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Ottawa Times (1865), 23 Apr 1872, p. 3

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"MAre A‘ I 9"- ‘:I‘ W 40%. URNX(TURE &, lll._, 11 Lab a. 1vVER Â¥4 8Tt, ~ Son 8 BF0L008, Sovey *, Carpate, E.. pPOLLY t4 sat 4 ;# 4 2dy Nee "~~> > % snn * man #9 Allan. McKinnon‘s & ucMoran will show l C & *.fid »tock of NeÂ¥ MillLnery, on .ln * Tuesday, gth inst. given P ze f C ,‘ 'xp’c gioE se n ho Ts oy i1 will be held to night ur -b.f the Banquet at the q all House to pight: ~~ _ <<< FC J * : wok W THOR TE ECCC rounding country are at Prussore.â€"Two uew steamers belong. ing to the Union Forwarding Company will be lmunched at Pembroke as soon as A..I_- __l_heated in the usual manner savigation opeas. . It is «ill ve celebrated in the Pessextamo®. â€" Mr. Daniel Burtcb, bookke» per, being about leaving Mrl Eddy‘s employ, was presented with an adâ€" dress ang handsome gol« cha‘n by the emâ€" m“w afternoon. bmâ€"n.“cu" V and apong us again. He hi wopiies with him from the ping M be deciares ! 0 fitable undertaking. ue RaÂ¥. Mw. romugn® ja®® " the House of Commons yesterds sat in the Speaker‘s gillery, and companied by the Rev. M.. Siep! church. Ciry CogsouL. Wrerégret to learn Lh&kk T« EUE °* account of ill health, has determined to remove for a tims to some climate less W"W"l’fl th.t of ours. His loss will be much lelt by a large circle of friends as well as by the profession, in whose esteem he h«s always bela the highest position. We trust that he may wen return improved in heâ€"lth and mninh'“““' Tus Ortawia.â€"ibhe iceo Nnas nNnol jyol broken up on the Bay at Aylmer, it is expected to go off en masse at every moment, however â€" Sonfé foolhardy indiâ€" Tidual crossed on it with a teain of horses on Thursday last. Feat of like this irâ€"quently end :atally, while they are i n> way creditable to the perform rs, for neeliess danger is incurred only by the winfeeling and unreflecting ’ Procearye $3 ani costs. Mrs Cazy, T.m Daly, and Jol son, for having foul premiscs, #2 and costs ech. Another cuse was adjourned. Cov«t.â€"A. Mason and Georg* McDoauld, for coâ€"operating in an assault were fined $1!) and custs each. Deonis Mullin, for using insulting lan guige twauds a Mr. Bennoit, #us fined Tus Haewo Reeoutess GaLLs.y, over Mr. Speaker‘s chair, in ths House of Commons, his been reâ€"erected, ani the ark removed. . In the Upper Gallery nearâ€" ly ail the desks have been so arranged a to dispense with the former nevessity of = reporter having to rise froim is seat ans lean over the gallecy to cat b Wihat waâ€" MNursew.zse, Corusey, &o , sy AUQormno® â€"We call the puriicular actention of the W Mr. Rowe‘s advertisement in another column. He announces that he hw received a large consigument of Silâ€" verware and Cuatlery, from the Sheffield Works, England, which be will sell 4y suction, commenciag at 3 o‘clock, p m , to d«=7y, and to continue from day to day until the whole stock is sold, going on Dramacs.â€"The Water Works Commis» sioners have been requested to meet th« City Council this eveuing to consizer the question of drainige. It is certuinly w «n efective system of drainage wiil be deciied upon in connection with Water Works. % We fear, however, that the Grand Ban quet of the st. George‘s Society, in the Russell House, wil. leave the Counc‘ without a quorum. Arro®tuesr.â€"We are glad to notice thit Câ€"ptuin MasCuaig, bitherto Iuspector of A_encies of Eâ€"stern Untamo for the Equitable Life Assurance socety of the Unmited States, his been a, ponted Genâ€" eral Superintendent of Agâ€"n ies for the Domimon of Caneds. He ha« proved himâ€"elf very efficient in the dischirge of his duues. and ths prefermens waich be bas now received is. cermuly highly d â€" #rved. and will prob.bly prve as bene ficial to the mierâ€"sts of the Company as to the worthy Captâ€"in. @WirBExFORCE aNXD Wis Coâ€"apsuts."