, TO 4 BBX ¢1 anto4pa. &. ?. MEEE, Priam 9: WA EX Ry ‘A-I.“ J OsmSan" , gigns 5Â¥ East and West in 2s us 4 # uo d t Bt. L. & dl&..‘.‘. 13 tof es Bworn betore m« «t ui adâ€"b4 this 6n of April, A D 1870. WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Broocor®, April 5th, 1870. 4C Charmat. rtain, RBte â€" Tois is to certi that my wile was yery low with Loang Dtaâ€"ase The Doctor had giv n her oap He a id ht lungs were tub»â€"rcled, and mesiciue conld uot belp ber. As a last msort I purchase» a vottle H the Great Shoâ€"hounses liuedy. v+t the expiration of tw=o days hbet sy»,.tons wor decidedly better _ She contisued to improv so rapidly tnat by the time she had taken oo« bottle she was able to ait up 8y the continu ance of the remedy she was pertes thy reator= to health. Of Northwnmbertin â€" fw avout § yoar, without reosiving any boâ€"t At, in fact l coutiso ¢ geâ€" ting wore» all th« vuime _A last â€"Iâ€"=«â€"e ad viged to try th« Great Snoshon «e R m«â€"*y, ! buugbt a Sotile 11 d took It and «hn it «+a* about Aoisn=d 1 bogan to fFemi a dile setter. I contina~! <o gee it aail I bed tikâ€"u three botdlâ€"=, wh n, to my sstisfuction, 1 foaumw that I was as well as ever [ bad been proviâ€" ous to wy Winsa« <nd hay> hbeen 16 . vâ€"t throwing the ctlochâ€"» of and> raistng in the bed to keep trom strancliog. I tied three Of the woâ€"t eminâ€"»« «»jsictans 4n the County of Notthw nbertin â€" t avout § yoar, without reosiving any boâ€"t At, in fact l coutiso ¢ geâ€" ting wores allthâ€" ume â€" A: last â€"Iâ€"m®«w ad You pabliâ€"b the facts for th« 0 n 4. of haulynllcwl. t s A large stock of the . sove will b« kâ€"pt conâ€" sHtantly on band to sult »archs. is. » We make a speciality of these Inglish made Bedsteads, and import them direct. Hotels, Convents, Hospitals, and families -Iio-lpg:::ith any number large or small. ies reqwring quantities for early spring delivery would do well to order at once. ~ . l “ Lk 4114 B #1 . HOUSERgEPINS® CTEXSILS BUILDING AND LRIDGE TIXBER. WROUGHT <IRON BEDSTEADS, #t,, #t. Oin., 3ft., 3ft. Giz., 4ft. and 4ft. 6in. Wile, all diffarent and besutiful patâ€" N.â€"B.â€"Farme.s from the Counstsy ¢f .+ tou can enter the mill ysard by Bross Stt ¢ opposite Brewâ€"=ry gat« an 1 other COOKING «TovEs m‘«mw’ j j berman or hotels. s resl _ Tinwareâ€"as usual, wholasal Bird Cages PL&ENED L U MBE R SHINGLES °X. XX,., XXX. * 16 C SmitbhOel4, Cheâ€"sberiain, Kaq â€"This is to câ€"rtity that about three years ago J became affiictes ::anldn, which Inated about izghteen 1 wasso »Micted for the want ot breath that it was very dificult tor me to peak, an! in th«e nigsht tim« frâ€"qzestls This Medicine is pleasart and safe ’ohlo, and is warranted, and may positively ‘be reâ€" Hed upon to make a permauent cure of all diseases of th» Taroat, Luogs, Liver, Kidneys Digestive Organs, &¢., #¢., as well as Mcrofula the vartons Skin Diseasces, Hl-ou‘:nd all diseasee arising from Iwpurity of the Biood, exoâ€"pting the Third Stage of Conâ€"umption. Further infomation, with full directions for wivg the Great Shoâ€"honees Remedy & Pills, and containing Testimonilalse and Cort Geates i Cures, can be oâ€"tained by securing t Tratise, the Hand Bouk, or th« Almanac and UYireulars from any tospectable Drag.iat in thâ€" :;H.-""' Large Pint Boitles #1 00 of Remedy in i=~ge tine Aloes, Lapricu®, aC4 aC,) w@Wamn chior Into ime composition .cfl combiaed mediâ€" cine, are such and so liarmowlously classinâ€"d and c«mpounded, that it is made the most searching cusative in the &nown world, and monot help but act on the system in a rery satisfectory and desirable mauner. No matâ€" ter what your ailment may be, or of how long standing, it will find the spot and astonish you by the rapid manmer in which you are restored to petfect health and full vigor. amoply becagse Lhne Lumerous raluable active medicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of which we will mention, such as the Extracts of Wild Cherry Bark, Polomllun, Juniper, Quassia, Smartweed, Dande Hroscyamus, Compoand Extract or Colocynth, Jalap, Roceo, tine Aloes, Capsicum, &c, &Ac,) which enter Ssboshone«s, British Columbis, is working the most -n._nou and astonishing Cure: the World bas ever beard of. + Nover in th annal« of Canstian MoJ‘val History I success attended the introduction of $ medicize berâ€"tofore,. * That the Gas.T Sno«BONE®S LEMEDY AND PILLA, of the eminent indlan Medicine WMan, Doctor LEWIS JONSEPHU® of the Ureat Tribe of Montreal toâ€"day Will commence her tripgs on Saturlay, th mwï¬n&tu’ou 5:’.