stent Rignt Selicitor. _ Ofleeâ€" Punâ€"uuâ€";} BEPAALKE, "aedg on mds Unie Buildings, Oitawea. M a RCIL, â€" Adronm®, _*". ns aauee® aded in Ottaws and e D+ ae County of OHAY8 ... i a MUn#PUWÂ¥i~ ast And West in 5 &A U y 6 NC 30 38 L LL., Sarry Exlxr Â¥COCK, same .â€"; Y Pn m to 4 pm pyaBcolt, PP O _ sacloy q Provinces of Outario 124 rdâ€â€˜â€œ "“ °4 Ontarie aad Quebes. 451 and #A*" BW t Bt. L. 4 0.2, A M 0 a ULIs T. DARZ* #t 11.30 par 5 L l Lex w . Conveyaneer, &s., has. 39 tsate _ Joan J. Gmms, 0d l" *‘ "hvoaries Eublic sat Ab e T t ® Iï¬q, BUILDING AND bLRIDGE TIMBER. Alargs stock of the above wiil be k t cunâ€" Hantly on hand to sult purchs. r«. This Medicine is pleneant and safe to take, and is warrantod, and myy positively be toâ€" Hed upeu to make a permaseut alt dissases of tho Tuoroat, Luogs, L*v% ~M'0 Organs, &c., #0., .I; woll as ud 1 various Skin Discases, Humors, and ail di scmges -fldn.nho. Impurity go the â€" Bi0od, exe. the Third Stage of nâ€"umption . '‘ï¬on. with full dln*nflt‘ using the Great Shosbouneses Râ€"mâ€"~dy & and containing Cestimonitals and Cert Acates 1&3-, can be obtained by securiny the K. B.â€"Farme.s from the Connty of Carlsâ€" tou can enter the mill yard by Broad Str et, â€" Chaudiere, 0ck. %6, sn‘ ___ _ 1gostt . Fmsnme ARRIVAL! WROUGHT IRON BEDSTEADS, 2#ft., 2t. din., 3ft., 3ft. 6in., 4ft. and 4ft. 6in. : all difarent and beautiful patâ€" We make a speciality of these English Hotels, Convents, Hospitals, and families s e or amall, > nqnmqmï¬ï¬. sarly spring delivery do well to arder at once. Freaties, the Hand Book, or the Almanac and wh’m respectable Drugyiss: in the W H Y ?“:u“: meâ€"dicinal vegetable ingredients, (some of m'c.::l-'y“'“r'.m .n'-:, Juai Bark, $ peot, Mw,bumn,l Compound lxMuCokcynh,JmM trine Aloes, Capsicum, &c , &¢,) which enter Into the composition of the combiued madiâ€" clae, are such and so h «rmoniously classifi=d aad compounded, that it is mady the searching curative in the known fl& monot help but act on the system: In & very wtistactory and desirable manoagir ~No wnat~ ter what your allmâ€"nt m«y be, or of how tlong thnding, it will And the spâ€"t and astonish you by the rapid manger in which you, are metored to periect healto and full vigot. *% Price 0j Remedy i Pint Bottles .§1 00 SHINGLES X. XX, XxXx. _ CUhaudiere, O« Fm sPR WROUGAT ts d ts terns . That the Ganart Snosnounes iHtaxsoy ano P1LLA, duml*l‘?-lfl_m LEWIS J MBEPHUS, of tho | Great of Shoshoness, British Uolambia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Curet the World has ever hoeard of. _ Never in th: annale of Canwtian Mâ€"!ical History has suc} succuss attended the introduction of at s and a large stock of 3 HOUSEKEEPING UTENSILA nd other articles, and the very best. CuUKILNG TVE uitable for the farmer, city resident, | erman or hoteis. * bottle she was able to sit ap By the continuâ€" aace 4 #* \~yar? <"A s®a rsportectly reatored PLANED LU MBER ‘Broogir», April 5th, 1870. J 0 Chamb slain, Big. â€" This is to certi Abat my wite was very low with Lonag Discase. The Doctor had givr a her ap. He asdld her Jungs were taberclied, and m«dicine could not belp her. A-.lutmlrmh.d.h.h of the Greast Shosahonses R=nedy. At the expiration of two days her sywmptoms were decidediy better _ SBhe continued to improve so rapidly that by the time she had taken one You may publish the facts for the bâ€"nefit of those similariy aficted. ~ > ale Proclaim the Glad Tidings WONDEEFULCURE OF LUNG DISEANE bed to keep from strangling. I tried three of the most cm‘nent physicians in the County of Northamberland for about a year, without receiving any beneft, in fact I continued getâ€" ting worse all the time. At last I was ad> vized to try the Great Shoshoneer Remedy. 