# p.m gh %n }.% go6 This Medicine is pleasant and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively b;'m Med upen to make a permaznent cure diseases of the Taroat, Laungs, Liver, Kiducys Digestive Organs, &c., &¢., as well as Rerofula the various Skin Diseases, Hamors, and all diseases arising from I:npurity of the Biood, excepting the Third Yaygbo of Consumption. '-:tllhl-llol.wttlloll directions for uslog the Great Shoshonees Remâ€" dy & Pijls, sn# containing Testimontals and Cert fHcates ef Cures, canb be obtained by securing the Treatise oh&ï¬m,uthoal‘“m UAirealars from any Lisiin the Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles .$1 OO PLAN ED LU MB ER BUILDING AND bLRIDGE TIMBER. A larg» stock of tha above will b» kept con stantly on hand to sult purcha. rs. d.,mmnhmyw and com: that it is made the most searching curative in the known world, and zonot help but act on the system in a very satisfactory and desirable mauner. â€" No mstâ€" ter what your allment may be, or of how long standing, it will And the. spot and astouish you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to petfect health and full vigor. _ the World bas ever heard of. _ Never in th -dldm:-“.udflhoqh:-cl success the introduction at Mm'. â€" $ i Wâ€"H YÂ¥ 1 & Compâ€"und Extract or Colocynth, Jaiap, Soco, tine A\loes, Capeicum, &c , &¢,) which enter Into ti.e composition of the combined mediâ€" Bunply becauae toe numwerous vaidable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, l‘oiom:lu-, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, '...'m ï¬&o: Saturlay, the ith May, m Tt ï¬-. '.&5‘.-. returning mnm same * F * â€" Ottaw e “N";" _“?" Prociaim the Glad Tidings That the Ozair Szo«noxnes Hexeor aso PLS, of the eminâ€"nt Iodian Medicine Mana, Doctor LEWIS JOSEPHUS, of the Grest Tribe of Shoshone+s, British Columbia, is working N. B.â€"Farme.s from the C=naty of Garle= ton can enter theâ€" mill yard by Broad Str er, epposite Brewery gat» Chandlers, Oâ€"t. 26, 1871 180561 Will leave with Mails, Passengers and Freight for Montreal toâ€"day, ist May, at 7 p. mâ€" sHINGLES X XX. XXX 1872 mouths, 1 was so afili ted ‘for the want of breath that it was very difficalt tor me to speak, and in the night time frâ€"quently throwinz th> croths off and raising in the bed to keep trom strimcliung. I tried tarse of the moâ€"t ewminâ€"at phystcians io the County of Northgmberland for anoat a year, without receiving any b o. 61, 1o fact L continu 4 get» Hing wore all the trne A last | was adâ€" viged to try th Grest Sbossomwâ€"e & mâ€"dy. 1 bougbt a bottle aud took it and when it wae about Aaiâ€"a~! I bgao to feel a litle betietr 1 contine=@t ts u-‘.dll.d tikoen tarse bottles, wheo, to my satisfaction, [ fâ€"anc that 1 was as w 11 as ever [ had beso proviâ€" ous to my ilinss= and have beon 40 ov=t «< SiaithAeld. JC Cl@..reriain, Eeqâ€"Tuis is to certity that ahoo: three years ago | became affiictea with B onchbitls, which listed about eizhtsen WONDEKFUL CURE OF LUNG DISEASE Baworirs, April 5th, 1870. J OChamt rilain, Bte This is to certi that my wife was very low with Lung Dis aso. The Docter bad giv n bher up. He said b : lungs were tubercled, and meicioe could at belp her. As a last rsort I purcha=e* a bottle of the Grâ€"st Shoâ€"hohuses Regedy. At the expiration of two days ber syâ€"a,toos were decidediy better _ Ybhe continued to improv» ..,m,gubytb-d.ouobwm.-m bottle she was able to sit up. By the contiou ance of the remedy she was pertectinIpstorsc to health. f _ Â¥You may publi<h the facts for the b« nefit 0f * JOIN SILYER. Bworn b toâ€"s me at % it Â¥*#‘~ Smithfold this 6tb 4ny 5 J M W&LLING GON, ) P Rough Lumber Waoll Seasoned, Ha CIKAE sTK .A MILLS, those stimilarty aflictâ€"d. _ WROUGHT IRON BEDSTEADS, 2t., VYOL. VI NO 1999. The Steamer ~ We make a speciality of these English made Bedsteads, and import them direct. lo:h&nv-b.:qihh.-dm can with any number -â€"m:.umri:nomï¬ï¬:z or small. Parties win tities for early spring doliv::yq“mdq“:: well to ard a large stock of H JUSEKEEPING UTENNILA, an i other articles, and the very best. CUAKING STOVES suitable for the farmer, city resident, lum berman or h teils. NIBRST »PRING ARRIVAL!! # & ‘:.‘ T L fl.nl‘?