- ..lm leaves Uttawa at i p. m. same day. Ottawa, May 1, I~2 1060tf Will leave TAE 18( â€" BRough Lumber Woell Seaeouned, Chandiers, Oct. 26, i8171 MRST sPRING AXRIVAL!! * iaCutkK#X STEAM MHLL:. Ino 22. o O ; Oter, city resident, lum rman or botels. Tiowareâ€"as usual, wholesale and re. § H. u;anowsa Co., Bussex Street. Otiawa, March 4 1872 1914 P roclaim the Glad Tidings VYOL. VI NO The <teamer Cure otf Bronchitis 4 15‘; _*zmAke _ £ iIh 2CR $ *4 â€˜ï¬ '-_ P 9 w\ &9 , â€" k §E _: THE STEAMER " FAIRY OTTawWA L VER NAVIGATION {OMPANY. «QUEEN VICIORIA. "Â¥Hq with Mails, Passengers and Freight â€"day, lst May, at + p. Mâ€" § T. C. BROWN, Episcoval Metnodist Minis=t r of all description« Â¥ANUFACTURXKRS OFf Bird Baths, Bird Nests JOUYN ROCHESTER & J M WaLLINGPON J P XOTICE 1 the very best. LN SILYVEKR Buttert Platters, Bresâ€" IMatigt: 1@»5rt 1872 aDF MA PINO! (Uttawa, 5th Feb., 1872. t t P.G EXTLANTZEBY WNDE DOOR The undersigned begs to inform the : blio that his office bas this day been | _ REMOV ED to mm«maz.‘s_un grrxss_ of &._quy. u!eymm, About 60 Acres Uader Cultivation. _ This farm is worth $4000, but will be sold for Â¥or-o-.' 1,000 cash. balance secured by Mortgage in anumal instalments with interest h‘r Ottawa, April 19 1873, _ " Tss lawkket" T)NJZE DURAAM BULL FOR BALE, Bull in Canadaâ€"for sale. His full pedigree ean be ascertained on application tâ€" the hn he amoartnimaidl am . ammnKanricay , & . , | U uremuy case of Kxcormtd Nipp‘es or Inâ€" ean be ascertained on application um‘._,‘m For Bruises, it .‘p:u,‘.“,.l, undersigned. . and bouns up, there is never the slixbtest Terms Lberal. discoloration to the skin. Itstops twe pain J. & W. THOMSON, | ofa Burn ag soon as applied, Cures Froâ€"wd Fab. Ist. 1885 dik&w tf Nepean | Fwet, Boils, Warts, and Joros, and Wound» UURT OF REVISION. ~~~~~**~ ) of every description on toan or beast, Q 9 __ON | a.N.‘l?aot;s,‘P:.l?u.Y Notice is that the frst meet: And NOLTHROP & «4AN, Newcastle, w‘m Court o6 Is ':h‘nz-im of | On:., Bole Agents tor the Domtaign. !.g’l'glp.pth t Savom in May next, | _L"_".ZE"_“E":M""""“ 1874 at 10 o‘clock ested are hereby 1 wWITRIN ONE MiLE OF RICHMQND, rewding. writing or sewing, whether by day / orun&.li;hl. | GERORGE al_HAEL‘S Celebrated Scotch | and Bruzilian Pebble Spectacles are the best in use; they aftori, altogether, the | mmadblï¬.htb human , vision ever invented. Senncoinopha. as em ploye| in adjusting glasâ€"es to the human oyo.isofnchimporun\zth:nopu;n not thoro ghiy versed in its principles shouli be allowed wm-u.-.[ A large assortment of Mathematic.l inâ€" iA i iper atruments, % A Brck H Vittor!a Street, U Te an4 "poks ouee Hrarrate in | 114 iaciniy Siatiee eferinany ie diidnk UpkiGak I on of the Rwenr 'fl‘ug.:unlnlolho-o.lmho-.(am&o. lity, will be sold at a smali advance on ‘ Apply to the cost mu«: + * Corner )-&Lgvi&.b'& * the plw , ottawa, May 15, 187% > 19708 ~ and 544 ht i t;:rcuwws MAIK DYK. â€" /. CC ~om «lasgow, Scothind, Kingâ€"st., * Last Toronto. * | WORLD: The u‘:{, ‘‘True ‘:.Hmwm 1:%:. H this caty «nd will in for a | :’u:eul'noru.xeâ€:k:hunuor iplom i aeveue . ths aty « remain: for t i 29e Roterdis the Th 9t ie of oied dgon mss d & se :* s * duekes _ sotmnt" in 4o4 Shaver it tk â€" Sgertmane spporice the Aumell Home: * [ (pperpoe siipapa it deah y ie «81. ite the «t ouse. B Mr. MIOH SEC wilt sair t specsetes for | #,, Pate m feien it jg Yow Vork 9 those who entrust themselves to his skill, | ~7GW REaDY. * as an Opticisn, with the utmost care, so N mm thar by their use the Eye will not tire in‘ *\ ... jlin.. M_ILL. L.2 M L.2 should prescribe medicine. Alr. M. warrants the glasses that he seâ€" lects to cure dimness or we«kness of the eyes, restorimg and preserring clearness LOT NU. 1, 412 SUN. NORTH GOWER | of viszon. ‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ ORME & sux, Sparks st., Uppofite the Russell House March 28, 1372. 