1 bougbt a bottle and took it and when it was «bout Anished I began to feel a little better 1 continued to use it until I had taken three speak, and in\ the night time frequently throwing the clothes ef and raising in the JOHN SILYER. @worn before me at SmithAeld this 6th day wl dkzpcils, t B t _ _ T. _ L. e E of all descriptions. Rough Lumber Woll Seasoned, J 0 Cha..beriain, Keqâ€"This in to certity that about three years ago ] became affiicteo with Bronchitis, which lasted about sightsen months, I was so afticted for the want of breath that it was rery dificult tor me to -*“â€"â€vh to mf m I fount that 1 was as well ag, ever I had been previâ€" ous to my lllness and have been so ever :.‘:-I“N'::&rvou bm'-?.m leaves Uttawa at 4 p. m. same day. k Will leavrewith Mails, ’*l Freight wâ€."'v M’“)“ »-“ i ie THE OTTAWA RIVER NAVIGATION OOMPANY., 35 Hussex Stre« Ottawa, March 4, 1872, 1914 1872 aves ttawa al i p. Ottawa, May !, )'n' The Steamer YOL. VÂ¥I NO 2008. aAUVDMRZE 1t< 1 Cure ot Bronchitisz asQra0 ronsas of Bird Nests,~â€" > 5 T 0. BROWNX® Episcopal Methodist Minister JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. H. MEADOWS & Co., J MÂ¥ WELLINGTON, ) P NOTICE. YÂ¥ICTORLA." Butte. Platters, MILL 4s #@ FAIRYY" resident, lum 1872 And Tucsd: k TeX AHtitnocky m a‘na y inoteafter. . _\ , _ | ul communtonte us w Cubin, $60, Stoerage, ml' _ |amatancmnne uiee 4 Through tickets from all polats Weet at | DÂ¥ #2ich such "‘Cu»tom reduced rates. CortiGicat= * lâ€"aucd to persous | way have uneren‘ a Wa dusirons of tbringiog out tmâ€"it trhas -u-u.uu.-:t“c to Canada. Through Bu!â€" »f Ladiog | Warsmuurm spapneing lssued on the continent, and in Lâ€"nson for | py eacerey on 4 wac ut all parts of Canada, and in the United Scats | the Warchouse Boeok s ; to Detroit, Milwaukes, Chlcago and <tlwt note date of appoutmwent points in the West, | ation which may be mad Fo Frâ€"ight or Passog»> T"’ to Temperâ€" loy‘s, + arter & Doarks«, 21 Bllliter Sitect, Loa» don; Wilcocks & Weeks, Barbican Plymouh; Boss & Co., Quâ€"bec ; or 3 ‘The uniofarieed bage ts storat: the to 1 blio that ‘his office has thi-d.( been (nioman eatoonat in inghens w , on ; o Street, where ordars for eollection and delivery of Goods will meet with pï¬: and careful attention. ht-. h-mb and Carsage will now received at Company‘s Office, on Wellington Stret. A. J, TAYLOR, ° Ottane, Stk as., 15735 © Sm Ani P. 8. ENTKANTE BY SIDE DOOR in be astertained on «pplication to the 8t, Lawreonce & Otiawa Raiiway, o andorsizned up to ncon on SATUKDAY, i6th o cunuedy eicimetheaie una.:«m be and for :-:%â€"-."‘“ifl- se L Chignal Th May, 190 otaey Unicg mud-u;-um..w Buli in Canadaâ€"for sale. His full pedigree s=3 ___J. & W. THUXS3ON, F.,b. Ist 1885 d&w t Nepean To COUNTRACTORSâ€" ‘omposed of the foll=wing or other frst class Powertal Tron Steamsbips« : SCOTLAND, * NILE HECTOR, & NIGER, tw m ADALLA. TEVID 6. The steamers oft this Line are intenaded to sail Weekly as follows during the s ason of navigation of 1372, to ant from ‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ London, Quebee and Montreal, (Calling at Plymouth outward fr pass«: and leaving that port ewery Friday ) » FROM LONDON. Also the celebrated MASON & HAM «* 4th, ii:un mmcy;-'if-ufc nearly, if not original cost. <a Tus. it is warranted hr the fost satleâ€" factory manner. J-pilo_. -hhn.nmï¬ud t can at our era, in Doudily, Power, Purit Equality of Tone it has no compeer. Messre. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Piancs, vis : MoCAMMON & CO DUNE_AM . PIANOS Bo long and favorably known in Canada, and in doing so would respectfully request ::-thltn-:h.mhd C OUR SHOW â€" ROOM. h.fl&%bflou&nw y pleasure lmnndn':'m This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet ‘m-d adds immensely to its NTEA Â¥ Terms Lberal. Offlce over Hope and Co‘s, Hparks streot WONDERFUL IMPROVENMENT ORMF £SQN DENIILN PILNO! â€_“g. â€" £ :.x.on:lam, Ottawa, January 20, 1872 London. Queosec, The merits of the Dunham Puauos are 1st. Its durability bas become a proverb RIZE DUBRHAM BULL FOB SALE en § Aireing 1 w in agiht it ied d vice (p + Tempeorley‘s Line. . In workmanship it cannot be surâ€" and ESTEY & CO.