â€" | gwor b»w ho oatâ€"skiris «of o The Rev. Morley Punshon, M. A., will| ususes srelew a»d sc ttere dehver a lecture in the W. M. Church to Comumissioner Fe«ather:to * ' ._ | pipes woul i.of course be c morrow evening, on --Wn)borf-m:v and bis it was then moved by Coudjuators." The fame of the leciurg: ]Cunnhuhmn secnded by is world wide, ond his eloquence and\ Featherstn, that the Engi ability are equal to his fame. A rare *;p | ized to ex»mine to what « Fust mirtherators bo ex p pes c.u be use d, and how tellecrual Y PS | be manutacturea bere. alsc ed. Trcke:s may be had at the following | samples of the test bydrat places, vis :â€"J. I‘. & W. Pennock‘s, 3. | drtribution fittings, us wo Honell & (Co‘s.. T. Hunton, Sn & Co'-..lfb‘;"":‘ o ow in inn cqucl ty t Li 10 Â¥ K. L. James & Co«, Dr. Browns mm4libtullacd si1.iks ns iB LHBl Jas. Skinner‘s Atixez.â€"The cuorrespondent of a con. h-;:uy assects, on good »uthority, that Ayimer was foun ied in or about the time of Noah. Relying on the easy creduli y of his readers, he sives himself the trouble of atten.pting to pr ve bis Hatement. We h ppen to have a slight *Cquuntance with this inland cove, and though we newer performed any sc entific investigation, or examined the ancient irecords of the place, we can safely assert that not only was it in existence at the time of No«h, but cin boust of being & NHourishing town in the time of * Moses." A new steimer, at present ftar on in conâ€" stwuction, will be launched there abou, the middle of May, | ANNIVERSARY oB EN.LAiND3 PATRUN 8 .INT. Our English friewuds will:mâ€"et in full force at Salmon‘s Ho:weli, York street, at 10 o‘clook this morning. . The sumple yet glo ious re +ross banner of 8t‘ George «wgill proudiy foat over a body of men, not Ro« 08. Mrz_. Poxsuos paid his commenced on hbigh A special lfl‘m of the .’[‘â€"h. roads in, the e at present in The ice bhius not yet ily, and John 1hompâ€" e U Neil is back He has brought no a the west. Tâ€"apâ€" es 1 o be an unproâ€" that Dr. BQB"' on pard a visit to yesterday. He ery, and was acâ€" M;. Stephensomw &o , ar Avomo® were fined streetl sur soon after the dinner, as may be found convenient. A meeting of the Board of Water Works Commissioners took piace yesterduy afterâ€" noon. Present: Mr. Clewow, _chairman, und Commissioners Fe«therston, Cunnin,» ham, and Colley, and NF. RCCJQf, CHâ€" ‘ g‘neer. | The minutes of the preceding meetiog having been read and approved of, some "conve:sational discussion tollowed on the ru‘ject of site, in the course of waich Mr. Keâ€"f.r expressed the opinion that should they f.1l in getting a site at the Big Chaudiere, it would be beiter to take the water from Britannia than the Litile Chaudiere. The extra distance was thee miles, but he thought the superior facility onne4 s Th cntndion on ncindnesâ€" snladintcintie mt S Ne °V P of uulizing the water power would well compensate for the exira distance, He thought, however, that it was the wiser and better plan to obtain a site at the Big Ch udiere, even should it be necessary to compensate the mill owners for the liberty of so doing. * * .ommussioner . Featherston said . that, should the mill owners now treat amicably with them, they d have to go to the troub e and ex of an arbitration. > arg! ICunningbum sec nded by :+ oOmunssioner anmd | Feathâ€"rst n, that the Engineer be ‘authorâ€" ‘i, | lised to ex»mine to what extent cement p pes c.u be used, and how the same can ",“’ be manutlacture d bere. also to obtain such wivg | samples of the test bydranis, valves, and s 5 | ditribution fittings, us would be requisie s , | for the Works here, and if necessary that __l,'l be be «sked io visit such places in the