ahor stok 1. Een t BUNXDORED hile on the Utt th Pians and & he office of the AUCRUSS the RL rt Maria a~d Tb JUSAND ntrus a City of i }AY, the | of Western Suet Stall will be 4# 5 AA with Preah and ssEsToRE ation tenuer Lae puuame he rery M‘ them dunng ie soliciting s con :y would earnestly 5 POU t ruments of splecdid mporta »ml g> ; ler must have th 1 es pery h"l’:': due ket, _ this _ ] "rRIDPAY 4#2" ce with PH seen at the c C mimain it Rereot fevat Custonser® â€" he «itiskedtâ€" _ op s VX# . Aâ€˜ï¬ E to replace LEYS BR M\ ®:> the RKNE 4 i and N, 8Â¥USsAG ofâ€" which will T OF HT th _ the 10 Iipb Fau t assured the ; ; finest stail @ ly HELL gnificent Calf, e ltA om“dM ;N’s â€4 f wE N $ will be ‘ arnoon of L* 0 sers, from W 1‘3, PTIG PDOtite the EL Wwili saL. . ":f" and wiy prize at PC posito the wWâ€"& 9. "" 10 & 12 EY THE £ the C By Order, #] E1 m U PROU CXHML _ } 1st APRIL, it of ab 10 WYX af Mx. G«zeuzt having resigned the Shrieâ€" yalty of Prince Edward, Mr. James Gillesâ€" pis, of Picton, has: been appointed there. 10 House of Commons, whose places of resi dence are some thousand mules off from the seat of Government, are arriving one after another in anticipation of the meeting of Parliament. Dr. Schultz, from Mani s ui * in ; th Dr. Hurlbert intimated that he had helrmeie d 8iz B# PUD | not been able to write out ‘anything, but > «u: mize them. :s.dbymm of the maps which he ts prepared to be able so to illustrate ~d, extra value Blac‘kt Glace his subject as to make himself underâ€" 3 Silks, ordered be.ore th¢| ssood. The currents of the ocean proâ€" ceeded from both sides of the equator, "NNONS& M‘MORRANX, these warm ocean rivers, being the revul B) Sparks street: | sion, as it were, of the cold currents of westurars water coming in to supply a vacuum Bzazmmiax Puss z SrECâ€" | greated by the heat at the equator. They orge Michrel, an Uptician | touched upon the west coasts of the B:iâ€" i in | tish Isles, making them comparatively o raki ikngow, coottand, â€" has .mnd ye warm, whilothootzdm stream com this city, and remains tor a short time at ing from the ‘,"u.h.._l.n opposite the Music store of Messrs. O.me & SO0, | direction, in \bdmhn hz:plnroku in Sparks stree blindness upon the Coast of Labrador, the east qrovents in nfich is Fotterny providings [ sasé of urcsuinnd, produciay cont. ° Suen » sby provmdaneg * was the case in the Atlanuc basin, and h.and of spectacle, which improves the isely simlar results occurred in the Sight.without injuring the eye. He is an mludlmwm As it Optician by profession, and has every | was with the ocean streams or rivers, so kind of optical ins‘rument conceivable tor ; :‘t;‘;hp::lm m;l: sale, as any one may perceive, and have puted at between fortyâ€"five and five ocular demonstration of it to boot. hundred feet, but at a height ot three * se wommum + miles the air was so cold as to cause the Easrer Satcrpar..â€"The dis,lay of meat | y»pours constantly "H.m“ the equator in the butâ€"hers‘ stails, to morrow, will| to be condensed. and fall first in‘o..o‘; show, at a glance, how, in spite of heavy ml“d::.dmm’ honl:n:ightho rents and enormous tixation, the citizens in rain. â€" The sun was the ruling influence ; of uUttawa live. In both Upper Town | i; gave heat, heat motion, and motion ndLomemm'nm.Ath-lhmhm be more â€" thâ€"n i rerial cold or warts streome en â€"climate ie . tinn. erdmuarity tempt aftected, making some countries wet ng ; but it is indisputable thit the finest | MJ ficaq for the production of grasses and -h',un.richou meats, and the best got m.‘.ghwm up stail will be that of the enterprizing | of rice, the sugar cane, and such like proâ€" brothers Sitchall. They spare neither| ducts as were common to China and ihe money nor pins to obtain wellâ€"fed catile. ‘:s".uv“m&n-yu-:::. Taey are, in tact, the most indefatigable! rorsiz months in the year than there is in caterers for the carnal appetite anywher ’m'n.hm-nflum Published EVERY FRIDAY MORNIN3, in time for the morning Mail, at $1.00 per annum, paid in advance ; or $1.50 if paid during the year. lutn!uunu..