(l"s&co., lommra.,uu * fgerin Ottawe, March 4, 1872. 1914 P 8. ENTERANTEBY SDE DOOR Curs ot Broachitis OTTawWa RIVER NaVvIGATION «AX)DMPANY. s mnenminnuathas . + A.' VICTORL «QUEEN Â¥aAsUFAO «CRAA+ OP of all descriptions STEAMER ~Fal<X?, and so hirmoniously classinred o T 0. BROWN, Epig onal Metnodist Minister KOTICE Bird Nesta, ‘MHESTER & <». Butter Platters, 1872 D M D So long and favorably known in Canada, and in doing so would respectfully request the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in | *# Dunham‘s Patent HydroCarbonated Soâ€"mding Board." f In mtllm attention to theâ€"above ignpm men: e p in â€" announcing they have bo:.:;;mtod agents for the OUR SHOW ROOM. The merits of the Dunbam Pi2u0s are: 1st. Its durability has become a proverb. 2nd. l;worhmuhip it cannot be surâ€" passed, ualle 4. 3rd. ln.Lidity, Power, Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. _ _ 4th It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. _ S§th It is warranted in the most satis~ Pamphlets containing a description ot the above improvement can be had at our establishment. __ Mesars. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, viz: WJNDE FUL IVP:0VEVYtNT MeCAMMON & CO., Alsy che celebrated MASON & HAMLIN, Ahzmmtdwï¬ï¬nhopmâ€" stantly on hand. y J. L. ~KME & SN, m | 7â€"_ .2 l Regimurits SHtbt. Has viute . this ty and will remain for a | short time .« .. . _ A | Orme & a *s Music Store, | rrtrn. opposti« th« & ussell House l . MICH \BL wilt s«i~ Jt Spectacies for those who eatrust themselves to his .till.l as an Optician, with itne utmost care, so that by their use the Eye will not tire in ‘ reuding. writing or sewing, whother by day ! *NBE SIGHT PRESEBRYVED and Brasilian Pebble Spectacles are the best in use; they afftoru, altogether, the Mb%:nun human vision ever invented. Science in optics, as emâ€" q O ul ns mmpniunes thainp: pasen eye, is importance no person not thoroughly versed in its principles should be allowed to prescribe glasses,; any more than one ignorant of physic rehes ibe medi r lr.‘.muun glasses that ho seâ€" lects to cure dimness or weikness of the eyes, restoring and preserving clearness of vision, A large assortment of Mathematical inâ€" struments, [elescopes, Microscopes, Ma~ Geoorge â€" Micussel, OP T C a n BLLINDN ,â€"*â€"Pi V .it.:: strum.ents, l'ohwop“, 1 * rine and Opera Ghn-_n,mdlmd. l’d i e i i e e n l e 1 strumients, [elescopes, lbumcomhbl A Bmick House on Vittoria , Jias. rine and Opera Glasses, and all of! Jran Sntdntap io tioome s iIptical lumuof‘thvoqb“tqu»‘&'n‘:im Neg it ; se lity, will be sold at a small advance on Apply to o the cost of importation. | c«..n..ï¬'&v‘?u% N* Remember the place, 6 tm w ty ME Miy, NE TE ww on nc verncoprer onï¬ ie cconel ORNUE & s0N, . | ELwI‘Rl(}ITY. wite Py Sparks st., Upposite the Russell House March 28, 1872. 1934 3m g‘Aasu sos SAakK, * : ~ _ _ _ LOUT NO, 1, 412 €ON. NURTH GOWER 226 Acres of Gool Land GEORGE mal_HAaAEL‘s Celebrated Scotch sparks st., pposite ths Russoll Loaso |prroMASY EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OIL March 28, 1372. 1934 3m mmummge y3 FARXNBSALB.‘â€"*‘.â€"*'â€" Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. 4 7 . : used."" > LWT NQ, 1, 4e CoNÂ¥. Noate cownkn | _ ** Paicomet stey where i is useds| It is the CHEAPEs 1 MEDiCINE ~CYEK 22 Acres of Gool Land . MADE, Onuo:.:molmflc' r Un« bottle hase c WITHIN ONE MILE, OF RICHMOND, | worth nus cured an old Standing mo.,.:.?; About 6U Acres U ader Cultivation. positively cures Catarrh, “'.3.“‘% ? T * Fifty onts‘ worth has cured. Crick in se s hk ie m i [ Pan yode wicite " Te raionarints f .000 & M eight . It cures nmmm' *** | Pumore, HbumAtS®, Nnnlsa Coutraction * ster, Toronto. â€" | ot the Muscles, 8tiff Jotats, a«al Ottawa, April 19 172. _________ lwolâ€"lawk&w! _ |,; & and Pain and sorenees in any part, no Puzt DURHAM BULL FOR SALK, matter where it may be, nor from what cause f it may arise, i1 always does you good & in + Anuemice c Blesar Ormnterr: Mone ons ot Ch a s 1 ONTAR|O Jo"“' wwnlulcnmculb{-ltnen It will j se uim k e io --:IAQL. sussie. mk asast cure “’ case °' H..'.