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Ottawa Times (1865), 29 Mar 1872, p. 1

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the rate of Four gp 1meof, ULUT) «#%» w PMWY, MwOAY s * im wly | tui Iron Steam«bips «> & SCOTLAND, f * HEUTOR, ty of OUNA*R _ at 8.00 t1.e$ Notarle® ‘ r.‘_- cumuih o ; Freight and Uartage Agency e : > * attended to, C. C sering shippers from all further trouble f $R W. K. JORNSON, i * .._ Atfame Ctk LX I87I Thes & 4* COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR SAPARILLA Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. it strikes at the root of all Disease the biged 10 n_-la,'n_u.._f‘ ks Ah' â€"Il-;; cartain remedy for Neroful, of I 1 tion, Ju-dl‘:.x-'l, h-&?m :iona, Chest Complaints, and ali other di mmmâ€"nhmma the Pull directions for taking this (Creat Af::hh Restorer nwz.y otm "caSUNCAN‘S COMPOUND SY RUP m; <1RSAPARILLA, and no other, is supplie o them. Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER & (U0., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the Ottawa druggiste. Ottaws, March 9, 1872 1918 im YOL. VI NO 1934. Through tickets from all polints Wost at reduced rates. Certificates i:sued to persons desirous.of preâ€"paying the passage of their triknds to Canada, Through Bills of Lading lesued on the continent, and in Lonadon for -nmdo.-l-'u-.-chmn-:m to Mfl‘ waukee, Chicago other points in the West. ° And every Tuesdy thereafter. Rates of Passageâ€"Quebes to Loadouâ€" Cahin, $60, s.cerage, $24. _ Composed of the following Arst class Power» Niger ... Thames , Ncotland tor Quebec and Montreal direct â€" vm,umrn Nigee â€" do d¢ *‘ ‘Ke ~â€" k Modway 8HANNON, LADY LYCETT, Ga GE3, TAGUS, _ Fa Fmight or Passeg»s to 1â€"7‘s, Curter & Darke, 21 wmmm don ; Wicocks & Weeks, Barbican Piymouth; Ross & Co., Quebec ; David =~haw, Montreal orto _ C. B. CUSaNINGHAU, SCOTLAND, NILE HEUTOR, NIGER, . MEDWAY, TWEED, ° THAMES, SEVERN. The steamers of this Line are intended to anl Weekly as follows during the season of navigation of 1872, to and from . FROM LONDON. Medway, via Halifar, N 5, and 8t John, N B, wEELLT steak ‘comkonicanon London, Quebec and Montrcal, (alling at Plymonth outward=f/r passong :-n-hul-' port overy Md':y-) it IINERPOOL & â€"MONTREAL With leavre to call at Queenstown or Moville, : * *TEA 4 WRkOUGHT IRON BEDSTEADS, 2t., Ift. Gin., 3ft., 3ft. 6in., 4ft. and 4ft. Gin. wide. all different and besutiful . patâ€" We make a speciality of these English made Bedsteads, and import them direct. Hotels, Convents, Hospitals, and families -bmflfl any number h'z or small. mnmdqmmnl early spring delivery do well to order at once. Bird Cazes, Bird Cages, and x large stock of â€" HOUSEKEEprING UTENSILS and other articles, and the very best. COOKING STOVEs and direct London. Quesec, +18NaDA CENTBAL BALILWAY Ottaws, Oct. 12 1871 suitable for the farmer, city resident, lum berman or hotels. UNXCAN‘S MViRPOOL, QUBBE¢ AND NR!SAL, ottawai. Ottawa, March 4, Vinwareâ€"as usual, wholesale and re~ IRST sPRING ARRIVAL!! Temperiey‘s Line. HNTEAMKHIP LINE,. And Montreal!. evary 'Mn?.nn. FROX QUEBEC. oo ¢ies . cae ... Pmoming, Tth U# y (NCKXaaee s er _ 9W l ith do se se 4e se 4e ®® ‘o ’l‘“ se sees%s s a sw “ ’““ Bird Baths, U. MEADOWS & Co., 35 Sussex Street. 1872 Buttee Platters, Bre.: Platters, POTOMAC, es TRENT. 1914 STEAMSHKIP COMPAXNXYX. OHKANOE OF SAILING. The steamers of the Liverpool Mail L:ne from ow!‘h-.g.dh( at Loch Foyle to receive hfi::h.d Mail and Passengers to +nd from I and Sootland are ;ntended to be mwto-u“Wx Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. <â€" ~ _ Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURIN | HLAN, on or about. ....1ith Oct. OTTaAW A «4 skse..litk * IT. DaVvID ‘ 44 <«.. 20 i ST. ANDREW | «* <«x.« ud Now. ST. PATRICK & «x<s« â€" Wtkh * _'ub_flw'.. m......-_ 7-)” !! ____ _ FROMK QUEBEC. mfifl....o. -?;coo. oooo..’“m. Intermediate.................. $47 or 44 00 S°00rage. ... .........««.« «...«+4â€" ++«.18 00 WÂ¥" An experienced Surgeon carrled on ::hn-l. Berths not secured until pald Return Tickets grunted at reduced rates. Passage certificates g.anted to parties deair. c-quou friends from Earope. For r particulars apply to D W CuOuwWaRD & co., Agonts _ "Bparkeâ€"st Ottawa, May 6. 