Id¢t+4 t at re"" . and 3 t A ovet Â¥e *4 . tai lrom ps : vyOL VI .*;." a%t 1me To $ iBed to a henlthy of Gout, Rhe vo8, Souryy omm Chest Complaints, mm _ . SAPARILLA ] ..“ubxamolwl"l- | it srikes at the root of all Disease its wonderful power in restoring flb a healthy state. i i@* certain remedy for Scrofuli, ; and General Debility, all diseases i Rheamatism, lndir T , Bronchial Aftecâ€" Complaints, and all other di from an impure state ol the accompany °‘l°h5°"“'* = COMPUuUND SYRUP Of m....jnoouur, is supplier USCAN‘8 â€"â€" * "PBOM LONDON. Meduay, via Halliac, N 3, and 8t John, N B, Wednesday, 3rd April HootHind tor Quebec and Montreal dircct wm.lfl-lzfl ~AERERE: do do do â€" 28th do and direct ev ry Wodsesday thcreafter, FROX QUEBEC. THHHAE ««.«.« @«««11.... â€" Go. _ Jith do _ And every Tuesi+y thereaftor. of Passageâ€"Quebec to Loadou~ %e0, s.cerage, $24. tickets from all polnts West at mtes. CortiGcates, iâ€"sued to pera)ns of preâ€"pasing the passage of theit to Canada. â€" Through Bills of Ladiog ean â€" the continent, and in London for of Cunada, and in the United States * .::la., Chicago and other Â¥reight or Passege apply to Temporâ€" lfla‘mu Billiter Street, Lon« doe ; & Weeks, Barbican Piymouth; Ross &,Co., Quebec ; David »bhaw Montreal * _ C & CO~S8ISGBHA, Calitnardn you seay Arhiny y = * * 1‘“-1 this Line are intended to sail as follows during the scason of ““u 1871 London. Quedéc, (’ LHADA CENTRAL RAILWAY TEA X wexur sreur coandnicition LADY LYNCETT, 01 OE3 TAJUS, .‘.'-‘? is intended to ‘be despatched from LIVERPUOL for QUEBEC and MON TREAL on Wiuth leare to SATURDAY, 13w APKIL, (Fo be followed Weekly) in Carrying goods at through rates to ind Canadian Towns and Chh-tz the 'n ot freigh apply 1a lerms ight or passage Liverpool to Dankeriey & Steinmanrc, 43 Tower Buildings, Water Street, or William Hunter & Co., £xchange Building:. Agent in Montreal. pAVID SHAW. * March 4 1871 1914.1m. MEDWAY, Or other of the above named first class * We make a speciality of these English ‘made Bedsteads, and import them direct. R mc.'.“.fl“piub,lndh-flifl Pn en Acsierantien io or small. m-mm““" fee early spring delivery do well to order at once. * s;.' 3f., 3ft. Gin., 4ft. and 4ft. Cin. < all different and besautiful patâ€" And Montrea!. Temporley‘s Line. a,,-ï¬m-dd to. C.C give way Receipts reliev ; shippers from all further trouble WÂ¥RPOOL, QUBBEs AXD J NNR AL, March 4, 1871 MBRST sPRING ARRIVAL!! WRHODUGHTC IRONX BEDSTEADS, : berman or hotels. x Tinware â€"as usual, wholesale and re> ; tail. « P H. MEADOWS & Co., G 33 Nussex Street. F Ottawa, March 4, 1872 1916 Uhe First Class Steamship «â€" TÂ¥X Y A NZ A ," «TEAMXSHIP LINE. sates for furniture and Cartage Agency Corner of SPARKS AND EKLOIN #TREETS, w Mope*s Hook Storte» | Bird Baths, call at . Queenstown otf Movilie. K. JORNO‘.L‘. § ToE and Montrsal, IF OF SAR (O) 19832. first class Powoâ€" Tuesday, Tth U y do 1 th go do #ist do do 18th do MONTREAL NILE NIGER, TWEED SEVERN pPOTUOMYAC, NYANZA, TIBER, TRENT. k Cl x : 14 C red first class (J‘C e despatched smndlofl 1 PRKIL, (J :â€.)ou., In B M-.c.a 4 et, or William C Butie Platters, Bra Platters, STEAMXSHIP ~COMPAXNY. CHANGE OF SAILINXG. WroAwW A. The steamers of the Liverpool Mail sailing from Liverpool every Thursday, aad from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Loch 'oylebmdwolM.‘-‘-‘n-‘ Passengors to »nd from Ireland and Sootland are intended to be despatches from Quebec: l871. 'wxxx:t-lvwl. 18’11 I»\SSENGERS Booked to and from Calling at 8t. John‘s, N SomndldA® &0 â€" .. .ce es s «es ® ..‘ ‘->;i O e MC IRRVIRQ .... se e e s« e e as »+++ .m se a## w ae® e h# 04 6# # # w.aoo.o we ve 44 a #4 044 # # * * The stearmers of the @lasgow Line (saillog trom (Gizsgow every Tussday, and from Que hoh..(::o'uuowcmy‘ll-lhy aro it | to be despatched from Que bec @lasgow Line. Dates of Sailing are as follows . (RILNTHIAN, Oct. OTTaAwW A 44 «AsamMik 4* T. DAaVID &4 «x.i M 8T. PATRICK m‘.;...-’....-oo-.oo-....o.-oo"-z :ln.l. Berths wot secured until pald Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. h-com.n“bg“ ou'olm.ou“ï¬-“ or particulars D woo.f'm 1e C s : Fares from Ottawa, cabln..,.... .. _â€"â€"@*!