†“. M., m ««tasgino ~cothind and 514 Kingst., mmmâ€"mfwm bred Ottawa, January B, 1872 can be ascertained on application to the undersigned. Terms liberal. . J. & W. THOYSUN, Fab. lst. 1885 dé&w tf _ Nepean _ Public Notres is meetâ€" jne of the Court of ..:.s'o."?.“&,l?..":‘.u of .«3"{3. m T the Tost Serunpar to May moxt 187% at _o’&_d. a.m. of which all parties inorâ€" ested are hereby notitied. _ _ _ " Mariborough, Zth April, 137 8t, Lawrence & Juawa nal.way, CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs to inform the blic that his office has this day been nluvnnthmrofï¬ofllï¬ll.u. UFFICES of the Company, on Wellington deli of()ooth-ll'l““.twtth Sp i mee -4'.2â€â€ attention. _ Payment z- F’:m'(\‘ad Car.age will now be received at e Company‘s Uilice, on Wdlm‘u se A. J. TAYLOR, EW AND UuURT OF â€" REVISION. DUNHAM PIANOS and ESTEY & CO.‘5 ORGANS and HOOD, TDht la _4 | t * _ The timber from off thuose lands being: of course { free frem duty, _ _ * 1946tf Ottawa, May 3, 1873 ‘ (. Ati_-? Ts d oc m ‘-m.“ t \.‘ Christie, Dr?l-l‘m;o"t.. 'ï¬fbpm"' 1ir. 4. flo_r‘t,l‘mr. Druggist, Sussex t. or at the subâ€" scribers throughout the world. * EPSINEâ€"The professi medicine e for _ iw‘f: .§aa" active principle of EI- careful ndlm- use of dlt= :mhr":itoqu natural tnm.cg.huto- n â€"pint DYAR now obtained universal cnw:‘o,lohriit.y. it ::-' scarcely be â€"xd::nd- ity, composition known most ‘fngm:‘n msm::%,’«?cuu- strenugth has induoed Morade "P 0t oos cinoh.mmu. res the natural 'f.â€"m'â€".¢ ‘]'.ï¬' stoâ€" m * in io anen tm ie Ps CHLORGDYAE has now chtained such universal celobrity it can mu«-fla--â€"w .‘hlg; ’:t:n composition W‘b most U w“flw. M dynes of commeree not of uniform Are soldâ€" by Chemists and throughout the world. SOLE MANUFACTURERS ; THOS. MORSON & soN Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33,‘124 Southampton ow L RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, * â€"Worksâ€"Horosey and Homerton. S.O.I‘md. M‘Bhni- Orders executed with care _____ Trude N ;f-“lg!-und Mark registered. â€" s For further particulars apply to the TUuHa GRa :rv id Ottawa. May 14, 1822, 1969â€"12 lCE, ICE, 4CE. Not Sold yet but for sale by the subscriber. Ice cut above &.o Falls :d n::md“ï¬u from all impurities, will be d ""ï¬ daily to those reâ€" qu ring i: for the season u.arll.a s.m.'l‘., forSn.dx'l use â€" Prompt m witm figs quer 10e . tpd steamers the seaâ€" ' & son, or at any time the ice is wmxu orders Pare Chemicals and New Wedicines son, oOr At tim left a. t\-.l:{!qvi‘ Morson‘s Effectual â€"Remedies inion, and is «/ Lhe â€" roprie or can gire satisfactory reasons for wanting to sell. : erBuny Bagy â€" _ Said dissolution dating from the lst day of Sm 1172 and their. hudun" wikâ€" Mg cartie onpolol{ in}?c intere t of W. A. mt. z whor al lholnbnl!o.ol.holuolmw ao to whom all accounts due the late firm are payable. inion, and is ddz )ing the second largest business in | the oty. 1t is del tuated, being opposite ; th:cconn Ho:uo. .u"-lr'(dl- five -h-lm wa k / from the Post Office and Parliament Buildings _ | The rship heretofore between the 'Pd“"‘m“â€n:.l Boot, and shose .mbulou in Ot awa City arni Almonte is diccolved byâ€" mutual amnsani. @¢A LBION HO TE L,4$ City of Ottawa, Ontario, e (w%r:i::».““ prâ€"without Ottawa, May 7, 1872 P \rovig Broin l and from off which a large « buoom iiinber may be obtained, for a .orm of three or five yeart for cash. _ Application | wmade to Mr: Her 7. ttK, Ottawa, April 11, AH% . ::>:::}>5 i.: Te â€" dAl‘Unï¬wK'B HAIR DXE i i Thi» » Dy the BEST o td o net Uarmie«s, Reliable aud Instantaneous; no dis ~It contains important articles on Washin se mmm Also ready the Tioce wivine o nc ie Aebpine 'o...,_.s"“’" Â¥ haak under ang tfrom: on which "a Targe, Suaniity o6 . 1 «e ne of of NW Ortaws, May 10, 1872 rpo Let This is one of the best paying cu.e,. . Six or eigh applications is warranted to ure any case otf Excuriated Nipples or Inâ€" A.mâ€"d Breast. For Bruisâ€"s, it appliâ€" d often «nd boun1 up, there is ueÂ¥er the slizhtest disc=ulo:ation to the skin. . It stops t«e pain vf a Buru «s soon as applied, Cures Froâ€"ted F.â€"â€"t, Boils, Warts, and Jorns, and Wound» of eveâ€"y dâ€"swiiption on pan or beast, ». N. 180MA8, Phelips, N Y An«+ NORTHROP & LY 4AN, Newonstle, Un : ., 8oie Azents tor the Dominion. ote. â€"Eolectricâ€"nelecot d and alsoniz«t »RIVATE LESUN â€" : AaAW LOG CU 1 FUB saup Tenders for the erection two story bui &.MM%LMM & muno.::h.