6 P. ons in ail tmoks of iife, amongst whom analytial cuomiats and physicians of the high. st stanting,© bate certified to the won Cortui eB.cte. «hich tollowed :ts application. CHaRLES MARTiN, 30 VÂ¥i tria ecquare, Montreal, Which a‘so cores NEURALGIA, WANVER. JINu PAiN®, LUMBAG>, Stifuess in the Li nbe or Juints and Sprains, ¥««> Bheunatismâ€" and Gcut Remedy LUI NXU, 1, 4182 CUN. NURTH GOWER %K Acres of God Land WITHIN UNK MILE OuF RICHMOND, _ Termsâ€"g!, W omâ€"h. bsiance secured by Mortgage in anttua) «iâ€"calmeuts with intorest <[ Ottaws. April !4 1872 Tius UikEAIcSD FiEL3AVER YET BikAma CUN Bb aski,., wiil cuuk ever, U gu red n an ordin®‘y sized lamily as quica wall as Cunu bg u.00 00 & Taide® Of c ukiu l1hkhe booling, Daki«g aud iwacling is dunt the uut Â¥essti ai ihe same Lins 0y Mokus ul whainh 000« s adiucee ilos & iuu ty on eigh c;o ie w uls mmy Iwo + ons wos t CL ully ai 0\4.0"1..0‘“.&-. 16 )w ©#tip® c Of witul louka Wakl it wed .u the Duii6r. ail uo\ AGCREt, &0 . counkcu by it *otain i jueds, th=s cOuce: iDg thetm mure b=â€">.ay at h us 1l Wi l aiso Beal . Meâ€"tbiug 1(OBs, . ketiiw, e« pot wasn ouilcr. ana tu oâ€"d.na ingstwÂ¥0 lultwluie. ib‘lease do not say. EKnudR¥® i®, butcal; and s o it in opersti Puteni K.oghts jor Sute. . Ayents Wanted Cali at, or awstcess A. B. Mucdonard « Coâ€"‘s, Aucâ€" :- ams C ion Kouâ€" U‘teawa near the M sket, wheue xww‘.mu seen ID up@raâ€" oi i e ’Pm wi‘h the GENERAL REGULAâ€" VUAS on the subject, THE EXAMINATIVN OF CANDIDATES Public School leachers Recond and Third Ciass « ertificates Puauc SCuuuLs, ifn?-‘n“mu' mal i»vision. as constitu.ed by Act & Vic, Cap i» will be heid on the lsth day of k-oflllp-m e Set. from: thin viten on the int 42y of June moak & omm to cach requstered practitiuner ht‘:nrio..- ?bvm OF CARLETONX | _«‘ _ Will be held (D.V.) in the ’ #Central School House (West)," . 1n the City of Ottawa, commenscing on bee Tue=day, the 16th of July, at 9 0élock, a m. Sxarituition feates will l-'r.us.â€"-..-c:mm bhbo\?. td . 2s nd'fnh'l;\.unoek:l. ..-.6. ‘;& .MT:‘«::"«‘::m i Wha ty s Pae T onl ratimiiieey reruimanininad pood imral on seif, mâ€"quifiug oo > g} exteroal impalâ€" _ k sion to drive it, Ew and in it persons "H > â€" =/al mee mb “muï¬.n‘hncm Ladies perticuiariy can enjoy the nseives on this »wing without havicg 80 colrtenad with any of the incunvemlonces met with in ordi nary »wings. . â€" mmmomhq-*.ï¬o Caaada Co: cal § No 130, sussuz otreot and ut No, 3, Bt. Putrick utrovt P tke Ooage t pobe oren ol atire in ths, foanell F°*~L4 am i ipply the waste gor=g on from Evntts abd vaysion trerviee, DW besisns com pousd Klizir of ihâ€"â€"phates and Calishya is reiiable, »d permanem in its edects. * Al.::â€"_-‘d-:dm :c conâ€" strncted «@unished by the whi holds w sulution the maâ€"crial of whice made bone, .-b-iutn}mdumbul- each its proâ€" v imewâ€" @ periect formation of this mu‘-u be compleie Vigestioo cural A.o-huwz‘-.- r,,ho. lbuol::aou“ou‘uu; «e wil. be 8 w mâ€" n foully Aimeoive | Trom. msulliorent, guetric juies, Abebiluwsd wiil bocume watesy and deliciert in urbin vital principt: . and the whot --M_ndwa: attun I(rom po verted nutition; discuses « Lover, hidueys, Hsat <«od Lungs with Nerâ€" waue I‘tustrais a and we eral Detlity result, and the constitatiou is bruken down ath Wasting Uhruome Unseases. To enuble the Stomach to di~ of K LAVIG*®E, (sn Je« , y This new »wing Cunâ€"aluw _A #gm 0 in Â¥ites the public to szamine the Patent $wilg, Fy*HE Unterâ€" C oN REAL ESTATE, From $100 to any amount, on appro This farm i~worth 340*, but will be sold for M , ARM BUR SALE, 1RUST AND LOAN COMPANY OB " UPPER CANADAâ€" visawa, June 11, 187X Â¥ t OcE Is HEREBY peid o7 «li Urnassiste 31 Contracts made tor adverusing in cithe or all ot the «bove papers. % Richmond, June !, (%. i About 6 Aures t ader Culuvation. pmumagmast ~ssessinenls anl Keviang the As | / No #1, 8. Ridean WwA sessment mtou of the sownust p-‘un:o:.:- 1or the { ï¬: "‘m om l91% wii be uold a «be township Hail of \|~ * & uâ€"-â€".u.awwn the thiry day of June | tm ADPDPIY to 4 BASE To open at ton 0 viock in -.