Wâ€" ics Courts of the e m or P DW iR D Hering »0* H 1 KLES Ne closod ah 11.9 us , in , QTABYX ®@ eincial Land 18 mash €4 irogn Â¥ & uoo ihe A ut U us 0. & * > Disestor 0.4 Place, per Ca Tik T01RA Pia n t i pn #08GROY ®. allowed at the rate .’“‘ 20 ¢ JOUN SILYER, @worn bofore me at Smithfeld this 6th day of April, A D 1870. f J xÂ¥ WELLINGTON, ) P w‘.{fl‘ï¬.u’s-d _ fo " 1ME STEAMER " FAIRY" 1072 emeuk "I L . d ting worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" .....,..ouswwy.l w.wmm&nn‘mnw sbout Anished 1 began to feel a little better 1 continued to use it until I had taken . three bettles, when, to my satisfaction, I founc that 1 was as well as over I had been previâ€" 5 _ 8BmithA@»14, J 0 Cha.sberlain, Eaqâ€"This in to ~ »tity ““â€â€™.nml tw ca ne aftlict« 6 ‘M'Ikl lasted anot clg htoon sonths 1 ww s afflicted for the want of troath that it was rery difficult tor me to «d in the night time frâ€"quently ::'â€".- clothes off and ralstng in the bed to keep from strangling. I tried three ¢~-u-dnnt’lydahllnhm of Northumberland for about s year, without “.,Mhhfleufl:ï¬â€ gr T «65 w a %22k "LLL 1A WOXDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEANE + Bavorir»®, April 5th, 1870. _ 40 Chambâ€"rlain, Bts. This is to certi that my wife was vory low with Lung Dissase. The Doctor bad given her up. He said her twith she was able to ait up By the continuâ€" mÂ¥ «wart jyo. oon .h y apertectly restored may publiâ€"h the facts for hm the beneft of «â€" T 0. BROWE Episcopal Methodist Minister. 'â€"'uu.lwmtlx:mh.l.m nflm aedy. _ At the expiution of two days bher symptoms were dkiedly better ~ She continued to improve "nl,ubytbou-oï¬o_h‘_thh-u. becagrae tme nnumere0s valuable active vegetable logredieuts, (some of we will mention, such as the Extracts Wild Chorry Bark, mun-. Juniper, Smartweod , , Hyoscyamus, Extract or Colocyuth, Jaiap, Soco,‘ Aloes, Capsicam, &¢, &0,) which enter .rhollï¬ combined mediâ€" and so hirmonlously classtded eampounded, that it is made the most rll the kasewn world, and but act on theâ€"system in a very and desirable mauner.. No matâ€" what your allment may be, or of how long it will fud the spot and astonish by the rapid manuer in whitch you are to pettoct health aud full vigor. This Medicine is plensant and safe to take, is warrantâ€"d, and may positively be reâ€" upes to make a permiassent cure of al} of the Tnroat, Luogs, Liver, Kiduneys Organ#«, &0., #¢., as wull as Rcerofula various Skin Disoa~, En-ou‘.nd all arising from 1. purity of the Biood, the Third 3iuge of Consumption information, with full directlons fo: the Great Shoxyhonees Remedy & Plls: containing Cestimosials and Cert ficates Uures, can be obtain<d by sevurine th. the Han i Book, or the Aimanac an lars (rom any respectable Druggiss in the yoL VI NO 2011 The Sieamer SHINGLES X â€"XX. XXX ", 8.â€"Parme«s from the County of Carl~ y enter the mill yard by Broad Strâ€"et h'wym oc ics Oct 16, roft __________ 1#08Kt_ BPRING ARRIVAL!! GHT IRONX BEDSTEADS, 2t., ‘-da..uuu., 4ft. and "A4ft. Gin. all different and besutiful patâ€" We make a speciality of these English _ , o io outpusk Hoepitalt, and families with any num ‘E;t.::‘m-fl-nwï¬xx fls s or o o0R sarly spring delivery roclaim the Glad Tidings st the Gaitar Anosgonuse texeoy aso PILLA, ï¬ï¬‚mmlw& IWIS JOSRPHUSY, of the Great Tribe of vabomevs, British Columbia, 4s workice p most marvellous and astonishing Cure t World has ever heard of. _ Never in th nails of Canatian Modical Hissory has suct ituss attended the introduction of ary ritcine heretofore. : W H Y ? : a large stock of ns es { HOUSEKEEPING UTENSILA td other articles, and the very best. COUKING