+ “mi'"kr'&m;ur Andiontes derful wh its OHARLES m‘rï¬,‘ 30 Vistoria Square, Montreal, Which also cures NEURALGIA, WANDE k. ING PAaiNS, LUMBAGO, Stiffuess in the Limbs or Johhmpnhn, Petsons in ail of life, amongst whom ________ Uttewa, April A vzuortigp grens i Antet Iams o i S m . boucHETrE, Rheumatism and Gout Remedy 226 Acres of Good Land WITHIN Ns MILE UF RiCHMOND, About 60 Acres Uader Cultvation. LOT NO. 1, 4r2 CON. NORTH GOWER Â¥This farm is worth $4w, but will be sold for i‘or-â€"fl."" UM) cash. bilance secured by Mortgage hmmwi&w:rb_ T Ottaws, April 14 1$72. discotered. Cooking done on a table without Conl, W wou, or a « Auussy 11 Boyd‘s cauukbs AaL Bimam uuAuBAcki, Will cuok everytaing reâ€" qu.red in an ofdinmy si2¢d. laimaly as quick aud as welil as can be uune OB a FALYyO of CUuKklug sivke. The boillng, Daxiug, aud fvasling is dune Wituin the unc vessti at Lhs sain0 ine 0y 1DORLs Ol & l&uiy Whichâ€"Guuas & uinugt i0f a Iamuiy ol cigh; uf tou persâ€"lBis Wild omiy 1 Wo LOnls wurldh ul ul,, add whiie the covkiug is gouug uB tbuie is no escaps ol steam Of OGOF Lhum Wual is Cumblaiugud .0 the Duiiér, so Lhal wil Ihe sicul», &C,, Ccuviou DY ii itlmin ais Uhom julces, (hus £0ude. i0y uie mure Aoziihy «id Auli~ Cclous. al Wii aisw LO%L «Miuviling muus, buil ie ketue, 108 pu, wash Doilct, adu h. ordihafy cuvkâ€" 1ng styv®e lusmiluse. Ficase do uul say, CANAAL BÂ¥â€"IAVE 1T, Dulcuall and s0 il iD operalion, a0d thenu you Wiâ€" so0 Lhal w Lal We sAy 18 «iue. Vuiem tiihis jur dute. Ayents Wanied. â€" Cah at, or suaress A. 5. Macdunaid « CO.‘s, Aucâ€" tion ane Uvmmimiesivn Hoving UUaWE Lcaf Ue M«â€"rket, whore the apparatus can bo seco 10 updra ton. mmos may ‘Oh 4 THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATES 'ï¬m with the GENERAL REGULAâ€" Punuc SCaouLus. In the City of Ottawa, commencing on Tuesday, the 16th of July, at 9 o‘clock, a.m. M-“u_&o_'n?_â€"'rm_ 1ce commeneing on TUESDAY, "'Em‘.‘.".. Ju é,.y", .:i,r:'dlo notify the Inspecâ€" W uonts present themesives To examrontion and io or coutains the mo~ tive power in it= < self, requiring no external impualâ€" sion to drive it, °_ .â€"â€" and in it persons >e= induiging in that . ie agrecable «Kor > cise are exposed to no accident or danger. Ladies perticularly can enjoy themselves on this swing without haviuy to contend with any of the inconvenriences met with in ordi msvucnnyuu.imnb Canada Coutral Hotel, No. 120, dussex streoet and at No. 3, 8t. Patrick Suroct. Public School leachers Second and Third Class vertificates of E. La VIGNE, (Quebec.) The Subscribers have received a large sum for investment upon Farm Property. No commission churged. Apply to J. M. C. DELESDERNIERKS, corner of Sussex and York streets, or to MURRISUN WELLS & ©u., Toronto. Jan. 22, 1872 18711 ‘Lua. the election of a representative in the Council of the Vollege ot Physicians and .urgeons of Untame of this Leriitorial 1»visiun, as constitu.ed by Aoct &4 Vi0, Uay. «> will be hotd on the lth aay of June nextâ€" :n'llb-m. m'fllhmnnuuu.-:vlldwm be sen: trom whis otmce on the ist aay of June next, to cach registerbd practitroner in Untiario. Fuil intormation will accompany each voting Patent SWHJ, ON REAL ESTATE, From $100 to any amount, on approved seearity IRUST AND LOAN COMPANY OFR UPPER CANADA, All the organs and tissues ot the body are conâ€" afructod and uuurished uy the Bsiovd, which hoids hsulutiuu the maâ€"cuiam of which are made bone, muscie agu Lorve, anu distribuies w guch its proâ€" per propurtivn. . 1v .usu.@ periest formation of this Mladming agenl Lhere must be cumpiclte Uigestio® Bd AssimmuaLuln, Y Led Litee Lunctiuns at 4o Tanged there wil: be UyspOpsix, the lovu wili be iumâ€" wissulÂ¥ed lrom iusulloiohl gaolfic JU1CGp mvmmwnuu adnud uouciedt is «fDin, be Vilai priucipic, aud Lhe Wivi +#)$l0u0 uBdegu, doegeneralivh iruin poâ€" verteud nulilivn, diseases w the Liver, hiuucys, Heal «0d Lungs, With Aorâ€" vous i Tuslialivd and toâ€"cra Dobiily resull, and the constutution. is bruken down wâ€"th Wastiny Ubruome Viscuses. Lo enabie the stomach t diâ€" gest [~>4 ans io supply the waste gul=g on lrom meniai abd physicai exertion, lir W heeler‘s Com pound biixi ul r‘Dusphuates and Calishya is resiabie, nRd permanou, i0 is cdects. pord by «li UTuggists pl; UUSWE ApFLi 14 404. 1946â€"1y. etc., oto., otd. _ Contracts made tor advertising in eithes or all of the above papers. _ the Court of Revision for the hearing of comâ€" !.'."_"_'-9-“*--::-'- and Revising the Asâ€" year is;@ wul be held as the Township Hall of M.':,- W.