° i7 Intermediate..... .. ....«......@#AT Of 44 g CAFITAL... .. .... . ... .. «.. JtAAA ANNUAL INCOME, over... .. 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... .. 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE . . EONIK ...... .. «« «««r14., oOnale ‘There having been added $736,200 to mmm-nwdh&-d Liverpool Londonderry tLlasgow. the past year. MONTREAL OCEAN ;vtiovnv.dorï¬pod‘ Ottawa, May 6, 1871 ___ 8V% {" OYaL iNSUkaNCE conPanY, se FIRE and LIFE, ___ _ and Elgin is in no way aftected by the recent Chicago, the Company having no doing business in that city. LeBs, &8 i4 *aRBOLE: And every »60 0 pool«. &¢c 1A LBULIO suaP ~HLORIDE OF LI 1+A4RBOLL : POWUER. 10Â¥ o¥‘s FLUID 14LOR iLC 4, Cuu.lxmnm rPATENT NObâ€" CONDUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS AND PIPES uoro@mu-muw 8# ,,+30 per cent in fuel, and steam pastes through any length of Piping covered with the u..-wq'b?- f Extensively used in the Eastern and Western States and throughout Great n-hhhl:d by the British Admiraity and American NaÂ¥vy.â€" YOPPERAS Ortaws, January 30. ISINFL.TANTsS FORK SALE Qoim «r Ur Disint €6 4 LaG ie °t waak Sqeaent Nee C209A a plied, while it saves a large per centage of ruladuuumw.u Works of the Parliament and Departmental Muhqu! o..wo.u,mmacnsu-m A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &#¢. ‘ . Cfllblm.b-u Ricbardson st., Montreal, + P. 0. Box 844i, Bole Manufacturers in the Dominion 1. MUNROE OLEARY, |__ RO Â¥Oâ€"CHLOB AiU a, 4 dB.. 2. oo ~tumdisctpit ' m“. #% Ottaws, Nov. 20. 181. ___________ Y 1 P"Juï¬ OLAssICaL sUHOOL _ ..IAHMS W orcester Collegs, Oxford), late ‘Assistont Master of Trinity College School, Port Hope, intends openiag .~â€-~l‘w~w. High twatimonials and refer noes cad be given both in Ottawa and m"' o ooce tips, ticulars, apply to _ mmum _ _ * Liverpool Line. t. John‘s, N. F. FROM QUEBEC. | . flm inst. After that date, at Otâ€" tawa. the N B â€" Private puplis will """‘,;,‘.u "q-' a a # # # @ rtum 4, for thew 0 in P 64 44 A. CHWRIRSTIE & 0O , Draggists, Sparks street. w. F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada. Â¥ 5« i www ww ET e e a4® +« 00.' '. a ## ® -o‘o‘... F1 1. 1« Met # . . $10,000,000 C D¢atmat & 4 DMâ€"Anfecti s January 6 stt IH Nonâ€"poisonou» 599tf a7 10 10 14 Ki * mecuuriet T thoe hn Oe to Mmfl .nx« Te ait poloit ies ALTERAPION OP RUNNING OTTAWA RAILWAYâ€" Wt n Charge for bertha, 50 cents. Sure connections with all the G T trains both Rast and West, as this Company‘s trains walt their arrival when lase Twenty minutes allowed at Prescott Juncâ€" tion for refresb ments. Trains are run on Montreal time. THOS REYKOLDS, Managing Director, Ottawa. BR LUTTBRBELL, Buperinteadent, Priscott, Ottaws, January 1, 1872 No. In Bond or Free And also in Wood or Bottle Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martello Brandies, DeKuyper‘s Gin, J MAND FROM WENESDAY, 3rd Jao., trains will run as follows ; Onmtoertable Botea Cars on No pmrge es t n vo tds 34 Gh"l'u and Scotch Whiskics, &o. A large varicty of ky Ports, Burgunadies, Sherries, Cham Sauternés, &o., of choice quality ..‘Nn..o'h’rh-. THE GREEK AS USUAL DOW"S A LE in cask ér bottle. _ Engiish Ales, Porters, &¢. Â¥inest F:.each Wine Vinega: 8# â€" ;10 0p#n 54 | PRINCIPALâ€"MRS ROBERT mwur.‘Mo-" TO LOAR. In this Extablishment, delightfally sita :ted S : in the wost healthy part of the ..!{.y,... The Subscribers have received a > â€"â€"| Ladtes may recéive a sound l-.u...'n-ï¬tinvm&.nponm + Freach Education, with Board, for $100 a Nomhh‘-m Apply to J. -llycfl.r‘n-w Mlho-ubrtdC-Dm scorner of SBussex alf is MdyMMMY«kM«bI&)nmN up~ | be made. WELAS & ©0., Toronto. ‘: J::ym will re open on the 3rd o. ..l-.nmi * F 1817 "* | Crtawa. Dec 19 18{1 â€" 1857!awhdivt M"'""l--' ireat cockrille and Jttawa sailways Express at 7:30 1a.m., 105 pa., «ad and 8: 20 p m LEAVs SAND POINTâ€"1:2#H am, #15 and 9: 35 p m ‘Trains on Canada Ceptral and Perth Brac: b make certain counsctions with all wains n ‘:w:"ï¬h .-llo‘l‘.