of 0t L. & s. 1871 M 5 )h 0. t of iM6 Store Â¥ R atâ€" L&® . of L tage T "o' arvoy of PL ANX ED LU MB EL mudicinal vegetable ingredients, (some oi which we will mention, such as the Extracts # Wiki Cherty Barck, ""mf’-'“"" Quassia, Smartweed, Dande Hroscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocyuth, Jaiap, 80c0o, #ine Aloes, Capsicum, &¢ , kc,) which enter into the composition of the combined mediâ€" vine, are such and so harmomiously classided and compounded, that it is made the mos warching cusative in the knowa world, an: zpuot help but act on the system in a vers itistuctory and doeirable manner. No matâ€" ter what your allmeâ€"nt may be, or of how lon. sundlog, it will Aud the spot and sastonisl you by the rapid manner in which you an tmatored to perfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warrantâ€"d, and may positively be re Ned upes to make a permanent cure of al .â€"-dlt-‘l'u:t,l..:mw.lldvy; M, a ., as well as Revofu b*mn Discases, Hamors, and aii dimamd atising from Impurity of the Bioog w ping the Third S:age of Conâ€"amption Further information, with foll dinmctions fo wing the Gzo«t Shoshonees Romedy & Pills abd containing t-wmhllu( Uert fcate M:r.!bm Bouk, or tas Alm=nac an Ureatars u,mhbbrn;luhw Quominionâ€" treâ€". Price 0j Remedy in large Pini Bottles %1 \® PMib pa Soz 2 T8E w lt C U Bs uere & t learing Montebello for at 32. m . * Laves fl““’.’..m~'. y ':::... &A wig. «twKk oltn s«bhove w»liz k to dtantly o mam J to+ «.l . QrCBm®. 4. N..B â€"Par ac.a trom the Con 0+ 0‘ | .‘flw tm awll yard by BHro« > Opsouit B=w ty «+ Ch«G !t re, 0 :: 36, #71 I= Wl ieave with Mails, Will commence ber trips on That the Gusar Suosnonzes Heweovr aso Pruce of the emin at (ndian Medicine ..’I'm LEWTIS JMEPHUN, of the Great Tribe Sboshon«s, British Columbia, is working the most marveliouns and astonishing Cur» the World nas over bheard of. _ Never in to annale of Canwtian Medical History bas suc) â€"â€ugn-n-_o_umm-.ï¬ 1872. wur+ss sitended the introguction of at ) meticine bers tofore. * Y HY?! PBPSINEâ€"The p»pular and profession . medisine for in ligesiion is Morsox Purm+s, the scuve principle o1 th m')sm. In Powdâ€"r, lowage aad «s w ine. CHLORVUVYNE has now obi imned suci universal celebrity is can scar ely i» gonsidared. a spectality, its cmpos: Ham being koown 10 most Buropes :.'.-N-l'm Jos., | and 201 : ttles. COELATINEâ€"The purest prepar.tion 0f this nut iï¬ulurqut OKllubt is Mom PEPTIC FUOD tw lavalids ant lassnts di_estivle. untrittious and |pal :t .ble \â€"~ Sold in pib. «int Lib tion«.| _ â€" . All the ab vo are o refuby packed an m:ï¬l-u, which must be piys 4+ 4 » M I‘ ¢ J3 l-o T suLe MaNUFACTURERS : MO¢. A J <~ > * Medallists «od J. 106 .;‘).llqt ‘?uoh u. 55. 194 outhuinptin w 0 Do Au & %fsssu..-quua “3"« xo i. w Workaâ€"lormâ€"ey anl Homprwn *~+< YNGLES KX XX,. X xX Pm Bs aad > w4 and Soippim; (+r wub care and despstch Trade nume and am‘tk :06 PIL iNÂ¥ ~1ND bRIDGE TIXBER Prociaim the Glad Tidings N4 epaar yA oi +( â€" ,-‘â€A.L‘:‘ of all descriptions. Râ€"ugb Lumber Well Seasoned, , FRovonr iRoX BED3: ©1D4 . t #*u 6in. 3it,. 3f,.. 6i0.. 4t ~nd 4ft 6in :'l. all diifsrens and beâ€"utiful pat us. #o make a specislity of these : nglis! .‘O“ï¬-z.;nd import them direo« Hotels, Convents. Hopitals, ind famili~» "hm'ith «ny oumber large or emall. nqcm‘qmï¬d- tu: early spring dolivery d> weil to MaAUDDE/A L ATEAR MAizike~,. Bird Cagzes, and a large stock of Ths Seamer mwvtlxm and other artioles, and the very best. COUKING STUhVEs VYOL®VI NO I9 83. sultable for the (. berman or h. teis . Tin#weâ€"as u ptusili mers. . The ocm inatiâ€"n 0| Ubhloroform qi kly celieves the p: and spmaim« of Cholers, In rrooe> Dysentery, aud in Fict all «oute an nervous pains «ni Chronic C freqmently small doses will ..:1:. this bâ€"nâ€"tioat result Many of the Chiovrodynes of commâ€"rce are not 0 uniiom «t eugth, this h s induce Momox & Ns to compound their pre Obtewe, Mand 4 um * z5 wkbi by Cheomists and Douggis throughout the world vTrawa RIVEKR NavIGATION AJXPANY. TUE STEA ER «~Fal +QUEEN vVICTURIA.