‘b ORGANS 4 assortment of which we keep conâ€" every Wedneaday thereafter FRUXMX QUEBEC. 6 UH ¢4 +644 'l‘“’. Ath _ And Moneal. Mont real, 0. &R CUANISGGAu. Di¥‘{D sHAW, Co do * @ and HOOD, , 2tn 1 May 5th June 12 b 16th 23%¢d 30th 2ith Ath June l8th do| 25th do #nd Juir 3 a Joly 10th do s40" 7" And to furnish the Collector with a key thereof, J0th do | having a iabo. attuched tnereto, with the same it be E. tere distinouly painted therounâ€" â€" Enat ths «ollector will communicuis in wiiting, notice of the Londomwâ€" | men. of " Customs nm".mmï¬ loao warehouse lur that purputge, giving the number a West at wm; 1* to be doâ€" to peISOD® | may huve otfered a Warechvase, tw become a party ie _ trio n is w-uuu.lsn .u-md-nn.u.dc: ‘ M Wns | enmanaraorane en o ted Scatâ€"s | the Warshouse Boouk ; and the Colinator wlil alan Co """'::' 'U"-: w acchuousa‘‘ 12 to be doâ€" #â€"gqalou, Uir® appiicaunt or persud wao -ul-n-hl:‘. Wau‘shouse, to become a party wl-lulltlsll “-mm‘;: AfCRVUSO, Mluation Un se aacenal soake propriona or eveupane ass [d vO & duag the Warshouse Book , .3‘3. Uulicctor wiil also mou:“ -:ww:-.s ::-dl:m.'wnm .n:: wbvoak W mway be made me with rega u;.wm wm"â€l’nwr“ exnuse a list of all * Custuins Warenouses," contuinâ€" iay the name and mniustiud to be propared and hung up in the Long isuou. or in some public pert ol the Custuin Huuse. adutivn 13. â€"Aud be it turther ordered, That duty shail be charged on all gouds ¢s wurchouse on the M.:Mtuh-m may hare arisen trum natural causes ur otherwise. secuon la.â€"and be it further ordered, That there shall be deducted b‘-&qu‘.‘o mmnuw goge revtness A the :zu..b befure the coâ€"lector, and in Wm-u ommeston of .ae â€"in the the medium tare shail bâ€" ascertained by weighing a fow packages of the I'-""“‘::.‘- I'N adupting the resuit as the us?n.noucnnr.d Commnisgioner of e e loth siay, 1872 UUaWE __* See Urder in Council of 2th March, 1872, as to Aad to furnish the Collector with a haring a inbe. atiached tuereto, with" the paie Tor" ters distinouly painted therounâ€" â€" Enat ths w ollector receipt of retail Is now in season. All who wish to make a noise in m-_-u.-w--w---mun-n-’_ up mduumm : Gems of German Song, Gemse of Saered Song, G of Scottial 'M&O-. m&nmd'fl.-“n‘ 30 to 2w pages fuli <f the 'f""" ï¬m_â€":fl‘--ll':. s ,-.L-: wf ant to pla: o uver the gate or duor :un.m in sume ovnspichuas place un every Uustusiae nu:hunuw & buard or mgn wilh the Ivhowing paintod thereun ; Bection 12â€"And be it m-«.a That whenever a place ur warschour? is vdered to the Volâ€" legtur of Customs at any port Hof apprurai &s a Vustoms wurvhuuse, the Laniing surreyor, (Of principal mour of the W atersde 1epartument, and -Msn.u.u:rmm“m &Al such purt, s al mt-o-u.-u‘ ascortain that such , lace or w archouse is suthorâ€" ently sucure, and otherwise At fuor the purpose inâ€" 1nd very mederate .n price. g es ce oo o o so y .L REED ORGANS PRICE $2%, MiQDi t 39 marerampec d Mins qarin w Iuosensimk en ons Frue d uderet Debbr Yflj 4y .n bex Galon: (Ip J &...M.E'.'% QGus Wu.ks, Rochestor & Co.‘s Steam MiHis L Flock‘s Fouunary &u., �, N. B.â€"1t saves 30 per cent on the Russel! tlonuuu«.udun-nu-mh half the time it touk betore the covâ€" ring.was ap~ plica, while 1t saves a lurge per centage of Fucl and Labot at the Water Wotks ot the M:-ou:doupuwmm me. . Eks k o e e Cey States and thruugbhout Grou: Brital the British Admiraity and American (Bue circuiat.) a UHALMERS & CO,, Ricbardson st., Montreal P. 0. Box 8444, Bole Manafacturers in the Dominion J. MUNBUE OLEaAYX, Guneral Western Agâ€"nt, Ottawa, Nov. 30, 18{; Â¥ Men*s Raceâ€"Over 45 years; open to â€" _ Ton oempen iemandnkee Ottaws, and Canada Central Rail &u-'+ O-.uruu-s'm-'uno- ratus Fase. All Com panies Clubs for Prizes ut Dominion Celebration ut make esns onotmm.luzkm addressed to o. B donet en o. Tixzs Printing uffice, Ottawa. GoOD SAVE rHE QUEEX, Ottawa, May Z7, 1872. 