STUVEs of all descrtptions. Rough Lumber Waoll Seasoned, Alarge stock of the above will be kept con tatly on hand to suit purcha«rs. “""hï¬l’-fl.dtynid.g lum «man or hotais. LAN ED LU M BER HAUMKAE sTEANK MILLA,: it werbonidté Co. Oitawe, March 4, 1872, 1911 Cure ot 1 ronchitis of Remedy in large Pint Bottles #1 my i\liness «QUREN YÂ¥ICTU ING AND bLRIDGE TIMXBER iÂ¥UFACTURERS OF NOTICE. Bird Nests, JOKHN ROCHESTER & Co. usual, wholeâ€"ale and re 1878 Whflhp&dmm only Pilano tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensely to its The merits of the Dunham Piauos are: l:d.l?.wli&yhbiowmoom M t eannot ""22d. in ‘Sudity, y Ind 3rd. In ty, â€" Power,. Purity lrlhd'l‘mithnm. th. It can be sold after years of use for Kearity, if not quite its original cost. _ WONDERFUL IMPROVEMEANT Bo long and favorably known in Canada, ::.dhdoh.n“mldnq:ed\flytw inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in lnnlln.uunï¬utom.bonhnpm ment pleasure in announcing that they have been nmmudM DIMILU P NO OUR SHOW ROOM Pamphlets containing a description of ..‘,ï¬â€˜."!', unprovement can be had at our MoCAMMON & CO., Mesars. Orme & Son also agents for ORMEF £SON Also the celebrated KMASON & HAMu * and ESTEY & CO.‘5 ORGANS§, A assortment of which â€" -u:Fnhni. werepses F J.Lol%l & SUN, â€" Ottawa, January 20, 1872 e Composed of the following or other Arst ola== Pow â€"rfal Iron Steamships : 8SCOTLAND, NILE â€" HECTOR, NIGE uim } 0 $ ADALLA, TEVIVC. Th» steamers of this Lin# are intomted to sail Weekly as follows during the season 0of navigation of 18T2, to and from _ K London, Quebec and Montreal, (Oalling at Piymouth outward for passenger» and leaving that port every Friday ) FROMK LONDON. Heotor .... ........., Wedaeawiagy, 2+n t May mepiitae..««. y« â€" do _ 29 b ¢o Tudidlly . ««x c...._. .« â€"â€" o : bth Jane NHRME ce w euk uk e uts aa o l1b Aud every Tusesdiry thereafter. l-'d Passageâ€"Quebec to Londouâ€" “'M mwï¬o.mul points West at reduced rates,.~ Certificates iâ€"su~d to persans destrons of brirging oot their fden‘is to « Canada, . Through Biil~ of Ladiog lIssued on the continent, sand in !. ~ton for all parts of Canada, and in the Uuited states to Detroit, Milwaukes, Chicago and other points in the West. e * | Fo Fr.ight or Passag» apply to Temperâ€" loy‘"s, Vater &â€"Darke, 31 Billiter Street, Lon« don ; Wilcocks & Weeks, Barbican .Plymou‘h; Rowse & Co., Quebec ; or deli ocholhml'la'ï¬. th mpvm very ill meet wi t anud careful attention. hynozt tor 'td‘nlnd&rapmllm be received at Company‘s Qiti¢e, en Wellington Stree t. A. J, TAYLOR, ___â€"__. Cartage Agent. CARTAGE AGENCY. The undersigned begs to inform the mh that his office has l.hiuh‘ beeu UVED to the rear of the GENERAL UOFFICES of the Company, on Wellington St, Lawrevee & Ottawa Rallw:3. # Dunham‘s Patent (ttaws, 5th Feb., 1872. es s P.S8. ENTKANTCEBY SNNDE DOOR Sth. It is warranted in the most satisâ€" T) CONTRACTORY Bul! in Canacdaâ€"for sale. His full pedigree London. Quesec, C p FIrraadedisaume â€"dtriâ€"mer cA eitne4 T BP SEP PE TV! Terms liberal. Kstate, on sparks Street and all persons s‘ us Pu“mï¬ï¬uflw Feb. 16%, . 18856 d&e it Nepear ' No rae it || C. B CU~NINGHAN, _ : .. / 2Bb Sbormeoitatitnret Veerl Coe contals cach Ooctawa a o gead im songs. ‘Vory rauabie Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks stieet. ~ | g.?»?n-‘-‘:. a E $Hfet eut Temperliey‘s Line. DUNHAMX PIANOS be ascertained on application to the And Montreat, evert Wedneasiay thereafter, FROX QUEBEC. 0. 