damages which the Geneva Tribunal‘s deâ€" cision will compel England to pay the United States may safely be set down as "heary." Aithough, says the same jJournal, the amount is likely to fall someâ€" what short of the estimate of Americansâ€" both of which propositions can hardly be said to have any inherent improbability. obtained money and men and withdrew. Trevino is reported again near SHaitillo, Quiroga is increasing his forces in the villages of Neuvyo Leon unmolested. The revolutionary leaders promise a speedy attack on Rocha in Monteeey. They expect to prevent his return to the interior and drive him across the boder. Geneva Conference still sitiing. The anniversary of the taking of La Bastile was celebrated at Ferte sous» Jouarre, Sunday, a grand banquet, at which M. Gambetta made a speech deâ€" nouncing the League of the Church and the Monarchy. Public celebrations elseâ€" where were muw-.u»‘ ference wos offtered to that at Ferts sousâ€" with Destructive floods in Alabama ; $2,000,â€" O worth of cotton destroyed. ; A small fleet of American menâ€"ofâ€"war at Southampton (England.) The opponents of the Hon. Mr. Mitchel! in Northumberland (N. Q. ) called a publi meeting on Monday night in Chatham, which resulted in a unanimous vote for lhmdlrIMbme He has been presented with a requisitior signed by nearly all the electors, and will probably rflot be opposed. Rumors having become prevsâ€"} lent that Mayor Martinean inâ€" tended to leave the field, he d¢â€" finitely informs his friends that ue will not retire from thneontqti He is determined not to give way under any circumstances, and / will file an gppearance at tue' polls to rc,cci\&p every vote that may be given him. | It is â€"»aid that war between Branl the Argentine Republic is imminent. The New York press are unanimou: : > condemning the action of the jury in t Stokes case. Stokes will probably be ad mitted to bail. Noticeâ€"W m Mason. In another golumn will be found Mr. Currier‘s address to the electors of Otâ€" tawa. It is not necessary that we should say one word to recommend him to their favourable notice, as all know him to be well worthy of their support. When the interests of Ottawa have to bé served there is no amount of trouble that Mr. Curricr is not willing to take, and of this he has on more than one occasion given abundant proof, His election is, of course, certain. All we hope is that the second member will be as true to (Ottawa interests, and as loyal to the Progressive policy of the Do« minion Govrernment, as Mr. Currier has , Number of cases of sunstroke in York yesterday. s UQe Ottabor Cimes. Yielding to the wishes of some of his old frends, Sir F. Hincks has determined, not to sit for North Renfrew again, although his election, had he ran, would have been certain. At a meeting held in Pembroke on Monday, the following reso« lution was moved by S. 8 M. Hunter and To the Electors of the City of Ottawaâ€"« seconded by Thomas Deacon, that Mr. James Findlay is a fit and proper person to represent this riding in the House of opinion of this ‘meeting he should be elected to that position at the ensumg Moved by Mr. James. Leach, seconded by Mr. Thomas Murray, that this meeting regrets that Sir Francis Hincks is not likely to be a candidate for North Renfrew at the approaching election, and that it is ts opinion of this meeting that a candiâ€" date should be chosen who will support the Governmentof Sir John A. Macdonâ€" ald, and that Mr. Poter White, jun., is a fit and proper person to repreâ€" sent this constituency in the House of Commons, as his wellâ€"known Liberal Con servative principles entitle him to the ~confidence of the electors of this riding, and we hereby request him to become a The London Observer Argely observes, candidate, and we pledge ourselves to give him our hearty support to secure his We presume there is little doubt of Mr. White‘s election. He is a man who thoroughly understands all the local wants of the county, and is as warm a supporter We have already pointed out that it i the obvious duty of every elector, when deciding as to the candidate whom he wl | support, to divest his mind of all personal mmumum..-uu‘ sistent support to the present Dominion NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. OTTAWA ELECTIONS®, LATEST TELEGRAHIC 1TEMS WEDNXESDAY, JULY 17, 187% wb MAYOR MARTINEAUG.* Min NORTH RENFREW, MBR. CURKIER ‘-ï¬h of revVa* | eration w N 1N»â€"] politics. he deâ€"| fSir Job hat ue ‘ are bee mt.ut' ing ibou e way | accepted t and"‘ui- the it (ue,nsiou. ui » tharlosean 10 | _ ir Jobhn Macdonald and his collesgues ‘ave been mainly instrumental in bringâ€" ' ing ibout the following results since they accepted ~thce in 1867. Ihey have carried l ~ui the principle of British Amercan 'uim. until the Dominion extends from owean o ccean, a work which the Hon. teorge Brown said in 1567 would take a ' life time. They have dealt sq justly and fairly witk <the people of Nova scotia as to very matcrially change the condition of publ‘s feeling there, and render a lirge r*Jo ‘ty of the Nova Scot‘an people friendly t tist Union @hich tive years ago they were pledged to destroy This great work, so essential to the wellare of the Domin‘ ~;, was done by constitutional means anu without any injustice to the other provinces. The Grits claim that the Dominion Gorernment were not legilly jus..f>! i. uc.ng as they did with regard The candidate who pledges himself to support the Government signifies that he approves of these results, and of the policy from which they have sprung. The can« didate who pledges himself to oppose the Government, testifies, in point otf fact, that he does not approre of a progressive policy, accompanied by a reduction of taxation, the extension of the Union, the promotion of Union feeling, &c. The eandidate who does not openly and deâ€" cidediy declare that he is in favor of the Government and their policy leaves the electors in doubt as to what his real posiâ€" tion is, whether he is for Union and Proâ€" gress as the Government have shown themselves to be, or for Faction and Party before the country, as the leaders of the Opposition have conclusively proved that ‘ progressive policy | . Cuy p& .,E i M.. was u:mm“d by them 'hieh‘»’ C rdwell, T R..?