o# Leg a)â€" to 4 I 8 ~on} | mvso BLIC. L. > mr + * & 0. 4# it Conta al Â¥ #a ULTY �.R. ExX p. 1.3.“,-" Aiiich on 0Â¥ P08Y, !l--mn..’. Aylmer, . .!""_ #% 18072 7a% OTtAWA RIVER SAVIG " COMPANY. | Ah Th .cc mcivcntommcarins. Airrent . # % that about three years ago J became affiicted with Bronchitis, which. lasted about eightoen nenths. 1 was so affilcted for the want of bwath that it was dificult tor me to w n h%fl #Hime frequently the clothes off and. raising in the ted to keep from strangling, I tried three of the most eminent physicians in the County 3 T C esw # y es C C004 e k rceiving any beneft, in fact I continued get» vYOL VLI NO WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Bsaooxury, April 5th, 18170. J 0 Chambriain, Bte _ This is to certi To oo ee hn fir‘n ht ape â€" ty mih m a Jets were tibereled, and madicloe could not about her. As a wsort 1 a bottle Em&-m‘nm s«spiration of two days hor symptous were decidedly better She conttnued tw improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one bottle she was able to sit up. By the continuâ€" rd."â€"dy-h-pbï¬yuund . Yon publish the facts for the bâ€" nefit of ï¬.m“ *T 0. BROWX CÂ¥ Rpiscopal Methodist Minister. ° UHOU. "e * , JOKN BILYER "*u.â€œâ€œâ€œï¬ of April, A D 1870 # J M WELLINXGTON,) P The Steamer vegotable some Oberry Bark, Juniper, Quasgia, Smartweed, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or C Jaiap, 80c0, *“m:“.m‘““ tnto the composition of the combizned mediâ€" eine, are such and ao L armoalously classited uâ€"-‘d.uu it is made the most curative in the kaown world, and mnm-m aystqm lu‘a very ~ and dewirable manner. No mat« Wt what your ailment may be, or of how loig smading, it will And the spog: and astouish you by the mpid maaner in which you arse in pleasant and safe to take, anad is wartaatâ€"d, and may. positively be reâ€" Ned upen to make a permauent cure of all disenace of the Turvat, Laugs, Ltver, Kiduegs Digestive Organs, &o., #c., as woll as Rerofuis the vartous Skin Diswases, Humors, and all J 0 Cha..berilain, EReqâ€"â€"This is to o e sc ars u1 Consa Purther information, with full directions for s u.amu:k-ul--btmh, M‘ :M:,d M% h,;.lu-'m.-no'uï¬zz e in t i RHUILDING AND bLRIDGE TIMXBER. A large stock of the above will be Mp_h‘bfld"u W.... PLANED LU MBER of all descriptions. SHINGLES X XX. XXX. . B.â€"Farme.s from the Counnty of Carlsâ€" ton onu anter the mill yard by Broad Strâ€"et, im ol‘ Oot, 26, 1811 1808et . We make of English mae bednoui ap toin? ts dirach .‘. ho orace 8.*‘ h _h ean be supplied m any :-' large or axpall. â€" Parties requiric tities for early spring d-liv:;w.:mu to oerder at once. and a large stock of aw and other articles, and the very best. suitable for the ' o farmer, city resident, lum, Pâ€"- usual, wholesaie and r0» L MBADOWE & Co., | Cure ot Bronchitis. HaUDPIRA/R #eTAaN MILLA, Fl‘m ARRIVALI ! WROUGHT 1RON BEDSTEA Ottare, arh i5E _ ie Aund for about a year, without NoOTICE. W H Y ? Â¥au0Â¥aCruazza Of JOHKSX ROCHESTER & So. on Saturday, the ith May, taws at 5 a. M+, returning Well Seasoned, centity OBR SHOW ROOM. , Orme & Son are also agents for MoCAMMON & CO., ______ + _ â€" Also