L otels 45 is RUMA®F ~AAGUEH* cosed 4t 11W py :o m i 4 BE op iAA0d ®. cDOVGOALL, xÂ¥ . @UBLIV rost Ofice, ROVE, Islend) Mauy, por 84. L Tik *** â€"_‘o. & yGaX*» Conveyante"* for the Provia Healdeoct . . 1980¢H. ;“,“-â€"_t EXÂ¥Exq at Mr uc of 1 (vMee â€" samg -‘.- of the s °o . ag site. 0 C .-d".':‘..‘!& Astornage 4 »ate &# o« of Qutario D 34010 .'.“: e l‘. sys 4 mESY" Proclaim ths Had Tidings That the Ganat SuossoÂ¥sse HaxsoY aso PILLA, ol the eminent indian Medicine Man, Doctor LEWIS JOSKPHUS of the Great Tribe of Stshonees, British olumbia, is working ie most marvellous and astouishing Cure the World bas ever heard of. _ Nover in the maale of Canviian Moiical History bas suct wil leave® “‘..' ThE mmpty becagse tno nuwerous valnuable active a«licinal vegetable ingredi~ats, (some ol which we will mention, such as tho ‘Extract» w Wild Cherty Bark, Po tophyliam, Janiper, Quusia, Smartweed, Duadelion, Hyoscyamus, Duapound Extract or Colooyuth, Jaiap, Soco, tim Aloes, Capsicum, &c , aoc,) whivh enter lnte the compoâ€"i:ioa of the combined mediâ€" wa», are suce and so hormoalously classined awtcompounded, that it :« mads the most warming cusative io the known world, ans #000¢ belp bat a«t ca the syatem in a very Wiigisctory aud desica~le manuer. No matâ€" tr what your allmâ€"n. asy be, or of how long k.adleg, it wi‘l Aoad â€"b« sapotâ€"and astouish 409 1872 you by the rapid manz s in which you are twitawed to petfoct healch and full vizor. . Pils Medicine is pleasant and safs to ake, ant is warranted, and caay positively be reâ€" is# ipou to make a porsaauent cure of aii dâ€"sume of the Taroat, Langs, Liver, Kiinâ€"ys Digâ€"stive Organs, #¢., #0., as woll as Rorofuin the sarious Skin D:scases, Humors, and atl im agoe arising from Impurity of the Biood, #It ptinz the Third Stage of Conâ€"amption Parthor information, with fall directions to wing the Great Sho«houses Remeâ€"dy & Pills, 44 i contaimay Pesumoulais and Cer: Aonte» , 6 Cha..beriain, Eaqâ€"This is to c» hss k w.raboot throe yeais awo ] became \:fllml/ W .ih Brombitis, 'hicl:alut- d about elghteen I acaths, ‘I was so affiicted for the want o+ | In calling atten Ahervm foas that it was very difficult tor me to went x. Ph::ob ht'ln above improveâ€" . â€"4, and in the night time« frequent!; | they bave been announcing that pâ€"wine the clothes off and raising in the app.inted agents for the .: to keep from strangling. I tried three | w the most eminent pbhysiciang In the County DUNHAM PILN o8 . Nortbamberiand for about a year, withouot | g,, ‘, .ceiving any bepeft, in laot 1 continued gotâ€" lndw and favorably known in Canada, tiog worse all the time. At last I was adâ€" | ,,, in doing so would ly request «d to try the Great Shoshoneer Romedy. 1 e inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" waget a bottle and took it and when it wa» ficent instruments now in stogt Anisbed 1 begano to feel a little better lc.tu-dn-lnlfllndnntm OU mitke, whes, to my satisfaction, I fount HOW ROOM ‘rat I was as wellkas over I had been previâ€" » ' & ® a u. my liness and have been so ever o e wixcâ€"s4 attended the introduction of a ~!tclae beretofore. W H Y ? Tou may publish the facts for the benefit of mese slmilarly afiicted. i T. C. BROW®N *nmixcopal Methodist Minister. #Jurss, can be obtained by securtn« thâ€" P‘mâ€"auge, the Hand Book, or the Alm«snac an J w «lars from any respectable Drugyist in ta» D »araionâ€" frgn, Umee oj Remedy in large Pint Bottles â€" .$1 OJ P LANED L U MB ER . gpily better _ She continued to improve »apiily that by the time she had taken one witle she was able to ait up. By the continuâ€" BUILDING AND bRIDGE TIMBER t p @ A large atock of the above will be kept conâ€" Kiatiy on hand to suit purchasers. ° THINGLES .X XX. XXX. yOL VI No 2025. Â¥. Bâ€"Farmo.« from the County® of Carle= l0n can eater the mill vard by Broad Streot, Duosite Brewâ€"ry gate. Chaadlere, Oct. 16, :871 s 1805tt 'N a ving Montebel! Wemuke a speciality of these English “.‘:‘.“-_!'-rcm import them direct. Hotels, Convents, Ho«pitals, and fataili can be supplied with any number or small. Y’&uio- reqi riuï¬]mntiï¬u sarly spring delivery would do well ar at once. s Bird Cages * Bird C *ad a large stock of id other litable for arman or hotels ‘Triowareâ€"as u IBST sPRINXG ARRIVAL!! (1 &" 1"“": ;' \ 0 / 2 o / eA )\ â€" p*8M s & (.-â€' , \»‘\ \,» B V oTTAWA S Ngart y tal EP asiet(a ’é’ KiEL: wCw w# n‘ PC WA xtawa C ra. May i THE "1urs otf Bronchitis ugh Lumber Woll Seasoned, AUDKZAK srKAaNM MILLL4. ."