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Ottawa Times (1865), 18 May 1872, p. 3

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aBi>â€" & nA wil sell ap , KMAY ly J 0‘ clock ING _ KÂ¥A )T arrtving * %% 4 1%%»,, it t &4 $* ET NB Whizeg W o Lowusszauzg® are busy at present superâ€" inten ling the rafting and driving of their lumber. <~We understand that very little lumber has been left in the woods notâ€" withstanding the ealy unfarorable prosâ€" pects. A Rremt Raz.u~o. Jur corporati on men paid a second visis to Eigin Street yesterday, and in the otr-o of about wo hours work succeede | in patching an old rotten plank. As a patching Machine the corporation »tands No. 1. ‘â€" Pessoxar â€"Mr. Berihoa, portrait paintâ€" er to the Emperor N=upoleon, is in town and we uunderstand engaged in executing a painting of the Speaker of the House of Lemmouns, the Hon. Mr. Cockbarno. lItr1oetzare» Caxapiax _ New:+.â€"This week‘s number of the Canadian |llustrate d News contains a good picture of the British Columbisn B.ll given in the Nusic Hall. lt is the work of the talented artist Mr. E. Jump. , T+ Yo®, NWzx â€"The ususl prayer: for young men will be. held in the Â¥. M C. A Rooms on Albart street, near the Congregational Church, toâ€" morrow (Sund«y) morning «t 94 o‘clock. The Associstion eirnestly and cordi=lly invites young men to spend an hour in prayer and hap« to have many responses 8 rangess an 4 any and all will ba" w orm 1 ; welcomad. Asrivate at tus® Luesns Cotss.â€"H R Burpes, St John ; C C Closter, Mon: weal; G A Cameron, Montreil ; (Geo W Keigan, Ortawa; Louis Beaubien, Monâ€" weal; samuel Keefer, Brockville; J G Hage«, Almonte ; John [Iunter, Almonte i Capt WF Busler, England ; Geo Seors, 5t Jobhn, N B ; G H Croâ€"by, N Y ; A 8 Bur !, Syracuse, N Y ; Mrs. Gordon, Pres =| Mr. â€" and Mrs. Kirkpatrick, Kingston ; W 1«‘ Rei)ly, Toronto ; James Auooext.â€"A boy employel in Mosâ€" groves steam mill met with a serious acâ€" chient yesterday â€" We understand ho got bishand so badly lascerated that it had to Ne amputated. Foczâ€"Uarev» Boat rox Siaiz. â€"»Mr. Rowe will seli a fourâ€"cared boat at noon to day opposite the Russell House. The boat is qd.mandinneou.teqdmu. Hats mat & HWarsâ€"Mr. Deviin has opened his new premises, those lately oc« I supled by Mr. Allen, ( hina Hall. | His hat ; and fur store is the most extensive in the | ‘diy.: He sells nothing*but the best of goods and at reasonable prices. Country s# e keepers who intend purchasing will do well to pay him a viait. We guarantee them satisfaction. Fazxers are anxious for raimand warmer weather. Vegetation has been very much ‘id by the cold nights and comâ€" flvnlyeolddayu. A. & A. II Russell House and York "treets. , Ottawa, May 13, 187: Allun, McKinnon‘s & McM will sho w .%.:::of New fim«y on noree‘s leg & M. !: C854 Pepart 7.00 Arrive 730 Umon Forwarorise & Ramway CO. _ .« Stages leave for AyImer at 6 30 a m. Stages arrive from Avimer at 4.30 p.m. swayâ€"Boat leaves Aylmer at 8 a m. N. B.â€"Tickets to all poinia Eust and West by the above routes can te had Momy to Lun.