1871 soott 1871,} CEKETEGL.« «<««««««ck: «ck*r+«{l0,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over...... 9,5§,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FONR :. . ... .. « .««c« coitmons. 100020 ‘There having been added $736,200 to the Lite Fund as a result of the nusiness of Mc rviau the past year. All descriptions of y insured ::iutla-ammum Losses y settled without refer soce in ds Tt on LIPE DEPARTMXENT. â€" Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is large paid up capital of the Company, asâ€" surers have additional security in the UNLIMITED . LIABLLITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and tul information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. oma_nn:"]n"xogn. '“a':.'h f corner ndluhm. 17607 N.B.â€"The financial pomtion of the Royai is in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that oaty. 'C'nnouo BsOaAP, Ordinary, usâ€"d in washing Li:en, Blaoâ€" kota, &C. R Cn.ouowm. Or Disinfrcting Flob!, tw Sick Rooms, Lin=n, Bâ€"sding, Â¥ater Closet: JDrsine, Ceseâ€" pools, ko , &e. Ottawa, May 6, 1871 Liverpooi. rATENT NOXNâ€" CONDUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS AND PIPES Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive Ne ,e+10 cent in fauel, and r- pasies . any length of Piping covered the Nonâ€"Conductor quiw dry. Ex vely used in the Eastâ€"rn 4nd Western States and throughout Great Britain, and by the British Admiraity and Nary.â€" (Bee circular.) N. B.â€"â€"It saves 30 per cent on Russell Honse boller, and steam is now in bhalf the time it took before the cov» was ap~ _ Mr E A HARINGTO®N LM College, 8::“‘)' late ‘Pu*:.‘ C d' Trinity uy chyve on the Jnt mhu ts High testimonials and refer noes can be given both mualnm For o ate parâ€" Â¥ plied, while it saves a large per ce o€ Fucl and Labor at the Water" Works of the Parliament and Departmental lllldmclly Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &¢. j CHALMERS & CO,, Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. h.“‘i Solo Manufacturers in the Domi{nion J, MUNXROE O‘LEARY, General Western Agont. 1SSENGERS Booked to and from "*HLORALCÂ¥, ~HLORIDE OF LI ~£E, N0Ko¢s FLUIiD Ottaws, MONTREAL OYaL IN8SUBRA@NCKE COMPANY, 4RBOLLIC sOaAP, ARBOLIC POWDEL. K i ._Private ypoplls will be taken in (he Ottawa, Nov. 20, 187. ISINFLEâ€"TANTS FOR SALE. Perfumed, for ROMOâ€"CHLORALU a, ERIVATE CLAsSICAL SCHOOL. FKIREB DEPARTXENT. B8UMYKR SERYVICR, "B .... FIRE and LIFE, see ue se 0800 se 4460 + # # # Glasgow. . CHRI&STIE & CO , Drugyzists, Bparks street. k. F. BEDDALL, Chief Agents for Canada. tollst and Disin‘e ting *lnagow Line, Non polsonous Nonâ€"polsonous "1871. Th do %7 13 The old reliabls, and best route ; the sborteat Jug $y & miles from Otena‘ o Brocavitle hnd 2h peints ALTERATION OQF RUNNING TXE Onmiortable Bots Cars on No 1 and 8 Charge for berths, 50 .cents. _ _ _____ _ ____ Bure connections with all the GT trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late Twenty minutes allowed at Presoott Juncâ€" tion for refreseme+nts. Trains are run on Montreal time. THOS8 REYNOLDS, 0 Managing Director, Ottawa. B AUTTBELL, * buperinteadent, Prescott, Ottawa, January 1, 1813 ARNOLD‘s WINE VAULTS. MKETCALFE STREET. IG Holltot Foue" _ . â€" :; And also in Wood or Bottle » Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martello Brandies, DeKayper‘s Gin, Jaâ€" maica Spirite, London Gin, Irish and Scotch Whiskies, &o. > A large varicty of Ports, Burgundies, Sherries, Cham pagnes, Moselles, Hocks, Clarets, Sauternes, &o., of choice quality and great range in prices. THE GREEK AS USUAL DOW‘8 A LE in cask er bottle. Engiish Ales, Porters, &¢, f Â¥Finest F:dach Wine Vinega: Liberal terms. Inspection Invited. f K ARNOLDI, . . Telegraph Bullding, . OTTAWA RAILWAYâ€" Uireat Broad Gauge Route TO OTTaWA. Brockville and Oftawa Railways Express at 7:30 a.m., arriving at Ottaws at 105 pm., and at Rand Point at 1:10 wmfinhpfldl:nmm a# ceitain cuanmection with Qrand Day kxpress from the KEast and West, °_ arriving at Orta wa at 9:16 p m. Through Western Express st 10:15 a.1., ars riving at Rrockville at 215 p.m., and connecting with Grand ‘lrunk Day Exâ€" ::-dlll-uu W est. Train at3:4~ p.m.,arriving at Brock»â€" viile at 9.35 pm > ARRIVE AT SAND POINTâ€"1:AO pm, arnd 8: 20 p m LEAVs SAND POINTâ€"1:2 am, 215 ana 9:35 p m + 8 _ .100 pe® with | Mall Train at 3:230 pm , arriving at Ottaws at 1:30 pm, and at Sand Point at 8:230 No make certain counsctions with all waineca B. & 0 Ralilway Freight loaded with despatcb, and No Tran« a.ipmeat wh.n in car loads. No. ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADIES Cormer of Wilbrod and Gloucester PRINCIPALâ€"MRS. ROBERT STEWART. In this Esxtablishment, delightfally sitasted in the most be=ithy part of the dl{, Young Ladies may recdeive a /sound English and year, :fl r:nnb. As nam '..“ is ited, early application should 1’)03;;500! will re open on the 3rd of January, 1873. Ottaws, Dec 39 1811 1857lawkd&wt Just Received H. M. RO w ES celebrated On and after MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 18712 Trains will rup as follows : Tralos on Canada Central and Porth Braw h Brockville Feb.171,!1871. 1901y t AND FROM WEDNESDAY, 3rd Jao,, trains will run as follows ; The Italian Warehouse., J. . C. DELES DERNTERS Ottawa, Dec 29, 1871 BULK AND CAN OYVsTER®, > OARD AND EDUCATION, CANIDA CBMRAL $100 PEX YEAR 10 9 a m 1;30 p m 5;50 p m 115 am Leare LEAVE BRXCKVILLE. WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &e., SEABON COMMENCED G@oIxG <NoRTH LEAVE UTli AWA. gGolxG soUTH Grend . Truck [ Wall from the trom West Do do EK1press Grand _ Tronk _ Mail for West from West Do Exprese tor Eastand W ost with. ATt ... PER GALLORN Â¥ to stre H. ABBOTT Â¥ETERS fllllp- Arrive in 10:25 a m 4:10 p m _ _OrTAWA FRIDAY.~MARCH 29. 1872. 6:15 a m % 40 p m Arrive 1 is now an established jact" you wantany firstâ€"class uwml&“u w.NES, and the best Family GROCERIEY, you mug go to Fllfl"â€" > Ot all kinds, the very fAnest PO.‘I WINEâ€" Po..'l'll & ALEA ~â€" The Finest BLACK TEAB are put up in 10}b Buou TE A8â€" PLANED LU MBER BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. A large stock of the abgve will be kept con stantly on hand to suit purchasers. we "**"~~@ *4 x" Oct, 26, 1871 1806tt N. B.â€"â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Strâ€"et SHINGLES X XX, XXX. AUCTIONEER REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘83 . AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMMISSION * * MERCHANT, ‘Thos. Patterson‘s. STEAM BISCUIT BAKERY Your Orders are solicited, and will b PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO by â€" BEsST PLACE IN CENTRAL OaAaNADA To buy Biscuit, Crackers, Candies and Con fectionery of all kinds. < The Subscribers have received a, large sum for investment upon Farm Property. goM' dmrfi. Apply to J. M. . DELESDERNIERS, corner of Sussex and York streets, or to â€" MURRISUN WELLS & ©0., Toronto. ; Jan. 22. 1872. +,* IHTT _ _â€"~ThO¢. PATTERSON‘8. Ottawa, December 23. 1871 t "HAUDIEZAEK STZEAM MILLO, IRECT IMPOBRTATION® Rough Lumber Well Seasoned, HERLHRY WINEKâ€"â€" cOTCH WHiSKIES â€" CONFECIIONE Y ESTAaBLISHKYÂ¥ENXT APANSâ€" .P“- CaNDLES, FAXCY SOiP%â€" Best Tollet, * London® make, to ord r «One trial will prove the quality. .ml'lâ€" s o oi "The best old prar ds, Pure und l!l‘g LO"“I-â€" Fresh Roasted, and Ground Daily on ICKLESâ€" No. 48, Ridean streor, Ottawaâ€" At Hon James 8«+a0, 8 nator, Ottawas. J M Onrrier, Eaq, M P, « J u Grant, E»g, M D, M P â€" * B W Scott, Esq, M P P, x / Mr She.if Powell! w / Kdward wrific, “q # Edward McQGiliivray, Eeq, .. * a esars C T Bate & Co, of~, * Thomas Hunton, [ in a Mâ€"sers Fingland & * Alexanoder Work maa, en A Eglâ€"son 8 n‘r, Beq « Nos. 36 and 38 Ridean Street, Ottawa. Fine Old Vintages (20 years), pure and reliable for family use and medi. JÂ¥ DeKuypers & Son," fine. Old Daable Berried § Just received, a superior lot of the best Brands, imported this Season, quits tresh and fragrant.â€"T‘ry /A«m, Guinness‘s and â€" Dawes‘, bottled to Order. & Bauces, Jams and Jelliecs, from th Crosse & Biackwell‘s â€" Bellin; Cheapâ€"really good. Of the first grades, vurious prices, and sound. yeet OsEY TO LOAS. OBRRLSON‘S k ie Mait roof, Old Rye and Highwines, Ansst fxvour. 