‘.' , '-Myw ou may publish the facts for the beacfit of .lb.o;‘rlym SE C 0. BROWN, . That the Gazat Suounonues Kexsoy aso Puus, of the eminent 1odian ldlduln,rl)ocm LEWTIS JOSEPHUS, of the UGreat Tribe of sboshonees, British Colombia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Curer the World has ever heard of. â€" Never in the annale of Canadian Medical History has suc} succâ€"ss attended the introduction of ar; W H Y ? simply because tne numerous valuable active -d:l'nl vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Oherry Bark, rob‘::,u-. Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dande Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocynth, Jaiap, Soco, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢, &¢,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoniously classided and compounded, that it is mad« the most searthing cusative in the known world, and imounot help but act on the system in a very satistactory and desirable manner. No mstâ€" ter what your allmâ€"nt may be, or of bhow long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are trestored to petfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positivrely be reâ€" Hed upon to wake a permawent cure of ali diseases of the Tarvat, Langs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive om-, &o., &0., as well as Rerofula the various Skin Diseases, Hu-nr:Llld all diseases arising from Iopmity of Biood, +xe pting the Third Stage of Conâ€"umption. Further informativn, with full directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, «nd containing Pestimonials and Cert foates of CJures, can NM&Y‘mrlum Treatis», the Hand Bouk, or t Almanac and Uirealars from any respectable Druggist in tho Dominionâ€" fre_. Price of Remedy invlarge Pint Bottles. .$1 00 Pilieya Bok................«...«â€"_ 26 ww* Patent Knife Clean machines, Rubber and Buf Leather it have a brilliant polish equal to il'm & & new ou * Puackets, 34. each ; ud.th. 64. h-"-z and 4s. each. Pille. died‘s Waitington Ruife Poliny siould ie ons watk the Somrds, " * mht-d-uindâ€"thogndhd Bull in Canadaâ€"for sale. His full pedigree can be ascertained on application to the Plain and Ornamental Engrayer, Corner of Sparks and Klgin Streets, over James Hope & Co.‘s, Ottawa Visiting Cards engraved and printed on the ‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ @rTEAs AbDD WI>~ES3, & Fab. l1st. Proclaim the Glad Tidings In solid bloocksâ€"1d., 24., 44., and 12. each. Terms : beral. Ottaws, Nov 8, 1871 Cure ot Bronchitis LEXANDEA RALSAY, C6PITAL 8STREKT J. & W. THOXSON, 1885 dk&w if Nepean MCONTREAL 5* A J Mb ([.V i 1'\WA T _L‘IMB" 18158 In CASY GIFTS to be distributed by the MERCHANTS & BANKERS AsSOCIAâ€" TION OF NEW YORK. 100 Gold Watches......... . 275 Bewing Machims ...... 75 EKlegant Planus ,....... M “.l“ we ne a e 64 6# 8 Caâ€"h Gifts, Mliver Ware, etc , 300 220 550 A chance to draw any of the above prizes for 25 cents. ‘Tickes describing prizes are sealed in nxq-‘nd well mized. On 16â€" ceipt at 25(¢ents a sealed ticket Isdrawn with: out choice and sent by mail to any address. The prize natmed npon it will pe delivered to the ticket holder on payment of $1. P:is s are immediately ‘sent to any address by ex m-. mail, / "You know what your prizs is before you pay for it Any prize exehanged for motheroflh-‘o value. N:':‘lh‘nh. Our patrons can upon fair Dg. Opinions d‘rl’u- â€"‘Fair dealing can be relied upon.‘â€"â€"New York Herald, Aug. 23. ‘A genuire «istibation.‘â€"World, September 9. ‘Not one of the humbugs of the d=y.‘â€" Weekly Tribune, July 7. ‘They give general satiefaction.‘â€" Staateâ€"Zeitung, Augs 5. References.