: $ 46 NP w# 44 Nwosnmmww will be made at the next Session of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, for a charter to incorporate " The Thunder Bay Silver Mines Telegraph Company" for the construction, laying, an operaiing of a Sube marine Telegraphic Cable, from a point 0f r-.uhmh‘coothhsw“'“' the District of; Algoma, between Fort William and Nâ€"epigon Bay, touching at Silâ€" ver Islet, througb, and under the waters of Lake Superior, to the bounaary line of the United States in Lake Superior, and there to connect wich a Submarine Telegraphic Cable orchards on clay or loam soil, where wheat Or grass grows, within eight miles of this city of 1U0 trees each as follows: 80 crab, 5 pear, and 15 Russian apple trees. Parâ€" fl-w&émfl“ for apple and crab trees, $2 for pear and plum troos. As fast as the trees bear fruit, each year L wiil help to set those trees and protect them for winter till they bear fruit. Parâ€" ties having them planted are required within four miles of this city, [ will plant three orchards and charge nothing till the trees bear fruit on the from the United States, with power to conâ€" struct branch !ines on Lacd, or in water, to anv points or island in Lake Superior, and to land all or any such Cables, and.to connect with the Canadian or American .!“_hg toplough, drag, and fist the ground, m*mmmmâ€"m«a‘ manure the trees once each year pm th'-.dtou-hmmp,a-lï¬oom trees twice each year, furnish twine, ry0, or long straw, one stake to each tree to protect them from winter, _ I want it disâ€" tinctly understood that I warrant only against cold climate ; if the trees die from any unseen cause I lose them; if the trees are broken or imany way, parties having them must pay the price as above Parties wm'.:ï¬ mr.u-u.mwm plaase soon. Wehbare a large stock of improved crab and apple trees grown cpc-lyhtooldoumsufa-b. Also ornamental trees, fowering shrubs and plants, rose plants and vines. A full asâ€" 2e h cctth mt cccs. Aiiraiintnntine s anr ztm 3 with the Canadian or American »ystem of Telegraphs, and to amaigamate therewith, and tor such other powers as may: be necesâ€" sary for the underta«ing. » J. H. GBAY, hoz WILLIAM °F. BRUFF, s London, Engiand. â€"__ GKORGE WELLS OWkN, Noma: is hereby given, that application will be made at the next sessicn of the Parliament of the Dominion of Canada.) for an act to incorporate "The Thunder Bay bilver Mines Bank," m:.hclpl <Bise of which shall be situate at Prince Arthur‘s Landing, Thunder Bay, in the Provin‘e of J GBAY witniak i. seure Jondun, Kogiaed. GEORGE WELLS OWEN, . PLANTIRG URCHARDS. Toronto, 16th Jan.. 1873. Â¥, H. Braxtos, Bolicttor for Applicants. flf-iu, 19th January, 1873. OTICE is heroby given, that application N will be made by the andersigned at the next session of the Parliament of Canada for a Charter to incor. orate * The Thunder Bay Silver Min.s Railway Company" for the conâ€" struction of a Railway from a point, on or near Neepigon Lake, situate to the porth of nmu.w to the United States Line, at or near Pigeon, or Arrow Rivers, or Lakes, and to congect there with the Rallway system of the United States; and with powers to construct a branch Railway to the watâ€"rs‘ edge of Ne«pigon or Thunder Bay, with a Picr out into deep wate r and with prâ€"visions for aid to the undertakâ€" Ing by Land Grants or other subsidics, J. H GBAY, k WIuLIAM F. BRUFF, London, Eogland, GKOBGE WELLS OWEN, _ W. H. Staxtos, Solicitor for applicants. Toronto, 19th January, 1872 -â€"m’.u-â€"th(tnâ€"wmph.p call at 95 Rideau street, and give their order before the ground breaks up in W . H. Stantus, SBolicitor for Applicants. mdpnas,orhrdnm; uulhnz tending to sittect the rights or property other parties, are hereby notifiedâ€"that they are T.d by the Sist and following the House of Commons (which are in full in the Cunada Gazette), mve TWO MONTHY NUTICE of the hâ€"hu-lhg to make application to Parliament for Private Bills, either for to WV MVUVNILS NVUIIUVE Of 1B spplioation (clearly 204 4 in U, Pooud and also in a newsp blished i9 the bounty ot Uniog of Couniles atlect. éd, sending copies of the first and last of such notices to the Private Bill Office. All Petitions for Private Bills must be r-! within the firss; three woeks of Pession. ALFRED TODD, Chf. Cik. Committees and Private Bills, H. of Commons. ttaws, T Deocamber, 1871. ~10MAl.ls _ PIVA'II BILLE. Ottawa, January 23, 18723 Nmonhmpv-nuw will be made to the Parliament of Caâ€" nade at its next seasion for an Act to author, ins the Ottawa, Vaudreut! and Montreal Railâ€" way Company to connectibeir lins of railway with the Northern Co onisation Railway or with any other Railway which may t any time be constructed from Mon reel toward» Grenville, Northward of the BRiver Ottawa, “..