$ 4 #} Â¥q [t UVommon Chairs...... â€" . 40 and upwards Complete Redroom Sets for $10 50 and up. _ Is hereby that application will be “hb&om-zfm at its next Session, foran Act o amend the Act» incorporating the Central Railway ,&'vh. to such Company to m hne by the most direct route to such points as may be selected for cross ng French River. Degsumber 2 1871 ; 18611 R§y* Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 MJ ROWE & ANNABLES, Pmm GREAT REDUCTION IN PURNITURE [ . Remember the place _ & EAST END SAPPERSY BRIDGE. ROWK & ANNABLE Otta wsa Dec 12, 1871 Te .. .| Eraing on Canada Central and Porth Bram h Sngmizen Sas ‘sf stobs quaig and great range in prices. _ . magich Ti Porimg, io Finest French Wine Vinega: * M l'~-l s xt r.am' wn.u..,"a?."’m A laurge varicty of #@*60 SPARKS STREET, . i \WaA, @s ’..-cn'm 1vWX~. ; Tin Piates. * 105 do _ Canada Plates. ‘1 Bafe, Firs and Burglar proci, and 9:35 p m In Bond of Free ’“-b‘_f’"‘-g" a counections with all trainsca B. & 0. uk & ~ Freight loaded and No Tran= anipment when in uw m 7 ‘ H. ABBOTT, Express gt 7:30 a.m., arriving at Ottawa at _. 105 pm., and at Band Point at 1:40 d&dflo arrtving at Ottawa at T:30 p.m., J‘s"luimu 8:210 pam. > Through Ottawa Express at 5:10 p.m., making acertain coanection with «(@rand Tronk Day Express from the EKast and Weost, arriving at Ottaws at 9:16 p m. Through Western Express at 10:15 a.m., ar> riving at Rrockville at #15 p.m., and .connecting with Grand Trunk Day Exâ€" press going Erat and West. | _ _ _ And also in Wood or Bottle Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martello ARNOLD‘S WINE VAULTS. CGreat Broad Gauge Route % TO OTTaWA. Charge for berths, 50 cents. SBure connections with all the GT trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their arrival when late Twoenty minutes allowed at Preacott Juncâ€" tion for refresbments. ~ Trains are run on Montreal time. THOS REYNOLDS, . Brockville and Ottawa Railways R LUTTBELL, ° e e Buperintendent, Prescot Ottaws, January 1, 18723 The old reliable, quickest and best route ; the shortest line by Q miles from Ottawa‘ to Brockvilie and all points W and miles "Toslt potade lame «omm ALTBHRRATION OF RUNNING TIME. OTTAWA RAILWAY BRrockville Fob. 11, 1873 On and after + MONDAY, FEBRUARY 19th, 18712 Trains will run as follows : LEAYVE ‘BROCKVILLE. # |10 0 pn OR SALE Ottawa, Dec 29, 1871 g_u SaXND PONTâ€"1:40 pu, AVE SAND POINTâ€"1:25 am, 215 I AND FROM WEVNXESDAY, 3rd Jas., trains will run as follows ; CANADA CEBNTRAL Brandies, DeKoayper‘s Gin, Jx 10 30 a m wwe and Burglar i l&d-l“’-.:h WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &e. 1 00 p m LEAVE OTIAW A. GOoING NORTH, GolFG soUTH a3t4 p.m.,arriving at Brockâ€" en 4 hm _ Mail from the Kast Do do De do Rxpres o de eprtes and all way 8t atto ns Mail for W est Do Express for AT Case on No T and 8 KEastand W ost rain â€" fo:r: Director, Ottaws. """"O¢ to street, 19027 10:15 a m 18 15 p m 4:10p m €:15 a m 1 00 a m From $1400 to any amount, on Ottawa, January 23, 1871 \YOTICEhhenby given that applica 1 NÂ¥ tion will ve made to the Parliament of Canada, at the ensuing Session thereot, tor an Act to amend the St. Lawrence and UOttaws Railway Act, and to authorize a furtber exteasion of the Railway or deviaâ€" tion of the present exiension thereof frony, any point of i_e same respectively to a Point at or near Portage du Fort, in the Province of Quebec, and thence to or near l.bo‘l'ownof?ombrok;htbma Untario, with further exterision fmmflnuidfown ot Pmbnkmuy point on Lake Nippissing, French , or upen the Georgiian Bay ; and to cuntinue the said Railway to the Sauilt Ste, Marie and for other purposes. _ " o. ook _ HHS0....«ccaruc«. ... PER GALLON. PRINCIPALâ€"MRS. ROBEET STEWART. * In this Eeatablishment, delightfually situated hhmhlï¬,md&odt{.ruq Ladies may receive a sound English and French Eancation, with Board, for $100 a M I:'w As the number 0o s is limited, carly application should The School will re open, on the 3rd of January, 1873. Ottawas, Dec 239 1871 1857lawkd&wt %2s, each ; and his e 3 PILULA® ANTIâ€"SCROPAULE OR ALTER ATIVE PILLS, confirmed by sizty years‘ exportenre to be one of the best, alterative madicines ever com. mdbrpumyh‘mflodudam in her cperations. They form a mild and tamily aperient, that may be 6 all times without confnement o1 > of aret, . Bold in Boxes at 13;d4., 28. 9d , 48. 