t $ W . over Jam SA Ys 4. ȴ PMÂ¥3 at *~, N P z and d 3 to 4 gives + ovin0es NP £P. & 1 m a l l ol C i o 2 .. | â€". § iai ron Steamshipe : e P â€" w©orLaxDp, °. NILE HECTOR, MIGER, 7 * Lpmat, ~* TWEED 3 THAMES, . SEVERN. r The steamers of this Line are intended to * ‘.'.-.uy-muflq the season of N perigation of 1872, to and from . _ â€" glflhbgfl:w‘c _ N* composed of the following® first class Power. | IM. omcs ...« Austrian ...... .. millag from Liveâ€"pool every Thursday, and ftrom Quebec every Saturday, cilling at Loch Boyle t receive on board, and land Mail and Pass ngers to »nd from Ireland and Scotiand ae ;ateaded o be despatched h:'ano: w Ae . Calling at 8t. N. £. ce "m QUEBEC. _ * _ _ Sa&TURDAY, 13w APKIL. (To be followed Weekly) Curtying goods at through rates to the In had Canadian Towns and Cities in the Western St..tes. & U.D‘nhrbywk 'PP'!I‘; MM&mn Runter & Co, Exchange Building:. Agent Or other of the above named first class Heamers, is intended to be despaiched from LIV ERPOUL for QUEBEC and MON â€" TREBAL on in Montreal. WETEKEAMAHIP â€" COMPAXNY Pt-nu Booked to and from Liverpsol Londonderr; CUANOE OF 8 AIL LN o Bates of LADY LYCETT, #1~0B3, Through tickets from all points Weset at wdaced tates. Certifcates i sued to persons desimas of. preâ€"paving the passage of their it ad« to Causds, ‘Through Bills of Lading jmged on the continent, and in ‘Lonadon for ai] parts of Canada, apd in the United States «, Dbetroit, Milwsukee, Chicago and «ther b“h.“ West. C Fuw Fwmight or Passage apply to Temperâ€" Ly‘s, Cu tor & Darke, 41 Billiter Street, Lon« 1871 Jon : Wilcocks & Weeks, Barbican, Plymonth; Hows & Co.. Quebec ; David "haw, Montreal wite â€" C.B CUaNXISGHAX, :&0 :bvnnt '“lhm:. on every ’,-:.:urfld m-Quh-: of Sailing as follows : on or about. . ... 12th Oct. 5‘ 64 x« tokky i K DAVID i4 us uie likke 4* & m‘ 64 a @ a @@ †,“, P An eon carrsied on We rancd: Ponse sot verured mnitl paic BReturn Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage cortificates grautod to destr. _ _ _3 W COWARD D Â¥ 00 & cO., (o o _0 . _ __. Agents "Sparksâ€"st _ And every Tuesd:y thâ€"reafter. Rates of r~â€"QnLu to Lontouâ€" Cable, $60,. ~.cerage, $24. _ _ ___ _ iNERPOOL & MONTREAL _ London, Quebec and Montrcal, at Piymouth outwards for passe mumm Friday ) Aae FROM LONDON. * Yeiway, vis Halliac, N 3, and St Jobo, N B, Wednesday, 3rd April Medway Scotlued . '.' #*# Scotiand tor Quebec and Montreal direct _ * Wednesiay, 14tt. April iess â€" â€" ie co do #1st do LThe s WaB 24 a% 2 an 2 s a 00 ol AGKn M i/ Â¥ill be beld at the the Rink Music Hall, -llTUlDAYxV!:NING..:rnm Sir John A. Macdonald will preside. . 1e proceeds to be devoted to a charitâ€" TliX SPARKS ASXD ELGIYN STREETs, ï¬."*l-.t Store, LADY LISGAR London Queosec, f And l_:_mml. Tempeoriey‘s Line. VYOL VI NO 1953. LVIRP®OL, QUBBEC AXD HJNTRUAL, Purthar ons will be I m%lfl! 19"0e ’~ THE DISTINGUIGHED PATRONAGE OP The First Class Steamship * TN Y ATN Z A..*"*" MONTREAL OCEAN '. m TECR CONCERT WITi STEAMXSHIP LINE, u Ottaws, cablu...... .. â€"â€" .. §$81 35 ahe aee s o# ae n e e e me e 6# g@ ### ® SOMXYXKR SERVIC 8. 1871 a ##nelte a. 4e 0e 64 a b e t e®® sTEAX COMMUNICATION or.ry Wednesday thereafter, FROX QUEBEC. Glasgow. * ««er vare raafftr e tk DAVID SHAW. 1914 !m. . Tuesday, Tth May co POTOMX NYANZA,!" TRENT. OTTAW A 1871. Mail L;ne lith do 2lst do 18th do 31 10 10 | ww «o FUR STOCK, Comprinag ererzthing thas is Nox and | Furs at greatly reduced prices to make | rr om for Spring Importations. | JAMES PEACOCK, and in‘ doing so would respestfully requast in maf dohgnd. mp‘uthnynqn.t ficent instruments now in > ‘one no compeer. 