, TO 1 BA ta m to 4 pm K.3 V KA "" "Aeemint» Li ye and h unl opposite : Sagy Cny e o Post Othes, Uttawe. LONVE & TA B, 24. * . se To virector 9. 44L ol tae &X 3 4 ais (08100008, K A . A, Arohitect. mhp.‘h.d..l h es rrovincss of 205 _ emnleiabess oo W‘“‘.’: uc r t Getare and PLANED L U MB ER »MezCOAMBMAOERE of all descrtptions. 211280984 J Bough Lumber Well Seasoned, ud -‘:% BUILDING A4XND RrRIDGR TTYXRE HA Â¥COCK, par 84. L. 9 to 11 #P+°" cpgen "l“‘.‘“‘“. -..o-‘-"f‘“:“ «. Attornoys at LaÂ¥, -‘J_,;"':"'M'â€""‘ ' sidence*" "", 3 35 4 P s L@1» CH 4 A U , s of Queil LIBGRBy, #** "m MM ‘-.‘“ .as Pullet, 24 Â¥ebruatt )* »1 »LARDy n084A4L cce it ‘â€'- *’;&Mu"r’ w fll Te Cages, _ 7‘ **"* uit‘ Bird .\'L‘.“' Kast and West in ic m .lfla‘.' rhysician, Ds is ty A Ms (GE t W o @ . Al“!‘: Les w 11W pr at the tatoe 61%, tme e the 4* .f..'. ; 1J «ad 45, Bird Baths, & "h’“d Butte Plat ::ï¬ s HOUSEKEEpPING UTEXSILS paguade "hat acucies, and the very best. " _ .. OOKING stoyEy “ :..hbfl‘ï¬-.&m.. | you by the rapid manner in which you are restored to perfect health and full vigor. This Medicine is pleasaot and safe to take, and is warranted, and may positively be reâ€" ind ET Peven armege himen Rhigeys the # n en meratan Tarlogs -.1.'."."1".‘:.,..,".,"':;. y wh hage of Consâ€"umption information, with (ull directions fo wing th« Groat Sho«hone=s Râ€"mâ€"dy & Pills, rm Lestt aoatals and Ol: Acates vares, es be obminâ€"d securing the Trestigâ€", Q-l-"lm: or t.h'o Ah“aw ano t-l‘_ï¬l trom aay tm=,etaot Dr=gz«tst to thâ€" That the Graart dacâ€"mwweses emgny ‘.M the eminâ€"ot indlan Medicine Man, {Dooto: LEWTIS JO8EPHUNS, of the Great Tribe at Shoshone«s, British UColumbia, is working the most marvellous and astonishing Ours the World has over heard of. _ Nover in th: annale of Cansadian Modical History has suc} suocess sattended the introduction of ar; W H Y ? which we will mention, such as the Extracts d‘_!flï¬rny Bark, Po tophylium, Juniper, M.~- Qamsia, Smartweed, Dandelion, Hyoscyamus, Compound Extract or Colocyath, Jalap, Soco, bMqurI'n, #&o , ze,) which onuter lito the composition of the combined mediâ€" clae, are such and so h.rmoniously classined asdcompounded, that :t is mades the most warching curative in the knaown world, and monot help but act on the system in a very x’ and desirable manner. No matâ€" your allmâ€"nt m«y be, or of how amading, it wi‘l Aad the spot .-4-3 Price 04 Remedy Pilts per Sog _ SHINGLES x. xx. xxx. -;â€"--oa lrom tne County of Uarleâ€" Sater the mill yard by Broad Stroet in y<4 n . " "«#1te, Oct. 36, 1871 1805tt YTou may publish the facts for the beneit of those stmilariy aMicted. o jCsPRING ARRIVALI! _ _ Frovert irox sEpsrEADS, 2. :‘-&.mo'm., 4it. and 4ft. 6in. ‘.fl diferent ind beautiful patâ€" Â¥e make a % i Take a speciality of these +nglish w& and import them direct *n by Convents, Hospitals, and families Qm“'ith any number large sarly requ:.ring quantities for wag, P DE delivery would do well to Proclaim the GHlad Tidings Alage stock of the above will be k opt con “ to ault purchas rs. WONDERFULCURE OF LUNG DISEASE Broogirx, Aprib5th, 1870. )0 Chamb riain, Bta â€" Tuois is to certi that my wit was very low with Lung Disâ€"ase. Tas Dector had giv n bher up. He sid her luag gere tubercled, and mediclue could not luip ber. As a last resort I purchusaes a bottle «ike Great Sho«honess BRes«dy, At the upintive of two days her symptoms woere decidediy better _ She contlaued so improve .runbylul-o.ohdfl-o. she was able to ait up By the continuâ€" «wwe 1 ** voourd y3 nâ€"“ reatored se JOHN SILY EL. @worn before me at Smi:bhAeld this 6th day «kpalkD mey. ____ _: :fOf â€" . * a BmithAeld. JC Cha..beriain, Eeqâ€"This is to certity that about three years ago 1 became afflicto with Brom bitisa, which lastâ€"d about elghtcen mooths,. 1 wasso «Mi ted. for the waus of breath that it was very difficalt tor me to spsk, and in the nigbht time frequent!s throwim, the clothes ef and raising to th but to keep from stranwling. 1 tried three of the moâ€"t »minent physicians io the County of Northamberian~ for about a year, without mosivigg any boâ€" 84, in fact 1 countina d get» ting worse all the ume. A: last [ was adâ€" vieed to try th> Great Shoshoveer Remedy, J boogbt a bottle sn took it and when it was about Anisbhes 1 began to feel a Httle better I continue! to use it ustil I had taken thre . boitles, when tâ€" my satufction, I foun that I was «s w»â€"1l as ever l had been presiâ€" . o-b.ymu-od'pv-ilnum‘ L a commence ber trips on Saturlay, the ith M S-Mhllofm&uw.u 5:.’-. Mum?. pares Ottawa at i p m. same day. k MaylLtX _________ _ _ noed YMAUDIRAE st;18M% MiILL+. leave with Mails. Passengers and Freight for ."