1998 CIAI]KN?'!C‘ PArENT Non Conductor for Covering Steam Boilers NON.â€"COMBUSTIBLE & NON CORRO3IYVE Save 20 . cont in and steam passes tivigh far, Ratio ‘of Finteg eomeres with the Nonâ€"conductor quite éy. > to CNFY s Third * Pair Punts........ : ong:n__mam;@u, One Mile Foot to all comers : _ _ _ mumflm&tq Taek * Mimninnt Pike i be piayed in accordance with Convention cmmmâ€"l)n-balum;bb’ played in accordance with the rulos Bpecial Prize, $ 50 One Mile Mhlo:.â€"‘mluh! GANMES AND AMUsEMENTsS TO BEGIN AT 9 A.X Base Ball Matchâ€"Open to all erganized . & I‘_o;- l‘“....-on.bll‘m a""â€""ï¬"‘m‘""' dows fne, retrace Lo hera of apparatus 20 Tos. , 35 men. .. ... Prise $1 Three or more competing,....Second "* _ . -..Oloolluoâ€"upnlnud.t.‘ of Reel and Hose, -B.';"a‘."..:..'fll.‘.‘. } Three or more competing..... Hecond " _ : 1 cases where titrs enter, Firet Prige omer given, * Decisions of Jwiges to be FIXAL in all cases, Bands ot Music have been Engaged ! n ang SECoOND DaAY : o. o "T, m NOR r+ir1s«++s.r1s.++, : PAE0 $ 60 Three or more competing,....Second " _ 30 In event of o u-*ud.d. estterylty Engines entered for competition to ve three months in uâ€"e. 2 °_ 17 CZ EC vompeung,....Becond " _ 4g lli(.'hu'hol-m to ail comery ; sp S Te* (Mand)â€"Open to 1LARKE‘3 NXEW METHOD FIRST DAY. *4 TOURNAMENXT To BEGIN AT 10 A. M * ue opre d eant ons (Bteseassores i to Tesaren‘t E: g.!'_lyg_. ‘ in, noegleâ€"ail vlain : bnervendiâ€" Fifteon Hundred Dollars for Celobration .___ Mt the City of Ottaws, Ontario, . On MONDAY, istJULY, ‘72, DoMINION DAY CELEBRATiON ) X¢*® * > FIREMEN‘S TOURNAMEXT ) nsm3 Extensively used in the Kastern and Western Ciubes yag) l::-â€"-' 50 feet hose stream, # men....... ... .0 au comers ; Dh-n-'iga in. eylinder, h't«m" tn favor of 4} in. cyiinder ; 8llcn................................Pnnl 'l?goor-ou competing,. ... Second * XTRACT from Regulations, sanctioned by the Guverner General in Council, on 3Jth smarch, 185v, in relatuon to Bonding of touds, and still in force. 3u.;aF Customs No. S TK Sairt PRICE $1.50, yuuet A, 104 HD . » » »« » « «» + . ht ME ,hflo'mt llchg’n‘:.‘ 12 + 44 in. eylinder, 3?’"â€_{“ sessss++«« â€"Prize $ 80 Prize $100 oOTTAWA THURSDAY. JUNE 27. 1s72 $100 o Pure Chemicals > and ~New pltu Middens oee "P Pae Oe farcaled Mitk oat Eucrncmr. THOMAY EXCELSIOR RCLECTRIC OIL. w«ar-m-hwquhou . * Pain cannot stay where i is used." It is the CHEAPEST MEDiCINE EYEL MADE, One aose cures common sore that or VUnme bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cents‘ -uth':;emdud:..m (r. Lt posit: cures Cata: Aan-.‘ CVroup, Wifty conts‘ worth has oured Ciick in the Buck, and the same quaolity Lame Back of eight years‘ standin . 1s cures Swelled Neck, fu. khumatizw, Neurmig.a, Joutraction am-un.mkuu. l;:nl Diffical. ti s, and Puin and Sureness in any part, no matter where it may be, nor from what cause it may arise, it always does you good Twentyâ€"&Are cents‘ wortn has cured bad casea dOh.-hn‘lhuLm. vas temâ€" spyvafal cures volic in 15 minotes, It will ocure any case of Piles thas it is impossible to oare, Biz or gight application» is warrantea uc.mnyql-oclu-n.“lmulq- Aamed Breast. For Bruises, it: often ..dn-mup‘.luuu BeYer the slightest discoloration to the skin. It stops the pain of a Burn as soon as apptied, Curse Frosted Feot, Boils, Warts, and yorns, anda Wounds of every description on man or brest. 5, N. 1HvMAS, Phelps, «. Y. And NORTHLOP aLY 4AN. ?.