the celebrated Composed of the following or other first class Powâ€"rin} Tron Steamsbips : + x l SCOTLAND, g}(l;‘ ~ mllAs' :I'V%. ADALLA TEVIOT. Th« stuamers oft this Line are intended to sail Weekly as follows during the season of gavigation of 137%, to and trom _ f The merits of the Dunkham Pumuos hy T romolity Ts bedoms a proveris (Onltice n Pipnoouth ourmart tor game at P1 out passeoyers and lesving that port every Friduy.) Jabin, $60, stoorage, $24 â€" Tnrough tickets from all noints West at «educed rates. Certificates 1 â€"1n 4 to persons dexirons . of bringing .Out iucit . triends $ * countinent, in Loadon for 5.-:.0'3.-...- ‘;‘onflum to %l%-:-qh and «ther points in F» Fright or wmhï¬u toy‘s, Ca‘ter & Darke, 31 Biliiter Btreet, doo ; \Vuu:cht Wah,‘rflan.M Nok s e t e t vin sRA U â€" / | Montréal, om‘éis'&“»."&-su"" ap Te Wellington .- Streot, where orders for the collection and d.ymaem-m-umpâ€"z: and â€" caroful attention. Payment ""m::a_ifm‘-mm be received :“L Company‘s Office, on Wellingion A. J. TAYLO®, rec<l c o o â€"â€"â€"â€" Cngkagle kaick (Ottawa, 5th Feb., 187% . _ P.$. ENTEANTEBY SIDE DOOR z.‘m b. a two iesd s woee dnhiint it London Queoset, TD CONTRACTORSâ€" Bul! in Canadaâ€"for sale. Ris full pedigree an be ascertained on application to the Punnnnln ULL FOR SALE, *‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ or to C.I.WPIMIAI. r | Ottawa Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks street. â€" CARTAGE AGENCY. ‘The undersigned begs to imform the Lawrevee & Ottawa Railway And Montreal. 20 n FROM LONDON. IMPROVEMENT ___ 31.# Â¥. THOYXHOEK, lfll:dzvl Yeavs NN Wednewlay, 2in t May do 29th do do Sth Jane «‘o 17 h do do. . Srd Jaly 4o â€" 10th do and HOOD, Ebe ns â€"â€" ~~â€"> hâ€"‘cl ""'M.:g do ~ e t e P w " on in ism o onl . be with Convention "3 t Ey rarKAk Arthe+t se1 +468 ++ + + ++ ++ ++« PHEG §100 Matchâ€"Open to all comers ; to be ’mwm the Club rules ; & ® > > HMPHIQ, ‘ 50o - n deo o mepateaint ¢ com a o Hoonmd ++ Sawin#e Machine & 12 somiion bay cEreBRATiON | IC !"* "*= ~Axp â€" |nn ENS FIREMEN‘S TOURNAMENT | :8 {mserides will PFiftoeon Hundred Dollars for Celebration On "ON“Y. ist JULY, ‘72, Pn ua renme, i oo ns : Un bn triagin Three or more competing,. ...Second * ",-‘ll â€"-flï¬mâ€".‘ !!-.qm.n _GAxEs AXD AkUuszXEXTs To BEGIN At 0 A.M. Bazsé Hall Matchâ€"Open to all organized â€"__ PC '.:m "In'l:chmnl’lbo' n. One Mile Raceâ€"Open to all comers : Cenin Wet. ï¬"‘*&‘.{‘b“““ ¢ v * Meceerschaum Pipe . 4 "as" n ie Semertaposs as f 1"-.':‘ *« Pair Pants..o¢:. _ & “-Iu-ou.. ..."""."5'-?-â€. 6 e i pelata in the Grand Three or more competing,... Becond " > 50 r.â€......-?u"“"""h‘.'tz.u.-a.i’ o dadied, ( h2 mortly ~all phain? porpondtâ€" Narepoee Oanpay‘t steamers Firemen‘s Abpeâ€" o n Pise and Clubs intending to compete . hh-h?fl r to make entry on or Refore 204 ’F{Q’?uï¬ tanor, NOX.COXBUSTIBLE & NON CORROSIVE save 20 per cent in fuel, and steam passes Extensively used in the Eastern and W the British Admiralty and American Navy,â€" (Bee circalar.) * f _ N, B.â€"It aaves 30 por cent on the Russel! Section 1%â€"And be it furthered ordered, That To o( on sns ts t mgpror ut s s C“ W the yor, (Or Un o wos fotyniagoe aet Aracne | --.