-- um“lhmw' * H. ABBOTT. s amt «ftet NONDAYF, PEBRUARY 19th, 18712 Trains will run as follows : ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES | Corner of Wilbrod and Gloucester _ , Ottaws, Dec 29, 1811 PRINCIPALâ€"MRS. ROBERT STEWART. hummï¬mlym.u in the wost healthy part of the dt{.!oua Ladles may recéive a sound English and l‘,::th Equcation, '.M'Th‘ ï¬tt'l'“:‘ um r'-rhmy .,'Iinluoh:dl The aflnl will re open on the 3rd o January, 1871. _ Ottaws, Dec 29 1871 1857lawhd&=t press going Rast and West. mmnup.-.pflvlqd-ub ville at 9.35 7. m ABRRIVE AT ï¬ARD POINTâ€"1:40 pu, 115 am 550 p m Brockville Feb.11,:811 19v2y Just Received H. M. RO WE 8 celebrated BULK AND CAN 1 00 p m arriving at CH inA OARD ALHD RDUVCATIONH, g@oIxo xoRTH. DJ$ WINE V METCALFE STREET. wWHISKIES, HIGHWINE3, &4 The Italian Warehouse. J. U C. DELES DERNIERS gor8g soUTH $100 PEX YEARâ€" LEAVE BROCKVILLE. Broad tGauge Roule a a o a @# # * SEASON COMMENCED Do do Rxpros: trom West trom Webt D!"hF-J_ oYSE TER®, To AMATaWA. _ Mail for West Do Express tor KMiagstoan k:-o-llm; tatle as trata tot Mail from the Rastand W esnt i Ih ving at Otmws at Hand Point at 1:a0 Motcalle street. A* Alaib oTTAWA WEDNESDAY. MARCH YAULTS. Artive in 10:25 a m l13 15p = att rescott ... PER GALIUN 410p m #:25 p m €:15 a m YeTHLRS. 1 is now an established fact _ you #ant any f@rstâ€"class BHANDIES or W.NES3, and. the best Family GROCERIE3, you must go to ygo_* y Thos. Patterson‘s. "NaAUVITSâ€" ; ‘Ot all kinds, the very Anest PO.m & ALEA ~ 1REOCT IMPOBTATION® y_«‘** The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b }-.“' WINEâ€" ewer ( idand Pale, very fine gualities. and at coron wWHBKLKLESâ€" PLANED LU MBER of all descriptions. * RUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER A larg» stock of the above will be kept con stantly on hand to suit purcha«â€"ers. . a SsHINGLES X XX, XXX. APANSâ€" Of the first grades, vurious prices, good N. B â€"Farmwe.s from the County of Carleâ€" to can enter the, mill jard by Broad Street, apwalt~ Brewâ€"r7; gate Chaudlere, Oct. 36, 871 _________ 1805tt _ â€" . *X h’“-,. c yR OS ‘ & ‘ &p smcdinay Pinnts 2 9B a "~ _ _thR0°.‘PATTERSON‘8. Ottaws, December 23. 1871 .. . LACK TEASâ€" OrFPEES~â€" “'. 8 FALLZS, mcï¬oann REAL ~ESTATE AND wnv.mmg AGENT, AND GENERAL CUMMISSION The best old pra: ds, Pure and Mild: PER x CanpLEs, FAXCY 8OAPS%â€" Rest Toilet, " London®" make, to ordur One trial will prove the quality. «HAUDIEZ#E STEANM MILLS, Fine Old Vintages (120 years), mt . ,reltable for family use and medtâ€" Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, ‘ Heuces, Jams and Jellies, from th« Crosse & Biackwell‘s â€" Sellin; Oheapâ€"really good. sTEAN BISCUIT BAKERY * "claal purposes, At e Pui«Malt Just received, a supecior lot of the best Brands, im ported this Season, quite treah and fragrant.â€"Try //A«m. To buy Biscuit, Oracke â€":V ,VM' fectivnery of all kinds. ind t PROXPTLY ATTEXDED TO by DaWIEL MORRISON, Proprister Nos, 36 and 38 Ridea 1 Stroet, Ottawa. _ »+LWAaYSs O8 HAND CcosFEC!IONE Y E8STABLISH YENT |.uwxr AND LOAN COMPANY UPPER CANADA WHo. 43, Rideaun stroeoet, ~__ _ ON REAL ESTATER Eram $400to any amount, on approved se¢a«rity No. 26 Rldeas Stre t uamwâ€"mm- J M Onrrler, KReq, M _ P, ; J @ Grant, Re«gq, M D, M P . " BR W Soott, Esg, M P P, * and sound, 0s8€Y TO LOALX. Old BRye and Highwines, Anest â€bï¬â€˜..‘a‘m iAXUFPACTURERS OFf »1acx IN CENTHAL CaNADA C JOGH® ROCRESTER & Co. , and Ground Daily on ‘The St. James‘ Hotel, \ METCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, : arrog ht Pn othigle rows, sn be open d by the subscriber on \ WEDNESDAY, 13ih DECENMBER, a..mmumwdllnï¬"!“- The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situated in the imasediate vicinity of the Par« ltament Buildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be conducted in the best -glo flhbsfldtï¬o‘nflh require. â€" The table will be supplied all the Delicacies of the Season, umanwmmeumuu‘-d Stabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIAM POWLEY, Cmmncrn ___ Bishop‘s Block, Sussex Street. The undersigned has opened a Ne# establishment w‘l:chbhï¬t.duplfl lt cl & farniture being on N;‘h*lflhfllh‘ mfl“um Furnish tolotdthocwithoutnodl. The public are invited to give him a call and they will be treated with the utmost Ottawa, January 23. 