8 CU.NISGHAY, DaviD sdHaw, 1 uesday, do co do do _ 26th d do 3 a Jaly do 10th do co ‘ and HOOD, 4th Jugse l18th ¢ 25th . do" 2ud Jaly 16th TDht do 0o do At such port, shali carefuily inspect the saime and ascertain that such jlace or W archouse is suthciâ€" ently secure, and otherwise At for the im tenued. The Uoliector of Customs mlljuno the proprietor or occupant to place over the gate or duor lexdling into, of in some place un every Vustoms W arehouse so a board or ngo with the following thereon | F;a“.:‘wmm i Wirvighans Yrea! utiely, ut oy â€" Groeut tain, 40 he Admiraity and A-fleu‘kfly‘-’ ‘MM ' N. B.â€"â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russel! House botlur, and steam is now ralsed in haif :;:‘.-N took "betare the covâ€"ring was lz It mves a large centage ~Fuel .':t‘ht at the '-ut’“'ocn ut the Parlinment and Depastmwental Buildings, City Gus Works, Rochoster & Co.‘s Yteam Mills A Fiock‘s Foanary &¢., &¢. whonever a place or warehoure is offered to the Volâ€" wctor of Customs at any port, for approval as a Customs â€" W arebouse, m{uflln BurÂ¥veyor, (Of wm:pd oor of the W atermde Lepartmwent) and Â¥ archouse Keeyper (or persen periorming tha. duty) XTRACT from Regulations, anctioned E by the Governor General in Council, on 3uth March, lflh relation to Bending of Goods, still in force. NONâ€"CO Â¥XvUSTIBLE &# KON C >RRO UVE save 20 per cent in fu=l, and steâ€"am passes through any leagth ot Piping coveres with the Noaâ€"conductor quibe gry. la returding thanks to their numerous mnn-nv-m‘:hnm‘ wicialty ; t theis past , bry to intorm, the ablic g\ nerully, that they havâ€" juet gompletâ€" d arran,.eimguts for theâ€"leasing (at a large spenâ€"e) of those I-%u coumedivus mavldings aâ€"ar the Mar Square, on York Street, torwerly occupled ty th Gorverumâ€" ut, ud kuown as "the Military Hospital, which «hey have thoroughly refAtred ans patut=1, ana 10# fyel cuutsieut that they are in pussession if on« of the largess and best«ituaied room sio he Domiunion, where they will pay pasticuiar Atention to Auaction SB«les of THOD that an advertisement is only needed as & im ame o titkes of y vuo": s Dobky Vakt '.:s-m-vi Emz:“fl’%:.gf Eaton‘s New Method for N,Oung Is now in season. All who Bd Wlhilom& )1-& Auction Salees every Tuesday «d Friday mornings, at 10:30 o‘clock, where partios having goods to diap se of will Ancit to ubeir advuntage to send them ib tho â€" eruBy I iversally regarde ANDAR T.u.t.); l.llatlg :dnrï¬n::-‘c‘hncdg ’*b‘.-’ Gewms of German Song, * Siptrinen Weike d are Rirse * _ Public notice is hereby given that all the Customs duiws, whether specific or ad pulorem, now payable on NTea or Coffee imported into Canada, shall be repeaied ‘ upon, from and after the lst July next And nolive is turtbher given that TEA and CUFFEE in the packages n which | such duties n-m puid may be reâ€" bonged and reâ€"warehoused at any time betore the T'llfl‘fl-l:::l‘fl day of JUNE in the year, that on being so of the specific dutes puid on such Tea and o, n a drebeth 67 io : otiecier B of and a drawbsck by the + Uustoms at the Port where they are 1t re. Bection 1%.â€"And hbe it furthered ordered, That Haies in country places, cither in ï¬b »wQuebuc prowptly atteuded to. _ â€"> * JOHN MAUCDUNALD & SON, Auctionser and General Commiâ€"son, House Farnisbhing, lnsarance and Real Estate Agents, 386, York street, Ortaws. receipt of retail prives. PUSUC NOTICE. Cusronus Derazruext, Uttawa, 1Oin June, 1872. Reâ€"bonding and Reâ€"warehousing of Tea and Coltee. Te share bouks Amd proces Sank poHâ€"paid, on 4 â€".;.ifiv.;i;o thit he has been i rarned tss AS SP ARK ~, w'. ,‘_! parties 1 &-A-M_J! HamnBEBK3â€"SPENLE ratrENC ne said bstate aro require es to Jaxu® CLARKE At 1LARKE‘S NEW METHOD uim th Map, W1 REED ORGANYS, Gems of Racred Song, Gemse m&’ Sf Wreath of Gems. _wLIV EK DITSON & CO., Boston. .3';' c 4OA & HEACT Â¥ ock. Uhicago No. PRICE h’ OITAW& WEDNESDAY. JULY 3. 