†lax-fl mm‘“' country prosperous. 1t is Taiboo, J S Thompon weris s mi‘l““ of a party which are Carle.on, Nâ€"B. & stake. It is not a mere party trumplh | '(.1.‘. l\eton, U Hoimes, Mosgrov) which we seek to obtain. It is the conâ€" lh;::{’u' B.[.)n. Benoit. . | ~~ tinued h;:rma of that line of policy | c Amrforelx. Simen X Cl hich has in five years done so much for | Chirlotte, H f aves.." Canada, and uch for | (4 , lHHon | Mc Adam. / the defeat of that obstructive | e eeni s »pirit of opposition, whici , since Confedâ€" 1-;&:;::3:-" pl 'A Tm""'bl" f “poliua'- inaugurated, has disgraced our g""'PW. Hon JPu rm | o-‘mnl""' in oo pr P ~_~*~ _| 4 Cumberland, Hon Dr Tupper. recognition of their â€" loyalty and fidelity to the Empire and Imperial interests, but _ hare _ won the esteem and good will of their fellowâ€" subjects at home. $8,981,003 have been expended on public works and the acâ€" quirement of the North West during the past five years, and yet only $1,977.776 have been added to the ‘public debt. Taxation has been reduced within the past fifteen months to the extent of more than io millions of dollars, Such are a few of the many great results achieved since 1867. . * i~ Novea suotia _ The highest judicial authority in the Empire, however, is expies> * % decidedly contrary opinion, rm1{ has declared that the action of the Da&n.niou Gozernment in this matter was strictly corâ€"i:tutional, The construction of the Pucific Railway, a work necessary to our future progress and the deselopâ€" ment of the North West, has been com menced under the most favourable cirâ€" cumstances. In consequence of the advice of the Dominion Government in reference to the Treaty of Washington having been accepteii by Parliament, the Canadian people have not only received to progress and a continuance of that prosperity w‘ ‘sh now exists. No matier who the conlidate may be, no maiter how able an orator or how estimable a character m. uup.:inciplei and factious opposition against 1 Government whose past acts cannot fuil o win the approval of any thiuk >« wea, and whose record is one to which they can point with pride ani pleasure, then we say it is the duty of a patriotic man to cast his vote against him . m-nc:;m&g-m As we sard it is not a mere party triumph which we seek to obtain at the polis next month. The question to be decided isâ€" shall Faciion henceforth reign in Canâ€" ada, or shall a policy of Progress and conâ€" stant advancement preval? Vote for the Opposition candidate and you vote in favour of the former. . Vote for the Minis terial candidate and you vote for Union, Progress, areduced taxation, the prise cution of our great public works ; in fact for a continuance of those beneficial reâ€" sults which have crowned Sir John Mac» donald‘s Administration during the past fivre years. We beseach our readers as ‘uny value Ethe country‘s welfare not to be led astray into the consideration of side issues and narrow personal matters We do not ask them to think of party, we do not appeal to them on behalf of party. We simply call upon them to look at facts, to judge by results, to do so without prejudice or party feeling of any kind. 1t they do this, we know that they cannot hesitate as to the course to be pursued and will, as a duty they owe their country, vote in behalf of the Ministerial candiâ€" It is not easy to obtain a complete list of all the candidates at preâ€"ent. The fol lowing is as perfect a one as we can make up as yet, of those candidates who seek to be elected to the Dominion Parliament and have declared themselves in favour of that policy of Union and Progress, of which the present Government are the expoâ€" Bothwall, Brant, N P John Y Bown. B â€"nt, S R, alfted Watts. Btu‘kflhfllmlbbï¬t. Bruce, N R, Alex & e nme,n,rnun"' FUR UNION AND PROGRES support Nicolet, Jos Gaudet. Norfolk, N R, Aquils Walsh. sm...E:‘..‘.’l“:. B, Hon P Mitchell. Northumberland, O 8 R, J 5 Keeoelor. $ Northumberland, O W on J Cockâ€" uro. OUntario, N R, W H Gibbs, Ontario, 8SR, T N Gibbs. 7 Uttawa, J M Currier, Mayor Martineau, J B Leowis, Ottawa County, Alonzo Wright. Oxford, N R, tss ' P J H Cameron. Perth, N R, Thos M Daly. a _ (2) Hon J MeDonald. Pontiae, E Heath. Portneut, J D Brousseau,. | MAflu;rs JQ.;:..' Centre, Hon J Cauchon, Q.