1872. OTTAWA HOTEL, Stâ€" James Stroet Mon treal, The undersigned having assum» ed the management of this popular favorite, respecttully informs the travelling public and its former ‘patrons, that the house bas undergone many improvements, snd vhat he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable There is also Commodious \ard Room and Hotel in the city of Mantreal. cummpmem 4 mm i\ul uJUNOFIONX HOTEL,"! S wA laks oo o p o oo C t . At J Der Othnmott B a First Class House. Orn"a BHOTEL, Prescott Junction in te=* 4 , J. FRANCIS, Meals times, | Table and li cannot be surpassed. Hardwareâ€"Hardware, ‘The subscriber having Bis 'fl“uhm":‘w" artiole in the above ling at prices to suit ‘the ‘The following articles are constaatly kep‘ in stock : : Bar, Bundle and Sheâ€"t Lron Bheot Brass, &c., &0 Blcigh Shoe Steol all sizes from 1x} to 431 Gast and Blister 8:ce!l _ Proof Obain all sizes Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 18427 YJut Sawe, Grind Stones, VLLS, T ul ,° "***" lwv:-ul-.MMM"g a Als , an ondless varisty of Sh 4t Hardware Als , an ondless varisty of Sh If Hardware and Hou« Fnrélshing Goods, &0., &0 2. HWI’â€â€˜â€œM ~m..,.‘. free to anuy part of th« THCB. BIRXEKEETT, § No. 14 Rideau street, and in it persons ledaiging in that w , Mer see exponet uo so scctdeat 0 aantrr., f e ‘Yes on this Bwing *without having to contend with aay of the inconveniences met with in ordi "Tuis in noose 8 %:. seen in operation at the ) Canada Central Hotel, No 120, Sussex Stroot e t t c ca CRISON , | l 1809 SYole Ag,.‘t"foron!l-d'flol.t! Ottaws, Hov 23, 1871 B?onul-l‘ Ottamwa, January 23, 1872 . . â€" 1878:3m. SIGN OÂ¥ THE ABVIL. PLOMBERS.© CASâ€"PITTBRS GEORGE LATREMOUILLEL. 206 B zo Tin~P‘amtea [MAPY*"" " tnr an Ast .0 amend + 105 do _ Canada Plat s next Session, for an Act .0 smend the Aot: 1 Sete, Fire and Burglar prc® WNMM Railw «y oclobrat d Kershaw & Edwards wake . . . iwing power to such Company to *. â€"_ Apply to !_; wzhfl'!“""".wmm , U. P. DORION, .. 46 such points as may be fug countts s 60 Bparkse Stre:â€"t, ;..'m-hm. 4 - iMto 151 ) Ottawa, December 2 1871 : ; 18614 18eng 18] Nov. 21, 1871. 24 Rideau Street OR BALE BELL HANCERS, ac. . ery description of Work in , our line TD C . CC T * 5o mervangrade t i Axps single aud double steel :::hllmu.Odl. Puotty,â€" Glass Roche & KO“’-_’ g C og F 'ï¬b;:i‘& ‘.b T:hf U, 8. BROWNE, . of Grand Trunk ano &. ‘All the facilitise of Passengers refresh ment . WILKINXSON, aAt 1878.3m *4 .. ~JIU0iZ. Jaxe Keucr. 18 im Akw IN WONDEREUL â€"AMPROVEMEAT NN NWO wcmtrmsstennm â€" Rhertb en <il 1 This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensely to its volume. ORME & SON In mflmuunï¬on to the above improveâ€" ment e pleasure in announcing that they have been app inted agents for the So long and favorably known in Canada, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in > QOUR SHOW ROOM The merits of the Dunham Piauos are : 1st. Its durability has become a ‘proverb. p‘?::i, ll.f'zdbmmp it cannot be surâ€" ' â€" R * | ‘ 3rd. In ?olidity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. | 4th. 1t can be sold after years of uge for nearly, if not quite its original cost. | . 5th.‘ It is warranted in the most satis~ factory manner. . [ . Pamphlets containing a description ot the above improvement can be had at our establishment.>* | Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz : i . ~ 1A McCAMMON & CO., . _ __._ | «Dunham‘s Patent Hydro.Carbonated EW AND Also the celebrated MASON & HAMLIN, Alcp.