44 +3 $# «& EEDS, SEEDS. SAPARILLA } Is the Great Health Restorer of the Day. ;oT It strikes at the root of all Disease ; through its wonderful power in restoring ; f 47. I . Strlabn Polncdy® lt It is a remedy for Scrofuls s :cr-d(?“:udbo&y,m diseaser | tion, Jaundice, geuny,h-chhll.:ig-’ tions, Chest Complaints, and all other di. ALC: seases arising from an impure state ef the ‘ nï¬wumums'()‘ Health Restorer accompany each Bottls, | \" â€" ndgnehnulouldbou:ï¬lhnm"i that DUNCAN‘S COMPUUND SYRUP UF | â€"â€"â€" SARSAPARILLA, and nd other, is suppliea~ | y Wholesale agents, EVANS MERCER & â€"â€" CO., Montreal, and to be obtained from all the Ottawa druggists. 1 Ottawa, March 9, 1872 1918 3m COMPOUND SYRUP OF SAR Will be received at this Department, «* Ottawa, up to noon of MONDAY, the THIRâ€" TIETH day of SEPTEMBER next, for the construction of Light Houses at the andâ€"râ€" mentioned places in the Province of Ontas.>, vie : Sandy Islands, Batchewana Bay, Lake 8‘- Owen Sound, Georgilan Bay. Mississags Straits (Cockburn Island) La®« Point aux Pins, entrance of Rirer eise are axposed to no accident or S wm-m‘:‘- this Swing without having to contend with any of the incomveniences met with in ordi -‘l!h:'si:‘t:. be in operation at the seen Canada Oounl-zhl, No, 120, Sussex btreot and at No, 3, 8t. Patrick Stroet. FIOWER SEEDS, a large ASSORTMENT STEKAM CUNUENaRHK, will cuok everything reâ€" quired in an ordinary sised family as quick and as welil as can be done on a range «c o0doking stoke. ‘The boiling, %.fl romsting 14 uuue within the one vessel at same by means oi a lamp '&lo-u.ang.hs ul.ao‘o-â€" z.-q\tho-l) Conts of .l;d'lll. cooking is going on there eacape of steam udum'm»ow.dhtobum.nm all the Meats, &o.,. cooked by hm all their juices, thus rendering them more thy and autri~ cious. it wil also heat «moothing irons, boil the Sn CosveneERA in cok 3 yÂ¥ Huran. Windmill Point, near Prescott, Grenvi..e . County. and of the Light Houses on Lake Superior and Georgian Bay, at the office of 5. RISLET, Steamboat Inspector, Toronto, at which places also forms oi tender can be prosgred by intending conutractors, slon b“tlv'on, and in it persons induilging in that THE EXAMINATION OF CANDIDATE®® In the City of Ottaws, commencing on Tuesday, the 16th of July, at 9 0‘ clock, a.m. Hamilton lsland, Glengarry Connty . Burnt House Point, do _ do On Government Pier, about 3 miles above upper entrance .of Caral, Beaubarnuis County. 3 Beacon Lights, Upper Ottawa River. > Two Light Beacons below Carillon, o.tibn ver. Plans and .specifications of all required works may be seen on and after the 1st §¢epâ€" tember next, at the Department, at Ottewas, The Dâ€"pertment does not bind itself to accept the lowest or »ny tender. â€"_.~â€"~ . $ MERpCREKEG > This now swing contains the mo~ tive power in it, Landidates will be require.. to notily the Inspesâ€" ymmmmamdlulflgï¬hâ€"- tion to present taemsel,«s lor examination and to produce satisfactory tos .imonials of good moral chaâ€" C. B, 4 _ b. > Sumntnen dieo hand O iratatiiors LAâ€" ,}mvlth the GENERAL REGU the Zird day of JULY, at yo‘clock, a.m. 0 Itf Solo Aco-'a" ..‘,‘09..'.'.' n.-? â€el-l of E. LaVYIGNE, (Quebec.) Public School leachers Second and Third . Class Certificates you wiil see that what we say is Lrue. _ _ "'?u.wx:/ws-u "Agents Wanied. Call at, or ,A.twaou.m u..:ic...m %un near the Market, where the apparatus can be seen in opera kettle, tea pot, wash boiler. and th« ordinary cookâ€" on ate o e m BHLIK\ 1% sce "hen you Wl ce that what we say is trae. _ * * liom. f Uttaws, June 11, 1872 Minister of Marine and Fizhertes, Department of Marine and Fisheries, Ottawa, 18th June, 1872. 2013 lawktd IXOT NO. 1, 4r2 CON, NORTH GOWER ______ 6 Acres of Good Land WITHIN ONE MILE OF RICHMOND, About 60 Acres Under Cultivation. EACHER WANTED 'r For school Heci mravatonn nc disscovered. Cooking done on a table without sal, Wood, or a himney !| . M': uol:'nw Candidates will be 1 NENXDERS, ‘E'_‘EBA,!ï¬‚ï¬ Ts _/ P ~ARM FUR SALE, Just received, a fresh Stock of GARDEN AND FIELD SEEDS Cror 1871, VÂ¥u.: ° (From Ewing Bros., of Montreal.) _ * * A. CHRISTIERECO,, Will be held (D.V.) in the #Central School House (West)," Hawa, June 5 187% TEACHERS EXAMINATION. Customs Rramarc Mn 19, 1678 UTHORIZED dissoust on American: lave COUNTY OF CARLETONS GRBATEST FUELAAVER YET SCHOOLS, I. ». a. Buut thalShaiiee" Lake bupcrior wl> 3wks $11 ke Suâ€" â€!'n'. l THE ST. LAWwRAL VCE ‘OTTAWA RAILWAY. ,‘Gï¬d'\hh!fl- Afteen cents por W. 1 LEE. The old .lhbl‘.:kkatud boat aout shortest line g-smnu-d‘du to Brockwvilie and all pobrts Wast. and bÂ¥y 3B milea ALTERATION OF RUNNINGC Ti with ’,.r., Bota Car]| * M Charge for berths, 50 cents. wilk ENTWWTOT UC Ee aad "ts Pnd on "hogm Lt t is «uraoed® Tiokxts to romt GaraT Â¥1i Fout Can uâ€"-uunmdmufl- u‘-&:::‘u-'no..u?o“&"" kâ€" NaApmg it ie -’fl.