UVR ’\)37.0.,‘- . _2 ie Ne al Urs, Nary Salling p 12. â€"~â€"JAPAWNESE antles, &o, oie, AQPPZ uts IT & priccs trom $9 9 iendid oP um mence OVER ved uD6 itt & . NSTEAD P.¢ ~foiled Sn 10U LRgy in order to aud sold to NNY §IVE: Jbl‘ww‘ ApPF P , gyid & COâ€" 15th Jul‘y sm“' ‘f.f new an t ~â€"Ourgl s " CVR im dn ï¬!.?l’ (‘l 06 to », 19â€" beantifol w 11 be est and fAnest Al gress was m«de by them during the last Six months We are sorry that Trustees and parents and guardians do not evince more interest in school affu.irs, by attendâ€" Ing those public examinations _ The schoolars were examined in the various Cantrarn So=~ «st.â€"T he examinaâ€" tion in umis i uo_ zol commences this morning at » a. .. and will" continue throughout the day. Parents and guorr #ins had better attend and m»nifest a little more interest than was apparently done yesterdsy in the : entral School Eist. Tuar Beavmuos Smo«.â€"I‘t. Hemierson """“"-"‘n I bl was yestert:y presented by hbis many adâ€" m.‘.:"" mentiqn / fos mirers with that beautiful stick offered by | Hertsy Gallagher, honourable mention the promoters of the Fancy Fuir to the | for good Conduct, English Reiding and »mukh.lhhbbotm"â€"" * PSR vote» at the late Baszir. We wish him ..:‘-n"'"m gie Ti much joy, snd hope he â€"may never grow.\ _ Helen Jemmett, honnurable menti>n in l iume while it remains in his possession. {WMMh& Seenmning Greena, honogravle mention St. Axommp‘s Soostt Avozâ€"ss. â€" We jin Arithmetic and eang!l sh Dict«tion, _ â€" The public examinaticn of the pupils in this schoul toâ€"sk pl:ce yesterd.y, comâ€" menciog at 9 a. m., and continued throughâ€" out the day. A few pessons visited the sehool for the purpose of wi‘nâ€"+ssing the proficiency of the scholars in the various department», and to ascertain what proâ€" sabjects usually taught in the public schoolâ€", reading, spelling and d.ctation, !‘-l‘, geography, ll’i‘h-flc, hm. in price. Any person requiring such an article would do well to give Mesuis. Young and Radford an early call. _ By «i1 means see the aisplay in their windo®. suclid, Algebra, &¢ , and acquitted themâ€" selves very creditably indeed. Some fine specimens of penmanship find drawing were exhibited, and the map sketching displayed on the walls of the rooms of the fourth class were reaily good. The Prinâ€" Cipal and his assistant teacher» have reaâ€" Rexovixo â€"The laudies‘ of the Congreâ€" gation de Notre Dame are moving into their new building, Gloucester street. The situation of.the latter is excellent and just the place for an educaition«l instiu. tion, hibition in conmmection with this school will take place in the Rink this evening at 8 o‘clock; s ar.wa Coingozx.â€"The distribution of prizes and a musical and dramatic Soirce will take place at the St. Joseph‘s College, on Tuesday evening, 2nd ot July . St. Axommp‘s Sooustt Avor«ss. â€" We were shown yesterday the engros ed adâ€" dress of the St. Andrexw‘s Society of this city, previous to its presentation to His Excelloncy, Earl Duflerin. It was really a fine specimen of peomanship, and reâ€" flects much credit to the artistic ta:te and skill of the engyrosser, Darid Scott, E4., of this city. von.to {eel proud of the results of their six month: arduous â€"labour ; and we have no doubt they will enjoy the much needed relaxation of six weeks. I1 is unfortunate thtthomrnc.ï¬o. does not include the months of July and August instead of the limited term of one month. _ Prizes wers not awarded, as originally ):l-id,ht-o&hkt&blnmy. Messre. Durie & Son hare receiyed the American reprint of Blackwoods} Kdinâ€" burgh Magazine for June QOrrawa Hiu Fcaout â€"The Examinaâ€" tion in this Inst:tuti a bâ€"gins this morn ing at 9 a. m , when all parties interested would do well toattend. The usual ex 10 io pAaooKkL sn h Tib ECaiegh | Qramicg . > â€"â€"._ _ M te on Tuesday evening, Ind ot July. lg:&gpï¬u-hlu M wanmunsastere H mention for wri : Mx. Micuazus, Optician, desires us to in | Esa HRead, honorable h-&opblnuhnupudvdy'm m remain in Ottawa no later than to morrow. | .Ds-‘-ll.l “ls:i:::Ԡhymd._drh.touohin-hwlï¬ f sEÂ¥ 0K OlME. “ 7 s .m .