| prov? SsUNNY hondh.‘-“ Clover dituated a# Railway com|s ts 110 56°°"" sarg wishing io s00ure upot & l-‘lJl)'n‘ w large * A0Y timg Leoks, €) wl a ful Harve Cargel®, rog 18 4 io mrot L Axt ~ _ "" * k whek Conty q)) Shootin Shâ€" v‘-fl y m pacetng Coats qs eCRX #ull Asportwe*®* n of the & 7- Ollrne does in uy YEEDS, Segng â€" l;"fxr. y 1J late, Just received, 4 TraWA yas to th*# Qm. |‘oraice Plain visible at 85 Soy . ‘n-â€-‘ J L Coxvent or‘ Kiar s Daxs Du Sacas Cwezer,â€"The distribution of prizes to the pupils of this Institution takes places this evening in the Canadian Institute _A musical and dramatic entertainment wil‘ be given at the same time. Class of Bellesâ€"Le tres â€" Litterature : Prize, Ed Bauset ; Ist Aco., P Glaiu ; 20d d4o., A ' Onot“d::m;PMA Leyden ; 1st aco. Ed Bauâ€"et ; 2od, P @ladu. Franslation of Lat n into French : Prize, Ed Buuset ; lst Acc. A. Prieur; 20d K Translation of Latin into English ; Prise J Foleg ; ist Agoe. A Legyden ; h‘ Dixxizx.â€"T. Hunton, son & Co. enter= t ined their employes numbering about forty to a very sumptuous dinner at the #Queen restsurant last night to celeâ€" mmwjorunh new premises. Lir.xe or Corszrx Srowz.â€"We have been requested to state that the corner stone of Christ Church will be laid this evening (Wainesiay) at seven o‘clock. On such an interesting occasion we hare no doubt there will be a large attendance of the mmnn;! of l'at.nâ€"rn:h Gnnn:r“ a00, A Dugast ; ind Uma‘:’._†C 0. B G. A..s.â€"The five batteries of the 0. B. G. A. left by the St. L. & 0. R. R. this morning for Kingston, under comâ€" mand of Col Forrest. Aualysis of Philosophical Essaysâ€" Prize J DPubhamel ; lst Aco. A Smith ; 20d ) Trude u Laiin Gramm :luï¬m, H Lajoie ; Jhd'hopby;‘l'qu Gorman ; 2ad Phikcsiparâ€"Pries 4 Hoith ; Nt dn 7 i A ; 1st Lefehre ; Ind J Duhamel. . _ FrenchComposition : Prize, E Bauset lat Acso. A Priour ; Ind A Leyden. _ _ Grgt Version : P._?-.‘nl)?hlu; lst sec., D Downer ; 2n i, T cCoft=y. Translation of Lain into French : Prize. O Goyer; Ist aco., C Cohill;: lud, K latin Exercise : Prize, C Cahill ; 1st aco J Kehoe; 2nd, R Poulin. congregation and other friends general viaitors was numerous | musical entertainment yvery good. The following is the Modern History : Prize J Foley, lst Ace. E Bauset ; 2Ind A Leyden h‘ï¬armm ; Prize, D Downey Ist Acs, G Fulsoye ; 2nd. T Coffey. 'r & Liver Complaint, Diseases ot the Skin, xmmm-fl for a supply of the Caledonia Water. ® Gmsor & Co., 4 Corner Sparks and Elgin. Philosophical Eâ€"saysâ€"Prize J Lefebre ; Ist Aco. A Smith ; 2nd J Duhamel, _ _‘ English Composition : Prize J Foley ; Ist Acc. & Buuset; 2nd P Conkrey. _ f Latin Compostion : Prize A t ; Ist Aco. E Bauset ; 2nd J Foley _ .. Latin Verâ€"ilicationâ€"Latin Grammar : Prize J ‘Meara ; lst C Cubill ; 2nd Le. French Composition: Prize, O Goger Ist Aoc, J ‘Meara; 2nd Ace, R Poulir, Brophy ; 2nd W Brophy man ; nd, P Quealy, The principal Hotels and Saloons in the city, are now supplied with Caledonia Spring Water. Ask for it. Ginsox & Co., ruln]“; Ind, P Qusaly ; Ist Ase. Gorman ; 2ud, W. Brophy. 4 Latin Exercise : lst prize, H Lajoie ; Snd, Aclcide Dugast ; 1st Ace P Quealy ; »pd, M Gorman. . . e n eA frinâ€"lation of Litin into Engli«h : Prize D Phelin; lst ace., T Coftey ; 2nd, 1 Downey. | & â€"_ «_ _ _A & A. H. TAYLOR, Agents. Russell House and mng-l a York "treeta. Uttawa, May 13, !872. _ 1958tf Greek Translation : Prize, A Leyden lst ace, J O‘Hanly ; 2nd, 1 Bauset. _Latin Prosody : Prizs O Goyer ; lst Ace. R Poulin ; 2na@ G Futvoye. _ â€"_. _ _ . FPoulin. Matuemiti =â€"Class of Physics : Prize A a.-un:; Ist aoc J ietebre ; 2nd J Duâ€" ves Kingston on ue:days and _ l‘“I"ri-lny-sl........... 3 00 Uxtox Forwaromse & Rauuuwar Co. â€" Stage leaves Ottawa at 7 30 a m. Stages arrive from Aylmer at 4.30 p.m. Ancient History : Prize, T Coftey ; 1st a0¢., D Phelan ; .!