4th. l:e-n bo-lid.“mdmh nearly, if not quite its original cost. uh.'lt'-m-uod in the most satisâ€" years, While soliciting a continuance of the same they would earnestly uest an inspection of the following 33. purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. 1 pair ot Steers weighing the enormous weight of 4,525 POUNDPS, Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. unnhfort.honqlibonlaw beâ€" stowed on them during last seven OUR SHOW ROOK. Pamphlets containing a description of the above improvement can be had at our eatabl MeCAMMON & CO., Butchers to His Excellency Lord Mesers. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Piancs, vis: ; Alsv the celebrated MASON & HAMLIN, A assortment of which we keep conâ€" J. L. ORME & SOUN, * [ __. _ 8. Sparks Street. respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage beâ€" Incnm' attention to the above improveâ€" men: pleasure in announcing that thqthvo been appcinted agents for the This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet Esq., of Guelph, weighing the Noeounh’ndnrï¬.' Apply to J. M. C. DELESDERNIE corner of Sussext and York streets, or to MURRISON WELLS & CO., Toronto. s ; tJan. 22, 1872 s rnier t £3q., of tueiph, weighing the f WwEigHt‘ of â€" 330 rom And 50 head of Western Sheep. 4 The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. PURK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC,. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stails Nos. 3, 5, 7 Msi Lower Fown â€" Market, this WEDN AY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, when they test assured lheorbl. will be able to sâ€"e the finest stall of Meat in the Intend holding a On TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY & THURSâ€" DAY, April 16th, 17th and 18th. _ Contributions will be received at the Hall on the afternoon of Monday the 15th. The Bazaar will be opened at Eleven, and Lunch provided at OUne o‘clock each ~ subscriber begs to intimate to his friends and the public generally that he will dispose of the balance of his A Magnificent Calf, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John West, Under the patronage of LA DY LISGAR, at WONDERFUL â€" IMPROVEMENT The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. Tfll LADIES NU PINQ! ORME & SON 1872.|<___.> < 19(2 E. A S TEB. M cowWwaAN‘S HMHALL, 'll‘hln:*dthD-MP-um: st. Its durability has become a proverb. Znd. in workmanship it cannot be surâ€" 30 head of splerdid We:â€"tern Cattle. Ottawa, January 20, 1872. «* Dunham‘s ©Patent Ottawa, Lisg i Gov. General of Canada SATCHELL BROS., Bishop‘s Chapel Vam t PV iuws 8 DUNHAM PIANOS BAZ AA.R, and ESTEY & CO.‘8 ORGANS , 1872 «*p . 1872 Tht THROVUGH COU PON TICKETS in Brussels and Sardinia Point, Honiton and Maitese, &c. y Gu-t %"“L‘{'ï¬.ï¬& Eigin Street, opposite the House. W â€" E. JOHNSON, New Satins in English Shades, f New Silks in English Shades, ; Allnowcolonhhh.. FOUR CGRAND All Points East and West on the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S ~AGENT, AND GENERAL CUOMMISSION ALL _ DEPARTMENTS COMPLETE. WHITE LACE OVER SKIRTS. In Brussels Point, Red Blusses Flouncings, Honiton and Applique Hardwareâ€"Hardware. OPENING OF PARLIAMENT T RUNTON . SOX & C0. Are in receipt this day of $y L A C E 3. 