1c and Pale, vory fine qualities, and a: Low Prices. DANIEL MORLRISON, Proprieter *LWaYs OX HAND «1 1al purposes, No. 26 Rideaun Street NAXCFACTURERS OFf of all descriptions. JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. s4# | The undersigned â€"has opened a new establishment which he has fitted up in | frst.â€"class style, the furniture being enâ€" :rly new. The tavle and bar wi‘l be pg:d with the best articles _ Furnish ed ms to let with or without meals. The public are invited to give him a call and they will be treated with the utmost politenbss. * " s GEORGE LATREMOUILLE. â€" Proprietor . â€" ~ MKEITALFE STREET, OTTAWA, Having been reuilt and furnished in first : lass style, and. with good Sample Rooms, will be openâ€"d by the sutscriber on for the ar The above Hotel,.so favorabiy known, b ing situst. d in the imiy. diate vicicity of the Parâ€" Mament Boildings, Banks and other Public Offices, wili be conducte! in the best ?lo which the wants of the public require. ‘The table will be supplied with all the _ > and the BAG with the choilcest brands of IO""" HOTEL, Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, e Mw'n . ' ] ‘ eais at all times. Table and liqu eannot be aurpassed. ,1878â€"Im. Inquors, °* There is also Commodious \ard Room and Stabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIAM POWLEY, Ottawa, January 23, 1872. 1878â€"3m OTI‘AWA HTEL, St: James screet Mon treal, The unsersigned bhaving assum. ed the maxagement of this popular favorite, respecttully informs the travelling public andits former patrons, that the b: use has undergone ‘many improvements, and th .. ue intâ€"nds by constant attention 0 the wauts 0i bis patrons, to make this the most cou fortabl« Hot i1 in the city of Montreal. _At Junction Depot of Grand Tronk an« Ottawa & Prescott R :k: All the facilitiss c a First Class House, Passengers refreshmeD "WIUE «JUNXCTION HOTEL," Hardwareâ€"Hardware, No. 24 Rideau Street * The subscriber? having jast completed bis Full «tock he is n»w p’opnd to furnish any article in the above line at prices to suit th porcbaser. ; f . The following articles are constantly kep‘ to stock : r ¢ Bar, Bundle and Sheet Lron 4 Bar and Sheet Tin Bar and Shâ€"et copper. BSheot Bruss, &., &0 * * Bleigh Shoe Steel all rizes from 1x} to 414 Cast and Blister 8:eel /s Proof Chain all sizes Narrow Axes single and double steel : CUn: 8«w«, Grind Stones, Oils, Putty, Glass, ,Broves ~Box, Double, and Cooking i Als~, an endless veriity.of Shâ€"lt Hardware and Hou«â€"e Furnishing Goods, &¢., &6 . . P. 8.â€"â€"A call is respectfully solicited *:Il goodl_dollv;z free to any part of the */ _ THCS. BIREEKTT, . No. 24 Riduau street, ~ _ «lon, to Adrive_ ~â€" ,, We ‘::.'.:."4’1‘.'-’:'3 * ma n .. -‘_-: hoÂ¥ Â¥r e oi o ecan _ sise are exposed to no accident or danger, = Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing: without having to contend with anyâ€"/of the inconveniences met with in ordi cary. Bwings. This Bwing ..w seen in operation at the Danada Cevtral 1, No 120, sussex itroot and at No, "“mma':uo ' %e. F A. 18096 flol._A(‘lk.for Ocmnud,#c‘nl ty © The subscribers offer for Sale in Stock,. 1.000 Tons Scotch Pig Iron, Calder Nos. 1 and 3; 150 do. do, white ; Gooan Bojler Plates, assorted sizes ; 2500 Bozes Char BWB BALE, Lion Galyvanized PLUMBEAS. GASFITIKERS 1606 WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER,, the accommodation of the travelling "‘* Ottawa, Nov 23, 1871 ANADA HOTEL . j Pl’Owlrlof. Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 18427 Deliconcies of the Season, SIGN OF THE ABVIL, Bishop‘s Block, Sussex Street. f £% 5 «* RMA4TH%MA_! * > Roche & Kelly, 4 + * .J.;_r?m e datttce Shict â€" m fous Mtets, &c. D. WILKINSON, . Proprietor. Y 0+ me U,. 8. BROWNE, ~__â€" Cns )« “0‘8', Manager, d&w a. ‘“'.!lmlm WORDEREUL â€" IMPROVEMHAT "Dunham‘s Patent Hydroâ€"Carbonated Sounding Board.‘‘ aliase n DN P10 This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensély to its volume. In ull‘u:mmtion to the above improveâ€" ment pleasure in ing that they have been app.inted ‘(agents for the Bo long and favorably known in Canads, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of those magoiâ€" ficent instruments now in 4 OUR SHOW ROQMK: ORME & SON The merits of the Dunbham Pimuos are : 1st. Its durability has become a proverb. m ll;workmuhd'“ ip it cannot be surâ€" , if equ t ! * % 3rd. In °golitlit'y, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has‘no compeer. .. 