-u!'.u’.. Es M a ROIL, ir Totsa‘s, engrared Store» T P.x. M i to 4 pam. |, 1 104 PnysicisB, f; M 4 K 5 â€" 0. & & J MÂ¥ & y Contrap ) | BAKER, Mpotut,. .w“’ * Lez n .~-‘ J P of the 8 * snt Complaints vions, Chest Complaints Weuses arising from an i directions for taking this Creat | L .fl Restorer accompany d o moan | Liverpool Londonderry and ul Repycay‘s coPuUND SYRUP Of . Clasgow. â€" wmu,‘,ndnoothcr, is suppfiec | Che steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line w iDour rANS MERCER sailing from Liverpool every Thursday, and 'ï¬:l.::"th:t%:w fxo:: | from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock wA * 'l'oylflomdnuhuh::hlwnd al Mdflluu.,; 1918 3 t Passangers to +nd from I and Sootland ateme., March 9. 1872 A ® | aré intended to be despatched from Quebec: omposed of the following r.. {ron Steamehips : Mckets from all polints West at mtes, . Cortificates iâ€"sued to persons of preâ€"pa ing the passage of their thads to Canada, Through Bills of Ladiog kmex! on the continent, and in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States 1» Detroit, Milwaukee, Chicago and other yoints in «he West. ’nnpdy .udndod_lo. C. C »ith Sntees gire Railmy Recaipta velier from all flm furniture. Fo: Freight or Passog~ apply to Temporâ€" loy‘s, Curter & Darke, 41 Billiter Street, Long don ; Wilcocks & Weeks, Barbican, Plymounth; Rous & Co., Quebec ; David ~haw, Montreal ._ _ ote â€"C.B CUsaNINGH a%, i Ottawa "faba CENTRAL .‘“mmo/f‘ ' t of all 3*..‘.;:1'::-02 in | 1t Ryland . . Or other of the above named tirst class Steamers, is intended to be despatched m L{VKI!UOL for QUEBEC and MONâ€" AL on LIVERPOOL & â€"MONTREAL SCOTLAND, NILE HECTOR, NIGER, MEDWAY, TWEED, THAMES, SEVERN. ‘The steamers of this Line are intended to auil Weekly as follows during the season of wmyigation of 1372, to and from Spotiand tor Quebec and Montreal direct Wednesday, 1 4t1. April =- do do do _ 21st do Jo do do. 28th go SHANNON, ts * TA ‘% WEXLT $1EAX COMMUNICATION lnrmpeok io Dmkiney & Stnfomane, 1 o Towor Buildings, Water Street, or..W'ntl‘am Munter & Co.,. Exchange Buildings. Agent is Montreal. paVID SHAW March 4. 1371 * 1914â€"1m., (m.m ontwards f â€"r passeng: rs a0d leaving that port every Friday ) we FROM LONDON. Medway, via Halliax, N 8, and 8t JohLn, N B, \___"_ Wednesday, 3rd April SATURDAY, 141« APRIL (I‘o be followed Weekly) â€" _ Carryig at through rates to the in land (,.Mn“m Towns .:ld Cities in the Western States. # TKA M With leare to call at Queenstown or Moville. * Cct . "Afsr [ mm ?, 1872 1 }t1298, Special rates for furniture W. K. J London Queoec, MPOUND SYRUP ( " * â€" SAPARILLA‘ pRcaN‘s aad direct evory Wednesday thcreafter, FROYX QUEBEC. WkIUGHT IRON BEDSTEADS, 2ft Â¥t. Gin., 3ft., 3ft. 6in., 4ft. and 4ft. 6in or m rqumé:uï¬ï¬ahx umm delivery would do well to at once. Bird Cagos, #ide,© all different wad a large stock of and other articles, and the very best. YOL. guiiable for the farmer, city resident, lum | be._.‘13 or botels. ‘ -}‘nmw-u usual, wholesale and .re~ | H. MEADOWS & Co., | 33 Sussex Street. ‘ Ottawa, March 4, 1872. 1914 ‘ ' | I !) | | \U & a 3 (“ l * &\Q j l Marck 4, 1871 LIViRPOOL, QUEBEC AXND MONTRLAL, wonderful power in restorng t * hy # e "‘b. a bealthy state. ,‘w {rï¬ â€™rp‘ 4 certain remedy for Scrofuli, 3 ,"{‘.m.. $§Al}A/R . '-flMDONIin. all diseases «e w4 & m- j00, Souryy lro-chhtm:m' sCuykR SERVICE Mmulh'mddlm::h:‘f&:i t9ft,. *** € . ing * | MY4ASSENGERY Booked to and from rd Cages IRST »PRING ARRIVAL!! «* N Y ANZ A." And Montreal!. T.-"floy'- Line. #TEA UMSHIP LINE, SPAKKS AND ELOIYX #TREETS, « Hope‘s Book Store, * UOUSEKEEPING UTENXL§ The First Class Steamship COOKING STOVES Bird Nests, Bird Baths, YÂ¥I NO 1938. and Montrcal, E. JOHNXSON, Agent. RAIL W A t Arst class Power, Tuesday, 7th May do 1 ‘th doâ€" of the Day all Disease in restoring OF SAR ; Buttes Platters, beautiful pat POTOMAC, NYANZA, TIBER, TRENT. Bre« Platters, list do 1ith do OTTAW A. MONTREAL OCEAN sSTEAMSHIP COMPAXNY. CHANGE OF SAILING Calling at 8St. John‘s, N. F. _ FROMK QUEBEOC. Scandinavian Nertbh Amiâ€"an .. “l‘h. se« e 00 ##% Seandinavian ...... Hihornlttk . ... «« «. _ Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURINTHIAN, on or about.....12th Oct. TrawA «t «~ve.t0kk : * ST. DaVID * â€" «evodith . it 8T. ANDREW & .. ... 