-â€"A:’ly to R. A. Bradâ€" ley, Solcitor, corner Sparks and Elgin Stvsats. OTAWE. A regular meeting of the City Council will be held on Monday evening. ir Costumes and Dresses made to order, in the lateat styles, under the superintendâ€" ence of a first.class dress maker ot fiftcen vears‘ experience. | . Allan, McKinnons & MpMorran, > ful . Brumxo.â€"The amount of Luilding «wderway in the city at present, is imâ€" mense, but the progress of erection is uniformly slow ALLAN, MoKINNON‘S & MeMORRANXS, 20 Spari:s Streeot. Ariiv@ Arriv® Depart being drunk and disordorly was fine and costs. Another like case was remanded . A se (of ubsBAHK usn L0 t 0 . Pizs is Neruiax â€"We regret to record the fact that the very extensive barns add sheds of Mr. John‘ Nelson, Nepean, conâ€" trining a large quantity of bay, frming implements, harne«s, &c., were totally comsumed by fire the niget before last. Mr. Nelson was a pioneer in this part of thecountry, and one of these men who spated no expense to impro: e the neighâ€" borhood in which he resided. We are not aware in what manner the tire originate > The house was with difficu ty nvu’. The was no insurance on nvaopony. Peues Cover â€" Fiu..y, â€" John Burns charged with being diunk apd disorderly on the public strects wis fined $2 and Costs, Depart Ceneriarâ€"1t is high ‘time that the locality for a new Protestant Cemetery was decided upon, ‘The matter has bean “"w""*’mmtu autbority to qhm-“‘"’ mal """‘""fih of Masere. The weather yesterday was beauti« A runaway occurred on Clarence street sterday resulting in the breaking of a Warmxe Jasaxkss Sciss! at 400 TRAVELLER‘s GUIDE Se. LiaWwR*3 mothy Murphy cha» OPr sW A LOCAL NEW CiÂ¥APL C like case was remande anault was dismissed 100 249 Rivgr Navymaytio® ) Sparks St: e & Orriwsa RanwaY 1872 % m ‘Q@ 200 i. LIJ ° $10 â€" 44 sxtratr Rainway w TAY[O}mi, Agents. corner Nussex und f m *‘ 41 m. +) wi als> with 0 40.00 y) 0 20 v. m m ) O m 1972.6 B I For further particulare agply 30 / !'mn“%fl ; € I fi .,.Mn..f.' h‘:mfi“ CoUPER R have .;-on' l:t'fio. Mpesial advantages wi offered {, buyers* I g * ‘Brocokrille, | K Ingston & ane all way I «1t atle ns & 9 9* + m @4 F Â¥xpr as for 13 50 p m | r"phn 'd., ® with T vains for Moul.»n.. an | Mfl'fll 1 00 a m The Sarnia , Mr. Jas. Copeland, did his duty so well that the Court of Reâ€" vision had to adjourh for lack of business. Mesars. Blue Shaver, of the township of Ancaster, their houses. burned on Thursday last. 6 PuF ooE l, AfEKEDIE & Co. tof Moniiod Tuak Nut 3 dteor Bs Imeadice ha * everutle faume dffered. 1902â€"d4 _ Butchers‘ has Jum&l from 8c to 15¢ per lb in t Kitts, the journal marmurs T <+ Goldie, MeC h & Co , of Galt, have "locked out" their men because they wouldn‘t submit to be fettered by George Brown‘s cast iron resolution. The Bloodhwund and Retriever, of the Newfoundland r-h. feet, have been lost in the ice. vhlrj Sots Un Where are police®" is the wail of Torontonians at the present time, _ C Thompson‘s farrm on the Richmond Road. We approve of the selection and comâ€" mend their taste ; woe believe