ï¬..: i w a for building of Brick * OR SALE Cficnninet a ao? e TICE. : rther information The cut of over One Thousand Acres patented 18 0LUTION U CONTRACUURsâ€" L‘Orignal, Tth May, 41272 With Immediate Possession, + RENCH LANGUA+E thai Druggist, Sparks S.reet, o. Siieex Sutke oo i THOS. STARMER, 18 Ridesu 8t will receive prâ€"mpt atâ€" I bs 1961â€"1m. PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE A COMPLETE ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS ALWAYs Chickering‘s Pianos, _ Steinway‘s Pianos, Wn will guarsnter that no one cm@n sell the same articles cheaper, such a» TEA~, sUGARS, TOBACCOS and GENEBAL G@u00ERIEY, also WINES and all baport== Liquors, ‘Canidian Spirits, of the bes descrtiption, always on hand at prices as low is small lots can be laid down. W« care not for gompetition, «11 we require is wtri~l gi «n to our geods, © The «; onomist will profit by calling to as.‘ §@J*)ur motto is I‘ght profts, Infgood:repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. . Terms liberal. > Pianos to Kent. â€" ; Secondâ€"hand PLANUS and QRGANS taken lnu'ohng. Just revaived a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invit Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, _ Prince & Co.‘s Organs. j «maâ€"& LOT OFâ€"â€"= E o drraws TUOESDAY. vayâ€"28. 1i~;2. We are now prepared to offer 10 thâ€" Farming Community «»d to the trade in ‘n~a uts that has not been given heritofor» by auy on« io ogr line of business‘ being now ‘mportâ€" Ing the chict part o+ our St=ck. sach as TKAS, WINES and BBA NUIEs, enabl s us :0 rmou e prices turther, We claim alreadv to have brought th» cu rmous profts hecetufore +â€"xzisting to a modâ€"rate rate and trust in future to conti..us so. . A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arerooms Â¥O. 36 RIDEAU STREET, ï¬n}gt‘n SYBEEET, CRHRAUDiE®i, Wbolelsale ana Retail Grocers Wixe and spirit Merchants. e l-nx U .ING CHURCH MUSIC BUOK To be ready July lst. * T.H E 8 T A N D A R D; cfoaks x Efldâ€"n of Chicago. Â¥ es ~roas P. Baskerville & Brothers, FLOWER SEEDS, a large ASSORTMENT. COMKPOUND SYRUP OF SAR Full directions; for taking this (lreat â€W lvm;tlm agents, «& CO,., Mentreal, and to be obtained from p9xcax‘s y Psnl fï¬?‘a‘i‘.‘.’«,’oï¬'&-. MANUFACTURERS OF Ateam Refined Confectionery, Lozen Gum Cream Bon CHARLES ALBIANIEQ AXD 8013§, .WHOLNLB 8TE AM CCNXJEC] RRYV 3#7 & 301 NOTRE DaME STREET, Uttans, Apri 14 s ATRBAL ~ 08 ,, _0 _0 Secondâ€"Hand Just received, a fresh Stock of _ â€" _ GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS, Cror: 1871, Vu.: SAPARILLA Ts the Great Health Restorer of the Day. . It strikes at tho: root .of all Dissease wm.mh restoring e blood to a healthy â€"state. | _ _ |.. _ Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited. en y ; A. & 8. NUORDHEImEn. Ottawa, April 8, 1872. MARRIAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS (!halwh.lluaollon&ml. A. C Bls’l'lltw.). RESTABLISHED INX 1842 Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial P BAs~KERVILLE & BROOTUHERS® 26 SPARKS STREET, O TT A W A. 9, 1872 1918 im "~X ts / B Y mï¬ i Rzcoxo Cuass Tricare, capel 'M' ing ia-‘“ language. © A Roman Cathoâ€" | fope t amount of uhm | Moippthoot it apniy paniner m onl o gal ; quired, _ M ANTED, s f | VWV "For Shnot Section No. 4, Town« A. PETERSEN, General 3 AGRICULTURAL TIMPLEMENTS . At the Ottawa Agency, Market Squnn.| Vitching Machine ..... . ...... ... ... $186 m mu. « e« vers s see c00 s @0000 «e 0000 * ,o OUVRQGIRE ;« crr6racere carsr, ++ ts 6+ ¢ +) 9OA Reaping Machines from ........$100 o 140 '0'.!-: do do ++« «« +« . . 65 to 80 MN uh“ m'--oc".l\owl.m oâ€o'“m.-ooo. a o o e ve o’o‘.c.'â€â€œâ€œ m.ï¬'“..oolv.-o se o a e 6# * â€â€˜O.l Fo Section No. 14, Townshi oi fieofriainifortoen Iadjog Aprooved ciow All other articles at ooml:ndlng prices. 5 WX ABBOTT January 16, 1873 | _ ‘M‘H’b}.