erciaLk HXBaULT)» BCLL, io 4 pm L. & #% 99 and $# mss (ug h09 ... t# ; Â¥r wm."QUEEN vICTORIA." We on n n oi d TBE STESAMEE "FAIRY" ""ecctalls tor Ottaia at 5 :"';'E'::_'t‘h‘ same day. i, _ W.H Y.) 4 m lngredien t ., some O “nvmm.d-ï¬n(m «f Wild Cherry Bark, roiorhyll;-. Juniper, Quassia, ‘on, Hroscyamuas, mwgmfl.lmbm. tins Aloss, Capsicam, &¢ , £7,) which enter bhr-dm combined med!i in eiveamint tins i In un | ie "anct it * most «warching curative in the koowo world, and wmanot help but act on the system in a very -“yn‘mm ‘=:.-d- allment may be, Of 0 %‘..m find m’.m ndmnmï¬ you by ts mapid manauer in which yon are This is pleasant and safe to take, and is warrented, and muy: positivrely be teâ€" Hed upsn to make a perimnanent cure of all dismaese of the Turost, Loags, Liver, Kidueys /MM“'..,,.'»H-W the rarious Skin Diseases, Hamors, and ail diseases sristng from Impurity of the Biood, 1072 and in the nigli wimo UEqueniF bed to keep from strangling. I three of the most eminient physicians in the County of Northumberland for about a year, without receiving any benedt, in faot I continued got» ~..¢~~ At last I was ad= ,.,...,...“mm. I wo\-flod“lu"hllv- about Snished I began to feel a little better. 1 continued to use it until I had taken thrue bottles, when, to my satisfaction, 1. found “l-_-_vdl-mlhdh.pwb J 0 Cha..beriain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity ““mmmlh-“ mm-wwmm onth# 1 wis so affiicted for thowant #f treath that it was very difficult tor me to "~ ~a«nd in the night time frequently wWONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE . Broogtry, April 5th, 1870. J"Mm This is to certi .flv.mlovvlï¬l.u.m Tae Doctor bad given her up. He said her ~’*ï¬â€˜,~.«“&fll¢fl xn.uah.mlm“wb Sboshoness .â€" At the fd. two days her symptoms were better â€" She continued to imprové w mplily that by the time she had waken one CPRIS II6EPHOS of the Urest Trite of e mss i miiou ied thie _J’&h Medical History has suc! mcecss atrended the introduction of at; "rove Hay L 172 vyoL VI NO 2004. nilaalts vetier â€" ‘uhe better . She the was able to a) «os* vuwi 1t 3 * Iclesy yolich the The Stcamer boith she was able to sit up By the continuâ€" «o sÂ¥ y=xwi ut mn:‘v‘-'!m .* » Toa the facts for the bâ€"nefit of tow imiaity adticred. f ‘ _T C. BROWES Episcopal Methodist Minister. Proclaim the Glad Tidings mCs J JOHN SILYER. Sworn before me at Amithfeld this 6th day ï¬um Ktage of Con.amption. information, with ful} directions for m:ml.udy & Pllls, 3 Festimwontals and Cert Goatss e Uures, can be obtain=d by securing the Hansi Book, or the Almanuc and :wmum Price of Remedy in large Pint Bottles â€".$1 0 M"‘“..Qc.....‘.." --co‘ ’ PLANED LU MBER of all descriptions. : Rough Lumber Weoll Seasoned, BUILDINGC AND bRIDGE TIMXBZER. _ Alarge stook of the abo se will be kept cop Maatly on hand to satt parcha.â€"rs. SsHINGLES X XX. XXX. Â¥, B.â€"Farme.s from the County of Carleâ€" tom can enter the mill yard byp Broad Strâ€"et, epposite Brewery git~ C Uhaudiore, Oct. 36, 871. _____ _ _ 18u5it Fenm ARRIVAL! ! * WROUGHT IRON BEDSTEADS8, 2t., <t. 3tÂ¥ A4ft. and 4ft. 6in. We make a speciafity of these English made Bedateads, and import them direot. Te ies dativery vould. do wall to and a large stock of es is 7 and other articles, and the very best. COOKING STOYV Es for the , n.="' mt nmal, wholmale 104 im ‘ K MXEADOWS & Co., . .. 35 Rrtsnagx . r Octawa ‘u_t_i & -‘.':-.i.