-'!'ln dis,lay of meat in the butâ€"hers‘ stails, to morrow, will show, at a glance, how, in spite of hceary rents and enormous tixation, the citizens of Uttawa live. Inâ€" both Upper Town and Lower ‘Town the display wil be more thâ€"n _ ordinarily temptâ€" ng ; but it is indisputable thit the finest show, the richest meats, and the best got up stail will be that of the enterprizing brothers Sitchall. They spare neither be more th+n _ ord ng ; but it is indisputable show, the richest meats, : up stail will be that of t brothers Sitchall. They money nor piins to obtain They are, in fact, the mo to>a, has been here for some time, and Nr. Amor De Cosmos, M P., for Victoria Rritish Columbia, is now at the Russell House, having arrived here yesterday. style. ALLAN, WKINXNNONS & M MURRAN, in Sparks street â€" Hoe cures blindness or provents it, which is better.by providing a khind of spectacle, which improves the Sight.without injuring the eye. He is an Optician by profession, and has every kind of optical ins‘rument conceivable tor sale, as any one may perceive, and have ocular demonstration of it to boot. Easterz.â€"We bave many good butchers in the capital, but from what we saw of the store of the Messrs. Gough, on Rideau Streat, last evening, we are inclined to believe that their stock is equal to any in the city, Their establishment has been evening, Goop Fupar.â€"This boing Good Friday, the Post Offtice will only be open trom 1. o‘clock, a.m . till 1 o‘clock p m. (The only Daily Morning Paper in Central Canada) is published every morning at $6.00) per annum, payalle in advance, or 12} cents per week, delivered in the city It is mailed to subscribers in the United States, at $7.50 free of Canadian posta ge. A limited number of Advertisements are inserted in the Weekly Times, at 10 cents per Line, 1st insâ€"rtion, each subseâ€" «quent insertion, 5 cents.. « Roomg Wanted, .‘ 2. .x Board Wanted, Aiticles Lost, â€" â€" Lrti*?MTm‘ a mwnud, Inily Times at $16 per annum C.ttle Strayed, s * Miscellaneous Wants, Money Wanted or to Loan, when not exceeding 24 words, Et Grzoror‘s Wmâ€"m_ £Esq. w..s returned yesterday by a large majorit) . Bzammiax Puessos Serscâ€" orge Michrel, an Uptician nowm wiasgow, scouand, has arrived in this city, and remains tor a short time at the Music store of Mesesrs. O.me & Son, O IELLELLWNG OPE" © A"‘r . CoOmsT PARICHS. ; Condensed Advettisements, such as Nituations Wanted, . L Nituations Vacant, Houses for Sale, o Houses to Rent, Houses Wanted, _ Board and Lodging, Special Contracts for any definite term, are made at SCALE RATES, which may be seen on appl cat on at the Cfice, or with our Agent, Mr L. A. Grison. when not e ing 24 words, . B 45â€" Eï¬l\TS Entire Stock must be Cleared Out by the First of May. OHUEâ€"IXALE ORXLGXNAL C ADVERTISING RATES. For ordinary awivertisements in Duily Times, 1st insertion, 10 cents per line; each subsequent insertion, 5 cents. cents per line. each, PREPAID; each additional word over 24, one cent. » (H| Remnants of Floor Oil Cloths at reduced ALLAN, M‘KINNKONS & M‘MORRAN, A) Sparks streot Dresses made to order in first class Faias orr MF‘,.~ The members of the Professional and Business Cardsâ€"not exâ€" eding 24 ~wordsâ€"are inserted in the YMES PRINTING AND PUBLISHING COMPANY. â€" Ottawa, March 25, 1872 THE WEEXLY TIMES, T13 DAILY TIMES, LOCAL NEWS3 Notices, 124 cents per lice among rexling matter, 25 JAMES BAILIFF, Managing Director, * OTTAW A K) Sparks »treet. w1" nremises pmd) @O0Ops# DaMAaoED BY LATE FIBE AT ‘ M. Boscovitz, the great pianist, â€"will ‘mnpnymtahoflv’uit,ndnanuhly 1pnlnho him that encouragement and admiration which is always awarded him by those who appreciate his great ability. He is a pupil of Litz and Chopin, and has 'porfornod with the greatest success in Vienna, London, Berlin and Paris M. 