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Ottawa Times (1865), 19 Jun 1872, p. 2

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N R* 7% . : what â€" few Annexationists are left there Â¥4) _ That will unite with the Grits of Ontario. & We ure glad to hear that the Hon. Mr. : Hows is somewhat betier. John Oakey & Sons. Ottawa Water Worksâ€"C & Cunningham. Card of Thanksâ€"6 R Biytb. â€" Government Houssaâ€"Wm H Lee. Explosions seem to be the most fashionâ€" able kind of accident just now.. On Friday steamar exploding and eight or ten â€" por« sons being killed or wounded. The second explosion cccurred in New Jersey. A logwéod exiructor expleded, iniling two young men. The third explosion rook nlace at Marsailles While the Spanuwh steamer Guadayea w1» lying in that port, crowded with passengers, her boiler exâ€" ploded. The entire uppear portion of the Ship was torm to pleces. JP Wau®" ""* board {ew escaped deéath or injury. Fortyâ€" four persongers, and eleven of her officers, were killed. > immediately after the oxâ€" mloainn the steamer took fire, and the A verious conflagration was threatene i; -v-lht’ihd-dn.- were conâ€" sumed. A dispatch from London announces that the Geneva Conierence is still in session. The trial of Stokes, the murderer of Fisk, is post,oned until next Wednesday. Pr. Norman Mceleod is dead. ‘The Boston Peace Jubiles has so far been The strikes in New York are a very serious aspect. Sir John Macdonald will not be able to attend the banquet to Lord Lingar at back premises. . We beliere, hewever, that our reperter obtained his information trom a person whomhe had every reason to believe was well informed. The President of the Council lea res this morning for Novea Seotia, where he will reâ€" main for a short time. Although ‘he has not yet bee~ a resident of Ontario quite wwo years, the people of this Province, and more especially of this city, have most friendly feelings; recognising in him as thay do not only a man of keen intelâ€" loect and statesmtunlike ability, but of trug putriotic w=rth. . We. beliere thas he will find public feeling in Nova Sootia greatly changed for the better both as sespects Port to the Dominiou Government, Afier the next elections the present Adminisâ€" tration will have an overwhelming maâ€" twits from that Province. it is anly ‘Tho Toronto Globs without the slightest pretext for such a statement says : _# RByery day is affording proof, not only NEW ADVERTISEMENTS b&o“ r hbi-'fi-lho constituencies, but from tone of the Government orvans themseives, that Sir Sir George Cartier left last night for Having made this assertion without a ahadow of proot, our Upposition contempo rary goes on to say thatâ€" the Government arse giving up tha game." (The wisbe mus<t think that its readers are simpletons indeed. "Giring up the Game" when an increasing majority in both branches of the Legisiature bear witness to the wisâ€" dom of the Ministerial policy! «@Giving up the Game" with an unsullied record of fire years to point to, an overflowing treasury and reduced taxation to prove uod-d,mdfiom administration | @ up the Game," when in Ontario as well as in every dther Province of the Dominion there are indiâ€" cations of a largely increased support for Hon. Mr. Aikens left last night for the Government! No, No, Mr. Brown, do not * liy the flattermg=unction to your soul," or pretend to suppose that the Government are going to girse up the game in Ontario or anywhere else. They are certain of a majority from every Proâ€" vince, in spite of all your little tricks, through and understood. wWEDXESDAY, JUNE 19 172 the latter apparently deludes itself with the idea that when it refers in derisive or slighting terms to the titles which Sir John Macdonald and Hir George Cartier bear, it is indulging in a little touch of sarcasm of the most withering description. Few persons in Canada will be disposed to People generally will view such displays of petty malevolence in their â€" true light, and will form a just conception of the contemptible nature of the men who inâ€" and his master‘s organ intend i, to offer an afront to the gentiemen above menâ€" tioned. What they really do is to insult the Queen who has commanded that Sir ua.,--duu-rkacnu-l-n-d-1 tion of the services which they have renâ€" dered u0 Canada and to the Empir®. © But there is nothing too mean or wT ble for a thorough going Grit. Be is willâ€" ing oven to insuls the Queen, if at the same time he fancies that he can lower or degrade a political opponent in the slightâ€" ‘“mblhmd.