1s72. a nolse in the Spark | I . This is one of the best paying hotels in the Domâ€" ldo..udcz doing the second largest business in in ooo timdnand onl a maint ipharen t from the m« and »Pull.mo_-t _Bm!-‘ CC Ottawa. May 14. 182. @â€"ALBION HOTEL4$ City of Ottawa, Ontario, ° . The wroprisior can give satisfactory reasons for Ottaws, May 7, 1873 Mtaws, May 3, 4 iag e ACansdian Monthly for May It containgimportant articles on The Washington Treaty, _ . _ Ihe Washington 'nutl, um Auy ouig ze e * Rev. Mr. Mcl:uria‘s Lecture, ptoaaciee mtnstrenrer "Oroanee" Â¥or. ‘‘foewpenson a00., B h hais a wo 4 tcl oo ~ Pnup: 5.0 RAEpRRE Strebt Ottaws, May 10, 187%; ';B-oiï¬hâ€"ll)'i‘ ated, overiooking the Ottawa BMA , and thy same qnuz‘w Buck / of Sight years‘ standia . It Swelled Mock, Tamots, Khumatise, N Ooutraction dt the Mascles, Stiff Jotats, Spinal Difficulâ€" H THOMAY EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OLL. Worth Ten Times its wdm)m « Pain cannot stay gl.!i(q_fl’-" It is the CHEAPESE E EVEL MADE, â€" One sose curee sore that or One bottle has Rifty cents‘ worth has cured as u:t-‘:dh. 2::.1 It positive wates Catart ninlk ols vortk bar sume Oe i ie 'l\O LET Oftawa, May 15, 1872 LALECrRICITY. ti s, and Pain and Surenest in any part, no matter whure it may be, nor from whas cause it may arise, it always does you. good Twentyâ€"Are ounts‘ wortn has cured=bad cases dOnmkmllmLDyutcy. Une temâ€" spoonful cures Colic in 15 minutes. | It will curs se of Piles thas it is impossible to cmom eight application«» is warranted cuse, . Stx aof oight application» is warranted to : ure any case of Kxcoriated Nipples or Inâ€" A.med Breast. For Bruises, it appli+d oftes. and bouns up, there is never the. slighteA disculoration to the skin, It stops the pain of a Burn as soou as applied, Cures Frosted. wet, Boils, "Warts, and Qorns, ana Wounds 1y duscription on wan or bessc. 8. N. 1 BUOMAB, hcl:. .. YC. And SORFHROP a« LY d4AN. Newsastle, Ont., Bolse Agents tor the Dowmtnion, bote, â€"Ecleotricâ€"Beleotâ€"d an1 elsotiined. wouce Morson‘s Effectual â€"Remeties throughout the world, PEPSTNEâ€"The popular and professior Â¥or further particulars apply to the Propriaiof cA ril aud ds usds ‘i Iâ€"" L1 'â€"|l .. eine n&:‘-:-h.rrd‘m.fl.l. stoâ€" in oï¬u.‘ flâ€"n‘ulohb; and as Wine imi:pnl-uu CHLO \NH bas now obtained such aniversal 10R SALE ordars, whith must be made pepeph i paafoed * _mw &Tyig(.‘_‘ en b oc‘ on the Medailists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions, 31, 33, 124 southampton ow, selected, and shipping Orders executed with care Trade Namme and Murk registered. $ Pure Chemicals d New Hedicines taws, April 22 1873. A\ 1 OW READY. BULE MANUFAUTURERS; _ THOS. MORSON & sON aot Org s8, Gaiter, Corm: n "ors * Irte, @DT* Yer “xmm‘.ï¬ï¬%._ Nemsan werman i l :""....“' n ht each, are just are mm....-rhï¬zm. The above Books and Pisce, sent, postâ€"paid, 00 cnns. n. prrooir o § RLmmgi 2 00 es AW LOG CUT FOR SALE. Isâ€"0LUTION OF PARTNEW>HIP A Burck House on ABRE CHANCE : ~, BOARDING HOUSE KEEPER~A aciive principle of the gaâ€"wic juvce The HE CU .1sG CHURCH aUSsIC BUOK To be ready ‘July 1st. strength. RUSSELL SQUARE, LUNDON Norksâ€"Horusey and B‘unnn'. With Inimediate Posseation,. _ Corner lut l'ul}'v‘}n?:-. TERMS EASY. _ A h ttigy 1961 â€"1m. 196#â€"123 ‘PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE Â¥O,. 