64.,11s «nd 22s, each. â€" *h _A Just Received H. M. ROWE 8 celebrated BULK AND CAN oYsTERsS, E8TABLISHMUENT FOR YoOUNG LADIES Cormer of Wilbrod and Glou.ester +4 H EB QOOI MA N‘S FPRIEN D, is recommended to the Public as n unfailing remedy for wounds of every deâ€" ulp:; a certain remedy for nicerated T.Bl SEASON COMMENCED, WONDERFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE Brooxiry, April 5th, 1870. J O Chamborlain, Rs3. ~This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Disease. The Doctor bad given her up. He said her lungs were tubercled, and medicine could not hu&.u.u.umxmuw of Great Shoshonees ° . _ At the expiration of two days her symptoms were decidedly better. â€" She continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. the continuâ€" :codthn-qobvu y restored You may publish the facts for the benefit of those similarty affiicted. T. 0. BROWXNX wmï¬hflu.p scorbutic eruptions, and pimples in the face sore and inflamea eyes, sore heads, sore breasts Thirteen varleties of CRAB:â€" APPLE ld-,'h" dlh&-p“l’: vade, ermont ow will stand cold Ciimate, being abundant and constant bearers giving satisfaction to the purchaser, <@ne kind ripens first Augustâ€" bes early apple known ; while othâ€"r varie. ties grow nearly as large as the Fameuse. Some keep till June. .Good Tvp:‘h. eating and preserving Trees All kinds of Summer, hl?'s:l.muflltnd- ard Apple Trees., A‘tulvuldyd_l’lub Poesat and Choâ€"rry Trees. _ Large vaiscty early, hardy native Grape Vines, and also the g s JOHN SILYER. Bworn before me at Smithfield this 6th day ‘M"D u’?'n_-."'-_n- a ws The above trees and plants will be tak en up from the Nursery as soon as the frost is out and the grouns At for planting. All parties ordering stock will be notified the day for delivery. A!ll trees will be first elass, and guaranteed in gooda and fresh order when delivered, . KFor further particulars call and see de. scriptive catalogue, and make your choice selection of the above trees and plants at No. 95, Rideau Street, Ottaws, or to the ‘Tmuzs office, Wellington street. * B. L. WAGENER. January 16. 1872 18i14&=3m that about three years ago J became affiicted with Bronchitis, which lasted about cighteen months, I was so affiicted for the want of breath that it was very difficult tor me to speak, and in the night time frequently throwing the clothes off and raising in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any benefit, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad~ vised to try the Gireat Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was about fnished I began to feel a little better. I continued to use it until I had taken three bottles, when, to my satisfaction, I found that I was as well as ever L had been previâ€" qus to my iliness and have been so ever _ Great variety of Ros» Bushes. Moss Koaes of various colours. Flowering Plants ana Shrubs of all descriptions. . _ . . _ _‘ E:Ip-l*lau of foreign grapes: Rlack,| and White Ourrant Bushes ; Blackherty, Raspberrty, Strawberry Plants, English Gtose« berry and Quince Bushes ; asparagus ang Pic Plant Roots, Mountain Asbh, We« ping Willo®, Norway epruce and Arbor Vitme. _ and sold by all Medicine Venders, M oÂ¥ 11, L281\ â€" _ é68t im Utcawus, 4th March 1872 101632w2m The Italian Warehouse. J. M. C. DKLES DERNIERS. J C Chawberlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity CELEBRATED OINTMENT, OHEY TO LKAD UVALV ABD EKDUCATION, ____ . _ _ â€" prepared only by BEAOH AND BaRNICOTT, January 16, 1872, $100 PEX YEAR. Cure ot Bronchitis. _ Wames Bailiff, | Ten stroots, ON BEAL ESTATE, J Â¥XÂ¥ WELLINGTON, ) P 48. 64., 11s., and YETERS, MMMWM Buli in Canadaâ€"â€"for sale. His full pedigree un be ascertained on application to the ______ Patroniszsed by all the world. Rimmel‘s IThang~Ibang, Vaoda, Henns, Jockedp Club, Frangipane, end other perfumes of exquisite fragrance, Rimmel‘s Lavender Water, distilled fro Mitcham â€" Flowers. Rimmel‘s Toillet Vinegar, celebrated for its useful and sanitary properties, Rimme!‘s Extract of Lime J 1ico and Glyâ€" cerine, the best preparation for the Hair "Himmai‘s Dugong Orf Son Dugong Oil Seap, perfaumed with Australian Encalyptus. © h £ « Eugerne Rimmel, Pâ€"r/+mer to H.L.H. the Puincess of Wales, 95 Strand,42%8 Legent Street, and 24 . orubili,London ; 17 Boulevard des Italisns, Paris, and 76 King‘s Road, Brighton. cold by all pertumery renmdors. $ %6, 1872. wiy ‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ . Regular Auction Sales every Tuesday and Friday mornings, at 10:30 o‘clock, where parties having goods to dispose ot will find it to their advantage to send them in the even, Sates in country places, either ï¬'n Ontario orQuebec prowptly atteuded to. ‘ JOHN MACDONALD & SON, Auctioneer snd General Commussion, House Furnishing, Insurance and Real Estate In returning thanks to their numerou« rlends and customers in the city and vicinity, ‘or their past patsonage, bey to inform the sublic generally, that they have juet complet. d arran«ements for the leasing (at a large »xpense) of those large an: commodious ouildings near the Market Square, on York Street, formerly occupied ty the Government, ‘;:’ known as th;l l:‘l-i‘hry Hospital, which bave thoroughly refftred and paiuted, and now feel confident that they are in pogsession of ene of the largest and best situated room sinâ€" the Dominion, where they.will pay particular ttention to Auction Sales of fket Implements, Wcrb_qfa ‘Art, Nopâ€"Combustible and Nonâ€"Corrosive Br ‘,+130 per cent in fuel, and :#aim passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"Conductor quite dry . lxhd1 used in the Eastern and Western States and t Great Britain, and by the British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" (Bee cireular.) _ . C is x3 ul _ N, B.