a more convenient or appropriate piece ot property is ndot obtainable in the city s wrroundings. (Jt is but a short distance the city, is well situateil. and is therefore fitted for = cemetery. We bo;e the Messrs. Thompson‘s property will te purchase d. * The nine hour men beat the. ten hou: zonnhuo in Hamilton on Tues y. oA x â€" New refreshment rooms are to be erectâ€" ed at the Great Western Railway station in Sarmia. The well k actor, J. W. Wallack, is performing Toronto to crowded houses. is Thartbaing & T Ueastmcen Em is the Board Room of the Central Railway Company on FRIDAY, tux %:= DAY or MAY, INST,, At tweive o‘clock noon. for the election of seven Diâ€" Je ie of the Peovisinnal Dirsoctrs, Ottaws, May & 187% Qmwtabl: 8 41 Car: » NJ T ant 8 Charge far bertha & wen‘s CQute conm cttons w th «li the Grand Trunk imlos bouth Kst 1nd Wâ€"«t, as this Company‘s ratos walt thâ€"ir arrival «hen lase. Twenty minrtes allowed at Presoots June tion for t freaim nts. k Trains «râ€" ruu on time, THOR8 :!\'IOI.DO, Ma »+y!ing DMn=cor, Ottana Tovonto votes on a b{‘lw for the conâ€" Strucuon of works on the third of un 1 * THE ST, LAWRENCE OTTAWA RALLWAY. the ofty. Jtis ® “1: being opposite thew the 1 ...':-a.:-.:.?a_ Sulldings."** ‘The proprietor can give, satiafactory reasons for 'nllll“‘"‘_.._ «» a Cru® ALTERATION OR RUNNING TIXE. B LUTTBRBELL, Buperintenadent, Prisuott. Ottaws, May 11, 1813 @A L BIONX HOT EL4$ f,’na::ux MUTUAL « LIFE ANSURANCE COMPA The old relHable, quickest and best route ; th abortâ€"«t line by Q wtice frow Ottawa to Broa avilie and «1 p late Wou.udby'e:dc toall pobuts Assets of the Co-px. . . . . $1,800,000 Amount deposi ed wi Canadian Government....... 130,000 uEAD OFFICE, CANADA, No. 102 St. Francois Xavriee Street. The subscriber |u~u‘~1='-r. ABB3 seail at the Parsonage on MONDA 1 , stay 20, 18 4. it Hnuachat t Puraiture o ntainin«g b o sofu b o © u,)vm Table, Whatâ€" Not, b w Hall Table bw Fall -I.od;ulo. Chairs. Sidebourd. Beduteads, Buseaus, Washâ€" stands, Tables, Bed Room Crosokery, ‘able W are in Ottawa,. May 17. 1872 Crookery, China and Glaseware. Cute;y in Knive . Fochh OpoSpandes M Arpmaiy of ied oen Crecndis City of Ottaws, Ontario, with Cuuillings, and with or wi This is one of \g“h‘hh&oh- i in second largest business m?‘:_._u‘:«“um.:.m vhgrems *LOTHINXG Ottaws. May 18, 1872 Ferrs cash. _ _ Sale at 1 o‘slock, pm. OR SALE QUBBEC RAiILWAY CUMPAXY. UUTS aAND sHOES, NTARIO w aAND FROM MONDAY, imnk MAAY 1073, Waine will rus as tulluw» ; NOoUskNHNJLD FURNLNURE UCTIUVNX sALE Liâ€"~w H O L E8 ALE. mss i 0J a w e oast , and Wist £G T mudatic a‘ [(tor the Rat, l W T Ex Aew» o 1 2n p m Kast ant o\ |accoo modati~ n ‘nol * > HG t 1w tY@ D# t n w# n CANADIAN NEW W O L ES A L E & 0b gGoINCe NoRTH GOIsG socrH G. MARCHAND, NIMPSUN & BETHUNE _ General Agent. | #Oy ad w itia. w hB 3 19072 6 'l‘tsnl 3 1w ; u 10 a the! J. Â¥ CURRIER, A. ROWE Tack pu-m J motion, M 4) * 19/itd 6.10 p m # 10 a m 626 a m W & ERmtke :. _‘ 3i _ | Ottawa, May 7, 1872. 6 Lost, on Saturday night, near the Rusâ€" \nl bouse, a * hrass Somabbard." The ! finder leâ€"ving the same at the Ruaseell â€" Mow:e will be rewarded. 