4g9 No. 24 Rideau Street Ottawa, April 6, 1873. Ottawa, Nor 298. 1871 T. HUNTON, SON & CO. Ottawa, April 6, 1872 Proof Chain all sizes CANADA CENTRAL No. 43, Rideau stree‘, Ottawa. Hon James Skead, Senator, Ottawa J M Ountrier, Eeq, M P, w J M Grant, Esg, M D, MP * B W Scott, Esq, M P P, a Mr Sherifa Powel! as KEdward Grifin, Eeq. = > * Kdward McGillivray, Eeq, « Messrs O T Bate & Co, * Thomas Hunton, Eeq, « Mesers Fingland & Draper Alexander Workmaa, EKeq * §TRIMMINGS, &c.<4p DRESS GOODS SIGN OÂ¥ THE ADNVLIL, A Egleson. 8 n‘r, TICKET OFFICE. J@LACE SETTS4q APRIL, 1872, Dolly Varden and May Queen. All the new textures, and in the latest styles. SE'in“kaou, newest styles, Elegant variety in STLKS, CLOTHSfand VYELVETS, OPERA CLOAKS and OTTOMAN SHAW ‘j ; | SINCLAIR, STITT & CO. OTTAW & MONDAY.CAPRIL 22. 1»s72. Glacies, superior and most duâ€" rable qualities at a small advance on cost ; also Shades in TUESDAY, APRIL 9th, Onpez arp Srarux.â€"In every branch of culâ€" tivationâ€"whother in the field, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be order and system to insure successful results, and this truth is firmly established by actual experiénce. Another groat truthchas also heen established ::flnm -:u'.ie.r‘ uth: Tire y or a or cure of . eolds .».Ea rheumastism, and summe the uï¬â€˜us Pain Destroyer," i z reliable. sale by all Druggist and < country© dealere. l‘rice, 25 cents per Greys, Mauves, NO. acnmnu s'mmb %l;(rDAl%VUKAI M‘, UHAUDIER®, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. We are now prepared to offer to the Farming Community and to the trade inducements that bas nbt been given beretofore bz apy one in our Jine of businessâ€"being now importâ€" ing the chief part of our Stock, such as TZAS, WINES and BRANDIE3, enables us to reduce prices turther. We claim already to have brought the enormous profits heretwfore T9 o nb pemnares EtE ns ons man aolt 100 td aiiicter chnapes," suoh 2676 A0, . We 0e no same ‘cheaper, such as 8UGARS, TOBACCOS and a:u%eï¬no';oontl:i also WINES aod ail l-r:m' .‘:‘.F" Caniwian Bpirits, of the bes* deseription, always on hand at prices as low as lots can be laid down. We care not for competition, all we require i_lntrhlflnn to our goods, ‘The economist will proft by calling to us. $@"Our motto is light ts, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial â€" _ s â€"P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS. In figured shot and plain. CREPE DXCHINH, CREPE POPLIN%O MARL & PLAIN POPLINETTES PLAIN & FIGURED LUSTRES, CLOUDED MOHAIRS, . ‘YOKOHMAA LAWNS, Baristz.â€"This favourite mateâ€" rial in all the new colours. * Damask Piques, P‘%mcadod Piques, Yossemete Washing Satins, Allan, McKinnons & McMoran The proprietors of Johnson‘s Anodyne Liniment,<Parson‘s Purgative Pills, and sdtcrr t : :' S“,.“r.'. & TT P-o' U 9 h“ publighed a. readable and instructive pam, phiet, which may be had free at the stores. mline.-l-waiur inPutmt:n": Magazine says : *‘ It is a curious fact there is never a white colt nor a black calf. Tne whitest lorse was blackest in its birth, and the jet black cow was unmixed red:" "*Whether this ‘is correct or not, we cannot positively say, but this ‘we do beâ€" Mthbutbutmdioin.mm‘ mm the system is‘ the **Canadian Destrovrer.‘> lncuuofrhounuï¬n, Wa““ï¬m 1t standi# unequaled.: For Draggiste and country dealers.