'Bonoviu is also piinist to the King of Portugal, who is the best musician among the crowned heads of Europe. He has been induced to visit this city by Mr. Nordhei: mer, who will now secure for the Ottawa dilettante the services of artists who have hitherto kept away for want of some perâ€" son who would take the trouble to promâ€" ise them the proper encouragement. There is another version of the sad, sad story,equally uncharitable with that which appears in the Cifizen. Tb& woman is said to have got $160 from her son, who is in Michigan, and to have been dflkin. freely, so freely indeed that * deâ€" ceased Jane McCormack died ot disease of the heart, ag,ravated by excessive drinking." Duiv i« Ben â€"A poor woman, named McCormack was found yesterday morning dead in her bed. She. being â€"in abjec: poverty, of course, lived in a hovel an subsistedl as best she could. â€"A coroner : iaque«t w« held by Dr. Beaubien and . Mr. D 0) Connuor sud that be atuended the meeting as «n elector s# the ward although not «s reâ€"id ns, and obâ€"erved that u was doubtiful if a new elecuon woulsa se neid. This point would ouly be deter mined by the pad ment t . be given on ume gmunï¬ of Mr Câ€"B8ey aziost Mr Mortiuner. he Coort might decide the cause 1. Mr Mo:timer‘s taror or ags:inss M~. Mor.imer anmd give the se«t to Mr. Collâ€"y, or le«ve both oft them out in the cold and order a new election. It woul1 be well. how ever, to ve prepared for the l.â€"t continâ€" __Mr. Kehoe‘s motion to aljourn until Weinesiay, the ird April, was then put and carried. to be met with, and J« carnivorous com munity will assuredly do them full jusâ€" tice. : verdi.1 result. Last night, a lecture on the abore sub ject, was delivered in the rooms of the Ottawa Literary and Scien ilis Society, by J. B Harlbart, LL .D. D. Me:edith preâ€" sided. _ Dr. ‘Meredith introduced the lecturer as a sentliemin, who was known to fame as the author of a work on * Briâ€" tain and her Colonies," and of a work on Cimada, the title of which: escaped us. He regretted that he nad been unabie to obtain some globes, terrestial and celestial, which would have aided him in illastraâ€" ting his subject ; but he felt convinced that the maps, behind him which the learned gentleman had prepared would compensate in some degree for the absence of the globes. Mc _ Michael Starrs «pproved of Mr. Kehoe‘s rew»rks and witnout off nce or opposi:ion to those who siiÂ¥â€"red with him im his faith he hpei the nomin«tion 0t in lrish C.:thoiis would =e aceptable to the e1ectors generally. _ â€" A meeting of the electors of By Ward was held at the St. Patrick‘s Hall, last evening at 8 p. m., to take into considerâ€" ation the propriety of selecting a proper person to run for the Ward for Commisâ€" sioner of Water Works in case the proâ€" test entered against Mr. Mortimer‘s elec tion should be successful and a new election ordered. * Ald. Kehoe addressed the meeting. He said but short notice wi«s given to the electors, and"but few of them were aware of any meeting being beld, and that it being Hoiy Thursday it was unreasonable to expect a large a semblage. Ho.:j- gested that the meeting would be adâ€" journed until Wednesday next the 3rd of April, and thit in the meantime pubâ€" lic motice should be given to the electors. Before putting 1 motion to thit effect he would observe that inâ€" the event of a new election, he wouldl advocate in bringing forw rd an Irish Catholic to represent the Ward. ‘The French Canaâ€" dians bad sâ€"lected a genileman of their faith and nationality to nt'uenl. there interest, und S.. George‘s, Victoria and Wellington Wa~is had chosen three Pro testant zentlemen. He therefor» contended it was fot only just, but ressonable, thit th» Irish Cathorics should hive a represenâ€" tative at the Bourd of Water «ommisâ€". moners. . He contended tor this not 1n any spirit of ill will or ant:«gonism to his Pro estant friends, but as a matier of justice to his Lish coâ€"rehgiwnists. s # CURRENTS OF AlR AND UuCEAN, IN CONNETIONX WifH CLLM ifEs." Ald. Heney was called to the chair and Patrick Baskerville, Esq, was appointed Secretary. WaTER COMM!~MUNER BY WiaRD. A HALL! leath from apoplexy was th . ALLAN, Rideau Street. ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. â€" W#¥®All work warranted for one year, and all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. § > _ _A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been added, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this section of country), we are in a ronuon to produce work more promptly and cheaper than any one else. _ . The proprietors are practical workmen and give personal su ion to all work, Orttawa, March E 1812 19316 Deaters in Furniture, Cabinet Warean 1 Upholstering of every descrâ€"p ion, Have opened a shop at No. 80, Rideau St. next to 3. Robert, butcher, where they have a splendid assortment of imported and bome m«outactured furnmure, &o., Mumm:p.flabï¬p for oâ€"«sh “w % w umn‘ &&'ARDS. March 2%, 18123 1981 1s depths than it doesâ€" in any portion of the Dominion, as hid beet" exemplified in â€" the Llocking _ up _ of _ the Pacific Railway. . The. climate of of Canada, like that of Northern Europe was most invigorating and the character f the irhabitants was muchk influenced y the clhmate. Ordinarily, the south is irst civilised. Boman civilisation carried tself to bounds where is was thought imâ€" »wossible for man to live, but. afterwards hne very knowledge which they afforded, he discipline ot their armies, their civilisâ€" on in a word was taken poqfl-ionof by nose northern barbwi«ns, until Attils â€"t length returned the compliment, which uad be@n paid to the north by the Romans in ultimately overrunning Rowe herself. It is a mistake to suppose that the disâ€" parity of numbers between the poo‘ylo of this Domin.on and the people of the United SNtates would insure a ready swallowing of us up by our southern neighbours. There is a manly vigor among the people of Canada, a superiority of ueshy-iquo, which cannot be entuely subd & IK k fact that while Canada everywhere is capâ€" able of producing cereals and grasses one half of the United States is a merg barren waste. The people of the United States might by some violent or unexpected efâ€" fort overrun Csmdm there would be no subjug. tion. Wi m, eâ€"pecially in the South. efeminancy had begun, while in Unnada thee had been no deterioration in the Anglioâ€"Saxon and Norman races, but rather an im,rovement on the original stock. _ Dr. éurlbert. read exitracts from Mr. Marshal , Adjutant General Ross, ard other Enoglish gentiemen, who had writâ€" ten upon this country and had reason to observe the physical development of its inbabitants as contirmatory of his own alâ€" legation that the British races in Canada bhave improved by transplantation hither. He denied that storms came in cyclones, differin» in this respect from Colounel Rei1, k.E., author of a Law of Storms, and from Lieutenant Maury, formerly of the United States Navy. He admitted, however, that storms coming, apparently, with an easterâ€" ly wind, invariably began in the west, on this continent, and he showed that hurriâ€" canes were caused by the moeï¬n;h:f two werial cnmnt:‘:oo coming from the cold or,ux':o- of north or extreme south, and the other from the equator. _ At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved «tyles of in its stead the American through lines, the Grand Trunk has a most pleasing prosâ€" peot before it. an i that its present condi~ tion is most assuring to its prom ters. It was an exceedingly interesting lecâ€" ture. Major White in a few neat and apâ€" propriate words, in which he regretted that the smal‘ness of the audiences, on such occasionsâ€"although the audience then present was very much larger than usual â€" 7mpoud a vote of thanks to the learned lecturer, which was seconded by Mr. Russel!, of the Board of Agriculture, and unanimously adopted. ©Aawruriay & EpWaARDS, Carriage and Nleigh W. Stockdâ€"le, Brothers & Co > _ FACTORY:, RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW., PTZaAWA STEA‘YT Coaches Carriages, Omaibus:es, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. PROPRIETORS TRHE OTTIAWA TIMES, MARCH 290; i8172 TO THOMAS PATTFEER&ON, Eeq. Siz,â€"Alderman Cunningbam h"i:fdl“' signed his seat in ‘the City Council as Alderâ€" man, we, the undersigned electors of St. George‘s Ward, request you to accept such vacant position, | e c toah 1. able Your being a large Woperty holder, and being resident in the Ward, we have full confidence in your abilities to guard our interests, and place our trust in you to adâ€" vance this section of the city, and benefit the ratepayers in general. . will be held at the the Rink Music Ha on SATURDAY EVENING, April 20th. The undersigned begs publicly to exâ€" press his thanks to the Western . ssurance Company 'md bt:o North British Assurance Company for the v rcmpt manper i 'hicmy h-vo..t?y .’L.a?