\DA\'.; :ho mm" du’d June ReXt to open at ten o‘clock in the forencon, m“i’ 082'* P e M&d“k ‘~â€"â€"â€"SkKwn sessment Hull of the i ownsh:p ot ioucester for the ye&at 1874 will be held a the Townshin Hall af ~ARM FOR SALE, Â¥ | OLIcCK is HEREBY GIVEN vitawa June 11, 1672 Richmond, June 1, 1 & Turss Office, Wollington istruot, A.;..th“mw-‘h s "@ _ Curne m‘ «6 & M:ml. ME GHKEALDST FuBLOAVEEK YEi BuIÂ¥VED AT LAST, And for Sale by all Druggists, DR BIRNBAU MG Will be held (D.V.) in the #Central School House (West)," TEACHERS EXAMINATION. ONLY TO LOAX. OTICE. COUNXTY OF CARLETON UHEMICAL FuUD signed in â€" the public A, GKRASON, Sole A&-k’ loAt 'o&!.'.‘.? #Jlf James lallmn Tss Offce. Ottawa YE is tond of Eimds K. STRANGE, M.D., daod a ~ L w e e w 1 vD iwks iL~Lt OH ]_1‘11â€"35_8_1;{ LAwRk CE ‘OTTAWA RAILWAY. ALTERATION OF RUNNING TIME The old seliable, quickest and best route abottest line by Q miles from Qttawn to Brockvilie and all points mestion of a BuHUOL HOUSH in the " Villege of Pakenham. Security, the School Section. lnterest Tenders will be received by the undersigned to June a)th for a loan of 03_0 fur a term of x:: c.-uurrmumm«mum- mmu‘un-d Trunk Railwaysâ€" are requested to take notio: that packâ€" Bovtlal.l alflfo‘tï¬ï¬‚u ma thomtrm: port of neary articles. Minister of Public W orks, and of the 98 See. uf the Act 31 Vic HIS EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR GENERAL IN COUNCIL of the as See uuugvu. a 'E’Hluiu’: ï¬-wm iWÂ¥ Canada." 18 has been to order and it is hereby ordered that the ing rate of toll be, '.:dm“hu'::rdflu&mndw romllflnnto llmmm. that to : ;o-'io'd.uw\lunn.n-u fifteen cents per Charge for berths, 50 cents. Bure connections with all the Grand Trunk trains both Kast and West, as this Company‘s trains walit their arrival when lase. Twenty minutes allowed at Preacott June tion for refresbments. Trains are run on Montreal time. Point at 8:10 pm. _ Express at 6 p. m.arriving at Sand Point 9.45 + A.IEVI AT SAND POINTâ€"1:40 pm, C:10 .,nd’:dl&’n ;._ï¬:vsmn INTâ€"6:00 a m, 11:40 S§@y~R. Carters give Railway Receipts relier and 3:30 p m : Trains oh Canada,.Central and Perth Bran: h make certain connections with all trains ca B. & 0. Railway SV miles broken navigation in open boats, from Shebandowan Lake to the Northâ€" W eit Angie of the L» ke of the W oods B0 miles by Cart or W aggon from Northâ€" West Anâ€" diunumwm to Fort G C Rort Wiltiam and lcn%y buts and mflbmhflowo‘dln- g-m. on the I'mml’ should take ir own supplies. ons m however, be furnished at cost price at Shebandowan Lake, #Fort Frances, and the Northâ€"West Angie, Lake of the Freight and UVartage Agentcy N UORTHâ€"WEST ‘T‘ERRITORIEKS. «n ipe t o yor ty mignou w be e iTO To FOKT WILLLAM. | Adui B onl seim im 1 Lo ___ BORT WILLILAM TO FORT GARRY. Ww 12 m%)fl %c (No horses, “-.l-.a:vym:t u.u-u.....-gahm . THE MUDE UuF CONVEYANCE. .izylnfludt-‘l‘-‘nbb Collingwood or Sarâ€" 'n,su.-n-o-nw or Sarnia to Fort 45 miles by waggon from Fort William to Shebanâ€" _ 10@ p.m., and at Band Point at 1;40 p.m. Mail Train at 3:50 pm., arriving at Sand Point at 9:45 p.m. Through Ottawa Express at 3:20 p.m., making a certain coanectionâ€"with «irand Trunk a«.ipment when in car loads, vounectivns made at Sand Point with Steamers to and from Pembroke, Portsge du Fort, &c. Freight loaded with despatch, and No Tran= Ureat Broad Gauge Route TO OTTAWA. LEAVE BROCKYVILLE, Express at 8:00 a.m., arriving at Ottaws at "mvumuu. Through Western Tlfllomu.,.c riving at Brockville at 150 p.m., and connecting with Grand Trunk Dsy Exâ€" ::mul.de.. t Axpress at4:230 p. m.,‘arrivi Brockviile at mp.-,ud.t.‘-d & LUTTBELL, Brockville and Oftawa Railways Pakenham, May Wwth, On the nu-wï¬u. of thé th s P e o o ols Shs June 10, 1872 No 31, 5. Ridean streot, Ottaws. No 1, lO0th Concession, Osgu>!« Apply to e it is s c 3 W. £. JOHNSON, Ottawa, Oct. 12 1871 1192 GOVERNMENT HOUSE, OITTAWA. Tuesday, 21st day of May, 1872. Bpecial rates for furniture. Brockville May 20, 1871. On and after Trains will run as follows : | (tor the KEast. > |0Tlxpuulot 4 g}l%Owu'm and .L“\ 3 50 p m Dep‘t of Public W ou.-..mu':y.,"l 'll AND FROM MONDAY, 10:h JUNE 1873, trains will run as follows , THEOUGE TICKET® TO FORT GARRY VIA FORT *« DB. MenUdALL, Bieng strce Otiawa, Doso 21, 1871 1856 Buperinteadent, Presott, Ottawn, June 8, 1872 Day Express from the Kast and West, artiving at Ottawa a: 7:20 p m. OnEY WANTED. MONDAY, MXAY 201h, 1812 AaADA _ NTBRAL RAJLWAYX CANADA CBNTRAL 10 39 am * 30 a m 100 p m 400 p m Ottawa. West, and ail To sk poioin lt * bfli laast GoIxg NoRTh. THO8 REYNOLDS8, Managing Director, Ottaws @ol8G soUTH DANIEL HILLILARD Royal MailLine of steamers east and West &4G T Do do Express accommodaticon | lt.r &1 o t o rl «w T Rxpress for }.u points West. Do do Express from West Do do Mail @T trains for, ,lndnd'd‘ 1 00 a m Brockville, Kiagston and all way a1t a t 1 o ns Cars on No 7 and 8 Connecting with. Mail from the , 1872, k Privy Cour .t with H. ABBOTT, F. BRAUN, Junction, Artive in Ottawa. 