“um lbs. for any one omiâ€" Ragze wih ts in a cuaiyioen to altntt of the hane. port of heary articles. . Sure connections with all the Grand Trunk trains both East and West, as this Company‘s trains walt their arrival when late. Twenty minutes allowed at Prescott . Junc tion for refreshments. .« Trains are run on Montreal time. THOB REYNXOLDS8, g;hdl at 3:50 pm., arriving at Sand at Wr. P Through Ottawa Express at 3:20 p.m., making a certain coanection with (irand Trunk Day Express from the Kast and West, arriving at Ottaws at 7:20 p m. 'LIAVI OUrLaAwWA.: Through Wostern m.- at 10:00 a.m., ars tiving at Brock at 150 p.m., and counscting with Grand ‘hnk{hy Exâ€" press going Rast and West. eertieg Loat at4:20 at nmud: at 9:35 p.'.-,"nd at Sand Point a« 8:10 pm. .. Express at 6 p. m.atriving:at Sand Point #.45 pm. uï¬mul;“mn POINTâ€"1:40 pm, £;10 » h m Lï¬-vuun ï¬)flfl'â€".:fl) am, 11;40 and 3:30 p m Counectior« made at Sand Point with mwmh.h-bm.w du Freight loaded with and No Tran« mmnan&.' » H. ABBOTT, On the of the Honorable the Minister of vll.dum visions of the 56 See. of le. 5&\.1.:; #+ W Canada." to order, and it in 1 .J&d teil be, flmu authorized to be on passing through the Government on the Mirer Dumoine, that alns oh Canada Central and Perth Bram b make certain connections with all trains on . ieX. kutway : .=>>>> |:> â€" Nommmn : ie the s opinppmone eontnats t io eat TORONTO TO FORT WILLLAM. depiuo Sinime it h tonw“m.lu!omuum.ï¬ FH , Children under years -“““ free. Fitra per Ee anige s uinas THB MODE OF CONVEYANCE. | ‘rm-um-'rmu Collingwood or Sarâ€" 'ma--n- Collingwood or Barnia to Fort ' _4 miles by waggon from Fort William to Shebanâ€" | wan Lake. Shebandowas Lake to the Nurth â€"W 51â€"A ng! e c bie c rexmrey $ ies becocoe W ompe fhom Nee w @ï¬":fl l y L HIS4 EXCELLENCY THE GOVERNOR UGOENERAL IN COUNCIL in to say UCUreat Broad Gauge Route To OTrawWa. LEAYVE BROCKVILLE., Exrpress at 8.00 a.m., arriving at Ottawa at 108 p.m.. and at SHand Point at 1;40 4# LUTTBELL, Brockville and Oftawa Railways 4s ON REAL ESTATHE, From $400 to any amount, on approved newarity LRUST AND LOAN COOMPANXY OR IPPER CANADA . June 10, 1873 @vsauum HUUSE, OTTAWA. _ ‘Tucsday, 21st day of May, 1872. | Brookrillie May 10. 1871 Trains will run as follows®: . in in waiPhers, » AXD FROM MONDAY, 10.b J 1873, traius will ron as follow , Ottawn, June 8, 1873 dBEY TO LKA MONDAY, MXAY 20th, 1872 CANADA CBNTRAL \ 4,00 p m 11 04 noon 10 00 pm| Eastand West|. 1 00 a m 10 39 am;u ‘F axpress for |ail potuts Wost. 1;00, p m|Grand 'rmul 345 p m +~ Mail from the 8:00 am 1 30 a m® Ottawa®. Iy direction, Learse rates for furniture. W est, and x Tsl posals bast 0vix0 NOoRi» gorsog soUTu Jamos Bailiff Centracts made 10r adver Tum mmen hies, | ar t of ho aare Ppere Managing. Director, Oitawa ;m do Expm s fram Wosut Do â€" do Mail Royal MaiiLiae! _ of steamers east| 10 00 a m M'mtO‘l‘l f trom West Do do Expree tor the Kast, G T Express tor Kkingston and all way at a t l o ns tral n fo: Brockville, agzon from Connecting with Cars on No 1 sand Counscting ‘&r"" in with= > | Otoaws. Clerk Privy Councll, uio. tf w.uiee ___. BULKX AND CAN ®. BRAUN, Becreatary. Arrive l.fl rescott J unction. 12 50 p m 3 50 p m ~â€" LUUdbEILO LGIHHIG@ELG3, UUIMUIUVIDbLh . ; MESHE*. ) ® / ROCKAWAYS BUGGIES AND SLBIGHS, | sarRrKUs Which in point of finish and durability, | **® | are not surpassed in any market. I re| Ray~All work warranted for one y:n.ri ‘-d,almof m:w: MSEsgHS. | & t # » large amount of new and imâ€" _\ proved machinery has lately been added, | ********® "'mduthowholohdrivnbyouun&ow e s Mn e (the_onlz'm). 't. so lqpï¬wd' x $ ve | section M{ are i8 & i cott | to produce work more pmp\fy..ud wEssRE. lon. | cheaper than any one else. ~~~ | ‘The proprietors are practical workmen | GABBIEL‘® NU 1 Cartiage and Sleigh #, Stockdale, Brother & Co.. | Just Recelved H. M. RO WE 8 celobrated LAKE SUPERIOR Royal Mail Line | Ottaws that he has taken an ofice in Bel\‘s Block, near Sappers‘ Bridge, add that all communications [,gp::.’:u‘hmmmm bhours of 7 OrrA\YA STEAYX At this establishment will be found on hand, or made to order, the latest and most approved «tyles of o Cosckes Carriages, Onmbasses, *t Snss harar Biks "Aliiu" h. @errrsccccs ... BBR GALLION sailing n'a-‘ LIverpooi ©vory i NGIRSNF¢ T7 from Quebec every m,dh‘u'hï¬ Foyle to receive on board, and land Mail and Passsngers to and from Ireland and Sootland are intended to be despatched from Quebec: Calling at 8t. John‘s, N. F. _..