â€._m.d'hy. l kMas tnra ame i nulaae Kuk ‘“ 1 Gorn nsapeo Cayus.â€"Mesers. Young & Radfor!, those excee.lingly enterprising Jjewellers of Sparks street, have jast receiv ed s lot of splendid goldâ€"beaded canes. They are of all sizes and vary accordingly ‘or whoever may be disappointed, we think it a wrong principle to stop the tou‘ asards given children , to stimulate their mental exertions. The Inspector, bowever, io make up, in a sense the loss susteined in this re«pect by the pupils, g.ve a prize to the boy or girl in e«ach class who by merit was entitled to the General Proficiency Prize." The resnit Fae as fullows ; Clusgâ€" c« Pifgnn. "i‘“ Cbx“*‘;lrt::u n« , Fourth ‘Cinteâ€"Senior Forumâ€"HM atur J. The newest desi in (Engâ€" lish) Oil Cloths, fromgg'()c to OEII?O’ the sqmare yard, abh _ [ _â€"...â€" | Walter 3 The principal Hotels and Saloons in the city, are now supplied with Caledonia Spring Water. Ask for it. Gissox & Co., York Streets. Ottawa, May 13, 1872 i C + y hok Diseases Liver Complaint, i of the Skin, Kndmytunmwnnd for a supply of the Caledonia Water. Gimsox & Co., Cornper Sparks and Elgin. Stage leaves < t 7. 30 Stages arrive fromâ€" .\ .Imer at mpay* Steamer «Jessie Ayimer daily at 8. 30 a m. ~% N. B.â€"Tickets to all points West can be had from "Je . ~â€" A. & A. H. TAYLOR, A* Russell House and corner NusseX a There is no better Spring and Summer medicine than the Caledonia WateR® No family should be without it, for where it is liberally used, no Doctor need apply. Steamer # Louise,"" Kingston on M Thursdays at. ... tour cases Cornices, Poles, Corâ€" nice Ends and Stair Rod#. Just opened at RUSSELL & WATSON‘3. ° Mowtazsan fm Arrive® eaves Kilpmonl"-fl Friduy» at .:; .... 4 Fairy RUNSELL & WATSON‘S8 CENXTRAL SCHOOL EAST NLON LOGCGAL NEWS. | ‘a some *â€"â€")uumjlor lw.â€"mlmofm‘ 1 Ginmson® & Co., Agents. Uer § a hndf?mwih of® this. \ ,f edu establishntént book pluce list %, as wsugl avery large * ies and>gentlowmen were preâ€" reat was the crowd indeed, th=t * mber of parsons were unable to obtain | _ Mabel Porlcy, honorrble mention in Recitation«, En li.hIIM{ud Duotation, Farah wawo{ honor:ble mention in Eng!ish Pictation, Re«ding. Charlotte Amitb, honorsable mentiion in l Recit»ti »08, Auo:-noq Arithmetic. _ | was a singnlâ€"r Jresm, amd wil shortly h ve a teastu: verification â€" P yoenulogists and dreamed isterpreters may find in this To day a man named Avery is to be hanged in New Jetsey. We tind the fol lowing in the Jersey ty Evrening Journal:â€" «! One year and a hall ago, John Avery, the Cresskill murderer, resided with hw mother in Thompson street, New York Une morning be came d wn stairs, and hs mother, seeing is troub.ed look, asked what was the malter. He tolki her that he had a dreadful dream ; that he had dreamed he had a dispute with a man, and trom that hour ne bore a deadly hatred tohim. Une night he thought he lay in wait for H-ndzflhd him. He then wandered about, to meet any ooo,vbotbutlbywug all aware of his gullt.. At be was captured, as he dreaméd, and taken before the judge and sentenced to be hung. The werror inspired by his dream awoke him, and for some time again be câ€"uld not again f.l1 awleep When be did, it was to have the final act of this dreadful taay _ of the brain f. He thougbht that ho waus Ld to gallows and bhiud the Ltal nsose his neck. He awoke with a scream, and instinotively W'ul hand to h« throst. Fanny Ross, prize, Recitations ; hofdorâ€" able mention tor good conduct, attermnâ€" Lily Lewis, Kh', English Examinatjon. Louise (Gou! bo-:-blo mention in Arith metic, English Reading. * 1EpALLiST®. * Graduate Clasa, J Om:g K. Read. Ist Intermediate E. Wiy, & Thompson. Madeline