agomen. i s « I * * See . 2 PR W T Te in se . NE Te uin irmmmrecm on e us _PAR T Sâ€"OFâ€"THEâ€"WORLD | in its effects, a immudiate JABRIELS | renef â€"withour â€" injuring â€" the chudeus! Eis renirnee for *# l s od. to tho Enamel: * * ~â€"~;rorat PentIr1io® mds r’-p‘_t-t’flb.--n MESSR3. Her" Majesty ; gives the lecth a peariâ€"like whiteness HABRIELS | and imparts a delicwss fm The MEDIGAL FAGULTY of MONTREâ€" Al, parucularly the toilowing Meticu Suing, Durkl, Gainees sminneth tor unru, vid, Girdwooa, tou, Brossecu, houvillart, lhr.r:n. Bosâ€" seoy, MAcuaiium, Fnompson urgeuu, o whom = uk. BLKXL.~ UMS RHABUV aA~ , 113M ‘ana GU i YÂ¥ " has vbeen suvamibted for wial, with a rure disâ€" nloresieduess acknowledged its invaluable merits anu ,IVOND certidicales to Lhist elieci, @plgs of wlich can be obtained on appiiâ€" mhmwcqw 16 the Donunion. MESSRS * Kuamel, for stopping gecayed l -dllbc'...t and mastication, no °Amn"s'tmmhm Price, h Whoilta:? + * t | O8TEO FNAUEL mmnme warranted to rewain w mBu. . MESSES. ~| firm «s the Tooth itsclf. This umL'l{hu‘M,ma- be easily {-m. Suffictâ€"at to stop six teoth _ Price 56. t OWiilleUl EL LXIRB MMI:UH Wash is most refreshing, it. strengtheus iojn secretion, asweatens m°.‘ ind for rw be breath, bdhfl > !Pnalo _Â¥ i1 ditec for use enclosed in each bozx i for Toothache. ‘This extraorâ€" MESSLS,. + the IMNPIRTANT TO RESIDENXES ABROAD Partics at a distance may have A:tificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mesets. Gubricl‘s ne«w system, on sending parâ€" ticulare ofthâ€"ir casos, with a remittance of Ten Bhuillings, when ih-r.‘hulh; a model o the mouth will be forwarded with ME»SRS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved systum, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" vial Teeth supplied by other dentists which bay aot proved satisiactory to the woarer, A CHRISTIE & Co,, Arton ns Wholetale A for Messrs. and 463 St. Paul Street. Montral. ’.m: lh--lh‘...‘m Henna, Jockâ€"y Rrspgipaue, other perfumes â€"_ "JL. BinABAUM‘S RHEUMATISM and uuUUl KumisUYÂ¥" is rec@mumended tor Kneumatiem, Guul, Neurnigla, Lumbe Â¥0, wauusiing aud ultuer Puins, Duttness Ol isimue, Juilits ur Juints, opraius, Numbuese beoilin.s, &o , &s., abd is the must euesâ€" UVC alxt iPllable .bimeuy kuown tur these Uibtuses, â€"bur sale uy all druggists. VHARLIES MAniiN, 30 Vicwrm Dyuware, Montreal. Bole Agent for ue Dommmion otf Canada Ana the UBiited slales. April 3, 13. 24 ll:":d'b “.l.:"'-l. Water, distilled fro Mit M " Rimme!‘« Toilet Vinegar, celebrated tor ite usefui und «anitary propâ€"rtlus, .: AND DOKs NXOT SOIL THE SKIN. John Gardner, Chemist, _‘ 57 NSOTRE DAME ST., MGNTREAL, Sole Manufacturer and Proprietor. 15 cents per Bottle; 3 Bottles for $2.00° aod io c aie and at Hews: Uhs iT , pus ie " m uey All the organs and tissues of the body are conâ€" «Wruobd and uvuslshed uy Lae bluoud, which boius Lowiulive Lhe maâ€"silal ol Wwhick are imade bune, muguie auud LuOlVe, abu dislfibulcs w each it proâ€" par propostiuit . 