1934 3m * in }, 4 and So long and favorably known in Ccnda,‘cnwn(‘ifms and in doing so would respectfully request | iGs in the inâ€"_ection of a stock of those magniâ€" | . Kuzopean | ficent instruments now in dyne* of c The mn:of the Dunham Piauos are: Ist. Its ity has become a proverb. p-a.'.di,li'r' ualled. *4 es« 3rd. lno:&ï¬miy, h.Pm. Purity and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. 4th. It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. 5th. It is warranted in the most satis~ factory manner. Pamphlets containing a description cf the above improvement can be had at our establishment. A large assortment of which we keep conâ€" stantly: on hand. R MeCAMMON & CO., OUR SHOW ROOM,., Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents fori the following Pianos, viz : I lnellli:inhnï¬ontothoabonimpm ment e pleasure in announcing that they have been appcinted agents for the MASON & HAMLIN Alsv ime celebrated George Michael, OPTICI A N. ihnis wonderful invention produces the only real Piino tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensely to its volume, s BLLNDNS $ PREVENTED.: «* Dunham‘s Patent Hydroâ€"Carbonated Soâ€"mding Board.‘" 74 st 10 o‘clock, am. of which all parties inverâ€" | S rpy, ~~*~â€"â€"â€"â€"«mmmpre . 4 ary brcoly noudy 0s #i ait partice fnterâ€" | rro CONTRACTORS _ . K MmAnu.l mee® w2 noal f«f:.:mï¬'_‘:‘.:m:‘(:c‘.z."r,“:u‘g t, Lawrevee & Oniawa Rahway, | uioi oo o0 e e enttaenl * n egad * | * Londers to contain astimates for building of Brick CARTAGE b::m. | 'ï¬â€œ".":.‘,_?a specifications may be sod_ for The undersigned to inform the | 3 rther intormation fro % ablic that his office has this day been | »puwnanes Auas uon dn ioato t isY 10 ant WONDERFUL â€" IMPROVEMtANT ORMEF & SON »ARM FOR SALE, (tAtawa, January 20, 1872 HE SIGHT PRESERVED EW AND DUNHAMX PIANOS3 22 Acres of Goo+ Land and ESTEY & CO.‘5 URGANS J. L. URKRME & SIN, °* ___. 8 Spurks Street. one ignorant of physic EMXERSON; and HOUD, ] PBIVKTS LESUN3s | Ottawa, April 11, 1872. _ ________ 1945â€"4m. _ i t;:wuwws HAIK DYK,._ * _ ru Hair 1 is the BEST TH i iwl»: ko mmn{y'{‘:\nm l‘brglz: Selroted, and Shipping Orders executed with, care ___ Trade Name and Mark registered. _ :s THOMAS EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OILL. Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. ‘ * Pain cannot stay where it is used." Ottawas, May 10, 1872; s Also ready the Rev. Mr. MclL«urin‘s Lecture, â€" s« th h ind ds Comish Doctrine of the Rule of Paith eram: ti a, and Pain and Sorenees in any part, no walter whure it may be, nor ftrom what canse it may arise, it always does you gooo Twentyâ€"Ave ceâ€"nts‘ wortn has cured bad cares of Chronic and Bloody Dysentery, One teamâ€" apvonful cures Colic is 15 minutes, 1t wii: cure any ca«e of Pilcs thas it is imposesible to cuse, . Six or eight applications is wartanteo The Washington Treat N LET It is the CHEAPEST MEDICINE E£YHLh MADE, Onssose cures commen â€"orâ€" that e One bottle bee cused Hrouchitis, Fifty ceuts worth has cured an ols Standing Cough I positively cures Catarrh, Astbma, and vrouy Fifty cents‘ worth has cured C:ick in th» Back, and the s«me qu«ntity uame Ba:k o eight years‘ standia . It curâ€"# Bwelles: Neck. Tumors, Khumatis», Neuralgia, Coutractior of the Muscl=s, 3t:â€"@ Joints, Spinil Lifical } Not Sold g. but for sale by the subscriber. Ice cut above Fails and guaranteed free from | all impurities will be d i. rered daily to those reâ€" |qur| i_ for the season Double supplies on | sstm:u for Snnhï¬â€˜a use _ }‘rompt delivery trom the ist of May. Hotels and steam‘rs supplied | with large quantitie on liberal terms ?m 2emâ€" son, or un{ time the ice is wanted. All orders | lett a the fol lo'i?dpllcu will receive pr -r atâ€" | teation, At Mr. Hnfandalo‘s Saioon: Upper Town. language, can ~ecure the services of a compet nt e -?n.'