‘ Cure ot Bronchitis A D 1870. NOTICE. 1872 J M WELLIXGTONX, . P JOHHK ROCHESTER & Cs. «Taad MILLL®, WORDERFUL ~IMPROVEMEAT This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensely to its DIMMN PLNO! In Salling attention to the above improveâ€" ment take pleasure in announcing that Mhn“lâ€c:uda.-hb&o Bo long and favorably known in Canada, z:hddunrldu-;:whlbw inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in ORMEF £SON OUR SHOW ROOM. nflm“ y of Tone it has no compeer. _ _ . i. 1t can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. 5th. It is warranted in the most satisâ€" Pamphlets containing a description of the above improvement can be had at our establishment. j Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, vis: MeCAMMON & CO., â€"â€" MASON & HAMu:*~% Alsw the celebrated and ESTEY & CO.‘5 ORGANS, A assortment of which 1 ifegy se petcgees of hk it N t J. L ORME & SON, * 8 Sparks Street. Ottawa, January 20, 1872 #Dunham‘s Patent SCOTLAND, NILE / â€". HECTOR, NIG .. MAEDWAY, TW THAMES, ADALIA, _ TR » â€" The steamers of this Lin= are i to sail Weekly as follows during the wasod of navigation of 1872, to and from _ / _ : London, Quebec and «Calling at Plymouth umm and leaving that port every Friday.) _ ' FROM LONDON. i The merits of the Dunham Piaucs are: lst. Its durability has become a proverb. Znd. In workmanship it cannot be surâ€" > _ _ And every Tuesdoy thereafter. (*l:- of Pc-pâ€"Q‘zn:ho to Londoaâ€"â€" ’n-o: tickets from all polints West at reduced rates. Certificat=s {â€"sued to persons desirous of trivging «t their friends to Canads, Through E..‘ of Lading lssued on the continent, and in London for all parts of Canada, and in the United States .-%ng-:w, Chivago aad ather ‘ te in â€" ind pi;a Freight or wï¬rplynl‘hu \ Carter & Darke, 21 Biltitor Street, f:n’..'i;; Wilcocks & Weeks, Birvican, Plymouth; omposed of the following otr other first class ow â€"rial Tron Steamsbip» : oo e St, Lawrevce & Ottawa Raiilway, London,. â€"Queosec, T) CONTRACTORSâ€" TEAM â€" ‘*ONTARIO JOHN,‘ or to ‘C.B CUsKINGHAM, Ottawa. Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks street. mudk...... ... :. mm. intaoly KKOR xk s «axris}s do l10th do and eviry Wednesday thcreafter, DUNHAM PIANOS Temperliey‘s Line. & Co., Quebec ; or §E DURHAM BULL FOR 8ALE, And‘ Mon real. FROM 99 Wed , 3 ipaaitc do _ 5th June & 1% h paY!D sBAW, Montreal. d + do do ‘ and HOOD, PTREMEN‘S ToURrXAMENT ieses s Fiftoon Hundred Dollars for Celebration On MONDAY, (stJULY, ‘72, Hmorf UoaAy." _ .‘{[ =_ -'I‘O(MAI’:.:’TN ll()!!( AT 10 A. M. todl.hzaï¬ mnm :ï¬: ; culer Sioahin ; I $hotie rooe. c ars â€" 1 Print §$100 Three or more competing, .. . Second :.* 50 And Classe Mï¬hu (I-d)m ® bmm} ; 50 hose ; éun.cs @2 h?qém'-'mdqumrg_' ty ummm‘m)â€"mw ; Ogï¬nmn;&botm';“m.c r, > mgI-u.......-..’...’....'.....Pflut so Three or more competing,....Second ". 30 .ï¬lpmtdo mfli‘rg:dn- highest class, vla tlba:n of 8 All Engines entered for competition to be three , months in 1se. ¢ Three or more competing,....Second * . 50 flass Pire Engines (Hand)â€"Open to l: m~'q‘h.qnnd¢;(;f=.'&m-&& cylinder, {in, nozZleâ€"all plain; perpendiâ€" ‘ _â€" Hook & Ladder Raceâ€"Open to all 5 " 20 y pu:':m..:nu.â€ï¬‚&':. d’sm:cm-. 3. 20 un..." ,'m'uoo Three or more competing, ... Second * 50 Hose Reel Race to Reels of fire comâ€" _ , Mcmm...w 4 25 In all cases where two« ug~. nnll’r'lnu:lilmmp uï¬c.!mnumu.m-um.