â€"â€"I:W lst May, at 7 p. m. OWmm Mazah 4, 1373 1872. The Steamer wa." QUEEN VICTORIA." Cure ot Bronchitis. YOL VI NO 2015. QTTAaWA RIVER NaVIGATION OMPANY. JOHN ROCHESTER & 00. & T 0. BROWES Episcopal Methodist Minister 18 from the County of Carleâ€" :-fl&nidi-t,l- usual, wholesale and reâ€" H. MEADOWS & Co., in large Pint Bottles #$1 4 STEAMER " FAIRY" J M W&ELLINGTON, ) P NOTICE. LbRIDGE TIYXBER. !3--“:- Rudutss 1 Buitte Plaitters, 1914 Platiy 1e 1872 ~ ~~ ~â€"â€" / uie W. THOso, Fab. 1st. 1885 daw if hepean Buli in Canadaâ€"â€"for sale. His pedigree can be ascertainecd on application t. the Tenders for the erection of a two story building of a School House in L‘Orignal, will be received b -x“n.b soon on SATURDAY, m‘ enders to contain estimates for building of Brick and specifications may '"'"'fl and â€"for rther information ï¬1 Union School at i"g.hd.- and after -.::hw vth May, instant. lowest or twader het JOMHN BU fllflu III:E x.'ou-smung 1966ld Punnomnluu.ronnu.;. ‘ONTARIO JOHN,‘ The wc w'bo.ml flw to i the blic that his office has flb{ been nlUVlD. the rear of the GENERAL UFFICES Oa?y.qunw Street, where ordars for the collection and delivery of Goods will meet with pno&t‘ and â€" careful â€" attention. ~â€" Payment Freight and Carsage will now be received at the Company‘s Oilice, on Wellington Stre« t. t A. J. TAYLOR, * Cartage Agent. Uttaws, 5th Felu., 1872. npo CoONTRACTORS Through tickets frow all points Waost at reduced rates. Cortificates 1 su«d to persons desirous of brivging out t=eit friends to Canads, Through Bills of Lading lissued on the continent, and in Loudon for all parts of Caunada, and in the United States to Detroit, Milwankese, Chicago and other points in the Weet. ' Fo: Freight or Passage apply to Temperâ€" loy‘s, Uacter & Darks, 41 Billiter Street, Lon« ; lon ; Wilcocks & Weeks, Burbican, Piymouth; doss & Co., Q 1bec ; or ‘ And every Tuesd: y thereafter. _ =â€" Rates of bee to Londowâ€"â€" Jmbin, $60. $ C HRtK _ | * & 8t, Lawrente & Otiawa liaiiw: uebec and ‘ Citiepgnnt hcta it y sw and every k s m’;" LONDMN., \~*‘ ‘omposed of the following or other frst class Powâ€"rfal Tron Steamships : SUOTLAND, NILE® HECTUOR, NIGENR, MEDW a Y, TWELED, THAMES, » _ SEVERN. ADALLA, â€" TBVL ¢. The steamers of this Line sre iAtended to sail Weekly as follows durifig the season of aavigation of 1872, to and from . Nile ie 1 a un ans Med w y Terms Lberal, mmtdvlhhnkupm- on hand., f J. L. ORME & SON, i e ____ 8 Sparks Street. Also the celebrated * MKASON & HAMu * P e eneemnmemm~.Anadiior esnicrmam © esntc e ind the above iumprovement can be had at our establishment. Messrs. Orme & Son are also agents for the following Pianos, vis : MoCAMMON & CO., The ments of the Dunham Piauos are: Ist. Its durability his become a proverb. Znd. lswo;:rnmp it cannot be surâ€" passed, & f 3rd. In g)ï¬dity, Power, Purity and lqumyd’l‘ouith-mmpoor. _ 4th. l‘:onboool‘dmorynnolnn{ur neariy, if not quite its original cost. _ 6th. It is warranted in the most satis= P.8% ENTKANTE BY SNDE DOOK 7 Octawa. Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks streot. So long and favorably known in Canada, and in doiqg-oo'mu nq:otfnUy request the inspection of a stock those magniâ€" Hioent instruments now in _ OURâ€"SHOW ROOM in wz:‘mm- to the above improveâ€" ment plesure in announcing that they have been app.â€"inted agents for the «@Dunham‘s Patent Hydro.Carbonated Somding Board." This wonderful invention produces the only real Piano tune that has been yet discovered, and adds immensely to its London Queosec, Ottawa, January 20, 1872 ORMF & SON TEA U DINIILN PINQ! and every Wedresiay thoremfter FROM QUEBEC, % WONDEAFUL â€"IMPROYEMEAT * Montreal or to C. BR CUsSNINGHAy«, Temperliey‘s Line. DUNHAM â€" PIANO® And Montreal, and ESTEY & CO.‘5 ORGANS, . _ AJIJN DN uh s | < w-n-.-gf\httmy ® do 29th do «s do _ Sth June 6 do _ 11.h ie do 109th do DAViD s A W a description of t #*2 s.;‘%& and HOOD, 8rd Jaly 10th do 24th do TD THB UNDERSIGNED lt bere ives notice that he has been appointed m-..t of all and the joods and Chattels and Effects of the late lc#o. LASSPARK», deceased. All parties r he suid bstate are required to pay their nees to Jaxexz CLazk®, at the office dthorrh Estate, on sparks Street and all persons hay ewlumthoudlnl’m uired Lo .n their amounts to the said A&‘ p Ottaws, Sth May, 172. m Public notice is hereby given that all the Customs duties, whether specitic or ad valorem, now paysable on ‘Tea or Cotfee importedi into Canada, shall be repenled upon, from and after the 1Ist July next. And notice is further given that TEA and CUFFEE in the original packages on which such duties have been paid may be reâ€" bomded and reâ€"warehoused at any time betore the TW ENTHâ€"NINTH day of JUNE in the present year, and that on being so reâ€"bonaed and reâ€"warehoused the amount of the specitic duties paid on ‘such Tea and Cotee, shall be repard to the owner thereâ€" ot and a drawback by the tollector of C at the Port where they are so reâ€" m-d reâ€"warehoused or by the the world, may easi‘y accomplish it by taking up the m -lu fascinating instrument, with the aid Gems of German M to ») pages full of the choicest werman, ~eotâ€" tiâ€"h, Sacred or miscelianeous songs. Vory valuabie and ve‘y moderate m:ho. > ï¬v in boards ; $3 in cleth ; $4 fall gilt ".:‘.mh}-u and pieces seut, postâ€"paid, on recet retail prices. 