WaATER WORKS CUMMSSIONERS, Mr. Keefer saud that the Government permisâ€"ion was already granoted, and the only difficulty, it any, they would have to contend with, would be the rights of the millâ€"owner, who no ‘doubt would act unitedly. l ve oi es _ A‘ter some further talk the following resolutions were carried : _ { VAMAk Moved by J. Cunningh im, seconded by Thos. Coftey, thit the City Council quested to transier to the Board all pa: wn, surveys, reports, &c., relating to ater Works. To 1 Moved by Commissioner Featherston seconded uy Commiss:ioner Coftey, thr Mr. Keeferbe requested to make a p liminary survey of toe Little Chaudie Water site, with a view to ascertain i adaptibility tor the purposs of Wate Works, and to report. s l Moved by Commissi mer Cunning y seconded â€"by Comuesioner Coffey, the Necretary, write L. Herkins, Eâ€"q., ask ing him to give the Boar i a sketch plan of _ all property owned by â€" him, immediately above Povwiey‘s Bruige, wt‘ adjomnng on eituer sid~ the gully property owned ty Brouson & Y. ung, »na at what price be w.llsell some to the city tor Waier Wouks pur, 0sgs. ‘ | Moved ny Com.. Feâ€"atherston, seconded by Corm. Coftey, that whereas it is stated that Mr. Booth bhas puch«ed the Britan nia Water Site. that the secretary be 1e quested to wiite to bim and it he desnes to coutinue the offer made to this so«rd by Mr. Robinson or to modily the s me. 1 MNMo.ed by Com. Cunningham, seconde«s by Com. Coffey, thit the Secretary be instructed t» write tb John Rochester. 3«1, sasking hina to .q«ms the lowest privce he wiil take for NU feet in width or such portion »s may be required of hbis reâ€" â€"erv= in the Guily route trout Broad street uw the Bay f Moved by Com. Cunningham, seconded by Com. Featherston, thar the Secretary write to the President of the Can ada Central K. R. Company, asking on what terums l.beyL will permit the City â€"to cury the Water Works squeiuct from Broad >t , to the Bay througn the grounds of the company between the freight shed urd Mr RKochbester‘s boundiry. o t ig Ihre question of pipes was then tiken into cons.deration. . Mr Keeler siid thit unless there was a lrge mirgm between the cost of iwon pipes aud tuat of cement pipes is would se betrer to use the Litser. At their present rel «tize prices inon ‘pipes wouli be preierâ€" wble, but should iron pipes rise in price it «ould give ususual mportance to cemen. pipes â€" Duing winter «etment pipes reâ€" juired porticuiar. provision, and again they were apt to be:â€" injured in streel excuvaâ€" _ The Chsirmin would like to receive some detinite u»u?us on the comparâ€" stive cost 0+ the kinds of pipes. _ _ â€" _ L.ON8 city _ Mr. K: efer snid there was ro doubt that large sized cement |pipes could be got for what smaull won pipes would cost. They b Cast 1: on pipes M.: Keelesâ€"Cement ypipes would anâ€" swor (» hs osatâ€"skiris of .h« city, where uâ€"us@s sre lew and +0 ttered very well. Comumi»sioner Fe«ather:â€"toussid the main pipes woul i.of course be cast iou. It was» then moved by Commissioner Mr. Keeierâ€"Uf comse c«st iron pipes are dâ€"cidealy the best, and but for the high price of non it would be absi rd to zive cement pipes any consideration, | _ 1 ~ Mi. Clemow would ratker run the risk of obtainiing further asppropti.uous than use a p00v article. k and Coffey, and Mr. Keefor, en Unied St.ies as me supplied with best system of Water Works, with a view of obta ning gen al informat.on as to their gonstrucuon. â€" Carried Brownsville, Tâ€"xis, was recently swept by a torn do, which demsiished many bui dings «nd injuced a number of perâ€" t id have to be ma«uuf:ctured in‘ the The sourd then a{journed. Let doctors preach about a morning Wa How weil to rise while nature is a bush But as for stirring out t‘is foolish talk . We like