ï¬â€˜...., G + Prummond, E«q, paid the full amount © his policies for losses sustained by fi@ 0 the 20d instant. gef} o lA v ts A. MORTIMER. Ottawa, March Ist. 1872 _ We now tender you our vrotes and supâ€" port, to secure your services. . . _ Ottawa, 22nd March, 1872. To Alexander Workman, E. A. Meredith. J, G. White, J. Pennock, Wm. Hamilton, Dunâ€" can Grakham, A. Mortimer, J. W. Ryan, P, Kearns, and 200 others. GENTLEMEN,â€"~â€" F t *_ the City.: Good chance now ‘for spe culators. gon't try anywhere withow seeing the subsoriber. A. GAGNIER, . .. ._â€"â€"~~â€" Reat Ketate Agont I thank you for the confidence you have placed in me. I accept your requisition, and if electd to the honorable position of Alderman for St, George‘ s Ward, I shall endeavor to discharge my duty with Cire and economy. _ 3 Ottawa, RMach 23. Ottawa, 5th Feb., 1872. jÂ¥ & P. S.â€"ENThANTE BY S[DE DOOR. FUB SALEâ€"Une bundred acres ot ftine land, at only $4 per acre.. It is known as E B, Concession 4th,â€"Township and County of Rusâ€"ell. It is to be sold insise of 2 weeks. Fine Dwellings and Cow:fu in O‘Connor, Metcalfe, Wellington, and Sussex streets. l ABOR AGENCY.â€"â€"All those who are 4 in need of Salesmen, Bookâ€"keepers Stone Masons, Carpenters, Joiners, Shantyâ€" men and Laborers in general, can have them on Ten Day‘s Notice. Corres ndin1 agencies are now being ahblhro,d al through the Dominion, in order to meet the demand in Ottawa. sys CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs to inform the ruhlic that his office has this day been tEMOV ED to the rear of. the GENERAL OFFICES of the Company, on Wellington Street, where orders tor the collection and delivery of Goods will meet with prompt and careful attention Payment for Freight and Carsage will now be received ;t. the Company‘s Oftice, on Wellington tre: t. A_ lPandid land, within three miles of the City of Ottawa, beautifully situited, near the Race Course on Bank street, and within a mile of the City Agricul tural Show Grounds, and adjoining the Ottaw«a and Gloucester macadamizâ€"d rosad. ‘Title indisâ€" putable. Enquireof R. ABBOUTT or D. W. COWARD, (tm.aw" 8t, Lawrence & Yuawa itaiway House. 1 l1ge of Hull, two stories high Feautiâ€" fully situated on the corner of Albert ®t., the best business part of tne village. The house is nearly new, and well finished. Rent $200 per annum, payable monthly. For further information apply to R. ABâ€" BJTT or D, W. CuW ARD, Oitawa, or to the owner on the p emises, _ .. _ _ _ __ b\UR SALE.â€"That valuable property known as "Ashfield‘s Stone Block,‘" on the corner of Oregon and Sherwood Streets, Chaudiere, very convenient to the mills, and easily rented at any season. Annual rental $475. For funhorm lars apply to JAMES aSHFIELD, Grocer, Dukea Street, or to I. B. TACKAâ€" BERRY, Auctioneer. x :4 Ottawa, Feb. 23rd, 1872. 1904d 'uJVATE BOARDING HOUSEâ€"Withâ€" . a few minutes walk of the Parliaâ€" ment Buildings. Eight or ten gentlemen can be accommodated with finely furnished rooms,. An excellent table kogt. Address, L. A. RIS ~N, address. l,‘UR SALEâ€"A piece of land containing 25 neres, situ«ted one mile from Pa pineauville ; dwelling and outhouses barn, stables, &c. ; 15 acres under cultivation . Terms reasonable. Address f LADY LISGABR March, 15, I8i2â€" . . .. 1923if FT)Y{EAâ€" LE OR TO LETâ€"Ten acres otf aenlandid land within thram milas af FJNU LETâ€"a awéiiing house in the Vilâ€" (Ottawa, March 15, 1872. Albert, Slater, Queen, Weilington, Willbrod, x es l\o LE1, = # One first class BRICK CE DWELLING, with 8table and Coach House, &c.. on Daly Street. Rent mod. ra‘s. â€" Ap Iv to ~~TCO®. PAT1IER+ON, 4 W ANt®, A GO0OOD GARDE NE R, 10 W WILL soon arrive from Montreal a few @ Â¥ good laborers. ‘ Come and leave your Sir John A. Macdonald will preside. The proceeds to be devoted to a charilâ€" March 23, 1872 N ANTED to rent immediately, a moâ€" derate sized furnished house Address â€" JR A., Tings Oflice. March 27,. 