â€"e A G Goatze Pak A o iraius,. Quebec County, Hon J Chaureau. Qunu,NB,gl"onh. Queens, NS, Dr Forbes. Renfrew, N R, Mr White. Renfrew, 8 R.J T Brown. Richmond, N 3, Isaac Levisconte. Richmond, Q, Wm } Webb, Pr Graâ€" ham., W E Jones. p ‘ mfl@m& K ; â€" Rouvilie, Dr s C ic ~ . + mmtdv N B}(1) Hon 8 D Tilley. do (2), Wm Elder. t John‘s Co,, St Maurice, D Lacerte. Shelburce, Thes Coflia ; Mmkil'l‘lnok'l. Simeoe, N R, W C Little. To the Editor of THE TIÂ¥XES. Sir,â€"In the interest of the public health permit me again to draw the attenâ€" tion of the Corporation to the Byâ€"wash. This stream has been for many years & great public nuisance ; but has more parâ€" ticularly been a source of inconvenience, discomfort and pecuniary loss to persons living or owning property along its course. It is needless to occupy your valuable space to explain or show how intolerable the nuisance has become. The authoriâ€" ties know and acknowledge that it is an abominable nuisance, and feel J have no doubt the necessity of having it covered over. But why the constant delay and delerring in taking steps in the matter 1 â€" cannot _ positively / say. . The matter has been repeatedly brouzht before the Council by petition and otherâ€" wise, but turning a deaf ear to the prayers of the people they have as often treated the demands with contempt. Champlain, Dr Ross. Charleroix, Simon X Cimon Chirlotte, Hon | Mc Adam. Chateaunguay, Chicuttumi, PA Tremblay. The public comfort, welfare, health and convenience call for u:. earlier attention of the Corporation, Aldermen should learn to bury their prejudices and ward feelings in questions that concern the pub. lis of the city generally. _ Elgin, 6 R, Sumuel Price, Elgin, W R, John Monree. Essex, Hon J O‘Connor, Frontenac, G A Kirkpatrick. tiaspe, Dr P Fortin. Calchester, F W Pearson. ‘ Compton, Hon J H Poc: Uomnwall, II 8 Macdon» ‘umberland, Hon Dr Tupper. Dighy, Alt W Savary. Dorchester, Hon H L Langer: Prommeond, M Prefontaine. . Dundas, John 8 Boss. | Durham, E R, Nesbitt Kirchb Glengarry. | Gilovcester. | Grenville, 8 R, Waiter Shanly. s tirey, N R, Thos Gordon. Grey, 8 . ()ooHJacbon. boit f Guysborough, Hon 8 Campbell. lluy:ilwn, ‘l-yorChbboln, H C Witton Haldimand. Halifax (1). !Bhl ï¬")c Mackindsey ton, s k Hastings, N R, Mackensie Bowell U Piche. i Hun Jubus Scriver. â€" Huron, N R, Thos Farrow. Huron, 8 R, T 8 Greenway. $ M J Arcy Bolton, N Rï¬m"mm land, Hugh Nelson. Levis, J B Blanchet. Lincolo, T B Merritt. Lisgar, Dz. Schulits. London, Hon J Carling. Lotbinere. Lunenburg, E M McDonald. Maskinonge, G Caron Megantic, M Grant. Middlesex, E R, David Glass. Middlesex, W B, A P Macdonald. Middlesex, N R. Mississquoi, Geo B Baker. Monck, L McCallum. Montcalm, Phil Dn.fu. Jos Dufresne Montmangy, Hon J O Beaubien, Montreal o-n:’ & mn‘t‘r%. Montreal East, 0@ E Cartior. Montreal West, G A Drummond. H C R. i Iborvillo, F Bechard. Inverness, N 8, Hugh Cameron ; Jacques Cuartier, M wirouard. Joliette, C Beausolosil. . Kamouraska, B Routhier. Kent, N B, Auguste Renaud. Kings, N B, George iyan. Keit, U, K. Stephenson. Kings, N 8, L (..Phipnn. Kingston, Sir J A Macdoaald, K C BA lambton. Lanark, S R, G J Haggart. " Lsnark, N R, Hon Wm McDougall. Leeds & Grenville, N K, FrancisFones. Leeds, 8 R, Ford Jones. Lenmox, R J Cartwright la Restigouche, Geo M flatt. Soulanges, J C Lantier. Stanstead, CC Colby. Stormont, San;olu Ault. Runbury, Chas pee. Temiscouata, C F A Bertrand. Terseboune, L F K Masson. Three. Rivers, W McDougall. Toronto East, Jr Beatty.. Toronto, West, Canovan. Toronto Ce.1tre, John Shedden. Two Mountains, J B Daoust. Vancouver Island, H Wallace. Vandreuil, Mr Hardwood. vicgein i a t i Watcer C, (1), * Victoria, N B i?.â€..‘o..u..."""“‘ ictoria, Victoria, N 8, W Ross. Victotia, ) N R, J Staples. Victoria, O 8 R, T Matchett. Waterloo, g:. Waterloo, Welland, J C Street. Welilington, C R Dr Orton, Wellington N R G, A Drew. Wellington, 8 R. Wentworth, N R, Thomas Stock. Wentworth, 8 K, Dr Bothwell. _ Westmoreland, N B, Hon A J Smith. Y ale Kootenay, P Houghton. Yamaska. o Yarmouth, N B, John Picard. York, U E R. York, 0. N R, A G P Dodge. At theslast meeting of the Council a pe TAE BY.WNWASH. Hon L Archambesault. TH E6E OV Z zm »Mar , CB wash would form a portion of the miin drain. : gt-i;nrnumorouly llg;od,m i 'â€un't the Byâ€"wash might be r'q.‘m.“ and thrown aside on (he plea the Byâ€" Nw, Sir, when will this main drain be , constructed, and will hundreds of people | be constrained to suffer until such time as | it is constructed, while the paltry sum of #6 000 wouldâ€"defray the expenses of all | we ask the Corporation .to perform. > . I, in common with the public of Ut: tawa, most sincerely hope the Council will reconsider their resolution, and do someâ€" thing in accordance with prayer of the Tapestritnd Brussels Carpets are now offered at from 10¢ to 20¢ per yard under greoent value. Those reqniring arpets of nn{ kind would do well to look through the stock now shown by , RUSSELL & WATSON. * Quebec, July 16. A dreadfal case 01 killing has just occur. red on the Lower Town Market. The captain of a brig had just landed with his steward, a negro lad, when the latter was accosted ‘by one Jas. Dillon, who â€"made overtures to the boy to leave the ves: el. Capt. Pelletierâ€" interfered, and as alleged, was struck by the crimp. The captain seized a butcher‘s axe, within reach, buryâ€" ing it in Dillon‘s body. The man lived only long enough to receive the rites of the church. Capt. Pelletier gave himself up to the police and is now at the station Edwards, the associate of Smith,â€" in the shooting affair of 12th inâ€"t, was discharged to day by Polics Magistrate. ~Emith who fired the shot will be tried toâ€"morrow. Four young boys were toâ€"day sentenced to three years in the Reformatory for bur« . ‘The prospects of the Hon. Mr. Young appear daily on the wanp. » Jn fact several of his own friends admit ‘that the case is desperate, and