2nd Nov, ST. PATRICK®* * «+xa« Whkys 46 '“MO‘U'I, cabln .. .... .+ -.om 25 Intermediate.... ... . ... . . .. ... $47 or 4400 m..........................--â€â€œ And every succeeding Saturday, Rates of Passage from bec : Cubtts .... ..«..« .. . .. «Ioto BE > EOAE cercre‘x. ccrare t arr enrfith.__ ‘The steamers of the Gliasgow Line (sailiog ftrom (ilasgow every Tuesday, and from Que bec for Gilasgow on or about every lhuarsday afte Ictended to be despatched from Que Bsc @lasgow Line, _ W" An experienced Surgeon carried on each vessel. Berths not secured until paid * iqh Toi.ï¬ l e * x ds m ‘ Passage certificates granted to parties desir. | _ Comfortable Sofa Cars on No 1 and 8 mdmuuflmm Karape. Charge for berths, 50 cents. For erp‘fllflhl'll&ply‘o Sure connections with all the G T trains both D W CoOwWaRD & CO., Kast and Weet, as this Company‘s trains walt Agoguts â€" "Sparkseâ€"at | their arrival when late Ottawa, May 6, 1871 s9otf â€" M"':l::bnno'ddm Junceâ€" â€"""T"’*â€â€œ"-""'_" tion for ments. â€" ROYA INSUBRANCKE COMPANY, Tnlllmt;;; =:.Y=‘|ng: 0 s <wet _‘ PME LEMR â€"_: i.i _;._. Managing Director, Ottawa. OKETL es «. ««+urt «cce errr sï¬ 000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... ~4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ..... 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE AsSURANCE * EUNL. ....«c<«<itwrrencs. â€" Looldlh There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. "u FIRE Dxr:'nrxxxn 1 um y insured Wlmawgy Fin.umd‘w1 ate rates. Losses promptly settled without refer ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTXENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, and unquestionable security is offered to policy holders. Besides the large paid up capital of the Company, asâ€" surers have additional security in the ‘UNLI_IITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy " Tabhgd‘bm.:,.mm-did to the undersigned. * and Elgin streets. * 17607 H.Lâ€"ï¬oh-cfl;ï¬udtblqn is in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘sâ€"Block, ‘corner Spas and Elgin streets. 17607 Né L cetaniy 1nd io varhing Lives, Blak: Norâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive 8e ©,,+20 per cent in fuel, and steam pasies throngh any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quite dry . Extensively used in the Kastern and W« stern States and throug! Great Britain, and by the British Ad-lnla and American Navy.â€" ARBOLIC sOAP, YOPPERAS Perfumed, for Tollet XEKBOLIC SOAP, Ottawa, Jaauary a0 ARBOLIC ACID, ISINFEQTANTS FOR SALE HLORALUM, HLORIDE GF LLME, ROMOâ€"CHLORALUm, NALMER®.SPENCE PATENT NONâ€" CoNpUCTOR FOR COYERING sTEAM BOILERS AND PIPES General A. CHRI8STIE & CO , Droggiata, Sparks street, H. L. ROU'I'BLI~ k. F. BEDDA Chief Agents for Canada. Liverpool Line. and Distafâ€"cting Nonâ€"poisonous 1871 The old reliable, quickest and beat route ; the _ shortest Hne ;;'g-n.-m-omn to Bro aad all points y 'fl.ngm:nu h toall * ALTBRATION OP RUNNING TIXE. OTTAWA RAILWAYâ€" R LUTTBELL, Buperinteadent, Prescott, In Bond or Free And also in Wood or Bottle â€" Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martello Brandies, DeKuayper‘s Gin, Ja* maica Spirits, London Gin, Irish and Sceotch Wh’nkhl,\lo. A large varicty of Ports, Burgundies, Sherries, Cham No 8 (10 0 pm with | gu-', Moselles, Hocks, Clarets uternes, &o., of choice quality ~ _ and great range in prices. THE GREEK AS USUAL DOW‘S3 ALE in cask or bottle. English Ales, Porters, &c. f Â¥Finest F:ench Wine Vinega Liberal terms. Inspection invited. K ARNOLDI, No. UGreat Broad Gauge Route TO OTTaAWA. Brockville and Ottawa Railways 1 \ B Express at 7:30 a.m., arriving at Ottaws at 1:05 p.m., and at Band Point at 1:40 p. m. % Mail Train at 2:20 pm., arriving at Ottaws sat T:23 pm , and at Sand Point at 8:20 pm. Through Ottawa Express at 5:10 p.m., making a certain coanection with Grand Trunk Day Express from the Kast and West, arriving at Ottawa at 9:16 p m. NR aAND FROM WEUNESDAY, 3rd Jas., _trains will ran as follo#s ; Through Western Expreéss at 10:!5 a.m., ars riving at Rrockville at 215 p.m., and connecting with Grand Trunk Day Exâ€" press going Rast and West. Mail Train at3:45 p.m.,arriving at Brookâ€" ville at 9:35 p.m. . ARRIVE AT SAND POINTâ€"1:40 pm, and 8: 20 p m LEAVs SAND POIXTâ€"1:% am, 215 and 435 p m & make certain counections