1 lnsuâ€"e pertect formation of this Viainming agenl, there must be compicle Uigestivn amd Assumuaiou. wheu thesefunctions ace deâ€" ianged there wili be Dyspepsia, the loou will be imâ€" paslocliy dussuives livin imsullcichl gRo{10 JU100, "Raats Ps Extract of Lime J ::o and 2- W the bost preparation the . ay in warm citmatâ€"s. Rimme!‘s Dugo g Oil Swap, perfumed with u«trallan Eacaly ptus. s t Rimwe!‘s Giyc riue, Honey, Costame and loral Umckers, very amusing for Balls anc Rimme!‘s Viclet, Rose.Leaf,Rice, and other olilet Powders A liberal allowa.ce to shipâ€" _ Eogete Rimmel. Perfumer to H R.H. the Princess .:“de 95 MI;Q l.!.: des‘ Lialions, n-:,.n-" T6 King‘s Boad, _ dE 4* w4ay. > las dua«al wiil bocuine Waleiy and dencieht in trbin no Vilad polnclpyl~, aud lhe 'MMI‘Q Bojoue: alivh Lrom po. verled nutition, discases uio LiÂ¥er, Aidbcys, Hewl and Lungs With Aorâ€" vous i rmstsalivn abd weâ€" era Vebiity resuil and uo conslultutium is bivken down with w asting LArume issusos. Lo cusbie the stomach to diâ€" pusk 1oud, ame uw supply ue waste gui~g ub iIrum ies paystzas exertiud, LC w uceler‘s ow WppTk on m mavecoss annd Calicaye is resable, Doi ill s egecic. Restores Grey Hairs to its Natural Color and Beauty, U lENCE HAS $r0RmN, ied Pss PREPARED ONLY 8Y IMÂ¥EL®S CHOICE PERFUMES UBEMICAL FuuUD _tooth, and tforms a temporary , Mopping, ~ Price is. 1}4. * {CORALTE todra rasmre “9: :_hâ€"q and improving NUTHIHTlWNs TONIC. (TrRaps Mare« Secocrep.) «BB etAi¢ i * HEKDADENT® O R C U B L for Toothache. This extraorâ€" yrance to the breath. Price 1s. eca«THs Ts WKHITEâ€"GUrTA PEROHA WHILL . LONDONEC all the world, ly THE 8T, LAWRENCE OTTAWA RAILWAY. * nemonit i9 the hon Ouare . A4LTERATION OF RUNNING Charge for berths, 50 cents. % Bare comnections with all the Grand Trunk trains buth East and West, as this Company‘s trains wait their acrival when lase. Twenty minntas allowed at Prescott June do;:- time. are run on Managing Director, Ottawa with suw ..‘!uulo:u. P F.atherston, Weo enor, f E Mortimer, and 11 medicine dealers. of time and wherevrer used ls well Adikes, never failing in a single instance w give per> aever known a single # «0 on with its operations, and speak in the highest m:uï¬uvh\‘dm nvt:gmn thoroughly, and therefore nose who are suffering from any of the com~ inints for which it is recommenaed may deâ€" wend upon its being a Soversigu Remedy, ; The astontshing efficacy, of the Canadisa Pain Destroyer, in curing the Diseases for rrnerbeg h:‘ï¬:mu t succuas lflm * ‘ whs, eptitle it to a higo rank to the list o R=medica tor thess complaints, Orders are :amm':mumunmw o Cu@ wm' L ‘ B LUTTBELL, TICKET . .OFFICE TREOUGK COUPON TICKETS Lake City g: !'r“eo,’ St. Johns, _ The Canadian Pain Destroyer never Rilris $ i desiers ; ovmaament sn ) poiides daties » e igen Diskers atot ie nnade Oentent and All Points East and West on the Npeqiai rates for turnmituré. Ottawas, Ocot6, 1% 1871 Ottawa, April 6, 1872. 