‘ogfum:‘-‘ in the ma.llo( 1 on, 8 ‘£4DAY, the Poth instant, mt eng 0 k S * NMAS T0 Lo oronittee yeat 1%72 will be held : Slptemernse MotBAd a 7'Mmfldurn‘." mcd ‘agent mede $170 in 11 days. %?:mmu. or l-o.low%orl. Hardwareâ€"Hardware. AT THE OLD STAND, No. 24 Rideau Street SIGN OF THE ANYVILL. wor nomas, BUILDERS i o s O. :s : KSGSâ€" OF CUT NAILS ses ht Hin Phifer W and for sale very low, ha rchased before the int ad1 ance on Eron Dated this 16th aay of Map, 1012 ***U, "OURT GOF: REVISIUN. ‘Wtervs, Way », 1974 Pianos, Haine‘s Pianos, Court of Revision for the hearing ‘Pianos, To Hopuly: ie Aogepn soLet Revision for the heari comâ€" Aenismints miif hovicind the 4 such as Locks, Butts, 1941 $m Will take place over the Club Course (Mutchmor‘s Driving Park), THE O'I'TAW‘A TURF CLUB RACE First Dayâ€"Friday, May the 31st. Friday & Saturday, QUE NS PLATE HURDLE RACEâ€"$300. ‘STEWARD‘S PLATEâ€"$400. Queen‘s Plateâ€"l?ifty _ Guineas: TALLY .HO! STAKESâ€"$300 / MEMORLAL PLATEâ€"$150. Second Dayâ€"Saturday, June 1st. â€" _ MEWBERS PLATEâ€"8350. CARLETON PLATEâ€" $600. LUMBERMENS , PURSKâ€"$200. MERCHANTS PLATEâ€" $300. CONsOLATION | STAKESâ€"$150. B@* Full particulars in small bills. EDWARD C. BARBER, Leaves Ayimer daily (Sundays excepted) at 9 a. m connecting 'i.t'h lhl’n(m w.‘goho &piu'un. The Steamer . Leaves Havelock for Chapeau every Tuosday and Friday morning at 7 a. m.. Ret.;ymiu leaving Prday morni at / a. m. Chapoau same day at 1 s‘elock R. 8. CAS{ Ottawa, May 2, 1872 | PBain Destroyer, in cuting the Diseases fot which it is recommended. and its wonderfor success in subduing the torturins pain» 0 Rneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affecâ€" 1008, entitie it to a big rauk in the list 0 Beâ€"medies tor these complaints. Orders er: cuming frow * ‘i~nâ€" Deslers in all parts of the country r a.pplies, and euch tear‘ tifying as . => u:Awersal satisfaction i family will be without it after unce trying it, Pricg only twonty«fiv cents pe> buttic. NORTABROP & cUÂ¥ vaNn. Bold in Ott wa uy H F Mc arthy, Joseph Skianer, Joha Rob:â€"rts, J P F«atherston, weo Mortimer, and 11 mediiiae dâ€"alers Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourabi~ knewn relieving thousands from pain in th« mk andâ€" Head, ‘Cougbs, Colds, 80 Sprains, Bruises, Cramps in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, 1HE CANADIAN PA1N DE8STROYEE Has now been befere the public for a lengt! of time and wherever used is well likeq, never failin» in a single instance u give per manent reliéf when timely used, ar 0 we hav. never known a single case of Aisatisfaction vhere the directions have been properly folâ€" 1owed, but on the contrary, all are delighteo with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical ffects, We speak from szperiâ€"nce in this matte having tested it thoroughly, and therefor: nose who are suffering from any of the com laints for which it is recommenaes may deâ€" pend upon its being a Sovereign Remedy _..The astonishing efhicacy .of the Canadian. The Oanadian Pain Destfoyer never ts . ive r1mmediate reliet, jAll meticins dealer» weep it, Physiciso« « rler and us ~it;a d vo ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK The Government of British Co‘umbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimalt Harbor under the guarantee provided in the Twelfth Section of the Terms® of Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" J NJON FORWARDING AND RAIL * WAY COMPANY. -' **The Dominion Government shall guarantee the interest for ton years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rat* of five per cent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 storling, as may be required for the construction jof ‘a first class Graving Dock at Kequimait." | The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" | Lenygth on floor 870 feet, * Do. over all 40) feet, Width between copings 90 feet, _ Do on floor ........;.45 feet, Do of entrance... .. /..63 feet, | To afford a depth of water on the sill of not les® than 26} feet athigh â€" water springs, a=d to be »ub~ stantially constructed to the apprevaiof Government upon & site to be provided by the person whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. | â€" % Further particulars as to site, borings, &c., may be obtained from ‘T. A. Buucuzr, Esq., < hief Enâ€" gineer to Government, upon spplication in writing to the Chief ‘ommissioner <f Lands and Works. Tenders must specify the time within which