not slush. Why from a comfortable pillow start to see Aurvra‘s faint. and rosy fush ? in Uit‘wa‘s streets Dan Phcobus and What if the birds do carol in the sky,. And twitter music firom the naked t Above the reeking earcth they wbe'el A vig‘rous walker Mister Gray has drawn. His boid and basty steps the dews aid But he When Angelina saunters with her beau, And liquid nothings flow with loving gusta, A suduen shrick is heard, a cry of woé _ * That bhorrid siush." Lo where we will, street, t Where‘er we miy with muddied gumâ€" shoes push : Young, olu, rich, poor, the same refrain "M wuleme. :s _n‘_n:-\.' ..Y..;l\." : 3 If English Clarence did in Malmsey drown, His choice. ‘Why not our City Fathers crush Beneath a load selected from this Town Of filthy «lush. The New York World‘s London corresâ€" pondent telegraphs th it Bismarck re(}uiren the French army to ba reduced to 229,000, or he will establish a Government he can trust Ul ve Logan commenced one of her lectures at Newark, recently, with the remark, © Whenever I see a pretty girl, I want to clasp her in my arms."‘ â€"so do we,"‘ shouted the boys in the gallery. For a moment vlive was nonâ€" plussed, but recoveriog her self possession, she ’r’opliod, «* well, boys, I don‘t blame you . 7 The Omaha spiritualists are disappointâ€" el. 1t was announced by a departed spirit that the world was to come to an end on the 31st ult. egrar Now and then there is a fresh instance of prize ring brutality in Englind, jast to keep them in a decent kind ot coantenâ€" ance. Un the 15th ult. there was a combat at Long Branch (which was interrupted by the lhames Police) betwéen Cal as and Counnor. â€" The first of these was so frightâ€" tully bruised dfihat. he died the next morn ing in the Workhouse Intirmary. Connor, with three Others, was arrested and reâ€" « This muddy vesture of decay munded, asd the magistrate refusing bail, the crime of the respondents being per haps murder, and certainly aggrarated madslaughter. , L_SC & & y ie on inssc Ottawa, April, 1872 M Vianne, of Paris, is the inventor of a road engine of threeâ€"horse power, which for it, qualities otf speed anid security is said to be unurpassed, ‘The boiler. is cunstructed on the locomotive principle, |. aud mounted on three wheels; the pilot sits in front of the wheelâ€"box, while .the engineer performs his duties from a footâ€" voaud bebind he fireâ€"box. The design of thâ€" mauchinery is also that of a locomotive, with the excâ€"ption taat the crank shaft lanrnn on its upposite extreme pinion and spur wheâ€"ls, gearing with corresponding ones on the main wheel shaft. Accord ng.y, as one or the otherfof the clutches, which tramsimits the motion of these gears, is ‘thrown iuto action, the speed ot the engine is incresed Or diminished. Two parallel levers with boxes on the wheel suilt, extend beyond the buck seat ot the platiorm ; they carry near the main a counter axle, having small driving wheels, md 10 these mouon is imparted by an eudless chiin over pulleys on both shafts. It ftollows, that when the extremities 0‘ | he lâ€"vers are foreed uowaâ€" by a so. ew on | the end of Lhe c wrriage â€" the small drivers est upun the ground and the lirge ones ] necume elevated. Four degrees of velocity res=lt from this combination, s0 that a proper speed for ascending grades may be re «tily ‘selected. Un an ordinary. road, :rum sik to ten miles per hour is considerâ€" 0 i ihe â€"ngine‘s average speed when loaded; ut wnere the incline equals one in one nuudred and tifty, the small ;wheels are urown into action, and the sp:ed under H#y, l1 wn From 1st May next the BRICK HOUSE at preâ€" vu_ secu ied by Dr. Honry, corner of Bank and . mntm Apply on the premises botween 4 1. T utu'v'rq. April 22, 192. ~ _ 195itd. theâ€"e cireumstancés is reduce1i to about two and a hiif miles, & & ‘lm’ Office, Canada Branch, Equiâ€" * ‘tible Life Assurance Society of the United States. 