‘%s PRIN + suBRIYAL! «i=CraCtCas&s Of Mails, Passengers and Freight for , ist May, at" p. u. Bird Nests, WA4» KO ‘HasTEX a XC1ICE MEADDWS & Co Satur ‘ay. the . ‘th Maz, Obr 1@ ® ty resident, lum Butte Aattenm, Brem Plati (1} «:410 exacute § «+ 182 This wonderful imvention produces the only real Pmno tune thâ€"t b«s been ye discovered, aqul awids immensely to iw : ll:. and fivombly, known fulln Canada, kloing so would respectfully reques: the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" fcent instroments now in « Dunham‘s Patent Hydro Carhonatet Hounding Boâ€"rd * The merits of the Dunham Pmuos are: Ist. Its durability his become a proverb Z2nd. l;mhip it cannot be surâ€" passed, ualle (. 3rd. in .&hdity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. * 4th It can be sold after years of use for ne«rly, if not quite its original cost. In nllm'hLut-ntinn to the above improve ment plessure in announcing tha they have been app inted agents for the OUR SHOW ROOM Sth It is warranted in the most satis factory manner Pumphblets containing a description o‘ the above iunpruvement cin be had at ow cetablishment. L W "DQE FUL AYP:OVYtAT Mesers. Orme & Son are also agents fo: the following Pianus, viz: MoCAMMUN & u., _ ORMF & SON DN VA W Aisv sae celebrited en es e se e P ie .. Li ie . > Â¥ wls sad: u e h. ied Arip ts egi is Tntinpons wtg bon tory o“o:n. i afonnl‘?nuho Preparations are a old by all Druggiste. sure and ask forthe ViCTARL PREPFPARATION®, and see that you get thom. 4AmN & HAVLIN, e s and ESTEY & CO.‘5 ORGANS This Jrucr is bigh‘y recommended to La Cles as a ; MX Apy ~A oS y k gha f ol 4t & ‘e «ring Bkin lo:l!]"uro. Ca'v.â€n:}m from 1t\ pess, it is unrivalled. It will quick!y removsos l Redoe a, Roagzhness, ‘"ao, F\ and ciber imâ€" perfocions. For Chapped H: Chilblain«, Frost This Tormstr ln:’-â€"- all the weilâ€"known nncï¬kud dts‘ w& properties d.(gdk Acid, is agreeanly »cen has a health on o rreireooc oi on, &n tumilies. Uholora, Emallvex .'.'Fr.v!. n?nh should be waâ€"hed with this Hoap; and its use lia o to Infection will materially Gwa discase,. Price 15 coots pet & Cats, wWoinds, Draises, Burne, Sores, Ulcer#®, King armk, Hucler," Reavtem beald" Head. y NrageAâ€"J Abscesses, Do Is, Pimpies, &c. a all the teansing and hoaling virtues of Carbolic Acid, 1 lirge assortment of which we keep con vaatly on hand. teansaing and h'z Of CAIDOINO 2C1d, which =0 been u‘m every where to poses«s curative quall Bot discovered in »ny Jach-lefl pr. parstion. Price 25 cents *) This Ganots is the most rellable and eMciacions Ramed / in ail cases of Sore Throst, lo-nna f&'-"‘.: ?on.- hâ€{‘m c&;bhlou:“ T make. Ugvanire mreath, thntied Gueee., aod ‘mfl the Mouth,. For Public bp«akers Wilon EW i Uarvison teed t S Phostctere, the care of the above dworders are now, &:u*y. the most popular in the Magrte * Price 25 centss This Siure isa rap‘ d cure for all Skin Digeases, Pocketâ€"a nives, Razors, »urgical Instrument s Shoeâ€" " Knives, Plang muu-dcllnb.ubc. Noth has ever been discovered which eprung popularity more quickiys jr become of so moeh valae in overy h nd worksh op for waneral nscfuincss. 25 cents. CaABRTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs io inform the blio that his oftice has lhï¬ï¬‚l‘ bean ï¬ao\ ED to the sew of mgl. ERAL UrFICES of the Company, on Wellington ktreet where orders tos the collecuon ana wehvery ot Goods will meet with promp d â€" caretul <ttent:on Payment tos Frigh ud Uars.age will now be recery.d Uttawas, $th Feow., 1872. se P.