1968 The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimait Harbor ‘mumm«i-mrmm of the Terms of Union of this Province with the | Dominion of Canads, which section is in the followâ€" Through | ___ Through the very large encouragement recel Each Tender must be accompanied by a Bond from the Contractor, and two suficie. t eurstios for the payment of £10,000 to Hor Majosty, her heirs and successors, conditioned upon th» due fulflment of the Tender which it Accompanies, provided it be accepted within three months from the said lith November. Y Furthor particulars as to site, borings, &c., may be obtained from T. A. Burzirr, £E#q4., Chief Enâ€" gineer to Government, upon application in writing to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. Porsons who may consider the above guarantee to be insufficient, are at liberty to tender on the basis of such supplemental guarantse by the Provincial Government, or upon «uch other Anancial induce~ monts, as they may suggest, f The Government do not bind themselres to accept the lowest or any tender. The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" Lenyth on foor 370 feet, § Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings W {feet, s Do ofentrance .. ... . 88 feet, To afford a depth of water on the sill of not les* than 2} feet athigh water springs, and to be subâ€" stantially constructed to the approval of Government tn.fiu{obonovidod by the person whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. Tenders must specify the time within which the Dock will be completed, and must be accompanied y drawings and deseriptioqs showing exact dimenâ€" slons, materials, and mods of construction of proâ€" posed Dock . + Tenders are to bo sealod, superscribed * Tende for Esquimait Graving Dock,"* widressed to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Vistoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noon of the 16th day of November, 1872. * The Dominion Government shall guarantes the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rat> of lvor cent per annam on such sums, not exceeding £!10,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock at Esquimait." ESQUIMALT GEAVING DOCK | GEO. A. WALKEM, Chief Commisstoner of Lands and Works Lands and Works Office, Vistoria, April #7th, 1472. 1907 Sm mM°LARGEST AND BES TA Hats, Pats, Hats. on draft, the best in the Dominion. All the 1 =unu-o --hs f MoeDUNELL & MONGEN a 18. Pllsn.l AT AUCTION, â€" BHy ‘.-f_qn‘r. The fAnest Collection of Plants, Bulbous Roots and Flower Reeds, just imported HATS, tation u:."t‘.:'?“' is with muck care 264 in ike :" suitable for city business x heary rinck uf Faa: ai+o Coftes of the boal and ground daly on the premisos A large and groand &-E&m‘ a. _A large st« & of the U\-r quality always h‘:.lthobuluv u.:‘flnugbuhu Chinna WV archouse Ahh“::“hn.l. den besuticul td‘.