0. a nr'uoi: e LFo# 2 usiAmy* * York. | > y h d * Cusrous Derarztuaxt, * UOttawa, 10th June, 1872. Reâ€"bonding and Reâ€"warehousing ~ of Tea and Coffee. PUHI.JC NOTICE, Eaton‘s New Method for the Is so universally sSTANDARD MEâ€" r'm_m'?u’:: an dm.h ealy needed as a vemt will remain toue t haok of Ungen Prosem td wt wi ::guhnu the instructive course. Regulir Auction Salee every Tuesiay and Friday morniogs, at 10:30 o‘vlock, where partics having goods to disp se of will find it to their advantaye to send them in tho oven,. ing before. Saies in countrr places, cither i1 Ontario rQuebec prowptly atteuded to. JOHN M \CDONALD & SON, Auctioneer and General Commussion, Hous« «tiem‘s and customers in the city and vicinity, | _ "‘ ~**" *°5 **mes its Weight in Gold, or their past patronage, beg to inform the % ks mm.:wunmm&: _ !* Pain cannot stay where it is used." d arrangyemeats the leasing (at a nanen< : cxpense) of those large an commodicgs | , It is the CHEAPEST MEDICINE EVEL burldings ncar the Market Square, on York MADE, Orue dose cures common sore that or Stroot, Mymbym()om--u,g One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty conts‘ ud known as the Military Hospital, which WO‘th bes cured an old Standing Cough It they have thoroughly refitred aud paiuted, and | PO#It!Y«ly cures Catarrh, “'lz‘.‘ Croup, now feel confident that they are in possession | Fifty cents‘ worth has cured C:iick in the of on« of the largest and best situatedroomsin *k 800 the same quantity Lame Back of the l)um]uu" where 'M’ will pay “‘“culu I ?b.. ’m’ ““’. . It cures U"ll.d u“t, ittention to Auction Salus of Enmors, Kbhumatism, Neuraleia, Contraction Real Estate, Household Effects, Agricultura I Works 4 mplements, cr‘!:&z‘.m The above colloctions of Voeal Gems contain cach J. MUNBOE OLEARY, . _ Goneral Western “_ mt Ottawa, Nov, 30, 187; _ N. B.â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russell Honse boiler, and steam is now raised in half :ouu-.::.hothmuo covâ€"ring was lz , W it saves a large per ountage Fuel and Labor at the Water Works of the Parliament and Departmental Bauildings, City Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills A Flock‘s Foundry &¢., &¢. the Briush Admiraity and Amoticen Rary. _ the British Admiraity and American YJ . â€"â€" (Boe circular.) L\Iwnomx.w‘wcnos ROOM3. â€" _ _YORK STREET, John Macdonald & Son NLARKE3 NEW METHOD Non Conductor for Covering Steam Boilers and Pipes. NOXâ€"CO 4 USTIBLE & oN C JRROSIVE Save 20 per cent in fuel, and stam passes through any length ’oo Fiping coveres with the Nonâ€"couductor q ite ¢ry." K. 8. M. BOUCHETTr C Guetome Ino ommissioner M n se ie a ooo e tare on Sugar isw March, 1872, as | Bection 14.â€"And be it further ordered, That there shall be deducted from the gross weight ,,f‘n,‘,‘. tlolnnuamh? to the unc.d invoice, corâ€" rectness f the invoice to decliare! before the coilector, and in the absence of such se, or the omission of tare in the invoice, the medium tare -‘.hlje m-:.:g'm:-.“f.',.:ï¬m&‘ e importation, adopting the result as standard for the whole. to furnish with a key thereof, ï¬..wm J& the same i=1â€" '.i“ll % writing, notice olulh.o , :t' )wa‘c-e%u“’bm“g% warchouse tor that giv nuur by which such *Customs ‘mbu.‘:, is to be deâ€" l-td.ud require the applicant or person who may have offered a Warchouse, to become a party w and sign a full and detailed description of the archouse, ou-rm. situation, boundary, of :.n:u material bailt, proprietor o;:c;'bupanl. keâ€", :u entered on a page set upart at purpose in the Warehouse Book ; and the Collector wl;l also note date of appointment, eancellation or any alterâ€" «tion which may be made at any trime with rega d to any;**ustoms W arehouse." The Collector shall P‘"r a list of all * Customs Warechouses," contain~â€" ing the ‘name and situation, to be prepared and nung up in the Long itoom, or in some public part of the Custom u‘».u‘u'... it That 4 section 13. â€"A further ordered, at duty shall be charged on all goods ez wurchouse on the guage or weight, when taken out for home consampâ€" on, per prime ca.l; without any deduction or ai~ lowance whatever for loss which may,have arisen from naturai causes or otherwise. * Furnishing, Insurance and Real & agents, 36, York street, Ottawa. LOLL OO oP ERRCITOTOE UCravred IZal waenever a place or warehours is offered to the Colâ€" lector of Customs at any port, for approval as a Customs Warchouse, the Landing J’unomo tor ‘lmmflgfld the Watersmide Department) and arel Keeper (or perlorming thai duty ) at such port, shall cquupoct the same and L--l-‘erunn thnl.::‘cw-lu-o u% V\‘u\ l::.un is sulliciâ€" ently secure, erwise Bt for â€" purpose inâ€" hm‘d. The Coliector of Customs -ul' cause the proprietor or occupant to plave over the gate or duor leading Il‘l'n. or in some mupnmn place on every Customs W archouse so a n a board or sign with the following mntflrmmn f Section 12.