* DBE. MeDOUOALL, Nutals: . M“%W\ C Ridena stree .;..2! ol dbagy, ws | 4. Ottawn, Deo 21, 1871 L 13060 _ the Court of Revision for the hearing of comâ€" w Asseesiments anl Reviang the As wou uf the cownsa p of Gisacester 1or the yearrio«s wihl be hbelq a «be township Hail of wats: fussher notice bf does not receive his .-':.’A-.'-â€"u-.d‘«n.wuua..' itm zuse he has not sent due aotice ot his change of RaIÂ¥SD AaAT LAST, * And for Sale by all Druggists, _~___» Tumit Office, Wollington i Agent for une Ottawa Times, * * k . RBReening Mail. * a Courre d Outaoucis, a¢ 4 _ Minerve, Montreal, _ * DHR BIRNBAUM‘G PEACHERS EXAMXINATION. * OLICE osu£% To Loias. UHEMICAL FUOD A&Aâ€" @GMABON, yUTRTiVs* TONIC, Uta®â€"s, j James Bailiff L. a CRISON will accompany each voting *axpj C. 8. PETIIT, M.A., z-_,u-.m«kâ€"h_-. H STRANGE, X.D., % ,a'.'f.-u-. G1V EN April 19, 1872 Role agent wB» 1948â€" ly io «* | with J glliâ€"uf ‘“WL‘ 00 p m Ol+ | THE 8T. LAwas‘Cg | | * 1| ‘OTTAWA RAILWAY. "nuu reliable, quickest and best route ; the ' sabortest line by Q miles from Ottaws I to Brockvilie and all points ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIMXE. _â€"_â€" ~THE . MOQUVE uP CuNVEYANCE. _â€" .. By Wittroad from Toronto to Collingwood or Sarâ€" 'bs.n?thpm_“_ «J-,-h. to Fort ‘“%--t-mv-.m " s.u wmhios broken=navigation in open boats, from " GovERNMENT HUUSE,:â€" UITA'L Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1872. Charge for berths, 50 cents. recommendation 9 Honorable t ilm.dl‘l w or Ks ‘l~ nu= of the as sees»d the Act 3i 3 a * * AmActrespecâ€"ing the Pubiic e Mwnis tA# it ’h“&"-.-“'“u im ‘osed t | $1.80 | idnd. on Timber | t e on the Miver | On Rod and White PlMe TimBer Sfteen cents per * â€" _ W.H. LEE, _ p _ ure connecuons with all the Grand Trunk | _ â€". _ * _ _ _ ; age trains both East and West, as this Company‘s : Co Fort wmlm and trains wait their arrival when late. ! â€" % Dnluth, « eC Twenty minvtes allowed at Prescott June | goaP °k# Li4 * a tion for reftesrments. i € a Trains on Montreal time. | at O Sound, Bruce . Mines, ** 1HO8 REYNOLDS, | _ l%é!w,'&_!“ï¬:m_ n, Ni« Mail Train at 3:50 pm., arrtving at Sand Point at 9:45 p.m. Oum! at 3:20 hn:::..nhpl- *« pm. waking arriving t, Ortawn aâ€" o m. 'l.zl'l Jrl aAWA. usogoe Triouurts t0 Foat Gar&YT T11 roRt l .. WHkIAM. N k ; c“?:’ï¬â€œâ€œâ€˜&"?t.’s" .L'Uru._mmu-udbt notic ihat packâ€" T.n limited to .»» lbs. we ght for cunremence transpo t um the portages, and that baggagze and suppl.us must uot exceed +) lbes. for any une omiâ€" b uf Ra» Riveaâ€" W ndiee ie tnt ty t aggpet meny the Bay torme Through Westeru atâ€" 10â€"00 a.m., â€" _ Hving at lnl:rd 1 80 : cunnecting with @rmand ‘ll\-l:h- > Pik ‘u,...""':u-z: . % -n- ~ 30 p. Bnmuokvihle at w;-?-t at l: nefrant it ) un lactridh at Sange Foint xprâ€" ua. 9.45 pm. t " * aRRIVE AT SAND,POINEâ€"1:10 *pum, #:10 po, im 945 pm _ â€"â€" _ + _ ~ Ureat Broad Gange Route O OTTiWA. y LEAVE mvn’t ? Express at 8.00 a.m., arrtving Ottaws ‘nt 108 pm., and at Sand H 1%» LEAVzBanD PUOLNTâ€"6:00 am,.11:40 ana 3: 30 p m : + & LUTTRELL, f Buperinteadent, Presott. Ortawns, June 8. 1373 i?i'&ficâ€"-‘ s s o o ue * » wiiles by Cz t or W akgon from Northâ€"West Anâ€" U4 Iatholnnt Withits tX Pun Tarey, hare and _f:ly‘ be provided fur the accommudâ€"tion of Emâ€" . ants us "‘J‘ reo«. _ Passengers should «als taict io angne ie imraig Brockville and Ottawa Railways make certain cc B. k 0 Rallway Nt (hn.s s hagntowing ce "/" Mient _ mm o RUut wiutPAAx.