198 St. James Street, _ Montreal, 18th April, 1872. C-m'll. E. W. McCGuaig,. _ â€" pector Agencies, E. Ont. EL A.S. SPRING iN OTTAWA Dear Sir,â€"Uwing to your success as In : apector of Agencies for Eastern OUntario, l take great pleasure in appointing you General Superintendent of Agencies for the Dominin of Cani:d i. PIANOâ€"FORTE RECITAL, » OSTTIVELY LAS APPFAk ANCE _ Said :p;)ol;t;nofnt_ to take effect from this date. f | 13 Ca‘l_ and leave your measure with J AMRS A N@Us. who is a Pracricar shirt and Coll ar CuTâ€" * KB hnpl( had Kiout Ykags Exer®igxo® Cu Tor the Puixcirart Hascrapasures of Moytr®aL. ’ »1 ft ga ranteed or no sale. ; SHIRT COLLARS, &,:m l‘m:- Diur»â€"ys, «o , Mane w» Orber 't. double quiok time at the Ortawa Swigt StoRr, Merâ€" Sn ints Bark B cok, Sparks Streot, Corner of Mot: Tickets 50:ts Uttawa, April 19, 1872. _ Yours, &¢,, &o , G J W kx NC § MK. E. B 08 COV IT Z RENT aARE CHANCE CURRENXT NoTE3 BOARDING HOUSE KEEPERS FRIDAY, APRIL i6ra o‘er an Epnglsh .“Pl'md Would stick in slush « That dev‘lish slus in church, or house, or Secure And not in slush 8 o‘clock at Nordbhâ€"imer‘s Music <â€"0%â€"~ Â¥nEe O TTawaia TIMmEs, aPsiL 23, 181% Genl. Manaâ€"er _ for Dominion of Canada R. W. GALE, AT FOR from slush E. Ont. EL A.S. Ottawa. and his â€" CHINA, GLASS AND CROEKERY walk bush | 1951 5i CHI As the subscriber is giving up business. Having now our Stock ¢ 18th instant. make our first GRAND DISPLAY 0 MS ML We will show all the NLW MALLNLALQ 10L Opi2Uk NS would call Special attention to this Department, as in it will NEW MATERL:@LS, VIZ : * ~ THE NEW LINEN TASSORE, ~ IN PLAIN, SCRIPED AND FIGURED, j (68 4 ALSO s New German SECOND FLOOR ____ f é Mantles and Millinery. Having secured the latest!Novalties in invite inspection. k * We are showing all the newest P In all the leading Materials for Sm'inmd Summer, and from which COPIES can be furnished (by thoroughly competent h ds) in any material, . Ottawa, April 13, 1872. i goanu ro® SALE. ‘ |LOT NO. 1, 418 €ONX. NORTH GOWER, ‘ 25 Acres of Good Land wWwITHIN ONE MILE OF RICHMOND About 60 Acres Uader C»~!tivation. mt : |* _ “r&g farm is worth $4,030, ‘but will be sold for ' n s e secured by M hm;:o:uh b"i ans e by Mortgage *‘ _R sYDNEY BIRTCH | Barrister, Toronto. | Aitawa Anvil 10 1879, | lvolâ€"lawk&wl JOUVIN‘S KID GLOVES, | 8 Ottawa, April 6, 1872. All the latest Gooda (of this Season) are now Shown in this Department. Ottawa, April 19, 1872, WANTED, Road, having an average haul of . four mil aod trom" siwhich a larve , annpoiey of Tess and boom timber may be obtained, â€" the out l Peacne Ainpajpcany ns L on goir made to Mr: Henry Â¥. RE L. .tC‘lhdonl Hotel | Oltamas after that date, Address nopnal Post | Mn dmber from off those Tands, being of coursé 6 r 3 ( free from duty. os* 194016 â€" Canada C Railway, Ottawa, April 15, 1872. Ottawa, April 15, 1872 WANrED mnEDiIATELY, *A YOUNG MAN of considerable journalistic exâ€" perience, resident at the Capital, is open to @n#agoâ€"= ment as newspaper correspohdent during the Session, In SILK, CASHMERE, CLOTH AND LACE. In COSTUMES we are also showing the latest ; 2 I Trinity College, T Physician, Surgoon, and Accoucheur. On and 1st May next way be consuited at his reside Lloyd Sgot. next to Capt Young‘s, Chaudiere, Le Breton‘s Flats. « Ottaws, April 15, 1872 l947tf q containing ei¢nt TOCM!® """"" + (n the Coroperâ€"of Wellingrion Stvet 890 ., "p_" kitchen, with Garden, one lot and a h«Af ! ?_.q.f.,ndfi‘ -.;.J.bgu L:A&u-.