‘ !N'I toâ€"lay, }st 3 my HoOU w fore me QUEEXN â€"VICTORLA." W« 31 STEAMYER " FAIRY" & â€" [ t 3 her trips on Saturlay, the ith May llo for Ottawa at 5 a. m., returning i4 v in. saime day.. e SEKEEPING UTENSILA COKIINt sTovYEs of all descriptions. H. MEADOWS & Co., 35 Sussex Ntreet. March 4, 1872 1914 NANUPAOTCRIAA OF NoTICE the farmer, city resident, ! 3A wa spertectly reatored as wual, wholesale and _ RiVER NAVIGATION OMPANY. Bird Nests, Birc #aths, JOHN ROCHESTER & Co. J M WELLINGTON,) P i a iscengers and . at + p. M« JOHN SILYER. Smithdcld! this 6th day BittKf lstters, Smith@eld Freight for 100f 1872‘ WOXDERFUL â€" IMPROVEMtNT So and favorably known in Canada, nndlo::‘donn‘-owould ly request the inspection of a stock of those magniâ€" ficent instruments now in The merits of the Dun! Pmuos are: lst. Its durability has a proverb. 2nd. In workmanship it t be surâ€" passed, if equallei. _ f s & _ 3rd. In Solidity, Pmrumy and Equality of Tone it has no compeer. _ _ 4th. It can be sold after years of use for nearly, if not quite its original cost. _ 5th. It is warranted in'*a most satis~ factory manner. | Pamphlets con a description of the above mpmmum':‘ufl be had at our establishment. | Mesers. Orme & Son are agents for the foilowing Pianos, vis : ?b * MeCAMMON & CO., | Also the celebrated MXSON & HAMu®. WATL A large assortment of we keep conâ€" stantly on hand. 7 J. L. O & SON, 8 Streot. And every Tuesty thereaftâ€"r. Rates ‘of Passageâ€"Quebec ‘to Loadowâ€" Cabio, $60. Stoorage, $24. Through tiokets frow all points West at reduced rates. Certifcats lâ€"aued to persous desirous of bringing . our tueir triends to Cunada, â€" Through Buils of Ladiog lssued on the continent, and in London for all parts of Canada, and is the United States to DVetroit, Milwaukee, Chicago and uther poluts in the West. / tomposed of the following ot other first clas» Powerin! Itron Steamships : SCOTLAND, c NILE HETOR, NIGER, MEDW AY, TWEED, ‘TH A MES, BEVERN, ADALIA TEVIO 6. Th» steamers of this Line are intended to aail Woekly as flbnqï¬ the season 0of aavigation of 187 2, to and k j * London, Quebec and Montreal, (Calling at Piymonth uuj’:: passeoager> 0d loaving that port every y .) FROM LONDON. Hector Kmneror Adalia .. *iger ... Â¥ite ... Medw y. 3 otland Thames . '."m «* # * uic cccrr + c NIgee «....« MdMk «xcecce. Medway . ... . Fhames Fw» Frâ€"ight or Passage apply to Tempoerâ€" loy‘s, Cacter & Darke, 41 Billiter Street, Lon« don ; Wilcocks & Woeks, B «rbican, Plymoath; Ross & Co., Quebec ; or y3 at% CARTAGE AGENCY, The undersigned begs to inform the nnxblie that his office has t&d-‘ been MUVED to the rear of the GENERAL UFFICES of the Company, on Wellington St, Lawreuce & Oitawa Railway, Street, where orders for the collecuon and delivery of Goods will meet with promp: and careful attention Payment for Freight «nd Carsmage will now be received at the Company‘s Office, on Wellington Stree t. UOttaws, 5th Feb., 1872. Ottawa, January 230, 187: of a School House in L ‘Orignal, will be received h\:‘ 2.“.‘.5;:“â€. snoon on BATURDAY, ‘Teaders to contain estimates for building of Brick #Stons. FPlans specifications be and for L Jrignal, on and after May, instant. Thmnmn-‘wutu > JON B ma L‘Orignal, "th May, H& London This firstâ€"class animalâ€"the breo ‘ONTARIO JOHN,/ can be ascertained on application to the | the said iPstate are require 1 '“F" lwbimuw Terms Lberal. M“Mlï¬: J. & W. THOMSON, (-M--u-- Pab. Ist. 1885 d&w i Nepean Ottaws, Ith May, 1873. TEA U Office over Hope and Co‘s, Sparks streot To nders for the erection of a two story building@ and â€" every Wodnesiay thorâ€"after FROMX QUEBEC. f UJ CONTRACTORS Temperiey‘s RIZK DURHAM BULL FOR SALZE Â¥4 And Montreal. and ESTEY & CO.‘Ss ORGANS, ENTKANCE BY SIDE DOOR * »% 0. R CUSaNINGHUAY, Ottawa. ... . Weduesday, 2 n1 May n w i# “ ’.. “ t * t k . do Sth J ane to °â€" 12 hb do . 19th do do 24th do do _ 3 4 fuly _ do â€" 10th do I PJI\ Public notice is hereby given that all A. J, TAYLOR, the Customs duues, whether specitic or Cartage Agent. | ad pulorem, now payable on Tea or Coffe« pA ‘imported into Canada, shall be repealed masuse | upon, from and after the lst July next E BY SIDE DOOR f"nd notice is turtber given t:.;.’l“l anu rmmmmmmmmmncmmmmmcmacommmme«â€" I CUKEFREER it Th OFEGEMAEE 86 uo which R3. : such duties hnroonpddw_hon mm bondea and reâ€"warehoused at I:{ vime tion of a 'tm :-nb!'l'lld‘ir Lotore mrwxsm-x:gm day of JUNL Drignal, [ in the present year, that on being a# on on‘ SATUNDAY+ isch nbo-'l,c:.nd reâ€"warehoused the amount imates for building of Brick | of the specatic duties paid on such Tea and as may he sean at. and for | Cotee, shall be repard to the owner thereâ€" imalâ€" 1 nted Administrator of al t 2a€ on application to $D+ Un pertadintoens den d weuee Sirieg on * BC e ml. ;. & w. THowsos, fFemmetvaya® ow DAYÂ¥ID sHAW, Montreal, 1 uewjay, do do Line. and HOOD, @08C, 4th Juane 18th do 15th do Jud Jualy #th _ do 16th gco 2rd do 30th do Tht \! lector of Customs at any port, for approval as a Customs Warechouse, the Landing Surveyor, (Of Wiulu.la'rd the Waterside Department) and are Keeper (or rnâ€"por‘omhcllud'm at such port, dhall carefuily inspect the same and ascertain that such place or W archouse is suficiâ€" Wm and otherwise fit for l.hour«rw“ in= tended. The Coliector of Customs will cause the mnou_rot eccupant to place over the gate or dour ing into, or in some conspicnous mul every Uustoms W arehouse so ted, a or aign with the following painted thereon : And to furnish the Collector with a key thereof, having a labe! attached thereto, with the same letâ€" ters distinctly painted thereonâ€" ‘That the wollector will communicate in writing, notice of the mm- ment of " Customs Warechouse" to the party ng the warehoase tor that pnlwau. giving the number by which such *Cuâ€"toms Warehouse" is to be deâ€" signated, and require the applicant or person who may have offered a Warchouse, to becuimme a party tw, and signa fuil and detailed description of the W arehouse, urmu situation, boundary, of what material built, proprietor or occupant, &¢â€", to be entered on & mul.- aft for that purpose in the W arehouse Book ; ‘J the Collector will also note date of appointment cancellation or any aiterâ€" «tion which may be made at any time with rega d to any **ustoms W arenouse." The Collector shall cause a list of all * Customs Warehouses," containâ€" ing the name and situstion, to be propared and nung up in the Long Room, or in some public part of the Custom House. Section 13. â€"And be it further ordered, That duty shail be charged on all goods ez warehouse on the guage or weight, when taken “b:‘u hl“bo-owcoum; uon, per prime "1. w any on or alâ€" lowance whatever for loss which may have arisen from natural causes or otherwise. Section 12. â€"And be it furthered ordered, That whenever a place or warehouss is offered to the Colâ€" Bection 14. â€"And be it further ordered, That there shall be deducted from the weight ‘:‘o.‘ the tare according to the G-E:d invoice, corâ€" reotness «f the nvv::.l:“ deciared beiure the coilector, and in the of such invoiee, or the omission of are in the invoice, Owodll- tare eoeat ne n en t o e i 108 as standard for the whole. _ _ a Customs Department, _ s Ottawa, loth May, 1872 * See Order in Council of 2ith March, 1872, as to tare on Suxar Non Conductor for Uorering Steam Boilers NONâ€"CO 1 USTIBLE & XON «©~RROYMVE Extensively used in the Eastern an¢ W. stoun tates and throughout Great Britain, and by ‘he British Admiraity an i American Navy.â€" (See circular.) _ _ _ i _ N. B.â€"It saves 30 per cent on the Russell Honse botler, and steam is now raised in half the time it took betore the covâ€"ring was apâ€" plied, while it saves a lurge per centago of Fuel and Labor at the Water Works of the Parliament and Departmental Buildings, City Gas Works, Rochester & Co.‘s Steam Mills A Flock‘s Foundty &c., &¢. Jave 20 per cent in fu«!, and st am passes through any length of Pijing covereds with the Nouâ€"conductor q=it» «ty J, MUNBOE OLEAGKY, * General Wostern Ag rt Ottaws, Nov. 20, 181. In returning thanks to their numerous rlends and customers in the city and vicinity, or their past ~patonage, beg to intorm the .ublic generally, that they have jost completâ€" d arman,emeuts for the leasing (at a large xpense) of those large an: commodious uildings mar the Market Square, on York street, tormerly occupied ty tho Goverom»â€"at, ud known as the Military Hospital, which Rhey bave tbxmu‘hly teBt.ed aus paiuted, and 10# feel coufl jeat that they are in possegsion f ons of the largest and best situated roomsin he Uoimninion, where they will pay pasticular «Atentivn to Auction Bal«s of l?