* 0t Music have been Engaged i Base Ball Matchâ€"Open to aM organized CIADS. «++ ++« ++4*+>«»++++ +« +« + : ++ ++ +4 +PHHEG $100 Lncrosse In‘mto all comers ; to be played in with Convention TUIOF. .Avsiccrrccnesre ss16.; +. . +++ ++ : +~PFIzC §$100 Cricket Matchâ€"Open to all comers; to be played in accordance with the Club rules; _ ‘Eevaghie mekbais @ ore bompaniononty t Snï¬ cononartone dheae Third * Meerschaum Pipe 6 "Sotry Sholy Fiist Frime / Newhe Muchine s 20 hird * Mceerschanum Pipe 4 Half=mile Foot Raceâ€"Open to Firemen only....... .. First Prize, Bewing Machine, $ 12 it â€" k tamal® ~§ ord Raceâ€"Over & years; ï¬m;n...‘;.;;‘;.........‘.....%2"e se Iconpen preainan insd N a “&ï¬m%‘-w id rnniaiice ant Clte themiting is domper Alt and P :g!muw}nuww{,:':m I umm..l.(,Vl{-o.!lum!(!l. Tm-mmm Ottawa. * GoD S1AVE THEQUEEK, Ottaws, May Â¥7, 1872. .. 1998 . _ .*l-.....-.........u.....;n.-:um‘ .0 Three or more competing,... Second " ‘ 40 â€"}akubanisTEsCE f4TBNE Non Conductor ‘for Covering Steam Boilers NONâ€"CO U? USTIBLE & NON CIRRO3IVE SECOND DAY : GAMES AND AMUSEMENTS To BEGIN AT9 A.M. f l%fl,.lhï¬nmu'm ‘he British Admiraity and American Navy.â€" (feouingtimny :...= 2s c 100 45. 0| c o.l, :.o Jave 20 per cent in fuel, and stoam passes through any length of Piping covered with the Nonâ€"conductor : quite dry. * â€" > pproprietor or occupant to place over the gate or door with the lmo'h‘ nhm t _ N, B.â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russell House boller, and steam is now raised in half -â€"- ". .-â€"-vâ€":wv l'“- MBB Aâ€"u saves a Relop e nacne Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s m A~ Fleek‘s Foandry &c., &¢. , ‘ â€" _ CHALMEES & 00,, & Ricbardson st., Montreal â€" f P. 0, Box 8441, Sole Manufacturers in the Dominion J. MUNXROE OLEARY, Bection 12.â€"And be it furthered ordered, That whenever a place or warehouse is offered to the Colâ€" Soicas (aipran D Poreele APirrome t t U mniosseRenntette petveen eranntee pntaan © and wlt"h the C in« canl seoure un Buiaretse att for the parposs in &d to furnish the Collector with a key thereof, ving a labei attached thereto, with the same lotâ€" mmmmï¬;&nm vollector wflmm{wflm uolmnso.t‘l: =rlol“0u-,=n Mt:’uom“t.y ing "“R& "c-hg Wm..;’ is to be deâ€" in eimentds in mermrine WM comprising situstion, boundary, of what material burit, proprietor or octupant, &0., to o Sonnben n pike ror anarl on thet porpase 1t to Uate of appotountal cnelladon or any allrs T= utivn which may be made uy_g-_'p;h.:nqt to prpmen Pai: w44 0 _*w".“â€".‘"'."" 9 +# v""'“.n"'_n“'lii fl.:::«:-n © Customs w.m’.-.- oo:ltaln- ing the name and situation, to be prepared and e ie Setee Om on acrome publie park of the Bection 18. â€"And be it further ordered, That duty shail be charged on all goods ez uma on the Muwmmmmw“ oou:-.p‘: M vmmm have arisen from natgral causes or etherwise. _ ____ _ _ _ > ""'ï¬â€œ 14. â€"And :: ï¬;w' her ordered, 'r:.uhn. rectness of the invoice to be & the aulngor.rh MdWlï¬ omission of tare in the invoice, um tare eudard fr s ahule. _ _ _4 SE To s 6 e n nattmar e o -...â€?