{osg. in extent, attached, on &ndr Hill, near | 5 ARf *0G Wu'hfm. and until Sir John A. Macdonald‘s ence. . ‘uu'% ~Aitl, ut & fv sarilly w. 8. N Taxgs office. | , N; B., Thelowest or say. Tore toe £ 1002 Tesue : [ onitt JOSEPH KAVANAGH Ottiwy, April 2, 1872. t "PBWMEE ho awa Aneil 1% 1072 wyrd . The out of over One Thousand Acres tented ine timber lands lying ** en b o0" on the M nad. having an average haul of under four miles, Ottawa, April 18, 1872 April 13. PARIS PATTERNS 200 dozen pairs in Black White and coâ€" lored, just received at tho s § REGENT HOUSE, Two First Class Dry SALESMEN. ALLAN, MCKLILNNUNS & Mc MOKRA N AwW LOG CUT FOR 8SALE EWSPAPER CORRESPONDENT. R. R. P. LEWLS, Also 100 Dozen Pairs "5cts. 2 Button Kid Gloves, in all colors, and=good value. SINCLAIR, STITT & CO.,. : 36 sparks Street. T‘he First â€" n and French Bordered Px'in, f New Grenedines and French Muslins, ~Batiste and Yosemite Costume IN â€" MILLINERY. Address, Has advanced in price 45 per cent in England sinoe January last. The balance of stock at Paris Patterns all the NEW MATERIALS for Spring and Summer Housg TOâ€" LENâ€"A commodious Cottage, containing eight rooms and SHOW â€" â€"DAY. N. G. C., Box m‘.&t&n IN® MANTLES complete in every Department we will on THURSD A Y In the following Departments "â€" COST® PRIi1CHS®».â€" 20 Sparks Street. $r it ty Eon . RUSSELL & WATSON. {1930d) A quantity of VALUABLE GOODS yet for sale at MLAEWE, 1947 MUSIT BE CLEARED OUT BEFORE (Goods for thsse Departments we would A HALL! Cloth in al Qualities and Colors. Aetriasee cce ] HOUSE TO RENT, ISOLATE , * Comfortable and well farnished ROOMS, with or without board, can be had on apfliestion to & C. FOURNIER, ""151" kSM ‘Ottawa, Martineau‘s New Stone ock. pitawa, April12, 1872 ___________â€" 1946â€"!m. â€" â€"_ On Maria Street, at present ocoupied by . BI_!.A.U% Eaq. Possession on the !st l;lny- Conâ€" taining Drawing â€"Room and Parlor, with folding doors, 8 Bed Rooms, li?umont consisting of Pantry, Bn:inn Koom and Kitchen, with Hard and ~oft Water. There is also a l(ood Â¥Yard, Stable and Sheds Drumlfi{ wod._ Rent £60 and taxzes. Apâ€" ply to R. W. CRUICE, Sparks Street. 1950tf. A mecting of the Provisional Directors of the Ontario and Quobec Railway Company will be held at Russell‘s Hotel, Ottawa, on MONDAY t he: 22nd April, instant at ten o‘slock, a. m. for organization. By order of the Directors. [ 2 V L222 c veuds Ottawa, April 18, 1872 1' Tq BUILDERS. 1. P.B.8. Calico, Ball Thursday, 25th April, To be given on OW awa, April 1%, 1872 Ludy Managorsâ€"â€" Lady LMUNN, 417" Powell. Mrs. Grey, Mrs. Clemow, Mrs. Mc Garity, Mrs. Beresiord, Mre. Armstrong, Mrs. Thistle, Mrs. Griffin. s Gentleman‘s Ticket $3; Ladies free. ° ~â€" By order. THUMAS SPROULE, + Recretaryt IUitawa â€" Amail IT 1874 1947td Instant, at the pea. MUSIC HALL, @a In aid of the Charitable : Fund, of the Irish Protestant Benevolent Society, under_the distinguished patronage of Lord and w’ ‘mer. G Â¥ 030 HIGabs M ra P S l in the matter of OCTAVE BRAZEAN The Insolvent &u made an assignment of bis estate to me, and the credi(ors u1|omlod to meet at the nmdroneo of the lmoimk n East Hawkesâ€" bury, on ‘Turspay, the 3:th pril, 1872, at two muok. p.m., to receive statements of his affairs, to appoint an assignee. | E. P. Jouxso®, Interim Assignee. * mlo Â¥ sluk A.2th ue l/wi . Ladies desizons of bâ€"gfl i Prong :“.‘bo;-’" age secure the servi t:mog.wmutbbunlcodnflnh mdo’l. gity references Ottawa, April 11, 157 private Lessons wo g;gf,?ss:‘nmmw Elgm 8 or erection of ‘m" _ * **~*‘ x ()in the Coroper of | OARDING HOUSE WITH ROOMS TO OTICE L,Orignal, 10th April, 1972 Ottawa, April 17, 1872. NSOLVENT ACT OF 1869. 'yu n-m Wfigkfi fmg‘!m 'E*tv st Hawkesbury, an Insolvent. ; ring and Summer Dreis. We it will be found several (BHADES TO MATCH.) FRENCH LANGUAGE. ALLAN, Rideau Street. gqâ€"STORE.Bf P M .MNinorim Etreet and 29 Sparks Street. 1X 6t. Patrick ctreet, J. M. CURRIER. 