Torrance, prize, . Recitations, English Examinstion. * Aa Bury, honor. ble mention in English Rsading. â€" * "I* * Libme Armmtrons, 1st prize, Music Marks and nonourable meni» 1 in Recita tions. y Jessie Thom; son, h norable mention in Arithmetis. # t in F.ench. Emily nu‘x',.;:;' Recit ions, English tat Examinitions and hounournble -nuo: in Anunx Lewis, honourable mention in English Reading. s . _ Faunoy Wright, 2ad prizs, Crayon Driawâ€" Annie Thompson, honourable menti n for attendance. Belia Wylie,â€" honourable mention tor attend ance. Herts Gallagher, honourable mention for good Conduct, Enaglish Re«ding and French. + % Louisa More, Boarders‘ prize for Tidiâ€" ness, * % Helen Jemmett, honnurable menti>n in Bh‘.s. ' : 3 B m prize 1st, English Exa nmution, and honorible meution Recitation lat Ixtexuzeniate Cuass F. Godfrey, honomable mentic lish Reading. Frepeb, Music â€"__ K Keliy. prsos Recitâ€"tion, French and bhonorable meauwon in Kaglish Dist=i»e and good conduck. _ _ _\ â€"~ _ Jewie Grant. Pnd prize, Pencil Draw ing, bonour ble mention in English Dic & , honorable mention -3!’_&»._.â€"-_ i in m t lih 1,. Torrance, ptizâ€"s Ist, English Exami nation ; Ind Muâ€"le, and honoravle mentign in F.each and Reeit .tron B Kelty, 1 inh im« ~ vion. Hethations) and ..«....."""E in French. _ L. Shaw, honorable mention in Lilion &uih,ï¬b.'l'naoh. honesr able mention in English Easay + ’A.mb.wmm' serip. and : ‘"t. % 1 f.: Jetmmett, bonor:.ble mention in CGRAADVATE CLASS. ""*"~ _ B Godfrey, prizes, Recitations, Ist lish lnn{;nwm. Freach, _ Cha; Class ; honorable mention in Music. _ J Coutlee, prizcs, W »ter Colours (lsty honorable mention for Hisory,. Phys., Geography, Recitation and. & Alice ge, prizes, Ist Raglish Exzâ€" J Torrance, honor:ble mentim in Geoâ€" flr’. English Essay, Reci a4 Cotton, 2ad prize English i tion ; henorable mâ€"ntion in F. and . Kecitation. t and. t re v us bfwighe to 2 soucioleg io ..,":,‘:'E.I tional Anthem. & Wioi Grifla, honorarle tion fog Engloh Gompostrion and Wnting _ n ware dm?w'a Bishop of Ontario, kKer. M and Pollard, Mr. Langton 2. Piano Solo\, #I4 Rondo Capriccioso,‘ Mende!â€"= ho ; kï¬uflny. 3 Szenes from, 4# Les . Plaideurs," Racine : Members Graduate (lass. 4. q:nmuo. bind +â€" to Wiilium Tell" " 1. Misses Hart and Wright ; 2. Misses Forster and t + An essay of" ©"Liberty," Miss Smith m!..a. Then -::&m tion of prizes. Eim Abboit, 2ad prize, Eagiuh ex The tollowing is the OTTAWA CHU > Spragge, 2 u 1xrERMEDLA ris. Lcu'y:d" JF ENGLAND LA DIES SCHOOL. A WABRBNING PRIZE LIST amd prize, Water Mary Burnett. the proceedings ware interesting character, excellent recitations, F latter under the Workman, â€" the ot our pnblxc were delivrared , Chairman of the “‘ % nd’t'; mention in Eng. on which to i continue for Awelfith day 0i Â¥acation ploikd upon the i# and so we hare t:.mnd ’itrndn-hh-oouow of exien Prevention of murder in diffiouit, to the assassin i# not. The ori f which are tried in our manoer io are bandled by the attora=$ s of by the juries. A long time before the oftenders are oo s malp oof aoeed e e maage" I tw oblad l ints, 1t i8 W’N.:’ly and Mnuuu‘ witnesses ones examined. Whu'ou;t in the r trial and the prompt of the offenders. If we are wo hare tttreet murders in rapd ind the falls. ‘The rate of recession depend on the character of the " the base of the ftalls. At the whirl very hard, flinty sandstons appears the water‘s edge. Through this the Tall woull cut its way slowly. Here for the catarict was almost stationary ‘the new suspension bridge the group dips to the water‘s edge. rosks are eom&‘et, and here the ol roue weier tovegh. .. We ma ony s .ad yeurs are not e can only but peshaps 150.000 would o 10 the age of ledged the fht at once. He utrered the words, 411 '.'ll‘:.. 