‘Price :m"m %000D ~qu hey PA This department is now replete with the various novelï¬:p proâ€" duced for the approaching Spring NEW MILLINERYV, P. Baskerville & Brothers, JAPAUVESE SILKS, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE WHITES, BLUES, AND â€"LAYENDERS, Equally Cheap. In Bonnets, all the Latest Novelties, f IN PLUMES, § DRESS. â€" â€" FRENCH and ENGLISH FLOWERS in endless variety. Special altention is directed to new styles f A rich and varied assortment, including some new and beautiful designs in Fancy Spring and Summer Costumes, & J 1T, . 8. Regent EKZlouse Ottawa, April 10, 1862. SPEXIAL NOTICES: SHOW ROOM OPENING. IN _ <THE â€" LATES8T: STYLES. AMONG THE HATS3S WILL BE FOUND TUE silk Mantles. _ Allan, McKinnons & McMoran, it â€" g0 SPARKS STREET. etc., etc. A very large stock of Eriday, ‘April 12th, | Ostrcihâ€"Marabout & Fancy, in a\l Colours. WILL SHEW ON â€" A beautiful variety, in the v‘:z latest designs and newest p ma Is. f â€" PARISIAN AND LONDON Ladies Head Dresses & Dress Gaps OXFORD BOATING AND SALOR HATS VERY LATEST STYLES Show Rooms NOVELTIES IN HATS, SPLENDID DISPLAY MILLINERY. that celebrated and truly=valuable horse medicine known as * Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arabian Heare Remedy.‘"‘ All are so well pleased with it thait they will not use any other, many have waited nnnlmhnnï¬lthqnbouddobh:! aunumnudï¬u,chAuy nln-l plaint affecting the wind of horses. Reâ€" member the name, and see that the sigâ€" proved an article ar |'i€6£d'i:;fddf and answering the purpse for which it is inâ€" bndm wili not readily abandou it for one ‘btful reputation, or concerning which he knows nothing. We are led to :n':;'flnu nn:;h owhmt: course those ve used Memm trmlvevalnahla horse Cleopatra Claudine, medicine get. "Darley‘s Condition Powders and Aruhian flvo Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Rememben the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lymsa.‘ packages, been restored to a hulth{ and sound condition, alt traces of the disease having peen oonably removed, and have ‘been sold for from $50 to $75 more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want a horse Newcastle, Ont., proprietors for Canads. â€" Sold by all medicine m:-a "* f g Grrar Coxprrio® Mrororsn.â€"As a conditio medicine for horses "Dariey‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave Remedy®" has no equal Iao:oon in this respect are astonishing ; many hortes that were supposed to be broken down and almost worthless have, by the use of a fow Verer Naroram.â€" TE ATEHERS BONNETS, (FRENCH AND ENGLISH) ====WILL â€"QPEN~â€"â€" O W 2 R S TTR PACVQ D A, OF THE â€"WITH Aâ€" it« INmeâ€" | por bottle. â€" : 4* Nepean.â€"West half of Lot No. 21, in the second concession, Ottaws Front, conâ€" taining 100 acres, 75 acres clesred. A comfortable dwelling ‘house and frame hm,.‘t)hx'}g, .:;m stable, ï¬l‘z†4 cow s ; graineu?y, 18x pnrï¬ullrlnpplyto . 