â€"By kind permission we reler to the following: Frankl‘n 8. L â€"ne, Loals. ville, dre« $13,000. Miss Hettie huker, Char] ston, $9,000 ; Mrs. Louisa T. B‘ake, 8t. Puu‘, Piano $7 10 ;‘Samuel V. Raymond, Bosg»â€" ton, $5,500 ; Eugene P. Bracket, Pittslurgh, Watch $300; hiâ€"s Anoie Osgoode, New Orâ€" I ave, $5,( 00 ; Emory L. Pratt, Columbus, 0. $1, 00. S 12 Une Cash Gift in evcry package of 200 tickets guaranteed. bix tickets fo $), 13 for $2, 25 for $3, 50 for $5, 200 for $15. Agents want«d to whom we offer liberal nducements, and gnarantee satistaction, _ wWooOoDp CoLLINS t90, s % On the Line of the « UNION‘ PACIFIC RAILROAD. A land grant of 5 | 12,000,000 aCRES of the BEST FARMIXG and MINERAL LANDS in AMERICA. ; 3,000,000 Acres of &oleo Farming and Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Pilatte Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are in a miid and heaith climate, and for grain growing and ‘oc{ raising, unsurpassed by any in the United way® A Prize 1 Cash Gilt ... "‘m ‘f.ovo--ot +0 w# t# ns Prices from $2 to $10 pet acre. no-: for Actual Settiers.â€"2,500,000 Acres of Government Land between Omahbs ::llloflh Platte,open for entry as Homesteads 7. x P ersans of u&-mm entitled to the vbenefit of the Homestead Law, on declaring their intention to become citizens of "the United States, and may avail themselves of this provision immediately after thoir arrival. . Bend for the new edition of descriptive pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free :everyâ€" where. Address, 0. F. DaVIS8, Land Commissioner, U.P.R.B. Co. I,beg most respectfully to acquiint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May last 1 «<aused the business st 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of holloway‘s Pills and Ohho%wuch were .,bun.onrpndby liam Brown, now deceased, to be clos i. These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowleige, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, anid therefore calcplated to damage TT CCCOITOCO ie Te e reve O THE PUPLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTYH AMERICA. Mvnodomwhblobou::gdvd by ouying spurious medic w are Low likely to emanate h:'&l States or elseâ€" Mmbwuuhudfluru- ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointmwent will dc well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en« graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" ment, and that the address on the label is 533, Orford street, London, where only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world, The retail prices are on the labels ip British currency, and not in dollars and cent; No representative of mine will ever trave through any part of the British Prcevinces, o the United Btates, eith*r to sell or to tak orders for my +ills and Ointment, and as have reason to beli¢ve that attempts will ver probably be made to deceive ths public in whis way by calling upon medicine vudau,hh-:; represâ€"nting that: they ar acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptions,, I most earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" vbusing worthless imitations ot the genuine Bolioway‘s FPills and Ointment. No postaze), one of the books of instructions which are affized to the same. 1 promise to examine it, and send a reply, . stating whether uolmmmmwmnï¬:: spurious he may apply to the person whom he purchased them to have his money Chemists and Druggist@who desire to ob tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth (for which remittance -uumtu.cvao-)-mi.‘n:.cd.,au and 34s. per dozep boxes of cr;ouo‘ Ointment, nett, without discount. luv:v::buutoh, OMAS HOLLoway I would ask, as a great favour, that shouleo it come totho{:ovldltol,lly person, that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the wtklllllb.u_leolbflmpo‘oflâ€bl:.