“.a. March, 1872, as to tare on Sugar Nt General Western Agoot. Ottawa, Nov, 20, 1811 At the City of Ottaws, Ontarid, : TiiQDithat 30 movatuizement ds anly queita se a reminder, â€"The music is siasuive hwr dent will retain it as a b& of Preees, after A fine + "el Doliy Varden is on the titles of DuLLY VARDEN Song, DOLLY YARâ€" ‘Eaton‘s New Method for the Cornet, ~â€"~~" PMCGE PA : the world. “-ï¬vâ€"â€"ï¬l-&“' plish it 'â€"I' «"m.:}:: pheds * e-dec-ds:h:odhb »imatmmentoihome To o uprmindent Is now in season. . All who wish to make a nolse in |XTRACT from Regulations, sanctioned s by the Governor General in Council, n 30th M 1850, in relation to ;umgumï¬mumm†LaRKE‘3 NEW METHOD REED ORGANSY, Customs coist Piga No, PRICE $259, fall $ &Jfl“fl ’“lll-fllt om Special Prize, $ 50 OTTAWA SATURDA\. JUNE 22. 1s72. up the ith large quantities on liberal terms by the sea* io on en snens aane utm cijals,cramme Sm bomee mood I;:r_th'nor.l):':l'in. Sussex &:: or at the subâ€" Ottawa, May 8, 1873. {&@ALBION HOT EL 4# Uity of Ottawa, Ontario, inion, and_ is doing the second largest business in ""H, % tusted, being opposite g:%‘g-n'_n:'-g -?ngtfl- five minutes walk the Court House, and within five minutes trfldu Pm.fl Pu'lim:l.t B-il;infl- e proprietor can give satisfactory reasot _ ~Thy proprietor can give satisfactory reasons for + ~â€"â€" TERMS EASY. For further particulars ’ : "ToHN Ottaws. May 14, 1823, _________.___ FOB SALE The partnership heretofore between the Te ol e ieondet io mainat spanet uï¬d‘-ol-hhduhonflnlg ay of May, p®Foe_uon o Ottawa, May 7, 1872 w J\humdh nion, and is doing Nt vate it Mmscmmemin Sn .A wH IEed ECOd CH O aI aving an hau! of under four -la s hn i c mdns coapllyy o foes for a term ofthres orlvoyurulll sold foade i Mro ffomz Y io D. ‘at 0 o«‘:ud .ï¬:or‘t:lz lai, Address e of ‘l‘hï¬-:o.t.f:o-olthqu !qdl being m RARI CHANCE LETâ€"At Caledonia a Goop Hoarpâ€" m oe e t 0o i n mataa ies at the Springs from $5 to $9 a week, and las m:_ ï¬o_v'iili;&: could not all be accommodat & contuining . acres, gloar, mmpodllonu, Mm‘ NbW‘fl[DYT“â€""fâ€"f A Canadian Monthly for May Tt containsimportant articles on mwg-mm A " The Tabor Question, . Ottawa, May 10, 1872 TO LEP t * With Immediate Possession, NUI'ICB. . n c in unhont the orld. W; PIPSEW wm&- in en mapanin P cine mmnl flm.?lh Wm‘m siuws. CHLO NE has moh*fl versal Morson‘s Effectual Remedies BOLE MANUFACTURERS: THOS. MORSON & SsON Medallists and Jurors iat all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, RUSSELL sqmï¬ LONDON, Worksâ€"Hornsey Homerton. rer One Thousand Acres patented no timiblt findr 02 # on thay" on the ‘Opeqhgo Pure Chemicals â€" and: New Medicines aohd.udm Orders executed with care EIcns Name and Mark rediftecad. ELECL‘RICITY. THOMAS EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OILL, _ Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. . ¢ Pain cannot stay where it is used." It is the CHEAPEST MEDILCINE EVEL MADE, Onv aose cures common sore that.or Oné bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents‘ i cftively sures Ontnitiy Aetvige. fud Grouge taws, April 2, 1872. 198â€"3aw Back, n i the sume quantity Lame Back â€"of eight yoirs‘ standin,. It cures Swelled Neck, Tunot:lhumdu,xoudw of the Mascles, Stiff Joiste, ‘ Ditficul» ths, and Puid and Suruness in any ‘part, HO matter where it may be, nor from whas cansé it may â€"arise, it always does, you good. Twentyâ€"five cents‘ wortn has cured bad cases of Ohronic and Bloody Dysentery, Une, tem« spoonfuai cures Colic in 15 minutes, It will cure any case of Piles that it hl-pilOb cure. . Bix or eight applications is warfanted to cure any case of Excoriated Nipples or Inâ€" fiamed Breast. For Bruises, if applied often and bound up, there is never the slightest discoloration to the skin. It stops the pain of a Burn as soon as applied, Cuzes Frosted Feet, Buils, Warts, and Corns, and Wounds of every description on rsan or beast. 