‘mâ€m the waters of the said River Lâ€"Orignal, and for otaer purposes.... * Ufice of the O.VY, & M.R.L., New Edinbogt Ontarlo January t2nd, 1871.. 1884avim No is hereby given that spplication will be made at the next session of the Legisla ture of Canada for an Act to incorporate a to constract & trom the adzmwb::(im‘nm connect existing or projectâ€" ed in the Dominion, 41 Fob 29, 1872 1915 lagw 8. L; WAGENELR. Ottawa, March 18, 1872. _ 182Maw2. By their Attorney , By their Attorney, TE a&'.spu' 85 20 10 By se atemihiyt s Saive, y thsir Attorney WILLIAM F. BRUFF CHARBLES ELEY, CHABRLES ELEY, € » o London, England. CHaRLES ELEY, _ _ . i ttorney WilLlix ®. BRUFF, WILLIAX Â¥. BRUFF, as follows for each London, England. , England, England. 5 10 5 10 10 $10 ENGCRAVINCG CIVIN AWAY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY $2 A YEAR, will contain, for 1872, the ‘following new features in addition to those found in it at entitled * ‘The present features of the The QGardeners‘ Column. n....nofl’;l--. Epitome of Latest News, Reviews of New Books, M rket Reports, Wit and Humour, Scientific Intellijence. Literary Notes, u.-nuwn:z.nng &o., &c., &o.â€"will be continued ; in addition A CHILDREN‘3 (CUKNER will be added, in which will be E;N'uhod oddwnldoqbyafl.m ugsley, M. A., Chaplain to Her Majesty, entitled "The Water Babies." * Thepaper will be handsomely illustratâ€" _m,,,_, Lmh.m BEST FAMILY PAPER IN AMERICA] A New Story by Victor Hugoe relative to the Prussian invasion and the Commune, published by spéc A new story by Miss M'm ©OLONEL BERKYON‘3 ENTANG and equal in interest to the previous works of this great auth. ress. RA Other u-mâ€'xmw eminent writers will be and printed from advance sheets. Lx JAMES GREENXWOOD, "The Amateur Casual,". will contribute papers on SCENES 1N THE LONbON STREETS, The celebrated â€" American . humorist MARK TWAIN will contribute original w-mbmmh of great names we shall have The new American poset Joaquin Miller, the great humorist Bret Hart., Jane lnw Rev, Dr. Norman Mc Editor of ‘Good Words,‘ J O Cha.sberiain, Reqâ€"â€"This is to that about thrée years ago J became with Bronchitis, which lasted about -uï¬iu..ll. aflicted for the want breath .t was very difficult tor me mh&o-*ï¬l time frequently the clothes of and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. T trled three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a" year, without receiving any benedt, in fact I continued get» Mng worsse all the time. At I was ad~ viged to try the Great. KRemedy. 1 bougbt a bottle afd took when it was about fAnished I began to feel a little better, I continued to use it nutll I had taken three hfluwmm and betier Mm-mhs smaller sum, than aoy paper in the world. It is rior, in every point, to the mï¬ d% cent dearer ’mnn them, are s myorwmummdhm-w ..:Tnm‘hmvh(t:;r;:?olhu a year‘s subscription to paper in America thrown in free. P Sample numbers sent free on applica tion, with club terms uol wvoy huly it s mat wole h‘_od_h&_mï¬np_-pc. ie ue bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I found that L was as well as ever I had been proviâ€" ous to my iliness and have been so ever Covering $230,000 worth of Watches, :.-ugm-umm > JOHN SILYERE. Bworn before me at Smithfeld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. _ C <£ woxnnmwonw:.upou:#on &ow'fl :“o’..-u Tas Bovtor tat yiven hot ap. ~Ate ‘indd. het All parties ordering stock will be notffied the day for: delivery. Ail trses ‘will be first elass, and guaranteed in gooo and fresh order when deitrered. ol Kor furtber partiocnlars call and sme deâ€" scriptive catalogue, and make .): arlection of the above trees at 95, Ridean Street, Ottaws, the Tss office, Wellington street. _ i _ _ _____ The above trees and plants vl&:o tak en up from the Nursery as soon as tost is out and the groun« ft for planting. _ _ bes . ecarly apple known; while oth.r varie. ties grow nsarly as large as the Fameuse Bome keep till June. Good for cooking 1::‘ preserving. © Dwart Apple Troes Allb of Summer, Full and Winter Standâ€" ard AaApple Trees. Aâ€*d'&h Poear and Cherry Trees . Large saumlt; early, hardy udn.‘w YVines, and also the Raspberry, Strawberry Plants, Knglish Guose, berry and Quince Bushes ; asparagus ant Pie Plant Roots, Mountain Ash, Weâ€"ping Willo®, Norway tpruce and Arbor Vitm. Great variety of Rose Bushes. Moss Roses of varlious colours. Flowering Plants ana Shrubs of all descriptions. is confidently recommended to the Public as in unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" crintion ; a certain remedy for ulserat=d tungs were tabercled, and medicine coald not help her. Mohflmlml“ d&o Great .