of :. Pm .. ~@* s «4 AndiC#a" r‘“("/.%‘) i * %;;{%"’ C wwb e w ___:EH\- IMPORTAST TO BRESIDVENXTS _ Parties at a distance may have Artiicia‘ 10 oi e a, = srvem, on ronting pac. twulate ofthâ€"ir cases, with a remittance o# ie amen SE EeCcE (Omen eWls 0 C 0 s od Tea Shillings, wheu the woke y« m â€" .'“unï¬owmw ." “‘“’m_- L. Io se Hheccin Wt« in um ind Cuunl t ; UK=BRZ. GABRIEL remodel on thetr imâ€" prove1! «ystâ€"i, and at a moderate x-ofl.m «ial Feeth «ipplied by other dentists Lav â€" 10¢ »tuted satiefactory to the wearer. . : * A OHRISTIE &¢e., * Rhomâ€"i‘s lnau«â€"Ibang, Vands, LHOBRS, J‘--hy Club, Frenwipane, en4t other perfumes of exqui=ite fragranâ€" e ocms q RmmePe Laveo‘t Watâ€"s, Mrtllled frg : Witecham Flo« rt. â€"y@ Liw Rimwâ€".‘» Toilet Vin~gar, col-N“b. u efal and senitury propertios. | _ «y 3 6t ol F «1 directions for use enclosed in sach box â€" duvw Es Extract of Lime J ce aad vrgr, tas bâ€"t prepuation for the vepâ€"Clally in w«rm climates. _ _ _ _ ____ '-v""l’ . &A id _ MB _ oadust Himumet‘s Oil Soap, perfamed with &“% Rimmei‘s Giycerin=, Honey, Costume and lotal Ctackers, y amusing for Balls and Rimmei*s Viclet, Rose.Lea{ Rice, and other & “m A \iberal allowausce to ship» MWimmel, Perfumer to H.R.H. the Wales, 95 Strand, 138 Regent 4u¢|bnu‘d--ululu-ll { Paris, and 16 ‘King‘s RBoad, by «ll perftumery vendors,. Restorea Grey Hairs to its Natural Color and Beauty, 1 AND DOks NOT SOIL THE SKIN, John Gardner, Chemist, IM Â¥ RL® CHOICEK PERFUMES CHEMICAL FUOD (Trapse Mar« Seccrap.) »st e alt the world Agents for Ottawa, ts for Canadaâ€"Messrs. Arid Montreal. Composed of the following \first ¢ ful Iron Steamships : SCOTLAND, N HECTOR, N \ MEDWAY, I THAMES, s \ ADALIA, 3 The steamers of this Line are sail Weekly as follows during i navigation of 1873, to and from London, Quebec and Mc & 'rc;-lâ€"‘;i" XLine. 1066 iy London Quedec, TEA M UVEARPOO. The First Class Steamship 1 o NYANZA.*" _ i Ur other of the above named first class | ns Pukioor ocqurbno nnd hoX from LIV L for QUEBEC and MON TREAL on _ BATURDAY, 13r« APKIL c ols QEEM' ) gastsin> fand ‘Ca Towns and Cities in the â€"~Por terms of freight or sppy it Liverpool to Dunkerley % "Fower Water or Mmah-l'm“" Agent -w' L2 svees eSHY A To Office orrt EEKLY STBAN COMMUNICATION 4IVIRPOOL, Q0BBR0 AXD MOMIRLAL, â€" All Points East and West on the . ORAND TRUNXK RAILWAY. CANADA CENTRAL STEAMSHIFP LINE. Freight and vartage Agency T)ld-'lynm attended to. C. C Carters mwwnu» a%g:w" trouble s,., oto, oto. _ ; olllfeacee made RF adrerthing in cithw or al ot the above paper=. Oitam». > \ 1311, 18014 Ottaws, Oot, 12%, 1871 ‘pecial rates for furniture. Agent for the Ottawa Times. ## ;,' NILE ‘ \ NIGER, . sEvVEnt TEVOLIT. of this Line are intended to follows during the season of 44 pAYID sHAW, ; Montreal. C. B. CUnÂ¥KINGHAY, Ottawa Hope and Co‘s, Sparks street Aâ€" @MASVU3, %.