{r _J iÂ¥ Meara. _ * ® Ancient Hisiory : lst prize, P Quealy . Ind, M Gorman ; lst Ace H Lajore ; 2nd, W Brophy i ts ~~y_" Geometry : Ist priza D Downey ; 2nd P Coskery ; la:ooJl'ohy; Snd E Greek wrammar : Prise C Cabill ; 1st Aco. D Phelan ; 2nd G Futroye _ Algebra : 1st prize T Coffey ; 2nd Ls. Truseay ; Ist ace J U‘lenn’; Znd D rh.‘?hmo' 1 prin® 2nd M Ari tic : 1st pri % Gorman; 1st ac> l@?ï¬j Sloan. _ Way~ Steamer «Jessie Cassels" leaves Kyluser daily «k 830 u«) â€"â€" > c _ _‘N. B.â€"Tickets to all points East West can be had from _ There is no better and Summer medicine than th» Cd‘m Water. No family should be without it, for where it :s liberally used, ) > Doctor need spply. «inssox & Co., Agents. Steamer "Louise," departs for Kingston on Mondays and c HITARAME ME se« «carcientkr Ancient Geography: Prize, D Phelan ; Ist Ace., G Futvoy»; Ind J Kebhoe _ tour cases Cornices, Pol=~, Cof nice Ends and Stair Rods. Just opened at 3 RUNSELL & WATSON‘S. Commercial Course Enaglish Sectionâ€" Firsst Division â€" English Composition: Prize, J U Mewrsi; 1st Aocc H Lindsay ; 20d, J Plunkett. s« Litterature: P isa, J O‘ \Meara ; Ist Aco J Plunkett ; 2ad, @ Plankett. Natura«l l‘hllo-ophy: Prize, J O‘ Mears ; lst Aocc J Plunket: ; 2nd, G Plunkett. Book keeping : Prize, J (@‘Meara ; lst Ac J Plunkett ; 2nd, G Plunket. . Arithmetic: Prize: J O‘Meara; ls: }co Depart Artive Arrive MosteE :1 J Plunkett; 2nd, G Plunket. _‘ . _ Algebraâ€"Prize, J O‘Mears ; 1st Ace G F:unkett; 20d, J Plunkett, Translatim of Latin into French : 1st Translation of Latin iato English : 1st Queen Victoria TRAVELLER‘s GUIDE. Departs, _ 7.00 Arrives Fairy‘‘â€" Leaves every day at. . Persons a 10 â€" 240 . 1.10 (W#rawa River® Naviaatio® Co. DI®TRIBUTIOVN OF PHIZE® LOCAL NEWS Caxana Cextzar Ramnwit Lawrsxos & Ortawa Rarwar ArrTeLk... ... ... â€" . .. .. Pou i~p UOTrawa Forwarpme Co‘v. 30 10.30U 12:.00 10.0 61b 84 J$ $D0 10.00 eition . 1st prizs, G rophy ; 1st Aco M Gorâ€" e Agents tor ttawa. with Ist &. HAMILYUNX, (Late Manager of the Canada House, ) respectfully intimate that be bas btted ap he Uottage. amd is now ready for the reâ€" > m kn‘mu and Cold Sb wes E at all pri¢e of board at the aif Iment bourdiag houses from $) to $+ a week. To th #o who.cannsot spare time to visit and recuperate wt lbos.dn'l‘mld say that I have appornted ny agent, thbeon & Co., Sparks Stree‘, Otâ€" verien To mntiem un ghice Pick Frote the c peregh " oo ks e * 4 THE FOURTH Instrumental Music: 1st prize, & Gillte: Ind E& Giagu ; 1st acc,.£ B.uuset ; 2ad, P \'Ml *4 i boy to thro Good Siore. Address to this offce. Optawa, May 31, 1873. 2002 3 Becond Division â€" French Gramm«wr : 1st prize E Chevrier ; 2nd Hi‘. St Jacques; 1st aco Tb, Enn s; 2nd Hen. 8t Jacques. _ nndhf: Ist prize, A Laperriere ; 2nd, I Davis ; lst ace, E Chevrier ; 2ad,; Hil st Jacques. Translation of French in Foglish: 1st rl-. Men St Jacques;, 2nd Hu Jacques; Ist acsc, A Laperriere; Mistory : Prize, Cofftey ; lst soc, E Uhevrier ; 2nd, A Belanger. Arithmet.c. Prize, P Coffey ; lst acc A langer ; 2nd, Cbhevrier. ..‘g’lln,?b‘o‘w’; Ist acc, Ls $ A mere. wmmlâ€"‘muh(ivm: 1st prizs, A Kennedy ; Ind, P ColÂ¥ey; lst a03, M Smith ; 2nd acc, J U‘ Meara. Arithmetice : ‘let prizec M smith ; Z2nd E Barrett ; lulna l'lin:ii‘; rndadl waerhe Reading : lat prize ophy ; Ubs uookd iaromaberging : Itkpare vision i 186 # Trudesit; Tud, A Comf¢ 1k 200 , E Bauset , nd, J !’unol. aink "t] > â€"s c P F4 CRmeRETOR y XBD Oe y Loh 25ï¬ oes Bs ds wochictcs dtt Ortnogra,hy : 1st prize, C Ethier; 2ud U recleeo; lstâ€"ato~, â€"F Martim ; 2nd, 4 Barrett B Reading: 1st prize, E Peachy; 2nd, A Gow ; lst aco, L Bruphy ; 2ud, u Leciers **‘. BPROLAL OuUR=E. w Vocal Music: Prize, J Duhamel ; 1: ac6, K Gitlie; Ind, E Chau. _:. ~ * Grand Annual Chan Third Divisionâ€" English Grammar: 1st, prize, Patrick Coffey , 1st acc, A Belanger : Ind, E Chevrier. olf Urthography : lst prze, P Coftâ€"y ; 