-Nm such place -'.‘m'- is suffici~ =""“"" re, and otherwise At for the purposeâ€"inâ€" en on o ioun Customs \hnlâ€":-‘aF.. or sign with the following thereon : . en ts Tull ts a labei the f % thnt,.'l e ms'-Ԥ i voigp padk seuptess Wambewer in in beas signated, require tha or person who i en hi t im Repeanins :_m‘cs:‘:.u-‘““z.&m . ...‘!‘ï¬'.: Doak? and the Collectormill se in waich mijy oo made ut hy nate with regh d ts _â€"â€", Tmtxs Printing Office, Ottawa. GoD SAVE THE QUEEKX, Otkuvem, May 6 HH _ ~ ~~ _ *. 0 â€" uies a hatal ht * Cuatoths i afuiomren" sontain: i-h:n-uidmnbm' NT * Amroprikemedqariet Sestion 13 : â€"And be it further ordered, That duty Mhï¬ all goods ex warchouse on the guage or a-hh-fltrh-o won, per primé W“m«ï¬- mvh.v‘:?'h. may have arisen rootian ht cmd is indatiher ordereds ‘That ies oi m ns sare according to the original invoice the corâ€" ~yHAMBESS.SPENCE PATENT . 4A fonâ€"Canductor Sor Covering Steam Boilers gullector, and in the absence of such invoice, or the mA Pnefate,ug ‘m and adopting the result as the '..‘I !. L4 LRA LLLL At the City of Ottaws, Ontario, Custons Departaac,, â€" Comntastontr of Oustoms: khv&?fl March, 1873, as ? Is so universally regarded as a STANDARD ME dent will reta m':..:r&“o?-'-'m“ s, after _ A ane L%‘fl_nfls“:ï¬k T.A “‘mh $ Geme dh‘-“b'& > k Wufl’ Gemes, 8t . shaws aollaations of Voeal Game contain each The $00 to 3 t-v%uv length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"conductor quite dry. , yLaRKEKS NEW METHOD Bonding of Goods, and still in force. Matchâ€"Open to all comers ; {h accardanice with the Club uts ; 1 > Hpecial Prize, $ 50 is Foot Raceâ€"Firemen 3 months REED ORGANS Customs Warehouse.‘" No. vdvertisement is only needed as a music is 8o Attractive that the stuâ€" + and Ottaws, Brockville and Central Ruilways, and Ottawa sent, postâ€"paid, on OTTAwWA WEDNESDAY.: â€"JUNE 19. 1872. Prize $100 Not Bold t for sale 1 utmg&mE ?m-u‘:'rm--- Dou Ottaws, May 3, 1873. son, @ALBION: HOT EL4 City of Ottaws, Ontario, is best in Domâ€" deesprstusre: flfl% and | ment Buildingt . _ vbsurtoyaigise cam give satlatnotory reasons for wanting to bulk. _ . . _ ... . wuk â€""~~_" PEmis EASt. r-wm?gï¬q Ottaws. May 14, 1822, __________ o é-;.- s xk L on ate t im 4 in craw LoG correr uk megenrnsitarey n is wm losls i C â€"Anigendignraliagorhim x" * in 1 5. .l "A Canadian Monthly for May â€"â€" % Ti vintzne imawttess settcieres . _ / / flwmm â€" _‘ Also ready the C *OR SALE Not Sold yet, but for sale by the s# GILA':‘HF-? PEPTI C Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Selected, ‘=7‘Tm' Orders executed with care aed ‘Trade Name and Mark registerod â€" _‘ Purs Chemicals and New Hotignes SOLE MANUFACTURERS ; _ THOS. MORSON & $ 0N ELD’:I'BIOI‘I’Y. < Jâ€™ï¬ THOMAY nc:monncx.lcrmc;m». Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. «< Pain cannot stay where it i# used?" It is the OHEAPEST MEDICINE E MADE, One doss cures common sore One bottle has cured Bronchitis. worth has cured an old Standing *Jt m‘ Cents‘ worth has qured: in the Back, and the same qusatity :Lame of gfly.:m.'lt 4 Necl of the Mescles, Btiff Joiots, â€" Spin ; "*t a, and Pain and Sorences in , no 2 s "aile, n hieen" denthee thee en omonaea se spoonful cures Colic in 15 minotes.: It will cure any case of Piles that it to cure. . Six or eight applications is warranted bcmuyn.dwllwach- Aimed Breast,, â€" For Bruises, it appUied often and bound up, there is never the alightest dissoloration to the sakin. It stops I?fl of a Burn as soon as ayplied, 0-:1 Feet, Boils, Warts, and Corns, andâ€" Wounds dmd.:\iï¬;a-lcmh“ And NORTHEOP C%M de Ont,, Bole Agents tor the Note.â€"Eolectrioâ€"Heleoted and eleot:ized The cut of over One Thousand Acres patented imber nds 1nd o t ciit mnster four ailion AD W *For Sahoot anlpor Ausor, pancths teeer phrtect cpane lie m ARE CHANCE BOARDING HOURE KEEPEBEA foes peaten se tae RUSSELL SQU o nbuks Bs carpully packed and shipped to THOS. STA on N OkaBAML. of this nutriâ€" NO, aeu!ms'mm AND DUKE STREET, CHAUDIERE, Y />~ Thunagfts 6 T T AW A, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and suirit Merchants. y 'ommmp.udbobrbthol'udncco-nultyudb the trade indueements that bas not been given heretofore by agy one in our line of businessâ€"being now ‘mportâ€" Ing the chief part of our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enabls us o reduce prices turther. . We claim already to have brought the enormous profits haretwufore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to contih.ue so. We will enarantes that no one can ‘sell the rame articles cheaper, such a« TEA», P. Baskerville & Brothers, bntuntaty oi Tiirrvdrcrtretcatbreandinker es breerceari x nevendLriLel "Â¥ NPEVLAOELIECY We wili g_u. that no one can sell the same articles chuspor. such a« TEA»=, 8UGARS, TOBACCOS mnd GENERAL GiOCERIES, also WINES and all h.rom‘ Liquors.‘ Canadian Bpirits, of the best description, always on hand at prices as low :s Emall lots can be laid d wn. We care not for competition, sll we require is a tri«l given to our goods. The cconomist will profi; by calling to us,. $@#*Our motto is light profits, PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE . A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte 2 Music W arerooms A COMPLEIE ‘AsSORTMENT Chickering‘s Pianos, â€" _ Steinway‘s Pianos, Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason . & ;Hamlin"s Organs, _ Prince & Co.‘s Organs. ém@.wwmmmmmo»m Terms liberal. j * Pianos to Rent. T'fl'n UOMING CHURCH MUSIC BOOK . To be ready July lst. |, _ ; A 0E 8. I AN D 4A R D, bbh?g ondmaus : 4 » / C00 ® « * * m,‘ .(:l L .)"k†J, n ‘lflh C ttawa , Apru 22, FIOWER SEEDS, a large ASSORTMENT COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR It,isp a certain %ï¬w scrofuli, n?d(iuml ity, all discases in mc‘ n}-;n"‘*‘ a for taking this CGireat w DuiCama vomcounp by a0 + 09 , gmm_dpmhm i occge qeot, AVARS itkncen al ‘.’.9'{...“"‘"“"“ to | be :obtained ‘ from | omu:m 1918 El rough its wonder in restori t id in nbliy aaik. _ 0_ CHARLES ALEIANIER +AXND $08$, subsscibor on mecne t viiratna coosisung ’; valor -"'“......."" & s > .dlnbub & : -.:h.L AJ HOLESALE â€" STE AM CON FECT â€"+ .EsSTABLISHED IN 1M Volls Papurs > Friiged, Hotiocs, Torts of Plealy. e ie o o 387 «> 80tâ€"NOTRE DAME STREET, w h i o oNA L ; por omm _ Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, na;m%juuafofw- It strikes at the root of all 1;‘.:“ amï¬â€˜-d PIANUS and ORGANS taken in exchange. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited ; o _A. & 8. NURDHEIMER. ‘ M * A. PETERSEN, General Agent. Ottawa, April‘8, 1872. MARRIAGE® CaKE= ORNAMENTS, W reaths, Leaves, Paney Boges.of English, UNCAN‘S (From Ewing Bros., of Montreal.) , : A,. CHRISTIE &# 00,, Druggists, Sparks Street, (Ottawa, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. _ ‘_P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS. 26 sSPARKS STREET, O T T aA W A. almer, of Chicago. OF THE FOLLOWING INZTRUMENTS&ALWAYS Vpou w-l*cao.oo wa 6 a% 0 . a 62 8 6 Bawing Machine® ... . +s . »+ â€"+«»+« + P P anati e it relal T. {=4. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS At the Ottawa Agency, Market Square mm Machine ...... . M m". a a a 6 09 # o a e 6 6 Cultivators .....}...... . Reaping Machines from . Threshing Machines from . Mo’!*’..l'. *# # Faoning Mills Turnip Cutter . Grain Crusher, Iron Harrows , do Plows... Wooden Plows w.ï¬lnflm'- '......'....' ....‘.'.'ll.’: “ Bflm._....'........"l.'.l.cm“ , at $ other metioles 8t eo ioi AnBQPF â€" January 15,1872. old 5 LPOLDG LTOVE a a e a a at e o e 60 8 * gm_‘mm.. n.-ocouc‘no Hardwareâ€"Hardware. KEGS OF~CUT NAILS Just receiord and for" sale very low, hsring been reentiatine RLitidtagt 9 boke. Bene Serews, * hards. BIRKETE |~ NOT £ TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDER® No. 24 Rideau Street SIGN OF THE ANVIL. On Salary or Commission. â€" Permanpnt and reâ€" mungrative situations to good reliable young men. COttaws, June !, UR Haine‘s Pianos, AT THE OLD STAND, a a «is 6 6 6 6 a# # a m 40 4 a n e 6 6 en 69 6 8@# & Aoprangrnt inevepy counl, ®*+ Kirst “-o,c‘fd served."" One agent made $170 in 11 days. 3t 30 Sttfien fauk, hpw $00k." a a + 0 0 %@ 199 3m cl\bf†1.003 , + « $30 to 40 . «. 80 to 8/ $100 :o 140 §106. 1C Hats, â€" Hats, R@°LARGEST AND °B ES T.# Kelection ef |* HATS, LA LA Prei ce \P..mv& 4 33 msm,t,(hmw B@~The highest price paid for KAW FUFS. Ottawa, May 7, 1872. ~ _ PBIVKTE LESSONS hm:o.denugug:‘o:whusrzzw re hah.rl ho this i w hn.hbutd * aa 0 ... MADAME LAMOUCHE, Ottaws, April 11, m:... Riremesiidts . ... . e 1e tm: 1DRITISH COLUMBIA, ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Nuval Station, Eequimait Marbor under the guarantee provided in the Twelfth Section of the Terms: of, Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" ing words :â€" * ~~ > * . ds * The Dominion Governmeént shall guarantee the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rat? of five per Sont per annum on such sums, not excceding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock at Esquimait." The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" ‘ Length on fioor 370 feet, Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings 90 feet, f » Do on floor.â€"....... .. 