â€"_ _ FPBOK QUEBEO. _ x 8T. PATRICK «t ««««. h 4 '“MO“'C, m-.ooooo."tlm 25 l.m......'...'-......w'““ m...‘.......fl.'.. .'...'.I..._.†“ * An Burgeon carried on mï¬.a“m secured until pald _ Return Tickets granted at reduced rates. wmmm&m&&- om'olwlnflgol( friends from s or further particulars D'OO%D €Cts, â€" _ . m and 06 p° .Ornwgflrtifl sailing from Nerth American ...... MOCHECNHE . .11 114. arx1 Collingwood, Fort William and Duluth, s NORTHERN [RAILWAY OF CANADA. ?’rhu‘ w fcent !12‘:-011‘.‘:.. PPER CP-.:. Bipe n--.‘l;nu Cumberland, LEAVING COLLINGWOOD Evyertr Turspay AND FRDAY, £871. SUMMER SERVICE: 1 passsxerss Booked to and from 1872. 6 Liverpool Londonderry and Glasgow. The steamers of the Liverpool Mall L4n¢ Uttawa, May 6, 1871 LFaAcTCcaY, f RIDEAU STREET, OTTAW ., eteo., oto,, oto, _ Coentracts made for advertising in cither s Tss Office, C elling: o !. â€"â€" Agent for the Ottawa Times. m1£ sEABVN QOMMENCED Sault Ste. Marie, Michipicoton, Nipi« gon, SHilver lslet, P&“mâ€œï¬ Â«4 OYsSTERS, ing and Intermediate Ports. Chicora, nection with the Courriee d Outaouais. # .7.V.v.7.7.7. # .V. # * '“ A* Agonts _ "Bparkeâ€"st Francis Smith, Thursday, and 1871. Januery 6 .. do 13 1912. 64 27 10 10 yA #in«. and _mpjroving MSs3YHRA. ‘Wpï¬d a ttnnl â€" * redties® to #ume,.And gives eAth'sl brillifhor to the Enatmel~ Price 18. 64. ~_. _ _ RROYAL,DENTIFIOE 1 Teeth a pearlâ€"like whiteness GABRIEKL‘S | and imparts a deliciouns fraâ€" grance to the breath, Price 1s, GABBIEL‘S MPORTARIge WHOLESALE DEALERS ( O8TEOâ€"ENA MEL STOPPIN warranted to rewain white anu MES3ShRS8. i::: se the Tooth itself. This utitul preparation restores GABRIEL‘S j front ‘Teeth, and can be easily GABRIEL‘B ! Price 58 Fall gir for use enclosed in each bozx IMPORTANT TO RESIDENEUS ABROAL Parties at a distance may have Artificial Teeth supplied in partial or complete sets, by Messte. J‘brld'l new system, on sending parâ€" ticulars oftheilr cases, with a remittance of Ten Shillings, when the apparstus fortaking a model of the mouth will be forwarded with all neceesgary instructions, C n mmag 703 i 5A BFn hh Lo mha:; bol:::l? at all the w r"'.':'u'e:'mu i7 H E. acCatthy, Chemist W & * » .u"i)nqgn‘_!.um Street. m'ndqtfl.hnh Patent Knifo Cleanâ€" machines, Rubber and Buaf Leather o bave t indhiens puiee reunl t ben thrms @ & ual to new ou! Packets, 34. ouch ; nflnu. #4., h..tn.a and 4s. each. ~" MA JOHN GARDNER, CHEMIST, MONTREAL, Bole Manufaaturer and Proprietor. For sleaning and polish 6liver, Electroâ€" Plate, Plate Glass, &s. T.hu‘....l.oul.“ MES8RS, GABRIEL remodel on their imâ€" proved system, and at a moderate cost, Artifiâ€" cial Teeth supplied by other dentists which hay not proved satisfactory to the wearer; * A CHRISTIE & Co.,, Restores Grey Hair to its Natural Color (1UsEs Tak HAIR 10 GROW . Imqon'm«; THE ROOTsS NoT soruine THE SKIN _ ({REY HalR, IT REsTORES AGAm, To Ifs NATURAL COLOR, L'nvme-n' BEAUTIFULLY p{ieLusfEp anp GLossy. gyroPS IT§ FALLING OF. * g10E18 AaLL OraERrs. CINCALESE WV P RQYA Ly D ENTIFIOE i - ,ï¬ka recipe as used MESSRS. y Hoer Majesty ; gives the Teoth a pearlâ€"lika whitanaii _ and Beauty, AND DUES NOT SOLL THE SKIN. wirTkA= anl0o wWiNEs, & Â¥. FOOSE a COXPAÂ¥Y *4# " BLDIADEXE®" 0 & C U B L for Woothache.:This extraorâ€" dinary application, marvellons in its eflocts, gives immediate relief without injoring the tooth, and forme & temporary stopping. ~Pricete 1}¢ COKaLt‘ts 100TH PaoTEk . 4 ja_ A A W A, 'I'IMES Rotesh 19 Poviee teares decay Teeth, renders thop‘?o’oth sound and useful for mastication, no matter how far decayed. Price 1s. 64. § oDuNTALGTIQUE mont refreshing, it strengthons the gums, eradicates tartar add all injurious secretion, sweatens the breath, and for cleansing ar« usdd, Sufficient to stop six This celebrated Mouth Wash is (Al PTREET teoth is invaluable ELIXIBR These highly improved inventions render Klectricity perfectly selfâ€"applicable, and exâ€" tremoly effigacious in a mild continuous form | on sbock or unpleasant sensation being ex~ | perienced, whereby it becomes a true fountain | of health and . vigour, speedily soothing agonizing psins, reâ€"animating torpid limbs, reviving the siug@1gK functions of life, and rinparting tehewe enorgy and vitality to constitutions enteebled by whatever cause, | Medicines and their deleterious consequences \mre thus entirely dispensed with, The daily ; increasing nmumber of cures effected by | PULYVERMACHER‘S MEDiCOQâ€"GALYANâ€" | â€"N.B.