2nd. Aln.ody’; ’m acc, M Smith; 2n4, J U Meara. Keading : 1st prise P O‘ Meara ; Ind A Kennedy ; 1st ace P Coffey , ind M smith Ebdhnf: lst prize F ‘Trudeau ; 2nd R Anuset ; lst acec B ~mith ; 2nd L« Davics. First Divisionâ€"English Grammai : 1st gm'l‘lluh;hd & Peachy ; Ist ace Emith ; 2od Arthur Plunkett, ~ _ Necond Division. Priz=. W Irvine ; !s a00, Abald Prieur ; 2ud, H Lâ€"jme. _ _ lrvhw. &::y; }ot Div:-hn : lst priz . W € ; i0# ; lst J Fors Ind, !l' Kâ€"unevilie. * Mess es Chapeau same . Under the :?ia‘ of the St. Vincent de Paul Society of »ttawa, will take place on _ This will the Excursionists an opportunity / ..um-mqm u:-'m.:lwh- :::’lt .#uiuwu‘“m Unmion Bami is engaged to accomp»ny the er * e 1. i ( Pesprgrgeamcs n use R O‘RELLLY. _ Geography : 1st prize, Hil St Jacques ; Ind, A Fissadit ; lol: ace, Hen St Jacques ; e usw _ w > | R St, Lawrence & Oitawa Becond Division â€" English Grammar : Ist prize, B Kearnoy ; 2nd E Testa; !st ace aA Gow ; 2nd, J Bauset, + . keading : 1st prize W Irvine ; 2nd J U‘Mears ; Ist acc E Priâ€"ur ; 20d J Bauset _ Arithmetic: Tst priss J ~Hamel A Cote ; Ist ace., m-..; Zad, Martineau. ba + uum Ist prize, A Dug:s; ud Â¥ smuuh; Ist acc, T Dugs; I2n4, 4 Kennedy. E. the « Leaves Ayimer daily (Sundays ® ‘*rd- 'iï¬ot‘n-‘n um.:‘:)n:th;‘ Reading : 1st Erin, J Davis ; 2nd, A mtm Rice, 2nd, J Bauset. : Ist prize, R Rice ; 2nd, B Kearney ; lst ace., J Sparrow; 2nd, J Davis. Hiâ€"tory: lst prize. J Plunkett; 2nd, J JVa‘‘s;, lst acc., lenri 5t Jacques ; "nd Hilaire 8t Jacques. French secion â€"First divisionâ€"French Grammar : Ist prize, J Bauset ; 2od, H Lindsay ; 1!st acc., W Irvine ; 2od J Translation of the English into Fremca : l“w†H Lindsay ; 2nd J Bamet ; 1st «0o W livioe ; 2ud ) U aears,. Tud J y : lst prize W irvine ; m'= wA4 O‘Meara; 2nt E Gagâ€" . Orthography : ist prize, Hil St. Jac ues ; 2nd, 6 Chevrier ; Ist acc, H Enuis hhn&.hoqm y & s E Cbevrier. J Bauser ; Ist ace., MCote; znd, E Bâ€"r rett. Bevcond Division: 1st Pl- A Cote, 2ud 4A Buuset; Ist age, C EPanet; 20¢,â€" t UOrthography : lst prize, A Kennedy ; Snd A Gow ; {um B Kearney ; ind R tical Analyses: 1st prize, U(Â¥ ; 2od, H Lindsay,; Ist ace., Irvinée ; Ind, EKG gnon. _ _ . _. â€"_ t tical Analyses : lst 'rnn Th ; Pnd Hen. 8t Jacques ; Ist acc J uvavis; 2nd Hil 8t Jacques. . _ Practical Geometry : Prize, J Plunkett Ist Ace (G Plunkett ; 2nd, J.z)’lsn. Third Division: 1st prize. M Cote ; W Chirbonuesu; !st ace , E P.achy J U'“l'l¢ % J Mear a. Frude«u. The train will ltn the . Ottawa Station at ® v‘alock, a. m , and »ng leave Prescot: at 8.3> English Seciion : l“gi..A()ow::bd a Lindsay ; lIst aco., J Diurw; 20d, H 3 Jacques. _ o Nee es â€".â€" Orthography : 1st prize, H Lindsay ; 20d, W Irvme; Ist ace., J U‘ Mears; 2nd J Bauset. ‘v ANTED â€"Religious Instructionâ€"French Section â€"lse Duvision : 1st prizs, E «hevrier; 2nd deraw, pyp PaRe e The Steamer Upening of cou:ses September®the 31c ALEDUNIA SPHINXGS KION PFUuKWARING AND RALL WAYy COMraNY. A Pleasant Retreat for Invalids THURSDAY. 4th JULY, 1872 * JBNsIK â€"CANMELS‘ NIR JOHN YOUNG Ist prize, J Plunkett; 2nd, J ace., Henri 8t Jacques ; 2nd RAILWAY y Eccursioc necretary »mIo Eug ind t ";b-o' \ho'I‘ -'tgiâ€"lt o. ons m Pictca orert * Miramichi" to ‘ea Qube} and tou every g?gAVd-ï¬_-l‘b::-m- u;.u.uo_..buh- i ather it Perce, spabiae, Daiâ€" uo sie. Chatham. lf‘o-c::u. and Shed ac, on the kupamnhaints Web s _ L l 1 T /. > un ul Steamship Company resp ctfully call the attention of Merchants. Bankâ€" ors and the public geneally, to his extens‘ve Stock of Day Books, Ledgess.Cash Books and Journa s W ant~d, as partnor, i rod ing business m 'bo.:itx. : active, l.ut.o' w’;’oln.:g man of on is rur hist daban M oi Amenh "equire it 0 rences ul 0 4. A ‘. peois y, at MBRS. READ‘®, z'uo( ud:;‘;-g.;mbmcwm F‘a‘s, between r o UttaWE, ?u'!l. 1§72. 2006 3 made up from th : be t ¢ J.â€"-'d"’_.