‘o, tha is to say, the name and add ess of the vendor who is selling the spurious medi. clues, and likewise the name and address t_h.aou-lntho United States, <r elsewhe e, -ucluqhnmâ€lkdtl:‘-, so ;lâ€... abiâ€" me, for the ection jof the public, to nstitute pmo-«lm againgt such evil=â€"doors, and I engage to rem: very bandsomnely any person who may give such informa 553, Ogford street, (late 344, Strand), London, W C., Bept 1, 1871 Should any person have reason to believe that be has been deceived by Nylï¬rzrh. imitations of these Medicines, be wili do well to send me, in a letter, to theâ€"address at foot (which he can do at a cost o(“dxc«nhh «4 MBR POOR MAN‘S3 FRIEN D, is confidently recommended to the Public as in unfailing remedy for wounds of every ‘dee oription ; a certain w ulcerated sore legs, burns, scalds, chilblains, scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face sore and in flamea eyes, sore heads, sore breasts pl.a‘lo.,ho hp::md.u.u..uu.,m..m‘ 228. each ; bhis | PILULA ANTIâ€"SCROPADLA OR ALTER ATIVE PILLSB, sonfirmed by sixzty years‘erperience to be one of the best alterative mxsdicines ever com= mdlnp-fl]blflnwmm in her cperations. <They form a mild and superior family aperient, that may be taken .t'gl. times without counf@nement or C *. + uofd in Boges at 13j4., 28. 94 , 48. 64., 118 <«nd 2%8, ach. es . nnot be U . HEAP FAbXM rkm®s nUuMEs "SAaUTIONX! CAUTION ! : 1884dakwl M o v 11, 1871 Meals at all times. Table and liqu CELEBRATED OINTMENT, 81,2387.118 ts Pn:tdnbh BEACH A D BARNICOTT, porse!, England, TaAWk HOFrEL, _â€" _ _ . ; Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, the informant‘s nsme nevor being diâ€" DAILY DRAWINGS. for every ticket. "@@g , £ 4 ww o l............... $100,000 | gSUMMER SERVICE OF THAINS 58 Broadway N.Y . .. $1,500,000 eb. Pullman Palace Cars now Runuing on al Day and Night Trains _ Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" mediate Stations, st ..,... . â€".. Dey Express for Toronto, at. .. .... Night Express for Toronto, at. ... . Mixed Train or Brockville, at. . ... Accommodation ‘Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a Express for Quebec and Riviere du Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" land and Boston, at...... .... 2.00 p.m Night Mail for Quebec, Island Pond, Portland and Boston..... :...10.30 p.m A Pullman Car will be attached to the Through Trains b:tween Montreal and Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekly, viz :â€"From: Montrea on Tuesdays, Thursd â€"ys and Saturdsys ‘reâ€" tursing from Riviere du Loup on Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. : o . C.J. BRY DGES, Managing Director, (Atawa, June 13, 1871 1690t GRANOD TRUKK â€" RAILWAY, These highly improved ~inventions render Electricity perfoctly nlf-ol?llc.ble, nn: ex= ly efficacious in a mild contin form on shock or unpleasant sensation @x» perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain of health and vigour, speedily agonising peins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the sluggish functions of life, and rmoarting renewe eneray and vitality to COn and after MUuNDAY next‘. the lst oi MAY, it is intended to run the Pullma Palace Cars through between Montreal an( Sarnia. One of these magnificent coaches will be attached to each Day Expresstrain leaving M»ntreal for 'l‘t;;onto, “(l’l::m rn:.‘ thn;ng:mt: Sarpia, as a Drawing Blee hn ‘ There whi aizg be one diigrbed to tack Day Express fro... Toronto to Montreal: _ The Sammer running arrangements wil. come into operation about the 1st of Juné, 0‘ which dae potice will be given. U J BRYDGES, | 7 _~â€" Managiong Dlncto}.} PULYERA4AUCHER‘8 PATENT | GALVANIC _ OHAINâ€"BAN 28, BELTS â€"AND POCKET BA BIEB rmparting renewe energy and vitallty to constitutions enteebled ty whatever | s Medicines and their deleterious connqr:;l are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily increasing number of cures effected by PULVEAMACHER‘S MEDiCOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC BYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that .t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. N. B.