the Doock will be comp.eted, and must be accompanied y drawings and descripttons showing exac: dimenâ€" sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" Tender» are to be sealed, superscribed *"Tende for Kequimait Graving Dock," addressed to the Chief Commission ‘r of Lands and Works, Vietoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noon of the 16th day of November, 1872. Persons who may consider the above guarantee to be insuffivient, are at liberty to tenderâ€"on the basis ot such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial Gprernment, or upon <uch other financial induceâ€" ments, as they may suggest. § the : lowest or any tender. 3 Bach Tender must be accompanied by a Bond frotm the Contractor, und two sufficie t sureties for the payment of £19,0% to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, conditioned upon ths due fulfilment of the Tender which it nccompanies, provided it be acceyted within three months from the said 15th November, Chief Commissioner of Lands and W orks Lands and Works Office, * Ottawa, May 3rd, 1871 The Counsil of the Corporation of the Township of HUORDAY: the Third day of June: AD. BX io AnnsT it un eP on eregeaie d N UPICH, follows: Commencing where the present travelled 1984 qpro Lage Bos,rig ang 157 in ‘ihe md Concer 2,850 IN PURSES i s peieinane nsane Hehot fale Jown by W tham ogtivie ELo tet CHO BE --v-w,wwll‘â€"gzl.lvz ï¬u‘:.lzm "mu‘c""“_" \**‘C. BILLINOGS. Da. &. P. LEWIi® ï¬c » *« Tores Burgeon, ~aexess s i «> 18 nest to Aptil liy * AWADIANPAIN ORSTROYEA ~Cimts â€" RITISH COLUMBJA. MAY 31sr, asnnq JUNE lsr, Victoria, April #ith, 1872;. 1967 m By Command: at Gloucester, this 6th day of May, A. D. WILL BE RUN FOR "JESSIE CASSELLS‘ SIR JOHN YOLNG t do not bind themselves to accept t 1 o‘clock p. m. Rt. S. CASSELLS, President. AND GEO. A. WALEEYM, TAE 1968tt The pmm of Johnson‘s Anodyne Liniment, ‘s Purgative Pills, aod Bheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powdâ€"rs, hav published a readable and instractive pamâ€" phict, which may be had free at the stores Oretr 1Â¥D Srereu. ~In every branch of oulâ€" dv.datmhthhu.tbo orchard, the viney or the garden, there must be order and system to insure successful results, and this truth is Ermly established by actual experié¢nce. Another great truth has also been established by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rhenmatism, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable For sale by all Druggist and country deaierr i‘rice, 25 cents pe bottle. Gzrrar Coxorrio® Meororsrâ€"As a <onat: medicine for horses "Darley‘s Conditton P ders and Arabian Heare Remedy®" has ao equal Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; many horses that were supposed to be broken dows and almest worthless have, by the ase wfa fow packages, been restored to a beaithy und <ound condition, all traces of the diseae« having seen completely removed, and have been sold for from &0 to $75 more than they would pre vhu:{‘l.n brought; when you want s borse medicine get "Dariey‘s Condition Powders and Arubian Heave Remedy." We know yom will be perfectly satisfied with the resuit. Rememben the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & tLyo «.‘ Newcnstle, Ont , J;ropriownt or Canade. â€" tHolJ by all medicine deaiers. The Traches are offered with the fuile= confidence in their efficacy ; they buve be: thoroughiv tested and* maintain the goâ€" reputation they bave justly mecquired F.â€" Public Spoakers, Singers, Military Officer> and those who ev:rtax the voice they an useful in relieving an Jrritates ‘Throat, an will render articulation easy. Being an artic}. of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by a test ot many years, each year finds th«â€"n in new localities tnâ€"varions parts of the worl: and the Troches are universally pronounce better than other articles. SORE THROAT, COUGH, COLD, and similar troubles, if saffered to progress rsesult in serious Puilmonary, Bronchial, ano Asthmatic affections, oftentimeas incurable. BROWN‘8 BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to reach directly th seat of the direama and give almost in tap en outsi=c wrappei of bux, «hnd pMvaite Wwoy en 1« Bt stump attached