â€"-‘d'éâ€"‘rdei E:'mum&-u.wvxf gouo n the Aecuu"f Books adapted to every varicty of busi nees; if ldh-:.n:‘l aâ€"d bound to pattern, on the shor est notice. u> 2e * _ K ling, Porf tating or numbering c«ref=l‘y and n’-pd-' .u-a.l.t's a d at most reasonâ€"ble rates. ll.::-cub‘: A‘1 ord=rs executed On the very «bortest notio *. Utt=wa, June 2, 1472 ND Council of the Corporation of the Townsh o@‘m in the County of Carleton. v:umi.:: in a By â€"law for T»‘.""ma..‘ fls of cnietinnleg aot &:._-cr::l e 'hm'.t.b‘o':‘:.u tna‘nlhd. â€â€˜F P o on â€"â€" fâ€" O':i'?‘.:lr 3?.--‘- said p&mb.u%‘ "’.‘3‘3'134.-"" ty W illam Ogiirie Picg \ in i E’fl,m-h narose ol mds Iht L 13 12 th k ©O. BILLIXGS THROVGH COU PuN TICKET® (n I ¢ Council Bluffa, Umaha, Kalt Lake City, Nan Francisco, pettelfe n Dasne ols Cmale en And e Aphemiggs , E. JOHNSON, __Bookâ€"binding exscuted | sty‘e, from micriinct un curapore io tas mefergay, "*= * 8t. Johns, Fredericton, Woodstock, pEicarknr WANrED For School Section No. 2 in the Township of G wied 4 _ powas, _ The Serow l:g.-c"v ‘Oaf.†to leave Picton far t. Jo=a‘s, N#4, on TUERDAY, JU!LY ind. and every atâ€"raate TUESDAY at 2 weiock, |p. m _The Steamships ** Albhambra," m-hu'mï¬' aud " Pictou" to run regularly during the season be: tween Pictu and Nontreal. tme-h!u at Shedinc 'l:dc.b'.ulum on the down trips, as business . ? F rei to W. H . How . bor + reight or Passage, apply to W. H. Howland, GRAND â€" TRUNK All Points East and West onâ€" the GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY. â€" > The steamers of thi«s Line, under contract with the Government of the Domimon of Canada ana the Gov»rnment of Newfoundland, are intended to sail as undernoted: _____ _ x# a4 Steam Communication between Monâ€" _ treal, Quebes, Father Point, Gaspe, Perce, Paspebiac, Dalhousie, Chatâ€" ham, Newcastle, Shedi=c, Charlotteâ€" town,. Pictou and &t. John‘s; NAd., and. by Railway connectiens with St. Jobn, N. B., and Haiifax, N. 8. For l-hgl Section No. 14, Township of Nepean, a Ma e or Fomale Teacher. hoiding a _«econd clas> ertificate of qlnï¬l.?‘.? "{\‘a'rbnt:' ;‘PMW. OndX §f8 *A NUTICI- V Ot Qttaws. June & lffl- fMiies N. deeigh es ie dne s bor, »iRTNER WANTED. 1%, rpay , Spasme, 8t Vitu=‘ Danee. a: "mth.w-onm. Of 30 mege vtaim stniaining 4 pecite I w con! i for every «u'h.-.. # 'nmï¬ly’ eubâ€" ject to, with of direction«. .... .. ... .| Acrerineey kpeoties Chars touemre it ‘ete M cure discasps o'Z.I.mh‘ MM CANADA CENTRAL HUMNXPHREYS HOMEOPA Lh sPECIFIC® Pn mtfosnge. hi Animetin Snd Heliable. " They are the only Mod: cines perfectly adapted to mhr useâ€"eo simpl ihat mistakes can not be in -g them ; :t::- as to be free from danger. -ot:&u ost m all, and wiil always ren __F These Remedic«, except POND‘8 EXâ€" TRACT, and single vial« of Vetcrinary Medicine nnl‘..onnwdm-:x"nmpnd the country, free of charge, on pt of the price. Adiress, «* .. HAiiinamctan Madtome Co. Of(*ce and Depot, No. 2 Bnoapwar, New Yoak. For Sale by all Druggists. stomach, or of Piles; Corns, Ulcers, . d Sores. Price, 86 or., 50 cts.; Pluis, $1.50; Quarts, $1.73. June 17, 1872 tawa, April 6, 1872 HE directions. w n n n n n n mc i 6 a o n + n mt omplete Case, with I-zv Mao® ar4e Rosewsod Case of 69 v «utaining all our Specifice, including Vets c~inary and others not enumerated above.. 35 PoNXD‘® l!‘l;l‘A(‘l' nre® Bruises, awh e Soreâ€" ;Qn.. Sore ?Ir.d. Im#, 'l-\:.l-k“ho. Karache, New Rheumatism, yen Sigeding at. 4 "‘...“"' Nees: 0#, ase. ~t£-.eh. w 5 Piles : , Vleers, May 3. 1872. ESTIMILIA SIMILIBUS3 CUZANTUOL. ANTED, QUEBEC AND GULF PORLS a‘ Glowserter, TICKET â€" OFFICE. MORTIMER. Five Rherce, with «i ind of Powder, very necessary in sertous Suffe rings at c Sore Mou*th, Canker Urina: 40 Nou. i. ind X Rersute: w Spaaies :. Amas at change of life.. . . .. . . THE OTTaWs: TIMES, â€" JULY 3,â€" 18723 MERRLCK & CROMBIE, Agents, Ottawa. â€"â€"4NDâ€" Cincinnati, Detroit, Milwaukese, Green Biy, 8t Paul, Minnesnolis New (Urieans, Mobile. , pusiuic xorIcE. y uel?u: sti Prompt, EifNcient and -"&‘l‘l?b-':.w hey mmtt' as: :fl-?clln-‘ perfeoily '-.u._m_-...".:;ï¬":'mp-: so harmJjess as to a% s u;s;'; wm.w-;m::::::&:::;-g . % MMWVI&?W....:::: 50 «3 _ do fluu’onmuonum life..........1 00 [b dnf:lrh , Apaams, St. Vitus‘ Dance..1 00 T; do mflhflw thront«..