‘hl Am tion Salee every Tuesday 1nd Friday morniogs, at 10:30 o‘clock, where parties having goods to diap se ot will And it w their advantage to send them in the evenâ€" ng before. Hates in countrr places, either in Ontarie »wQuebec prowptly atteuded to. _ . _ Is 10 universally regarded as a STANDARD MEâ€" THOD that an advertisement is only no‘au & remmiuder, The music is so attractive that stuâ€" deout will retain it as a â€"book of Organ Proces, after Anishing the instructive course. . __ _ _ 2A _ A ane colored picture of polty V the tides of D "LLY" V AR lmau- DiX Uabe 6 L P VARDEN" sebotisone and JOHN MÂ¥ 4CDONALD & SON, Auctioncer and General Commson, Hous Furnishing, insurance and Roâ€"al Estate Agents, 36, York street, Ottaws, M Eaton‘s New Method for the Cornet, 'l:.mhnua. Alvbovun:h.ulnc world, may easiâ€"y accomplish taking »p i0e of this faso: 1 awbd m nmmnflu Gems of German Song, Gems of Sacred Song, Gems of Scottiah The colloctions of Vocal Gerns contain each 10 to full of the choicest werman, Meot th=b, or miscel:ancous songs. Very yraluable and veiy ratetenmitow. . ~ * receipt of retail priges, 0. H. DITSON, <<â€" SyKKB$TLKKKT John Macdonald & Son PUBU.C NOTICE. Cusrons Derairtuext, Uttawa, 10tn June, 1872 Reâ€"bonding and Reâ€"warehousing of Tea and Coftee. * XTRACT from Regulations, sanctioned L by the Governor General in Council, on 30th March, lï¬in relation to Bonding of Goods, still in force. ot and a drawback by the Lollector oi Customs at the Port where they aoe so re bonded and reâ€"warehoused or by the Receiver General. HaMBERSâ€"SPENCE raiEN®Nt 25~ in boards} $3 in cloth ; $4 full ï¬o’:;vqwudm“m&fl- l\lfl UNDER&SIGNED _ hereby gives notice .&L hodhn been s CCE Tkxl k nonlar the 1LARKE‘3 NEW METHOD ACDONALD» aUCTION ROOM3 REZED ORGANY, vHALMERs® & 2U., mc'm “., .v).M P. O0, Box 8444, Soto Manufacturers io the Dominion Customs Warehouse." No. K. 3. M. BOUCHETL PRICE :$2, PRICE $1.50, esd ¢ c ik co* &. 1 M. BUUCHETTE, Commissioner of Customs M. BOUCHET Commissioner M OTTAaAWA& THURSDAY. JULY 18. 1»s72. § °8 Ottawa, May 3, 1873 tention, â€"At Mr. Halandale‘s Saluï¬ Upper FTown, Mr. A. Christie, Dl‘rlll. reet, Mr. J. .l.g:l‘-'-:r. Druggist, ......m or at the subâ€" THOS. STARMER, n e o Rideau Street. with large quantities on liberal teems C n.,wua:ï¬oï¬no the ice is wanted. wfl left at the followi Jaluu will n‘mv!v u'.r at« tention, -Mflr.? andale‘s s‘l‘m& pper Town, Mr. A. Christie, Druggist, Sparks Street, Mr J. Not Bold t for sale by the subscriber. loout.h_w.c.lftl'h and nszqd free from all impurities, will be d.iivered daily to those reâ€" dotardas rot Rupung‘a ase. Trompt dalivg) tgng i Toe of HeP" Holek and nds reppilcd Trw of over One Thousand Acres patented ne tim lands lying * en b oc‘ on the Opeongo luw an .von10 haul of under four mm rom which a large quantity of logs timber may be obtained, and the cut secured or a term of three or five years, will b« sold cheap for cash. Afl'-hcauon until the !ith inst.. to be made to Mr: Henry Y. R& D, at Caledonia Hote! 0«--7,““. that date, Adiress Hopefield Oloo.m ti gmfro-ol those lands being of imber ose course free from duty, 1946tf ING ï¬oma containing is Kooms. Alsothe Amuseâ€" ment Buildi Isuly connected with the Caxana eomzni m Bal Alleys, Bar noo;t.'luge I and excellont Bedroom=. Price ot at the Brdn- from $5 to ?‘a week, and last mthomrmoonld not all s mn:dsug; And a ‘arm containing abo A@res, clear, 'm good House, Barn and Stable It contains important articles on The Washington 'lluty, rrarsam Ottaws, May 10, 1874 . * _ The Labor Question, â€" Also ready the Rev. Mr. Mclaurin‘s Lecture, “% Romish Dostrine of the Rule of Faith exam i " with reply to Kev. Father Uamen and KRey Dr. O‘Connor. For saleb ERND!BS.ON! COâ€", . THOMASY EXCELSIOR ECLECTRIC OIL. Worth Ten Times its Weight in Gold. 4 Pain cannot stay where it is used." It is the CHEAPEST MEDICINE CEYVEb MADE, One dos« cures common sore that One bottle has cured Bronchitis, Fifty cente worth has cured an old Standing Cough 1: posittvely cures Catarrh, Asthma, and Croup Fifty cents‘ worth bas cured Câ€".ick in th» Back, and the same quaatity Lame Back o eight years‘ standia . It cur s Swelles Deck Tumors, Rbumatisw, Neuraigia, CJontra tioâ€" ot the Mascies, Stiff Joints, Splasl Difficul ti a, and Pain and Sâ€"reness in any part, n« watter where it may be, ner hom what caue it may arise, it always does you goor Twentyâ€"Arve cents‘ wortn has cured bad camee of Chrouic and Bloody Dysentery, One tea spoonfal cures Colic in 15 minotes. It wil} cure any case of Piles thas it is impossible t ouse, . Six or eight application« is warrantes to « ure any case of EKxcoriated Nipp‘es or Toâ€" A.