to ~sch bux. t)btain only "Brown‘« Bronehial Troch«s, and do not takeany of the Worthless Imit~*<on that may w nfferad ©TrockEss," so called, sord by the ounc», ar a poor imitation aud nothiug like BROWN* BRONCAIAL TROCHES which are aâ€"ld on! in bozese with fac â€"simile of the proyricwTs, JOHN I. BRUWN & SUN, COC(MGI.YCERINE nourish the hair C©O0O G1I.YNERINE dandruft No toilet table should be with out 0OCOâ€"GLYCEQ, NE, 25 cents per bottle â€" _ TuIBTY YÂ¥ARaA.8 EXPERIENCH OF a>s * uLC NURsSE . mas. Wirsum w‘s Booruine Syeur is the pr «cription of ons of the best Fâ€" male Phy: ioime ind Nursea in the United States, and has bâ€"e aseo far thirly ysars with oev r tailiu. afâ€"«y aDd sucsess by milli as ormethers »u children, frew. the tâ€"oble intaut o one w + old to the winit. It corrects acidity . f to stomach, relieves wind colic, regulates thâ€" bowels, and sives rest, healith and comfo.t mutber and child. We believe it the bâ€" e aud surest remedy in the world, in all case Have you a ssvers wr:nch ot‘zotnf He you rheumatism in any form‘ Â¥e you at: aek, o. bnnches caused by thâ€"amatic paine If .0, Johnson‘s Anynâ€" Lwimenut is a Bp a to remedy «and.is alsâ€" the thast pain «ill â€" the world . Unis.car: in putting i« the Tro ner 3» . JuTCnt as a «»curlty to the purcbaser in « to i sure ut obtaining th« genuio . #r» Bropchia‘. Froches. Hom e menenl ETE TTR -"III“ EBE MIRD OWt‘ # D‘sentery ang" Viatbms in chitd{e wh:ther 1t arises irom teething, or from «n other cansa. Full cirections for using win accompany each bottle. None genuine unie»s the facâ€"simile of CURTIS & PERKINS is o. ‘he outsid« wrappe:,. Sold by all meticir d mlers, :5 centsa bottle. Office, 215 Fult street, Na~ York, a2dâ€"93 Oxfora Sireâ€"t, Lo: d4on _ Be anre and call for MHB, WINBSLOW‘*% so00THING sYEUFP daving tna fac simile f "Curtis & P +u » a the oorside wrapper All others arn b . for truoâ€" tion of the Autercolapiat Haiiway horedy give Pablic PA Tenders will also be received, at the same time oo ty dn n ie on ces iepeel porge t u: equal quantities, in the months of July, August and b‘f"xl. A. WAL * DLER, $sns Intercolonial Raliw Which a‘so cures NEUBALGIA, WASOKa Nu PaiNs, LUMBAG+, Suffeâ€"ss in y« Ambs or Juiute «ns eprsine, Posrons in all sauks 4A ife, amâ€"0g<t wou ualytical . châ€"mists and pbysiciaus ot to higi= 8t standing. have â€"ertified to th wou »rtul «f ocms «hi b tutlowed its applicaris: * COHaBLLe MARTLIN, sneumatism «nd G.ut Remedy In the matter of JOHN PRESLEY, an Insolvent SALE OF REaL ETAE at Y EON‘S HUTEL, in the Vi Mills, in the Ccnipd Ontario, on SATURDA JUNE nzt, at the hour of one JUNE pext, at the bour of one e‘siosck, 1.m., all the ) . 1 lt m@w,&. -1-037-:3'- ¢ m Rprogie kc NSuLVENT ACr 8F 1869. L 5 hereby given virtue of the Sieedee it perety tizen fhet by etrine of the the aveve named _ The East Hailf of Loi No. %, in the First Concesâ€" z}“g&fyï¬.ï¬p& * &_‘-t‘.' One Acorce, more to n t rind ons eR said, in and to those certain parcels or tracts of The Commissioners : | wef oc goe Plantagenet Mills April 8, 1872 _ wio tm UNTREAL & CITY (la()./)‘l'rAWA M. JUNCDNON RAILW A 1 »PANY. NTERCOLONLAL RAILWAY. Th ui ud U De Ne. 26, Notico is hereby given tha kniVED AT L&AST,. â€" _ ~~â€" _ And for Bale by all Druggists, DR BIRNBAU M‘"3 SPEIAL NOTICES. nï¬ o o Oe frmpiatiomare! Uflice, . . , and Conditions made known on ~i.,< 0. &E ’om!- * 30 Vi roria ~quare, Moutreal, remover PRICEâ€"}3 CEN 8 Josers Haut Maxtractcrmo Coxrast, JOsgaiwa, Oxt.,‘ March 8, 1872 Being _ desirous of testing the merits or Sele o un:it as znomm.l s sale in as to thei use of water, we. nmaï¬btw‘n of the Gaxoix® Jaxes? Lerres ‘Douse Tuorsi®e, make the following challenge to the maâ€" nufacturers of ‘ayy wukskL now made in Cunada, whetber it be iurtario®s of the James Lerrzri Dousis <cre®s or asry OTHEE Patt«R®, the wheels in all cases to he wholiy manutactured by the competing M‘I 1 im * TO THE PUBLIC OF \ NADA. We will piace in the hands of any reseâ€" ponsible party, six thousaud dollars ($6,â€" UVQ), and the party accepting the challenge to do the same, the money to ve held subâ€" ject to the award of the judges. The wheels to be tested in a fHlour mill, driving the same runs of