8. N. 1 HuvAA8, Pheips, i. Y. And NORTHLOP a LY AAN, Noewsastle, Ont., Sole Agents tor the Dominion. ‘Note,.â€"Eciectricâ€"Seleoted and1 elect:ised. AW LOG CUT FOR SALK, ver. containing 10 Roomg, Kitchen, Pahtries, 46. %b F v{ 6 . The Council of the Corporation of the Township of Gloucester, in the Co of will > of nstogpad, the thint diy of juse TD tot‘e ; a Public Road forty feet wide, described as en ues se cce the line laid down by W ies %h-‘ sasterly dirsction morces Lots No#. 15,( 4 12 11, NUTICI. and Almonte is dissolved by. mutuab o tMay dissolution dating from the 1st M nc o 2inieey nim Reteadter be carried BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER Tss P T Apaid ‘utrect. to the tor, o N ORAL AM. im Â¥O. 36 RIDEAU s'mmb 'ï¬DADWU? STREET, CHAUDIERF, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and â€" f spirit Merchants. P. Baskerville & Brothers, that has not been given heretofore by any one in our line of businessâ€"being now tmportâ€" :th Mmfl Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enables us to prices . We.ciaim already to have brought the enormous profits haretofore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to contiuue so. _ e A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte & Music W arerooms PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE 8UGARS, TOBACCOS snd GENERAL GROCERIES, also WINES and all imported Liquors. Canadian Bpirits, of the best description, always on hand at prices as low :s emall lots can be laid down. We care not for competition, all we require ib a trial given to our goods. The economist will profit by calling to us. §@#*Our motto is light profits, \_ Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS. A COMPLEIE ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING INSTRUMENTS ALWAYS Chickering‘s Pianos, c ; â€" Steinway‘s Pianos, Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, C : s â€"Prince & Co.‘s Organs. In good repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. | â€" _‘ Pianos to Rent. * â€" ‘ Secondâ€"hand PIANOS and ORGANS taken in exchange. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited. ' | A. & 8. NORDHEIMEE. j A. PETERSEN, General Agent. r:ljwii*&me‘cnqwu MUSIC BOOK To be ready July lst. wemmmmame | T H Eo8 T 4A N D 4A R D, â€L“m“-"ii"fu...a A# ï¬om’::n‘;%‘n f har ?ggflmou-‘:ul wErsw (m':‘-%mu cents b‘ds.) is one of the C imner‘s New Schools for the Pianoâ€"Forte, Cabiâ€" 3â€"9-..3- ;:: A4jar . ...n:::.n "w. sent, postâ€"paid, on Shao m peseDHLVE® DHTGQN & 00 ; Borton. @EEDS SEEDA FLOWER SEEDS, a large ASSORTMENT | (from Ewing Bros., of Montreal.) taw*a , COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR * â€" L the Great Health Restorer of the Day. s 'ihw:‘drmmmd:lm m» a healthy state. It is a ‘ certain remedy for : Serofuls, wuemww..u discases Iu,«!m, &mflnllnm Nons, Chest Complaints, and all other di. ..q.gun.ï¬-ummshhdm Full irections for taking this (reat CO., Montseal, and. to be obtained from ‘.’i’!i.""'"m-a-.m"" ies s1 oriagn, * Ottawa, March 9, 1918 3m CHARLES: ALEIAKNYER AXND $0X3, WBOLBSA“ STE AM CONFECT ERy KANUFACTURERS OF Gunnp.