â€"Thefollowing testimony from the I elite of the English medical faculty has been | received o ‘f " We, the undersigned, have much pleaâ€" | « sure in testifying that Mr, J. L. Pouvys»®â€" | | 4 wacu®r‘s recent Improvementsin his Voltaic © | Batteries and UGalvanic Appliances tor | 4# Medical Purposer ure of great importance to i " Bcientific Medicine, and that he is entitled 4 to the consideration and support of every | | « one disposed to further the advancement of | " realand usefulâ€"progress, . . .. _ _ _ PULYERKHAUHEER‘S PATENXT GaALVANIC _ CHAINâ€"BANDS, BELTS AND POCKET BATTERIES I0 SYSTEM is so cxtensive and varied, that | t forcibly points to this invention as thol embryo of a universal remedy. I would ask, as a great favour, that shoula it come to the knowldige of any person that hbo,lc:d send or:ï¬ld w my name, to me the particulars he can collect respecting the same, tha is to say, the name and add: ess of the vendor who is selling the. spurious medi. duandukwbnnu-o and address / the House in the United States, or elsewhe e, which may have :upplied them, so s to enâ€" abl~ me, for the ection of the public, to mwfl: qdmmhovu-d.:'ou, and I engage to remunerate very handsoinely any person who may give me such informa tipn, the informant‘s neme nevor being diâ€" vulged. _ > + x Whould any person have reason to believe that be has been deceived by buying «puriouns imitations of these Medicines, be wili do well to send me, in a letter, to the address at foot (which he can do at a cost of six c.nts in postaze), ons of the books of instructions which are affized o the same. 1 promise to examine it, and send a reply, stating whether the Madicines are genuine or not, so that if spurions he may apply to the person tror whom he purchased them to have his money and 348. per dozen boxes of Pills or pots of mv;::hmtoho, TI‘i'(;:AB HOLLOWAT I most earnestly entreat all those who may read this advertisement that they be pleased in the public interest, to communicate the purport of the same to their fricnds that they may not be defrauded of their money by purâ€" vbhusing worthléss imitations of the genuine Holioway‘s rilis and Ointment. _ Chemists and Druggists who desire to ob inin the Medicines can be supplied at the lowest wholesale prices in quantities ef not less than £20 worth (for which remittance No representative of mine will ever trave through any rn of the British Provinces, o the Un ited States, eith=r to sell or to tak orde rs for my rills and Ointment, and as have reason to believe that attempts will ver probably be made to deceive ths public in shis way by persons calling upon medicine vendors, falsely representing that they are acting for me, and with my knowledge and consent, I deem it advisable to put the public on their guard against any such deceptions, -uuuqu&,xï¬ and 34s, per dozen boxes of or pots 553, 4# Dated the 9th day of March, 1866. © sIR CHABLES LOCOCK, Bart., M. D _ . 8IB HKNBY HOLLAND, Bart., M. D 'a.'s. sIR WM. FERGUSSON, Bart., F. R. 8. _ _ EDWD. H. BIEYERING, M.‘D., M.R.C.S. t SIlJ RANALD MARTIN, F. 8. 0.8." in extent, attached, on Sandy Hill, near Sir Jdn"A. Macdonald‘s ndd’on!:om' Apply to W. H. KAGLE, T:wss office. UOttamws, Apri 2, 1872, 1984tf Those who do not wish to be deceived by buying spurious medicines, which are now likely to emanate from the Stites or elseâ€" where, but to possess themselves of the genuâ€" ine Holloway‘s Pills and Ointmwent wiil de well to see that each pot and box bears the British Government stamp on which is en« graved the words "Holloway‘s Pills and Ointâ€" ment, and that the address on the label is 633, Oxford street, London, where only they are manufactured, and in no other part of the world, The retail prices are on the labels ir British currency, and not in dollars and cent, i ULVERMACAER‘8 SY8BTEM is also ap j10v «« of by an official report of the Aca d4.1 i de Medicine, Paris, Royal College o Physiciang, London, and the Imperial Faculâ€" ty of Vienna, and its curative virtues are conâ€" firmed by thousands of private testimonials of cureseffected. (Bee pamphlet gratis). Paralysis, Epilepsy, General Debility Functional Disorders, &¢., 308 to 508. A complete Bet of COMBINED UHALIN BANDS8,BELTS, and CHAIN BATTERY for restoring vital energy, £5 to £1. The public are most earnestly uum to beware of Pseudo Electric Belts adve by sham Doctors, &c., for improper purposes, and so severely stigmatized by Vice Chancel~ lor Maling in the sait Pulvermacher vs Hamâ€" mond, alias Henrï¬.hmu, alias C. T, Raphey, M. B. 0. 