11NADA CENTBAL RAILW , WA k 408 CANADLAN PA1X DESTROYER CANADA â€"CENTRAL Contractor, wishes to inform the inhabitants of Ottawns, May 11, 1875 @RAND TRUNKX RAILWAY, 100 p m 400 p m West, and GoIxo NoRBTh. Do do Expres: from West Do do _ Mall trowm West Do do Expresw | Rastand Wost] Kingsiton all .n‘fm:r! 30 pm G T trains for‘ accommodaticn tralin _ tot Brocokville, Cars on No 1 ass it ; and uo #40p m l-l.g- 100 a m made to order :?_l:;lwfl_ï¬_bd nocnwna,nooommmfl. Which in point of finish and â€" durability, are not surpassed in any market, . ~ / â€" .-r-ul work warranted for one year all kinds of uphh.c.*uy-‘ rust Received H. M. RO w E 3 celobrated ‘The Subscribers have received a sum for investment apon k c'?nmm“ _ and York streets,. or to I8UN and. York streets, . or to WELLSA & CO., Toronta, ; Jan. 22 1811 Steamship Comipany Steam Qc.unioa}iod maln- MQ‘““‘ ather Point, Gaspe,, ho Novrous, hoge thaoty town, Pictou and Bt. & ‘g| NA4., aad by Railway connections with o e am on dagh a y y Pn m 4; + in oA BULK AND CAXN The Italian Warehouse. i J. M. C. DELES DeRNIERS Coaches, Cartia O8EY TO LOAL,. St. John, N. B., and Halifas, N. . QUEBEC AND GULF PORTS . | OYsSTER®S, * @+« (â€")i-nvA KHOTEL, 6t James Street Mon tweal, The undersigned having asgum .. od the of this gopalar tavorite, :“m‘- the travelling public and its former patrons, that the bouse bas mmwmmu » Jo the weuts o Hotel in the city of Montreal. apge fyoapto®® mork®e® |, At Junction Dzot uf Grand Trunk an: Ottawns & Prescotst R. K. All the facilitiee o Ts ut ‘& "rmu and l-iqn "Stmie aa‘lhbilises: Table snd l (GoOovERNMEst HoUsE, Ottawa, Monday, 20th day 6 April, 1872 There is also Commodious l ard Room and (GovesExENt foUsE, ofTiWa, Tuesday, 14th day of May, 1872. Ottews, Dec 11, 1871 ii“â€" wit attendance, ,z-:'z::im@ " uds J A :» 51“'26 ]:ll â€"!" MiTStsits vaid. 4 U, 8, BROWNE, 184127 0’“’ Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" mm".tuotottoo .-WI.- Day Express for Toronto, at....... 9.00 .m Kight Express for Toronte, at..... 9.00 pm Mixed Train or Brockville, st.. ..11.00 am Avcommodation Train for Brockâ€" _: Pond,stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a. [!xp-ï¬rm and Riviere du Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" w“ m,l(...n". a * e e Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Pond, A Pullman Car will be attached â€"to the 2@‘! Trains betwoen Montreal and Rivier: *# Loup triâ€"weekly, vis »=â€"â€"From Montrea m Tuesdays, Tharsd ys and Saturdevs â€"reâ€" ruruing from kiviere du Loup o Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. s C.J. BRY DGES, * | Ottawa, June 13, 1871 1690t COn and after M=uNDAY lst of MAY, it is intended to run Pullma: z:- Cars through between Montreal anc im. of these magnificent coaches will pe “J:to each Day Expresstrainleaving Mntreal for Toronto, and be run through tc &nh,n:‘o Drawing Room and Sleeping Car, will also be one attached to each