«med Broast. For Bruises, if applied ofter and bouna ap, there is never the slightes: dispoloration to the skin. It stops the pain of a Bura as soâ€"n as applied, Cures Frosted Fust, Boils, Warts, and Jorns, ana Wound» of every deset on wan of beng:, 8. N. 1HOM 18, Pbelys, «. Y And NORT P a LY 4AN . Nowscastle, Ont., Bole Agents tor the Domlinion. _ |@A L BION HOT EL 4€$ This is one of the best paying hotels in the Domâ€" on, and is doing the second largest business in eity. It is delightfully « tuated, being opposite co-nlhgand thin five minates wa‘k the Post Office and Parliament Buildings. The proprietor can give satisfactory reasons for anting to sell. a â€" TERMS EASY. H City of Ottawa, Ontario, with Cutbuildings, and with or without The partnership heretofore existing batween the lndv:-nljned as Boot and sboe Dealers in Ot awa mi Almonte is dissolved by mutual consen:, aid dissolution dating from the Ist say of May, 872, and their. business wil. hereafter be Carrie : m solely in the intere t of W. A. Lamb, bi whom lt the linbitites of che late firm will be and o whom all accounts due the late firm are payable, Jttawa, May 7, 1872, Pmtll-’l\o::dnndm-nl-“u T five 'm'c'n.m '-:uhh's"‘_ï¬ princi ga nludtmtumoflhhnluhlo cipe restores the natural functions of | 1. vace more to the ho P"O' r %g'ndu a&’n‘lâ€"m » CHLORODYNE has now obtained such universal Are sold by Chemists and Druggists throughout the world. ttawa, May 14, 1822, Morson‘s Effectual Remetias celebrity it can searcely be considered a speciâ€" ty, its %%}m to most »peau pract . _ Many of the of commerce not being of unw. has induced Morson & Son to comâ€" r their preparation. Sold in $â€"0s, 1 and â€"os botties. GELA TLN i â€"The purest of this nutriâ€" PEPTIC POSD tor Intaiide and Infants, digesti or lnvah = '&.l:“nlgldou-fl palatable. Soid in }â€"ib = 11D8. All the ab ve are carefully packed and shi to orders, which must be made payable in Ium For farther particulars â€J{')’u% tha ll;rxfli;t:. 31, 33, 124 Southampton Row, Medallists and Jurors at all the Great Exbibitions, A Canadian Monthly for May F64 spr A. nznn.'mli taws, April 22 1872. _ 198}â€"3awk BULE MANUFACTURERS : THOS. MORsSsON & 8ON Pure Chemicals and New Heticines care Selected. Shipping executed with Orders s and Mark registered. "“"-?:3.;... NOR SALE T K E&E 8 T 4 N D 4 R D, lvl-&h-mtfl!*aw it As the previou ks of these har had very m'.:'-"'m in the ml:m th :::.mum book cannot fail to ve the Sucor 4 Mane t o io oath Cc S Ianatne more TB " (M.::‘-. paper, 85 cents b‘ds.) is one of the esE ie on on costing but 75 canta each. asp "2,f Sit* P\ for cheap and attractive instruction books. _ _ _ COnarming Song. .. .. . T he Gates Ajar. ... Thomas. 4 The .:‘-nl.: .: Piece, u:g:::'“ on CHAS. 8. nmo.“’a &g'n' !1'-'&. .. Bost WY LPot Sthoot Section o. 4, Tow»: or School Section No. 4, Townâ€" p of Alfred, a ®zcoxp Cuass Tri 4 capab z&*."_'.'_“}es-m . Homan OMR Note,. â€"Eclectricâ€"Bcolect=d and elactrinad * LECHRICITY . aAW LOG CUT FOR SALEK. TO LETâ€"At Caledonia Springs, a Goop Hoarnâ€" 183010 ost Qiggee fp [ Of the undersigngd, Monte Â¥, @m { Truste Maw & en ARE CHANCE * OTICE. BOARDING HOUSE KEEPERN OW READY. HE CO JING CHURCH MUSIC BOOK RUSSELL SQUARE, LUNDON, Worksâ€"Hornsey and Homerton. ICE, ICE. Clad Tidings, a [3 _2 00 CE CCeR . A5 RLZE VELR 2“‘“}9‘;"5%&“- u-og‘d salary re JTION OF PARTNERKS®HIP. To be ready July lst. Purce, $1.50. THE â€", New York. _ i8d8y W . A. LA MB, _ R.‘J. RODDEN 39 Sparks Streot 1961â€"1m 198%â€"1 2X PEOPLE‘S TEA STORE NO. 36 RIDEAU s'mmb 'ï¬DADWUKAE STREET, CHAUDIEH?, Wholesale and Retail Grocers Wine and spirit Merchants. We are now prepared to offer to the Farmirg Sommuanity and to the trade inducements that has not been given heretofore by any one in ous line of business â€"heing now *mportâ€" Ing the chief part of our Stock, such as TEAS, WINES and BRANDIES, enables us uo reduse prices turther, We claim already to have brought the enormous profits heretufore existing to a moilerate rate, and trast in future to contiuue so. _ _ t h We will guarantese that no one can sell the same articles cheaper, such a TEA», 8UGARS, TOBACCOS and GENERBRAL G#OCERIES, also WINES and all h-roned Liquors, Canadian Spirits, of the besr description, always on hand at prices as low :s small lots can be laid down.. We care not for competition, all we require is a tri«al given to our goods. The economist will profit by calling to us. $@F"Our motto is light profits, P. Baskerville & Brothers, A COMPLEIE ASSORTMENT OF THE FOLLOWING, INSTRUMENTS JALWAYS â€" w Secondâ€"Hand Pianos, In good repair, by celebrated makers, on band, from $100 to $250. Terms liberal. Pianos to KRent. j Secondâ€"hkand PIANUS and ORGANS taken in exchange. Just received a large number of NEW and POPULAR MUSIC. Inspection invited. A. & 8. NURDHEIMEER. K A. PEIERSEN, General A‘qmt. (UHtawa Anril & 1879 1941 3m Chickering‘s Pianos, Steinway‘s Pianos, . â€"â€" Dunham‘s Pianos, A. & S. NORDHEIMER‘S Pianoâ€"Forte $ Music W arervoms Mason & Hamlin‘s Organs, ; Prince & Co.