‘ fldm-mwfi MJM.TQ is decidedly ‘he most ( cottage of ud nlntnt in the healihlenl ht wrthe oity. â€" The MOEST BEAUTIFUL VILLA INX ufTTAaAWA sale will take place on MONDAY, the Ath i t s dliois 2. im 14 aot old beitee then at anipeeitenBinl esd Shoe Desinte is Ovare ie poee op se on 3 P woibes Ottaws, May 7, 1872 108ef lr-w‘.h%hmu‘.tmdu 41 dz h-d:% hm“ % ; and lots from $D)to $7% Not Bold but for sale by the subssriber. soe sns abore de yellh ned wrarnnized Prve trom MI-( a" %@*&"M- only $3 an t to come we the destripâ€" esd s o e Ond om the citizens and public in general it has c 2. io estment sectniectt Mn Springits & ICE, ICE. H * PEACOCK‘8 33 Rideau street, Oritaws. -j'l'ho highest price paid for KA W 0R SALE, Ottawa. May 11, 1872 I will sail on MONDAY, the 13th of May, at one RITISH COLUMB!A. Nine dwellings now entered in my book oUsEs TV LET. I83:0LUTION OF PARTXER>ARIP. W Is THE TIME TV CALL Go to of the best and quality always Agne lot of now (lap o Hprqp in Votties mnd AOne limits on Coulon .e River. By Command ACRES OF LAiND CAP3, and No. 66, Sussex Streoet. Felection of For the AT Tgus. nwj &sTR.W GOODS, T HRE O TTAW A THM es ,_ * |, en ns eils 0 e ie 0 0 eeraeniesinmeste® _ O6 oA "h in k mm m 0 01 1JO _E EMEGtmffizetopmgunmâ€"poprebuie upeteompbamzemsafempeiizensemetmemenerpzme ‘~ FANCYâ€" QOODS : ioox out For A BARGAN 3 ' y ginrer vabtery . ar. .. During the Month of May in the Following Embroidered Muslin Sets, Bmbroidered Linen Sets, Sir«k Scares in Endleoss Variety and Latest | Srries. The Latest Novelties in Sash Ribbon Which they will centinue for the balance of the present month only. We givre a lint of the former, as well as sale price, for some of the leading lines : PLAIN LINEN COLLARS, We will show a large lot of the fallowing, at prices as quoted below : Russell & Watson The entire stcek of Sllks fiP““ JAPANEsE to the best DUCAPR and LYONS WULKS Silks & Dress Goods N. B.â€"Customers will "please remember that the above reduction refers Silks and Dress Goods, and will continue for the balance of the present month WBl fr the present Month be offered at that will satisfy the closest bu u“*-m«;mhb:;. f e REGENT HOUSE Spring and Summer Costumes. 4A _ hereby gives notice thct he has been * "'5.5;;# Efi;i@-m :"'- fi%:-«-um "‘?fi hetr amounts to the raid J ayze CtA48KE . _ ... At Euch remarkable low prices, Allan, McKinnons & McMoran p= P Ottews, Sth May, 1972 MONDAY, 13th Instant, May 3, 1812. PLAJN OUFFSR8, SPECOIAL SALE OF SILKS AND DRESS @OODS, Marled Mohairs and Lustres 12}c. Alpacas and Challies £0 Poplinsg and Grenadines KMilkses and Black Gross Grain Silk 800. New Dress Fabrics do do 95¢. do do $1.15 ( do «:‘ ag 1.2% do do . eU . : do Glacies at Equally Reduced Rates., SPECIAL SALE We are now showing all the new Paris mu-a-h-u-unnuv. Lndies are invited to an inspection of the large Wm JAPANESE, a durable texture for hlvdlub':’-. snd cshoice assortment of Boonets, Hats, DALA. ,PIQUES, -nrnlb-ly riok 1‘ riain Colours, _ § ui PTEiurnna,v..«.,m designs. AwncflT-lAfllfi; h W ARLING SATIN8, Plak, Buf, Silrer *% RENTITE and MARL PUPLINETT. OKOHAMA LA WN3, exquisite shades UILLI\EAYT DEPARTHEAT, Sinclair, Stitt 4 COo Al n, McKinnons & McMoran, 80 SPARKS STREET. RUSSELL & WATSON. PLAIN SETS, «â€"OOMNEN®@®® aâ€"â€" BATESTHR, | NY wWEUITAWA sea ze Ontly Bm WB i o ariecting t rice SHRT LIST OF PRICES, “b.l-,-l..fimuâ€" $1.15 $1.00 1.25 1.05 LeU .