&-'uln'o,o-yn ised Fruits, Marmalade, Jams, &c. We are now prepared to offer to the Farming Community and to the trade indueements Nette Papéis® Rringod, . Mottses, Horus of Pleaty. ggxx'h“nd made to uic _ Bmb dhelfinentocinnintntts in fincntsatach 4 a8 wnalch acche hh hn d a v t c io ds in ic entenctintetinte d 4 We will guarantee that ‘no one can sell the same articles cheaper, such as TEA», Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, UJust received,‘s fresh Stook af Ahoune : V> < | .,'*ww'-‘_ kiz l:u:m.uvd an Ottawa, April 8, 1872. MABRRIAGE CAKE, ORNAMENTS 387 & 391 NOTRE DAMKE STREET, GABDEN AND FIELD SEED#, ~‘__ Croe 1871, Â¥m.: â€" * p A, VALTATOE AIR CV NP [ ‘P"amm " QGlad Tidings, ESTABLISHED IN 1842 hasers should be car in g | WNDSYBUPU’ pATAMALLA 26 sPARKS STREET, O T T A W A. -â€"-ALOTOF' Mower do . do #«»«as » +« «65 to 80 Threshing Machines from.., ... .140 to 1,000 0’.Oyllm.........-u....,.'::g "“mn.'oo.'-oooo-'.on mw“ .‘......".'....".:...Ҡ!qum,lQ‘..l."'..l.l....â€â€ = m.o*uu--.-..n..u-.-.â€â€' lmw ...‘..'..........'.'..... l‘ PBIOI LiS 8 AGRICULTURAL ‘ IMPLEMENTS At the Ottawa Agency, Market Square. Aardwareâ€"Hardware, 1,200 KEGS OF CUT NAILS crows, Pa $30; certificate of q C May 3, 1872. devicatiinan smcs Zetesja ic ares es ie Crpe frite i Mnogle ioi mad EsiHen : the hour of one o‘clock, wHOoMAS MN@__% On Salary or Commission. . Permabent and reâ€" munerative situations to good reliable young men. Apply to , G. a. waLTON, : 37, Bparks Street, © ; O ‘taws. sfim . câ€""t o nees tospin is #» en ce Piexg biat and Chteals, a+ L novs 100 Agents Wanted,‘> ping Machines from .. ... ... $100 to 140 Ottawa, May 9, 1872 . 24 Rideau Street SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL. _ Haine‘s Pianos, £ TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & OTHERS. Oourt of Revision for the hearing of comâ€" AT THE OLD STAND, .d and 1or smio very OWMs MMMO OMR MORECD [ late ad\ ance w ioieen 2 faks, Do flay.@ ) Auvil, â€" 24 o0 ve ove 6e avie n% 660 2 6 00# # 66 0 a ue asb‘n 6 o0 e 6 a nb 040 maar e a e 6 6 6# mmnunmlumoflfl} ¢s First ..u,'rdund. # One agent made $170 in 11 days 80 King St. West, Toronto, Ont., ufghunumm L ues s avbene seee®e 1941 3m §$166 10 Hats, PBats, Hats. R@â€"LARGEST AND BEST@ HATS, $6 5 PEACOCEK‘S, 33 Rideau Street, lpui':w B@~The highest price paig for FUPRS. mg ®5 Ottawa, May 7, 1872. § Pï¬ï¬‚’mâ€"nm sONS Ladies desirous of taking lessons in the French language, secu rvices of a competent o nvben who hns the uLM of credentinis And of this city references. _ _ _. _ % Lnaflmfl&;m.ï¬kmom Oitenk; Aprit 11, yerg "f Tabelek Phoih Sen‘t _ ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimait Harbor under theâ€"guarantee provided in the Twelfth Section of the Terms of Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" ing words :â€" â€" * The Dominion Government shall guarantee the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rats of five per ¢ent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock at Esquimalt." The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" Length on fioor 370 feet, ® Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings 90 feet, Do on fioor.......... 