â€" 1871 T es Oilioe, Welliag Courriee d Outaouais. pAVID 8HAW. 191441m. class Power» W. E. JOHNSON, MOXTREAL POrOMAG, NYANZA, TRENT, ‘ PROPRLIETORS. At this establishment will t hand, or made to order, the | most approved styles t :: ROCKaAWAYS, BUGGIES AN Carriage and Sleigh FACTORY: PIDEAU STREET, OTTAW 4, ) * for the aCCOImIEOUREIORR 1t SITe MOWMTOTT NPETTC W Stockdale, Brother & (0, | se tererrees m izmetarernege, | Puiman Palacs Cns | PROPRLIETORS lament Bnuildings, Banks and other Public aG8 mll'lllllifllll | dergrere Offices, will be conducted in the best styl® Day and Night Frains. At this establishment will be found On 'M'Mmhflï¬-'ï¬hlh require. The | CC , ce hand, or made to order, the latest and table will be supplied with all the On and after MONDAY Wert, 5th JUNE most approved «tyles of Crains will leave Montreal as under Coaches, Cartiages, Onmiblssss, Delicacies of the Beason, . | Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" ; Mmm"“ the clloloo‘bn.dlof | m.m“-.......... ©.00 a.1 _| Day Express for Toronto, at....... 9.00 rRocKkawaYys, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. weyâ€"All work warranted for one year Reyâ€"All work warranted 0t " l 9 n and all kinds of repairing carefully and A very large amount of new and im: proved machinery has lately been aid0d, ndutbowldolldfl'flb!mg’" (theonly.uui.hma‘nomgplhd this seetion of cmlfl'l). “m“;PIdM Wmmymoln. A ‘The proprietors are W w and give personal suber * Te * Ottams, March 25, 1872.___ 1314 _ ri~HE SEASON COMMENCED 1792 RIDEAU TTAWA STEAY 18014 o'“'~wnm Just Received H. $1.80. .. .....»** BULK AND CAN Steamship Company SQeuwolamflfl%bgm ol en cocne, Dethousic, The Italian Warehouse. _ For Hreight o Ottawa, May % _ MONTREAL OUCEAN STEAMSHIP coOnxrAaANxyl. CHANGE OF SAILING. and by Railway comnections Wit" St. John, N. B., and Halifax, N. 8. The steamers of this Line, mnder sontract, «it J. . C. DELES DERNIERE O§EY To LOAXK. 1871. aailing from Liverpool every AiU#"°7/1L °.. trom Quebec every M.m‘n“ Poylotoncdnubmï¬:::h‘m.‘ Pu-nmtotbdï¬_l and w' are intended to be despatched from Quebec : . wm. & Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. FROMXK QUEBEO. _ _ _ _ P‘z-““†@nu trom Liverpool Londonderry .“ m a a 6 e ## @ Mc ravian ........ ....+* VABSDIAL , «44 e% » «e «+8 ** w--o.oc # w ‘Liverpool Londonderry and | . : ofoin ol Clasgow . 2C ie en merive | /.. , Ti eraia ie ie at nricnd | C Prem umt a ::Muumw from Quobeo: |= | the premises. Liverpool Line. . «hi + alling at 8t Jobnis, x. #â€""° * ~ | gproxumsâ€" _ ©,â€" QUEBEC AND GULF PORTS £" & UOYNHECYE. C u+ PW _ lak4 town, Pictou and Bt. John‘s, NAd., Cyd:o bervices, loa Retuce lnn. WE e nrel Aeietey fee OoYsSTERS, and keep in order Prine 2s w t us "Tow Oa CS to AWYER HEAD, And SUMMER SERVICE, . ROW E 3 celobrated AÂ¥ Father Point, Gaspe, DANLEL DRUMMO: PER GALLON »a a a 4 6 # ## ### YETERS. 