Di#y Express fro.. Toronto to Montreal: The Summer running arrangements wil. come into operation about the 1st of June, of which due notice will be given. _ ®We, the undersigned, have much plesâ€" « sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Poovanâ€" 4 waonsza‘s tecenit inprovements in his Voltaic ! Batteries and"© tw#alvanic Applianocus, 4or 4# Medical Purposens are of great importance to: “%M that he is entitled * to the and upJoï¬ of every “:Mt"mtb vancement of .3 * Dated the m y of Marcb, 1866, * BIR CHARBLES LOOOOI.NL,;.:.,O r JBIB HKNEY HOLLAND, Bart., M. P ,.... "Tivoederinty o uike 'D- * a » + bll J BANALD MARTIN, F. 8. 0.8." mjh:o ':tma.y?:d‘f-m ‘:: " * + ardent deci of that great M‘ ‘Of. raankind, .f: late illustrious «electridian. 7 mirdiisiaiyparsepribeâ€"othe rifiefor pare 3m"m. m * CA «idrl to kh PULYEKMACHER‘83 MEDICOâ€"GALYAN~ I0 CHALNB are WW the aid of medicine, dm the ivast derangement of the pationt‘s and dally occupations, in the following maladies dfl- Female Complaints . Gout Constipation €a Nouraigia _ _ _ Urinary Disorders quresgeffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). ‘=*‘ }1}"â€!?5’!"â€.9‘.‘?!“!.2‘"‘0 B UOMBLNED CAHAAIN BAND ‘for Cantrl, z of Vienna, and its curative virtuos ars Obhe by thousands of private testimoniala of PRICEK LisT OF PULYVEBMACHEKR® .__ OHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. â€";~ B. CHRAIN BANDS for Nm Deafness Heag, Tooth, and Face , and Noiser ut.umm.\c,au.,, S gF ) [ 645 8,, «HALK DB! for loss of Volce and mmmuum«,mwu N. UHAINX BANDS lor Sciat _ Rhoumatic Neuraigla, and Gouty Pai®* Local Paraâ€" bï¬m&u‘"-um & Bâ€" BANDS for Lumboago. Indigestion â€" â€" LiÂ¥er, Chest, and RFunctivnal Disorders, ~, «iko., (wotkn as a bolt), 22s to 40s and 55s, Head and Toothache Paraiysis n belargls * Rivon bevtitty N&Lm'mm o 0 s OJ BRYDGES, 5 Mootreal, April 36th, 19171, . ULVEBMAUAER‘S SYSTRM is also ap hin?. artty se amolnl repoir of tne on The effects of the .:zxm‘.uqu acher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorder NLBUEKLCLTY 1o LL#K Port!and and Boston.........10.30 pam HRAaAkO TRUOAXK i D a #0% een ces o 08 se 8086 BANDS for Writer‘s COramp, Functivnal Disorders *3 8.30 an 2.00 p.m 1657t 1 ,u::t 8@:% lho. enormous weight of . 4,525 POUNDS, Which took the priaM?flh_ i A Magnificent Calf, 11 mr old, bred flmg John West, td o8 386 radnDs, And 50 head of Western Sheep _ â€"â€"> mPorkSlemu~Unflm fully supplied wilth £ DALb. PU‘K._BAOUN, SAW‘EN. ETC " Mhe whole of which will ba on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3. 5. 7 and 8,> Lowe: fown . Market, _ thisâ€"WEDNESDAY THURSDAY, FRIDAY r ATURDAY, when they rest assured the public will be able to s e the tinest stail of Mesat in the ROWE & ENNABLE'& f§ R@~ Near Sappor s \Bridge. Jenny Lind bedsteads.. $3 00, formerly $3 50 (Qommon.Redsteads. .. â€" 2 25, _" 2 50 YVommon â€"Chairs. ... .+> _“!’