‘s Organs. MANUFACTURERS OF Steam Refined Confectionery, Lozen G flvptcnntbaum,w-ar mmmmu ESTABLISHED) IN 1842 CHARLES ALEIANXIER AND $0X$§, of e ge, caulidowers, tomato ty, melon «nd Cuvum c ofearioes sorts allarwhich o ap grantes Urtdere Tofe 2t 6 Rdwards, Werbingtay Barvor. or at Drugyzists‘ in Stock and made to WHULE‘ALE BSTE AM CONFECT RRV: ur promises, Bank Sreet Road, promptly attended a# : ~9 | T J. & A. HICKEY. Votte Papers Fringed, Mottoes, Horms of Plenty sey, McCallum, Thompson and Turgeon, w whom "DB BIRNBAUM‘S RHEU MA [ISM asd GOUT REMEDY * has been su*+â€"mitted for trial, have, with a rare disâ€" interestedness ~cknowledged its invaluable merits and given certificates to that effect, sopies of which can be obtained on appliâ€" cation to the undersigned or any druggist ® “58. RIERNBAUM‘S8 RHEUMATISM a4 ?.d GoUT. III&Y'-"uh ncon-t‘:ndod ‘or Rhoumatism, euraigia, Luambe E.n:nhrh.-duhc_ Pains, Stiffness of i Joints or Joints, Numbness swellings, &0., 4&6., and is the most etfecâ€" Munro, David, Girdwood, MacDonell, Rotâ€" tot, Brossenu. Robillard, Leprohon, Besâ€" diseascs. For sale by all druggi 39 , Montreal. Sole Age+t for the ID:m‘.:on of Canada and the Uz td Siote~, April 3, 15. °® Has now boeen public for a longtt of time and Vm is well likeq, mhflh.ho"dubwg‘lv?:r- manent reliéf when timely used, ano we have never: known a single case of disatistaction «bere the directions have been properly folâ€" «owed, but on the contrary, all are delightea with its operations, and speak in the highest terms of its virtues and magical effects, S§ide, Back® and Head, Coughs, Colds, Son Asa family Remedv it is well and tavourably knewn relieving thoasands from pain in the We speak from experience in this matie» having tested :t thoroughly, and therefore uose who are suffering from any of the comâ€" iaints for which it is recommenaed may de. pend upon its being a Sovereigu Remedy. The astonishing efficacy of the Canadian Pain Destruyer, in curing the Diseases for whick it is recommended, and its wonderfus gucorss in subduing the torturing pains 0 Rocumatism, and in relieving Nervous Affec= lops, entitle it toe a bigr muk in the list o Romedies too theso complaints. Orders are coming frox Mâ€"Gicine Dowlers in all parta otf the cou» try for turther supplies, and cuch test :b':u as t the universal santisfaction i The Canadian Pain Destroyer never tal.=ws yive 1immediate reliet, All medicine dealers keop it. PBLM-noNc and us It ; aud no family will be withoot it after cuce trying it. Price only twoniyâ€"fr cents per bottie, ‘ . NOBTAROP & LY 4AX. Bol4 in Ott wa oy HF Mccarthy, Joseph Skiuner, Jobn Kobâ€"rts, J P Fâ€"atherston, Geo Mortimer, and \!1 mediciae deaters > or without bud.?.‘. %fl%fl?&ï¬ï¬ ~uâ€"â€"47 Btroot Vitawa, Ma ‘s New Stone S'mel ’tps BPOKEN. The MEDICAL FACULTY of MONTREâ€" MARRLAGE CAKE ORNAMENTS 387 & 391 NOTRE DAME STREET, _ _ _â€"_] MONTREAL. EDP pLANTS, PLANT3 awa. April 12 1872 1 AE CAMADIAN PA1NX DESTROYER Ottawa, April 8, 1872. e subscri have for sale at prices which w-v-do-b-‘:hm quantity of plants consisting ACADLANPAILIN P§STROYER UARDING HOUSE WITH RuoXS To roat, Bp W reaths, Lea: Fancy.Boxes of English, Oc-nn"-l"lâ€"d-nh. Aort] 18, 1873 Give our Teas and Liquors a Trial. . ; â€"P. BANSKERVILLE & BROTHERS errredenay, mlier, metonand 26 sSPARKS STREET, o TT £A W A. PLANTS. foll Cramps in the Me lical Peltier, a*s A LOT OFâ€"â€"â€" $30 All other articles at corresponding prices. 30 WMX. ABBOTT January 15, 1872. ~__‘__ Patronised by all the world. Rimmel‘s Thang~Ibaog, Yaodsa, Henns, Jockey Olab, Frangipane, and other perfumes of exquisite bngrm. Rimmel‘s Lavender Wat«r, distilled fro Mitcham Fliowers. Rimme!‘s Tollet Vinegar, celebrated tor its aseful and sanitary properties. s _ Rinmel‘s Extract of Lime J rice and Gly serins, the best preparation for the Hai aspeciually in warm cl}_e._&q. c e d Holiand. the r'cy'p:in'%mnmt._ the ‘< snadian Government, the Nor h Railway O-S-y. t’cudil Dooks, H.-m( Hartiepool, Dunâ€" Aberdven, ton. , i Brisâ€" tol and e‘zewhere. particalarty oxâ€" posed localitios, cun be> delivered in any part ENGINE:RS, CONTRACTURS &« CORâ€" PORATIONS By which Harbours, Docks, Canals, Barg Rivers, and Chaâ€":nelâ€" can be deepened or cut from » to forty f-uuu;{'nd'hhg-.uc «d and economy. The Dredge Piâ€"nt has n &h‘.