â€"â€"It saves 30 per cent or the Russell Honse boiler, and steam is now raised in half the tim« it took before the covâ€"ring was apâ€" plied, while it saves a large per centage ef Fuel and Labor at the Water® Works of the Parliament and Departmental Buildings, City Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills A Fleck‘s Foundry &c., &o. _ _ 3 CHALMERS & CO.,, , Richardson st., Montreal, P. 0. Box 844i, Bole Manufacturers in the Dominion J, MUNROE OLEARY, KMKDPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALEES Shoshone«s, British Columbia, is â€"working the most marvellous and astonishing Curer the Wotld has ever heard of, Never in th« annals of Canadian Medical History has suc} suocâ€"ss attended the introduction of ar; medicine beretofore. * That the Gaznat Buosnoxzmes Haxsor aso PuLs, of the eminent indian Medicine Maa, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Great Tribe of umm because tne numerous valuable active vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Potophylium, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract of Colocynth, Jaiap, Soco, trine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢., &c,) which enter tnto the composition of the combined mediâ€" cine, are such and so harmoriously classinried and compounded, that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and mupnot help but act on the system in a very satistactory and desirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your ailment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manner is which you are This M. is pleasant and safe to take, and is O-rnna.d-y positively be reâ€" lied upen to a permanent cure of all diszeases of the Throat, Lungs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, &0., &0., as well as Scrofula MAGDOHAW AUCTION ROOMS. _YORK STREET,. John Macdonald & Son General Western Agent. Ottawa, Nov. 20, 1872 RIZE DURHAM BULL FOR BALE, Prociaim the Glad Tidings IMMEL‘3 CHOICE PERFUMES HALMERSY.SPENCE PATEXT NONâ€" CONDUCTOR FOR COYERING STEAM BOILERS AND PIPES Ap} 36, York street, Ottawa. tawa, Nov. 12, 1871 â€"~ ~18194m wrâ€"TEAs AND WINES, m K. FPOOSE & COKPBAKY W H Y ? ¢ WCBPITAL STREET Humors, and all KONTREAL 23. Chmstte. | . mooumpanne & HANMK . N. B.â€"Money to lend. IF'P. t OftawA, Fob 20, 1978 1910 Om CBRISI'IB & HILL, (lete Kou‘gflt Christie) Barristers, Attornies, i gitors, Conveyancers, &0. °~~~ â€"~ > ~‘ do Plows... Wooien Plows Horse Hoes... Potato Diggor . Corn Planters. Borse Rakes.. January 15, 1872. Ditching Machine ..,...,. Grain Driils w ae e ha poe n n9 9 Oulï¬'ltofl se ns sa t + naas # Reaping Ma«bines from . Mower do . do + Threshing Machines from Open Cylinders...... ... sawing Machines...... .. Fananicg Miils .......... T‘IMPC."»OK.co-c‘.-. «es Grain Qrushet.... ... .: Iron Harrows ........... ~_â€" AGRICULTURAL â€"IMPLEMENTS At the Ottawa Agency, Market Bquate. 553, Oxrferd l:te 244, Strand London, W. 3? Bept. 1, 1871 » Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob tain the Medicines can be mm at the lowest wholesale prites in q ties of not less than £20 worth :(for which remittance must be sent in advance)â€"viz., 88. 6d., 22%s., and 34s. per dozer bozes of Pills or puts of Ointment, nett, without discount, I have the honor to be, I MA 5o_ Q;‘xï¬WA TIM ES Should any person have reason to believe that be has been deceived by buying â€"puriou» imitations of these Medicines, be wil: do w .11 to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six c nts in posta«e), one of the books of instructions .uum‘.-m't:'m samo. 1 promise t. «xamine it, and & repiv, stating wheth=s the Medicines are genuine or not, so that i: «purious he may apply to the pergon tro whom he purchased them to have his money I would ask, as a great favour, that shouww it come to the knowledge of auy person thai; spurious medicines are beiog made or sold in my name, he be pleased to,send meâ€"all the particulars he capn collect respâ€"cting the s«m«, tHa is to say, the name and add ess of th: vendor who is sell‘ng the spurious medi clues, and likewise the name aqud adudress the House in the United States, <r clsewhe e, which may hi ve :upplied them, so _ tto oun». abiâ€" me, for theprotection of the. public, t nstitute proceedings against such evil=doors, and I engage to remuanerate very banasoimely «ny person who may give me swb imforma tion, the informant‘s neme nevor being diâ€" lom m"..'...lot.......".'