4th ronn be sold after years of use fur noggf f not quite its original cost. ~ It is warranted in the tiost satisâ€" factory manner. t Pamphblets containing a descrip.ion 0t the atiove improuvement cin be had at our establishment. * A large assortment of which we keep con -mtf;onln'nd. | t â€" J. L. URME & SON, es %: _ _ | 8 Spurks Streot. Messrs. Orime & Son iare also agents tor the folloawing Pianos, vis : McCAMMON & CO., â€" | > _ Also the celebrated MASON & HAVLIN, (L,S8.] VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of s#re«t Britain and Ire 1ind, Queen, Defenderof the Faitn. &s. l o Our Beloved and Faithful the Sena tors of the Dominion of Cunada, and the Members elected o serve in the Hou:e of Commons of our said Dominion, summones and called to a Meeting of the Puliameat of Can»da, at Our City of Uttaws on the FUURTH day of APRIL next to bhave been c mmenced and held, and to every one of you â€"â€"GzrzEtixe : A PROCLAMATION. phhs WHEREAS the Meeung of Qur Pa ment of Canada stands P‘roro‘ud 1w the FUuURTH day of the month of APRIL next, . Nevertheloss, brml'l cansés and considerations, we kave thougth fit furtber to -Prom,&ue ‘ the sime io THURSDAY, the ELEVENTH‘ day of the nionth of APRILL"next, so that : neither of you or any. of you .on the said FOURLH day of, April next, at Qur, City..of Otawa, to .W)o-r are to be held -‘lfl constrained. ‘for We bo wice THAt u{cm each of you, and all others .in this bebalf interested. that on THURSDAY, the ELEVE ‘1H day of the month of A.‘i;mL next, at Our City â€" A oug id, perâ€"onall you ‘be and appear for the DESP ATCH 0‘ BUSINES3, to treat, do act, and conclude tpon those things which in Our said Parliaâ€" ment of : asnada, by the Common Council of Our said Dominion, may. by the favor of God be ordained. ~ . Ix Testrmosy Wuzrzor, We have caused . . these Jur Letters to be made Pstent, .# MNMUNW&M unto affixed « Wirstse» Right Trusty, and Well Beloved, The Right Honorable â€"Jor, Bagox. Ltâ€"oar, of ‘ Lisgar. and .Ballieborough, ‘ in the } County of Cavan, Areland, in the Peerâ€" age of the United Kingiom of Great ’ Britain and hd.w Barouet, one of Uur vWost: iwrahle Privy LADGL AAV JALE ELBRS . J2 PRS APNE ie e EEAPCCCUT P f+ 4 â€" _ BOWLk & aANNABLE. | w»#, Torpts Lov r, Lritstiom of the Kicgnâ€"ye ~ Ottawa Dec 12. i87) & ,.:l‘rwcrwm-ahm ,___:.â€",â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"-â€"â€"-â€"â€"-"’ 110 uervoos trritawiny, «ll bave thed s Brle* . s An.u.-:'uoxv:rg-;-hwa-;m- "Is hereby mwmu’t"w“‘:npfia-uâ€"- lamt » aâ€"st source _ the > mnde ie Pemanes 9 eenre e im |elrven Sn liketiere movnrutne the Canads Contral m‘" kLTXTLE of PHOSPHA TEB and CALIN&YA IW'-‘ wA .mo»dd?m*‘* cur Dyspâ€"pss, m’o""fl""".“‘ apainy ‘ q. Kutidion and promote n To ite lm.o byt“ .‘qjfiq, blog:. Ne mym Lo such points as may \be setested Surdhore; Sacts 5) prowptly ‘und so pâ€"rinanently in dhou acts a : prowvtly ‘nc so pâ€"rivamently in toâ€" GREAT REDUCTIJN IX FURVITVRE _ R@rNear sapper‘s Bridge. Jeury Lind bed=teais, .$3 ©0 forwer!y $s 50 Common Bedstâ€"ads... 2 25, _" . , 2 50 Uommon Ch«ir«. ..... * 40 a9" ap +srd* Complete Bedroom Sâ€"ts for $10 50 aat up at equally low priced. wards, consiâ€"ting of siz pi~ as .. N Parlor Sets io Hair â€" 1 th, Bisck Walaat Bide Nm“.'..m‘w Tabl a Remember the place EAST END SAPPEKS BRIDGK ./ ; â€" â€" BROWL & aNNABLE Ottawa Dec 12%. i87) si oi s Ottawa, January 20, 1872 EW AND UKSALTUAE, FUREL1UsK. Council, Knight Grand. s.ross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand .Cross . of. JUur Mo«t Distinguished Order of Heint Michâ€"el and Saint George, Governor Gener«l of Canada, and .Governor. and Comâ€" manderâ€"inâ€"‘ hief of the tsl â€"nd of Prince Edward. = As Our Goves»xear Hooâ€"a, in Ourâ€" CITY ot OTHAWA, in Our Dominion, theâ€"Sapox$ d«y of MARCH, im the, year 0! Our, Lord. one thousand eight hundred and: seventy.two and in the Uhirty fifth year ot Uur Hteign. DUNHAM [PIANO® ENOAAENCE, / . $ / % EDQUARD J. LANGEVIN, |, Clark of the Cro#n in ‘hancery, 19131 o s | Can da ROWE & ANNABLES and ESTEY & CO.