&h.lh& pairiotism, is of the most desâ€" “hmhhc these dis» who simply give eridence of their ance and their meannes. So tir weare communicated to . LATEST NEWS ITBM4 Mr. Pope left for the Hast last #«@vyING UP THE GAME !" & liaWa ‘mq GBRIT «CoOURTESY PC L Intes the boiles O & [‘ digpont outory was mined Emt "" ?“by&*h.t he ut,â€"-fihbq.&nhr: trom Washington, deciare his position h-w-ig‘w“’fl:; Pacific Rail with regard ‘Treaty, and enter ma yeayem. the fullest and sibnt unreserved explan«, | for 5 popult u-m.nuuuâ€".ud stroam~, &# at the great International Conterenc®. | open a rou! The public cannot fail to remember the | buat Mr. Cu efforts which were made to induce the | we can face the fullest and mitst unreserved expiant tions concerning all that had transpired at the great International Conterence. The public cannot tail to remember the efforts which were made to induce the Premier to speak, amd the abuse that was heaped upon him because he still refused to do 10. How his discomiited rival grati~ fed all the bitter feelings of his malignant nature by filling the columns of his organ hh.“wflfiofibfim and unfounded charges ! How he posiâ€" tively revelled in the production of politiâ€" cal Billingegate, and taunted and aneered at Sir John because he would not spesk um”du-w*‘ staod and Wuma Sir John‘s course. They can form some idea of &.mdw which would have arisen, had he made known to the country and to the world at large all that took place at the Conference, and what was the exact position which the D‘fl-mh‘wr" per ‘to adopt. We notice thiat the English papers just now are commenting upon some remarks Istely made by Sir Stafford Northoote at Eroter, in which that gentleman refected with considerable severity upon the conâ€" duct of the American Commissioners. Our English contemporaies sppear one and lwuflwfl'fi”““ Sir Stafford Morthcote did a very unwise and imprudent thing, and to -T.;.w # golden." The London ‘Telegraph, referring to.the matter, says ; f , with the exception of the fow F“qfi-uh&h.*‘ ma-a-:rw -.ut'“_hun.m n.‘u ‘tul..r.l-th(h- nortions of the Washington Treaty which has Iately. been delivered by Cur John A. Macdonald at Ottawa, was a model f.““"“'." consiliation, and Canad:iane, to see the Premier of the pominidn held up as an example for Imporial statesmen to imitate. 1t is no light honour for a colonial public man to be spoken of by the English press of all shades of political opinion, in such terms as he has been. Such a recognition.of his loyalty and ability from the isading journals of the Mother Country milght well compensate Sif John for all the abuse and misrepresentation he has had to endure at the hands of Hon. Mr. Brown. But in ads dition to this, in addition also to the ap» proval of his own conscience, Sir John may congratulate himself upon another and to hiu a most precious reward. His conduct in connection with the Treaty of Washingâ€" ton has met with the full approval of the sought to create have been dissipated. The bl-qd“-'--,fiowd meanness of their motives, have all been know that he did net go to Washington as a "Canadian Commissioner ;" that he did persqnal reward, but that on the contrary. conscious of the advantage which waula position by his foes, he assumed the re sponsibilities, the difficulties, and the danâ€" gers of that position, because duty to his Queen as well as duty to Canada impelled him to do so. They know that during a whole year he submitted uncomplainingly to such vile abuse as few public men have mhlbhfi.h“uh_hmdcr “bhfio““b“ reply, and because he feit, as he toid