â€"A whenever a place lector of Custom Customs W areh principal â€" fheer o Extensively used in the Eastern avc\W. storn (XTRACT from Regulations, sanctioned E‘ by the Governor General in Council, on 30th March, 1850, in relation to Bonding of Goods, and still in force. HaMBERS.â€"SPENCE PaiENT By command. REED ORGANS3 sesson. All who wish to make a poise in Gems of Sacred Song, Oouud&o«hl&:u Wreath of Gems, _ Richardson st., Montreal , _2 P. 0. Box 84414, Bote Manufacturers in the Dowminion Customs Warehouse. R a M. BOUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs. and otherwiso "It for the purposs in erwiso or theâ€" inâ€" Coliector of Customs -ur“c'.u.. the PRICE ©$2», PRICE $1.50, NC And be it furthered ordered, That CHALMER® & to their numerouns Whicago oTTaAwWA MONDAY. JULY 8. â€"1s72. ':,"IOtu'l.luM.lm. M ootarlâ€"*}«4 35.“"'3'5;‘1;9-';]â€? arer ER C, (l‘riul)m: papar, 35 cents b‘ds.) is one of the very best munhnmn% .':“’;'mm for cheap and attractive Inafis Snguress d Shipping Orders executed with eare and despatch . Trade Name and Mark registered. th i ks of these nat‘vere brecieqr oores of these gentiomen hay :}'::‘L l:u‘::?u book cannot fail to be the Succes 0 ® .;rum q-numranllu'lo;,-, anagers of are becoming more and mo::nwuhm&u ah::looh Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exhibitions 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Pure Chemicats and New Meticines «dyne~ of commerce hI1"T uniform W m% Son to comâ€" m preparation. tâ€"gs, 1 and GELA TLN k â€"The '-lu?.nfln of this nutriâ€" PEPTLC FOOD tor invands aud ‘Infants, digestiâ€" m‘m;gr::t: and palatable. Sold in }â€"ib All the ab 0 carefully packed and orders, which must o Si200 pesapt * thipped to rl\nl COMING CHURCH MUSIC BOOK Tob.l-b July 1st T H E S T 4 N D 4A R D; By L. 0. Emerson, of Boston ; and | eine restores the natural functions of the stoâ€" C “w:“é‘ï¬:.m‘ Tar now oblained such unfversat " ns snn t ‘."_’?{b Eï¬â€œ Ase .‘rfll n i mediâ€" Are sold by Chemists and throughout the world. THOS. MORSON & s 0N , 106 Wwashnington Ireaty, The Tnbor Question, Also ready the 6 Rev. Mr. McLaurin‘s Lecture, is eb Ramice Dectripe of the Raly ot Palth soam ‘ Dr. O‘Connor. ornhb‘ ERSON & 0O., . Atkawa ML_ in yean. “m“ -uhoudnp',’m never cd.lgt: discotoration a. Jt stops ol.Bm-nuun"u-i Curse Frosted Foet, Boils, Warts, and Corns, and Wounds of every description on man or beast. 8, N. TBOMAS8, Mr «. Y. And NORTHROP «& LYMAN, Newcastle, Ont., Bote Agents tor the Dominion. woulce. "T2iy sb Ahn}! * to reir xew Morson‘s Effectual . Reme¢iesPatent Dredge Plant, to . ure any case of Excoriated ’.(m' w'.Ti;l t_.‘-.anmu. For Bruises, if applied often | & Ruatein t on ic saut s Pu ic d 4> ~ y » T " T PC ~â€"=®, Sou n smine quantity Lame Back of ) i Stock :c:m years‘ standin . Nlt cures Swelled Neck, 8:5“ ts‘ Supplies in and made to Tumors, Khumatism, euralgia, Contraction of the Mascles, Stiff Joints, Bpinal Difficul.| 381 4& 391 Ng)l'&ln lï¬tfl STREET, u-,-ndl'dnud&mllnym no e a 7. watter whore it may be, nor from what a.- iT T ?i%{mm_â€"â€â€˜â€"{'â€" };mv‘uhu,uum:..do.y?“ l wonutyâ€"Ave cents‘ worth cured cases hich of Ohronic amd Bloody Dysentery. One tesâ€" ..:m‘:'..,‘:."...‘:'..::,“:‘;...::'.m..:.dza apoonful cures Colic in 15 minotes, It will m‘munnn tu:c.t:. ml:m melon "t:o cure any case of Piles thas it is impossible to ;':;&W m-‘ abatng af hapath 9“.' u‘““!‘_lombm ranta. INes, _ Also alarge quantity of Kubarl [iLscrmcTY. . _ THOMAS EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC QLL. Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. _© Pain cannot stay where it is used." Ottawa, May 10, 1872; A Canadian Monthly for May It contains important articles on The Washington Treaty, O PR Pm n Te “m ï¬.%ï¬:‘:’éï¬:flm ark and uagly * TO LETâ€"At Caledonia Springs, a GoOp Houroâ€" In@ Mous®, containing 13 Rooms. Also the Augiseâ€" Houst con aming? nalr onors, "oos 1e CapenA oue ain Ball n:“i ;..ï¬- excellent" Bodrooms, E": season the m%u not All?o. Otta z after that . Address M‘_'â€"w PFost “rs.’r' taber from o:‘:ao‘h-h being of coursé free from dn;. 1946tf llo‘d', having an average haul of under four mil and wn':)?v.l:i:h“;::- ty of logs 1 boom timber may be “‘%ï¬o omou 1e k i Athnte e stt PMohe dold h or nmlr: Ho‘nry Y’BE%“C*& % Ottawa, after that date, Address HopefGeld F. «_ The partnership heretofore existing between the undersizgned as Boot and shoe Dealers in Utl.'t City ait Aimonte is dissolved by mutual consen said dissolutivn dating from the Ist day of May, 1s72, and their. business wik hon&r carrie . on solely in the intereâ€"t of W. A. Lamb, whom all the liabilities of the I.a:r- will be and to whom ail accounts due #“tr s . A. LA S s vigk $ hi. R. J. RO e | Ottawa, May 7, 13723 s uw A W LOG CUT FOR SALE. R | L inion, and is '&d‘-‘.':'i;'-‘-'.'