{n'." best of .on-kui.nh.ndol this u? râ€"ferences. ; terms and particulars, address by post, _ N uW HREADY. § A Canadian Monthly for May, _ _ ble, nutritious and palatable. Sold in }â€"ib â€"lb tins. . All the ab>ve are carefull ked and shi to orders, which must be nndo’ :;uhlc in Eum Medalilists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Pure Chemicals and New Hedicines atrougth, has induced. Morson & Son to comâ€" k m their preparation. Sold in }â€"oz, 1 and GELATINEâ€"The purest preparation of this nutriâ€" tious t extant is Morson‘s. PEPTIC FOOD for invaiids and Infants; digestiâ€" The cut of over One Thousand Acres patented ine :imber lands lying * en b 0c" on the 0l=-° Mvnu an nnnT haul of u rr : and of which a large q logs boo-u-brmyboobuizd.ndl out secured for Aw‘o{m_uognnn.uun‘& sold cheap for cash. Aï¬'-llcuwn antil lith inst.. to be made to Mr: Henry Y. Kt., D, at Caledonia Hotel otn'z after tha. date, Adiress Hopeueld Post md-hrfmnoftboula“l be of course free frem duty, _ lng I9atf The ip heretofore oxisting batween the undersi as~ Boot and shoe Dealers in Ot awa .c.ls Almonte is dissolved by mutual consen:, dissolution dating from the Ist say of Aiay, 187%, and their. business wil. hereafter be garric on solely in the intere t of W. A. .hnh...g whom al: the liabilit.es of che late firm will be ed, and to whou ail accounts due theâ€"late tirm are payable, W . f L\lg' e o s is R.J. RODDKN. â€" _ throughout the world. . _ PEPSINEâ€"The popular and professional -wE h i i Â¥ i + * Rouse Geteeim, io. Ihhsorls Jurace, Sh Ottawa, May 7, 1872 Ollawa. May " 1675 N UTICE. THOS. MORsON & soNn Mr. . Christie. Druggist, Sparks 3 reet, Mr. J :;il:-'l’. Mm: dtrm or at the sub # THS. STARMER, Rideu Street. O:tawa, May 3, 1873, 1961â€"1m. Are sold b’, .Chomuu and Druggists Morson‘s Effectual Remeties For further particulars apply to the. tor, JTouN GBAHAU. Ottawa. May 14, 1822, .“;11_ J CE, ICE, ICE. ._This is one of the bast paying hotels in the Domâ€" imion, and is doing the second largest business in go Oé?m It is ddmfuu,v! l:"'“é"' bo_iutowmlt: e withi inutes wa from the Poet Offfce and Pasiiamant Buppie®, * | The rropric or can Wauting to sell. ®LECHrRICITY, eA LBION HOT EL. 4) Ladies desirous of taking lessons in the French FOR SALE City of Ottawa, Ontario with CW, with or wi ; AW 1064 CUT FuR s~ars It contains important articles on 133010 RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, Worksâ€"Hernsey and Homerton. careful andrmou use of this valuable mediâ€" cine restores natural functions of <the stoâ€" mackh. giving once more strenith to the body. xllll"?'difnm.ulobulu; and as Wine in }, 4 and !â€"pint bottles. + hopyat s mow sptzined such universat celebrity it can searcely be considered a speciâ€" ality, its composition being known to most European practitioners. Aiany of the Chloroâ€" dyne+ of commeres not being of uniform With Immediate Possession, SOLE MANUFACTURERS FRENCH LANGUA#E. TION OF t can give satisfactory reasons for TERMS EAsY. Treaty, The LborQne-tion, culars, address b MaDa 6 LadoUciE. Furnit 8t Patrick Street, Ottaws. "AENDERSON & coâ€", PARTNERSHIP J. & A 8y sp rks Street with or without OTTAwWA wWEDNESDAY. MaYy 290. 1=s=;z. in mers mins o animreangeegs mufu"anmi-' lies in Stock and made to “. _ 887 & 391 NOTRE DAME STREET MonTREaL. . * UVttawa, April 13 1947 .8m CHARLES ALEIANJER AND $0N$, MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Refined Confectionery, Cum Drops Cigam Soo boue enpeant. ° and purchasers should be careful :;ï¬ that DUNCAN‘S COMPâ€"UND SY d MMLA.MNM. is supplie Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER & t,., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the ttawa druggists, 'f;-_h'-_b-u.r-waaâ€"em Motle Papers : Pringed, ‘Wotoes, Horws of Py It is a certain remedy for Scrofui,, NermudGounlDoli{iq.dl dizeaacs of the Skin, Gout, Rhenmnum.hm tion, Jaundice, Scurvy, Bronchial tions, Chest Complaints, and all other diâ€" seases arising from an impure state ol the COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR BAPARILLA 3 Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. It ,"ï¬i‘:"“ the root ol‘hun Disease the :‘ lood to a healthy state. a it io io 0S . ; y doa Full directions tor taking this (ireat "'9&5.%@&'1.. Health Restorer accompany each _!_hu.ï¬huiu 4 i "‘; :d DUNCAN‘s oonl:mm SYR § 0U8T oF REVISLON. for /R t } F « v WARILLA.MmoM.u-pflh i Notis is herol [exrcr Sn “"3 m‘ Wholesale sgents, EVANS MERCER & ï¬â€™:' Iohe r.xmmm 'yy g.;'y‘ameafl“ ...'P. "U.' xmmu ‘w h “M m' C mr:o, ugf\:.