â€"â€"The following testimony from the dfl.&tï¬.'l‘“‘m‘lfllwï¬hfl been " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" " sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvser 4 wa0uÂ¥R‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic 4# Batteries and walvanic Appliances tor *# Medical Purposes are of great importance to * Bcientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one disposed to further the advancement of 4 real and useful progress, 4# Dated the 9th «g&:oumb, 1866. t BIR CH ABRLES L K,But.,rl.D., $ ~ â€" &.0.PB. , SIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D , F. R. 8. * sIBR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. KDW D. H. auvm M. D., M.R.C0.8. t BlbJ RANALD % E. R. 0. 8." + ULVERMAUCRAER‘8 SYSTEM is also ap _iuÂ¥v «« of by an official umounm U : i. de Medicine, Paris, College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vieuna, and its curative virtues are con» fArmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. (See pamphlet gratis). Those facts .rpulbtb g‘nuo ol every sufferer to avail himself of scientific and curative progress, to which the inventoo has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and iabour, a: an ardent ddg of that great benefactor of raankind, late illustrious electrician Mionas: Faraoy. PULVEKMACHER‘S MEDLICOâ€"GALYANâ€"~ 10 CHAINS are excgedingly effictive without the aid of medicine, h-tm‘- ofdm the seast derangement of the patient‘s and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheoumatism . Female Complaints Great Acceleration of Speed: ham Doctors, for hp’a'm’ :Mnrmlyo“d:uth-db’ ice Ohancel~ s oul, tlike HoSt) Jns alind O. °T. ageo), 7. M‘ C. 8, aites Honty Burrg Ooi:c f No Gaivanio Belts are ï¬n t those bearing the fac simile of Pailvermacher‘s signature on the label. talt A phiet containing particulars be h':d-u the Drug Stote of A.M-fl"p, dGout Lumbago ° i Blaggish Circulation Neuralgia Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysis f Liver Complaints _ Epilepey Tic Doloreuz Nervous Debility > Indigestion Functional Disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain PRICE LIbT OF PULYERMACHKRS CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Nervyous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser in the Head, 21s. to 308. ° B, CHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and Tiz other affections of the Throat, 10s. 6d. to N. YUHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheumatic Nouraigia, and Gouty PaiDs, Local Paraâ€" lyï¬ m-B‘h.. 188. to 228. and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lambago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, bo‘&muubolz,‘m to 40s and 554. B CHAIN BANDS Writer‘s Cramp, ‘r.:l-hlhc, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 408. B 00!&29'(:,““1! gum luD.Ml, Ml’ epey, .unl_ m IMNMM 00 WI to 508. 8 A D UHAl ©BARDS,BKLTS, apd OBAIN BaTTiERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly cuatoned to beware of Pueudo KRlectric Belts advertised by ‘The effects of the application of Pulver: macher‘s Chaing in any of the ‘above disorders N RAND TRUEKK k Sparkse Streot. Agents, and after MONDAY Kext, 5th JUNKE, Frains will leave Montreal as under m l & cnï¬ggow CO., : oTrawW A. Ottawa, septemper 6, 1810 â€" 1455 law _ At Junction Dzot of Grand Trunk ano Ottawa & Prescott B. K. All the facilities of a KFirst Class House,. Passengers refreshméent PRACTICAL TAILOR, &s,, Returns bis sincere thanks to ""buo of Ottawa, for the liberal patrofiagt »wed on him since bis commencement in buu:::.m m‘xsflumhâ€"udm "**/ _ sIDEAU STREET, °0_ Montreal, Agril 26th, 1871 ville, at........ LEKCLIRLCOTY i13 LLFE Full particuldrs may be had from the Bole e _ Near Division Court Office, Ottaws, May 17, 1871 1668t1 1E ©JUONRCTIONX HOTEL,"! 