-omnentorwhiohwokoeï¬con stantly on hand. â€" | J. L. ORME & SUN, | _8 Sparks Street. [L.8.] VICTORIA, by:riGnooo( Godof[t: ;n:d,‘%mn, Defender of the ï¬tc. To Our Beloved and Faithful the Sena tors of the Dominion of Ugnadnhtndtbc | Members elected to serve in the House of Commons of our said Dominion, summoned and called to a Meeting of the Parliamen t of Can»da, at Our City of Ostawa 06 the FUURTH day of APRIL next to have been c mmenced anti held, and to every one of you â€"â€"GrEsTING : A PRUCLAMATION.. ~_|_ is WHEKREAS the Meeting of Our Pa ment of Canada stands Prorogued to the FUURTH day of .the month of APRIL next, â€" Nevertheless, for certain cause» ht further . to Pronlslle uo . BAEMS . M THURSDAY, the ELEVENTH day of the month of ArRIL next, so that neither ol 0402002 on dilrics sits rocdis nirinstip i BESIEVCY you nor any â€" of you on the said FOURLti day of April next, at Our City of Quawa, w.wurmtobo held and constrained. for nnomu.nn{ and all others in this behalf in terested. that on THURSDAY, the ELEVE «1B gd:bqfn{‘o:?‘d:f?m next, at Our y 0 , aforesaid, personall Enbomd.ppurfocanBPAmH 0‘ USINESS3, to treat, do act, and conclude upon those things which in Our sard Parliaâ€" ment of canads, by the Common ‘Countcil of Our said Dominion, may by the favor of God be ordained. . > | Ix Testrmosy Wurrzor, We have caused â€" these JUur Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal of Canada to be here unto affixed ~Wirszss, Onr Right Trusty, and Well Beloved, The Right Honorable Jous,â€" Barox Lisgar, of Ottawa, January 20, 1872 DUNHAM PIANO® eight hundred and uvenz-two in the Thirty fifth year of Our Re * nsmd d( * *‘ *‘ Came GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE â€"â€"AT«= | ROWE & ANNABLES, : .‘ (§@geNear Sapper‘s Bridge. ‘Jenyy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 T sE 6 we .A Common Bedsteads... 2 25, Fm"â€"'m ARAERERRENICE TTERE U e aee on o0 tmine s > ols Common COb«fre. ..... _ 40 and upwards * Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. wards, consisting of six pleces. Polor Seta in Hair Clth, Biuck Walnat Side ‘boards, Burvaus, Washstands, Contre Tables Side Tabies, and n great rariety of cane chair :at equally low prices. | EAST END SAPPEKS BRIDGE. **** ROWE & ANNABLE. AOttawsa D« 12. 187) se Is hereby given that ud“'“'g."_"l‘_'"": Lisgar and Ballicborough, ‘in the County of Cavan, Ireland, in the Peerâ€" age of the United Kingiom of Great Britain and : Ireland, and a :Baronet, one of Our Most Honourable Privy . Council, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of" the Bath,; %t Grand Cross of Our Most guished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George,. Governor General of. Canada, and Governor and Comâ€" anderâ€"inâ€"Chief of the Island of Prince Edward." At Oor GoversXE®Tt Rouss, in Our CITY of OTFAWA, in Our Domunion, the Sscox» day of MARCHL, sicht hundred and seventyâ€"two and r+0TI0C8 and ESTEY & CO.‘S ORGANS§ CANADA. LISGAR. ? Lv-tht-am'm"‘ arliament of Canada, at its we bare ‘ and HDOD, the siume to I‘he proprietors of Johnson‘s Anodyne Liniment, Parsoo‘s Purgative Pills, and Sheridan‘s Cavairy Conditionâ€" Powders, have published a readable and instructive pam.~ phiâ€"t, which may be bad free at the storâ€"s. Have y6G a severe wr. ach or «prain? Hav you thenmwatism in any form 1 Huve you stif ueck, oi bunchesâ€" caused by rheumatic pains ? If «o. Jobnson‘s An»dyne Lisiment is a spec!â€" 1 If . t 1O ome k. fio mm 43, * Oants axb Ststcu â€" In every branch of oulâ€" tivationâ€"whother in the feld, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be order and system to insure andâ€" this truth is frmly established al experi¢énce. Anpothor great truth has also been estabiished by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the oure eBeexuile s CHo SRSSmes P t truth is fraly uuflmd experié¢nce. ' Anpothor great truth has also been estabiished by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the oure of colds, coughs, rhenmatism, and samme‘ complaints, the * Canadian Pain Destroyer," 441 the most reliable _ For sale by all Druggist | ani country deaiers. wrice, 25 cents per . bottle Sprexmric Irexs.â€"A w iter in Putnam‘s Magazine says : It is a curious fact that: there is never a white colt nor a black calf. ‘The whitest horse was blackest in its | birth. and the jet black cow was unmixed | red." Whether this is correct or not, we | cannot positively say, but this we do beâ€"‘| lieve, that t e best medicine for removing | pains form the system is the «* Canadian . Pain Destrover."" In cases of rheumatism, sprains, bruises r severe colds and summer Lomfhinu, it stands unenualled. For sale by all Dmuiuundoouutrydoahn. Price . COCOâ€"GLYCERINE nou rish the hair. 25 cents per bottle COCO GLYCERINE removes dandruft \ Bz wisez.