1872. 1932f March 23, 1872 NUR SALEâ€" (Ottawa. March 13 : Times Uftice. Ottawa, March 13, 1872 1920 1m 120 Lots in the following streetsâ€"Maria. UXDER THE DiSTINGUIEHED PATRONAGE OF N . AMATEUR CONCERT WITus READINGS larch 23, 1872 ARD OF THANKS Feb, 13. 1872 General A ge Opposite the l_uu..lf M es ANTED to Bny _T or 8 Adwol:x.np in Centre Town. Good lots ; ready money for them. ANTEDâ€"SALESMEN â€"Three first class salesmen wanted at the Regent Apply to I remain, gentlemen,, yours, &c, __ THOUS. PATTERYSON irch 22. 1929 particulars will be published SINCLAIR, STITT, & Co. A. GAGNIEK, Real Estate Agency, Opposite the Russel; House C. B. WRIGHT, . :| Hull Village, ) 1929w&dim A. GAGNIER, ; Real Estate Agent. Opposite liussel1 House A. J, TAYLOR, s3 Cartage Agent. PaAT1IERON, 4 26 BRiseau street, 1s97f A, GAGNIER, A. GAGNIER, | _ Real Estate Agent. 2. 1922 WM. SULLIV AN. 1920 4d wif General Agent, la 199f _ The Council of the St. Patrick‘s Asylum is prepared to receive tenders up to Tuesâ€" day next, the 26th inst., at 4 o‘clock p m., for the execution of the Carpenter and Joiner work, according to plans and speciâ€" fic:tions which may be seen at the office ot D. O‘Connor, Esq., on Rideau Street, at whose offtice.the tenders will be left. The Council do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. barn, 3U x 40; a horse stable, 20 x 30 ; cow stable, 17 x 554; grainery, 18 x 24, and four miles from Uitawa City. For full particulars apply to T. 8. HARE, on the emises,. wIi2atf Tenders for the St. Patrick‘s Asyium. The names of two responsible securities must be attached to each tender for the due completion of the work. MARTIN BATTULE, f Secretary, 8St. P.O. A. March 21, 1872 1928 5 ho costsactore TENDERS will be received at the Office of the undersigned at PEMBRUKK, up to noon, on WisDNESDAY, 10th ~pril next, for the erection of a RKoman Catholic Church, 11 x 135, to be built otf Stone. and oom#leu'd on or befare tne first of J ANUâ€" AKY, 1874, in accordance with the Plans and Specifications which can hbe seen at the oftice of Messrs,. T. & W. Murray, Pemâ€" broke. Q;‘caxwup HALR DYK g-uuhn? is the BEST IN THE wo . The ouly F Perfect K:‘:flmwmw?. mln «‘10r, Remedices the ill oflmdh‘!]‘lfllfl Notice is hereby given, that an applicaâ€" tion will be made to the Parliament of Canada at its next Session for an Act to Incorporate the Canada Pacific Railway Company, for the purpose of constructing and working a railway from Lake Nipisâ€" sing or some other point in the. Province of Ontario connecting with the railway system of Canada to Fort Garry or Winniâ€" u‘g in the Province of Manitoba, thence ‘esterly through such pass of the Rocky Mountains in Canadian territory as may be tound practicable to Bute Inlet or some other point on the sea board of the Pacific Ucean in the Province of British Columbia (with power to extend to \'it:wrw or some other point in Vancouver Island, if found adviable); together with branch lines trom near ‘Vinnipeg Ruiver to the Lake of the Woods, and from Fort Garry or Winâ€" nipeg aforesaid to Pembina or such other point or place on the boundary of the Proâ€" vince of Manitoba, as may connect with with the railway system of the United States. Un behalf of the Company, WILLLILAM !EEDRSI‘EMAN. Representative of the late AirrED W apâ€" KGToN. . March 2, 1872 © « 1912 tos 4 _ Nepean.â€"West halt of Lot No. 27, in the second concession, Uttawa Front, cunâ€" taining 100 acres, 75 acres . cleared. A comfortable dwelling house and frame Authorized discount on American In voices, until furthe; notice, 9 per cent. 6. R. 8. M. s OUCHETTE, CUB‘DOKS DEPARTMENT. Satisfactory security as to the due perâ€" formance of contract will be required. The lowest or any tender may not be CA.