>>>> > 1280 Laee Lappets, R7| Wt ie colan 006E * FRFANCOY SETS, 29 Sparks Street. 80c. Lace Sets, 10c. 15 mwbwtbo buman vision erer Ainvented. Bcience in optics, as emâ€" Rideau Street, Ottawa, April 12 1872 %flâ€"'-ll Caledonia Ezzings, a Go0n Boarnâ€" ING containing is Rooms. Also the Amuseâ€" o icre. â€"E . tanm mioon -d.ti oxuilnt.adm--. Price of ‘nl.bob?rlnnfron“to fi-mk.ud last A: ulh.mFbu:n uui.:h:n.but 200 meres, 73 Taxs whk * avod ow Pare pop Shable AD * * ) â€". â€": &. HaWItron Whake c c 5.40 cae "oae : ce *# %‘E!’Li‘wl_‘p § OTTaAwWaA AND QUEBEOC. | trees of all kinds. vines. bulbes and Gnions in blosâ€" On and lrom Tuaesday, the 7th Morni Trains (No. S)Tw.t.llql:’on Otwv‘..& 1“:..--. n.-" nocting with the s Ottaws. April 2, 1872. 1953â€"3awk2wk6. Rosomapiemeting sh Tos ‘grand Trusk Brâ€" e oo T * -Yuukm] Ottawa, May 4, 1872. C ‘1961â€"3. ° Has vieiten this caty and will remain for a short timé on.y, at > _ Orme & Soa‘s Musico Store, rhat oxtodhthqkn-ollflom . MICHAREL will sele st Spectacies for those who entrust themselves to his skill, as an Optician, with the utmost care, so that by their use the Eye will not tire in reading. writing or sewing, whether by day "Thife mies orde s es ats Sparle Bemat Mrouan‘ RABE CHANCE Amoryllis, Peonies, 109 varieties of roses, should prescribe medicine. C Mr. M. warrants the glasses that he seâ€" lects to cure dimness or weikness of the eyes, restoring and preserving clearness of vision. 1 Awpmdinfiu-tial‘::- struments, Telescopes, lhwm » rine and Opera Glasses, and all ki of «‘ptical Instruments of the very best quaâ€" enders be received n0MGeONprbieUnice. bes ployed in adjusting glasses to the human eye, is of such importance that no person no:' thoroughly versed in its principles should be allowed to prescribe glasses, lity, will be sold at a small the cost of importation. | Towml&" BLINDNESS PREVENTED. Umvnnsu.' EXHIBITION Royal Mail Line of Steamers for Kast and West, Ottare, Apill 4, WA UUSES of any size built for parties H payable by monthly instalments. George Michael, OPTICIAN, Sparks st., Opposite the Russell House March 28, 1872. . 1934 3m ‘*rem @Glasgow, Scothind, and 51} Kingâ€"st., 18, 1 8 712. GEORGE mI_HAEL‘S Celebrated Sootch Mz M h honor to th wiules Pue hn hnd Juib amnnnnd Aoia rapey with L We OBce onnon PotifapmmatRidase RARE PLANTS AND FRUIT TREEK means to pay down, by paying monthly the price T. L. & 9. K. K. CV,. SIGN OF Gereral Wolfe, COhange of Running Time. BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER®. t&r Work and Embroidery on Bark, GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. use ; they afford, altogether, SIGHT * _|TO BE SOLD CHEAP : 3 _ Refrigerators, 26 Cistern Pumps 11 Chandeliers, Good and Common, 100 Flower Baskets (Ass) : 12 Flower Stands, © 5 â€" Shower Baths, f 4 _ Plunge Baths, â€" 3 â€" Round Baths, 6 â€" Foot Baths, / : 12 Setts Toilet Ware, | 10 1I¢e Coolers, Different Sizes. A D io ts with taities whto have mot (tncutctrcatetteneihmramelt vntning 4 I OBRNME & SUN, GOO D . g’,{'&,':."