1t," ana ?l- taken into custody . provocation w doubtless, be considered valid ; and lhl; “t:“m,onry imsanity" of the muod'em n a pretext tor a comm sentence. with m“m. who um citizen ~om P min 'a:hthliy.. wile, was to m‘h“‘ offered the laiy, while passing a corner. He to resent the outrage, and it was 3 m. an utrack by a of coner There was scarcely a was Dowerless to defend, dying from a blow with a par innocent brass knuckles which the fello®w carried in defiance of the """“"!ft""“‘“"" ‘The testimony of a boy has fastened the crime »DuMid‘s." ‘The f. hg.ta".‘ bust ‘at 3t Daurids. B * years for the enure hist ty of" n «â€"ull not be abovs tne demani. We think of this as long, and wonder is umit the fails are so old. b ‘ 1 oks with a geologic eye thinks of w «hort; and bis wâ€"ader is that | we so young. Th np‘q 4 ] 0G «olngically, the lake ora 1t 13 w is dry lind long â€"beRre the Mloghlyf mountains were. lite4 up. The rirer ‘wuwlsduimu Mboho:.'%m tue Niagara «poth: € Â¥ »are ols ! H«n‘:flp-un‘uï¬q amage of tha likes through so muy «lions of Nu‘nd-r::d in > the bnd?l . the llhiapm R T t "% l0o®@r than Iy:h:‘.:w & o thirty gh. the plateau. would throw we W&hi.*nb'h% and h« dminage woulid be w-ï¬ i â€M‘S:‘ f of Mexico. West: erna & * an old civer i uo the Illinois and the sections of a great baurrier w reached across the plateau. Tue old viver bed in lilinois and the broken go acrges the Niagira piateau account r Extreme youth of «the falls. al 4d 1 y or «: M‘::mo. Boarcely a ep" some new murder is .brond.’ ï¬t&m is a woman cmm'r. or some peaceabie Wwhe down or stabbed withâ€" vu omm at the hands of some one of the 1 staik about at large T ke t ' Venio«, serene in their Lke the . e the gnity and ready fo ir ytd.d mees to be c nveniently ofor of the law appears to hive diea q our wile murderers vae e Uue of lh.wmu Hd_ murders . noticed lately is the PE O@OTTAWA TIMES, JUNE 298, is ._ n_g‘nnu.s Professor O‘fl during a recent course of geological n:fokou fol sabout Nugara Falls its history. P.nud,h-d N::nlumz ‘l,'l Â¥ Y, Fall,â€" Within a tew ys there again, but. what he saw did to the image his mind has for ten yeirs. The rim of the is more indented. Here and a mase of rocks has fallen, leaving a the beginnings of a little horseâ€" The great horseshoe itself has At the point of deepest water _green thecurve is deeply A GEOLOGILAL TALK CONCERNXING Jt has been said that, if heary postage produced essays«, cheap postage maikes epigrams. But the latter were not wantâ€" mg in the very earliest days. Nothing could be more epigrammatic thin the note sent by one Irish chief to onother . *# Pay me tribute, or elseâ€"â€"‘" To which the equally opigrammatic answer was : 1 owe you none and ifâ€"‘* OUf this sort were the aub0tes between Footsa‘s mother and Foote. * Dear Samâ€"I‘m in prison. Yours, F. @oote." The old lady was under â€"arrest lor debt. The son‘s answer was: ‘* Dear Motherâ€"So am I. Yours, 8. Foote"" And agrin, the letters between old Mrs. Carriok .d{ou‘ldmundlu-: "Dear Mr. Keinâ€"You cin‘t play Abel Dragger. ours, &o." To which intimation Edmund > : *" Dear Madam â€"I know it. K." lostances occur now and hen _ a joke has been played, 4y S which was to make a man pay Â¥y ple for very unnecessary _ _When Collins, the artist, i around him, wme _ of . e every artempt to i duce stay to supper. He withâ€" rew and the friends in council over their * resoived that the sulky guest ' . . _ Accordingly on the *Gollins sent biin a folded sheet of , in which was written : ~After you left we had stout and oysters." The receiver un erstood what was meint. but he was resolsed u,.:'. bis revenye. . biding time, ne trunsmitted, in a" feigned hand, to EPIGRAMMATIC LETTERS "Tane %, 1872 her bead when the shot «ooo onen at 7i o‘ctock Je en o,, _ Â¥v 8. 