&'uua" est business in ity. ightf opposite e Coun ï¬i'iu"-'(a'xi."ï¬ minutes walk from the Post and Parliament Buildings. Thguu&w:lr ean give satisfactory reasonms for TERMS EASY. @A LBION HOT EL 4$ ineximber Suld toiee" erigand Arpee anicated taws, April 22, 1872. â€" _ 195%â€"B2wk2w Oitaws, May I 1sf% J/*°0R SALE RUSSELL SQUARE, LONDON, Worksâ€"Horpsey and Homertou. with Cutbuildings, and with or without for further particulare apoly bo the Probrintet: ality, its composition being known Wubo omm preufeicies, beine known to most +. Many of the Ohlocg This is one of paying hotels in the Domâ€" ““-.':‘": d&:l‘:zuad npast businats in AAM L Ki Clad ‘Tidings, CB, ICE, ICE. ARE CHANCE* BOARDING HOUSE KEEPERA OW READY. 1830LUTION OF PARTNEK~HIP BULE MANUFACTURERS nvVnarunhor & LÂ¥ MAN,. Newcastle, | ole Agents tor the Dom!Inion. .«â€"â€"Releotricâ€"Beleoted and eloot:rised. | City of Ottawa, Ontario, it can *«»» » The Gates Ajar Prick, $1.50, THOS. 8STA l’fl... ‘m“@ | By which Harbours, Docks, Canais, Ri ‘ and Chaunelâ€" can be deepened or eutfg:;".‘; to l'::rt'y" foot in any soil with gr nt xd and economy. The diseases. For sale by all CHakies MARTIN: gSole "A M;w‘:h Square, Innuul and the United States. W _ April 3, 1872, n_ wandering and other Pains, Stiftness of Limbs, Joints or Joints, Sprains, Numbness AL, particularly the following Me lical Gentlemen : â€" Lu. &mllwooi Peltier, Munro, David, Girdwood, MacDonell, Rot tot, Brosse«u, Robillard, Leprohon, Besâ€" sey, McCallum, Thompson and ‘Turgeon, to whom " DR BIRNBAUM‘S RHEU MAâ€" TISM and GUUIT REMEDY ‘" bhas been submitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" interestedness acknowledged its invaluable merits and ziven certificatesâ€"to that effect, copies of which can be obtained on appliâ€" cation to the undersigned or any druggist in the Dominion. "*DR. BInrNBAUM‘S RUEUMATISM and GOUT REMEDY" is recommended for Rhenumatism, Gout, Neuralgia, Lumba go, wandering and other Pains, Stiftness of The subscribers offer for Sale in Stock, 1.000 Tons Scotch Pig Iron, Calder Nos. 1 and 3; 150 do. do, white ; Gooan Boiler Plates, assorted sizes ; 2500 Boxes Charâ€" coal Tin Plites, "Coatbridge" and «* Machin‘‘ brapds ; 200 Boxes lc. 10 x 14 Coke Tin Plates;, 50 Tons " Morewood‘s‘" Laon Galyanized fron, Nos. 24, 26, 28. A. & C,. J. BOPE, & Co. 320, i er Street, Montreal. mm nds os, â€"aoaz _4 _ s svs e waut an agent in every county. . * First come, first served."" C me agent made $170 in 11 days. ' 60 King. Bt. West, Toronto. Ont., ot‘l“dd- Lane, New Â¥York. Foet in any soil with s'l’r\vd and economy. The DM....l{Innt h is foon ~ady -n\rpliedyto the River Clyde Trust, the «+overnment Wo ks at Carâ€" mlm: the great Aocth Sea a}ip Canal, the Kcy§1u «overnment. theC‘anadian to on es s hevier o firn,con par epool, Dunâ€" dee, A Btockion. Batrow. Greenock, Brisâ€" uflm‘ hnn?enllfly uhfhd for exâ€" mm&d& and can be delivered in any part ‘30 uh:-lbcl have for sale at prices which competion, a large quantity of plants consisti of cabbage, caulifiowers, tomato, eofloq. melon u:: Cuou of various all of which we guarantee true to nameos. -lrl quantity of Rubarb reots. “ï¬:fl ':Eop. Give us a tri:li Orders w ards, ington Street. or a .u promises, Sreet Road, promptly attended ENGINEERS, CONTRACTORS & CORâ€" PORATIONS Raas ie prepoi®o KANUFACTURERS OF Bteam Refined %footiaury, IM::T“, Gum Drops, Cream Bon Bons, Crystalâ€" ized Fruits, Marmalade, Jams, &c. Motte Papers Fringed, Mottoes, Horms of Plenty. xs'ruusufl IN 1842 CHARLES ALEIANDER AND S0N§, June 14, 1872 In good repair, by celebrated makers, on hand, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. * Pianos to Kent. The MEDICAL FACULTY of MONTRE WBOLE-\'ALE STE AM CONFECT ED V A COMPLEI‘E ‘ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING IN STOCK : Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, > _ > â€"~â€"â€"*â€" . Pmnce & Co.‘s Organs. Chickering‘s Pianos, Steinway‘s Pianos, Dunham‘s Pianos, ENCE HAS SPOK N. A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arerooms ‘PEOPLES TEA STORE The subscribers beg to call the attention of MARRIAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS, Â¥O, 36 RIDEAU s'mmb 'ï¬DADW STREET, CHAUDIER}, Wholecsale and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. P. Baskerville & Brothers, B BALE. Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, Secondâ€"hand PIANUS and ORGANS taken in exchange. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited : ‘ A. & 8. NUORDHEIMEER. Oltawa, April 8, 1872. W , &o., &c., and is the most ertecâ€" reliable remedy known for these w 6 , F\ Boxes s l’u&l.b:m ncym.. of English, nogiy ow qurnbonge Engineers & Lendon wieks, oniren: Sootiths Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. â€" ‘ P. BASKERVILLE & BROTHERS. 