& Public School leachers Second and Third 5 Class Lertificates of E.LAVIGNE, ~(Quebec.) eise are exposed to no accident or danger, Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this Swing without having to contend with nyo;::“lm-m-nmuu %Dfln‘ be seen in ation at the oâ€".o..m'fl-n,n.. uo?::-um and at No. 8, 8t. Patrick Stroct. ON REAL ESTATE, From $400 to any amount, on approved seearity This newswing contains tite mo~ tive power in it. self, requiring no external impualâ€" slon to drive it, and in it persons induilging in that pal B \ _ On the recommendation of the Honorable the ' lare | Noi Soo "althe abucy Mo en tbe Proruiont â€"'h:"&ph-mb.n have n;:oimlps large ,\-- ï¬:. Mm.'...u.... Public ‘v"-:‘;.dcmw':t sum for investment upon Farm Property. | kb.xcellency mfl-fl order Â¥ No commission charged. . Apply to J. M. | is hereb® ordered "‘-r"a:'u".'&:..'.‘.".'a'& C. DELESDERNIERS, corner of Sussex | be levied and ted on Tim .g‘....mom !_. .xil‘_l _streets, or to MURRLSQUN |Rï¬-nzmalubu the RKiver Dumoine, that IRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OF UPPER CANADA % flalâ€"i-;-;- uin Whiratctihcc ittcsictet it ies aipradh ctrmccith THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES COUNTY OF CARLETON Will be held (D.V.) in the “w School House (West)," In the City of Ottaws, e.-“q- % Tuesday, the 16th of July, at 9 o‘clock, a.m. ~v~â€"â€"~â€"-â€".â€"-_-â€" â€"-__-“’FUâ€"'_Y &o:dwol;dl.l.upo‘eh:..;. * M‘uumflhnnndw notify the Inspecâ€" tlll:luuth-&o %dlundth:rm tion to present themseives examinati mmumammu WELLS & CU., Toronto Jan. 22, 1872 Â¥ .A CihiiGH, _ pvwc SCHOOLS, Contracts made tor advertising in cither or all of the above papers. Kk«+â€" *‘ it f* M+ ‘Xnai the election of a representative in the Council umvdhpum-m-nu»mdm of this Lerritorral Liavisiun, as constitused by Aot aVn..w-.-mum-u.mmd Te will be no nominations. no m-wu-unnu. which will be sens frum whis othce on the ist uay :Jmm to cach registered practitroner in Untarme. Fuit intormation will accompany each voting paper. if any person does not receive his voting mndun-onï¬ulhwo(-nnnumuh because he has not sent due aotice of his change ot plaints agai ‘A â€".:“.:"i.‘g.“ sseasinenles Â¥ Ieamtur ho oo hisrrtratain mad Movians, ho. 4t 1874 wil be held as the Township Hall of g&. en MOMLDAY, the third gay of June Bext to open at ten o‘clock [5 the forencon, 09H Sols u--'a†'o‘?b.?..'.'.' 3? â€c‘ol 226 Acres of Good Land WITHIN UNs MILE oFf RICHMOND, About 60 Acres tader Culuvation, KThis farm is worth $4, but will be sofd for . Tern 000 oash.. T6 or-o-‘.l. h'fl‘:'_oornnndhilc-. LOT NO. 1, 412 CON. NORTH GOWER discovered. Cooking done on a table without Conl, Wood, or a «himaney!! Bopyd‘s BmuUukKE AxD PIBAM CuUNUENoRit, will cook everything reâ€" quired in an ordinary sized family as quick and as well as can be qone on a runge ut cuoking stuke. ‘The boiling, buking, and romsting is dune within the one vessel at the same tiime by means ol a lamp which coomus adinner tor a tauuiy of cight uf ten r'nmxwo Lents woutlh of ou, and whie Cuoking 1s going un tbure is uo escupe of steain or odor lIrom Whal is contained 11 the buiier, so that ail ho Meals, &o., cuured by it IOLtzin ai thear Jurces, thus reudes iby thein more beaithy ausd aul~ €1008. . i1 Wil also Howl olnuvidily ifuus, buil Uhe ketile, lou pol, wash builct. and Uii. vidimaly coukâ€" ID@ sto¥® lurnilure. Ficuse uo uol say, CAMMUT BKAIEVE IT, bu. call aAbd s ¢ it in vperatiwn, &ABu4 then you Wii s00 that w ba! We s&y is chue. vamin PnE NT Seo ULal what We alk 1e cEut = Puteni Highis jor suic. _ Aygents Wanted. Cali at, or ausmress A. 5. Macdunasd « COâ€"‘s, Augâ€" tion anu Commussivn HKovius Uilawae neaf te Market, where the apparatus can be seen iD vpdiaâ€" won. _ uviawa, June 11, 874 WiLâ€"uf Ottaws, April 19 187% *‘ W6éiâ€"lawka&wi hln-hdi;ï¬';ltvaw't. analytical chemists and physicians of the m‘mh‘s'br'&wmâ€â€œâ€œ w cluu.umn.x‘,' 30 Victoria Square, Montreal, mebl&ai and physicai exortion, Ur. Whnecel pousd biixu ui fhospuates and Calishys i BJ permaneus, in its ellects, &l’mwmu; Wa ApILi 14 18. 4. 19 "N| VWE Is HEREBY GIVEN Richmond, June 1, 1572. Which also cures NEURALGIA, WANDELK ING PAINS, LUMBAGO, Stiffness in the Llsh or Jointaand Sprains, f All the organs and I-.-d.or: are conâ€" mm uy the hoids e masesial of which are made buns, muscie s0d LOLYO, add disfibules ww cuch its proâ€" per propurtiva. . 