1051 â€"3%, the Architect W. ock. Elgin Street, Hincks, Mrs Ottawa. | Auction Sale of Silverware and \__â€"Table Cutlery, from the Celeâ€" | _ brated Albjon Works Shoffield, | _ England. The subscriber would inform the public that he has received instructions from the Messrs. Griffith‘s to offer to the inhabitanis of vitawa a sale of these goods commencing on TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1872, Market And continue from day to day until the whole stook, is sold. _ ‘I be guods ure of very superor quality most of which are phated on argentine m.:ouhm of Epergnes, Dish Covers, Centre Di Boup and Oyster Tureens. Wine and Biscuit Stands, Tea and Coffee Services, Tea Kettles and Stands to match, Liquor, Cruet and Pjckle Stind Claret Jugs, Butter Dishes, Cake and Bread ‘Baskets, Butter Knives and PickleForks. A large quantity of Spoons and Forks both pl«in and Queeng patterm CUTLERY. | The Cutlery eo:‘rim a variety of the best quality of Ivery Handled Table and Dessert Kmvnb:,::oy of lvory and _Peirl Handled Fruit and rt *MTC hUWE begs tb draw the lattention of th f raw the i0on e public to the above saile, as the m-:. from one of the best houses in the trade, who have sold very extensively in Canaia for tne last un:{lun. and whose ;eruutiun for the superior excellence of those articles is ‘well eâ€"tablished. l am Faok tky at s hnd T oote: e each day a/ m. _ . RO Autir Mitawa Ansil It jurne * A'h "' 1947td . Ottawa, April 15, Important: Auction Sale of Honeeâ€" hold Furniture, Brussels ‘Carâ€" pet, Seven Octave Steinway Pianoforte, &e. |~. _~â€"~. ‘The subscriber has been fsvot:.duwith instructions from W. 8. THOMAS, Esq:, to sell at his residence Cumberland stroefi_énur Bt. Jonrh Church, Sandy Hill:) ‘on WEDNESDAY, April 2ith,. 1872 his Househo‘d Furniture, consisting of & Piano, quite new, full round corners, carved jegs and pedal, with all the modern improvements, Green K’* Parlor set richly carved, Centre Table, pair Uard Tabies, very , ef PIOnIy CWPVORY NCM CCR OC tm 222M i P hmd’somo, B. W. Side Whatnot, Brussells Carpet, Damask and Lace Curtains with mountings hwo B. W. Sideboard, Extention Dining Table h. W., Hair Cloth Dining Room Chairs, laige H. 9â€"..8"‘" MoDONELL & MONGENA!G, r@â€"FaMILY |GROCERS T« No. 66 Svsszx Sfrart. In addition to their large and _ Assorted Stock of Groceries are receiying daily from the different Markets in the Dominion and the United States; and by the next Steamship will receive I * WINES, : BRANpIES and t ASSORTED FRUITS, Imported _direct _ from ; France. NeW MA PLE SYRUP will be received in a few days. + Uttawa, April 20, 1872 th Housebold Furtitare;, an. _ Excellent Melodeon, ete. The Subscriber bas been instruoted by John Graâ€" hsm.lf.:h.oft.ho ost Office Department, to sell at sootice, en esn 6 ie e B wnd, H U, on AÂ¥ ?_ ‘-_.l‘..o"il‘LLfinih-'- Mmdr Heuw _ PP 4 CC TOLEL iss and FearmiL Furnitare, Hair Matrass, Cooking stove and Furniâ€" ture, Hall <tove and Pipes, ‘Kitchen Utensils, U ooh'if China ng Glassware, Table Cutlery in EKn veâ€", Fo‘ks and Epoons, | Terms of sale cash. # Sale to commence at 10:30 a. m. &A w I St. George‘s | Society n Tuesday, 230 Apil, Inst, o Ainresation "benaed "Like Wbop‘s "Cbargt: &D Tess aite peaite s fad ced P ds cnttendance, A @ollection will be made as usual, "w‘t!"*\Pnglishmen and the descendants of Engâ€" g":l?“" ..t;d to join i 601’“ & m m&u‘r; Poud D OM« f:ni{iu are respectfully Miom m“‘hm. Hervice, which will commence at gu o‘clook. en U wacs n Ievags t the Riroace bp . f Sweetland; ist Viceâ€"President, D. E. Eastwood, Dwoousnda, T5s CCRS CO2â€"_ uf M is + I Esq,. Union Bank ; Secretary, W . Mills, Eeq.; of the Members of the Committse of lmm: S.ewards,‘u the Rusâ€"ell House. vp MLM names to the Secraary without da. email expense utr sses, Carpe , Curt Ottawa April 16, 1872 â€" _ Gop Eavz mot to _exlend _ TD PE 4. â€"~ ud \’nlled‘ Railroad" :o the City to build from a po‘at thereon & 1 " â€" ~"ik obe. mage: _ te _IBE â€" HTPAAKETIE o 2 tunt oo +Ogere cprds Getivess !ve,tn.