4 a #* ‘. 1871. January 6 T n 66â€" va & AW A_ The St. James‘ Hotel, METCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, _ Having been rebuilt and furnished in first | Aee e 4r io Tue suteurther 9n " ;......-m! wWEDNESDAY, \3th DECEMBER, _ for the accommodation of the travelling public . ‘There is also Commodious \ard Room and Stabling attached, with good attendancé. * WILLIAM POWLEY, â€" 6rrun HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal, ‘The undersigned having assum« od the management of this popular favorite, respecttully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many {improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of 1wï¬mb-mumwmmw Hot«l in the city of Montreal. T _\ oocommmermmnsnepap en Tu. uJUNOTION HOTEL,*" _ ie n d oo e e Sn onA ce t M â€" At Junction nzot Ottawas & Prescott R. &. a First Class House. P: O'rrZWA HOTEL, \ Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, _ || ».ator. | Meals at all times. Table and liqu *" 4 â€"is now dn established Jact ;u waut a) Arstâ€"class B&AANDIES or WINES, and t pbest Family GROCERIES, y on must go to 13 10 10 Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 18427 PO,‘I WIE €0° Thos. Patterson‘s. Bum. roof, Old . Rye and Highwines, Anost: Ot all kinds, the very fAnest IRECT IMPORTATIONb youk® t i_.â€" ~ MWorels, #&c. MJ Cl Beost # London" make, to ords o.l:on&lwmmh quality . ‘The Finest BLACK TEAS are put ap in 101b HERXKY WIEEâ€" - ic and Pale, very fine qualities, and a, llufluâ€" The best old msd.,flâ€ll‘ Mild CcoToH wWHIAKIESâ€" NO“I'ICI.' * (’I>) f;‘p \;_ * h. nmepdanrepienatente 3200 114 s o LACK TEASâ€" PERM CANDLES, FANKCY SOAPS â€" Fine Old Vintages (20 years), pQY® 8‘ : relfable for family use and mediâ€" Just received, a superior lot of the best Brands, imported this Season, quite tresh and fragrant.â€"Try /A«m. +LWAaYs OX HAND Baunces, Jams and Jollics, No. 16 Ridean Streot N clual purposes. W ines, and Cigars and Ground Daily on fine Old Double waut any «â€"» Bel}ing ROOMS, with SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAINS Mail Train for Toronto and Inter» ° chased at Guelph Fair, mediste Stations, &t. . . . . .« «++* 6.00 a.m | 1 pair of Steers weig Day Express for Toronto, at. ...... 9.00 .B weight of _ ... â€"=â€" mghtlxpmlor'!‘omb,d..... 9.00 pm Mixed Train or Brockville, at.....11.00 a m Whieh,g?g P‘ Accommodatifh Train for Brockâ€" prize a1] Mail Train for Island Pond, Port= MM m“.‘.'.. a * ® "ҠNight Mail for Quebe¢, Island Pond, _ _ _ . A Pullman Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekiy, ‘vis. ;â€"â€"From Montres on Tuesdays, Thundnzl and Aaturdsys _ reâ€" turaing from Uvmn Lonp or Mondays Wodudl’ll'! !