10 .usu«e perlest formaéion of this Miainzmng agenl, there aust be cumpi¢te Ligestiug &nd AssiumuatLon.. Wbeu these lunclivns are doâ€" Fanged there wil: be Uyspgpsia, the loou will be unâ€" dissuiÂ¥es Hroun iusuluvient gaolfic juiC3, um Will DeCulhe walory and denEi@Dt im Lemen E Pm oo on e en Sshebivud wiil bocoume watery anu usucieDt it iC Dam BO Vilai pMUGpic, and the Whor **ysioun undergu, Segeneration lruim poâ€" verleu nuliluion, dissuses ul the Liver, nidueys, Haeal «0d Lunygs, with Werâ€" yous rTostralich and woâ€"eras Domiity resuit and the constutution is broken down with . W asting \:ln,nm Iv eusble tme stomach to diâ€" Rhcumatism and Gout Remedy Tmss Office, Wollington btreot, Agent for the Ottawsa Times. "NARM FOR SALE, ONEY TO LOAN. 44 EA.H 19, 172 UTHORIZED discount on American Invo , until further notice i0 per cent, af TEACHERS‘ EXAMINATION. RuIÂ¥VED AT LAST, CHEMICAL FuoDp And for Sale by all Druggists, )R BIRNBAU MB UREALEST FUEL SAVEEK YELT C. B. P M.A., Bmkbo..ltgg‘iâ€"â€". June 1, 152. wi 3wke C LMGis, yuu 2 Toymzhis Cigtic diousester 46 46 James Bailliff. i Ww supply the waste with the GENERAL REGULAâ€" Courriee d Outaocuais, I‘i YK TONIC, H. STRANGE, M.D., RHegustrar. no waslo gul«g on Irom »u, Ur:. Wussier‘s Comâ€" and Calishya is reiiable, Bole Ag ont. 1877 Ol Tenders will be hï¬zn‘uï¬m‘up to June arh for a of $»,@0 fxr aterm of ten years, in one or more not less th in $2 0,for the | erection of a SuHMOV UUSHGK in the Village of | Pukenhamâ€" security, school Section. linterest | paid ansually. ECE ." | is to say 4> mules by waggoo Fort William to Shebanâ€" dowan i.ake. si0 miles broken in open boats, from Shebandowan Lake to the Northâ€" W eit Ang.e of the | l» ko of the Woouds e Can be had at at the stations of the Northâ€" Great \'-s&lu-u Trunk Kailways. | 'meer&utm'M’ulr ’-m liumnited to lbs. woight for cunvenience transpoâ€" t on the and that baggage and supples must not 4 lbs. for any one emi~ grant i ee d wl »E After the lst day of August next. Rep Rir lmunmbi‘l.:#iuub M-.):dlhtr: port of feavy articles. B miles by Ca« t or W aggon from Northâ€" West Anâ€" Lalie or ‘he w oode to Forl U d‘q-wm Wi ME arty, h-:‘nd w imâ€" oc ragure ofrondnecallo feusuels Ons w wever '.'_"'_"m“fl rige at Shebandowan Lake, Fort Frances, and the Northâ€"West Angie. Lake of the Ibe. personal baggage free. Ixtra baggase Ibs. personal baggage free. Ixtra baggase, $2 per E‘ PCR e e m EP ‘-E (N) OWS' vn,“mvyhr- THE mub£ 0F CONYVEYANCE. d:;mm frowm To to Collingwood or Sarâ€" by Steamer from or Sarnia to Fort Wikliam. l‘\OI SiALE, No 11, 3. Ridean streot f No 1, luoh Cuncession, ejegw a 4 QOuguous Freight and Uartage Agency uy !s. [Au vors J1ve naiway mocelpts relier '&u‘nhippontn- all further trouble rates for furniture. _ of w Hfoee datey as th, paf n pensarsnts will be sent TORONTO TO FORT WILLLAM. poistaal baagses lase, " Euin begaage: 3 vent per Nom.wm Connections â€" at Sand Point with Steamers to and Pembroke, Portage du 'mthdd No Trm Â¥ and No a« s..ipment when in ‘lc:':“' H. ABBOTT, Mail Train at 3:50 pm.,â€"arriving at Sand Point at 945 p.m. Through Ottawa Express at 3:20 p.m., making arrt at Ottawns at 7:20 p m, “:an'l orlawa. Through Western at 10:00 a.m., riving at at 150 %D-.'é‘ E and West. 9 S at4:20 at Brock at. mp.’.-.-,â€m muux‘p.-. s & ‘;m.l m. arriving at Sand Point "ARRIVE 8 AT SAND POINTâ€"1:40 pu, 8:10 % h m & ‘_l:.&.-!% SanD &mâ€"o;oo am, 11;40 and 3: 30 p1. = " S L 38y e . .22 * | ommc Trains ch Central and Perth Bran h â€"ne-fl:wmwlï¬ all trains ca B. & 0. Railway | | THE ST. LAwst CE !lII'I'TAWA RAILWAY. Pakenham, May E LEAVE BROCKVILLE. press at 8.00 a.m., arriving at Ottaws at 101 p.m., and at Sand Point at 1:49 June 10, 187%. Ureat Broad Gauge Route 5 TO OTTAWA. GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OTTAaW i. Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1872. Comtertable Sote Cars on No 1 and 8 Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bure connections with all the Grand Tronk trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains walt their arrival when lase. Twenty minutes allowed at Preacott Junc tion for refreabments. Trains are run on Montreal time, THOS8 REYNOLD®S, Managing Director, Ottana Brockville and Ottawa Railways ‘“r‘orr'!u#::olonomr. & LUTTBELL, Buperinteadent, Preauott, Ottawns, June 8, 1873 s W. £. JOHNSON, A Ottawa, Oct. 12 1871 . 193 ALTERATION OF BRUNNING TIXE The old reliable, quickest and best rout ; the shortest line byg-ll-ffo. O‘tewa to Brockvilie and all polats Brovkville May 20. :374 "t of Public W n.'Ounv.. «Dth #v‘ll‘.