% ENTRANCEEY SE Doo® u the Company‘s Ustice. ou Wellingion itre t. Sm *_ "A d« VkTLMHK * * _â€"â€"____ Uartage Ageni. PER \e @4 9 6+ # aAdd 80 K or 1 Ktawa. Janu=ry , Lawrence & Btiawa Rai way DUNHAMX PIANO® e °% J. L. #KRME & SN, __â€"__ 8 Spurks Street ME=~Its EMERSON, Npe agent made $170 in 11 days. Address Hud«on River Wire Co., 80 Kinz 8t. West, Toronto, Ont., or 130 Maidea Lane, Xew York. PER WEEK and «xpenses paid. wo wa .t an agent in every county. * First come, first served."" 18 and HOOD y TDt _ Will open this evening the following new style Costumes for the above event : THURSBAY EVENING, APRIL Â¥rs ©Aa11C0 BALL MM&M DOLLY VARDEN «wnd all a of Plain Colors. P T. HUNTON, SON & CU., 81 Eparks Streoet. Mtawa, April 23, 18723.â€" T. Hunton, Son & Co., 1Case Fancy Prints WONDERFULCUREOF LUNG DISEASE C Broorir®, April Sth, 1870 J 0 Chamb #ilato, 8te. To is to cert: ‘hat my wih was very low with Lung Disa« Ene Doctor bad giv u ber up,. â€" He aâ€"ld bâ€" ubgs were tubercied, and mesicine could u« -::.. Aa a last msort 1 porchaâ€"es a bott: 1 Oreat Shoshouses Roewedy,. At tt xpiration of two days ber sym,toms #: uchiedly better _ Bhe continued to imptos «w ruplidly that by the time sbe had takeon â€"u oottle she was able to sit up By the coumny .ase of the remedy sbhe was pertectly restor w health THE ©CHRISTINE" COSTUME, THE © PRINCES ROYAL" COSTUME, THE © LESMERALDA® C081 UMB, AND COSTUME DE RIGUEUER. LNX PIQUE BAPTISTE ‘AND UTHER MATERIALK BmithGeld. J C Cha..berlain, Eeqâ€"This is to certt ib + about three years ago J became affictâ€" vin Broomcbitis, which last d about eixh:ese m the, 1 was so <~flictrd for the want : «w th that it was rery dificult tor me t w»â€"â€"k, and in the night time fr quest! bn winz the clothes off «nd raising in th «: to keep tfrom strupyling. 1 tried thr «t the moet eminent physiciaos io the Cou 1 Nortbuamberians for about a ym,-i; â€"celving any bep«8t, in fact 1 contiou 9 ge i g worse all the time. ‘At last 1 was asd wed to try th: Great Shoshooâ€"er Remedy. «»gbt a bottle took it and whes it == suhl.-nl&b‘ro&hw -u::ulb-hfl' llthl-lom Fhavi n Mh -’m nut I was as well as over l had boos previ us to my ilinessâ€" and have been so er 1BCO, * JOHN SILYVER Bworn before me at SmithAeld this 6th da ols P HEk. . ....cs. .. c..s. . : >=>_ You may publi h the facts for the b ne6: t-on:LmM C 0. BROWN, Epiacopal Metsowoiss: Ministes The subsâ€"ribers have for sale at prices which dei» cvmmypeti A _: large q antity (:r.‘llm ' vuf cabbag , o1 slidowe.s, twinate .¢ y, melon : w..-:‘au.nu..»- ain of which n:‘ut:.‘.. true to . Also alarye quanatity bar b pud #. 'bk:.r.--ll sell cheap Uive usa tLial Urders left at . Ed sards, We lington Streol. or at Ten lors for the of a twe story buildi of a avol fl‘mim*vmvn.iï¬& _he ml+~â€"igned up to noonm on BAaTUnDUAY, It is the CcHEAPESEP MEDNCINE «¥YHLh 1ADE, One suse cur.s «0mmâ€"n sor» that «> Ine buttle b«s cured Bronchitis, Fifty cente «orth has . ured an ol Standing Cough 1 usitively cur+s Catarth, Astbma, a006 UruQ,, "My cents‘ worth bas cured Crick in thâ€" Back, and the some qusntity Lame Baâ€"k o «ght yoars‘ staodia . It coun s 3wello Nek Fumors, nbomatismw, Mearalgiea, Joutractio: 4 the Mascles, Yuiff Joints, sSplasl Lificul t a, and Pain and soreness in any part, 0« uaiter where it may be. nor fhom whas cans it may arise, it alwars dues you goos (weutyâ€"Arve câ€"pts‘ wortn bas cured bad cares A Ohrouic and Bloody Dysentery, Uue tem «spovalul cures colic is 15 minotes, 1t wili ure any case of Piles