-i £k iA p use \< 0. J. BRYDGEB, â€"â€"â€" _ Great Acceloration of Spood u.. Pt atuin.... t hae romiy o PVE V come into operation about the 1st of June, of which d1e notice will_ be given. . o J BRYDGES, Montreal, April 26th, ua. :, BELTS AND POCOKET BATTERLEPD These highly improved Inventions ‘render KEilectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and. @K~ 2k 'lâ€"iwlw uEs / I perienced, utn.v;-; becotmes a true fountain of n':ltn and vigour, m:lflv “ï¬h‘ snn c. Aheon functions (Of t and constitutions entecbled ty whatever cause, on s bewson kB 8 MEDLOO.GALYAN+ PULYVEKMACHER‘B, , 0.GaALy, 10 SYSTEM is so extensive and varied, t forcibly points to this invention as Medicines and their deleterious conseq are thus entirely dispensed with,. Th o..;go-;fâ€"'.:lfvï¬d remedy. | _ , N. B.â€"The following u':‘-‘ the elite o:dm English medical ‘ ‘beon lw' '\ u c c L -,“;_I.-, 4 sure 'l. w‘.‘ that ".‘d'll. mv-‘b‘ 4 waonur‘s 1mproveme his Voltaic umhqd udv:‘llo Aé_‘t lw wm . w‘ “Bd::tlolodldu, uu;h:ufld. 4 to wm ® .'-,' # qone disposed to ï¬'%“ # real and usefal 99 £ beoul»s _# Dated the 9thiay of" 1868. + BIR CHA K, Bart., M. D, , : . ; hillhs ctnd Crcmirel en ces w tsh â€"â€"-.f“vnrn- ,. i mevunt‘s eagnn) tnsprovewent E his Voitai “wn‘d:bu-w of vdll": «4 are . ummnm uu;u:ud. & Wm . m # one disposed to tho-m:“d = real and usefal 99 " beoul»s # Dated the 9thiay of* 1868. < BIR CHA K, Bart., M. D:, , ) , . | L&0F.. . SIB HENRY HOLLAND, Bart,, 1 xg sTE WaL. FERGUSSON, Bart, Â¥, R. 8. _ "" }' c o STEVTERING: D. §id.l ie oï¬â€˜li'i'fj_nq EKDWPD. H. PIEYVELAINUG, A. D, £.BAAD. £ “gf"m 3%10'-' 4 tULYVERMACAER® 8 Mis also ap C F, 1¢, B â€"unâ€",:.‘-.m-l:’_-aâ€"-.- C ty od v:m efthanere cofta + 4 & o s m,m :Y"‘": al to the E’:&‘;â€""ï¬tm sufferer to Aimeelf ..% I: in oe sinle af stoly and fevoutem an ;rov .« of by an d r, +. de Medict wvv';urqu-a'u-â€"v â€"***lv 6 'I d mankind, late illustrlious electrician rm.v%ns MEDICOâ€"GALVAK» ie mirey or « We, the nndersigned, have Bciatica Lumbago Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints . Epilepsy B. CHAIN BANDS for Nervyous‘ Deafness Head, Tooth, and #ace Ache,and Noiser s teabe on B. CHALIN for loss of Foice and ’ummdum 10s. 64. to Â¥, UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Bhoumatic o ianny 4o xu.?a.:.'-.du B.OHALR BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion ¢ gng,ommwm .. (worn as a belt), 22s to 40s and 552. s OdaAth ‘BANDS for Writers k _ @fRf@lg o Full particulars he Solé o 3. coniorm a Co._ s IE DSUGGH'%»‘ co.’ k oTTawWA. Ottawa, toptemnper 6, 1810 _ 1455 18 gOTEL REstAURAXNTY AXD B4 r'..w' nighod or Unfurmished. . The lowest rent ta the h.:mw hm,': w uc..fl'“'.ua-.:.-:.:::. dine dally in the Restaurasit.: > The Proprietor dine daily in the LestaUISSL. . ARO £ SQpLiGie .,.l,..u.qw..uq-m-cd assum« ing the Superintendenge of his brother‘s Manu» ;a{.-"ï¬' ol ‘“mml m’m“ " o W es Acuit: mu@'fl% koia A ._.,‘_"" . B.