‘l. THROUOGHE TIOKET® to FORT GARZYT Â¥li FoRT with MONDAY, MAY.20h, 1812 Trains will run as follows ; ANaADA â€" NTRAL RAJLWAYX Cn and after No. t* DB; MeDOUGALL, Ottawa, Deo 31, 1811 . _ 1eg6u OnEY WANTED, l lonlldï¬.l-â€"‘| % T 30 amjofsteamers east M'mto‘l“ accommodatic o (tor the East, I ‘u'l‘lxpu.br 4 . |12 00 noon| East and do modatic un 1 trai n tor f f Brockville, i‘ lltlll-l.n ansa all way | \at a t 1 o ns ' * \West, | 6 o 39 amw, T Raxpress for | l.updnuWo-t. f THE eovx_mcoat ~ smm GEN IN COUNCIL. ‘MWB. M. ROW E S celobrated m AND FROM MONDAY, ioh JUNE 1873, trains will rom as follow= , CANADA UOBMTHAL 10 00 P -i“l‘.u-:_w::tl 1 00 a m 1;00 p m 4,00 p m c | ht West, and a) peder sb 4A g@o0oIxG NORTb a@olÂ¥Gg soUtH ANIEL HILLILARD, trom West Do do Ex Do do Expmss from Weet Cunpecting with o. {pH L8E â€"| The Italian Warehouse. ommufemmemnsans â€" :+ â€", ~~~~Yy Bh OcDNLKLKS DERNEIEKES Mail from the F. BRAUN, Bucretary, Comnitteo, wik 3 (a \-cz- !-b'rfAWA STEAM _ Bi0Qâ€"3 Artive t rescott ’;ncflon. 10 00 a m Artive in Ottawa. 3 50 p m 6:15 a m 6:20 pm 3:45 #45 a m ,’“m‘“w". “u.o'o-oo-. -o“7 †Intermediaté . ... ... ... .. ... ... $4T7 Of 44 00 FMEACOEMGU . : c« cert ct srvaretrr¢ «6e srer10¢ 00 ‘ p#" An experienced Surgeon carried on each vessel. Berths not secured until paid Ottane that he ;-m.s 3““:3&'.‘?."-‘..‘.'%"6:‘;‘ ::b-qa to him there betweeu the hours d1 Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage certificates granted to parties desir. ous of vringing out friends from KEurope. _ For further particulars apply to D W COwWaARD & co., 2 Agonts _ "Sparke~st m and 6 p° *‘Gitawe Mar & 174. ryiHZ& SEASON COMMENCED MKPORTERS & WHOLESALE DEALERS Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURINTHIAN, on or about.....12th Oct. OTTaAW A 66 .....10th * ST. DaVID & «Ax«d0tkh _ 4 8T. ANDREW t* .. ... Znd Nov, 8T. PATRICK 64 sasas TK * .l.w. we ae es a # a a And every su Saturday. _ â€" Bates Sf Framge how querre UwDfIk| wxx««s«ccrs <«+.+...{@PO 10 R8G0 EGOEKGYs secrter rererrer++«r««RID The steamers of the Glasgow Line (sailiog from Glasgow every Tuesday, and from Que bec for Glasgow on or about every 1harsday are ixtended to be despatched from Quebec The steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Liverpool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and h-ngmbu:‘fm- Ireland and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: Liverpool Line. Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. ; __â€" ... FROYK QUEBEO, â€" * Scaudinavian...... .. Hitbarnlkik ...... ... North American ...... . MENREUONKE c ar« are« acer. 1g71 Pmnmm Booked to and from Liverpool lï¬l“l‘el’l"y and es Glasgow. l.nvm COLLINGWOOD Everr Turspay AND FRIDAY, Ottawa, May 6, 1871 Cumberland, Collingwood, Fort William and _ Duluth, N#®All work warranted for one year and all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been aided, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this section of country) we are in a position ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. NORTHERN J[RAILWAY OF CAN At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved styles of _ .. B ULK AND CA N oYsTERS, Carriage and Sleigh FACTORYâ€" â€" EkIDEAU sTRZ&Z&R?. O1lTAIF., W. Stockdale, Brother & Co,, 1872 wrTEA3 AND WINES, H. BRAY, A. #PQviIE a COnraRt Coaches Carriages, Onmaibasses, EUOMMER SERVICE ¢ BOSPITTAL ~ X%28% se vame # 044 se 48 s 408 ## Chicora, PROPRLIETURS. nection with the AT Glasgow Line. Francis Smith, PER GALLON. YETERS, ... Foeb ‘1871. * Te 71L January 6 «. C# â€" I# CANADA. 10 10 24 27 Health Restorer -mlgq'-ngm that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP U that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP UF SARSAPARILLA, and no other, is supplie: "Wiae agrow, EÂ¥ANS agen MEBCER & CO., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the utiawa druggists, _ f | LIs the Great Health Restorer of the Day It strikes at the roor of all Nises It is a‘certain remedy for Scroful., Nervous and General Detility, all diseases of the Skin, Gout, Rheumatism, lnd:s: tion, Jaundice, Scurry, Bronchial tions, Chest Complaints, and all other di seases arising from an umpure state of the _ Full directions for taking this (ireat 4A For School deodoibNo. 2, in rmdomw tm cowas aBo‘: sEN4SQYA®* COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR BAPARILLA . It strikes art the roor of all Disease through its wonderful power in restoring the vluod to a healthy state. it bave a brilliant h equal to new cutlery Pulou.u.ouh;":i:l :u. 64., 1s,, 28. 64. and 4s. each. kunife. Oakey‘s W h-dvlï¬hlï¬â€" FpNEACHER WANTED For and SUv Electroâ€" Hon.m ald'rua'ï¬gu.'.’u. rnpu“oxpnu.lz for the Patent Knife Cleanâ€" ng machines, India Rubber and Buf Leather Kaife Boards. Kanives constantly cleaned with 75 cents per bottle ; three bottles for $2. 2 PA it can be purchased wholeâ€"ale at all the e (~~A‘~ flawa by 4 2."