10 00a m 12 50 p m 3:45p m 6:15 a m Artive 6:20 p m 845 a m 2010â€"3 wÂ¥A 3 ; the O'l‘ TAWA STEAM Carriage and Sleig FACTCRY: RIDEAU NTREET, OTTAW., Arcy most approved «tyles of â€" P Coaches Carriages, Omaibusses, ROCKAWAYS, BUGGIES AND SLEIGHS, Which in point of finish and durability, are not surpassed in any market. R@y~All work warranted for one year, and all kinds of repairing carefully and promptly done. _ _A very large amount of new and imâ€" proved machinery has lately been a+ded, and as the whole is driven by steam power (the only establishment so supplied in this seetion of eoum). we are in .J;ouit.ion to produce more promptly and cheaper than any one else. _ _ â€" MPORTERSH & WHOLESALE DEALERS 80. .._«.ll6. and give personal supervision to all work. Siiate, March 25, 1872. _ 1931tf J H. BRAY, Contractor, wishes to inform the Wm‘ Ottawa that h"h‘:l:l.:i ::“ol:‘: in i‘s Block, near Sappers‘ cora municatiâ€" / may be made to him there betweeu the hours c(.’ W. Stockd Just Received H. M. ROWE 8 ce Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. Passage certificates granted to parties desir. ous of bringing out friends from Europe. For further particulars apply to f D W COWaARD & CO., S8T. ANDREW it .. ... »nd Nov, 8T. PATRICK 66 «xc k A Fares from Ottawa, cabin...... .. .. $8%7 25 Intermediate.... ... .....« ... ... $4T Ort 44 00 ons l l 2i iris ehecranraanecdit OO -;" An experienced Surgeon carried on each vessel: Bertbhs not secured until paid for. And every succeeding Saturday. _‘ Rates of Passage from Quebec : Onbil .:.« ..«er« «++ +.«+BM10B80 SUHOOKKGO, cciires crrersk rsrrer 920 The é‘eamers of the Glasgow Line (sailiog from Glasgow every Tucsday, and from Que bec for Giasgow on or about every 1 hursday are ictended to be dâ€"spatched from Quebec * * @lasgow Line. Dates of Sailing are as follows . CURINTHIAN, on or about. .. ..] OTTaAW A 6t <+earl Yr. D&VID + * «srtert Royat Mail Line NORTHERN [RAILWAY> OF CANADA. Feigh t m at Toronto with Merchants‘ m OQntario for !h.-mo% Montreal, &o. ty passenger connectien at Toronto for Hamilâ€" ton, loeu.c‘d. ‘and all points East and W ost. Tiun L Rulll is is Rellwaew and Daexkan MONTREAL _ OCEAN STEAMSHIP COMPANY. AUMMER SERVIC E, 1971 * 1871 PASSINOBRS Booked to and from Liverpool Londonderry and CGlasgow. Lhe steamers of the Liverpool Mail Line sailing from Liverpool every Thursday, and from Quebec every Saturday, calling at Lock Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Pass ngers to and from Ireland and Scotland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: Liverpool Line. Calling ai St. John‘s, N. F. FROMK QUEBEC. | 2 Dm. s e e e 44 s a% e# 9# Scandinavien...... ... HIDCHAEUHE . .cxau «erer Collingwood, Fort William Duluth, LEAVING COLLINGWOOD EveEry Turspay AND FRIDAY, On the arrival Express Train o‘clock, a. m. _ RM"~FParlot Valace Cars on Railway, and Parlor “g mog‘:.. and State Hooms, m to Oawi P, Agency, wcm's '.,'lÂ¥' reet, Toronâ€" to, and Northern nflwu bhdo-. City Hall and OKANGOE OF SAILIN G Cumberland, Brock Street. A. & A. H. uq.on. ADAM ROLPH, Local Arln. ork=st. and _ General Agents, Russell House, Northern RKailway, Ottawa. ' Toronto. Ottawa, May 17, 1872 wWIstt Quickest and Cheapest Route to t % 1872. + and 6 p° oTun.l:rtnn At this establishment will be found Ottawa, May 6, 1871 The proprietors are practical workmen The Italian Warehouse. J. M. C. DELES DERNIERS. BULK AND OYS TE llj WwirTEAs AND WINELS, m ng at Owen Sound, Bruce Mineés, Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi« m&lm Islet, Prince Arthur‘s g and Intermediate Ports. _ &E SEKASON COMMENCED ma. KOvu$Ik & COKPARY o . LAKE â€" SLPERIOR Chicora, PROPRIETORS®, # RosPITAL "TLETT nection with the Ie, Brother At and Northâ€" Agonts â€" "Sparkeâ€"st Francis Smith, 2 e e e n 4 aa # ® do s «««« 1066 * «+. â€"d00th .... ind Nov. P A N GALLON. l1ith Oct. 18272. Go 10 10 24 M ~ v _ xAWA TPLMES It is a certain remedy for Scroful,, Nervous and General Debility, all diseases ot the Skin, mmm lncxsu tion, Jaundice, , Bronchial â€" Afftee tions, Chest Complaints, and all ‘other di seases arising from an 1mpure state of the Full directions for taking this (CGireat Health Restorer accompany each Bottle, andg:&n-lmbomfdhmh, that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP 0. â€"Wholesale agents, EV ANS MERCER & CO., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the Uttawa druggists, that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP OJ SARSAPARILLA, and no other, is supplie« BAPARILLA i (Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. It strikes at the root of all Disease through its wonderful power in restoring the blood to a healthy state. 2 { OBALITE TO E for cieansing and .mproving MESSRBS. ; tae Tootm. .mparts s natural redness to the gums, and gives GABBLIL’B brilliancy to the Enamel: Price 1s. 64. €45 COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR 4 For School Section No. 2, in the TM"MW’.