us in his memorable speech, thest @silence was goiden." We smy that the great ma« jority of the people of this country under stand all this, and, recognising the wisâ€" dom and the patriotism of his conduct will reward him by a_renewa! of that confiâ€" so fully and clearly proved. ‘â€" Let not these facts be forgotten: Th® Honble. George Brown has taken upon himself to assert that Sir John Macdonald is a * traitor," He has heaped upon him every opprobrious epithet wifsh ever he sould invent, In the face of unpreceâ€" .MMnflmd &A reduced taxation, â€" of an overflowing treasury, and an absence of all disturbing elements in our political arena, this "Govâ€" ernmental impossibility" has the assurâ€" ance to Heclare that the Premiarâ€" and his colleagues are fools or something worse, and ought to be © husiled trom power ‘ in order to make room for men ‘whose. only. claim to public approval is, that they arg the sworn yassais and political serfs of Mr. Brown. And he, the reckless overbearing damagogue, who to gratify his own eril temper desarted his post in 1865 and so imperillied the success of Confederation, he mspires to be the political Mentor of the peo, le of Canads. His conduct in connecâ€" |fi-m the Treaty of Washington is in itself aHcigent to prove how unsafe and last he has shown himsel{ unable 10 regard it from any other than a narrow partisan aim has been to damage the man whose prudence and discretion havre heiped to c.htfiol-l ratification of the Treaty passible, and whose speech is proncunced by an impartial journal to have been «* a medel of discretion, good semse, concilia» w wntinung angtenice : o( the reaaces c linching y proceed with MB. CUMBERLANDS SPEEOH. 5 :::mu.x-. The of the Northern Railway who represents Algoma in the Commons. tion, and wiydom." We mart mat it Cumivectand . pevah w :“ ~1 so much ignoâ€" d ome (rapaiies calee 1 comant ant ters, and so few persons in Grest Briâ€" tain know anything about the interior of Britah North Ambrica, or our resources that Mr s speesh would be productive of rmesulms,. We have to combat active and enterpriding OppDD service to the Dominion to daim which he has with international which his enemies to last his only healthy climate and a soil of surpaM#DE tertility, is now vacant and awaiting settleâ€" ment. Mr. Cumberiand felt that in or: der to carry his hearers with him and lead them to sympathize with the bold umdah&lfilmh should advance statistics and prove the ability of the Dominion toconfront the outlay of a tax peyers. Itis noe light un for a population of four millions to span & sontinent with an won road, bridge stream~, asceod the Rocky Mduntains, and open a route from Untario to the Pacitic ; but Mr. Cumberland demonstrated that we can face the outside outlay for which we may be liable, and that the $1,800,000 interest on the sost of the railway, to be provided for by our treasury, WIll nOS cripple our resources or prevent a liberal expenditure for local improvrements. compilete, and is one ol 1ue udiut assorted ever ofl‘or:x in the city, having placed our orders early last autumn, we are enabled to sell much unde. present prices. RUSSELL & WATSON. In a cottage in the Vulley of Sallanches, wear"the toor of Mont Bilane, lived old ;.'Eifia.â€"-ia.mmm"- anxiously for the return of his son, Johan, who had goue to fetch a phy= to ou-k.uuwulfoâ€"n% my freai« -qnu!:lmb-dn to the three lade, open -M: anxious, steod grouped around the All four withdreow to a distant corner, the doctor shook his head, thryst put his lower lip, sariousâ€"of terer. He is now in the beight of the fit, and as soon as it abates, he must have sulphate of quinine." " What is that, doctor t ‘«Quinine, my friend, is a very expensire medicine, but which you may procure at m ee! opiee f ie e fi-u"w- was gone, Guilâ€" _LM‘!MW““ stock of money ed of a franc and a haif, and yet the medicine must be proâ€" me hesitate but of his sons longed to risk nis own lie, to sare that of his father . . mhfl-h‘oflml «d the nest ; he embraced the sick man. uwgduu aflahâ€"mfih." he said, :-duh for us to go “lwht'm going to do ?" “'"o'fllh,ryuunnu we come Guillaume took down from the wall an “-:vfidhdw rto Bernard a thick cord which the .a‘-‘&u--n Mnflfionm;.i!hnom :owurds an old wooden sross reared near tbo‘n:.