836 RIDEAU STREETO '%FI‘DADW STREET, OH.AUDIï¬B}, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and f spirit Merchants. ¢ We are now prepared to offer to the Farming Community and to the trade inducements that bas not been given ber:tuofore by any one in our line of business â€"being now ‘mportâ€" ing the chief part o+ our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enabls us io reduce prices turther, We claim already to have brought th enormous profits heretufore existing to a moderate rate, and trust in future to contiuue so. _ _ § C 8UGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERAL G#x0OCERIES, also WINES and all l-ran-d Liquors, Canadian Spirits, of the best deseription, always on hand at prices a«s low :s rl lots can be laid down. â€" We care not for competition, all we require ls a tri«al given our goods. The coonomist will profit by calling to us. $@"Our motto is light profits, P..Baskerville & Brothers, 4 COMPLEIRFASSORTMENT OF Tak FOLLOWING_;INSTRUMENTS 1ALWAYS A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arerooms Chickering‘s Pianos, .~ _ _*~ Steinway‘s Pianos, . Dunham‘s Pianos, Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, * f o Prince & Co.‘s Organs. 4 T * . F . ~Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, In good repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. Térms liberal. ~> ~Pianos to Rent. * _ ‘8e00hdhand mï¬:'t:smdomms taken in exchange.â€" . .. s Just received a mumber of NEW and POPULAR M USIC. Inspection invited. ; _ * """~~~â€"A. & 8. NORDHEIMER â€" . .‘ A. PETERSEN, General Agent. ; _ CHARLES ALEIANYER AND $08§, |.* MANUFACTUREBS OF . ./ ) o Steam Refined Confectionery, . Loseh@es,: ised Fruits, Marmaiside, Jains, &0. NOT ©E TOJCONTRACTORS, BUILDERS o &Ul‘fllfl&xs' § : {1,200â€".. KEGS OF CUT NAILS Hardwareâ€"Hardware, Motto Papers Fringed, Mottecmpâ€"Horasâ€"«f Plenty. Druggists‘ Supplies in Stock and made to WB_OLE*ALE BE aAM CONFECT RRY. Justreselevd and for sale very low, having been .mm&.hhd\mnim" C _ Materials such as Locks, Butts, No. 24 Rideau Street . "gIGN OF THE ANVIL. Also, ’nudna lmgr;! F wb l y | r 330 f David, Girdwood, MacDoneli, Rot :‘; w WL@};‘ T s ur to Whom = DR BIRNBA UMS RHEU alAâ€" ISM and GOUUI REMLDVY "â€" has boen a, trial, have, With a rue dis pes ucknowledged its invaluable ents and wiven certificates to Lthat etiecl, u.:&hou‘::i‘;d 4 onuuuwpu on or any dr 4 in th# Dominion. * : «DR BinNBAUM‘S RHEUMATISM and GOUT REMEDY * is recommended for Rbetrmatusm, Gout, Neuraigia, Lumbe -:u‘mr-i-, Btiffness of L orJoints, Sprains, Numbness #o., &6., and is the most ettecâ€" tire l*'.&-:-n'ylbwn for these discases . by ali draggists. CBARtB MAK LLIN, 80 Victoria Square, Montreal. Bole Agent for the Dominion of Canada and the United States. On Salary or Commission. Permanent and reâ€" muperative situations to good reliable young men:â€" 100 Agents Wanted MARRLAGE CAKE ~ORNAMKENTS3 I MENCE . HAS 41( «.N. The MEDICAL ;EULTY or woxTu®, h\hâ€": se Ln. &ull-uu{ P:l‘tier, We will guarantee that n Ottare, June 1, 1872. _ 04 w Ottasra, May 9, 1872 Ottawa, April 8, 1872. ~f Bo L I _rudu.b:.v‘u'huy mt!dm ESTABLISHED IN 1842 AT THE OLD STAND, Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. ~ P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS, 1872 26 SPARI’SF STREET, 0o T T a w Ao ~ P ,"J; â€"'?un;l.'; I \a.nu.._;::flâ€"! U hA ndui â€"u o â€" ns teamemear C T es e to Bt. West. Toronto, Ont., ; A84 fawily Remedy it is -ouflxpufly ca-bt-.ln!‘ I knewn relieving thousands from in the SAï¬ LA G. aA. WaALTON, 81, Bparks tireet, WEEK and erpenses paid. CRHR .ls ~d@i :3 0 y ‘AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTsS fai Ed s "At. the . Ottawa Agency, Mark@k Aquare. D’wm m‘ .““Q a a e« %s%%% -too-i“." Grain Drills .;..ogo!â€.;."‘.......- + ts a o a 10 cwm -oo.oi-‘&“.“‘.'tio -oq.