* Fort, &c. . io ks * lx-‘tthdrd'flw&hr 2..ipmens wh.a in car & age i+ H. ABBOTT, , Adult», $3; Cnildren %250, 1"0libs * Chogt WILLEAM TO FURT GARRY: _ Emigrants, $15, Uhildremunver 12 years $8%; 10 Ateamers to and from Pembroke, Port ge du Freight and Cartege Agency No# | Leave l Comnecting l.\m"oln Prea ott, with. Ottawa. Comtertabls Sote Cars on No T and 8 Cn and after MONDAY, MXAY 20h, 1812 Trains will run as follows ; â€" TÂ¥Kins on Canada Central and Perth Bram h tounpections made at SaR) Point* with June 10, 1873. Bromkville May 30. :871 N aAND FROM MONDAY, ioth JUNE 1873, trainse will run as follows , ARADA _ NTRAL MHalLWaAX Hpeqmmi raies for migrants, $15, Vhildremunver 12 years $ 10 eacoin‘s [ Herie THE MOUE uP CuNVEY ANCE. * N08 S#ALEK, EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR OENERAL IN COUNCIL. CAVADA CBMRAL 14 ¢0 noon| East 10 30 1w I 30 a m 600 anm 400 p a 100 p m Oitawa. West, and a T all pothin fast @oING NORThH g@olsg soUTtH naÂ¥igation in boats, from .MMIJO?A.C‘&. Managzing Dirwctor, Ottawa wo. ou mudatie n traire â€" to f Grand â€" Trook \ _ Mail from the iuoyd MaiiLine! of stâ€"ametn emat uod West &0 T' accomm. dation hog the Kast @4 T Ex es tor' Brockvllle.\ h inygst on ans wl way =»1 a t t o a s Do do Express tfrom Weet Do do Mail trom West Do do Expres» + L + xpress for ,14 50 p m «l] points W.t.'. +4 T trains for, .; mm'ï¬l 1 00 a m milos Â¥. BRAUXNK, buerctary. all wains ca 10 00 a m 345 p m C:15 a m #45 a m Carriage and Sleigh : FactoRry, ‘ | ~ RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW.. ’ ;: ::f-‘.’,' f vCow ood, Fort Willia ! ‘) ,;_Q " % _Dnluth, C | Cllling at &n Sound, Bruce | g:n Marie, Michipicoto | Silver Islet, Prince t ing and Intermediate P« f the ficent }hrnur.mu. ï¬mm. m.:-..d Dnum- \ Camberland, ©itawa stEax ROCKAWAY®, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS Whicx in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. #@yâ€"A!ll work warranted for one year and all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved muchinery hs lately been a ded, and as the whole is driven by steam gm (the only establishment so supplied in this seetion of country) we are in a position At this establis)ment will be fourd on hand, or made ® order, the latest and most approved«tyles of Cosches Carmages, Onmibussss, cheaper than auy one else. y ‘The preprietors are practical workmen and give personal lupor";'!n to all work. Qriawa, March 25, 18 19311 N. Stockd Royat Mail Line KORTHERN RAILWAY OF CANADA. The verponl aal ll-m of the L4 .'z. I a Mail b.x:‘e '-“‘.&v my-wy. calling at Lock lel mvb:::“:-.w::d B'o::II:.‘ wlp-‘d' despatobk&t from Q-uu.zd ng at St, John‘s, N. P...~ ie Feight connection at Toronto with Merchants‘ ‘uchy martossticomnection at Forwnto for Han _amï¬uu ogonto for Hamilâ€" w all points mnast and W est. n t‘alace Cars un Railway, and Parlor morine SG Thall ‘Btafion Fereates at" seven Quickest and Ohu‘rod Route to Fort Garry and Northâ€" CHKANOE OF SBAILINXG JOCORLERY » «+ + oo-.<-00-0~ e * en #h rienced Surgeon carsled a.cn-.n. l.ump not secured until ,3 for. | Returh Tickets gmnted at reduced rates. Passaze gortificates grantâ€"d to parties deeic. o-um.onmm :tnp. o ied aad & C0.,_ ... 'su{-c;nnl.lom:m ° BULK ANDP OAKN oYÂ¥sTERS, _Russeli House, . * Northern Hailway, Ottawa, May 17, 1872 ** _ mivef ousmiinatte makeile mefom the, iahabynie 6 ow ......."'L& ud thut ‘all Cornihunicati ns 5 DAiVID . ANDREW 8T. PAURIUK may be made to him t a m aniop m Mï¬vï¬l O Engenes tamen 6 Begiipef on A. & A. & TAYLO n P x~ o t 1 B * And every succeeding Saturday. Rates of Paysagoifrom QueDdec : m.......'.........nowm @arrirt‘s srr@Mer..«ers Bd Tre s‘eamers of the Glasgow Lin= «zailiog from Glasgow evory Tuesdag, and from Que inhm-uu.houvoq 1 bursday are in to be daspatche1 from Qnebec # Aiasgow Line, are as follows . on or about.....12th Oct. i ‘ ce . i KE . .