45 feet, Do . of entrance. ... :. . .63 feet, e To afford a depth of water on the will of not less than %} feet athigh water springs, and to be subâ€" stantially constructed to the approva« of Government upon a site to be provided by the person whose ten« der may be accepted. * » . Further particulars as to site, borings, An, may be obtained from: T. A. Burxusr, Esq., Chief Enâ€" gineer to Government, uponapplication in writing to the Chief ommissioner of Lands and Works. Tenders must specify the time within which the Dock will be compicted, and must be accompanied y drawings and descriptions showing exact dimen» gions, materials, and mode of construction of pro> posed Dock. Tenders are to be Sealed, supersoribed * Tende for Esquimait Graving Dock," addressed to the eicf CUommissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, ritish Columbia, and delivered at his ofiee before noon of the 15th day of November, 1872 ts‘ C Pergons who may consider the above guarant .. . . be insufficient, are at liberty to tender on the batis i such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial @overnment, or upon â€"uch other financial indugeâ€" ments, as they may suggest. 3 w al_ The Government do not bind themselves to accept | the lowest or any tender. l Each Tender must be accompanied by : a Bond: from the Contractor, und two sufficie u-:-l-. the payment of £19,000 to Her Majesty, hoirs and successors, conditioned upon the due fulfilment of the Tender which it nccompanies, provided it be accepted within three months from theisaid i5th Lands and Works Office, Victoria, April #7th, 1872. and Ameipbone Ou had mhsi ht Mag" nosk, mar B tctnied ar io reetdanes, Rorg Stagge ones t to By A. ROWE, Auctionser. â€" _ â€" mmemnmnï¬.‘ e®g | , German and Vienna j c â€"ace= iN 4)‘ er‘s Rooms, Rideau Street, for a tow days oniy. > Bote ctors end ot the Ce To tm iess ie Thile PrEriz Trom is o : irb--j% Sharpentag and ing Cothery: (Tab has oras bet ~gvered â€" whhkdh : rach Talne in evary pocsebole x Vomik op for 2+° GEO. A. WALKEM, Chief Commissioner of Lands and W otks. FRENCH LiaNGUAGE. CAPS, and > R. P. LEWUL}, STRAW $PRICEâ€"3 CEN TS published s readable and tnstructive pam~« ppqwm-umnaqm * Rempmmemeae BORE THROAT, COUGH, CO and similar troubles, 1 wuftered to resalt in # _ Pulmonary, #ronchial, and % inturable . aAré compounded so Aas i6 reach directly thr seat of #he discamn and give almost instar® ‘The Traches s&re offered with the fullest confidenos in their efficacy ; they bhave beetm reputation heve justly mcquired _ Fao: M@E{MM Officers und those who overtaz the voice they aro nsefal in reiteving an Irritates Throat, and will render articulation eay. Boing an article bf ue merit, and having proved their efllicacy * by a tust or many years, each yeau, finds them ‘h.:.mh-tnpmdmm aind the Troches are uniycisally pronounced . better than other articles. Ubtain only «Brown‘s Brenchisgl Trooh«s, and do not take any of the Workhisss Jmétaiion s that may be offered soid by the uM'â€dH &6 & poor Ifnitation and nothing mmi's in boxes with facâ€"simale of w JO“L‘}U'& ate Gov , This care in putting z.&ot“.hl:: a sequrity purchasor m!m'ï¬wp-d- Brow i; & linitetion and nothing like CBVHN N i lmcuut TROUHES which are auld only Onega a5> Breoraz.