â€"The Bar can be readily let for A t yor mOnlll®.. Lo luk 4 1881 s 190# inones as a Drawing Room and Bleeping THE _ COSMOPOLITAN, vwontreal, Mareh 3, 1871. FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A CGr) 8 AQJ J AAKL Urinary Disorders 5.00 pa 16876 i Butchers to His Excelieney LOFG | we«.emorm | | respectfully tender the public thetraincere mnmmnm&m beâ€" stowed on them during last seven | I mm o ns misbi n Aeity rproat in e e o ie bllowhg,;ï¬. purâ€" | SATCHELL . BROS, the they would < \.,::r. of the fllowing csttle purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. ] pair of Steers weighing the enormous mmmpr-u“'w“!- L Auccubd , ALso 30 head of splendid Western Cattle. f : K Magnificent Calf, Wntorntcetr mupiap uo grent . "ogcdt or ‘asd Pounps, Which took the prizse at Guelph Fair. THURSDAY, 4.525 POUNDS, x¢or Free ___â€" WHISKIES, HIGHWINES, &e, ‘ also In Wood or Bottle _ Genuine Hennessey‘s and Martel) Brandies, DeKuyper‘s Gin, Jn : _ and Bootch Whiskies, &e. *T iirerBapgention e mntl. loselles, ‘ Hocks, : ternes, &0., of choieg/ qualitt ©__ and great range in prices. ! | . TBs GREEE as USUAL DOW‘8. ALE in cisk or bottie. _ _ Ottawa, March 27, 1872. x: Near Sapper‘s Bridgs. ?(.nuuuzna 09, formerly $3 50 T aminon Relstonts. .. 1 36, *A P tE R 0d :%o/wi o ideuss.. : Complete Bedroom Bets for $10 _\ _ Wards, consisting of stx pleo®. Perlor Boté in Hate Oloth» B Sauue Tapits aer t plen. and a great varioty of catb Chilr NC | Bun‘a & ANHEABLE. OttaWé Dee 12; 1871 _â€"_____â€"_! .__‘"}="* Cvee °. ced 08 ARTY Abtmica. . _‘_* _ Finest French Wine Vineg=: a‘iirmi" Cpapgection tovites & I w x Lll,njl ut‘ B6 maiden Lant Mow: Y ork, Tor .&m ol &'mm?’ Modicines were, I regret to say, from what has iately touse to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost muw&mwm T Eeae who ito not wish to be decsived. ty m w mw' Pills and om-odt-m;’ well to see that each pot and wtï¬' British Government p on is on» graved the weâ€"ss «Holloway‘s Pills and Oint» ‘Ordeca vsm.lm‘w T aacCfâ€"oGAg e * No reptodentative of mint will ever trave any part of the British Provinoes; 0 Wm’ï¬.‘.&« to sell or to tak orde rsfor my +ills and Ointment, and as *L We > ~ Snd ‘ LDUS WINE LDUPS .WH 1‘B. ALE in céek or botG s mmm o. _ _, _ Finest Wine Vineg l , '.-«',A:‘ hm. P e K LD soun ns oconarsoue. â€" UREUZ RB, n.nflt.. t 0 Arcccdlfh shcctnc s Auiasiitnihtatii ow ar P L Y U â€" purport of to their friends:that they mmhmdmm,ufl- chasing worthless imitations ot the genuine Pijis and Ointment. 4 pould ask, as a groat favour, that 1hou}G it come to the knowledgeofany person that spurious medicines wre being made "'df‘:. my name, he be pleasedto sond me all the tin: is to say,‘ the game uns «W UASO® "0" yendor who is selling the spurious mediâ€" tind likewise the name and> address .