have retaxed their }abour in his bebalf. This is owing to Mr. Young‘s indiscreet but persistent avowal of British severance sentiments, coupled with the fact that the Glob¢ is retained in his ser" vice, that paper being quite discarded by a large section of Reformers and others of the Hon. Mr. Young‘s fiends in the city. Considerable money has been collected to further his election during the past week, and to night a meeting takes place in one of the public squares. The friends of Mr. Drummond work quistly, and feel certain of an easy and large majority . j Thermometer 4 ° at 4 p.m. , Large arrivals of tourists from the West to night. Mr. Ross‘s central committee meet toâ€" night, for the cantral division. â€"Meetings are held nightly, and the political posttion . In port for Montreal ; steamers *« Ausâ€" trian‘‘ and "Moravian.‘"‘ About 560 pas~ Denis Goullard working in the Grand Trunk Works, Point St. Charles, while feeding blocks to a machine, having a number of knives, was yesterday caught in the latter by the left hand, and every finger was out off. sengers in all. From the Manitobian. > The charge of the Post Office has been i~. Sintmtzne hss qoeu ( appoighed 14â€" P. oâ€" spector for yt::Pru'vboo'. higtas Those of oyr readers who have had the mo{ listening to tbhng. W, Â¥. preach or lecture e will feel gratified to learn Mbbm to ovflthtldlrmheo,brxt:lpu- wr’dvflm‘m missions of woba and the North West. , Among the the Internes tionat on ‘Thursday, we 50t000â€"Donald A. Smith, Esq , M.P. ‘ & The mail now comes through from To: ronto in six days, and from St.â€"Paul in grants by that route. The population of Winnipeg, as ascerâ€" tdndbythonboblmfmmu to Ln. This shows a ratio of increase which, kept up for ten years, would give us a Barber, and McVicar; the band of the battalion ;;lhy;d at inte't‘unls. The fo:g1 is excellen esigned npetbwoll{orl’omtbon‘hlm We o«}n&mm to the Adnrtr.' ment Stage Company in another columnâ€" Pihy-n.x.dhonu to St. Paul is f very near as mmo»n. mmr: of the line deserve brery encouragement. The body of who was . The body of Corporal Dumsis who was three days. of last week, was found near the pontoon on with * . s ind ‘.0::‘“ l“uâ€œâ€œï¬ uqopm Y year is no * uwm‘m;mmmmm m-llq?ndtyo(dunflcï¬:.l':: sell readily at 25¢ to 30c a dozen ; butter, fresh, 33c to 370 a pound, as in quality ; Minnesota huubd-.‘)awï¬e, but none is now in market. Vats (Minnesots) $1 25 a bushel. Minnesota hams, 17¢, shoulders, 12c to 150 a pound. Filour, internaiional were 173 bales of rpobes, numbering 1,730 in all, by Mr. A.G. B. Bannatyne. As will te seen by advertisement, the Dominion Government hasinvited tenders for the erection here of a Post Office, a ceiver General, They will be M'-fldlulbhl?MWh"'md n.owhuonuth:zwm Popularizsition of Law." ‘The issue before annmmonnatieniin tA Atmmmmmemrss csmmc us absolutely a necessity to évery landed The emotional h-ni?&hupnd proprietor or real estate o#per in the to the Indians. Une the other m:,nnll-hoverycitinnintbo day, when arrested tor killing and scalping®| Uni &Ahlthstwhh-wk:ppouud some white men, on being asked to acâ€" | on that indestructible element of valueâ€" count for the eccentricity, said, "Me head | Rear Eetiars. The law d ment of this crazy. Me too much crazy." excellent vook.lb wzhditd-t;unlblut;w "Do mean to say,‘" said a traveler counselors country, who gnswer, free u.u’?&ï¬mu. man was shot K.Mdlqnm:{h- submitted to here yesterday because he was qo?tin’ paperâ€"with a clearness and accuracy the act of mdmr' «Y es," ..ot?:l:shuh-bhui-:cnmd by m metly answered the "but there most ordinary hlllgn“- ?ms{onounhooadolmm" s ’fnumalmlhwldomit be taken The emotional insani has spread -ou;owln'hnnn.onbdu asked bp% count for the eccentricity, said, "Me head crazy. Me too much crazy." Acunagre sege u7 Iwo it . fouurcds beibstrtrend 4 $3.15 ewt Fresh beef, 16c per Ib, and _mp;:m 18¢c. Other things entirely "Do you mean to say," said a traveler was & in the act of carrying off a m-r"'“g-." Moxrezar, Jaly 16. Sir George Cartier left for the Capital Amongst the exports‘ this week by the RY TELEGRAPH NORTH WEST ITTEM®. Yours, &8 , MONTREAL. QqUEBEC w a TiMa#®, JUOLY 17, 1872 WSUICE. of"imm The Dein of Winchester, England, the Very Rev. Dr. Thomas Garnier, lately signified his intention of resigning his deanery. lHeis upward of 90 years of age The Rev. E. H. Chapin, the distinguishâ€" ed Universalist Minister of New York, is so affected with acute gout in his lower limbs as to need the: ard of crutches in walking. They have lately built a temple in Sain Francisco with seventyâ€"five Gods in it, two of which are eighty feet high. â€" Mr. Beecher, in his lecture on preaching, gives a good hit on pulpit hallocing. At the closing of his lecture an inquirr asked : "Suppose a man triee to woik himnlm to a feeling of enthusiasm 1y action increased emphasis, can he be successful?‘ Mr. Beecher answered : " In regard to that, 1 will mention a circum. stance that occurred to my father. I recollect his coming home to Boston one Sunday, when l was quite‘ a smal} boy, smying how glad he was to get home, away from the church ; and he added ; ‘It seems to me I never made a worse sermon than I did this morning.‘ ‘Why father,‘ said 1. ‘I never heard you preach so loud in all my life.‘ <‘That is the way,‘ said he,. ‘I balloo when I haven‘t anything to say.