â€"In ol orl« umâ€"-wumsm itheo vineyard or the garden, there must be order an i system: to insure successful results, and this maummwflm Another great truth has also been al by the same means, whichis: That as a peâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the cure of solds, coughs, rheumstisn, aad ssome complaints, the "Oansdian Pain Destroyer," i the mostreliable. For sale by all Druggist Ganar Conprriox Munio:xnâ€"As a eondit medicine for horses "Darley‘s Condition Pout ders and Arabian Heave Remedy®" has no equnl Its effects in this respoot are astonishing ; marg horses that were supposed to be broken dow a .uu-mmmuu-a.t: packages, been. restored to a hull{ an sound condition, all traces of the disease haviug -&&:ï¬m‘omm and Arabian fl" We know you «ill be perfectly sutisfied with the resulit. Remember the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. â€" Nerthrop 4 Lya».‘* oooâ€"lâ€"oo‘ahl;u-onl.fl have been scidl for from to $15 mord than they woenld pre viously have brought; when you want a horse by all medicine deaiors. 3 Cmnmmaam. TBIRTY YLARRA EXPERIEKOE OF 48 E’:mâ€" mt 'â€"i'n.r'â€"'“m-i or Canade. â€" Hold ¢ OLD NURSK, maes. Wiueny w‘s Booruine Braur is the pre« mmam«mnr-urï¬n- and Nursee in the United States, and has beea usea : for thirty with never taillag mmmc-nuuu-umu ohlldren, frem the tooble Infact of one w.ok old to the adult. 1t porrects aolidity «4 the stomach, rallvves wind colic, reguiates taf bwvh.ud(ï¬v-ndb“dnd-nl wuther and child. obhh:'d n‘r.n-qhmwdl,h casose T usan n mhurties estblng, â€"ar from aig whsther it trom teotbing, or from say asucompany each botlle. lcumul- the tac«â€"simile of CURTIS & P 8 i on the outside wrtupper, Boid by ull medicine l“::‘im Ofloe, 216 Fulten ::q.‘. Ya.amuommh- sure MhL#K., WINXBLOW®B l&ï¬â€œâ€˜ BYEUP Ueving the fao simile f * Oartin & Pork io «on the uarside wrapper â€" All others are Ds you rhoumnatism in any form‘ â€" Have you atl aeck, or bmches caused by rhoumatio paius? if so, Jonnson‘s Anodyne Liniment is a #peos do remed; andais also the bost pain killeris No toilet table should be wit out COCâ€"GLYORKINE, 25 cen® + &A# $ ‘» No. 1, Bole, Scte per io. l:-u-p,uooo»mp. 13 green;y%8 OU 0 Bmoon *l, 4o Frocnâ€"Retail gnpnait n No A, UA t 6.15 ao . Jesmeni, $5.245 . do i p â€" «uo * P . -M-&mmm Umekzed corn, do . Bran, Thote to $0s. Huve you a severe wreach or sprain T. Cod oil 60 cts per gallo Afokine thom pirtho © vuts, 88¢ o 406 6 s0 Peras, b2¢ to b5¢ do 5“ to $1.15 SOcts, to 6Ncte. n askls" . akens* upuod fakk th to pacoei. Sudes rhe. 1, 25 " aach â€" Boof, $1.00 to $8 B0 per K ibe ln’kulnrb Fowis, so couple. 1W:‘Ju MM..:g-‘? hnh,fll.’l‘:t lounllrd-. # Buster 15 to 20 cte perib. hfln.lhblb;rnlh. 206. A to 9 cta. per 1b. ho s mth per bushel. r-.:m.. to 26 Curiote 256 1o 40c do. festh i Â¥1.60 10 $1.60 do. Calery, Ado to yer dos _ > Herring. $4.15 to $5.00 Mess Pork, $14 g:o‘;uo,.:u ©O0O0(+PGL YCOKRRINE â€" nourial Apples paer barrel, $4 00 to $4.50. Wool 45 cts. to 50c per Ib. goï¬nunn’«: dtraw, §$6. *~ Jat straw, §6 to Â¥7 do. oo aAille‘ 6000 G1LYOERINHE removes ITUATIOE WaXTED, o +0k oniptet Pr amere & 6 o Johnsouws Anovdyne "be to 80¢ per lb. tb ~#09 4n uas K it 1 it bi