08 tion Train for Brockâ€" __ Galvanic Establishmen , 200 Regent Street, London, W ILLIAMS, D. WILKINXSON, 6.00 a.m 9,00 .m 9.00 ; m 11.00 a m 1455 lawky 5.00 pra 1657t GABRIEL‘S PAR TS â€"OF+â€"THE: WORLD| / CELEBRATED ]'for cleansing and improving MESSHS8S. :# the Teeth, imparts a natural fl redness to the gums, and gives GABRIEL‘S l brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 1s. 64. = GABRIEL‘3 GABRIEL‘S | 4 beautitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘S ; front ‘Teeth, and can be easily [udd. Bufficient ‘to stop six d teeth â€"Price 5s. MESSRS. GaABREL‘S MESSRS PSts . ~~HPreservinc 2 _Bexotifo 2 MESSRS, rie mertoacormccnienting c id tA n cce i. . n.. o enncocnes, [LUDCATE HiILL . Lonp on ec IMPORTANE TO RESIDENUS ABROAD Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesrs. Gabriel‘s ne« system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth:ir cases, with a remittance 0‘ Ten Shillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0o: the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions, MESSRS. GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which hay not proved satisfactory to the wenrer, A CHRI8STIE & Co., Asa family Remedy it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the Bore bhe, Colds, and Head, Oonxcmp‘ .ll tho smzpfl_& Bruises, Cra THE CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been before theâ€"public for a lengtl of time aud wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance tc give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely used, and we have never known a single case of dis:tisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" 1owed, but on the contrary, 2!1 are delightua with its operations, and speak in the highes! terms of Its virtues and magical effects, We speak from experience: in this matger having tested it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the comâ€" laints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy, | QDuNTALGIQUE ELIXIR This e::wm Mouth Wash is P most ng, it strengthens MESSRS the gumes, eradicates tartar and } AB‘IIL’B{ allinjurious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" tificial teeth is invaluable s Price 5s Fuall directions fur use enclosed in each box May 11871 The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfu: success in subduing the torturing pains 0i Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affcoâ€" ions, entitle it to a high rank in the list o1 Remedies for these complaints, Orders are coming from Medic¢ine Dealers in all parta of the country for further supplies, and each test tifving as to the universal satisfaction i givek. *‘ The Canadian Pain Destroyer never tails to give immediate relief, All Medicine Dealer: keepit Physicians order and use it ; and no family wili be without it‘ after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"five Cents per bottle. NORTHRUP & LYMAN. Bold in Ottawa by H F McOarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John Roberts, J P Featherston, Georgte Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medicine is confidently recommended to the Public as an unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore legs, burtis, scalds, bruises, chilbkains, scorbu. llob::-.d tons, and pimples in the face, sorâ€" and eyes, sore heawds, sore breasts, pla:c., ac. > in poté, 13id, 2s 94, 4s 6d, 11s, and 22%s each ; and his PILULE, ANTI SCROPHULAE or ALTERâ€" ATIVE PILLS. "THz& POOR MANSB FRIEND, Thomas‘ Eclectric Oil! Worth Tena Time its Weightin Gold. Do you know anything of it. £~¢. {lb“yo:‘ Pain cannot stay where it is used. Itjis th« cheapest Medicine ever made. One dose cures common Sore Throat,. One bottle has cured Bronchitis. Fiity cents worth has cured an Old Standing Cougn, One or two bottles cures bad cases of Piles and Kidney Troubles. Six to eight applications cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inffiamed Breast. . On« bottle has cured Lame Back of eight s standing. Daniel Plaak,ofBrootlold,‘m‘ County, Pa., says: "I went thirty miles for a bottle of your Oil, which effected a Wonâ€" derfal Cure of a Crooked Limb by six appli cations.