3:».. come, first served."" me agent made $170 in 11 days. = =. vou."x“'o:mo o?c...' or ‘l“dd- Lane, New Â¥York. , J. & A. HICKEY. on pasture. 26 sSPARKS STREET, o TT AX W A. AZCECUORETUE ?‘97 â€"3â€"lawk «&4 LOT QFâ€"_â€"« ves. “‘l'IuOundthdn Destroyer never ts . . «ive immediate reliet, All medicine dealers keep it. Physicians order and use it ; and uo family will be without it after unce trying it, Pricg only twentyâ€"fiv cents per bottle. NORTHBROP & LYMAN. Bold in Ottawa by H F Mocarthy, Joseph Sk1ianer, Jobhn Roberts, J P Feâ€"atherston, Geo Mortimer, and a11 medicize dealers, :. ions, entitle it to a bigt rank in the list of Remedies tor these complaints, ‘Orders are coming from Medicine Dealers in all parts of the country for further supplies, and each test tifying as to the universal satisfaction 1| The astonighing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destroyer, in curing the Disenses for which it is recommended, and its wonderfu: success in subduing the torturing peins 0j Rneumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec= 1HE CANADIAN PAiNX DESTROYEE Has now been before the public for a lengtt of time and wherever used is well liked, never failing in a single instance t give perâ€" manent reliéf when timely usod, a~d we have never known a single case of disatisfaction «nere the directions have been properly folâ€" «owed, but on the contrary, all are delighteo with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, We speak from experiâ€"nce to this matrer having test it thoroughly, and therefore hose who are suffering from any of the com~ laints for which it is recommenaed may de» perd upon ‘its being a Sovereign Remedy. Bide, Back and Head, Cougbs, Colds, Bor: flmt, Sprains, Bruises, Crampe in the Stomach, Cholera Morbus Dysentery, Bowel Complaints, Burns, Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thousands from pain in the _â€"Euagene Rimmel, Perfumer to HK.R.H. the Princess Of Wales, 95, Strand, 128 Regent sg;!?, and 24 cornhili,London ; 17 Boulevard de@ Italisns, Paris, and 76 King‘s Road Brighton. zold by all pertumery rendors, â€" 26, 1812. w4y flo PFLOW6«1q:11rss 1+ 1: s« s ++ ++ 18 sm4n AB0 Wooden Plows...................10 to 16 Horse Hoos...........«:1.......+« T 80. $ PmDlm......-...-......u..u.. le Oafl Pl.ll“l’l.....uu_,- w e 08 n e e e 6 e ooc: w Bm m..................l..wh All other articles at corresponding prices. 30 January 15, 1872. At the Ottawa Agency, Market Square. Ditching Muchine ...... . ...... .... .. $1Gt Fratk DrHIH@"s «s i ir@s«sserssasrskr»‘s AO Culï¬vflq'fl aaÂ¥k*a siarire rsasik srrareirs 80 Reaping Machines from ........ $100 o 1140 Mower * do do +2+++Â¥1+1++80 t0 8t Threshing Machines from...... .1i0 to 1,00‘ Open Cylinders.,..... ...... . ..... §30 to 40 Sawing Machines.....,. ... ...... .. 80 to 85 Fuunih@ MiHlG: +«xs+.:s +++«*ssasrcsrks ++ E: Turnip Cutter..........;......... 28 t0o 35 Crain CHGSROE : :++:+~+r«rx«rss~+«30 10 3t Irom Hurrows ... 12. 2222 .200 o o n e 4 A. PETERSEN, ANADIANPAIN DESTROYER AGRICULTURAL â€" IMPLEMENTS IMMEL‘S CHOICE PERFUMES, RICE Li8 Haine‘s Pianos, ECCIEE ow e me e e e e e t 8 e e 6e a, @IDL se w e n e t k e n e e s t e n e e e 6 4 6# ® 10 a 60 t e s e n e n e n en e# a a se e e e# % 3( hines from .. ...... $100 o 140 do do +i+++1++++80 b09 8t achines from...... .110 to 1,00 BB s 2s a s a +a++++ . ... +. $30 to 40 IO8 . x+« ++ «+ +«««+4 ++ 80 10 85 MGp s w m on n ocm w c e t on e k un t n is n â€" ABL Eue es se a e + si s + +ss s ++ » 28 to 35 Eirr+Â¥i«sr+nerarss*s:+1+30 1 Bt ‘c.-cu'ooooo----tool..o.'. l‘ e e w w w w e n 6 un e uon n n e en 66 e n un w "l'.."'..l.'..l'.l.‘.b l' »0005.0.0-",’,0.-....0000 '“ . r..Q'...'.O."....‘l.l.... ‘b l.l.l.'.lul..l...t.’..ll: “ l.......l.....l...."m“ J 5 , «/ INt§ INZ! * TRUMEN TS J4ALWAYs General A‘qent. 1941 3m wi. aAsBOPT genere! usc{ulness Price Hcentg, "This Prrrinarto® is in its nm for Sh 1 a Fab ioi amanaie armeanceen makers‘ Kuives, Plane Bits end W Noth l.hnahu eves been discovered ':lch og.!‘n.c‘ mach valucin erery bouschoid‘ and workeh 0p for Prer«reora® preventive of Sed io n ord e o Nee ahre preventive of ? yphas V&L This Ganers is the most reliable cacious Remed ; mnalmdmï¬m%:u.nem l Pea g:%:“: ?;;z':no. in this d&flo’g‘m ‘Blrl Asthma, Ofensive lt.&. Ulcersted Guame, l » .umdlmul't l?l.av.nlo:nblo. ";"ht inyredien ts ' g;f. ep i used Physicians, gdm'%:n“x.:'t:.t:&.: the sbove %m now, l r";:‘ poull So l L mort vorcler in the Meterie | â€" Had Copossoas carstive qualithee mw ptjlnd-. Abscesses. Bo‘is, Pimples, &c. 1t possesses all the nilies. Ghol Emall and Feve e ';:cld bowuon:;"wl. J'o-o: -.dnfhr.::-b‘; ons lia ie to Infection will mat prevent m'lpnulot disease. Price 15 cents m;'uld. Add‘nn lgr‘fls‘bly -um f: ob-lth?.cth' on the e mm‘e.n:;rdudn\‘m‘e‘o"’lo dggt; l.:nm Cholera, Emaillpex .'3' Fever m‘mu This Tormet Soar possesses all the wellâ€"known Bkin Boft, W hite, Clear, and free from Dryness, it is Uarivaiiod. . it will qhickiy remove all Heduon This Ieucyr is b recommended to La dies as s aost aprovabls Propmenon io the Torin. Sut Berovifrine _ the Complexion, and reand ering the 'ï¬;?