!W Complete Bedroom u:‘: $10 50 and up. mq:n'm-u.m' Walnut Sideâ€" en memtonvome at equally low prices. We : GREAT RKDUCTION IN FURNITURE e w on on o. s in * Ahces Modicined worthless, and:Lherefore:calculsted ‘to damage ’ 110 ort 8 -An-‘ï¬(‘lq N 3u¢ o int the inthood on ols Nes ansinn‘ rrec Tigoes mw i‘%" EW‘.M H ‘s _ pin -q;l â€" :_ m ‘-ï¬u-m‘ y e to send all : the mb:h:’ich.-hï¬ ess of the the in the United States, or elsewho e, which may heverupplied them, so #sto on« abi+ me, for the i otf the public, to ie reagars By ‘Wwho may give me such informa ‘mo Hollower®‘ Plily wnd Obimionk will dc fls t e ce #Rolloways s “;lbï¬ Ofnt. aa i the is 538, Db d inci Sebrict) mhive baiy) woy are * Td De wanufactitred, and in no other ‘cn of the Pn neernarnar through any of the British Provinces, o tha Un ited: &pflbx soâ€"sell or to tak mictoeas ' P T W i made.. to decetre She pubtic in in waly. Oy : parsons: {eculling ~upâ€"n0 amedicine my good -no on thoit quard age«|Adt a69 stick dec@ytions," mefameatans may not be defrauded of their rexd m"mlw..:.“:-“ s omapanaies maes 30 head of splendid Waestern Cattle. ;g&;honmzw to be ‘deceived by spurious medicines, which .are now likoly to.. emanate. from ,.the States <or else Mione l iniptniont tnomateiees of tiye goun Uttawa, March 27, 1872 Liboral terms. UREILT URE, FURNLÂ¥YTURK. supplied with v L oo K MRNOLDL : 1 26. % : Telegraph Buliding, | Metcalfe atroct, Ottawas, Dec 29, 1871 °. _ also in Wood or Bottle | Genuine Henpessey‘s and Martel}: TA ns maioca L 10, . ~and MM ao. io tof ;-‘ ns {culltnst, medicin £cor Free F.’.,"‘i‘:%':ï¬;," Hocks, Clarets Sauternes, &o., of choice glï¬ï¬‚ and great range in prices. * jru GREEK ASs USUAL. ALE in cask or bottle. | Rnglish Ales, Porters, &c. â€"__ _ _ orts, Burgundies, Sherries, Cham WHILSKIES, HIGHWINES, &c Finest Fiench Wine Vinega: B!o.'n, W aT 1872. svarmer arraxnaomExExt. 187 _‘T Trh‘ty 4 I KBT pe A DiA 120E 88 , "" WPs s« a» V,rz'fl . a mareut T6 SEmaee * O * * A._PERREY; Fire Inspoctor. 0 â€"Bang‘s B and Elgin streots. °* /*~ Inrge pard up ï¬kï¬m : * @ # # » dvacial tire AbeUkance """ 4 °_ msp.......-....-.......a % the Lite Fund as a result of the business of the past year. FHIRE DEPARTMENT. 7 All descriptions of m’ insured against Loss or Damage at moderâ€" aktp yotes. » . # +4 1 lassas nromuntly settled without referâ€" L ABULL NCOE "over....." 4 820 paid and ‘ unregiftsred matter can ‘be sent. On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, G: and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this ge the same night AUCTIONEER, REAL * ESTATE . . LUMBERXEN‘S ~AGENT, .. AND Directions for use on each Packet. ag\:‘ discovery ~fl~ï¬'~( vedal at the Interâ€"Colonial Kzn:bition of Victoria, Ausâ€" walie, of 1866 besidou numenpus ‘Testimoniais. for Ottawaâ€"â€"Jumenh Keseuagh, Groout. QW.;Jmï¬x TA Pot. Rideau. st,; ~»locombe & otevens, Sign of the Suger Loaf, soruer of Mm‘“h New nduur J. W . Proctur & Co.; for Ayimet, Mr, N. E. Oormict ; the Wholesale Agouts for the Canudian Provinces, are J. Smith & Oo, Ho.