‘ litkh t# ST. PAURIUK Fures tro ‘ f i uOtr'!,&l..."'.i ...f“ se a 4# # 4 # # * @ o P ‘o †m a + *# # '“« “ I971, ULPOBRTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS %31 Ottawa, May 6, 1871 The Italian Warehouse. J. M. C. DELES DERNIERS ‘MONTREAL ; UOtA o â€"â€" EAMRSNSHIP COBPANX. wrTEA3 AND WINEZS, a ma. FPOORSE & COKBANY SEKAsSON COMMENCED LEAVING COLLINGWOOD ‘ TorEspary Aaxp Fripiy, , Om Sound, Bruce Mines, . lharie, Michipicoron, Ni.i« r lslet, Prince Arthur‘s ng and Intermediate Ports. LAkB MFERNIOR FROK QUEEEC. BOMXMXRR SERYVICE, Chicora, work more promp & ROBPITAL STREEt nection with the there betweeu the hours of 7 a + # 0.0'*‘ A* Francis Smith, PER GALLON .. .. ind Nov. .. lith Oct i¢ +@p \*"Bparkseâ€" at 1871. ... . 84 00 1972. 46 T H B V * tPAR T Sâ€"OFâ€"TFHEâ€":wWoRLD] 4 ABB] EL8 ME 3 EUaImol, IOF pIng Coca SSBS. j Tooth, m;az“&g T 9oth tband GABRI and M -"““{: BELS ..ï¬:w'ï¬ decayed. ws GABRIEL‘S IMPORraN~t# TO BRKLSIDENES ABROAL Puriics at a distance may have Artificial Teeth ug:plhd in partial or complete seta; by Mesetrs. Gubriel‘s ne# on sending parâ€" ticGlars ofih: ir cases}* & remittance o1 Ten Bhillings, when the &pp« for taking a mode! 0. the mouth will be forwarded with GABRIEL‘B ME>BRS, vABRLEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at & moderate cost, Aftifâ€" vial Teosth supplied by other dentists which har not proved satisfactory to th» wearer, _ ___ A CBRIBSTIE & Co, [LVDCATE_HILLC . LONDONEC] JOHN GARDNERZ, CHEMIST MONTREAL, :;;g;é'.‘“*.. pirfintnd Hitieais at all the hok & 'Arh. C ay, § _ F‘or sale in itawa by H F. ~a0Carthy, Chemist June 18 h‘fl.i s CAUSB THE HAIR 10 GROW I NVIGORATING THE RoOTS aiile. Takee‘? SWerthatne ut Polise smould knife. Oakey‘s W should OOMPO% IFRUP OF SAR KPARILLA â€" . ;;;:1’:3;*3‘_‘5-_' roâ€"_BF AUT:L _ Chpsekes..‘t Restores Grey Hair toâ€"ite Natural Color repared for the Patent Enife Clos®â€" t’::':uhMum and BeG :-m bril ",‘..'?.. aal have a liant to ao % Paskete, 34. cach L“. and 4s. each. i mmeitns ,", It isa certain remedy for. Boroful,, N?MMW.J% ot Skin, Rheumatum, tion, Ju-im, Bronchia) seases frout an impure state oi the c Tull a ie Full directions for taking â€" Utreat Healih Restorer accompany each Bottle, ndgh.wbmunï¬u' that UWINUNDBYRU! uum and no other, is supplie to Wholesale agents, EV ANS MERCER & CQO,, Montreal, andâ€" to be obtained from all the Utiawa druggists. * â€" * #s wartanted to rewain white ane MESSES.* | HrMk ys.the Footh iteclL. " Thic . NNE ) on o o metont & REY HAIR, IT RESTORES 4 Gam, To ITS NATURAL COLOR, L.,AVINO IT BEAUTIFULLY * || MBELLISHED AND .Gwasv.' s ToPS ITS FALLING OF. es AXCELIS ALL OTHEES, C ELERRATEDâ€"PR F i] direct] AND DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN +OT SOILING THE SKIN Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 4m +og 1 tm 1 s qh * omm *i'_.‘ff':rr-vm-zï¬ "Le :. PREPAKED onlr ey es §1007 0t the ‘undonigned, Montobell CINCALESE CR a [ OSTKOâ€"ENAMEL =~ OFBRIR #©BEDADENXT" 0 BR Q U BE for 'l‘oothpnlcu This onr:; dinary marvel in its o?vom immedisat relief without injuring thâ€" tooth, and torms a temporary stopping. Price le 1;¢ UDONTALGIQUE ELIXIB This celevorated Mouth Wash is most refreshing, it strengthens the gums, eradicat«s tartar and all injurious sectetion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing ar» tificial teoth is ©invaluahie: Price 58 f lous for use eaclosed in each boz â€"PB e ons« uit beautitul preparation restores front Teeth, and can be «asiiv usdd. Sufficient to stop sizx DLN TS TS and Beauty, iIs NECACLATIOHS \ 4zae¢¢Ie * 2 P,‘,“,‘v 19 : A W A TIM ES 6 P=CF 2 a n L2 0d _ 6. ~dntaliicons ectemamtet en A El in uen Purmat atelte m armith C, LA ce ' m‘““â€" y tikg* , Stati J *# .-m.'