‘ in the United States, or elsewhe e, fMich tnsy bive rupplied them, so s so on4 n»-.::::a-u the ‘public, to nstitute agsinst such evilâ€"doors, n‘wammnqw day pérson who ‘fuay give mb such informa . 6X i.4 »';("th'o;i?'idtiw'lf “."mud'". 3‘...,., 1, 1871 30 on ‘I HnEel o1A METCALFE STREET. sgâ€"TEAB AbP WINEES, w K. POOÂ¥SEK a CoOuFrast ¢ HOSPITAL STREET 14 48 ublic will be YAULTS. fmoi fot the sale of Apell 10, 19972 |1872. svatmxer arraxgoExext/l$¢y Matter posted u ,.eh..mu-oli('r'» ml«!fl-“flmm“' PÂ¥MÂ¥. â€" Per Canadian: Line, every Friday at 11 39 A.M. ‘mflmuhmun-flvmboclmoduuun paid and nnchwd-smrcuhnlt â€" 4 COr Money order Offices througbout the Dom! Great Britain and and Prince Edward lsland, can be obtained o ts otken Ahofm .'Mhflllumdvdu&holco. Interest allowed al t mw-m..umydumhflu“nuny time. $ * OFFICE HOURBS FROM 8 A.Â¥., TO t PA rumo-ï¬admmmud-m:u-ucp( OLOS E THE COMMERCIAL HOURE ie earried an under the ‘of Â¥. Peraintraaa n on * to business. * @ood Wines and Liquors warranted. Or tawa, February 14, 1811 8 PROF. HERMAN‘S VERMIN DESTRONBR, OQttawa, l†16, on CBKWIO, 8094 *"+ * _ _ mar Packet : or Bz wnm-ue:‘rww'“' Puckets for One Dollar, 4 ‘ â€".‘The Pewder is warranted free from all bed . amell, and will keep in any Climate. It may | &w.‘:-m:u.ulthw“q bartaloss to or Dogs, as they will not: Directions for use on each Packet. f Maxscracroayâ€"Gravel Lane , Houndsditch, City of London, England f ‘‘ The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Bilver Prise _ Siedal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoris, Aus trailin, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. rï¬'wm‘lfl.“'wv w..m “r“.m st,; blocombe & Mwfl'“s"" sorner of Cum|! "‘~L~ Mew u;-r.l.'.hzhlt(b.l Afl": ‘owrm‘n-. m:.wb- u:wmmw‘k’ May 32 1811 167V 1Â¥ ARMBRIVAL and DEPARTURE of Mar, AUCTH LPORTAKYF HOTICEL. W . the past year. Motelts and Saloons. ___ AVEBRLY R0U8E, K. FALL ; REAL ESTATE kpontens AGBNT, _A GENERAL CUMMISSION “i'""'i'.;.""'l'l'a' #7236, 200 â€" M..mam“b-b-: Halifar, 8.8., and 6t. John. K.B....... ) | Uppeor Ottaws, Piaces on B. & 0. Rallwasg.,} | | 7('a.nh . Suricion‘ Piace Fonstion â€"BDrisnl, hyee1 . _1 \Â¥ ‘Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembroke, \ 400 /..m.... r.r:“. %n‘:org deWv..... yrrsirans eeeraniin thrers avatihe * 4 4 ' mer steee cass . eetpeckes terbnrees besesm souitnsss | ;'.lge\ and OnBlo®w, VIn AYIIIOT ,.»«0000»»»4se0000» sescen0e 8 ses “ i:?ohw' ‘. Lowes Ottawas, by Steamer, Buckingham, Caumberâ€" } | 3 lead, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, u..........._.-,....†} .