tha. it is impossible t u.e, _ Six or sigh: Application» i» wart=Bt» to ureany case otf Kxvoriat. d Nipp‘es or 1» Aimed Breast. â€" For Brutees, i applt d ott : ud bouns up, there is soeÂ¥ver tho slizbicsw Haqulmativon to the skio. Itstope t e pain f a Burn as soou as appli+d, COares Fro va Eâ€"et, Boils, Waute, and _orps, and Wouns» of eveiy demsiiption on uan ur beast, ». N. 1BO0MA8, Pbelps, N Y And NOR ! HROP a LY «AN, NRewoustle, 01 ., Buile Auogut» tor the Dominion. _ â€J'uw & ARAL,A 3 & . FHOMAY EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OIL TO-C‘US TRACTURSâ€" V, wv:u'n)q_g ur promises, Bank groet Roead, promptly strended Plase and specifications may be seen The mhuetventon Debe seiye . . uts to contain estimates for building of Brick Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. *LECHRINLITY. L‘OAgoal, "th Wan, 4 Puin cannot stay where it is used. ote, â€" EKolectric=â€"Belect a «n ) eleotiis=d LAXTS PLANTs PLAiXNTY Cure of Bronchitis J MÂ¥ WELLINXGTON, ) P , ns ant. OITAWA MONDA!l. MAY 20. 1Ȣ2. &A COMPLBCZE AsSORTMEXT OP THB FPOLLOWING INETRUMENTS ‘ALWAYS f N STUCK : Pm ts‘ Wâ€" will guaraote= that no ove can sell the »ame articles cheaper, such a» TEA»=~ ~UGaRS, TOBACCOS and GE~ERAL @OOBERIRES, also WINES ard all haport= «. quors, Canwilin Spirits, of the bes description, always on hand at prices as low :s mali lots cao be lald d=wn, W+»care not for competition, «ll we require is a tri | gi <n uar goosa, The economist will proft by calling to us, g@*Our motto i= lizbt profts. Chickering‘s Pianos, _ Steinway‘s Pianos, . Dunham‘s Pianos, in good repair, by ecelebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. Pianos to KRent. A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arervooms Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, . _ Prince & Co.‘s Organs. es k TOL Of s« â€". | f Paurd®, $1. 5+. * ..Al the pnv::o ww ke of tbo'n;:llo:‘uhhv .n‘u ~-==l- h:t‘:’-u':lm n-.::boic-a f1.4 Season. * . * * apesimen Page sent free: on applica ion J« bbages, THEE S T iA N P 4 kR D, By L. 0. Emerson, of Boston ; and 15 \Price 2 cents paper, 5 cen s b‘ds.) is one of the very best books. . ‘.r_ar‘n .'\civm brvlt‘o l'hï¬o-“?:th. Uabiâ€" Organ, < ,â€" orpet Viclin ecordeon, wu f\ow )n clcriu.fl: Flut , Flagesict. ng but % cent= each. are just what ase needed ior cheap and attractive instruction books. * ~Jnurming Song ... . T‘he Gutes Ajar .. Thomas. 4* The above Books aud Piece, sent, postâ€"paid, on udu.ul-ouu wiok . " . t ol 1 9e Ciover, We are now prepared to off=r 10 thâ€" Farmirg Commanity ard to the trade incu~ments hat bas not been given ber tofore oy any one io ~ar line of businâ€"ss~ being n=w ‘mportâ€" & the chie! part or our 8t ck, such as T&A8, WINES and BRA ~xvIEs, ena«bl s us .o «u e priges turther, We clsim alreair to bare brought th: enurmous profits hecetufore tisting to a mo iâ€"rate rat« and trust in furure to conti. ue so. : 0. 86 RIDEAU STREET, ,,‘.1;""’4,’? STREET, JHAUDIEE:H, Vholesale and Rotail Grocers Wintang spirit Merchants. Manugers of sabbath schouls are becom ng more 1nd more convinced tha. the beautiful singing wook FLOUWER SEEDS, a large ASSORTMENT Full dwections tor taking this Sireat | _/ _n a4 ail time Heulib Restorer accompany each Bottie, IM“::‘ ::'.u- and purchusers snould be mnreful in aun’ viat DUVNâ€"AN‘S COMP «UND SYRUP UF , _ Propared only by SARSAPARILLA, and no other, is supplie o them. ' BEAO Wholesale agents, EV ANS MEKCER & . 1 AJ,, Montreal, amiâ€"to be obtained from ; all the »tiawa druggists. ] ud sold by all Me Uttawas, March 9, 1872 1918 3w | seputember 28. 18 It ma wertsin rewedy for Serofui , Nervous and General Detality, all dise wes ot the Skiu, Gout, Rbeumatem.