«1 â€" 50 FAMiCY CasEs, * 0 1 : mâ€wk;nmo%l‘ï¬h;lp Laui’mu'hsdd:m%wmu maiier Family and Traveliing § vfh‘)u;#tvflhhhol..a,u...â€"‘..ï¬ï¬‚w. w La mmm T is hind proket caves Aneranieh P o * l Pos‘s Exraaoes *# * L d th nc Aras 4 &m\:‘l PODOE, k tes, fos." enahnoe tm 1 ue ts UT, by the cause or singte box, are sent to any g-nds:.e::.mry&&v.nu or express, free o 4 oUBHAEYVE srecikio® A*** v, Porry Darvis & Son." Hushan & : on earth so you invend doâ€" hgiu the Paxâ€"K 11g«, my dear ! ife :â€"â€"Fredy caught a severe cold last night, ean hardly speak, he is so hoarse, and George has had the toothache since yesterday morning, and yourself wich the Rhouwatism. If what every body s«ys can be believed, the Paixâ€"Ki1â€" LEX will cure these complaints an i such a house as this is we are al ways in trouble, and it would be a perfect Godâ€"sens f we could find someâ€" thing to ease our lesser affictio®s. Husband :â€"Well, Mary, anything for a quiet home we will try the Paixâ€"Kitiez. "(r. be continued.) B$B" The P.xâ€"Kiuru«r is an internal and external remedy for pain. For intertial pain, Cramps, lr.-. Sudden Colds and Bowel difâ€" eulties, a few drops in water will give immediâ€" i sape patic atment repreolly.," Je srvend pol the made by P-wU & Son and soid : all Druggists and $0+ Cures Burns, Lameness, Soreness, Sore Eyes, Bleeding of %-“lam.&, or of Office : Do& , â€"No, §# Bromiway, New York. For in wa "*** o NRARE, teprere Boage . .. who gre in want of anything in the Spectacle MMdufl at once. _ U *M/A Ce ebrat d Pobble Spectacles are the best thar can be made !ou-hthg‘-x qg.h»- numl. and preserving the t y can be ‘y recommended, capable of many years service. and extremely r‘.flwh price. .hA Iu:‘cmx-cg Uptical Instruments conâ€" Telescopes,. Marine, Race and Opora Glunses Baromecter=, &c. Will be soid at reduced pricei Two Astronoâ€" micul Telesospe for sale 5 # GEORGE MICAAEL, Optician, 51}â€"ing Street, _ $ CaLLBD l@ ME PCOR MaAN‘S FRLIEN D, is confideutly trocommended to the Public as o unfailing rewedy for -m':: o:lwy de* cription ; a certain remedy corated wre legs, burus, scalds bruises, chilblains, «worbutic vruptions, and pimples in the face sore and inflamed eyes, sore heads, sore breasts «iles, &¢,, &c. e e : flonhpmlud.h.“..ul‘..lll,fl 12«, each ; his â€" PLLUL® &N‘ Iâ€"SCROPBULEL OB ALTER ATIVE PILLA, e afirmed by sizty years‘+xperien~s to be one e the best alterative madicines over com. p und«d for purifying the blood and assisting Nature in he: cperstions. They form a mild md superior tamily aperient, that may be taken st all times without counfinement of nang» of diet, f Ottawa, June l1th, 1872 Reâ€"watrchousing of Tea and Cotfee. Public notice is hereby given that parâ€" tieâ€" entitled to reâ€"bond and reâ€"warehouse Tea and Coffee under the recent resolution of the House of Commons, notice of which appears in the extra of the Ganada H#azette of this date, may so reâ€"bood. a d re warebouse such Tea and Coffee at the ne«arest Port at which the same may be, or such Tea and Cofféee may be deposited and reâ€"wareboused in any Inland Revenue Warehouse, should such lnland Revenue Warebouse be at or nesrest to the place whe e such Tea or Coftee may tbe, tho Colâ€" lector or Ufficer of Inland Revenue hiving charge of such W»rehouse, in a plice where no Custom Warehouse exists, being instructed to receive such Tea and Coffee in the manner and under the conditions in the said notiâ€"e mentioned. f R s M. BuUCHETTE, 2006 3 Commussioner of Customs. Customs Department, o Ottawa, June 6th, 1872. Notice is herehy given that His Excelâ€" lecy the Governor General by an Order in Council bearing date the 3rd inst«nt, and under the auchority veâ€"ted in him, by the 3rd section of the 3ith Vic., Cap. 10, has neen pleased ‘to order and direct that the following articles be transferred to the list of goods which may be imported into Canada free of duty, viz . * Precipitate of Copper." @ Anâ€"line Salts used ftor Dyeing purâ€" pores." * y ouronimud, _ â€"._..