with All Wains on B. & 0. Rallway Freight loade# with despatch, and No Tran« ESTABLISHMENT FOR YOUNG LADLI@s Corn‘t of Wilbrod and Glou .ester streots, Sandy Hill, Otâ€" ; taws, Ontarto, PRINCIPAL â€"MRS. ROBERT STEWART. On and after Ottawan, January 1, 1812 MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 1872 Trains will run as follows : LEAVE ‘BROCKVILLE. $1.80 Just Received H. M. RO w E 3 celebrated "*â€"ains on Canada Central and Porth Brama h ipmes: wh n‘in car loads Brovkville Feb. 17,1974 Ottawa, Dec 29,â€"1871 BULK AND CAN oYVYsTERS, The Italian Warehouse. J. L. C. PELES DERNIER® VARD AED EKDUVCATIO®E, HK SKASON COMMENXCZD, CANADA. CBMRAL 1;30 p 1 115 am 9 30 .-!om-mn Mail for W 1009-901â€"9# Leave Ottawa. $100 PEX YEAR Leare METCALFE STREET. WHISKIES, HJIGHWINES, &c, g@oIxG xoRTH. uS WINE VAULTS. g@olsg soUtTH LEAVE UFTlI AWA. Grand Trnh‘ | _ Mail from the Do do RExpress from West _ trom West D‘!"E‘F-l trali a ior" Brockville, Kingston and all way at a t\ o na \we“o KEastand Wost with Motcalte street, ... PER GALLON. H#. ABBOTT, Arrive in 14 15 p m 10:256 a m YETERS, 4:10 p m 8:25 p m all trains ca 3 50 pm Arrive 2 40 p m 1 00 a m 19027 OrraAwWA THURSDAY. APRIL 4. 1s?2 1 is now an established jact â€" you #antany firstâ€"class BHANDIES or W.NES3, and the best Family GROCERIEY, you must go to | _ BEST PLACK IN CENTRAL | . _ OANADA â€" | To buy Biscuit, Orackers, Candies and |( | fectionery of all kinds. Bum, roof, Old Rye and Highwines, Anset davour. *‘ *‘ â€"<l n Pol'llu & ALEA â€" Guinness‘s and Dawes‘, bottled to O all kinds, the rery Anest Thos. Patterson‘s. Plcll-llâ€" The Finest BLACK TEAS are put up in 101b i# Caddies,®" * PLANED LU MBER BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER. A large stock of the above will be kept con stantly on hand to suit purchasers. IRECT TÂ¥PORTATIONb N. B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carle= ton can enter the mill yard by Broad Street, opposite Brewery gate. _ x o. Jevli;~ SHINGLES X XX, XXX. AUCTIONEER, . REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND _ GENERAL COMMISSION RUITSâ€" HEEHY WINXKâ€" STEAM BISCUIT ‘BAKERY 1OPFEKEâ€" coOTCH WHISKIKASâ€" RAXDIRAâ€" The best old brards, Pure and M1ld ORT WINEâ€" .. m©40.*. PATTERSON‘S. Ottawas, December 23. 1871 Rough Lumber Weoll Seasoned, Your OQiders are solicited, and will b PROMPTLY ATTEXDED TO by DANIEL MORRLILSON, Proprietor Nos. 36 and 38 Ridean Street, Ottawa, APANâ€" "Il‘l. CaNpLEKs, FAXCY s0oaiaPsâ€" Rest Toilet, " London" mak e, to ords: . One trial will prove the quality. The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. Chandlere, Oct. 26, 1871 C. DELESDERNIERS, corner of Sussex and York streets, or to MURRISON WELLS & CO., Toronto, s sn 24 I8T4 > 1817 No co LA&CK TKASâ€" IRUST AND LOANX COMPANY OF UPPER CANADA t e ON REAL ESTATE, Â¥rom $400 to any amount, on approved seearity CONFECTIONXNE Y EKSTABLISHKMENT HAUDIE#E STEAM MILLS, At No. 48, Rideaun streor, Ottawaâ€" Fipe Old Vintages (20 years), pure and reliable for family use and mediâ€" J DeKuaypers & non, t 1« Hon James Skead, Sâ€"nator, Ottawa J M Currier, Keq, M P, «t J M Grant, Esq, M D, M P «* BR W Scott, Ksq, 1 P P, «* Mr Shecfd Powel! x Edward Grifiin, Reg. w Edward McGillivray, Eeq, w Mesers C P Bate & Co, & Thomas Hunton, Keq, # Messts Fingland & Draper Alexander Work man, Keq a A Egleson. 8 n‘r, Eeq « Just received, a sup eclor lot of the best Brands, imported this Season, quite fresh and fragrant.â€"Try /A»â€"m. PuredMait Of the fArst grades, vrarious prices, goo! and sound. Fresh Roasted, and Ground Daily * the premises. ORRLSONԤ osE£Y TO LOAS. ALWaYs O8 HANXND ONEY TO LEKSD No. 26 Ridean Street claal purposes, and Pale, rery Ane qualities. and at Low Prices * H. FALLS, ea, Jams and Jeilies, from _ th« Crosse & Bliackwell‘s â€" Seffiny Cheapâ€"really good. NANUFACTURERS OFf of all descriptions. UJames Bailiff, OHN ROCHESTER & Co. fAne Old Double Apply to J. M. and Con OL ‘The St. James‘"Hotel, : Having been rebuilt and furnished in first : lass style, and with good Sample Rooms, will be opâ€"ned by the subsoriber on The above Hotel, so favorably known, being situat d in the immediate vicisity of the Parâ€" lament Bnildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be conducted in‘ the best style which the wants of the public require. ‘The table will be supplied with all the for the accommodation of the travelling public and the BAB with the cholcest brands of Liquors, There is also Commodiouns \ard Room and Btabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIAM POWLEY, Propri«tor. Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 * 18427 The undersigned has opened a new establishment which he has fitted up in firstâ€"clase style, the furniture being enâ€" tirely new. The table and bar wi‘l be mpfl:d with the boa: articles .. Furnish ed ms to let with or without meals. The public are invited to give him a call and they will be treated with the utmost politeness. Ottawa, January 23. 1872. _ 1878â€"3m O'I‘TAWA HOTEL, St: Jams»s Sireet M on treal, The undersigned bavins assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention :o the wauts of his patrons, to make this the most coâ€"fortable Hot : in the cit; of Montr: al. . U. 8. BROWNE, _At Junction Dâ€"pot uf Grand Trons ancg | Ottawa & Prescott R i. All the facilitizs o! | a KFirst Class House, | Passengers refreshment | OT‘I‘AWA HOTEL, f »Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, n*.etor, + Meals at all times.: Table and liqu cannot be surpassed. §1878â€"3m. Hardwareâ€"Hardware. 8SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL, ‘The subscriber having just completed his Fall Stock he is now prepared to furnish any article in the above line at prices to gnit the purchaser. _ s | uw ing io + .The following articles are constaatly kopt in stock : Bar, Bundle and Shect Lroa Bar and Sheet Tin Bar and Sheet copper. Bheet Brass, &0., &o Bleigh Shoe 8&&11;11 sizes from Ix} to 414 Cast and Blister Bicel Proof Ohain all sizos Broad Axes . Narrow Axes dlsl;:nd double steel Unt Saws, Grind es, Oils, Putty, Glass, Paints all colors * pmâ€"Box,l‘l)-nblo, and Cooking Alsc, an endless variety of Shelf Hariware and Houseâ€"F 1rnishing Goods, &¢., &¢ ~~*P. 8.â€"â€"A call is respectfully solicited â€" : All goods delivered free to any part of the No. 24 Rideau Street WEDNESDAY, \3th DECEMBER, olty FyAMHE | Uaserâ€" A. signed in â€" vites the public to examine the of E. LaVIGNE, P (Quebec.) | f ‘ This new swing if contairis the mo~ ; tive power in it~ hi a nlmulrln(no "A 1za t § | | ox ln}pnl» P ;‘%\ "A' k3 sion to drive it, @" c ; C R ‘ and in it persons | _ _ B 3¢>~â€" S indulging in that ~ § â€"3%~ §e agreeable exers * h e se vise are exposed to no accident or dargor, Patent SWinJ, METCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, 1608 Ladies perticulatly can enjoy thamsetves on this Swing without haying to contend with any of the invonveniences met with in ordi nasy Bwings. i 3 ANADA HOLEL â€"'l'\hfl'lui- 7'_, may be sen in opcration at the C=®ada Central Hotel, No 120, Sussex streot and at No. 8, 8t. Patrick Strect. L. A: QRISON 1809 Sale Agoat for Ottawa and VIo‘nl.ty sMME uJUONCTION HoTEL,* The mbm’h:; er for Sale in Stock, 1.000 Tons Seo Iron, Calder Nos. 1 and 3; 150 do. do, white; Gooan Boiler Plates, assorted sizes ; 2500 Boxes Charâ€" coal Tin Plites, "Coatbridge‘‘ and «Machin‘‘ brands; 290 Baxes lo. 10 x 14 Coke Tin Plates; 50 Tons ‘ Morewood‘s" Lion Galvanized fron, Nos. 24, 26, 28. A. & C. J. BOPE, & CO. 329 Confimisssoner Street, Montreal. Ottewa, January 23, 1872 celobrated Kershaw & Edwards make kpoly e 1 = / :T _ Ottaws, Dec 11, 1871 Ottawa, Nov 23, 1871 PLUMBESS, GASFITTBRS BELL HANCERS, «c. amoris s‘ tï¬ All workw. y teed. : RIDEAU Sl%. Opposite the Tea Pot, #@&*60 SPARKS STREET, « «â€" CENTRE ToW\. 2086 Boxcs Tin Plates. 105 do Canada Plats 1829 15] Delicacics of the Season, Nov. 27, 1871. Bishop‘s Block, Sussex Street. OB SALE B uL‘C GEORGE LATREMOUILLE. Proprietor Roche & Kelly, Motels, #&c. Wines, THCS. BIRKETT, â€" No- 24 md'«"“ atr: "t' D. WILKINSON, * t’ujprl‘ tor C. P DORION, 80 Spatks Stre t, AT Jaxes Keuutr. 1830 â€"%m Manager, * \“'A, C &w 1878â€"3m. WONDEREUL â€" KPrOVENEAT In calling attention to the above improveâ€" ment take pleasure in announcing that they have been appâ€" inted agents for the So long and favorably known in Canads, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of & stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in | OUR SHOW ROOM. The merits of the Dunham Piauos areé: 1st. Its durability has become a proverb. 