- G. acting for me, and with my knowledgo and | _ morpigpeq or Unfurnish«d" ‘The lowestrent mmu.;.... rebiag P 4 Lt consent, L deem it advisable tospot the public | 1, t. City, ‘This establishment is too wel! | D#Y Express for Toronto, at. .. .. .. l oo urniiaey ..‘:',Mqu-uvmhom known to require sauy ents a its | Night Express for Toronte, at..... 9.00 P® | 1.; (putarro, Clea® ® 1 Sarnestly entreat all "P'm aerits C of wr-t.but Mixed Train or Brockville at.. ..11.00 am O0f in n :-t-l‘g-o.y- mes the dn« ko it The d!"".-'"' t5" |=Aaccommodation Train for Brockâ€" *‘"*~"ie & s <acle “â€â€n -'~ *W‘m h‘..ll.'ooccoo.aooo.u'. 5.00 ’.’ u‘ â€n.. raay not be deframdofof theit m.oney 47â€" P0 | maotory in the United LovAitdress _ _ ‘| Accommodation ‘Train for lsland _ naruamyons.â€" | A A, commodious Cottage, | Day 4. | in Spiiaty Aiteohed, 90 Sundy LLill neat | whie tbir John A. Macdonald‘s residence. . *â€" Apply to W, H. NAGLE, Tuums office. Y _,. Ottemey April & IoT3, < _ sosur * ©G, These highly improved inventions render Abeaeie Mesenduie AH W:}-‘-‘:{:‘m Electricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" Having & ‘ s tremely efficacious in a mild continuous form ,h.“’k.b:‘ T oncbockoruphn?tm%wnu- be opened by the su & P I : y is J aa izA of bealth .avlpu. Quduym' ’Wi}; ige agonising reâ€"animating torpid limbs, T â€"£ _ " M M Phs uflvhcï¬?flmhhfn“oluh.mh, fls ns 1 rmparting renewe energy and vitality to ; TMM C Foft prtravel constitutions enteebled ty whatever canse, % M‘..,“. Hotel, Bly. Medicines and their deleterious consequences m the imas dinttiricinity are thus entirely dispensed with, The daily | € _‘ ,,‘ and increasing number of curés effected by 0.:;:.“: 3 cos #_$ PULVEnMACHER‘S MEDLCOâ€"GALYAN. | wh ;,-n_ ho pabtic fed IQ SYSTEM is so extensive and varied, that ..hhh_flul_ sup nianiithe t forcibly polats to th‘s in rention a# th¢ |@‘~> <2 shi .. " (ngiele So t k embryo of a universal remedy. _ _ ___ *] ~ . â€", UJALCSCIOR of IHo B «" We, the undersigned, have much..pleaâ€" «sure in testifying that a,ngu- " waower‘s recent ente in biis Voltaic «+ Batteries affd wnlivanic ~ t# " Medical Purposes are <f i « Scientific Medicine, and that .-: " to the consideration and $ of every N. B.â€"â€"The following tesumony from the ilite o:dmlgm.uumutym been ‘eceiv â€" " w . manufactured, and in no other part of the world, ‘The retail prices are on the labels it currency, and not in dollars and cent« representative of mine will ever trave any part of the British Provwinces, o Un ited Statke, eith 1 to sell or to tak orde rs for my Â¥ilis abd Ointment, abd as bave Muwn‘amvfl{:n- probably be mude to Â¥e the public in ‘whis way by persons. calling w-‘d& acting for me, and with my knowledgo and consent, I deem it advisable topot the public .O-M.gmdupl-tmvnchom _I mpet carnestly entreat all those whymay ‘i#al this aavertivemeut that thoy ° be pleased _'='.‘hMoan~q.’n'- wfll‘l-.:oi + uy utment, . } tihaies to the Anunrinige 5f any . porson that to the auy person that spurious medicines are being mude or sold in my name, he be pluased to send me all the parti ulars be can collect reepecting the sime, ths is to say, the name and add ess of the vendor who is sell‘ng the spurious medi« dn-a-lllh-'huu-ou‘ address â€" .‘ the House in the United States, or elsewhe e, which mhnm&d,n & to on» abi+ me, for the prc «t the public, to nstitate proceedings against such gvii~dgors, and I engage to remunerate very hanasonely uoy person who may give me such informa tion, the informant‘s neme nevor being diâ€" CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ashe,and Noiseq hthoflfl.!ll.le 308. . B, vHAIN NDS8 for loss of Volce an¢ . ;« Other advotions of tne Throat, 105. 