-a-u., Ont., Sole Agonts tor the Dominion. Medallists and Jurors at ait the Great Exhibitions, mss notritivus and palatable: Sold" n‘ J4p criats which most ::'..."".'.'...""..".'.'.:‘-".‘m:‘.- **r5 %“u *T Erox‘s Par BOLE MANUFACTURERS: THOS. MORSON & s 0N ottaw», aoa y iCorper Dank ead Viitocts Spor) Nm Ottawa, May 10, 1874 Morson‘s Effectual Remedies The Washington n L R _ -W?'&w“m "hexDERSON £00., The Council of the oad, having an average haul of under four miles, Aftrsotas moui tfn %z.numm-. Address Hopelield Post D ing flmBerfrom off those lands being of course The $<f_ 72 ‘:l:l:h in the E m‘:?&.e: hmxu-«u'uu e t “‘m %“..' ......“5...':.. “:% F . mre L’f‘b‘n . 1988if » El: is one of the best paying hotels in the Domâ€" tl‘ q second business in the m@%&&"ï¬ -t-a"u-""“é-'! Ottaws, May 8, 1873 Jâ€"ALBION HOT EL 4$ â€" _ City of Ottawa, Ontario, with large quantities on Bberal terms by the seaâ€" l?n' : &l. â€˜ï¬ tha‘eo wanted. xn“:rdon fention,â€" ill receive prompt atâ€" mesamuntey, * F» J, Mortimer, Druggist, mxgc:o.:cum gubâ€" gurinp 1 94 To Pare Foust proiee on TÂ¥or further particulare agoly to the Pooprininy, It contains important articles on RUSSELL SQU LUNDON, Wubâ€"flonuyâ€˜ï¬’. NOR SALE The out of over One Thousand A“w tim l.* a4 m '.. ARE CHANCE Not Beld yot, but for sale by the subscriber. ; Alse ready the _ > Rev. Mr. Mclaurin‘s Lecture, «â€"â€"Eclectricâ€"Belected and eleootined. eeiiice "oul "ost d ut oliity No es e Post Office and Parliament Buildings _ W&Mï¬l’_u, throughout the world. 14, 1823, TERMS EASY. THOS. STARMER,, ion: Bok! in To 1 20d | Geevaly reparation of this nutriâ€" | Cabbages, ..u.u.z"‘t"fl.“ h‘ is | Caulifiowers, o pasked *n fhipged ® | Corn, ‘ ABTNEKAHIP Rideau Street. Full; directions for taking this (ireat Mgl*-lmucuï¬lmmi:’ tim;, DUNCAN‘S COMPUOUND SY RUP ::mm.uluoflu,huppuu Wh tes, EV ANS MERCER & co, Mm?u to be obtained from -n’bnmm UOttawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m MANUFACTURERS OFr , f Gum Drops, Cream Bon Bons, Crysta CHARLES ALBIANYER AXND S0X$, MABRLAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS, Wremaiacarry mesgo ue o es Hoite Fringed, Mottoes, Horus of Plenty, &I‘:Jmhb&.d -a.i 387 & 301 NOTRE DAME STREET, oynnw 1947â€"3m FIOWER SEEDS, a large ASSORTMENT Ewing Bros., of real. \(hq k. odmsri'?a oo‘z) ttawa , Apru 22, '818. s COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR BAPARILLA Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. It Mih- at the root dhdl Disease is wonderfulne M mh a healthy state. ¢: waObl%bl 8TE AM CONFECT RRY â€" Melons, % Lpuscans CHAS. H., DITAON & CO., New York. Snmmns. (P’rhg%ml cents b‘ds.) is one of the ys-n“ !‘:od- b"t‘bol’lno-m Cabiâ€" M“‘gu Hnt.'l s'luwln mmm mhl:.v:o*:n COnarming Song..... . T‘he Gates Ajar. ...‘ Thomas. 40 : The above Books and Piece, sent, postâ€"paid, on T H E 8 T 4 N D 4 R D, â€Ifovï¬m‘dflatah‘n‘ a Pusor, $1.50. As the previous works of these cflom hay 'gn-l. uu&'fl uugs.‘:.‘: sent on applica‘ion. h&a... Sp n np itrmine more Tnl COMING GHURCH MUSIC BUOK To be ready July 1st. In good repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. s i Pianos to Rent. Secondâ€"hand PLANUS and QRGANS taken in exchange. Just recsived a large number‘of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited. R 4j A. & 8. NORDHEIMER. â€" P n t _ A. PETERSEN, General Agent. ‘PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE A COMPLEIE_ ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING :INSTRUMENTS ALWAYs T IN STUOCK : Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, | , . _ a s s Prince & Co.