â€"Too often a cold or slight | cough is considered an ordinary, t.rifling‘ aftair, just as well left to go as it came, and | hence systematically neglected until a | simple curable affection is converted into | a serious pulmon«ary disease. The more pmdontumtkusoough or cold should never be trified with, promptly use « Bryans ‘s Pulmonic Wafers," which have sustained "their reputation â€" for over. 30 | years. They are always efficacious, and Pibca Prad pabosnary en on wrhk bron organs, Druggists and country merchants. Frice 25 cents per box. VÂ¥err Natcrar.â€"When a person HAZ | proved an article and found m and | answering the purpose for whi it is inâ€" rended, he wili not readily abandou it for one of aoubtiful reput«ation, or concerning which hetknows nothing. We are led to m «ke these remarks owing to the course always pursued by those who have used that celebrated and truly valuable horse medicine kuown as * Darley‘s Condition owders and Arabiin Heave Remedy." All are so well pleased with it thit they will not use auy other, many ‘have waited «everal weeks until the agent cuuld obtain a new â€mply. There is nothing equal to it as ition medicine, or for any comâ€" plaint affecting the wiud of horses. Re wember the name, and see that the sigâ€" m 4 h. u......_.d““*"""‘“‘ man, Unt., proprietors for Canada,_ Sold by all Mediâ€" cine Dealers. r "No toilet table shoald be ‘with ut 00COâ€"GL YCERINE, 25 cents "wr bou-l‘o fulR8TY SPECIAL NOTICES.: Mas Wixâ€"sow‘s So Ttur«e Syaor is th« pré« dption »f oue of to» best Foâ€"male Phy. fcians «* Noraâ€"s in the U »ited d«at s, an4 has b. ep ~â€"€4 for t irty years wito geÂ¥ T talling ~{ ty aud â€"u ¢ as is milli as ot m »thers and «tidren, freu toâ€" trebi lntaut w uone Wweek id to the aculit.: 11 corrects acid. «4 ti» wmach, selieves, wind colic, Muglu the â€"wâ€"ls, and gives rest, realith and cumfoit to : ther an1 child. We b liâ€"v» is the bes: ud «urest remedy in thâ€" world, in all case» D: sentâ€"ry aod ui um. in childre h ther it «rises trow tee blow, or from «o. suer cxuse Fall cirecsiens for asing #iil compuny â€"ach bottle Non» gengine unlees ue fac siimile of UUBTIS & PERKIAS is on ue .Sw-' wrapper; So.d by all medicine 1 al&@ :5 cents a bottle. Office, 216 Fulton street, Ne â€" York, and 93 Ozford Sure«â€"t, Lonâ€" un â€" Be sure and call for ______ __________ YHS8 WINSLOW‘3 s00THING SYRUP, iuving the fac siwmile of " Curtis & Porkins :n the ouside wrapperâ€" All others atre bas igitations ind similar troubles, if saffered to progress esult in serious Pulmonary, Bronchia!, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incurable. are compounded so as to reach directly the seat of the discase and give almost instant f ‘The Trocbes are offered with the fulleet: sonfidence in thâ€"ir efficacy; they have beepn thoroughly tested and maintain the gaod râ€"putation they have justly acquired _ For Public Speakers, Singers, Military Officers, and those who overtazx the voice. they are asâ€"ful in relieving an Jrritated ‘Phrost, and will render articulation easy. Boing an article of tiue merit, and baving proved their effieacy n.wa--u‘::g:‘""“""‘" in new localities in parts of the Mth-mnq_ulnr-lly Ubtain only "Brown‘« Bronchial Teoch a,‘ dumwmamvmww«n that may be offered. «Troonzs," so called, sord by the ouncr, #te a poor imitation and nothing like BROWNԤ BRVKECAIAL TROCHES which are sold only uwm‘;‘«-,â€"hdaom JO. L BROWN & SON, en outsice wrappe! of bor, and private Govg «nwent stamp attached to each box. _ _ _ e e i it on e ‘This care in putting ip the Troches is i m pornuulmdtywtho puichaser in or d w be sure ut obtaining th« genuine Brow Bropoblia) Troches. Aux OSE wWHO SUFFERb from Dy#â€" peysia, und wmmwu ummmmwhflq-m good it may be, if it is not completély di‘uudnd-d.u-td,'d's:wdm and impoverished blood, degeneration of m<ephgo® / / J Lo Auke