84. ou remisos. ° g 6 lamrlatf T?m.fâ€"fl‘ &mm; nquse in the Vil« of two stories high, beauti~ t en on oo it tm i; house is. nearly :l:, and wollhï¬uh‘od. Rent $200 per annum, . payable m&g_ For furtker information apply to K. A BQTT or D. W. CUWARD, Uttawa, or to. the owne: on the p.emises, Fï¬i’rï¬n‘ SALE in the Nanaan â€"â€"West half of I * JOHN I. BROWN & SUN, ‘ /‘ en outside wrapper of boxr, and private Gorg ernment stamp attached to each box. > nature of Hurd & Co., is on each package. Northrop & Lyman, Nowcutu»,] Ont., proprietors for Canada. Sold by all Mediâ€" cine Dealers. CA : ‘This care in putfing ':Ltlo Trovhes is i m portant as a security to purcbaser in or d to be sure ot obtaining the genmuine Brow n Bronchial Troches. BROWN‘S BRONCHIAL TROCHES sare compounded so as to reach directly the seat of the discase and give almost instant _‘The Troches are offered with the fallest confidence in their efficacy ; they have been m&;:l’ hwmt;u:“nm EJ ‘ re| they 6 y or Public Bpesakers, Bingers, Military Officers, and those who overtax the volice they are useful in relieving an Jrritated ‘Fhroat, and will render articuiation easy. Being an article of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test of many years, each year finds them in new localities in various parts of the world and the Troches are universally pmuned Obtain only «Brown‘s . Bronchial Trochca/‘ and do not take any of the Worthless Imitaiions that may be offered. | ©Trocnxs," so called, soid by the ounce, are & poor imitation and nothing like BROWN‘S BSORCHIAL TROCHES which are sold only In boxes with fa¢â€"simile of the proprietors, No toilet table should be with out COCOâ€"GLYCERINE, 25 cents _ COCO GLYCERINE removes dandruft TBIRTY YRARS EXPERIENCE OF AN OLD NURSK, | Mas. Wixszrow‘s Soorumae Syrur is the pre. scription of one of the best Female Phy:icians and Nurses in the United States, and has been used for thirty years with never failing safâ€"ty and success by milions ot mothers and children, frem the teeble infant of oneâ€" week old to the adult, It corrects acidity «{ the stomach, relieves wind colic, reghilates the bowels, and gives rest, health and comfoit to mother and child. We believe it the best and surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and Diatibh»ia in chiidren whether it arises trom teething, or from any other cause. Full directions, for using will accompany each bottle. None xmxnao unless the facâ€"simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is on tke outside wrapper, Sold by all medicine dealers, 25 cents a bottle. Office, 215 Failton Street, New York, and 93 Oxford Street, Lon= dn. _ Be sure and call for MHS,. WIN8SLOW‘S S00THING 8YRUP, Have you a severe wrench or sprain? Hw you theumatism in any form? Have you sti neck, or bunches caused by rheaumatic pains If so, Jobhnson‘s Anodyne Liniment is a speci. fic remedy, andyts also the best pain killer to BORE THROAT, CcuUGH, COLD, and similar troubles, if suffered u‘)mn(n- result in serious Puilmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affections, oftentimes incurable, / Having the fac stmile { "Curtis & Perkin on the outside wrapper: All others are l a imitations | Br wisrk.â€"Too often a cold. or slight cough is considered an ordinary, u-m.:g aftair, just as well left to go as it came, hence systematically neglected until a simple curable affection is convéerted into & serious pulmonary disease. ‘The more prudent aware that a cough or cold should never be trified with, â€" promptly : use * Bryans ‘s Pulmonic Wafers," which hare mï¬dnedrhtheir .re.ip:.htion forlovcjg years, ‘They are efficacious, exertumoctbonefloisli!:flmoooudltho bronchi«l and pulmonary organs, Soid byall Druggists and country merchants, Price 25 cents per box. ’ , j COCOâ€"GLYCERINE nourish the hair. E Jt to _: WM.SULUVAKN. Obtawa. March 13 / . . _ 1920 4d wif | L ice Collars and Cuffs The latest novelties in CGloves & Mosiery Rt"ll I’( Dolly Vardin Collars and Cuffs Roman Stripe Sash Ribbons, DRESS TRIMMING & FRINGES Emb‘d, Mustlin Setts, Timts NOVELTIES, Maltese Plain Sash Ribbons, 10e . 