‘s Organs. Chickering‘s Pianos, Steinway‘s Pianos, Dunham‘s Pianos, We are now prepared to offer to the Farming ‘Community and to the trade inducements that has not been given heretofore by any one in our line of business â€"being now ‘mportâ€" Ing the chief part of our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BBRANDIES, enables us to reduce prices turther. â€" We claim already to have brought the enormous profits heretufore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to continue so. We will guarantee that no one can sell the rame articles cheaper, such as TEAs, 8UGARS, TOBAOCOS and GENERAL G#4O0CERIES, also WINES and all iimported Liquors, Canadian Spirits, of the best description, linyc on hand at prices as low :s small lots can be laid down. We care not for competition, all we require is a trial given to our goods. The economist will profit by calling to us. g@#*Our motto is light profits, A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arervoms NO,. 36 RIDEAU s'rnmb Axp DUKE STREET UHAUDIER} ; Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. A buaie mm capasture _ .. , P. Baskerville & Brothers, Just reseived, a fresh Stock of GARDEN AND F[ELD SEEDS, Croe 1811, Vu.: Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, Ottawa, April 8, 1872. ESTABLISHED IN 1842 Clad Tidings, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. â€" ._â€"P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS. 26 SPARKS STREET, O T T &A W A. e SEropK A 00 R:diâ€"h, _ ‘Tomatoes, alade, Jams, &¢. ;‘ > d h %, Lo _ ie «eA LOT OFâ€"â€"â€" Just recelevd and for sale very low, having been ie mn sif erothy io droman foke 5‘.&.â€". on MONDAY, the third day of June pnext to open at ten o‘clook ‘a m . For Schoo! Section No. 14, Township of Novean: | Msateatinneatin ie aniinniiaeteaaeie Purtifien» of quntihontiee mu"""w'rm' P This Ganous is the most reliable and eflcscious C ?(?H.N lum'G'AT’ ’ Remed ; hlflfl.dlfl.% » Tuves is us A 3008 MEALLE is " oo ul ’ m":m:".k c%'oâ€"..d-: May 38, 1872; 18w2 all discases of r For Bpeakers (GouEr or REVISION: ~~~~â€"~~ | taig Hee uis Uargle uie used by i i bnsutgeaails m ! mg ï¬â€ now, _ Notlceis hereby given that the Court for the reâ€" â€" SASOEDSOTT. the most popular Heime Notice is hereby given that the Court for the reâ€" vising dï¬oww&mvmrd lwhnpndforllu'i!lrbboldh&h_tm «11 of said Village, on â€"SATUKDAY, the 2ith instant, at purchased before the lat ad, ance on [ron. _ _ _ se P it a 1t m | BHign of the Auvil, _ the hour of one o‘clock, _ . d3%200 /: KEGS OF CUT NAILS 100 Agents Wanted, Hardwareâ€"Hardware. AT THE OLD STAND, No. 24 Rideau Street SIGN OÂ¥ THE ANVIL. Threshing Machines from Open Cylinders...... ... Bawing Machines...... .. Fanning Mills .......... _ AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS At the Ottawa Agency, Market Squs Ditching Machine ...... . ...... ...... $ Gfl. ml‘ we na se t eaee se se @aue se sees ® c“flm sn# 8 to a«ee es se 0e ® # «44 s #4 e a Reaping Machines from .. ...... $100 0 . Dated this l4th day of May, 1872 Mower The Court of Revision for the hearing of comâ€" Ottawa, May 9, 1872 hour of one 0 ciock, 5}- fl Richmond. 8rd May, 1872 ANTED, £TO CONTRACTORS, BUILDERS & UTHERS. s Haine‘s Pianos, w e wasl an ageut in ervery county, ** Pirst m,{mm." Oue agent made $170 in 11 days. uuonï¬muu. New York, G. TR WIEK and expenses paid. -.n-o.'l†«o 140 Rideau Street. W Mage Clork 1941 3m .11.0 to 1,000 . .. §30 to 40 ... 80 to 85 w n ® §166 Pocketâ€" a.nives, Razores, Shoe mebors Roircan Pess Biut red tm ue Affact which has been found by Physicians everywhert ipomcmcofetize anautfes mpt dlotgreren in any 5-‘:. O'A:‘r: ‘1:- E "cin’?ii% Discases, worin, ‘Tetter, * -'QJ L‘, ks Abscesics. Boile. Pimples. &c° 1t potsciees all the virtues of ¢ Aclé. e i e i o thc. Lolk GEO. A. WALKEM, Chief Commissioner of Lands and W orks. Lands and W orks Office, Victoria, April #7th, 1872. 