‘‘ The Archbishop of Canterbury, mu:j to the Moderator of the Scotch Gene Assembly in reference to Dr. Norman Macleod‘s death, says : " Will you allow me to ex{pmai to you officially the dee feeling of sorrow with which I have he.nf of the loss that has befallen the Establishâ€" ed Church of Scotland by the death of Dr. Norman Macleod? He was so widely known in l‘::fnnd as well as in Scotland, and, indeed, wheréver our mother tongue is spoken, that his death seems a national loss. So zealous, largeâ€"hearted and gifted a pastor could ill be spared at any time by the Christian Church. While his own people lament that they no longâ€" er hear bis familiar voice winning them by his wise spoken counsels, his written words will be missed in thousands of homes in every eï¬w of the world, and the Established Church over which you preside w 11 deeply leel the removal of one who held so high a place among her wisest and most strenuous defenders.‘" the religious books Iublhbed in the timée of Cromwell : * A Most Delectable, Sweet Perfumed Nosegay for (God‘s Saints to Smell at." «* The Sufferers Divine Love ;" ‘Hooks and Eyes for Believers‘ Breeches;" "Crumbs of Comfort for the Chickens of the Covenant ;" ©High Heeled Shoes for Dwarfs in Holiness;" "The Spiritual Musâ€" tard Pot to Make the Soul Sneezs with Devotion ;‘ ©"Salvation‘s Vantage Ground, or a Louping Stand for Heavy Believers ;" « & ‘shot Aimed at ‘the Devils Headâ€" 1no 1nuon LGncei sSays.â€"~â€"â€"1u0 Suujoo6 of taitocing has acquired a tom&onry inâ€" terest from the incidents of the Tichborne trial. The practice is of ‘fut antiquity, and, as is well known, is ogntod by many savage tribes; the mode in which it is Eor formed, however, varies considerably. Thus, while the Australian makes deep inâ€" cisions, and fills in the wound with clay and other substances, so that an elevated scaur is left, the New Zealander scarifies himself with an instrument resembling a curryâ€"comb, constructed of shark‘s teethb, which 1s slowly driven through the skin by nrbd blows of a mallet, the wounds being filled with rcsin of the Kauri pine and a u::doif red earth, With the lo:'l:i: classes, t would appear with you of the np&r in mm neighbouring countries punctures are made with a quarters through the Tube of the Cannon of theCovenant;" "A Reaping Hook for the Stubborn Ears o( the Coming Crop;"‘ Biscuits Baked in the Oven of «harity, Carefully Conversed for the Chickens of needle, gunpowder, indigo or vermillion being -S:qn-uly rubbed in. By wild tribes, tattooing is unquestionably used as a substitute for clothing, â€" and Prichard, as quoted by Wood in his History of lnwom that Euro.. pean _ eyes _ _ so _ accusâ€" tomed to the tattoo thit they are rather shocked at its absence ; and so completely is this feeling realized by the Samoan patives, that chiefs who have arrived at middle age frequently undergo the proâ€" cess of tattooing a second time, in order to renew the patterns, as they become dim and uncertain with the lapse of years ; for though indellible, the tattoo does fuio in time. Tattocoing, so common among our nlh-landnkhen,ilpmbsblybuogont desire that their bodies may be recognized mof pci:pl, ofu: Z:m . .l; j e merely fm-lni&norlowhfleuuyfln time. ‘The durability of the marke will obviouâ€"ly depend on‘the depths of the incisions or punctures, and the nature of the substance tubbed in. When the incision or punc ture has hirl{.mmud the cutis, and the material luble, it will certainly be permanent Virchow, in his ‘Cellular Pathology,‘ gives an jllustration of the appearances fmonud by the glands of a tattooed soldier 50 years after the operaâ€" The Chinese pay about $400,000,000 a ear for the support of their religion. â€" Ahe following are the titles of some of the religious books published in the time thoCbnrclg' arrows of the Spirit, and the Sweet “85â€. of &lution.P' ; A hdj':iu urg::d by her friends thew a widower, as ar nt y 1';'..'! of ~bu. iwo besuttui childreit: *«‘Children,‘‘ replied the lady, "toothpicks ; a person wants her own.‘"‘ The editor of a Western paper havin received a bank note directory, nmmi thanks, and modestly asks for some bank notes upon which to test its accuracy. school recently toli an examiner that " Esop was author of the Latin fsbles, covered with harr, and sold his birthright for a mess of potash." tion A gentleman in Massachusetts, bein M&Whtmu;ipmdm--ig to his little son, who, in an affectionate mood, wished to embrace him. ¢ You musn‘t hn&mo ; you‘ll catch the scarlet fever."‘ illie, standing back, looked in amazement upon his papa, (who, by the way, is a pattern of proprie mï¬ md%uickly asked, ï¬gï¬v papa, who did you bug?"‘ A Cleveland woman not long ago mod.tlynanuudborhmbndtogo to the dressmaker and teil her that she (the wife) had changed her mind and would have the wasted silk made n-g instead of 't:Jopl.'