‘--u‘o 30 Reaping M« hbinesâ€"from .......«$1"0 o 110 Mower do do » « » : 62 «it» 4 65 40 ‘ 80 Threshing Machines from...... . 110to 1,00( Om OflIMm...... a # e e o e -’--uw,â€â€˜.‘ Ul'li“..chll“....u'“.'.- ae a 6 tw s e 80 to " '.nniu .‘m OMdovqaooygo,ioo--o 7+ k Turnip Outter . ... ..,, +.« . .. . . . . » 88##0 3B Grain Crusber ... . ... . ... . . .. . ... 90 40â€" 84 l“‘m c......;.'.o'.. a s #a # are # 5 “ Side, Back and Head, Coughs, Oolds, Bore of time antd wherever used: ts‘ @pll (Wkeq, never failing in a single instancé w give perâ€" ianest celi6i when timely used, ano we have uever «nown a single case of HMsativhctios where the directione have been properiy folâ€" s0wed, but ob ins contrary,â€" all~ are d»lightâ€"a wiih 12e npodiuu, and speak ‘tu the hiybeâ€"t terms of its virtuos and maglcal eflecte Eua ne Rimme Perfumer to H.R. 4. the Princess 0t Wales, 95 Strand, 128 Regent Stre, and 44« omm vtli,Londos ; 17 Boalevarc deg ltelions, Parms: anâ€" 16 Cing‘s n«.‘«( Bizbtow :ol‘r by all pertumery. Â¥eudots" * 27. 1®#72 ; o W#vieryt pers W o speak from szperiâ€"cnce tw this mstaor 4 m having tested it tbotoughly, and t.b-pï¬-rr‘ | tFTDR;A CAPBOU“"' hose who are suffering from say of thâ€" wonâ€" | M $AIM ErurA NT Inints for which it is recommendes way 1. 1 1 â€" ./ * 191 5 | NF Â¥ ad upon its beiug « 30Â¥ resge ow i7 + _ p.'l'he astonishing cthcasy, ol fle CABLy O ;[ m ::m Pain Destroyer, in curing the Dibemmgos ‘0% I ¢ 4 which it is crcommeâ€"nued, and its wand. rlil’ tis ,&;' Water sucouss in sobduing th« fxturing »AbHH M 4 Stab‘es, htet. Rneamatism, and in télleving, Nervrow, aAfr» P m". ~ fons, entitle it tr ® big rauk in th bat is r c. uxt Remediea for these ~omplaints, ..OfIt:> sgte , MW% cuming frow M«dicine De.lest (h «i1 parts of in o .“W] the country for further suppli¢s, «d aah tost ) , u6 the bert Lctant for the preves wifving as to the anizorss â€"iisfeiion 1 | en of infoectionsdiscases. . Price SS oents. @0E The Canadian Paln Destroyer never fÂ¥.â€"io .lnm-cdh}:hfl. All wedicine dealers keep it. Physiciâ€"ns crder and use it; a+d no family will be witnoot i; after unce trying it, Pii., only tweutyâ€"8¢ csehts pet bottie, NORTHBOP & LY4aX, Sold in Ott:wa by H F Moâ€"arthy, Joseph Skianer, Jobn Roberts, J P Â¥â€"atherston, Geo Mortimenr, and <!1 wedicivne dentersa. Throat, Sprains, Bruiscs, Crampe in Mnnnchs Chaioes Horpus inpapeity,"" itiem Haine‘s Pianos, Soalds, &@°FL A RGEBT AND BES TAAA HATS, PEACOCEK‘S, B@The h:us price ‘ id fmunW PURS. .: mtb Ottawa, May 7, 1872. 23 PRW ATE LESSONS Ladies desirous of taking lessons in the French language, can secure the services of a competent uwhor‘ who has the best of credentials and of this “gw terms uai m b y ® EAQA' sxx_uh(oï¬"iu:. Ottawa, April 11, 1872. ________ TDRITISH COLUMBLA. The Gorernment of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimait Herbor under the guarantee provided in the Twelfth Section of the Termes wf Union of this Province with the ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK ing words :â€" â€" 1 * The Dominion Government shall guarantee the hwmkrmmfm&odn(.dthoomï¬on of the work, at the rat> of five per cent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock al Esquimait." To afford a depth of water on â€"the sill of not less than 2 feet athigh water springs, and to betubâ€" Stantially constructed to the approvai of Government upén a site to be provided by the person whose tonâ€" der may be accepted. ~* . . Rurther particulars as to site, borings, &6., may be obtained from T. A. Buukurt, Eeq., Chief Enâ€" gineerto Government, upon application in writing to the.Chief Commissioner of Lands and W