-dhchwdbl-o sot out togethe:, and soon reached soon m%«mpu&-. The danger consisted not only in rh‘ inhabiting the wild abyse. who was to brave these perils, was a fine athietis young mun of 22. Hayâ€" h(.n-nl'hlhnflbm“ would have to deseend, brothers fastâ€" ened the cord around his wamst, and â€"began to lest him down. wb“h his hand, he safely the nool; that c:‘hlltbu-& humhrc.n.; IMWW' He grasped the nest in ldth-ii uwwun brothers, * have them ! Draw me up !". _ * _ Upwards, still inted the n-;'uflun"nfi-. When he reached the brink of the wu clasping fast the nest, his hair, x bour before had been as biack as a raven‘s that Guillanme and Jehan could scarcely _ ‘What did that * the of the rarest .dfl vd'zod-.” M-ommm garried to the village and sold. Bernard had the medicine, and every needful comfort beâ€" side, and the doctor in a few days proâ€" nounced him convalescent. of Shakspeare in the Central Park, New York, says : * That‘s right ; such talent as William‘s ought to be encouraged." A New Orleans thist finding that the clothes of one of his victims were not sires o have tobacco planted orer her grave, that the weed pourished by her rtnpdis in s > her iergee io toat she was exoused from serving. r stock of Carpets is lete, and is one of the 1 A Western paper, alluding to the statue A girl says that when she dies she de A TALE OP MIDâ€"AIR. you will see that he takes it ?" [H would wait for the man to is poetry in the ides. at least three francs *nE O TTAW A,A'.i-i‘k{s,\b.i.lfikm 19, 1872 4 I know a meâ€" You ‘___â€"__> Mow long, dear lore, how long? !Mwquwu.m. uc--a:n the summet grass were Or heedless winter winds scross it blowâ€" m-:m:-,uwm ber, % How long sweetheart, how long would you To the dim land where sad eyed ghosts wu':hf’-;nu. wod waiting hearts lw= -u'.llyoufnn your youth‘s sweet new domer. 3 And on young lips grew kisses for the MHow long, dear love, how long ? Too gay in June, you might be to regret mfi.u..-wm you to forget me Mah.muhhkyonwonu reâ€"â€" member j When winds waere weary in your life‘s Deâ€" cemberâ€" Bo long, dear love, so long, Fill up your glass and crown it with new When all Mrâ€"-“ pearance indicates abundâ€" ance ltrw.&d. Yull ear at ‘present, always provided that the numerous insect “dmt cereal abstain from their depredation. The Hamilton Times smays :â€"It is with r'woh.finumfishmwho ndhln':-'t-.‘lor some monthâ€" death .n}nin,mo m.‘r’.:-wh-m t is said to be between $50,000 and tw,w)b‘r:r annum, and there is a talk of his & taised to the Peerage. He has meany gentlemen friends, but we believe he did not visit in the city. This is rather a loss, ih’bgmw h 0“ man. We héar .:6‘ leaves 6 * short! t mnmfl-m." We should be glad to welcome him back. Mr., Cartwright, of has formalâ€" decJined to gmm Emmmm Brantford expects to be a great wholeâ€" sale market soop. A London directs the attention of the Board m»humu a day or two since. His name was John A man belonging to the Great Western Rmiiway was drowned in the Bay at Hamil tom on Monday last. A complimentary address, numerously signed, is to be presented to Lt.â€"Governor Archibald before he leaves Manitoba; The newest designs i nsl n Cmike Welents o $ 46 .. . meid astiidanewolinty * * â€" the !Ussfi'l.d' : WATSON‘S. How shooked would these ladies of our mmm&:mw,vm fiw eyer ofler to a lady oo sbroois with aduipiodows clainesad ckets, or flaunting bows and ribbons, W‘Mmfl shat it was " perfect)y Prengh ®" n.o,"fi was & ““:l‘ no M l-fl! would wear on pavement. mdmnâ€"nmmmu, ‘ often because it is m&.mmm$ solors in her drawipgâ€"room and in her she goes to church she wears the same solorsâ€"is always attired in the simplest manner. This is true alsvof Itaiy. In the Sistine chapel, Rome, no can enter unless atâ€" tired h.% wllg’no sovering on her head but a of the same hue. . What a contrast to the church attire of Aitmerican condition of <both. mind and: body. _A mb:.