‘. wan F#NEACHER WANTED Provent friction in and injury to the knife. Osakey‘s W ““hill! P.' huoddï¬â€™:olfl'.- o polles suould propared oxpm:? for the Patent Knife Cleanâ€" ing machines, India Rubber and Buf Leathor Knife Boards. Knives constantly cleaned with it have a brilliant polish equal to new e-uorl Packets, 34. each ; ad.&u. 64., 1s. 2s. 6 and 4s. each. 4# BEDADENT*®" O BR C UR E U ESSRS for Toothache. Thhoxtt:; in its :’ech, gires immediate JABRIEL/B | relief without injuring the ° tooth, and forms a temporary , stopping., Price is 1}¢ UDunNTaLGIQUE ELIXIBR % This celeorated Mouth Wash is most refreshing, it strengthens MESSRS the gums, eradicates tartar and GABRIEL s all injurious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing ar» tificial teeth is invaluahle: Price 52 P ul direc for use enclosed in each bozx IMPOBRTAMAT TO RESIDENTS ABROAL Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partialâ€"or complete sets, by Mesars. Gabriel‘s new system, on sending parâ€" ticulars ofthâ€"ir cases, with a remittance of Ten Bhillings, when the apparatus for taking a model o1 the mouth will be forwarded with all necersary instructions, 75 cents per bottle ; three bottles for $2. pAB~lit can be purchased wholesale at all the principal drug houses in Canada. _ . _ _ _ _ 3&'53.7?%&6;‘&11;&;{ acCarthy, Chemist olhm -’ une lo. 1872, ( O8TEOâ€"ENA MEL STOPPIN warranted to remain white anc MESSRS. ‘fltn wa.the Tooth itself, This _ __4 beautitrul preparation restores GABBRIEL‘8 , front ‘Leeth and can be easily s {usad. Sufticient to at0on ais DUNCAN’ 8 JOHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, s Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. For cleaning and hing Silver, Electroâ€" l’l&h,l’ll\.@lul.“’-.“. m.‘..t:“l.“ MES8RS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which hay not proved satisfactory to the wearer; A CHRIBTIE & Co., Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Color % and Beauty, F CAUm THE HAIR 10 GROW TNVIGORATING THE ROOTS In solid blocksâ€"14., 34., 44. and Is. * Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m AND DUES NOT SOIL THE SKIN. OT SOILING THE SKIN ttawa, June 6 1978 EK ELLISHED AND GLOSSY4 "l‘l)PS ITS FALLING OF. XCELRBS ALL OTHERS. f REY HAIR, IT RESTORES GAIN, TO ITS NATURAL COLOR, £AVING IT BEAUTIFULLY _â€" * s 1/ * s {4"*v t y £. CINCALESE [ ROY 4 L DINTIFI&E‘I prepared_frum a recipe as l by Her Majesty ; gives the Tecth a pearlâ€"like whiteness and imparts a delicious fraâ€" grance to the breath,. Price 18. WHITE GUPTA PEBCHA Enamel, for stopping decayed Teeth, renders the Tooth sound and useful for -ntz;don, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. teeth Price 5s. «Redisatl. Ep] y® yb t Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob~ tain the Medicines can be supplied at :the lowest wholesale prices in quantities of not less than £20 worth (for which remittance must be gent in .dnnou)â€"vl?uu. "d., 228., and 348. per dozer boxes of Pills or pots of Ointment, nott, without discount I hn':a: honor to ve, gwm.uxi THOMAS HOLLOWAY 553, Oxrferd -ï¬ua(lm 244, Strand), mw ‘“'. 1.’." 39 6n _â€"___ PULYVERMAUKHERNS PATENT GALVANIC â€" CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS AND POCKET BATTERIES Bhould any person have reason to belteve that be has been doceiyed by buying spurious imitations of these Medicines, be wili do w«â€"ll to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six c nts in postaze), one of the books of instructions which are aflized to the same, 1 promise to examine it, and send a repiy, stating whether the Medicines are genuine or not, so that it spurious he may apply to the person tror whom he purchased them to have his money in extent, attached, on Sandy Hill, near Sir John A. Macdonald‘s residence. . Apply to W. H. NAGLE, Tims office. Ottawa, April 2 1872 19%}46f ciues, and likewise the name and address / the aou- in the United States, or elsewhe e, walch -.b’th";r:tocï¬nw“°-' so s t en» abl+ me, for the of the public, to nstitute proceedings against such evil=doors, and I engage to remunerate yvery handsomely any person who may give me such informas tion, the informant‘s name nevor being diâ€" N.B.