.';o“ : All other articles at correspond , ; *T i. asiST * I most earnestly: entreat all those who may read this advertisement sout they be pleaseo in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friâ€"nds that they may not be defrauded of their wogey by putâ€" vhusing worthless imitations ot the genuine BHolioway‘s Pilis and Ointm=nt. 4 No representative of mine will ever trave through any part of the British Previnces, o the United States, eith r to sell or to takâ€" orders for my rills andâ€"Ointmwent, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver probably be made to deceive ths puviic in whis way by persons calling upâ€"on me«icine vendors, falsely repres=nting that they ar acting for me, and with my kuowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the publi on their guard against any such decâ€"ptions, ; â€" I beg most respectfally to acquaint th« public of the British Nohh American Proâ€" vinces that in May last I ?und the business at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale oï¬ hoilloway‘s Pills and Ointment, which were a, to that time prepared by William Brown, now dgeceased, to be closed. These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has iately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthlesa, and therefore calculated to damage my good name. ~£ f ct Those ::odouotwhhtobo'dcodnd by vuying spurious -dbhna' which are now likely tope'-nm from States or elseâ€" where, but to possess themse«lves of the genuâ€" ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointment will de well to seo that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is eu« grived the words "Holloway‘s Pills «nd Oint: ment, and that the address on the label is 633, O1ford street, London, where only they are manufactured, and in no other paert of the world, The retail prices are on the labels ir British currepcy, and not in doilars and cenw _One Cash Gift in every package of 20¢ tickets guaranteed. Niz ticketsf» $1, 13 tor $2, 25 tor $3, 50 for $5, 200 for $15. _ _ â€" _ Prices from $2 to $10 per acre. Komm for Actual Settiers.â€"2,500,000 Acres of Government Land between Omaha and North Platte,open for entry as Homesteads Opinions of the Press <Fair gealing can be relied. upon,‘â€"â€"New York Heraid, Aug. 23. ‘A genuire «1atibution,.‘â€"World, h‘-pembrr 9. ‘Not one of the humbugs of the d y.‘â€" Weekly Tribune, July 7. ‘They give g nâ€"ral satisefaction.‘â€"Staateâ€" Zcituog, Au«. 5) References.â€"By kind permiâ€"sion #e reter to the following: ~FrankE‘n‘ 8. 1, ne, Louis ville, drew $:3,000. Miss Hattie Bauk+â€"1, Charleston, $9,000 4 Mrs. Loulâ€"a T. Blake, SC Pau!, Piano $7.10 ; Samuel V. R«ymond, Bos» ton, $5,500 ; Eugene P. Bracket, Pit‘si ur«t, Watch $300 ; h%-l Augie Osgoode, New O lo;n-, $5,000 ; EKmory L. Pratt. Columbus, O,, $7,00. â€" Grassing Lands on the line of the road, in the State of Nebraska, in the Great Piatte Valley, now for sale, for cash or long credit. These lands are in A mlldnnd.he;lot:{ climate, and for grain growing and raiding, unsurpassed by any in the United P ersans of foreign birth are entitled to the venefit of theâ€" Homestead Law, on geclaring their intention to become citizens of the United States, and muy avail themselves of this provision immediately after their arrival | Bend bt'l::n uwadtt:ndolfdem'lpdw pamphlet, with new maps, mailed free everyâ€" where. Address, 0. F, DaAVIS8, Land Commissioner, U.P.R.B. Co. Omaha, Neb. IQ THE PNMPLIC OÂ¥ THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTY AMERICA. Qw “ “ 'O.l'.....)....; +# loo 400 Gold Watches............... $75 to 300 275 3e'ing "wh’nl. ++ e e e e 0e +x+1G0 10 lw 15 Blernz Pianus , . .‘... .. each $250 to 700 50 Melodeons .......,..... do_ 80 to 200 Cn'c:nl Gifts, Sitver Ware, ete , | 5 Oc ut , . . i . s : + higs SE orn o4 :’o,ooo _A chance to draw any ofl& l‘o priss for 25 cents. Ticke‘s describing prizses are sealed in envelopes and well mixed, On reâ€" ceipt at 25 cents a sealed ticket is drawn with: out choice and sent by mail to any address. The prizes pamed upon it will pe delivered to the ticket holder on payment of $1. P:is s are immediawely sâ€"nt to any agdress by ex . press or returon mail, . . You will know what yeur priza is before you pay for it. Any prize ex¢hang:d for another of the same value. No‘blanks. Our patrons can depend upon fair d:â€"aling. § A land grant of 12,000,000 aCRES:â€" of the BEST FARMIEXG and MINEBAL LANDS in AMERICA. _ Agents wanted to nducements, and gu In CASH GIFTB to be distributed by the MERCHUANTS & BANKERS AsSOCIA~ TION OF NEW YORK. "__DaILY DRAWING®& | % | ~ B@" A Prize for every ticket. "@@ 1 Cagh GiHt ...« ++« +.« +«.. :. . $100,000 300 210 12 15 8,000,000 Acres of COhoice Farming and aUTIiu®} CaUTIOR®!I : HEAP FARM FR&KG 1OMES ents wanted to whom we offer liberal cements, and gï¬'flnteo satiataction, â€" ‘wOOD,COLLINS & u0 , 1884dakwl ~~58 Broadway N,.Y. On ï¬oéllu of the UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD. 81,287.,148 ° sa te cans ##%00, *#Ap t8ae% « s he a e eua9 5 000 000â€"08 + a #% With great reapec! ruoum.x.own a0 a09 a s ese%e seee $100 0o 110 .. $160 le. 10 Farnished or Unfurnished. ‘Thelowestrent la the wity. This establishment is too well known to require any comments ..?. its merits....Upwards of 200 Merchants others dine daily in the Restaurant. ‘The Proprictor is only relinquishiog it on ascconnt ut assum~ to« the Bupserintendence of his brother‘s s4sau» factory in the United States. Address _ _ _ _ _ HOTEL RESTAURANT AXND BAR 200 Regent Strout, I"‘"â€˜ï¬ W mtg& particulars mey be had from the Sole A. CHRISTIE 4& C€o., â€" DBUUOI!