-, and " that if she thinks it mthout pafing and box piaited below the oqutor,-vligg m’guscw in hemestitched gudgeons up down the seams, with gusset stitch between, she can make it up in thit way, insteadl of ~wi applique as 1 suggest yutudsy.'Pom e to the American Land and Law «dvisor. The original features introduced into the old paper by its publishers caused it to be sought after by persons in all paris of the United Srates, and thus encouraged by public patromage the publishers now deâ€" termine to give t:'t&.. poophuaâ€â€™pgu every way worthy name ve chosen for their new weekly. The American Land and Law Advisor m a "weekly jourâ€" beautiful sizteen page, sixtyâ€"four column, illustrated weekly, with the name changed The â€"(Pittsburgh, Pa,) Real Estate Reâ€" ister comes to us this week enlarged to a The London Lancet says:â€"The subject A PAPER FOR THE MASSES. RELIGIOUS ITEMs. TA TTOOING. FACETLIE. of a Massachusetts, by every firmer and land owner in the ]‘ country. The illustrations on the first page, of original designs for cottages and | T suburban residences, gotten up expressly ‘ for this journal, is also a feature that comâ€" | [ mends itself to those about to build, and if | we are to judge the future by the first | issue, now before us, we will say it alsne is | worth many times the subscription price. The weekly correspondenceâ€"from the | |, General Land Office at Washington, D.C., | N giving the latest laws governing the public lands. homestead and preâ€"emption ; as well | as that from all parts of the country ;â€"is | also a valuable feature ; to say nodnng of | & its news and general informtion, found in | ® no other ‘)onrul in the United States. To crown all, the enterpriziing publishers | © offer, by way of inducing an examination | and subscription, a beautiful $5 Chromo, | Â¥ of either 6t the following subjects : "The | Lost Babe," or " Tne Unwelcome Visitor ‘‘ | © All for the exceedingly low price of $2.50 | V a yearâ€"embracing nguutiful dpictum and'! y over 800 pages of useful reading matter, | 1 and illustrations. We would say to our| readers send stamp for a umglo copy. | M Address Croft & Phillips, Publishers Ame:| g rican Land and Law Advisor, Pittsburgh, | s Pa. (* Our stock of Carpets is now complete, and is one of the largest and best assorted ever offered in the city, having placed our orders early last autumn, we are enabled to sell much unde. present prices. $ RUSSELL & WATSON. The newest designs in (Engâ€" lish) Oil Cloths, from 80¢ to $1 40 the square yard, at In this city on the 16th instant, Mr. Charles Austin, Licentiate Apothecary of Dublin, and a memberâ€"of the choir of St. Alban‘s Church, aged 33 years. _ _ _ On Monday night, July 15th, George Walters Owen, intant son of A. U. F. Coleâ€" man, VÂ¥.8, aged three months and twentyâ€" ome days, _ _ > a eA The fineral service will be held at St. Alban‘s Church, at 5 p. m., when friends are requested to attend and accompany the remains to the place of interment ©â€" The funeral will leave his father‘s reâ€" sidence, Rideau street, on Wednesda; morning, July 17th, at nine o‘clock, again, most respectfully, offer myself as a candidate for one of the two seats to which Ottawa is now entitled, and solict your suffrages and a renewal of your con« fidence. 1 am fully aware of the weighty CITYO®F OTTAWA GextueEx«ex â€"By the dissolution of the first Parliament of the Dominion of Canada, the important duty devolres on you. of choosing . representatives for our city. Having been solicited b{ many of thoase who heretofore generously supported met and by some of those who opposed me, I To the ngovernment I haveâ€" given that a fair and liberal support, to which, I think, every enlightened friend of Canada will admit they were fairly and justly enâ€" titled, and such support as becomes an indepsndent member ofâ€" Parliament to give, having at heart the well being otf his constituents an 1 the country generally. res bilities attached to the position lmro:l'i‘:e to the distinguished honor con« ferred on a representative of so important a constituency. . e o. . 1 believe xgzc Parliamentary career has not been ineffective, and that the suggesâ€" tions 1 have had the honor to offer as your representative, whether of a purely local or general interest, have been received with respect by the Hou:e and by the Government. 8 My course in the past is before you, and I appeal to it without fear or misgiving, and await your verdict with confidence. At this moment thtre is no country more prosperous than our own, nor one with brighter prospects for the future, and who wmay that this is not owing, in a great degree, to the wisdom and foreâ€" thoniht ot our leaders? ihey have knit together our scattered provinces, and given us a country of immense extentâ€" rich beyond measure in i‘s varied reâ€" sourcesâ€"soon to become the great highâ€" vhuy for the oomm:mhe world.. They aye proposed an meny important mu’lgru calcylated . to secure tl?: conâ€" tinued prosperity of the Dominion. They have inaugurated a policy for the enlargement and extention%? our capals and public works, which, when completed, will be of immense udpv::.:rw the country generally, and especially so to the valley ol the Ottawa; these works will at once be proceeded with, mdt.hou'ï¬ of gnum;nflndo,tbm will be little, if any, increase in our present taxation. To all the great measures which will dis â€" tinguish the late Parliament, I gave my humble lmort. Questions threatening national rol{‘unu dissensions arm and I strove, as I have always done, always shal}, in the direction of securing equal rights to all races and creeds. Among other matters of importance to this section, I urged upon the Governâ€" ment the claims of Central Canada to at least one of thesix new seats allotted to Ontario under the redistributjop, and which resuited in the giving of another member to Ottawa. Finally, L think I may fairly claim that I have not been neglectiful of our local inâ€" terests, and that L have given all the time and attention that could reasonably be exâ€" pected from a representat;ve. _ Should you be of the opinion that I have fairly represented you, and fairly fulfilled the duties of the position, I trust you will meet early at