innmdiithne o ccatiren. «ty tctrrig ALRGLO OE IP the tissue , will =sult, It is this condition of inaufficien nourishment that excites bereâ€" dit=ry influences ana develapes in the system that cl .aww-n-.u-uo- mflnumr,rw-& of the Lapgs. Ealargemâ€"nt the Glaods of the Aeck, Kruption« of the Btkin, Apinal Di+ as~, Torpid Liv: r, I:rtitation of the m nd ‘Bladder and Cobstipation, with 1nd uers ous irritavilny, all bave their wigtn i. thâ€" one commwon causâ€"Indigâ€"â€"tion. Aui me y that radicully cures these : digesss m« gt react their prito«ry s0ufve the l)lul»J ach, D . WHEKEKLEKS COuMPuUNV uLIXIK of PHUQSPHA : £8 and CaLlInA YÂ¥ A «use «ap claily gevisd to cur Dyep: peina, impr ve Nouvirdion «pd promâ€"te the formation of bealthy vloos. No «em 4J in â€"~xlistence > . urom.tly apd 8o p smapently Ininâ€" BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES and,is als, the best pain killer in “. . xl, anpd 80 P TIBEROBL] ..,...,: the organs of the bo‘ly. Februsry 3, 1073, 1 SORE THRUAT, cuUGH, YuaA.8 EXPER ENCE OF vLD SURSE IPRICEâ€"3 CENTS of the Glands oll qourse, LhOre wo"C * 0 0 0 us Skin, Spinal Dis | tors; and at the beginning of next seas m‘erem‘ Riday: | poople wanted somethicg mew, and. on, «1th menager asked us if we couldn‘t introd bave their wigiv | somethingâ€""It must to-od-rful.!L Indigâ€"â€"tion. Aus ciring, know," he sall, ~or use these : digessâ€"s ...-...fl' You‘ d think that was str vratue tbe SW â€"| _ _ ob for them." be continaued, point Condition | down Remedy.‘* | bad t thit they | wee«L. ve waited | _ At‘ uld obtain | amus any comâ€" fathe rses. Re | paint Mm.h-'m" $ : â€" It was done away with 1 ‘Ptrlhmont took it up, .&nf‘m ‘ous,nndput a stop to it. Perhaps it was dangerous, and perhaps parliament was \ right to put a stop to it. But I didn‘t Hikke ‘it then, for it was my bread, and mesnt lï¬vopoundn a week to me y and when it |\ wis stopped, my profession was ruined. â€" | _ I don‘t Jook like it now, for you see I‘ve | made feâ€"b, and am close on fifty ; but fif. | teen or twenty years ago, when i was in | my 8 shings, 1 couls have shown you such ‘.n‘nro,mdnohm-cho-yon' & see every day. Me and ~my" p were a regulur pair, just the sante and wonderfully alike. It was‘a x gammon ; but it took wonderfally in the bills; and ourmnprmdmflj. ‘nuor mndnoan to mnoc:inoo ves Ls Benjamin and TBhem«s Hitchens; so we .uoorwboin biue ietters all over London, | "Les Fréres Provincaux;" sand the people â€"â€" came to »ee us from all parts. _ ____ _ . We were engaged, you see, at the Royal Conduit Gardens, and did the trapese work Now, I daresay you‘ll find plenty of people who‘ will say it was known long beâ€" fore; but don‘t you believeem. ‘I‘m the man who invented the tra ezseâ€"â€"at ui I‘m the boyâ€" that is, I invented it when . was a boy on the swing in our back: the one we mide under the old ap nm out of mother‘s clothesâ€"line, and till it broke all to bits, and let Tom downs that heavy that he put out his shoulder, mua‘ub «. Nb c se ocm Cein S cak es Tom turned :e-r‘y sulky atter he put his shoulder out. he wouldn‘t any u.ore tricks, till he grew joalous of : me _et so handy at them (hw-:r fellow was Lom and never could tor me to be ahâ€"ad ./ him, even in “H.i medicine), ind then he sét to when wasn‘t by, an1 worked so hard that he got to sho ten the rore, and t hang. by one foot, quite clever 1 hado‘tk Owvn anythi :5 You see, it wis ir.m experimenting on that swing. hanging by my legs, by one hand, by two hands, «nd upside down, that I sowed the seeds of all those wonderful trapeze expivits that have, as we say in the lills, »turillied expectant sudiences in every nerve and fib:e of their frames." _ about it, he‘d veen so sly,;, »o that 1 was qutite took aback one day when, after figurâ€" ing aboutâ€" in my. boyish fashion upon the rope, he sniggered at me a NQ}:!I h‘ to my great astonishment : * down, he says,; and he sets to, and doesall Ihavre done before, and a grest de«l more t09, till ne bangs by one leg, when crash! the rope snapped, and down came poor Tom on his head and shoulder with a most tere I rible bang. <5 e oo Up got Tom, and flew at me like a tiger, because I was laughingâ€"and I put it to you, could I help it ?