orksâ€" ~ Tenders must specify the time within which the Dock will be compicted, and must be accompanied y drawings and descriptions showing exaci dimenâ€" sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the following dimensions :â€" Lenyth on fioor 870 feet, * Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings 90 feet, Do on foor.......... .45 feet, Tenders are to be sealod, superscribed *"Tende a nlhdt Graving Dock," aidressed to the Lands and Works, Victoria, Bdï¬shOduï¬sAS"vâ€"‘uï¬.o‘p.m meon of the 15th day of Nevember, 1872. N.Lhomoou"ldw the above guarant be insuflicient,; ure at liberty to tender on the basis &MM guacanies by the Par:ci-l vernment, or apen uch, other financial induceâ€" ments, as they may sugpesl. _ ~~ . The Government d not bind themselver to accept the . lowest..or any tendar. _( «*J . Trod Gie Cbbtrndlot and ty sofinie t reraiier Iy: and two sufficie t sureties fo: the peyment of £10,000 to Her Majésty, her beirs rm«â€":w-nmaumh- of t which it uccompanies, provided it be m- three months from the said i5th â€" Trinity cduz Physician, Surgeon, and Ao:â€.o.:s" %M u:.‘l:g c&-m l&‘m * “%W . * _ _ "~~ . GKO. A. WALKEM, _ #*. * ChiefCommissioner of Lantis aidd W orks Lands and Works Office, ki x+ _ Victoma, April Â¥th, 1872. 1987 m Ramoed,; in ail cases of Bore Throat, Hour l on on manniiontinn, Asthma, Ofsusive w. Tlcerared u--.‘.':ï¬ mm -J all Physicians, i lacks ware at tnscabore onorgers itt now ooo o oo bry A R. R. P. LEWIS, FRENCH LANGUAGE CAPS, and Belection of For which"%60%Â¥n is in the followâ€" St. Patrick Streef, Oltam® STRiW GOODS, IPAQ@LICEâ€"3 CEN TS Hats. and similar troubles, if suffered to progress sesult in «wrious Puimouary, éronchial, and Asthmatic affertions, oftentim=s incusable, Bberidan‘s Cavairy Condition Powdâ€"rs, have published a readable and instructive pam. phict, which may be had free at the stores. are compounded so as iv reach directly the geat of the diream anc «ive almost instant reltef. ‘The Troches are offered with the fullest covtidence in their eflkmcy ; they bave been thorpughiy tested .aud maintain the goo¢ reputstion they bhave justly mcquired _ Fo: Puvlic Speakere, Biugers, Military Officers, and thost uho uÂ¥vartar the wuice they .« us ful in rélieving ans Jrritates Throat, and will render articulation easy. Being an article of tue merit, and baving proved their eflicacy by a test of many years, cach year finds them in mew locs litles in vartous parts of the world. apd the Ttuches are uuiversally pronounced better, than other articles. _ P _ Ubtait only "Browu‘« Bronchial Troches, and do not take any of the Worthiess /matatsons that may ho ofenad *Teooums," so called, soid by the ounce, are & poor imitation aud uothiug like BLOW NB BEONCdAIAL TROCHES which are sold ouly Ju bozoe with facâ€"spmaie of theâ€"propricwrs JOHN L BRKUWN.& SUN, en outgice wreppel ul bux, and private Gov, elkicBil shuup SUiacDhed t ceob bux. J cimcarm 1b putllug :Lm Trovhes is in |CItaDt as a a»curty to purcbaser in ord iv t« sure of obtaining the genuine Brow e Mhopu LW â€"1TOCBe® Quees axp Srerex.â€"In every branch of orlâ€" tivationâ€"whether in the feld, the orchard, the vineyard or the gardon, there mast be order and system to insure successful Fesults, and this truth is frmly established by actual experi¢nce Auuther great truth has also been estabils. .4 by the same means, which is : That as a pieâ€" ventative medicing, or a medicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rheumatisni, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable _ kor sale by all Druggist und country dealers. rrice, 25 cents per Grrir Coxptrio® Mxpioizsaâ€"As a «oadit medicine for horses "Dariey‘s Oondittion Pow ders and Arabian Heave khemedy®" has a0 equal Its efGects in this respeot are astonishing ; meny horses that were supposed to be bruken dewn and aimost worthless have, by the use of a for! packuges, been reswored to . a beaithy ani sound condition, all traces of the disease hann‘ peen cumpietely removed, and have been #ci for from pou to $15 more than they would pre, viously have brought; when you want s horse medicine get "Dariey‘s Condition Fowders and Arubian leave KRemeqy." We know you will be pertectiy satished with the result. Remember the name, and see that the signataure of Hurd & Co. is on eauch packuge. Northrop & Lyas.‘ Newga.ue, Ont.. propristorsl or Canade. . boll by all medicine demiers. TRIBRTY YALAA8 EXPERIENCE OF A8 . «LD NUzsK mas. Wixsu®w eBsorai~e Syaur is the pre. scription vliom? uf this uset Female Puoy.icians and Nurses in the United States, and has beek used for thimy yoars with mnevor failing safcey and success oy milliqns otmuthers «ad childrenp, trewm the touble inlaut or one wâ€"ok old to the asult, 1t corrects acidity . i the stomach, ralieves mind colic, regulites t i buowels, and $ ives nuwww ane cumfort u mutber ana chud. We belicve it the teet aud wurest remeuy io th. worla, in all cassse 0 Dyseutcry and LMarb®. in chilgren Whutbor it 4rises trow tooibhing, or from any thet cause. FKull cirecuons for asing will *â€"mpany cach butile. Nume penuine anioss toe fquâ€"aimile or AURKRTID & PEbhiAS is on thoouiside wiappei, duid by all mea.cine domiers, 25 cents » voutke, Ullie, 2156 Fultos Btrost, Ne« York, u34 #3 Oarturd Buroct, Lon» don : Be sure and c=ll tor Mus> WiNsLuuW‘*s suuv fHUING sYLUP ,-unnuu\g slumile 1 "vUeke & P oc« 1o m the utipide Wiuppyt _ all Oubtin ate O# SPEIAL NOTICES. smm Phe proprietors of Jobnso n‘s Anodyne Have you a Revets wrnnach or aprain? s you theumktism in auy worio _ liavye you stl Lock, a, bouches canused by rhoumatlc pains? it «0, Jobgson‘s AByn: Liviment is a #pe0iâ€" lc remmedy AAidl.As aise the best puin killer i0 the world 000CO GT.YNERINE removyos dandrutt * % 5 : No to‘let table should be with out CUCOâ€"GL YUOK L. N#, 25 cent â€â€˜.mwa..- . » , ; T the hair In prinis, 16e 1o 20s. lngc':,liowmc;hrolh, 200. lLard, 12 to 15 cw. per ip. Tallow, Us 1 Uue do. Honey, OV 4o. Portmioes, 15 to 2) to per bushel. * Bwesish Furmps, 25¢. to 30 AMODMOW to $2.00 do. Celery, 40¢ to per doz. â€" Cablmges, be to 1214c each. â€" (Beete 25c per busnel. 4 e antn. c to Wool 5y cts. to 6Uc per 1b. . Hey $10.40 14,0) per ton kye r‘raw, #6. Unt straw, $6 to $8 do. Mess Pork, $16 25 to 16 & per barrei Farmers® mess, $14 5) do Prime mess, $13.90. l:im-vhd,tu 00 to $14.00 per 100 bus Do $10 00 to #11 00 . do Tok ue $10 4 o $12 0 _ do _ Bacon dry salted, $10 y do Fuoruâ€" Ketail prices. Double extra. $7.25 per barrel. Exim, $71 to 37 25 do No. 1, 46. w 6.15 ao BRUOWN‘S BRONCHIAL TauCHES BOREK THROAL®, QuUGH, COLD, Beef, $6.:00 to #7 00 per 100 Ibs N hn Ap W BDW pordoupls, to $1.0v per Turkeys, 1.V 1w a1 60 each, Ms“&w&n mmma&ï¬um byy» 15 ao 48 per dusen. : .. Buiter 18 4o 2 cts per ib; COCO(rGLILYCKRINE nourisk Cornmeal, $3.50 to 3.175 do Cracked wheat, $ do Wheat meal, 37 0/ do Provender, $1.30 per 100 ibe. â€" Uracked corn, 30UJ do Brun, 75 ote to 8vc. Guiim. Buckwheat, 60t0 65cis per bushei, LDate, $2¢c w Mo do Peas, 83¢ tw 606 do Bean» ¢1 40 to #1.45 o Barley avoets. w #"cus. = Fail whear, $1.35 ww 1 40 do Bpring wheat, $1.40 tw 1.50 do RESE I1SH No. 1, sole, Suets per Ib. No. 2 do Ks do Hiaughter, Zicts * 4o Hurners leather, BMots do Upper . do pnglish kipp, THB MARKRKET, Pargative L. id $1.» #1.00 HIl 14 44