‘acGarth y, Chemist Or s w * and Druggist, Wellington Street. f [ + June 13, 1872, 4 JOHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, f _ Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Color OQttawa, June $, 1874 {(AUSES THE HAIR 10 GrROW INVIGORATING THE ROOTS, N oT sSoILing THE SKIN (REY HAIR, IT RESTORES AGA!N, TO ITS NATURAL COLOR, LuAvme IT BEAUTIFUFLY J BELLsHED AND GLOSsYq y TOPS ITS FALLING OF. Excnms ALL OTHERS. CINCALESE MES8SRS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artiiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which hay aot proved satisfactory to the wearer; A CHRISTIE & Co,, Drucgists, ; Agents for Ottawsa, Wholesale Agents for Canadaâ€"Messrs. Bmvll&fln-‘rl.s Front Stereet West, L_3 A0% on m o £. mm & 1% & L Parties at a distance may have Artificial Terth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Mests. Gabriel‘s now system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofth:ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Bhillings, when the apparatus for taking a model 0| the mouth will be forwarded with all nexcersary instructions. In solid blooksâ€"1d., 24. 44., and Is. o a UDuNTALGIQUE EL IXIR This ceicuruteo Mouth Wash is most retreshing, it strengthene MESSRS :l.w lie 108 it ahd auricus secretion, eweatens GABRIELS the breath, and for cleansing arâ€" tificial teeth is invaluahle s Price 5s F i1 directions for use enclosed in each box (l_P RTANLT TO RESIDEKES ABROAL Ottawa, March 9. 1872 1918 3m . [ O8sTEO.ENAMEL sTOP? [X , warranted to remain white ane MESSR3. |-::|:..the Tooth its if. This $ utitrul prepuration restores GABBIEL‘S , ftront ‘Lecth, and can be chasil\ l rspan t Nods metnaliie ran ts * s rie :s â€"<â€"< iR M Ck %“fï¬ N Z _Â¥ 11. S eb c t L17 JABRIEL‘3 m â€" and ty, mt AND DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. MESSRS UNCAN‘S for Toothache. m'uu:: in its effects, gives immediate relief without injorng ‘the tooth, and forms a temporary , stopping. â€" Price le 1J« ( COEALIT® rooTd PAgTE J 1or cieanmn: and moroving # BEDADENXT*® O R C UR & D e th * wmh $ MMes §H \I.-.IAwJA TIMER veth, and can be easily Bufficient to stop six Price 5e. lc Potee hould TON, _ s rev. w#3 uuuum)â€"na; be, 4d., 228. Olnt-t,n&mw * I V;::_hnctou, : Nl’. THOMAS %‘LLOWAY 553, Orferd street, (late 244, Strand), A.A commodious Cottage, EME cnieicing aight room m & + mmon,“ono lot and a half in exten &My t 4oun 4. lnodonhdum:dooe:.u' 3en Apply to W. H. NAGLE, Timms office. Ottawa, April 2 1872 PRA «hich may h«ve : upplied them, so & to one «biâ€" me, for the protection of the public, to mstitute procuedings against such evil=doers, and I engage to remunerate very hanasoimnely imy persom.who may give me such informa tion, the informant‘s neome nevor being diâ€" vulged. Should any person have reason to believe that be has been deceived by buying ~purious imitations of these Medicines, be wil. do w11 w semu me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six c nts in pusta«e), one of the books of instructions which are affized to the same. 1 promise to examine it, and send a reply, stating whether the Medicines are genuine or not, so that it spurious he may apply to the person tror whom he purchased them to have his money returned. Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob tain the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices in qusntities eof not less than £20 worth (for which remittance must be sent in advance)â€"vyis., 8s, 4d., 22s., I most earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their friends that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" obusing worthless imitations ot the genuine Holioway‘s Pills and Ointment. lwwnk,;::'rmhmr, that shou‘la it come to the edge of any person that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the particulars he can collect respecting the sime, _ Those who do not wish to be deceived by vuying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the Stites or elseâ€" where, but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointment will d¢ well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" ment, and that theaddress on the label is 5633, Oxford street, London, where only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world. The retail prices are on the labels is British currency, and not in dollars and cent; No representative of mine will ever trave through any of the British Provinces, o the Uz ited &Lm to sell or to tak orde rs tor my tills and Ointment, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver probably be made to deceive the public in whis way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, falsely representing that they ar~ acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptions, the is to say, the name and add ess of thâ€" veador who is selling the spurious medi. ob and likewise the name and addrces llowaou.htbo