64. to N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheamatic Neuraigia, and Gouty Pai"® Local Paraâ€" mo-u_ kc., 188. to 2** and 408. BC m&htuw. Indigestion Liver, Ohest, and Runctional Disurders, PRICE LInT OPF PULYERMUMACHER®E . j J. L PULVERMACHER, B#o mfl “*2 rn-.m. \‘: m w s -t,' %:“Tl had from the i ularene °°'-w spasing | ‘The effects of the application of Pulver macher‘s Chaine in any of the above disurders is immediately perceptibigâ€"the relief of pain Bhould any person have reason to‘believe Ihabohuoruï¬ovlm by bpuying â€"purions, imitations of these Medicines, be wili do w.11 to sead me, in a lettor, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six câ€" nts in pusta.+e), one of the books of instructions which are affized to the same. 1 promise to examine it, and send a repiy, stating whether the Meaicines are genuine or not, so that it spurious he ~may apply to the person tror whom he purchased,tnem to have his money returned. 9# a Chomists and Druggists who desire to ob tnain tho Medicioes can be suppliecd at the lowest wholesale prices in quantities of not less than £30 worth (for which remittance indigestion Sparks Btreot. parport ouf tee same to their fri~ I boeg most respectiully to moquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vincés that in M=y last 1 cansed the business at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of Muiloway‘s Pills and Ohunen!( which wore u, to that times ;x.-mby Williamâ€"Brown, now Guovaseq, Lo Do These Medicin» were, l regret to say, from what bas lately come to my knowledge, mase up of such very. ordinary iIngredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calcuiated to damage my good name. ,,, Those who do not wish to be deceived by uyh._MvhloLm now likely to emanate from t :tes or elseâ€" where, but to themselves of the genuâ€" 10e Bolluwvm and Ointmwent will dt weli to ssee that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Qintâ€" weâ€"ant, and that the address on the label is Oxford street, "London, where only they are be sent in advance #e. L h';z bonor to ve, s * ks Tfloum&'A’ oTTAW A. Ottawa, septemper 6, 1870 14565 18 LV THE PNPLIC OF THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTY AMEKICA, _ _ _PUOLYVERMAUEERS PATEXT GALYVANIC â€" UHAINâ€"BANDS8, LEOIKRLCOLITY 13 LLFE AUTIONK apaget, Oate 344, Sizgod) POCKET BATTEBIES OUSE BJ LET.â€"A Functional Disorders % t * xn 4* ‘,ï¬"ia Having been rebullt 7 «: lass style, and wii ‘Roome, wil} be opened by the su » .. M The St. James‘ Hotel, TTAWA HOTEL, 8t Street Mon 0 treal. ‘l‘h“x:vh‘m. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully _ informs ?Wï¬( public RB&y»Near isapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 25, #% 2 80 Uommon Chsits...... 40 and upwards Coniplete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. «* wards, consisting of six picces. Parlor Sets in Hair loth, Binck Walnat Sideâ€" bmig.&mms. Washstands, Contre Tables Bide TT .bi+s, and a great varicty of cane chair at equaily low prices. *# Remember the place EAST END SAPPERS BKIDGE. bunws & ANNABLE, Ottaws Dee 12%, 1871 GREAT REDUCTIUN IN FURNITURE € in« it onsaccount of Qssumâ€" inz the 8t of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United ~ GUls KM,GLIAARELLL, K. B.â€"â€"The Bar can be reacily let for $200 4 ',‘3.';7“#'7"- I H. L. RO s.nsmn% 'A-.v,},‘,:’ i‘ _ Chief Agents for A. PERRY; Fira inspector. oeri‘ r..u. CLARK , Agept .dlu!nm' * 3. mo;I f n...m.wï¬'_mmhlml & hnvz bytho nc::flnu ‘doing business in that city. Furnished or Unfurnished." ‘The lowest rent 1a the City. This establishment is too wel! known to require sany ‘"gomments a its aerits. UMO(W!’J:;GE Cn and after MONDAY next, the 1st of MAY, it is intended to run the Polima: Palace Cars through between Montreal an¢ Barnia. One of these magnificent coaches wil} be attached to each Day Expresstrain leaving. Tt g.rmmng:.n;‘ e as & m-md. booum":s D.,m..