5. toc.. "as ‘* S’POL‘( VR lr“ym 5 pHy ho daed in N epmdarmernine lnot, s hereby caution any person or persons, Ottawa, Jln_o I._lm ’ ï¬ pUSLIC SCHOUOL EXAMINATION: _.W“?Lh hrg'.ff Ihe semiâ€"annual examinatinns of the Public Schools of this dity will take place as follows : : . Central School East. Thursday, 27 th June, Central School West, Friday, 28th June BN@y*Exercises at the usual school hur. the Tith inscant, contracy to" ome or apreaniet, "" peeheatooea fial ol erinonie s WB mETotadint Â¥rreuted in sap styie. from the RUBERLS BLOUK. Rideau ~treet, ttawa, would m.:‘dwun&omtb‘:f.?ï¬nh. Bankâ€" ore * .IMM docvbogw Books and Journa‘s, -ulon{'ho-th-t +s of paper, .wdugleu as low, if notlower than at any other nouse in the Dominion; whotesale or retail. & ls wi Thé great ENGLISH HAIR CUTTER and WIGâ€"MAKER, from London and Livâ€" mh now Smyloyed by JO+iN CURâ€" T 57, Rideau Street. a steady business habits, havnz a sm ul amount capicat at his commant."â€" Reprenes Teguin *o in 2: rnl formerly Nesn td Een ds ces " 8 hvimes B k *Dopartment ‘win*be tept open, Wanted, as partnor, in a paying busin*ss im 1B oftle t herinde in a good perine borin‘ts SA uiL Qugiee birseta, h Leares Ayimer Nundays -‘_oggpflnp?&b n(u-cn wm.' piey vaos stt Chareet u.o.:n“l;l" 1nd Chapeau a‘alock Ottawa, May 2, 1872 PABI'NBB WANTED. ~ Sealed tendâ€"rs will be received until THURSDAY, the FIRST day of AU? Pigee hm lre t frreen es in d No rom k ,gpullunac and sections will m at _ Epecification« and sections will be exhibited at ce ty Y se Sriting w Taee M wante® Aeg ChleP Mapimeen Ottawa W.‘:"im'i'd' rat 4 Un d auran Oitawa, June 18, 1879 sidence at half hree o‘clock, pm., bumel witt tane piroont 1 o tiock. fhe burial « o‘ Friends and acquaintances are requested to attend without turther notice, J TENOERS FOR CASTIAON PIPES DIED. & In this city, on the 21st instant, Luoy Eleanor, eldest daughter of Archibald M. Sievwright, of Montreal. _ In this cuy, on Wednesday," 26th inst., Delphine Gcsselin, wife of Mr. Francis Meunier, Stone Cutter, aged 20 years and On‘f;'stock" 'mdof Carp;t&.h now complete, is ore o lzfeot mdiect assorted ever offered in the city, having placed our orders early last autumn, we are enabled to sell much unde. present prices. H. J. BOKTAWICK, u{,;: Ottawa, June 2, !m’:& 2007 3 t by those dastardly Spanish Bucca~ xn"hom he so closely resembles in general ch«racter." The next edition of whe paper was not issued at the regular tume, â€" Finally some copies were sent ove: the town in balloons. and they contained these editorial remarks:â€"*The editor has found it impossivble to go out toâ€"day to hunt for new items, bec«:use t«e Mayor and the editor of the Times, and the post. master, _ and . _ Alexander Jones, and a number of other indivriuals whose names we have not been able to learn, have been sitting on the kerbstone and roosting around on the back fence 211 the morning with shotâ€"guns and other md«wmmï¬;. if they mu“'.:;-‘:fl“"._â€â€œ:f:fl‘thfl' we have mor re proof agrinst the door of our sanctum, and have iined A Pennsylvania journal, known as the Way, has s novelty | â€" y T 2s ieerbiie rrereane Great Clearit a Mr. Gumbs, announced s endeavour to make the m.:":.“.‘: OF THE OLD STOCK AT 01 # # mp_mm. first nnmbor‘h‘ Being far below present prices, in view to reduce my sto lMed the editor of the rival p*per @ a . in good order before removing to new remises, which habolical liar, an mue'“d m.adnl,lGo?dl to be sold at old pricesâ€"are as folï¬msz If these and a remorseless assassin. He alluded | which require these goo is they would do w11 to call as to the Mayor in a cheerful paragraph as a «‘sorrupt magistrate, whose torments from 7 JCE COLLER® and FILTERS, the remorse which festered in his soul | . Also a number of B were onlL.urpund by the physical & y ‘which is always the punishâ€"| JGQ SISTERN PUMPS, “m"‘, of the depraved and riotous & 4 Seneca Fall make debauches. He Mm mï¬n n:“"'&'k ce ASS0 : the tmaster wi remar it RTED COOKING aAx ‘m;‘:!lllnioul of the official Dick Turâ€" 37 * CAxp oThss MOYES pin can be compared to nothing but to 9 the