45 feet, Dp of entrance...... .63 feet, * To afford a depth of water on the sill of not les® than 26} feet athigh water springs, aund to be subâ€" stantially constructed to the approvai of Government upon a site to be provided by the purson whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. s Further particulars as to site, borings, &c., may be obtained from T. A. Burkuzy, £sq., Chief Enâ€" gineer to Government, upon application in writing to the Chisf Commissioner of Lands and Worksâ€" Tehders must specify the time within which the Dock will be compicted, and must be accompanied y drawings and desoriptions showing exact dimenâ€" sions, materials, " and mode of construction of proâ€" posed Dock. % Tenders are to be sealed, superscribed "Tende for Esquimait Graving Dock," awddressed to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victori a, British Columbia, and delivered at his office beforte noon of the 15th day of November, 1872. %, Persons who may consider the above guarant be insuflicient, are at liberty to tender on the basis { such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial Gorernment, or upon »uch other lnnhlh‘uo-‘ ments, as they may suggest. The Government do not bind themselves to accept . the lowest or any tender. | Each Tender must be accompanied by a Bond from the Contractor, and two sufficie t suréties for the payment of £10,000 to Her Majesty, her heirs and upon th» due fulflment W in homing whigh imcvompamien peovised t un m the said 15th \~.‘ ~~GEQ. A. WALKENM, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. Lands and Works Office, > e _ _ Vistoria, April 27th, 1872. â€"____ 1997 3m â€" _ Trinity Toronto, Physician, SBurgeon, mm irrprareints woinke t oeidist® AH _ es â€"t Pab Bercga ie Prprevrcd row p oo slsc gon ud io d t Fish. &c., can Wum nsee, Carbolic by Her Majest?‘s â€â€˜W‘u‘.““" ‘of infoctions diseases, Price Scents. Sn Mn Mait t Sore, Pmaoon, Begrecsteg tA bronchitie Tritation of eg e e ed so common this clh: all uummm n‘mnum Phe ingredients en in l P arae Modicoa Price % cents RITISH COLUMBILA. R. R. P. ‘ is a ‘fl:‘ Dhg By A. FRENCH LANGUAGE. CAPS, and SINGING BRIRDS. Felection of STRAW GOODS, is a sure preventive of $PRICEâ€"3 CEN TS : Liniment, Parsoo‘s . Purgative Pilis, and published a readable and instructive pam= 'ufl,'ï¬chnvhlw!ï¬udu“ BORK THRRUAT, uutGH, COLD, and similar trou:~~«, if suffered to progress f‘l‘ in serious t‘uws=o ar d Astbmatic affections. it <fnu am ; BROWN‘S RRONCHIau TROGKHES are aâ€" «h directly the seat of the diseas a». «ive almost instant The Troches are offered with the fullest reputation they have justly acquired _ Fot Public Speakers, Singers, Military Officers, and those who overtazx the volce , they are useful in relieving an Jrritated ’l‘h.l-t,n‘ will render articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and having prove3 their eficacy by a test ot many years, each year finds them in new looslities in various parts of the w&rlid. and the Troches are universally pronounced _ Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Troches, and do not take any of the Worthless Amiétations that may bs offered. dbytbo‘ "Trocsexs," so called, sol are & poor imitation and nothing like mfli BRONCRBIAL TROCHES which are sold only ‘In boxes with facâ€"simele of the proprietors, â€"_â€"â€"_ JOHN IL BROWN & SON, â€"_ en outsice wrapper of box, and private Gove ernwent stamp attached to each box. â€". _ ‘This cars in putting zï¬ol‘lwhlhh portant as a security to purchager in ord to be sure ot obtaining the genuine Brow» Bronchial Troches. Orpkz arp Srerex.