____ HUMPHREY S Homtopathic Specifics, AT Orme & "a«â€"‘» Music Store, Microac«pes from $1 to $120. »EkAV‘H A~i» BanNICOTT, Bris vorse‘, England, " and -ol.t’:';'ul Medicine Vendors, Â¥ov %1. 1 ®t) 861 im George â€" Michael OP TICI A N. ve 22%«, ach iole nured boan Aoeracnt Sonile experteane an iÂ¥ #IMILLA SIMILIBUS CURANTUR. Ottawa June By special request, and by press of business, Mr Will remain here up to Ottawa, June 10. 1872 »vSITIVsLY THE LAST WEEK, seld io Bugzes at‘ 13;4.. 2s. 94 , 48. 64.,11s PUNCE C‘ LEBRAIEN OINTMENT, June 14. 1872 SATURDAY, JUNE 20th th. t O d m it P#*B C:»s@#® HOMCEOPATHIC MEDICINE } »pot -?&,w Broamiway. New Ygtoi' R & M. BOUCHETTE, Comimissioner of Customs. Pn pa;.~d oply by Customs Department, Russell House. Wije to Husband.â€" Chrlu,!'kl:t when you are im+4 vflm m&i“‘:l nor into Dragâ€" gist s and buy a bot “‘m’w"l‘q +z, Be sure and got i prauise made by A Grand Lottery Sale _â€"_â€" IN ABuUUT THREE WEEKS, . This is a splendid opening for â€" _ A Dry Goods or Hardware Store. ® o pasticulast PP5!® +. roucre, Postmaster, Grocer, Provistion and Produce Merâ€" Situated next door to the Post Office, and wi‘l be reuly ruosupatiun: .‘ | _____ _ 0 00 Riphins, blae Clote Tog.|, LOt 12.â€"JAPANESE SILKS. | ellings, Huckabacks, Disper, TBE above w.ll be cleared at cost pr.oe. &o., at clearing out prices. * . amlLNERy,. . AnNTLE8 . cosruues â€"cauorey ~ : Wear and Ladies*Underclothing, &c. _ The Bost Business _tand Reaping Hooks and Sickles, Rikes, bent and straight, Cradles, Sna Grind Stoues, Ncyth Stones ; @also, one Marble and Moulenette. s ts Tork®s Alsoâ€"1 fine lot of I.C. and [. X. Tin Plate, Block Tin, Inzot Tin, which will be sold as cheap as any other nouse in the Capital. Also, a gre t variety of Tinware, Lamps Burners, Chimney Wicks, and CUAL OILL, at a small advance on cost. ‘ BM Come one and all and see for yourselves before purchising elsewhere. _ And a quantity of other goods too numerous to mention. _‘ lmldduwï¬hogï¬oulu.tbntion of Farmers to the goods below sat forth. D* Remember old Stock at the old Price, in the very best arder and best quality ; names will tell for thetmselves. â€" D8‘ BEST tam: b 1 t %II:G;&IS: 801558,8 Rood‘on :}h gides cf }:9 heal, RKS do d do P & W.~ 0 S I 14| * do oo B MoP., do : o ** do do: :; T. :‘ do do do do Lot 4.â€"WHITE BRIULIANTS. &) PIECES CHOICE GOODs, Sprig Stripe, and other beautiful de« signs, will be cleared at 13¢, Being far below present prices, in view to reduce my stock which is yet very IA‘E and in good order before removing wnewrnnhqwï¬ohmu be c.mpleted fall, Goots to be sold at old prices are as follows: If these few lines reaches any partiss which require these goos they would do w.1l to call as early as possible. ie ‘Kk; 1=> ... T ~ ns . M C _ _ alGGrprrmmatt N6 _ ~ _ > oo Pss 0 U k s _ The perishable nature of these goods compel us in order to effect ®@learance to mark themâ€"st an; enormuus sacr.fice, All oq.E:r goods proportionately reduced in 2001.B&O(BBAEKKI'I’LES, All Cash purchasers for TWO DULLARS AND OVER will receive a present in proportion io amount of purchaser. N.B.â€"All articles given will be"as good as cash. Lot 5 â€"WHITE PLQUES. 700 YDS8.â€"A beiutiful variety of pat. + â€" terns, in Damask and other new designs, commencing at 150 per yard,*‘ ~*.**. 8. 