‘! ~-¢vlhd to the l;inr!‘bdomaa uonrruts“'ob:lg at Carâ€" & lreland ; great North C # umthe Egyp:ian wgovernment. the '.;m of the world. Patent Dredge Plant, Euogene Rimmel. Perftumer to Hâ€"RB.H. th P:incess of Wales, 95 Strand, 138 Reger Street, and 34~ orubili,London ; 17 Boglevar ws Italions, Puris, ano 76 King‘s Road Brigbton _ : old by all pertumery rendors, » %6, 1872. w 4y On Salary or Commission. Permanent and reâ€" munerative situations to good reliable young men. ~_ Apply to s 4. A. WaALTON, 37, sperks Street, 100 Agents Wanted, Rimme!‘s Dago g Oil Soap, perfumed with ustralian Eucalyptus. _ Rimmel‘s Giyc:rine, Honey, Costume anc lqral Urackers, very amusing for Balls anc Rimwe!‘s Viclet, Rose. Leaf,Rice, and othe: ollet Powders A liberal allowasce to shipâ€" yaaubmi zes‘ . ) umgguc cCo.. Jane 14 thhas" * “""‘""u‘g."‘;..u"_" Ottaws, June 1, 172. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS the Ottawa Agency, Market Hqus RICE LiS ,REDUING. The subscribers beg to call the attention of IMMEL‘8 CHOICE PERFUMES «CANCS Haine‘s Pianos, TO THEIR NEW PIR WIEK and expenses paid. h e wast anagent in esery county. * First come, first served."" Jne agent made $170 in 11 days. Address Huds«on River Wire Co., mxw«t. Toronto, Ont., or 130 Lane, New York. mFLARGEST AND BEST.»% Hats, HATS, FUF.S. s i Oitawa, May 7, 1872. Ladies desirous of taking lessons in the French language, can secure the services of a competent teacher, who has the best of credentials and of this city râ€"ferences. PRfVATE LESSONS For terms and particulars, address se * wa. Ottawa, April 11, 1872. . ~104>â€"3m. _ ESQUIMALT GRAVING DOCK to receive Tenders for the construction of a Graving Dock, at the Naval Station, Esquimait Harbor under the guarantee provided in the Twelfth Section of the Terms of Union of this Province with the Dominion of Canada, which section is in the followâ€" ** The Dominion Government shall guarantee the interest for ten years from the date of the completion of the work, at the rat> of five per cent per annum on such sums, not exceeding £100,000 sterling, as may be required for the construction of a first class Graving Dock at Esquimait." The Dock to be of masonry, sand of not less than the following dimensions :â€" Lenyth on floor 370 feet, Uo. over all 40 feet, Width between copings 90 feet, Do on floor.......... .45 feet, * To afford a depthâ€"of water on the sill of not les® than 264 feet athigh water springs, aud to be »ubâ€" stantially constructed to the approvai of Government upon a site to be provided by the person whose tenâ€" der may be accepted. Further particulars as to site, borings, &¢., may be obtained from T. A. Borkuryr, EKsq., Chief Enâ€" gineer to Government, upen application in writing to the Chief Commissioner of Lands and Worksâ€" Tenders mustspecify the time within which the Dock will be compieted, and must be accompanied y drawings and descriptions showing exact dimenâ€" sions, materials, and mode of construction of proâ€" posed Dock. : Tenders are to be sealed, supersoribed "Tende for Esquimait ‘Graving Dock," addressed to the iof Commissioner of Lands and Works, Vistoria, ;&lh Columbia, and delivéred at his office before of the 15th day of November, 1872. Pcï¬g:awhu may consider the above gusrant be ins ient, are at liberty to tender onthe basir 1 such iu\pplomw guaraniee by the Provincial QGu,vrernment, or upon ~uch other financial tndpoo- ments, as may suggest. . The t do not hing themselves to accepi the lowest or tender. : from the C , und two sufficle t sureties for the payment of £1 to Her Majesty, her heirs and successors, conditioned apon th» due fultiiment of the Tender which it mpanies, provided it be accepted within three the from the said Loth 30'0 SINGING BRIRDS. . Commant Hieans Onpine. Cortieate Prats: and Accoucheur. On and after ist May next, may boooutnlted at his mfldonolo..L!oyd Street, nexkt Lo ‘s, Chaudi Broton‘s Kiats. ic hi es y lwarut November. GEO. A. W ALKEM, Chief Commissioner of Lands and Works Lands and Works Office, * Victoria, April 27th, 1872. 1967 $m DOv EPenenmy® NUR NOCR OO ls brated Victoria Carbolic ons, 14 bore tory M::kur:g Victoria m Mainds 8 treet Sn tilining enathe Proanntiont +9. onl 1 PEEFARATLION®, dm“mfl.