â€"The following testimony from the elite of the English medical faculty has been received © I would ask, as a great favour, that shoulo it come to the knowledgeof any person that spurious medicines are being made or sold in my name, he be pleased to send me all the particulars he can collect respecting the sime, tha is to say, the name and add ess of the vendor who is selling the spurious medi. I most earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their fricnds that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" vbusing worthless imitations ot the genuine Holioway‘s Pills and Ointment. "We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" 4 sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvsre " waCkEr‘s recent improvementsin his Voltaic " Batteries and Walvanic Appliances tor # Medical Purposes are of great importance to " Scientific Medicine, and that he is entitled " to the consideration and support of every " one digposed to further the advancement of " real and useful progress, *# Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. t BIR CHARLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. g., p Â¥. LK.C.P. , BIR HKNRY HOLLAND, Bart., l.,l? L s + sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. EDWD. H. SIEKYVEALING, M. D., M.R.C.8. t BlbJ RANALD MARTIN, F. R. 0.8." i ULVERMACHER‘8 SYSTEM is also ap Those who do not wish to be deceived by vuying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the Stites or elseâ€" where, but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" ine Hollowag‘s Pills and Ointment will de well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" ment, and that the address on the label is 533, Oxford street, London, where only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world, The retail prices are on the labels ir British currency, and not in dollars and cents No representative of mine will ever trave through any part of the British Provinces, o the Un ited States, eith‘r to sell or to tak orde rs for my rills and Ointment, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver probably be made to deceive ths public‘in whis way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, falsely representing that they are acting for me, and with my knowléedge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptions, * 1 i. de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienva, and its curative virtues are con» firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseflected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). at 80 Maiden Lane New York, for the sale of nolloway‘s Pills and Oln(uentb which were up to that time prepared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage my good name. e t t > Paralysis, Kpilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &0., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED UHALIN BANDS,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vitalenergy, £5 to £1. ‘~‘The public are most earnestly cautioned to beware of Pseudo Klectric Beits advertised by sham Doctors, &¢., for improper purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Ohancel~ lor Malinse lnnnu m}t Pnlvmho; vs Ham» mond, alias ames, . T, Raphey, T. i. 0. 5, Allks Houry Surrows, A¢" a0.. bearing the fac simile of M. Puirermacher‘s signature on the label. A pamphlet containing full particulars may be had at the Drug Store of A. Christie, Bparks Btreet. : J. L PULVERMACHER, Galvanic Estabiishmen, 200 Regent Street, London, W These facts l,fpeal to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientific and curative progtess, to which the inventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a an ardent deciple: of that great benefactor of raankind, the late illustrious electrician Mionase Farapy. CHAIN BANDS AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Ache,and Noiser in the Head, 218. to 308. B, CHAIN BANDS for loss of Volice and $ other affections of the Throat, 10s. 6d. to 18. N. OHA.I.III BANDS lor Bciat _ Rheumatic N and Gouty Pai®"» Local Paraâ€" ly:q Cramp, &0., 188. to 22 and 40s. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Chest, and Functional Disorders, Bciatica Lumbago * Neuralgia Head and Toothache Liver Complaints Tic Doloreuzx Indigestion Spasms PULVEELMACHER‘S MEDLCOâ€"GALVANâ€" IC CHAINS are exceedingly effective without the aid of medicine, restriction of diet, or the ieast derangement of the patient‘s habits and daily occupations, in the following maladies Rheumatism Foemale Complaints Gout Constipation Bciatica Cramp Lumbago f Bluggish Circulation Neuralgia Urinary Disorders Head and Toothache Paralysis Liver Complaints Kpilepsy Tic Doloreuzx Nervous Debility Indigestion Functional Disorders Deafness &c., &0. The effectsd of the application of Pulver= macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantancsous. PRICE (LIbT OF PULYERMACHERS8 &e. 'gvom as a bolz,‘au to 40s and 55s, B CHAIN BANDS Writer‘s Cramp, Trembling, Nervousness, &c, 22s to 308 ‘ _ and 408. B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for Cantrl vinces that in May last I caused the business I beg most respectfully to acquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" TO THEK PUPLIC QF THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTH AMERICA. 