terrific robberies committed in the| 1 & SETT BLOCK TIN AN» WIPE succession," let us have the trials and conviction in the ion ; it may serve the ends d‘:: better, and the assassin find less for legal rescue from tke pem-l.;;. of the crimes M“’d Pire of «i1 sentloemen «an be AMKS WYNES, TTAWA COLLEGE Uttawa, Junoe 24, 1872. Ottawa, June %, 1872 Ottawn, June 1, A BAXNQUE NATIONALE, TTaWA WATER WORKS. RIVATE BOARDING. Ottawa, June 24, 1872 2006 f DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZEs. AL AND DRAMATiC) sotrEx. M’M“m MKORTIMER. much unde. present prices. RUSSELL &%A’P&N. HIR JOHN YOUNG A LIVELY JOURNAL tepiogegness atflust emplorieg or #B. LA WEUN‘3 on W ellington Btreet, f':lk‘flso"†Doh _.©â€" _ wike with spring guns and insane bull bo h: yotk&f.dfor.mk. f & press shall nut be !d}l} while we wield a pen or will leave her hushand‘s reâ€" for the Caâ€"h Desk. Apâ€" *h 5. CASSRELLS, President. C, R. CUKXXNINGRAM, rest on Savi 8. nuoxrfl Porformance at cight EL NAGLE Neows Ottawa, May 1!}1‘12. bhwr IMPORTATIONS Always on hand. __ BR ts now m established fact if you want any firstâ€" “m'.:m ,uullhoM?a-lly Groâ€" L 9 Thos. Patterson‘s, Coceoa‘s& Chocolates i Ne erpagnrpions. s d ie e h oo P ppnt in ed and economy. The Bituated next door to the Post Offibe, hnd will be '5! ABUUT THREE wxxxb.' This is a splendid opening f. o ~ A Dry Goods or Hardware Store. . Fee geliewines "'"u'.' L. LOUCKS, M:stn:..lom. Provision and Produce Mer~ ant, Hu ue. & â€"% i Ottawa, June 5, 1872. 20062 l'\_&ï¬lnfu‘__""â€"“â€"' ~‘The ubuflllu‘!†to call the attention of ENGINEEKR$, CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" .‘ PORATIONS Patent Ilrbdge Plant, aloae is Tiy PQr Midroy fherer Ord_onlj_ the â€" ,noon“gr be e time for six @‘clock Dinner The Best Business &tand FRESH SsSALMON Reaping Hooks and Sickles, Rakes, bent and straight, CradJles, Snath Grind Stones, Seyth Stones ; also, one Marble and Moulenette. * », Forks, Alsoâ€"1 fine lot of I.C. and I.â€"X. Tin Plate, Block Tin, Ingot Tin, which will be sold as cheap as any other house in the Capital, ‘Also, a gre«t variety of Tinware, Lamps Burners, Chimney Wicks, and CUAL OLL, at a emall advance on cost. Réy~ Come one and all and see for yourselves before purchasing elsewhere. REMEMBER, j * f HIGGINS‘ KLOORES‘ F. & W. B MoP., A number of Beledâ€"Pot and Bake Qven, f A mumber of Block (in and &ron lï¬ï¬‚n Pans, A large numbr of Block Tin and Britannia Tea Pots, § A large number of Table and Pocket Cutlery, 13 CHANDELIERS and seven HALL LAMP3, é And a quantity of other goods too numerous to mention. 1 would draw the particular attention of Farmers to the goods below set forth. R@* Remember the old Stock at the old Price, in the very best order and best quality ; names will tel! for themselves. &I‘OODB’BBT 8OYTHS3, StI.mgod on both sides of the hool, __GLG_I!_B_’ do 0 do dn |5 SE scock tin axno w 200 135 o BRass KErTLEs, a London Works, kenfrew, Scotian: June 14, 1672. ie "'ï¬wa.lm Ottaws, June 14, 1872 30 assorrep Pors, 41 29 CRUEI' STANDS. the undersigned, beg jlewe to anuounce that being about » Sparks St., old DESBARA TS BLOCK, Queen‘s Printing Offroa Â¥Flourishing Village of Hull, Ottawa,. Juna 18, ‘1872. Gr(?_aig Clearing Sale ‘Hfil. For Sale at ; THOC, PATTERSON‘3. TEA â€" POT, SETT BLOCK TIN ANO WIRE SAUSPANS, assorted, LARGE POTS, No. 26, Rideau Street. * To be used as a aud best gssertment in the city of s . ,, »onmmnt Agent for Mesgrs. l‘nn,gt&"_Co. â€"A T THEâ€" examne. GET OF THE OLD STOCK AT OLD PRICES in Y URV‘S ACONFECTION, 2 Rideau Stree Moisic River received do do do do be executed in for Lumbermen, (very chep) from $1.00 up to $20.00 each. Quebec. Ennamellei, Also a number of BATHS tz ) muges Tinned, do do do do § BLOCK, m&m Ottaws, Martinesau‘s New 8 "Naws. April 12 1872 19486â€"18 . P DORIONY, â€" 60, Sparks Street, Ottawa. a «ireerpfenh and pol fpraished ROOML with MWoï¬hC«ponï¬udï¬o‘l‘Mp the C of C ill e e â€"Aater pass a Byâ€"law for the purpose of establishing ?.