8, alias Henry Burrows, &¢, &¢. No Galvanic Belts are genuine but those bearing the fac simile of M. Pulvermacher‘s signature on the label. . j _ A pamphlet containing full particulars may I beg most respectfally to acquaint the public of the British North American Proâ€" vinces that in May last I caused the business at 80 Maiden Lano New York, for the sale of bolloway‘s Pills and Oht-eml which were ap to that time ‘prepared by William Brown, now deceased, to be closed. ‘These Medicines were, I regret to say, from what has lately come to my knowledge, made up of such very ordinary ingredients as to render them almost worthless, and therefore calculated to damage my good name, i ts ies arke oo CHAIN BANDE AND BATTERIES. B. CHAIN BANDS for Neryous Deafness Head, Tooth, and Face Acshe, and Noiser in the Head, 218. to 308. B, UHAIN BANDS for loss of Voice and i other affections of the Throat, 108, 64. to a&. N. UHAIN BANDS lor Sciat _ Rheumatic Nouralgia, and Gouty Pai®®: Local Paraâ€" lpl: On-B &0., 188. to 2*** and 408. BCHAIN BANDS for Lumbago, Indigestion Liver, Ohest, and Functional Disorders, &o. &m as a belt), 22s to 40s and 558. B CHAIN BANDS for Writer‘s Cramp, be had at the Drug Store of A. OChristie es â€" 9. bV PULVERMACHER, **~* . Galvanic Establishmen.., 200 Regent Street, London, W These facts orï¬nl to the good sense of every sufferer to avail himself of this scientitic and curative progress, to which the inventor has devoted a lifeâ€"time of study and labour, a an ardent deciple of that great benefactor of raankind, the late illustriocs electrician Mionaso Farapy. « PUOLYEbLMACHER‘S MEDICOâ€"GALYANâ€"~ Lumbago Neuralgia Head and Toothache Liver Complaints Tic Doloreuz Indigestion Deafness | A. CHRISTIE & CO., DRUGGIST8, oTTAWA. â€" Ottawa, Heptemper 6, 1870 _ ~ 1455 1a The effects of the application of Pulveiâ€" macher‘s Chaing in any of the above disorders is immediately perceptibleâ€"the relief of pain instantancous. PRICE LIsT OF PULVERMACHKRS Trembling, Nervousness, &¢, 221 to 308 and 408. * B COMBINED CHAIN BAND for GCantrl LU THE PUPLIC QF THE BRITISH PRO VINCES OF NORTY AMERICA. LECTRLOUTY 13 LIFE Full particulars may ‘be had from the Sole * / AUTION %Ehhingd.mm and with Garden, one lot and a half OUSE TO LET.â€"A \'-’ 2 '!! r'~ vanco to ] There is also Commodious k ard Room and Sn:l'tl:t‘l' | Stabling attached, with good attendance, The St. James‘ Hotel, Having been rebuilt and furnished in first class style, and with good Sample Rooms, will be opened by the subscriber on for the accommodation of the travelling public The above Hotel, so favorably known, being gituated in the immediate vicinity of the Parâ€" liament Bunildings, Banks and other Public Offices, will be conducted in the best style which the wants of the public require. The table will be supplied with all the â€"&f««« ROWE & ANNABLEB, RBGJ* Near Sapper‘s Bridge. Jenuy Lind bedsteads..$3 00, formerly $3 50 Common Bedsteads... 2 25, *© +. 2# 80 Common Chaire. ..... 40 and upwards Complete Bedroom Bets for $10 50 and up. wards, consisting of six pieces. . Parlor Sets in Hair Cloth, Black Walnut Sideâ€" boards, Bureaus, Washstands, Centre Tables Side Tables, and a great variety of cane chair at equally low prices. and the BAR with the choicest brands of Furnished or Unfurnished. Thelowest rent la the City. ‘This establishment is too well known to require any comments â€:ron its merits. Upwards of 200 Merchantsand others dine daily in the Restaurant. The Proprietor is only relinquishing it on account of assumâ€" ing the Superintendence of his brother‘s Manu» factory in the United States, Address ; GUISEPPE M. GIANELLLI, K. B.â€"The Bar can be readily let for $200 per month, Montreal, March 3. 