‘,c,w.ufl.whl uu'wmm-l everyboiy in Soolding is a : habit wy‘o-lyfa-tff-‘ It is astonishing how soon one who in dulges in it at all becomes addicted to it Boolding is a babit. There is not much meaning to L It is often the â€"re mm?u: ea on y fhele wâ€"hi&d all becomes AC confirmed in it. It is an and unreasonable habit. Persons who once get in the way of scolding always find If there was at the mere absence of anything to st ~Ib is an. extremely disagreeable Coa in n ty i Ppiimann wdm finding fault -upuun-.:hbit “a:dm -u-llyhh--nz o. renio rininey rermntine then "beople in town. We suppose it is because they less to occupy and divert their m Women contract the ‘habit more frequentâ€" ly than men. This may be because they live more in the house, in a confined and mwflm-nhhpw and it may be, partly, that their natures nass more easily wounded. : Women are sometimes called divine, but a scoiding woman never seems Civine," But we e is c y ulvll ' s nmn-:'mm”“ How long, dear love, hew long ? DOMINION NOTEsS. HOW LONG1 F, caterwaylings, or a hand :;.’-M, would be less on the street and their sensitive to The Prince of g:l- hl:oou en‘t::mn. 1 urin t ed at Yarmouth, Bgland, during use yast â€" Ocford‘ University célebrates its 1,000th 150 ministers in the Church of land are said to be of Jewish birth. e * The Bible has been translated into Esquimaux by the Moravian brethren in wm. . * Under the head of "Crimes and Casual«â€" ties ‘‘ one editor mentions the fact that a rival in the same profession has just issued A French suggests the build in‘onm'hw‘koml’nmw Pekin, the cost of which he estimates at 22,000,000 The Paris Presse, fancl&)o(}irudin’l celebrated paper, sold for 80,000f. The tal invested in news in m“:imm at uwooo.p‘m A rural farmer has named one hapless child Ajax Telamon and the other Aguâ€" memnon Achilles. h | The oldest merchant vessel afloat is the Duteh ship "Commissaries des Koning von der Heine,‘"‘ built in 1858. | an independent pri ity. The Prince hmmeM’ | The London MM-y-tht.athh committee, not a hundred miles from that dqmfirnor‘nhmdnoeind the : following :â€"** Gentlemen, I noticed your advertisement for an organist and music teacher, either lady or genthm%. Having been both for several years, I offer you my services.‘"‘ A California lunatic fancies that he is the original Abraham. Recently he carried a sheep to one of the highest hills near San Francisco, and sacrificed it on an altar ot stones and earth. â€" + Whfl.-&ndhmth rotunda of one of the lund;:hiu is between showaers, the other day, a reporter of one. of the local papers was lflhoduood to 23 eclonels, four generals, two majors and one civilâ€" Dolly Vardenism, |viewed from a philo sophical stand is the realization in material form of all that is most loud, faoeg oi airenk m io ‘It expression of a long concealed after barbaric display ; a spa ‘l:'uohn Inflm:ito “t.i sus i } CA ard antiâ€" hx ons hap agle Sevbeatim td A scheme has been suggested by a French aeromaut uo:plou‘g polu.ryn- gions by meanrs of a balloon. _A Chlnuoh‘th,hf, hnvin‘tl‘i::;nn ‘l!:i‘x: lwz'l“ brought so next day, to learn how to wind it up. © The settlement of Mapoleon‘s civil list shows that France owes the exâ€"Emperor three million franes, â€" President has directed this‘ sum to be pard. In:ox:*u“ huhdl..;zm.tlm; in health has taken to his and is not going to live a week. The latest dodge for ladies who don‘t want to obq"% marriage ceremony is, to repesat in indistinct tones and rapid manner, " love, honor, and be ( rman anas in nated with buckshot. â€" Th mamnre mhk isnnd dos you may depend upon it he keeps & er} Teught by the late scourge, the inhabiâ€" tants. of Buenos mm‘onttak residences id the old of the city. Suburban surrounded by orchards, are becoming numerous, ‘_ _A Cincinnati wife left her husband and jfiod & travelling show. ‘The datter was a failure, and left her two hundred miles from bome and without money. She had to walk back, and now she can‘t find her husband, which serves