1i¢8, on:ton Lace Handhkerchi:fs, in all colourings. Fiemish Point PARASOLS. Real and Iniitata'on, Cinése «ACEs} 1843tf in all colours, Fm TO RENT, within three miles ‘"of Ottawaâ€"City, in the Township of Gloucester. :North { of Lot No. 20, in the Gore, upon the River Rideau. , JOHN T. BROWNE. mmnh N anes Prrfics found ":'-, ing : April 6, 1872 w1dd CECIICET, IH CIN property : PU':S No. 1 Bull in Canadaâ€"for sale. His full pedigree can be ascertained on application to the 10e lins 1 .J . & W, THOMXSON, Fob. Ist.==~.; 1885 dk&uwtf . _ Nepesan H P oaofv& liâ€"x.ot Nm:‘bor fire, in the thu:th con* cou’on e Township ounty ofPrucott.Ewwnutho“ I "}.m,-m. taining Two Hundred Acres of more or less. The said Farm is nbxntm F the Village of V mklnkmlgn between three and four miles from Caledonia Springs. A good road runs through the premises. About twenty mcres thereof are Saf ce Aiabe beuthend mable mmsinaiiy: it ying timber, maple, princ , the -dllnunndyb.l)u. There is a email barn m the premises. The country round is well set _ Parsel No. 83. Town lot number tw‘y-?n on tho.South -i°:100t Rideau Street mCoresaid. Pareels }wt:'md three have each a fmd.::ut.ï¬blg eet, are situated in a good > eligi placed for !‘;uildin‘ private ru}dcoogo-' 3 % The Insolvent has made an assignment of his esâ€" tate to me, and the %odnou are no.t'i%od tï¬ï¬et&ut Lariviere‘s Hotel, Wendover, on , the Bixteenth day of April, A. D., 1872 u?-o o‘clock pâ€" _n.l,‘to MAu' ve statements of his affairs, and to apâ€" point an Assignee. * EDEX P. JOIHmNBO. N,A. s L‘Orignal March 29, 1872. c N4 Uf Building Lots, in the City of Ottawa, . _ and of Farm Land, in the Townâ€" th ises._ T untry round is well settied Parecl No 2.â€" Fown Lot Sumber twend â€"elghto. the South Side of Ridean Street, in the City of Otâ€" tawa. piaced for buildin private residences. 31“ p“trcf ru thgl:p.unh:‘n m:}og a deposit of oneâ€"ten money v.n3‘.’? ox? his Solicitor, uu in one mouth thereafter sufficient to make therewith one half of the purchase in solution the material of which are made bone, muscle and norv?uld distributes to each its proâ€" porm ,pudon.'. oim’e:.botfo:::ton_d q:‘: vi T Nee ty oer r re w 6 w 1 â€" perfectly dissolved from insufficient gastric juice, perfectly dissolved from insufficient ":u"tr'li juice, the blood will become watery and ent in firbin, the vital principle, and the whole system undergo, money without interest, and the balance in two years, to be secured by mortgage on the premises, with interest yearly at six per centum. € C morigngs the purcbazer will be entiuhedy in the yon: conâ€" and to belet Into ion The defendant has the conduct. of the saie." The other cond tions are the standing conditions of the Court of Chanâ€" cery, o i-?urther particulars and conditions of sale can be obtained at the Law Office of Messrs:Harrison, Osler and Moss, in the City of Toranto, and G. M. Barâ€" ton, Esquire, in the Town of Dundas, and of the degeneration from perverted nutrition ; diseases o! the Laver, Kidneys, Heart and L with Nerâ€" vous Pro‘.ht.ionndflooonl DoMnult. and the constitation is broken down _ with Wasting Chronic Diseases. To enable the Stomach to diâ€" Anmmsndu-uaolthbod‘ are conâ€" structed and nourished by ‘the Blood, which holds Motto Papers . Fringed, Mottoes, Horus of Plealy. Druggista‘ Supplies in Stock and made to 387 & 391 NOTRE DAME STREET, Ofl‘WLmn#znm " 194"â€"3m: ‘ONTARIO JOHN,/ INSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. In the matter_of JOSEPH BELANGER, of Wen dover, an Insolvent. > gest food, supply the waste on from mental M‘%:cd xertion, Dr wf.