\ADA PACIFIC RALILW A . Will be held at ST. PATRICEK‘S HALL and CANADIAN INSTITUTE, on EASTER MONDAY, 1st April, 1872. % ~ Refreshments suï¬:;lied by Prodfick. Music by Sutherland‘s Band. Dancing to commence at 8 o‘clock p.m. â€" Ticket, admitting #entleman and ladies, 50 «ents ; to be had at Prodrick‘s confecâ€" tionery . Nye‘s Tobacco store, and at Sutherâ€" land‘s Jeweller‘s shop, Lower Town, and at Bakkerville‘s, Duke street, Chaudiere. WM. MoCAFFREY, Capt. D. BEHAN, Secy. «+Ottawa, March 18, 1872. _ 1924 4 > J, C. AIKINS, Becretary ofState Ottawa, 2nd March, 1872 1916 Geod do PIOW +. .........srcerreeresc60l6066% Wooren Plows...................10 to. "Llorse Hoes............. .......... T t0o otate D"“.'...l.o"l'.'cll..licoaolitu Jo: t PIANDtOTB . c. .. es 6400 e es 6k +662 6064 10r8e Rake8.... ;. .. .... .. .++ ++ .!Q to All other artioles at corresponding prices + WM ABBOTT FARM FOR SALE in the Tomhoir of Nepean. â€" West halt of Lot No. 27, in OTT AJVA FIRE COMPANY DULY Commissioned Land burveyors who may desire employment in Mamtoba during the enusing season, are invited to communicate by the 2lst int., with this Department, describving the inâ€" strument they use; . © 0 lanuary 15, 1872 Nushe:. Produces IMMEDIATELY 4 80 lluck or Natural Brown, and leaves the In returning thanks to their numerous‘ «rlends and customers in the city and vicinity, or their past pationage, beg to inform the .ublic generally, that they have jost complet. d ar:an.emecots for the leasing (at a large xpenâ€"e) of those large an‘ commodious vuildings n:ar the Market Square, on York Street, formerly occupied ty the Goverom+â€"nt, ud known as the Military Hospital, which hey bave thoroughly râ€"fitted and paiuted, and j0# fee) couflient that they are in possession if on« of the largest and bert situated room sin the Domioion, where they will pay particular ttention to Auction 8«1+s of : Regular Auction Saies eâ€".ery Tuesday wd Fridsy mormu.s, at 10;30 o‘clock, where parties baving goods to disp se ot will find it t ibeir aavantage to send them in the even. ‘og* before. * & Auctioneer and General Commiâ€"mon, Hous _ Furvisbing, Ivsurance and Ral Estst # _ Ageuts 36, York street, O:itawa. Otrawa Nov. 12. 1871 18124m â€" Real Estate, Household Effects, Agriculturat _ Implements, Works of Art, Horses, 3 â€"â€"; Oqrrrages, degy de .: > > Baies in country places, either in Ontario »Quebec prowptly atteuded to _____ _ _ t ECOND SEASON SOCIAL ASSEMBLY MACDONALDb’ AUCTION BOOXS. Y O RK STREE T. John Macdonald & So1 Pou SALE, ies No 11, 8. Ridâ€"au street, Ottawa. No 1, 10th Conceasion, Osgoode. % Apply to .__ DB. MoDOUGALL, Rideau strâ€"et. . _ Ottawa.: Dec 27. 1871 1856tf 5 OTICE. § ~JOHN DORAN, s so Chairman, Building Committee. | Pémbroke, 8th March, 1872. _ 1917â€"td KOTICEK TO LAND SURVEYORS, Ortawa, Dec 21, 1811 JOHN MACDONALD & SON, Ortawa, March 16, 1872. Commisâ€"ioner x +xxs ++#406 e se e 0 6# 10 xsiaiarsrs 80 . $110 o 110 . . «65 to 80 . 1. 0 to 1,00 . .. §30 to 40 ... 80 to 85 Son SUGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERAL GOCKRIEG, saiso WINES and all hztd uiquors,. Can:oian Spirits, of the bes Ce«ription, always on hand st prices as &6 small lots can be laid down. | W»â€" care not for compâ€"titiâ€"n, «l1 we.require is a trial given to our goods. . The econemist will profit by caliing 10 as, > g@*"Jur motto is light We are now prepared to off â€"r to the F«rmirg. ‘ommunity and to the trade inducements that bas not been given ber tofore oy any ons in ~ur line ot business â€"being now importâ€" ing the chief part of our Stick, sach as T&AS, WINES and. BRA x DIB1, enables us 10 recu:6 prices turther. . We claim already to bhave b:ougnat th« enurmous profits heretufore existing to a mojerate rate, and trust in furure to conti..ue so. . . C M lmf Â¥O. 36 RIDEAU B’I'me flDADwUKA.B STREET, CHAUDIERH, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. On and after MONDAY next, 4t? March they will be prepared to take orders in in this Department, which is under able and experienced ma«nagement. Punctuality in the completion of orders will be kept constuncly in view, NO’I’ ICEâ€"TV ALL WHOM iT MAY CONCERN P. Baskerville & Brothers, Will offter the same during this month at prices tha‘ will conv nee the closest buvers, and insure & large sale ° { Bay"The great advances on those gond« this season »enders this an excosedingly RARE OPPORTUNITY for pariie furnisbing. Crumbcloths, Hearthrugs Stair and Lob*y C:rpet». Floor Oil Cloths, Damasks and General House Furnishing at proportionstely low prices. P. 8.