her right. In one of the earliest trials before a The ‘Japanese Institute in St. Petersâ€" burg is regularly attended by ‘ nearly ouhmdndgnpflgwbominuruoud in dJapanese by four teachers, one a native of Japan, two French and one An Indiana editor locates the Holy Land colored jury in Texas, twelve gentlemen of color were told by the Judge to retire and: " find a verdict." They went to the jury room. â€" . The Sherifis ana others stand ut niwan,. thy aitmieg of doors, and odnr.filohmuml oonnotior:' At last the‘ jury came back into thom when the foreman rose and said, * Judge, we have done, looked every whar in the drawers, and behind the do‘, and can‘s found no verdic‘, It warn‘t in the A wooke famine ‘‘ has set in, in Engâ€" Monaco. in Italy, will soon cease to be -mm*.;:m to arrive soon in the Tsle of Wight, where he wiil stay a foew: weeks for the benefit of his The claimant to the Tichborne estates is travelling through England and holds i.;fl:-b 2,071 from Massachuse 1,490 from Illinois, 1,925 from Ohi f,su from New Jersey 1}Imm Q:n‘:’s, 865 from England, 29 from Australia, 4 from A California editor thus eases himsel{ November 1, â€"41,975 Juiom ed at um the liate of fiew 'mf?;fi“m ifi"fi(aidwxiumbu&. fm:m almost every other country on a c:? the excursionists, thewhole number vi‘:in‘h :»t‘i'l".tlh hig:.l is ufiumu 141,â€" no roar mmp ht eormg "â€"_â€" *_ * ~ The result of the race of ‘3‘&“’ m received fromithe Falmouth, ter Malta Telegrapt Company at 3.29 _p".g_:., The New Â¥ork Sun writes that the im« préssion is gaining ground that Alaska is not to prove so bad a bargain as was sup» o . oor saaskes in Too Tuines ty b‘»s beeu annexed to the United PB OMNIBUS REBUs 19 #9 He > . Qoesio, June 18. Early this morning the constables on duty in Champlain street, near the Monâ€" treal Ocean Steamship Company‘s Wharf, saw two men running towards them, purâ€" sued by others. ‘They stopped the fiying men and turned their attention to the pursuers, who, so soon as they saw the constables endeavoured to get out of the way. One was caught, but the other jumped over the wharf and escaped. The men first seen stated that they had been attacked in the street by a crowd of fourâ€" teen, who wanted them to go to an adjaâ€" cent boarding house, and on refusal they #3 if soOme persons was in the distance. One of the men took off his boots and went under the wharf where the At three o‘clock in the morning when passing along , through Cap â€" Blanc, some officers heard low â€" moans sounds seemed to proceed, and found there a sailor boy named Thomas Scott, who turned out to be the boy with the men‘ above mentioned. After having been beaten at the same time with his comâ€" prnions, he was again assaulted while on his way to his ship by a gang of ruffian« in Cap Blac,annd to escape from them he had ran down on the wharf and fell through and lay there until rescued by the police. A few moments more and he would have been drowned, as the tide was rising, and the lad was in a helpless condition. ‘The boy was taken to Diarmond Harbour Station where the cuts on his head were dressed. ‘The man was captured by the police Arrived toâ€"day, Tiber,"" Crombie, Picâ€" tou, June 12, H. Fry, coals for Montâ€" Steamer ©"Flamborough," Telfer, Picâ€" tou, &¢., Quebec and Gulf Ports Steamâ€" ship Company, general cargo for Montâ€" «* W. A.Griscold,"‘ Armsbee, Montreal, H. Plamondon, ballast, " General Grant," Gilbert, do. do. Post Rowan, Kinsale, May 15th, do, On Sunday afternoon a young ship laborer of Levis ate some roots which he had found in the fields and supposed to be horse raddish. Shortly afterwards he took sick, became rapidly worse during theâ€"night, and was tiken to the Marine Hospital yesterday morning in a state of complete insersibpility. Weather hot. + MoxtrzEir, Jure 18. The fight in mid river on Sunday proves to be between some peaceable citizens and an organized band, of boat thieves that infest the river a little below the harbor. These pirates have stolen several boats and beaten the owners. In this case two of the