2nd. In workmanship it cannot be surâ€" passed, if equalle1. [ § _ 8rd. In Solidity,. Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. _ 4th. It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. . _ 5th. It is warranted in the most satis« factory manner, _ _ 2 ceb igdet Miitvur ccmmecv t I Pamphlets containing & description of the above improvement can be had at our establishment. : | Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz: q McCAMMON & CO., â€"__â€" _ | MASON & HAMLIN, A large assortment of which we keep conâ€" stantly on hand. | J. L. ORME & SON, 2 4 8 Sparks Streoet. ; EMERSON, Also the celebrated [L.S.] VICTORIA, by the Grace of God of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireâ€" land, Queen, Defender of the Faith, &¢. "Dunham‘s Patent Hydro.Carbonated CUÂ¥.) ©00r) j To Our Beloved and Faithful the Senaâ€" tors of the Dominion of Camdxhlndtho Members elected to serve in the House of Commons of oursaid Dominion, summoned and calle1 to a Meeting of the Parliament of Canada, at Our City of Ottawa, on the FOURTH day of APRIL next to have been commenced and held, and to every one of you â€"â€"GarEtxeq : | A PROCLAMATION, pliaâ€" WHEREAS the Meeting of Our Pa ment of Canada stands Prorogued to the FOURTH day of the month of APRIL next, Nevertheless, for certain causes and considerations, We have thougth fit further to Prorogue the same to THURSDAY, the ELEVENTH day of the month of APRIL next, so that neither of you nor any of you on the said FOURTIH day of April next, at Our City of Ottawa, to aw)eur.ro to be held and constrained. for We po wiuu trat you and each of you, and all others in this behalf interested, that on THURSDAY, the ELEVENTH day of the q;ont.b of APRIL next, at Our City of OTTAWA, aforesaid, peuonnll‘ you be and appear for the DESPATCH O BUSINESS, to treat, do act, and conclude upon those things which in Our said Parliaâ€" ment of Canada, by the Common ‘Oonncili of Our said Dominion, may by the favor of God be ordained. [s mp Ix Testrmoxy Wuzrreor, We have caused. these OUur Letters to be made Patent, and the Great Seal 6f Canada to be here unto affixed. .WirszEss, Onr Right Trusty, and Well Beloved, The Right Honorable Joxx, Barox Liscar, of : Lisgar and Ballisborough, in _ the i County of Cavan, ireland, in the Peerâ€" _ age of the United Kingdom of ‘Great Britain and Ireland, and a Baronet, one of Our Most Honourable Privy Courcil, Knight Grand Cross of Our Most Honourable Order of the Bath, Knight Grand Cross of Our: Most Distinguished Order of Saint Michael and Saint George, Governor General l of Canada, and Governor and Comâ€" | â€"_ manderâ€"inâ€"Chief oflhol-hnddm I Edward. At Oce Goversxest } Ottawa, January 20, 1872 in Our CITY ot OTF‘AWA, in Our Domunion, the Secoxo day of KABCï¬ in the year of Our Lord. one e‘ght hundred and seventyâ€"two and in the Thirty fifth year of Our Reign. By Command, | EDOUARD J. LANGEVIN, _ Clerk of the Crown in Chancery, 19134.0.s Canada. | Is hereby %von that application |will be made to the Parliament of Canada, at ite next Session, for an Act to amend the Acts incorporating the Canada Central Railway Company, giving power to such Compasy to construct its line by the most direct route to such points as may be selected for oross; ing French River, GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE ROWE & ANNABLEB, R@y~Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedstemds... 2°25, _ _" | 2 50 Common Chairs. ... .. 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 nd upâ€" at equally low prices. wards, congisting of six picces. Parlor Sete in Hair Cloth, Biack Walnat Sideâ€" boards, Bureaus, Washstands, Centre Tables Side Tables, and ’gmtnfldydaucm: Remember the place EAST END SAPPEKS _BmL Ottawsa D 12. 1871 SUBRNITURE, FVHAL PV# K. +OTICK DUNHAM PIANO®S CMntS5 NHLI and ESTEY & CO.‘S ORGANS, 1N TAE CANADA. 1ISGAR. 1871 ROWn & ANNABLE. and. HOOP, 1861 ? The proprietors of Johnso n‘s Anodyne Liniment, Parson‘s Purgstive Pil‘s, and ’n«od.n'- Cavairy Condition Powders, have published a readable and instructive pam. ; phict, which may be had free at the stores. _ Sommynr« Irgus.â€"A wiiter in Pautnam‘s Magazine says : *‘ It is a curious fact that there is never a white colt nor & black calf. The whitest horse was blackest in its ; birth, and the jet black cow was unmixed | red.