â€"Inspection respectiwmly invited. § They would also call the attention of parties requirmg apything in the way of Carpets and House Furnishings to their large »nd well assorted stock which they are det.rmined to clear out without regard :0 cost betore nmu'»lvil:fh l.:oir pew premises. | : H. 8. & Co. And an endless variety of Plain Marled, Suwiped and Cnecked Dol‘y Vardn and Mariposa Striped Prints in gâ€"eat variet .___ A Large Asso tment of Piain. Pgucy and Siriped 5 «prinese Silke. : Just Received some »ery + hoice E abrovdred Batiste Costume‘. Dressâ€"Malking Department ' Tapestry Two and Three Ply: all Wool M BARGAINS, BARGAINS tt, wa, February 15 1872 SALE â€"STILL GOING T. Hunton, Son & Co. Allan, McKinnons & McMoran Blankets, Flannels and ‘Wincies, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE W will gusrantee that no one can sell the +ame articles cheaper, such as TEAb, Ottawa, March 8, 1872 ered Grenadines, f Lyons Black Silks of first quality. Mariposa Satin Stripes, j Arabian Glaces, ' f Striped and Checked Creton Cloths, Plain and Fancy Figured 4 ustres, A Choice lot of Black and L‘ancy Flowâ€" AVE ust opened a complete assortment of NEW DR. S§ GOUDS in all the no NEW SPRING DliksSs GOODS, Dress Goods, CGive our Teas and Liquors a ‘Lrial, P. BASKERVIILE & BROTHEFE, Russell & Watson, C AER.EPETS Aliin, McKinvons & McMâ€"ran, Lot No. 1â€"97 pieces T«â€"peâ€"try. Lot No 2â€"856 preces Bruszells. Lot No. 3â€"45 pieces Tw» and Three Plv. Lot No. 4â€"37 pieces Dutch, Felt and Hemp. Euocessors to Garland, Mutchmor & Co.. 20 SparkeB:treet. REMARKABLY CHEAP. RUNSELL & WATSON. 29 Sparks Street. 1886y REGENT HOUSE! friends and the 1 Mr. Palmer‘s Store, 20 Bussex streot. Customers may depend receiving attention and trvated with civility, "E kinds of perfumery at very low Observe the address : Palmer‘ s Store, D) Susses Stres. VENARCE CHARRON _ friends and the public generally thst he A , MORTIMER, i Bookbinder, ,PTMQIMH flunndnpku::.’h-l.-h‘h&' resumed business in m% was now npha:‘ the same with cï¬cdz hm:qnndsomd.i--u wluch he m«y be favored with the utmost claims before me within one month, ~ _ C. E. JOHNSON, New Prints! Prints! the undersigned, C. L. JOHNBON, af Pl:'nwhvoh-wu in this matter. * PIECES XEW PRINTS, comprising 4w all the latest novelties, . PLAIN Fancy »nd Figured Lustres Furs at greatly redused r:.forflpfb’lm |____ JAMES PEACOCK, K4. Remember the place, $3 Ridesn street, #> lmmâ€" In the matter ï¬lflflm an Insolvent, Braddon‘sâ€"The Lovers of Arden... .# T5 Wilkie Collins‘, Poor Miss Finch T5 to l 00 Mrs. Craik‘sâ€"Hanaosh ............. 0 50 Maodonald‘sâ€"Wiltrid Cumbermede BATISTE de Francous. Macquoidsâ€"Patty.............. .. 0 D Bt, Abe and his Sevéen Wives....... 0 40 invkye Inaders of Public thpins * / 4 Cumming‘sâ€" men Boasts .. (hristianâ€"Theology by Duke of m......-.....-..-..-...’“ Forstersâ€"Life of Charles Dickens ..1 2 Will‘s Compilation of Municipal Aots. .1 25 R@â€"Remember No. 39, Sparks street.~Ws Ottaews, March 11, 1872, pRINTED CAMBRIC de Franccie. Bubscriber begs to intimate to hls _ Mo-d-ndt.hplblhâ€"-*“b will dispose of the balance of Bookseliers and Stationers, 39 SPARKS STREET. : COhtamp, March T, 191 O)ttawa, March 15, 1872 102 im HENDERSON & CGOS, EW HaAil viunssiad PARLIOR, , MBROLDERED Popliuette Caestumes. Â¥RINT Morning Wrappers. ~*HILDREN‘S Muslin & Holland Pinaâ€" * fores. *HILDREN‘S â€" Embroidered SINCLAIR, STITT & CO. Ottawas, March 5, 1872 1914 *MBRUIDE «ED Pique Costumes. ntagenet, 12th March, 1872. ~wl1l 2 PRING STREET Costumes. CASES Ladies Underclothing of every description. ; LACK LUSTRESand Alpace. ADiES Twilled Flannel Dressing Gowns ADIS Emoroidered Skirts. OLLY VARDENS, new designs. QURsSIMETTE STRIPE. AlISTE Trimmed Blue and Purple Costumes. HILDKEN‘S Embroidered wLLYÂ¥ VARDEN C YBSTER Celebrated Grey Cotton, very OMAN STRIPE. ARL LUSTR+S. ORROCasES Long Clioths in all numâ€" EW BOUKS! NXTEW BOOKS! JUST OPENTCD OUT DR ES S$. FUR STOCK, in uind w dantiimsgt AT AT #5o to 1 OO ts