ruffians had their arms broken. _ The Diccesan Synod of the Anglican Church opened toâ€"day in the Synod Hall The annual address was delivered by Hi# Lordship the Metropolitan. | The Rev. G. C. Robertson preached the Sermon The several Volunteer Regiments go into camp on Tuesday at St. Andrew‘s. Maria Cox was nearly burned to death yesterday, by her clothes catching fire, in Anderson street.. x Great activity among the merchants 8 Tapestry and Btussels Carpets are now offered at from 10c to 20c %l? yard under ],‘)resent value. oso requiring Carpets of an kind would go well â€"to loo{ through the stock now shown by o(" meeting wthh"i‘d by t!l;:uin‘l;abitln: Lochaber, in the Town 1 T ming on Snrurday svatled" lath ‘Dan Council vote of $200,000 for the County of %t:-fn, mu:uofot&o.n npukhg afterwards . ee mee being unaniâ€" mously in favor of the ro':‘ : the city. The insults lataly heaped upon the vol« unteers by the Opposition at Ottawa will meet with just resentment at the polis. In the House, the Grits have said they get oo much pay ; thohnbr::lfipnhey endure under canvass for the t of the counâ€". try are not worth fifty cents per day ; they want the sum to be “l-rioly_ reduced," that i:lnodwbt,thor shilling. Let the Volunteers do themselves the justice to remember, when the day of reckoning comes, that the men who voted for Mr. KFoursier‘s amendment to the Militia Estimate, to reduce their pay by "a large Higtien Saniment idpeiink s oap. t ngarry i c B’:’N&n rfh:i hful s :czl: l:::-% recognize their faithful service, their patriotic self sacrifice. © It is needless to say that in "i',h duir':‘tbo oounl:ry generally shares, but not stin, ti cal charlatans who would exact th?irg:evo- tion and protection as aduty deserving ot no thanks. The R.l:rmn "Whig"‘ ridicules the formation of a Battalion of Foot Guards in Ottawa. Let the Volun‘ teer Force in all parts of the country r1eâ€" member Grit gratitude. ~The following . statement respectit Marshal Bazaine: mmlylppem.i:%‘ Paris "Evenement‘" :â€""This officer does sleep in the villaprison. All the mhrypnmnu‘om are illusory, as he can come and go wherever he pleases, followed by two police agents disguised as servants. He takes his nemu with Maâ€" dame de Marechale,. who rented an apartment at a shott distance from her husband‘s abode. He out without decorations. passing thrb‘(:zh the gate of the Rue Alain Geryais . and the Rue dela Ceinture. The Marshal is at home at the m":ndon!brmh persons as have permission to communicate with â€" «BLRTH 5 Masphomcn; 2t Ay Marrister of % ton _ % & m- + * 6+ t Bishop‘s Chapel, Ottawa, by the Rev.; J. 8. Lauder, C. Fred. Stevens, Customs Deâ€" partment, formerly of H.â€" M. Custows, Saint John, N.B., to Alicia, daughter of James Joynt, Eeq. The undersigned would most sincerely thank his -umuuuw:t:m h-d:;dnl- Q““‘dfldflh- _ GEO. R. BLYTEH CABD OF THaA» and white star on forehead. A WORD TO THE VOLUNTEERS. Ottawa, June 19, 1872. Un Tuesday morning, 18th inst., at the Â¥roi Sandy Hill, on Wednesday morning Insb * Ottawa, June 18, 1872 TOLEN OR STRAYEv. NORTH SHORE RAILROAD. BY TELEGRAPHâ€" RUSSELL & WATSON. 6, to reduce their pay by "a n _MM;P& m MONTREAL, QUEBEC, WM. BEA 1 be furnished, addressed to the W ara. on Oe laal 18 ang on IMM-mflanan'.d.on.-. parti ident in Ontario, Decoue secarities for on qh dn one n wiing to By wiltw, :: : A. ~â€" > His Excellency the Governor General in Tenders will be received DAY, the TE a on ie EN14 dar of. of roek. NoticetoContra i e e faarad QTTAWa warEr works _ Two young gentlemen are desirous of obtaifii MA vity." Addres Rempeet Airomionl partof DAY, the fi'k"’r'i?:'&‘ IJULT: for the s tion. &oâ€", of the Aqueduct of the Ottawn | Works, embracing about forty thousgod sobie A full of is for uflrushwh. on the Sist July next. Canadians by birth or adoption are invited to ivin the Socisl. CARROLL RYAN, â€" PÂ¥ Lin at in %w A meeting of this Society will be held ‘in the City Hall, on ; WEDNESDAY â€" EVENING, JUNE 19. 