-‘m.n L.t:‘ all the Jttawa druggists, Clover, FLOWER SEEDSY, a large ASSORTMENT. W ANtED NixEDIATELY. 10 CARPENTERS aND 6 LABORERA _uoum WBOLI‘IALE STE AM CUONFBLQG] RFRV Leltuce, Jimothy, elons, Mangel Wurtzel, * s &o., &o,, &o. for cheap and attractive Price, $1.50. : § As the previou hoft:n tlemen ha: had nry.-nrhd.-::ou in the mzd in uv. &Vmï¬om book cannot fail to be the Succes sams "E) on applica fon. . | _: Druggists, Hrulu Btreot, Ottawa, ttawsa, Apru 22, 1872. t T H ES T 4 N D A R D, B; Emerson, of Boston ; TE f l_l.i}‘.‘!‘.h-r.cwhh-o. AXOMNPLETE AsEOBTAENE: OF TR FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS :ALWAYS In{good repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. Pianos to Rent. â€" Secondâ€"hand PIANUS and ORGANS taken in exchange. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited ; f A. & 8. NURDHEIMER. n se n s A. PETERSEN, General Agent Chickering‘s Pianos, : Steinway‘sâ€" Pianos, . Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, . _ Prince & Co.‘s Organs. PEOPLES TEA STORE We will guarantes that no one cano sell the eame articles cheaper, such an TEA=, sSUGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERAL G~OCERIE3, also WINEY and all hmportso Liquors, Can«(ian Spirits, of the bes: dr@cription, always om hand at prices as low is smaill lot= can be laid down. W« care not for comprtition, «ll we require is a tri 4 gl;en to our go« da, ‘The econotmiat will profit by calling to us, g@#*Oor motto is light p ofta, MARRIAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS Uttawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m We are now prepared to offer to th* Farmirg ommunity and to the trade indusements that bas not been given berâ€"tofore by a27 One in our line of business â€"being now ‘mportâ€" Ing the chief part ot our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIE3, eneb)â€"s us «o reou e prices tuther. We claim already to have brought th: enormons profits heretufore ~xisting to a mojâ€"rate rate and trast in future to contiuue so. F A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte i Music Warerooms NO. 86 RIDEAU mmb 'ï¬DAI%IKAE STREET, CHAUDIER}, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and 2 spirit Merchants. : EKLDS8, SNEEUVS. P. Baskerville & Brothers, Just received, a fresh Stock of GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDY, Croe 1871, VB.: _ UNCAN‘S (From Ewing Bros., of Montreal.) css stt ORMRISTEB & Ou., Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, HE CU .{sG CHURUCH MUSIC BUOK W ANTED, $ | YV ror 8 _ To be ready July lst. ; ship of Alfred, a: Ottawa,iApril 8, 1872 ESTABLISHED IN Clad Tidings, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. PB SsKERVILLE & RR FPHERs® 26 SPAfKS STREET, § oT T &A W ‘A. , Jams, &e. «eA LOT QFâ€"â€"â€" L,â€"00 :; XSGS OF CUT NAILS Just receievd and for sale l{w having been purchased before the laf® adt ange on Iren. __* _*‘ purchased before the late ad\ ance on frou. _ _ "Also, nw -_xh;n Butte, o(ï¬ on d % h Hardwareâ€"Hardware m’"“‘u'ï¬"flfii’% d ‘a. the mtone erere (ou8r or REVISION. Jhe Court elAMhic- wlor &o bnriuo.l': m £1081400 mï¬(@i‘e@b mopoiovanter us AT THE ©OLD STANXD, No. 24 Rideau Street SIGN OF THE ANVIL â€"â€"â€" sds iraaniiatire "Ausiogan ced At the Ottawa Agency, Market Square. UWitching Machine ..... . ...... ...... $16¢ m Ml' a w0 0 08 # se 8e 08 s dedue 2e 0e t a # n mm se 6 0 be s e e e e e e e 8 68 # 8 6 0# e 8 8 m †Reaping M« bines from ........$100 o 140 Vower do do s*+xat1 1+++00 10. 80 Threshing Machines from...... .1i0 to 1,000 ()†OIM...... ve es 6e .o.o.'â€â€â€˜o _"u .Wc-ooon.oo se e vee +® â€â€œ" January 16, 1872 Dt ns aroom tais: )()" :k One agent made in 11 days, 1J 8e ww en o orufluu-u-.mh-. w ANTEG, of ® Traours, ?2 fam: zoonp Cuass ‘.‘moau:o a&?‘““t--g.::z'-\n'?;@"’&a.u mssy , * ]tvartees AUV * s _‘:’o’?ï¬n CHAR.RAN t All other articles at correspand (Niau%, May 9, 102. l on ®pe, o uie M q 6 Richmond, 3rd May, 1872. A'Eg"‘.,','..“‘l «& May 3, 1872, AGRICULTURAL â€"IMPLEMENTS RICE L.B8 May 3, 1872. Court of Revisien for the hear! £ TO CONXTRACTORY, BUILDERS For School Section No. 4, Townâ€" Haine‘s Pianos, o ~* nweser stt «m* C e k. % 2w P â€"tn turak / D w g .,-.-......'