the polis on the day of elecâ€" tion to ratify it. > On my part, should I be slected, I shall, as in the past, take the same independent course, and do my best to lorvv_qrf‘tbo_in-: terests of the country generally, and of our section in particular. I am, gentlemen, Your obd‘t. servant, â€" . . N(mCE- 5 The undersigned is now prepared to furnigh Briige Puiiding and Frarge Timber at short notice; also, Shingles, Nos. X, July, O‘Connor Street. Ofttawa, July 16, 1872. -m,g.vmw V., reopen « SITUATED IX RIGAUD, COUNTY OF VAUDRIEUL, L‘llLLS FOR SA_I:E.UB TO LET. Grist; Carding a d Full With three lots of land highly improved, good wheat growing landâ€"plenty of work, Driven by Waterâ€"Buns the Whole > Year, all)d.o orderâ€"mostly newâ€"built cight years k F‘ CONDITIONS EASY. "Â¥e Apply to the proprieter, _ __ _ _ ___ _ Mhake a peosock, on WEpNESDAY wery 17th instant, at 12 o‘clock. n-h::dor the powâ€" ers contained in two the of the Southerly half of LOT TEEN, in the thisd Aiith 1. it ‘iret Concession of North Gower, conâ€" ONE, in the first CONCGRRITA OR ACTUOE TT COs $7.800 feet, will be sold by blic auction. % and particulars nnl;.toth underâ€" 15th July, A. D. 1872 Daiea at Otawe, 15b July. A, Drste . § J. M. CURBIER. Ottawa, July 17th, 1872. 2021 Ottawa, 15th July, 1872 Eparks Road, West End, 2. + WM. MASJN. Uttawa, July 17, 1872. 2024 2w RS. PuUuPES RUSSELL & WATSON‘S. THE ELECTORS DIED OoF THE «<B> + Bolicitors for V endors . MeDONELL, l;m $6, Ottawa Ci c Yokna?: Toud 2022 Commencing _THURSDAY EYVEXNING JULY 18, 1812. MUSIC HALL. FOR THREE NIGHTS ONLY NEW SCENERY . OF IRELANXD AAD COMEDY COMPaANY. sketches. â€" .6 Miss ANNIE RIELLY, the charming character vocalist and jig and reel artist Mr. TIÂ¥ COHAN as the Irish guide, vocalist, Irish.comedian and jig dancer. _ Mr. GEO,. E. GOUGE the great Dutch c â€"median, in his humorous Du:ch songs as the Dutch tourist. General admission, 25 cts." Reserved Neats 50 cts. Seats can be had at O)rme & Son‘s Music Store. € A Grand Mattinee on SATUEDAY after noon at 2 o‘clock. Admission 25 cents ; childr:â€"n 15 cents. ~ s Prof. HODGINS, Organist, Pianist and Vocalist. Doors open at 7 ; to commence at eight o‘clock. § _ B@~See programme. * f T. EK. NOBLE, CHAS. H. HICKS, Erin A Jgent. Business Manager. Ottawa, July 13, 1872 2020a THE UuTTaAW &A RIÂ¥ER NAVIGATION COMPaANY Having disposed of their CARTAGE STOCK consisting ot * General Forwarders. Orders for the ftuture left at their office in Wellington Street, or at the Queen‘s Wharf will meet with prompt attention. y t alne Mr. f& A. BRENNAN as Lecturer, Tourist amd Proprietor. Horses, â€" Waggons, ‘ &c., To Messrs. A. J. Taymor & Co., On behalf of the CHAU DIERE ENGINE COMPANY, 1 hereby take tw the chalâ€" lenge gi\e'n' by the OTTAWA ENGINE CUMPANY to throw for $100, as may be determined upon. Arrangements to be begun as soon as the members of CHAU DIERE ENGI[~E COMPANY (fully oneâ€" halt of our men) now at the front return. I also distinctly repudiate the assertion that the award made on Dominion Day was any courtesy to us, but in right, "Ever Ready an i Willing ‘ is > ALEX. BOWIE. Ottawa, July 13, 1872. ______ 2020 3 THE OTTaAwWA CHALLENGE ACCEPT KD. Ginger Als», Potash Water, Vichy Water, Seltz=r Water, Congress Water, * Ea l?hrmtrm Water. 3 ish Citrate, Mignesia, Seltesr Salt, &e. ’-‘mhly made Seidlitsz and Soda Powâ€" ders. Liberal in rolitics, I will he found advo cating, on all occasions, Protection to the Farmer and his productions, both imports and export, now so disrezarded. Gex1.exEx,â€"As you are immediately about to be called upon again to elect a member to represent you in the House of Commons I beg to ofter myself as a candiâ€" date for that honourable position. _ . Being an old resident of your flourishing county I feel confident that I know the wants of the people and am as able to advocate their rights as any other candidate who may seek your suffrages. _ _ _ I shall strongly urge upon the Govern» ment the necessity of increased efforts, by grants â€"and otherwise, to procure a healthy immigration to this section of the mnï¬z of the much required farm labourer, bo male and female . SODA WaATER, MINERAL WATERS, &o.. &o. As a local man with large municipal experience I will, if elected, be ready on all occasions to further before the Governâ€" ment and in the HHouse the best interests of the country in mccordance with the views of the County Council and otherwise. engine oo:romiou on July 2nd, having beon officially awarded to the Chaudiere Fire Engine Company, by the Committee, much more as a courte:y to the " Chanâ€" diere,‘"‘ than as an acknowledgment of the fairness of the Judges‘ deciâ€"ionâ€"I now, on behalf of "Ottawa‘" Fire Company, challenge the "Chaudierp‘ to another test, under the same regulations as govâ€" erned both on that occasion, for the sum of One BundroddDolhu. at mh‘:.oo and place as may be dptermined repreâ€" rentatives of both compmhl.b’ WM. MoCAFFREY, _ Capt. " Ottawa" Fire Co. Requesting the vote and influence of every elector, all of whom I shall ende@vyâ€" our to see personally before the election if time -boakll permit. Ym &tmt nrnna CHARLES MOHR. The music '"Mfl"w by the Music Committee, and the will tl. po’p-lu and useful book tor use ‘in all musi societies, and should be in the hands of all in the audienc: at the Coliseum . It is the very best of Libretto. moï¬{: "":,',455"“'75*"" that are Past.