10v i« of by an official report of the Aca « BÂ¥, OZ , erlme PEviey APqedemly oV ToVs No Galvanic Belts are genuine ‘mtthou LECTRLCITY 18 LIFE® AUTION with containing eight rooms and Garden, one lot and a half OUSE TO LET.â€"A ht snnhhl:'. Drawing Room and Sleeping Car, will also be one attached to each Day Express frow. Toronto to Montreal® The Summer running arrangements wil which due notice given. C J BRY DGKS, Managing Director. Cn and after MONDAY naz.tu lst of MAY, it is intended to run Pullma: Palace Cars through between Montreal anc Barnia,. One of these magnificent coaches wil} be attached to each Day Express train leaving M>ntreal for Toronto, and be runo through tc wards, consisting of six pleces. Parlor Sets in Hair Clcth, Binck Walnut Sideâ€" boards, Bureaus, Washstands, Centre Tables Bide Tables, and a great variety of cane chair at equally low prices, EAST END SAPPEIS s6IDGE. R@y~Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 25, «4 2 50 Coemmon Chairs. ... .. 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Sets for $10 50 and up. GREAT REDUCTION IN FURNITURE The St. James‘ Hotel, merits. Urmds of 200 Merchants and others dine daily in the Restaurant. The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on account of assum. tng the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States, Address GUISEPPE M\ GIARELLL, N. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 per month, Montreal, March 2, 1871. Ottawa Dec 12, 1871 Fuarnished or Unfurnished. Thelowest rent la the City; ‘This establishment is too well known to require any comments upon its and the BARG with the choicest brands of A. PER%+; Fire Inspector. * T, M. CLARK , Agent. OFFICEâ€"Bang‘s Block, corner Sparks and Elgin streets. 17607 N.B.â€"IThe financial position of the Royal s in no way aftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. Liquors, Stabling attached, with good attendance, WILLIAM POWLEY, ; â€" Proprietor. HEOTEL RESTAURANT AND BAR OTTAWA HOTEL, St: James Street Mon treal,. The undersigned having assum. ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and vhat he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotsl in the city of Montreal. Losses promptly settled without refer. ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. mud on Liaves pmbzd on favorable terms, unquestiona security . is ;ï¬roreg‘i:io policy h:fldx CoBecide- the ge up capital mpany, asâ€" surers have additional security in ‘ the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. Tables of Rates,, Proposal Forms and fut information can be obtained on application to the unde All dI'IRE DEP:fBTIENT. escriptions y insured against Loss or Damage Mst moderâ€" o FIRE and LIFE, CAFITTAL. +« «««s¢< < <x»««+*** + $$10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over...... 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE ASSURANCE FUND. . . . . .. +~«« «: 2 + +« a«/c._ ©,000,/214 ‘‘There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harmau a Silver Prize RMedal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia,of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials Agents for Ottawaâ€"â€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocet. Wellingtonâ€"st. ; John Hill, Tea Pot. Rideauâ€" st,; slocombe & Stevens, Sign oï¬ the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New ldlnhngh, J. W. Proctor & Co.; for Aylmer, Mr, N. K. Cormier ; the Wholesal. Agents fot the Canadian Provinces, are J. Bmith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, May 22 1871 1671 1y At "Junction Depot of Grand Trunk and Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilities of a First Class House. Passengers refreshmen! r.,.etor. > s Meals at all times. Table and liqgu cannot be surpassed. 1878â€"3m. The Pewder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any Climate. It may be spread any where without risk, as it is qnite harmless to Cats or Dogs, as they will not eat it. Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuracrosyâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England 1 4. a~ Which is known to be > Far Superior to anythingever yet Dis= covered For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poul!try Ants, Bugs. Cockroa ‘hes, Black Boetles, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Fur«â€", Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also on Uattle, &c., &¢., in less than Ten Minutes. Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cte. per Packet ; or Siz Packets for One Dollar, #5cts. _ _ s PROF. HERMAN‘S Montreal, April 26th, 1871. C RAND TRUSK K There is also Commodious kard Room and 1606 MFORTANTE SOTIOEK. THE COSMOPOLITAN, URNIT URE, FURNITUE K. HE @©JUONCTION HOTEL,* VERMIN DESTROYNER, METCALFE STREET, OTTAW A, FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR A ‘TERM OF YEARS. TTAWA HOTEL, ~ Presoott Junction, J. FRANCIS, Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 1842y OYAL INSUKANCE COMPANY, MARK CHANCEK: w mm ROWE & ANNABLES, IN MONTREAL, Remembper the place MHotels, &c. Wines, H. L. ROUT k. F. BEDD Chief Agents for Canaida D. WILKINSON, dy J $Â¥ C. 8. BROWNE, 1 & ANNABLE and Cigars Proprietor Manager, 1657t Cumsnx & HILL, (late Keonedy & M_) Christie) Barristers, Attornies, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &¢. Orricesâ€"Lang‘s Block, Eigin street, Ottawa. A. J. CHRISTIE _ HAVÂ¥NET P. HILL N. B.â€"Money to lend, i AUCTIONEER. REAL ESTATE _4 LUIBEREKEN‘%U AGENT, \}A.\'D GENERAL w OM MERCHANT A Pullman Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Riviere du Loup triâ€"weekly, vis. :=â€"â€"From Montrea on Tuesdays, Thursd«ys and Saturdsys reâ€" turuing from kiviere du Loup or Mondays Woednesdays and Fridays. C.J. BBYDGI‘-&. Managing Dhiector, . lIand and Boston, at...... .... 2.00 p.m Night Mail for Quebec, Is‘and Pond, _ Accommodation Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at .00 a. Express for Quebec and Riviere du LouGP, 8t.. ... ....«« +««« ...... 8.380 am Mail Train for Island Pond, Port»â€" 1872. suMxER ARRANGEMEXr On and after MOND*+YÂ¥ Kext, 5th JUNE, Trains will leave Montreal as under mediate Btations, at ...... ++ Day Express for Toronto, at. .. .. .. Night Express for Toronte, at. ... . Mixed Train or Brockville ,at.. . Accommodation ‘Train for Brock P . 11.10 SUMMER SERVICE OF TRAINS Pullman Palace Cars now Runuing on Day and Night Trains, Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 andal Lower Town â€" Market, this WEDN AY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and saTURDAY, whonthqrstmnrodtheorublio will be able to sâ€"e the finest stall of Meat in the Dominion. _ The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Sait. °* PORK, BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. _1 WEIGHET OF 350 PuUNDS, And 50 head of Western Sheep. _ â€" 9,50 ‘.......... 9 00 respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liberal .nh-omgo beâ€" stowed on them during last seven years. While soliciting a continuance of the same they would earnestly cza:ut an inspection of the following purâ€" chased at Guelph Fair. A Magnificent Calf, 11 weeks old, bred and fed by John West, Esq., of Guelph, weighing the great Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and West in Suppl« package the same right. “;:ir;_)fSteSn weighing the enormous weight o . 4,525 POUNDS, On Money order Offices through ud Prince Edward ghout the Dominion, Great Britain and and P 1d Island, can be obtained at this office. Also rol-rn;‘: “.:.f:',.":‘ Which took the prize at Gueiph Fair. PO8ST OFFICK SAVINGS BANK R@"* Deposits will be received atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate of For , cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. # € QFFICE HOURs FROM 8 A.M., TO 7 P.M. For Money Orde s and Savings Bank business from .0 a m to 4 pm n 11:00 , 6;00 _ 9'50 '..oou Peek Butchers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canadaâ€" 6. __â€"â€"â€" 180 FARNTPEE. Ottawas, June 13, 1811 PeDH )e essrcees l zse 9.00 1.30 950 11.10 ... v00!....... GRAKOD TRUXK RAILWAY, 6,00 No 43, Ridoau satrect, Ottawa. Ottawa, March 27, 1872 Hon James su-tis.uu.oun J M Cnrrier, Eeq, M P, 4 J M Grant, Eeqg, M D, M P _ " BR W Scott, Esq, M P P, t Mr &h-iï¬l’fl"‘k“ U ‘Edward Grifin, A o Edward McGillivray, Eeq, * Mesers C T Bate & Co, 6 30 head of splendid Weâ€"tern Cattle. Thomes 6: I 6 le-nl'inghumw Alexander Wâ€"rkman, Keq . " A Egieson. 8 n‘r, Keg: d Post Office, Ottawa, June 10, 1872 Great Acceleration of Speed: Portliand and Boston.........10.30 p.1â€" PoOoOST â€" or SATCHELL . BROS,, Via NewYork close every Monday at 8 P.M ~ Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 A.M. . A Supplementary Bag for Canadian Stcamer will be closed at i1.30 p.., in which unregistsred matter can be sent. CLOSE eesss...! @9090 } Bricigsh Columbia (and Vancouver Islrnd) Mails f despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detrvit and | * | | San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to 4 | other parts of the Deminion, II.10 9.00 United States, PiQ OgFGODBDUTZ »ss2ss»ss2ss00s sesss esn enese. H. FALL 3 | Chelsea, W akefield, North W akefeld,Low & intermeâ€" srvziges | eescrvers [ gam Offices, . Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" | | C mediate Offices, Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays fark ...I feves ......“l‘onplom. Tuesdays, Thursdays, and baturdays...... 