‘1 Wostern Buirdings, Montreal, May 22 1871 1iv« 65 1611Â¥ THE :COMMERCIAL, HOUSE ?v‘ %\â€"&n ’uu Io‘&'. 4._ € bausiness. Good and Liquors warranted. Ot tewas, Februaty 14, 189} ~â€" _ ¢ ..m‘“ been "ed 1 tor a Ars An-‘bU‘WIO! hï¬.u SALOY wili be called u%&ht.ï¬m-fllfl'm hm or Bosb on Sheep or Goate ; also on e, &o,, &c., Jn leas than Ten Minutes, Bold in Packetsâ€"325 cts. per Packet ;or Six Packets for One Dollar, 45o0t%s. .. L ‘l\cmuw-rl ï¬uh.:lu amell, keep in any may ï¬wmmmï¬hfl bharmiess to Oats or Doge, as they will uot Which is known to be * Far Supoerior to anything ever yot Dis« « * covered For killing Rate, Mice, Insects on Pogltry PROF. HERMAN‘! VBRMIN ~ DESTROVEE,â€" Rstablished 1861 . Permanent and transiont boarders accoinmod: od, and avery m%-dd“o“ 9697 Fj ROMANS, Proprietor. T.30 Ottawan, May 15, 1872 MPORTAWYT NOTIOE. HB @ RULAL *!. KALOONX, $ sL@IB sTREEI No. 43, Hidésh atrees. Ottaweâ€" olunmmull.l. ; "‘..w%ï¬r»““;l:ï¬â€˜b‘euduu p». in which only .W oniframdA‘maitar Chin hn REent : z* + o ttian s ue tog OYAL IN8UBANOE OOMPANY , o l 2 P and HIPKE, _ _ rosT OFFICE SAVINGA BAKKE R@J* Deposits will be received stthis Offlice. Interest allc For Money Order and Sevings Barik business from 10 a m 4o 4 p m s20 008 see 100099 see 18 30 AVERLY 20088, ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAIIL, M. Fakd: 3 """'"RM Ne 1/ (Agp on P kn Sm rcd; nnauia‘y 4 1 »out 6 cnine poaaas bamn mediate Offices, Mondaye, Wednesdays and Fridays}! . . | _._._._..\Fempleton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Baturdayg.......|11180.»»»;»»,| ......, T. MCLARK:, Agoent. \ other of the Deminion, United m. whn ORAUODEDUTE 2s=â€"sses»»sesss sseeesenscasess Kempty Jie, Merrickvilie, Oxzford Mills, per Bt. L. & O.R.| 849 ........ North Gower, Kare, &0., per 8t. L. & O. Railway..........| Qagtody, hamell, &s per ° 46 ~ 4o ........_..... ! 5,40‘........ & Perth, Binith‘s Falls, and Catieton Pince, pet On 3| _ _ _| * _ Portage du FOrt, &0..00,sseee00e0 000000000 vecsresbe00s _ Apyimer and Bull, x A饥gbims nobptewint Nee â€"> Apiricisict March and UBSIOW, ViB AYIMOT....0»»»»»»»ssssessensescens ooo +\ Lowe Ottaws, by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" ; i lrad, L‘Orignal‘ Greanville, &e........ March, Huntley, Catp,Ae , by Stage......... NOVA Me&ï¬mnmtuma .Mu‘m.fl.l vie Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. Briâ€"ish Columbis tand Vancouver Islend) Mail M‘.flsv‘o Windsor, Ont, Detroit and San Franciseo, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to other parts of the Deminion, * ‘The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. North of Carleton Rlace Junstion, â€"Bristol, » Olarendon Centre, . Packeaham, â€" Pembroke, Beli‘s Cornerst, Richmond, &e. per Canada Central Chelaoa, W akefeld, North W akefeld,Low & intermeâ€" OorEICE, OTTAwa aaig. nads Central Railway. ..........