.0‘0 ce prices. a B4 AnEOPC ks "oik moeet it 1941 im Aelstipve livtt the following dimensions :â€" ; o mam > over Width between copings 90 feot, . â€"Do. on floor.... ...... .45 feet, Do dutruoo........-f.eg Thlï¬dt&md‘m on |the sill of net les® than 264 feet athigh water springs, aâ€"d to be ~ubâ€" stantially constructed to the apprey a. of Government upon a site to be provided: by the person whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. Further particulars as to site, borings, &e., may be obtained from T. A, Bouzuet, Esg, Chief En gincer to Gorernment, uw‘ in writing to the Chief ommissioner of Land# and Works. ~:Rendets must specify the time within which the Dooic will be completed, and must be accompanied y drawings and doégriptions sh owing exacâ€" diment slons, materials, ‘and imode of ‘oonstruction of proâ€" posed Doek, 1: : Tenders are to be sealed, supgrscribed **Tende for Ksquimait Graring Dock," addressed to the Dock, sat the Naval Station. Esquimalt Harbor ucmnmmhmmm of the Terms ‘of Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which sectioa is in the followâ€" ** The Dominion Government shall guarantes the bhflhhmh_&odmdlhoonpbdu of the work, at the rats of five per cent per annum ansuch sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock at Kequima‘t." mtl’nlflï¬' ""ln?o'i Hougm con ‘ im And a good Parm i The Governmeht of British Columbis are prepared to recsive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Ottaws, April 22, 1978. ESQUIMALT GRAYVING DOCK â€" _ PEACOCK‘8, sate highest phigs paid tyr Haw PORS: ° o ",M | Uttawa, May 7, 1872 [ > ‘ M@°L A RGEST AND BES T.« Leaves Havelock for Chapeau every ‘Tuesday and Friday at 7 Returning leaving Chepont thine dad at L clackp mm _ * copmecifie mih Stoxmers to Reoks Centiaine: " ~" Ottawa, May 2 1872 HATS, Hats, Hats, Hats. The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than First Dayâ€"Friday, May the 31st. HURDLE RACEâ€"$300. STEWARD‘S PLATEâ€"$400. _ Queen‘s Plateâ€"Fifty Guineas. TALLY HO! STAKESâ€"$300 MEMORIAL PLATEâ€"$150. Second Dayâ€"Saturday, June 1st. MEUBERS PLATEâ€"$350. CARLETON® PLATEâ€"#600. LUMBERMENS PURstâ€"$200. MERCHANTS‘ PLAT&â€" $300. CONsOLATIUN STAKESâ€"$8150. #@~ Full particulars in.sma«ll bills. EDWARD C. BARBER, $2,850 IN PURSFES Will take place over the Club Course (Mutchmor‘s Driving Park), Tl{I OTTaAwWA TURF CLUB RACE3 QUEEN‘S PLATE Friday & Saturday The Steamer Secretaryâ€"T reasurer. Ottawa, May 3rd, 1871 | 1068tt KION ~FORWARDING® AND BAIL WAY COMPANY. ARKCHANCE Go to MAY® 81st, axp JUNE: lsr, CAP3, and "JRESSIB CASSELLS‘ WILL BE RUCN FOR BIR JOHN YOUNG For the h8 CXEAEELS, President. * STRAW GOODS A. HAMILTON 1953â€"3awk2w S cce t 32 HEeim enc O °9 Sn Porrons in ail a: urnu.,-m Do who . snalytical châ€"mists and (pbysiviaus »! toc bign:st stanciug. have certified to the won werinl <£ ocm ~bich toilowed its application CHABRLEL® MARTEILN. ? rice nâ€"rton of 2 a 11. _, it _ 1°ndOm to price pâ€"r ton of 2 :4 lbs,, delivered atthe 95;;-&-«&- Station atfhi du Loup, i mu&m of July, August and boae \/ 0. J-.‘;( K= § Ao'.l‘ou?..\ï¬, Un inaatne trtle c oy _ . oucl _ _ MOGentine onere. Intersolonial Ra‘lwav sncumatism ond Gout Remedy Which a‘so cor « NEU®ALGIA, WANuUE iNw PasNs, 1UMBAGâ€", 8ufuâ€"ss in ine Limbs or Juiute ano rprsus, The Commissioners appointed for the construcâ€" Rous '("..‘.t:"'“‘“"m':.,',...'flw,,",,r rublic s ive Mrgck fmving and Belrogungs oo cepts Btmile: of the 1 1 %hamlm‘i‘mm to the ka â€"six and a half mile : ost at the Metic Rive» 'Tugcn to be for the whole distance. _ â€" Epesifications and forms _ of Tender can be obtained at th : office of the f Engineer a ‘Ottaâ€" Eaut o ft the Onyent 40 Anpropere at nimeoni, sealed tenders marked " Tenders," and addressed to ‘he Commissioners, wiT be 'r'o'eojvod ht thuir No toilet table should be with out COCOâ€"GLYCE &NE, 25 cents per botti~ i COCO GIT.YNERINE removes dandruft neck, 0o: bunchas caused by rheumatic paiue ; If «o, Jonnson‘s Anodyn« Liniment is a 8pec)â€" fic remed; and.isnalso the best pain killer in theworld . Have you a severs wr. nch or sprain? Hu: m:hounmn in soy torm‘ â€" Have you stis | NTERCOLONIAL RAILWAY, ot D sentery and Diaribme. in. chilime wh» ther it arises trom