‘": Whether this is correct or not, we | cannot positively say, but this we do beâ€" | lieve, that the best medicine for removing | R:xnu form the system is the "Canadian | Pain Destroyer.‘" In cases of rheumatism, | npn_.ialznbmhu or severe colds and summer t com‘{) ts, it stands unequalled. For sale by all Druggists and country dealers. Price 25 cents per bottle. Onrozzr axo Srereu.â€"In every branch of oulâ€" tivationâ€"whother in the field, the orchard,: the vineyard or the garden, there must be order and â€" C e 7 uen enc S wen P 4e uP c ©20 e w se n dR T system to insure successful rerults, and ts truth is Sraily established by actaal experiénce. Anothor great truth has also been established by the same means, which is : Thet as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rheumatiem, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable. For sale by all Druggist and country dealers, Price, 25 cente per packages, been restored to a healthy and gound condition, all traces of the disease having Gerart Coroimio® MepiCixzâ€"As a conditio medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave Remedy®" has no equal Its effects in this respectare astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken down and almost worthless have, by the use of a fow COCOâ€"GLYCERINE nourish | the hair. I seen completely removed, and have been sold for from &0 to $15 more than they would pre vloul{ have brought; when you want a horse medicine get "Darley‘s Condition Powders and Aruhisn Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Rememben the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyma.‘ Newcastle, Ont., rroprioum for Canada. Sold by all medicine deaiers. COCO GLYCERINE removes dandruft cine Dealers. No toilet table should be with out COCOâ€"GLYCERINE, 25 cents per bottle. sommmmmanace . THIRTY YEKARS EXPERIENCE OF AN { OoLD NURSKE, Meas. Wixszrow‘s Booruma Sravur is the pre. scription of one of the best Fomale Phyiicians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safety and success by millions ot mothers and children, frem the teeble infant of one week old to the adult. It corrects acidity vf the stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates the bowels, and gives rdhh-lth and comfort to mother and child. e believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dvnniz.:nd Diarrhsr in children whether it trom teething, or from any other cause. Full directions for using wil} sccompany each bottle. None genuine unless the fac«simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on the outside wrapper. Bold by all medicine dealers, 25 cents a bottle. Office, 215 Fulton Stret, New York, and 93 Oxford Street, Lon~ don, © Be sure and call for MiS,. WINSLOWB 800THING SYRUP, Having the fac simile of "Curtis & Porkins on the outside wrapper: All others are bas i1mitations. Have you a severe wrnch or sprain? Har you rthenmatism in soy form ? Have you stiff neck, or bunches caused by rheumatic pi.s? If so, Johnson‘s Anodyne Liviment is a speciâ€" fic remedy, andyis also the best pain killer in Bz wisz.â€"Too often a cold or slight cough is considered an ordinary, trifling aftair, just as well left to go as it came, and hence systematically neglected until a simple curable affection is converted into a serious pulmonary disease. The more prudent aware‘that a cough or cold should never. be triflied with promptly use Bryans ‘s Pulmonic Wafers," which have sustained their reputation for over 30 years. They are n'lvn&- efficacious, and exert a most beneficial influence on all the bronchial and pulmonary organs, Sold byall Druggists and country merchants,. Price 25 cents per box. and similar troubles, if saffered to progress result in serious Pulmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incurable. are compounded so as to reach directly th: seat of the discase ani give almost ins an! confidence in their efficacy ; thoy have been thoroughly tested and ~maintain the good reputation they have justly mcquired _ For Public Bpoakers, Bingers, Military Officers and those who overtar the volce. they are useful in relieving an Jrritated ‘Throat, and will repder articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and baving proved their efficacy by atest of many ymoh year finds thâ€"m in new localities in parts