1871. GREAT REKDUCTION IN FURNITURE EAST END SAPPERS BhIDGE. BUWs & ANNABLE Liquors, . On and after MONDAY "’:i the ist o MAY, it is intended to run Pallma: Sarnia. One of these magnificent coaches will be attached to each Day Expresstrainleaving Montreal for Toronto, and be run through to B"‘hh.:n. Drawing Room and Sleeping Car, will also be one attached to each Day lxpn-hau'l‘aumtolm- The Summer running arrangements wil wlnwopmm.mlflof‘ln,ol which d 3e notice will be given. U J BRYDGES, Managing Director. . a K. F. BEDDALL, A. P. Fire Lns:notot“ it BRHY; s OrPI 'n..s.n;T' ï¬&m e mapuh" C ‘s corner and Elgin streets. 17607 N.B.â€"She financial position of the Royal s in no way afftected by the recent Fire at Chicago, the Company having no Agent doing business in that city. > HOTEL . RESTAURANT AKD nq Ottaws Dec 1%, 1871 OTTAWA HOTEL, 8t: James Street Mon treal, The undersigned having assumâ€" ed the management of this popular favorite, respectfully informs the travelling public and its former patrons, that the house has undergone many improvements, and that he intends by constant attention to the wants of his patrons, to make this the most comfortable Hotsl in the city of Montreal. Losses promptly settled without refer. ence to the Home Office. LIFE DEPARTMENT. Auun.nceod on Lives pmblt:d on hvonbl; terms, ard unquestiona security fargs paid up sepiiel of the Company, s 1 on asâ€" surers hv:p:’&iï¬oml security in ‘ the UNLIMITED LIABILITY of a Wealthy Proprietary. Tables of Rates, Proposal Forms and ful information can be obtained on application to the undersigned. . FIRE DEPARTMENT. All descriptions of My insured against Loss or Damage by Fire at moderâ€" ste rates. . a t FIRE and LIFE, CABITAL............. .. . . . . $10,000,000 ANNUAL INCOME, over..... 4,000,000 FUNDS ON HAND, over. ... . 9,500,000 SPECIAL LIFE AbSURANCE FUND.................«.. .‘ ©608,810 There having been added $736,200 to the Life Fund as a result of the business of the past year. O'I‘TAWA HOTEL, » Prescott Junction, J. FRANCIS, »~.etor. _ Meals at all times. Table and liqu ecannot ba surpassed. 1878â€"3m. The above discovery bas gained for Proâ€" fessor Harman a Silver Prise Medal at the Interâ€"Colonial Exhibition of Victoria, Ausâ€" tralia, of 1866 besides numerous Testimonials. Agents for Ottawaâ€"â€"Joseph Kavanagh, Grocer, Wellingtonâ€"st. ; John Hill, Tem Pot, Rideauâ€" st,; slocombe & Stevens, Sign of the Sugar Loaf, corner of Cumberlandâ€"st.; for New Edinburgh, J. W. Proctor & Go.;_*or Aylmer, Mr. N. E. Cormier ; the Wholesal +« Agents for the Canadian Provinces, are J. Smith & Co,, No. 1 Western Buildings, Montreal, _ May 32 1874 4 ><<â€"A40f1 iÂ¥ ~At Junction Depot of Grand Trank and Ottawa & Prescott R. &. All the facilitiss of a First Class House, Pagsengers refreshment Which is known to be * KFar Superior to anythin ever yet Dis« covered For killing Rats, Mice, Insects on Poultry Ants, Bugs, Cockroaches, Black Beetles, Fleas on Dogs, Blight and insects on Plants, Moths in Fur«, Tick or Scab on Sheep or Goats ; also on Cattle, &¢., &c., in less than Ten Minutes. eat it Directions for use on each Packet. Maxuracroryâ€"Gravel Lane Houndsditch, City of London, England el 1 _i Bold in Packetsâ€"25 cts. per Packet ; or Biz Packets for One Dollar, §5cts. > The Powder is warranted free from all bad smell, and will keep in any Climate. It may be spread anywhere witheut risk, as it is quite harmless to Oats or Dogs, as they will not PROF. HERMAN‘S VERMIX â€" DESTROYRR, Montreal, April 26th, 1871 WEDNESDAY, 13th DECEMBER, MFORTAN®F NOTIOLK. 1606 THE COSMOPOLITAN, URNIT URKE, FUKXITUKE K. UE uJUNCTION HOTEL,! HAED TRUXK KX FOR SALE OR TO LET, FOR iA 4 ‘TERM OF YEARS. Ottawa, Dec 11, 1871 HARK CHANCEK: OYaAL INSUEBRANCOEK COMPANY, Delicacies of the Season, IN MONTHEAL, Remomver the place HHotels, &c. WILLIAM POWLEY, * Proprietor. 11, 1871 1842y Wines, D. WILKINSON, Proprietor. U, 8. BROWNRB, and Cigars. A Pullman Car will be attached to the Through Trains between Montreal and Ririere du Loup triâ€"weekiy, vis.;â€"From Montres on Tuaesdays, Thursda«ys and Saturdsys _ reâ€" turaing from Riviere du Loup or Mondays Wednesdays and Fridays. i C. J. BRY DGEB, * Managing Director, AUCTIONEER, REAL ESTATE LUMBEEBMEN‘S AGENT, A GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT 1872 MP’“.':.C....‘I.....O..I .-â€â€œ Mail Train for Island Pond, Portâ€" land and Boston, at...... .... 