1967 3m Do on fioor.......... .45 feet, + o Do ofentrance........63feet, _ To afford a depth of water on the sill of not lest than 2 feet athigh water springs, aud to be subâ€" stantially constructed to the approva: of Government upon & site to be provided by the purson whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. T Further particulars as to site, borings, &c., may be obtained from T. A. Burkuer, Esq., Chief Enâ€" gineer to Government, upon application in writing to the. Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. Tenders must specify the time within which the Dock will be compieted, and must be accompanied y drawings and descriptions showing exact dimenâ€" sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" posed Dock . Tenders are to be sealed, supersoribed "Tende for Esquimait Grating Dock," â€"ur to the Chicf Commissioner of Lands and W Victoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noon of the 15th day of November, 1872. Persons who may consider the above guarant be insuflicient, are at liberty to tender on the basis 1 such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial Government, or »uch other financial induceâ€" ments, as they xw.u. The Government do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. Each Tender must be accompanied by a Bond from the Contractor, and two sufficie t sureties for the payment of £10,000 to Her Majesty, her beirs and successors, conditioned upon th» due fulliment of the Tendér which it accompanies, provided it be accepted within three months from the said 45th The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimait Harbor udo(&onmrmvidodindn'l‘vm Bection oi the Terms of Wnion of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" ing words :â€" ** The Dominion Government shall guarantes the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rat: of five per cent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be requiréd for the eonstruction of a first class Graving Dock at Eequimait." The Dock to be of masonry, and of net less than the following dimensions :â€" Length on floor 370 feet, s Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings 90 feet, } Ottawa, April 11, 18r2. For the R@CLARGEST AND BES T.# HNelection of Ladies desirous of taking lessons in the French language, can secure the services of & compet nt ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK FUPRS. e f > Ottawa, May 7, 1872. PRIVATE LEsSONS HATS, Hats, Vats, Hats. =_ * K. . ® Trinity Oollege; Poronto, Physiciag, PEACOCEK‘S, 33 Rideau Street, Oritawa. B@~The highest price paid for KAW cher, who has the best of credentials and of this mmmam&w or terms and particulars, address by post, _ And Works Vietoria Balk Miings 6 reot R. R. P. LEWIS, RITISH COLUMBLA. By A. FRENC){ LANGUAGE. CAPS, and Mabave t Movenr, Bt. Pflriakmw‘u STRaW GOODS, IPRICEâ€"3 CEN 13 Bpring wheat, $1.40 to 1.50 deo & n-d-nz'u:u “u. Dry vod ..1‘"“‘. Hetring. $4.15 10 $5.00 per biot. Hlflml.‘u-.. y' us on kss -~*} Bacon do _ $] S w §# 50 _ dao Bacon dry sdlted, §8 5) h.anâ€"“p‘-.. 4 Louble exira, $7.15 per barrel. Extra, $6 10 $6.15 do No. 1, $5.50 to 6.15 ao Jntmeal, $5.25 do Cornmeal, $8.25 to 3.50 do 'hymu?' 15e to 160. _ _ is t $ oe pat (g *A * hlbi,loum’:o. Potuo-.wl:.iol)b bushel. mmq..u:’:u COarrote 256 to 406 do. Parsnips 30c. do. Unions, $1,50 to $2.00 da., (hl-y,wa:‘:?’:t. Mhnb::.w“ h.’:mflo%u Home made .1 per p â€" Wool 45 cts. to bue per Ib, Hay $8 to 1i 0 per ton kye e*raw, $6. .C‘Ul.'..bfld‘. ‘.P-t_,‘!l_lg)ubm!«ln"m No toilet table should be with out COOUâ€"GLYCKE R1 NE, 25 cent per bottie â€" the hair Have you a severe wrach or sprain?t H. you rhenumatism in aoy torm Huve you sth aeck, oi buiiches caused by rhoumatic paing? u-o,Jm'oAMn-ml-nh.