%~ oTTaWaA. Jttawa, teptembper 6, 1870 1455 1a ‘l‘m::‘un;, Netvousness, &c¢, 22s to 308 and 406 â€" B COMBINED CHAIN BAND htn?nul. ;9“‘)"'- epsy, Goueral bility ncugpai g.u; ., 308 to 508, A oou:puu Sot ooflwnn‘q‘uum BaN Ds,Blb‘g.mdm BaTTERKX for restoring vitulenergy, £5 to £1. The public are must eargaestly cuumoned to mm Doctom 40. tot umpopet parponn, bam 0d so severely ul:.-thud by Vice m ior Maline lnalag u}t mm vs Ham» M.“l- t I-‘. s m i. B. C. 8, ajiss Honry t-'h.‘c f No: Gaisanic Beits are those vearing the fac simile of M. Puirermacher‘s A con ve mi at the m« A.o»:u?, Sparks Streot. J, L PULVERMACHER, ' lysip, Cramp, &¢., 188. to 248. and 408. poq_fl"n BAS Ds for Lumbago Indigestion #&e. Lm Ae a wz,‘n- to 40s B CHaIN BANDs Writer‘s CHALN BANDE AND BATTERIEsS,. B; OH@IX BANDS for Neryous Deafness Heau, Tooth, and Face A â€"he,and Noisur in the Hea«, 218. tc 208. 8, uHAIN BANDS for iss of Voice ant other affections of the Throat, 108. 64. to dle. N. YHAIN BANDS lor Sciat . Rhoumatic* *_Neuraigla, and Gouty Pai®®» Local Paraâ€" __ _ lysip, Cramyp, &c¢., 188. to 22*. and 408. . Th« effoots of the application of Puilver wacher‘s Chaing in any of thâ€", ab wwe disordets is imumâ€"dintely perceptibleâ€": ho relief of pain ‘Astantancous. | eBICEK ulbsT OF PULYVEBMACHKR® Those facts appeal to the good sense of every sufferer to argil himself of this scientific and curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study ahd labout, a: an atdent deciple of that ‘grést ‘benefictor of rsankind, the late . illustrious electricinn Mionase Faraotr. thi * [ PC &.v&uwmmnowo-envm. J OHALNS are exceedingly «fkctive without the ard of medicine, a-md’o. of divt, (or: the ‘vast deraugement Of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following miutadies Deatness N. B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received « # " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" © sure in testifying that Mr; J. L. Poursm» * wa0BER‘s recent improvements in his Voltaic * Battâ€"ries and â€" walyvanio â€" Appliances tur * Medical Purposes are of great importance to ** Bcientific Medicine, and that he is entitled * to the consideration and. support of every * one disposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, \; Dated the 9th day of Marcb, 1866. ‘BIR CHABRLKS L(gOOOl, Bart., l!.lg)...o $ SIBR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., I.,D 'B. § + IBR WA. FERGUSSON, ht,';‘ R. 8. EDWP. H. MHKYEKING, M.D., M.R.C.8. * bli J BANALD MARTIXN, F. R. 0. 8," wULYVERMAUHER‘S SYSTEM is ‘also ap 1ov : of by an official report of the Aca ‘_ * 1. de Medicin«, Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, Loudon, and the Imperial Facu)â€" ty of Vieunoa, and its curative virtues are cou« firmed by thuusands of private testimonials of curesefected. (Bee pampnlet gratis). Lumbago 4 %lnutn Cipoulation Neuralgin * _ _ {rinary Disorders Fead and Toothache ‘Paralysis . Liver Compiaints â€" Epilepey Fic Dotureaz Nervous Debility todigestion t â€" Functional Disorders dhoumatisni ... Femalo Complaints sout _ : Constipation *__ Pond,stoppitgatall Stations,at 7.00 a, Express for Quebese and Riviere du ' um“..'l # a% o %a ......'.‘lf ,†‘ Mail Train for Island Pond, Port» u‘“ m' ‘...l.o 6 e a w p.} Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Pond,â€" â€" a Pullman Car will be attached, toeithe ugh Trains between Montreal.aud Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekly, vis :=â€"Fromy Montrea on Tuesdays, Thursd«ys and Saturdays ; reâ€" tursing from ‘kiviere du Loup on ;Jpqdnn Wednesdays and PFridays. h ue t C.J. BRY DGEL. t forcibly points to this invention embryo of a universal remedy. Palace Cars o(,mmh between © Montreal anc Sarnia. .One of thes» maguifiâ€" ent conches wil} be attached to each Day lxr-tm:l-vtz Montreal for Toronto, and be, run through Sarpia, as a Drawing Room and Sleeping Car, . There will also be one attached to each ‘Day, Express froâ€".. Toronto to Montreal: The Summer running arrangements wil come iuto operation about the ist of ‘June, 6 which dae notice will be given. U J BRYDGES, Lo c s _ Meanaging Director. PULVERMAUHER8 PATENT GALVANIC . UCHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTB AND POCOKET ~BATTERIES & These highly inpmvle'd lnlnnlou render lectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremely efficacious in a mild contiguous form on shock or umnpleasant sensation being ex~ perienced, wherâ€"by it becomes a true fountain h h;:m' .I':, reâ€"animati w4 limbs, agonising reviving t.hp: ‘sluggish !ucï¬oun. m:f“llï¬.m rmparting renewe onergy and vitality to ‘Tedloluce aod then dfeteriont consequotioee ed and are thus entirely dispensed wlï¬.m‘; increasing number of cures effected PULYEnMACHER‘S IEDIOO-GALVAE IC SYSTEM is. «o extensive and varied, that on and after MuNDAY Ma&.ho Ist o MAY, it is intended to run ~Pullma: ,_. _ mediste Stations, at....,.. . ... $00 a m Day Express for Toronto, at. ...... 9.00 .m Night Express for Toronte, at. .... 