‘-':‘-i--."' Sigin Street #ySTORRE. AQ . _ _ â€"â€"AXD WITH THBâ€" require o ank a old rand. OBJECTS OF ART, AND CURIUSITY, &0., &o. nforms thepublic that he has opened at Ottawa a Com mercialHouse where can be purchased All Kinds of Merchandise in his Lire of physic HATIER AND FDRRIGR 1001f. fruit and Hat Depot OLIVIER COTE | Have pleasure in announcing that they will cpen . mm their new store. l’fimh“fluuto‘:bh NAY | This farm is worth $40»), but will be sold for with a fuli and complete assertment of ! $3,004.â€" _ en C e Fworuus, Ottawa, May 7, 1872. Carpets, _ â€"= / * Floor Oilcioths, Curtainsaod Curtain Materials Cornices and, Cornice Poles,. * and a 4 . Fall Asssortment of House Furnishings, All of the newest desiges for this season purckased irnenbthil andartes miatet t ts i in © & surâ€" Tas‘ cuyihing ever offerad in thiscity."" "_ **~ 'F(o.fimg ourselves enirdly to HOUSE RNI~HING we will thus be enabled to give attention to the wants of our friends, and to give their satisfaction to ail who may us with entire rders. Uttawa, May 2, 1874 k« 1¢Qâ€"1y. Fo® s1ug, Cocoa‘s & Chocolates To be used as a BEVERAGE OR AS8 Awmon, Put up in different shapes It is now an fl ied seb Mihees o AT V RY LOW PRICES, Thos. Patterson‘s, Lots %. %, 2 and haif of 9 W ellingten Streot. SAI0LBRE) AMD CJ The largest and best assortment in the city of TTAWA CARPzT HOUSE. IRECT IMPORTATIONS OTCAW A that use the like. Please eall anvd exawme. GET BAMPIE. For Sale at THOJQ. PATTERSON‘8. CADBURVYV‘S No. 26, Rideau Street. 4 Wime had Always on hand Union Bank Block: i d Thad ie 26 Rideau Street. 1245 3m. 34 uht on ret‘ harmttione sn ientte 0 m es ; potofonct MM AY, p. m mfiv‘.‘-:--ifi‘ r toap> w’“‘m_- <un e aerpuaadtize Armstrong Miss E Beli Henry H In the maiter_ of JOSEPEH BELANGER, of Wenâ€" road across Lots Nos. i6 and 12, in the ord Concesâ€" i enpre ninninare m‘t&“ d“t,:“.-i‘ point at tmuttchears ies in said third Consessionâ€" 56 M6 60 0e ns Blanch Miss J Bloonm, W m Bowman J no Boulton D‘ Arcey Booth L Breid Alex * Brown W G Bruau? Misa Kate Bryait Henry to be Trials can be mate olh at Re. 2 Berrer Hail, Montreal. and the instrument may be seer at the Board of Publks Works, (Aâ€" on uou)_i‘l: the "l':iu d y Jom &0 "re Sithing 2 Public Road ford feet wide, dessribed ACT OF 1869 Brock. W m _ Kn:;:i)uvid Brownlee David Browa‘ )én Jno BurpeeHenry Burns.Miss 8 Bush‘Miss J Burn 8 hss Patrick Carr Mis\Busan J Camerom Miss C TE.'il-n' work nm- P::flj..-.? 4 hsilway work in Canada is PASUUREL» LIS ru&n LEV EL Lt inancknowledged 1&“ at M‘fifi'@ D rpo uEt Canton Geo B Carroli M Cuse 14 A Caldwell Mrs ® Carleton Henry R Chambers Mrs A Clark Wmm Clarke Ailen Clarke Jno Clarke J B + Clarke Peter Clark Mesers J & A Clark DrcRobert Cochrane Jas C -"L:r W m Coleburn Miss Mary L Cook Jno â€" _._ Ottawa, May 10, 1872 Sir John A. Macdonald‘s residence. Apply to W. H. NAGLE, Tixzs office. . * Uttawa, April 2 1872 1934f 2 Aores of Good Land WITHIN ONE MILE OF RICHMOND, About 60 Acres. U ader Cuitivation. Conta ning about 20 acres, #ituated on &nchw-dund.wihhofl. m s C RALLS hat haon imrtrantad in x# e NOW READY. A Canadian Monthly for May !u-u-h.