4 _ ~ on Commission at )ttaws to call on Grocers, Druggists, &c. TRAVELLEB WANTED ~~ an Onmmiccinn a sail asu tm parianl mory sirame TUbADAYT Steam Communication between Monâ€" treal, Quebec, Father Point, Gaspe, â€" Perce, Paspebirc, Dalhousie, COhatâ€" ham, Newcastle, Shediac, Charlotteâ€" town, Pictou and Bt. .John‘s; NAd., and by Railway .connections with * St. John, N. B., and Halifex, N. 8. 4 Airamient" ts Thare quoker hhd Pioioh vraiy Teg ut ‘AY during the season of navigation, MD.‘.I: fhep it mm is Loeed onire 1e t ie a Y o t on foay Bd TCO %fl"fi .+ ~ â€" 2. Becretary. Water Commissioners‘ Office Ottawa, June 19, 1872, : ToBspay m ts Steamship Company Plans and speci lougl 1 hoeere ~obec‘ncation can ‘be seen at the Com Tenders for the erection of a Brick Store and Dwelling in the Village of x-bu sn A, Mhrzwm?mndb till noon of M FD& the 2ith inst. Plans specifications can be seen at office, U m ts t h ngent send itmen 4 2 foss i imie im atten use, P ul'lrihwnd.’s.m&o TO CONTKACTORS, Ottawa, June 18, 1872, The lowest or any tender will not necessarily be }ow Patterns for Shirts, _ ew Regattas, & New Plain Oxfords, Kew Printed Oxfords. ‘The gent. that said that I had no ‘;hwuuwmx Ottawa, June 17, 1872, Obtawa. June 6, 1871 METRIPOLITANâ€" CaKADIAN SOCIETY.® â€" ® VC VC SMR Eageats . -.m.dukm ington Stree *A mmm * _ ‘Oftawa, June 1, 1872 .‘ thibe . a oaacna L WAE Ottaws, June 16, 1872 OVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAWA, Tuesday, 11th day of June, 1872. Five or six gontiemen can be Te Pive on snn on cniie c oi linguen Strest June 17, 1874 ,, % Apply st . Ottawa, June12, 1472 HE June 17, 1872 TENDERS FOR AQUEDUCT, RIVATE BOARDING. OARDING HOUSE « IPH RQOMS To QUEBEC AND GULF PORTS8 PCHELOE office, w1 7-&‘"““"”-‘-“' . ers must oo "adgor i8 of July next NTED IMMEDIATELY. A FuRSTâ€"CLASS TAILOR. h'q'nw"s_'ii kn egp s A seR e ies o w on? Oitawa Shit Store. veeck p. m. ©_ > . ’KIBTB, sum_'s,mxm Just received at the given by the woeok. Situation LEWIS8 & CO., Box 244, . gUfllfl- \'ATBO’- JAMESANGUS, "to forms, whick * I sf Aa TH U P ROQ vdl_fieobr'ol TICK Ey3 All Points East and West on nlnm BAJILWaAy. , . Wanted a COOK for the Oflcers Mess, 18 Sine youg Bb once Ppent at Prescott commen: W sood aided Famile t Inetneen Drick morkes. soine us sn ns T k ©PCun) WO Te en sare bont mles :bn 4+ corner gnh u?ah Mn oo Semigant corner Susets E"-WEZâ€"EVMâ€" uat A Cornet frttâ€"clam imaiitinge and ‘hare bolged ww areed‘ pwormackErs TFNIW CONTRACTORS. 40TH DAY OP JOLX, 4078 â€" 4 PoR THE Coxstrccrion ‘or. tuz Ramwitr Kingston to Pembroke gAawskes wastep SUNN Y «,#8ID€E, The residence of the tate CARLOS4 P!IERCE, Bes. In splendid condition, with residense apd 2r0000f means to commence Mornotont fasl voll oo poa en nepen ie 2. ~. . K & iB & Ottawas, June 7, m"“""flfl%k *Ws c0n,000} t aree, agromm A P. BALL Eeq, _â€"_ _ Nfi BUOLS. The World before the Deluge, bBF MOUN m.”"""“".""““ i ie Cuiaey it tbr Dds B pii SREATEST INVENTIONOE TiE _ â€" PATEXTED, > 8 * nee Bundss o" Moudis, hb BTRBR wik 4 ¥®. Afthnunks JW‘D‘M‘M E hn sprpppnand ts gosoooages â€"â€"v-uâ€"fl.q h 5 Kingston, June 10, 1872. oa & ,â€"In the coming pamaticicad mA in patnifeaers o aae, m&mill,fi,' 4 ‘as you are sÂ¥8M% Wh*m" lhau "'""""-’!" you!t support, flfdx M‘-.â€"-flg you 1 shall endesvour, impartitiiy« 600 5 Uf,thee + E-&"-v-‘_-*_-." *he . impprtteh®"""""*" ..‘.2';:‘1“-‘:1’5-"' ;’7 ie “ Â¥i June 18, 1872. tA7 iRTED. W‘ *L { NOR BALE, OO0K WAaANTEp. Ottawa, June 18, 1871. Cost of the Buildings alone. Ottawa, June 4 174 uols & 01 gâ€"3> Visible at all hours. * _t'_'fl__":_}_‘r.‘fl"__â€"-â€"â€"â€"-m 0 TaE ELBCrORS oF OrrawWaA style and fimsh to. rmcnbdl:d. STANSTEAD, P.Q TIOERET | orrion Apply to / t flllt 5nc > STOCKLâ€"RAIBING J. J. ARNTON, 500 ACBRES OF LAZD Shees. C““‘# Apply at the »4000 00 uoryer _ CENTRAL Shiam and wl further exple)® the h nor"to be. ___,. Mesers. ORME & Aviaon s o. AT AT TRUBK &. L. ED und to the bett you will be wl _ the d&c 11 18 15 A _ Sr stey 13, 1872 wikhmeg""" Mike will have Point the 8th M merrx< No 3 #t the !":"'“.] ATER K+ by for

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