United States, or elsewhe o, I beg most respectfully to mcquaint the public of the British North American Pro vinces that in May last 1 caused the business at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of hoiloway‘s Pills and a.u%whu. wore u, to that time prepared by liam Brown, now deceased, to be closed. These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage my good name, ; lylla Om'nB &c., 188s, to 2*** and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, o. Svon as a belt), 22s to 40s and 55s, B OHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &¢, 22s to 308 and 408. B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl Paralysis, EKpilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 508. A complete Set of COMBINED UHALN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 tu £7. The public are most earuestly cuutioned to beware of Pseudo Electric Belts advertised by sham Doctors, &¢., for improper purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Chancel» lor Malins lnatho suit Puivermacher vs Ham«~ mond, alias Henry James, alias C. T, kaphey, M. R. 0. l,llh?ï¬urynnmw-,tci.c. No Galvanic Beits are genuine ‘nttho.e vearing the fac simile of M. Puivermacher‘s signature on the label, | A pnphhteudll.ns‘f:"u particulars may be had at the Drug of A. Ohristic, Sparks Btreet. . _ _ _ _ _ Galvanic Estabiishmen: 200 Regent Street, London, ‘w Full particulars may be had from the Sole Agente, A. CHRISTIE & Co., DRUGGIST8 OoTTawa. Ottawa, Sseptemper 6, 1870 1455 12 TO THE PMPLIC QOF THE BRITISH PRO VTINCEKS OF NORTY AMEKICA, souat . CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. © B. OlnlAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noisee :.ï¬ Head, 218. to 308. _ _‘ : B CHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and other affections of the Throat, 108. 6d. to 318. € . O.HAIR BANDS m'mmu Bhonn.tlop s Ivain. flmn:“bn "0% hn We an c ‘n..n. The effects of the application_of Pulverâ€" macher‘s Chaing in any of the nbao disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"ths relief of pain instantaneous. : PRI(_J_I_ LIDT OF PULYVERMACHKR8 'Thuo highly improved inventions render METCALFE STREET, OTTAWA, lectrici rfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremgly :l’!lg:clom {l a nfl':Ipcontl uous form | _ Having been rehuilt and furnished in first on s k or u.plm‘ nnm ‘n‘ ex»~ 6 l“ “ylo. and with m &mpl’ BOOM!, will perienced, whereby 1t becomes a true fountai: | b¢ Opened by the subscriber on of th and vigour, speedily soothin: igouizing pains, reâ€"animating torpid limbe WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, tevi the sluggish functions of life, anc renewe energy and vitality to | for the accommodation of the travelling public enteebled ty whate cause, | _ The above Hotel, so favorably known, being and their deleterious nces | situated in the immâ€"diate vicinity of the Parâ€" are thus entirely dispensed with,. ‘The daily | liament Buildings, Banks and other Public increasing number of cures by | Offices, will be conducted in the best s'?le PULYEEMACHER‘S MEDLCOâ€"GALYANâ€" | which the wante of the public require. "The IC BYSTEM is so extensive and ed, that | table will be supplied with all the t forcibly points to this invention as the embryo of a universal remedy. . _ _ | :unhuo Unlflfl. Head aud Toothache Liver Complaints Tic Doloreuzx Indigestion These facts appeal to the good sense of every | sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and | curative progress, to which the inventor has | devoted a lif:â€"time of study and labour, ai an | ardent deciple of that great benefactor of | raankind, the late illustrious electrician | Mionase Farapy. | . PULYVERMACHER‘8 MEDICOâ€"GALYANâ€" IC CHAILNS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, er the iwast derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies | Rheumatism Fomale Complaints Gout Constipation AUTION LECIKRLCUITY 18 LI[F®E J. L PULVERMACHER, 0. 86« 1 .187 OoUSB To Urinary Disorders Paralysis Epilepey Nervous Debility Functional Disorders #&#c., &¢. Vram gluafnh Circulation B-nh,n:". Drawing Room ‘and Bleeping Uar, will also be one attached to each Day Express frou.. Toronto to Montreal= The Summer running arrangements wil come into operation about the lst of June, of which due potice will be given. C J BRYDGES, Managing Director, COn and after MONDAY lfl&.flu 1st of MAY, it is ‘intended run Pulima: Palace ,Cars through Montreal anc Sarnia. Ohe of these t conches will be uttached to each Day Expresstrain leaving M »ntreal for Toronto, and be run, through tc wards, consisting of six pigces. Parlor Sets in Hair Clâ€"th, Biuck Walnut Sideâ€" boards, Burcaus, Washstands, Centre Tables Bide Tables, and a gréat variety of cane chair at equally low prices. ¢ EAST END SAPPEKS EuIDGE. Buws & ANNABLE RMi~Near iSapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Jommon Bedsteads... 