\March, Huntiey, CurpAe . by DHIG@ Eh senisen ceani¢eee viveived $fROMkorronel Ohclsea, W ake4eld,Korth W akefeid,Low & intermeâ€" ‘ | ‘ * ZM Offces,: Daily ndlh-lhunuiu“ mo....chofm.'mnd Fridays t :3 Hasternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Corawall, ter, &6., DJ BHHDWRY ....couce ceccuccns senccscogls eenmes secees 'uunâ€"lhchla Toronto, I &¢.; and Western, U. 8...... Fort Gurry and other piaces Manitoba â€"Mails despatched/¢ Rideau streot, Ottawaâ€" VHbe P Ee ECC .!;h-l Columbis (and VÂ¥a4ncourer Islr nd) Mails W‘dg wia Wipdsor, Ont.. Detroit and Gan Franeisto, US. es of Postage same as to orFFICE, OTTaAWwq, 1872 : parts Tolin, his dptoden b:;. Onief Agents for Canndk s T U CLARK , Agent. . to 933 PX., Bâ€"nator, Ottaws POST OFFICEK SAVIKGB BANE LAE .& I LE . Fuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays Oxford Mills, per 8t. L. & 0.R.; 849. g;...',.u L. & 0. Railway .........| . ke per . 40 40 ........~ ‘ €,40 . i‘s Walle, and Carlefon Place, per COs H_| tral BBHWBY a.s2000 ccescecrenscnes seene: s shee h £.00 , Richmond, &6. per Canada Central MWONEY ORDERS ERITISH MAILE seeuee -....m‘.om *4 6. $iip tiimnts on . I i pnne Aruke sdeauâ€"stroop, Ottewsa. Y | Wiuuiax Mosonove, â€" 4000 â€" Oromt forwurded Kast and West in Ru; x the Province ef daily via Windsor, Qourt House, (ttawa vublic, and Paten: mediaiely opposite Llï¬ & GEKH A1lL, barm Solicitors, Conveyancsers te, il. K‘1 pgolicito Aworney and Rutary ¢1the Poase and Qounty mo' Jounties of Pressott «20 ‘ Qon rt Houste , L‘Utignul i °@ mey â€"s1â€"Law , doticiterâ€"inâ€"Uhancer anons B @Bevâ€"langh Bulldng: »spposite the Post @fflce, Great Britain and S a vigse of qotven JMse. * Intorest allowed al the ie «/ P sgnien ht store" Reit (yHARLES a~ ’fl- (J Omumrfl A, duoohnudrnn‘. T wm â€â€œ tricw Courts of the County of O# . Koriȴ POBLIGC next the Post Office. Highwines andProcf ! shine Ales and Poret. k 4 [ Barriste: mwi My,amq‘"“ Advocutes for the Provinges O * nooâ€"Oorner of Samex ant J N. s%" the Provinces __: LA Provinctal uu-w# vommistion: d tor th¢. \DWARD T. DPARZE -Tv-'.mu-,r" :sor Trust ano L098 4. a fumms ________ ~~~ SILLINGE, 4t« 4 kh« Beli‘s glook, Happott dAciphia , Thos #T"me " * un br 5 A brast, w p., Ouers ; P Anoeting Director 0. & s1 4 4* ‘ GM; Loet ; : o....Ulhlm ,@CTun . BLBDAKbDDRD, | ICKHuviA88PALKLE, OIOONNOR , Attocncyâ€"siâ€"Lew cmirigid 4+ joover m rAerrrrersy """ ._._ n. HA YOOCK, Attwormyâ€"wiâ€"lafl O ~~ _ yasppacrtUaans .....'.I.....--†180 awâ€" 4 sb tesst) | 4 | ;o.uï¬ â€˜.TÃ©ï¬ sA e > ges kam. dumbee31] : 1 :] MAIATLE & Otep ;“’-M » G. P. BAKKEE, Protmaite ALOHAARBAULT, m .. Patiae. Hee. ME g- .“mmn †a AALKABVTH, ns o MBR aovpaes wovâ€"â€"â€"|400..... Bparks Buoth 44 «. 1paant 8 uit W ~~ . )“m'm’n ’ Â¥Bs & #ill as inÂ¥ Ma 1 v.% 4 NGLES X. 1 $ 4 NED L ar allmwent may D4 will And the 4p mpid mannor in :“.ï¬ h‘wl unted. and wahy 1 of all . AND k of thâ€" ahove d to ault yaro any reapectable JOEN "h;h0n6es 1 Lestimotilals k â€"#B+ aR i . RVERE a.) AbANY * my ® Bike coutin Wht time she litmto sit up ~© in bge Pint £oTIC ARRLIVY 4 o «.4 1871 in C 44 Gith tw | af A+ by