4.30 New Edinburgh ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MAXQjD, Feb 20, 1972 _ On 19, 9.00 3100 4.30 REFZ®*XCBS. 9â€"00 Halifar, K.8., and St. Jobn. N.B....... ... March, Huntley, Carp,&c0 , by 8 Kempty lHe, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R North Gower, Kars, &0., por St. L. & 0. Railway Osgoode, Russell, &o per _ do _ do The Upper Ottawas, Places :.th B. & 0. Railway. North of Carleton PI Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Pembroke, Portage du Fort, ........c.ccres seriersss sssess srrrss Aylmer. ABQ HUll, ...â€".... +s.ssssesssssssssesssrem c arces March and UnGLOW, Â¥iA AYyIMOT.......~+««»»â€"s+â€"â€"â€"ses8ee0es ass Westernâ€"Kingeton, Toronto, Hamilton, London, Easternâ€"Quebes, Montreal, Cornwall, Leanoaster, deimeg TrY HeWIEWIKY «svvcrarerscrreses sprenrsiy s rubng whriey o. ; wl WOBRONR, U â€"$..1++, surrsars rexsers s ssansichs Fort.Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails ducmhod daily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. _ 2 Perth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Ca nuldit OBBLDRE RallWIBY ....ciserrrerearerectensrasirs conss Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &6. Canad Bnilvsy.....'..... “"p:r§00.tnl Lowo Ottawa, by Steamer, Buckingh C + 1t od, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, h.‘::".hr f} M .A&. I LL S . FIOE, OTTAWA_ , e s L 0A 9.00 pm 11.00 a m 6.00 a.m MONEY ORDERS BRITISH MAILS, mt 34 | D sparieâ€"strees, Conunt Ouares. in the DB. MoDOUGALL, Office, Rigean Stroct, Op > thertons Drug Store: Regld¢ l J. 0. ARCHAMEaUVLT, .â€"_.‘â€"_â€"'â€"" THE TIMES is printed "‘""'"'-‘,, Tus Oreawa Tiuzs Prwt®e A"" * THE COMMERCIAL und carried on under ï¬lfllfl' C Ainnia i Anannarnesss _ Btrioe to business. Good Wines and LAiquors warranied. Ot ‘.';,m.fl“-l.' C T___.\Saaaer Caring now chan tor a firse â€"olnee a U «ili be callod M t U â€"meopathic Pbysiciaft, purgeo® 4 coucher. â€" Residenceâ€"Albert street € nours frow 9 t. 11 a.wm., and 2 to 4 PM weX" Suecial attention m"ï¬ â€˜v-.u-t « CLGKKOWw, Bunss® Attornersâ€"stâ€"Law, soliestors in On4## Jonveyancers ,Not ries Public, &o, &0, or * vinces Ortariound Quebes. JMlce over Durie‘s Book Store, BpSIHH # Highwines andProof Whiskey ; also, 0898 iepn Ales and Porver. Pork, Fious, #!6 Orrics : Ho. 6, Bparks Bureet, neat the 4 suse, Ottews city, C. W . m JUGaWa& cruvincial Land »~urveyor and D Muissivued ior the Provinoss ud Yutacto, _â€" Barristers, Attorneys at Law, Bolic# Chaucery, Couveyauvcers, Nowaries Pubt Aovogutes for the Proviuces of UBAMWW UuAnLls M s RLKCIL, Adyocste, UVU.uce at Mr Tetwau‘s, N P ; pits dcence in rear of Fr.nch ~athod.al, Hull. 1j 4ts »‘acemeâ€"nts of â€" Business alttchdou in Ortaws and U# trice Courts of the County of Ottavé. 1J Office, Kigean Stroct, oppoA® therton s Drug Store: Roegide » N. #.â€"spec.ai strontion zivus i. ius in 4 o(umolmlillflm A: aighi be sen al ais residence, Murray sirecs. ul. OLILVEHR MAKTIRN, Dentin. 08 Sparkeâ€"strect, Contial Ottewa. on . itui#l1iLARKD, Ubysioie®, & Z2 aAacscoucheur, vuthoeim it. Hs store, husl one of Suppore Bde a0uré trom Â¥ «. m. to 4 p. 1. nUTAabnYX PUBLLJ,. _ Resigence â€"I fckt tho Post Uflice. 1197 KKB & GEMMLLL, Barristers, Als ‘J soltcitors, Conveyancers te, Geâ€" vourt House, Qctewa. Roseet Lexs. toatt _ Jon»® J. 6 ADWARD T. DARZ"A B2 M Schene Atterncy ang l:;.h Jithe Poase and Qounty m,khl Jounties of Prescot! and Offceâ€" Jourt House, L‘urignal. 344 Micse 1CHOLAS 6PA Mb , durrister ant4 .\ uy.-‘wlao.-, it&h:L-u.h .ucer, &6. o6oâ€"Lang‘i Bulldings, ‘tporitcthe Post Omes, inews * ~ s B As MKARA, Architeor. Oflooâ€"Aus @ Buildings, Lidosuâ€"st., Ottaws. W USGLOVE & TA 1LO0B, ï¬ & Boliaitors, &o. OfMiceâ€"Mesgrove‘t tideauâ€"streot, Ottawa. Wirliix Moserove, _ 346 _ @romor 4 >3 LEFE®EAU, Naag T7 Puble for te .‘o vinee of Quebso, Bull, ceer h .. UUBon HasbpanzORh, | LoD & 2 voukyLfla)abhl,l-â€_‘dfl'hlfl D O©*CONNOR, Attorneyâ€"atâ€"Law f #in Chancery, Conveyancer, &s., treoot. Office, Unisn Buildings, Ottawa. â€"â€"That recently 0001 o:h.,’ Duke .‘.o’.‘..‘mo’:"..'.‘," ad -i “ H. HA YCOOCK, Attorneyâ€"aiâ€"Lae, © ~citorâ€"inâ€"Chancery, Conveyancer, & ublic, and Pstent Kightsolichor. Ofice aedincely opposite KRusseli uouse, Bigin«t Oflicoâ€"Ournet of Saseâ€"x and Y ork W N. B.â€"Oullectious attonaed zo in «8 the Provinces of Jutacto ans Qa D4 R&. 1,0GAH, APLILRAE & MUvPHY, UMotets and Salo0#4: C, LKALISBOTH, i+ RBURLAL !! #AL,00®, sLGIH ETREEL now hanis, and bees c nE UBON BAL and 6 Mixncersunto 4s G. P. BAKER, Pyrimaite Office. Aylmer, P.Q. 12,; Wellington 300 .q‘aunflhwt JAMES BALLIFT, M«® Les 2t the aterus. weaa it 11.30 l..dn'“.' kn us tm meoct Om that J was as woll at oumte =f Uiness 4 5 qps srgause "® Cure 0 2AÂ¥ Ep ~V~l~‘ «n bo obtained ¥« in the | act on the destrable 1 Of the above woOTICE E8 x; is picasaut in large Pini trom the Bron lE i+ ARRrV same dayâ€" h ; about it faot | of the Lungs of in At D&