‘l‘aomobm ‘The running arrangement wil which d2e uotice will be given. U J BRY DGES, Directions for use on cach Patket. ludhn’wuu-gnwl Lane Houndsditcb, City of Lundon, Eungland % s The above discovery has gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prise apdal at th» Interâ€"Colontal Extmibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials agents for Wmâ€"-Jon&b Kavanagh, Grocer. Wellingtronâ€"st. ; Jonn Hill,. Tem Pot Rideaunâ€" st,; ~locombe & ong, Bign of the Sugar Loaf,. corper of .; Lbor New xdinbargh 4, W. Proctor %00.; for Ayimer, Mr, N. K.. Oormier ; the Wholesale Agents for the Canadian Provino«s, are J. Smith & Co, No. t W > '"_aï¬w.,. 9 # s * * » IÂ¥y _ EOTEL RESTAURANT AXD BA PROF, HERMAN‘$ VERMIX DESTROYRR, offered;, to policy h:lfd:.l. Besides the urers â€" _ additional securi BNMI& TAABLLITY of :'#-I‘t: A;l :‘ KIRK: e y â€"desoriptions y â€" insured q\m.bdmm.tm ate n 2c + p e Louses promptly settled without referâ€" " ~_ROWE & ANNABLES, Montreal, Agril 236th, mPORTAAT Montreal, March 2, 1871 SURKILIT URKE, PUREITUR L. @'mmmuu in can be obtained on application LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on L:ves granted on favorable THE COSMOPOLITAN KX MONXTEEAL, HAND TRUSK L YAL INSURANCE COMPANY, «e & m 1071. &3 | N. B.â€"Money to lend, * Witews, Fob 9, 13 _ â€"On :2%p ib _ A Egteson. 8 o‘t. ve Truins bet 'ml...tnd.d l.i.v: Through ween du Loup fl-m ;«â€"â€"From Moutres on Tuesdays, and Yuturdeys . reâ€" turuing from kiiviere du Loup or Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. | C.J. BRY DGE®, * Te o rg in us “ ' Urriossâ€"Leang‘s M KEigin street, A.J. CHRISTIB _ HAVÂ¥KET P. KILL AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE . LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMTSSUN + MERCHANT Matter posted up go 9.30 P.M., will be forw&rdéd East and West in Sup t April, A D 1870 package the same night. * J On Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain asd {reland, Newleundla and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this office. Also Postage sw...“: Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" w“ m Bt . . . & 008 ++ m pam Night Mail for Quebec, Is‘and Pond, Portiand and Boston.........10.30 pm On and after MONDAY Hext, 5th JUNE, Trains will leave Montreal as under Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a. Express for Quebec and Riviere du Pullmar Pdlace Cars now Rumning on a) Day and Night Trains. PUBRK, BACON, SaUsSAGES, ENC., ETC. i%m DJ sw:s‘.ah"-t.x'l r on exhibidion Town _ Market,. "this wxnm THURSDAY, w ï¬â€˜ sATURDAY, ablé to sâ€"e the fGnest stall of Meat in the SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAINS * WEIGHE UF 350 POUND And 50 head ofWestern Sheep. The Pork Stall will be as usual fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" WV . “l- i at Guelph Fawr. *4 t ... 4,525 '~’°«“.fi°3' Which took the prize at Pair. A Iaafloom c.olz: © 11 wnhm and fed by Jolin West, of the "'annr or'm roflum L6 C Which to pook the price AatGuelsfu®alr, 30 RpE _ * *â€"s & udï¬mruum'oflï¬. k ___ 1811 EASTER. OttawapJune 13, 1871 GRAND TRUNK ~RAILWAY, * Post Office, Ottaway June 10, 1872 . â€" § Déposits will be received at this.Office. Interest allowed at the rate of Fay , 4/ ut fhom, and DepAéite can be withdrawn at any time. * 1 "F Oe _ Gab .. ~OrFICE HOURS FBOM 8 A.M., TO 1 Pm F"&W:uuflmmm 0 a m to 4 pm ‘ Ottawa, March 27, 1872 No. 48, ‘ausnlamhu(l-“‘efl"x Christie) Barristers, Attornies, Soli Great Acceloration of Speod: Hon J1mes Stead, Senator, Ottaews J M C aries, Keq, M P, * J «u Grant, Eeg, U D, M P * E& W Scott, Eeq, 4 P P, A Mr &MWL C Edward Grifin, * Edewad MGillivray, Keq, bressrs C T Bate & Co, C Thomas Eunton, Keq. = Mcsars Fingland & Draper _ SATCHELL â€"BRO3S., Via NewYork cloge every Monday at 8 P.Mâ€" 16 :er Canadian Line, close every Friduy at 10 15 A.M. : very low wit Bupplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be closed at 11.30 p. which unregistored matter can be sent. : 8t hy*e *~ J:: 5 wsirmartihe . 