of the world and the Troches are universally pro-onca‘ Obtain only. «Brown‘s Bronchisl Troch s,‘ and do not take any of the Worthless Imita*ions that may be offered. «©Tsoouzs," so called, soid by the ounce, are a poor imitation and nothivg like BROWN‘6 BRONCAIAL TROCHES which are sold on!y in boxes with facâ€"simile of the proprietwrs, _ JOHN L BROWN & SON, _ en outside wrapper of box, and private Govs ernment stamp attached to each box. _ _ _ This care in putting up the Troches is im portant as a security to the purchaser in or d to be sure of obtaining the genuiane Brow p Bropchial Troches. In the maiter of JAMES BORDEN, an o zBM â€ï¬g ES BORDEN, “: m- aJ JOHN BUTTERFIELD. Iâ€"‘Orignal, $th February, 1872. _ 1934td CANADA,., Province of Ontario, United Counties of On SATURDAY," the Fourth day of h}m the undersigned will apply to ) Judaee of the said Court for a discharge BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES N3JOLVENT ACTS OF 1864 and 1869 BORE THROAT, COUGH, COLD, SPEIAL â€" NOTITCHES. In the County Court of the United Counties of Prescott and Russell. PRICEâ€"23 CEN 1S the fulleet plied Jonathan Blinker ; +I shall come to see you.‘ > % * With this awful threat he staiked away looking gigantic in the narrow aliey. The doctor closed the door with & groan, and went to the p:rlour, where the meagre breakfast was meatly laid on the round table by the small bright fire, and where the anxious wife was ready to teke alarm at Martin‘s haggard face. sY THE AUTHE at Martin s haggard face. But Mary Prestwich s anxious looks were not half so embarrassing @s the searching glances of Barhara Snatfies, who regarded the surzeon with a morbid curiosity, as & man who had just left an abnormal em ployment. She lingered in the room while he ate his breakast, handing his coffeeâ€"cup and hovering over his solitary egg. *Is if there still" she asked him in stageâ€"whisper, while Mrs. Prestwitch was engaged with the three hungry children, the youngest of which was still dependent upon the maternal breast for the most primitive kind of nourishment, _ What do you mean by it Dr. Prestâ€" witch asked impatiently. Him! The body. > * * K *No, girl ; it‘s gone. Gene? What! you‘v»> daone with it alâ€" rewidy ? ‘Yom‘ ° | And they‘ve fetched & away" * «Yes, they‘ve fetched it away." ‘Well, I never! exclaimed Barbara, with an injured air ; ‘they must huve been in a hurry. I thought | shoul4 have seen it this moraing. I"ve seen a many in my tmeâ€"drowned and otherwiseâ€"and I m’ missed one before. 1 muke no doubt" 1 shail dream of him.‘ ‘PDream of hium? Nonsense, girl" 1 ‘Not having sech him, 1| make no doubt I shall dream of him," sud Barbara; with an air Of convic.isn. +I never missed one betoreâ€"not it it was three streets off and the tamily as it belonged to a‘most stran gers to me; and to l@ve had one in the same house, and not seen him, seems Fight down stupid like.‘* * Aiood gracious me .‘ ‘the girl is a perfect va ‘Was it them two : fetched him away ~ M curiously. Uf course," an<were ‘And are. they gou Newgite®" * . "I suppose so. There, Ba«\b, go and mind your work, and don‘t worry me any more about the man. I{e‘s gone ; that‘s enough for you.‘ # Meartily did Martin 1 his visitor of last night carried away to be sate the prisonâ€"walls. That Jonathan Blinker‘s we soul. For the first time since he had lived in Little Bellâ€"street, Dr. Prestwitch was beâ€" hind with his Christmas rent, to the bewilderment of his faithfual wite, who had helped him to save the seven pounds ten so carefully scriped together against the landlord should claim his due, ~ ‘It‘s gone, Mary," the doctor said disâ€" mally, ‘or at least tive pounds ten out of it. You see, ‘my.dear, 1 was obliged to part ‘It‘s gone, Mary,‘ mally, ‘or at least tive J You see, <my.dear, 1 with it.‘ â€" "But what for, Martin * What could you want five pounds ten for ?â€"you, who never spend money.‘ * i 1+ Surgical instruments, my love ; a man s first duty is to his professiort.