-_ . _ At the expiration of two z; aymptoms were decidedly better. continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" m:.m&mmm‘ You may publish the facts for the beneft of Â¥ T. 0. BROWK Episcopal Metnodist Minister. â€" «1 ME PCOR MAAN‘S FPRIEN D, -j,._,---“, -' re hegds, sore broas Â¥* hoctuts Prsctubd in Bs,. 48, 64., 11s., and Smd wiiPalaienie w on in PILULA BOROPEBULAE OB ALTER ATIYEP PILLB, sonfirmed by sixty‘ years‘ experignns to be one of the best alterative masdicines over com. znbt purify ing the bloed hnd‘ assinting ind in her cperations. mu?.-: taken at all times m-n-:’., or mange of diet, n Bold in Boxes at 1374., 2s. 90 , 4s, 64., 11s «nd 32%s, «ach, ir BEAOH AaND BarNIOOTT, n;::‘.u variotiea d,fll} AVPLE have been: &n nada, Maine, Vermont m::lu y on ies .&d‘- ¢ constant bearers giving to the purchaser, <me kind sipens frst Augustâ€" FRUIT â€" THEES ANDP EVERGREENSZ ,i'r,‘ se x 3 » CELEBRATED OINTHMENT, sPLEXDLD ____._ GEO, E. DESBARATS, Ottama, Jan 8, 1872 1864 Apply to January 16, 1872. L. ROBERTS‘s Cure otf Bronchitisz { THs GREAT CAXADLLX WEELKLT » Hearthstone Splendid ‘Prize List, mann Chatrian,, &¢. J YX WELLIXGTON, ) P 8. L KFAGENEL. 181l1d4v3m MPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS 1";‘.0-“.â€"-â€" Hexsor aso Puuss, of the eminent Indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEWIS JO8EPHUS, of the Great ‘Tribe of Shoshonees, British Columbis, is working th-t-nlb--lmow the World has ever beard of, _ Nover in th« n-udc.mun.«nlmmm-d suocess attended the introduction of arg madicine beretofore. 6 mmmmmmwown vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Po ylium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract ot Jailap, S0co, tine Aloes, Capsicum, &c¢., &c,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" ctue, are such and so harmonious!y classined and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and monot help but act on the system in a very satisfaciory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the: spot and astonish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to petfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleassant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" lUed upon to make a permanent oure of all diseases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, &0., &0., as well as Rerofula Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive Br 441430 per cent in and rtoim passes tmenr of Piping covered with lu-o.uquua;y. Ertensively used in the Eastern and Westorn States and throughout Great M.indlq the British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" (Bee circular.) _«NM. Bâ€"â€"lt saves 30 per cont on the Russell Honee boller, and steam is now rained in half the time it took béfore the covering was ap ;lfl.mn.m a large per centage of ‘gel and Labor at the Water Works of the Gae Works, Rocbosior® Yors Sieam Mills A & Co.‘s Yteam A Fleck‘s Foundry &¢., &¢, OHALMERS & Co., Richardson I;:o-hnll. P, 0. Boxr 8444, Bole Manufacturers in the Dominion as m’&'km Otkawa, Nov. 20, 187% 7y diseases arising from Impurity of the Blood, qmgth‘hm soxv of Consymption. F information, with foll directions for using the Great Shoshonees Remedy & Pills, This firstâ€"class animalâ€"the Bul! in Canadaâ€"â€"for sale. His can be ascertained on application to the l1|hl Auction ~Sales every Tuesday apd nqâ€"::.unisomu,-m parties having to dispose ot will And it to their advantage to seoad them in the even, 51 U?W.C BON, MI Nov. 11, 1811 * 18!1M4mn Mmfluuhh:y.d“.y: ::Nkâ€â€™:‘db,wthyhn“n-’l& ~dm:o. for the leasing (at a large e ) those large an+ commodious m-fl_ the Market Square, on York Street, formerly occupled ty the Government, nd known as the Military which they bave thoroughly Muodndph;d,.l now fee} confident that they are in possession Sprar® mie pty $ Py mtc to Auction Sales of m Real Fatate, Houschold Betate Housrhold Bifects, Agricuttural orQuebec prowptly atteuded to, Mwnomnvwmou ROOMA. YOLRK STREET. John Macdonald & SNon ONTARIO JOHN,‘ Proclaim the Glad Tidings Baies in country places, either in Ontariec wgâ€"TEAs AND WINES, & RIZE DURHAM BULL FOR BALE. K. FPOOTE & COKLBANY 26, 1871. # KOBPTTAL 8TRZEET W H Y ? J. & W. THOMSON, 1085 d&w K * Nepa Â¥ONTREAL Tribe of ~t*#Um & rxaAwWa TIMESâ€" â€" In CASH GIFTS to bo distributed by the MERCHANTS & BANKERS AsSOCIAâ€" TIQN OF NEW YORK. DAILY DRAWINGS. «_ R@y* A Prize for every ticket. "@@ luam '..I."'C..'0'...0!0.