‘."x:r'. Comâ€" pound Elixir Ploqiuu and Calishya is reliable, ngorornmuln its effects. * Sold by all Drnggists $1:, AZEF Flowers, Wreaths, Leavres, Fancy Boxes of English, Upon reading the writ of attachment issued in this cause, dnadavu of service thereof, and the reâ€" turn of she Sheriff of the County of Carleton, under on e p esns & oftha‘ d Ddoin.duatlhcl,nh‘ d before n:et:.t e Cil Otte E{V'Lï¬m!’" tyTk DAy of APRIL A'.AB...I.S‘TZ at con, purpose of appointing an ignee effects of the above Doï¬ * ‘B?E.d‘:‘t.tï¬nhu‘,.thil Twelfth Day of Aprily a D; D. O‘CONNOR, _ CHR. ARMSTRONG, | _ _ . ESTABLISHED IN +1842. CHARLES ALEIANYER AKD 80K$, Ypried thame ts Ansfancs P the" entatp aod eBool of the above named Insoivent, I shall offer for sa‘e Under _ the power of Sale in s Iluuzlh- Robofl.‘l‘wu which be produced ai sale, er," at m‘gggft % HOrEE, City hail Square, in the dl?bv&lnllv’dukm | :n s but se m » [ ove va C mw-nui?ï¬n A, and the broken front belonging Front), in the Townâ€" tilg of Neptne, repurving tharevel 0 much of tps Toronto April 2 isE Pelems on sA D ROAY "the Pirieonch "day lutone i earORont. the Fikesnth ‘dey a .‘y’i‘x‘i’.‘c"’.a?"" ‘.’c‘n‘.:’fo"é‘:(.&"?..-.' “"'"'m".'gu.." m d Linolront nigs S mrioll 2s arniemse, an sls ;:i';,ln_un‘ to those certain pw:trw of Plantagenet Mills April 3, 1872. A Valuable Improved Farm, and also a Wood Lot in the Township of Nepean. ship of Nepeaa, so much of the To Aim e nea area hcen e tains about one dixtyâ€"two acres of fine land alarge part of w and cultivated, there being on e&b- x Log House and Barr. 1 # ’mm !n uiet on. ï¬o property is about :ve -B:c h‘u-m City. â€"~ * liborsia o boge pergion of the ptthaad money boing m to remain on the property for a term In the matter of JOHN PRESLEY, an Insolvyent SALE OF REAL ESTATE. m&“b%flaufl«'umd n-pému 9,2%, in the First Concesâ€" mmuuâ€l:lmï¬â€™m.'fj?«u: No. 3# and 2, in the Concession ownship above Hamed, containing One Hundred Acres, more *T urink and Coniitionk made Enbwi on / the day of . y Hn‘s HOtite in the vitingt of Piatfagehet acres oriess . mlall is covered with Hard~ Mized Wood; the soil clay loam. wood, Code: and Sized Woed? the soil ‘olay loam. _â€"â€"â€" Sheriff‘s A Ottawas, April 15, 1872. * WHOLISALE BTEAMK CONFECTI RRY. > Pursuant to a Decree made by the Court of Chanâ€" Ottawa, April 14 1872 Terms hberal. For further particalars NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. MARRLAGE CAKE ORNAMENT®S, NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869 ated the 27th day of March, 1872 HANCERY SALE RIZE DURHAM BULL FORB BALE UCTION SALE CHEMICAL FOOD NUTRITIVE TONIC German and French make. ship of Caledonia. _JONAS AP JO1 sï¬wï¬m. Toronto. BELL, Ottaws OoF 1913â€"tdkwl 1946â€"ly iPRICEâ€"3 CEN TS 1947â€"2b low3 \TO THE PUBLIC OF CANADA. United States. The sale of no other whee ver yet introduced on this continent ex«~ ceed oneâ€"sixth this number. ing wheat, $1.30 to 1.35 do Fm. s Haddock, 6: per 1b. Drywdl-t.“.wrm Herring. $4.50 10 $5.175 per bbl. Hipes ax» Learuez. . 