‘ ¢ And again Martin Prestwitch hated him self for having lied to the wife of his bosom Jonathan Blinker kept his l')romin. In the wintry gloaming a great hulking man in a bottleâ€"green coat with a furâ€" collar might have been often seen entering the doctor‘s surgery from the narrow sideâ€" alley, with a furtive surreptitious air, Here Dr. Prestwitch held converse with him, and was fain to provide some small sum of money against his coming. In time these donations took the form of a weekly allowâ€" The landiord was displeased, but . not implacable. Dr. Prestwitch was a carefal tenant, and had shown himself an honest man ; ;o, afwr‘gr:;‘;xvx\;ï¬ngâ€"z;m.l-o,â€".t;ï¬: lord gave him a month‘s grace and went muy. : . °> _ = *c L * ance, and the accomplished Captain Flashâ€" man became a regular pensioner upon the doctor. Healways used the same ng ment when claiming this bountyâ€"Dr. Prestwitcth had revived him of his own volition, and was therefore bound to aliment himâ€"to keep him ‘going,‘ as the Captain called it. > 2A «I sha‘n uBrmn Caliod it, * . Prestwitch submitted to this impoâ€" sition with much bitterness of spirit, and many a groan breathed in the solitude of his surgery. He was a man of a gentle and somewhat limorous nature, and he felt himself quite unequal to resist such & claimant ; so.week by week the poos felâ€" low‘s brain was racked by the consideraâ€" tion of how he was to provide for Jonathan Blinker. Nor was it money only that his tormentor jemanded from him. The exâ€" coiner was of a hungry temperament, and took it in bad part if there was not some trifling "snack provided tor him when he paid his weekly visit; whereby the surgeon was fain to have recourse to divers small stratagems in order to set aside the reâ€" mains of a beefsteak.â€"pie or to secure the bladebone of a shoulder of mutton for the refection of his oppressor. The devoted ‘Barbara did not tail to note the disapâ€" pearance of these viands, and to remark upon the fitfuiness of his master‘s appeâ€" For a long time this secret burden weighed Martin Prestwitch down to the dust. Life had been a hard struggle beâ€" fore, but it was infinitely harder now, when the small weekly scrapings which he might have saved were all absorbed by the omnivorous Blimnker. He woke sometimes in the dead of the night, startlied from sleep by the memory.o( his w and lay broad awake for hours, brooding over his difficulties. * + Mr. Blinker had taken care to impress nponbimuntt.hou:inghohddn-‘ against the law, and that he was lisble to some severe penalty for h.ving assisted in the evasion of a condemned ielon. Being too benevolent a man to betray his incuâ€" bus, and not valorous enough to face the difficulties of the case, Dr. Prestwitch subâ€" miuodwboimposg' upon, and received. his pensioner as meekly as if Jonathan Blinker had been a creditor armed with a righteous claim against him. _ . _ Things went on in this dismal manper for some time, and ther there came a graâ€" dual change for the better in the doctor‘s circumstances. â€" Patients dropped in upon him or sent for him much oftener than of old. Now it was a summons to attend the birth ofsome denizen of aslum in t Giles‘s, anon he was called to the desthbea of some ancient inha>itant of the Mint; sometimes he wis sout for to repair the damages câ€"uâ€"=1 by a {astionâ€"fight in the purlieus of fieldâ€"lane, or, to operate upon the tractn:«d ribs of some musculer memâ€" ber of the dangerons classes in Bedfordâ€" all these occasions Dr. Prestwitch hadi hn..dâ€tbe xm?:l‘d:::' . e to the cr But patients are patients, and these people pad the doctor promptly and liberally when flush of money, and showed themselves honourâ€" able whenerer he gavre them credit. ‘The juvenile population in these quarters was as ‘Blinker‘s doctor . found hum was really picking up, and his poutionbmmxngm&r There were still, however, those dreaded visits of Jonathan Blinker; and it seemed to Dr. Prestwitth as if his whole life was pervaded by that buiky figure in thg THE DREADED G m&mfly being increased ; and ‘ the being uniformly pleased with gentle Martin Prestwitch, one matron recommend.â€" ed him to another, until the gentleman who was usually de=cribed amongst them bury. (UJa all these occasions hbe found that be had been commended by Jonathan Blinker, who had described himu.;rr- fect master of surgery and physic; and on msense, girl" 1 m, 1| make no doubt ‘_saud Barbara; with ‘I never missed one three streets off and ged to a‘most stran mye had one in the ren him, seems Fight restwitch wish that had indeed been y interred within larewell threat of ghed â€"~heavy on his ried the doctor