‘8 ORGAN§, CANADA. LISGAR. ? EMERSON, and HOOD * The proprietors ct Johnson‘s Anodyne l A leafless To Liniment,: '3...-'. Purgative Pilis, anod | tighs mourudfgu} Bheridâ€"n‘s,Cavairy Candition Powders, have | _ And, 'hlfie itsâ€"lone h publish: d a râ€"adsble and instructive pam~ In teaudér*tone ph‘â€"t, which may be had free at the storcs. f And sad. Jow n Have you a Sevete «:. uch or eprain? Huar you sheumatism in any form 1 Have you stif ue k, o. buuches caused by rhenmatic pains? If .0. Jobos wh‘s An $yoe Linument is a apeciâ€" Aha-_?y, nl,h‘;thhn’dl killet io Ogban arp SÂ¥rgÂ¥rR _ Lo every branch of oulâ€" Ar:tion=â€"whether in the feld, the orchard, Lh: Tineyard uf the garden, there must be order an systein to insure sucbessful reâ€"ults, and this waus is Criely establiâ€"hed 4y notual experiénce. aAnther great truth has also¢ been estabiished by the same means, which is ; That as a preâ€" vehtative medicine, or a medicine for the cure of cotds. soughs, rhenmatism, and summe complaints, the 'Oal:d' ian Pain Destroyer," i m'-‘utuu‘:bl_o _ For sele by all Druggist Snmexrrnc IteEus.â€"A w iter ‘"in Putnam‘s | Maynzine says : * lthacunoufmmu‘ there is never a white colt nor a black calf. | The whitest horse was blackest in its | birth, and the jet black cow was unmixed ‘ red." Whether this is correct or not, we | cannot positively say, but this we do beâ€" lieve, that t: e best medicine for removing pains ftorm the system is the **Canadian Pain Destrover." _ In cases of rheumatism, | spriuins, truises : r severe colds and summer | . ompl .ints, it stands unenualled. For sale | by «11 Druggists an4 couutry dealers. Price | 25 cents per bottle. | the hair. Garar CoxptriO® Msâ€"ivian â€"â€"As a oondpulo medicise for hurses "Dariey‘s Cond:iiion Pow ders and Arabian Heare Remedy" h«s no equal Its effects iuthis respe t are astonishing ; many horses that were suppured to be broken down and aimost worthless have, by the use of a fow paskuges, been restored to a heaithy and *oand couditivg, All trades of the disonse baving seen aftzulyw. and have been sold for from tw $7?0â€"hore than they would pre viwusly har«beought; when you want a horse smad *Durtey e Condition Powders and f & e Remedy." , We know you will Ie gerfoctly satisfied with the result. Rememben the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. id on esxch packuege. Northrop & Lyma.‘ Newou‘tie. tWat , proprietors for Canada. bBold by ail medicine doweers * ' COCUO GLYUERINE removes daudrufl Bz wi«s.â€"Too piten a cold or slight cougn is conâ€"idered an or.â€"inary, trifling aft ir, jast aâ€" well lef: to go as it came, and hâ€"uce +y tematic liy neglected unul a simple cura jle affeciion is couverted into «a serious pulmon 1y disesse. The more prudent aware ht « cough or cold »hould never "be trifled with prom ily use B yans ‘s Putwonic Wafers," ht;e nuâ€"taipged .their .reput«tion _ for over 34 yeiursâ€" They are alwâ€"ys â€"ffiswious, and exert a mt benefici Linfuence« on all the wonch: 1 1.d paimon iry urgan«, Said vyail Druygiâ€"ts and couniry merchunts, * EPrice 25 ceuts por box Vr.r Nat za. â€" ben a person has prov. d an «rucie and tound 1t goud, and aus se iug the pupse tor which it is inâ€" euded. he «u& i ge@»dily a andon it for me uf upub. ul reputation, or conceâ€"ning which he knows n thing. We aréled to m ke these rem wis owing t» the course «\ways .un%u»o who have use i imit celovraje i Aruly, valuable horse mediine keown as * Darley‘s Condition owders ani Arsbi.n Heive Remedy.‘> All are so well pleased with it thit they will not use auy ursber, muny bave waited +everal we: ke until the ageut o uld obtain a new supply,. lbere im notuing equal to itxs condition medicine, or for sny com» pliuue« »feoun, the wiud of horses. Re memter the natbe, and see that the sigâ€" vature of Hurd & Co.. is on e«h puackage. ~ortbrop & Lyman,, Newocmtle, Uunt., pn‘..-!i'.u”l tor Canad.. SBold by all Mediâ€" No toilet table should be with out COUCUâ€"ULÂ¥YCERIN E, 25 cents per bortle. Jihe Lenalors. Mas. Wix mow‘s Bo r+uime Braur is th« pre« cfptidn . t ude of toâ€" best Fewmalo Phy. icians «d Ngreâ€"s io the U nited Biates, and has bâ€"en wed foo & irty years wito nev t taliing if ty and »u c as by ot mothers ans aild:eb, frem the trebiâ€"~ infant 0f one week ald to the ‘adult.