“00,@ Cash Gifts, Hilyer Wate, oto., 'M‘-O;--.n-.,-’oco.’o- -cc.‘l 'm A chance to draw any of the lbonlup;lld for 25 cents. ‘Tickers describing prizes are sealed in envelopes and well mixed, . On reâ€" ceipt at 25 cents a sealed ticket is drawn with: out choice and sent) by mail to any address. The prize named upoun it will pe delivered tc the ticket bolder on payment of $1. Pris s are immediately sent to any address by ex press or return mail, 4 J _ You will know what yeur prize is before ‘you pay for it. Any prize exehanged for another of the same value. No blanks. Our patrons can depend upon fair dealing. Opinions of the Press â€"‘Fair dealing can be relied upon.‘â€"â€"New York lmuhfu.’ 23. ‘A genuime cistibution.‘â€"World, September 9. ‘Not one of the humbugs of the duy.‘â€" Weekly Tribune, July 7. *They give general satiefaction.‘â€"Staatsâ€" Zeitung, Aug. 5. ' | a ‘:E to ob Aain zln pplled at the :ï¬ï¬-hm of not h-u“M(ht-hlc::o:l:hm ust be sent in advance )ï¬ ::lla.ptde-obom:-:(hamaum Ointment, nott, without discount. I have the honorto be, _ One Cash Gift in every package ot 200 W{Iâ€"M Bix tickets fo $1, 13 for â€.7†fl““#“tm‘“‘ll.' e sl References.â€"Bjy kind permission we reler to the following: Frankl‘n 8. L ne, Louis. ville, drew GISXOOO. Miss® Hattieo. Banker, Charleston, $9,000 ; Mre. Loaita T. B'.ko&&. Pau!, Piano $7.0 ; Bafuel V,;, Raymond, Bosâ€" ton, $5,500 ; Eugene P. Bracket, Pittlbllrsh, Watch $300; hiss Aunie Osgoode, New Qrâ€" I"m, $5,000 ; Emory L. Pratt. Columbus, O., . " 00. aâ€" *Lb T Adie A land grant of \i o en o 1 12,000,000 ACRES ‘of the: ' and MINRRAL LANDS in ERIQA. * Cmm e .( 0 " 0(0( * and 3,000,000 Actes of _ Grassing Lands ï¬â€œmh the State of Nébraska, in the Great Piatte Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are in a mild and health cHimate; and : for\@raks igrowing apd "stock Acres of Government Land between Omaha 3xmrmum-m y. *A P ersans of ‘birth are entitled to the penefit of N&W their jntention to become of the United States, endâ€" avail themaeives of this provision %t&“ HNend for ‘the & uf desoriptive pamphiet, with new maps, mailed free every~â€" I, beg most respectfully to the public of the British North Axl’u- vinces that in May last 1 caused the business at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of Bhould any person have reason to believe that be has been deceived byuyh.azrhu imitations of these Medicines, be will do well to sand me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at aâ€"cost of six c.ats in postage), one of the books of instructions which are affized to the same. 1 promise to examine it, and send a repiv, dnhzwhah-l the Medicines are genu‘ne or not, that if spurious he may apply to the person tror whom he purchased thein to have his money hollowsy~ Pite «uy UVIOIMe a whicn were u, to that time prepared by William Brown, now aeceased, to be closed. These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has iately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost m&quwwww my name, ael * Those whoï¬ ï¬_flbb.xuml by buying s , which" are uow l'l:;l:'b tu-ln'::?.ï¬:"b but to possess genuâ€" ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointment will de well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on w ene graved the words "Holloway‘s P b“ ment, and that the address on the is 633, bdlm& in 'h::n“l, “‘,:: manu and in no k world. The rethil mmu:‘&b British currency, and not in dollars and cent( I would ask, as a great favour, that shoula it come to the knowledgeof any person that my name, pleased to send me particulars he can collect respecting the same, tha is to say, the name and add ess of the vendor who is selling‘the opurions medi{ dua:r'blhuu and address * the the United States, cr elsewhe e, which may have1upplied them, so . + to onâ€" able+ me, for the protection of the public, to !:Nl'm ‘vuch evilâ€"doers, xmuw::%w «ny person who may give me "soth m’ tion, the informant‘s name nevor being diâ€" Agents wanted to whom we offer liberal nducements, and guarautee setisfaction, > â€" â€" ‘woop,COLLINS £00, 1884dakwl 2 L8 Broadway N.YÂ¥. LO THE PMNPLIC OÂ¥ THE BRITISH PRO VINCEKS OF NORTH AMERICA. drders for my ~rills snd~ Ointiment, ‘and as â€" ve reason to believe that attempts will ver y be made to deceive the public in vendors, representing that they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it ad to put the public on their guard against any deceptions, I most earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they Mfluud in the public interest, to commu ‘the purport of the same to theit friends‘ that may not be defrauded of their money by vhusing worthless imitations ‘ot the genuine Holioway‘s FPilis and Ointment. i ae Prices from $2 to 810 acte, romsetcady for Aottant Sevriprh »2500,000 "aUTIn!