“ fic remedy also the best puin killerin the world used for thirly ysars with never imillug sufeey and success by milliuns ot motheis and children, frem the toeble intant of one wrek old to the mduit. ]t corrects acidity 4 the stomach, relieves ~wind volic, reguintes t a bowels, and qives nn‘h-uh.uu-lut- muther and. child. e bullete it the tast und surest remedy in the world, th all onses of Dysentery and Liamtbms in cohiigren whether 1t arisos or from otbher causae. mf'?’mmu'& uiing m accompany each bottle. None genuine uniess the tecâ€"mimile of CURTIS & PEnKIAS 1 on the Outside wrappm, Bord all medictne d.â€"ulers, 456 cents a bottle. uz-. 216 Fultos Streot, Ne« York, and 98 Oxtora tirect, Loenâ€" don. Be sure and call tor * MHxS, WINSLUW* suv0THILNG sYEVE daving uns tac simile 1 "Vurte & P ra4e Jn the oarside wrapper All othersare bs Cod oil 60 ots per galion Calf akins, 12 ots per ib, TBRIBRTY YARARRN EXPERIENCE OF in uLD nUksK maus. Wixsu w‘s Booruine Syzur is the pre. scripuion of ons of the best Femaie Phy.iosians Mfll!nul. the United Btates, and has been Shoop Feite $1.35008 par 100bx. the name, and see that the signature of Hurd & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Ljpnas.‘ Newocnetie, UnL., pn;...rm-' Canade. â€" Holl by all medicine demiers. wxllmwtuï¬cnldonm.u...“ o(hu-cu,ndhvlupwnd““ bylhflfl-hnvrmmht them in new localities in parts of the and the Troches are wm-u"n-m better than other articles, Oznpes axp Srerax. â€"In every branch of eeiâ€" tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be order and «ystem to insure successful results, and this truth is fArmly established by actual experi¢nce, Another great truth has also been estabile..4 by the same means, which is : That as a pi*â€" ventative medicine, or: a medicine for the cure of colids, coughs, rhenmatism, and sum®me sompleints, the "Canadian Fain Destroyer," i the most reliable. For sate by all Draggist and country dealerr. rrice, 25 sents per bottle! Arubian lieare Remedy." We know you #ill u;om.uymuum.on-n. Remem bea Obtain only «Brown‘s Bronchial Troches, and do not take any of the Worthless Jmiétations that may is offered. ©Trocanms," so soid by the are & poor l-mflonc:l-:d'uthln like lloï¬l' BRUNCHIAL TROCHEKS which are sold only 1u boxer with facâ€"smele of the proprieturs, Garar Coxorrio® Mrorormaâ€"As a seadin medicine for horses "Dariey‘s Condition Poaw ders and Arabian Heave hemedy®" has no equal Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; maay horses that were supposed to be broken dews and aimost worthless have, by the use of a fow packages, been restored to a an | sound condition, all traces of the disease geen completely removed, and have been for from $650 to $15 more thakh they 'cd‘.!n viously have brought; when you want a i rese medicine got "Dariey‘s 0-‘“ Pewders and Arubian lieare Remedy." We know you #ill JOHN L BRUOWN & SUN, en outsice wrappel of buz, and private Gortg etnmwent stamp attached to wath box. This cars in putting lh‘!‘w‘-hl- g’"‘l“' a security to the purchaser in ord : Do gure vf whisining the gonuine Brow & BOREK THROAT, VuUGH, COLD, and similar trouvies, if saffered to result in serious Pulmouary, "T: Bropchial Iroches. phict, which may be had free at the stores. ITUATION WAXKT ED Buckwheat, 55to 65cts per bushel, Uute, 42c us 350 do Peas, buec to 65¢ do Beans $1.50 to $1.15 Barley SJcte. to £cte. Fall whear, $1.35 to 1.40 do BPECIAL NOTICES. The proprietors of Johnson‘s Anodyme Llnlu:ent, Parson‘s Purgative Pills, and Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, have published a readable and instroctive neme. Whest $600 _ do ’m-o.zl.w.v 100 it Orackeqa corn, $1 do Bran, 75 otsa to $0c. l’ir--'-a y "_: .. h .. .. Prime messe, $13.0J. Mams amoiced, §11 00 to $14.00 per 1 #} Do green, $8 00 to $10 00 do Beef, $8.00 to $10 00 nt 100 lbe Fonkn 100 t6 BLUF percbugie. Turkeys, 1.0UV to uï¬'-n. P se t Pirvoipte Fflï¬r:,l?.h‘:. 10 dosen., ;‘.!."‘,.'“ '?.‘::.'_nlb- COO(MGHLYCGKRINE nourish 0O0O GLYUERINE removes TnB MAKRKEE, &63 E 100 1 Mffoam» fl‘:-ï¬. o ie pur ie " ( ks mas to., 100 lbe, lxl 4