‘‘ â€" Another who has had Asthma to: o ns o ie 1t is composed of Six of the Best. .Oils thas are known. Es as good to take As for.externa! \-,.uuuumwulwy-p dor to m ever made. _ Will save you much and many dollars of expense. Is sold by one or more dealers in every place. ‘ y'†s.-N THOMAS, Phelps, P N. N Y and RORtHRUP * LYMAN, Newontic O!t:,“l.“‘.““mm‘ % _E pep m w.i%_ s <pot .. _ and sold by all Medicine Vendors. Beptember 28, 1871. _ _ years srays: "I have half of a 50 cent bottl« left, and $100 would not buy it if I could get no more." Rufus Robinson, of Nunds, N.Y., writes «One small bottle of your Eclectric Oil re stored the voice wlere the person had not spoken above a whisper in Five Years." Rev J Mallory, of Wyoming, N.Y., writes: "Yow Eclectric Oil cured me of Bronchitis in One Week." â€"Dealers all over the country say ; «We bave never sold a medicine that ha flrnmh-eooglot.o_% : as ‘,«t‘." coucher. Residenceâ€"Albert strooet. Offies hours frow 9 tu 11 a.w., and 3 to 4 p.m. B@" Special attention given to dismage n1 disolacements of the uterus. â€" . {$75q \# AKADIA® PAIN DESTROYER Prepared only by N Ottawa, Nor 3, 184" PREPARED ONLY BY Nors â€" Homesopathic Pbysician, burgeon & Ac. November 30, 1870 Bwn'.c'h‘Ohdlm Morbus Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, L. RuBEXTS CELEBRATED OINTMENT, 1L0GAYX, [ CORALITE TOOTH PASTE \ Enamel, for stopping decayed ! Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. , ( OSTEOâ€"ENAUEL STOPPING | warranted to remain white anc ‘flrm ue the Tooth iitself. This Medicat. for Toothache. This extraorâ€" dinary .?pllation, marvellous in its effects, gives immediate relief vghont injuring the t nd forms a temporary m. Price 18. 1}d4. «©8EDADENT" 0 R C UR by Her® Majesty ; gives the Felth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. ROYAL DENTIFICE preparedâ€"from a recipe as used WHITE GULIPTA PEBCHA BEACH & MARXICOTT Bridport, Dorset, England +PREPARATIONS \ Agents for Ottawa, «16377 * 1811 1872. winter> arraxarkurExt. 18 11:00| 9â€"00 12 _"l “q.‘ OM! t Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, | | | &0., bYy RBILWBY .â€"»s.sssnsessseses ensessers on aunene seones | { »..... 12 10° 900 Halifar, N.B., and St. JORRN. NB ..2.....2sc00000 0e .00 .00 |.......... 9 og § Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Matter posted up to 930 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Bupplemany package the same night. * On Money order Offices throughout the Don and Prince Edwaidisland, can be obtained -'Dopduwiuuroodndotthu Office. Interest allowed al t cent per annum, and Depasits can be withdrawn at any time. oFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO T P.%4 ramomms.flmsukbwu- from 10 a m to 4 p im paid and unregistered matter can be sent. Provincial Land Surveyor and Draughtsman, commissioned for the Provinces of Quebec and Ontario. Office. Avimer, P. Q. 1732 t l:nzc" nts "ï¬m e ®, the ‘.uk. ssr:::'t,‘oua.. 22†V:‘ for Trust and Loan Co. ® W. £. Tamstis. 105 â€".â€"lfty 11. 1.30 t# inlovn'- Tiock, Sapport B . piB®: % , 88 * * Rursazzozs.â€"H ASims, 1.3513'6: Philaâ€" hl?h Thos Fuller, Keq, iteot, Alha& Dr A‘rl-t.. P.,.Ottawa ; Thos Reyrolds, E8y Managing Director 0. & St. L. R. R. 140. PROF. HERMAN‘S Which is known to be * C vatthrar : «brpeg voor: / + > Far Buperior to anything ever yet Dis= “‘m*&"‘"‘“ 9e covered f aonrir.1 hA l For killing Rate, Mice, Insects on Poultry | D..Aw‘:&n onwh*mwmm“th!oflU’uunuï¬o..-.uCp.-. S SWt in For or Scab on Sheep or Gonts ; also | _ N. B.