4 As a last resort I pu H. FALL ; ad C * ho Toliomng paptle/ purâ€" ;M%Wmnunton' North Gower, Kurt, &0., per 5t. L. & 0. Rallway ........ | Ongoode, :I. (ctg A¢ _4 ommz Shtï¬; mith"s Falls, and Carleto® Place, per Caâ€" Q! YAL and POST OFFICK SAYINGS BANEK 8.30 an MONKEY ORDERS BRITISH MAILS, +6 /â€"f THE TIMEs is printed and publisb® Tus Qrm.wva Tom Puxn®6 4**" 7 THE COMMERCIAL for a firs â€"olase LUb XNBOF bours frow 9 tw 11 £.1. Jiawa. ; OHRISTIE, C 1esuon® MX * o _ ~ll Sole agent for [ ARE AÂ¥e General Acll: "Sisc, Dawer‘ w Qvrrior : So. 6, Bparks Burost, 2087 38. 6in., 4 suse, Ottewsa city, C. W . l Caffer a vinces â€" Ontaricand Quebes. ce over Daurie‘s Book 8t UBea Beil‘s Blocok, 8appors‘ naeremzmmxous.â€"B Adime, 1.3 seipnmis, Thee Fuller, Beg, Jt 4 A&nu.l P,, Otuauwa ; Thes hoy! Managing Director 0. & t. L. K. 4. Provincial Land surveyor and D: ovuimulsgioucd jof the Provincet lworse, bLest ouu u1 Suppor‘s Bridgs, u:u'u:u;-‘:.ul.cp.-. q . 6 â€"*psoim: allentiOn to ‘ of _.......;‘:...un-‘n M*: iL. OLIVEKE 21 A ATAR, Dentist Oe " :Momdms = tuerton s Drag Store: Regide Cuuu.u MARCIL, Adyoonts, U.soe at Mr Tetran‘s N ; privab u-ahmdl‘nfl% Business attended in K APIELRE a HO#PHY, â€" mau-wu COhancery , l&m' Advoceates for the Provinces of Oniario & a1j disalacements _ nufanÂ¥ PUBLIC. Residence = nâ€"Xt the tost Office. 119 â€"ountie» of Presoso: ana Russell Jourt liouse, LUi1, i. . LK TLb is a C, Notary Public for the .‘ e vince of gu'nom. near = 1UMOLAB 5/ A tiint, Barristeracd .\ neyâ€"utâ€"Law, dulicisorâ€"inâ€"Chancer; , O lb & GKMMLLL, Larristers, Awore bw,o.nvquom *te. Mceeâ€"ln WV D ml.:l.mw.l e in .\ Conveyanser, &o., treot. Unie Buildings, Ottawa. UBORLOYVEKE & TA LLOH, 8 % Bolistsors, &o. Oficoâ€"Mosgrove‘sl Sideauâ€"street, Oitewa. #ippiix Mpsanove. SL6t . @zxone* dn . n wI i ‘w. be & £ ...'.‘»..;....“93- Mr., bearn‘s 44 e Citorâ€"im.Ohancery, Conreyanour, 8 ublic, and Patent RigatSelicnor. _ Offceâ€" . «diately opposite Inusseli wouse, Klginâ€"st. U PURh â€"HAADRKRKBON, [ Moull € vor-mr-»“-,.---!er‘t_“:' [ +. " 100 3 on cmmmectetel ie camp e Good Wines and Liqnors warranied E Ao MALA, Aroniteos. OMcsâ€" @ Buildings, Ridea=»â€"sc., Ottewa. ‘ou t House, Octawa. nosest Laxa. ___ doutt _ Juanl. Om @»"DWaAanu L. DBARZ 4 B1 &n soi : Attormey and _‘“ Noh Pobee se ces Atrecdyurths l-. io RUKAL KAL00H8« «c sL@IH ATRL4L Having now 4 und been ..l-‘h-lfl{ :U‘:'-il"“.‘ O tews, Poebrear» 14, moul, w7C. â€" JOmICe:~ Simng 5 se ppusite the Post 0C «0, Jttawa. eryâ€"That recently occuples y Dt .:u','ï¬!. -go‘b‘mm 4 wi" Bomuopathic Pardcss Sate bacll en y ) _ Olicoâ€"Oorner of Bussex and Tork N. B.â€"â€"Oollections attonded to in all tme Provinces of Oatarie and Queb«c. 1i __C,. KALZSOTH, r1amme Comrary, at the OB® ) Number n'â€â€œq Hor Majesty‘s » meatre), Ceatt® Tob UOthWk. JAI.“"‘"'“ carried on under m-"?“’ o U late nroprietor of the D1 u48 o # e 1004M; &, McDOUGALL, OUffice, Ridesu Stect, opporits F1 MHotets and SLal oons: RLIGHT & 0LKK0W, 0. ABROHAMBAULT, BILLINGE, Irâ€", Arohite8. G. P. BAKEE, Prtmaster Office . Aylimer, P.Q P -U--.â€"vâ€"' is u°l~ M ».aries Public, &o , &0, tor th# Les a4 A W A, and 3 to 4 p® B ar ristor®s *20 . puork petore me #t 17 RBecogir® Ap! ‘.7!â€"‘.. riain, Bte Thi LA&AKXED 1 _ uENq OLES x Bho«honess Râ€" Custimonjais a _be eobtained i Bouk., or tt W H Y ? ot Bron uy Tteape ta KoTICE soe Oumâ€"rous 2088 uo *, #o., #¢., as Disensos, H {ï¬_-l.pd:; KE #tTa an to euit VÂ¥I Reâ€"nt may be Aod the ap manner in * health and is pleasant s mod may .o« in large Pin! mill yard the introd J K WERLL ‘Deniche t Colocoy: beard of of th of the Jologm b ING iNCG (oamms R00Â¥e ©non 18 1 diffé Th full