'rl“h-ll‘ntmqoouumm.flbuz o. 1, Bole, Bcots Ib. No. 2 do Bct ’:o Orrice or «m Josern Hart MaxcractCcrise Coxrany, OsBawa, OXT., March 8, 1872 _ Being desirous of testing the merits of the different waterâ€"wheels now offered tor sale in Can«da, as to their economical use of water, we, as the manufacturers of the Gextixe Jaurs Lerrer Dovsis Togra®s, make the following challenge to the maâ€" nufacturers of axy waret now made in Canada, whetber it be :utratro®s of the Jawes Lefftt Doreis Itamx®e or axt OTHER PATTERK, the wheels in all cases to be wholiy manutactured by the competing parties :â€" c to do the same, the money to be held subâ€" ject to the award of the judges. The wheels to be tested in a flour mill, driving the same runs of stone, grinding the same wheat, and having the same number of square inches of opening to receive the water, the amount of water discharged to be the measure of the amount used by each wheel. We will place in the hands of any re® ponsible party, six thousand dollars (%, â€" 000), and the party accepting the challenge There are some wheels that fivq very good results with full head and full m age, which entirely fail under partial and partial gateage. Such wheels in our climate, where water powers are affected by both cold and drouth, are of no pracâ€" tical value. The owners of the winning wheel to have their money refunded them, and the loser‘s money to go towards mbl-hnï¬ ing a mechanical free h‘bonry in any town in nada named by tae owner of the successâ€" ful wheel. The wheels to be tested at *, 6b 4+ 6: i and full gate. * We claim that we are the only makers of the Gesuvix® Jaxes Leere: Docreus Tor BsE Wuert in Canada, and that it is withâ€" out a rivAL in the woRrLD INX PRACMCAL R®â€" sUris. More :}:an 6,000 of these wheels are now in o;reration in Canada and the The judges to be nonâ€"residents of Caâ€" nada, and to be thoroughly well informed in the mode of testing the power of turâ€" bine wheelsâ€"erch party to choose one judge and the two to choose the third. Each party to zive good and sufficient bonds, to the amount of $4,000, that the loser shall pay the entire expenses of the Our wheel has been thoroughly tested in Grgar Brirax, and has fully maintained the reputation it has gained in Canada and the United Siates, as the most ecuonomical waterâ€"wheel in practical operation ever yet introduced. We are now publishing a new dau-% tive waterâ€"wheel pmphlot,,oonuhnf 1 pages of valuable matters, which will be sent free to all ‘;})pliculll. For further information address, _ N. R.â€"We desire to call attention the following certificate :â€" * j JAMES LEFFEL & 00. Ottawa, March 15, 1872. 10922 U Cod oil 6U cts p lon Calf skins, wc’:p':xu ; syoqnhfl.w“ Hides ho. 1, $9 per 100lbe. its, 35cies wfl{‘dâ€" Zlets THE MARKET. Dmsd“w hogs, per 100 lbs. $5.50 t 00. 7 Beef, $5.00 to $6.50 per 100 Ibs. lhméo‘zcw'slp‘pclh. Fowls, to couple. 'Nrkoyc.’lsoto’t‘l'.lomh. Geese, 45c to 60c each. Duh.wctowc‘&oroa:b. Feathers, 40¢ to 50c per Eggs 20 to 25cper duzen. Bumll'lsu;lnupull:. Lard, 10 to ote. Tallow, 1ow23r¢o." Honey, 15¢ to 170 do. I to Car:ots 500 do. Parsnips 60¢, do. § ions, $1.50 to $1.60 do, &yory,wcw'lucwdu. Cabbuges, 5¢ to 10c each. f Beets 40c to 5Uc per busbel. Apples per barrel, $4 UJ_to $4.50. ‘lionoopnn yu-n,'woto&a:orlb. Wool 34 ots. pardy n c sB En Hay $13 to 16 per ton ; Eye straw, $6. Uat straw, $6 to $8 do. F., W. GLKN, |