â€"and then we had ‘a regular stand up igl:,r which was not endâ€" ed until our Mary ged down on us with a clomu-slmp, and caught Tom by the ‘throat with the big ‘ï¬rool. so as she held him against the wall till he promised he wouldn‘t figh t any more. Tom didn‘t keep hilpromile.d Tor he w:: terrible boy: fighting, and many‘s t u%:nddo-l to wmve h«d together. Woe betide any boy, though, who touched me ! It did‘nt matter how big he was, â€" Tom always took my part, and thrashed him. im ues P meote P HRD CR ASLT T NT From doing things on the rope, we took to tumbling a little on the ground, tying ourselves in knots, walking on our hands ; ourselves in KNnols, Wainmiig OH UHII SR ani I shall never forget the day that i first threw a somersault without touching the groâ€"nd with my hinds. That day was a murked one for me ; first, because of the pride I felt as 1 ran in the fiel 1 and over; second, because Tom -.23 that he took a run and ajump, and came down on his making it #> still and bad that he mï¬n‘: move hardly for & At last, having done all this for our own amusement as boys, we had to give it up, for times mva{bad at home. ~Poor father, who :dyboo-t painter, fell ill died ; sand iorrti oo vere gos e neceeel J pomere we L & ;:’:&d:ydndu.:,h from helping father ‘nboo,ï¬mbo&m with o 5ts ty e uen oz eaen es when one day we heard of a chande. Royal Conduit Gardens mhu‘z up ‘in a burry, &-Mm tham . as it were. at the renth bour ; A HIGH CALLING, and being .z.w reat, of" ©oupn wanted to get open as soon as sible. Redecoration~ was the ordbr 0 day, and every man who could handle a brush was taken on, painters ‘being soarce in the spring. wooke priading. arbors cone ergieey d work, t uching up orchestra -dum till the Gurdens were opened, when the manâ€" , who was a very civil KA gnfldymhmbhmm the opening day. ‘ m:;:u ::lth:,'ï¬t we were in good t4, ving a in our pockers. We saw the Omh the music, â€" looked at ths snd looked _ut.h.t, and '-; * mwyumhsflflmfl. 4 the circle about to bes â€" LE ances of the Tuufl%}l we stood for some time mflk on their hsndzdo themselves in‘ and do a few clumsy & Then Tom looked at me, and I and we went away laughing at what we had seen. # "Why," said Tom atlast, short, 0e thign® "af 1 ovaldm‘t do that By Over t *% bcmr"m apy ~M?‘=dq «It was poor, wasn‘t it ?" 1 said. «Poor!" echoed Tom; ‘"it was shameâ€" ful." We '::mm thit night in silence ; but ofier wereâ€"we in‘ our than Tom whips off his ï¬â€˜L:'.!,‘E‘ And rather stiffly, but better we had seen "Have a try, old boy,". e , MHBu i had a try; and the mm'flm {:‘h:l'â€d our lmdfl:y m:u P & down, beesmoho’in‘ tung himself from a hook in the ceiling. & to our antics at last, and : ao n of as we tried hard to get stiffe :;them idea had struck & that we had better take to than paint, and starve. "It strikes me," waid that if we m. rope or two and cromsâ€"bars 4, we can rather: some of them ; anyhow, we‘ll see." * time after, as LOld. 88 . PHM50, wwwoflh‘m ;m“"m'm"‘â€"wï¬â€˜ apied to see what we could do ; .'.#m were fitted up over ï¬tmï¬ hall a bar wi« tied across like a swing; and on it «e »» . io, i,~ning over, hanging by hands, tocs aud the{Uacks of our heads, and playing such prenks, . that we brought down the is to say, the lessee and his friends aj a’ ly ; and { believe 1 never Jelt so happy in life as when he engaged us on the spot at higke *A < > n we were as whole of that se1son t supsesstul». could be; and, through con and did our tricks in a MAÂ¥ pepors ealied graceful ; but, Loo atie ce si0n a" hort of imie nï¬::;m soon Adbi,o(i-ib- y beginning of next season, â€l. wanted nqnothir-‘ '-",,~ the manager asked us if we couldn‘t infroduce somethingâ€"‘‘It must be M'EL.“' “\: know," he said, or it won‘i take. You‘d think that was strong 1Cce n t ts 5on that j 1 1i oor aby for betloone. o mod think is over. For my part, I thougt e w rapors st hn top of mas sns bigom on get." â€", _ i eeeten s i se beaid dhat s jost I quite agreed with Tom; we gol 5r our old Uitheâ€" \|| 19