%'ll?nâ€"'in%?nuu Preparations are s old by all Druggists. sure and ask forthe Vicromu Prrrinitions, and see that you get them. “Gsmuud&lonu L;::‘ulu. c"dnl.:‘:' E:{;.‘ il‘lflbï¬l‘ nnots, Mooking B: t brought to Canads. On sale at the Subscribâ€" :’: Rooms, llthlnflt"u. M..Q.:.!'."'.!‘:"' brated Victoria Carbolic 'lmnd“"fl ons. La bors tory ct:.lomolll.m Malinés 8 treet 300 Trinity College, Toronto, Physician, Surgeon, and Accoucheur. On and after ist May next, may bo consulted at his residence, Lioyd Street, next to Cm.\'ouu'l. Chaudiere, Le Breton‘s Fiats. wa,. April 15, 18724 1947if cu;ic;-u_ of Lands and Works. Lands and Office, Each Tender must be sccompanied by a Bond from the Contractor, and two sufficie t sureties fo: the payment of £10,000 to Her Majesty, her heirâ€" and sucoessors, conditioned upon th» due fulfilmen: of the Tender which it accompanies, provided it be accepted within three months from the said 15th November. % The Dock to be of masonry, and of not less than the followipg dimensions :â€" Length on floor 370 feet, Do. over all 400 feet, Width between copings 90 feet, Do on floor :* > »««++» â€"45 feet, Do of entrance........63 feet, To afford a depth of water on the sill of not less than 264 feet athigh water springs, aud to be subâ€" stantially constructed to the Approv & of Government upon a site to be provided by the person whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. Further particulars as to site, boring:, Lc., may be obtained from T. A. Burcury, Esq., Chief Enâ€" gineer to Government, upon application in writing to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works. Tenders must specify the time within which the Dock will be compieted, and must be accompanied y drawings and descriptions sh owing exaci dimenâ€" sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" posed Dock. ; Tenders are to be sealed, supersoribed *"Tende for Esquimait Graving Dock," awddressed to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works, Victoria, British Columbia, and delivered at his office before noun of the 15th day of November, 1872. Persons who may consider the above guarant be insuflicient, are at liberty to tender on the basis 1 such supplemental guarantee by the Provincial Gorernment, or upon =uch other financial induceâ€" ments, as they may suggest. 4 4 The Government do not bind themselves to accept the lowest or any tender. * * The Dominion Government shall guarantee the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rat» of five per cent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a | first .class Graving Dock at Esquimait." The Government of British Columbia are prepared to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimalt Harbor under the gusgrantee provided in the Twelfth Section of the Terms of Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" ing words :â€" > Ladies desirous of taking lessons language, can secure the services teacher, who has the best of credent city râ€"ferences. S»20ies desirous of taking lessons in the xnd language, can secure the services of a c« t ni teacher, who has the best of credentials and of this > '“i"‘"â€:.ia articulars, address by post: or terms and particulars, bé.:bpk.\lï¬kLA.\{(i "(;‘"E. â€" Patrick Stree‘ ta Ottawa, April 11, 1872; C ol ie C ESQUIMALT GRAYVING DOCK PEACOCK‘8, 33 Rideau Street, Ortawa. ._ B@~The highest price paid for RAW FUP.S. ; Ottawa, May 7, 1872. B@°LARGEST ANDCBES HATS, Hats, ~Hats, Hats. Victoria, April 27th, 1872, 1967 3m RITISH COLUMBIA By A. ROWE, Auctioneer. ; SINGING RIRDS. s Go to By Command. "ekrt. | h oz â€" * FRENCH LANGUAGEK CAPS, and Selection of A, ROWE, Auctioncer. , and free from D: GEO. A & AMazaallna" g iree vomay to any STRaW GOODS, IPRICEâ€"3 CEN r$ | ___ Wanted by a middle aged Woman.s sit ralts" M e » Merapoapec * Tok hi Quanre Y ay 24, 19y# Haddock, 6¢ to 8c per 1b. Dry Cod lisk, #5 75 ewt. Hemng.“-?SwdmpubN. Hipes 1x» Laarusze. The lates* quor.tions are as foll No. 1, sole, 3Vcts per 1 No. 24 do $s do â€" Niaughier, Zicts do Fekâ€"n Fisu Provender, $1.30 per 100 lbs. Oracked corn, $0.00 do Bran, 75 ots to Suc. UGram, 5 t M'h‘, Mpubt-h. Jate, 30¢ to 35¢ do Peas, 60c to 65¢ . /. 000 & Beans #1.50 to $2 00â€" Barley Wcts. to *"cus. Fall whes, $1.35 w 1.40 do _ Spring wheat, $1.40 to 1.3 do Fuoreâ€"Retail prices. â€" _ Double extra, $7.25 per barrel. Extra, $6.15 tw $1 do No. 1, u.zgus ao » . do Ostmeal, €3.25 . . do No toilet tablé shculd be with out 00O0Oâ€"GLYCE &1 NE, 25 cent per bottia COO(HGIYCRRINE nourisk the hair s mnmnmvlu'oha“q.-f H»4 «ock, or bunches caused by rheumatic pains? if .o,Jm'cAMy.