teething, or from «n otber canan. Fnil cirections for using wiil accompany each bottle. None zenuine unies the facâ€"armile of CURTIS & PEkLKINS is 0o: the outside wrapper;, Soid by all metcin: dâ€"mlers, :5 cents a bottle. OUffice, 2156 Fult» street, Ne# York, a2d 93 Oxtord Surect, Low dun _ Be snre and ca«ll for MHKB, WINSLOW*3 s00THING SYRUP Having gne fac similé f *Curtis & Pork in OM& wrapqet: All others are b» TRIBRTY YAA«@@ EXPERIENCE OF an _ LC STURSE maes. Wirsru w‘s 8>â€"rume Svyaeur utb:um soription of ons of the best Â¥â€"male Phy: » and Nurseain the United States, and has brou a8se0 for thirty ysars with nevy r tailin, ~afesy and sucress by milli. as ormothers «n children, from the tseble intaut 0: one w.e+ old to the winit. 1t corrects acidity . f thâ€" stomach, ralirves «ind colic, regulates thâ€" bow»1s, and pives rest, healith and comfo.t u m«â€"ther and child. We tb.licve it the bâ€"se abd sureat remedy in th world, in all case JORN I. BROWN & SUN, _ en outsice wrappel of buz, und private Wov OraweBt stimmp attached to rach boxr. «ITrockzs," so called, soid by the ounc+, ar« & poor imitation and nothiug like BROWN‘* BRVNCHAIAT. TROCHES which are suld ouly in boxes vl[!::{u' -n_!_ulc oL the provricwrs, P‘ois cars in putting 1p the Tro hes is 11 portant as a ««ounrity to the purchaser in or d to be sure ut obtaining the genuine Brow : aud those who ov irtazx the vuice they ar useful in relieving an Irritateo ‘Thruat, ano will Ttender articulation easy. Being sn artic} of true merit, and having proved their efficacy by atest otf many y. e«ach year finds thsn. in new locelities lnu:::lou parts of the world, and the Troches are uuiversally pronounce~ better than othar articles. / ubtain only "Brown‘« Bronchial ‘Troch: s, and do not take any of the Worthless Imit‘son &.t- may ho nfferad The Tractes are offered with the fulle=; confidenc in thâ€"ir efficacy ; thoy buave be i1 thoroughiv tested ano msintain the g»« râ€"putation they bhave justly acquireo Fo. Poblic Speakete, Singers, Milltecy Officens BROWN‘8 BRONCHIAL THOCHES are cowpoeunded so as to reach directly th seat otf the diream= and gire almost instan relief. y BSORR THROAT, CuUGH, COLD, and similar troubles, if suaffered to prgress result in serious Puimonary, Bronchial, ano Asthrmatic affections, oftâ€"vtim«s incurable. Garar Coxprrio® Menromeanâ€"As a «ondit: medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave Remedy®" has ao equal Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; msny horses that were supposed to be broken down and almost worthless hare, by the use »f a foew packages, been restored to . a haltl{ «nd «ound condition, all traces of the disear« l'il: eeen completely removed, and have be«en soli for from &0 to $75 more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want s borse medicine get "Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arubian Heave Remedy." We know grou will be perfectly satisfied with the resuit. Rewemben the name, and see that the signatare of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lyua.> Newon.tle, Ont , proprietors( or Canade. â€" tolJ by all medicine fouon. Ornpe® arp Sretzu. â€" Ip every branch of culâ€" tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the orchard, the vizneyard or the garden, there must be order and system to insure successful results, and this truth is firmly established by actual experi¢nce. Another great truth has also been established by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rhenmatism, and summe complaints, the "Cansadian Pain Destroyer," i the mostreliable _ For sale by all Druggist ::‘du country dealers. â€" Price, 25 cents per e. The proprietors of Johnson‘s Anodyne Liniment, Parson‘s Purgative Pilis, and Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powdâ€"rs, have published a readable and instroctive pam. phlet, which may be bad free at the stores. COONLGI.YCERINE nourish the hair > bulVED AT LAsST, ~â€"~â€"â€"â€"~~ And for Sate by all Druggists, nial Railway â€"ssivmers‘ Office, Ottaws, 3& Msn 1 SPECIAL _ NOTICHS. BIRNBaAU M‘ ; Feres, more of tparte of Lo !’wll' IPRICEâ€";3z CEN TS 1954.4 Comumenl, #810V to 8 50 do Oruckeq whent, $6.50 do Wlnun-: #6.1) do