â€" lnd‘ln uon, Jdundice. scurvry, Brouchial uons, Ches:t Complaiuts, «nd all othe: di seases arising frowm ao impure siate 0| the 1 ,UNCAN'H COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR . BAPARILLA . Is the Great Heulth Hestorer of the Day BSTABLISHED IN 184% . CBARLES ALLbIAnJ68 AND $08$, MANTUFACTURERS OF Refined Confeciioi Lozen _T uk Drops Cream Je uon Bons, Orysta ized Fruits, Marmaiade, Jams &0. s JA AMILLA tic eru tlous, and ; in the faoe, sot Is the Great Heulth ttestorer of the Day m.::l-doyu::::‘:-dl,mho::o It strikes ar the root of all Disease pll;.“hhl.o. “d""“' 54; 11 thmnfhihwondu-mlyo'fl in restor pots, 1 48 8, aD« he.oluod to a heaithy state. â€"â€" _ ~ h"lhuï¬;uflfll 4 Motto Papers Fringed, Mottoes, Horus of Pleaty. | .. i remndpean ds urie C o e t’;lhqnu'ro CONTRACTORS, BUILDER ‘ se *Miiy hees mw. \v HOLESALE STE AM CCAJlQ] wBRV .elons, (From Ewing Bros.. of Montreal.) A. CHRISTIE & CU., ttawms, Apru 22, 1872 3 8000 _ â€" _ ~LIÂ¥ER DITSON & CO., Boston UAS. H. DITSON & ©O., New York _ _ i8a0y ‘. Baskerville & Brothers, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE MARRIAGE CaKE ORNAMEXT ’w' ANTED IMMED! i rR: I0CARPENTERS ND« 1 EkD8S. XEEUS. Just receive1, a fresh Stock of GARDEN AND FIELD »EEDS, C : 7 Onot TY VÂ¥mkt . : Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, HE C iss cHLRUH â€"USIC BUuUK Persons capable of laying stone foundations to m poraintrf mc Becondâ€"hand PIANUS and ORGANS taken in exchange. + * Just reeeived a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited * ; A. & 8. NURDHEIMER. * . A. PELLRSEN, General Agent Ottawa, April 8, 1872 UNCAN‘3 Clad Tidings, Wreaths, Leaves, F Boxes of English. u't.nnduu::’-nb. ; Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. P BASKERVILLE & BROTHER® To be ready July lst. _ 26 SPARKS STREET, 0 T T A W .A : Muy =~ 4 L8O â€" H. K. i‘a mer, of Chibago Partuley, Parsnip4 l om@toes, Turnips. ND s LABâ€"Re4HR ~ege e m sc ue / Oitawa, v ASTEUV, “Y P l!l"or Nohnol Soction_rNo 4, Townâ€" A P thoien heroae eonith 0 er s re ,_uÂ¥.¢._. either ':ho ':n-uin-d. Montebell Hardware â€"Hardware, i';(ol-"" e PI at the Uttawa Agency, Marker Square â€" ituitugx Muchiu® =..... + â€".0eee _ ... P16 gdruie mllll a e en be 6 e en e 46 1e e e 6# + 10 UUIHKVHEOTB |, . 4 see .cs eese seaes: en« rn e ees . 36 toaptbg M«â€"nineo from .,.......$4;0 u 110 dowe r 'b “ »%e e# -oo-“ to at Chresbinu Machines from...,... .1. 0 tw 1,00‘ pen Oyllnt08, ... ... .«+«+« ...+. #380 to 40 "'“ w-,----oool a* e ns ## “'.. '_m mk # *# # -ooobo.'-tnbotaaclco. «* ’ _ _ A+IYE PILLS. confirmed by sixt: yems‘ experience to be on« «f the burt alterative mâ€"yicines ever com poand«d for puritving the blowd and a«sistiny Natur in ber opeiations. â€" They sorm a wil and supe:ior tawily uperient, that may b taken at all times wichout conffuement o vhaugeo of dict, "THE POOR KANS FRIEND,. Just receired for sale very low, having been purchased before the lat ad ‘mulm. 6 _ Alsoy &-iu-’:s u-rhlo\u-h as Locks, Butts, is confldently recommended to the Public as «n untfailing remedy for wounds of every Geâ€" oription ; a certain reme1y for ulcerated sorâ€" legs, burus, soalde, bruises, chilbiains, scorbu. @ILULE, ANTI SCROPHULA or ALTER No. 24 Rideau Street BIGN OF 'rq ABVIL, 10r8e mu..o....lo.olo..lo"}."