2 25, * 2 50 Common Chairs...... 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE â€"â€"Afâ€" ROWE & ANNABLE‘S, Ottaws Dec 12, 1871 Furnished or Unfurnished. Thelowestrent la the City. This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchantsand others dine dally in the Restaurant. The Proprieto is only relinquishing it on account of assumâ€" ing the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States,. Address GUISEPPE M, GIANELLLI, N. B,â€"The Bar can be readily let fo®r $200 N.B.â€"IThe financial position of the Royai s in no way affected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. ¢ BOTEL â€"RESTAURANT AXND BAR A. PERRY; Fire Inspector. a T. M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, . corner Spacks and Elgin streets. â€" 17607 #IRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions of pno;erty insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" ate rates. Losses promptly settled without referâ€" ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Assurances on Lives granted on favorable terms, ard unquestonable security is :t:and to policy h:fld:uh: Besides the 1 ital Com , as lugnp::v:p :mdond uouxitypni:n, the UNLIMITED LLABLLITY of T Wealthy Pn:pm“‘d Rates, Proposal Forms and ftui information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. . e FIRE and LIFXE, CAEFTTAL.:. . ««+«+â€" â€" «> «« + «â€" «» »$10,000,00U0 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over...... 9,500,000 BSPICIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUND:«.«««<««**sâ€" «11 ¢<««â€" â€" CO0O0SIL There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. | OTTAWA UUTEL, St: James Street Mon ‘ treal. The undersigned having assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public | and its former patrons, that the house has ! undergone many improvements, and that he | intâ€"nds by constant attention to the wants of ! his patrons, to make this the most comfortable | Hotel in the city of Montreal. Montrsal, April 26th, 1871. The above discovery bhas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harmau a Silver Prize sedal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials Agents for Uttawaâ€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocer. Weilingtonâ€"st. ; John Hill Tca Pot Ridean. st,; slocombe & stevens, Sign of the Sugat Loaf, <cornmer of Cumberlaniâ€"st.; for New wdinburgh J. W. Proctor & Co.; for Ayime:r, Mr, N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesal« Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buiidings; Montreal, May 22 187) 1671 1y Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuracroryâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England The Pewder is warranted free from all bao smell, and will k«.ep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere without risk, as it is quite harmless to Cate or Dogs, as they will not eat it on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths to Furâ€", ‘Tick or Scab on Sheep or Go‘:’t-; also on Cattle, &c., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes, Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or 8iz Packets for One Dollar, #5ots. For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs. Cockroaâ€"ches, Black Beetlos, Fleas ; Which is known to be . Far Superior to anythin gever yet Dis« " covered "Dllli URE, FURXITURK. OTTAWA HOTEL, Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, .etor. * Meals at all times. Table and liqu cannot he «»rnassed. 1878â€"3m. There is also Commodious * ard Room and Stabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIAM POWLEY, A . Proprietor, PROF. HERMAN‘S and the BARB with the choice:t brands of At Junction Depot of Grand Trunk ane Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilitiss oi a First Class House,. Passengers refreshment Moutreal, March 2, 1871 Liquors, The St. James‘ Hotel, THE COSMOPOLITAN, IN MONTREAL, HAXD TRUSK K MI ORCAN®E sot1oz. 1606 FOR SALE OR TO. LET, FOR A TERM OF YEARS. VERMIN â€" DESTROYER, LKARK CHANCE: UE #JUNCTION HOTEL,! OoYaAL IN8SUBEANCE COMPANY, Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 Delicacies of the Season, * Rememver the place NEWL Yâ€"DI80OVERED Hotets, &c. H. L. RO k. F. BEbbaLL, Chief Agents for Canada. Wines, D. WILEKINSON, C. 8. BROWNE, and Cigars Proprietor 16571 Manager, A.J. CHRISTIEK _ HAMNET P. HILL AUCTIONEER. REAL ESTATE AND LUMBERMEN‘S AGENT, AND GENERAL COMMISSION ; MERCHANT A Pullman Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Riviere