&. Â¥C 20 4 coooants Prspamnen Tor Bs pod, shee Uiperhs oamael We eurjaance Boautifying the C skin Sortiwhite, The Government of British Columbia are prepared PEACOCEK‘S, 83 Rideau Street, Oritawa. B@~The highest price paid for KA W zumm to a """'"‘â€":'J{ï¬"‘;' mrerreneurmmecri d i rowe y hak meig oo e negh d magg +4 &iolv :d Each Tender imust be accompanied by a Bond Trinity College, Toronto, Physician, Burgeon RITISH COLUMBlA. R. R. P. By A. FEKENCH LANGUAGE. CAPS, and Belection of For the STRAW GOODS, Hats. IPRLICEâ€"i3 CEN TS The proprietors of Johnson‘s Anodyme Liniment, Parson‘s Purgative Pills, as. Sheridan‘s Cavairy Condition Powders, bave published a readable and instructive pamed phlet., which may be had free at the stores. SORE THROAT, CuUGH, COLD, and eimilar trmoubles, if suffered to progress result in serious Puilmonary, Bronchial, and Asthmatic affection«s. oftentimes incurablé, _ BROWN‘8 BRONCHIAL TROCHES are compounded so as to resch directliy the awat of the d «eam and cive almost instant relief. The Troches are offered with the fullest confidence in their officacy ; they have beer thoroughiv testâ€"d and maintain the goue treputation they have justly moquired _ Fcf Public Bpeakere, Singers, Militery Officers, and those who overtax the volce they are useful in relieving an Irritated m“: will render articulation easy, Being an of true merit, and having proved their effficacy by a test orf many yemucb.y-u fAnds them in new locslities in ous parts of the world. and the Troches are universally pronounced better than other articles, _ Obtain only "Brown‘s Bronchial Troches, and do not take any of the Worthiess Imétaitons "h“, may hs oflam‘_ * es "TseocrR®s," so called, sold by the on? are a poor imitation and nothing like BROWN‘8 BRUNCAIAL TROCHES which are sold only 1u boxes with facâ€"simele of the proprioturs, JORHN L BROWN & SUN, e1 outsioe wrappel of bux, and: privace Gors . Diment stimp attached to each box. ¢ tPhis car in putting 1p the Trovhes is is portant as a s«curity to the purchaser in ord to be sure ut obtaining the genuine Brow s Bronchia) FProches. Ornezz axp Sretzu.â€"In every branch of orlâ€" tivationâ€"whetber in the feld, the orchard. the vineyard or the garden, there must be orde. sn€4 system to insure successful results, and this truth is frmly established by actual experiénce Another great truth has also been establis. .4 by the same means, which is : That as a poeâ€" ventative medici~* *. . ._.edicine for the oure of colds, coughs, rheumatism, and semme complaints, the "Canadian Pain Destroyer," i the most reliable. For sale by all Druggist and country demiere. . i‘rice, 25 cents per bottle. Grzrart Coxprrio® Mepiomaâ€"As a «endibh medi¢ine for horses "Dariey‘s Condition Pow ders and Arabian Heave kemedy" has no equa® Its effects in this respect are astonishing ; mesy horses that were supposed to be broken dows and almost worthless bave, by the use f a fow packages, been restored to a Ium{ an | «ound condition, all traces of the disea« .vb, seen completely removed, and have been soi for from fu to $i5 more than they would pre , viously have brought; when you want s borse medicine get "Dariey‘s Condition Powders and Arubian Heave Remedy." We know you will be perfectly satisfied with the recult. Remember the name, and see t.hum;mn: :;M & Co. is on each package. orthrop B #.* Newca.tie, Unt .roprm or Canade. iFll by ail medicine deasers. COCO GTI.YUERINE removes dandruf No toilet table shceuld be with out COCUâ€"G LYCE k1 NE, 25 cent the hair Have you a severs wn. ach or sprain? R.â€" ;vu rheumwatism in any torm _ Huve you stz. uecck, oo bunches caused by rheamastic pains? it sv, Jonnsun‘s Anudype LAviment is a #peo«â€" dc rmodi and.is aiso the best pain killer io che world per bottin Parsnips §0c. do. Unious, $1.50 1o $2.00 do, .. Cabbuges, 5¢ to each. Beets 250 to 30c bushel. Apfluphni.flflnfl.u Bv-ou’-ytn,‘lboblb‘rlb. Home made woolien socks, 45c per p Wool 5U cts. to 6uvc per lb. Hay $11 to 14,00 per von Lye s‘raw, §6. ._ Uat straw, $6 to $8 do. Pork. Mess Pork, $16 25 to 16 5 per varrei Farmers‘ mess, $14 50 do nadaock, 6c 10 sc per 1b. Dr)oodl-n.lénran. uerring #4.75 w 35. per bbl. t1DK» AND LKaTHEKK. The latess yuot sions are as follows No. 1, Soile, BUét per ib. No. 2 do M do Slaughter, Zitts | do Beef, $6.50 to #7 50 per 100 Ibk ?“x‘:"'z? â€o'n'f hy ow! ) to $1.10 ]urkeys, £.0UV to u":'ofl" Geese, 50c to 70c each. Ducks, 40¢ to 6Uc per couple. th Feathers, 300 to 75¢ per Ib. : hx 17 to 2) per dosen. Buriter 14 to 16 ctes perib., In prints, 160 to 20c. In tave, 14c to 16¢ ; in rolls, 206 COC(MHI.YOKRINE nourishk Lard, 10 to 12 ots. per lb. 'l‘dhw,(hto(ln&.. Honey, UO do, Potarce:, 15 to 20 to per bushel. Bwedish Turnips, 25¢. to 30 , Carsom 256 1wo 30¢ do. SPECIAL NOTICES. THE MARKET.