â€"â€"Speciai atrention » on(xtao,tc., &c¢., in less than Tou Minutes, | of aiseases of the KY & and 4 wt;'rda:.u-ucu.pur.cm;amrbew--}g“m"" % Packete Dollar, 5cte. | 3 & j !‘-mlhhw::'aud g‘:e from :ll bad | Um‘“m;&fna- * smell ep in any Climate. It may | =â€"~ ns be q‘indnyvhm without risk asit is gu:te | |})® MeDoUGALL, ‘M“ harm{ess to Oats or Dogs, ss will uot | Office, Rideau v eat it. <€ *:’ iunnonlDtu!nou' Roegide g D R AINâ€" PIPE/DEP O T , * * ‘ RIDEAU STHEST, | _ _ ESTABLES HED 18 660. WN. M. 5OMERVILLE,Successorto W. Ma _ FaARLANE. Martuss â€"Of all desigas in Italian and Amer ean Marble and Marbelised Siate, Jrates, Fouad ers aad Mobhiments and Headetones of Soottish Granite, “flnfl Plots, Oresting, Duort Guards, W dtahz;ehup.hu Doore, Pipe Kings, and every ription of Buillders Cnimney Cans, Drais Piprs, Vont Linings, Fiower Vases, Fire Bricks, Fire Clay, &o , &0 Masons Maliets, Agene7 «/ «utent N. edie Labriâ€" ~/ P _ BAMERVILLE, Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuracrosyâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, EKagland y : The above discovery bhas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prizs medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Kxt:ibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besid« s numerous Testimounials #fll‘f" Oacu-lmm Kavanagh, Groocei. ellingtonâ€"st . ; John Hill. Tea Pot. Rideau. 6t,; Blcombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Camberlandâ€"st.; for New Bdinburgh J. W. Proctor & Co.; tor Ayimer, Mr. N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian ho'{nou, are J. Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 22 187‘ 1671 iÂ¥ HOTEL RESTAURAXKT AXKD BAR Contzacts made for advertising in eithe; or all of the above papers. PostTt oOFFICE,, OTTaAw| UOHRISTIE, Commission Merchant an i e General Agent. SBole agont for Road i wines andProof fllhhy‘lnln. Dawes‘ Laâ€" Alesiand Porter. Pork, Flour, &0.,for sals. Orricn : No. 5, Sparks Sureet. near the Russeli suse, Ottawa city, C. W . Post Office, Ottawa, Fob. 1, 18472 montreal, March 2, 1871. «PQRTANT NOTICEK. CLOSE HISTLE & Co., Laad Burveyors, Lanc es . 1 oueuke Office, W.llington Strcet, Agent for the Oftawa Times. FERMIN DESTROYVER, Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M. + Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.00 A.M. F A Supplementary Bngfol: o-m:fln Steamer will be closed at 12.30 pr., .‘4 THE COSMOPOLITAN, |'Ti---wm= LN MONTHEAL, i:,:.,‘,;,“:“....*"p TFAWA MALBLE WORKS 12%.10 FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. secses see sessee ces RAREK CHAKECE: 46 64 secses ons | essessen® C. RKAINXBOTH, ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MA .10 sese aes | seeee seceee A. GRISOS, Miscellanecous. Office. Aylmer, P. Q _â€"_ _ |(_, &o.; und WBstOTR, U . B...... secsssses »oveeee > aeee > $ Fort Garry and, other pleces in the Province ef | lnhohâ€"lni(l du:-uhod daily via Windsor, . } Ont., and M&.lie » hes °°‘ British Columbila (and Vancouver Islsnd) Maile } despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and | | San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as Te ] | l other 'p.m of the Dominion, J o. o9 United States, via UREOREDHKE »â€"<c.«««««.11s >«4>+> ra+ rnunn+09 is ._Jx.-pcv dle, Merrickvilie, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R Frrerie 'loï¬h Gower, Kars, &0., per St. L. & 0. Railway ........ ,m,,,,}o-.ood‘. Russell, &o per _ do . do _ ....,.... ¢ » Pertkh, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Ca "â€32 ‘ nada Central Railway........ ies reriemizens whos ; o ! z Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &6. per Canada Central Fececsee | RARilWBY »s»ss0000 . »a« »« ereeee sesessess anseneect aeseen008 seones z 4+30) AyImer &DE HUll,...... «e soseciees sessesees seserm s aeveness 4:30 Rardley and Opslow, by AyIMOr, &6...........ossccses > «> ‘ Lowe: Ottaws, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€". ©.00| 1: ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &0.....................