ï¬m\l'- a Public Road fony toat.'ido. descri OW s : Com.onci where r?nd Acro-l.ouNo:‘lU Ady 'g:“ sion, Otiaewa Front, of the intersecis the side road allowance ‘ 10 and 16, in said rd C i at &Mmmd“@ qh s die ts Lo nee hk 18 io t ue & M RITYruAs 3 Fomabaes m.'.wm Materials Cornices and Cornice Poles, the newest designs for this season ie simetepaintes en rery Th ASeahe e $5 ) crd engga h . ve pleasure in announcing that they will %-ï¬-u-f.’um&""" m Fall Asssortment of House a& 20 & F FILOWERISEEDS, adarge ASSORTMENT, (From lmn('" Bros., of Montreal. @"" > . _ %&. cdmsnnwz 6 ttamig Apron $2, Tsz dxture:s â€"â€"___. Main Street, Haull. M i% Visible at all hours. Ottaws, June 11, 1872. #011â€"if Lettuce, Melons, OT'I‘AWA CARPET HOUSE. Drawore.. 0 ou) oo stouien caiet it‘ Stan‘e stthy TB W otto 1, en ) Men‘s bl Boy‘s do _ Neckties. Collars, Cotton .l.an Hmkor:llldb. Bilk, do., &0. (our Guwin that wemare the ungens S eanit® our t at we e &D i gu- asgsorted took ul“glumc. Lm and Readyâ€" made C othing to be found in the oâ€"ty. Gentiemen from a distance should call on us when in Uttawa. and leayp their measures from which they can order & any time _ Meusures will be taken without Drawers, O-Toc Bags, Trunks, &o. on hband a u::lob #toock of Cotâ€" ‘Btriped Plan, for Pants, Linems, Lickin«s, Denims, Str ped O tton all Wool Shirting, rlain and Fancy incey shirting. We have a complete stock of Gen lomens‘ â€"utâ€"fitting W hite Shirt» :lulu, mbey W Shirts with Collars, . W hite Cotoured Vests, Uotton und Merino nocks, Plain and Fancy, Snns.mne. Just received, a fresh Stock of .4. GARDEN AND FIELD SERDS, . Cror 1871, Vu.: ersonal attention to the wants of our fr.ends, and ope to give their satisfaction to ail who may complete stock of Conts, Pauts and Vests. Sack Coats all Wool, Shooti.:ï¬ Coats do Pants all Wool Striped and Plain â€"do do Fexts ~~~~do ao ~***~* Our Tailering Department is more complete than usual, having secured the services of a firstâ€"class Uuttâ€"r. tGentlemén may rely on get uz- good nt Call and leave your orders at once. as the goods wil be fifty per cent higher in a fow weeks. in our Readyâ€"made Clothing Department is to be found a O‘MEARA & CO., beg most respectfully to inform their customers and the public generally, that they have now ready und open for i tion <ne of the t-r..t and best assorted stocks fl Dry Goods ever rouxht into this city. Having pu.cnased two months eariier, than usual, and befo e the inte adâ€" yance on Woolen (Goods, we are prepared to sell at the old price~. Ail woolen suits made up to order on the lï¬ofl«t possible notice fr m $10 UPWAXDS LGIS®. â€"â€" . Large Importations quce my stock which is yet very large and mises, which will be completed this fall. s: If these few lines reaches any parties 11 to call as early as possible. . A. DUFF. Ottawa, June 12 1872 Koib n t e E RNISHLNY we wil thes to cnainaiogoe OaARDLING HOUSE ITH $A00LBRE) AMJ C0 DISH C )VERS, MACDONELL or less, t being about to build on No. 3, Printing Office, I propose to have & ado do do Tinmhj,w to.. kn. An urizel, C. BILLIK: rogmahip Clack pigpaectee. . full trimmings, O‘MEARA & CO. do do do 2000 tf 1200â€"17. $3 8 50 2 50 Teï¬ hapie t oi ies sn * }9F8a .A boy to packages through the |ipokrkpâ€"rigaRo. "LMMI from England asitaa sion in s lumbering firm ; of good education and Em.“.?. given L _W II other pictures at equaily. Jow prices. ABirnnale ie pioss "Pirk Sbor, eppesice Uttawa, 3....:, 1872. * > KK hes EMILE SAYER, Phtflrlnr, «ork Street (opposite Mathews‘ Hotel,) to to the uusouunmmuuw EA' MEHA~ :l « instrument> best and most improvâ€" snd is vrepared to take Phoiograpbic porâ€" the beest styies. at greatly regquoed prices. $2.0) a dozen. oms four for 2 cent. Plans and specifications of the same may be seen rp u?"" Untario. es "'"‘"'E'l'.'an.nmvn w ANTED. Construom»x or Kingston to Pembroke PHOTOGIAPH GALLERY, _The directorsâ€"of the Kingston and Pembroke Rai way Company will receive projposals up to the rpro contractors RS, DAr, the LIENTH day of JULY,for the excavaâ€" h-o 20da W m-m&h :-w‘u" o‘“o:b‘wym: “Pmmgdl-l- beseen at the Com -hi: rs ‘nï¬m‘r;‘ Eigin Ste., NoticetoContractors DaY, the >od Store. Address to this office. Ottawa, May 31, 1872. 