au Loup triâ€"weekly, vis. ;â€"From Montres on Tuesdays, Thursd«ys and Saturdsys . reâ€" turuing from Riviere du Loup or Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. C.J. BRY DGER8, Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Pond, Vflh,“..n.. wane ce #e 0e s#3 0 % .o“ ’J Accommodation ‘Train for lsiand Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a, Express for Quebec and Riviere du TOULy M cx»raarzir +++r«zrr2+s P K Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" “'. H. FALL ; On ‘and after MONDAY Next, 5th JUNE, Trains will leave Montreal as under Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" mediate Stations,at....... . ... €.00 a.w Day Express for Toronto, st. ...... Night Express for Toronte, at. .... Mixed Train or Brockville ,at., .. Pullman Palace Cars now Ranning on al Day ant Night Trains. SUMMKER SERVICE OF THRAINS fuilly supplied with Fresh and S&It. PU&K. BACON, SAUSAGES, ET€., ETC. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, T lmla1 Lower Town _ Market, _ this WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and sATURDAY, whont.hoyro'un-undtheorublb will be able to sâ€"e the finest stall of Meat in the ‘W. B.â€"Mongey to lend....____. | ; _ Uttawé, Feb 20, 1872 tm 191,, };l.qwee? olci, bred and fed by John West, ., of Guelph, weighing the ‘ WwEickt‘ or â€" 330 PuUNDS, And 50 head of Western Sheep. The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. ___ _ i1872. SU : Butchers to His Excellenoy Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canada respectfully tender the ic their sincere thanks for the very liveral P‘Nâ€w be â€" amdonthomdum.&hatnvn years. While soliciting a continuance of t.he-moth:{woukl mflya:mu\ inspection the following purâ€" chased at Guelph Far. _ l_];:ir;_)tstein weighing the enormous weight o _4,525 POUNDS, Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. Â¥)n Money order Offices throughout the Dominion, Great Britain and Iroland, Newl, and Prince Edward Island, can be obtained at this oï¬ Also Postage Stamps,, Cards, Ottawa, June 13, 1871 B@" Deposits will be receivred atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of J cent per annum, and Depasits can be withdrawn at any time. > CFFICE HOURS FROM 8 A.M., TO T P.M. For Money Orde s «nd Bavings Bank business from .0 a m to 4 pa Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Bepp package the same night. 1872 : . . 112 EASTER. 11.30 GRAND TRUXNKL RAILWAY, No. 43, Rideau stroot, Gftawa.â€" 11:00 6:00 9,50 ‘........." 9 00 Ottawa, March 27. 1872. 9,50 ‘...... 1.30 30 head of splendid:Western Cattle. A Magnificent Calf, Hon James Skead, Sâ€"nator, Ottews Great Acceleration of Speod: Post Office, Ottawa, June 10, 1872 Portiand and Boston.........10,.30 pam *g w’?:...‘.:.r.... m’o. SATCHELL BROs,, Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 A.M. A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer wiil be ciosed at unregistered matter can be sent. PoOST â€" QOrFEFIOCE, CLOS E esxe***/ 9+°0,4 Brivish Columbis (and Vancouver Islend) laib‘ »,00 . ___| | Gespatchea daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and | | | San Francisco, U.S8. Rates of Postage same as u: ) | | other parts of the Deminion, ) @ II.10 9.00 United States, via Ogdensburg ..............» .»»»»»»...... .. ===~., % u.lo. res ,_!ll.pw le, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & O.R,| w»â€"»»~.) % .....l North Gower, Kars, &0., poer St. L. & 0. Railway ........ / |«ss aee...1....:." IOagootn Resestt, o par| _ 46 . sdto nbeiberrarrrons Inrttect & dation Train ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of ... «»«..... [March, Huntley, Carp,&o , by Stage.. 4.30 9.00 .00 3 Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster o leiy BJ HeldMMIKY sronciens scerrsoct atlnrrer‘s ie sr omcs m ons | ( Chelsea, W akefield, North W akeficld,Low & intermeâ€" seznune | gdhu Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" | C mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays .. ...\ Templeton, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Baturdays...... uo‘x.w Edinburgh _ ’ he 9â€"00 Halifax, K.8., and 6t. John. MMER ARRANGEMEyr The Upper Ottawa, Places on the B. & 0. Railway Nortb of Carleton Place® Junetion, â€" Bristol Clarendon Centre, Packenham. Pembroke Portagh Abu Fott, EB ..cors sexrirees axintht5t 80 Â¥89axbrr9 Apimer and Hulil, March and upslow, via AyIMOT........................... . Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &o. per Canada Ceontral TUMILWIKY s ccrercey xey ts inkorpansbbbrts mrirosrbdtnn0scirtire nnwen e Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Ca Wl > Lowo Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumber lt ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &o........ ...... _ _ ito.; ntrl WisEDENR, 1M «$ . cuur sescencrs Arnibayiirmeenniny Fort Garry and other places in .the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails dutuchod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London nada Contral Railway............. PO8ST OFFICE SAYINGS BANK 16901 9.00 p m 11.00 am M &X L § . MONEY ORDERS BRITISH MAILS and carried on under the EV ANG,late proprietor of t «smeemmmenmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmemmememeee e 0000 THE TIMES is printed and publish®® Tus Orm.wa Tuess Pâ€"â€""‘ es L a ENN D AR use 6 «ili be called THE COMMERCIAL wC coucher. Resdenceâ€"All=«\ alll}F _ nours frow 0 to 11 a.m., aud 2 1o 4 pA WH" Special attention witven W ge a 1 "Hs rJacements of the 4t 3004 ..‘ * W"......‘...*"" whyt yrtyribted Avcrk~ ® . | Jonveyancers , ocaries Pablic, £5, £0, 19 ringes â€" Ontariound Quebes. Hkee over Duric‘s Book Store, BpSfH OHRIATIE, Commistion Mer® e Generai l"l"-' doie ":...': mm-‘m. m’.h-.w Orricn : No. 6, Bparks Bureet. near th* ieipnmie ; Thoe PRuller, Reg, AwbMAN Wt 4 A&t‘.. r..on.:}'; Managing Director 0. & 6. L. &A ia®wa. Barristor®, ‘wubc,i:: Upancery, Couveyancers, Nowries Aavocetes for the Proviuces of VniW® Good Wines and Liquors warranied. Ot tawa, February 14, 1871 * Te . ~tuvincial Laund surveyor and Dran Aimwuissioned sor the Provintes ol ud Qutario . CHABLN M « ROIL, _ Adyocste, VUaibe at Mr Tousnu‘s, 8 F ; dunue in rear ut Fr.uch . «thed.al, 4 BuBluess &lcBdcu i8 Otie=s aud | wice. Courts of the Coounty oi ta+® therton s Drug Store _ Regide avlanÂ¥_ PUBLLO. . Restdence Be&Xt the FuSt Uffice. 119 N. DB.â€"â€"SpOCiRAL SLLORLION L1Â¥OD Lo 106 d.mdmulldgan. Al d be seen ai ais residence, Murtay sireti. M. MA&GBLA_LARD, Fbhysioms, 4P accoucheur, uticein Mr. Hes store, bhusi ont, otf Suppor‘s Brigee hours trom Â¥ a. m. to 4 p. m. mese, Ottama city, C. W . AMkhise. ; ,VUFun Haasvikneub, |&# “’ vonuyiflycldu,urpu-l.; yâ€"Thut recentiy occupied uem st, Chaudiere, Uttawa. I.‘ !.l.l‘-‘l-ll.', d#+, ArthWbt | & ‘s Blook, dap; f arizapges is a otrosr derg Aotiiete Homesopathic Pbysician LkB & GHKMMILL, wartisters, & 4 soimoro:s, Conveyancers *e, â€"1l tLouse, Ortaw a, sommmt Lams. Aoutl _ Jor® J, EDWAIO T. DAR"A Bolicito Attorney and Nxtary ithe Poase ane Couuty A:‘,,h â€"ounties of Presoott «nd A Jourt house, L‘vrign=l. 1CUHOLAS BP ARKB, Baurrisie: ;‘ neyâ€"utâ€"Law, dolicitorâ€"inâ€"Chancer; moet, &o. OfMlceâ€"Lang‘ Builéings pposite the Post Uflce, Uttaws. "HK | is RURAL !! #AL008« j sL9IN8 STREKI tideauâ€"street, Ottawa. _ Â¥mLIiX Moserove, _ 366 0--_ & _ TETHEAU, Notery Publc to 2G s viees of qerbne, Puil chear) 1 A. KARA, Architect. Oficeâ€" L‘ie Buildings, Kideauâ€"st., Ottawsa. OsGROVE & TA LLOR, | _: « Bolinitors, &o. OMhioeâ€"Mosgrore‘t ‘ Abs HA K LOUB, As ky 1i . oitorâ€"inâ€"Chancery , 1 ours;) ublic, and Putent Hignlduincior . @di.cely opposite itusseli . ouse, Omceâ€"Oorner of Bassex and York : N. B.â€"â€"Ooliections attended to in toae Provinges of Vutario and Queb4. N. g.â€"speciai stuention f1ven to e ue _ Number 12, Wellingion 3 n.wla.‘.)â€â€™ Othaws, â€" JAMES BAILLFY, M* K. 1L0OGAN;, APILRRE & MAUs PHY, Motets and Swl@0n*: ) _ R, MoDOUGALL, K. OLIVER AARTIE, Destis Sparkeâ€"streot, Coats al Ottow a. ‘ O*CON NOR , Atto: ney â€"atâ€" Law #in Chancery, Conveymucer, &o , Oflice, Unise Buildin ». Attews 0. AbCHAaBRaULUT, C, RKALIKBOTH, »MLBCULAMAA uUH: G. P. BAKEE, Pyimaste Uifice . Aylmer, P,Q. a06, per Ca i £.40 ada Central z | 0. Railway. m, â€" Bristol, Pembroke, .8 Les ut of Mar, ce A J io 11.30 pr., in wh rflofl.]a;-* 71\ "x \v â€"»«â€"â€" 14230 P08 t A e OTT vinid 0 gee on3 Raui»‘~**" _ ‘“ Srsf“m c oi s d t ...‘uvo-nufls""'“‘ c‘.â€â€˜.‘\â€â€˜â€œ j boug d j to e abo ..._‘..a--:“Al <YOL. W‘; from gtrapgi}s :’a..:.d-fl Cc C for abou in fact m“t,flï¬â€˜o. A " . te_.st Choglh JC fmâ€"0*"" " _ as Wâ€' $ o * PS .. e«bich }a=* h me at Smic® of Aprl, A D 1879â€" 3 M WEL mm rL Reanuurx. A S yerepmg m tbat miy wife was very 1O# with Broachitis, Sissases ariging from Im ; Sivptinz the Tuird Suns PLANED 1 Cure o ,""h-kd with Mailt, Smartwe~=), Das ud Capoome t «t ©: 6 T «1ake & q U th» Puroat. L vexetable wili meptioi sberlein mat Sposnon®se A BEPHU8, of the of the British GJolam ;v-“-‘ af has ever beard of GLES m the Gla : L*h pelie 10« at 4 P. {l}pes# her trips W H Y March 4, 187 ist MAF a RIVER CoMPANY woTICE ie nom»â€"~0 i i Pequir Bird Nests * AND LR Bird Baths _ _ IRONX B Bft. 6in., . Bz:ookiY® JOH® Ivâ€" s ber a ied and un« in large Pi ui. 84 #6., #o. Disâ€"asos the ald ma VJ 8T « a 88 Bron vich ft n Satu t ind at + P ; 100 0h 4s wi €