«« \Maroh, HUntlGYACRIP», &0. ... .ssss000» sessssese seepevere seeeees _ | ( Chelses, Wakefield, North Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" aessesne | zdhu Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" | € mediate Ofises, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays 46 s ......“l'o-plom, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays 4.30‘Ne# Edinburgh The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & O. Railway. â€" North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre, Packenham, &6, rPOsT OFFICE SAVINGS BANK Travelling Agent. DE .A I L.fSS . MONEY ORDEKLS -‘ f he Dominion, Great Britain and {rviand, Newfouniuy, BRITISH MAILS at this office~ Also Postage Btamps,anily i0K 6 qUEERL » & ra Ago V»rner of Meteaife and Wol posite the main entranceto the iage. i he * QU RKN"somprises all arstâ€"class hastans ant. TheHo D O*CON RDU i , Artorneyâ€"at Law J #in Chancery, Conveyammonr, &6, treot. Ofice, Uni Buildings, Jta®® R . L. MA 1 GCK,, Aéu-'-ou © citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , *ublic, ana P steu: m;?u‘du-. = nediately of po.ite «ussell wouse, Kigine ; «+8 & Geam .H.‘-q ‘4 ,~..s..UI8 , Uor vey ansert *6, Quurt uouse, UstkW& . â€"> & Kossnt Lewve. loutt J‘Ld elicacy ofthe seas.a wiil be found nzld:uflbuu(ubvllh i rt AB sDa * * SH o:‘m-omo.-f“ sto.. Auil se »ppositethe Jourt Aouse and Publi# JaTHARLN so, vat. + . a0VGKTON, (Late of MA 1paciout cavellers. ‘L sor a Are «4ss #wili be salied THE COMMERCIAL .â€"v . 22 2. fB. . Abccctatrind ".“w- ;\cmuhï¬"l 1 Good Wines and Liquors warre9404 _ ; [HE TIMES is printed and l‘f,: Tas Ormawa Togs Pryn® #**" ". . VW an 0 T. DAR" AWL 4. d:“m Ouw.:‘hq 1 :1 the Poace and Jountios of Prescott and Russeli. ( Jourt House, L‘Urignal. 4 NnUQTabLY PUBLLOC. h "<o. .. S 4 .‘w a next the Fost Office. y _ E am 7$‘. 1e CH aRLES M«+ECIL, ' 3 wy mA ..g.‘ n Omo-dlrrTom’g" phonke real _ . o Cron dence in rear of French , ost ; Business attended in Oteus s0d By Commend,. , â€" . trice Courts of the County of Ot#**. _ mu‘. sÂ¥. Lu-ul-.- a« #0»8 PHUYÂ¥y _ » ‘ s 2 n m rmmpmommmmmmmmmmem won Barristers, Attorneys at u syalt M Cbancery, Conveyancers, N e sA d > A Advocetes for the Provinces of | \_~___â€" â€" CABTAG] LIGHT & CLKBIOW, e Â¥8 An-‘-wm.ul-â€" Jouvey £aoers , otaries Public, imses . Untarieand Quebes. a »thse. ‘ 1CHOLAS 8P ALKE®, i U neyâ€"stâ€" Law, imoer, &o. OMceâ€"Lang‘t ‘pposite the Post Office, Uttawas. E As+ MKARA, Architeot, Offce Buildings, Rideanâ€"si., OHAUE Solioitem as. Oihceâ€"<Meigt ¢ & Bolicitors, #c. O ti deauâ€"streot, Ottawa. 4Â¥ mutix Moserove. â€" 1404 â€" Ozo% .:m.dm , and every attention W6W 5 JOln _ Jice over Duric‘s Bouk dtofe, JUAW®. r i Arr esd e peige y J Interest allowed al the rate ol Farp | l~ur. i« RORAL * $A1L008) _ w sus4i> 6134EER 0 â€" Alun Haviog now changed hen is, :’ «t ..-u,n,.u.r.cs-;." BAR L %‘l OKceâ€"Ooarnor of Yass â€"z a0d N. B.â€"Collections '“"a the Provinces of Oatativaa) Quebs. < W. W. WALB, ® # Advosate, &1., opposice che 6 man o ie on L1CKWICK HOVSEK, OCTuhk HESDKA*SON, 1mum»xe Comuraxy, at the Ollt f Number 12, Wellington t Her M«jecty‘s 1 acatre)» Oont® l Ottaws. Jlnum 0. ARCHAMBAULT, Motets ant DWA AVERLLY LROVSKE, _ onl Retablished 1861. 11,.00 . & O.R. , poer St. L G. P. BAKEL, Pytamite R,/«¢ & u* Corper James 11,00 £,00 11 op U . % s. "';:l‘l. souss ons | y uze be *4 Jous A. Macponaup P t _ Cil, to consruct tatihc Ocean tomarit .. ~"*o all to whom these vyOL V «K (L&] fut Pacific Railws construct & } No. 88 The" 144. the Great‘ { bth Fob PROCLA Tor an Act D t â€" f the a , #&o. ven that : sgodiry" â€"<qx*Â¥ of . to t 1%. 1871 i e t# LISG i6 &I A W to