8 & CO. confidently recommend this as a réally bona portuni Ladies of Ottawa and the publec generally to tez‘m’now mï¬df‘uzansbh ':o:nu: prices that must ensure a speedy clearance. * KEARNS REGENT HOUSE > IJULY SALRS,_â€" Enormous Reduction from Ordinary Selling Prices SINCLAIR, STITT & CO 1,000 Dry Goods, Millinery, Mantles, &c., &c., 1,000 the undersigned, beg leive io anuounce that being ahout to build on No. 3 ) Rparks St., old DE3BARAT‘S BLOCK, Queen‘s Printing Office, I propose to have a C* _ Seneca Fall make, 37 ABSORTED COOKLNG AND OTHER STOVES, 309 Aasso®rrep PoTs, A41 A large number of Beled Pot and Bake Oven, A large number of Block in and Iron Muftin Pans, A large number of Block Tin and Britannia Tea Pots, A large number of Table and Pocket Cutlery. 13 CHANDELIERS and seven HALL LAMP3, e Jn eun, 15 SETT BLOCK TLIN AND WIRE J# Lot 6.â€"WAITE COTTONS. | ORRACK‘S and other well‘"k own Fiourishing Vi:lage of Hull, Great Clearing Sale (Wstawa. Inna 18 1879 _7' ICE COLLERY and FILTERS, ) SISTERN PUMPS, Ottawa, June 27, 1872. Will sell during July the balance of their valuable and well assorted stock of June 26, 1872 GOOD NEWS FOR THE LADIES. From the 2nd to the 15th July. BAUSPANS, assorted, CRUET STANDS. LARGE POTS, Lot 2. â€"?RINTS. Lot 1.â€"PRINTS. YDS8: FAST â€" COLOURED PRINTS at the nominal price of 10c per yard. YDS. HUYLE‘S and other well known Cloths, worth 17¢, will 150 and 1 76. be cleared at 13¢. OF THE OLD STOCK ATâ€"OLD PRICES. 19 patterns, M#inclair, Stitt & C©o, i <" # 30 Sparks Street, Ottaews. WILL TAKE PLACE A1 for Lambermen, (very cheap) from $1.00U up to $20.00 each. C. P., DORILON, 60, Sparks Street, Ottawa. Also a number of BATHS, â€"A4T AYâ€" Tinned, do do do do KIKearns & Ryan. more or less, _.Orders left in the for """"'"'.*‘ u.ohdxo'd‘:etm-c,“:â€::h in Agent for Messrs. Fraser & Co. Fresh SALMON from the Moisic received detly m THE 1BA POT. Ridean Suvey FKkasA s3ALMQN Lot 11. â€"LUSTRES. Ottawa, June 1, WE 3 Lot 8. â€"BATISTES. FOR COsSTUMES, Petticoates and c)::;-n ing. Dresses, v. o8 Fx‘eneh Goods, 18?’5 yard, all col urs. d Ottawa, June 14, 187%. _ __1997â€"if [\ul GREATEST INVENTION OF THE AGE. ~4 4HE * HORTON WHEEL T18 tG8TENER" Lot 7â€"FRENCH MUSLINS. 1500 YDS. FRENCH JACOXETS 9 beantiful designs, all fast f colours, 15c and 17 c, worth 20¢ to 250. DI8SH C VERS, TEA POT, Lot 10.â€"POPLINETTS. RY A NS YDS. MARKL POPLINETTS, wirey, durablé and cool for summer wear, will be cleared at the ridiculous price of 110 duct.on from ongnd ial pr.oes commencing at 15¢ a yard. ;~ tres, marked at a great re â€"A T THEâ€" full trimmings, 2008b 4 on Commission at Ottaws to call | the ‘tth instact contrary to terms 0/ agreoment. | "**~*~ ns aaly . betesnemsetess Jape 13, BB a“" pitaws, June 84 167. I SAGLKL 20-&].;:"?%1. h.mmw-â€"â€":: IpNEKAVELLER WANTEp b“ï¬so"z'ï¬' r...r'"_. &4 _ Three or four well furnished bed rooms. in a private house, near the Farliament rpJMBER LIMITS AND FARM . BY AUVCTION. On THURSDAY, the mmd.mn' next, at e Union H: Ottawa City 4 hL‘Mbr sale by Pubjic k 61 Timber Limite and MfllmJAgPI:A:.. d?gk "“‘.;7‘ h' &lu- v“ ' year 1â€" 3‘ are gitu:ted in North Bou h Canonto, and lr':rnm up in one, two, or three iots, to suit ‘ ‘The Farm Lots 16 7. _ _ OS Hktm is compored of Lots 16 and 17, in the 7th for .bo:t 'ï¬b‘m ussand tons d;c;i IE:E"W_SG mm renartads Toh Nefp Tnian ind ied e ie en “flq MYIHW*, sork Btree puitve that be U jast imporeed NB OA a ns TENDERS FOR CAST IRON PIPES oo ie *"‘The fengers musthe adcording 35 mthe which Ame lenders must be according to forms, which will b lnnhhd.