-uu-ouholpr uc remed; and.is also the best pain killer io ue world CHIBTY YRA@8 EXPERIENCE oF AN OLC* NURSE mas. Wirsuws B>ormne SÂ¥yrUr is the pre. scription of ons of the boest Fâ€"maile Phy:iicians and Nurses in the United Biates, and has boen useqa for thirty ysars with never tniliug safesy and encress by milli~ns ot mothérs «nd whildren, frem the toeble intaut orf one w« ok wid to the mdult, Jt corrects acidity . 1 the stomach, relivves ind colic, regulates t n ouwels, and ; {ves rtfl\vlwsllh and comfort t« auther and child. e belicve it the Leet ud surest romedy in the world, in all casse i# Disentcry anudâ€" Liatibhma in children whethor 1t afises trom LWeething, or from any ther cansse. Fnil cireciions ftor using wili »w»wcompany cach bottle. None genuine unieces e fac«gimile of CURTIS & PEKEKINS is on «be oulBlide wrappe, (iBoid by all medicine dâ€"mlers, 45 cents a bottle. Ufloe, 216 Fulton »rogt, Ne# Yo.~, â€" 24 93 Oxtora Surect, Lonâ€" wh _ Be sure 204 call for MKB WINSLOW* s00THING SYRUP daving tns fac simile f "Uurtis & Pork 10 » the optside wrapper All others are bs Gerar Coxprriox Mreniorsnâ€"As a sondit medicine for horses "Dariey‘s Condition Pow Jers and Arabian Heave Remedy" has ao equa‘ Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; meny horses that were supposed toâ€" be broken down «nd almost worthless bare, by the use of a few packages, been restored to a hodll{ an | sound condition, all traces of the discare havin ween oo-‘noul’ remuved, and have been oclz for from $50 t $75 more than they would pre, viously have brought; when you want s borse medicine get "Duriey‘s Condition Powders and arwbhian Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfiea with the result. l-.o:‘hu the name, and see that the signature of Ward & Co. is on each package. Northrop & Ly t.».* Newcaatle, Unt., proprietors{ or Canade. i) id by all medicine acaiers. Oretr axo Srverex. â€"In every branch of orilâ€" tivationâ€"whetber in the feld, the orchard, the vineyard or the garden, there must be orde. .nd s«ystem to insure successful results, and this wruth is firmly established uy actual experi¢nce Another great truth has also been establis. .4 by the same means, which is : That as a peâ€" ventative mediciv® ©. . .cedicine for the cure of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and summe complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable. For sale by all Druggist «nd country dealere. I‘rice, , 25 cents per pottle . Cracked w JOHN I. BROWN & SON, _ en outsige wrapper of box, and private Gor, ecnment stimp attached to each boxr, Bronchial Proches. This car« in putting 1p the vortant as & security to the pur to be sure of obtaining tha ». lbse e Ms _ Do green, $7 00 to $10 0) Bacon do _ $8 0 to $10 0 Bacon dry saited, 59 OV The Troches are offered with the fulleet confidence in their eflicacy ; they have been thoroughiy tested and maintain the good reputation they have justly mequired _ F.i; Public Spoakers, Bingers, Military Officers , and those who overtazx the voice . they ars uscful in relieving an Irritated Throat, and will render articulation easy. Being an article of true merit, and baving proved their efhicacy by a test ot many y. each year finds them in new locslities m.::iou parts of the world. and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles,. Obtain only "Brown‘« Bronchial Troches: BHay $10 to 12,0) per ton _ Rye s‘raw, §$6. di Oat straw, $6 to $8 do. VRK, : & Mess Pork, $16 2 to 16 5 per barrei Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 ’.do Prime mess, $13.00. MHams smoked, $12 00 to $14.00 per t ‘.:::m Py "brown‘« Bronchial Trochcs, not take any of the Worth/ess /mita! that may bs offerad es Imitations «Trock®s," so called, sord by the ounce, are a poor imitation and nothing like BROWN‘3 BRONCHIAL TROCHES which are aold on iy in boxes with facâ€"simile of the proprictirs MAREWVRY ® o Aurrc Ducks, 40¢ to 60c per couple. l'flhtl,flbtoï¬g;.lb. Eualbtolsrdou. Buiter 14 to 16 cts perjb. In prints, 16c to 20c. lnmo:, Melw 16¢; in rolls, 20¢. Lard, 10 to 12 cts. per Ib. mhi.‘mwunx Honey, UV 4o, Potsioes, 15 to 20 to P“J!())m Bweuish Turnips, 25¢,. to (h'wllt:;o.flodo Parsnips do. Unions, $1.50 to $2.00 do. Celery, 40c to per doz. Cabbages, 5¢ to 12%c each. Beets 25¢ to 30c per bushel. Awbrchm{.:cwunm. h‘â€mbï¬rlm Home made socks, per pur !.“.le “--9,.“ " lb‘ Fowis, 60 to $1.00 per c Turkeys, 1.00 to u.w:I" $6.00 to $7 00 per 100 lbs ?:;".“"»J.', w 106 r-r’rh * PHlijs4ed & readable and instroctive pamd PUd'vm-vhmaunm.:.m £he proprietors of Johnso n‘s Anodyne Liniment, Parson‘s Purgative Pills, an. Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, have COCO GTI.YUERINE removes SPECIAL â€" NOTICES e ho â€" £ do THE MARKET, to 75¢ each, ncurity to the purchaser in ord obtaining the genuine Brow » 2 00 to $14.00 per 100 per Ib. Trovhes is in do & + i{! 1 | t 640