-h:;fld-- The Washington Treaty, â€" _ _ _ _ NUTIC& gfla Waddell â€" wan Jno Courier Mre s Crane 8 N Crow J B â€" Dawson «r, Jas Dawson Fred Davidson Andrew Dawson Miss Elicn Davis® W Davis W m Devireux Mrs B Deliven© T gllon Mre !g Dunn Oscar Dryke Robt Fum FOR SALE. w LOT NQ. 1, 4r2 GOX. NORTH GOWER Geddis Jno Genty & Co, Mosere Genie Robt Goodwin Miss M Gookey Alex Gorden R s Gow Geo T Goodwin Mrs Alex Grmant W m Grimes F Grant Miss Bell Green A H Green Patrick Gmham Jas â€" Tem 1,6 . bilance secured by Mortgage in :nn‘x'n.qum&.:: with interest. â€" ._ = Ap ril 1, 1678 Ottawa, April 18 1872 w .M FALL® has been M\fi'r Public Auction, at th : Union House, on JA'. the Zâ€"st Muxy, 1%, that valuable 'rlv the * Forbes Farm." being ut No #, ’ Consession, â€"F , of Gloucester. The land best quality, with about /o mores clered, we -q“ngu. «.. pFo SnJ . NV B 1 be pusthnesr will be required to par dows within «en fenced. dr=ined. and in a m state of ‘fi'_' Mlls with a good Clapboa: ded 3 18. front. good Barn Ci .pbuarded, 45x8), Th Anclemed bortion of thw ‘46¢ is well Infoind un with okk. Lim. aeh and Cadat. P‘oleyflcun C Forbions & Son Hughes Mrs Jane lrmoo Jones Mrs J E Julian Thos H heâ€"gan J W Hawthorne T Hammon Jas Hammersly Wim Hanrahan Miss Ellen Hall Lewis Harriott Hugh Heaney Mrs E ~~ HonhLeNK L opkins Hti'&u-(!on Fr EAmonds Miss Emma A Thompson D Edwards K H Tipper Jno * FAmonds A M Trickery Miss E Evans Thos Tremn“- K Fariey Miss Annie « Towers AP Fee Luke ‘{,\u'nhull Jnon ldey' 2'3 sB w.-d: 4 bale at 2 ©‘~ook, pm Notice to Civil Enginers, L‘ )rignal Xarch ®, U72, IST OF LETTERS+tretmaining in the | Ottawa Post OUffice, ,April 30, 1872 Uf a Valuable Farm in Gloucsester, UCTIUN BALE With Immediate Possession, 18 8 B T. D. EING, Montreal, “Ar . 1878 1085 1 og . belance 19 six C ult ie in l it Also ready the G P BAKER, where the present traveiled kmxperson & co . Kelly W ue Ki Jas Kirby J T Leach W in Lindiey Miss E Layall W m Martin Jas * Maricy Mr luval?. Mujor Miss # Masone Mizs M Hitorfne m w moo: ing fi Neil Sam Nevan Miss M Neville P «w Brien I Ormsby Charlie U‘ Regun Jno Payne MrmG Perry J 8 Putnam F Priichard Mis= A Prince Hon Albert i ol ugion Mrs t eddington Mres BRuddie »rs Emme Rogers Jno R bertsR _ \‘.‘3:.':.“..;4‘.'.’."0.." Walker WmmE Weieh h W ebster w Perior Miss Nancy White C White J J Wilson Robt Wilkinson T Willard rn M M Wortbup Jer x«c-n-ug-nâ€"- MeDonadd W 3 McGowan Miss M McoGee Jno a::dn Miss M Â¥ McGuire J W McKibbon l}lb!fl Merave aosh fPBo > in D =c=nh- & C Shipman Mrs A B M Bimpson Miss C é.t:lronuhn.l y Miss Mary Bloan Jas Bmith 8 B _ Bmith W J Emith Wus Bpariks Ged Bouthwell Jno Btevenson W H uu-.‘ Thome Thos Ross Miss Annie Rowland W m Rovinson J Rumsey G J Boeou J G reott Thos MP Thom pson J 8 Thewesay Mrs Ammic *t; $ berinst bblâ€" of Faith

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