-“nudto&'.urmh- sioners, and ondorsed s (l“_flm) nsmd is es Pateins Pss sa demo s bame DiY, the TENTH Juy of . RJ‘i'.i (ct: or the excaraâ€" tion. &¢., of the Aqueduct of Ottawa. Water Wo‘ks, embracing &ut forty thousaod cubjc yards TENDERs FPOR AQUEDUCT, they most r of two respon«= Aocage ie ie oi t s itrae ts 10TH DAY OFJULY, 1872 ~~â€" PoOR THE Coxetrvorn x or tux Ramway O'ITAWA WATER WORK®s. directors of the Kingston and P. htl. vm-nvmnedn y onals up to .B.d Kingston to Pembroke OTTaAWa AND QUEBEC. j {p+1A YA WAVKE W USLRKS. Noticeto Contractors Rideau Street, Ottawa, April 12, 1872 PHUI‘OGRAPH GaALLERY Sirk Scares in Endless Variety and Latesi | Srries. & The Latest Novelties in Sash Ribboé}; Gilding sn 1 Embossing « tm ,._':T..mjr:m. | ODGINGS T » LEL. Lace Collars, KEvery description of work executed in any style . Corner Sparks and Elgin Streets; Ottawsa Jane », m‘l" Allan, McKinnons & McMorai _ .4 Preretary. W . W C '0“:'0&?-' 10, :‘&o..' > 2001 | . v > OP,. §ILDERSL Kingston, June 10, 1872. T will be received until of WEDN ES L{m TENTH 4uy of _JUL‘, for the excara Porth, Oth Jane, 1872. OM WaANTED. TTAWA WALER WOsSkKS USSELL WaTTq Painter and Imitator of Woods and General Wolfe, tr W ork and Embroidery on Bark, CONTRACTORS. B at " defying ; competition, an ’?E.m':_. aâ€"todas i.: PLAIN CUFFS, will be received until of y s thp uce pa l Embroider istrument: of the be«t and most improv | you { shall endesvour, it i terene (ngaseae Mess _ l..'.‘.."::'.r::.r:.ï¬.' fucger 100 11200 â€" Â¥ork Bisont, aptoss,, | ty views toremw |_|_ | MIGNX OF FANCY ‘ o. %K. CUNEINGHAN Plain Linnen Colars, ‘C. E. CUXNIEGORAM, OBJECTS OF ART, AND CURLUOSITY, &o., &6. V 2 _ PRAgEK F.A HAaLy""*" required. Appliy at / HATTER A\D FURRER, on, snd at the Allan, McKinnons & McMeran, 20 SPARKS STRE 2006ta w ktd nforms thepublic that he has opaned at ()ttaews a Cor: mercialHouse where can be pnrdnnd All K..ds of Merchandise in his Lw_{ Moatreal ; 20 3 PLAINESETS, sace Lappets, hitby ; and Hat Dopo. OLIVIER COTE, â€". ¢ Q:cnmw "I woRLbL. m% iE entciy? ‘| Washes. â€"Produces ghaclun::‘ll M‘.LM‘I‘C! iwts. Factory, 16 B The râ€"t ENGLISH HAIR CUTTER and WiIGâ€" MAKEXK, trom Long4on and lavâ€" mol. is now emyloyes by JU .N CUKBâ€" No 57, KRidasu Street. ked Aabiie‘ Te old Htaet _â€".iz:" 3 l-Jl:’thv tlll Mmu;â€ï¬ 'v' ® ect & Hete monn * 6 -t'..'.t: Cen0d W . A. BATCHELOMB, | Botd ay ie Iste. Factory, 16 Bd »trom, Me# +ork. good wages given. . Apply at the tore of J-‘ 'un e FAOTORERE 18 OTA%A, ied uson to voie for two members ‘"“" :gé;n:l:&. House of Commons a iditiozal as m. ga Mh.bm..'nâ€-a g l.‘..un--.h you. that I will be a candiâ€" date for that _ E your -aâ€ux:ul should prove to be your : amo of for the city, to you uo?-nw- of <he you 1 shall vour, im #, up of my mbility. to discbarge the important du Made to mersur« an 1 @rrarsor rir guaranteood a the oxuy chirt and Ovlar Cortes and M. ty hn of rminntion ane wi farther eapiate g.?.'., .aï¬- l-: to be. % Ottawas, June 18, 1872 hand . _ A fine lot of new Map ¢ "yrup in & the best i -dntw n&W‘E Thronech the ensonragement reseive :‘-'3"' &“E’E. ..Su ‘A‘:’: lr tation has been with much care and is to w Fosks filttier P olle bustness and family China Warehou-et Tok Tage o onl fhaee Nee o it innh & f':"’f.‘t"? wa. searzie . ahe World pefure uge, Louis piguier ... , 6 Nee Taiuge hy Louk Dean ‘s His:ory of the Church of Seotâ€" & land Eon the Uclonled Geeafgy in m“oc‘â€;_l.rigd m%w&n. by C. of the New Creation. by Dr H _ Bonar ountry of the D=«arfs, by Paul Melvillo‘s ~erm ns â€"2 vols ............ ... WAN TED. bassini‘s Life and Writ ng« *A 0 THE ELECTORS OF OTriWA ; TOLEN « R sIraYÂ¥ Ey Ottews. June 8, 182. »ATCHELOWsS HATK SVE QPttaws, June 12, 1872 AMES JOHNBua asring left my employ i@_ig!-_-'-.-_-eg!- arins o. apreciels *J Ottara, June 11, AMES WYNES, AUTION, ATV_RY LOW PRICES, «viawa. Janvuary ##» Uttawa, June 24. 1872 2006 : f MoDUNEKLL & MONGEN AIR, Ottows, May 11, 187%. EW Embroidered Linen Sets, / W 18 THE TIMXE To CAaLL OTTAW A J . Oollars, Collars, Oollars, Oufts, Culls, Cuoffs, "BO & O$ SHIRTS, SHIKTS, SHIL psh _ :. O tawa Shit Union Bank BJ nion BDeuk Hlockd FANCYISET , AÂ¥ Dye is the BEST IX THE HBSDEnsox & 00. No. 3 Sparks Street. Lace Sets Hmi%l!‘ J ~NES ANGUS, quality 1 11 [34 t