&. All other articles at corresponding pr . WX ABBUTT lanuery 16, 1873 P ud sold by all Medicine Vendors. september 38, 1871. ""'Zx:%unn KENNEDY,)_ / (ih epabiakk Stume A ® x.n.ur'L $wtf AURICULTURAL â€"TYPLEMENTS the Uttawa Agency, Marker Squs OKar‘s, Miy 0, 1992 RICE L13 U. RuBas Ts CELEBRATED OINTMENT, Haine‘s Pianos, AT THE OLD STAND, BEAOH & M#AR*ICOTT, Biidport, Dorset, Englan: 54. im Will take place over the Club Course (Kn&chmor’lgl)riving Park), rpHE OTTawA TURF CLUB RACE3 Friday & Saturday QUEEN‘S PLATE $2,850 IN PURSES First Dayâ€"Friday, May the 81st. HURDLE RACEâ€"$300. ¢ STEWARD‘S |PLATEâ€"$400. Queen‘s Plateâ€"%Fiï¬y * Gnineas. TALLY HO! STAKESâ€"$300 MEMORILAL PLATEâ€"$150. Second Dnyâ€"S,tt{urd.y. June: 1st. MEWVBERS‘ PLATEâ€"$350. CARLETON PLATEâ€" g6ou. LUMBERMENS PURSKâ€"$200. MEKCHANTS‘ PLATEâ€"$300. CONsOLATION STAKESâ€"$150. R@y Full particulars in small bills. â€" _ EDWARD ¢. BARBER: s <â€" â€"1 reasurer, _Ottawa, May 3rd, 18? . * Teosu Leaves Ayimer daily (Snk‘: ted) at 9 a. m. MTI:“B: wit.'h steamers to ““G.m.m o Stecamer I Leaves Havelock for Chapésu Tuesday and Friday -m.ï¬ uorj_.: m. . m’ml:‘ leaving Eriday morni at / a. m. Chapeau unonï¬u at 1 g’oflï¬c}, Ottaws, May 2, 1872 Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourabl mwhn{tovh‘t;umto:‘pbhh’ Sld.ï¬,l B.oksp:;d n.d.mod:.t:- ns, Bruises, Cram: mwh.molm Iotb--Dnj:uiy, Bowel Complaints, Burns, |JNION, FORWARDING AND RAIL wWAY COMPANY, The Can» miatroyer never twi. .> ive 1wine 6 . iei. â€" All meligiue deales» eeap it. CÂ¥ > it es rder and W itya d ro family will be witoout it after unce trying it, Pricg ouly tweats «Av /. 0u,r po Butkie, * ioh Aorit iare, Tenders will also be receired, a* same and place, for 2w tons of Hai way to ample to be scen at the ab we Sitices. to state meo.c‘vlud't-ut ddcnln.u , Grand Trunk Hailway Station mr D equal quantities, in the months of agust meptember‘next. _ .â€" & # s oÂ¥ 3t * u'i%m" « C. J. BR « 5 T Solenax. Intercolonial Rallway Commiseione xmu.mdm ME :lmuumu‘l hrl‘ 3?‘1'(".; Dext. u‘th hour :7-’:& The Commissioners ‘ ’ï¬dfw&oMm‘ g:‘d&ol-:Mgh!‘zn" Pu Tor 6 M rece ..‘Oll 'x'mxhyiz‘.._':ama:-b-t 651 miles of the Li the trost Troinâ€" io the Rieber «x and abalf ie voas or he MeGs Rlsnrâ€"_ u:.‘fnt whole n be obtained ‘ief Engi Ottaâ€" im oo on aptenrinin on Dalh usie, Newcastle and Amberst. â€"â€" _ _ _ L to ‘h: Commissioners, wil be receivod at their uies 1o U zs n "to T2 vidlock mon on TORe _______ Ottawa, Ird May, 1878 ~~ . . 19544 § OwWNSuIP OF rITZROY. _ IntbeomtyOowto“f the United Countses‘ Prescort and kussell."~ â€" In the matter of JAMES BURDEN, ‘ss whed »» its belug a Sovereigu M ; 'l‘hc-q:-‘émï¬iu »thicacy of the Canadia. ain Destroyer, in cuting the Digcasee fo: nicb it io recowmâ€"aned. and its wunderfu: aworas in sabduiuy the" torturios | palnes 0: inâ€"umatism, aud in relieving Nervou» aAK.« ~u8, ontitle it to s big â€"rauk fo the Het 0 Aâ€"medica tor these complaints. : ~Orders smm â€"«ming from Medicinâ€" De«lers in all part» ut h. couutry for further supplies, and such tent ifyingy as t the suiversal sutistaction 1 iÂ¥eB, ; t I 4 under the said Acts 1NE CaANADIAN PA1N DESTROYERE Has now been b=fore the public for a lengt! # time aud wherever used is «oll likeq, «0ver failin. in a single instance u give perâ€" umapept r«li6f when timely usâ€"d, a 6 we hay« «ever gnown aâ€"gingle case of Aisatisfacti=n nere the tirections have been properiy folâ€" «â€"d, but on the contrary, all are telighto ~Ath its operations. and apeak in the highe» rins of ita virtu. « and maxical ~flects. { W. epeak from apert nc: tu this matw aviug tested it chorougbly, antu ‘therefor ae who are sufferiny from any of the:com «tuts for whict it ts cecommeâ€"Bado may deâ€" NUKTHHOP & cÂ¥ 4aX. Sold in Ott wa uy HF Me: a/thy, Joseph skt :ner, Juba B5b rms, J P F Mr-. Weo Mortim=r, and © II mediâ€" 12 dâ€"aterk May next, the undersigned wil} to to Judge of the said Copnï¬radmv s 4re?s ByhdAmA ) BORDEN, â€" â€" f JOHN sv’:'rï¬rum L‘Orignal, 8th February, 1872. _ 1984vd The Steamer eymap e \u alh .usie, Newcast ’i’o'&-?