} CaAUTIORE : HEAP FARM . FESIKEK 40MES On the Ling of the UNION PAUIFIC ~RAILBOAD. . 81,287,148 , unsurpassed by any in the United Land Commissioner, U.P,R.R. o. a un «# a % 0# 880 ue ce es With great respoot, THOMAS HOLLOWAY 0. F. DAVE$ kets fo $1, 13 f(or | â€" e e e lpe pip usdd. Bufficient to stop sizx | .mu&. ‘;sm TRUSK | h. â€" Price §#, T.30| n we offer liberal Atmam 5o 361 ODoNTaALGIQUE ELIXIR. | e setisfaction, > . t'll:l after MONDAY nx&‘dw Let 01 |; | ; I'rm. celebrated Mouth Wask is | INS &£00, MAY, it isâ€"intended to run , Pullma most refreshing, it strengthens | 6.00] 59 Broadway N.Y. m Montreal anc | MESSBS the gzums. eradicates tartar and | ._______â€".{.m â€"Sarnis:â€"Oné ; &--fl:mhbvm GABRIELs | all injurious secrétion. sweatens "“\ a3 . »I Afomtrent hn Day train Jeaving tbom,mdtzclm-gd- g.03) ' 3 i find be run to . | fificial | toeth is invaluable | * i the : â€" _|Guraia ,*Dn-ht.lunudsl Price be . RAILBOAD. n e ?‘ I";‘:“’M'l‘?““ F l ns for iise ‘enclosed in each box "packag \‘liâ€""« <a/. _ _j*The Swilmer ronning arrangements will |[IMPORTANT TO EESIDENEUS ABROAD BBAT FARBML o © about the 1st of June, of ?&u-.u distance may have Artificial | } in AMERIC which dge notice will be Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Â¥i *A&6:. Y . 0J BRYDGES, lc-'l.(;.bdol’l ne«w system, on sending parâ€" Ps loe | Par kud@dV!"* : se l <<2. . .00." , Director. â€" ticulars oftheir cases, with a remittance of|~ _‘ do 50 to 200 .140 to 1,000 . .. #B0 to 40 . .. 80 to 85 ATp i A e L . RoreL : Aestivuir (and: Bar ta the City. ‘This establishment is too well known tlo' n_qsln*-’n.z uâ€"“h:,an- dine dally in the Rustaurant, ‘The Proprietor ing the Superintendence of his brother‘ factory in the United States, Address Pullman Palace Cars now Runming on al On and after MOKDAY Hext, 5th JUNE, Trains will leave Montreal as under ;.*;.'*‘_."':",_.':'.,._.,.... Puve of Ts muthers Haie: 1+ méftinfo Stations atk _..... .. z. 6.00 1 â€"Hfl t 'm,‘.u..“.}".“.*l.' Day Expréss for Toronto, st. .. :... 9.00 â€" m Night Express for Toronte, at. .... 9.% p»m Mixzed Train or Brockville, at.....11.00 a m Mail Train for Island Pond, Port» _ | _ ; I.Mu m'“ooo-t. # * * * ’-†’..I Might Mail for Quebec, Island Pond, â€": | Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.0 Express for Quebec and Riviere du | / : A Pullman Cg@r will tbe attached the Throogh 'l:’(ln between !ontrra‘l ndl viere du Loup triâ€"weekiy, : vis. :â€"From : trea on‘l;:;dayl,' E:m&;y: I.:d s&cï¬-mzr pee turu viere up on Mondays Wdu& and rfldu!-. PR "*/A4 d C.J.BRYDGES, â€" | \| â€" . , â€"â€" Managing Dt e Ottawa, Jung 13, 1871 -':3"' and so sevérely stigmatized by Vice Chancel lor Malins in the suit ve -'.L“ Jl“. ® $ M. R. 0. 8, alias % mtc tntass sboin a sPoonior, bus hart Â¥ bearing the fho _ _A pamphlet containing full particulars may d oo miennetigantinnd i9 Tss Unaach The public are most earnestly cuurioned to beware of Pseudo Klectric Belts advertised by ie MORDAY poxt, the ol 0 MAY, it isâ€"intended to run Pullmar Palace~Oarx through between Montreal anc ie ians f * a ng Mantreal for Torouto, and be run through Jo 1 other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to F3 j N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rhoumatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai®®; Local Paraâ€" liï¬m&u.xu.bzl&mm , * divel; Cbost, and Fumiinat Diog Livet, Chest, and #o. smu.m&.‘mbmum. B OHAIN BANDS Writer‘s Onp :N‘plllhc, Nervousness, &c, 22s to B wlmln OHAIHX BAND for Cantl, â€"-"oofohlnul‘ a:.’oiï¬â€œm“m: * We, the undersi; :rnl’.lm.u-] * Butteries and ti eomnuitutious enicsbiow £7 ®haicrer Ciune entecbled ty whatever cause, Medicines and their deleterious consequences are thys entirely dispensed with, The daily en it niee least de of the ot‘s ha ’ o ï¬m-%g’-m - Gout Constipation 2 ofann Bhnke anp sareadiee. * B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous n-g i mavtesay mone B, uam.mu'h ‘tou8 of Folce ‘and healhia © â€" Vrine a-qm' Toothacho Paraiyite _ 'uombmh umo-.'â€n.umy Indigestion â€" Functional Disorders lb Cc 1ds â€"â€" e rak iyelc GALVANIC_ _ OHAINâ€"BANDS; BELTS ‘+AND +POCOKET BATTERIES ' ; inventionsâ€"rendet seb erationimet tremoly in a continuous form, on shock or unpleasant sensation being ex« perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain #ï¬.