stone, grinding the same wheat, and having the same number of square inches of opening to receive the water, the amount of water discharged to be the measure of the amount used by each wheel. ‘ The wheels to be tested at }, }, 4, i¢, i and tull gare. * There are some wheels that give very goou results with tull head and tull gareâ€" age, which entirely ful under partial head and purtial gateage. such wheels in our clumate, where water powers are affected uy buoth cold and drouth, are of no pracâ€" ucal value. J * >* The judges to be nonâ€"residents of Caâ€" nada, ana 10 be thoroughly well informed in the mode 0! westing the power of turâ€" bine wheelsâ€"e«ch party to choose one judge und the two to choose the third. _ Rach party to give good and sufficient bonds, to the amoun: of $4,000, that the loser shali pay the entire expenses of the Lest. ; We claim that we are the only makers of the Gs .vixx Jaxes Leerke Doosis Toz Biaz WuseL in Canada, and uhat it is withâ€" Od. & RiÂ¥AL in the WORLD IN PkAOTIOAL EK The owners of the winning wheel to have their money refunded them, and the loser‘s money 10 go towurds establishing a mechanical tree livrary in any town in Caâ€" ndnnnmodbymownegol’tho successâ€" ful wheel. * oc ol ur wheel has been thoroughly tested in uA&gkaft diitaix, and has tully mantained Lne repUutalivu it has gained in Capaia and mumulm'nmmw wWulerâ€"wueel in pracucal operation ever yet introduced. 6iz » 5 ; Srarwormeun, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1868. We take piewsure in informing the pub ucdumsm-»u:wmm uished Mr. F. W, Guzx, of Jshawa, Unt., rml«mw.u‘n‘-ï¬ all ovher necessary informatios to 1 SULaa. We are aow publishing a "new dsu-lJ vive waterâ€"wheei pampulet, containing i pages of valuavie muit«rs, which will i sent free to all «pplicants. For turther inturmation address, _ More Liâ€"1» 6000 of these wheels are uow . in eration in Canuda and the United States. The sale of no ther whee ever yet iniruduced on this conuinest exâ€" e d uonvâ€"siXth ithis number. wheel, invented by James Lefttel, and «uown us the +ledel Wheel.‘ We hare uks morttins Tor mnpunqrens J B6 sume ues tor manulaqturing to no wther parties in C.nada â€" Without the inâ€" lurmationu we have given to Mr, Guz_x, no me csu suduessfully ouils our wheels, aad we udvise purues in Canuia to purchase mwhcoholnoplhcnnm:.r. Nor N # .“ll“ «re MM we f eL.sure that he will build a wheel that will give portoct satistuction> We unerseâ€" wre commend him 1 the public of vanaâ€" 4. with enure coundence, teeling sure he axlmmumun a wheel in all respeom equal to our own, (gaec JAMES LEFFEL & Co. Uttawsa, March 18, 1872 192 U N. B.â€"We desire to call attention to he following certiticate :â€" l“ " T mR _ e te" Do green, 18 50 to #9 00 do Bacon ~ao _ #$] Ww $8 0J do Bacon ary saited, 48 50 do Fu)c=â€"Reuail prices. . younle exurs, $7..5 per barrel. . Exira, 36 1 $6.15 do . Nu. 1, $5.500 uo 6.75 o UJYatmeal, $5.25 do Corumeal, K800 to 3.50 4b Bzuiuuâ€". A latest quot«tions are as follows: No. 1, Sole, 30cts per ib. Beef, $1.00 to $9 per 100 Ibs I Muton lub.::’;b. Fowis, Suo 10 prz-. lurkeys, T5¢ uo $1.50 Geese, 40c o b5¢ each. Ducks, 30¢ to 45¢ per couple. j Feavhers, 456 1 buc per io. LEggs 15 per dozsen. Buiter 2) to 25 cis perib,» Lard, 10U to 12} cto. per lb. laiiow, 70 to 10e do. bHoney, U as. Pousves, 25 10 30 cts. per bushel. Bwesish Purumups, 2)s. 10 24 h UVati0t 3uc w 40c do., i Parsuips 45¢c. ao. muiuus, p1.U w #1.15 do. Colery, 4uc w 65¢ jer dor, Mï¬&owlwu&. * Beew tw buc per pusuel. Apples per uarrel $4 U to $4.15. Lome spun yarn, 1Â¥s two 15s Lt», Woel 30 ts w 45¢ pr ib f Hay $14 to 15 per von _Uod oil 60 cts per galion °* tonmg prin $( oike pee 1e jdes", 10.“’-.’ yO BLE aW, @4 Uult sttaw, »6 w $] do. aess Hork, $14 W w 15 00 per barre: tamers --holdw do Piune messe, 413.50. l-:n-l-v“l,olv 5J to $11.00 per 100 Buckwheat, 5010 65ct5 per busheL Whear meal, 361Â¥ â€" â€" do Provende:, .ljomrlwlh. Ursackeqa corn. #1. do Bruan, 75 ote to 80c. C k a 1 vaie, #5¢ us 4#)¢ do Peas, 66 w 656 do Beans $1 5 to $1.15 Barley SVdots. tc #!ote. Fall whear, $1.35 :o 1.40 do Spring whest, $1.40 to 1.50 do Iry God lale Shits es ont. Herring. $4.75 w $5.00 per bbl. THE MARKET. Water