9,00 p.m Mixed Train or Brockville, at. . ...11,00 a m Accommodation Train for Brockâ€" On and after MOND*+ YÂ¥ Ferxt. 5th JUNE, Trains will teave Montrodl as under Vail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" Pullman Palace Cars now Runuing on al Day and Night Trains, SUMMER SERVICE OF THRALINS THE +â€"COsSMOPOLITAN, Montreal, Aptril 26th. T871 FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A TERM UF YEARX GRAND ~TRUKKL ~RAILWAY, SV ERLULUTEY 15 Li# k HLAaARK OHASCE; “'l ( Liver, Ohest, and PFunctiogal Disorders, Great Acceleration of Speed® um ‘...l.o. # w’.. bt Idlbm.w.lti?&,‘ : Pmu.“ M'.lllln....l‘n’-- ville, at IN MONTRHREAL, Galvanic Egtabiisomen ., 500 pza $30 an 1651t confirmed lym-'upcflem to be one of the beet alterative medicites ever comâ€" pounded for puritying the blood and assisting Nature in her operations. They :sorm a wil and superior‘ tawmily operient, that may be taken at all times without confinement or change of diet. . | and sold by all Medicine Vendors Beptember 28, 1871. j confirmed by sizty yeaus‘ experience to be one o m brguises, chijlbisins, scorba. ts p_l.zslc in the fape, sore hl--d“;“â€.oy-, heads, sore breasts, â€?av ;a“.md. 38 94, 4s 6d, 118s, and ALL | ULA, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTERâ€" an unfailing remedy for wouuds of every deâ€" scription ; a certain remedy for ulcerated sore "THE POOR MKANS FRIEND, is confidently recc It is the CHEAPESE MEDIOLNSE‘ EVER MADE,. One dose cur{s vorum in «ore throat Onse bottle ha« cured Sroncuius, Fifty ceuts‘ worth has cured an uls Staudiug Coogh I: ’ positivâ€"ly cures Uatarrh, Astbina, aud CroQ /, KFifty cents‘ worth bas cured C:.ick in the Back, and th sume quintity uame Ba «x of vight years‘ standia . [1 cures Swelies No k, Tuamors, KbumaAtisw, Aegraigia, Joutraction of the Masclcs, 3tiff Joiuts, Spiail Dificul. ti s, and Pain and 3â€"reness in auy part, us matter where it may be. nor from what cause it may arise, it Alwavs does you good Iwentyâ€"five cents‘ wortn has cured bad cases of Obroulc aud Rlgoy Dysentery, Une temâ€" spoonfal cures Colic in 16 minutes. 1t will cure any case of Pilea tha, it is impossible to cu.e, . Six or eight applicationâ€" is warranton to â€" ure any case of Kxcuuriated Nipples or Ioâ€" A«med Breast. For Bruises, it appli d often and bouns up, there is never the slizhtest dispoloration to the skin. | It stops t:e pain of a Burn u-‘n as applied, Curcs Fro ud Foet, Boils, Warts, and Jorus, and Wounus of eveiy desciiption on ‘san or beast, 8. N. TBUOMA8S, Phelps, N. Y And NORTHROP « LY 4AN,; Newcastle, On‘., Sole Azents tor the Dowlu:on. & The Cansadian Pain Destroyer never tails to give immediate relief, (All Medicine Dealers keepit Physicians order and use it ; and no tfamily wili be without it after once trying it Price only Twentyâ€"fve Cents per bottle. * NORTHRUP & LY MAN. Sold in Ottawa by H |F McOarthy, J Skinâ€" ner, John : Roberts, J P Featherston, George Mortimer, W M Massey, and all Medisine The astonishing ethcacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Discases for which it is recommended, and its wonderfu: success in subduing the torturingy pains 0 Rheumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affcoâ€" ions, ebtitle it to a bigt rauk in the list of Remedies tor these complaints, Orders ere voming from Medicine Deslers in all parts of the counutry for further supplies, and each test tifying ‘as to the universal satisfaction i yives. f KXCELSIOR 18E CANADIAN PA1N DES NROYER Has fow been before the public for alengtt of time and wherever used is well likeq, never failing in a single instance t give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely usâ€"d, «ng We have gever gnown a single case of dis4tisfaction #here the directions have been properly tolâ€" wowed, but on the contrary, all are delightwa with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and mayical effects. [ O8STEOâ€"ENAMEL STOPPINXG warranted to rewain white au« MESSRS. |firm us the Tooth itsâ€"lf. This beautisul paruation restores GABBIIL’B{ front 'l‘l‘vtï¬ud can be â€"asily usdd. Suffcient to stop sizx teeth Price 4 We speak from experience in this matser having tested it thoroughly, ana therefore hose who are suffering from any of the comâ€"~ laints for which it is recommenued may de. pend upon its being a Sovereigu Remedy, GABBRIEL‘S Prepared oniy by GABRIEL‘S OR TH TEN TiM«s ITS WEIGHUT 1 A *« GOLD. IMPORTASL TO RESIDENi‘» ABROAD ME>BSRS, GABRLEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moucrate cost, Artitiâ€" vial Teeth supplied by â€"other dâ€"ntists which nay aot proved satisfactory to the wenrer, + A QHBIBSTIE & co., Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Meerts. Gabriel‘s nu«w system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofch:â€"ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Bhillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0: the mouth will be forwarded with all neceâ€"sary instructions, Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably mw,uuulu thousands from pain in the N%'ml;.:k