Provender, I.Wr 100 lbe, Uraokeq corn, $1. do Bran, 75 ets 10 $U0c. f Gram. hn uin vuate, 38¢ to 400 P** do Poas, 62¢ w 656 do. Beans $1.50 to $1.15 Barley #Dote. to 4"cta. Spring mhick Pesh m Lt ds h?'m#_'u to 86 per Ib per Ib. Dry Condishs 20.16 per ont. Herring. $4.15 w.l:) per bbl. Hror« 1axp Leatuzs. The lnu-'.quo'; tions are as follows : No 1, sole, Ib. No i2 do 2"“ "“ mauglter, ots do Haruess leather, 340ts do Hay #16 tw 15 per on ~ye sira#w, $1 * VUmit oltaw, 26 1» $] Ao. Poxe 6 ausk Por*, : 4 W m 15 uO per usrres toe 1e‘ amw‘s $1416 19 Prume mess, $13.00. l-la--vh-d.ou 50 to $11.00 per 100 uk Do green, 28 5) 10 $9 UV do > Bacou ary saited, 58 50 Jo Fuo¢n» Memail prices. Enn, w #6. ao No. 1, $5.90 w 6.75 ao 1 Araixorizup, Ohio, Dec. 25, 1868. . We take pleusure in informing the pub lic of Canada, vnat we have sold and fur uished Mr. F. W. Guzx, of Ushawa, Ont., ratterns, Formers, Drawings, Gauges ail other nouuug information to :ï¬ wnool, by J u.:': w invented ames ’.hoobl:::d‘mu-mâ€- '-:u'u the so same facilities for manufacturing to no other parties in Canads. Without the inâ€" furmution we have given to Mr. Guzx, no one can successfully build our wheels, and we advise partues in Canada to purcshase wink#Incitides are emadequssed, and y ULaN‘# are we feel sure thut he will build a wheel that will give pertect satisinction. We thereâ€" fore commend him to the public of Lanaâ€" :bmx.hcnunoomnm.fodmmb ill munutacture a wheel in respectes equal to our own. _ __"_ YAMES LEFFEL & 00. Uttawa, March 15, 1872 » 192 «U vur wheel has been thoroughly tested in GrEaT Brita®s, and has fully maintainad the reput«tion it hus gained in Canada and the United Siates, as the most é6cumnunncal wurerâ€"wheel in practionl operstion ever yet intrroduced. _ «he tollowing certiticate :â€" We are now publishing a new uve waterâ€"wheel pamphiet, contain pages of vreluzvle mutters, which â€" seut free to all «pplicanis. For turther inlurmatuon address, now in _eration in Canads and the United States. The sale of no other whee ever yet introduced on us continent exâ€" ve d oneâ€"sixth this number. > There are some wheels that give very good results with tull nead and full gateâ€" age, which entirely fail under purtial head and purtial garteage. Such wheels in our clhmate, where water powers are afecied uy both â€"cold and drouth, are of no pracâ€" ucal value. SUL13. We claim that we are the only makers of the Geaicing Jaxes Lzerst Doceis Iveâ€" Biak Warezrt in Canada, and that it s withâ€" Ou: a RIYAL in the woruo iX rracmoa, ®® The wheels to be tested at }, $, 4, J and tull gare. _ Each party to give good and sufficient bonds, lg.:houmoum of $4,000, that ‘the loser shall puy the entire expenses of the tul wheel. We will place in the hands of any resâ€" ponnw 'bledp;"ty. six thousand"dollars ($,â€" ) an party accepti thodnllx todo;bo-mo,sbemog:‘yn:obohld ject to the award of the judges. The wheels to be tested in a flour mill, driving the same runs of stone, mh‘ the same wheat, and having the number ol square inches of opening to receive the water, the amount of water discharged to be the measure of the amount used by éach wheel. nads, and o be thoroughly well informed in the mode o! teâ€"ting the power of turâ€" judge and the two to choose the third. The owners of the winning wheel to h«¥re their money refunded them, and the loser‘s money to go towards establishing & mnn.iult’reohonryinuyminu da named by tae owner of the sucsess unious, $1.50 a.u.‘l.'tdo. Celery, 40c o don. . C‘-w-m uwm“m. Beeus tw bUc per bushel. Appies per burrel. $4 U to $4.15. Lome spun yarn, 146 w 15¢ per iv Home mude wootien socks, 40.; yer TO THE POBLIC OF CANADA. Ormcs or Tap C Osnawi, Oxt., March 8, 1872 Beef, $1.00 to $9 per 100 Ibs %u-“:-.uorub. Lurkeys, 150 to $1.:80 each. M’&c’.wï¬zfl. Ducks, to couple l'-&-.,‘uouur;.u.. Lugs 15 per dozen. Lard, 10 to Cts. s Natliow, Icwt‘\bdo‘.‘“ Houey, VY ao. : Potaroes, 25 to 3Â¥ :cte. per bushel. swesish Eunips, 2)s. to 25 Cariot 3ue to 40c do. Parsuips 450. do. More han 6,000 of these wheels The judges to be nonâ€"residents of Ca N. B.â€"We desire to oall uu.d(:-“h Being desirous of festing the merits ofr 6. Pac.1, ® PRC.1, 9 sech. TBE MARKET, t 45¢ per lb n | 41 I i