‘..0 Il.-ilnn‘lr" 10 ma”._ M; d :)i:bu 30:?.5";?-6{“ Railway " at the Maltawse mhnellaw.!‘fllbo case may be. ) erossing We ds ce a on womierereng, ut as PXnabes Peogie Ottawa, J al 1872. ANNIVERSARY. 1872. NRESERVED â€"SALE oTIcE To A GRAND BANQUET PFLICATION +AT 10 U‘CLOCK, PROGRAMME : apvary 16, 2 Dy order, Oor Wurtax Mmuus, 1 T C ..y_-}! consi¢ti of lar f hnton ul:s‘d Ghu.l.d f f s’pn F t a88 au. n 1&& Hair IM.? russell hree large Iron Bedâ€" s to fit 1 lhalo do. nds‘ Tables, ll('r‘l and Furniture, Cubâ€" &c., an excellent Reâ€" | ~~~ nd ‘Fas Service ofl â€"â€" A. ROWE, to the a Tailroad to comnect way‘‘ at the Mattaws _._ Auctioneer. }M was manuâ€" Jneques & Hay, ast dawen *4 1952«3$m. 1998 .9. 12w QTraWa AND QUEBEC. Rideau Street, Ottawa, April 12, 1872. A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte : Music Warerooms A COMPLETE AS8ORTMENT Chickering‘s Pianos, _ Steinway‘s Pianos, : f Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, aAs Prince & Co.‘s Organs. In good repiir, by celebrated makers, on hiand, from $100 to #250. Terms liberal A Pianos to Rent. Secondâ€"hand PLANUS and ORGANS taken in oxchnfi. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR USIC. Inspection invi A. & 8. NORDHEIMER. A. PETERSEN, General Agent. BARGAIN, BARGAIN tPWork and Embroidery on Bark,{9 OBJBCTS OF ABT, AND CURIOSITY, &o., &4. a General â€" Wolke, SALE STILL GOING T. Hunton, Son & Co. l REMARKABLY CHEAP. would call attention of parties anything in o..-p?«':’ud aou:'.'%msz.-mwhpm-:?mud‘uwra: dot.minodwdwontwithomnprdwmwmnm;hl%tré:flm Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, Blankets, Flannels and â€" Wincies, seeing the subsoriber. Otlawa, March l1st. 1872 Ottawa, March 15, 1872. Ottawa, April 8, 1872 FOI SALE.â€"A fine WATER POWER, pear Ottawa, suitable for a Haw Mill or a Manufactory. For particulars apply to A. GAGNIEE. Cnmml&mamm‘: dsou.Oo-) &s. rtrmgâ€"Llang‘s Block Eigin etroot, A.J. CHRISTIE _ HAMNET P. HILL N. B.â€"Money to lend. â€" UOttawsA, Fob 29, 1872 1910 6m 1872 will be hoiden in the Town Hall, on Moxpat, ?‘Emaumum hour of ten o‘clock; Persens interested therein nm.# w.mmm%___i’fl_ WANm“nd immediately, a mo derate sized furnished house Addressâ€"J. R A., T:imuzs Office. March 27, 1872. 19327;uthll’ouuw useats muhm $o 0"?‘0-‘:.'-‘ unb-:‘.nd_ the Instrument may be seen at Board of Public Works, Otâ€" T. D. KING, ww‘f-“‘ April 1, 1812 _ _ 1935 im Emlteiig ies‘ se ofthe | â€"â€" eue ;[ow NSHIP OF FITZROY. « g * f f \ ‘The Court of Revision for the Township of Fitsâ€" Kot t kotice to Civil Eaginsers, Court of Revision for uBs MA MMICE TCO L it buld its Sret siiting for the curren . year, UNICIPALITY OF HUXTLEY 26 SPARKS STREET, yO P I A W A. A. GAGNIER, Real Estate Agent. Informs thopnblioth&th‘huoponodstomwllm- mercialHouse where can be purchased _ All Kinds of Merchandise in his Line, UATTBER AMD WURBR, p, at one o‘clock pâ€"mâ€" OF THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS AiLWAY® INX STUCK : OLIVIER COTE, and Hat Depot. AT YERY LOW PRICES, AL8#0 OTTAWA 451 NOTRE DAME ST., MONTREAL, Sole Manufacturer and Propriefor. ‘\ 15 cents per Bottle, 3 Bottles for $2.00. t d oogt iA â€"â€" â€"abpiagmentaraang AKD DOES NOT 8OLL THE SKIN. . _ John Gardner, Chemist, Nl' BOOKS UENDERSON & €0‘%. Oitews, April 19, 1872 rput LapIE8 GuUWAK‘S HALL ONâ€" THE Iime E-FEW&‘%:. % w. e * 3 % Sparks Btroot Haine‘s Pianos, THREE FOLLOWING DAYS. A Fancy Far: Union Bank Block, 1945 3m. (Traips Mare Seovano.) Grevy Hairs to its Naturd Inspection invited 1941 3m gUOLUuL

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