© 1t vorrects acidity . f the «tomm b, reliâ€"ves wind colic, regulates the v .wrle, and yives rest, bealith and comfoit to aâ€" ther an+ chiid. We bâ€"licve it the best d â€"urest rmedy in thâ€" world, in all cases +# D sentery uod" Liurâ€"hnerd in chiidres «h. ther it arises trom seething, or from any «ber cause Fall cirections for asing will « company each buttle. None gunoine uniess toe facâ€"sicwcile of CURTIS & PRRKINS is on be outsid~ wrapper, Boid by all medcine d alers, .56 crnts a bottle. OG@fce, 215 Fulton stir: ot, Ne â€" York, and 93 Oxford Sirect, Lonâ€" mwa _ Be sure and wall for . f MEHB WINSLOW‘S sOO0THING SYRUP, daving the fac simile of "Curtis & Porkins m the «n aide wreppâ€"t: â€"All others are bas imitatiocs PuIBTY YLA.8 kLXPERIENCE OFP AN ULD SURSE 1nd similar troubles, if w esult in serious Pll-onfl.-‘. , ® Asthmatio affection«, ofto incurable. are compounded so as to reach directly th arat of the uiseass anc give almost instanp‘ _ fhe Troches are offered with the fullest confidengâ€" in th ir efficacy ; they bave Been thomâ€"=aghiy testâ€"1 auo ma«intalo the good r putation th y hav~" justly acqui~=0 _ For l::‘t-lk Bpesker«, Bingors, Militery ‘a?o-u those w o7 TtnXk voioe Are uhll-wrv‘u an !‘:h-n ‘Throat, and will t nder a ticulation easy. Belog sn artichk of t o« merit, and having proved their +BMcacy by atest of tany years, euch year Aods then in ae@#w lacslit}» a in varlous pwte o the worl¢. «* th Troce:s ure auniversally pronounces ogttéer th :o other articles. Â¥ brato «aly ~Bro«@n‘« Broachis! Troch s, «ad do nâ€"4 tak> ans of the Worthless Imita: ons tost asny tb o@â€"red. * * Tuvogns, * so c«allâ€"d, »ord by the ounc», are a oo in ‘ston and notbhiâ€"g like uoin« sB »*C I1AL FROURS~ which ar» a4d on!; io boxg a *4¢ > Je aaomile /A thr AGâ€"PÂ¥uA8, en ountsl « «Tappe! i4 bour, «10 private Govp mu 1 BL statgp sttachâ€"€ to rach boz. I. is car in puting 1p the Tso se« ied 2 po ! At aâ€" a s.cut:y «0 the pog bass ju or d to ~ sgre «t btsining th. gengige , Bow : Brone» a! "roches. Uig/A n1 YNK WSHO SUFFEKS from Dis ‘[\ ,» »im, Ob rguorn alow etarvÂ¥ation, for i m . iâ€" s no: .ow mach rood is taken, nor how zood n maey be if 1 }» noe compliesâ€"ly 4y. gied «168 ~eamilsso:. d prav d outb tw and @@mporerisned biood «1th degencration«t wh-‘a:- "W::"m of it ® dit=ry 1Baendes anoa devélops® in the system that cl a» of Ohronic 'â€"uwm Consoam ptive and berotalous ty pe. rcle of sbe Lavgs Ealargem at of the Glands"of the ~ech, Eraptiâ€"nâ€" of the Skin, Apinal Dis COCOâ€"GLYCKRINE nou rish| BROW N‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES HORE THROAT, UuUGH, COLD, SPECIAL NOTICES. JQHN 1: BRuWN & sUN, denlers, l‘rice, 25 cents per iPRICEâ€"3 CENTS | _ An account comes from India, that the Superintendent of Police at Benares, on igoin‘ into the city on duty was informed that during the night a wild beast had ‘seriously wounded several people, and that the animal was sitting in a dark recess on the top of some steps on one of the | streets. Going to the spot, mm | saw two eyes glaring in the | Taking a musket fro n one of ice, he | fired, when with a fearful roar a huge ti down the steps. Fortunately the 300 tor had hit him in the foreâ€"arm, the tiger, missing his aim fell into a hole. A qolicemn &an fired at him but missed. ‘he same coustable then attempted to kill the tiger with his bayonet, but this fell off, and the tiger recovering himself, sprang on the policeioan, mauling him severely. A large crowd was now gathered round, and a scene of the utmost confusion enâ€" sued. The tiger bounded furiously about wounding people on all sides. Files of policemun at this moment appeared on the scene. As they marched up with loaded muskets the hours of hw seemed to ‘t: numbered. Un y however, the police had forgotten the for their muâ€"kets, and had mdnd?‘t: ‘beat an ignominious retreat. Seeing the ‘Btate of aftuirs the inspector rode of to Oobtain assistance. e returned after the interval of an hour, with some officers, who hmu‘hcboch‘umnudm:‘ In the meantime other gentlemen come up, and the tiger was brousht to bay in a place enclosed with walls. Rome hairâ€" vreadth escapes took plave, the assistant magistrate falling through the roof of a house in escaping from the infuriated boeast.