20 San Francisoo, Council Bluffs, umaha, Salt Lake City, St. Jo Fndo‘r'i.:t:or, Woodstock, All Points East and West on the s _ @RAND TRUNKK RAILWAY. Chicago, TICKET .. ORFIOE tErrRovex courd®¥#fioxsrs CGRAND _ TRUNK Kingston, June 10, 1872. The Latest Novelties in Sash Ribbon \ Sirk Scares in Endless Variety and Latest f * Sryies. Rideau Street, Uttawa, April 12, 1872 OTTaAwWA aAaAND QUEBEC Water O-Id%(ln, Ottewa, June 19, 1s72, _ Lace Collars, Ottawa, April 6, 1872. Allan, McKinnons & McMoran CANADA CENTRAL TTAWA WATER WORKS. General Wolfe, 10TH DAY OF JULY;,\ 1872, & Work and Enmbroidery on Bark,£j Ts received until of W EDN ES 'ï¬?&:&d JULm the excava â€", Of the neduct of L Ottawa W ats PLAIN CUFFS, une 11, 1872. Hampton Court, by Alarm; by Newâ€" Embroidered Muslin‘fets, FANCY â€" @coops Tickets over the Canada Central and sIGN OF (148 MILES ) ‘*0. R CUK Plain Linnen Collars, FROM UuBJE.!‘S OF ART, AND CURLOSITY, &o., &0 New + Drlnu,' MÂ¥ â€"‘{le. Sipaal Bt. Pau Minneapolis. Milwaukee, rdiag to forms, whicl .‘WMC‘.‘. 11“ inte, both in E. Twes omcs P sy F8 A JOHNSON, Allan, McKinnons & MceMoran, Ramway IN®GREAT YVARIETY aAT Fur and Hat Dopot nforms thepublic that he h« opâ€"n +d mercialHouse where can be All Kirds of Merch itse in his 197tolJ PLAINESET3, HATTER /ND FDRRIBR ,ace â€" NMappets, Two Tailoresses. Constan Mvzm Apply at the » OLIVIER COTLE Cr-"â€" TEâ€"-"'"" s of <‘he Domizon, I assure a uy cmiDrth Adevmiges The Hmportnns duiies e e is 9e o lic k «it to be The a«diziona! member as you are aware, is guaranteed by she redsstribu«.>1 of seats. 1 beg to announce to yr.m I wili be a candiâ€" date for uulr-it.c nuuï¬h solicit your suppurt, and lmt-ou your choice, as one of the members for the city. to represent you in _Ottaws, June 11, 1872 w Aaxie». Geawxtu.zurs,â€"In the coming clections you will be :lhq-.nto vote for two mewmbers» to represent is city in the House of Commons % Ottawn, June 8, 1872 »ATOHELOR®‘S HAiK OYEK FK ) THE ELEXGTURS OF OTTAW A tation has been bought with much care and in tne 'E"‘ '=%'u-“~' faig ue A Reaty stock of Pos: a% - on t in anaam n en mnlaondt m-,d:%m..‘qulbd'm- A fine lot of new siap e ~yrup in >»ttles and -mmuc-u.,m-m.':'uum 3t prices to defy compâ€"tition MoDuNELL & MONGENAI®, Ottawa, May 11, 874. | pesitIvEeLy THE L&ST WEEK. Custom Otkame, dune bun, 1872. Notice is hereby gi that His Exoel~â€" lecy the Governor G..:.:u:.m‘.- Council boaring date the inst«ot, and ubth.nehm-itynâ€"hlhflq?h drd section of the 3ith Vic., Cap 10, has neen pleasei to order and direct that the huof’pul.nmb. bol-pon:h.: ‘ ma ubudg:y,n,:. uMï¬m ‘W""" 'Al-ho"m used for Dyeing pur. rom ShO e S papte eroamerne Ohina Warehouse Microsecopes from $1 to $120. Telescopes, . A; la"ge essorament of Uptical Instruments conâ€" Will be sold at reduced prices. ‘Two Astre M aiaï¬f'flbaut; "_ Optician, 6i} Kiné Btreet Marine, Hace and Opora Glasses yovice. George Mlchael, OPTICIAN, ® AÂ¥ es e t Jerme & No +â€"~*‘s Muausja Store Opposite t‘he Russell House. Ottawa June H, 1872. QNNN# Commissioner of Customs. Ottawa, June 10, 1872 2006 3 By special request, and by press of bus‘ness, Mr W1l remain here up to BSATURDAY, JUNE 290th. ATVERY Low PRICES, a â€" ALSO By c.mmand, OW 18 THE TIME TO CALL Embroidered Linen Sets, OTTAW A R k6 M. BOUCHAETTE, 20 SPARKS STREET | KVG FANCY ‘SET , Union Bank Block: Constant employment and . | EL. /+ Lace Sets. k. 8. EDDTY, ttaws a Com «4 1745 3m. )wA is Lak 11 1|