‘ p.h‘c. md-dn tgpid llnit:,. ving the siuggish functions of life, and mn.'u‘oim KED1I0Oâ€"GALVANâ€" I0 SÂ¥8TEM is no;b-fnud varied, that t forcibly poluts to this invention as the " Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. | ©BIR CH ARLES LOCOOK, Bart., x B."o $ k mijiï¬gp_wn,m, l.'rn'n..sz : 'gg;'. ®. "s\?g ;‘ug' M 't‘;' %lgio.aï¬ D * CBILJ h‘hnl lu%h*{ 8. 0.8." | i ULVERMACRAERS SYSTEM is also ap ; 10Â¥ «+ lof by an official report of the Ac& cdreseffected.. (Dee pamphiot gratin), Phydeighg, Nowdon, and the Imperial Facul ty of Vieuna, and its curative virtues are con & +. U Mooet * ‘Montréal, April 26th, lsni. " _ lér; apontreal, Masch 3, 1811. 1 Furnished or Unfurnished. Thelowestrent â€" _6 </ _~~ GUISEPPE Â¥. GLAREL 8. B.â€"â€"The Ber can be readily les for Great Acceleration of Speed: THE ~CO8SMOPOLITAN, ; LRAXD TRUSK 4% NLEOLHLOLTX is LLFK COMBINED CHAINX BAND for Cantrl, Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility l'uodoul %fl\ï¬l’hr A ‘paiptagurel ob oib partieat i PAE AT,.*~* _ 6 , Paris, Royal College 6 J Toudblh Apifom, and the Imporie! Fivol, R SA1LE ORâ€"TO LET, FOR A #o TERM OF YEARK Portland and Boston.........10.30 p.m LN MONTHREAL, Chaise in wny oP ie above alsoraees lintely perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain Day and Night Trains. ae mese cesens oeee se 80 + se a% eeas ase svee se es 4e Bluggish Circulation 6.0¢ paa by : "' ATIYE :u.ua to ts counfirmed flyr Aumm one nbre s the blood nadweisting h and mhc% ‘They form a mit and superior tamily operient, that may be taken at all times without conffnement or change of diet. C * * and sold by all Medicine Vendors * SBeptember 28, 1871. in prime order ; built 7 yéars ugo. Apply to pp.m_‘ l ooo oo bmmum-ï¬;? :tha w,, C lc“ 4 “ ‘". Q ; doot\mlohs M‘&u, highly improved,. pded. and th g‘y_dflad,h one of the best whast growing localities in Canada, driven by Water N. Overshot whel, 36 feet diameter; rums the whole jeer ; all GaABRIEL‘S "h-“"“’ C i %%% Â¥ In pots, 13id, 2s 94, 4s 6d, 111, and ltlï¬;!dlï¬i PILULA, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" an unfailing remedy for wounds of : every : deâ€" soription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore u.lql, blt-,n:r.kllna.lohnbld:,“ scorbu. fl-pl. n the sor« u_quqm heads, sore b:'ouu, UOhronic and Bloody Dysentery.. Une teaâ€" spoonful‘cures 15 minptes. . It will mqwbl 09 thas it ‘Is Impop#ible to cure,.. ot ol plication« is warranten to cure any case goabudmpplcluln- Aamed Breast. For Bruises, if applied often aud bound up, there is never the slightest discoloration to the skin. It stops theâ€" pain of a Burn as soon as applied, â€" Oures Fro«std .l‘at.ldb. Warts, and Corns, and‘© Wounds every on mman or ‘beast, 10rk _ B. =.1aonu, Phelps, N.Â¥ And NORTHROP & LY 4AN, ; Kowoastle, Ont., Bole Agents tor the Dominion. Nota,â€"Eelectricâ€"SHeleoted and clect:iizsi. "THE POOR KMKANS FRIEND, [FPAR TS â€"OFâ€"THE:â€" WORLD] is confidentiy reco GABRIEL‘8 | front ‘Deeth, and can vo ~~~‘‘‘ [Fedd: â€" puictent. to Llop ‘stk lc&ldl,:rod Bites, _ a 4 y #&o. . 1HK CANADIAN PA1N DESTROYER Has now been before the public for a lengtk of time and wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single instance t give perâ€" manént reliéf when timely used, and we have pever gnown a single case of disatisfaction where the directions have been properly folâ€" 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delightuva with its operations, and spesak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, It is the CHEAPEST MEDICINE EYVEK MADE, tdoucmconnoamthmm One bottle has ctured Bronchitis. ‘Fifty cents‘ worth has cured an old Standiog Cough. It positively cures Catarrh, Asthma, and Croup, Fifty cents#" worth has cured Crick in the Back, and the same quantity Latme : Back < of eight years‘ standin>. It cures Swelled Neck, 'l‘nnflldlb., Neuraigis, Oontraction of the en, Btiff Joints, . Bpinisl Diféicalâ€" ti. 4, and Hain and Soreness in any: part, no matter where it may be, nor from what cause it may arise, it always does you good x1:on'ru'r TO BESIDVENES ABROAD at a distance may have Artificial Teeth uzplhd in partial or complete sets, by Mosars. I‘s new system, on sending parâ€" ticulars oftheir cases, with a remittance of hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy. .. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for which it is recomuended, and its wonderfu: saccess ‘in subduing ‘the torturing pa«ins oi Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affcc. ions, entitle it to a high rank in the list o1 Remedies fot these complaints, Ordersa ate coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further sgupplies, and each test :Mu as to the uniyersal ‘ satigfaction { '“¢4" , | f Oanadian Pain er never fails to give immediate relief. All amwm m’. iysicians order and use it ; and no mily wili be without it after once trying it T-Mungvhn the apparatus fortaking :l!qoblu moyth will be forwarded with | necessary instructions, MESSRS, GABRIEL remodel on their im« proved system, and at & moderate cost, Artifiâ€" clll'l‘o‘z supplied by . other dentists which hav. not proved satisfactory to the wearer, A CHRISTIE & co., Asa Remedv it is well and tavourably mflnuwmmwnum Back and Head, Cougbs, Colds, Sore m"flrw.s , Bruises, Cramps in the mach, Cholers Morbus Dysentery, __, _ ; , THOMAS‘, _ EXCELSIOR " EOLECTRIC â€" OIL. WOR TH TEX TIMks ITS WEGHaT l GoLp. " May 11871 ILVDGATE alnt !oo‘‘~~‘‘ Ottews Oity, Box sos. _ Of all of the above papers. Ottade, Pcb. 10, 1671 _ â€"| 1mckw â€" _ Ottewa, Oct. 21, 1871. Prepared oniy by We speak from experience in this matser 2 =~GRrA. 4 Pain cannol stay where it is usei." i &. RuBEuTsS % CELEBEATED OINTMENT, PREPARED ONLY BY ADIAE PALHK DRSTROYKHR BEACH & HABRsICOTT, ’(flpofl, Doreet, EKagland { beau.s"2" [ROYAaL DENTIFTCE prepared from a recipe as used l:’ Her Majesty ; gives the Teeth a pesriâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a delicions fraâ€" grance to the breath. Price 1s. ‘ wartanted to remain whilo aABDC firm ys.the Tooth itself. This ( O8TEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPING ; warranted to remain white ane dinary application, marvellous in lhzctl. gires immediate relief without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary stopping. Price 1s. 1id4. COBALITE TOOTH PASTE for cleansing and improving the Teseth, imparts a natural redness to the gums, and gives brilliancy to the Enamel: Price, « BSEDADEXT»" O R CUB E for Toothache. This extraorâ€" 1s. 64. WHITE Ename], for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for mastication, no M‘d how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. dEN TIS TS a¢ i4 I LL t @GUrTa PERCHA ighlg,. and ther=«firn jed to the Public as Agonts for Ottawa, Oono O Nn.£c. marvellous 15277 ._.|;_ Post oFfFfICFE, OTT&aws 1872. wixter arRraxoruzExt. 189 pared ex, for the © Patent Knife Cloanâ€" zmum-l“«‘llu'm Knife Boards. K.nlnu.flnï¬dnn‘ it have‘a brilliant polish equal to new .lz: P.:k::l.u.ml; -4'1-.1:.. Ls., 22 AD . onch, , ) «M tidlt atale ‘The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" ;uwr Harman a Silver Prlr Medal at the nterâ€"C Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralin, o{'lbdd- s numerous Testimonials. agents for Ottawaâ€"»Joseph Kavanagh, G@rocer. Wellingtonâ€"st . ; Joun Hill, Tem Pot, Ridean« st,; Blocombe & Stevens, Sign oi the Sngar Loaf, corner of Camberlandâ€"st.; for New udiaburgh J. W. Proctor &00.; for Ayimer, Mr, N. Oornht'i the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are. J, Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 22 1871 1671 1y Bold in Packetsâ€"325 cte, per Packet ; or Siz Packets for One Dollar, Â¥5ote, _ The Pewder is warranted free from ail bad smell, and will k.ep in any Climate. . It may be spread any where without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cats or Dogs, as they will not Having now unr‘ hands, and been "‘ted ll far a firs .clas« 4.INQUCEON BAR and 8 A100 Directions for use on each Packet. Maxcracroryâ€"Gzsave!l Lane Hounds City of London, England _ _ .. _ & and iver, Miectroâ€" sine PisitGrapN 62. Taboth 98. pack. 9,00 Anter Bust Ooptroy tes, Blece Bentlon Fhmze en omin m i mainaind in Fur«, Tick or Bcab on Sheep or: ; also on Cattle, &c., &c., in less than Ten Minutes. eat it THE COMMERCIAL HOUSE and carried on under tlonl?onm of F. EV a N§,!ute proprietor of the 81. Jauzs Ho .. Strict attention to business. Goed Wines and Liquors warranied. will be called PROF. EEBMAN’B muuy . onsraoreR, R@J~ Deposits will be received atthis Ofice. Interest allowed at the rate of Fou p cent per annum, and Dep»sits can be withdrawn at any time. QFFICE HouURs FROM 8 A.M., TO Y P.M. + _ For Money Order and Savings Bank business from 10 a m to 4 p m On Money order Offices throughout the Great Britain and {re N * ud Prines buwend intand can pe obiainey â€" ol This stkee unro.q“:‘:i..,..".:.‘: : Via NewYork close every Mopday at 8 P.M. .___Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.00 A.K:; . _ A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 13.30 p.w., in whic paid and unregistered matter can be sent. * bts, ed, and every attention paid to thair comfort: Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be mmm-uwuhh' pscwuxonnonlgn. * Contracts made for advertising in csithe, 11.30 *Â¥ T (M"MM Agent for the OHfews Times. , . HALIFAX, NOVA 8UOTIA, Established 1861 . Permanent and transient boarders accommodaâ€" j Essternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lanoaster, e ‘ 1ais 'm{ g ‘.n. " ,m.monflh...â€".n.uoom-“ mweets sesses En f 1000}â€"Â¥00iHatthet: .BJnd Di POBE: BB .»+..»... .++. > ». ): Ot tawa, February 14, 1871 Post Office, Ottawa, Feb. 1, 1872 MPORTANT NOTICE. EDT »eicenere *HE «+RUKRAL ! SAL00H, > sLk@LIH 8TREET, 9697 CLOSEK Motets and Saloons. AVERLY ROUSE, 44 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAIL ?a: P Aw "f t t 430 Ayimer and Hull,..... *tâ€,x{un.y and Oaslow, by ‘{ Courriee T Ousaouciea. JOHN ROMANB, Proprietor. Kemptt fle, Merrickville, Oxzford Mills, per 6t. £.. & 0.2. ‘!(uï¬ Gower, Kars, &o., per 6t. L. & 0. Railway ......... Osgoode, RKeptel, o. DK â€" o _ AS >+»=>srsirsems Peorth, Emith‘s Falis, and Carletop Plase, f z '“. OOI‘:.I wmâ€"ummo-ï¬-w:oc-:. ; § Bell‘s Corners, Rischmond, &0. per Canada/Osutral ; ;l,: \v-h 0'104- 1 1: March, Huntley,Carp, &6. Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays......â€" , Ne: Edinbtrgh.’ 7* l“‘†in{ted Statos, pFQ OGAODEDUTG .»=»»=»»»asess» »»»ss» es enoceecs The U Ottawns, Piaces on the B. & 0. Raillway. Nm of Carleton Place Junstion, â€"Bristol, c Ham\i | fhur enc y Son 4 /o ndienmmemedimtrimg | losse . &o.; and Wost@rn, U . B......ssâ€"s0000e srveresce wereres Fort Garry and other wplaces in the Province ef Manitobsâ€"Mails mu daily via Windsor, "BHtith Cofeuabls . (as Bril tand Vancovuvrer Isiend) Mails hp.huhnï¬vb-'h‘n. Ont., Detroit and Gan Francisco, U.B8. Ruates of Postage same a» to other parts o(_l‘! !!hl,h.. ; Chelsen, Wakefeld, Korth WakeSeld, and intermeâ€" diate Offices, Dauily ; and River Desert and ipterâ€" mediate Offices, Mondays, Wodpnesjays and Fridays Railwa7 Clarendon Centre, Packenham, &6,.............. POST OFFICE sSiaAYVINGS8 BAXK sesssssass serves berese ShnaneaRE sercenson ancecence sncene M .A L L.&S . MONEY ORDERS BRBITISH KAJLA, , by Ayimer, &s.. 4 seee . eesebsens sbessence Sb000m «> esepssnss THE TIMES is printsed and publ2M®" Tiz Oreawa Timms Patwpins AP 4 rismme Comrart, at the ‘Office L Number u,'dlh““ Heor Mejesty‘s . adatre) Contr® Ottama. JAMBS BAILIYT, Mungal hours frow $ tâ€" 11 a w., 208 2 to 4 PR Plain and Ornamental Engraver, W xuunpmm:- ts *s, Ottews Visiting Cards engraved and printedicn sbortest notice 4 Otmewn, Nov 8, 1871 w,. AnthoniPat 4oA Pog: Sess a mt PDr J A&-,' .‘:Et Thes lage Managing Dissctor Q. & Bt_ L. E. He â€"|* VV amernoysâ€"orâ€"Lae. seltersors in Ol Nn noacdnnet nanege ao se reiaih e Smmand o ty Provises o lt BAJ" Special sattention given 10 SW / ad diswlacements of . the 44tor0k : /. l!_ J W»â€" Â¥WU. WAAD,; P aP q Aaroccate, 4e., opposite the #et besssebes S0peve088 sesessess sessesee J Attorneys at Lew, Advocates for the Proviuces of Ontatio Odbcoâ€"Oornar of Bassex and Tok trotht W Ouodllh‘gli;'fl‘ dence in rear of French cathedial, Business attendec in Ottaws and the Di triee Courts of the Oonnty of Ottews. * *‘ thertons Drug Htorow Regdde _ i1 _ _NOTAbkY PUBLICO. Resigencse ~| next the Fost Office. 1 taby es 4 e im baekiger beucine o /4 ~ bemeaaning ds ot tha r-.:“ nnd o-v'“;‘""m' *.'ï¬g Court House, L‘Orignai. mca:uu.s..hnnï¬ Lm,o-ny-uu.h. , Ronaezt Lans. .'Cut Joax J. omaiet Public, knd Putent RightBolicisor, Ofee wediately opposite kussell House, Riginst pSfinb I. PAR"AAL P K\ Public fer the 1 » vines "of qwrven, Tall ment tee iW neyâ€"stâ€"Low, Bolicitorâ€"inâ€"Ohanesty, ancer, &o. OMooâ€"Lang‘s Buliléag, | ttect. " Ofkes: Univa Beharkgs Opare‘ opposite the Post Offee, Ottawa. Q @eneral Age . T id . 8.â€"â€"Collections attended «o 4n 2 Re 10GAH, APMELALE i MV# PHAY, R. OLIVER MAR TIN, Dentist Ofe Bparkeâ€"strect, Cent: al m Seat B. MoDOUGALL, â€" eJ 1CROLASASFPALKLKS, As MKARA, Architeot. uâ€"-&_f @ Bulldings, Rideanâ€"st., Ottawa. . #iy | . LIGNT & CLEMOW, Bar raten + PQBGROVE & TA‘LLOR, 0. AROHAHBAULT;) Ce RALIHBOTH, R. HA YCOCK, Attorney : Drow Store â€" Redds n-.hl sesse00es sosse000 s Lesgs a4 rre Squri wl / 11090 11,00 11.00 £,00 11. £.00‘ 11.00 e Â¥I 1871 ue t# # ++ * % _ IROX Sft. 6in. gyROP OF ap i Ront, and in 1 awd is the Un kee. Chicago W edvesday QUEBEC r pvoogh 'm-.- re Guring the and from . c and Mont outwards{o® J every Friday . LONDON W ednesday d0 do @44 Y' eE _ ‘ and al ARRLDV a ; HAJLW A} 18 Billiter A DAVID w 18 do NTL t«