© A woudmcudm from a nu »ber of guns at length the tiger, who had altogether wounded twelrve one. an old woman, who is not to recuver. 3 A trial for murder under extraordinary circumstanves has just taken place at Melan in France. A small farmer in % named Ducormer, aged twentyâ€"siz, who was married in 1867, not to have lived happily with Imm disorâ€" Aetly and prodigal havits being a frequeht cause ol .quarreis. The man and his father who resided in the mw and who sided with his son, then ved to c rid oll“:he wothn:n _by murdering ber, l not having the courage to deed themselves, they m for some willing instrument. ~Proposals were at fi st mndo:-w the huâ€"band to & laborer but he ahowed no inclwation to the crime. Durâ€" thresher named Bertin, a mans of a wild and brutal nature, who'::- in a state of profound misery, and undertook to to do what was required of him for a sum of 1500f The busband told him to throw a chicken in the well and when the women came to look down it to see what was the matter, he was to take her by the feet and throw her in. He did as he was desired, and the wife came and looked over the brim, but the man‘s courage failed him at wil.hhi-mm::,ndu'ih-o“ could not cnplonds“h f::‘fumr told him to use h hatobet. This was done, the man took advantage of « moment when the woman was alone in & on her. ~The conduct of mm-‘ was the moment, and thd woman went away months advanced in . Bertin was arrested and confessed his and the two Durcorbiers were sent to him in -mad;bym hh.l?‘&l has i son mwboonm.d to h and the actual murderer to hard labor for life. > «Gris,‘" writes to the Cinciopati Times : Let me relate an incldent of that occdtrred when‘l #was a man m‘hl‘m~m' e Understand me, I have mo distaste z young ladies society now, but Athey don‘t seem to hanker so much for mine as they did, say twenty years ago. ‘This is natural D pirsas remnn in , h L us er Te nit Paung lady looked to see i( hadn‘t Awmmwn_% ess train to make a: . Only in y rmerntin att msnpreare®, t w 1 each made a dash for that desirable and ::vdo:od 'Mnl seat. l&“i.'Gl fair .= lm m but &whmm’:}.d-- stances, gave ' slightest trip in the world, just enougl to enable me to the start: of him and Obtain the m,ufim My friend Aook a seat on all ruund the country. fora job of making wou‘t pay, ~‘Take work where you find it. That‘s my motto." } . He almost forced me out of the seat, with his yehemence, and if â€"I hadn‘t made a vigorous resistance he would> have had me out on the platform, â€" The young lady garg me one look qlwdm tramping jour. shoemaker !â€"then ber gize out of the window, and kept it th-ohr&.n-“d‘ . , y frieed remounted the woodâ€"box, and inâ€" apd motions in which â€"I indulged. The young lady was attractive, and some easual .ounrhdn:fild:u cu.::oco&-â€" _\on.‘folh dlw.l.u and are more ready to pickiit qa' than old onesâ€"afforded an opportunity to glide easily and pleasantly into converseâ€" fiture by certaim *.m'.uyaullpflfly,.ll" nnu.unybr_flhfll;l.u to the best of my recollection at this somewhat remote diy. My frend observing this looked madder than ever. Athl.flfl? uomeith rulipie $esd cod. a “Qu“*uw:u;n‘“ :‘M‘Y-”- a} & Ab as not. They :'Um’:btbmhody.-d-*..o place, and lots of work.: ‘Ro take your kit und get off before the train starts. No use :,:M::l‘ be ur::t:a: l Â¥ ret » wmhdudmbylhr,fl in a tons bedrd all through ‘the car: A tighs mournfully : , And whlf:ih’lonil'fiflm _ _‘ In tendér®tones And sad, Jow moans, It tells of its loved, lost leares. Oh! stricken tree I would comtort thee, Couldlruch\heowuh&nia t as MMWMW, § [ ' The spri fl'fi"’" t.nd‘t!nn shall come, 'Pmlbringwfln'o Glad bird and bee Sad human hbeart ! Where‘er thou art Though lLife‘s bright leaves have flown, : To hee shail brng" To thee bring New hope and joys unknown. := w And dancing leaves again BATTLE WITH A TIGER. A DIABJLICAL MURDER. THE COMIKG SPRING,. * I| think I added‘to hh dissomâ€" in such a series of Sendish A RAILROAD STORY ‘in burling bun from the car, U t it

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