and Head, Cougbs, Colds, Bor o Bprains, Bm‘oa, Uramps in the / _ Btomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bow!l 3 Oon_pln'nhl_ Burns, GABRTEL‘S8 May 11871 Note. â€"Eclectricâ€"Select=d an 1 elect:ized / CELEBRATED MESSRS NLEKCEBRII Li 4 VY2CATE NAKADLIAN PALS DEKSTROXY 6i. PAR T S:â€"OFâ€"+â€"THE:WORLD] F ill direct «4 Painâ€"cannot stay where it is used." November 30, 1870 «. RuBENTS CELEBBATED â€" QINTMENT, PREPARED ONLY B8Â¥ BEACH & AARNICOTT, Biidport, Dorset, England A1TYE PILLS. [EKUY aL DENTIFICE | prepered from a recipe as used Price 5s | lons for use enclosed in each box T HOM AS*" 'l‘hhoot:flua Mouth Wask is most refreshing, it strengthens the gums, cradicat~s tartar and all inju:fous sâ€"cretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" WHITEâ€"GUrIA PEKCHA Euamel,.for stopping cecayed Teeth, repd+rs the Tooth sound and pseful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. |. QDUuNTALGIQUE * EL IXIR COBALITE TOOTH PASTE for ;lmd ng and improving the ‘Teetb, Imparts a natur:l rednss to the gums, and ;lm brilliancy to the Enamel Price by Her® Majâ€"sty ; gives the Teceth a pearlâ€"like whiteness, and imparts a dâ€"licious fraâ€" grance ‘to the breath. Price 1s. 1s. 64 dinary tion, tnarvellous in mw gives immediate relief without injuring the tooth, and forms a temporary stopping, Price 1s. 1}d. * BEDADENT" O R C UR E for Toothache ‘This exiraor. «WB & 0146 4. DENITIS TS HILL . iL OND ONEC] E†&2 +â€"PREPARATIONS \ teeth is invaluahle ded to the Public as EKCTRIO OIL. Agents for Ottawa, "‘Lk I‘ PAE ie mm PmR CCC .Box 318. : , ®r all ot the abore 39 6m 16277 knife. 0“!"!" be used with the Prevent friction fag mathinés Indis Aetocr and Bek Lextber ixt.hi:o & bdll.h.lt polish equal to now dz".. Packets, 34. each ; u‘.l!-, 6l., 1s, %8â€" and 4s, each. For cleaning and polishing Siliver, Mestroâ€" Plate, Plate Glass, &o. Tablets,6d. each, ote., otns, #l0. > 4 Centracts made for aqvartising in rither C100E UoOrBot OL O GSLIRnusnt, Sn . ANCW aflmuutt J. W ©~Proctor & 0o.; Lr‘yl.u Mr. N. K. Courmicr ; the Wholesale Agents tfo: the Canadian hov‘.o-‘. are J, Bmith & Co. No. 1 Western Buiidings, Montreal, . May 37 18171 1611 it The abore discovery bas gained for Pro tessur Harmau a Silver Prise medal at th. Interâ€"Colontal EKxzhibition of Victoria, Aus ralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimoniai» agents for M-Ja-ln’hnn.i, Groout Wcilingtonâ€"st.; Jonn Tesa Pot. Riduan st,; blâ€"wombe & dStevens, Signh of the Sugs: Luaf, corbher of Oumberland.st.; for Nes Directions for use on each Packet, Maxnuracrosrâ€"Graveol Lane Houndsditcb City of Londgu, Rugland rimndk. .ghi«ls * For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs Cockrom ‘hes, Black Besties, Fles» on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths io Fur«, Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goate ; also on Uattle, &c., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes Bold in Packetsâ€"25 ote. per Packet ; or 8iz Packets for Oue Dollar, Â¥5ots. The Powder is wartranted free from all bw smell, and will k. ep in any Climate,. It msey be spread any where without risk, as it is quit barmless to Oate or Dogs, as they will no eat it. THE COMMERCIAL HOUSE and cartied on under the management of F. \ > .. Tpss Ofic:, Wellinz‘on : tor ~, A'uH'orunQa- 1“%./ PROF. mlAN’S ie . ogstRoun, "‘. ie RURAL * 8ALOOH, sL@INM STREET Having now on hands, and been Sttod u for a bre .mhaes LURCUBOR BARang BALOOY will be called EV 1 NJ.iute proprietor of the 81. Jauzss Howm.. Striot attention to bausiness. Good Wines and Liquors warranted. In solid blocksâ€"1d., 24., 44., and 1s..each. R@" Deposits will be received atthis Office, Interest allowed at the rate of Four q4 cent per annum, and Depesits can be withdrawn at any time. ' OFFICE HouURs FROX 8 aA.M., TO 1 P.M . _ For Money Order and Bavings Bank business from .0 a in to 4 p m. Established 1851 . Permanent and transient boarders accommod: od, and every wolï¬:{d‘ to their comfort:; 9697 Jo RUMANB, Proprictor. and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at: ih'.,m' ce. Also Postage Stam "',,.'q Cards, . MONEY ORDERS order throughout the Do-l.lï¬ï¬ Great Britain and [ P.n.a "-?an..!. Iu_?f;.l--‘ nan ha ahtainad at ~fhne A‘I-n D...?.l:.. d:.?:?f 5 _ K posted to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and W package the same night. oet in Bupplemene Vis NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M «Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 11.00 A.y. A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 13.30 p.w., in paid and unregistered matter can be sent. ® 9,00 | «19099 sep W 11,00 1872. wintER aARrRAaxomugxr 11.30 0 00 18.10 Ot tawa, Febroary 14, 187i MPORTANT NOTICE. A. GRISON, Caszian‘ Post â€" OFFIOE, <8 HALIFAX, NOVA 8c0oTIA, Motets and Saloons. #4 AYVERLY HOUSE, CLOSE 1%.10 12+10 18 10 Post Office, r, Feb. 1, 1872 61 ARRIVAL l_lnd DEPARTURE or MAr, a mm in Polnt Snd | elac es | Mil.uu.u...u r. |*I| Prvascs ane Fom: b Ont., and Detroit, Mi 9,00) i â€" pricish Columbia i Courriee d Ouiacuaia. 