â€" Howard, %. * TII{S WORLD‘S PEACE JUBILEE Chorus Book. who are to compose the choir. By L. 0. EMERSON and W. 8. TILDEN. s A . Hs« been adopted promptiy, on exam!nation, by a e‘n‘: '“&'."J'C’;'&Tm""?""m admirably adapt Capital Sone for Y The above Books H sent, M elpt of retail PCb on nrrs0N% & 00., Boston CKAS. K. DITSON a%.. NKew uk. * ‘ for which its happy arrangement of Theory, Prerâ€" DR WHEELERS CELEBRATED BLOOUD FOOD UR TONIC. The (k-rnd Elixir of PHOSOPHATES and CALISAY This elegant and agreeable preparaâ€" tion has become a great favorite on account of its perfect reliability in the treatment of derangements of the Stomach. Liver Complaint, and Lisease of the Kidufll. It speedily relieves the pain and sen«g of fullness so often felt by the dyspeptic after eating, Acidity, Fiatulence, Constipation, and the bilious Headaches thu:md all cases of weak digestion. In diseases lar to women it acts iinceting Sieciiagen aut Testrine borfect siges ts Au 1 thobod.y‘ndoolonotho eonphxâ€un. Its rewarkâ€" able curative action dy-b'wm peculiar proâ€" pertics as a purifyer of the agent. the Blond, £at fon bade N ngeliaintiion take Parme, & » Pn ie ns ns en and $elioute child." Ro d st $100 per bette. MR R A. BRENNAX as Kathleen, in ogs, duets and burlesque operatic Soda Water, cold as I:se, combined with ure Syrups, drawn from the * Arctic ‘ountain." Price so low that all cap uy it. yoge Tuckass § B sc m cb MYRTLE HMAVY. the book to be used at the Festiâ€" o t m ow o the bouds af the ‘Bh000 singers Captain Chaudiere Fire Co Oitawa,; July 13, 1872. 2020 3 Uttawa, July 13, 1872. "HALLENGE *LECTORS OF CArLETON The first prize in the firstâ€"class hand July 12, 1872. Ocitawa, July 11, 1872 » MKERS! CcaUTl®. -?.Ml-â€".-t JL"‘!(?IIUY‘ ll:wg Erin and the Brennans." The Hour of Singing, FOR A GOOD SMOKE, HIGH SCHOOLS, ALSO FIR SALE A. CHRISTIE & CO., Druggists, Sparks Street & B. on each Plog ~"ws H. LIVING, Sr.. ) 20 201 tf 2018 As the first Parliamept of this ion shall shortly be dissolved, ,}:‘: duty and priviiege of chosing your .‘_ sentative in the second, shall devolveup, on you, and being requested b!“ of the leading and most influential req. dlg‘ntc of your ‘(Jounty, to offer mysalf gy that position, to inform have acceeded t:.thou req Ndfl reepectfully ask you one un for yaue vote and influence. Born in your County, known to many through my father‘s buninou.b~:= professionally, and to & still larger Dumbey politically, I flatter myself that nds dature will not be in vain. B“ih days when the Grit of yesterday is the Conservagive of to«lay, and the CoBBep. vative of toâ€"day the rabid Kadica} of to morrow, 1 feel it my duty to Shite that 1 shall always~ revere and oree hold dear the connection h“ Dominion and the Mother M,'- shal istrenuously opposeanyand that shall tend to lessen Britist Indoeat on this continent, ignoring Independene as L feel it toiollnï¬utlhpu annexation, and the blotting out of ay separateâ€" existence. 1 hold, the true principle of the publy man should be measures mot men ; yel trankly ndont and feel that your repre. sentative is bound if o-ly: the tis a gratitude to give a liberal bearty sup. port to the leader of the présay Government ; for his firmness and loyalty, youare indebted to the fact the your county town is the metropolis of this great and glorious Dominion 1"respeotive of the fact of decreasing customs,â€" ap overflowing treasury, and a country now only bounded by the waves of tw oceans. * In conclusion it will M*IO mutg pleasure to meet you during »t an appointed time and ph:n shall have an opportunity of e m{:elfmorefuu,on y own position 3 tion to t.bopohucz questions of ) M y er R & their customers and the public generally, that have now ready und open for (m largest and best assorted stocks brouxlit into this city. Having months earlier, than usual, and befo.« vanse on Woolen Goods, we are to the old :floo-. All woolen #suits up t on the shortost possible notice fr «n ‘ $10 UPWARDS Our Tailering Department is more usual, having secured the services of a Uutter. Gentlemen may Ifl. & Call and leave your orders at once. as S onlyâ€"faake LMW to â€" mm :::L«MdCu-. ad#u ‘ 1872, ».â€" Large Importations g::k Conts all W;lool. $ Costs do Pants :fl W ool Stnzd and ! Plain do ’ V ests do do W ton«, Prints, Linens, Btriped and s nrtiuu.:l.ll:&:m %?-m, hilrunt e hure‘ Qlt:m SM;:‘ wh Vests, Cotton D‘L" ‘ 3,.': re M(' M.“ c‘fl-‘ and | Elastic Braces, Boy‘s do. Neskties, C %@'E:':"“m"’ 'z‘" lié z &* of our Goods, that we Have . rgos! ::.::do C:othing to 4 in 2 1 come tirttent qband o o0 w Te al any time gagures e O‘MEARA & CO,, beg most respectfully to ounty .of Carleton Ottaws, June 12 1872 Draw GTQG hig, W.b.nl)o- and a com 1 have the honor to be, entlemen, July, 12, 1872 THE ELECTORS Yours, &eo WILLLAX MOSgROYE, o# UMEARA & 09, § § kx §° Uornice * 1 â€" pour case® * lMike Ends and 5* -'-:IU' a:an Rer. RUSSEL L & AY® "" 1. Jeas) w Jessid **" B ® ) te bed 1rop «1Â¥ ind corner for ««le che8P., w,-â€" Tuesda hovssd with YAS in the shade at 0 at one o‘clool rvg". _ “.wt it alight excureon i take place do â€"The Central asnd Wr. LeWwi# yond what is tbe best on in teorms of We â€"advice Hell for ts T be better A‘mu Bohl' a ‘ Fupplied Ask por i. was compos , Inspector, L Rathwell. bhave been n t »Siret class ; [# third cla= s Tor eaertibe Arved is 1he ( the opera, in getting to Pragg®4 Exovesios.â€" ; the Oitawa se place to ni to in Toronto @very , The C 4 Rer, J or piside Ruge â€"As a listened to enjoy Baocei, W es night rit, Gu p dt. 4 gents that with SmnQl ho t" at the " The and