2.00 p.m Night Mail for Quebec, Isiand Pond, Portland and Boston.........10.30 p.m Cumsrl: & HILL, (Iste Kennedy & Christie) Barristers, Attornies, Soliâ€" citors, Conveyancers, &O. _ | _ ___ _ _ __ 11.10 Accommodation ‘Train for lsland Pond, stopping at all Stations, at 7.00 a, Express for Quebec and Riviere du A. J. CHARISTIE. On and after MONDAY Kext, 5th JUKE, Trains will leave Montreal as under Mail Train for Toronto and Interâ€" modiate Stations, st. . ... .. » ++« Day Express for Teronto, at. .. .... Night Express for Toronto, at..... Mixed Train or Brockville at.. ... Accommodation Train for Brockâ€" Pullman Palace Cars now Ronning on al Day and Night Trains. VÂ¥ . SUMMKER SERVICE OF THAINS A Magnificent Calf, lnl.qvooï¬}ol;il, :’nd and fodu:;.y John W est, ,, of Gu weighing ‘Wwelekr‘ or" 330 PoUKDS, â€" And 50 head of Western Sheep. The Pork Stall will be as usual found fully supplied with Fresh and Salt. PO‘K. BACON, SAUSAGES, ETC., ETC. Mhe whole of which will be on exhibition at their Stalls Nos. 3, 5, 7 and 8, Lower Town _ Market, _ this WEDNESDAY, THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY, when they rest assured thcrnblio will be able to see the finest stall of Meat in the Butichers to His Excellency Lord Lisgar Gov. General of Canada respectfully tender the public their sincere thanks for the very liberal patronage beâ€" -wwodonthemdnringlnhatuvon years. While soliciting a continuance ef the same they wouldâ€"earnestly uest an inspection of the following 33. purâ€" dnlud. .:')t Ggolph Fair. the teers weighing enormous weight of j , â€"4,525 POUNDS, Matter posted up to 9.30 P.M., will be forwarded Kast and Weset in Suppi package the same night. On Money order Offices th has pros he es throughout the Dominion, Gre % ward Island, can be obtained uu?hinrmfiurl;.;dlot:‘d‘:: Which took the prize .at Gueiph Fair. RB@* Deposits will be receired atthis Office. Interest allowed at the rate o Fow cent per annum, and Deposits can be withdrawn at any time. .‘ QFFICK HOURS FROM 8 AaA.M., TO 1 P.4 For Money Ord« s ind Savings Bank business from 0 a m to 4 pm § 0450 | ns ... KIHOO!:,.1++ 20e 11.30 182. __ _ . 41802 EASTER. #,50 Ottawa, June 13, 1871 C:90!......... :i:“â€",‘;'.â€":’â€"“’ Taeon Fob‘sh 1815 Ottawa, March 27. 1872 No. 43, Rideau streoet, Ottawsâ€" 80 head of splendid Western Cattle. Post Office, Ottawa, June 10, 1872 PoOST â€" OFFICE,, OTTAW 4 Hon James Skead, Senator, Ottawa J M Curri~r Bag, M P, o J : Grant, Esq, M D, M r i.* B W Sectt, Esq, Â¥ P P, * Nr Mmkq 6 KEdward Grifin, â€" z2 Rdward McGillivra;, EBeq, || " messers C T Bate & C# | t * Thowmas hunton, Eq * M â€"sare 'll“ll-u.l & Drmapet / Alexander W-nd? Kkey | # A Entâ€"â€"o 8 a*. Kq | â€"®# Great Acceleration of Speed® SATCHELL BROS., Wt Mss s axs rarres Via NewYork closs every Monday at 8 P.M Per Canadian Line, close every Friday at 10 15 A.M. A Bupplementary Bag for Canadian Steamer will be ciosed ai l1.30 p=., in which unregistered matter can be sent.â€" * CLOSE awse+,,,| ©.00 'i;ill;i-czii‘bza"(;_nd Vancouver Islrnd) Mails ¢ | despatched daily via Windsor, Ont., Detroit and . San Francisco, U.S. Rates of Postage same as to | | other parts of the Dominion, #11.10) @.00 United States, Piq OFGODSDUTZ .....00» 000000 »ssss se seeevers 11410 ,,,,_}x--w Ue, Merrickville, Oxford Mills, per St. L. & 0.R _._"_._i; ______. \North Gower, Kars, &c., por 6t. L. & 0. Railway ........ H. FALL ; â€" §UMMER ARRANGExExT. 1879] 8 ARRIVAL and DEPARTURE of MaAXlQL ......... \March, Huntley, Carp,&6 , by Stage 2.00 glnmâ€"Quboo. Montreal, Cornwall, Lancaster, I Teb ibY RAMNNWIKY ~.+oorer+ seperacncian rerarer in ereuby petais 9â€"00 Halifax, K.8., and 6t. John. N.B 4.30 .. ......\Templeton, Tuesdays, Thurséays, and Satard N SpiFen bemiwgh T sez es Osgoode, Russell, &o per _ do The Uppor Ottawas, Places on the B. & 0. Railway. North of Carleton Place Junction, â€"Bristol, Clarendon Centre, Packenham, Poembroke, Portage Ou Fork, £6......sscserete srrrrrare se are s serags Ayimer | &@nd HUl, ... 2e sesss mss sesessnen anss $ March and OpRLOW, Vi& AYIDOT......»».2»»»»msssessee000» . Westernâ€"Kingston, Toronto, Hamilton, London, ko.; wnl WOBLGED, U «$S....«â€" searerees serserprs sescrrts § Fort Garry and other places in the Province ef Manitobaâ€"Mails durwho‘ draily via Windsor, Ont., and Detroit, Mich. _ : s Bell‘s Corners, Richmond, &o. per Canada Central R tWY isvscreus s Irv uns snviees Ababbavie anrs nphis ainvarnbnid benbae Porth, Smith‘s Falls, and Carleton Place, per Om Kelit DABNKL BELNWIEY .. «> rrarmirsarsersasarrce arker Lower Ottawa, â€" by Steamer, Buckingham, Cumberâ€" ls ad, L‘Orignal‘ Grenville, &o........ .............. Chelsea, W akefie!ld, North Wakefeld,Low & intermeâ€" diate Offices, Daily ; and River Desert and interâ€" mediate Ofices, Mondays,Wedpesdays and Fridays HiAYNET P. KILL. d. & tm 191$ POsT OFFICK SAYINGS BANXK TNA KA L L.3 . ©,00 pm 11.00 a m 5.00 p.> MONEY ORDRLS BRITISH MAILS uluu, Co P ORCD APC EPBE EC ‘ll\.I““' 4 2 â€"â€" wE at this office Also Postage btamps ant 1%“ fl ns WEBPDEME COF UTTCLO OW s ZV ahi,i«to pr. prictor of the 87. JaM frric: attenmon o vasiness @ood Wines and i {vot» w arr .mied O ter keorvary 14, 1M e Aley and Porm, Pork, reut, i8« "boi‘s Wiesk‘nerpeer Bricg amoe enegan Dr 3 A Grant, W r.,oi:r; Thos R Managing Director 0. & 8t. L. K. 4. S"’%n’uu’ï¬n. Commisthos + 3e Genersl Agent. Bolb t Uierhwines andProof Whiskey ; 4188, Mâ€"-iw a UHE TIMES 1s printed and "“"_". Offtice _0 N. B.1.._C Provincial Land Surreyor .un-, commissioned for the Provinoss «nd OQntario. e o M _ Rarristers, Attornoys at Law, 8 »)ic## Chancery, Conveyancers, Notaries Pabli Advocates for the Pravinaces of Onkd+ IHE COMMaRCiIAL Cnuu.r.s M a BOIL, Advecale, | ) UMice at Mr Tetrac‘s, N P ; porss dence in rear of French Cathedral, Hall Business aftended in Ortawa and h trios Courts of the Connty of Otewa. NOTAbLY PUBLIV. _ Residence «1 next the Fost Office. 1t . AsELLLAKD, FAJsi®man, J #% Aascouchear, uftcein Xr. Het ore, Masi ena of duppor‘s Bridm. aours from Â¥ a. m. to 4 p. . _ . _ _ be seâ€"a ai als residence, a__!_ †L. OLIVEA AA &A TL#, Dosin. #4 J ~parksâ€"strees, Copt al OUers 1 DB. Â¥oDOUGALL, Office, Ridoau Strsâ€"<, oppe®t therton s brug btore â€" Regid46 &4 MO&)%UVE, Tuul;‘pON & CHETE arristers A ttornepe & Sohnqilon M‘n L\nw;.'l:m Won l:l.';ouon. e .C T‘uu.o'!. & duly %, 172. £R1IGAE a J.0AK3®W, Bacrian $ ‘ Attorasysâ€"aiâ€"ls a#, solldntart hn asta â€"onveyancers, Notemes Pavlic, ao, bo, tarws! vinoes . Ontarioand Quewes. * 62 vinety vnntna mamenl | anownls # versity | Physician, Burgeon and 40008 Sar, Dr. "berpay "batrerunit cempaet it " N. 8..â€"â€"#peciai attention ololo“uo?o:‘m #Y # and ‘: Jfige over Darie‘s Buek Olle® .. sDWARD T. BARA Â¥4 huoumo. Attorney and l.‘.q‘?‘ otthe Poace and County Attornay, forthe Uounties ot Prescott and Russeli ORBeeâ€" Court House, L‘Urignai. 4 4 . De <atbnd Public, and Patent Rightdoliciies, Oe mediately opposite Rassoll house, Higina . U « rincs of Quebes, SHaoll Orricn: No. 6, Sparks Buresk. «use, Ottawa city, 0. W . _ Ioviuuvcnn‘« + a 62e .z] 4* LUONYV \ 1CHULAB 8P A LKA, Barrisat® i neyâ€"utâ€"Law, solicitorâ€"inâ€"Ohanser}, a8ser, &t. Ofbcoâ€"Lang‘s Bulldings, / oppusits the P ost Unloe, VsWEA ; | ti. 5;,.° A. MAMA, Architess, ORe® B‘ a Buiidings, Kideaeâ€"st., OR»Rn BRES & .ll.ll.l-.lq ..JSoudun,Ouwyn-l *m. .ourt Rouse, Ontawa. Roseet Laze. Leanm _ Jon» 3. 4 M# ein Chansery, Oonrgpmear, i; trest. )fice, Unia Buildings, Oitawe. w T wesopathic Physician, porgeos 4 ner. _ Residenceâ€"Albert street. € s from 9 tw 11 a m ., and 3 to 4 ®â€" l Spocial attâ€"otlow gwren e 4i disslacements of the 1toruk ~® nE +« RURAL ! $4L00%, sLO@1Kk 6TR 1% L Kumb« 12 Wellingios 3500 i ap injesty‘s : acatre), Centr® ! Clim oa. JA MEF BAILIFT, M# -r;â€"u;uu' Trums Puxriue 4n Lismxe Cowraxy, at the Oï¬ APILBRLRLE & HU8PHY, Prreet >3 Motcts «nd Sat00%8 U. ALRLCBAHBaAUtPq L0OGAX; »Rasceltantous, ____ wmEsgoennEpiee L. i AIRBOTH, YCONROR , Atior 207 â€"mâ€" Law, 3 t D 889 A U y .fl rince of Quebes, â€"Speciai attention given to the A. AA Â¥Y000K, @. P. BAKLKRL, Primaste on under the Ofice . Ayimer, 8.A .gn‘u han is, and bets & U ROUEI® SAR and 8 nar of Bassex and York # ections attended to in all us of Ontario and Quabes. Les a# . 11.3# £.00 ‘11.00 se sot to keoP k S . ns ‘.““ pbysiciane / .’l about a #‘. n faot 1 tYng woree ofl.;‘:-‘- AÂ¥ 1 Sald to toy the Grest ShO90O0 w:.ï¬â€˜ *4 "ocl 1 t 1 haren to fe0! was"" ". 1 begeo ‘.‘--'dl- «ver L wan to -' m’ “" PLaxz®n» wonpERFULCURE OF U m.ancrsex. ADI yOL Bts. 20 (Chamb maip, it my wife was very low sweth ’Du'-â€"w A D 1 a pril, 1 x WELLD® Cure 0 qus sreays8 "* - bhlflanl;l.â€"cq obtain«d pr had givâ€"n hot ND, e tubercled, and medi As a last resort I pur that by the time # wes able to ait up Leamea® «l ~ CRA “dhm FBSDd to sult oure 3‘ March 4, 12425 ~wxoTICE 3" 5l BJ ay her trips on Satur 2 wa at 58 LE8 Jt# trom the the iW vard & RIVER CoOMPANY the Glad AND LRID &tn.h __JIROY Bp w aleg /x JoE® for BaoOkLY® Â¥I p . 60 days hber # BSbe contint H Y ? strapg ing k, Po yH .lhm., ot Coloovut} the facts for ite, H with t )tta w & Bronc vICPORL W1A h Medicine f the ( 10 m W ell e day LU an y This with jOH she of i Hi the by