â€"â€"In every branch of orl« tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be order and qm to insure nutu:;l repults, and this tru firmly established by actual experié¢nce Another great truth has also been establish »4 by the same means, which is : That as a preâ€" ventative medicine, or a medicine for the curse of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and supme complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable. For sale by all Druggist and couutry deaiers. Price, 25 conts per bottle. ders and Arabian Heave Kemedy®" has no equal Its effects in this respest are astonishing ; many horses that wore supposed to be broken dows and .l-ut::.fl.llou have, by the use of a tow packages, n restored to a Mollh{ an | sound condition, all traces of the disease having oouoo-&ow removed, and have been scid for from te $15 more than they would pre viously have brought; when you want a horse medicine get "Darley‘s Condition Powders and Arubilan Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the result. Remember the name, and soe that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Lynas«.‘ Newpastle, Ont., proprietareal or Canade. Holi Grriat Coxptrio® Mapicisxrâ€"As a sendit medicibe for horses "Dariey‘s Condition Pow by all medicine acsiers. THBIBTY YLARA EXPERIEXCE OF An oLD NUBSK mas. Wiuew w‘s Boorume Bracris the pre« scription of ons of the best Femal: Phyiiciaue and Nursesin the United Btates, uud has book used for thirry yrars with newer t Aug safeey and success by millions orm »wthersana children, frem the toeble intant of one wuek old to the mwtult, 1t corrects acidity «. tie stomach, relieves wind colic, regaintes tae bowels, and pives n%h.lï¬mo“l mother and child.. We believe it the best und surest remedy in the world, in all cases of Dysentery and Disr:bms in children whether it arises trom tecthing, or from any other cause. Full cirections tor using will accompany each bottle. None genuine uniess the facâ€"mimile of CURTIS & PEKKILNE is on the outside wrapper, Bold by all medicine denlors, 25 cents a bottle. Office, 218 Fulton Btreet, Now York, and 98 Oxtord Strect, Lon« aon,. Be sure and call for â€" _ _ _____ MKLSB,. WINXSLOW» s00THING SYRUP Having tne fac simile 1 Ourtis & Pork 10 «)0 the outside wrapper: <â€" All otherpware b+ HE&TJ;&“ by rhoumatic peine? qMMynLrnhaw Acâ€"remedy . and s also the pain killer in C©OC0()+GLYOKRINE nourish the hair % No toilet table should be with out COOOâ€"GLYCERINE, 25 cent. per bottla. lbs C F00 90 °e Do green, §$8 00 to $10 00 do Bacon do ‘%] 50 to §$8 50 â€" ao Bacon dry saited, $8 50 do Beef, $8.00 to $10 00 per 100 Ibs . xmu,s.uloqï¬cm Fowls, 1.00 to $1 Er-ql-. Turkeys, 1.00 to $1.50 each. $ ts i Atrnr ogie | hnth-,loohlz:u «> l‘cpuuurd-. Buiter 16 to 18 cts perib. lnph} 1ie to 160. Taried t $ on j io _ _‘ tdï¬,%z.lo-’:o. -’ pes, 15 to 20 to per bushel. | uearom.ahe to ie go. | _ _ :Onions, $1.50 10 $2.00 do. Cabbages, w:b’.l'u‘:a'nï¬.' Mflcpch‘:l‘.mb' ooine spun "Tso 1 008 por ts Wod“ch.bflh: + _ Hay $8 to 12 00 per Ryoe straw, $6. OUat straw, $6 to $7 do. J r’n‘s‘émmwnuw,cm ‘Farmers‘ mess, $13 00 do . â€"â€" Mams smokeq, #11 00 to $14.00 per 1 ) i Jats, 826 to 350 +. e f Peans, bue to 650 do Beans $1.50 to $1.15 Barley S0ets. to £0c¢is. um‘na w 140 do ï¬â€œ to d40 6e to 8¢ per 1b : P ces fan $516 par ort ‘lh‘h-lutq-ud- s follows ArC As No. 1, Sole, 30cts per Ib. =â€" ELE in Sey Snss * diive you tt s ©€©0OC0O GLYUOERINE removes Double extra, $7.25 per barrel. Extra, $6 ub.‘u ’.0 No. 1, $5.50 to 6.15 ago UJatmeal, $5.25 do Cornmeal, $3.25 to 3.50 gao SPECIAL Noric®s ercar A t re rs of Johuso u‘s Anodyne sMm4 giort U t