41380 rovse. |MAPOR, HUBtOTY,â€"OBID» #O» sen sesssvere ressrners sesersere oncess»: | ©00 Chelson, Wakefcld, North Wakefeld, and intermeâ€" | senmne zm Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and inrerâ€" ko mediate Offces, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays | .. ....\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays...........|11,30 uo_‘N.ow Kainburgh | Manitobaâ€"Malie mu-hd' via Windsor, l Ont., and Detroit, Mich. 1 f Bri:ish Columbin (and Vancouver Isliesnd) Mails despatohea td% via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and lul'unh:‘o.ï¬..li . Rates of Postage same as to nx&*m eesssssss shoret sensts 000 enduge: . Keomptr 41a, Merrickville, Oxford Milld, per St. L. & 0.R [l-t Gower, KarsoAo 4 parBt L. & 0. Rallway ......... Orgoode, Russell, &t par. de _ do ........._ l § Porth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Plase, per Ca } i North of Carleton Place Junstion, â€"Brisw!, [ Clarendon OBRL¢;. PREKCRRAR, 404 ++ rew..s.. t Aytmant TBE REMyersrss cser "eetorericanianithe nerscte n ammorer: Kardley and Oaslow, by Aylmer, h...................' wjre Lowe, Ottaws, by Land, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" 1 $ * Thhide DIsIEOKY Sreavilin Atowonunaen" 1 § Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Corn Lancaste Malifax, N.8., and St. Johs. K.B..................... ....... § Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Corners, m‘, Canadae Contral ’ '}:!lvoy....'..... ......::..:........ smesinthty thwuee The Uppor Ottawas, Piaces on the B. & O. Railway. !M:"-l â€":-i â€"--.--. v -.-.:..i-!..:!.i;..:...i-.. ;...' nade CORtrRE RAHWAT ....... .s.ccclss00sssssemee.. m»» J60.; k HRBLOER, U B..â€"02¢ srrerecrt rerwenrs ProsT OFFICE SAVINGS BAKK M A. I LS . BRITISH MAILS, hours frow $ to 11 a.w., and 3 to 4 $ _ Plain and Ornamental Engraver, U / , Sparke and mmmuâ€"“ v‘édqmw-ulfl‘†shortebt Botice 4 Ottawa, Nov 8, 1871 ‘5 A ‘agron.D suguiemen, Ao. 'n ce Onnerisianes dperkeas "Qusaue W sor Trust and Loag Co. crovincial Land surreyor and Ds somwissioned for the Provincget .ad Ontario, ® Angss _ Uniatiound Qusbes. Jflce over Durie‘s Book Store, MaW&. ROTAbY PUBLIO. Resigence~ ac&t the Fost Office. 1T99 [ NHARLES MaROIL, â€" agâ€"cote, B at Lu,l“: %‘m i Advucutes for the Prariuves of OQaute 4# thertons Dragy Store: Regide _: )1 We J Umoe at Mr Tomau‘s, N P ; phi to +®di from i1ace in rear otf French wathotal, Hud, ‘thbe den Busiuess atthdou :m Oita«a and tuo [ «icw. Uourts of the Couuty of Utta®® _ “;‘O'I_,_MI N. l-â€"-dmuiiui."{cim.b- of aissnses of tie KY & and A: nigh ve soun at als residence, Murtay strool _ wore, Rast ona of Sappor‘s Brigee u:n_fn-_.o.-.gpdp_.-.h dts 2 LKLKS & GKRBRLLL, 6 w 6e | Prw ~n~,.uuqn-..\‘c‘. of the above : vwll i.â€"u0e, Yctawe. * is intended . t _mosunt Lazs. ___ doatt _ Jous J. guam i L for QU DW % # on l:.‘“ ulleiss «Ailtenc) Aay Hamiy Th "~~ SATURDAY, 137 1 lh 7 T * ounties of Arrson mioe ihewely t 44 (To be followed Qourt House, L‘Orignui. pt4 M at throug M. HAYCOCK, Atrorney â€"atâ€"Lay ; R. *r-h-cunnr;. Chn,u-,? Public, ana Puten Kigntsolicior. Ufieeâ€" 4 wediately opposite imusseli wouse, Rigina » W MeUKh ___â€"_ .h anechll Wuuiim Mosonrove, 366 Qzomst L‘ wnon.l:: ‘l"ll.. Barrister and and) â€" W:. k 4P ; noet, &o. OMooâ€"Lang‘s Bulltags, freight # »pposite the Post Oflce, Ottewa. o s Architect. Tower Eis Scuidings, tidses a, qmere. "any | Honter & 00, Hxshange †O°OON O k , Attoracy â€"atâ€" Lan i #in Obancery, Gonveyaiee, #e., treoot. Office, Unizn Buildings, Jitawa. Qdicoâ€"Oorner of Sassex and fdfl N. B.â€"Ovlisctious attonded w 18 «ll the Proviaces of Quturio anud QuatbL£. W HISTLEL & LELXAXNuEKa RALLAAY, Tus OrtaÂ¥. i _©0, LKAAKBYTH, R. 10GAN, @ Agrocnte, &s., opposiie ibe COBRASTIE, Commission Mertbast #4 General Agoent. Sole agent for B‘ O8GROVE & TA LLOR hile reCindl & Bolinitors, &c. Oflceâ€"Morgrove‘s > March 4, 8674 APLILRLE & AUs#sPuÂ¥, B, MoDOUGALL, _ â€" â€" _ K. OLIVEA BARTIE, Dentist. h Bparksâ€"street, Cent: al Oftatra. ull * HRIGRT & cunmum, Bur rmast 4 on ioi nscne anramierinlh aboers Public, #0, £0, U. ARKRCOHARRAVULE «Mascelianecous. Office . Aylimer, P.Q. 0. P. BAKEELRE, Potmute VYITI K ,* Lea ut u-,â€.-' M“‘ 11,00 1100 %,00° 114e M‘ i t 1§3 19« F ‘The First Class 8 ::“?.NYAN 5:&:â€! is intended . t L for QU on $npetion of 1872, to and # st Piymouth outw! # ever} \KAPOO â€" & Aand ever} . uenn J (ubin, $60. ~.corage. $24. Terough tickets from a! redaced rates. Cortifioat# duirous of preâ€"pasing the ‘d..a-ll- Throug} lssued o8 the continent, ®L ‘F.da-‘.,ud in t F _ sieankeas > C * C‘ m loys, Carter & Darke, 21 Bi -;M.'orh.&l Rom & Co., Quebec ; David C a *# ux ï¬% in & STEKAMRE 11 VHAKOE ~0 F wstiind tor Quebec and wndon. : heg Ang Montr Temporiey‘* Â¥YOL BELY STEAN ©C0 C * BETWEEX uiiEPOOL, QUEBRC AX + % BR 1978 sTEANMXSHIP O o d d Q DINC: LNXCETT, Steamebip$ :. . it, Milwaukee she West. via Halifer, A 8, ,‘fl.o‘. ckets granted CHESA PE of this L follows 4 ngtwEEX Towns Passsg Mcovilie. VI DA