+ to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Supplementary sits can be withdrawun at any time. FICE HUOURS FROM 8 A,M., TO T P:M MONEY ORDER® nm:mmm Lreland, Newtoundiant at offce. â€" Also Postage Etampa, and Pos y We aer ced Paisea. Work, biowr. tnJ s ""temen: Be A. Byorksizreos. yese t B We rrery s rgrcpo ie 4 medng > * Finin and Otus irke and n rgropo ie 4 m dag e , Hope & (HE m‘fmm ‘and F":",: " Wember 12, Wellingion swebt, (#1# u’ y, #AIpmE®iRe is |OO «* 4 Provincial Land Burveyor and commisioned 1or the m Darleton Pince, per Ca " ‘.“'_ i.~ senesgane ecsnesentieeeecens eemmes $ | . , _ _ _ _ _ _ _( on the B. £ 0. Railway.,| | i“‘ see Junction, â€"â€"Bristol, ( | s,00 ......... ~ sckenham, â€" Pembroke, 1. "#4 beverer Precwarcsmten / qromis 1 ©e0B 10200 1. whe ME Liviccersecorecteesierneners xer 4 "H6 WDIRT A 2,uow-mmumi,.|‘ MoWili Uab Aeltssan ue n".......::‘&;. vurs‘s bug Store, Masi »ad 08. : | Bridee. OBe houre u: n 9 a, a. 40 4 p, &â€" N. td to thne n&-â€"u:@ K lns goon at ols cosidence, Murray sroct. NJ Ahhove at Mr Townu‘s, N P ; private retle * dgonese in rear of French, tull. Business aitâ€"ndes in Octaws und ‘the Disâ€" triecs Cuurts of the County of OMaAYNE _ cublic, and Peteni RigniSoliciior. _ Officeâ€"lnâ€" wedintely opposite kusseli wouse, Hlginâ€"si. d3ut ( w& Law, 8 .)Mcitors in Ohanpery , Nomrics Public and Advocatus fur the Froyinces: of; uniariv and Oticeâ€"Gorper of Sasset ay‘ Vork streots . X, 8.â€"Collinptions attended 1o 1 all yorls she Provinees of Ontaric and \Qiasb® 3447 D "B e . therton s Drog Storow â€" Regide _ ';'. ~ NHOTLbY® POBUIC.. "Gesidenss â€" Â¥H nekt the Host Office. 11988 pFYB&HLES M.BCIL, ad ware, Aul | kke & GEKANR mnllnt. Lm,m& kte. IMieeâ€"ln pexia» #. uihuiélm m..‘ whd Butary tb Arven id ona Amiratt on ies Dnige peâ€"Is the & °m uy ~man 4 Cmmaug" «pposite the Post OMea, Uitaws. _ 484y _ 50 Â¥imutaw Mospporve. â€" WOB _ Gromes Taniok _ RMRILEKAU, Wis tince of Qaol Interest allowed al the rsate of Fow pe ULKXAUREKE RAARAY, [: Wioâ€" W.) WAMD, Putt#0t ol# @ Adgrossaie, &e., opposime ihe nesseli goase * KA Architecs. OBseâ€"Arna 'u:m.:'.“a-u..m t APILLKLAEK a AUZ RHLI, POBROLA® EPA lb bkb, Darraster ano Ablor K. OLIVER N A& Ti4, Dentisi, Ofitt "LRIGOHTE & CLBKOow, Bar nhan * seyâ€"at Low, Bparksâ€"streot, Contr al Ottawa. T lnas at, Sherupgncrtuime [ To 0. AMORARBR aVi/Â¥ s Us LAMKROTH, ven to lne tre 1ment l io m T Oflsoâ€"Arment‘s â€"| _ | 420 @â€" K. BRâ€"PFarmess trc t on oun enter the mm{! + Sworn before " e aneed hnlgrs me at Srttest vepdable vegetable trine Aloes, Capmou® into the composition : M...n-l. “‘M- mmh monot help but £0t 0 satistectory and desir tor what your all men! #anding, it will find you by the rapid man PL A N E D BUILDING AX. M“a that 1 was as well ous to my tliness J4Q Cha.sberinin, ssored to pertect This Medicine is us an ucss aingt catetie‘ Wild Oberry Bark, «HAUVDIEZ/AE most marvellout World has ever } INQLES we wili &A ®aseo lfll- Knd i2 ‘the v"l I I C the Hand trom any SPRING 8t im Â¥ Lache, the Oof tm