ï¬i?n.";‘ .3 e . <he Commissioners. wi;f :«mm On SATURDAY, the Fourth day of NTERCOLUNIAL RAILWAY. ACADLANPALIN ORsTROYER Insolvent. MAY 3ler, ar» JUNE ler, WiLL BE RUN FOR #"JESSIB CASSELLA‘ TiAmnts SIR JOHN YOUNG R. 6. OASSRLLS, President AND MR J H BRA]! | grsonvent ao¢ or 1800 QasueB AÂ¥D BTSTEL â€"la branch of cul« avmâ€"-s:chmm.:mz w. mh“ order ".T. to -nul"l results, and this Mcmmu_un!.m the. most reliable â€" For sale by: all Uizuggist Bheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powdâ€"rs, have published a readable and instructive pam. phivt, which may be hart free at the stores. by the same means, which is : That asoa preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medisins for the oure Garziar Coxprrios Mzorcisaâ€"As a «ondit medicine for horses "Darliey‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave Remedy" has ao equal Ite effects in this respoct are astonishing ; mony horses that were suppesed to be broken down and atmest worthless have, by the uss «a fow packages, been restored to a m{.:u seund condition, all traces of the disonse .5 mmg:uy.snml.nd here been for from to more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want s burse Aishiay there Renedy.*. We Reow roo wikl be perfectly satisfed with the result. Rememben the name, and see that the signature of Curit & o P enpge Pï¬ = Tiacks s by all medicine w COOMGHIT.YCERINE nourish the hair > JOHN L BROWK & w sn eutsice wrappe: of box, and cnb 1M4 s eranment stamp attached to each box, OF Pevile Sposkers, Blogers: Kiiidicy, Oficere BORE THKOAT, CUuUGH, COLD, and similar tmubles, if eaffered to result in serious Pulmonary, ln.ct: ano Asthmatic affertions, oftentimes incurable.â€" BROWN‘S3 BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly th seat of the disemam and g«ive almost instani ‘The Tmcues ars offeted with the fulles confidence in their efficaoy ; they bavre been Public‘ Spoakers, Singers, Military Officers and those who ovtax the voloos. they ar usefat in refieving : an Itritated Throat, and will render artioulation casy. _ld:dhrlnflcl- of tue merit, and having proved efhicacy by a test ot many eack year finds thew hnnmm'-hflï¬o world, and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles, Obtain only «Brown‘a Bronchial Troches,‘ and do not take any of the Worthices ]mitettons o ven to wileg the onson t ," 80 sold art & poor imitation and mm-:’m.no K+ BRONCBIAL tmu whiich are sold on!y in boxes with Sacâ€"simile of the propristors. to be sure ot obtaining the genuine Brew@ o TBIBRTY YXARA EXPERIERKOE OF iX OLD NURSE mas. Wiuew w‘n B>oruime Bravr is the pre. scription of ons of the best #â€"male Phy. ician: and Nnrses in the United States, and has bâ€"e! useg for thirry {Ali withâ€" nevâ€"r tailin, children, frerc fife Infaut ot one: wâ€"e+ old to tha Adult. ~ Jt «corrects acidity . f thâ€" stomach, relieves. «ind colic,. regulates th» bowâ€"ls, ant {1ves nlk'muw-b-c te wother ant< child. We bâ€"HeÂ¥e it the bes «ud sureat retedy 10 ‘th» wotld, in all case» â€" This cat» in the Trochee L. poruath anamndority o the pirihine to o > "©0C0 (GtYMERINE remores dandruft No toilet table should be with out COC()â€"GLYCOERI NE, 25 cente per bottle _ _ . mt j €* Haive yor a a=ven: wr: ncb azun? Ha you shen:wwatism in soy tform®‘ Â¥e you «t4 ne ‘k, o. banches cansed by throamatic paius If o, Jobnson‘s Anâ€"dyb Litvithout is a sp «+ fio m meay «n( uiss the bast pain killer«@ nthgicorie p :A ans ow P In the Coutty Court"éf the Obunty of sertul cfiote thflou.?u-u. o Ipone C mmfl » \~t «> «. #A YÂ¥A Apria equare, Mostreal, Bheumatism and Gout Remedy Onsen asd Brerm â€"Ln: The propristors of Johniou‘s NSULVENT ACT OF 1869 | And Amenidmenis Tharety. :.'mnv AF LAST, 3 ~*‘And for Bale by aBl Druggists, DK BIRNBAUM3 â€" iPRICEâ€"3 CEN 18 Ormor os «asn . Jsuawa, OÂ¥HE., March 8, 1812 desirous of testing the merits of tm.sw-wwmo&dm sale in Cansidk, us to their econoumic@l use dvn-.wqtbw-dtb mmke the following challenge to the meâ€" TO THE PUBLIC OF CANADaA. OTHEE Paft.EX, the wheels in all cases to be wholiy maunutactured by the competing The wheeis to be tested at 6i sn se bi t bH We will piace in the hands of any ree ponsible party, six thousaud dollars (§8,â€" M&M&-pnympmthhlx to the same, the money to ve held peot to the uward ~of the judges. The wbdnw.wh.flourmmmm the same runs of sione, grinding the same wheat, and having the same number of square inches of opening 10 reveive the water, the amount of water discharged 10 be the measure of the amount used by each wheel. » There are some wheels Mï¬""‘! good results with full bead and nm 3wflahndnlymmpmhl partial gateage. Such wheels in our climate, where water powers ure affected by both cold and drouth, are of no pracâ€" The judges to be nonâ€"residents of Caâ€" nd‘;..mdmbcw-ou ml:-d in mode ol testing the power of turâ€" bine wheelsâ€"eâ€"ch party o choose ome judge and the two to choose the third. Each party to give good and sufficient bond:,wtholno'::lof“.ul),“ the loser shall pay the entire expenses of the mwbymwa'lh success yet introduced. tical value. ° We claim that we are the ooly makers of the Geavine Jaxues Lasret Dovers Tvs» sixe Waee in Canade, and that it is withâ€" The owners of the winning wheel to e martp "‘»...u."“‘“"‘“...u....t“‘ rg4 s money to ishing a m_nplzv;inth ¢ United States. The sale of no other whee ever yet introduced on this continent ex» ceâ€"d oneâ€"sixth this number. Uur wheel has been thoroughly tested in Gerar Hartaix, and has fully maintained the reputston it hus gained in Canade and the United States, as she most Bounumical We are now & new ave mater mon paapaiet, cootdiing ihe pages of valuable mauiters, whichk mll ‘be wat free to all applican. * For turiber Disumation a«ddress, _ Erauixgrizup, Oho, Dec. 25, 1808. Wouuymlnmlww the pub uo of Canuda, LUAL We Bave aped cuut ashid Mr. F. W. Giik, of UshaWwa, VUBt., .mflmmufl‘-m al orher nevsseaty Aalrmallon 10 ausel, ihÂ¥â€"HL0@dA * Jathes Letel, and Mh‘&‘lflflu' We hure l.oo:mu durseives io. furnish the stii® ues tor qmpulsoturing to no aher p«tis in C.uades _ Wituout the inâ€" »Orinalion we have given to Mr. wik_x, no me cau dudvessiulily vuil: our wheeils, asd «e whvine partie in Cunuis ~tw* purchase sur wiuels ui us uther menujpeacturer. Mr. dLaX‘s taciluips are and we irel sure that be will buitla .‘L that will give perioect sutusluution. We unere 10re Commend hium ww «he puviic of ans »tmwumm.bwq_ sure he will maunuiuci.ure aâ€" whool in ull reâ€"ye0te cyual to our own, "to o4 _ ~ . WHAMBS LEFFEL e Jttawa, March i6, 1874 . ‘120 Mess Pork, $15 25 to 16 00 per barrei kumers mess, $14 OJ do Priume mewus, $13.94. t lnz-bt. 1y 50 to $11.00 per 103 Do green, $8 50 to $10 00 deo Bacon agao _ $1 W w# 00 do lu-g.‘,nhd,dlv a% Froceâ€" Hewail prices. Mï¬!‘fl.u barrg‘.. KExiru, $5 o $6.15 ’.a No. 1, $5.15 w 610 ao Jurmenl, $5.25 do Cornment, $3 o 3.50 do Uracked whour, §6) _ dto , Whost mout, 26.9 do mn.wcrlwlu. Urackeq corn, 1. do Bran, 1b ore 10 buc. N. is.â€"We desire to call= sisenuon to me sollowing cerummeare :â€" » More chan 6,000 of thesse "wheels are vale, 48e to 4s " o l Peas, 620 w 650 do Boans $1.50 10 :1.15 fome spun patn, 10e to 800 por is u-.â€"oï¬-u-,m";. Wool 35 ctu. 10450 per ib Hqtulo‘%tps- straw, $1. 55...«,'.-«4.. ui oll 6 ces per gxlion Jait skine, 12 ots per ib. Vall altins, 12 Cte 18. yyer can agten ge 104. &A RIYAL in the worLp m reacmoar =» n be iwttariom of the